Hate Your Job? Ways to Make it Better Today

A recent study from Workhuman reports that nearly half of employees in the U.S. feel undervalued at work, and one out of ten don’t feel valued at all. This dissatisfaction often results from being overworked, underpaid, and above all, not listened to. However, many of us feel stuck in our miserable jobs due to a lack of better options. Francesca Burack reveals how you can take steps today to improve your job immediately, and it all begins with speaking up. She’ll explain the best ways to approach work conversations such as getting a raise, being promoted, changing your hours, improving your benefits, and more. Ask her: What’s the best way to ask for a raise or promotion with confidence (even if you don’t have any)? How can you become a fearless leader in your organization? What are the “magic words” that will help you get ahead in your career? Francesca Burack is an author, entrepreneur, educator, and frequent speaker and media guest. Contact her at (516) 823-4003; fburack@rtirguests.com

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