02/26/19 RTIR Newsletter: Kraft and Kelly, Daylight Savings, Opoid Addiction Cures

February 26, 2019

01. Kraft and Kelly: Powerful Men & Poor Women
02. Little-Known Espionage Story Behind Founding of Israel
03. NASA Expert: What’s Up Next in Space Exploration?
04. Behind the Beatles’ Unbelievable Staying Power
05. What is Peter Frampton’s Rare Disease?
06. Robots Are Coming! And They Want Your Job!
07. How to Make Passive Income So You Can Retire
08. Is Daylight Savings Time Bad for Your Health?
09. Winter’s Season of Pain is Here — What to Do
10. Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs
11. Why Winter is the Best Time to Reinvent Your Life
12. Fun Show: How the Future Will Be Like Star Trek
13. A Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid Addiction
14. Organizing This is Beyond Live-Changing, It’s Life-Saving
15. Does Marriage Success Depend on Sex?
16. Why Donald’s Trump Third Marriage Will End, Bigly!
17. Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make
18. Should Parents Treat Kids like Employees?
19. How Learning to Cook Again Can Help Heal Brain Injury
20. You’ve Been Diagnosed with Cancer, Now What?

1. ==> Kraft and Kelly: Powerful Men & Poor Women

According to Roxanne Jones, while Robert Kraft and R.
Kelly’s current legal predicaments are not the same,
their stories have something in common: the systematic
exploitation of young girls and women who often are
poor, vulnerable, ignored and silenced. Jones says both
cases paint a disturbing picture of just how easily
justice is denied to certain women in America, and how
invisible these women remain — often in their own
communities — despite all the high-profile marches and
equality movements. She says, “Time will tell what type
of justice these three privileged men face. Still, it
is progress that they are even being held accountable
for sex crimes against women that are too often
ignored.” Jones is CEO of PUSH Marketing Group and a
CNN contributor. She’s co-author of “Say it Loud: An
Illustrated History of the Black Athlete” and talks
politics, sports and culture weekly on Philadelphia’s
WURD radio. Contact her at @iamroxannejones

2. ==> Little-Known Espionage Story Behind Founding of

For a fascinating historical show, invite journalist,
author, and New York Times op-ed contributor Matti
Friedman to share the little-known, real-life espionage
story behind the founding of Israel and the forging of
Israeli identity. In his latest book, “Spies of No
Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel”, Friedman
chronicles the exploits of a ragtag unit of Arabic-
Jewish spies, assembled by the British during World War
II, who went undercover in the battle for Israeli
statehood. A longtime resident of Jerusalem himself,
Friedman sets out to reframe the story of Israel as a
Middle Eastern one, freed from Europe-centric
clichés—to tell a new story about the state’s creation
that reflects a more complicated story than the one
Israel tells itself and the world. Contact Johanna
Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell);
johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

3. ==> The Fascinating Future of Space Exploration

What’s the future of space exploration? Invite NASA
expert and space historian Rod Pyle to share an inside
look at the next few decades of spaceflight and long-
term plans for exploration, utilization, and
settlement. He’ll talk about the privatization of space
exploration with entrepreneurial start-ups building
huge rocket boosters, satellites, rocket engines,
asteroid probes, prospecting craft, and even commercial
lunar cargo landers to open this new frontier. Pyle’s
new book, “Space 2.0”, examines the new partnerships
that are revolutionizing spaceflight and changing the
way we reach for the stars. Rod Pyle appears on
national radio and TV and hosts the podcast “Cool Space
News” on iHeart Radio. He has written more than a dozen
books and produced numerous documentaries for the
History Channel and Discovery Communications including
the acclaimed Modern Marvels: Apollo 11. Contact him at
(626) 399-4440; rodpyle@yahoo.com or Skype: rodpyle106

4. ==> What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?

Ringo and Paul are still touring and Paul has had 38
million hits and counting on “Carpool Karaoke.” What is
perhaps even more remarkable is the band’s “White
Album” made it into the Billboard Top 10 50 years after
its release! This timeless group remains a favorite of
everyone from baby boomers to millennials. All of this
is not news to Susan Shumsky, who regularly regales
Beatles fans with fascinating facts about the Fab
Four’s “White Album” and their lives in the 1960s. When
you interview Susan you’ll learn what Paul said about
seeing God when he took the psychedelic drug DMT and
about the hidden meanings behind “Let it Be,” “Mother
Nature’s Son,” “Cosmically Conscious,” “Blackbird,”
“Get Back,” “Why Don’t We Do it in the Road,” “Back in
the USSR,” “Fool on the Hill,” and “The Long and
Winding Road.” Also, ways Ringo’s new book is connected
to the Beatles time in India. Susan spent 22 years
living in the ashrams of the Beatles’ guru. She is the
award-winning author of 15 books including “Maharishi &
Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She
has done over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at
(917) 336-7184; SShumsky@rtirguests.com

