Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 01/15/19 RTIR Newsletter: Government Shutdown, Lies about Raising Children, Decision Doula

    January 15, 2019

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito,
    Editors, Radio-TV Interview Report Newsletter

    01. Presidential Powers Vs. ‘Power of the Purse’
    02. The Shutdown is Killing Small Businesses
    03. Bezos’ $68B Break-Up: No Ordinary Split
    04. Jewish Women: Don’t Boycott Women’s March!
    05. True Story: When Dad Has Supernatural Powers
    06. Holocaust Remembrance Day is More Important than Ever
    07. How Lessons from MLK Can Help Africa Today
    08. Lies Everyone Tells You About Raising Children
    09. People Pay This Guest Big Bucks to Take Them into the Wild
    10. Are You Missing Out by Not Meditating?
    11. The Dirty Secret about Steroid Injections
    12. Playing Russian Roulette with Pain Patients
    13. Interview ‘The Decision Doula’
    14. Been-there Expert Helps Audiences Heal after Trauma
    15. Why Are There No Asian or Hispanic Homeless in US?
    16. It’s National Hobby Month: Do a Show on Crazy Hobbies
    17. This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety Syndrome’
    18. Is Feminism the Cause of Divorce?
    19. From Mideast Conflict to #MeToo: Psychologist’s Insights
    20. What Men Wish Women Knew About Them

    1. ==> Presidential Powers Vs. ‘Power of the Purse’

    President Donald Trump has threatened to declare a
    national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-
    Mexico border as one of the options to end the 24-day
    partial government shutdown. Francis Boyle says if
    Trump does, the most direct remedy for Democrats eyeing
    legal challenges is impeachment. He’ll explain what a
    Bill of Impeachment could consist of and how just one
    member of the House of Representatives is needed to
    assert that body’s ‘Power of the Purse’. Boyle says,
    “Trump’s indications that he will override that
    legislative power and the seeming acquiescence by some
    Democrats is illegitimate and dangerous.” Francis Boyle
    was legal adviser to Rep. Henry B. González when he
    released classified material on the House floor in 1992
    in an attempt to impeach George H. W. Bush following
    the start of the Gulf War and wrote the first draft of
    the Gonzalez Impeachment Resolution. He is professor of
    international law at the University of Illinois College
    of Law. Contact him at

    2. ==> The Shutdown is Killing Small Businesses

    The United States runs on small businesses and now that
    the federal government has entered its longest partial
    shutdown ever, the impacts are piling up. Small
    business expert Ken Yager is available to comment on
    ways the shutdown is harming small businesses and how
    the backlog it is creating is likely to persist after
    the shutdown ends. As president of Newpoint Advisors
    Corp., Ken specializes in working with companies in
    turnaround situations—arguably the companies most
    impacted by the shutdown. For example, Ken will share
    stories of how clients are that can’t get the loans
    they need with the Small Business Administration closed
    or go into receivership with IRS agents furloughed. Ken
    says, “It’s tragic that there are businesses and jobs
    that will be lost over this shutdown.” Contact him at
    (720) 572-1341;

    3. ==> Bezos’ $68B Break-Up: No Ordinary Split

    The high-stakes divorce of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos
    will involve unimaginable sums of money, and even with
    no pre-nup the case may be easier to negotiate than
    with regular earners, simply because they are so rich.
    Philip Cohen says this is not your average divorce by
    any stretch of the imagination. “There is a serious
    fairness issue here, but it doesn’t have to do with
    whether MacKenzie ends up with $1 billion or $68
    billion. It’s that too many people can’t realistically
    exercise the same individual freedom that the Bezoses
    have — to choose to leave a failing or abusive
    marriage without facing crushing economic stress or
    hardship.” He says, “For regular people, beyond the
    potential for emotional distress, divorce is expensive.
    It involves not only legal fees but also the costs of
    moving, establishing at least one new household, and
    possibly assuming the role of a single parent (which is
    costly in both time and money) and it’s usually much
    more financially difficult for women than for men.”
    Philip N. Cohen is a professor of sociology at the
    University of Maryland. He is the author of “Enduring
    Bonds: Inequality, Marriage, Parenting, and Everything
    Else That Makes Families Great and Terrible.” Contact
    him at (301) 405-6414; or @familyunequal

    4. ==> Jewish Women: Don’t Boycott Women’s March!

    Since accusations of anti-Semitism in the Women’s March
    leadership were first published, many prominent Jewish
    individuals and institutions have announced they won’t
    be joining Sunday’s march. But Emma Goldberg says
    defection would be a mistake. In an op-ed for Haaretz
    she writes, “It is rational that Jewish activists have
    experienced frustration and pain in deciding whether to
    participate in this year’s march. But removing
    ourselves from the movement by refusing to march does
    not resolve any breaches of trust. Defecting will only
    deepen the tensions.” She continues, “Deciding instead
    to stand with the movement and join this year’s march
    may not be easy – but over time, it will allow the Jews
    to continue helping movement members and leaders grow
    their understanding of the dangers of anti-Semitism, as
    we grow our own understanding of white supremacy in all
    its forms.” Emma Goldberg writes on political and
    cultural affairs. She has been published in the New
    York Times, Forbes, the Huffington Post, and Salon.
    Contact her at @emmabgo

    5. ==> True Story: When Dad Has Supernatural Powers

    Philip Smith will fascinate your audience as he
    describes growing up in 1960s Miami with his decorator
    father and discovering Dad has the power to talk to the
    dead and heal the sick! Smith says séances, talking
    spirits, and exorcisms were daily occurrences, and
    inexplicable psychic healings resulted in visitors to
    his house suddenly discarding their crutches and
    wheelchairs or being cured of fatal diseases. You’ll
    hear how after a full day as an interior designer to
    the rich and famous, Lew Smith would come home, take
    off his tie, and get down to his real work as a psychic
    healer. And while there were definitely benefits to
    having a gifted psychic for a father, Smith says there
    was also the downside of living with a dad who
    psychically knows what you’re doing! Philip Smith is
    the author of “Walking Through Walls.” Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    6. ==> Why International Holocaust Remembrance Day is
    More Important than Ever

    This year, second-generation Holocaust survivor and
    bestselling memoirist Ellen Korman Mains will mark
    International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27 at
    the site of the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp
    in Poland. Mains is making the trip, one of many she
    has taken to ensure that the world does not forget the
    murder of over six million Jews who were killed in
    concentration camps and mass graves during World War
    II. Mains says, “It’s important to commemorate such
    events, not only to remember the dead, but to combat
    ignorance of the past and to remind ourselves that
    genocides and mass violence are continuing.” The
    daughter of Polish-born Jews who survived the
    Holocaust, Ellen Korman Mains is the author of “Buried
    Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust.” A
    citizen of Canada, where she was born, the USA, and
    Poland, she lives mainly in Boulder, Colo., but spends
    extended periods of time in Poland teaching, promoting
    dialog, and connecting with her heritage. While in
    Poland Mains will be accessible through Skype, Zoom and
    Facetime. Contact her at +48 793 366 441 -;

    7. ==> How Lessons from MLK Can Help Africa Today

    January 21st is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and
    lessons from his life and philosophy are as relevant
    today as they were in the 1960s. Sub-Saharan Africa
    (SSA) faces continuing poverty, injustice, and inequity
    while its leaders fail its people. Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss how the wisdom of Dr.
    King could help SSA in its current crises. He can also
    reveal how the young generation in Africa can be made
    aware of the importance and magnitude of the lessons
    from Dr. King’s life. Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon,
    author, and speaker, was born and raised in Nigeria.
    His book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Must Come from Within”, reveals what many in the West
    don’t understand about the root causes of Sub-Saharan
    Africa’s plight and the necessary steps to improve the
    situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of Pan Africa
    Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him at
    (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    8. ==> Lies Everyone Tells You About Raising Children

    If you are a parent you probably have received a lot of
    advice from your friends that began before the baby was
    born and continues to this day. But too frequently that
    advice is a lie, asserts Adita Yrizarry-Lang, who says
    your best friends are likely to fib about just how
    difficult parenthood can be in order to save their own
    sanity! For example, she wonders why no one ever tells
    you that they ate on the toilet in order to have a few
    minutes of peace and quiet, or that they skipped
    several showers just to get everything done for their
    families. Adita will reveal what she wishes someone had
    told her about the lack of sleep and the abundance of
    spit-up as well as the eventual appearance of math
    homework that in no way resembles the kind she did in
    school. Adita is on a mission to encourage adults to
    tell “the good, the bad and the ugly” of parenting so
    that our backs are covered. Quoted in Fitness and
    Shape, Adita is the author of “SuperPowers, A Busy
    Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness.” Contact her at
    (305) 874-0268;

    9. ==> Why Do People Pay This Guest Big Bucks to Take
    Them into the Wild?

    Sparrow Hart has made a 30+-year career leading clients
    on Vision Quests, wilderness adventures, and retreats
    in places like the American Southwest, remote regions
    of Vermont, and even Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.
    Interview this fascinating author and nature expert,
    who’ll reveal what (and how) people can learn about
    themselves, the Spirit, and the great outdoors. Sparrow
    says audiences are profoundly affected and enlightened
    regarding everything from life purpose and
    relationships, to career path, health and parenting.
    His new book is “The Vision Quest, A Guide’s Training
    Manual.” Ask Sparrow how he became inspired to commit
    his life to these pursuits, and what most people
    probably misunderstand about vision quests. He will
    also talk about the significance of the venues chosen
    — and the adventuresome retreats many people return to
    again and again. Contact Sparrow Hart at (802)

    10. ==> Are You Missing Out by Not Meditating?

    Millions of people meditate daily. What benefits do
    they enjoy? How did they make meditation such a
    frequent pursuit? Why and how should you join them?
    Learn more from John Sambalino, an expert who has
    meditated for several hours per day over the last 40
    years, while also practicing yoga, tai chi and Qigong.
    Thanks to his personal experience, spiritual journey
    and extensive research, Sambalino will reveal to
    appreciative audiences: how stress can be overcome, and
    health rebuilt, when meditation is part of one’s life…
    plus myths about finding happiness (it does not arrive
    via outside influences). He will also name celebrities,
    from Oprah to Howard Stern and dozens more, who rely on
    meditation during their challenges in the spotlight
    (entertainment, sports, politics, media, etc.). He’ll
    even discuss how meditation helps in prison
    rehabilitation. “Is God in That Bottle Cap? A Search
    for Truth” is John Sambalino’s latest book. Contact him
    at (609) 238-2775;

    11. ==> The Dirty Secret about Steroid Injections

    Odds are you know someone who gets cortisone injections
    for pain—if you don’t get them yourself. But what you
    probably don’t know is that these injections often
    don’t work well or last long, pain expert Dr. Anna Lee
    says. Yet they are routinely given and lead to the
    buildup of scar tissue with repeated use. But they are
    highly profitable for the doctors who administer them.
    The shame of it, Dr. Lee will say, is that there is a
    treatment that can actually get to the root of what is
    causing their pain. As the pioneer of this FDA-approved
    drug-free treatment, Dr. Lee can offer hope to
    countless people in the U.S. who live their lives in
    pain. She has already helped thousands of people
    eliminate or reduce lifelong pain. For example, she has
    helped runners with torn hamstrings to be able to run
    again and one person who came in on a stretcher to walk
    out of her office on his own power. Dr. Lee is a board-
    certified pain management physician who trained at
    Hahnemann and the University of Pennsylvania. She
    operates a clinic in New Jersey. Contact her at (201)

    12. ==> We Are Playing Russian Roulette with Pain
    Patients’ Lives

    According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse,
    between 8 and 12 percent of pain patients who are
    prescribed opioids become addicted, and we have no way
    of predicting which patients will develop the problem.
    Alternative pain treatment expert Cindy Perlin compares
    the current treatment of people in pain to playing
    Russian Roulette with pain patients’ lives. “80% of new
    heroin users started with prescription opioids and it
    takes as little as five days to become addicted!”
    Perlin says many chronic pain patients have become
    dependent on opioids for pain relief and even though
    they show no evidence of addiction, they’re now being
    rapidly tapered or discontinued from their medication.
    She says some patients, desperate for relief, are
    turning to much riskier street drugs or contemplating
    suicide. Cindy Perlin can discuss better ways to treat
    acute and chronic pain. She is a Licensed Clinical
    Social Worker, certified biofeedback practitioner and
    the author of “The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments:
    The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.”
    She also created the Alternative Pain Treatment
    Directory. Contact her at or
    (518) 439-6431.

    13. ==> Interview ‘The Decision Doula’

    Sometimes making a tough decision can feel like giving
    birth! Have you ever had to make a tough decision?
    Like whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship?
    Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie Novak works in
    software engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique
    framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    healing experiment”, outlines a six-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie at (503)

    14. ==> Been-there Expert Helps Audiences Heal after

    Tens of thousands of people are now dealing with the
    aftermath of deadly weather, destructive fires, mass
    shootings. fatal accidents and losing loved ones. Even
    those of us not personally endangered by such horrors
    or violence feel rattled when hearing how others have
    suffered. Interview natural health/wellness expert and
    chiropractor Lynn Migdal, D.C., on finding inner
    strength as we recover or volunteer to help others. Ask
    Dr. Migdal to explain how proper breathing can help one
    get past trauma. She’ll also share her personal story
    of loss after a killer mudslide struck her community,
    and how PTSD can happen in daily life. Her books
    include “Eternal Love Connections: A Mother’s Resilient
    Grief Journey through Sudden Loss” and “Breathe for
    Success.” Contact Dr. Migdal at

    15. ==> Why Are There No Asian or Hispanic Homeless in

    No matter how well-informed you are, you know precious
    little about the homeless. If you think everyone who is
    homeless is mentally ill or drug addicted, for example,
    you have a lot to learn. For a deep dive into what it
    means to be homeless in America today—and how they got
    that way—interview filmmaker and homeless advocate Glen
    Dunzweiler. Among the things you’ll learn are: Why are
    there no Asian or Hispanic homeless in America? Why do
    homeless people make us so uncomfortable? Why do
    formerly homeless celebrities refuse to advocate for
    those currently without homes? Why is it OK to give $10
    to the Salvation Army but not to a panhandler? What’s
    wrong with the way statistics on the homeless are
    gathered? Dunzweiler is a filmmaker, producer,
    director, public speaker and former college professor
    whose documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon
    Prime. He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned From
    The Homeless.” Contact Glen at (702) 703-2219;

    16. ==> January is National Hobby Month: Do a Show on
    Crazy Hobbies

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
    Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From
    around the world people have hobbies, activities they
    are passionate about doing that help them make friends,
    keep active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC to hear why everyone should have a hobby
    of some kind… crazy or not! She’ll talk about why
    taking time in the New Year to pick a hobby might be
    the best resolution you can make – both physically and
    emotionally. People who have hobbies are often
    healthier and happier than those people who don’t –
    find out why! Jennifer Cochern is a counselor and the
    author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” She has worked with hundreds of clients
    promoting personal growth and healthier relationship
    skills. Contact her at (208) 571-2511;

    17. ==> This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety

    If you’ve been feeling anxious, hopeless, angry,
    fearful and depressed since the 2016 presidential
    election, you’re not alone. Trump Anxiety Syndrome
    (TAS) is a thing, and physician Steven M. Hall has seen
    an uptick in patients suffering from this. According to
    Dr. Steven, this is exactly what Trump wants. “This
    feeds Trump; he lives on this,” he says. “Reasoning
    doesn’t work with Trump supporters. Liberal people want
    to do everything with reason, but it just doesn’t work.
    You can’t change other people’s minds.” Not only does
    TAS affect people mentally, the stress it causes can
    also impact their physical health. Dr. Steven can share
    simple yet powerful ways to combat the stress, on both
    the mental and physical levels. Dr. Steven received
    his medical degree from University of Utah School of
    Medicine and has been practicing family medicine since
    1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing:
    Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul
    Desires.” Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

    18. ==> Is Feminism the Cause of Divorce?

    In the old days, women mostly stayed home, raised the
    kids and kept house while their husbands were the
    breadwinners. Those days are over, as most couples,
    especially those with children, require two incomes
    just to survive. Plus, women have made tremendous
    strides in terms of independence and career
    establishment. But according to Pastor Eric Hawthorne,
    men and women should maintain old-fashioned,
    traditional roles in order to have successful
    marriages. “The ladies should submit to their
    husbands,” he says. “The way the scriptures are
    written, wives should honor those things, even if she
    makes more money. It’s important to look up to the man
    to be the leader of the family.” While this view may
    seem shocking and even offensive to modern feminists,
    Eric will share how this philosophy can actually help
    couples to build and maintain strong marital bonds.
    Eric Hawthorne is the second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    and the author of the book “Are You Ready for
    Marriage?” Contact him at or (972)

    19. ==> Psychologist’s Insights from Israeli-
    Palestinian Conflict, Hippie Experience, 4 Wars, #MeToo

    People everywhere experience times of personal
    challenge, relationship issues with loved ones, and
    powerful social change. And they could all use advice
    and been-there insights from someone who understands.
    Audiences will therefore thank you for interviewing
    psychologist Pratibha Eastwood, whose real-life journey
    both personal and professional includes decades of
    cultural upheaval and several wars. Learn from Pratibha
    what it was like to be a fearful child sent to boarding
    schools at a very young age — during some of the worst
    of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. What do few
    Americans know about such Middle Eastern crises? Ask
    Pratibha (and invite callers) to explore: what led her
    to experiment with drugs, live in a commune, and become
    a real “hippie?” How could she finally forgive her
    neglectful parents? What are her opinions about the
    #MeToo Movement? And how did Pratibha’s adventurous
    side help her spiritual journey of turning lemon into
    lemonade? How did she experiment with love as a
    successful survival technique, while traveling to
    unknown far-away places? Contact Pratibha at (808)
    398-3318 (HI);

    20. ==> What Men Wish Women Knew About Them

    According to interpersonal communication expert Diane
    Auten, women have some misguided ideas about men. For
    example, she’ll say that it’s not true that men aren’t
    emotional beings or that just because they aren’t
    looking at you doesn’t mean they are not listening to
    you. In addition, she’ll say that women should learn to
    talk about subjects men find interesting—like sports
    and gaming—because men open up more when discussing
    topics they are interested in. This professor of
    communication will not only bust myths but will also
    offer suggestions on how to get men to open up more and
    how parents can raise their sons to be great
    communicators. The parent of two teenage boys, Diane is
    the author of the very funny book, “The Joys of Raising
    Boys: the Good, the Bad, and the Hilarious.” Contact
    her at (805) 215-1324;

  • 01/10/19 RTIR Newsletter: Brazil’s New President, Making Resolutions Stick, Unconditional Love

    January 10, 2019

    01. The Emergency Isn’t on the Border, It’s in the White House
    02. Build Border Wall as Monument for the People
    03. Trump of the Tropics: Brazil’s New President
    04. Republicans & Democrats: Is the Party Over?
    05. Are the Cowboys Still America’s Team?
    06. Lessons from MLK that Can Help Africa Today
    07. Holocaust Remembrance Day: This Nazi Survivor Forgave Hitler
    08. Year of the Pig: Don’t Wallow in January Money Mud
    09. What You Could Lose by Winning a Lawsuit
    10. Why Prince Remains an Enigma
    11. He Was Wrongly Accused & Needed a Presidential Pardon
    12. Wedding Traditions That Deserve the Boot
    13. Use Procrastination to Achieve New Year Goals
    14. The Trick to Make Resolutions Stick
    15. Confessions of a Badass Widow
    16. How to Recover from a Really Bad, Awful Day
    17. Access Your Inner Guidance: No WiFi Required
    18. The 12 Steps Work for Anyone
    19. Conversation CPR
    20. Experience Unconditional Love in 2019


    1. ==> The Emergency Isn’t on Border, It’s in White House

    Carol Anderson says Trump’s declaration of a border
    crisis is a rehash of his campaign claim that Mexicans
    are drug dealers, criminals, and rapists. “All of it is
    divorced from the verifiable facts of immigration and
    tied to the brutal reality of xenophobic fear and
    hatred in his base.” She adds, “The real emergency is
    not on the southern border, but in the White House.
    Since day one, Trump has violated the basic norms of
    governing and key articles of the Constitution. With
    each test of American democracy’s tensile strength, he
    encountered little to no resistance from a Republican-
    controlled Congress and became more and more
    emboldened. Now that a newly sworn-in Democratic House
    majority is promising accountability, he senses a
    threat to his unchecked power and has become even more
    dangerous.” Carol Anderson is a professor of African
    American Studies at Emory University and the author of
    “White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide”
    and “One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is
    Destroying Our Democracy.” Contact her at
    @ProfCAnderson or Tom Neilssen at or
    Tara Kennedy at (212) 419-5310.

    2. ==> Build Border Wall as Monument for the People

    Michelle Malkin takes a different stance on the border
    wall and suggests that it also serve as a monument.
    “President Trump’s defining battle against the Beltway
    to fortify our borders — by concrete, steel, increased
    manpower, electronic surveillance, all of it — isn’t
    just about fulfilling a campaign promise. The wall is a
    necessary monument to sovereignty in a nation clogged
    with billions of dollars of worthless political
    monuments to Me, Me, Me.” She adds, “Wouldn’t it be
    refreshing, for once, for the federal government to
    prioritize infrastructure that serves the national
    interest over special interests? And how about
    dedicating and consecrating this project in the memory
    of the thousands of Americans and law-abiding
    immigrants who have sacrificed their lives for our
    security? We’ve already got Adopt-a-Highway sponsors.
    Why not an Adopt-a-Wall program?” Michelle Malkin is a
    conservative blogger, syndicated columnist, author and
    Fox News Channel contributor. Contact her at;

    3. ==> Trump of the Tropics: Brazil’s New President

    The man known as ‘Trump of the Tropics’, Jair
    Bolsonaro, was formally inaugurated on January 1st
    Brazil’s new president ran as a military-loving,
    minority-bullying, media-bashing firebrand promising to
    smash a corrupt establishment, and Janine Wedel wonders
    if he’ll continue in the ‘Dirty Populist’ mold of
    Donald Trump. “Despite repeatedly pledging to ‘drain
    the swamp,’ Trump has enabled a level of corruption
    that is arguably unprecedented in American history,
    affecting large swaths of the federal bureaucracy. When
    the state apparatus is eviscerated, governance can
    become more informal, policy more personalized,
    executive power more dominant, and loyalty to the
    leader more important. Trump has installed family
    members as official and unofficial advisers, placed
    senior aides in agencies to monitor loyalty, and issued
    more executive orders in his first year than any
    president in a half-century.” Wedel is an
    anthropologist and professor at George Mason
    University. She is author of “Unaccountable: How the
    Establishment Corrupted our Finances, Freedom, and
    Politics and Created an Outsider Class.” Contact her at or @janinewedel

    4. ==> Republicans & Democrats: Is the Party Over?

