[fname] –Syria, Self Healing, Life Saving Mindset Changes

March 5, 2019

01. What’s Happening in Syria? What’s Next?
02. Polarized Americans Need Party Reform
03. Fun Show: NASA and the Future of Space Exploration
04. Daylight Savings is Sunday – Is Losing an Hour Bad
for Your Health?
05. Former Agent Reveals Behind-the-Scenes IRS Chaos
06. Integrity Deficit Disorder: What is it? Who Has it?
07. Common Sense Cure for the Rise in Rudeness
08. Why Women Are Required to Save the World
09. Would You Risk Your Life to Adopt a Baby?
10. What Men Wish Women Knew About Them
11. Why Is There So Much Hate in the U.S.?
12. Take this ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’ Challenge!
13. Interview the Master of Self-Healing
14. Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate
15. How Shaming Addicts Keeps Them Hooked
16. Best-Kept Secrets of Successful Teenagers
17. Everything You Were Too Terrified to Ask about
18. What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!
19. Life-Saving Mindset Changes
20. This Scientist Says He Can Prove That God Exists

1. ==> What’s Happening in Syria? What’s Next?

Invite former Mideast correspondent for ABC News
Charles Glass to discuss the situation in Syria and
what will happen next. Glass will explain Bashar
Assad’s rise to power and why he believes that now, as
Assad secures his hold, he will quickly and violently
put down any rebellion. Glass predicts increased
rivalry between Iran and Russia for influence and
profit in Syria, though opportunities in Syria will be
limited as the U.S. government seeks to keep Syria
outside the world economy, which may lead to an
expanding black market there. Currently based in
London, Charles Glass is the author of “Syria Burning”
and recently wrote the piece “Tell Me How This Ends”
for Harper’s about the Obama administration’s policy on
Syria. His latest book, “They Fought Alone: The True
Story of the Starr Brothers, British Secret Agents in
Nazi-Occupied France”, tells the story of the Special
Operations Executive, set up by Churchill in 1940 to
‘set Europe ablaze.’ The SOE would train the U.S.
Office of Strategic Services, which became the CIA.
Contact Glass at charlesglassbooks@gmail.com;

2. ==> Polarized Americans Need Party Reform

Jay Cost, like many political observers, is concerned
about the current wave of tribalism in America, but
he’s less interested in the cause than in why it’s
allowed to flourish in our day. “We have allowed the
angriest, most strident, least compromising forces
within our society to have the best position to decide
who wields political power. Sure, swing voters in the
middle of the country get to choose between the
Democrat and the Republican, but months, even years,
before that happens, the eventual nominees have to
curry favor with the hardcore ideologues.” He says, “We
have the power to regulate the power the nastiest among
us have in politics, especially by reforming our
political parties, which were originally intended to
function as mediators between the people and their
government. If we are serious about doing something
about polarization, I think party reform is where we
should start.” Jay Cost is a visiting scholar at the
American Enterprise Institute, a columnist for National
Review, and a contributing editor to The Weekly
Standard. He’s the author of “The Price of Greatness:
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the Creation of
American Oligarchy.” Contact him at jcost241@gmail.com;
@jcostTWS or mediaservices@aei.org

3. ==> Fun Show: NASA and the Future of Space

What’s the future of space exploration? Invite NASA
expert and space historian Rod Pyle to share an inside
look at the next few decades of spaceflight and long-
term plans for exploration, utilization, and
settlement. He’ll talk about the privatization of space
exploration with entrepreneurial start-ups building
huge rocket boosters, satellites, rocket engines,
asteroid probes, prospecting craft, and even commercial
lunar cargo landers to open this new frontier. Pyle’s
new book, “Space 2.0”, examines the new partnerships
that are revolutionizing spaceflight and changing the
way we reach for the stars. Rod Pyle appears on
national radio and TV and hosts the podcast “Cool Space
News” on iHeart Radio. He has written more than a dozen
books and produced numerous documentaries for the
History Channel and Discovery Communications including
the acclaimed Modern Marvels: Apollo 11. Contact him at
(626) 399-4440; rodpyle@yahoo.com or Skype: rodpyle106

4. ==> Sunday Is Daylight Savings Time- Is It Bad for
Your Health?

