Would You Sacrifice Your Career for Your Child’s?

How far should parents be willing to go to help grown children? Should they lend adult children money that they might need for retirement, raise their grandchildren due to addiction issues or move closer to their children to provide childcare? Oliver Akamnonu, M.D. went about as far as a parent could go, giving up his medical practice (as did his wife) to help his daughter Nena make it through medical school, childbirth, and early parenting while the latter’s husband was abroad. Was what Dr. Akanmnonu and his wife did excessive? Do they have any regrets? Would they encourage others to take the same path? Find out when you explore this heartwarming story told in “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New Times.” Contact Oliver Akamnonu at (413) 206-6753; oakamnonu@rtirguests.com

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