    Invite electoral expert Frances Rosenbluth and
    political theorist Ian Shapiro to discuss how the
    Democratic and Republican parties have evolved and what
    party loyalty will mean in upcoming debates of policy
    and politics. The pair argue devolving power to the
    grass roots isn’t the solution; it’s part of the
    problem, and that to revive confidence in governance we
    must restore power to political parties, the core
    institutions of representative democracy. Rosenbluth
    and Shapiro will highlight some of the current
    challenges, how the parties have become more internally
    different and divided, and how that makes it harder for
    party leaders to work out compromises. Frances McCall
    Rosenbluth and Ian Shapiro are the authors of
    “Responsible Parties: Saving Democracy from Itself,” a
    commentary on our political plight and what to do about
    it. Rosenbluth and Shapiro are professors of political
    science at Yale University. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Are the Cowboys Still America’s Team?

    … If the players are barred from on-field protests?
    This Saturday, the Dallas Cowboys will face the Los
    Angeles Rams in a playoff game in L.A. for the first
    time since 1995. Controversial Dallas owner Jerry Jones
    may have gotten the fans off his back as the Cowboys
    try to reach the Super Bowl, but there’s an issue that
    will linger no matter how the games go. Jones’
    clampdown on players who want to call attention to
    police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem
    turned the heat back up on the outspoken owner. Should
    employees of America’s Team, like any other workers,
    have the right to protest without risking their job?
    Interview former Dallas TV sports reporter Nita
    Wiggins, whose career was literally launched because of
    the feelings of excellence and success the Cowboys
    engendered in her as a child. Nita, a U.S. citizen
    currently teaching journalism in France, is troubled by
    the owner’s control. She is the author of the upcoming
    book “Civil Rights Baby.” Contact her at

    6. ==> How Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King Can Help
    Africa Today

    January 21st is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and
    lessons from his life and philosophy are as relevant
    today as they were in the 1960s. Sub-Saharan Africa
    (SSA) faces continuing poverty, injustice, and inequity
    while its leaders fail its people. Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss how the wisdom of Dr.
    King could help SSA in its current crises. He can also
    reveal how the young generation in Africa can be made
    aware of the importance and magnitude of the lessons
    from Dr. King’s life. Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon,
    author, and speaker, was born and raised in Nigeria.
    His book, Rescue Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Must Come from Within, reveals what many in the West
    don’t understand about the root causes of Sub-Saharan
    Africa’s plight and the necessary steps to improve the
    situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of Pan Africa
    Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him at
    (301) 812-4579 (MD);

    7. ==> Holocaust Remembrance Day: This Nazi Germany
    Survivor Forgave Hitler

    International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January
    27th. For a timely show, interview Rosemarie Musso.
    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Musso’s dentist
    father was almost executed for showing compassion
    toward Jews who were forced into hard labor at a mine
    near her village. “The Nazis brought the Jews to my
    father to pull their teeth, demanding that he not give
    them anesthesia,” she says. “But after the Nazis left,
    he took them into the basement to have them medicated.”
    Although she and her family were spared following the
    intervention of a well-connected family friend,
    Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward Hitler
    for decades. But she eventually became a Born Again
    Christian and forgave him, which she claims changed her
    life for the better. She channeled that energy into
    earning a law degree at age 63, and writing the book
    “The Four Laws of Forgiveness: Memories of Survival
    During WWII Nazi Germany.” She can share how forgiving
    even the most heinous acts can enable us to live more
    peaceful, harmonious lives. Contact her at or (205) 259-7806.

    8. ==> 2019 Year of the Pig: Don’t Wallow in January
    Money Mud

    For millions of people, January can be the worst month
    of the year as the expense of the holidays takes its
    toll. Many people have already fallen into a money mud
    pit, or are about to. How can you survive the toughest
    financial month of the year? Sunny Lee says we should
    learn from pigs! 2019 is the year of the pig according
    to Chinese Zodiac. Invite Sunny to share 5 ‘Piggy’ ways
    to stop wallowing, and get out of the ‘money mud’.
    Sunny Istar Lee is financial advisor and CEO of Good
    Life Advisors in Los Angeles, CA. She has spoken to
    over 30,000 people around the world, and has taught
    more than 2,000 underprivileged inner-city school
    students about financial literacy. She is the author of
    “Is Your Child a Money Master or a Money Monster,” now
    translated into five languages. Contact her at; 626-200-6601

    9. ==> What You Could Lose by Winning a Lawsuit

    Legal trouble is stressful and expensive. Do you have
    the right good lawyer to help you navigate a lawsuit
    (whether you’re suing or being sued), while looking
    after your pocketbook? How is seeking courtroom justice
    the priciest way to solve a problem? Are you willing to
    stay the course and jeopardize your business, your
    marriage or your own health? Explore many such
    questions with attorney Francine Tone, Esq., who’s been
    educating the public for years about getting the right
    legal help, making wise decisions, asking prudent
    questions, and proceeding with caution as legal
    challenges unfold. A prolific author and sought-after
    speaker, Francine recently released the best-selling
    book “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.”
    Audiences will thank you for welcoming her on-air to
    talk myths and truths about lawsuits most people find
    themselves embroiled in — and what might happen should
    you lose OR win. She’ll also reveal whether TV legal
    dramas (like Bull, Suits, The Good Fight) are anywhere
    close to reality. Contact Francine Tone at (531)

    10. ==> Why Prince Remains an Enigma

    An astonishingly prolific artist when alive, Prince
    remains an enigma for the breadth of his musical
    genius, his relentless work ethic, and how he fought to
    change the business of music. Award winning author
    Duane Tudahl interviewed more than 40 band members,
    singers, and engineers chronicling Prince’s time in the
    studio during 1983 and 1984. Invite him on your show to
    share an intimate look at Prince Rogers Nelson as told
    by those admitted into his fiercely private inner
    circle. From the recording studio to his days on tour,
    you’ll learn why Prince was so protective of his
    material, how his music reflected his innermost
    thoughts and emotions, and the 3 very important keys to
    Prince’s incredible success. Duane Tudahl is a long-
    time documentary director and producer in the
    entertainment industry and a former stand-up comic. An
    Expanded Paperback version of his best-selling book,
    “Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions: 1983
    and 1984,” which includes details about hundreds of his
    recording sessions, has just been released. Contact him
    at (818) 358-6072 (CA);

    11. ==> How Does It Feel to be Wrongly Accused and Need
    a Presidential Pardon?

    What’s it like receiving a Presidential Pardon? What’s
    it like to need one? John Smith spent 5 years in public
    accounting… only to get caught up in the S&L crisis
    during the 1980’s. As far as he was concerned
    everything at his company was above board – until the
    FBI came knocking! He came to realize the extent of his
    employer’s wrongdoing – and that you don’t have to
    commit a crime to be convicted of one. Interview John
    to hear his incredible true story of perseverance and
    grit. His warning to your audience is this – If it can
    happen to him… it can happen to YOU. John Smith is the
    author of “Embracing the Abyss” and a keynote speaker
    on ethics and integrity in the workplace and in life.
    Contact him at (214) 216-2199;

    12. ==> Wedding Traditions That Deserve the Boot

    You may be surprised to learn that brides and grooms
    are switching up traditions in novel ways—ways culture
    and lifestyle expert Suzanne Wexler is eager to fill
    you in on. According to Suzanne, one of the biggest
    changes is with the ceremony itself, which is
    increasingly less formal, taking place at a barn with
    guests standing up, or even at City Hall then followed
    by a big “wedding party” or “wedding celebration” that
    occurs days, weeks or even a year later. This high-
    energy and often-times humorous guest can also talk
    about big changes with diamond engagement rings and
    bridesmaids, which no longer follow standard rules, as
    well as share the traditional aspects that have
    retained their staying power. Her humorous memoir, “How
    to Swing Like a Southern Belle, Even If You Are Frozen
    in the North,” is due out this year. Suzanne is
    published in the Huffington Post, National Post, and her work has been syndicated throughout
    Canada. She’s been quoted in,
    Prevention magazine and provided commentary on CTV
    National and Virgin Radio; she’s been a guest on more
    than 200 radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Contact
    her at (514) 704-0029;

    13. ==> Use Procrastination to Achieve New Year Goals

    Most people abandon their New Year’s goals by February,
    and the biggest reason is procrastination.
    Procrastination can feel like a character flaw, but
    Mariann Adams says procrastination can be an asset!
    “Procrastination isn’t a defect; it actually means the
    brain and body are working right,” says Adams.
    “Procrastination is a form of anxiety that shuts down
    the brain as a protection. So procrastination isn’t
    overcome by willpower, but by understanding how the
    brain and body work!” Adams says everyone is affected
    by daily anxiety that drives their behavior. She’ll
    explain how to read the ‘road signs’, and share quick
    ways to navigate past anxiety. Mariann Adams, MS, NCTM,
    is an experienced media guest, corporate consultant,
    and the author of “Boost Core Power and Bust Anxiety”.
    She is an expert on presenting the psychological,
    physiological, neurological, and interpersonal aspects
    of anxiety in playful, easy-to-understand way–for
    instant, increased brain power! Contact her at (541)

    14. ==> The Trick to Make Resolutions Stick

    One of the reasons that most New Year’s resolutions
    fail, according to internationally known fitness and
    wellness expert Adita Yrizarry-Lang, is that too much
    attention is lavished on the goals we set and not
    enough on the feelings we can experience if we make
    them a reality. Adita says if someone wants to lose ten
    pounds, they should pay more attention to how they
    would feel if those ten pounds were gone. “Perhaps, she
    says, “you would be able to buy new clothing including
    that gorgeous dress you had your eye on that wasn’t
    available in your size. And if you lost weight you
    might picture yourself having more energy and, with
    less strain on your joints, being able to move more and
    accomplish more.” Adita can share many simple tips for
    making the most popular resolutions a reality. Her new
    book is “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health
    and Happiness.” Adita Yrizarry-Lang is a nutritional
    guru and mind-body coach who has trained thousands of
    fitness professionals’ worldwide and been featured in
    Shape and Fitness magazines. Contact her at (305)

    15. ==> Confessions of a Badass Widow

    After the death of her long-time husband and business
    partner, Katherine Webster faced financial ruin,
    loneliness, trauma and many other overwhelming
    challenges. But, she says, she made a choice and
    learned the lesson of a lifetime; a life lived without
    danger is meaningless. “I turned my awful circumstances
    into a situation where I became more vibrant, fearless,
    confident, successful… and younger!” Katherine will
    share three key questions that can help redefine life
    after a tragedy along with simple yet powerful tools
    for rebuilding your life and becoming more youthful and
    passionate about living after the death of a spouse, or
    virtually any personal tragedy. She adds, “Personal
    tragedy allows you the luxury most other people will
    never have: an opportunity to enjoy the self-indulgent
    business of completely re-inventing yourself as
    whatever or whomever you choose to be.” Katherine
    Webster is a nonapologetic, badass entrepreneur and the
    author of “Becoming Madam Widow.” Contact her at or (484) 296-8759.

    16. ==> How to Recover from a Really Bad, Awful Day

    Everyone has days when everything seems to go wrong.
    Maybe you’ve had a fender-bender, your daughter got in
    trouble in school and your colleagues at work forgot to
    tell you about an important meeting you should have
    attended. Add in some worrisome news out of Washington
    and you have a classic bad news day. Awful stuff
    happens, of course, but we don’t need to be anxious or
    stressed out. To make any bad day go away, harness the
    vocal healing powers of Dawn Crystal. Have her on your
    show and listen as her angelic vocalizations help you
    and your audience achieve these benefits: greater calm
    and peacefulness; fast stress relief; and unlimited
    energy to conquer all challenges. Dawn has been healing
    people over the air using sound for 25 years and has
    been interviewed on the radio more than 40 times and
    has been a guest on major TV shows. Contact her at
    (807) 907-6294;

    17. ==> Access Your Inner Guidance: No WiFi Required

    Forget Siri or Alexa or your GPS. You can learn how to
    tap your own inner genius to receive clear guidance and
    direction anytime you need it. Or at least you will be
    able to after you interview Susan Shumsky, author of
    “Awaken Your Divine Intuition” and 13 other books.
    Susan, who has aced more than 1,030 media interviews on
    a variety of topics, will discuss what intuition is and
    why it is more important than ever in today’s economic
    environment. She can discuss the different ways people
    experience intuition and how you can develop your
    ability to do so as well as share stories about what
    happened to her when she used her intuition (and
    didn’t). Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

    18. ==> The 12 Steps Work for Anyone

    Most people believe that the 12 Steps of Alcoholics
    Anonymous just apply to addiction. But David L. Peters,
    who is a scientist and active in the Catholic Church,
    shares how the principles can help anyone lead a full,
    happy, productive life, even if you never touched
    liquor or drugs. “I started and led the Roman Catholic
    movement of Cursillo for 15 years, and worked in the
    12-step recovery program for 20 years,” he says. “I
    have modified the 12 Steps to reach a broader scope of
    our world.” David began applying the steps to his own
    life at a very early age. At 84, he has had a very
    successful career as an engineer, 18 patents, has had a
    loving marriage of 57 years, and has written his first
    book. He achieved all of this, thanks to the 12 Steps,
    and can share how anyone can do this. David L. Peters
    is the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness:
    Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies Within.” Contact
    him at David at or (607)

    19. ==> Conversation CPR

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    With your spouse? Your friends? Your coworkers? If
    you’re like most people, having good conversations is a
    thing of the past. Between social media overload and
    living in the land of soundbites, the art of
    conversation is dead. Enter Jean-Paul Gravel, an
    Emotional Freedom expert, who can explain exactly why
    your audience isn’t having the conversations they can
    and why. He’ll explain why unlocking the hidden power
    of Emotional Freedom is the key to not only having a
    great conversation for a change, but also creating a
    better mindset so that your emotions are working FOR
    you, not AGAINST you. Jean-Paul Gravel is an
    international speaker, author, and coach, whose work
    has been endorsed by medical doctors, top CEO,
    entrepreneurs, and many others, and has been featured
    in many regional and national publications. Contact
    Olga Kniazeva at (604) 265-7469;

    20. ==> Experience Unconditional Love in 2019

    Everyone wants to be loved for who they are—even with
    their imperfections and quirks. But is such love
    possible and if it is, how can we experience it every
    day in the new year? These questions get the answers
    they deserve when you interview Dr. Jeanne Sanner. She
    literally wrote the book on unconditional love:
    “Finding Unconditional Love a Little Peace at a Time.”
    Dr. Sanner will discuss what it really means to love
    someone as is—not how we wish they were—and offers tips
    on loving ourselves despite our perceived shortcomings.
    An abused child who grew up believing she was not “good
    enough,” Dr. Sanner has extraordinary empathy and a
    bubbly personality that puts audiences at ease. She
    also has a simple life-changing formula that can lead
    to greater love for ourselves and others. She has a
    doctorate in spiritual studies, a master’s in education
    and a bachelor’s in psychology. Contact Jeanne at (949)

  • 01/7/2019 RTIR Newsletter: Romney, Holocaust Remembrance Day, National Hobby Month

    January 8, 2019

    01. Mitt Romney: The Flip-Flopper is Back
    02. Anti-Trumpers Wrong about Economic Doom
    03. South Beach Diet Doc: Should You Go ‘Keto’?
    04. Holocaust Remembrance Day is More Important than Ever
    05. Are the Cowboys Still America’s Team?
    06. Stick to Your Resolutions Once and for All
    07. How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking
    08. What Men Wish Women Knew About Them
    09. The Surprising Answer to 90% of Marital Irritation
    10. Why Nice People Cheat on Their Spouses
    11. What I Learned Turning Around 150 Businesses
    12. What Men Dislike Most About Working with Women
    13. What Profession Has the Most Workplace Violence?
    14. The Perfect Brown Bag Lunch
    15. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
    16. Can Cutting Sugar Increase Cancer Survival?
    17. Common Sense Cure for the Rise in Rudeness
    18. Why Losing a Pet Hurts So Much
    19. Experience Unconditional Love in 2019
    20. It’s National Hobby Month: Do a Show on Crazy Hobbies

    1. ==> Mitt Romney: The Flip-Flopper is Back

    In an op-ed for The Washington Post last week, Mitt
    Romney accused President Donald Trump of not having
    “risen to the mantle of the office,” of showing a
    “shortfall” in character and leadership, and of “words
    and actions” that “have caused dismay around the
    world.” Neil J. Young says, “Much like everything else
    he has done in his public career, Romney’s condemnation
    of Trump isn’t an act of principled conviction but
    rather of personal convenience, one calculated for his
    own advancement rather than the common good.” He adds,
    “Romney may only be driven by self-interest. But if he
    does primary Donald Trump, all Americans will have a
    self-interest in that too.” Neil J. Young is an
    independent scholar of United States history, focusing
    on post-1945 religion and politics. He co-hosts the
    history podcast Past Present and is the author of “We
    Gather Together: The Religious Right and the Problem of
    Interfaith Politics.” Contact him at or @NeilJYoung17

    2. ==> Anti-Trumpers Wrong about Economic Doom

    Andy Puzder says anti-Trump economic experts warning
    that a recession is just around the corner are having a
    hard time explaining the latest economic reports that
    show economic growth. He says, “Creating more than a
    quarter-million new jobs in a single month (let alone
    hitting that average for three straight) shows that
    employers continue to have a great deal of confidence
    in the economy.” For those who point to recent stock
    market volatility as a sign of an upcoming recession
    Puzder says, “It’s relatively easy for a broker to sell
    off some stocks after being spooked by the news of the
    day. However, hiring an employee and expanding the
    workforce is a long-term investment that companies
    can’t afford to make cavalierly – in either monetary or
    human terms.” Andy Puzder was CEO of CKE Restaurants
    for more than 16 years, following a career as an
    attorney. He was nominated by President Trump to serve
    as U.S. Labor Secretary. His latest book is “The
    Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot
    to Stop It” Contact him at

    3. ==> South Beach Diet Doc: Should You Go ‘Keto’?

    Seems like nowadays everyone is talking about going
    “Keto” as a way to meet their weight loss goals – but
    what does it mean and is it right for you? Dr. Arthur
    Agatston, the founder of the popular South Beach Diet
    Program, can discuss the principles of Keto, whether
    it’s a good fit for your lifestyle, and offer simple
    tips on starting the new year off right with better
    diet and eating habits. More than 23 million copies
    of “The South Beach Diet” and its companion books are
    currently in print, and Dr. Agatston has appeared on
    countless TV news programs to discuss diet and healthy
    eating-related topics. In 2019, South Beach Diet will
    introduce a new Keto version of their program. Contact
    John Angelo at

    4. ==> Why International Holocaust Remembrance Day is
    More Important than Ever

    This year, second-generation Holocaust survivor and
    bestselling memoirist Ellen Korman Mains will mark
    International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27 at
    the site of the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp
    in Poland. Mains is making the trip, one of many she
    has taken to ensure that the world does not forget the
    murder of over six million Jews who were killed in
    concentration camps and mass graves during World War
    II. Mains says, “It’s important to commemorate such
    events, not only to remember the dead, but to combat
    ignorance of the past and to remind ourselves that
    genocides and mass violence are continuing.” The
    daughter of Polish-born Jews who survived the
    Holocaust, Ellen Korman Mains is the author of “Buried
    Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust.” A
    citizen of Canada, where she was born, the USA, and
    Poland, she lives mainly in Boulder, Colo., but spends
    extended periods of time in Poland teaching, promoting
    dialog, and connecting with her heritage. While in
    Poland Mains will be accessible through Skype, Zoom and
    Facetime. Contact her at +48 793 366 441 -;

    5. ==> Are the Cowboys Still America’s Team?

    … If the players are barred from on-field protests?
    This Saturday, the Dallas Cowboys will face the Los
    Angeles Rams in a playoff game in L.A. for the first
    time since 1995. Controversial Dallas owner Jerry Jones
    may have gotten the fans off his back as the Cowboys
    try to reach the Super Bowl, but there’s an issue that
    will linger no matter how the games go. Jones’
    clampdown on players who want to call attention to
    police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem
    turned the heat back up on the outspoken owner. Should
    employees of America’s Team, like any other workers,
    have the right to protest without risking their job?
    Interview former Dallas TV sports reporter Nita
    Wiggins, whose career was literally launched because of
    the feelings of excellence and success the Cowboys
    engendered in her as a child. Nita, a U.S. citizen
    currently teaching journalism in France, is troubled by
    the owner’s control. She is the author of the upcoming
    book “Civil Rights Baby.” Contact her at

    6. ==> How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions All
    Year Long, Once and for All

    New Year’s resolutions are as old as time itself. And
    their failure rate is staggering. According to U.S.
    News and World Report, 80 percent of all people who
    make resolutions abandon them by the first week of
    February. According to best-selling author Kim
    Chestney, it’s not enough to resolve to lose weight,
    hit the gym or save more money. “Changing your mindset
    is the only way to achieve long-term results,” she
    says. “You have to follow your truth and your
    intuition, whether it’s in your spiritual life,
    building your business or just deciding to be happy.”
    Kim can share surefire tips for making a resolution to
    live your best life and making this your best year with
    her little known secrets to tapping into your
    intuition. She is an international best-selling author
    and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE!
    Festival in Pittsburgh and the all-new global Intuition
    school, IntuitionLab. Contact her at or (412) 214-9502.

