Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 07/10/18 RTIR Newsletter: Police Shootings, International Nude Day, Suicide and Social Media

    July 10, 2018

    01. Former Obama Advisor, Dan Pfeiffer
    02. Trump’s Court Pick Will Affect America for the Better
    03. Good News: Rescued Thai Teens May Thrive
    04. Saturday is International Nude Day
    05. This Man Helps You Sleep with Celebrities
    06. Are Politicians Ruining Accountability for the Rest of Us?
    07. The Growing Assault on Private Property
    08. Police Shootings, Immigration: You Need to be ‘Switched
    09. Former Contestant: New Pageant is ‘The Death of Excellence’
    10. You’re Not Zuckerberg or Gates: Go to Grad School Already!
    11. Seven Deadly Life Insurance Mistakes
    12. What Parents Need to Know about Concussions
    13. She Could Help Serena Williams and You
    14. How to Navigate Sex in the ‘Grey Zone’
    15. Does Social Media Make Us Suicidal?
    16. Why the Chinese Don’t Get Cancer
    17. Fun Show: Play The ‘Doctor Speak’ Game!
    18. 5 Foods to Put Your Insomnia to Rest
    19. Funny Questions Little Boys Ask about Sex
    20. “My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in the World”

    1. ==> Former Obama Advisor, Dan Pfeiffer

    For your listeners in despair over the current occupant
    of the White House, former top Obama advisor Dan
    Pfeiffer offers hope that all is not lost. Invite
    Pfeiffer to share candid, behind-the-scenes stories of
    how the Obama White House worked, as well as his
    opinion on the state of politics today and how to move
    the country forward. Dan Pfeiffer does a co-host of the
    popular political podcast Pod Save America. One of
    Barack Obama’s longest serving advisors, he was White
    House Director of Communications under President Obama
    (2009-2013) and Senior Adviser to the President
    (2013-2015). His new book is “Yes We (Still) Can:
    Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter and Trump.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    2. ==> Trump’s Court Pick Will Affect America for the Better

    Though it’s always a momentous occasion when there’s a
    vacancy on the Supreme Court, since it happens so
    infrequently, Christopher Reid says the country may not
    change as drastically as some Democrats believe. “The
    Supreme Court will take a more conservative,
    originalist turn, but this will not be a departure from
    the Court’s direction of the past few years.” Reid
    says, “Liberals worry that a conservative, originalist
    appointee would shake up the Court, but that would mean
    that the new justice would be a judicial activist. This
    is contrary to the tenets of originalism.” He adds,
    “This should not be a cause for concern for Democrats
    who believe the Constitution is a set of rules that are
    changed by the people and not the courts. Sticking to
    the Constitution is not a bad thing.” Christopher Reid,
    an attorney, has worked for the Alabama Policy
    Institute and the Heritage Foundation, and House
    Republican Whip Roy Blunt. He provides political
    commentary for Fox, NBC, and Newsmax. Contact him at
    (205) 913-7406;

    3. ==> Good News: Rescued Thai Teens May Thrive

    While psychologists debate the long-term effects on the
    teens rescued from a Thai cave, Frank Farley, Ph.D.
    says once the boys are out and safe, they may not be as
    ‘scarred’ as many fear given their age and the fact
    that they were trapped together as a team. “Death
    anxiety is probably very low or even non-existent.
    Perhaps we may see post-traumatic growth, not PTSD,
    where these boys will be strengthened by this
    experience, so that future risks or challenges will be
    more readily dealt with psychologically and overcome,
    invoking the old adage ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you
    stronger.’ If they could handle this experience they
    can handle anything! We focus too much on PTSD in these
    unusual situations, and not enough on the positive
    psychology that can come from them.” Farley is a
    professor at Temple University and a former president
    of the American Psychological Association. Contact him
    at (215) 668-7581;

    4. ==> Saturday is International Nude Day

    A free cruise is hard to turn down. Just ask Carla
    Feagan, a self-described former extreme introvert, who
    accepted a ticket for a cruise that turned out to be
    more revealing than she expected. Feagan found herself
    sharing a ship with 2,000 naked people and elected to
    go with the flow. And, she says, if she had it to do
    all over again, she would! In time for International
    Nude Day, this “accidental nudist” can talk about what
    really happens on a naked ten-day cruise, a topic sure
    to launch dozens of questions. Ask her: Did the captain
    and crew wear clothes? What was the one event that
    required clothing? What surprising things did she learn
    about nudists? Carla Feagan’s memoir, “A Life Worth
    Living,” discusses her cruise ship experience but also
    her struggles to overcome childhood abuse, depression
    and anxiety. With only a limited education, Carla rose
    to acting CFO of an airline and a hospital, owned two
    businesses, and managed Microsoft partner channels
    internationally. In 2015, she quit her 9-to-5 job to
    experience her own year-long Eat, Pray, Love journey to
    21 countries. Contact her at (707) 969-7972;

    5. ==> This Man Helps You Sleep with Celebrities

    If you could sleep with any celebrity whom would you
    choose? Scarlett Johansson? Gal Gadot? Chris Hemsworth?
    Ryan Reynolds? Steve Long wants to know. After all,
    part of his job is helping people to “sleep” with
    celebrities. Steve is the CEO of Phamous Pholks
    Furniture Art Pillows, a company that produces full-
    sized, extremely life-like patented pillows of public
    figures and ordinary people. To raise money for
    charity, he’s produced pillows for Shania Twain, the
    Dixie Chicks, Robert Redford and Metallica. Steve is
    interested in hearing from your audience about which
    celebrities are their favorites for future pillow
    products. Steve can also talk about: How did he get
    involved in such a unique business? Why are pillows so
    much fun? What are some fascinating facts about
    pillows? How can you get a pillow with your
    girlfriend’s image on it or your own? Can pillows help
    end loneliness? What are some of the most fun things
    people have done with his custom pillows? Reach him at
    (520) 358-2871;

    6. ==> Are Politicians Ruining Accountability for the Rest of Us?

    Business consultant Bonnie Sussman-Versace first began
    noticing the decline in accountability in the workplace
    shortly after corporations started laying off thousands
    of workers to boost profits for shareholders. By the
    time Bill Clinton took office, many of those workers
    were trying to explain to their kids why it was
    acceptable for the leader of the free world to have
    affairs and lie about them and still get elected. Bring
    Bonnie on your show to discuss the disappearance of
    accountability—the idea that the buck stops here—and
    why it is the #1 problem in business today. She’ll say
    that many employees believe their company’s problems
    stem from poor communication when the real culprit is
    that people are losing trust in each other because
    their actions do not match their words. She’ll also
    talk about the role our education system plays with its
    ‘everybody gets a trophy’ mentality. Bonnie is the
    author of “Recipes for Thoughtful Leadership and
    Healthy Culture.” She is the author of numerous
    articles for Business Weekly, the Reading Eagle, and
    Lehigh Business Journal. Contact her at (610) 301-2194

    7. ==> The Growing Assault on Private Property

    Tom DeWeese says the government—at every level—is
    trying to reorganize U.S. society through the
    destruction of private property. Invite this expert on
    private property rights to explain how free enterprise,
    private property ownership and individual liberty is
    under attack by a political force that, while out in
    the open for all to see, is little understood and
    mostly ignored. He says, private, non-governmental
    organizations (NGOs), city planners and federal
    agencies have teamed up specifically to change society
    under the banner of sustainable development. “This
    movement is gaining power in every state, county, and
    community under the false threat of Environmental
    Armageddon, demanding that we completely reorganize our
    economic system, our representative form of government,
    and our individual lifestyle,” DeWeese says. Tom
    DeWeese is president of the American Policy Center, a
    grassroots action and education foundation promoting
    free enterprise and limited government regulations over
    commerce and individuals. His latest book is
    “Sustainable! The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private
    Property and Individuals.” Contact him at (540)

    8. ==> Police Shootings, Immigration Crisis: You Need to be ‘Switched On’

    Special government agent Eric Caron’s twenty-five-year
    career with Homeland Security, Interpol and the
    Department of Treasury has given him an insider’s
    perspective on the current conversation surrounding our
    growing crisis at the border and the rising tensions
    over the shooting of unarmed black men. Rather than
    take the easy road of toeing the party line and obeying
    political correctness protocols, Agent Caron truly
    pulls back the curtain and gives listeners the flipside
    of the story—the perspective of a longtime law
    enforcement agent and humanitarian. Above all, the
    agent and author reminds us all that we must remain
    Switched On if we are to successfully navigate these
    uncertain times and truly understand the nuanced issues
    constantly bombarding us in the media. Special Agent
    Eric Caron (retired) specialized for twenty-five years
    in the fields of terrorism, money laundering and
    transnational crime. He’s currently an adjunct
    professor at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, a
    terrorism expert for WHDH News 7 in Boston, and the
    author of “Switched On.” Contact Eric Caron at (508)

    9. ==> Former Miss America Contestant Says New Pageant is ‘The Death of Excellence’

    Former ugly duckling Jane Jenkins Herlong grew up to be
    such a lovely swan that she became a Miss America
    contestant. And she is not happy with the new version
    of the competition, including the elimination of the
    swimsuit contest. “Being physically fit is one of the
    standards of excellence,” Jane says. “Day by day, our
    country is becoming more inclusive to the point of the
    danger of complacency. The Miss America Pageant is the
    latest target.” Jane can share her fascinating pageant
    experiences, and reveal why she thinks that feminists
    have it all wrong when it comes to overhauling this 97-
    year-old institution. She is the best-selling author of
    four books including her latest “Rhinestones on My
    Flip-Flops.” She also is a sought-after speaker who was
    inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, a gifted singer
    who has recorded music CDs, and humor/personal growth
    DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on Sirius
    XM 97. Contact her at;
    (803) 480-1190.

    10. ==> You Aren’t Zuckerberg or Gates: Go to Grad School Already!

    Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates found career success
    without a college degree, but their stories are the
    exception, not the rule. Today a graduate degree has
    replaced a bachelor’s degree as the educational
    requirement for many employers. Interview Dr. Don
    Martin and Kevin Kiley to learn why now is the best
    time to think about going to grad school. Find out the
    biggest mistake graduate school applicants make and the
    7 questions you need to ask yourself before applying to
    grad school. Dr. Don Martin was the admissions dean at
    three top-tier universities and in three different
    disciplines and is the author of “Road Map for Graduate
    Study: A Guide for Prospective Students.” Kevin Kiley
    has served as admissions director in a top-tier MBA
    program. They have successfully coached hundreds of
    individuals through the graduate school application
    process and together have over 50 years of graduate
    admissions experience. Contact Dr. Don Martin at (917)
    273-2316; or Kevin Kiley
    at (314) 562-2426;

    11. ==> Seven Deadly Mistakes Buyers Make with Their Life Insurance Policies

    Most people buy insurance from a friendly agent at a
    specific time and for a specific purpose… but did you
    know that 90% of all policies lapse before maturity? Or
    that when you don’t need your policy any longer you
    could sell it? For cash? Chances are you have no idea
    the hidden cash value of your policy… or that you are
    paying more than you should for the policy you have.
    Interview David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor ™, about
    these and other best kept secrets that insurance
    companies don’t want you to know! He can explain what
    you need to ask to figure out exactly what your policy
    is worth. David is an attorney, entrepreneur, financial
    planner and renowned speaker who combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    Contact David Kottler at (216) 857-0282;

    12. ==> What Parents Need to Know about Concussions

    NFL, college and high school football are under attack.
    All because of the high risk of concussions and the
    resulting health consequences. But what if there was a
    way to make concussions a thing of the past? Or at
    least a way to diagnose and treat traumatic brain
    injuries (TBI’s) more easily and quickly? Interview Dr.
    Paul Wand to hear about a new protocol that could do
    all that and more. He along with other private
    practitioners have created ways to diagnosis and treat
    concussions which if put into place could save the NFL,
    as well as other sports where concussions happen on a
    regular basis. Paul Wand, MD, PA has been a medical
    doctor for 35 years specializing in the field of
    Neurology. Contact Dr. Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    13. ==> She Could Help Serena Williams and You

    Serena Williams is ripping it up at Wimbledon and so
    far there’s no sign of the muscle pain that caused her
    to withdraw from the French Open. But with a full week
    of matches ahead, will she be able keep the pain at
    bay? Anna Lee, M.D., an expert on relieving muscle
    pain, is confident that she could relieve Serena’s
    muscle pain by getting to its root cause. In fact, she
    believes she can help many others in your audience who
    also suffer from chronic pain but find no relief.
    She’ll explain the little-known source of most people’s
    pain and why most physicians do a poor job of treating
    it. She’ll also share the basics of her FDA-approved
    treatment that no other doctor currently offers. Dr.
    Lee is a board-certified pain management physician who
    trained at Hahnemann and the University of
    Pennsylvania. Reach her at (201) 925-0315;

    14. ==> How to Navigate Sex in the ‘Grey Zone’ – This Therapist Tells You How

    The “Me Too Movement” went viral via social media as a
    way for women to speak up about sexual assault and
    harassment – becoming a firestorm for every man out
    there. Men of all ages are grasping the “new normal” of
    dating and relating to women in the workplace without
    getting into trouble. “There are definitely some ways
    in which the ‘Me Too Movement’ has missed the boat,”
    says Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. The movement has created
    a grey area that we are having a difficult time
    navigating. Jennifer, a seasoned counselor and expert
    on setting and keeping healthy boundaries, can help
    your audience unpack how they are really feeling about
    the #MeToo Movement without judgement or bias! Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC is a writer and counselor. She has worked
    with hundreds of clients promoting personal growth and
    healthier relationship skills. Contact Jennifer Cochern
    at (208) 571-2511;

    15. ==> Does Social Media Make Us Suicidal?

    Everyone agrees Americans are too plugged-in, too
    distracted by the internet, too tired. Could this have
    anything to do with the alarming rise in anxiety,
    depression, and suicide? Of course it does, says
    physician and author Saundra Dalton-Smith. Too much
    time comparing and updating statuses, neglecting the
    stuff that gives real life substance and spirit. Dr.
    Saundra reveals how simple fixes like regular human
    interaction, time outside, and a good night’s sleep
    could re-set someone’s psyche, giving life more meaning
    and purpose. Dr. Saundra’s spirited approach to life
    will inform, enlighten, and entertain, changing the way
    you and your listeners view your waking, working, and
    sleeping life. Dr. Dalton-Smith can be reached at or (256) 405-9765.

    16. ==> Why the Chinese Don’t Get Cancer

    Did you know that our rate of cancer is 4x that of the
    Chinese? And that, contrary to popular belief, cancer
    is NOT genetic? Dr. Mylaine Riobe, MD, FACOG will
    answer questions about cancer and the misinformation
    that surrounds the prevention, diagnosis and treatment
    of this epidemic. Dr. Riobe will explain what exactly
    the Chinese do that we do not, and why chemotherapy is
    more dangerous than cancer. She will reveal the real
    truth behind immunotherapy and explain what addiction
    and cancer have in common. Mylaine’s multi-faceted
    unique approach, which combines TCM (traditional
    Chinese medicine) with conventional medicine, has
    helped her screen and diagnose her patients – resulting
    in a huge decrease in the rate of cancer in her own
    practice. Dr. Riobe is the author of “The Answer to
    Cancer and The Tao of Integrative Medicine.” She is a
    dynamic, progressive, integrative medical doctor with
    over 15 years of experience. Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe
    at (772) 285-7788;

    17. ==> Fun Show: Play The ‘Doctor Speak’ Game!

    If your doctor tells you your pain is idiopathic, what
    does he mean? Or if he says you need to undergo
    “decompressive laminectomy,” what does that entail? Let
    Dr. Tom Neviaser, AKA “The Doctor Whisperer” come on to
    your show for a fun interactive segment with your host
    and/or callers. He’ll read five funny words or medical
    terms for common problems and see if your host or
    audience can guess what he’s really saying.
    Dr. Tom will also reveal: why people’s pain is not
    where they think it is, what to say to get a busy
    doctor to see you right away, and fascinating things
    about the human body you probably never knew. Reach Dr.
    Tom Neviaser at (540) 718-0666;

    18. ==> 5 Foods to Put Your Insomnia to Rest

    After a hard day’s work, all you want to do is sleep,
    but what can you do if you’re lying there staring at
    the ceiling? Certified wellness coach Cam Miller will
    reveal 5 foods that can help you get to sleep faster
    and sleep more soundly. You can finally put your
    insomnia to rest. She’ll share the best things to eat
    before bed to get a good night’s sleep and what foods
    you should avoid and why. Her upcoming documentary, The
    Green Drank Tour, follows an overweight woman’s journey
    across America to help overweight residents learn the
    benefits of a plant-based diet. Former First Lady
    Michelle Obama has praised Miller’s “efforts to improve
    the health of Americans.” Miller has been featured by
    The Indianapolis Star and other newspapers. Contact her
    at (480) 310-2587 [AZ];

    19. ==> Funny Questions Little Boys Ask about Sex

    Do mommies poop out babies? Do spiders move into a
    woman’s vagina after she has a baby? If I want to have
    children someday do my wife and I have to have sex?
    Little boys love to ask questions about sex and some of
    them are so outrageous that you can’t help but laugh.
    No one knows this better than Diane Auten, author of
    “The Joys of Raising Boys: the Good, the Bad, and the
    Hilarious.” A professor and communication expert, she
    wrote down the crazy questions her sons Bradley and
    Nate asked in the first ten years of their lives and
    recorded the conversations that ensued after she
    answered them. Your audience will learn that kids are
    paying attention to what they hear and see—including TV
    commercials for Viagra. Diane frequently speaks to
    parents about communicating more effectively with their
    kids. Reach her at (805) 440-6532;

    20. ==> “My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in the World”

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the “Prince of New
    York.” Born a White Russian prince in 1890, he married
    a Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    US with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan, working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel beyond its
    former glory. In 1931, at the age of 53, Serge joined
    the Commandos under “Wild Bill” Donovan and completed
    two successful missions parachuting into Nazi-occupied
    Europe. Ivan Obolensky, Serge’s grandson, has fond
    memories of meeting his legendary grandfather for lunch
    at the St. Regis and has many amazing, true stories to
    relate, not only about his grandfather but also the
    Astors and American aristocratic life at that time.
    Invite him on your show for the most interesting
    interview you do all year! Obelensky is the author of
    the novel “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818)

  • 06/21/2018 RTIR Newsletter: Border Politics, Surviving a Family Vacation, Miss America