When we “spring forward” this Sunday, many will
complain about losing just one hour of sleep. Is one
hour of sleep a big deal? Studies show an increase in
heart attacks on the Monday following the time shift,
and within the first 48 hours after the time change, a
spike in automobile fatalities! Is this a coincidence?
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith will talk about the pros and
cons of losing sleep in the morning for an extra hour
of sunlight in the evening. She’ll discuss how to get a
quality night’s sleep, and advise parents on how to
help their children acclimate to time changes – as well
as the physical changes that occur in everyone’s bodies
when seasons and schedules change. Dr. Saundra will
reveal strategies for feeling rested and refreshed
despite the time change, how to feel better with less
hours of sleep, and how to adjust your attitude so
you’ll be able to sleep better at night. Sleep hygiene
is a very hot topic! Dr. Saundra’s advice and expertise
has been featured in Woman’s Day and Prevention
magazines. Contact her at (256) 240-0564;

5. ==> Former Agent Reveals Behind-the-Scenes IRS Chaos

Mention the IRS and millions of Americans get fearful
and even angry. Anything about taxation and reconciling
our tax obligation feels challenging, complicated and
stressful. And that happens in years when our
government does not shut down! What most taxpayers
don’t realize: The feared IRS is actually a hotbed of
incompetence and disorder that hurts you. So says
former IRS agent and tax expert Richard Green who will
shock audiences when he reveals how the Internal
Revenue Service is staffed by slow-moving staff using
antiquated technology. As your on-air guest, Green will
answer questions like: What types of IRS
miscommunication and lack of cooperation happen? How do
taxpayers miss out because of such poor service? Are
decisions for audits fair? What about mismanaged funds
in this year of tax “reform?” What other negatives can
we expect? Only someone like Green, who’s seen it
firsthand, can blow the whistle on the chaotic IRS.
Richard Green is the author of “Agents of Deceit”.
Contact him for interviews at (909) 648-7676;

6. ==> Do a Show on Integrity Deficit Disorder: What is
it? Who Has it?

According to Merriam-Webster, one of the definitions of
integrity is “incorruptibility, a firm adherence to a
code of especially moral values.” Sounds pretty
important, doesn’t it? But integrity doesn’t seem to
matter much these days. Just listen to the nightly
news. Enter John Smith, an expert on ethics and
integrity, who unknowingly became part of a fraud
scandal during the Savings and Loan crisis of the
1980’s. He was shocked when he realized that he didn’t
have to commit a crime in order to be convicted of one!
“Our nation is suffering from IDD, or Integrity Deficit
Disorder. The S&L crisis of the 80’s seems like so long
ago, but the lack of integrity and personal
responsibility of individuals in this country hasn’t
gotten any better!” He’ll take your audience through
his incredible true story – and share how he used
perseverance and integrity to rebuild his world. From
the FBI showing up at his front door to his quest for a
Presidential Pardon, his story is stranger than
fiction! John Smith is a keynote speaker on ethics and
integrity in the workplace and in life and the author
of “Embracing the Abyss”. Contact him at (214)
216-2199; JSmith@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Common Sense Cure for the Rise in Rudeness

Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
and ruder. Joffre McClung says common sense and self-
love go hand in hand and clearly there are a whole lot
of Americans that do not love themselves these days.
Invite her to share five humorous—but serious—common
sense rules we need to make common again. Whether it’s
minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
think,” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it back down to
earth with a big dose of common sense. Her latest book
is “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917)
994-0225 (TX); JMcClung@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Why Women Are Required to Save the World

Our world, according to many experts, is heading
towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview Dr. Donald
Pet, a psychiatrist who contends that if we want to get
serious about creating world peace, women are the
answer! “Women by nature are nurturers. Men by nature
create war,” says Dr. Pet. “Women are natural
communicators who use negotiating to show strength
instead of bully tactics!” Dr. Pet is the founder of
the Education Community (EC), a nonprofit organization,
which offers free college level courses teaching people
how to develop a “new way of thinking” that promotes
happiness, love and peace. His EC initiative has been
endorsed by Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others.
Contact Dr. Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691;

9. ==> Would You Risk Your Life to Adopt a Baby?

