COVID Can’t Cancel Christmas Caroling!

Families across America are having heart-wrenching conversations about how to spend the upcoming holidays. People want to have their loved ones around them, but many recognize that gathering for this year’s holidays just isn’t safe. So how do we have meaningful, memorable, joyous celebrations together? Renae Baker says, “Traveling and gathering may be on hold for this December, but holiday spirit doesn’t have to be.” Affectionately known as Mrs. Christmas, Baker has managed a professional caroling company for decades and this year she’s bringing live carol sing-alongs to virtual holiday spaces. The “I’ll Be Zoom for Christmas” and “Zoom Gali” parties feature professional Broadway carolers taking real-time requests. Baker and her carolers have been featured on Fox News Chief Religion Correspondent Lauren Green’s “Mighty Christmas” special and many more media outlets. She’s the author of “Defeating Scrooge: How to Harness the Power of Christmas Carols to Revive Your Spirit Anytime of the Year” and the Defeating Scrooge Spirit Saver Calendar. Contact her at (917) 509-9022;

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