    June 21, 2018

    01. Border Politics and the Abuse of History
    02. Protesters Line Streets with Kids’ Shoes
    03. ‘Womp, Womp’ is Latest in Terrifying Pattern
    04. Children Will Never Forget Being Separated
    05. The Plot to Take Down Pope Francis
    06. How Consumers Can Win the Trade War
    07. The Net Neutrality Fight Isn’t Over
    08. How to Survive a Family Vacation
    09. It’s African-American Music Appreciation Month
    10. Former Nun Learned Weight Loss Secret in Convent
    11. Doc Says Autism Research is a Waste
    12. 70% of Your Money Will Be Lost When You Die
    13. Wildfires Force Celebrities to Fireproof Homes
    14. How to Tame a Rageaholic
    15. Is Your Comfort Zone Killing You?
    16. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    17. Overwhelmed? Need Some Good News?
    18. The Most Profound Experience Known to Man
    19. Miss America Contestant was Bullied & Called Ugly
    20. A Show that Saves Lives: Hot Cars Kill Kids

    1. ==> Border Politics and the Abuse of History

    Military historian and political commentator Victor
    Davis Hanson says something is missing from news
    coverage of the Trump administration separating
    immigrant children from their parents. “The media
    outrage usually does not include examination of why the
    Trump administration is enforcing existing laws that it
    inherited from the Bush and Obama administrations that
    at any time could have been changed by both Democratic
    and Republican majorities in Congress.” He says there’s
    also little coverage “…of the seeming unconcern for the
    safety of children by some would-be asylum seekers who
    illegally cross the border, rather than first applying
    legally at a U.S. consulate abroad, and of the fact
    that many children are deliberately sent ahead,
    unescorted on such dangerous treks to help facilitate
    their own parents’ later entrance. One can disagree
    with a current policy without stooping to distort
    history to smear an administration, especially when
    such tactics in the past have been used against those
    now employing them.” Victor Davis Hanson is a senior
    fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most
    recently, of “The Second World Wars: How the First
    Global Conflict Was Fought and Won.” Contact him at or @VDHanson or Megan Ring at

    2. ==> Immigration Protesters Line Streets with Kids’

    In Philadelphia on Tuesday night, several thousand
    people attended a protest against President Donald
    Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy. The event
    shut down several blocks where children’s shoes lined
    Rittenhouse Square, just blocks from the Rittenhouse
    Hotel, where Vice President Mike Pence was attending a
    fundraiser for Pennsylvania’s Republican gubernatorial
    candidate. The protest, called “Pence in PHL: Stop
    Separating Families! Trump/Pence Must Go!” was
    organized by several groups including Juntos. “We’ve
    seen the outrage,” says Erika Almiron, the executive
    director of Juntos. “We wanted to let Pence know we
    stand against the separation of children at the
    border.” Juntos is a community-led, Latinx immigrant
    organization in Philadelphia. Contact Erika Almiron at or @ErikaAlmironNiz

    3. ==> ‘Womp, Womp’ is Latest in Terrifying Pattern

    A report in The Wall Street Journal revealed that the
    Department of Homeland Security has separated a 10-
    year-old girl with Down syndrome from her mother and
    brother. Confronted with this latest outrage, former
    Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reacted on Fox
    News by waving off the issue with a sarcastic ‘Womp,
    Womp’ comment. David Perry says Lewandowski’s “joke” is
    just a highly visible edge of a much broader,
    terrifying, pattern. “His callous indifference here is
    not a personality quirk or accident, but a necessary
    feature for a regime that seeks to dehumanize and
    destroy in their pursuit of a white nationalist
    agenda.” The father of an 11-year-old with Down
    syndrome, Perry says, “I find myself reeling as I
    imagine my child taken away from me by a hostile state,
    unable to process what it must be like for this
    terrified incarcerated child. I know the long history
    of forced institutionalization of disabled children in
    this country and around the world, especially disabled
    children of color, and I fear for her. David Perry is a
    columnist for Pacific Standard Magazine and a freelance
    journalist, covering politics, history, education, and
    disability rights. Contact him at (612) 396-4837;

    4. ==> Children Will Never Forget Being Separated from

    Like many people, Linda Blackmer is horrified by the
    Trump administration’s policy of separating children
    from their parents who fled their homeland for a better
    life. And as a social worker and victim of childhood
    trauma Linda can shed light on what it is like for the
    children taken away from parents and placed in camps
    where they do not have the love and security of their
    families. “Loss of a parent to death, abandonment or
    separation is one of the most heart-wrenching
    experiences a child can endure,” Linda says. She will
    also say that our government is teaching these children
    that the world is an unsafe place and inflicting wounds
    that will take a lifetime to heal. Meanwhile, their
    parents sit in jail feeling guilt, worry, despair,
    panic and their own trauma that will no doubt be passed
    on to future generations. Linda Blackmer is a pen name
    for the licensed social worker who wrote “My Father’s
    Eyes: A Story of Stolen Lives.” Reach her at (505)

    5. ==> The Plot to Take Down Pope Francis

    Pope Francis has been a consistent, and increasingly
    lonely, advocate for migrants in a decreasingly
    tolerant globe. But journalist Barbie Latza Nadeau says
    the pope’s words have sparked outrage from Steve
    Bannon, American conservative cardinal Raymond Burke,
    and Italy’s new interior minister Matteo Salvini.
    Nadeau says the trio are conspiring against Pope
    Francis on the issue dearest to him: immigration. “He
    has been particularly vocal about migrant rights in
    recent days, both with regard to the closing of Italian
    ports and the separation of children from their
    families on the U.S.-Mexican border.” She adds, “One
    might assume Francis is asking what Jesus would do for
    the good of humanity. It seems Bannon, Burke, and
    Salvini, worshippers of Trump, think they know better.”
    Barbie Latza Nadeau is an American journalist and
    author who has lived in Rome, Italy, since 1996. She
    has worked as the Rome bureau chief for Newsweek
    Magazine and currently holds that position for The
    Daily Beast. She is an on-air contributor for CNN and a
    writer for Scientific American. Contact her at or @BLNadeau

    6. ==> Yes, We’re in a Trade War, and Only Consumers
    Can Win it

    The tit-for-tat exchange of tariffs and threats between
    the U.S. and its trading partners is much in the news,
    but we’re already in a trade war, one we’re losing
    badly, says attorney James Stuber. Author of the recent
    book, “What if Things Were Made in America Again,”
    Stuber explains our foolish policies, like postal rates
    making it cheaper to mail a parcel from China than from
    Indiana, and negotiating to effectively become China’s
    colony — selling them farm goods and crude oil in
    exchange for sophisticated manufactured products. In a
    lively and provocative interview, Stuber explains how
    the real solution lies with American consumers buying
    things made in American communities. James A. Stuber is
    the founder of Made in America Again, a movement of
    consumers dedicated to rebuilding the American middle
    class by buying things made in American communities.
    Stuber is an attorney and entrepreneur who formerly
    served as legislative assistant to a member of the
    United States House of Representatives. Contact him at
    (610) 608-5074;

    7. ==> The Net Neutrality Fight Isn’t Over

    Net neutrality is no more. That means that internet
    providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon can now lock,
    throttle and otherwise interfere with online content
    without any real legal consequences. But Timothy Karr
    says the millions of people who won net neutrality
    three years ago aren’t going away now. “The expiration
    of the 2015 rules will be only a temporary hiccup. The
    fight is far from over in Congress, in the courts and
    across the country. That’s because people everywhere
    understand what’s at stake. Without net neutrality,
    large phone and cable companies will control the future
    of communications, deciding who gets a voice and who
    doesn’t. No one thinks that letting Comcast manage our
    clicks is a good idea. …Attempts to strangle the free
    internet exemplify a Washington where corporations
    dictate policy, and the people aren’t going to take
    that sitting down. Not today and not ever.” Timothy
    Karr is the senior director of strategy and
    communications for Free Press. Before joining Free
    Press, he served as executive director of and as vice president of Globalvision
    New Media. Contact him at (201) 533-8838; or @TimKarr

    8. ==> How to Survive a Family Vacation

    Sun, fun, and quality time with the family isn’t too
    much to ask of a family vacation, is it? Unfortunately,
    it is. Vacations can be a lot of pressure; between the
    forced togetherness, new environments, and non-stop
    activities to keep everyone entertained, it’s no wonder
    that moms and dads return home more exhausted than
    ever. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith advocates for a mindful,
    vacation state-of-mind that lasts all year long. When
    parents slow down the schedule, dial back expectations,
    and learn to listen to their children and each other,
    they’ll find it easier to enjoy family-time and return
    back from vacation relaxed, refreshed, and recharged.
    Dr. Saundra will reveal the seven kinds of rest that
    will rejuvenate exhausted moms and dads, and actually
    make family vacation the quality together-time it’s
    meant to be. Dr. Saundra’s advice and expertise has
    been featured in Woman’s Day and Prevention magazines.
    You can reach her at or (256)
    405-9765. ??

    9. ==> Celebrate African-American Music Appreciation

    Gospel. Hip-hop. R&B. Rap. Spoken word. Jazz. Where
    would American culture be without Black music? Renamed
    African-American Music Appreciation Month (AAMAM) in
    2009 by President Barack Obama, the annual celebration
    began with President Jimmy Carter who decreed on June
    7, 1979 that June would be Black Music Month. Invite
    Haki Madhubuti to discuss the history of Black music in
    America as well as current musical geniuses who
    continue to influence and reflect black culture
    including Chance the Rapper, Lupe Fiasco, Common and
    Kanye West. Madhubuti is a leading poet and one of the
    architect of the Black Arts Movement. He founded Third
    World Press Foundation TWPF (1967) and has been a
    pivotal figure in the development of strong Black
    literary tradition. A proponent of independent Black
    institutions, he co-founded elementary charter schools
    in Chicago. Contact Adorn Lewis Mitchell at (312)

    10. ==> Former Nun Learned Weight Loss Secret in

    When it comes to weight-loss, advice from a former nun
    may be heaven sent. Especially if that former nun is
    Mary Lou Reid, who entered the convent as a heavyset,
    shy 18-year-old and left five years later a confident,
    svelte woman 50 pounds lighter. Today, Reid continues
    to follow the convent lifestyle that led her to
    maintain her weight for 50 years. Invite her to share
    the Seven Holy Habits she discovered in the convent
    that can help anyone live a healthier lifestyle. She
    says, “The Convent Diet really isn’t a diet at all.
    It’s a way of looking at food and at life. Food becomes
    a friend instead of an enemy.” Reid left the convent
    and worked in the arts and media business. She’s worked
    as a financial planner for more than 30 years and has
    given many seminars, written articles, and appeared as
    a financial expert on TV. “Always Eat Dessert” is her
    first book. Contact her at (626) 698-1849;

    11. ==> Doc Says Autism Research is a Waste of Time and

    Developed nations around the world have spent years and
    billions on autism research, focusing mainly on medical
    and pharmaceutical remedies. But physician and author
    Dr. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy says they are going about it
    the wrong way. “The root cause of all of the limiting
    symptoms of autism is energy disturbance,” she says.
    “This stress that I am talking about is energetic
    stress. This includes stress from the parents’
    energies, caregivers’ energies, and stress from the
    environment including noise pollution, chemicals in
    food, etc.” After exploring the power of holistic
    energy healing in her own medical practice and life,
    Dr. Raja spent more than 25 years developing the Autism
    Cure, which shows results from day one! She recently
    was recognized by Buzzfeed as one of five professionals
    in the world to watch out for in the autism arena. She
    is the author of the book “How to Heal Autism and ADHD
    in 30 Days: The Phenomenally Powerful Breakthrough of
    Intent Healing,” and a graduate of India’s premier
    medical college C.M.C Vellore. Contact her at

    12. ==> 70% of Your Wealth Will Be Lost When It Passes
    to the Next Generation

    Clifford “Kip” Kolson says it’s a historical and global
    fact that 70 percent of family wealth is lost when it
    transfers from one generation to another and is
    completely gone by the third generation. “That’s an
    avoidable tragedy,” he says, “but of greater concern is
    the devastation that happens to the family unit and
    relationships.” He says money and people in families
    are often a toxic combination that causes a breakdown
    of trust and poor, or non-existent, communications.
    Listeners will learn how to avoid financial conflicts
    that can cause families to become fractured, and ways
    to keep more of their inheritance. Clifford “Kip”
    Kolson has been a bank vice president, an Army officer,
    a commercial real estate developer; and since 1994, a
    financial advisor, planner, investment manager, and
    family wealth coach. His business, Family Wealth
    Leadership, counsels high net worth individuals on
    building a lasting family legacy. He’s the author of
    “You Can Have It All: Wealth, Wisdom, and Purpose.”
    Contact him at (949) 468-2000,

    13. ==> CA Wildfires Force Celebrities to Fireproof

    2017 was the worst year on record for California
    wildfires, totaling $160 billion worth of damage.
    Californian entrepreneur Jim Moseley has seen firsthand
    the devastating effect of these fires, and has
    repurposed a fire-proofing material used by NASA as a
    powerful line of defense against the conflagration. Has
    he found a fool-proof way to fireproof our property and
    our natural resources? Jim Moseley will talk about the
    wildfires of 2017, discuss preparations for the season
    ahead, and how he realized the solution to the problem
    could be found in existing technology. Featured on the
    May cover of Malibu Times Magazine, Moseley, a Grammy-
    nominated trombonist (Google “Moseley Trombone” and
    enjoy!) can be reached at (818) 486-4662; and ????

    14. ==> How to Tame a Rageaholic

    Everyone knows them: people who force you to walk on
    eggshells because they ruin social and business
    gatherings with their uncontrollable tempers. What can
    you do to remain relaxed and productive around someone
    whose relish for rage makes every interaction
    explosive? Conflict-resolution expert Tamara Dorris
    will discuss ways to calm down a hothead. Tamara will
    reveal the chemical reactions that occur in the brain
    when someone flies into a rage and how to handle that
    person who loves throwing a tantrum. An author, adjunct
    professor and certified hypnotherapist, Tamara’s
    extensive knowledge of psychology includes a working
    understanding about the science behind our moods, and
    how to increase focus, productivity, and optimism
    without popping a pill. Tamara has been quoted in
    Seventeen, Weight Watchers, O Magazine, Wall Street
    Journal, and more. She has appeared on television and
    has done dozens of radio and podcast interviews. She
    can be reached at (916) 482-5834;

    15. ==> Is Your Comfort Zone Killing You?

    When you find yourself outside your comfort zone do you
    immediately try to crawl back in? Or do you mine the
    experience for all it is worth? Paula Black will
    inspire listeners to take more chances and never let
    fear or lack of experience hold them back in the
    pursuit of finding a better life. She’ll help them
    understand that complacency sucks the oxygen out of
    their dreams, courage, and compassion. As a business
    development and branding expert, Paula has worked with
    hundreds of professionals—and interviewed many for her
    latest audiobook. She has incredible stories to tell of
    people who found the courage to pursue their dreams
    despite their doubts. Paula has advised lawyers,
    accountants, financial advisors, media professionals,
    real estate professionals and small business owners on
    finding harmony between work, family, and play. She is
    the author of the Little Black Book series including
    her newly released, “A Lawyers Guide to Creating a
    LIFE, Not Just a Living.” Reach her at (305) 859-9554;

    16. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. Social media overload. Humans being replaced
    by machines in the workforce. No wonder modern people
    feel so anxious, angry and disconnected from reality.
    Kim Chestney has the simple yet powerful solution:
    Intuition! “Intuition is the most important, yet least
    understood faculty of human consciousness.” Kim says.
    “Getting your ego out of the way and developing your
    inner voice is a great bull***t detector. It can also
    facilitate well-being and growth in all aspects of your
    life.” Kim is an international best-selling author and
    artist who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in
    Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new Intuition Masterclass is
    launching this fall as part of the debut of her global
    online school, Intuition Lab. Contact her at, or (412) 874-0898.

    17. ==> Overwhelmed? Need Some Good News?

    Overwhelmed with the media these days? Ready for a
    break and some good news? Bill Blalock will bring out
    the best in your life with some good and encouraging
    news! When you interview author, speaker and
    professional coach Bill Blalock you will experience a
    new fresh approach to living. Bill reveals three
    guaranteed steps to positive living and six keys to
    success in your personal and professional life! Bill’s
    insight is thought provoking and life changing! Bill
    Blalock is a successful speaker, executive/life coach
    and author of “Living Your Legacy Now!” Contact him at
    (214) 432-8522;

    18. ==> The Most Profound and Magical Experience Known
    to Mankind

    After years of struggle and several months of
    depression, Monique Rebelle had hit rock bottom and was
    about to end her life when she had an extraordinary
    experience — a spontaneous, complete kundalini rising.
    Rebelle will introduce listeners to her life before the
    experience and describe what happened that day and how
    it began a miraculous process that left her in awe and
    total reverence, and transformed her life from
    desperate and lost to happy and fulfilled. Rebelle will
    discuss the experience of kundalini rising from the
    beginning stages to the end, and describe the resulting
    spiritual enlightenment that comes without any
    religious dogma or previous knowledge about the
    subject. Monique Rebelle is the author of
    “Transcendence Calling.” Contact her at (775) 240-

    19. ==> She Went from Being Bullied for Being Ugly to
    Miss America Contestant

    Inspirational author and speaker Jane Jenkins Herlong
    knows what it’s like to be bullied. She also knows how
    to get the last laugh. “I was teased as a child,” she
    says. “I had missing teeth, short hair, big lips …but
    I made it to the Miss America Pageant, as Miss South
    Carolina!” Jane overcame many other obstacles including
    growing up poor on a farm, dyslexia, being fired from
    teaching jobs, getting an F in a writing class and
    being rejected from colleges. She graduated with the
    highest honors and became a best-selling author, and
    was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. A gifted
    singer and humorist, she’ll reveal how anyone can
    overcome most any obstacles to achieve success. “Like
    Winston Churchill, my motto is never give up! You are
    never too old to dream big.” Jane is the author of four
    books including her latest “Rhinestones on My Flip-
    Flops.” She’s also recorded music CDs and personal
    growth and comedy DVDs and her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact her at, or (803) 480-1190.

