Why Are Women Afraid to Speak Up?

It’s no secret that women struggle to be heard. Society teaches girls to be polite and agreeable and not make a fuss, even when a situation is challenging — or just plain wrong. If your audience is looking to reclaim their power in the workplace, at home, and beyond, you need to hear from Francesca Burack. The author of “Women Are Special: 123 Reasons Why” can share advice, tips, and encouragement to help women find, own, and use their voices with confidence. Ask her: What can women do to speak up in one-sided relationships, whether it’s at work or with family? How can women approach difficult conversations in the workplace, such as asking for raises, promotions, or benefits? An author, entrepreneur, educator, and popular speaker, Francesca Burack has been featured on major networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News. Contact her at (516) 823-4003; fburack@rtirguests.com

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