    7. ==> How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking

    Anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion is
    horrified at the idea of vulnerable people being
    transported to other countries to be used as forced sex
    workers and laborers. But many of us don’t realize that
    we are unwittingly contributing to the problem. “Each
    of us, whether we know it or not, is part of the
    problem, whether it’s by the clothes we wear, the food
    we eat, the porn we watch,” says Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder and executive director
    of the New York-based non-profit Let My People Go. “We
    are creating a demand for the exploitation of our
    neighbors.” Raleigh can share the shocking ways that
    our everyday choices support the epidemic of human
    trafficking, and what average, everyday people can do
    to stop the horror. He is the author of the upcoming
    book “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at or (917)

    8. ==> What Men Wish Women Knew About Them

    According to interpersonal communication expert Diane
    Auten, women have some misguided ideas about men. For
    example, she’ll say that it’s not true that men aren’t
    emotional beings or that just because they aren’t
    looking at you doesn’t mean they are not listening to
    you. In addition, she’ll say that women should learn to
    talk about subjects men find interesting—like sports
    and gaming—because men open up more when discussing
    topics they are interested in. This professor of
    communication will not only bust myths but will also
    offer suggestions on how to get men to open up more and
    how parents can raise their sons to be great
    communicators. The parent of two teenage boys, Diane is
    the author of the very funny book, “The Joys of Raising
    Boys: the Good, the Bad, and the Hilarious.” Contact
    her at (805) 215-1324;

    9. ==> The Surprising Answer to 90% of Marital

    Everyone who is married has at least one pet peeve
    about their spouse. For example, they may leave the
    toilet seat up or forget to put the cap on the
    toothpaste. Or perhaps they don’t say when they aren’t
    coming home for dinner or expect you to know what they
    are thinking. No matter how tiny these pet peeves may
    be, they can have an outsized effect on marital
    happiness. But according to René and Gloria Vallières,
    there’s one simple way to remove 90 percent of mutual
    annoyances and irritations in marriage—daily sex.
    They’ll explain why this is so and why they say, “It is
    not about a great sex life but fostering a climate of
    respect, unity, and graciousness.” Married nearly 50
    years, they are the authors of “Radical Sex: God’s
    Foundation for a Healthy Marriage.” René was a pastor
    in The Christian and Missionary Alliance and a teaching
    elder at Evangelical Fellowships in New York and Utah.
    Teaching adult classes on relationships for 35 years.
    Gloria has a prayer ministry and is a freelance writer.
    Contact René and Gloria at (801) 783-0928;

    10. ==> Why Nice People Cheat on Their Spouses

    When you think of philanderers, you probably are not
    thinking “nice guy” or “nice girl.” Yet, surprisingly,
    nice people are more likely to cheat on their spouses
    than anyone! That’s what licensed marriage counselor
    Brad Robinson has found in his more than ten years of
    helping couples with trust issues restore their
    relationship. Brad can talk about issues “nice” people
    have with boundaries and their aversion to conflict and
    ways those tendencies can lead to unintended
    consequences like cheating. His podcast, “Healing
    Broken Trust,” which he co-hosts with his wife, has
    been downloaded 900,000 times in the last two years.
    Contact him at (918) 606-1700;

    11. ==> What I Learned Turning Around 150 Different

    When a business is bleeding cash and on the verge of
    bankruptcy, the owner frequently calls Ken Yager. Ken
    is one of the few consultants in the world who
    specialize in quickly getting troubled small businesses
    back on the track. Ken, president of Newpoint Advisors
    Corp., has successfully turned around 80 percent of the
    companies he has been involved with in industries
    ranging from autos, manufacturing, sales, finance,
    insurance, law, and health care to medical devices,
    home assistance, large-scale furniture, retail,
    children’s products, restaurants, and agriculture.
    He’ll share with you the five dumbest mistakes even
    smart business owners make which eventually cause them
    massive financial stress. He’ll reveal seven effective
    ways to improve a company’s cash flow and other secrets
    he uses to make a bad business great again. He will
    also explain his own tragic business mistakes and how
    they led him on this journey. Contact him at (720)

    12. ==> What Men Dislike Most About Working with

    Women, by their nature, are emotional beings. Men are
    not. And, as Wall Street executive, business consultant
    and career coach Tamara Lashchyk (Lash-check) will
    point out, when men and women work together these
    differences can cause problems. Invite Tamara to share
    some of these problems and why she believes women need
    to address them if they want to get ahead. For example,
    the No. 1 thing that makes men cringe are women who cry
    at work. In addition, women who yell, scream and are
    moody also put up walls between themselves and their
    male coworkers. Tamara is the author of the bestselling
    book, “Lose the Gum: A Survival Guide for Women on Wall
    Street, Main Street and Every Street in Between.”
    Contact Tamara at (848) 373-3543;

    13. ==> What Profession Has the Most Workplace

    Pop quiz: Can you guess which industry accounts for 75
    percent of all workplace violence? If you guessed law
    enforcement or package delivery you’d be wrong. As
    Sharon Bahrych will tell you, it’s the health-care
    industry and, in her 30-year career as a physician
    assistant, Sharon has been physically assaulted by a
    hospital department administrator and a witness to
    other violent behavior among her colleagues. Sharon can
    address why there is so much workplace violence in
    health care and its impact on patients. In addition,
    she can talk about how she was able to forgive the
    assailant who tried to kill her and offer tips on
    moving forward after unpleasant situations occur.
    Sharon trained at Baylor College of Medicine. She has a
    master’s in public health from the University of Texas
    School of Public Health. Contact her at (720) 669-8098;

    14. ==> The Perfect Brown Bag Lunch

    For most of us, lunch is something we scarf down in the
    car, on the go or at our desk, with little thought to
    how it will affect our bodies. Adita Yrizarry-Lang will
    share with your audience what foods to include in a
    perfect brown bag lunch and what foods they should
    never eat. For example, she’ll explain why chips, diet
    soda, cookies and processed foods not only promote fat
    storage but also make us tired and prone to cancer.
    Adita offers a fresh take on food real people can
    relate to, one she honed during 30 years in the
    wellness industry. She has helped thousands of
    individuals to improve their health. Quoted in Fitness
    and Shape, Adita is the author of “SuperPowers, A Busy
    Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness.” Contact her at
    (305) 874-0268;

    15. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

    Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
    That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
    managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
    not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
    Jadhav knows firsthand how important it is to take
    control of your health and your body. She’ll share
    shortcuts she learned the hard way, fighting her way
    back to good health after 28 symptoms of an auto-immune
    illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for years. A
    highly successful tech entrepreneur educated at Wharton
    and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal story of
    surviving two major illnesses before the age of 50.
    Reena is the author of the “Health Journal” and creator
    of the Health Pyramid. Her new book focuses on
    empowering people to take back their own health using
    science. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 309-1005;

    16. ==> Can Cutting Sugar Increase Cancer Survival?

    When Anthony Randle’s wife Jessica was diagnosed with
    stage four breast cancer, her doctors told her she
    could eat whatever she wanted while undergoing
    aggressive treatments. But after having a poignant
    dream about his late grandmother who was a gifted
    energy healer, Anthony began doing his own research and
    discovered some shocking facts. “I learned that sugar
    actually feeds cancer,” he says. After eliminating
    sugar from her diet, Jessica sailed through chemo with
    virtually no side effects. “After every treatment, I
    wanted her to relax and nap,” he says. “But she would
    have so much energy that we would go play tennis. The
    ball would rush past me!” He shares his poignant
    experiences in his acclaimed book “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within,” and can reveal how he and his wife made it
    through this traumatic experience healthier and happier
    than ever. Contact him at or
    (702) 745-8349.

    17. ==> Common Sense Cure for the Rise in Rudeness

    Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
    and ruder. Joffre McClung says common sense and self-
    love go hand in hand and clearly there are a whole lot
    of Americans that do not love themselves these days.
    Invite her to share five humorous—but serious—common
    sense rules we need to make common again. Whether it’s
    minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
    Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
    rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
    public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
    You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
    hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
    Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
    think,” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
    TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
    media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
    Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it back down to
    earth with a big dose of common sense. Her latest book
    is “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917)
    994-0225 (TX);

    18. ==> Why Losing a Pet Hurts So Much

    Anyone who has experienced the loss of a pet knows how
    difficult it can be to move on and how alone it can
    feel when other people fail to realize just how
    important that animal was to their life. Invite Melissa
    Lyons to celebrate the animal-human bond and bring some
    hope and solace to pet owners suffering the loss of a
    beloved animal. Lyons says, “In talking to people, I
    was floored by the number of people who stop living and
    can’t get back in the world after losing their pet. In
    some ways, I believe losing a pet can be even more
    devastating than the loss of a human being.” Lyons is
    an award-winning author, speaker and entrepreneur who
    has been featured on CTV News, CBC radio and other
    media outlets. She is passionate about helping people
    connect with and embrace fresh perspectives when faced
    with loss or tragedy. Her debut book, “I Will Always
    Love You”, has helped thousands of people move forward
    with their lives. Her new book about pet loss is “Until
    We Meet Again: From Grief to Hope After Losing a Pet.”
    Contact her at (519) 562-0209; melissa@melissa-

    19. ==> Experience Unconditional Love in 2019

    Everyone wants to be loved for who they are—even with
    their imperfections and quirks. But is such love
    possible and if it is, how can we experience it every
    day in the new year? These questions get the answers
    they deserve when you interview Dr. Jeanne Sanner. She
    literally wrote the book on unconditional love:
    “Finding Unconditional Love a Little Peace at a Time.”
    Dr. Sanner will discuss what it really means to love
    someone as is—not how we wish they were—and offers tips
    on loving ourselves despite our perceived shortcomings.
    An abused child who grew up believing she was not “good
    enough,” Dr. Sanner has extraordinary empathy and a
    bubbly personality that puts audiences at ease. She
    also has a simple life-changing formula that can lead
    to greater love for ourselves and others. She has a
    doctorate in spiritual studies, a master’s in education
    and a bachelor’s in psychology. Contact Jeanne at (949)

    20. ==> January is National Hobby Month: Do a Show on
    Crazy Hobbies

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
    Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? All
    around the world people have hobbies, activities they
    are passionate about doing that help them make friends,
    keep active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC to hear why everyone should have a hobby
    of some kind… crazy or not! She’ll talk about why
    taking time in the New Year to pick a hobby might be
    the best resolution you can make – both physically and
    emotionally. People who have hobbies are often
    healthier and happier than those people who don’t –
    find out why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and
    the author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” She has worked with hundreds of clients
    promoting personal growth and healthier relationship
    skills. Contact her at (208) 817-2870;

  • 01/03/19 RTIR Newsletter: Simple Resolutions, Tsunami Survivor, Opioid Addiction Cures

    January 3, 2019

    01. Trump Puts Himself First, Not America
    02. CNN Political Analyst Julian Zelizer
    03. Great New Year Show: Top Trends for 2019
    04. Why More Marriages End After the Holidays
    05. Interview a Tsunami Survivor
    06. The Trick to Make Resolutions Stick
    07. Less Yes and More No this New Year
    08. The Simplest, Most Powerful Resolution: Love Yourself!
    09. Which Profession Has the Most Workplace Violence?
    10. Men Scared of Women at Work? Fiddlesticks!
    11. Winning a Lawsuit Could Be Your Worst Nightmare
    12. From War to Hippies and #MeToo: Psychologist Shares Insights
    13. Doc Shares 3-Prong Cure for Opioid Addiction
    14. Make This the Year You Find Your Calling
    15. Dads and Daughters in the #MeToo Age
    16. Revealed: God’s Only Reason to Get Married
    17. 2019 Is the Year to Go Back to Grad School
    18. Move Over, Siri: Tap Your Own Genius
    19. Do a Show about Growing Up in the 1%
    20. Interview ‘The Decision Doula’

    1. ==> Trump Puts Himself First, Not America

    Whether it’s the government shut down, withdrawing
    troops from Syria or undermining the free press and our
    justice system, Mark Weinberg says Donald Trump
    consistently shows he is acting in his own best
    interests and putting America and Americans second.
    “The one norm to which every president must adhere is
    putting the American people first. Regardless of his or
    her personal style, the president of the United States
    must at all times act in a way that protects the well-
    being of our citizens and the strength of our republic.
    That means supporting — not seeking to destroy — what
    makes our country great, even if doing so is at his own
    expense.” He adds, “Recent actions by Trump provide
    legitimate reason to question if, whenever the
    government comes back to full strength, that will be
    his priority. On that there can be no compromise. Ever.
    Our survival depends on it.” Mark Weinberg is a former
    speech writer and advisor to President Ronald Reagan,
    who served on the 1980 Reagan campaign traveling staff,
    all eight years in the Reagan White House, and two
    years thereafter as Reagan’s spokesman in his post-
    presidency office in Los Angeles. Weinberg currently
    runs his own communications consultancy and is the
    author of “Movie Nights with the Reagans.” Contact him
    at (917) 319-3645;

    2. ==> CNN Political Analyst Julian Zelizer

    If you were asked when America became polarized, your
    answer would vary depending on your age…for historians
    Kevin Kruse and Julian Zelizer, it all starts in 1974.
    In that one year, the nation was rocked by one major
    event after another. In their new book, “Fault Lines,”
    Kruse and Zelizer examine the persistent development of
    political, economic, racial, religious and sexual
    divisions in modern America, as well as the cultural
    and technological changes that fostered and evolved
    from such divisions. Kruse and Zelizer will
    contextualize the current moment, showing how Donald
    Trump has been, in many ways, the result of trends
    decades in the making, an acolyte of what Nixon’s aides
    once championed as “the politics of positive
    polarization.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    3. ==> Great New Year Show: Top Trends for 2019

    What can we expect in 2019? Global trend forecaster
    Gerald Celente can provide a detailed, fact-based
    portrait of the changes that lie ahead, across a broad
    range of fields ranging from geopolitics to everyday
    life. Among the topics he can discuss: whether a
    worldwide economic crash is inevitable, the unforeseen
    impact of aging Baby Boomers and how they will spend
    retirement, why America and other countries will
    increasingly impose Puritan standards across all
    aspects of life, and how the cannabis industry is
    poised to become big business. Gerald Celente is
    publisher of the Trends Journal. Celente developed the
    Globalnomic® methodology to identify, track, forecast
    and manage trends. He has been featured on Oprah, all
    the of the major network/cable morning shows, the
    nightly news and newspapers worldwide. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103.

    4. ==> Why More Marriages End After the Holidays

    Sure, the holidays are supposed to mean fun times with
    the family. But, for many, the reality is no Currier &
    Ives postcard. There’s financial stress, family
    obligation stress, and opportunities to drink too much
    and behave badly with friends and coworkers. Interview
    licensed marriage counselor Brad Robinson to discuss
    what to do when your marriage hits a rough patch or
    when you start thinking about leaving a marriage where
    trust has been violated and your needs aren’t being
    met. Brad specializes in helping couples survive
    infidelity and he can share his surprising take on what
    types of couples are most at risk. He is motivated to
    do this work after having grown up in a broken home.
    Brad co-hosts the popular “Healing Broken Trust”
    podcast with his wife, Morgan, and they are writing a
    book with the same name. Contact him at (918) 606-1700;

    5. ==> Interview a Tsunami Survivor

    Over the holidays, a devastating tsunami struck
    Indonesia. It came without warning at nighttime sending
    a wall of water that swept people and buildings away.
    Tsunamis are relatively rare examples of nature at its
    unpredictable worst and few people who experience them
    live to tell the tale. Sana Brauner is one of the lucky
    ones. She will share the compelling story of how she
    survived a similar wall of water when her own holiday
    in Thailand turned deadly. Sana’s son and ex-husband
    also survived but her mother did not. Her two-year-old
    daughter has never been found. Sana can talk about what
    it is like to lose everything you hold dear in an
    instant and the steps she has taken to recover from her
    2004 ordeal. She is the author of “The Borrowed
    Daughter,” a memoir containing lessons to help anyone
    going through a life crisis. Contact her at Sana
    Brauner at or Skype: sanabr

    6. ==> The Trick to Make Resolutions Stick

    One of the reasons that most New Year’s resolutions
    fail, according to internationally known fitness and
    wellness expert Adita Yrizarry-Lang, is that too much
    attention is lavished on the goals we set and not
    enough on the feelings we can experience if we make
    them a reality. Adita says if someone wants to lose ten
    pounds, they should pay more attention to how they
    would feel if those ten pounds were gone. “Perhaps, she
    says, “you would be able to buy new clothing including
    that gorgeous dress you had your eye on that wasn’t
    available in your size. And if you lost weight you
    might picture yourself having more energy and, with
    less strain on your joints, being able to move more and
    accomplish more.” Adita can share many simple tips for
    making the most popular resolutions a reality. Her new
    book is “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health
    and Happiness.” Adita Yrizarry-Lang is a nutritional
    guru and mind-body coach who has trained thousands of
    fitness professionals’ worldwide and been featured in
    Shape and Fitness magazines. Contact her at

    7. ==> Less Yes and More No this New Year

    Millions set New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and
    quit bad habits, but after a holiday season of button-
    pushing, boundary-breaking relatives, Jennifer Cochern
    says a better way to start the new year is to vow to
    stand up and say “No!” more often. “It’s easy to start
    feeling angry and resentful when we continually feel we
    have to say yes to things we don’t want to do.” says
    Cochern, a seasoned counselor who helps people
    understand what boundaries are, how to create them and
    how to keep them in place… even with that mother-in-
    law! (A daunting task for sure!) Jennifer Cochern, LCPC
    is a counselor and the author of “Alignment: Move from
    Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She has worked with
    hundreds of clients promoting personal growth and
    healthier relationship skills. Contact Jennifer Cochern
    at (208) 817-2870;

    8. ==> The Simplest, Most Powerful Resolution: Love

    Trying to be a better person this new year? We’ve all
    been told to love our neighbor. It is a wonderful
    sentiment, but Joffre McClung says it’s the wrong
    message, especially for women. “Women of different
    generations have had different struggles. But the one
    constant in all of them is that our worth, our value,
    our sense of being good enough, is always seen through
    the lens of what we do for others and how others see
    us.” McClung will explain the many ways lack of self-
    love affects our lives, how to develop your own sense
    of self-love, and why you should incorporate five
    simple self-gratitude practices into your daily life.
    Joffre McClung’s latest book is “The Heart of the
    Matter.” Contact her at 917-994-0225 (TX);

    9. ==> Which Profession Has the Most Workplace

    Pop quiz: Can you guess which industry accounts for 75
    percent of all workplace violence? If you guessed law
    enforcement or package delivery you’d be wrong. As
    Sharon Bahrych will tell you, it’s the health-care
    industry and, in her 30-year career as a physician
    assistant, Sharon has been physically assaulted by a
    hospital department administrator and a witness to
    other violent behavior among her colleagues. Sharon can
    address why there is so much workplace violence in
    health care and its impact on patients. In addition,
    she can talk about how she was able to forgive the
    assailant who tried to kill her and offer tips on
    moving forward after unpleasant situations occur.
    Sharon trained at Baylor College of Medicine. She has a
    master’s in public health from the University of Texas
    School of Public Health. Contact her at 720-669-8098;

    10. ==> Men Scared of Women at Work? Fiddlesticks!

    Perhaps you saw the Bloomberg News article about men on
    Wall Street who say they are afraid to hire women or be
    alone with female colleagues in the wake of the #MeToo
    movement. Is it true that many men on Wall Street and
    other industries now feel that way or is this an
    exaggerated reaction of a vocal minority? Wall Street
    executive, business consultant and career coach Tamara
    Lashchyk (Lash-check) thinks such comments are a gross
    generalization made by a few in an attempt to diminish
    #MeToo and to maintain the “bro-culture” status quo.
    Oddly enough, she had expected such a backlash when she
    was researching her bestselling book, “Lose the Gum: A
    Survival Guide for Women on Wall Street, Main Street
    and Every Street in Between,” but instead she has found
    that the men she has interviewed think avoiding female
    colleagues is ridiculous. This experienced talk show
    guest can also talk about ways some men have
    experienced collateral damage from the movement and the
    behaviors women sometimes exhibit at work that holds
    them back including the #1 thing that makes men in the
    office cringe. Contact Tamara at 848-373-3543;

    11. ==> Winning a Lawsuit Could Be Your Worst Nightmare

    Legal trouble is stressful and expensive. Do you have
    the right good lawyer to help you navigate a lawsuit
    (whether you’re suing or being sued), while looking
    after your pocketbook? How is seeking courtroom justice
    the priciest way to solve a problem? Are you willing to
    stay the course and jeopardize your business, your
    marriage or your own health? Explore many such
    questions with attorney Francine Tone, Esq., who’s been
    educating the public for years about getting the right
    legal help, making wise decisions, asking prudent
    questions, and proceeding with caution as legal
    challenges unfold. A prolific author and sought-after
    speaker, Francine recently released the best-selling
    book “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.”
    Audiences will thank you for welcoming her on-air to
    talk myths and truths about lawsuits most people find
    themselves embroiled in — and what might happen should
    you lose OR win. She’ll also reveal whether TV legal
    dramas (like Bull, Suits, The Good Fight) are anywhere
    close to reality. Contact Francine Tone at

    12. ==> Psychologist’s Insights from Israeli-
    Palestinian Conflict, Hippie Experience, 4 Wars, #MeToo

    People everywhere experience times of personal
    challenge, relationship issues with loved ones, and
    powerful social change. And they could all use advice
    and been-there insights from someone who understands.
    Audiences will therefore thank you for interviewing
    psychologist Pratibha Eastwood, whose real-life journey
    both personal and professional includes decades of
    cultural upheaval and several wars. Learn from Pratibha
    what it was like to be a fearful child sent to boarding
    schools at a very young age — during some of the worst
    of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. What do few
    Americans know about such Middle Eastern crises? Ask
    Pratibha (and invite callers) to explore: what led her
    to experiment with drugs, live in a commune, and become
    a real “hippie?” How could she finally forgive her
    neglectful parents? What are her opinions about the
    #MeToo Movement? And how did Pratibha’s adventurous
    side help her spiritual journey of turning lemon into
    lemonade? How did she experiment with love as a
    successful survival technique, while traveling to
    unknown far-away places? Arrange interviews at
    808-398-3318 (HI);

    13. ==> This M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid

    As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
    most treatment programs focus merely on treating the
    symptoms. But Dr. Steven M. Hall claims they are
    getting it all wrong. “The magnitude of the problem is
    mind-boggling, and most recovery programs don’t address
    how this started in the first place,” he says. Thus, he
    has devised a three-pronged treatment program with
    which he has helped dozens of patients in his private
    practice overcome addiction that addresses the physical
    and emotional causes of addiction. “It’s true that
    people’s emotions are as important as their physical
    feelings,” he says. “I teach people how to be healthy
    with their feelings.” Dr. Steven received his medical
    degree from University of Utah School of Medicine and
    has been practicing family medicine since 1985. He is
    the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your
    Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.”
    Contact him at 425-272-9458.