    20. ==> A Show that Saves Lives: Hot Cars Kill Kids

    Ten minutes. That’s how long it takes for the
    temperature inside a vehicle to rise 20 degrees. For
    children in particular, this increase is enough to
    result in death. With nine fatal child heatstroke cases
    already this year, the National Safety Council has
    issued a report outlining legislation that could save
    kids’ lives and calls on parents and caregivers to
    ‘look before they lock.’ Invite Amy Artuso to discuss
    the report and share tips and even technology that
    could help prevent a child from dying in a hot car.
    Artuso is senior program manager of advocacy at the
    National Safety Council, a nonprofit organization whose
    mission is to eliminate preventable deaths at work, in
    homes and communities, and on the road. To book
    interview contact the National Safety Council at (630)

  • 06/19/18 RTIR Newsletter: Trump Immigration Policy, Summer Solstice, Celeb Suicides

    June 19, 2018

    01. Immigration Attorney on Trump Policy
    02. Separating Families and Calling It Christian
    03. Children Will Never Forget Being Separated
    04. Celebrate Wicked Tuna’s 100th Episode
    05. Summer Shouldn’t Mean Going Hungry
    06. Summer Solstice: Fun Facts and Trivia
    07. Is Your Summer Fun Destroying the Planet?
    08. School’s Out, But Mom’s Stress Is In
    09. What Single Moms Never Tell You
    10. Are You and Your Grad Suffering Transition Fog?
    11. Understanding Breast Cancer Treatment Options
    12. Will Your Brain Give Out Before You Do?
    13. Why Does This Pain Doc Succeed Where Others Fail?
    14. Capitalism Vs. Public Health: Cure Yourself?
    15. He’s Your Guest for Brain Awareness Month
    16. The Marriage You Do Not Deserve
    17. Turn Mental Health Issues into Superpowers
    18. This Scientist Can Prove God Exists
    19. The Copycat Celebrity Suicide Effect
    20. This Summer Show Could Save Your Kid’s Life

    1. ==> Immigration Attorney on Trump Policy

    The Trump administration’s decision to separate
    children from their families as a way to curb illegal
    immigration is adding fuel to an already fiery debate
    over immigration. Immigration attorney Rahul Manchan
    can explain the new policy and why he believes it is
    cruel, unjust and un-American. “Americans must not only
    be guided by the ‘Rule of Law,’ but also by the
    ‘Concept of Equity,’ so they’re able to view problems
    within American society through the lens of ultimate
    justice, not only through the black letter of the
    sometimes myopic and limiting edicts of the rule of
    law.” Manchan is a New York attorney who specializes in
    immigration law, civil rights, criminal defense and
    family law. He’s appeared on major media television
    program channels including Fox News, CNN and NBC.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103 or (919)

    2. ==> Separating Families and Calling It Christian Is
    an American Tradition

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House press
    secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders cited the Bible to
    justify a Trump-approved immigration policy of ripping
    children from their parents. Anthea Butler says in
    doing so, Sessions invoked Romans 13, which is the
    exact same argument that slaveholders and sympathetic
    clerics used to justify slavery. “This reprehensible
    moment in America is not an anomaly, but a continuation
    of the intertwining of race, nation and slaveholding
    Christianity. In this view of what America is and ought
    to be, immigrants are not people, but chattel. And in
    this view, immigrants are irresponsible and incapable
    of caring for their children because they brought them
    to America. This is not what Christianity looks like.
    This is an Americanized, nationalistic Christianity
    that promotes white families over and against brown
    families, black families and other families that do not
    conform and embrace their biblical worldview.” Anthea
    Butler is associate professor of religion and Africana
    studies at the University of Pennsylvania. She has been
    a media commentator on religion politics and race on
    the BBC, MSNBC, CNN, and ABC and served as a consultant
    to the PBS series God in America. Contact her at

    3. ==> Children Will Never Forget Being Separated

    Like many people, Linda Blackmer is horrified by the
    Trump administration’s policy of separating children
    from their parents who fled their homeland for a better
    life. And as a social worker and victim of childhood
    trauma Linda can shed light on what it is like for the
    children taken away from parents and placed in camps
    where they do not have the love and security of their
    families. “Loss of a parent to death, abandonment or
    separation is one of the most heart-wrenching
    experiences a child can endure,” Linda says. She will
    also say that our government is teaching these children
    that the world is an unsafe place and inflicting wounds
    that will take a lifetime to heal. Meanwhile, their
    parents sit in jail feeling guilt, worry, despair,
    panic and their own trauma that will no doubt be passed
    on to future generations. Linda Blackmer is a pen name
    for the licensed social worker who wrote “My Father’s
    Eyes: A Story of Stolen Lives.” Reach her at (505)

    4. ==> Celebrate Wicked Tuna’s 100th Episode

    National Geographic has reeled in a “monstah” – after
    seven seasons – Wicked Tuna premieres its milestone
    100th episode this Sunday. The series has celebrated
    one of America’s oldest industries since first
    premiering in 2012 and made stars of the intrepid
    Gloucester commercial fishermen who brave the
    unrelenting North Atlantic waters to catch the elusive
    bluefin tuna. Invite Hard Merchandise Captain Dave
    Marciano and Wicked Pissah Captain Paul Hebert to talk
    about the show and this season’s surprises. They’ll
    also give away tickets for the National Geographic
    Wicked Tuna 100th Episode Celebration on June 24 at
    Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA. Wicked Tuna airs Sunday
    evenings on National Geographic. Contact Johanna Ramos-
    Boyer at (703) 646-5137; or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Summer Shouldn’t Mean Going Hungry

    For many American children, summer vacation means
    sunshine, hot days and freedom from homework and early
    bedtimes. But for millions of kids and their families,
    it also brings fear. How are they going to eat during
    those three months? Food activist and historian Julia
    Hudson-Richards says tens of millions of children rely
    on government assistance to eat lunch for nine months
    of the year. And their need doesn’t go away when the
    last bell rings in June. “Low-income parents often
    struggle to feed their kids during the summer. Families
    who rely on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
    benefits don’t get extra money just because school is
    out, and low-wage jobs don’t come with a summer bump in
    the paycheck. Some may even decide it doesn’t make
    sense to keep working ? especially if the cost of child
    care for younger kids negates the income their job (or
    jobs) brings in.” She’ll discuss issues that contribute
    to the problem and ways to get kids and families the
    food they need. Julia Hudson-Richards studies the
    environment, food and the people who produce it and
    teaches at Penn State University. Contact her at or (814) 949-5809

    6. ==> Summer Solstice: Fun Facts and Trivia

    June 21st, the summer solstice, is the longest day of
    the year. It has been observed as an important time of
    year for thousands of years by cultures worldwide.
    Invite Cristina Smith on your show and discover the
    history and some surprising facts and tips about the
    summer solstice. She says, “Knowing the cycles of day
    and night were important to our ancestors for survival.
    Today we can take advantage of their wisdom by
    maximizing the health and happiness benefits of
    summer.” Cristina Smith is the founder of the Subtle
    Energy Center and author of the “Yoga for the Brain”
    series of books. Contact her at (619) 339-6901;

    7. ==> Is Your Summer Fun Destroying the Planet?

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar: “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world’s environment. If we can
    all change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    planet.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have a devastating impact on the
    planet, and how we can change this. In addition to
    being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a Master
    of International Studies degree in Peace and Conflict
    Resolution and is the author of the book “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at

    8. ==> School’s Out, But Mom’s Stress Is In

    School is out and the living is definitely not easy.
    Parents—particularly moms—will be living in their cars
    as they endlessly chauffeur their kids to and from
    summer activities. In fact, says Suzette Webb, it’s
    like adding a part-time job to an already frazzled
    existence that includes spending more time scheduling
    kids’ time, feeding them and breaking up their fights.
    Invite Suzette on your show to offer suggestions for
    ways moms can “up their game” in the summer to find
    more time for themselves. Pointing out that self-care
    is not selfish, Suzette will share the importance of
    moms scheduling their own playdates, taking timeouts,
    starting the day with a mom-friendly warm-up routine,
    and celebrating the wins that come with being a less
    stressed parent. Suzette holds an MBA from the Kellogg
    Graduate School of Northwestern University. She is a
    mother, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster and the author
    of “Blues to Blessings.” Reach her at (708) 261-3303;

    9. ==> What Single Moms Never Tell You

    What’s it really like being a single mom? Or a single
    parent for that matter? The single parenting trend is
    growing – at last count there were 13.6 million single
    parents in America doing their best to raise over 21
    million children. Is it as bad as it seems? Did you
    know that more and more parents are choosing NOT to
    remarry but to raise their kids on their own? Or that
    kids raised in single parent homes often turn out
    better than those in traditional families? Sara
    Sherman, BA, MS, speaker, author, blogger, coach and
    creator of the Kick Ass Single Mom Life movement can
    answer all these questions and many more! She can
    speak to almost any topic relating to single parenting.
    She has lived it! As a single parent for most of her
    adult life, Sara has successfully raised her children
    and earned two degrees all while working full-time.
    Contact her at (614) 432-2717;

    10. ==> Are You and Your Grad Suffering Transition Fog?

    Everyone tells high school grads that college will be
    the best four years of their lives! But Brenda Reynolds
    thinks just maybe we should stop the lie. “Before they
    get to the ‘happiest’ years of their lives, there’s a
    heck of a lot of change to navigate first. Endings, new
    beginnings, lots of uncertainty. Everything as they
    know it is about to change–schedules, friends, living
    space, geography. And parents have their own transition
    to make.” Invite Reynolds to discuss strategies for
    navigating this time of transition fog and the emotions
    that come with it. She says, “It’s the beginning of
    learning an invaluable skill of dealing with complexity
    and change AND it’s a skill that students and parents
    can bring to the workplace and their life space again
    and again.” Brenda Reynolds is an organization and
    leadership consultant, coach, speaker and author. She’s
    been featured in Bloomberg News, Business News Daily
    and on Starcom Radio Network. Her book is “TBD: To be
    Determined: Leading with Clarity and Confidence in
    Uncertain Times.” Navigating Transition Fog is her TEDx
    talk. Contact her at (610) 639-5722;

    11. ==> Understanding Breast Cancer Treatment Options

    New research in New England Journal of Medicine
    indicates 2/3rd of women with the most common cause of
    breast cancer can forgo chemotherapy. Invite Dr. Jim
    Roach to help listeners understand the new findings.
    Who should get chemotherapy and who shouldn’t? What are
    vital approaches to double outcomes with chemotherapy
    while reducing side effects by half? How can those
    skipping chemotherapy be certain they are on the right
    path? What are key strategies in prevention and
    management of breast cancer? For over a decade double-
    boarded Dr. Jim Roach has successfully used functional,
    integrative strategies with his patients. Jim Roach MD,
    ABOIM, ABIHM, is a leading integrative practitioner who
    has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. His new
    book “”Vital Strategies in Cancer” will be released in
    the fall. Contact him at (859) 846-4453 (office) or at

    12. ==> Will Your Brain Give Out Before You Do?

    You work out, you watch what you eat and you’re feeling
    pretty good, but if you’re in your 40s, you may be
    harboring a silent brain-killing condition. “Starting
    around age 45, people start to lose flexibility in
    their chest, which reduces the amount of oxygen they
    take in. Since the brain requires 10X more oxygen than
    any other part of the body, the brain is the first to
    suffer,” says sport scientist Bob Prichard. Even worse,
    there are no symptoms. “A tight chest or stomach are
    silent brain robbers. They’re like a cat burglar who
    sneaks in and takes all your jewelry, or a hacker who
    steals from your bank account. No signs or symptoms
    until it’s too late.” Luckily, Prichard says the
    condition can be reversed. Invite him to share an easy
    at-home way to measure chest expansion, what the
    numbers mean, and how to correct the problem. Bob
    Prichard is president of the Somax Institute and author
    of “Are You Robbing Your Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him
    at (415) 435-9880 (CA);

    13. ==> Why Does This Pain Doc Succeed Where Others

    Patients from all over the country visit Anna Lee,
    M.D., to get relief from chronic pain that has plagued
    them for years. This board-certified pain management
    physician has helped thousands of “basket cases” for
    whom conventional treatments have failed, with her
    groundbreaking FDA-approved treatment. But you don’t
    have to be in chronic pain to appreciate what Dr. Lee
    will say about the horrible way pain patients are
    treated in America, leading to a completely unnecessary
    deadly opioid crisis. She’ll say that pain originates
    from nerve injuries—not in the muscles or bones where
    most treatments focus and often surgeries and
    injections are useless. Ask her how her treatment works
    and why no one else is using it. Anna Lee trained at
    Hahnemann and the University of Pennsylvania. Reach her
    at 201) 925-0315;

    14. ==> Capitalism Vs. Public Health: Cure Yourself?

    In the world of Capitalism, curing the chronically ill
    isn’t a profitable business model. After all, when
    everyone is healthy, or at least the majority who are
    curable, how will the company make a profit? Beverly
    Jensen, Ph.D., says, “There is no silver bullet to
    optimal health. Corporate interests have superseded
    public health protection, and our conventional
    healthcare system is part of the problem.” The SelfCare
    Maven says, “There’s no drug to cure the causes of
    chronic diseases. It’s largely up to the individual.”
    Dr. Jensen can discuss the need for a national, public
    discussion of the state of America’s health, how
    individuals can recover, and how policies need to
    change to improve the public’s health. Beverly, 70
    years young, is a lifelong practitioner of the natural
    healing arts. She is the author of the upcoming book
    “The 21st Century Health Rx: Self-care.” Contact her at or Skype docbeverly718.

    15. ==> He’s Your Guest for Brain Awareness Month

    June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time
    when people will be wearing purple shirts with the
    hashtag #EndAlz. As someone with a brain, you already
    know the importance of keeping your memory sharp and
    avoiding the most famous memory-robbing disease,
    Alzheimer’s. But what you probably don’t know is that
    the technique for putting the fork in Alzheimer’s
    already exists only most of us do not know about it.
    Invite Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D, on your show to talk
    about CranioSacral therapy, a revolutionary way of
    treating Alzheimer’s and dementia that he is helping to
    pioneer. When consistently applied, he says the gentle,
    easily learned, affordable technique can significantly
    roll back Alzheimer’s and dementia in a few weeks. He
    can discuss his research, explain what craniosacral
    therapy is (it’s also being used by NFL players and
    children with autism) and ways it can increase
    longevity. Morgan, who’s been researching Alzheimer’s
    and dementia since 2008, was inspired to do so in part
    after watching his stepmother and sister-in-law succumb
    to the disease. He’s a well-known instructor of
    CranioSacral Therapy and teaches the technique all over
    the world. He’s also the author of “Preventing
    Alzheimer’s in Just 10 Minutes a Day with the
    BodyEnergy Prescription and CranioSacral Therapy.”
    Contact Kathy Regganie at (630) 567-8383;

    16. ==> The Marriage You Do Not Deserve

    Every husband and wife can enjoy an amazing marriage,
    but few figure out how. Most couples suffer the
    definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and
    over, expecting a different result. When you interview
    author and marriage leadership expert Lance Bell, your
    audience will learn about the history and purpose of
    marriage from a Christian perspective, and how a
    successful marriage starts first with one’s self. Lance
    Bell is a successful business leader, public speaker
    and author of the book “The Marriage You Do Not
    Deserve.” Contact him at (630) 765-4137;

    17. ==> Turn Mental Health Issues into Superpowers

    1 in 5 people struggle with mental health, that’s 43.8
    Million Americans, most of them feeling completely
    broken and alone. But mental health advocate Brett
    Francis says it doesn’t have to be that way. She’ll
    explain how to use mental health challenges and
    disabilities to your advantage, how to open the door to
    new and great opportunities by living through those
    challenges, and ways to turn mental health challenges
    into invisible “superpowers” rather than living in the
    dark. Brett is a professional speaker, mental health
    advocate and the host of NotBroken Radio. She was
    diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome and severe ADHD as a
    young child and at 17, she was also diagnosed with
    anxiety, OCD and panic disorder. Contact her at

    18. ==> This Scientist Can Prove God Exists

    A recent article in Christianity Today states that
    while most scientists are not anti-religion, contrary
    to popular belief, the majority admittedly don’t
    believe in God or a deity. But author David L. Peters
    is the exception. An engineer by trade, who also
    studied quantum physics and cosmology for several
    years, David led a Roman Catholic diocesan movement for
    many years, leads weekly spiritual groups and is very
    active in his church. “From age 4, I was blessed with
    the sense of God being ‘there’ throughout my life,”
    says David, who is now 84. “Today, my faith comes
    through science, as I firmly believe that quantum
    physics has proven, to me, the existence of a power or
    force behind all.” David further believes that we can
    all apply the principles of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics
    Anonymous to achieving joy in our everyday lives, which
    he explains in his book “The 12 Steps to Joy and
    Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies
    Within.” Contact him at, or (607)

    19. ==> The Copycat Celebrity Suicide Effect

    The recent suicide deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony
    Bourdain shocked the nation and calls and texts to
    crisis hotlines spiked dramatically. Carla Feagan fears
    an increase in copycat suicides like the rise in deaths
    after Robin Williams suicide in 2014. Feagan says, “The
    time is now for people to release their shame, become
    vulnerable and speak openly and publicly about their
    depression and suicide attempts. It is with this
    sharing of these stories that will allow those who are
    thinking about suicide to understand they are not alone
    and they too can survive.” Feagan, the author of “A
    Life Worth Living; The Journey of an Authentic Soul,”
    has been plagued by depression, anxiety and suicide
    attempts her entire life and is ready and willing to
    speak about what saved her from committing suicide.
    Contact her at 707 969 7972;

    20. ==> This Summer Show Could Save Your Kid’s Life

    According to government statistics more than 3-thousand
    people die from unintentional drownings each year.
    That’s 10 deaths a day. With summer upon us and trips
    to the pool and the beach, it’s time to talk about
    water safety and preventing summer tragedy. Carolanne
    Caron says everyone should be able to enjoy the water,
    but there are definitely safety issues that need to be
    taught to everyone, especially kids. She says, “Many
    children don’t know what rules they should follow when
    they’re near water and end up getting in a situation
    over their skill level.” Carolanne, a swimming and
    water safety expert, can share 10 rules to teach
    children to be safer around the water. She’s the author
    of “Water Safety with Swimmy” and “Swimmy’s Water
    Safety Coloring Book.” Contact her at (603) 424-4100;

  • 06/14/18 RTIR Newsletter: Pillow Talk, School’s Out for Summer, Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

