Everyone wants to live a happy life. But the trouble is most of us never bother to do the work to achieve one. Why? According to Raj Girn, it’s because few people pay serious attention to what will make them happy. Raj says, “What I’ve learned through my own experiences, the experiences of people around me, and what clients share with me, is that there is one common denominator that screams out louder than all the others and it is a lack of constant evaluation of their life.” Interview Raj — who just became a regular panelist on CTV’s daily news show “The Debate with Mike Le Couteur”— to learn the questions all of us should be asking ourselves. A media celebrity in Canada, Raj has been featured in “The Wall Street Journal,” “Globe” and “Mail,” and on FOX and CBS and has a combined social media network of over 1 million followers. She also runs The Open Chest Confidence Academy. Contact her at (647) 363-7372; Rgirn@rtirguests.com
Category: Relationships, Psychology
Why Are Women Afraid to Speak Up?
It’s no secret that women struggle to be heard. Society teaches girls to be polite and agreeable and not make a fuss, even when a situation is challenging — or just plain wrong. If your audience is looking to reclaim their power in the workplace, at home, and beyond, you need to hear from Francesca Burack. The author of “Women Are Special: 123 Reasons Why” can share advice, tips, and encouragement to help women find, own, and use their voices with confidence. Ask her: What can women do to speak up in one-sided relationships, whether it’s at work or with family? How can women approach difficult conversations in the workplace, such as asking for raises, promotions, or benefits? An author, entrepreneur, educator, and popular speaker, Francesca Burack has been featured on major networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News. Contact her at (516) 823-4003; fburack@rtirguests.com
Psychologist Reveals Hidden Causes of Depression, Addiction and More
Depression has reached epidemic proportions in modern society. According to psychologist/author Adriana Popescu, “Depression and issues such as low self-esteem and addiction are not just caused by mental distress. There are many other contributing factors such as hormone imbalances, and disruptions in the mind/body/spirit connection overall.” Adriana is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, speaker, thought leader and empowerment coach, and author of “What If You’re Not as F***ed Up As You Think You Are?: How We Come to Believe Lies About Ourselves and What We Can Do to Change Them.” Contact Adriana Popescu at (415) 707-5054; Apopescu@rtirguests.com
Everyone Has Unconscious Biases. Uncover Yours
While bigotry is on the rise across the globe, author Sara Ting claims that there is hope for peace and harmony. “All humans have unconscious biases,” she says. “I have developed a tool that organizations can offer to their colleagues that takes 10 seconds or less to help cultivate a mindset to value all people equally.” Sara is a diversity and inclusion educator, speaker, consultant, and author of “Small Book with a Big Idea: 5 Minute Training to Empower You and Transform the World.” She is also the founder and president of World Unity, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to the elimination of all forms of bigotry. Contact Sara Ting at (508) 715-3370; Sting@rtirguests.com
Toxic Anger: It’s Not Just a Male Problem
Heart disease is the number-one killer of women. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Karyne B. Wilner, anger is one well-known factor in women’s heart disease, along with our culture’s role in suppressing it. “Anger creates stress in the body that can lead to physical and emotional health problems,” she says. She can share body-based techniques to release anger in ways that lead to greater health overall. Karyne is the author of the upcoming book “Releasing Toxic Anger for Women: Body-Based Practices to Transform Negative Thoughts, Soothe Stress, and Stay True to Yourself.” She is a leader in the field of Core Energetics and mind/body health. Contact Dr. Karyne Wilner at (401) 305-2278; kwilner@rtirguests.com
Why are So Many Families Reeling from Estrangement?
According to research from Cornell University, one out of four people are estranged from their families, destined to begin the year with bad memories, hurt feelings, and the prospect of yet more separation and misunderstandings. What can they do to find forgiveness? To begin a new era of communication, sharing, understanding and family affection? Discuss the negative effects of estrangement, and how it is possible to heal, when you interview author and educator Peter Colman, Ph.D. In an ideal segment for this time of year, Dr. Colman will reveal what can be done to change family dynamics and save often-fragile relationships. Invite callers to share and explore (even anonymously) their own family challenges. Ask him: Why do relatives often drift apart? How can family healing begin and last? What is so sacred about the bond between father and son? How does wartime service impact family relationships? What is so powerful about saying you’re sorry? Contact Judith Colman at (847) 912-4481; jcolman@rtirguests.com
Is Your Deceased Parent Still Beating You Up? How to Exorcise Childhood Trauma, For Good
Adults may continue to experience the effects of a toxic parent long after said parent is dead, without even realizing it. “This may manifest as an ongoing pattern of unhealthy romantic relationships, dead-end jobs and debilitating low self-esteem,” says Arnoux Goran. His own horrific childhood led Arnoux to create the “7 Steps to Reprogramming Yourself,” which has helped countless people to overcome their childhood trauma to achieve lasting health, wealth and happiness. He is the author of three upcoming books including “The Goran Technique.” Contact Arnoux at (878) 203-8231; AGoran@rtirguests.com
6 Types of Men (and What You Need to Know About Them)
Some women make the same dating mistakes over and over then wonder why they can’t find happiness. Author, speaker, and personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran says that once a woman knows the six types of men, she can navigate her way to red hot romance. Invite him to share the secrets that can lead to relationship bliss. Goran has developed a method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100% effective. His latest program is “How to Attract Your Soulmate.” Ask him: What are the biggest mistakes women make when choosing a partner? What are the red flags women should watch out for? Contact Goran at (878) 203-8231; AGoran@rtirguests.com
Fun Valentine’s Day Show: Why Does My Partner Do That?
This Valentine’s Day can be a game-changer for the couples in your audience if you book clinical psychologist Dr. Stacy Dicker as soon as possible. That’s because Stacy can offer fresh insights using a combination of psychology and astrology that can bring couples closer no matter how long they’ve been dating or married. Want to know why your mate does what he or she does that drives you crazy? Hear ways that they are like you or different than you that you hadn’t considered? Find out from the author of “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships.” Stacy Dicker, Ph.D., is a psychologist who has been working with clients for 20 years using astrology as her secret sauce. She taught psychotherapy courses to upper-level psychology majors at the University of Colorado, Boulder, for nearly ten years. Contact her at (720) 327-1732; sldicker@yahoo.com
Combat Winter Blues: Put More Yay in Every Day
We all experience the winter blues in one form or another. But, one of the things that have saved many of us and will continue to save us through 2021 is having a hobby or two. For those who have procrastinated on finding one or still aren’t giving enough time to what brings them joy listening to award-winning author Mary K. Savarese could be a lifesaver. Mary’s own hobby — writing books — came after her last child left home and she overcame significant anxiety about her new family dynamic. Mary can talk about why it is important to find yourself, and even how to find a new hobby (that could turn into a career) that’s best for you. Mary has appeared in local publications, Mindalia TV, iHeartRadio and podcasts. Her latest book is “Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume, (who knew!).” Her latest project, “The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper” is a trilogy that will be published this summer. Contact Mary at (860) 550-3344; maryksavarese@gmail.com