    14. ==> Make This the Year You Find Your Calling

    Many people want to make a difference in other people’s
    lives but have yet to figure out what their calling is.
    And when they do think about finding their purpose they
    may put the thought aside because they are already over
    scheduled, overworked and overwhelmed. Enter Suzette
    Webb. She’ll share her proven four-step process that
    can quickly take anyone from self-doubt to clarity.
    Suzette can talk about ways you can learn to trust your
    inner voice more, recognize that your past had a
    purpose, and take action. Suzette holds an MBA from the
    Kellogg Graduate School of Northwestern University. She
    is a mother, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster and the
    author of “Blues to Blessings.” Contact her at (708)

    15. ==> How Dads Can Raise Strong Daughters in the
    #MeToo Age

    Dads play a very important role when it comes to
    empowering their young daughters to become strong,
    independent women. However, there is a dearth of
    support for these men. Long-time female empowerment
    advocate Kailin Gow offers valuable insights for dads
    of daughters. “Raising a daughter who is aware and
    knowledgeable of the world so that she can navigate
    through it with her eyes open, rather than closed, can
    be one of her best protections,” she says. “Knowledge
    is power.” Kailin has released a book especially for
    dads: “Raising Strong Daughters: What Fathers Should
    Know.” She can share how men can help to empower their
    daughters when it comes to the threats of sexual
    assault, school violence, bullying and other
    challenging life situations young girls experience.
    Kailin is the founder of Sparklesoup Inc., an
    internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books,
    and director/filmmaker. She also is the author of the
    recently released “Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Guide.” Contact
    her at or 617-582-2121

    16. ==> Revealed: God’s Only Reason to Get Married

    Most people can offer plenty of reasons for why they
    tied or are about to tie the knot, everything from
    wanting to forge a life with their best friend to
    raising children together and sharing common values.
    But according to René and Gloria Vallières, there is
    just one reason to get married and that’s to have daily
    sex! Married for 48 years, René and Gloria Vallières
    will explain that this is God’s idea—not theirs—as they
    share the joys and challenges couples experience when
    they are prepared to have sex every day whenever either
    partner wants it. They’ll talk about why frequent sex
    is more important to a successful marriage than good
    communication, friendship or even who does the
    housework. Their new book, “Radical Sex: God’s
    Foundation for a Healthy Marriage,” is full of
    controversial ideas that make them terrific guests.
    René was a pastor in The Christian and Missionary
    Alliance and a teaching elder at Evangelical
    Fellowships in New York and Utah. Teaching adult
    classes on relationships for 35 years, Gloria has a
    prayer ministry and is a freelance writer. Contact René
    and Gloria at (801) 783-0928;

    17. ==> 2019 Is the Year to Go Back to Grad School

    Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates found career success
    without a college degree, but their stories are the
    exception, not the rule. Today a graduate degree has
    replaced a bachelor’s degree as the educational
    requirement for many employers. Interview Dr. Don
    Martin and Kevin Kiley to learn why is now the best
    time to think about going to grad school. Find out what
    the biggest mistake graduate school applicants make and
    what are the 7 questions you need to ask yourself
    before applying to grad school. Dr. Don Martin was the
    admissions dean at three top-tier universities, in
    three different disciplines. He is the author of “Road
    Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective
    Students.” Kevin Kiley has served as admissions
    director in a top-tier MBA program. They have
    successfully coached hundreds of individuals through
    the graduate school application process and together
    have over 50 years of graduate admissions experience.
    Contact Dr. Don Martin at 917-994-0038; and Kevin Kiley at 314-334-1320;

    18. ==> Move Over, Siri: Tap Your Own Genius

    Forget Siri or Alexa. You can learn how to tap your own
    inner genius to receive clear guidance anytime you need
    it. Or at least you will be able to after you interview
    Susan Shumsky, author of “Awaken Your Divine Intuition”
    and 13 other books. Susan, who has aced more than 1,030
    media interviews on a variety of topics, will discuss
    what intuition is and why it is more important than
    ever in today’s economic environment. She can discuss
    the different ways people experience intuition and how
    you can develop your ability to do so as well as share
    stories about what happened to her when she used her
    intuition (and didn’t). Contact her at 917-336-7184;

    19. ==> Do a Show about Growing Up in the 1%

    How bad is the 1% really? What are the myths
    surrounding this economic group and the families it
    represents? Interview Ivan Obolensky and find out! He
    grew up in this world and has firsthand experience with
    it. People often ask how does one get to be a part of
    the 1%? Misconceptions abound about their ethics,
    morals and attitudes – continually perpetuated by the
    media. Find out how the 1% really lives… not only with
    each other but those around them, both professionally
    and personally. “People think that those who have
    wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
    contribute to society, or that they are simply lucky
    and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be further
    from the truth.” Find out why trust is so important to
    the wealthy – and how it helps keep them on top. Ivan
    Obolensky is an author and a true Renaissance man in
    his own right. His new novel is “Eye of the Moon.”
    Contact Ivan Obolensky at 818-495-8731;

    20. ==> Interview ‘The Decision Doula’

    Sometimes making a tough decision can feel like giving
    birth! Have you ever had to make a tough decision?
    Like whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship?
    Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie Novak works in
    software engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique
    framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    healing experiment”, outlines a six-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie at

  • 12/20/18 RTIR Newsletter: Holiday Rip Offs, Workplace Violence, Getting Better Sleep

    December 20, 2018

    01. Don’t Be Duped by Fake News: Think Like a Fact-Checker
    02. Demond Wilson Remembers Penny Marshall
    03. Biggest Holiday Rip-Offs and Scams
    04. Have Yourself a Sustainable Little Christmas
    05. College Kids Are Home: How to Drive Them Crazy
    06. Why More Marriages End After the Holidays
    07. Don’t Let Annoying Relatives Ruin Your Holiday
    08. How to Deal with A Holiday Drunk
    09. “My Mom Was Homeless Every Holiday and I Didn’t Even Know”
    10. Happy New Year, Harrumph
    11. Great New Year Show: 36 Simpler Ways to Be Happier
    12. Experience Unconditional Love in 2019
    13. Are Men Really Scared of Women at Work?
    14. Which Profession Has the Most Workplace Violence?
    15. How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking
    16. Award-Winning Cameraman Takes on Organized Crime Ring
    17. What the My Pillow Guy Doesn’t Tell You about Getting Better Sleep
    18. This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety Syndrome’
    19. Tune-Up Your Intuition
    20. This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    1. ==> Don’t Be Duped by Fake News: Think Like a Fact-Checker

    Since we now rely on the internet to learn about the
    issues of the day and decide what to do at the ballot
    box, Sam Wineburg says it’s more important than ever to
    think like a fact-checker to make sure what you’re
    reading is actually true. He says, “Fact checkers take
    a different approach than most. They learn about a site
    by leaving it.” He adds, “Don’t let your eyes deceive
    you. When you land on a site offering ‘nonpartisan’
    information, forget about the fancy logo, ignore the
    .org designation, and for heaven’s sake, don’t put your
    faith in the About page. Take a minute to open up a new
    tab (better still, several). Search the organization’s
    name along with a canny keyword like ‘funding’ or
    ‘credibility.’” Sam Wineburg’s most recent book is “Why
    Learn History When It’s Already on Your Phone”. He is a
    professor of education at Stanford University. Contact
    him at (650) 725-4411;

    2. ==> Demond Wilson Remembers Penny Marshall

    Penny Marshall, the star of the sensational 1970s
    sitcom hit “Laverne & Shirley” and director of
    blockbuster movies, died this week at 75. Invite
    American TV icon Demond Wilson to share his memories of
    Marshall and how they became friends. Demond Wilson is
    best known for his role as Lamont in the 1970s sitcom
    Sanford and Son. Married since 1974, this father of six
    and avid golfer has recently written “Second Banana:
    The Bitter Sweet Memoirs of ‘Sanford and Son’” and will
    soon be seen on the silver screen in the upcoming movie
    Faith Ties, presently in development. Contact Mark
    Goldman at

    3. ==> Biggest Holiday Rip-Offs and Scams

    Tis the season for giving… and taking! Thieves know
    your vulnerabilities this time of year and they are out
    in full force looking for opportunities to steal your
    money. Invite William Francavilla to share ways you can
    minimize being scammed this holiday season. From
    charity donations to online rip-offs and social media
    phishing scams, Francavilla will outline ways to make
    sure your hard-earned money doesn’t fall into the wrong
    hands. Francavilla is the author of “The Madoffs Among
    Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists and Thieves Who
    Are Plotting to Steal your Money.” He’s a CFP and
    former senior vice president, director of Wealth
    Management for Legg Mason who has extensive media
    experience. Contact him at (757) 870-4590;

    4. ==> Have Yourself a Sustainable Little Christmas

    The holidays are a time of gift giving, non-stop
    parties, eating, drinking and huge amounts of rubbish!
    “Americans create 250 million tons of trash each year,”
    says author Yasmin Davar. “This increases dramatically
    during the holidays.” There are ways that you can enjoy
    the holidays, without being an environmental Grinch.
    Yasmin can provide a vast array of easy tips about how
    to generate less waste during the season, along with
    environmentally-friendly ways to dispose of your
    Christmas tree, and why it’s so important to shop
    local. “Avoid buying from countries where people are
    paid slave wages,” she advises. “Know which retailers
    have done the right thing in terms of sources.” Yasmin
    is an environmental engineer who holds a Master of
    International Studies degree in Peace and Conflict
    Resolution and is the author of the book “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at Yasmin at

    5. ==> College Kids Are Home: How to Drive Them Crazy

    As a college professor for twenty-one years, Deborah
    Cohan, Ph.D., is no stranger to the excitement and
    trepidation that students feel before they head back
    home for breaks. “They long for the familiar, the
    homemade meals, their own comfy bed, and time with
    their old friends. At the same time, their own
    interests and habits are developing and ever-shifting
    while they are away at college and as we know,
    sometimes these do not mesh well when back at home as
    family dynamics have also changed.” To add a bit of
    levity and laughter, Dr. Cohan can share tips for how
    parents can have a little fun and merriment dreaming up
    ways to drive their college kids crazy (like changing
    up the holiday menu to disabling the Wifi!) Deborah J.
    Cohan is a professor of sociology at the University of
    South Carolina-Beaufort and a writer for Psychology
    Today online. In addition to appearing on radio and TV
    programs, her work has been featured in publications
    including: The San Francisco Chronicle, Inside Higher
    Ed, Vox, Slate, Bustle, The Chronicle of Higher
    Education and USA Today. Contact her at (843)

    6. ==> Why More Marriages End After the Holidays

    Sure, the holidays are supposed to mean fun times with
    the family. But, for many, the reality is no Currier &
    Ives postcard. There’s financial stress, family
    obligation stress, and opportunities to drink too much
    and behave badly with friends and coworkers. Interview
    licensed marriage counselor Brad Robinson to learn ways
    to lessen the chance that marriages will hit rough
    patches during the holidays or after when people start
    thinking about whether they want to stay in marriages
    in which trust has been violated and needs are not
    being met. Brad specializes in helping couples survive
    infidelity and he can share his surprising take on what
    types of couples are most at risk. He is motivated to
    do this work after having grown up in a broken home.
    Brad co-hosts the popular “Healing Broken Trust”
    podcast with his wife, Morgan, and they are writing a
    book with the same name. Contact him at (918) 606-1700;

    7. ==> Don’t Let Annoying Relatives Ruin Your Holiday

    Tis the season to be merry. However, some relatives
    make it difficult to spend time with them. There’s
    Uncle Harry, who loves to argue politics and your
    mother-in-law who nitpicks the food, the tree and just
    about everything else. And even your dad, who can’t
    resist showering you with unwanted advice. Instead of
    getting stressed out by the usual suspects, interview
    psychotherapist Gillian Padgett for tips you can use to
    get through the holidays with more joy. An expert on
    reducing stress, Gillian will share the importance of
    planning your escape route ahead of time, leaving your
    emotional baggage outside, and trying to understand the
    offending person’s modus operandi and your former role
    in setting that person off. She can even explain ways
    holiday stress can be a gift! Gillian is the author of
    Let Stress Heal Your Life. Reach her at

    8. ==> How to Deal with A Holiday Drunk

    With 1 out of every 3 people suffering from addiction,
    you’ll likely be in the company of an addict of some
    sort over the holidays. Interview Michael McGee, MD and
    learn 5 tips to deal with someone whose addiction-
    fueled behavior can ruin everyone’s good time. He’ll
    help your audience navigate this uncomfortable
    experience in the moment, both in their homes and when
    they’re out in a public setting. Dr. Michael McGee
    trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has
    helped hundreds of patients beat addiction and go on to
    lead full lives. He is the author of “Joy of Recovery:
    The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.”
    Contact Dr. McGee at (978) 971-9703;

    9. ==> “My Mom Was Homeless Every Holiday and I Didn’t
    Even Know”

    During the busy holiday season our thoughts often turn
    to the homeless. Just something about the season which
    makes us think of the less fortunate – who are they and
    what can we do to help? But what would you do if your
    mom was homeless and refused to be helped? Marty Vargas
    decides to find his estranged birth mother after 20
    years. He and his mother Rachel were found sleeping in
    the snow in Philadelphia when he was an infant. She
    had somehow, miraculously, kept him alive for 7 months
    but eventually gave him up for adoption. His search
    for her becomes increasingly complicated and as their
    story unfolds Marty realizes that truth IS stranger
    than fiction! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner,
    author, and an International speaker. His incredible
    true story has been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC
    Philadelphia and Fox News Washington, DC. and has been
    featured on over 90 stations around the country.
    Contact Marty at (631) 246-0790; or

    10. ==> Happy New Year, Harrumph

    While many people will be popping champagne corks and
    kissing their loved ones at midnight on Dec. 31, other
    folks will be dreading the night and avoiding the
    celebrants. So, how do you face the confetti when your
    life is in a million pieces? Diann Pass knows. As a
    chaplain who works with the grieving, Diann has real-
    world advice for people who are approaching the start
    of the new year under the assumption that their best
    days are behind them. Diann approaches this important
    topic with hope, understanding, and compassion and has
    suggestions to offer friends and relatives who want to
    be more effective supporters of such individuals.
    Contact Diann at (432) 352-2848;

    11. ==> Great New Year Show: 36 Simpler Ways to Be

    Want your New Year to get off to a good start? Ted
    Larkins wants that for you too—only he says wishing
    alone won’t do it. Instead, the author of “Get To Be
    Happy The Companion Guide,” the follow-up to his award-
    winning “Get To Be Happy” title, says you need to
    create a happiness plan and stick to it for at least 30
    days. “New Year’s resolutions are nice,” Larkins says.
    “But you have to do more than say that you want to lose
    15 pounds or be healthier.” He’ll explain 36 exercises
    that could lead to a happier 2019, with ways to
    customize them to your own needs. Larkins is a 30-year
    veteran of the entertainment industry, having worked
    with such celebrities and Jon Bon Jovi, Celine Dion and
    Jack Nicklaus. He’s presented his Get To Principle
    around the country, most recently at UCLA and NYU.
    Contact him at (818) 495-8592;

    12. ==> Experience Unconditional Love in 2019

    Everyone wants to be loved for who they are—even with
    their imperfections and quirks. But is such love
    possible and if it is, how can we experience it every
    day in the new year? These questions get the answers
    they deserve when you interview Dr. Jeanne Sanner. She
    literally wrote the book on unconditional love:
    “Finding Unconditional Love a Little Peace at a Time.”
    Dr. Sanner will discuss what it really means to love
    someone as is—not how we wish they were—and offers tips
    on loving ourselves despite our perceived shortcomings.
    An abused child who grew up believing she was not “good
    enough,” Dr. Sanner has extraordinary empathy and a
    bubbly personality that puts audiences at ease. She
    also has a simple life-changing formula that can lead
    to greater love for ourselves and others. She has a
    doctorate in spiritual studies, a master’s in education
    and a bachelor’s in psychology. Contact Jeanne at (949)

    13. ==> Are Men Really Scared of Women at Work?

    Perhaps you saw the Bloomberg News article about men on
    Wall Street who say they are afraid to hire women or be
    alone with female colleagues in the wake of the #MeToo
    movement. Is it true that many men on Wall Street and
    other industries now feel that way or is this an
    exaggerated reaction of a vocal minority? Wall Street
    executive, business consultant and career coach Tamara
    Lashchyk (Lash-check) thinks such comments are a gross
    generalization made by a few in an attempt to diminish
    #MeToo and to maintain the “bro-culture” status quo.
    Oddly enough, she had expected such a backlash when she
    was researching her bestselling book, “Lose the Gum: A
    Survival Guide for Women on Wall Street, Main Street
    and Every Street in Between,” but instead she has found
    that the men she has interviewed think avoiding female
    colleagues is ridiculous. This experienced talk show
    guest can also talk about ways some men have
    experienced collateral damage from the movement and the
    behaviors women sometimes exhibit at work that holds
    them back including the No. 1 thing that makes men in
    the office cringe. Contact Tamara at (848) 373-3543;

    14. ==> Which Profession Has the Most Workplace

    Pop quiz: Can you guess which industry accounts for 75
    percent of all workplace violence? If you guessed law
    enforcement or package delivery you’d be wrong. As
    Sharon Bahrych will tell you, it’s the health-care
    industry and, in her 30-year career as a physician
    assistant, Sharon has been physically assaulted by a
    hospital department administrator and a witness to
    other violent behavior among her colleagues. Sharon can
    address why there is so much workplace violence in
    health care and its impact on patients. In addition,
    she can talk about how she was able to forgive the
    assailant who tried to kill her and offer tips on
    moving forward after unpleasant situations occur.
    Sharon trained at Baylor College of Medicine. She has a
    master’s in public health from the University of Texas
    School of Public Health. Contact her at (720 669-8098;

    15. ==> How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking

    Anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion is
    horrified at the idea of vulnerable people being
    transported to other countries to be used as forced sex
    workers and laborers. But many of us don’t realize that
    we are unwittingly contributing to the problem. “Each
    of us, whether we know it or not, is part of the
    problem, whether it’s by the clothes we wear, the food
    we eat, the porn we watch,” says Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder and executive director
    of the New York-based non-profit Let My People Go. “We
    are creating a demand for the exploitation of our
    neighbors.” Raleigh can share the shocking ways that
    our everyday choices support the epidemic of human
    trafficking, and what average, everyday people can do
    to stop the horror. He is the author of the upcoming
    book “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at or (917)

    16. ==> Award-Winning Cameraman Takes on Organized
    Crime Ring

    David Alan Arnold lives a dangerous life as an airborne
    helicopter cameraman for Deadliest Catch and other TV
    shows. But perhaps the most dangerous thing he has ever
    done—and some might say the foolhardiest—is taking on
    the organized crime ring at a school bus stop near his
    rural home in Sky Forest, Calif. For four years, the
    ring has terrorized locals into silence, he says, even
    as it engaged in drug dealing, kidnapping, human
    trafficking, and operating an unlicensed and illegal
    drug rehab center. And, he says, it has done so openly
    without penalty from police and town officials or
    coverage by the media. Learn how an unlicensed drug
    rehab could exist in his hometown—or yours—without
    proper, government oversight or keeping track of
    patients, and how the dead body of a 21-year-old
    patient was hidden behind a school bus stop for eight
    months. Arnold tells the details of the harrowing story
    in his latest book, “Help from Above: What Lies Above
    the Clouds” and an upcoming documentary. Arnold has
    been a helicopter cameraman for 22 years doing work or
    almost every TV network. Contact him at (818) 275-8676;

    17. ==> What the My Pillow Guy Doesn’t Tell You about
    Getting Better Sleep

    Some 30 to 40 percent of Americans are not getting
    enough sleep setting themselves up for brain fog,
    weight gain, diabetes, and other ills. But sleep is a
    big deal and we can do better. Bring wellness educator
    Adita Yrizarry-Lang on your show to share fascinating
    facts about how to get the type of sleep that helps you
    wake up de-stressed and refreshed. For instance, you’ll
    learn what to keep by your bed in case you wake up in
    the middle of the night, what you should never do three
    hours before bed, ways cortisol and serotonin take
    turns and how to find your own favorite relaxing
    rituals. Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who has
    been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She is the author of
    “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
    Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 874-0268;

    18. ==> This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety

    If you’ve been feeling anxious, hopeless, angry,
    fearful and depressed since the 2016 presidential
    election, you’re not alone. Trump Anxiety Syndrome
    (TAS) is a thing, and physician Steven M. Hall has seen
    an uptick in patients suffering from this. According to
    Dr. Steven, this is exactly what Trump wants. “This
    feeds Trump; he lives on this,” he says. “Reasoning
    doesn’t work with Trump supporters. Liberal people want
    to do everything with reason, but it just doesn’t work.
    You can’t change other people’s minds.” Not only does
    TAS affect people mentally, the stress it causes can
    also impact their physical health. Dr. Steven can share
    simple yet powerful ways to combat the stress, on both
    the mental and physical levels. Dr. Steven received
    his medical degree from University of Utah School of
    Medicine and has been practicing family medicine since
    1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing:
    Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul
    Desires.” Contact him at (425) 272-9458.