    June 14, 2018

    01. Trump is Hooked On the History Books
    02. Summit Buys Time for Trump and Kim
    03. It’s Festival Time: Music Historian Hits the Road
    04. Pillow Talk: Fascinating Facts about Pillows
    05. Does America Have a Dad Deficit?
    06. How Dads Can Empower Their Daughters
    07. He Says Dying Made Him a Better Father
    08. The Copycat Celebrity Suicide Effect
    09. Insights from 2017 Kate Spade Interview
    10. 6M US Students Have High Blood Pressure: Are Backpacks Why?
    11. Why Autism Research is a Waste of Time and Money
    12. The Way We Treat Pain Is Criminal, Pain Doc Says
    13. Capitalism Vs. Public Health: Cure Yourself?
    14. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    15. School’s Out, But Mom’s Stress Is In
    16. Why We Can’t Stay Happy …and What to Do about It!
    17. Do You Take Yourself Way Too Seriously?
    18. Why Homeless People Are Great Role Models
    19. How Faith Can Divorce-Proof Your Marriage
    20. Your Summer Fun is Destroying the Planet

    1. ==> Trump is Hooked On the History Books

    Aaron David Miller says the historic North Korea summit
    offers Trump the possibility of a ride into the history
    books, and he’ll likely fall in love with the process
    designed to keep it alive. “The US and North Korea have
    a framework for negotiations and a mandate from the
    leaders to move forward. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
    will be key, and the hawkish National Security Adviser
    John Bolton best be careful he doesn’t appear to be
    ruining Trump’s party. If we’re lucky, this will
    produce a multi-year process driven by a North and
    South Korea track that will help defuse tensions and
    prevent escalation. Complete denuclearization of North
    Korea isn’t likely in the cards; but stability — maybe
    even peace on the Peninsula — may be. If we’re smart,
    we’ll take it.” Aaron David Miller is a vice president
    and distinguished scholar at the Woodrow Wilson
    International Center for Scholars and author of “The
    End of Greatness: Why America Can’t Have (and Doesn’t
    Want) Another Great President.” Miller was a Middle
    East negotiator in Democratic and Republican
    administrations. Follow him on Twitter @aarondmiller2
    or contact Ryan McKenna at 202/691-4217;

    2. ==> Summit Buys Time for Trump and Kim

    Vipin Narang says the Singapore summit showed why Kim
    Jong Un pursued nuclear weapons in the first place.
    “Although he might have declared his nuclear weapons
    force “completed” in November 2017, it only achieved
    political completion when he sat down with the
    President of the United States as an equal. The summit
    shows why nuclear weapons are such a valuable commodity
    in international politics, legitimizing Kim’s pursuit
    of them. Kim issued a vague meaningless pledge in
    exchange for a vague meaningless security guarantee
    from Trump. Neither side committed to anything that it
    has not already, and a lot will turn on whether any
    meaningful progress can be achieved under this renewed
    framework. But the bottom line is North Korea is not
    going to give up its nuclear weapons.” Vipin Narang is
    an associate professor of political science at MIT. He
    is the author of “Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era.”
    Follow him on Twitter @NarangVipin. Contact him at
    617-258-7363 (MA);

    3. ==> It’s Festival Time: Music Historian Hits the

    Eddie Trunk’s new show, Trunkfest, premieres next month
    with the music historian rolling into the one and only
    Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Invite Trunk to share
    highlights from the series including an exclusive
    interview with Southern Rock superstar George Thorogood
    and a creepy cruise down to New Orleans for the Voodoo
    Music + Arts Experience festival. The travelling show
    is like going to a festival, hanging with the band… and
    of course eating festival food! Trunk even heads south
    of the border for a concert vacation at Castaway with
    Southern Ground, talking with Southern Rock favorites
    Blackberry Smoke, and chart-topping Country mainstays
    the Zac Brown Band. Trunkfest will air Sundays on AXS
    TV. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137; or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    4. ==> Pillow Talk: Fascinating Facts about Pillows

    Can you believe that the first pillows were made of
    bronze, wood, porcelain or stone? Ouch! Or that their
    original purpose was to keep bugs out of your ears,
    mouth, and nose? Get ready to entertain and inform your
    audience as they learn fascinating facts about pillows
    from Steve Long, the Pillow Guy. He can talk about
    famous pillow fights in movies and real life, the first
    hotelier to put chocolate on a pillow and pillows as an
    art form. Long is the CEO of Phamous Pholks Furniture
    Art Pillows, patented, custom-made pillows featuring
    the images of celebrities who look like they are
    actually sitting right there. He can also talk about
    how a pillow featured in a movie led him to create his
    business. Reach him at (520) 358-2871;

    5. ==> Does America Have a Dad Deficit?

    Apostolic Pastor Eric Hawthorne, a divorced single dad,
    claims that there is a severe “fatherhood deficit” in
    modern society. “I see young kids out on the street,
    doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their fathers
    are absent,” he says. As a dad of two boys aged 10 and
    12, Eric takes an old-fashioned, hands-on approach to
    raising his kids. He adds: “I teach them to respect and
    how to treat women. I teach them how to be responsible.
    Every Saturday, I give them tasks such as cleaning,
    doing dishes, making their beds. I also teach them
    about responsible money management, and how to provide
    for a family. I give them an allowance and teach them
    how to save. It’s natural to them. I prepared them from
    an early age.” Eric is the second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    and the author of the upcoming book “Are You Ready for
    Marriage?” Contact him at
    or (214) 785-7412.

    6. ==> How Dads Can Empower Their Daughters

    Women have traditionally represented the highest
    percentage of consumers of books about love, marriage,
    parenting and other seemingly feminine topics. However,
    best-selling author of female empowerment titles Kailin
    Gow has made a surprising discovery. “Men are also
    followers of mine,” she says. “I am finding out that
    men are reading books normally geared toward women
    because there is a lack of books for men, such as
    parenting books.” So just in time for Father’s Day,
    Kailin has released a book especially for dads:
    “Raising Strong Daughters: What Fathers Should Know.”
    Co-written with her husband, attorney Finlay Gow, she
    shares how dads can help to empower their daughters in
    the age of the #MeToo movement, school violence and
    other challenging life situations young girls
    experience. Kailin is a long-time female empowerment
    advocate, the founder of Sparklesoup Inc., an
    internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books,
    and director/filmmaker. She is also the author of the
    recently released “Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Guide.” Contact
    her at (617) 744-9001;

    7. ==> He Says Dying Made Him a Better Father

    Danny Bader’s life was transformed by a near death
    experience more than 20 years ago and he says what he
    learned from the experience has made him a better
    father. He’d just finished a roofing job with two
    buddies and was helping one retract the ladder when it
    hit the power lines. The other man holding the ladder—a
    husband and father of three young kids—died instantly.
    For all intents and purposes, Danny was also dead …and
    then he wasn’t. Physically he recovered quickly but
    emotionally, the accident took its toll. Now 54, the
    author and inspirational speaker can discuss how
    vision, support and faith helped him through the
    tragedy, and how he uses the three powerful principles
    with his children to support them on their journeys.
    Danny is a coach, speaker and author of “Back from
    Heaven’s Front Porch,” “Abraham’s Diner,” and “I Met
    Jesus for a Miller Lite.” Contact him at (610)

    8. ==> The Copycat Celebrity Suicide Effect

    The recent suicide deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony
    Bourdain shocked the nation and calls and texts to
    crisis hotlines spiked dramatically. Carla Feagan fears
    an increase in copycat suicides citing the rise in
    deaths after Robin Williams suicide in 2014. Feagan
    says, “The time is now for people to release their
    shame, become vulnerable and speak openly and publicly
    about their depression and suicide attempts. It is with
    this sharing of these stories that will allow those who
    are thinking about suicide to understand they are not
    alone and they too can survive.” Feagan, the author of
    “A Life Worth Living; The Journey of an Authentic
    Soul,” has been plagued by depression, anxiety and
    suicide attempts her entire life and is ready and
    willing to speak about what saved her from committing
    suicide. Contact her at 707 969 7972;

    9. ==> Insights from 2017 Kate Spade Interview

    With the death of the beloved fashion icon, many
    suggested suicide hotline numbers to call. But
    relationship and parenting experts Poppy and Geoff
    Spencer say perhaps there is also something deeper;
    something Kate Spade shared in her own words a year
    ago. Invite them to discuss Spade’s parenting
    perspective, why she and her daughter may have lived
    parallel lives in relation to identity, and how a
    simple mind shift can help parents deal with the
    challenging issues of kids and teens. Poppy and Geoff
    are a husband/wife team who help identify and address
    communication barriers. Interviewed on NBC, ABC, CBS,
    Bustle, Your Tango, and Popsugar, the relationship
    experts offer two unique and experienced perspectives.
    They are the authors of “One Billion Seconds: There’s
    Still time to Discover Love.” Contact them at (941)

    10. ==> 6M US Students Have High Blood Pressure: Are
    Heavy Backpacks to Blame?

    Recent studies show a startling increase in students
    with high blood pressure. What’s behind the spike in
    what is normally considered an older person’s
    condition? While one specific cause hasn’t been found,
    Bob Prichard says a key factor could be chronically
    restricted chest expansion—and reduced oxygen
    intake—from carrying heavy backpacks to school every
    day for years! Low oxygen intake has also been linked
    to obesity, diabetes, depression and anxiety–all of
    which are at an all-time among students. And since
    reduction in oxygen intake lasts years after the school
    backpack is put away, Prichard says millennials are at
    risk as well, and many don’t even know it. He’ll
    explain how your listeners can measure their chest
    expansion and what they can do to increase it. Bob
    Prichard is president of the Somax Institute and author
    of “Are You Robbing Your Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him
    at (415) 435-9880 (CA);

    11. ==> Why Autism Research is a Waste of Time and

    Developed nations around the world have spent years and
    billions on autism research, focusing mainly on medical
    and pharmaceutical remedies. But physician and author
    Dr. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy says they are going about it
    the wrong way. “The root cause of all of the limiting
    symptoms of autism is energy disturbance,” she says.
    “This stress that I am talking about is energetic
    stress. This includes stress from the parents’
    energies, caregivers’ energies, and stress from the
    environment including noise pollution, chemicals in
    food, etc.” After exploring the power of holistic
    energy healing in her own medical practice and life,
    Dr. Raja spent more than 25 years developing the Autism
    Cure, which shows results from day one! She recently
    was recognized by Buzzfeed as one of five professionals
    in the world to watch out for in the autism arena. She
    is the author of the book “How to Heal Autism and ADHD
    in 30 Days: The Phenomenally Powerful Breakthrough of
    Intent Healing,” and a graduate of India’s premier
    medical college C.M.C Vellore. Contact her at

    12. ==> The Way We Treat Pain Is Criminal, Pain Doc

    Patients from all over the country visit Anna Lee,
    M.D., to get relief from chronic pain that has plagued
    them for years. This board-certified pain management
    physician has helped thousands of “basket cases” for
    whom conventional treatments have failed, with her
    groundbreaking FDA-approved treatment. But you don’t
    have to be in chronic pain to appreciate what Dr. Lee
    will say about the horrible way pain patients are
    treated in America, leading to a completely unnecessary
    deadly opioid crisis. She’ll say that pain originates
    from nerve injuries—not in the muscles or bones where
    most treatments focus and often surgeries and
    injections are useless. Ask her how her treatment works
    and why no one else is using it. Anna Lee trained at
    Hahnemann and the University of Pennsylvania. Reach her
    at 201) 925-0315;

    13. ==> Capitalism Vs. Public Health: Cure Yourself?

    In the world of Capitalism, curing the chronically ill
    isn’t a profitable business model. After all, when
    everyone is healthy, or at least the majority who are
    curable, how will the company make a profit? Beverly
    Jensen, Ph.D., says, “There is no silver bullet to
    optimal health. Corporate interests have superseded
    public health protection, and our conventional
    healthcare system is part of the problem.” The SelfCare
    Maven says, “There’s no drug to cure the causes of
    chronic diseases. It’s largely up to the individual.”
    Dr. Jensen can discuss the need for a national, public
    discussion of the state of America’s health, how
    individuals can recover, and how policies need to
    change to improve the public’s health. Beverly, 70
    years young, is a lifelong practitioner of the natural
    healing arts. She is the author of the upcoming book
    “The 21st Century Health Rx: Self-care.” Contact her at or Skype docbeverly718.

    14. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. Social media overload. Humans being replaced
    by machines in the workforce. No wonder modern people
    feel so anxious, angry and disconnected from reality.
    Author Kim Chestney has the simple yet powerful
    solution: Intuition! “Intuition is the most important,
    yet least understood faculty of human consciousness.”
    Kim says. “Getting your ego out of the way and
    developing your inner voice is a great bull***t
    detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth
    in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an international
    best-selling author and artist who founded the popular
    CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new Intuition
    Masterclass is launching this fall as part of the debut
    of her global online school, Intuition Lab. Contact her
    at, or (412) 874-0898.

    15. ==> School’s Out, But Mom’s Stress Is In

    School is out and the living is definitely not easy.
    Parents—particularly moms—will be living in their cars
    as they endlessly chauffeur their kids to and from
    summer activities. In fact, says Suzette Webb, it’s
    like adding a part-time job to an already frazzled
    existence that includes spending more time scheduling
    kids’ time, feeding them and breaking up their fights.
    Invite Suzette on your show to offer suggestions for
    ways moms can “up their game” in the summer to find
    more time for themselves. Pointing out that self-care
    is not selfish, Suzette will share the importance of
    moms scheduling their own playdates, taking timeouts,
    starting the day with a mom-friendly warm-up routine,
    and celebrating the wins that come with being a less
    stressed parent. Suzette holds an MBA from the Kellogg
    Graduate School of Northwestern University. She is a
    mother, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster and the author
    of “Blues to Blessings.” Reach her at (708) 261-3303;

    16. ==> Why We Can’t Stay Happy …and What to Do about

    Did you know that more people than ever are chronically
    unhappy? Maybe you are one of them! Study after study
    proves that unhappiness reigns supreme in America and
    the world. But did you know that you can control how
    happy you feel? Ed Kuiper, author of “Ride the
    Happiness Wave,” can show your audience how to simply
    and easily activate their own happiness. It is possible
    to relieve the heaviness and fatigue that have become a
    standard default for many of them. Ed will share
    specific actions they can do every day to quickly
    create a happy spirit within while also giving them
    fun, short, supportive suggestions to trigger a “happy”
    feeling that lasts! Ed Kuiper is an author, speaker
    and seminar leader on cultivating happiness and healing
    – both physical and emotional. As an officer of two
    major life insurance companies and founder and CEO of
    several national companies, Ed spent over 40 years in
    the business world before becoming the “Master of
    Happiness.” Contact Ed at (207) 592-2032;

    17. ==> Do You Take Yourself Way Too Seriously? 5
    Questions Will Tell

    Many people make themselves miserable without realizing
    it, says Jim Ryan, author of “Simple Happiness, 52 Easy
    Ways to Lighten Up.” Your listeners will be able to
    tell if they are doing that when Jim asks them such
    questions as: Do you tend to criticize your coworkers
    and family? Do you wake up stressed out before your day
    even begins? Do you get impatient with other drivers
    during your commute? In addition to getting people to
    rethink their behavior, Jim will share what they can do
    to lighten up and be more grateful for what they have.
    He’s a motivational speaker who often speaks to
    inmates, helping them to be happier. Reach him at (631)
    754-7636 or (631) 875-1484 (cell);

    18. ==> Why This Author Says Many Homeless People Are
    Great Role Models

    Get ready to question nearly everything you think you
    know about homeless people—including who they are and
    how they got there. Glen Dunzweiler, who has
    extensively interviewed homeless people and their
    advocates, will say that the same qualities it takes to
    survive on the street—stress management, humility, a
    positive attitude, for example—are identical to what
    all of us need to get by in life. He can bust the
    biggest myths people have about the homeless and reveal
    which celebrities were formerly homeless. Dunzweiler is
    a filmmaker, producer, director, public speaker and
    former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is also
    the author of “Things I’ve Learned from the Homeless.”
    Reach him at (702) 767-7434;

    19. ==> How Faith Can Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

    Almost half of all marriages in Western society end in
    divorce. So how have pastor and Christian marriage
    counselor Rev. George Sukhdeo and his wife, Shirley,
    managed to remain happily married for 46 years? “We
    have experienced almost every challenge couples face in
    a marriage,” he says. “A marriage with Christ at its
    center is much more than having someone to do the
    dishes after dinner, take care of you when you’re sick,
    or help you make the car payment every month. A godly
    marriage excels at compromise and glories in
    selflessness.” Rev. George is an ordained minister with
    the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, He received a
    Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling degree and a
    B.A. in theology from Christian Bible College of Rocky
    Mount, N.C. He has 34 years of experience in Christian
    ministries as a pastor, Christian counselor and life
    coach, and has counseled more than 500 troubled
    couples, with an 85 percent success rate. He is the
    author of the book “Preparing for and Fostering Harmony
    in Marriage” Contact him at or
    (416) 460-4134.

    20. ==> Your Summer Fun is Destroying the Planet

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar: “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world’s environment. If we can
    all change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    planet.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have a devastating impact on the
    planet, and how we can change this. In addition to
    being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a Master
    of International Studies degree in Peace and Conflict
    Resolution and is the author of the book “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at

  • 06/12/18 RTIR Newsletter: North Korea Summit, Father’s Day, Ending Alzheimer’s

    June 12, 2018

    01. North Korea Summit: Photo Op or Disaster?
    02. Spade, Bourdain: Suicide Rates Climbing
    03. 37 Kids Die in Hot Cars Each Year
    04. Love Wins in Bermuda
    05. Father & Son Honor WWII Flying Tigers
    06. Do We Have a ‘Dad Deficit’?
    07. Father’s Day is Painful for Millions
    08. Could You Forgive Your Abusive Dad?
    09. Scammers are Targeting Dear Old Dad
    10. What Parents Can Do about School Shootings
    11. High School Grads Now Face Transition Fog
    12. The Worst Mistake You Can Make at Work
    13. Do a Show on Worst Summer Jobs
    14. Can Faith Save Capitalism?
    15. Understanding New Breast Cancer Findings
    16. Has Health Care Lost Its Soul?
    17. #EndAlz This June
    18. How to Make Kids Fall in Love with Books
    19. “End Times Are Imminent!” Is this Bible Scholar Crazy?
    20. Miss Falling Asleep to Bob Ross?


    1. ==> North Korea Summit: Photo Op or Disaster?

