02/21/19 RTIR Newsletter: Ted Bundy, Women in 2020, Trash it Lists

February 21, 2019

01. Film Critic & Oscars Expert Richard Roeper
02. Quick, Easy Tips for an Over-the-Top Oscar Party
03. Book Now for Monday: Oscar Speeches – Winners & Losers
04. A Wall, a Sieve, or a Funnel?
05. Why We’re Still Fascinated by Ted Bundy
06. Generate Your Own Heat: Natural Libido Boosters
07. How African American Doctors Have Changed the World
08. Why You Should Vote for Women in 2020
09. What is Integrity Deficit Disorder? Who Has it?
10. Medical Errors: The 3rd Leading Cause of Death in US
11. Travelers: Are You Prepared for a Medical Emergency?
12. The Easy Way to Make Hard Choices
13. What You Can Learn from the 1%
14. Do A Show On Loving the Unlovable
15. Replace Your Bucket List with ‘Trash It’ List
16. Why Is There So Much Hate in the U.S.?
17. We Must Do More to Help Homeless Vets
18. Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate
19. How Shame Keeps Addicts Hooked
20. What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

1. ==> Film Critic & Oscars Expert Richard Roeper

Invite film critic Richard Roeper to talk about this
year’s nods, the surprises and snubs, and his picks to
take home a golden statue on Sunday. For more than
three decades, Roeper has been the leading film critic
and a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. He rose to
national prominence as the co-host of the popular
series “Ebert and Roeper” alongside Roger Ebert. Roeper
stars in HDNET Movie’s 3rd annual “And The Oscar® Goes
To…” where he guides viewers on a cinematic odyssey
that puts the spotlight on a slate of over 50 Oscar®-
winning films. The marathon runs through the end of
this week, ending Sunday, Oscar Night. Contact Johanna
Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell);
johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

2. ==> Quick, Easy Tips for an Over-the-Top Oscar Party

Lynne Goldberg says an Oscar party is the perfect time
to go big, go glamorous and go over the top! But how
can you put something together in time for Sunday’s
show? Invite this veteran event planner to share
award-winning tips on music, props, food, drink… even
how to set the scene for the all-important social media
opps. “Decorate in gold and have a red carpet at your
entrance and a backdrop with your name and Oscar Party
2019 for photos. Or buy cardboard cut-outs of your
favorite celebrities and place them around your home,
including the bathroom, and encourage guests to take
selfies with a personal hashtag you design.” Most
important though, Goldberg says, is to have a good
time, because if you’re enjoying yourself, your guests
will too. Lynne Goldberg is the president of Boca
Entertainment, a full service event planning company
that specializes in theme entertainment. She’s appeared
on reality TV and her work and commentary has been
featured in the New York Times, Washington Post,
Huffington Post and Wall Street Journal. Contact her at
(561) 212-6024; Lynneggoldberg@gmail.com

3. ==> For Monday’s Show: Oscar Speeches – Winners &

With no host and no opening monologue, Sunday’s Academy
Awards are expected to be a departure from the past.
What won’t change are the acceptance speeches the stars
will make that will be watched by more than 30 million
people. Some actors will drone on and be played off,
but a few will mesmerize. Communication expert Paul
Hellman will share whose acceptance speech succeeded
and why. He’ll reveal three things everyone needs to
hold anyone’s attention—even stars’—in an age when our
attention span is just eight seconds. Hellman can also
share memorable anecdotes from past Oscar nights
including who gave the shortest acceptance speech; he
consults and speaks internationally on how to excel in
high-stakes communications. His columns and advice
have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street
Journal, CNBC.com and on public radio’s Marketplace and
CNN’s Business Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got
8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted
World” (AMACOM). Contact him at (508) 879-0934;

4. == > A Wall, a Sieve, or a Funnel?