Adopting a child can take years under the best
circumstances. It can also be expensive and an
emotional roller coaster. But for Cornelia E. Davis,
M.D., the obstacles were even greater. She risked her
own life to adopt her daughter in war-torn Ethiopia,
battling meningitis outbreaks, dodging stray bullets,
and even braving opposing armies because her urge to be
a mother was unstoppable. Davis, who goes by the name
Connie, began her career as one of the first black
women admitted to the University of California, San
Francisco School of Medicine. She was sent to Ethiopia
in 1990 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to help
prevent and control outbreaks of meningococcal
meningitis. While working in Addis Ababa, she was
caught up in the fast-moving civil war and stayed
behind when U.N. staff members were evacuated. A series
of events led her to become mother to a three-month-old
infant found on the steps of St. George’s Cathedral.
Davis tells the story of what it took to adopt her
daughter, Romene, in her new memoir “Three Years in
Ethiopia: How a Civil War and Epidemics Led Me to My
Daughter”. Contact her at (323) 522-5374;

10. ==> What Men Wish Women Knew About Them

According to interpersonal communication expert Diane
Auten, women have some misguided ideas about men. For
example, she’ll say that it’s not true that men aren’t
emotional beings or that just because they aren’t
looking at you doesn’t mean they are not listening to
you. In addition, she’ll say that women should learn to
talk about subjects men find interesting—like sports
and gaming—because men open up more when discussing
topics they are interested in. This professor of
communication will not only bust myths but will also
offer suggestions on how to get men to open up more and
how parents can raise their sons to be great
communicators. The parent of two teenage boys, Diane is
the author of the very funny book, “The Joys of Raising
Boys: the Good, the Bad, and the Hilarious.” Contact
her at (805) 215-1324; DAuten@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Why Is There So Much Hate in the U.S.?

Hardly a day goes by in which we don’t hear about
workplace shootings, racial tensions, road rage
incidents, immigration hysteria, and heated rhetoric
from the left and the right. When did America go from
being the land of the free to the land of the haters?
And who or what is enabling them? Media veteran Emily
Slingluff says, “Don’t blame politicians … blame
parents!” Invite her on air to explain what parents
must stop doing if we are going to once again have a
civil country. A child-rearing expert, Emily is the
author of multiple books including “A Present to the
Newborn.” Contact her at (757) 428-6167;

12. ==> Take this ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’

Do this one little thing before you get out of bed each
day, and you will experience more joy, confidence and
productivity. It only takes 2-3 minutes and has been
proven to help people dramatically shift their lives.
It’s not mediation, visualizing or goal setting.
Cathleen Lamberton, a coach and emotional fitness
trainer, gives this powerful challenge to her clients
and it has revolutionized their lives: Before your feet
hit the floor, write down ten things you’re grateful
for. Do this every day for ten days and watch how it
completely shifts your perspective and your feelings
before you even head to the bathroom. She’ll explain
why this simple exercise is so powerful along with
specific examples of how it’s transformed people from
all walks of life, from a woman in a miserable marriage
to a veteran suffering from PTSD. Contact Cathleen
Lamberton at (802) 613-0678; clamberton@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Interview the Master of Self-Healing

Physical and emotional problems are showing up more and
more in the lives of everyone and we are being flooded
with advertising that promises help. People are
frustrated and confused to say the least. Ed Kuiper, an
author, speaker and teacher, will show your listeners
how to self-heal themselves naturally… on the air!
Results will be immediate for most, and give your
station great visibility as your audience tells
everyone what happened to them. An officer of two
major life insurance companies and founder and CEO of
several national companies, Ed spent over 40 years in
the business world before becoming a ‘Master of Self-
Healing.’ Contact him at (207) 248-8795;

14. ==> Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate

Mouth-watering pizza. Rich chocolate. Both top the list
of foods many people can’t stop eating until they’ve
consumed the entire pie or box of candy. But live on-
air, Sora Vernikoff can teach your audience her simple
Green Technique that will allow them to eat all the
pizza and chocolate they want and still lose weight.
Turning conventional wisdom on its ear, she’ll explain
why thinking about food makes you fat—not eating it—and
bad-for-you foods are a myth. Sora, a former elementary
school teacher who lost 25 pounds and has kept them off
for decades, has helped hundreds of people discover the
secret for knowing when to stop eating. She is the
author of the Amazon bestseller “Eat Want You Want!
Stop When You Want!: A No-Diet, Weight-Loss Program.”
This experienced talk show guest spent more than a
decade teaching her program while working under the
auspices of a leading New York City endocrinologist.
She has also taught the program at the Learning Annex
and lectured at Lennox Hill Hospital. Contact her at
347-354-8362; SVenikoff@rtirguests.com

15. ==> How Shaming Addicts Keeps Them Hooked

As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
society stigmatizes addicts. According to Dr. Isaac
Alexis, this is just making the crisis worse. “It’s not
just about treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about
treating their environments and families. We have to
work with society as a whole to address the issue. We
don’t shame people who have diabetes or cancer. But
because of the stigma associated with opioid addition,
addicts are reluctant to come forward to seek
treatment. We have to treat the addict as a human
being.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in trauma
surgery at Cornell University at New York Hospital of
Queens. He served as medical director at the Department
of Justice as well as director of infection control and
chair of the quality improvement medical committee. He
is the author of the book “Life and Death behind the
Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The
Seductive Pink Crystal”. Contact Isaac at
Isaac_Alexis007@yahoo.com; (315) 935-6348.

