Some women make the same dating mistakes over and over then wonder why they can’t find happiness. Author, speaker, and personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran says that once a woman knows the six types of men, she can navigate her way to red hot romance. Invite him to share the secrets that can lead to relationship bliss. Goran has developed a method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100% effective. His latest program is “How to Attract Your Soulmate.” Ask him: What are the biggest mistakes women make when choosing a partner? What are the red flags women should watch out for? Contact Goran at (878) 203-8231;
Category: Self Help
5 Surprising Daily Activities That May Be Making You Sick
Most of us want to do all we can to live healthy lives. But the sad fact is that many people are routinely employing some daily behaviors that are leading to chronic diseases and making those diseases worse. Trevor Campbell, M.D., is a family physician with a charming South African accent who specializes in helping people achieve the fullest lives possible by minimizing their chronic aches and pains. He’ll share the things that are making people sick as well as those that could speed their recovery. You’ll also learn about bio-behavioral disease, why most people have never heard of it, and what it can teach us. Campbell is the author of “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;
The One Thing You Never Saw Trump Wear and Why It’s Important
During his campaign and presidency, you never saw Donald Trump wear sunglasses or glasses of any kind. And it’s not because he has perfect vision (he made reading goofs despite the availability of a Teleprompter) or never appeared outside in the bright sunlight. According to vision educator Linda Odubayo Thompson, Trump’s lack of eyewear reveals something important about him just as President Joe Biden’s fondness for Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses says something about him and the seriousness with which he takes his health. As Linda will tell your listeners, “The eyes are porous and the optic nerve is a direct extension to the brain. So, it stands to reason that eye protection should be added to the virus protection mix, especially for children,” she says. Linda knows not to take her vision for granted; she has suffered from glaucoma for more than 30 years. Ask her: Why aren’t sunglasses just for summer? Why do you need them on cloudy days? What does she have in common with Bono? Contact Linda Odubayo Thompson at (914) 944-1474;
Combat Winter Blues: Put More Yay in Every Day
We all experience the winter blues in one form or another. But, one of the things that have saved many of us and will continue to save us through 2021 is having a hobby or two. For those who have procrastinated on finding one or still aren’t giving enough time to what brings them joy listening to award-winning author Mary K. Savarese could be a lifesaver. Mary’s own hobby — writing books — came after her last child left home and she overcame significant anxiety about her new family dynamic. Mary can talk about why it is important to find yourself, and even how to find a new hobby (that could turn into a career) that’s best for you. Mary has appeared in local publications, Mindalia TV, iHeartRadio and podcasts. Her latest book is “Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume, (who knew!).” Her latest project, “The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper” is a trilogy that will be published this summer. Contact Mary at (860) 550-3344;
How to Have a More Peaceful 2021
This year, perhaps more than ever, people are eagerly awaiting the New Year while praying for a more peaceful, prosperous year than the one that preceded it. But, as Donna Melanson will tell you, that reality won’t occur without some practice. She says, “We get good at what we practice whether it is public speaking, riding a bike, or learning anything new. You don’t just wake up one day and become like the Buddha. Practicing peace needs to be a non-negotiable daily commitment, like brushing your teeth.” Invite her on your show and learn how to ground yourself wherever you are in any particular moment. She’ll also reveal what it means to “let yourself go” and why it might be the skill to master this year. An experienced yoga teacher, Donna Melanson is best known for her daily beach sunrise broadcast on She is the host of “The Silent Bit” podcast and the author of “A Yogi’s Path to Peace: My Journey to Self-Realization.” Contact her at (828) 215-1212;
What Really Happens When We Die?
With so many people mourning COVID-19 victims, many wonder if we go to an afterlife after we take our last breath. While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth. “People send messages in death that are very clear,” she says. “Death is not the end. I have gotten messages from dead people that have helped me to live a better life.” She shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter. “The book has received glowing reviews from a number of prominent authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo Lenmark at (828) 260-0873,
Finding Your Power in the Post-Election Chaotic World
Are you ready to rise above the chaos of a divided world, stronger than ever? “Extraordinary times call for extraordinary insight,” says intuition expert Kim Chestney. “The simple yet powerful act of following your inner guidance is the key to surviving − and thriving − in these uncertain times.” Kim can reveal how we can tap into our innate inner powers to rise above the insanity. She is an international best-selling author, innovation leader and founder of IntuitionLab. Her latest book is “Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power.” Her work has been featured or supported by some of the world’s leading organizations, including SXSW, Carnegie Mellon University, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T and Americans for the Arts. Contact Kim Chestney at (412) 214-9502;
Simple Ways to Experience More Holiday Joy
Could there be a simple scientific formula for experiencing more joy that could help your listeners through the COVID-infused holidays? According to author and scientist David L. Peters, such a formula exists and he has used it to cope with the grief of losing his wife of 58 years on the 60th anniversary of their first meeting. Bring David on your show to help others whose yule season is shaping up to be difficult so that they too can develop their own personal recipe for peace and happiness. David is an engineer who holds 18 patents and is the author of the book “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God That Lies Within.” Contact David at (607) 304-3329;
Do You Need a Mindset Reboot? Take This Quiz
If there is anything good about the contentious election and the COVID epidemic it’s that some people are using them as a catalyst to change. Others could use some help changing, help that the Rev. Arthur Mackey can provide. Invite Rev. Mackey on your program to provide the fuel for change by giving your audience a quiz. How will they answer such questions as what is your biggest priority right now? Are you most concerned about relationships, career, health, or finances? How would you describe your current mood: stressed, bored and unchallenged, hopeful, serene? He will inspire audiences as he explores everything from family and workplace influences on our lives to health and social services, faith-based resources and education programs worth knowing about. Rev. Mackey is a sought-after media guest and researcher who has written “Overcoming the Spirit of Depression.” Contact Rev. Mackey at (516) 219-8392;
How to Live a More Adventurous Life in 2021
As you think about what you would like to do differently in 2021, you should take living a safer life off the list. According to author and adventurer Sparrow Hart, safety has consequences – an ever-growing store of regrets from living small — we don’t always think about. He’ll explain why “safety-ism” — valuing safety above everything else — runs counter to scientific research and ancient wisdom; is toxic to our dreams; and antithetical to a passionate pursuit of our best selves. Sparrow’s varied career includes being a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Stanford, a brief stint working in a slaughterhouse, adventures in the Amazon jungle, and over 30 years of leading workshops on shamanism, the heroic journey, and vision quests in nature. He is the author of several books including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact Sparrow Hart at (801) 516-0740;