The Nursing Shortage is Here … What Can We Do about It?

Thanks in no small degree to the pandemic, burnout, and an older workforce, rural areas and small hospitals are scrambling for nurses with some ERs operating with fewer nurses than they should. How can we help prevent these nursing shortages which are likely to worsen as our aging population needs more care? You’ll want to explore this timely topic and the nursing experience with all its implications by interviewing Nancy Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as Nurse Nancy, she has worked in the NICU, ER, and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

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