Leah McCullough, affectionately known as The Fibro Lady, appreciates that she no longer deals with life-impacting pain, fatigue and depression. Now an international wellness speaker and author, she’s on a mission to help other pain sufferers cope, manage, and even recover from fibromyalgia. Invite this informative and vivacious speaker to discuss secrets to an upbeat mood, boundless energy, achieving a great night’s sleep, and also timely topics such as the coronavirus pandemic’s effects on chronic pain patients, as well as medical cannabis. Leah is the author of “Freedom from Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery and Eat to Energize.” Her free online program is “How to Reduce and Even Eliminate Fibromyalgia Pain.” Contact Leah at (859) 279-0413; LMcCullough@rtirguests.com
Category: Health, Fitness
Holy Cannoli! Beat the Call of Holiday Sweets
Yummy treats seem to go with the holidays. But everyone from watchful parents to determined dieters and sugar-avoiding diabetics (or others with health issues) will want to control their family’s intake of sweets. That’s where the “Sugar Witch” comes in! You’ll want to interview Marsha Allen, who will help everyone in your audience celebrate the holiday season without overdoing sugar. As a sought-after guest and speaker, Marsha hosts “Sugar Addicts” on Crown City News TV and is known as America’s Sugar Witch. She is the author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy-Free Made Simple.” You’ll learn how to quell sugar cravings even when sweet treats abound, healthier options for all ages, and ways to identify sugars that are hiding in many foods. Contact Marsha Allen at (902) 906-5231; MAllen@rtirguests.com
Cannoli: How to Beat the Call of Holiday Sweets
Yummy treats seem to go with the holidays. But everyone from watchful parents to determined dieters and sugar-avoiding diabetics (or others with health issues) will want to control their family’s intake of sweets. That’s where the “Sugar Witch” comes in! You’ll want to interview Marsha Allen, who will help everyone in your audience celebrate the holiday season without overdoing sugar. As a sought-after guest and speaker, Marsha hosts “Sugar Addicts” on Crown City News TV and is known as America’s Sugar Witch. She is the author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy-Free Made Simple.” You’ll learn how to quell sugar cravings even when sweet treats abound, healthier options for all ages, and ways to identify sugars that are hiding in many foods. Contact Marsha Allen at (902) 906-5231; MAllen@rtirguests.com
Flip-Flops for Winter? Yup!
Aside from being fun to wear, flip-flops can also help define us, and enable us to live our best lives. So says former Miss America contestant, author and humorist Jane Jenkins Herlong. “Since life has flipped on us, we need to survive with humor, productivity and occupying our minds in healthy ways,” she says. “It’s okay to laugh!” Jane can reveal how to put rhinestones on your flip-flops, literally and metaphorically, in order to shine. She is the award-winning author of four books including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops,” and has recorded music CDs and personal growth and comedy DVDs. Her comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane Jenkins Herlong at (803) 599-2941, JHerlong@rtirguests.com
From Migraines to COVID: Self-Healing Secrets
Countless people in your audience are dealing with diseases and health challenges they never expected, and which hit them seemingly out of the blue. What do you do when such life-impacting issues strike with little warning? First, you can feel confident and empowered that we humans have innate abilities to begin self-healing and strengthening. So says physician and speaker Nelie Johnson, M.D., initiator of the forum “It’s Time to Heal,” which offers an integrative approach to treating illness. Invite this outspoken expert on-air to hear her advice for health and longer life. Dr. Johnson’s latest book is “The Healing Message of Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson, (604) 334-3853; njohnson@rtirguests.com
Can You Drink Your Way to Increased Immunity?