    Jennifer Rubin says, “In case you thought Trump was
    preparing for his summit with Kim Jong Un — you know,
    learning about the subject and walking through the
    likely North Korean ploys and weak points — he’s doing
    nothing much at all. How do we know? He said so.” “I
    think I’m very well prepared,” Trump told reporters on
    Thursday. “I don’t think I have to prepare very much.
    It’s about the attitude. It’s about willingness to get
    things done.” Rubin believes the real aim of the summit
    is to have a photo-op, mouth some platitudes about
    further talks at lower levels and have Trump say as
    little of substance as possible. “Truth be told, there
    likely is no viable plan short of war for obtaining
    complete denuclearization. Under such circumstances,
    perhaps it’s not the worst thing to have the bombastic,
    clueless president talking and posing for pictures
    rather than drawing up war plans.” Jennifer Rubin is an
    MSNBC contributor and writes the Right Turn blog for
    The Washington Post. Contact her at, @jrubinblogger

    2. ==> Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain: Suicide Rates

    Last week, amid news of the deaths of Kate Spade and
    Anthony Bourdain, the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevent released the results of a suicide study. New
    analysis found that nearly 45,000 Americans aged 10 or
    older died by their own hand in 2016, more than twice
    the number of homicides. Suicide rates rose steadily in
    nearly every state from 1999 to 2016, increasing 25
    percent nationally. But CDC officials say the national
    increase cannot be linked to a particular mental health
    diagnosis. Invite Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy
    director of the C.D.C. to discuss the factors that
    contribute to suicide, common precursors, and the many
    aspects to preventing suicide. “Our data show that
    suicide is more than a mental health issue,” says Dr.
    Schuchat. “We want improved access to care and better
    diagnostics, but we think that a comprehensive approach
    to suicide is what is needed.” Contact CDC Media
    Department at (404) 639-3286; (770) 488-7100 or

    3. ==> It Should Never Happen: 37 Kids Die in Hot Cars
    Each Year

    Ten minutes. That’s how long it takes for the
    temperature inside a vehicle to rise 20 degrees. For
    children in particular, this increase is enough to
    result in death. With nine fatal child heatstroke cases
    already this year, the National Safety Council has
    issued a report outlining legislation that could save
    kids’ lives and calls on parents and caregivers to
    ‘look before they lock.’ Invite Amy Artuso to discuss
    the report and share tips and even technology that
    could help prevent a child from dying in a hot car.
    Artuso is senior program manager of advocacy at the
    National Safety Council, a nonprofit organization whose
    mission is to eliminate preventable deaths at work, in
    homes and communities, and on the road. To book
    interview contact the National Safety Council at (630)

    4. ==> Love Wins in Bermuda

    The Supreme Court of Bermuda agreed to overturn the
    nation’s same-sex marriage ban last week. Zakiya
    Johnson Lord and Adrian Hartnett-Beasley of OUTBermuda
    say, “Love wins again! Our hearts and hopes are full,
    thanks to this historic decision by our Supreme Court
    and its recognition that all Bermuda families matter.
    Equality under the law is our birthright, and we begin
    by making every marriage equal.” OUTBermuda was one of
    the litigants in joint lawsuits to revoke sections of
    the recently enacted Domestic Partnership Act that
    removed marriage rights for same-sex couples. The
    charity promotes and supports the wellbeing, health,
    dignity, security, safety and protection of the LGBTQ
    community in Bermuda. Contact Adrian Hartnett-Beasley; +1 441-505-1256 (Bermuda)
    or Roderick Ferguson at or Bob
    Witeck at (202) 997-4055 (U.S.);

    5. ==> Father & Son Honor WWII Flying Tigers

    Just in time for Father’s Day, invite Sam Kleiner to
    discuss the connection between the generations, and why
    he — with his father alongside him– decided to help
    honor the legacy of the Flying Tigers and the Greatest
    Generation. Sam was inspired to travel the country to
    find the true story of the Flying Tigers– the one not
    captured in the John Wayne movie. He tracked down
    families of the survivors and was invited to attend the
    Flying Tigers “reunions.” Moved by his sons’
    dedication to preserving this important chapter in
    history, Sam’s father joined him on the adventure.
    Together they pieced together the true story of the
    Flying Tigers, a rag-tag band of American pilots (and a
    support crew that included the nurse) who were sent to
    China on a covert mission before Pearl Harbor and then
    sprang into action in December 1941. Sam Kleiner’s new
    book is “The Flying Tigers: The Untold Story of the
    American Pilots Who Waged a Secret War Against Japan.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    6. ==> Do a Father’s Day Show About the ‘Dad Deficit’

    Pastor Eric Hawthorne, a divorced single dad, claims
    that there is a severe “fatherhood deficit” in modern
    society. “I see young kids out on the street, doing
    drugs because nine times out of 10, their fathers are
    absent,” he says. As a dad of two boys aged 10 and 12,
    Eric takes an old-fashioned, hands-on approach to
    raising his kids. He adds: “I teach them to respect and
    how to treat women. I teach them how to be responsible.
    Every Saturday, I give them tasks such as cleaning,
    doing dishes, making their beds. I also teach them
    about responsible money management, and how to provide
    for a family. I give them an allowance and teach them
    how to save. It’s natural to them. I prepared them from
    an early age.” Eric is the second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    and the author of the upcoming book “Are You Ready for
    Marriage?” Contact him at, or (972)

    7. ==> Father’s Day is Painful for Millions

    This Father’s Day, over 2 million fathers in the United
    States will miss their sons and daughters because their
    children are behind bars. Other parents will lose sleep
    worrying about their child’s drug use, and over 64,000
    will be mourning the loss of a son or daughter in the
    last year to overdose. Colleen Cowles says, “We hear a
    lot about the epidemic, but little about how parents
    can deal with it. Father’s Day can be a stressful time
    for Dads with addiction in the family.” Cowles, and
    attorney and author, can help parents protect their own
    financial and emotional well-being, while improving the
    odds of success for their sons and daughters. A mother
    with addiction in her own family, Cowles has spent the
    past 15 years researching and working with families.
    She created the online course for parents “20 Steps to
    Freedom: When Someone You Love is Addicted to Drugs.”
    Contact her at (715) 828-0293;

    8. ==> Could You Forgive Your Abusive Dad?

    If your dad belittled or hit you could you forgive him?
    Should you? For many people, this is not an academic
    question. It isn’t for Dr. Jeanne Sanner, whose father
    often hit her with a strop, verbally abused her, and
    was sexually abusive. But as an adult, she is at peace
    with her father and herself. Invite her on air to
    explain why people like her father approach life with
    fear and how knowing that changed her perception of
    him; she was able to stop condemning him and to
    experience forgiveness. For others in your audience who
    are having forgiveness issues, Jeanne can share a
    simple formula she created that has already helped
    hundreds of people change their beliefs to lead happier
    lives. She is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love
    a Little Peace at a Time.” Jeanne has a doctorate in
    spiritual studies, a master’s in education and a
    bachelor’s in psychology. Reach her at (949) 460-9450;

    9. ==> Scammers are Targeting Dear Old Dad

    Scammers, con artists and thieves prey upon the
    elderly. When dad (or mom) age, they’re often living
    alone for the first time, perhaps suffering from some
    cognitive issues. Thieves know their vulnerabilities
    and seek opportunities to steal their money. Invite
    William Francavilla to share things you can do to
    minimize your loved ones being scammed by unwelcome and
    unsolicited phone calls, home repair rip-off artists
    and even romance hoaxes. Francavilla is the author of
    “The Madoffs Among Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists
    and Thieves Who Are Plotting to Steal your Money.” He’s
    a CFP and former senior vice president, director of
    Wealth Management for Legg Mason who has extensive
    media experience. Contact him at (757) 870-4590;

    10. ==> What Parents Can Do about School Shootings

    Leeza Steindorf says, sadly, the current epidemic of
    school shootings isn’t surprising given our current
    culture. “We have diligently fed an entire generation
    aggression and violence with its mother’s milk and now
    stand at the sidelines, scratching our heads, wondering
    how all this tragedy could be happening. Violence in,
    violence out. Truly it is that simple and longitudinal
    studies have proven that the consistent diet of media
    violence unequivocally leads to aggressive behavior as
    adults.” She says there is no simple solution to school
    shootings but getting serious about parenting education
    and modeling for children could make a huge difference
    by protecting them from the inside out. An
    international communications expert specializing in
    peace education in schools, Steindorf won national
    acclaim in Europe for the CORE Success program that she
    designed after a school shooting in Germany. Leeza
    Steindorf is the author of “Connected Parent, Empowered
    Child: Five Keys to Raising Happy, Confident,
    Responsible Kids” and “CORE Success for Schools: The
    Practical Guide Book for a Positive School Climate.”
    Contact her at (541) 550- 0451;

    11. ==> High School Grads Now Face Transition Fog

    Everyone tells high school grads that college will be
    the best four years of their lives! But Brenda Reynolds
    thinks just maybe we should stop the lie. “Before they
    get to the ‘happiest’ years of their lives, there’s a
    heck of a lot of change to navigate first. Endings, new
    beginnings, lots of uncertainty. Everything as they
    know it is about to change–schedules, friends, living
    space, geography. And parents have their own transition
    to make.” Invite Reynolds to discuss strategies for
    navigating this time of transition fog and the emotions
    that come with it. She says, “It’s the beginning of
    learning an invaluable skill of dealing with complexity
    and change AND it’s a skill that students and parents
    can bring to the workplace and their life space again
    and again.” Brenda Reynolds is an organization and
    leadership consultant, coach, speaker and author. She’s
    been featured in Bloomberg News, Business News Daily
    and on Starcom Radio Network. Her book is “TBD: To be
    Determined: Leading with Clarity and Confidence in
    Uncertain Times.” Navigating Transition Fog is her TEDx
    talk. Contact her at (610) 639-5722;

    12. ==> The Worst Mistake You Can Make at Work

    What do you do when you have a bad day at work? Do you
    moan, whine, frown and share your frustrations with
    your coworkers? You are only human and it may seem
    natural to trade bad experiences with your buddies at
    work. But according to business leader, entrepreneur,
    mentor and author Bonnie Sussman-Versace, that’s the
    wrong thing to do. She says every time you tell a
    negative story to colleagues you reinforce your own
    negative feelings and theirs, making the problem worse.
    Instead, she’ll explain ways all of us can contribute
    to the creation, celebration and sharing of positive
    experiences at work. Interview Bonnie to find out how
    all employees can support a healthy workplace culture
    whose benefits will spill over into happier lives at
    home. Bonnie is the author of “Recipes for Thoughtful
    Leadership and Healthy Culture.” She is the author of
    numerous articles for Business Weekly, the Reading
    Eagle, and Lehigh Business Journal. Contact her at
    (610) 301-2194;

    13. ==> Do a Show on Worst Summer Jobs

    School is about to let out and it’s time to find a
    summer job but Dr. John Huber says not all seasonal
    jobs are good for everyone, and some can even hurt your
    mental health. “Some jobs can be great summer
    experiences like camp counseling or lifeguarding. They
    can be fulfilling and allow teens to be responsible and
    learn to be leaders,” says Dr. Huber. But other job, he
    adds, may not be suited for everyone. “It sounds like
    fun to work at a theme park in a costume, but it’s
    often brutally hot and a very demanding job. And if
    you’re accustomed to a life of comfort and repeatedly
    checking your phone, landscaping will probably be a
    nightmare summer job for you.” Dr. John Huber is a
    clinical forensic psychologist and the chairman for
    Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit mental health
    organization. Dr. Huber has appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows and dozens of national television programs.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    14. ==> Can Faith Save Capitalism?

    The global financial crisis of 2008 created an
    insatiable market for alternative economic theories and
    that groundswell of support continues. Capitalism has
    created a society where the rich get richer and the
    rest fight over the crumbs. Invite Dr. Kenneth Barnes
    to discuss whether Capitalism can work for everyone,
    what Millennials don’t understand about Free Market
    Capitalism, and whether Jesus was a Socialist. Prior to
    his academic career, Kenneth Barnes spent many years as
    a senior international executive for multiple
    multibillion dollar companies. He currently teaches at
    Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Oxford
    University. His latest book is “Redeeming Capitalism.”
    Contact Jason Jones at

    15. ==> For Father’s Day, Here’s a Book for Dads with

    Women have traditionally represented the highest
    percentage of consumers of books about love, marriage,
    parenting and other seemingly feminine topics. However,
    best-selling author of female empowerment titles Kailin
    Gow has made a surprising discovery. “Men are also
    followers of mine,” she says. “I am finding out that
    men are reading books normally geared toward women
    because there is a lack of books for men, such as
    parenting books.” So just in time for Father’s Day,
    Kailin has released a book especially for dads:
    “Raising Strong Daughters: What Fathers Should Know.”
    Co-written with her husband, attorney Finlay Gow, she
    shares how dads can help to empower their daughters in
    the age of the #MeToo movement, school violence and
    other challenging life situations young girls
    experience. Kailin is a long-time female empowerment
    advocate, the founder of Sparklesoup Inc., an
    internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books,
    and director/filmmaker. She is also the author of the
    recently released “Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Guide.” Contact
    her at, or (617) 744-9001.

    16. ==> Has Health Care Lost Its Soul?

    Nearly 90 percent of patients have prayed for
    healing—79 percent for themselves and 87 percent for
    others. If spiritual practice takes such precedence for
    patients, why have health-care professionals left the
    soul behind in healing others? Dr. Katherine Kelly, a
    former researcher and professor who has been a
    clinician for 26 years, says, “I constantly hear from
    patients that the number-one gap in their healing
    process is that spirituality is never addressed.” Known
    as the pioneer of soul health, Dr. Kelly created a
    self-use health model that empowers patients to take
    positive steps toward their optimal health while also
    addressing their spiritual needs. Katherine Kelly,
    Ph.D., M.S.P.H., has been a guest on more than 100
    radio shows. A clinical health psychologist and
    consultant, she was the director of behavioral health
    at Wake Forest University Medical School, received
    training from the Mind-Body Medical Institute of
    Harvard University, and holds a master’s of science
    degree in public health. Contact her at (336) 659-3923;
    (336) 406-8431 (cell) or

    17. ==> #EndAlz This June

    June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time
    when people will be wearing purple shirts with the
    hashtag #EndAlz. As someone with a brain, you already
    know the importance of keeping your memory sharp and
    avoiding the most famous memory-robbing disease,
    Alzheimer’s. But what you probably don’t know is that
    the technique for putting the fork in Alzheimer’s
    already exists only most of us do not know about it.
    Invite Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D, on your show to talk
    about CranioSacral therapy, a revolutionary way of
    treating Alzheimer’s and dementia that he is helping to
    pioneer. When consistently applied, he says the gentle,
    easily learned, affordable technique can significantly
    roll back Alzheimer’s and dementia in a few weeks. He
    can discuss his research, explain what craniosacral
    therapy is (it’s also being used by NFL players and
    children with autism) and ways it can increase
    longevity. Morgan, who’s been researching Alzheimer’s
    and dementia since 2008, was inspired to do so in part
    after watching his stepmother and sister-in-law succumb
    to the disease. He’s a well-known instructor of
    CranioSacral Therapy and teaches the technique all over
    the world. He’s also the author of “Preventing
    Alzheimer’s in Just 10 Minutes a Day with the
    BodyEnergy Prescription and CranioSacral Therapy.”
    Contact Kathy Regganie at (630) 567-8383;

    18. ==> How to Make Kids Fall in Love with Books

    Lynne Morgan says every parent can help their child
    become a success in school and life and you don’t need
    money, expensive schools or the latest electronics to
    do it. It simply has to do with reading! According to
    the National Center for Educational Success, children
    who read or are read to at home have a higher success
    rate in school, and government statistics show a clear
    link between academic failure, delinquency, and crime
    and reading failure. Invite Lynne, a retired teacher
    and children’s book author, to discuss the decline in
    student reading in the US and ways parents can nurture
    a love of reading and books in their children. Lynne
    Morgan is the author of “Crackers,” “Crackers FBI” (Her
    husband is a retired FBI agent) and “Crackers and His
    Friends.” Contact her at

    19. ==> “End Times Are Imminent!” Is this Bible Scholar

    Richard Ruhling says scenes of Revelation are about to
    begin with a massive earthquake along the San Andreas
    Fault. Based on his knowledge of the Bible, a recent
    Los Angeles Times report, and a FEMA drill that just
    took place, this retired physician predicts the
    earthquake scientists call The Big One is nigh. He says
    it could lead to a tsunami, massive numbers of people
    fleeing and a disrupted water supply. It’s easy to
    dismiss Dr. Ruhling as a kook. But before you do, why
    not ask him: What does the Book of Revelations say
    about current events? Are we headed for another Exodus?
    Is Donald Trump the anti-Christ? Dr. Ruhling taught
    health science at Loma Linda University. He attended
    Bible College and has been interviewed on scores of
    radio programs. He has authored a number of books on
    Bible prophecy and current events including “The
    Earthquake & 7 Seals,” which is available for free
    today only. Reach him at (928) 583-7543 or for details.

    20. ==> Miss Falling Asleep to Bob Ross? There’s an App
    for That!

    Bob Ross, the 1980s art instructor and cult TV host of
    The Joy of Painting on PBS, was best known in his day
    for his full head of hair, quirky catchphrases and
    mellow manner. Indeed, so mellow was his manner and
    soothing his voice that 23 years after his death three
    classic episodes of his old show are being revived and
    repurposed as calming bedtime stories for grown-ups.
    “We’ve had so many Calm users asking us for a Sleep
    Story with Bob Ross,” says Alex Tew, co-founder of
    Calm. “He was and still is a hero to the hard of
    sleeping.” is an app for meditation and sleep
    and was recently named Apple’s 2017 iPhone App of the
    Year. Contact Todd Brabender at 785.842.8909;

  • 06/07/18 RTIR Newsletter: Single Dad Parenting, US Open, Kids and Summer Reading

    June 7, 2018

    01. Will Trump’s Pardon Party Include Himself?
    02. Iran Nukes – Fall-Out from US Withdrawal
    03. Did Russia Really Meddle in US Election?
    04. Is Capitalism Incompatible with Christianity?
    05. Happy Birthday, Prince! Behind-the-Scenes Stories
    06. Miss Falling Asleep to PBS Painter Bob Ross?
    07. Parenting Tips for Single Dads
    08. Help for Dads with Daughters
    09. Scammers are Targeting Your Dad
    10. Understanding New Breast Cancer Chemo Findings
    11. Weinstein and Why Men Claim Rape is Consensual
    12. US Open – Have Deadlifts Damaged Spieth’s Putting?
    13. Why Should We Be Concerned About Africa?
    14. Why Businesses Should Hire Boomers Instead of Millennials
    15. Create Your Own Midlife Job Security
    16. Allergy Relief for Under 10 Bucks
    17. Esteemed Pain Doc is Closest Thing to a Miracle Worker
    18. Do You Take Yourself Way Too Seriously?
    19. Fun Ways to Get Kids Reading this Summer
    20. Pillow Talk: Fascinating Facts about Pillows


    1. ==> Will Trump’s Pardon Party Include Himself?