    19. ==> Tune-Up Your Intuition

    Forget Siri or Alexa. You can learn how to tap your own
    inner genius to receive clear guidance anytime you need
    it. Or at least you will be able to after you interview
    Susan Shumsky, author of “Awaken Your Divine Intuition”
    and 13 other books. Susan, who has aced more than 1,030
    media interviews on a variety of topics, will discuss
    what intuition is and why it is more important than
    ever in today’s economic environment. She can discuss
    the different ways people experience intuition and how
    you can develop your ability to do so as well as share
    stories about what happened to her when she used her
    intuition (and didn’t). Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

    20. ==> This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Rosemarie Musso’s
    dentist father was almost executed for showing
    compassion toward Jews who were forced into hard labor
    at a mine near her village. “The Nazis brought the Jews
    to my father to pull their teeth, demanding that he not
    give them anesthesia,” she says. “But after the Nazis
    left, he took them into the basement to have them
    medicated.” Although she and her family were spared
    following the intervention of a well-connected family
    friend, Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward
    Hitler for decades. But she eventually became a Born
    Again Christian and forgave him, which she claims
    changed her life for the better. She channeled that
    energy into earning a law degree at age 63, and writing
    the book “The Four Laws of Forgiveness: Memories of
    Survival During WWII Nazi Germany.” She can share how
    forgiving even the most heinous acts can enable us to
    live more peaceful, harmonious lives. Contact her at
    or (205) 259-7806

  • 12/18/18 RTIR Newsletter: Calling All Angels, Decision Doula, Grieving Over Pets

    December 18, 2018

    01. Judge Drops Bomb on US Healthcare System
    02. Is Donald Trump Making America Great Again?
    03. Wrestling Champ Abilene Maverick
    04. Like A Personal Elf: Last-Minute Toy Help
    05. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Angels
    06. How to Handle Holiday Panhandlers
    07. What You Never Knew about Christmas Carols
    08. How to Survive Obnoxious Relatives this Holiday
    09. Why Your Family Pushes Your Buttons
    10. The Dark Side of Christmas
    11. Holiday Party Dos and Don’ts
    12. Relieve Holiday Stress in Seconds
    13. From Bordeaux to Bubbly: Holiday Wine Tips
    14. Why Nice People Cheat on Their Spouses
    15. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
    16. How to Make the Death Penalty More Humane
    17. Interview the ‘Decision Doula’
    18. Why Losing a Pet Hurts So Much
    19. Often-Ignored Trait Leads to Unimaginable Success
    20. Revealed: God’s Only Reason to Get Married

    1. ==> Judge Drops Bomb on US Healthcare System

    According to health law expert Timothy Jost, a federal
    district judge in Texas just dropped a bomb on the
    Affordable Care Act, and the entire American health
    care system. “The invalidation of the ACA, if upheld on
    appeal, would affect virtually every American. In
    deciding to wreak this destruction on the American
    health care system, Judge O’Connor arrogated to himself
    authority that rightly belongs with Congress.
    Republicans in Congress repeatedly tried and failed to
    repeal the ACA. It is not up to an unelected judge to
    do it himself.” Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, J.D., is an
    Emeritus Professor at the Washington and Lee University
    School of Law. He is a coauthor of the casebook “Health
    Law”, used widely throughout the United States in
    teaching health law, and the author of numerous books
    about health law. Contact him at

    2. ==> Is Donald Trump Making America Great Again?

    Donald Trump won the presidency to make his MAGA
    movement reality. Is our president improving your life
    whether you realize it or not? Invite Rick Elkin,
    political analyst and author of the book “Trump’s
    Reckoning,” to discuss the president’s successes and
    abilities to overcome obstacles. Audiences will be
    fascinated, whether Elkin is discussing: Trump’s
    redefining what’s presidential… his administration’s
    historic tax reform… his stand on immigration… the
    thriving high economy and today’s low unemployment
    rate… Trump’s recent trade agreements and more. Ask
    him: Why do millions of voters tend to keep quiet about
    their Trump support? Can Trump and the media repair
    their relationships? Is President Trump on-target for
    re-election? Can the Republican Party Survive WITHOUT
    Trump? Could he be our modern day Lincoln? Contact Rick
    Elkin at 760-825-4884;

    3. ==> Wrestling Champ Abilene Maverick

    Wrestling champion Abilene Maverick is known as ‘The
    Governor’s Daughter.’ During her final year of college,
    Abilene’s father suddenly passed away in front of the
    TV and Abilene was heartbroken. Her mother, who had
    forged a successful career in politics, then stepped in
    and suggested Abilene make her dad proud by pursuing a
    career in wrestling. She’s featured in next month’s AXS
    TV premiere of WOW: Women of Wrestling. WOW’s roster
    boasts over 30 highly skilled wrestlers—each with their
    own unique personalities and backstories inspired by
    the women behind the WOW Superheroes—competing to win
    the coveted WOW World Championship. Contact Johanna
    Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin Bolden at (703)

    4. ==> Like A Personal Elf: Last-Minute Toy Help

    With just one week to go until kids everywhere are
    unwrapping Christmas gifts under the tree, invite an
    expert from The Toy Insider to share last-minute toy
    shopping tips. Listeners will learn how to create a
    shopping game plan with tricks to knock off their last
    minute toy gifts without breaking the bank or spending
    hours at the mall. Chief Toy Officer Laurie Schacht
    says as Christmas gets closer, you need to think
    outside the retail ‘box.’ “Lots of unexpected retailers
    are carrying toys this year. If you are stopping at a
    grocery store or wholesale club like Costco or Sam’s
    Club on your way to a family gathering, you will find
    tons of toys, making your last-minute shopping even
    easier.” The Toy Insider is an online source for
    product information about children’s toys, tech and
    entertainment. Contact Laurie Schact at; (212) 575-4510; (516) 660-6660
    (cell), or Kristen Joerger at;
    (646) 484-4577; (603) 494-3295 (cell)

    5. ==> Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Angels

    We’re inundated with imagery of angels this time of
    year but according to Dr. Michael Heiser, what you’ve
    been told, through Christmas stories — or in recent
    decades, the mass media — is quite incomplete, and
    sometimes, even wildly inaccurate! Do angels exist? If
    so, do they have wings? What do they do? Does everyone
    have a Guardian angel? Invite Heiser, a world-renowned
    scholar and expert in the Ancient Near East and semitic
    languages, to share the most common misunderstandings
    about angels, what the media and pop culture gets
    wrong, and the finer points of the Christmas story. Dr.
    Heiser has researched the context and language within
    which the ancient Israelites would have recorded and
    understood angels and the supernatural events recorded
    in the Bible. He is the author of “Angels.” Contact
    Jason Jones at

    6. ==> How to Handle Holiday Panhandlers

    As the year comes to a close and the bitter cold
    settles in, many people have an urge to be generous to
    those seeking a handout. Others aren’t so sure.
    Interview Glen Dunzweiler for tips on handling
    panhandlers. Ask him: are panhandlers lazy or
    entrepreneurial? Are they usually dangerous or drug
    addicted? Is soliciting money on the street even legal?
    What’s the difference between giving money to a
    panhandler and donating to the Salvation Army? Glen is
    a filmmaker, producer, director, public speaker and
    former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
    author of “Things I’ve Learned From The Homeless.”
    Contact him at 702-703-2219;

    7. ==> What You Never Knew about Christmas Carols

    In its purest form, the Christmas spirit brings us
    closer to our fellow human beings and to the idea of
    peace on earth. But in troubled times where incivility
    dominates the news and our interactions with others who
    are different than us can be testy, some people will
    come down with a bad case of the “bah humbugs.”
    Affectionately known as Mrs. Christmas, Renae Baker
    says the Christmas spirit has an even larger role in
    divisive times and singing Christmas carols can help
    listeners reclaim their holiday joy. Invite her on your
    show and discover the secret legend of “The 12 Days of
    Christmas” and the story of a Christmas carol that
    prompted soldiers to put down their weapons. A
    professional actress and singer for the past 20 years,
    Baker has led a large troupe of holiday carolers from
    the Broadway community who perform under the names The
    Fabulous Fezziwigs and The Broadway CARE-olers at some
    of the most iconic sites in New York City. She’s the
    author of “Defeating Scrooge: How to Harness the Power
    of Christmas Carols to Revive Your Spirit Anytime of
    the Year.” Contact her at (917) 509-9022;

    8. ==> How to Survive Obnoxious Relatives this Holiday

    Does holiday family togetherness make you wish that
    Grandma would get run over by a reindeer? Do you
    fantasize about roasting all of the nuts in your clan
    on an open fire? Jane Jenkins Herlong feels your pain,
    and can provide valuable tips for surviving even the
    most impossible relatives during the holidays. “The
    joke of Christmas is that it’s supposed to be one of
    the most special times,” she says. “But when you have
    difficult family members, how do you celebrate the
    season without losing your mind, or family?” Jane is a
    former Miss America contestant, humorist, singer and
    the author of four books including “Rhinestones on My
    Flip-Flops.” She is a popular speaker and a gifted
    singer who has recorded music CDs and humor/personal
    growth DVDs. Her comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97.
    Contact her at or 803-599-2941

    9. ==> Of Course Your Family Pushes Your Buttons – They
    Installed Them!

    Everyone worries about the holidays: Millennials, Baby
    Boomers, and Gen X-ers alike all suffer from holiday
    dread, particularly dinners with family, parties with
    family, family reunions, family together-time — you
    get the idea! Author and Life Coach Elizabeth Trinkaus
    offers simple strategies that will help you prepare for
    a peaceful holiday season with dreaded relatives, steps
    that will help you claim your own space even in the
    most toxic atmosphere. For more than 25 years,
    Elizabeth Trinkaus has conducted workshops and done
    speaking engagements all over the world, helping people
    find their worth, speak their mind, and crush the
    obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their
    potential. She has worked with professional groups and
    individuals alike, and her straightforward, sensible
    approach will inspire your listeners. Contact her at

    10. ==> The Dark Side of Christmas

    The holidays are an especially difficult time for those
    who have lost loved ones. But instead of being consumed
    by sorrow, undertaker’s daughter Margo Lenmark advises
    that those who are missing departed loved ones should
    embrace their grief. She realized this while growing
    up in a Midwestern funeral home, where her dad was an
    undertaker. “Death is not the end, and can actually
    teach us all how to live better lives,” she says.
    “People who have died have given me lessons about how
    to live. There are gifts in grieving. People send
    messages in death that are very clear. I have gotten
    very valuable messages from dead people.” She shares
    her fascinating experiences and insights in her newly
    published book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received glowing
    reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders, including Deepak Chopra. Contact
    Margo at or 484-928-7824.

    11. ==> Holiday Party Dos and Don’ts

    Want to be a great guest at the next holiday party and
    not the guy or gal who is remembered for being
    thoughtless, drunk or clueless? Suzanne Wexler, a high
    energy, fun, and fabulous lifestyle expert, will offer
    your listeners five things to remember in order to be
    the good kind of memorable. Among the topics she’ll
    cover are what to bring the host or hostess that will
    definitely be appreciated, what to leave home if you
    are bringing your kids, what to bring an extra pair of
    (you probably would not do this on your own), and the
    importance of leaving gossip for after the party.
    Suzanne is published in the Huffington Post, National
    Post, and her work has been syndicated
    throughout Canada. She’s been quoted in, Prevention magazine and provided
    commentary on CTV National, Virgin Radio and more. She
    is currently writing a humor memoir titled “How to
    Swing Like a Southern Belle — Even If You Are Frozen
    in the North.” Reach her at (514) 704-0029;

    12. ==> Relieve Holiday Stress in Seconds

    You gotta love the holidays. All that rushing around to
    buy gifts, pay for them, wrap them and give them out,
    all the food prep and house cleaning, and parties you
    simply have to attend. Whew! Fortunately, Santa does
    not need to offer stress relief because Dawn Crystal
    does that, live on your show. Using her angelic voice,
    this sound healer can de-stress the most addled holiday
    shoppers in seconds giving them more energy, while
    chasing away the bah-humbugs. Dawn has been healing
    people over the air using sound for 25 years and has
    been interviewed on the radio more than 40 times and
    has been a guest on major TV shows. Contact her at

    13. ==> From Bordeaux to Bubbly: Holiday Wine Tips

    The right wine can really make your holiday dinner or
    New Year’s party something special. Whether you’re
    hosting at your house or going to someone else’s, wine
    educator Jim Laughren can help you choose the perfect
    bottle with total confidence. A terrific last-minute
    guest, Jim makes talking about wine nearly as fun as
    imbibing it, pointing out wines that will impress
    without breaking your budget and even how to develop
    your palate quickly if you are more of a beer drinker.
    Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation.” He can explain how to
    pick the right wine for any occasion: for holidays
    gifts, weddings, business dinners and more. Reach him
    at 954-317-9623;

    14. ==> Why Nice People Cheat on Their Spouses

    When you think of philanderers, you probably are not
    thinking “nice guy” or “nice girl.” Yet, surprisingly,
    nice people are more likely to cheat on their spouses
    than anyone! That’s what licensed marriage counselor
    Brad Robinson has found in his more than ten years of
    helping couples with trust issues restore their
    relationship. Brad can talk about issues “nice” people
    have with boundaries and their aversion to conflict and
    ways those tendencies can lead to unintended
    consequences like cheating. His podcast, “Healing
    Broken Trust,” which he co-hosts with his wife, has
    been downloaded 900,000 times in the last two years.
    Contact him at (918) 606-1700;

    15. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

    Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
    That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
    managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
    not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
    Jadhav knows firsthand how important it is to take
    control of your health and your body. She’ll share
    shortcuts she learned the hard way, fighting her way
    back to good health after 28 symptoms of an auto-immune
    illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for years. A
    highly successful tech entrepreneur educated at Wharton
    and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal story of
    surviving two major illnesses before the age of 50.
    Reena is the author of the “Health Journal” and creator
    of the Health Pyramid. Her new book focuses on
    empowering people to take back their own health using
    science. Contact Reena Jadhav at 650-309-1005;

    16. ==> How to Make the Death Penalty More Humane

    President Trump has said he wants to reinstate the
    death penalty across the board. Ohio’s execution of an
    inmate back in 2014 ended up a mess – described as long
    and fitful and created a legal executions dilemma that
    has plagued the nation both at a Federal and State
    level. Regardless of your position on the death
    penalty, everyone can agree that if it’s allowed it
    needs to be humane. Dr. Ira Williams says he has the
    perfect solution that eliminates all current
    objections. Dr. Williams has had dual careers, serving
    for more than 20 years as a USAF major and senior
    navigator/bombardier and for 50 years as a board-
    certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon and
    anesthesiologist. Contact Dr. Ira Williams at

    17. ==> Interview the ‘Decision Doula’

    Sometimes making a tough decision can feel like giving
    birth! Have you ever had to make a tough decision?
    Like whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship?
    Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie Novak works in
    software engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique
    framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    healing experiment”, outlines a six-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie Novak at

    18. ==> Why Losing a Pet Hurts So Much

    Anyone who has experienced the loss of a pet knows how
    difficult it can be to move on and how alone it can
    feel when other people fail to realize just how
    important that animal was to their life. Invite Melissa
    Lyons to celebrate the animal-human bond and bring some
    hope and solace to pet owners suffering the loss of a
    beloved animal. Lyons says, “In talking to people, I
    was floored by the number of people who stop living and
    can’t get back in the world after losing their pet. In
    some ways, I believe losing a pet can be even more
    devastating than the loss of a human being.” Lyons is
    an award-winning author, speaker and entrepreneur who
    has been featured on CTV News, CBC radio and other
    media outlets. She is passionate about helping people
    connect with and embrace fresh perspectives when faced
    with loss or tragedy. Her debut book, “I Will Always
    Love You”, has helped thousands of people move forward
    with their lives. Her new book about pet loss is “Until
    We Meet Again: From Grief to Hope After Losing a Pet.”
    Contact her at (519) 562-0209; melissa@melissa-

    19. ==> The Often-Ignored Trait that Can Lead to
    Unimaginable Success

    What are the secrets to success? Fame? Money? Power?
    Physical beauty? None of the above, says best-selling
    author Kim Chestney. She credits a trait all people
    have, but may not even be aware of: Intuition!
    “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
    faculty of human consciousness.” Kim says. “Getting
    your ego out of the way and developing your inner voice
    can facilitate well-being and growth in all aspects of
    your life.” Kim has spent 20 years helping tens of
    thousands of people to empower their lives and live
    their truth with intuition. She can share how anyone
    can tap into this innate trait to achieve success in
    every aspect of their lives. Kim is an international
    best-selling author and artist who founded the popular
    CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new Intuition
    Masterclass is launching this fall as part of the debut
    of her global online school, Intuition Lab. Contact her
    at or 412-214-9502

    20. ==> Revealed: God’s Only Reason to Get Married

    Most people can offer plenty of reasons for why they
    tied or are about to tie the knot, everything from
    wanting to forge a life with their best friend to
    raising children together and sharing common values.
    But according to René and Gloria Vallières, there is
    just one reason to get married and that’s to have daily
    sex! Married for 48 years, René and Gloria Vallières
    will explain that this is God’s idea—not theirs—as they
    share the joys and challenges couples experience when
    they are prepared to have sex every day whenever either
    partner wants it. They’ll talk about why frequent sex
    is more important to a successful marriage than good
    communication, friendship or even who does the
    housework. Their new book, “Radical Sex: God’s
    Foundation for a Healthy Marriage,” is full of
    controversial ideas that make them terrific guests.
    René was a pastor in The Christian and Missionary
    Alliance and a teaching elder at Evangelical
    Fellowships in New York and Utah. Teaching adult
    classes on relationships for 35 years. Gloria has a
    prayer ministry and is a freelance writer. Contact René
    and Gloria at (801) 783-0928;

  • 12/13/18 RTIR Newsletter: NORAD’s Santa Tracker, Political Incivility, Workplace Violence

    December 13, 2018

    01. Senators Rebuke Saudi Arabia Over Murder
    02. NORAD’s Santa Tracking Goes High Tech
    03. Handmade Gifts Aren’t Cheap, They’re Thoughtful
    04. Holiday Sanity Survival: Just Say No
    05. Holiday Libido Busters: Better Sex and Less Stress
    06. Why Did Melania Pick Red Christmas Trees?
    07. Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Office Party
    08. Have Yourself a Sustainable Little Christmas
    09. The Empty Chair at the Holiday Table
    10. Avoid Holiday Weight Gain AND the Flu!
    11. Did ‘41’ Kick off Political Incivility?
    12. Tricks of a Turnaround Artist Who Saved 150 Businesses
    13. Which Profession Has the Most Workplace Violence?
    14. Surprising Ways You Support Human Trafficking
    15. Common Sense Cure for Rise in Rudeness
    16. MD Has Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid Addiction
    17. Can Cutting Sugar Increase Cancer Survival?
    18. How to Get Your Teenage Son to Talk to You
    19. Homework Over the Holidays? Is it Necessary?
    20. Revealed: God’s Only Reason to Get Married

    1. ==> Senators Rebuke Saudi Arabia Over Murder

    The U.S. Senate is poised to deliver a historic rebuke
    to both Saudi Arabia and the Trump administration by
    passing a resolution demanding an end to U.S. military
    support for Saudi Arabia’s ongoing war in Yemen. The
    resolution draws on congressional authority spelled out
    in the 1973 War Powers Act – authority that, until now,
    Congress has never actually used. Syndicated columnist
    Reese Erlich writes: “International relief
    organizations now consider the Yemen War the world’s
    worst humanitarian crisis. The country faces a
    devastating cholera epidemic. An estimated 14 million
    Yemenis are on the brink of starvation and 85,000
    children have already died of hunger. The Royal Saudi
    Air Force intentionally targets civilians according to
    a UN report and human rights groups.” Erlich writes for
    the Foreign Correspondent and was in Turkey when
    Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered.
    His books include “The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of
    U.S. and Policy and the Mideast Crisis.” Contact him at, @reeseerlich

    2. ==> NORAD’s Santa Tracking Goes High Tech

    The North American Aerospace Defense Command tracks
    Santa every year, in addition to helping him answer
    phone calls and letters. The tradition began more than
    50 years ago when the wrong number was printed in a
    newspaper. Well, today Santa tracking is a little more
    high-tech. Starting at Dec. 24, website visitors can
    watch Santa prep for flight. Then, NORAD’s “Santa Cams”
    will stream videos as Santa makes his way across the
    world. There’s a live phone operator on hand to answer
    questions about Santa’s whereabouts but since this is
    2018 you can also get text updates, or follow along on
    social media like Facebook, Twitter and more. Listeners
    will love hearing the fascinating story of how the
    government agency began tracking Santa and how the
    whole family can share the magic of watching Santa’s
    progress Christmas Eve. Book an interview with a NORAD
    Santa tracker at or (719)

    3. ==> Handmade Gifts Aren’t Cheap, They’re Thoughtful

    No gift and no ideas? Why not make a present? We’re not
    talking about macaroni necklaces, but real, hand-made
    gifts people will love. Etsy Trend Expert Dayna Isom
    Johnson’s got great ideas and tips for making your own
    holiday gifts or finding some unique items made with
    more artistic hands. Dayna can discuss some of the most
    popular craft gift ideas trending on Etsy for men,
    women and kids and suggest thoughtful, uniquely
    personalized gift items for even the toughest person on
    your list. She’ll also share ways to make the holiday
    shopping experience as simple and fun as possible
    without all the stress. Dayna Isom Johnson is a judge
    on the NBC-TV show ‘Making It,’ hosted by Amy Poehler
    and Nick Offerman. Contact John Angelo at

    4. ==> Holiday Sanity Survival: Just Say No

    Why is it so hard to say “No!” to your mother-in-law?
    Or to your sister who, yet again, has usurped Christmas
    Eve dinner? Why is it so hard to set boundaries with
    our family members? Especially over the holidays? “It’s
    easy to start feeling angry and resentful when we
    continually feel we have to say yes to things we don’t
    want to do.” says Jennifer Cochern, a seasoned
    counselor who helps people understand what boundaries
    are, how to create them and how to keep them in place…
    even with that mother-in-law! (A daunting task for
    sure!) Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
    author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” She has worked with hundreds of clients
    promoting personal growth and healthier relationship
    skills. Contact Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    5. ==> Holiday Libido Busters: Better Sex and Less

    Do you feel more stressed out over the holidays? Many
    of us do. Studies show that having sex reduces stress
    levels. But even though the increase of births 9 months
    after Christmas and New Year’s Eve indicate that more
    people have sex over the holidays – for some of us it’s
    not that easy. “Many things affect our libidos,” says
    Dr. Mylaine Riobe, “from toxins in our environments to
    nutrition to hormonal or physical issues. But you CAN
    increase your sex drive this holiday season and reap
    the benefit of less stress too!” She’ll share simple,
    easy ways to naturally increase your sex drive no
    matter what the problem. Mylaine Riobe, MD has a multi-
    faceted unique approach to medicine combining TCM
    (Traditional Chinese Medicine) with conventional
    medicine. She is the author of “The Tao of Integrative
    Medicine” and host of the podcast “Awakened Wellness
    with Mylaine Riobe, MD.” Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at
    (772) 218-9936;

    6. ==> Why Did Melania Pick Red Christmas Trees?