5. ==> The Rare Disease Sidelining Peter Frampton

Legendary guitarist Peter Frampton says his upcoming
tour will be his last because he is suffering from a
rare degenerative muscular disease called Myositis. Pop
singer/songwriter Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) has spent the
past 10 years battling a form of the same debilitating
chronic disease, which has no cure. Invite the author
of “A Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic
Illness through the Power of Art and Attitude,” to
discuss what myositis is and how it affects the body.
She’ll also discuss how art and creativity became more
than therapeutic, and became a lifeline and path to
healing. An inspirational artist and guest, Lisa can
talk about her latest multi-media project collaborating
with 50+ artists, musicians, and authors who also use
their own unique creativity to heal. Lisa’s been
honored with more than 50 awards and has been
considered multiple times for a GRAMMY. Contact her at
(415) 713-6193; aoede_muse@yahoo.com

6. ==> Robots Are Coming! And They Want Your Job!

In the near future, robots will be able to perform jobs
ranging from bartending to retail sales and even major
surgery! In fact, China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency
has launched an artificial intelligence TV news anchor,
a world first. “I know a lot of people that make
robots,” says design expert Lorraine Justice. “They’re
so realistic they’re creepy. There’s a lot of fear of
technology and robots.” While robots and other forms of
artificial intelligence will take over many future
jobs, Lorraine will discuss how to prepare for this,
and how to develop skills that will continue to be
relevant in the ever-changing job market. A long-time
educator, Lorraine is dean emeritus of the College of
Imaging Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of
Technology, former director of the School of Design at
Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the author of “The
Future of Design, Global Product Innovation in a
Complex World”. Contact her at
lorrainejustice@gmail.com; (585) 330-7105.

7. ==> How to Make Passive Income So You Can Retire

Ever wish you could have money coming in month after
month without doing any work? Your listeners already
know that investing in real estate is a proven way for
ordinary people to achieve financial freedom. But what
they don’t know is how to sort through all the “get-
rich-quick” hype and simply get started. That’s why
you’ll enjoy interviewing Doug Marshall, author of
“Mastering the Art of Commercial Real Estate
Investing.” Doug will reveal the number one problem
most new investors have getting started. He’ll share
the five questions every new investor should answer
before buying their first rental property, and will
reveal five mistakes to avoid when buying rental
properties. Ask him what he learned from his “loser
property”. Contact Doug Marshall at (508) 614-1808;

8. ==> Is Daylight Savings Time Bad for Your Health?

When we “spring forward” on March 10, many will
complain about losing just one hour of sleep. Is one
hour of sleep a big deal? Studies show an increase in
heart attacks on the Monday following the time shift,
and within the first 48 hours after the time change, a
spike in automobile fatalities. Is this a coincidence?
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith will talk about the pros and
cons of losing sleep in the morning for an extra hour
of sunlight in the evening. She’ll discuss how to get a
quality night’s sleep, and advise parents on how to
help their children acclimate to time changes – as well
as the physical changes that occur in everyone’s bodies
when seasons and schedules change. Dr. Saundra will
reveal strategies for feeling rested and refreshed
despite the time change, how to feel better with less
hours of sleep, and how to adjust your attitude so
you’ll be able to sleep better at night. Sleep hygiene
is a very hot topic! Dr. Saundra’s advice and expertise
has been featured in Woman’s Day and Prevention
magazines. Contact her at (256-) 40-0564;

9. ==> Winter’s Season of Pain is Here — What to Do

Millions of people frown at colder temperatures,
shorter daylight, and challenging commitments faced
during these winter months. What can you do about
chronic pains that flair-up when digging out of the
snow, hitting the slopes or getting weary at work? What
if conditions like depression, chronic fatigue and
fibromyalgia worsen? International wellness expert Leah
McCullough calls this “The Winter Season of Pain” but
her lifestyle advice offers hope and help! Interview
Leah to learn how to find relief and thwart seasonal
aches/pains with simple changes in diet, sleep,
exercise, and attitude. Leah, aka The Fibro Lady, will
share her story and how she improved her own life and
health. Leah McCullough is the author of “Eat to
Energize” and “Freedom from Fibromyalgia” and the
online program “How to Recover from Fibromyalgia and
Feel Great Again”. Contact her at (859) 380-9737;