    President Trump kicked off the week with a novel
    constitutional claim: That he has the “absolute right”
    to pardon himself. Asha Rangappa says it’s not
    surprising that pardon power holds so much appeal for
    Trump. She says his targeted use of the pardon power so
    far — including ones he is currently considering —
    gives us a window into how he views the pardon power.
    “Consciously or not, he appears to see the pardons as a
    personal weapon for him to use in potentially achieving
    four things in the special counsel investigation.”
    She’ll explain what that is and whether Trump could
    actually pardon himself. Asha Rangappa is a senior
    lecturer at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for
    Global Affairs and a former associate dean at Yale Law
    School. She served as a Special Agent in the New York
    Division of the FBI and has been a contributor on
    numerous television and radio outlets. Contact her at

    2. ==> Iran Nukes – Fall-Out from US Withdrawal

    Tehran informed the UN’s nuclear watchdog this week it
    was beginning the process of increasing its capacity to
    enrich uranium. This, after the US withdrew from a 2015
    nuclear deal that limited Iran’s nuclear capabilities
    in return for a partial lifting of sanctions. Middle
    East energy expert Dr. Ellen Wald says attempts by Iran
    and the EU to reassure international businesses that
    the nuclear deal is still valid despite America’s
    withdrawal seem to be falling on deaf ears. She’ll
    discuss Iran and EU energy issues, including the
    announcement by GE to pull out of all deals to sell
    pipelines to Iranian companies and to close its Iran
    office. Wald is the President of Transversal Consulting
    and an expert on the global energy industry, Middle
    East politics and history. A Non-Resident Scholar at
    the independent D.C. think tank, the Arabia Foundation,
    she is also a professor at Jacksonville University and
    the author of “Saudi, Inc.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; or Erin Bolden
    at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Did Russia Really Meddle in US Election?

    Jack Matlock Jr., ambassador to the Soviet Union from
    1987 to 1991, recently wrote, “I did not personally
    vote for Trump, but I consider the charges that Russian
    actions interfered in the election, or — for that
    matter — damaged the quality of our democracy
    ludicrous, pathetic, and shameful. … I should add
    ‘dangerous’ because making an enemy of Russia, the
    other nuclear superpower — yes, there are still two —
    comes as close to political insanity as anything I can
    think of.” Invite Jackson Lears to discuss Russian
    hacking in the 2016 election and whether Matlock is
    correct. Lears teaches history at Rutgers University
    and is the author of “What We Don’t Talk about When We
    Talk about Russian Hacking.” Contact him at

    4. ==> Is Capitalism Incompatible with Christianity?

    The global financial crisis of 2008 created an
    insatiable market for alternative economic theories and
    that groundswell of support continues. Capitalism has
    created a society where the rich get richer and the
    rest fight over the crumbs. Invite Dr. Kenneth Barnes
    to discuss whether Capitalism can work for everyone,
    what Millennials don’t understand about Free Market
    Capitalism, and whether Jesus was a Socialist. Prior to
    his academic career, Kenneth Barnes spent many years as
    a senior international executive for multiple
    multibillion dollar companies. He currently teaches at
    Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Oxford
    University. His latest book is “Redeeming Capitalism.”
    Contact Jason Jones at (512) 720-2996;

    5. ==> Happy Birthday, Prince! Behind-the-Scenes

    Today, music icon Prince would have turned 60 years
    old. It’s been two years since he was found dead in his
    Paisley Park mansion and still, many questions remain
    about the man, his life and his music. Invite
    documentary filmmaker and author Duane Tudahl to
    discuss the man behind the music, his obsessive drive
    and demand for total control, and how Purple Rain
    catapulted him from a cult-favorite to a superstar.
    You’ll learn: Was Prince really a devout Jehovah’s
    Witness? What’s in his mysterious and legendary vault
    and will we ever get to hear it? Who was the love of
    his life? How does Prince’s music and legacy rank in
    the history of pop music? What was the secret to his
    success? Tudahl spent 20 years interviewing over 40
    band members, singers, and engineers for his acclaimed
    book “Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions:
    1983 and 1984.” He’ll share their personal, never-
    before-heard stories from inside the studio. Contact
    him at (818) 726-8638 (CA);

    6. ==> Miss Falling Asleep to Bob Ross? There’s an App
    for That!

    Bob Ross, the 1980s art instructor and cult TV host of
    The Joy of Painting on PBS, was best known in his day
    for his full head of hair, quirky catchphrases and
    mellow manner. Indeed, so mellow was his manner and
    soothing his voice that 23 years after his death three
    classic episodes of his old show are being revived and
    repurposed as calming bedtime stories for grown-ups.
    “We’ve had so many Calm users asking us for a Sleep
    Story with Bob Ross,” says Alex Tew, co-founder of
    Calm. “He was and still is a hero to the hard of
    sleeping.” is an app for meditation and sleep
    and was recently named Apple’s 2017 iPhone App of the
    Year. Contact Todd Brabender at 785.842.8909;

    7. ==> Just in Time for Father’s Day, Parenting Tips
    for Single Dads

    Apostolic Pastor Eric Hawthorne, a divorced single dad,
    claims that there is a severe “fatherhood deficit” in
    modern society. “I see young kids out on the street,
    doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their fathers
    are absent,” he says. As a dad of two boys aged 10 and
    12, Eric takes an old-fashioned, hands-on approach to
    raising his kids. He adds: “I teach them to respect and
    how to treat women. I teach them how to be responsible.
    Every Saturday, I give them tasks such as cleaning,
    doing dishes, making their beds. I also teach them
    about responsible money management, and how to provide
    for a family. I give them an allowance and teach them
    how to save. It’s natural to them. I prepared them from
    an early age.” Eric is the second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    and the author of the upcoming book “Are You Ready for
    Marriage?” Contact him at, or (972)

    8. ==> For Father’s Day, Help for Dads with Daughters

    Women have traditionally represented the highest
    percentage of consumers of books about love, marriage,
    parenting and other seemingly feminine topics. However,
    best-selling author of female empowerment titles Kailin
    Gow has made a surprising discovery. “Men are also
    followers of mine,” she says. “I am finding out that
    men are reading books normally geared toward women
    because there is a lack of books for men, such as
    parenting books.” So just in time for Father’s Day,
    Kailin has released a book especially for dads:
    “Raising Strong Daughters: What Fathers Should Know.”
    She can share how dads can help to empower their
    daughters in the age of the #MeToo movement, school
    violence and other challenging life situations young
    girls experience. Kailin is a long-time female
    empowerment advocate, the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.,
    an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books,
    and director/filmmaker. She is also the author of the
    recently released “Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Guide.” Contact
    her at, or (617) 744-9001.

    9. ==> Scammers are Targeting Your Dad

    Scammers, con artists and thieves prey upon the
    elderly. When dad (or mom) age, they’re often living
    alone for the first time, perhaps suffering from some
    cognitive issues. Thieves know their vulnerabilities
    and seek opportunities to steal their money. Invite
    William Francavilla to share things you can do to
    minimize your loved ones being scammed by unwelcome and
    unsolicited phone calls, home repair rip-off artists
    and even romance hoaxes. Francavilla is the author of
    “The Madoffs Among Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists
    and Thieves Who Are Plotting to Steal your Money.” He’s
    a CFP and former senior vice president, director of
    Wealth Management for Legg Mason who has extensive
    media experience. Contact him at (757) 870-4590;

    10. ==> Understanding New Breast Cancer Chemo Findings

    New research in New England Journal of Medicine
    indicates 2/3rd of women with most common cause of
    breast cancer can forgo chemotherapy. Who should get
    chemotherapy and who shouldn’t? Invite Dr. Jim Roach to
    help listeners understand the new findings. What are
    vital approaches to double outcomes with chemotherapy
    while reducing side effects by half? How can those
    skipping chemotherapy be certain they are on the right
    path? What are key strategies in prevention and
    management of breast cancer? For over a decade double-
    boarded Dr. Jim Roach has successfully used functional,
    integrative strategies with his patients. Jim Roach MD,
    ABOIM, ABIHM, is a leading integrative practitioner who
    has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. His new
    book “”Vital Strategies in Cancer” will be released in
    the fall. Contact him at (859) 846-4453 (office) or at

    11. ==> Weinstein and Why Men Claim Rape is Consensual

    Disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein appeared in a
    New York City courtroom Tuesday and pleaded not guilty
    to two counts of rape and one count of a criminal sex
    act, less than a week after a grand jury indicted him.
    His attorney insists Weinstein never had nonconsensual
    sex and that a trial will clear the disgraced mogul’s
    name. Author and rape survivor Joyce Short says, “The
    word ‘consent’ is the most misunderstood in the English
    language. Our penal codes must standardize the true
    meaning of consent across the US, and hopefully,
    beyond.” Short will explain the meaning of consent and
    discuss what changes are needed in our laws to combat
    sex crimes and get predators behind bars. Joyce Short
    advocates for sexual assault victims around the world.
    She’s been awarded a “Woman of Distinction” honor by
    the NY State Assembly and is fighting for new laws on
    consent across the US. Contact her at (917) 517-8572;

    12. ==> US Open – Have Deadlifts Damaged Spieth’s

    Golfer Jordan Spieth was ranked 8th last year in putts
    3′ and under. This year he’s ranked 205th! What’s
    happened? Some say the problem is a mental one, but Bob
    Prichard believes it’s entirely physical and due to
    damage from lifting 380 lb. weights. “I see it in
    golfers all the time. Weight-lifting builds muscle by
    tearing muscle fibers, but you also create scar tissue
    that can’t be released by stretching. It accumulates
    over time, reducing flexibility in the back, shoulders
    and neck.” Prichard runs the Somax Performance
    Institute. Hear why he suspects the condition has
    affected other pro golfers like Tiger Woods, David
    Duval and Jason Day–as well as weekend duffers.
    Prichard will share simple ways to test for the
    condition, and explain how releasing microfibers can
    correct the problem and improve performance, reverse
    age-related stiffness and back pain. Prichard’s
    athletes have won 44 Gold Medals, and set 11 World
    Records. His golfers have won the US Open and improved
    their putting from #113 to #1. An NBC Sports Olympics
    on-air analyst, his new book is “Are You Robbing Your
    Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him at (415) 435- 9880 (CA);

    13. ==> Why Should We Be Concerned About Africa?

    Sylvanus Ayeni warns that the security of the world is
    at stake as long as the widespread poverty in the
    nations of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to
    worsen. “As perpetrators of terror are driven from
    their enclaves in the Middle East and elsewhere, these
    poor nations in SSA with dilapidated infrastructure and
    defense apparatus could become safe havens for
    terrorist organizations.” Ayeni says another area of
    concern is the threat of global epidemics. “The
    2014/2015 Ebola epidemic which began in West Africa is
    a reminder of the global consequences of the poor
    healthcare systems in the nations of SSA.” Ayeni, a
    retired neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and
    raised in Nigeria. His book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni president of Pan
    Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him
    at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    14. ==> Why Businesses Should Hire Boomers Instead of

    There is an illegal but persistent prejudice in hiring
    practices today, with recruiters and employers using
    technology tools to screen out older workers who never
    get a chance at a job interview. But it shouldn’t be
    that way, according to Diane Huth, marketing expert and
    career coach. Let her share the 10 key reasons
    employers should (but don’t yet) value mature workers,
    and how baby boomers can leverage those insights to
    keep their current job or find a new or better one.
    Explore with Diane the disconnect between the hiring
    goals of the CEO and the young HR team that screen out
    older workers before their resume is ever seen by a
    prospective boss. She’ll also share the secret way job
    seekers can leapfrog the HR department to network their
    way to career success directly with their hiring
    manager or C-suite executive. Diane’s book, “Brand You!
    To Re-Invent Your Career,” will be released this
    summer. Reach her at (210) 601-7852 or

    15. ==> Create Your Own Midlife Job Security

    What happens when you’re too young to retire, but too
    old to hire? A sudden job loss could throw your current
    lifestyle a curve unless you’re prepared. Hovey Smith
    says the only job security that anyone holds is what
    they can control. The author of “Create Your Own Job
    Security by Starting Your Own Business at Midlife,” can
    discuss how to examine short, medium and long-term
    business opportunities that you can have ready to
    launch when you need it most. From E-Bay sales to new
    products, providing services and even the arts, Smith
    says just about anything you can imagine can be turned
    into a moneymaking opportunity and it’s a myth that a
    person can do only one business in his lifetime. Hovey
    Smith is the author of 15 books and has produced
    hundreds of YouTube videos. With multiple academic
    degrees, he has spoken at business forums in China and
    Austria. Contact him at (478) 552-7455;

    16. ==> Allergy Relief for Under 10 Bucks

    The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming and the
    birds are singing. While it’s beautiful to behold, this
    time of year can be agony for people with seasonal
    allergies. Many sufferers spend a small fortune in
    doctor visits, allergy shots and prescription drugs
    that make them drowsy, but Dr. Kathleen Fry says there
    is an alternative to the allergy treadmill that’s safe,
    effective, inexpensive and readily available in most
    health food stores for less than $10.00. Invite her on
    your show to share proven allergy relief your
    listeners’ will appreciate. Dr. Fry is a medical doctor
    and homeopathic physician with over 30 years of
    clinical experience. Her new book is “What’s the Remedy
    for That? The Definitive Homeopathy Guide to Mastering
    Everyday Self-Care Without Drugs.” Contact her at (480)

    17. ==> Esteemed Pain Doc is Closest Thing to a Miracle

    Patients from all over the country visit Anna Lee,
    M.D., to get relief from chronic pain that has plagued
    them for years. This board-certified pain management
    physician has helped thousands of “basket cases” for
    whom conventional treatments have failed, with her
    groundbreaking FDA-approved treatment. But you don’t
    have to be in chronic pain to appreciate what Dr. Lee
    will say about the horrible way pain patients are
    treated in America, leading to a completely unnecessary
    deadly opioid crisis. She’ll say that pain originates
    from nerve injuries—not in the muscles or bones where
    most treatments focus and often surgeries and
    injections are useless. Ask her how her treatment works
    and why no one else is using it. Anna Lee trained at
    Hahnemann and the University of Pennsylvania. Reach her
    at (201) 925-0315;

    18. ==> Do You Take Yourself Way Too Seriously? 5
    Questions Will Tell

    Many people make themselves miserable without realizing
    it, says Jim Ryan, author of “Simple Happiness, 52 Easy
    Ways to Lighten Up.” Your listeners will be able to
    tell if they are doing that when Jim asks them such
    questions as: Do you tend to criticize your coworkers
    and family? Do you wake up stressed out before your day
    even begins? Do you get impatient with other drivers
    during your commute? In addition to getting people to
    rethink their behavior, Jim will share what they can do
    to lighten up and be more grateful for what they have.
    He’s a motivational speaker who often speaks to
    inmates, helping them to be happier. Reach him at (631)
    754-7636 or (631) 875-1484 (cell);

    19. ==> Fun Ways to Get Kids Reading this Summer

    By the time summer vacation arrives most kids are ready
    to ditch the books and play outside all day. How can
    parents keep their children interested in reading so
    they don’t forget everything during the summer months?
    Invite children’s author and mother of three Rosie J.
    Pova to share her tips for keeping the kids interested
    in books during vacation. She advises parents to
    encourage kids to read books on topics they’re
    interested in, set aside time to read together as a
    family, spent time each week at the library, make
    reading into a game, and have a themed reading area in
    the home. She is the author of several children’s books
    including her latest, Sarah’s Song. Pova has been
    featured on radio and in print. Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

    20. ==> Pillow Talk: Fascinating Facts about Pillows

    Can you believe that the first pillows were made of
    bronze, wood, porcelain or stone? Ouch! Or that their
    original purpose was to keep bugs out of your ears,
    mouth, and nose? Get ready to entertain and inform your
    audience as they learn fascinating facts about pillows
    from Steve Long, the Pillow Guy. He can talk about
    famous pillow fights in movies and real life, the first
    hotelier to put chocolate on a pillow and pillows as an
    art form. Long is the CEO of Phamous Pholks Furniture
    Art Pillows, patented, custom-made pillows featuring
    the images of celebrities who look like they are
    actually sitting right there. He can also talk about
    how a pillow featured in a movie led him to create his
    business. Reach him at (520) 358-2871;

  • 06-05-18 RTIR Newsletter: Weinstein Lawsuit, DNA Testing for Wine, Baseball Fantasies

    June 5, 2018

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito,
    Editors, Radio-TV Interview Report Newsletter

    01. New Book Claims CIA Has Plan to Kill Trump
    02. Weinstein and Why Men Claim Rape is Consensual
    03. Prince’s 60th B-Day – What You Don’t Know about the Music Icon
    04. Have Deadlifts Damaged Jordan Spieth’s Putting?
    05. Summer Jobs that Hurt Your Mental Health
    06. Unconventional Advice for Grads – Give a Damn!
    07. How Dying Made Me a Better Father
    08. The Difference Between Leakers and Whistleblowers
    09. DNA Testing for …Wine?
    10. Will The Royal Marriage Be a Royal Pain?
    11. Are You Guilty of Ignoring the Financial Monsters Under Your Bed?
    12. Why Most of Your Listeners Lose Money in the Stock Market
    13. Time Management for People Who Hate It
    14. Why this Author Says Many Homeless People Are Great Role Models
    15. Has Work Become a Religion?
    16. Don’t Forget to Do a Show for Brain Awareness Month
    17. The Other Victims of the Opioid Crisis
    18. Why We Can’t Stay Happy …and What to Do about It!
    19. Why Summer is the Best Time to Beat Sugar Addiction
    20. Curious about Fantasy Baseball Camp?

