Why Tragedies Birth New Nonprofits (but Maybe Shouldn’t)

Tragic events like school shootings and natural disasters often lead everyday people to start nonprofits. But while this may be a noble endeavor, it’s not right for everyone. “Starting and running a new nonprofit is hard, so maybe people should think about doing something else with their passion project,” says author and nonprofit consultant Michele Whetzel. “Consider that there may be a way to have a successful program to fulfill your charitable ambition without all that is required to start and run a stand-alone public charity.” Michele can offer invaluable advice about how to pursue your passion project, without the headaches. She is a veteran of the nonprofit arena, founder of Your 501 Guide consulting and author of the upcoming book “So, You Want to Start a Nonprofit, Now What?” Ask her: What are examples of good nonprofits? What are some better alternative projects? Contact Michele at (302) 407-0513; Mwhetzel@rtirguests.com

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