    First Lady Melania Trump has taken a lot of heat for
    her fashion choices lately, but when she opted to
    decorate the White House with untraditional, bare, red
    Christmas trees, the backlash was quick and scathing.
    Many social media users, late night talk show hosts and
    style pundits likened the trees to something out of the
    dystopian saga “The Handmaid’s Tale,” the bloodbath
    scene from Stephen King’s “The Shining” and blood-
    soaked rags. Color and style expert B.P. Greycastle
    says she should have consulted with him first. “It
    doesn’t work very well; the trees are too plain.” He
    can also share the surprising message that Melania is
    really trying to get across. A Vietnam veteran who
    studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, Greycastle worked
    in the fabric and fashion industries for many years,
    where he discovered the dramatic impact colors have on
    people’s lives. He is the author of the book “Your Name
    and Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career, Personality,
    Romance and Success.” Contact him at or (510) 323-5205.

    7. ==> Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Office Party

    There are lots of reasons to skip the office holiday
    party but business consultant Bonnie Sussman Versace
    says, “An office party is an opportunity to get to know
    your co-workers, peers, supervisors and direct reports
    on another, more social level. And even though you may
    not feel like going, it could also afford you a chance
    to demonstrate your leadership skills by being a
    connector.” She says, “Make sure you introduce yourself
    to those co-workers you don’t know, and other co-
    workers who have not yet met each other – especially
    new employees.” Bonnie is the author of “Recipes for
    Thoughtful Leadership and Healthy Culture.” She is the
    author of numerous articles for Business Weekly, the
    Reading Eagle, and Lehigh Business Journal. Contact her
    at (484) 648-8739;

    8. ==> Have Yourself a Sustainable Little Christmas

    The holidays are a time of gift giving, non-stop
    parties, eating, drinking and huge amounts of rubbish!
    “Americans create 250 million tons of trash each year,”
    says author Yasmin Davar. “This increases dramatically
    during the holidays.” There are ways that you can enjoy
    the holidays, without being an environmental Grinch.
    Yasmin can provide a vast array of easy tips about how
    to generate less waste during the season, along with
    environmentally-friendly ways to dispose of your
    Christmas tree, and why it’s so important to shop
    local. “Avoid buying from countries where people are
    paid slave wages,” she advises. “Know which retailers
    have done the right thing in terms of sources.” Yasmin
    is an environmental engineer who holds a Master of
    International Studies degree in Peace and Conflict
    Resolution and is the author of the book “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at Yasmin at

    9. == > The Empty Chair at the Holiday Table

    Christmas is one of the most sensual holidays of the
    year, with the smells of pine leaves and mistletoe, the
    sounds of laughter, hugs, and kisses from those we
    love, and delightful decorations painting the
    neighborhood with twinkling colored lights. Diann Pass
    reminds us that there will be many families who are
    missing someone at the family table or Christmas
    morning for the first time. One of the most difficult
    parts of grief is facing those first holidays. How can
    you make those days survivable, and even joyful? Diann,
    a chaplain and grief coach, will share ideas to make
    the holidays sweet and memorable – again. Reach Diann
    at (432) 352-2848;

    10. ==> Avoid Holiday Weight Gain AND the Flu!

    Imagine if you didn’t have to worry about gaining
    weight during the holidays or getting the flu and that
    there was one simple thing you could do to make both of
    those things happen. Well, you don’t have to imagine!
    Judson Somerville, M.D., is the expert who can tell
    your audience about the readily available and
    inexpensive vitamin they can take that not only will
    protect them from the flu germs of everyone they
    encounter but also increase their metabolism and block
    the absorption of excess fats. Dr. Somerville is an
    experienced and passionate talk-show guest who packs a
    twofer punch. He is the author of “The Optimal Dose:
    Restore Your Health with the Power of Vitamin D3.”
    Contact him at (956) 286-0766;

    11. ==> Was ‘41’ Responsible for Kicking off Political

    Last week, we bid a solemn and respectful goodbye to
    our 41st president, George H.W. Bush. Now it is time to
    begin examining his legacy—with sober eyes. Former news
    anchor and reporter Nita Wiggins, a U.S. citizen
    currently teaching journalism in Paris, France, will
    lay out her case for why she is convinced that the
    negative political discourse began on Bush’s watch with
    the airing of the Willie Horton ad against then-
    opponent Michael Dukakis. She’ll dispute his “kinder
    and gentler” reputation and take an unsparing look at
    his time as head of the CIA and vice president as well
    as the Bush connection to the confirmation of Supreme
    Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Nita spent 21 years on
    live TV as a news reporter and sportscaster who
    interviewed such notables as Muhammad Ali and Rosa
    Parks. She is the author of an upcoming book, “Civil
    Rights Baby.” Contact her at

    12. ==> Tricks of a Turnaround Artist Who Saved 150

    When a business is bleeding cash and on the verge of
    bankruptcy, the owner frequently calls Ken Yager. Ken
    is one of the few consultants in the world who
    specialize in quickly getting troubled small businesses
    back on the track. Ken, president of Newpoint Advisors
    Corp., has successfully turned around 80 percent of the
    companies he has been involved with in industries
    ranging from autos, manufacturing, sales, finance,
    insurance, law, and health care to medical devices,
    home assistance, large-scale furniture, retail,
    children’s products, restaurants, and agriculture.
    He’ll share with you the five dumbest mistakes even
    smart business owners make which eventually cause them
    massive financial stress. He’ll reveal seven effective
    ways to improve a company’s cash flow and other secrets
    he uses to make a bad business great again. He will
    also explain his own tragic business mistakes and how
    they led him on this journey. Contact him at (312)

    13. ==> Which Profession Has the Most Workplace

    Pop quiz: Can you guess which industry accounts for 75
    percent of all workplace violence? If you guessed law
    enforcement or package delivery you’d be wrong. As
    Sharon Bahrych will tell you, it’s the health-care
    industry and, in her 30-year career as a physician
    assistant, Sharon has been physically assaulted by a
    hospital department administrator and a witness to
    other violent behavior among her colleagues. Sharon can
    address why there is so much workplace violence in
    health care and its impact on patients. In addition,
    she can talk about how she was able to forgive the
    assailant who tried to kill her and offer tips on
    moving forward after unpleasant situations occur.
    Sharon trained at Baylor College of Medicine. She has a
    master’s in public health from the University of Texas
    School of Public Health. Contact her at (720) 669-8098;

    14. ==> Surprising Ways You Support Human Trafficking

    Anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion is
    horrified at the idea of vulnerable people being
    transported to other countries to be used as forced sex
    workers and laborers. But many of us don’t realize that
    we are unwittingly contributing to the problem. “Each
    of us, whether we know it or not, is part of the
    problem, whether it’s by the clothes we wear, the food
    we eat, the porn we watch,” says Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder and executive director
    of the New York-based non-profit Let My People Go. “We
    are creating a demand for the exploitation of our
    neighbors.” Raleigh can share the shocking ways that
    our everyday choices support the epidemic of human
    trafficking, and what average, everyday people can do
    to stop the horror. He is the author of the upcoming
    book “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at or (917)

    15. ==> Common Sense Cure for Rise in Rudeness

    Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
    and ruder. Joffre McClung says common sense and self-
    love go hand in hand and clearly there are a whole lot
    of Americans that do not love themselves these days.
    Invite her to share five humorous—but serious—common
    sense rules we need to make common again. Whether it’s
    minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
    Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
    rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
    public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
    You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
    hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
    Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
    think,” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
    TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
    media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
    Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it back down to
    earth with a big dose of common sense. Her latest book
    is “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at
    917-994-0225 (TX);

    16. ==> This M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid

    As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
    most treatment programs focus merely on treating the
    symptoms. But Dr. Steven M. Hall claims they are
    getting it all wrong. “The magnitude of the problem is
    mind-boggling, and most recovery programs don’t address
    how this started in the first place,” he says. Thus, he
    has devised a three-pronged treatment program with
    which he has helped dozens of patients in his private
    practice overcome addiction that addresses the physical
    and emotional causes of addiction. “It’s true that
    people’s emotions are as important as their physical
    feelings,” he says. “I teach people how to be healthy
    with their feelings.” Dr. Steven received his medical
    degree from University of Utah School of Medicine and
    has been practicing family medicine since 1985. He is
    the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your
    Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.”
    Contact him at Steven at (425) 272-9458.

    17. ==> Can Cutting Sugar Increase Cancer Survival?

    When Anthony Randle’s wife Jessica was diagnosed with
    stage four breast cancer, her doctors told her she
    could eat whatever she wanted while undergoing
    aggressive treatments. But after having a poignant
    dream about his late grandmother who was a gifted
    energy healer, Anthony began doing his own research and
    discovered some shocking facts. “I learned that sugar
    actually feeds cancer,” he says. After eliminating
    sugar from her diet, Jessica sailed through chemo with
    virtually no side effects. “After every treatment, I
    wanted her to relax and nap,” he says. “But she would
    have so much energy that we would go play tennis. The
    ball would rush past me!” He shares his poignant
    experiences in his acclaimed book “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within,” and can reveal how he and his wife made it
    through this traumatic experience healthier and happier
    than ever. Contact him at or
    (702) 745-8349.

    18. ==> How to Get Your Teenage Son to Talk to You

    When he was small, he told you every thought that
    popped into his head. But now that he is a teenager, it
    may be hard to get him to share anything about his
    life. How can that be changed? Interview Diane Auten
    for some answers for parents of teens as well as
    younger children who will be teenagers one day. Auten
    is not only a parent of two teenage sons but also a
    speech communication professor who speaks to parents
    about ways to communicate better with their offspring.
    Invite her on the air to discuss what parents should be
    doing early to get kids to open up later. She’ll also
    explain how to get more from everyday interactions with
    boys—including making the most of spending time in the
    car while driving them to school or athletic practice.
    As a bonus, she can also share funny stories from her
    book, “The Joys of Raising Boys: The Good, the Bad, and
    the Hilarious. Reach her at (805) 215-1324;

    19. ==> Homework Over the Holidays? Is it Necessary?

    As we head into the holidays the battle every parent
    dreads begins. Teachers assigning homework and projects
    for kids to do over the holidays. Is this necessary?
    Helpful? “Homework over the holidays? No!” says Lee
    Jenkins, creator of The Perfect School movement. “No
    matter what the objective, kids will do better and
    learn more when they are allowed to come up with their
    own homework assignments!” Find out how to do that when
    you interview Lee, a former teacher and school
    administrator who was determined to come up with a
    different way to organize learning… a way to encourage
    our kids so that how they learn in the classroom keeps
    the joy of learning alive – “the intrinsic motivation”
    that every kindergartner brings with them on the first
    day of school. Contact Lee Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    20. ==> Revealed: God’s Only Reason to Get Married

    Most people can offer plenty of reasons for why they
    tied or are about to tie the knot, everything from
    wanting to forge a life with their best friend to
    raising children together and sharing common values.
    But according to René and Gloria Vallières, there is
    just one reason to get married and that’s to have daily
    sex! Married for 48 years, René and Gloria Vallières
    will explain that this is God’s idea—not theirs—as they
    share the joys and challenges couples experience when
    they are prepared to have sex every day whenever either
    partner wants it. They’ll talk about why frequent sex
    is more important to a successful marriage than good
    communication, friendship or even who does the
    housework. Their new book, “Radical Sex: God’s
    Foundation for a Healthy Marriage,” is full of
    controversial ideas that make them terrific guests.
    René was a pastor in The Christian and Missionary
    Alliance and a teaching elder at Evangelical
    Fellowships in New York and Utah. Teaching adult
    classes on relationships for 35 years. Gloria has a
    prayer ministry and is a freelance writer. Contact René
    and Gloria at (801) 783-0928;

  • 12/11/18 RTIR Newsletter: Holiday Rip-Offs, Political Incivility, Chronic Pain Relief

    December 11, 2018

    01. Trump and the Imperial Presidency
    02. Trump’s AG Pick: Barr, Bush and Iran Contra
    03. Did Political Incivility Begin with Bush?
    04. Fun Show: WOW Women of Wrestling
    05. Holiday Rip-Offs and Scams
    06. Biggest Holiday Money Mistakes
    07. Holiday Party Dos and Don’ts
    08. ‘Nutcracking’ Tips to Tame Holiday Anxiety
    09. Tis the Season for Marital Discord
    10. Don’t Let Relatives Ruin Your Holidays
    11. Top 10 Holiday Gifts to Give a Widow
    12. The Making of ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’
    13. Is it Time to Go Back to Grad School?
    14. How to Start a Business on Your Lunch Hour
    15. Are Men Really Scared of Women at Work?
    16. New Treatment Options for Chronic Pain
    17. How to Recover from a Bad, Awful Day
    18. How to Become a Great Conversationalist
    19. Myths about the One Percent
    20. Interview the ‘Decision Doula’

    1. ==> Trump and the Imperial Presidency

    While many people look at President Donald Trump as a
    statement about the American character, Jay Cost
    instead sees him as a statement about the structure of
    our government. He says, “Donald Trump represents the
    apotheosis of the imperial presidency, whereby a single
    person has come to exercise almost total spiritual,
    moral, and psychological control over civil society.
    His tenure as commander in chief reveals that this
    model of governance is basically unsound and
    incoherent.” He says, “Whether we realize it or not,
    the nation’s basic law invests most power to do things
    with Congress, not the president. By obsessing so
    endlessly about the president, we are basically just
    fussing over manners, rather than real issues that the
    government can actually do something about.” Jay Cost
    is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise
    Institute, a columnist for National Review, and a
    contributing editor to The Weekly Standard. He’s the
    author of “The Price of Greatness: James Madison,
    Alexander Hamilton, and the Creation of American
    Oligarchy.” Contact him at;
    @jcostTWS or

    2. ==> Trump’s AG Pick: Barr, Bush and Iran Contra

    President Donald Trump has picked a Washington veteran
    who served as the nation’s top cop under former
    President George H.W. Bush to be his next attorney
    general. William Barr, 68, served in the role in a very
    different Washington and under a very different
    president from 1991 to 1993. He was attorney general
    when Bush pardoned six individuals implicated in the
    Iran-Contra scandal, including Caspar Weinberger,
    Elliott Abrams and Robert C. McFarlane. Investigative
    journalist Arun Gupta is a writing a piece for The
    Intercept titled “George Bush, the secret government,
    and the Iran-Contra scandal.” The Iran-Contra affair
    involved the Reagan-Bush administration trading missile
    sales to Iran for U.S. hostages, and using the proceeds
    of those arms sales to fund anti-Sandinista Contras in
    Central America — in violation of U.S. law. Arun Gupta
    has reported for publications including The Guardian,
    Salon, Al Jazeera America, and YES! Magazine. Contact
    him at; @arunindy

    3. ==> Did Political Incivility Begin with Bush?

    Last week, we bid a solemn and respectful goodbye to
    our 41st president, George H.W. Bush. Now it is time to
    begin examining his legacy—with sober eyes. Former news
    anchor and reporter Nita Wiggins, a U.S. citizen
    currently teaching journalism in Paris, France, will
    lay out her case for why she is convinced that the
    negative political discourse began on Bush’s watch with
    the airing of the Willie Horton ad against then-
    opponent Michael Dukakis. She’ll dispute his “kinder
    and gentler” reputation and take an unsparing look at
    his time as head of the CIA and vice president as well
    as the Bush connection to the confirmation of Supreme
    Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Nita spent 21 years on
    live TV as a news reporter and sportscaster who
    interviewed such notables as Muhammad Ali and Rosa
    Parks. She is the author of an upcoming book, “Civil
    Rights Baby.” Contact her at

    4. ==> Fun Show: WOW Women of Wrestling

    Wrestling icon David McLane is the man behind the
    iconic ‘80s TV series GLOW ‘Gorgeous Ladies Of
    Wrestling.’ He’s now teamed up with Los Angeles Lakers
    owner Jeanie Buss, television trailblazer Mark Burnett
    and Mark Cuban for WOW Women of Wrestling with a
    spotlight on the legendary WOW Superheroes. WOW’s
    roster boasts over 30 highly skilled wrestlers—each
    with their own unique personalities and backstories
    inspired by the women behind the Superheroes. Wow Women
    of Wrestling airing on AXS TV this January. Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Holiday Rip-Offs and Scams

    Tis the season for giving… and taking! Thieves know
    your vulnerabilities this time of year and they are out
    in full force looking for opportunities to steal your
    money. Invite William Francavilla to share ways you can
    minimize being scammed this holiday season. From
    charity donations to online rip-offs and social media
    phishing scams, Francavilla will outline ways to make
    sure your hard-earned money doesn’t fall into the wrong
    hands. Francavilla is the author of “The Madoffs Among
    Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists and Thieves Who
    Are Plotting to Steal your Money.” He’s a CFP and
    former senior vice president, director of Wealth
    Management for Legg Mason who has extensive media
    experience. Contact him at (757) 870-4590;

    6. ==> Biggest Holiday Money Mistakes

    We all overspend this time of year. If you don’t want
    to wake up with a financial headache this January,
    invite tax and financial expert Abby Eisenkraft to
    share holiday money mistakes you should avoid. “Do you
    check for coupons while you wait on line? Don’t use
    public Wi-Fi! A thief can get into your phone,” says
    Eisenkraft. “And never open a credit card account in
    the store. Unscrupulous employees can sell your
    information and ‘shoulder surfers’ can steal your ID.
    Even well-meaning employees can inadvertently leave
    your forms out for anyone to see.” Frequently quoted by
    the press, Eisenkraft is the author of “101 Ways to
    Stay Off the IRS Radar” and “Combat Tax-Related
    Identity Theft.” Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    7. ==> Holiday Party Dos and Don’ts

    Want to be a great guest at the next holiday party and
    not the guy or gal who is remembered for being
    thoughtless, drunk or clueless? Suzanne Wexler, a high
    energy, fun, and fabulous lifestyle expert, will offer
    your listeners five things to remember in order to be
    the good kind of memorable. Among the topics she’ll
    cover are what to bring the host or hostess that will
    definitely be appreciated, what to leave home if you
    are bringing your kids, what to bring an extra pair of
    (you probably would not do this on your own), and the
    importance of leaving gossip for after the party.
    Suzanne is published in the Huffington Post, National
    Post, and her work has been syndicated
    throughout Canada. She’s been quoted in, Prevention magazine and provided
    commentary on CTV National, Virgin Radio and more. She
    is currently writing a humor memoir titled “How to
    Swing Like a Southern Belle — Even If You Are Frozen
    in the North.” Reach her at (514) 704-0029;

    8. ==> ‘Nutcracking’? Tips to Tame Holiday Anxiety

    The holiday season can be filled with joy, but it can
    also be several weeks of sustained stress and anxiety
    overload! Between the pressure to buy the right gifts,
    decorate and entertain like Martha Stewart, and get the
    perfect party look, it’s no wonder people dread this
    time of year. But anxiety expert Mariann Adams says
    holiday anxiety doesn’t have to ruin the season. For
    those bracing for the weeks ahead, she says, “You don’t
    have to hate this time of year. The issue isn’t the
    holidays, it’s the anxiety the holidays trigger, and
    that’s something you can actually fix!” Mariann will
    share “nutcracking” tips to keep you from “cracking”
    and becoming “nuts” at the holidays and discuss the
    many ways holiday anxiety surfaces including avoidance,
    appearance anxiety, procrastination, indecision,
    financial anxiety and perfectionism. Listeners will
    learn easy way to instantly reduce anxiety to enjoy the
    holidays. Mariann Adams, MS, NCTM, is an anxiety
    author, researcher and seasoned performer. Contact her
    at (541) 919-6060; or

    9. ==> Tis the Season for Marital Discord

    Sure, the holidays are supposed to mean fun times with
    the family. But, for many, the reality is no Currier &
    Ives postcard. There’s financial stress, family
    obligation stress, and opportunities to drink too much
    and behave badly with friends and coworkers. Interview
    licensed marriage counselor Brad Robinson to learn ways
    to lessen the chance that marriages will hit rough
    patches during the holidays or after when people start
    thinking about whether they want to stay in marriages
    in which trust has been violated and needs are not
    being met. Brad specializes in helping couples survive
    infidelity and he can share his surprising take on what
    types of couples are most at risk. He is motivated to
    do this work after having grown up in a broken home.
    Brad co-hosts the popular “Healing Broken Trust”
    podcast with his wife, Morgan, and they are writing a
    book with the same name. Contact him at (918) 606-1700;

    10. ==> Don’t Let Relatives Ruin Your Holidays

    Tis the season to be merry. However, some relatives
    make it difficult to spend time with them. There’s
    Uncle Harry, who loves to argue politics and your
    mother-in-law who nitpicks the food, the tree and just
    about everything else. And even your dad, who can’t
    resist showering you with unwanted advice. Instead of
    getting stressed out by the usual suspects, interview
    psychotherapist Gillian Padgett for tips you can use to
    get through the holidays with more joy. An expert on
    reducing stress, Gillian will share the importance of
    planning your escape route ahead of time, leaving your
    emotional baggage outside, and trying to understand the
    offending person’s modus operandi and your former role
    in setting that person off. She can even explain ways
    holiday stress can be a gift! Gillian is the author of
    Let Stress Heal Your Life. Reach her at

    11. ==> Top 10 Holiday Gifts to Give a Widow

    The holidays are especially hard for people who have
    lost their spouse and for their friends and relatives.
    That’s why author Trish Comer, who will be celebrating
    her fifth Christmas without her husband Bob, has put
    together her top ten “gifts” to give the widows (or
    widowers) in your life. For example, you’ll learn why
    it’s a good idea to tell stories about the decedent and
    to let his widow repeat stories you’ve heard before.
    Also, why it’s fine to invite her to join your holiday
    dinner, tree-trimming or caroling plans but not to
    compare her to other grieving people you know. And how
    appreciative she will be when you send her a text, card
    or email during the holidays to let her know you are
    thinking of her. In addition, she’ll share advice for
    widows themselves on focusing on the present and what
    you have instead of what you used to have. Trish
    coauthored “Wonder Widows” with two of her widowed
    friends. Reach her at (505) 268-6097;

    12. ==> The Making of ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’

    It’s been 50 years since the holiday classic Santa
    Claus is Comin’ to Town premiered on network TV but
    fans continue to watch it each Christmas season with
    many introducing the Burgermeister Meisterburger to
    their kids—and grandkids! Invite Rankin/Bass
    Productions’ official historian/biographer Rick
    Goldschmidt to share trivia about the magical Animagic
    TV special. You’ll learn how the show was made and the
    Hollywood stars behind the characters like Fred
    Astaire, Mickey Rooney and Keenan Wynn. Goldschmidt’s
    fifth book on the work of Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules
    Bass is out this season entitled “The Making of Santa
    Claus Is Comin’ To Town and The Daydreamer.” He’ll also
    be in a new TV series called Collector’s Call with Lisa
    Whelchel from The Facts of Life. Contact him at

    13. ==> Is it Time to Go Back to Grad School?

    Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates found career success
    without a college degree, but their stories are the
    exception, not the rule. Today a graduate degree has
    replaced a bachelor’s degree as the educational
    requirement for many employers. Interview Dr. Don
    Martin and Kevin Kiley to learn why is now the best
    time to think about going to grad school. Find out
    what the biggest mistake graduate school applicants
    make and what are the 7 questions you need to ask
    yourself before applying to grad school. Dr. Don Martin
    was the admissions dean at three top-tier universities
    and in three different disciplines and is the author of
    “Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective
    Students.” Kevin Kiley has served as admissions
    director in a top-tier MBA program. They have
    successfully coached hundreds of individuals through
    the graduate school application process and together
    have over 50 years of graduate admissions experience.
    Contact Dr. Don Martin at (917) 273-2316; or Kevin Kiley at (314)

    14. ==> How to Start a Business on Your Lunch Hour

    Although many people love the idea of being their own
    boss, few act on it due to a lack of time, money or
    knowledge. Lorri Craig, who started a business out of
    her bedroom, can explain how to start a business on
    your lunch hour and learn from her mistakes so you
    won’t have to repeat them. The creator of the Lunch Bag
    MBA program, Lorri can discuss creating a business from
    doing what you love, determining if your idea is
    viable, listening to your gut, thinking like an
    investor and more. She has lots of inspiring success
    stories to share too. Craig is a Certified Financial
    Planner with a master’s degree in finance who says you
    don’t have to go to graduate school to start your own
    viable business. Contact her at (541) 453-1742;

    15. ==> Are Men Really Scared of Women at Work?

    Perhaps you saw the Bloomberg News article about men on
    Wall Street who say they are afraid to hire women or be
    alone with female colleagues in the wake of the #MeToo
    movement. Is it true that many men on Wall Street and
    other industries now feel that way or is this an
    exaggerated reaction of a vocal minority? Wall Street
    executive, business consultant and career coach Tamara
    Lashchyk (Lash-check) thinks such comments are a gross
    generalization made by a few in an attempt to diminish
    #MeToo and to maintain the “bro-culture” status quo.
    Oddly enough, she had expected such a backlash when she
    was researching her bestselling book, “Lose the Gum: A
    Survival Guide for Women on Wall Street, Main Street
    and Every Street in Between,” but instead she has found
    that the men she has interviewed think avoiding female
    colleagues is ridiculous. This experienced talk show
    guest can also talk about ways some men have
    experienced collateral damage from the movement and the
    behaviors women sometimes exhibit at work that holds
    them back including the No. 1 thing that makes men in
    the office cringe. Contact Tamara at (732) 373-3543;

    16. ==> New Treatment Options for Chronic Pain

    The opioid crisis has not only taken many lives, it’s
    left millions of people searching for safe ways to
    manage their chronic pain. Invite Trip Goolsby, M.D.,
    to discuss a new “pain healing” approach for those who
    have been dependent upon prescription medications for
    decades. Among the new options is a neurostimulation
    device that attaches to the patient’s ear and is able
    to act on nerve centers in the brain controlling blood
    pressure (vasodilatation) and pain (endorphin
    secretion). Goolsby says the therapy is a conservative
    treatment for chronic pain and can also help peripheral
    artery disease. Invite him to share the latest in pain
    healing therapy as well as his Six Pillars approach to
    optimized health. Infinite Health Integrative Medicine
    Center is an integrative practice with a niche focus on
    health optimization, longevity and regenerative
    medicines. Contact LeNae Goolsby at (337) 312-8234;

    17. ==> How to Recover from a Bad, Awful Day

    Everyone has days when everything seems to go wrong.
    Maybe you’ve had a fender-bender, your daughter got in
    trouble in school and your colleagues at work forgot to
    tell you about an important meeting you should have
    attended. Add in some worrisome news out of Washington
    and you have a classic bad news day. Awful stuff
    happens, of course, but we don’t need to be anxious or
    stressed out. To make any bad day go away, harness the
    vocal healing powers of Dawn Crystal. Have her on your
    show and listen as her angelic vocalizations help you
    and your audience achieve these benefits: greater calm
    and peacefulness; fast stress relief; and unlimited
    energy to conquer all challenges. Dawn has been healing
    people over the air using sound for 25 years and has
    been interviewed on the radio more than 40 times and
    has been a guest on major TV shows. Contact her at
    (808) 907-6294;

    18. ==> How to Become a Great Conversationalist

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    With your spouse? Your friends? Your coworkers? If
    you’re like most people, having good conversations is a
    thing of the past. Between social media overload and
    living in the land of soundbites, the art of
    conversation is dead. Enter Jean-Paul Gravel, an
    Emotional Freedom expert, who can explain exactly why
    your audience isn’t having the conversations they can
    and why. He’ll explain why unlocking the hidden power
    of Emotional Freedom is the key to not only having a
    great conversation for a change, but also creating a
    better mindset so that your emotions are working FOR
    you, not AGAINST you. Jean-Paul Gravel is an
    international speaker, author, and coach, whose work
    has been endorsed by medical doctors, top CEO,
    entrepreneurs, and many others, and has been featured
    in many regional and national publications. Contact
    Olga Kniazeva (604) 265-7469;

    19. ==> Myths about the One Percent

    How bad is the 1% really? What are the myths
    surrounding this economic group and the families it
    represents? Interview Ivan Obolensky and find out! He
    grew up in this world and has firsthand experience with
    it. People often ask how does one get to be a part of
    the 1%? Misconceptions abound about their ethics,
    morals and attitudes. Find out how the 1% really lives…
    not only with each other, but those around them, both
    professionally and personally. “People think that those
    who have wealth are self-centered, have no problems,
    don’t contribute to society, or that they are simply
    lucky and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be
    further from the truth.” Find out why trust is so
    important to the wealthy – and how it helps keep them
    on top. Ivan Obolensky is an author and a true
    Renaissance man in his own right. His novel Eye of the
    Moon won “Best First Book (Fiction)” in the IRDA’s.
    Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    20. ==> Interview the ‘Decision Doula’

    Sometimes making a tough decision can feel like giving
    birth! Have you ever had to make a tough decision?
    Like whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship?
    Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie Novak works in
    software engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique
    framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    healing experiment”, outlines a six-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie Novak at
    (503) 336-3767;;

  • 12/4/18 RTIR Newsletter: Trump’s Trade Truce, Hanukkah Baker, Holiday

    December 4, 2018

    01. The Truth about Trump’s Trade Truce
    02. Are You a Victim of Marriott Security Breach?
    03. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Hanukkah
    04. Creating to Heal: Shining a Light On Darkness
    05. What Melania’s Holiday Decorations Say
    06. ‘What I Learned Turning Around 150 Different Businesses’
    07. Why We Fell for the Homeless Vet GoFundMe Scam
    08. Use Your Life Insurance Policy to Pay Health Costs
    09. Is Donald Trump Making America Great Again?
    10. How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking
    11. This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety Syndrome’
    12. Relieve Holiday Stress in Seconds
    13. How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays
    14. Eat All You Want at Holiday Parties and Not Gain a Pound
    15. 2 Choices Could Lead to Your Happiest Holiday
    16. Why Holiday Dread is on the Rise
    17. Homework Over the Holidays? Is it Necessary?
    18. Ending the Isolation from Miscarriages
    19. What Really Happens When We Die?
    20. How Science and Faith Can Lead to Success in Life

    1. ==> The Truth about Trump’s Trade Truce

    President Trump claims a big leap forward with a
    reported temporary truce with China’s President Xi
    Jinping in the ongoing trade war, but Dr. John Lee says
    the reality is far more unsettling, especially for
    China. “The problem remains lack of clarity with
    respect to objectives: going after Chinese intellectual
    property violations, greater access for American
    firms in China, discouraging distorting subsidies to
    state-owned enterprises and national champions,
    challenging Chinese plans to dominate industries as
    laid out in ‘Made in China 2025,’ disentangling
    critical American supply chains from reliance on China,
    or simply reducing the trade deficit.” John Lee is a
    Senior Fellow (non-resident) at the Hudson Institute in
    Washington DC. He is also a Senior Fellow (non-
    resident) at the United States Studies Centre and
    adjunct professor at the University of Sydney. From
    2016 until April 2018 he was senior national security
    adviser to the Australian foreign minister and also
    served as the lead adviser on the 2017 Foreign Policy
    White Paper. Contact Carolyn Stewart at (202) 974-6456;

    2. ==> Are You a Victim of Marriott Security Breach?

    Marriott says its guest reservation system was hacked,
    potentially exposing the personal information of
    approximately 500 million guests. How would you know if
    your information was taken and what can you do about
    it? Tax pro Abby Eisenkraft says one of the most
    telling signs of identity theft happen when you try to
    file your tax return. “With the Marriott break
    affecting hundreds of millions of people, and tax
    season right around the corner, this is a recipe for
    disaster!” Invite Eisenkraft on your show to help your
    audience identify the signs of identity theft and what
    steps to take if they are a victim. Abby Eisenkraft is
    the author of “Combat Tax-Related Identity Theft: The
    Workbook.” Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    3. ==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Hanukkah

    Hanukkah may be the Festival of Light, but traditional
    brisket, latkes, and kugels are anything but! Invite
    Paula Shoyer, aka The Kosher Baker, to share strategies
    for taking recipes your family loves and expects on the
    table… and making them healthier! Paula, a healthy chef
    with a passion for pastries, will explain how to
    balance your holiday meals with lighter main courses
    that leave extra room—and calories—to enjoy delicious
    desserts made with whole grains. Paula Shoyer graduated
    with a pastry degree from the Ritz Escoffier in Paris,
    and does cooking and baking demos around the world. She
    is a freelance writer, competed on Food Network’s Sweet
    Genius, and has appeared on TV many times. She’s
    written several books including her latest “The Healthy
    Jewish Kitchen.” Contact her at (301) 404-8998.

    4. ==> Creating to Heal: Shining a Light On Darkness

    Fighting chronic illness can get overwhelming and dark.
    But starting this Sunday, anyone—regardless of their
    location, illness or disability—can be inspired by
    artists from around the world as they share their
    personal stories about creating to heal. Pop
    singer/songwriter Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) collaborated
    with 50+ artists for ‘Lights in the Darkness’, a week
    of multi-media live/streaming events that runs December
    9th thru the 16th. Lisa realized midway through her 10-
    year battle with a rare, auto-immune disease that her
    art wasn’t just therapeutic, it had become a lifeline,
    and a path to her healing. She says, “My vision is to
    share how we’ve become lights for others through our
    stories and art, focused on the art of healing.” Lisa
    Sniderman is an award-winning, multi-talented artist
    and author. Contact her at (415) 713-6193;

    5. ==> What Melania’s Holiday Decorations Say

    When First Lady Melania Trump opted to decorate the
    White House with bare red Christmas trees, the backlash
    was quick and scathing. Many social media users, late
    night talk show hosts and style pundits likened the
    trees to something out of the dystopian saga “The
    Handmaid’s Tale,” the bloodbath scene from Stephen
    King’s “The Shining” and blood-soaked rags. Color
    and style expert B.P. Greycastle says she should have
    consulted with him first. “It doesn’t work very well;
    the trees are too plain.” He can also share the
    surprising message that Melania is really trying to get
    across. A Vietnam veteran who studied fashion under the
    G.I. Bill, Greycastle worked in the fabric and fashion
    industries for many years, where he discovered the
    dramatic impact colors have on people’s lives. He is
    the author of the book “Your Name and Colors: Key to
    Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success.”
    Contact him at or (510) 323

    6. ==> ‘What I Learned Turning Around 150 Different

    When a business is bleeding cash and on the verge of
    bankruptcy, the owner frequently calls Ken Yager. Ken
    is one of the few consultants in the world who
    specialize in quickly getting troubled small businesses
    back on the track. Ken, president of Newpoint Advisors
    Corp., has successfully turned around 80 percent of the
    companies he has been involved with in industries
    ranging from autos, manufacturing, sales, finance,
    insurance, law, and health care to medical devices,
    home assistance, large-scale furniture, retail,
    children’s products, restaurants, and agriculture.
    He’ll share with you the five dumbest mistakes even
    smart business owners make which eventually cause them
    massive financial stress. He’ll reveal seven effective
    ways to improve a company’s cash flow and other secrets
    he uses to make a bad business great again. He will
    also explain his own tragic business mistakes and how
    they led him on this journey. Contact him at (312)

    7. ==> Why We Fell for the Homeless Vet GoFundMe Scam

    You probably read about the GoFundMe scam that raised
    $400,000 for a homeless man and the couple who
    concocted it. What you haven’t heard is Glen
    Dunzweiler’s controversial take on it. He’s a
    documentary maker who has spent a lot of time with
    homeless individuals. In this timely show, Dunzweiler
    will say that it’s wrong for us to require homeless
    people to do something special in order for us to care
    about them (like give up the last $20 they have to buy
    someone else gas). He’ll also explain why he has a
    problem with prosecuting Johnny Bobbitt, Kate McClure
    and Mark D’Amico for lying. In addition, he’ll pass on
    the following lesson: “Help the people in front of you,
    do your research, talk to homeless people and don’t
    just give the internet $400,000.” Dunzweiler is a
    former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
    author of “Things I’ve Learned from the Homeless.”
    Contact him at (702) 767-7434;

    8. ==> Use Your Life Insurance Policy to Pay Health

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom that
    their family would never recover from. David Kottler,
    aka the Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off a
    life insurance policy you don’t need any more can
    generate the cash to pay hospital bills… get out of
    debt… or even make a cash gift to the non-profit of
    their choice! How is this possible? Did you know that
    90% of all life insurance policies lapse before
    maturity? Or that when you don’t need your policy any
    longer you could auction it off? For cash? David
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money
    Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details everything
    your audience needs to know about how to get that
    insurance policy working for them! Contact David at
    (216) 857-0282;

    9. ==> Is Donald Trump Making America Great Again?

    Donald Trump won the presidency to make his MAGA
    movement reality. Is our president improving your life
    whether you realize it or not? Invite Rick Elkin,
    political analyst and author of the book “Trump’s
    Reckoning,” to discuss the president’s successes and
    abilities to overcome obstacles. Audiences will be
    fascinated, whether Elkin is discussing: Trump’s
    redefining what’s presidential… his administration’s
    historic tax reform… his stand on immigration… the
    thriving high economy and today’s low unemployment
    rate… Trump’s recent trade agreements and more. Ask
    him: Why do millions of voters tend to keep quiet about
    their Trump support? Can Trump and the media repair
    their relationships? Is President Trump on-target for
    re-election? Can the Republican Party Survive WITHOUT
    Trump? Could he be our modern day Lincoln? Contact Rick
    Elkin at (760) 877-1262;

    10. ==> How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking

    Anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion is
    horrified at the idea of vulnerable people being
    transported to other countries to be used as forced sex
    workers and laborers. But many of us don’t realize that
    we are unwittingly contributing to the problem. “Each
    of us, whether we know it or not, is part of the
    problem, whether it’s by the clothes we wear, the food
    we eat or the porn we watch,” says Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder and executive director
    of the New York-based non-profit Let My People Go. “We
    are creating a demand for the exploitation of our
    neighbors.” Raleigh will share the shocking ways your
    everyday choices support the epidemic of human
    trafficking, and what average, everyday people can do
    to stop the horror. He is the author of the upcoming
    book “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at or (917)

    11. ==> This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety

    If you’ve been feeling anxious, hopeless, angry,
    fearful and depressed since the 2016 presidential
    election, you’re not alone. Trump Anxiety Syndrome
    (TAS) is a thing, and physician Steven M. Hall has seen
    an uptick in patients suffering from this. According to
    Dr. Steven, this is exactly what Trump wants. “This
    feeds Trump; he lives on this,” he says. “Reasoning
    doesn’t work with Trump supporters. Liberal people want
    to do everything with reason, but it just doesn’t work.
    You can’t change other people’s minds.” Not only does
    TAS affect people mentally, the stress it causes can
    also impact their physical health. Dr. Steven can share
    simple yet powerful ways to combat the stress, on both
    the mental and physical levels. Dr. Steven received his
    medical degree from University of Utah School of
    Medicine and has been practicing family medicine since
    1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing:
    Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul
    Desires.” Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

    12. ==> Relieve Holiday Stress in Seconds

    You gotta love the holidays. All that rushing around to
    buy gifts, pay for them, wrap them and give them out,
    all the food prep and house cleaning, and parties you
    simply have to attend. Whew! Fortunately, Santa does
    not need to offer stress relief because Dawn Crystal
    does that, live on your show. Using her angelic voice,
    this sound healer can de-stress the most addled holiday
    shoppers in seconds giving them more energy, while
    chasing away the bah-humbugs. Dawn has been healing
    people over the air using sound for 25 years and has
    been interviewed on the radio more than 40 times and
    has been a guest on major TV shows. Contact her at
    (808) 268-6242;

    13. ==> How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays

    Do you feel more stressed out over the holidays? Many
    of us do. Studies show that having sex reduces stress
    levels. But even though the increase of births 9 months
    after Christmas and New Year’s Eve indicate that more
    people have sex over the holidays – for some of us it’s
    not that easy. “Many things affect our libidos,” says
    Dr. Mylaine Riobe, “from toxins in our environments to
    nutrition to hormonal or physical issues. But you CAN
    increase your sex drive this holiday season and reap
    the benefit of less stress too!” She’ll share simple,
    easy ways to naturally increase your sex drive no
    matter what the problem. Mylaine Riobe, MD has a multi-
    faceted unique approach to medicine combining TCM
    (Traditional Chinese Medicine) with conventional
    medicine. She is the author of “The Tao of Integrative
    Medicine” and host of the podcast “Awakened Wellness
    with Mylaine Riobe, MD.” Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at
    (772) 285-7788;

    14. ==> Eat All You Want at Holiday Parties without
    Gaining a Pound

    Holiday parties are loaded with temptations – fancy
    cakes and pies, eggnog, rich appetizers. So how can you
    indulge without gaining weight? Sora Venikoff will
    teach your audience her simple Green Technique that
    will allow them to eat all their favorite holiday foods
    without gaining weight. Sora has taught her program
    under the auspices of a leading New York City
    endocrinologist as well as at the Learning Annex and
    Lennox Hill Hospital. She lost 25 pounds and has kept
    them off for decades and has helped hundreds of people
    discover the secret to knowing when to stop eating. She
    is the author of “Eat Want You Want! Stop When You
    Want! A No-Diet, Weight-Loss Program.” Reach her at
    (212) 464-8590;

    15. ==> 2 Choices Could Lead to Your Happiest Holiday

    Are you finding yourself waiting for somebody else to:
    Make this holiday time happier and more memorable for
    you? Or help you avoid seasonal worries and even
    loneliness? Or build your confidence, relieve “holiday
    overwhelm” and set the stage for an excellent 2019? In
    reality, the choice is YOURS — says sought-after
    speaker, author and motivational choice expert Rico
    Racosky. Invite this articulate guest on-air to reveal
    how easy it is to choose joy and motivation. Rico,
    known internationally as The New Story Guy, will reveal
    that holiday happiness starts when you move toward a
    meaningful new story and away from your old frustrating
    story that hasn’t been working for you. He will offer
    advice on accepting the “I choose to…” model as we
    handle money (from gift shopping to donations),
    transform relationships, build career and even face
    health issues. Rico’s latest book is “Just2Choices.”
    Contact him at (303) 928-9368;

    16. ==> Why Holiday Dread is on the Rise

    Sometimes the holidays aren’t what they’re hyped up to
    be. According to Consumer Reports, people of all ages
    dread the long lines and travel, the shopping and
    decorating, the out-of-town guests and non-stop
    partying. How about those bitter political arguments
    that accompany every meal? We’re living in chaotic
    times, and it’s difficult to get into that merry
    holiday mode. Author and Life Coach Elizabeth Trinkaus
    offers simple strategies that will help you prepare for
    a peaceful holiday season, steps that will help you
    claim your own space even in the most toxic atmosphere.
    For more than 25 years, Elizabeth Trinkaus conducts
    workshops and speaks all over the world, helping people
    find their worth, speak their mind, and crush the
    obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their
    potential. She works with professional groups and
    individuals, and her straightforward, sensible approach
    will inspire your listeners. She can be contacted at
    (919) 368-0580.