    1. ==> New Book Claims CIA Has Plan to Kill Trump

    Jerome Corsi, the old 2004 Swiftboater, is back with a
    new theory about how far the ‘deep state’ will go to
    destroy Donald Trump’s presidency. The flier for
    “Killing the Deep State,” says the book proves that
    there is underway a ‘coup d’état to take out President
    Trump,’ orchestrated by Obama and his lieutenants. The
    publisher claims that although the book is a best-
    seller, The New York Times made a decision to leave it
    off its list, although for one week it begrudgingly
    listed it, under pressure, as #15. Ronald Radosh says,
    “Best-seller or not, Corsi’s narrative is a compendium
    of all the conspiracy theories put together and is
    bound to be a basic source for Trump’s defenders, who
    are taking out the crude edges and using his analysis
    as the standard for showing why Trump’s presidency must
    be defended at all costs against the nefarious deep
    state. In today’s polarized climate, the more that
    narrative is spread and adopted, the more it poses a
    serious threat to our democracy.” Ronald Radosh is an
    adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute. He’s the author
    of a history of the Democratic Party and many other
    books. Contact him at; @ronradosh

    2. ==> Weinstein and Why Men Claim Rape is Consensual

    Harvey Weinstein is the target of a new lawsuit by
    three women, including a technology sales executive who
    accuses the producer of sexual assault and rape. Last
    week, he was criminally indicted by a New York grand
    jury alleging rape and sexual assault on two women. His
    attorney insists Weinstein never had nonconsensual sex
    and that a trial will clear the disgraced mogul’s name.
    Author and rape survivor Joyce Short says, “The word
    ‘consent’ is the most misunderstood in the English
    language. Our penal codes must standardize the true
    meaning of consent across the US, and hopefully,
    beyond.” Short will explain the meaning of consent and
    discuss what changes are needed in our laws to combat
    sex crimes and get predators behind bars. Joyce Short
    advocates for sexual assault victims around the world.
    She’s been awarded a “Woman of Distinction” honor by
    the NY State Assembly and is fighting for new laws on
    consent across the US. Contact her at (917) 517-8572;

    3. ==> Prince’s 60th B-Day – What You Don’t Know about
    the Music Icon

    This Thursday, June 7th, music icon Prince would have
    turned 60 years old. It’s been two years since he was
    found dead in his Paisley Park mansion and still, many
    questions remain about the man, his life and his music.
    Invite documentary filmmaker and author Duane Tudahl to
    discuss the man behind the music, his obsessive drive
    and demand for total control, and how Purple Rain
    catapulted him from a cult-favorite to a superstar.
    You’ll learn: Was Prince really a devout Jehovah’s
    Witness? What’s in his mysterious and legendary vault
    and will we ever get to hear it? Who was the love of
    his life? How does Prince’s music and legacy rank in
    the history of pop music? What was the secret to his
    success? Tudahl spent 20 years interviewing over 40
    band members, singers, and engineers for his acclaimed
    book Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions:
    1983 and 1984. He’ll share their personal, never-
    before-heard stories from inside the studio. Contact
    him at (818) 726-8638 (CA);

    4. ==> US Open – Have Deadlifts Damaged Jordan Spieth’s

    Golfer Jordan Spieth was ranked 8th last year in putts
    3′ and under. This year he’s ranked 205th! What’s
    happened? Some say the problem is a mental one, but Bob
    Prichard believes it’s entirely physical and due to
    damage from lifting 380 lb. weights. “I see it in
    golfers all the time. Weight-lifting builds muscle by
    tearing muscle fibers, but you also create scar tissue
    that can’t be released by stretching. It accumulates
    over time, reducing flexibility in the back, shoulders
    and neck.” Prichard runs the Somax Performance
    Institute. His athletes have won 44 Gold Medals, and
    set 11 World Records. His golfers have won the US Open
    and improved their putting from #113 to #1. Hear why
    he suspects the condition has affected other pro
    golfers like Tiger Woods, David Duval and Jason Day–as
    well as weekend duffers. Prichard will share simple
    ways to test for the condition, and explain how
    releasing microfibers can correct the problem and
    improve performance, reverse age-related stiffness and
    back pain. An NBC Sports Olympics on-air analyst, he’s
    written for many publications and his sports analysis
    videos have over 6M views on YouTube. His new book is
    “Are You Robbing Your Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him at
    (415) 435- 9880 (CA);

    5. ==> Summer Jobs that Hurt Your Mental Health

    School is about to let out and it’s time to find a
    summer job but Dr. John Huber says not all seasonal
    jobs are good for everyone, and some can even hurt your
    mental health. “Some jobs can be great summer
    experiences like camp counseling or lifeguarding. They
    can be fulfilling and allow teens to be responsible and
    learn to be leaders,” says Dr. Huber. But other job, he
    adds, may not be suited for everyone. “It sounds like
    fun to work at a theme park in a costume, but it’s
    often brutally hot and a very demanding job. And if
    you’re accustomed to a life of comfort and repeatedly
    checking your phone, landscaping will probably be a
    nightmare summer job for you.” Dr. John Huber is a
    clinical forensic psychologist and the chairman for
    Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit mental health
    organization. Dr. Huber has appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows and dozens of national television programs.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    6. ==> Unconventional Advice for Grads – Give a Damn!

    Mark Lewis has three words for new grads seeking advice
    on how to find success: Give a damn! While it may be an
    untraditional suggestion, he says it gets to the heart
    of what real success is. “Being self-centered is not
    only dangerous, it’s a one-way ticket to failure,
    violence, and bad relationships. Grads need to remember
    that it is not about getting ahead, it’s about what you
    do for others that gets you ahead.” Lewis will explain
    what giving a damn means, the human perspective that
    determines success, and how new grads can set
    themselves apart by taking responsibility, living
    honestly and not expecting anything in return. Lewis is
    a business consultant, corporate growth expert and
    president of Communique LLC. He’s the author of “Give a
    Damn: Individually We Make a Difference, Collectively
    We Change.” Contact him at (504) 905-4646; or

    7. ==> How Dying Made Me a Better Father

    Danny Bader’s life was transformed by a near death
    experience more than 20 years ago and he says what he
    learned from the experience has made him a better
    father. He’d just finished a roofing job with two
    buddies and was helping one retract the ladder when it
    hit the power lines. The other man holding the ladder—a
    husband and father of three young kids—died instantly.
    For all intents and purposes, Danny was also dead …and
    then he wasn’t. Physically he recovered quickly but
    emotionally, the accident took its toll. Now 54, the
    author and inspirational speaker can discuss how
    vision, support and faith helped him through the
    tragedy, and how he uses the three powerful principles
    with his children to support them on their journeys.
    Danny is a coach, speaker and author of “Back from
    Heaven’s Front Porch,” “Abraham’s Diner,” and “I Met
    Jesus for a Miller Lite.” Contact him at (610)

    8. ==> The Difference Between Leakers and

    Roughly half of all workers say they witness crimes or
    wrongdoing at their workplace but only 3% blow the
    whistle to the authorities. While some portray
    whistleblowers are snitches and leakers, Michael McCray
    says it takes courage and tenacity to speak out and
    stand up. Invite the public interest advocate to
    explain why so few come forward and whether the culture
    is changing. McCray blew the whistle on $40M of fraud
    during the Clinton Administration and has become one of
    the world’s foremost proponents for whistleblowers. In
    his book “Race, Power & Politics” McCray gives the
    inside story of ACORN (Association of Community
    Organizations for Reform Now). He also hosts the
    Whistleblower Summit for Civil & Human Rights, the
    largest and most prestigious whistleblower conference
    on Capitol Hill, on July 30th, National Whistleblower
    Appreciation Day. Contact him at (870) 543-0024;

    9. ==> DNA Testing for …Wine?

    Millions of people are getting DNA tests to help trace
    their personal histories, but wine expert Kevin Begos
    says scientists are now using the technology to trace
    the history of wine! The author of “Tasting the Past:
    The Science of Flavor & the Search for the Origins of
    Wine” can discuss how DNA analysis, mass spectrometry,
    liquid chromatography, and other high-tech tools are
    helping winemakers rediscover rare native grapes and
    rescue them from the brink of extinction. You’ll hear
    how archaeobiologists in Milan brought Leonardo da
    Vinci’s lost vineyard back to life and scientists in
    Israel are rediscovering native grapes of the Holy
    Land, and get recommendations for wines that go far
    beyond the endless bottles of Chardonnay and Merlot
    found in most stores and restaurants. Journalist Kevin
    Begos is a former MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow
    and former AP correspondent. Contact Johanna Ramos-
    Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin Bolden at (703)

    10. ==> Will The Royal Marriage Be a Royal Pain?

    It may have been a fairy tale wedding, but how will
    Harry and Meghan fare now that the ceremony is over and
    their new life together sets in? As the new couple is
    learning, every day of their life, every move they make
    will be scrutinized, from what they wear to when they
    become parents. How will the Duchess cope with leaving
    her successful acting career? How will living in this
    royal fishbowl affect their relationship? What sort of
    precautions must they take to not let other people’s
    opinions affect who they are and make time for each
    other? Kristie Overstreet, a psychotherapist, author,
    and speaker, has advice for the royal couple as well as
    any couple taking their vows this summer. Dr.
    Overstreet has been featured on CNN and in Self,
    Psychology Today and other major media. She is the
    author of “Fix Yourself First: 25 Tips to Stop Ruining
    Your Relationships.” Reach her at (904) 566-9256 or

    11. ==> Are You Guilty of Ignoring the Financial
    Monsters Under Your Bed?

    Parents reassure their children that there are no
    monsters hiding under their bed. But Rodger Friedman
    says it is adults who need to be concerned with the
    monsters hiding under their beds. On air, he’ll explain
    the three biggest monsters that most of us are ill-
    prepared to handle but are almost certain to slay their
    retirement savings: inflation, medical care expenses
    and long-term care costs. But smart people will fight
    back against them before they rear their ugly heads.
    “Walk into retirement unprepared and it’s like a lamb
    being led to slaughter,” says the chartered retirement
    planning counselor and former senior vice president of
    Morgan Stanley. Think you don’t have to worry about
    inflation? Rodger says, “The greatest risk folks face
    in retirement is that their income will not be able to
    keep pace with the increase in expenses.” It’s time
    someone woke your listeners and Rodger is the master at
    doing so with hope and soundbites. The author of “The
    Mindset of Retirement Success” and two other books on
    the topic, this experienced talk-show guest has been
    featured in Time, U.S. News and numerous radio
    programs. The only things hiding under his bed are dust
    bunnies. Contact him at (844) 369-7526;

    12. ==> Why Most of Your Listeners Lose Money in the
    Stock Market

    It’s been said that 90% of traders lose money in the
    stock market, but what about the average investor
    having a 401K, IRA, or an individual brokerage account?
    We don’t have exact figures on this, but we do know
    that more than half, lose money. John Miller, a
    financial advisor for 25 years, has seen all sorts of
    market ups and downs and can share his professional
    insights on how the average investor can make money.
    Invite him to reveal his winning strategy to your
    audience. His new book, “The Coming Gold, Silver, and
    Block-Chain Share Explosion!” reveals, in simple terms,
    how Americans can protect and build their life savings.
    Your audience will also receive a free Kindle download
    of the book by visiting his website. Miller has
    appeared on the Mancow Morning Show, the Joe Bartlett
    Show, the Financial Survival Network, The Phil Hulet
    Show, and other radio shows nationwide. Contact him at
    (727) 564-9416 (FL);

    13. ==> Time Management for People Who Hate It

    Is your workday filled with chaos? Do you wish you
    could get more done? Most of us do and Jonathan Denn
    has a way to help. Using neuroscience and best
    practices, he’s come up with a system to make your work
    life (and home life) more efficient so you accomplish
    more with greater control and satisfaction. It’s a time
    management system for people who hate time management
    systems. It’s called DRUMBEAT Productivity and, using a
    fun music metaphor, it shows you how to divide your day
    into jam sessions with teammates, improv time and solo
    sessions in which you get your own work done. He’s got
    the tips your audience needs to find perhaps as much as
    an extra two hours of free time at work or home. Denn
    is a business mentor, executive coach, and former hotel
    chain CEO whose articles have appeared in Forbes and
    Fortune. He is the author of “DRUMBEAT Business
    Productivity Playbook: How to BEAT Goals and
    Disorganization.” Contact him at (860) 930-0264;

    14. ==> Why This Author Says Many Homeless People Are
    Great Role Models

    Get ready to question nearly everything you think you
    know about homeless people—including who they are and
    how they got there. Glen Dunzweiler, who has
    extensively interviewed homeless people and their
    advocates, will say that the same qualities it takes to
    survive on the street—stress management, humility, a
    positive attitude, for example—are identical to what
    all of us need to get by in life. He can bust the
    biggest myths people have about the homeless and reveal
    which celebrities were formerly homeless. Dunzweiler is
    a filmmaker, producer, director, public speaker and
    former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is also
    the author of “Things I’ve Learned from the Homeless.”
    Reach him at (702) 767-7434;

    15. ==> Has Work Become a Religion?

    Benjamin Hunnicutt says work is the modern religion,
    but is failing as a faith. According to a 2014 Harris
    poll, nearly 70 percent of U.S. employees are not
    ‘involved in, enthusiastic about or committed to their
    work.’ He says, “Millennials depend less and less on
    their jobs as the place to realize their dreams, having
    found the overblown promises of work empty. Many older
    workers feel betrayed by work, having made it the
    centerpiece of their lives and a key source of
    happiness only to realize how dispensable they are when
    they are passed over for promotion, sidelined or laid
    off.” Hunnicutt doesn’t suggest a society without
    work, but says, “It is reasonable to expect that work
    will eventually return to its historical set-point as a
    means to an end rather than an end in itself. Work can
    be tamed, and made more of an adornment to life rather
    than its center.” Benjamin Hunnicutt is professor of
    leisure studies at the University of Iowa and author of
    “Free Time: The Forgotten American Dream.” Contact him
    at (319) 335-1326;

    16. ==> Don’t Forget to Do a Show for Brain Awareness

    June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time
    when people will be wearing purple shirts with the
    hashtag #EndAlz. As someone with a brain, you already
    know the importance of keeping your memory sharp and
    avoiding the most famous memory-robbing disease,
    Alzheimer’s. But what you probably don’t know is that
    the technique for putting the fork in Alzheimer’s
    already exists only most of us do not know about it.
    Invite Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D, on your show to talk
    about CranioSacral therapy, a revolutionary way of
    treating Alzheimer’s and dementia that he is helping to
    pioneer. When consistently applied, he says the gentle,
    easily learned, affordable technique can significantly
    roll back Alzheimer’s and dementia in a few weeks. He
    can discuss his research, explain what craniosacral
    therapy is (it’s also being used by NFL players and
    children with autism) and ways it can increase
    longevity. Morgan, who’s been researching Alzheimer’s
    and dementia since 2008, was inspired to do so in part
    after watching his stepmother and sister-in-law succumb
    to the disease. He’s a well-known instructor of
    CranioSacral Therapy and teaches the technique all over
    the world. He’s also the author of “Preventing
    Alzheimer’s in Just 10 Minutes a Day with the
    BodyEnergy Prescription and CranioSacral Therapy.”
    Contact Kathy Regganie at (630) 567-8383;

    17. ==> The Other Victims of the Opioid Crisis

    For decades many doctors’ treatment of choice for pain
    was opioids, but we now know they’re unsafe and have
    created a catastrophic addiction epidemic. Doctors have
    been advised to stop prescribing the drugs, so the
    medicine is now gone, but the pain remains for
    millions. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin says, “Much
    suffering can be avoided and many lives can be saved if
    more physicians and pain patients knew about the many
    safe and effective alternative pain treatments that are
    available”. Cindy Perlin is a licensed clinical social
    worker, certified biofeedback practitioner, chronic
    pain survivor, the creator of the online Alternative
    Pain Treatment Directory and the author of “The Truth
    About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” She has been in
    private practice in the Albany, NY area for over 25
    years and has been a guest on numerous radio and TV
    shows. Contact her at (518) 439-6431 or at

    18. ==> Why We Can’t Stay Happy …and What to Do about

    Did you know that more people than ever are chronically
    unhappy? Maybe you are one of them! Study after study
    proves that unhappiness reigns supreme in America and
    the world. But did you know that you can control how
    happy you feel? Ed Kuiper, author of “Ride the
    Happiness Wave,” can show your audience how to simply
    and easily activate their own happiness. It is possible
    to relieve the heaviness and fatigue that have become a
    standard default for many of them. Ed will share
    specific actions they can do every day to quickly
    create a happy spirit within while also giving them
    fun, short, supportive suggestions to trigger a “happy”
    feeling that lasts! Ed Kuiper is an author, speaker
    and seminar leader on cultivating happiness and healing
    – both physical and emotional. As an officer of two
    major life insurance companies and founder and CEO of
    several national companies, Ed spent over 40 years in
    the business world before becoming the “Master of
    Happiness.” Contact Ed at (207) 592-2032;

    19. ==> Why Summer is the Best Time to Beat Sugar

    Did you know that 70 percent of the U.S. population is
    addicted to sugar and it sets them up for diabetes,
    weight gain, foggy thinking, irritability and even
    anger issues? The good news, according to Griff
    Neilsen, is that summer is a great time to kick the
    “sweet” habit. Invite him on your show and learn how to
    know if you’re addicted to sugar, whether our brains
    are hard-wired for sugar addiction, how much sugar is
    safe for children and adults, and whether you need to
    go cold turkey when trying to eliminate your cravings.
    A multiple-certified personal trainer and Level III
    CHEK holistic lifestyle coach/nutritionist, Griff holds
    a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from the
    University of Utah. His new book is “Exorcising Your
    Excuses: Heal Your Mind. Honor Your Body. Manifest Your
    Dream.” Contact him at (801) 444-2796;

    20. ==> Curious about Fantasy Baseball Camp?

