Do You Need a Mindset Reboot? Take This Quiz

If there is anything good about the contentious election and the COVID epidemic it’s that some people are using them as a catalyst to change. Others could use some help changing, help that the Rev. Arthur Mackey can provide. Invite Rev. Mackey on your program to provide the fuel for change by giving your audience a quiz. How will they answer such questions as what is your biggest priority right now? Are you most concerned about relationships, career, health, or finances? How would you describe your current mood: stressed, bored and unchallenged, hopeful, serene? He will inspire audiences as he explores everything from family and workplace influences on our lives to health and social services, faith-based resources and education programs worth knowing about. Rev. Mackey is a sought-after media guest and researcher who has written “Overcoming the Spirit of Depression.” Contact Rev. Mackey at (516) 219-8392;

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