There’s a lot of debate about whether a border wall
will work. Detractors cite the volume of drugs coming
in through ports of entry and the potential for
tunnels. A wall, they say, will leak like a sieve. But
Dr. Robin Burk looks at how the military funnels
potential attackers to checkpoints. She says recent
tech advances when combined with a physical barrier can
go a long way to establishing order on our southern
border. Dr. Burk holds a Ph.D. in AI/machine learning,
taught at West Point after 9/11, and is an expert in
how complex tech-based systems are changing our world.
Contact her reached at (845) 851-8333;

5. ==> Why We’re Still Fascinated by Ted Bundy

A Netflix documentary series and feature film timed to
the 30th anniversary of the execution of Ted Bundy has
renewed interest in one of the most notorious serial
killers in modern day American history. Nicole Kelly,
M.D., calls Bundy a ‘Charming Cheater’ psychopath.
“Sociopaths and psychopaths are known for their
charisma and superficial charm while they manipulate
and control others for their own personal satisfaction.
People are duped by sociopaths and psychopaths not
because they’re stupid, but because they want to
believe.” With at least 1 in 25 people falling on the
sociopath spectrum, Dr. Kelly says it’s important to
learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from
these pathological predators. Kelly, a board-certified
physician, was herself duped by a sociopath. She’s the
author of “Charming Cheaters: Protect Yourself from the
Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and Sexopaths in Your Life.
Contact at her at Nicole@nicolekellymd.com or (615)

6. ==> Snowed In? Generate Your Own Heat: Natural
Libido Boosters

It’s been a long, cold snowy winter, so you might think
people would be generating some heat in their bedrooms,
if only to keep warm! But experts estimate half of
Americans aren’t having sex, and the reasons—and
remedies—will surprise you. Did you know that 50% of
your audience report being too tired to have sex and
49% say they’re too sick? “Many things affect our
libidos,” says Dr. Mylaine Riobe, “from toxins in our
environments to nutrition to hormonal or physical
issues. But you CAN increase your sex drive and reap
the benefit of less stress too!” Dr. Riobe will share
simple and easy ways to naturally increase your sex
drive no matter what the problem. Mylaine Riobe, MD has
a multi-faceted unique approach to medicine combining
Traditional Chinese Medicine with conventional
medicine. She is the author of “The Tao of Integrative
Medicine” and the host of the podcast Awakened Wellness
with Mylaine Riobe, MD. Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at
(772) 218-9936; MRiobe@rtirguests.com

7. ==> How African American Doctors Have Changed the

February is Black History Month, a good time to
appreciate the many contributions African American
physicians have made to medicine. For example, were you
aware that blood transfusions would not have been
possible without the pioneering work of surgeon Charles
Drew? Or that an African American ophthalmologist,
Patricia Bath, played an important role in popularizing
laser surgery for cataracts? Or that Ben Carson was the
first neurosurgeon to separate twins conjoined at the
back of the head? Find out what no one ever told you
about influential black physicians by interviewing
Cornelia Davis, M.D., who helped eradicate smallpox in
India and was one of the first black women admitted to
the University of California, San Francisco, School of
Medicine, in the late 1960s. Dr. Davis is the author of
two books: “Searching for Sitala Mata: Eradicating
Smallpox in India” and the upcoming “Three Years in
Ethiopia: How a Civil War and Epidemics Led Me to my
Daughter.” Contact her at (323) 522-5374;

8. ==> Why You Should Vote for Women in 2020

Our world, according to many experts, is heading
towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview Dr. Donald
Pet, a psychiatrist, who contends that if we want to
get serious about creating world peace, women are the
answer! “Women by nature are nurturers. Men by nature
create war,” says Pet. “Women are natural communicators
who use negotiating to show strength instead of bully
tactics!” Pet is the founder of the Education Community
(EC), a nonprofit organization, which offers free
college level courses teaching people how to develop a
“new way of thinking” that promotes happiness, love and
peace. His EC initiative has been endorsed by Jack
Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others. Contact Dr.
Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691; DPet@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Do a Show on Integrity Deficit Disorder: What is
it? Who Has it?

According to Merriam-Webster, one of the definitions of
integrity is “incorruptibility, a firm adherence to a
code of especially moral values.” Sounds pretty
important, doesn’t it? But integrity doesn’t seem to
matter much these days. Just listen to the nightly
news. Enter John Smith, an expert on ethics and
integrity, who unknowingly became part of a fraud
scandal during the Savings and Loan crisis of the
1980’s. He was shocked when he realized that he didn’t
have to commit a crime in order to be convicted of one!
“Our nation is suffering from IDD, or Integrity Deficit
Disorder. The S&L crisis of the 80’s seems like so long
ago, but the lack of integrity and personal
responsibility of individuals in this country hasn’t
gotten any better!” He’ll take your audience through
his incredible true story – and share how he used
perseverance and integrity to rebuild his world. From
the FBI showing up at his front door to his quest for a
Presidential Pardon, his story is stranger than
fiction! John Smith is a keynote speaker on ethics and
integrity in the workplace and in life and the author
of “Embracing the Abyss”. Contact him at (214)
216-2199; JSmith@rtirguests.com

