Why Don’t Most People Take Their Happiness Seriously?

Everyone wants to live a happy life. But the trouble is most of us never bother to do the work to achieve one. Why? According to Raj Girn, it’s because few people pay serious attention to what will make them happy. Raj says, “What I’ve learned through my own experiences, the experiences of people around me, and what clients share with me, is that there is one common denominator that screams out louder than all the others and it is a lack of constant evaluation of their life.” Interview Raj — who just became a regular panelist on CTV’s daily news show “The Debate with Mike Le Couteur”— to learn the questions all of us should be asking ourselves. A media celebrity in Canada, Raj has been featured in “The Wall Street Journal,” “Globe” and “Mail,” and on FOX and CBS and has a combined social media network of over 1 million followers. She also runs The Open Chest Confidence Academy. Contact her at (647) 363-7372; Rgirn@rtirguests.com

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