16. ==> Best-Kept Secrets of Successful Teenagers

Teenagers are often known for being moody or silly, and
seemingly lost among the worry and angst of their
“almost an adult” years. But what about those teens who
are happy, hopeful, well-adjusted, and making confident
progress academically and in their everyday lives? What
do they know that could help ALL young people? Explore
this with acclaimed author Paul Bernabei, whose many
books of the Top 20 series include “TOP 20 Teens.”
He’ll reveal how today’s most successful teens think
smarter and foster positive beliefs while learning from
their mistakes. Bernabei will also talk about social-
emotional learning and how this benefits students in
personal and school life. Appreciative audiences (teens
themselves and their mentors/parents/teachers) will
also hear about must-know lifelong secrets for “people-
smart” communication, conflict resolution,
demonstrating kindness, specializing in effective
responses and much more. Contact Bernabei at (651)
470-3827; paul@top20training.com

17. ==> Everything You Were Too Terrified to Ask about

Dr. Susan Shumsky is a ghost whisperer who can tell you
everything you ever wanted to know about ghosts—but
were too terrified to ask. For example, what really
happens to souls after death? Is it possible to
communicate with the dead; how so? Why are some homes,
cars, offices and other places haunted? What are the 11
types of people most susceptible to possession? What
are the 15 reasons why people become ghosts? Dr.
Shumsky is no fly-by-night author. She has 16 books in
print and has been published by Simon & Schuster. Open
your phone lines for listeners with haunted houses, and
Dr. Shumsky will send the ghosts packing! Contact her
at (917) 336-7184; SShumsky@rtirguests.com

18. ==> What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but our names
can make or break our success in life. According to
name colorology expert B. P. Greycastle, the letters of
our names represent specific colors, which relate to
certain glands such as the pancreas, and energy centers
known as chakras. “I can illustrate with a vast array
of lists, facts and figures that the most famous and
successful people in practically every field owe their
success to their names,” he says. B.P. can illustrate
this on air, with astonishing accuracy. A Vietnam
veteran who studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, he
worked in the fabric and fashion industries for many
years, where he discovered the dramatic impact colors
have on people’s lives. He is the author of “Your Name
and Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career, Personality,
Romance and Success”. Contact B.P. Greycastle at
bpg@namecolorology.com; (510) 323 5205.

19. ==> Life-Saving Mindset Changes

Societal problems like depression, suicide, domestic
violence and community unrest are on the rise. If we
want to prevail we have to change – and the first step
is developing a mindset that makes it possible. That’s
the message of Reverend Arthur Mackey, a prolific
author, focused researcher, respected pastor and
sought-after media guest. Invite him to discuss
everything from family and workplace influences to
health/social services, faith-based resources and
education programs you’ll want to know. Ask him: Does
healing depression always require meds? What’s the role
of prayer in our well-being? Why is it never too late
to change one’s surroundings, relationships and ideals?
What first steps should you take? How will life get
better, personally and professionally? Reverend Arthur
Mackey is the author of “Overcoming the Spirit of
Depression.” Contact him at (516) 939-5679;

20. ==> This Scientist Says He Can Prove That God

While science and religion have long been considered
mutually exclusive, David L. Peters credits both for
the good fortune in his life. At 84, he has achieved
great prominence in his career as an engineer, holds 18
patents, raised seven great kids and has enjoyed a
loving marriage of 57 years. In addition, he has just
become a first-time author of a well-received book that
reveals the secrets to success and happiness. “My faith
comes through science, as I firmly believe that quantum
physics has proven the existence of a power or force
beyond all,” he says. David has accomplished this by
applying the 12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous to his
daily life, which he says can help anyone, even if they
never touched liquor or drugs. He can share simple but
powerful ways how others can, too. David L. Peters is
the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness:
Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies Within”. Contact
him at DPeters@rtirguests.com; (607) 304-3329.

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