    17. ==> Homework Over the Holidays? Is it Necessary?

    As we head into the holidays the battle every parent
    dreads begins. Teachers assigning homework and projects
    for kids to do over the holidays. Is this necessary?
    Helpful? “Homework over the holidays? No!” says Lee
    Jenkins, creator of The Perfect School movement. “No
    matter what the objective, kids will do better and
    learn more when they are allowed to come up with their
    own homework assignments!” Find out how to do that when
    you interview Lee, a former teacher and school
    administrator who was determined to come up with a
    different way to organize learning… a way to encourage
    our kids so that how they learn in the classroom keeps
    the joy of learning alive – “the intrinsic motivation”
    that every kindergartner brings with them on the first
    day of school. Contact Lee Jenkins at (800) 559-9798;

    18. ==> Ending the Isolation from Miscarriages

    In her new book, “Becoming,” former first lady Michelle
    Obama reveals that before having Malia and Sasha by IVF
    she suffered a devastating miscarriage that left her
    feeling hopeless, broken and like a failure. But the
    truth is that miscarriages are more common than most of
    us believe with as many as 15 to 20 percent of
    pregnancies ending on that sad note. And in most cases,
    there is no medical explanation for why the miscarriage
    occurred and the couple did nothing wrong. Veronica
    Anusionwu, who has helped more than 500 women who
    suffered from infertility and had a miscarriage
    herself, knows that they take an emotional toll even
    decades later. Invite her on your program to discuss
    the stigma, the lasting effects and ways couples can go
    on to have healthy pregnancies. She is the author of
    “Oh God, Why All the Miscarriages?” Contact her at 0044
    (0) 7947831819;

    19. ==> What Really Happens When We Die?

    Some people believe that we go to an afterlife, heaven
    or hell after we pass on. Others are convinced that we
    merely go to sleep for all eternity. While growing up
    in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an
    undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth about what
    really happens when we depart this mortal coil. “People
    send messages in death that are very clear,” she says.
    “Death is not the end. I have gotten messages from dead
    people that have helped me to live a better life.” She
    shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her
    newly published book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of
    an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received
    glowing reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra, who says,
    “Life is not the opposite of death. It is birth and
    death that are opposites. Life is the continuum of
    birth and death eternally, and now. Read this
    engrossing book for your own insights into reality.”
    Contact Margo at or (828)

    20. ==> How Science and Faith Can Lead to Success in

    While science and religion have long been considered
    mutually exclusive, David L. Peters credits both for
    his good fortune in business and his personal life. At
    84, he has achieved great prominence in his career as
    an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised seven great kids
    and has enjoyed a loving marriage of 57 years. In
    addition, he has just become a first-time author of a
    well-received book that reveals the secrets to success
    and happiness. “My faith comes through science, as I
    firmly believe that quantum physics has proven the
    existence of a power or force beyond all,” he says.
    David has accomplished this by applying the 12 Steps of
    Alcoholic Anonymous to his daily life, which he says
    can help anyone, even if they never touched liquor or
    drugs. He can share simple but powerful ways how others
    can, too. David L. Peters is the author of “The 12
    Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God
    that Lies Within.” Contact him at or

  • 11/29/18 RTIR Newsletter: Manafort & Mueller, Holiday Party Etiquette, Death Penalty

    November 29, 2018

    01. Manafort & Mueller – What Does It All Mean?
    02. Another Way to View the Immigration ‘Crisis’
    03. Mississippi and the Confederate Legacy
    04. Tech Expert: The Future of Cryptocurrency
    05. Tis the Season for Scammers
    06. Biggest Holiday Money Mistakes
    07. Holiday Party Dos and Don’ts
    08. How to Pick the Perfect Holiday Wine
    09. Do Holiday Gatherings Feel Like ‘Game of Thrones’?
    10. ‘Nutcracking’ Tips to Tame Holiday Anxiety
    11. Top 10 Holiday Gifts to Give a Widow
    12. 50+ Artists Share Inspirational Healing Journeys
    13. How to Start a Business on Your Lunch Hour
    14. How to Make the Death Penalty More Humane
    15. Surprising Reason You Might Get the Flu This Year
    16. Thanks Michelle! Obama Discusses Miscarriage
    17. How to Get Your Teenage Son to Talk to You
    18. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    19. Myths about the One Percent
    20. The Making of ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’
    1. ==> Manafort & Mueller – What Does It All Mean?

    Is Paul Manafort’s failed cooperation a setback for
    Justice Department special prosecutor Robert Mueller
    and a bullet dodged for President Donald Trump and
    administration insiders? Invite
    Criminal defense attorney Geoffrey Nathan to discuss
    the issue and what effect Manafort’s plea agreement
    violations could mean for his own future, and the
    larger investigation. Nathan has
    successfully defended US soldiers accused of
    international war crimes by the Army in Iraq and
    Afghanistan in military court. His firm frequently
    negotiates with the United States Attorney’s
    Office, District Attorneys, DEA, Homeland Security,
    Secret Service and ATF. He also worked in the Jimmy
    Carter White House many years ago. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    2. ==> Another Way to View the Immigration ‘Crisis’

    Tony J. Selimi, once a migrant and now one of the
    world’s leading transformational coaches and human
    behavior specialists, says there is no immigration
    crisis, and that treating migrants badly
    is neither the problem nor the solution to the current
    fears about immigrants coming to the United States and
    other countries. He says, “What we do, say, and feel
    about migrants is either a
    reflection of engaging with our animalistic nature or
    comes from a place of empathy, compassion and love,
    which is our true greatness. The choice is ours to
    make.” Selimi will discuss why
    people perceive immigration as a crisis and offer
    twelve tips to consciously approach and handle the
    issue of immigrants. Tony J. Selimi is the author of “A
    Path to Wisdom” and “#Loneliness –
    The Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-creator of “Living
    My Illusion- The Truth Hurts,” an award-winning
    documentary. Tony has appeared on over 100 TV and radio
    stations across the world.
    Contact him at +44 &8 1717 4708;

    3. ==> Mississippi, Hyde-Smith and the Confederate

    Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith won re-election in
    Mississippi this week despite controversy over comments
    some view as racist, and pictures of her in a
    Confederate hat. Karen Cox, author
    of “Dixie’s Daughters: The United Daughters of the
    Confederacy and the Preservation of Confederate
    Culture,” says Hyde-Smith’s views don’t surprise her.
    “She was raised on the narrative that
    cast Confederates as heroes and former slave masters as
    benevolent to the enslaved. She grew up among white
    Mississippians who continued to resist desegregation by
    creating Mississippi’s all-
    white segregation academies, designed to resist
    integration. Hyde-Smith graduated from one of them in
    1977.” She adds, “While there has been significant
    change, and people who work for the
    greater good of all citizens, the culture of white
    supremacy has never left Mississippi.” Karen Cox is
    professor of history at the University of North
    Carolina at Charlotte. Contact her at
    (704) 687-5125;

    4. ==> Tech Expert: The Future of Cryptocurrency

    Kevin Werbach is a world-renowned expert on emerging
    technology. He examines business and policy
    implications of developments like broadband, big data
    and gamification. He’s now focusing his
    efforts on cryptocurrency, bitcoin and the blockchain
    and can discuss what’s coming next for cryptocurrency
    and the implication of the SEC’s first civil penalties
    against the cryptocurrency
    industry. Werbach is a professor of legal studies and
    business ethics at the University of Pennsylvania’s
    Wharton School. He has advised the FCC and Department
    of Commerce on communication
    policy and is the author of several books including
    “The Blockchain and the Architecture of Trust.” Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Tis the Season for Scammers

    Tis the season for giving… and taking! Thieves know
    your vulnerabilities this time of year and they are out
    in full force looking for opportunities to steal your
    money. Invite William
    Francavilla to share ways you can minimize being
    scammed this holiday season. From charity donations to
    online rip-offs and social media phishing scams,
    Francavilla will outline ways to make
    sure your hard-earned money doesn’t fall into the wrong
    hands. Francavilla is the author of “The Madoffs Among
    Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists and Thieves Who
    Are Plotting to Steal your
    Money.” He’s a CFP and former senior vice president,
    director of Wealth Management for Legg Mason who has
    extensive media experience. Contact him at (757)

    6. ==> Biggest Holiday Money Mistakes

    We all overspend this time of year. If you don’t want
    to wake up with a financial headache this January,
    invite tax and financial expert Abby Eisenkraft to
    share holiday money mistakes you
    should avoid. “Do you check for coupons while you wait
    on line? Don’t use public Wi-Fi! A thief can get into
    your phone,” says Eisenkraft. “And never open a credit
    card account in the store.
    Unscrupulous employees can sell your information and
    ‘shoulder surfers’ can steal your ID. Even well-meaning
    employees can inadvertently leave your forms out for
    anyone to see.” Frequently
    quoted by the press, Eisenkraft is the author of “101
    Ways to Stay Off the IRS Radar” and “Combat Tax-Related
    Identity Theft.” Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    7. ==> Holiday Party Dos and Don’ts

    Want to be a great guest at the next holiday party and
    not the guy or gal who is remembered for being
    thoughtless, drunk or clueless? Suzanne Wexler, a high
    energy, fun, and fabulous lifestyle
    expert, will offer your listeners five things to
    remember in order to be the good kind of memorable.
    Among the topics she’ll cover are what to bring the
    host or hostess that will definitely be
    appreciated, what to leave home if you are bringing
    your kids, what to bring an extra pair of (you probably
    would not do this on your own), and the importance of
    leaving gossip for after the
    party. Suzanne is published in the Huffington Post,
    National Post, and her work has been
    syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been quoted in, Prevention magazine
    and provided commentary on CTV National, Virgin Radio
    and more. She is currently writing a humor memoir
    titled “How to Swing Like a Southern Belle — Even If
    You Are Frozen in the North.” Reach
    her at (514) 704-0029;

    8. ==> How to Pick the Perfect Holiday Wine

    The holidays are a time of good cheer and celebration,
    a time to break bread with family and friends, to toast
    the good times of today and those yet to come. But
    choosing wine can be
    intimidating—just ask anyone who has spent too much
    time in the local wine shop trying to decide what to
    buy to please their guests, or to impress the folks on
    their shopping list. Give your
    audience their own personal wine guide, and a fun,
    informative romp— without the usual snobbery—through
    the wonderful world of wine when you invite Jim
    Laughren on your show. You’ll learn how
    to avoid the most common wine mistakes a host can make,
    the secret to choosing a wine gift and where to find
    wine bargains. You’ll also learn how to inexpensively
    add a touch of elegance to end
    any holiday meal. Jim Laughren is a Certified Wine
    Educator and the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation.” Contact him at (954)

    9. ==> Do Holiday Gatherings Feel Like ‘Game of

    Winter is coming. Family and friends will be getting
    together to celebrate the holidays, but in our
    currently divisive culture it’s easy for a festive
    gathering to turn into the Battle of the
    Blackwater. To ensure your party doesn’t devolve into
    an episode of Game of Thrones, Joffre McClung says,
    “Use your common sense! No one wants to know how much
    money you make, how big your
    bonus was or how your stocks are doing. And when it
    comes to religion, walk it, don’t talk it!” For those
    who feel they need to discuss politics, Joffre advises,
    “Please, just don’t. We all
    need a break!” Invite Joffre to share 5 common sense
    rules to make any holiday gathering a safe space where
    the 7 Kingdoms can coexist, at least for the day.
    Joffre McClung has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
    TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
    media producer, independent filmmaker, and author, she
    takes the esoteric and
    brings it back down to earth with a big dose of common
    sense. Her latest book is “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact her at (917) 690-5619 (TX);

    10. ==> ‘Nutcracking’ Tips to Tame Holiday Anxiety

    The holiday season can be filled with joy, but it can
    also be several weeks of sustained stress and anxiety
    overload! Between the pressure to buy the right gifts,
    decorate and entertain like
    Martha Stewart, and get the perfect party look, it’s no
    wonder people dread this time of year. But anxiety
    expert Mariann Adams says holiday anxiety doesn’t have
    to ruin the season. For those
    bracing for the weeks ahead, she says, “You don’t have
    to hate this time of year. The issue isn’t the
    holidays, it’s the anxiety the holidays trigger, and
    that’s something you can actually
    fix!” Mariann will share “nutcracking” tips to keep you
    from “cracking” and becoming “nuts” at the holidays and
    discuss the many ways holiday anxiety surfaces
    including avoidance, appearance
    anxiety, procrastination, indecision, financial anxiety
    and perfectionism. Listeners will learn easy way to
    instantly reduce anxiety to enjoy the holidays. Mariann
    Adams, MS, NCTM, is an
    anxiety author, researcher and seasoned performer.
    Contact her at (541) 377-8086; or

    11. ==> Top 10 Holiday Gifts to Give a Widow

    The holidays are especially hard for people who have
    lost their spouse and for their friends and relatives.
    That’s why author Trish Comer, who will be celebrating
    her fifth Christmas without
    her husband Bob, has put together her top ten “gifts”
    to give the widows (or widowers) in your life. For
    example, you’ll learn why it’s a good idea to tell
    stories about the decedent and to let
    his widow repeat stories you’ve heard before. Also, why
    it’s fine to invite her to join your holiday dinner,
    tree-trimming or caroling plans but not to compare her
    to other grieving people you
    know. And how appreciative she will be when you send
    her a text, card or email during the holidays to let
    her know you are thinking of her. In addition, she’ll
    share advice for widows
    themselves on focusing on the present and what you have
    instead of what you used to have. Trish coauthored
    “Wonder Widows” with two of her widowed friends. Reach
    her at (505) 268-6097;

    12. ==> 50+ Artists Share Inspirational Healing

    Fighting chronic illness can get overwhelming and dark.
    Pop singer/songwriter Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) shines a
    light on the darkness by sharing inspirational stories
    and art from around the
    world about creating to heal. Lisa realized midway
    through her 10-year battle with a rare, auto-immune
    disease that her art wasn’t just therapeutic, it had
    become a lifeline, and a path to her
    healing. She’s collaborated with 50+ artists,
    musicians, and authors who have also turned to
    creativity to heal, and shares their stories and art
    online, and in a multi-media live/streaming
    event next month that everyone can access from
    anywhere. “My vision is to share how we’ve become
    lights for others through our stories and art, focused
    on the art of healing.” Lisa Sniderman is
    an award-winning, multi-talented artist and author.
    Contact her at (415) 713-6193;

    13. ==> How to Start a Business on Your Lunch Hour

    Although many people love the idea of being their own
    boss, few act on it due to a lack of time, money or
    knowledge. Lorri Craig, who started a business out of
    her bedroom, can explain how to
    start a business on your lunch hour and learn from her
    mistakes so you won’t have to repeat them. The creator
    of the Lunch Bag MBA program, Lorri can discuss
    creating a business from doing what
    you love, determining if your idea is viable, listening
    to your gut, thinking like an investor and more. She
    has lots of inspiring success stories to share too.
    Craig is a Certified Financial
    Planner with a master’s degree in finance who says you
    don’t have to go to graduate school to start your own
    viable business. Contact her at (541) 420-0667;

    14. ==> How to Make the Death Penalty More Humane

    President Trump has said he wants to reinstate the
    death penalty across the board. Ohio’s execution of an
    inmate back in 2014 ended up a mess – described as long
    and fitful and created a legal
    executions dilemma that has plagued the nation both at
    a Federal and State level. Regardless of your position
    on the death penalty, everyone can agree that if it’s
    allowed it needs to be
    humane. Dr. Ira Williams says he has the perfect
    solution that eliminates all current objections. Dr.
    Williams has had dual careers, serving for more than 20
    years as a USAF major and senior
    navigator/bombardier and for 50 years as a board-
    certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon and
    anesthesiologist. Contact Dr. Ira Williams at (864)

    15. ==> The Surprising Reason You Might Get the Flu
    This Year

    You’ve had the flu shot, which some years is only just
    ten percent effective. And you do your best to avoid
    people who are coughing and clearly sick. But you still
    could end up with the flu,
    according to Judson Somerville, M.D. This is
    particularly true if you liberally slather on sunscreen
    or spend a lot of time indoors. Interview Dr.
    Somerville to learn why this is so and what
    you can do about it. He’ll explain how taking the right
    dose of an inexpensive and widely available vitamin
    supplement can keep you and your family well and even
    prevent the tragic deaths of
    thousands of people who get the flu each year. Dr.
    Somerville is the author of “The Optimal Dose: Restore
    Your Health with the Power of Vitamin D3.” Reach him at
    (956) 286-0766;

    16. ==> Thanks Michelle! Obama Discusses Miscarriage

    In her new book, “Becoming,” former first lady Michelle
    Obama revealed that before having Malia and Sasha by
    IVF she had suffered a devastating miscarriage that
    left her feeling hopeless,
    broken and like a failure. But the truth is that
    miscarriages are more common than most of us believe
    with as many as 15 to 20 percent of pregnancies ending
    on that sad note. And in most cases,
    there is no medical explanation for why the miscarriage
    occurred and the couple did nothing wrong. Veronica
    Anusionwu, who has helped more than 500 women who
    suffered from infertility and had a
    miscarriage herself, knows that they take an emotional
    toll even decades later. Invite her on your program to
    discuss the stigma, the lasting effects and ways
    couples can go on to have healthy
    pregnancies. She is the author of “Oh God, Why All the
    Miscarriages?” Contact her at 0044 (0) 7947831819 (794)

    17. ==> How to Get Your Teenage Son to Talk to You

    When he was small, he told you every thought that
    popped into his head. But now that he is a teenager, it
    may be hard to get him to share anything about his
    life. How can that be changed?
    Interview Diane Auten for some answers for parents of
    teens as well as younger children who will be teenagers
    one day. Auten is not only a parent of two teenage sons
    but also a speech
    communication professor who speaks to parents about
    ways to communicate better with their offspring. Invite
    her on the air to discuss what parents should be doing
    early to get kids to open up
    later. She’ll also explain how to get more from
    everyday interactions with boys—including making the
    most of spending time in the car while driving them to
    school or athletic practice. As a
    bonus, she can also share funny stories from her book,
    “The Joys of Raising Boys: The Good, the Bad, and the
    Hilarious. Reach her at (805) 440-6532;

    18. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. False social media propaganda. Government
    officials and leaders who lie, lie, lie. No wonder
    modern people feel so anxious, angry and disconnected
    from reality. Author Kim Chestney
    has the simple yet powerful solution: Intuition!
    “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
    faculty of human consciousness.” Kim says. “Getting
    your ego out of the way and
    developing your inner voice is a great bull***t
    detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth
    in all aspects of your life. It’s our natural state of
    being, and the next step in our
    evolution as a species. We just need to learn how to
    use it!” Kim is an international best-selling author
    and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE!
    Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. She
    recently launched a global online intuition school,
    Intuition Lab. Contact her at or
    (412) 874-0898.

    19. ==> Myths about the One Percent

    How bad is the 1% really? What are the myths
    surrounding this economic group and the families it
    represents? Interview Ivan Obolensky and find out! He
    grew up in this world and has firsthand
    experience with it. People often ask how does one get
    to be a part of the 1%? Misconceptions abound about
    their ethics, morals and attitudes. Find out how the 1%
    really lives… not only with
    each other, but those around them, both professionally
    and personally. “People think that those who have
    wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
    contribute to society, or that they
    are simply lucky and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing
    could be further from the truth.” Find out why trust is
    so important to the wealthy – and how it helps keep
    them on top. Ivan Obolensky
    is an author and a true Renaissance man in his own
    right. His novel Eye of the Moon won “Best First Book
    (Fiction)” in the IRDA’s. Contact Ivan Obolensky at
    (818) 662-9731;

    20. ==> The Making of ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’

    It’s been 50 years since the holiday classic Santa
    Claus is Comin’ to Town premiered on network TV but
    fans continue to watch it each Christmas season with
    many introducing the Burgermeister
    Meisterburger to their kids—and grandkids! Invite
    Rankin/Bass Productions’ official historian/biographer
    Rick Goldschmidt to share trivia about the magical
    Animagic TV special. You’ll learn how
    the show was made and the Hollywood stars behind the
    characters like Fred Astaire, Mickey Rooney and Keenan
    Wynn. Goldschmidt’s fifth book on the work of Arthur
    Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass is
    out this season entitled “The Making of Santa Claus Is
    Comin’ To Town and The Daydreamer.” He’ll also be in a
    new TV series called Collector’s Call with Lisa
    Whelchel from The Facts of Life.
    Contact him at