Since the coronavirus outbreak began, everyone has been talking about immunity. How can your body be healthier to ward off disease? Can we be wiser in what we eat and drink? What’s the best natural way to bring about strength, energy, healthier skin and ultimately longer life? For the answers, listen to Tilak Silva, an expert in nutrition and health research and the inventor of CilanTea. Ask him: What makes cilantro an unexpected health food? What’s the best way to take advantage of its benefits? Which commonly imbibed beverages decrease immunity? Contact Tilak Silva at (310) 483-2785, tsilva@rtirguests.com
The Best Way to Stop Pain Is to Stop Fighting It
Who wouldn’t want to learn how to put suffering on hold? Trevor Campbell, M.D., says, “When you understand what pain is, you can work around it.” Let Dr. Campbell tell you things about pain management that most doctors don’t even know because the topic isn’t covered well in medical school! You’ll learn why you shouldn’t fight pain, that what hurts isn’t necessarily harmful, and ways our thoughts can be our greatest handicap. Dr. Campbell is a family physician whose practice focuses on pain management. He graduated from the University of Cape Town and has a delightful South African accent. He has worked in multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction programs and has served as s medical director for a leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832; tcampbell@rtirguests.com
Mourning Alex Trebek, Wishing Al Roker Well
As the nation was processing the election results word came that Alex Trebek, iconic “Jeopardy” host, had succumbed to pancreatic cancer while beloved TV weatherman Al Roker announced that he had an aggressive form of prostate cancer. But even with this sad news, there are lessons to be had in how Trebek lived his life since his diagnosis last year and how Roker is living his, lessons understood by Kipp Harris, who has been struck by a rare form of cancer three times. With celebrity news bringing these issues to the fore and perhaps encouraging people to go for screenings, Kipp can share what he learned from his journey. Including the importance of living fully, recognizing the many lives we touch every day, and even finding joy during chemotherapy. Kipp’s latest book is “Improbable Joy: A 3-Time Cancer Survivor’s Journey to Finding Joy in Unexpected Places.” Contact Kipp at (701) 638-4051; Kharris@rtirguests.com
The Nursing Shortage is Here … What Can We Do about It?
Thanks in no small degree to the pandemic, burnout, and an older workforce, rural areas and small hospitals are scrambling for nurses with some ERs operating with fewer nurses than they should. How can we help prevent these nursing shortages which are likely to worsen as our aging population needs more care? You’ll want to explore this timely topic and the nursing experience with all its implications by interviewing Nancy Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as Nurse Nancy, she has worked in the NICU, ER, and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616; NCongleton@rtirguests.com
It’s National Diabetes Month: Could Someone You Love Have It and Not Know?
Did you know that more than 30 million adults have diabetes and more than 7 million don’t even know they have it? Or that one in four adults has prediabetes? With these staggering numbers, no one can afford to be diabetes illiterate particularly during National Diabetes Month. That is why you’ll want to interview Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes community who knows this topic inside and out. She can answer such questions as: what are some of the biggest myths about diabetes? How did being born into a family with type-2 diabetes and being married to a type-1 diabetic affect her life? What does she wish everyone knew about diabetes? Nadia is editor-in-chief of Diabetes Health, a 400,000-circulation magazine used in hospitals, diabetes classes, and doctors’ offices as an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia column is ranked No. 1 by Google as is her DiabetesHealth.com website. Nadia is also the author of “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving Your Best Blood Sugars and Letting Go of Your Diabetes Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at (415) 741-3545; nalsamarrie@rtirguests.com
What Took Sean Connery Might Take Someone You Love
When Sean Connery passed away last week, millions mourned the original and arguably best James Bond. And even though it was dementia — not Spectre —that took 007 and quieted his memory in his last years, the public will never forget his masterful MI-6 skills, his suaveness, and Connery’s superb acting career. Connery was married for 45 years and his wife will experience his loss most of all. As the spouse of someone who had early-onset Alzheimer’s, Carlen Maddux can identify with her and inform your audience about what it is like to have a family member who fades away even as they continue to live. He can also offer tips for those who find themselves in the same situation. Carlen served for 17 years as a caregiver for his once-dynamic wife Martha — who was her family’s super-hero and only in her fifties when diagnosed. Carlen shares his insights in the book “A Path Revealed.” Contact Carlen Maddux at (727) 351-8321; CMaddux@rtirguests.com