10. ==> Medical Errors: The 3rd Leading Cause of Death
in US

There are many experts who believe medical errors have
become the 3rd leading cause of death in the US –
behind cancer and heart disease. How and why is this
happening? Who is to blame? How do we fix it? Interview
Dr. Ira Williams, who has for decades been hounding the
five federal agencies created to solve the health care
crisis in this country. With over 130 years
collectively between those agencies, our health care
system is still a mess and medical errors leading to
deaths in hospitals continues to rise. He says,
“Organizing state wide grassroots activists to
challenge the current system is the only way to win!”
As the oldest medical malpractice expert witness in the
country he knows what he’s talking about. He’s
developed a system to empower local grassroots
activists in each state to radically change our health
care delivery system. Dr. Ira Williams’ latest book is
“Healthcare Warriors, Why and How to Become One.”
Contact him at (864) 479-8613; IWilliams@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Travelers: Are You Prepared for a Medical

Spring break is coming and along with it, the desire to
see the world. But while most of us spend a lot of time
deciding what to pack and what to see, few prepared for
a possible medical emergency. Susan Cross left the
country believing she was healthy. During her Caribbean
vacation, she hiked and snorkeled. But days before she
was to fly home her appendix burst and she nearly died;
she and her husband had to scramble to coordinate
treatment. Now she is making it her mission to help
other travelers to create their own Medical Travel
Portfolio. She can explain what documents to place in
it and who to share it with, why it is important to
know what your health-care policy covers for out-of-
country emergency medical care, what role the American
embassy might play and much more. Susan, a corporate PR
and crisis communications specialist, documents her
Caribbean experience in her new book “Power of
Disruption: A Memoir of Discovery.” Contact her at
(419) 913-9943; susan@susan-cross.com

12. ==> The Easy Way to Make Hard Choices

Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
Novak is an expert at decision-making, or as she likes
to call it, “choice-making”. As a systems analyst, she
does it every day at work for her customers so when she
was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even scarier
treatment option, she decided (after freaking out) to
apply what she does at work to help her make some
important decisions. Terrie will share her powerful
story and explain how her three-step decision making
process makes any decision easier to make. Terrie Novak
works in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
unique framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
Healing Experiment”, outlines a three-step process she
created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie at (503)
336-3767; TNovak@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Life Lessons from the 1%: Use them to Help You

What myths can be busted about the 1%? What lessons can
we learn from them that can help us succeed? When we
talk about the 1% it’s a love-hate relationship. But
make no mistake – we would all rather be them.
Interview Ivan Obolensky to learn more about the myths
surrounding the 1% – and how the lessons he learned
during childhood continue to shape his success today.
His grandfather Serge Obolensky – aka the Prince of New
York – married Alice Astor, daughter of John Jacob
Astor who died on the Titanic. Growing up in this world
Ivan has firsthand experience. Misconceptions abound
about their ethics, morals and attitudes. Find out how
the 1% really lives. “People think that those who have
wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
contribute to society, or that they are simply lucky
and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be further
from the truth.” Ivan Obolensky is a true Renaissance
man in his own right and the author of “Eye of the
Moon”. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

14. == > Do A Show On Loving the Unlovable

Your listeners will be spellbound with this incredible
true story of Marty Vargas, who, after 20 years, learns
that his estranged birth mother is alive and living on
the streets of Philadelphia. He does everything in his
power to find her, rescue her, and love her…. even
after she spits in his face and refuses to leave the
streets. He sacrifices everything for love! Marty will
share how his love for his birth mom was tested time
and time again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming
her rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest
story is really a tale of two mothers… the one who took
him in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but
eventually gave him the information and the courage he
needed to go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas,
MFA, is a media owner, author, and a sought-after
International speaker. His incredible true story has
been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)
246-0790; MVargas@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Former Miss America Contestant – Replace Your
Bucket List with a ‘Trash It’ List

While growing up dirt poor on a farm in rural South
Carolina, Jane Jenkins Herlong had to learn how to
trash negative thoughts and people in order to become a
successful woman. “I learned to throw away negative
talk and train my brain to be positive in order tackle
insurmountable odds,” she says. Jane went from being a
homely, bullied farm girl to the Miss America pageant,
singing at Radio City Music Hall, getting inducted into
the Speaker Hall of Fame, becoming a Sirius XM comedian
and best-selling author. “I believe you, too, can set
your best goals and take a shot if you throw out the
trash in your life!” Jane is the author of numerous
critically acclaimed books including “Rhinestones on My
Flip Flops: Choosing Extravagant Joy in the Midst of
Everyday Mess-ups” and “Bury Me with My Pearls: Humor
with a Spiritual Twist.” Contact her at
JHerlong@rtirguests.com; (803) 599-2941

16. ==> Why Is There So Much Hate in the U.S.?