10. ==> Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs

An 18-year-old dies of fatty liver disease while a 55-
year-old woman’s stage 4 cancer disappears. How are
both possible? Health is the most confusing and
controversial topic today with crazy diets from vegan
to keto and everything in between. Over 100 million
Americans are very sick – and Reena Jadhav used to be
one of them! Reena refused to accept that her 28
symptoms could only be managed, and not cured, so she
applied insights from her successful tech startup
experience, her Harvard MBA and leading integrative
M.D.s and reversed every symptom in 18 months! Reena is
now on a mission to share how she healed and reveal the
shocking truths she learned interviewing some of
America’s top MDs on her podcast HealthierPodcast.com.
Reena Jadhav is the author of the HealJournal and
creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her latest book,
“Healed”, focuses on empowering people to take back
their own health using science. Contact her at (650)
309-1005; RJadhav@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Why Winter is the Best Time to Reinvent Your

Is this winter weather getting you down? Then invite
Katherine Webster to share with you why winter is THE
absolute best time to reinvent your life. She’ll share
her humorous but highly effective challenge for
reinventing your life in the next seven days. Step 1:
Get a brand new hairstyle. Why? To paraphrase Coco
Chanel, the person, who changes their hair is about to
change their life. Webster knows what’s she’s talking
about. Suddenly widowed in her late 40’s she had to
take specific actions to find her joy, confidence and
completely reinvent her life. She’ll reveal something
new you can do every day to turbocharge your
reinvention i.e. go out on the town all by yourself or
start a new hobby that shocks your friends. Her tips
are simple, fun and they work! Webster is the author of
“Becoming Madam Widow” and her tips can help any man,
woman or child who wants to add more ‘extraordinary’ to
their life. Contact her at KWebster@rtirguests.com or
(416) 921-2084

12. ==> Fun Show: How Life in the Future Will Be Like
Star Trek

Discover the good news about humanity’s future when you
interview acclaimed scientific researcher Mark Kingston
Levin, Ph.D. Author of the “30th Century Trilogy,” Dr.
Levin will explore how humanity (as shared in Star
Trek) could: end disease and poverty, master Earth’s
resources without harming the environment, advance so
space travel and living on other planets will be
common, and help our descendants be more creative and
much wealthier and healthier. Such positive Star Trek-
esque things can happen much earlier than expected!
Explore with Dr. Levin questions like: How will
artificial intelligence help us? Can we ever have a
violence-free world? Will time travel become possible?
What about reversing aging and controlling longevity?
What other amazing scientific/technological
advancements will we see? Contact Dr. Levin at (858)
531-4852; markkingstonlevin@gmail.com.

13. ==> This M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid

As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
most treatment programs focus merely on treating the
symptoms. But Dr. Steven M. Hall claims they are
getting it all wrong. “The magnitude of the problem is
mind-boggling, and most recovery programs don’t address
how this started in the first place,” he says. Thus, he
has devised a three-pronged treatment program with
which he has helped dozens of patients in his private
practice overcome addiction that addresses the physical
and emotional causes of addiction. “It’s true that
people’s emotions are as important as their physical
feelings,” he says. “I teach people how to be healthy
with their feelings.” Dr. Steven received his medical
degree from University of Utah School of Medicine and
has been practicing family medicine since 1985. He is
the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your
Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.”
Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

14. ==> This Organizing is Beyond Live-Changing, It’s

The art of organizing is hot right now, but there’s one
area where organization can make a huge difference, and
quite possibly save your life; organizing your health
history, from medical conditions, surgeries, childhood
health history, immunizations, allergies, dental
procedures, doctor/E.R. visits, and more. Invite
RN/APRN (nurse practitioner) and author Anne McAwley-
LeDuc to discuss strategies for the best health
journey. Ask her to explore on-air: How can organizing
your health history be easier than keeping receipts,
recipes or mail? Why should you start recording health
info about your child before birth? What often happens
to health records when you move, change doctors or
travel frequently? Anne McAwley-LeDuc is the author of
the critically-acclaimed workbook “Personal Health
Organizer: Record Your Medical and Dental History,
Birth Through Life”. Contact her at (860) 642-1786;

15. ==> Does Marriage Success Depend on Sex?

