She Lost 70 Pounds: How to Get Off the ‘Weight List’ for Good

Laura Pickett struggled with her weight for years, peaking at 225 pounds. She has gone on to lose 70 pounds and maintain that weight loss, counseling hundreds of women on weight loss and marital challenges. Invite Laura on your program to share why anyone looking to lose weight needs to look inward to discover what is truly eating them that is causing them to linger on the “weight list.” Laura is the author of “Get Over Weight (12 Steps to Finally Win the Weight Battle and Win at Life)” and the creator of a coaching and membership program on the topic. She has spent more than 30 years in the ministry and made multiple appearances on TBN’s national and local network (in Atlanta), and WATV. Ask her: Why are so many people eating in the dark without realizing it? What are the real reasons so many of us struggle with our weight? Why is forgiveness an integral part of losing weight? Contact Laura Pickett at (404) 856-5781;

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