Why Wait? Make New Year’s Resolutions Now

Making resolutions is a fine idea but why not get a head start on what you want to accomplish by starting now? That way when January comes around you can hit the ground running, suggests Trevor Campbell, M.D. He’s a family physician with a charming South African accent who specializes in helping people achieve the fullest lives possible by minimizing their chronic aches and pains. Dr. Campbell knows that with colder weather pain gets worse, so he is urging people to educate themselves as soon as possible to feel better sooner. He’ll offer listeners advice they won’t hear from their doctors. Dr. Campbell has worked in multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction programs and served as s medical director for a leading pain management provider. His new book is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact Trevor Campbell at (250) 217-7832; tcampbell@rtirguests.com

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