Spring is around the corner and so is engagement and
wedding season. That makes it the perfect time to talk
about sex and marriage. Just how important is sex to a
marriage? Should couples expect to have daily sex? Can
couples form a strong bond without a robust sex life?
Is viewing pornography a form of cheating? Discuss the
topic with René and Gloria Vallières, a couple married
nearly 50 years and the authors of the new book
“Radical Sex: God’s Foundation for a Healthy Marriage.”
René was a pastor in The Christian and Missionary
Alliance and a teaching elder at Evangelical
Fellowships in New York and Utah. Teaching adult
classes on relationships for 35 years, Gloria has a
prayer ministry and is a freelance writer. Contact René
and Gloria at (801) 783-0928;

16. ==> Why Donald’s Trump Third Marriage Will End,

Thrice-married Donald Trump has already experienced two
high profile, nasty divorces and Pastor and Christian
marriage counselor Rev. George Sukhdeo believes his
marriage to Melania is also doomed. “Trump’s marriage
is not going to end well; his wife will leave him,”
Rev. George says. “He doesn’t have a concept of
marriage. He doesn’t treat women with respect and
esteem them for who they are.” Rev. George should know.
He’s been married to his wife, Shirley, for 46 years
and counseled more than 500 troubled couples, with an
85 percent success rate. Rev. George is an ordained
minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. He
has 34 years of experience in Christian ministries as a
pastor, Christian counselor and life coach. He is the
author of “Preparing for and Fostering Harmony in
Marriage”. Contact him at GSukhdeo@rtirguests.com;
(647) 691-6042.

17. ==> Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make

Did you know that many teachers, in trying to encourage
their students, actually embarrass them? That
embarrassment leads to discouragement, which if left
unchecked can kill whatever love of learning a kid has.
All children have an innate desire to learn and are
excited about it. But as early as kindergarten, even
good teachers are setting them up to hate school. As a
former educator and administrator in public schools and
universities, Lee Jenkins saw the need for a new
approach to learning – one that keeps that “intrinsic
motivation” alive from kindergarten through 12th grade.
He says, “What most parents and teachers don’t realize
is that motivation is made up of both will and thrill.
Are your kids working hard and loving the process?
Chances are they aren’t!” Lee Jenkins is the of
“Permission to Forget” and the upcoming “How to Create
a Perfect School.” He now consults and writes full
time with his firm LtoJ Consulting Group. Contact him
at (484) 306-8784; LJenkins@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Should Parents Treat Kids like Employees?

Are you tired of your kids not listening to you? Do you
wish your kids would do more around the house? Are you
sick of the arguing, whining and begging? Do you just
want to like your kids more? “Yes, it’s possible!” says
Sara Sherman, long-time single mom and parenting
expert. “Guess what? At home you’re the boss!” In a
world where many are saying “Leave work at the office!”
Sara says it’s okay to bring some of it home –
especially in the area of discipline. Invite her on
your show and hear how she developed the ‘7 P’s of
Positive Parenting’ by taking cues from the way a good
boss trains and supports an employee. Sara Sherman, BA,
MS, is a speaker, author, blogger, coach and creator of
the Create Cooperative Kids program. As a single parent
for most of her adult life, Sara successfully raised
her children and earned two degrees all while working
full-time. Contact her at (614) 756-0571;

19. ==> How Learning to Cook Again Can Help Heal Brain

Before she suffered two concussions on the same day,
Susana Stoica, Ph.D., was an excellent cook. But, like
many other people with brain trauma, as she started
recovering from her injuries, Susana found she could no
longer follow a recipe, even ones she had made for
years, taste what she was cooking, or even shop for
food the way she had before. She says, “I couldn’t
follow a recipe or remember my old recipes. If I
started to cook the simplest dish and somebody would
talk to me, I would end up over-salting, skipping steps
or forgetting the pot on the burner. I nearly burnt
down the house twice because I forgot I was cooking and
I went out shopping.” In her effort to find workarounds
for ‘normal activities,’ she ended up devising her own
new way of cooking. Her series of “Cooking after Brain
Injury” books contain recipes of increasing complexity
accompanied by colorful illustrations. The founder of
Healing Alternatives, LLC, Susana Stoica is a healer,
engineer, inventor, and speaker. In July 2018, she gave
a workshop on brain injury recovery at Harvard Medical
School. Contact her at (248) 895-5784;

20. ==> You’ve Been Diagnosed with Cancer, Now What?

Many of your listeners have been affected by or know
someone who has been affected by cancer. Often the
diagnosis brings fear and panic, and pressure to make
decisions and act NOW. Dr. Leyla Ali has seen too many
people jump into quick decisions without understanding
the big picture. Invite her on your show to share
helpful strategies for understanding and making the
best decisions regarding your treatment options. Dr.
Leyla will discuss common cancer treatment options as
well as the importance of nutrition, digestion and
detoxification. Your audience will learn how emotional
health affects the physical body and ways to harness
the power of the mind to help heal. Dr. Leyla Ali is a
pharmacist and the author of the upcoming “So You’ve
Been Diagnosed with Cancer and Now You’re in a Panic
Handbook” and “Off Balance, The American Way of Health,
A Pharmacist’s Perspective on Why Drugs Don’t Work”.
Contact her at (562) 257-8277; Leyla@drleylaali.com

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