Hardly a day goes by in which we don’t hear about
workplace shootings, racial tensions, road rage
incidents, immigration hysteria, and heated rhetoric
from the left and the right. When did America go from
being the land of the free to the land of the haters?
And who or what is enabling them? Media veteran Emily
Slingluff says, “Don’t blame politicians … blame
parents!” Invite her on air to explain what parents
must stop doing if we are going to once again have a
civil country. A child-rearing expert, Emily is the
author of multiple books including “A Present to the
Newborn.” Contact her at (757) 428-6167;

17. ==> We Must Do More to Help Homeless Vets

When America called, they answered, serving in such
places as Korean, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon,
the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Sadly, far too
many of these men and women are currently living on the
streets or at risk for ending up there. Can’t we do
more to help them? Glen Dunzweiler, a homeless advocate
and filmmaker, says, “The lip service we get to
veterans’ support is just that. When it comes to actual
support, we come up with reasons why we can’t help.
Sure, this is a tough topic but one we cannot afford to
turn away from.” Bring Glen on your program for an eye-
opening look at America’s homeless population, the
myths we cling to about them and ways we could be doing
more to bring people off the streets into suitable
homes. Glen is also a producer, director, public
speaker and former college professor whose documentary,
“yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
author of “Things I’ve Learned From The Homeless.”
Contact him at 702-703-2219; GDunzweiler@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate

Mouth-watering pizza. Rich chocolate. Both top the list
of foods many people can’t stop eating until they’ve
consumed the entire pie or box of candy. But live on
the air, Sora Vernikoff can teach your audience her
simple Green Technique that will allow them to eat all
the pizza and chocolate they want and still lose
weight. Turning conventional wisdom on its ear, she’ll
explain why thinking about food makes you fat—not
eating it—and bad-for-you foods are a myth. Sora, a
former elementary school teacher who lost 25 pounds and
has kept them off for decades, has helped hundreds of
people discover the secret for knowing when to stop
eating. She is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Eat
Want You Want! Stop When You Want!: A No-Diet, Weight-
Loss Program.” This experienced talk show guest spent
more than a decade teaching her program while working
under the auspices of a leading New York City
endocrinologist. She has also taught the program at the
Learning Annex and lectured at Lennox Hill Hospital.
Contact her at (347) 354-8362; SVenikoff@rtirguests.com

19. ==> How Shame Keeps Addicts Hooked

As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
society stigmatizes addicts. According to Dr. Isaac
Alexis, this is just making the crisis worse. “It’s not
just about treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about
treating their environments and families. We have to
work with society as a whole to address the issue. We
don’t shame people who have diabetes or cancer. But
because of the stigma associated with opioid addition,
addicts are reluctant to come forward to seek
treatment. We have to treat the addict as a human
being.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in trauma
surgery at Cornell University at New York Hospital of
Queens. He served as medical director at the Department
of Justice as well as director of infection control and
chair of the quality improvement medical committee. He
is the author of the book “Life and Death behind the
Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The
Seductive Pink Crystal”. Contact Isaac at
Isaac_Alexis007@yahoo.com; (315) 935-6348.

20. ==> What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but names can
make or break our success in life. According to name
colorology expert B. P. Greycastle, the letters of our
names represent specific colors, which relate to
certain glands such as the pancreas, and energy centers
known as chakras. “I can illustrate with a vast array
of lists, facts and figures that the most famous and
successful people in practically every field owe their
success to their names,” he says. He’ll illustrate this
on air with astonishing accuracy. A Vietnam veteran who
studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, B.P. worked in the
fabric and fashion industries for many years, where he
discovered the dramatic impact colors have on people’s
lives. His book is “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your
Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success”.
Contact him at bpg@namecolorology.com; (510) 323-5205.

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