    As an undersized kid with a rough home life, little
    league baseball was salvation for Larry Roth, and the
    Yankees were his idols. When he receives a trip to New
    York Yankees Fantasy Camp, a funny and touching journey
    begins for the 59½-year-old lawyer. Find out what it’s
    like to take the field after a 40-year layoff, why bats
    must always be wooden, why ice is a must (and not just
    in a martini), and what happens when you’re in a
    kangaroo court against Darryl Strawberry. If you’ve
    ever been tempted to suit up like the pros and live
    life in the major league, Roth can answer your
    questions about both the reality and the fantasy behind
    fantasy camp. Roth is the author of “A Lawyer in
    Pinstripes: A Fantasy Journey,” a memoir about his
    experiences in little league and fantasy camp. Contact
    Larry Roth at (407) 222-9839 or

  • 05/24/18 RTIR Newsletter: School Shooting Training, Downtime at Work, Mysterious Health Crisis

    May 24, 2018

    01. Jackson Estate Not Happy with ABC Doc
    02. Will Georgia Elect 1st Black Woman Governor?
    03. How to Train for School Shootings
    04. Backpacks, Brain Oxygen & School Shootings
    05. Is the Royal Marriage Doomed?
    06. Ballot Issues Facing Young Voters
    07. Leakers or Whistleblowers?
    08. Racist Viral Videos and Your Business
    09. Why You Should Be Concerned About Africa
    10. How to Double Your Downtime at Work
    11. When Your Job Makes You Sick (Literally)
    12. Why You’re Losing Money in the Stock Market
    13. The Truth about Traumatic Brain Injuries
    14. Today’s Most Mysterious Health Crisis
    15. Stop the Organized Pull Pushers Now
    16. Families and Early-Onset Alzheimer’s
    17. Kids & Sports – Playing Too Hard?
    18. Amazing True Story – ‘Through the Fire’
    19. She Lost Everything in an Instant
    20. Are Excuses Holding You Back?

    1. ==> Jackson Estate Not Happy with ABC Doc

    ABC is airing a much-hyped prime-time special tonight
    on Michael Jackson’s final days, but Jackson’s estate
    isn’t happy about it. The estate issued a statement
    saying, “We want consumers to know that ‘The Last Days
    of Michael Jackson’ is not sponsored or approved by the
    Estate of Michael Jackson. …We believe the special to
    be another crass and unauthorized attempt to exploit
    the life, music and image of Michael Jackson without
    respect for Michael’s legacy, intellectual property
    rights or his children.” At issue are images, music and
    other intellectual property the estate says was used
    without consent. Contact Diana Baron at (310) 315 5444;

    2. ==> Will Georgia Elect 1st Black Woman Governor?

    Stacey Abrams is vying to become Georgia’s next
    governor, and the first black female governor in the
    history of the United States. You might be surprised—an
    African American woman governor of a red Southern
    state—but political expert Christina Greer says her
    credentials are solid and she may very well make
    history. Abrams won the Democratic primary this week
    making her the first black woman to be a major party’s
    nominee for governor but Greer says it remains to be
    seen whether Georgians are ready to elect a black woman
    to lead the state. Abrams’ opponent in the general
    election will be either Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle or Georgia
    Secretary of State Brian Kemp. Cagle and Kemp will face
    each other in a runoff for the Republican nomination in
    July since all of the candidates failed to receive more
    than 50% of the vote on Tuesday. Christina Greer is an
    assistant professor of political science at Fordham
    University Lincoln Center campus. Contact her at (212)

    3. ==> How to Train for School Shootings

    It seems every week we are talking about a new mass
    shooting with the latest occurring at a Texas high
    school where 10 people died. Chris Bird, author of
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count,
    Police Are Still Minutes Away,” has studied mass
    shootings and believes more guns, not less, are part of
    the solution. “Teachers who want to be trained and
    armed should be, perhaps under the control of a school
    resource officer. Other teachers and school staff
    should be trained in first aid for gunshot wounds.” He
    says school training is essential and lockdown should
    not be the only option. “Getting out of the building,
    or as a last resort throwing things at the shooter and
    fighting back, should be practiced more often than fire
    drills. Cringing under a desk is not a recipe for
    survival.” Bird is a former commissioned officer in the
    Royal Military Police of the British Army. He is a past
    president of the Texas Concealed Handgun Association,
    and author of” The Concealed Handgun Manual.” Contact
    him at (210) 308-8191;

    4. ==> Have School Backpacks Fueled the Increase in
    School Shootings?

    The increasing rise in school shootings has been blamed
    on everything from access to guns to economics and
    social media, but Bob Prichard believes the problem is
    chronic restriction of oxygen to the brain. “As I see
    it, the rise in school shootings is a second generation
    effect of heavy school backpacks.” Prichard, who runs
    the Somax Performance Institute, will discuss what
    happens both physically and mentally when oxygen is
    restricted to the brain, and how heavy backpacks can
    cause numerous problems for children that continue into
    adulthood as well as to their offspring. “It’s time to
    wake people up to the biggest man-made epidemic in
    American history. School shootings are just the tip of
    the iceberg.” Prichard will share simple ways to test
    for the condition, and explain how releasing
    microfibers can correct the problem and improve oxygen
    to the brain delivering physical and psychological
    benefits. An NBC Sports Olympics on-air analyst, he’s
    written for many publications and his sports analysis
    videos have over 6M views on YouTube. His new book is
    “Are You Robbing Your Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him at
    (415) 435- 9880 (CA);

    5. ==> Is the Royal Marriage Doomed?

    Harry and Meghan’s marriage may only be a few days old
    but according to Dr. Caxton Opere, we shouldn’t expect
    to see them grow old together. He says the likelihood
    of a divorce is close to 98%. “As much as I wish Harry
    and Meghan would be happily married forever, the
    Reality check, Risk factors and Royal Court protocols
    diminish the likelihood this royal marriage will last.”
    Dr. Opere, the pioneer of the 5-Minute Compatibility
    Test and an expert on the medical complications of
    divorce will discuss the reasons he believes the
    marriage is destined to fail and why. From too many
    royal rules to intercultural issues and age, Dr. Opere
    will share tools anyone can use to measure
    compatibility as well as the signs your relationship
    may be in trouble. Dr. Caxton Opere is a board
    certified internist and the author of several books on
    relationships. He has been happily remarried for over
    20 years. Contact him at (225) 892-5270;

    6. ==> Ballot Issues Facing Young Voters

    Galvanized by recent school shootings in Florida and
    Texas, teenagers across the country have risen up in a
    wave of protest against gun violence, joining young
    organizers of color who have long spoken out against
    the scourge of violence in their communities. But Emma
    Greenman says turning that energy into lasting
    political power requires more than protest. “We need to
    ensure young people have access to the ballot, and
    vote, in numbers unseen in recent memory. Young people
    have already begun turning their anger in that
    direction, encouraging voter registration as a top goal
    and promoting registration drives in schools.” She’ll
    discuss the myriad of obstacles to the ballot box many
    young people face including the new restrictive voter
    ID laws in states around the country. Emma Greenman is
    director of Voting Rights and Democracy at the Center
    for Popular Democracy. She has over 15 years of
    experience working on democracy and justice issues as a
    litigator, a policy expert and a political advocate.
    Contact Anita Jain at (347) 985-2220, ext. 119.

    7. ==> Leakers or Whistleblowers?

    Roughly half of all workers say they witness crimes or
    wrongdoing at their workplace but only 3% blow the
    whistle to the authorities. While some portray
    whistleblowers are snitches and leakers, Michael McCray
    says it takes courage and tenacity to speak out and
    stand up. Invite the public interest advocate to
    explain why so few come forward and whether the culture
    is changing. McCray blew the whistle on $40M of fraud
    during the Clinton Administration and has become one of
    the world’s foremost proponents for whistleblowers. In
    his book “Race, Power & Politics” McCray gives the
    inside story of ACORN (Association of Community
    Organizations for Reform Now). He also hosts the
    Whistleblower Summit for Civil & Human Rights, the
    largest and most prestigious whistleblower conference
    on Capitol Hill, on July 30th, National Whistleblower
    Appreciation Day. Contact him at (870) 543-0024;

    8. ==> Could a Racist Viral Video Affect Your Business?

    If you’re non-white in American, you’ve likely
    experienced racism at some level, at some point in your
    life. And lately, it seems there’s a news story each
    day involving a racist incident. From Starbucks to Yale
    University, cell phones are capturing discrimination
    and putting businesses and organizations in the
    spotlight–and in the hotseat. As these videos go
    viral, customers worry about their safety and, in some
    cases, are boycotting the businesses. Invite Nita
    Wiggins, a former Texas news anchor and the victim of
    racial discrimination, to discuss what kind of training
    can be done to prevent these scenarios as well as what
    you should do if you experience racial discrimination.
    She is currently conducting training for these exact
    situations and discussing the best ways to prevent
    these issues and how to manage them. She is also the
    author of an upcoming book “Civil Rights Baby” that
    discusses discrimination in the workplace. Contact her

    9. ==> Why You Should Be Concerned About Africa

    Sylvanus Ayeni warns that the security of the world is
    at stake as long as the widespread poverty in the
    nations of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to
    worsen. “As perpetrators of terror are driven from
    their enclaves in the Middle East and elsewhere, these
    poor nations in SSA with dilapidated infrastructure and
    defense apparatus could become safe havens for
    terrorist organizations.” Ayeni says another area of
    concern is the threat of global epidemics. “The
    2014/2015 Ebola epidemic which began in West Africa is
    a reminder of the global consequences of the poor
    healthcare systems in the nations of SSA.” Ayeni, a
    retired neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and
    raised in Nigeria. His book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni president of Pan
    Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him
    at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    10. ==> Time Management for People Who Hate It

    Is your workday filled with chaos? Do you wish you
    could get more done? Most of us do and Jonathan Denn
    has a way to help. Using neuroscience and best
    practices, he’s come up with a system to make your work
    life (and home life) more efficient so you accomplish
    more with greater control and satisfaction. It’s a time
    management system for people who hate time management
    systems. It’s called DRUMBEAT Productivity and, using a
    fun music metaphor, it shows you how to divide your day
    into jam sessions with teammates, improv time and solo
    sessions in which you get your own work done. He’s got
    the tips your audience needs to find perhaps as much as
    an extra two hours of free time at work or home. Denn
    is a business mentor, executive coach, and former hotel
    chain CEO whose articles have appeared in Forbes and
    Fortune. He is the author of “DRUMBEAT Business
    Productivity Playbook: How to BEAT Goals and
    Disorganization.” Contact him at (860) 930-0264;

    11. ==> Is Your Workplace Making You Ill?

    Everyone is tired of the 9 to 5 grind. What many
    business owners – and their employees – don’t realize,
    is that the actual workplace can be a health hazard.
    Even if you’re in a climate-controlled, well-lit
    office, hours without fresh air and natural light takes
    its toll. Likewise, spending hours seated in front of
    a computer can strain the back and neck, causing muscle
    and headaches, as well as eye strain. Not only that,
    unrealistic expectations, toxic personalities and
    sensory overload not only affects morale, but may
    contribute to higher employee turnover as well as lost
    productivity, which contributes to lost profits. Dr.
    Saundra Dalton-Smith will discuss ways to make the
    workplace a safer place, where workers are healthy,
    supported, and productive. Dr. Saundra’s spirited
    approach to life will inform, enlighten, and entertain,
    changing the way you and your listeners view your
    waking, working, and sleeping life. Dr. Dalton-Smith
    can be reached at (256) 405-9765;

    12. ==> Why Most of Your Listeners Lose Money in the
    Stock Market

    It’s been said that 90% of traders lose money in the
    stock market, but what about the average investor
    having a 401K, IRA, or an individual brokerage account?
    We don’t have exact figures on this, but we do know
    that more than half, lose money. John Miller, a
    financial advisor for 25 years, has seen all sorts of
    market ups and downs and can share his professional
    insights on how the average investor can make money.
    Invite him to reveal his winning strategy to your
    audience. His new book, “The Coming Gold, Silver, and
    Block-Chain Share Explosion!” reveals, in simple terms,
    how Americans can protect and build their life savings.
    Your audience will also receive a free Kindle download
    of the book by visiting his website. Miller has
    appeared on the Mancow Morning Show, the Joe Bartlett
    Show, the Financial Survival Network, The Phil Hulet
    Show, and other programs nationwide. Contact him at
    (727) 564-9416 (FL);

    13. ==> What You Don’t Know about Traumatic Brain

    We often hear about concussions and other brain
    injuries involving pro football players, but ordinary
    people, including one-in-five teens, also sustain these
    injuries causing headaches, nausea, dizziness,
    insomnia, depression, lack of concentration, and more.
    Invite Susana Stoica, Ph.D., to discuss her difficult
    15-year battle to recover from a brain injury and how
    others can avoid the same mistakes. Dr. Stoica will
    discuss what to do after suffering a brain trauma, how
    to limit post-trauma brain swelling or secondary brain
    injury, whether the body can ever completely heal from
    a brain trauma, and how conventional medical treatments
    fail to address all the components of healing the
    brain. You’ll learn the physical and emotional toll of
    brain injuries on sufferers and their families, as well
    as how anyone can improve their brain function at any
    age. Susana Stoica, Ph.D., the founder of Healing
    Alternatives, LLC, is a healer, engineer, inventor, and
    speaker. In July, she will be giving a workshop on
    brain injury recovery at Harvard Medical School. Her
    new book is “Heal Your Brain, Reclaim Your Life.”
    Contact her at (248) 895-5784;

    14. ==> Today’s Most Mysterious Health Crisis

    International wellness speaker Leah McCullough is now
    the picture of health, upbeat mood and boundless
    energy. But like millions of other people today, she
    once suffered from debilitating pain and fatigue caused
    by fibromyalgia. That’s until Leah, known worldwide as
    The Fibro Lady, learned how to conquer the effects of
    that mysterious disease. Chances are you know someone
    (maybe yourself!) who needs Leah’s advice on the new
    and unique approach of nutrition, supplements, and
    lifestyle changes for newfound relief and recovery.
    Watch ratings climb when Leah, author of “Freedom from
    Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery” and “Eat to
    Energize,” discusses initial symptoms of fibromyalgia,
    parts of the body most affected and how the disease can
    render people (including celebrities) unable to work,
    travel, or experience normal everyday activities even
    in the prime of life. You’ll also learn why the medical
    community is largely perplexed and why women seem more
    prone to developing the condition. Contact Leah
    McCullough at (859) 380-9737;

    15. ==> Stop the Organized Pull Pushers Now

    More Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016 than died
    in the Vietnam War – the result of the US’s opioid
    epidemic. Janet Colbert says every single one of those
    deaths was preventable –if human life was valued over
    profit. Invite her on your show and hear about her
    battle against the pill mills who supply, the
    physicians who prescribe, and the politicians who do
    nothing. Living in Broward County, Florida, the
    epicenter of the opiate epidemic, Colbert has seen
    firsthand how opioids have destroyed lives and the
    community. Her organization STOPPNow provides
    strategies to prevent drug use and treat those
    affected. But, she says, as long as the corruption and
    greed prevail, the drug companies’ dominance will
    continue. Janet Colbert has appeared in the Sun-
    Sentinel, on WSVN –TV-NEWS Miami, and had Senator Joe
    Manchin read her letter on the crisis on C-Span to the
    Senate Floor. She is the author “STOPPNow.” Contact
    Janet Colbert at (954) 257-0732;

    16. ==> More Families Coping with Early-Onset

    According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 5.5 million
    people – 1 in 10 individuals – age 65 and older are
    living with Alzheimer’s. But even more startling, is
    the number of cases involving people under 65. The
    group says the exact numbers are hard to pin down, but
    clearly much higher than previously acknowledged. A
    diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s can be
    devastating. Families fear the years ahead, considering
    the worrisome health intervention, physical and mental
    decline expected for the afflicted, and the myriad
    issues related to caregiving. Carlen Maddux’s wife
    Martha was diagnosed at age 50. Their odyssey lasted 17
    years. He’ll share insights on altering your home life,
    telling/involving the kids, and whether movies like
    “Still Alice” get it right. Plus, hear Carlen’s tips on
    family-wide care, keeping marriages strong, navigating
    holidays, maintaining memory and safety, avoiding
    caregiver fatigue, balancing personal and professional
    life, myths and truths about late stage Alzheimer’s
    care. Carlen is a speaker and the author of “A Path
    Revealed: How Hope, Love, and Joy Found Us Deep in a
    Maze Called Alzheimer’s.” Contact him at (727)

    17. ==> Kids & Sports Injuries- Are They Playing Too

    Springtime means baseball, and Little Leaguers
    everywhere are taking to the field. Parents, coaches,
    and the kids themselves expect the bumps and bruises
    that come with hard ball play, but the latest trends in
    youth sports leagues are revealing that some kids are
    playing too hard. Dr. Thomas Neviaser, retired
    orthopedist, talks about the risks young athletes take
    when they specialize too early and play too long. He’ll
    discuss what he’s seen over his 30 years as an
    orthopedic surgeon, and how your future Mickey Mantle,
    Serena Williams, or Tom Brady can stay fit, healthy,
    and active without risking a life-altering injury. Dr.
    Tom’s illustrious career spanned the beginnings of
    arthroscopic surgery to the very latest, cutting-edge
    methodologies of today. He would love to share his
    knowledge with you and your listeners. He can be
    reached at (540) 718-0666.

    18. ==> Amazing True Story – ‘Through the Fire’

    On July 10th, 2007, a NASCAR plane crashed into a house
    in a suburban subdivision in Sanford, Florida. A young
    mother and son died, as did the pilot and a passenger.
    The fuel tank broke loose and crashed into Pete
    Dechat’s home, exploding and killing his four-year-old
    daughter Gabi. Pete sustained serious burns over 96% of
    his body while trying to find and rescue her. Doctors
    said he wouldn’t live. Then they said he wouldn’t see.
    Or walk. But they were wrong. Invite Pete to share his
    incredible story which includes having his wife leave
    him while he was in a coma. Learn why, when people say
    he’s lucky to be alive, he tells them it was God who
    saved him. Pete has since remarried and has a young
    daughter. “Through the Fire” is his new book. Contact
    Jim Dobkins at (928) 277-1268;

    19. ==> What’s It Like to Instantly Lose Everything?
    Ask This Woman

    Most of us will never have the experience of losing
    nearly everything dear to them in an instant. Sana
    Bauner was not so lucky. In 2004, Sana, her ex-husband,
    son, mother and some friends were on holiday in
    Thailand when a tsunami hit. Out of nowhere with no
    warning. Sana nearly drowned despite being inside her
    room, her mother died and her two-year-old daughter
    disappeared never to be found. Sana fought hard to live
    and ended up being carried by the water a half-mile
    away from her hotel. But what happened that day led to
    a battle that was just as big as she struggled to
    understand what happened and to go on with her life.
    Today, Sana says all of us face tsunamis—divorce, job
    loss, deaths, betrayal—and she can help people find
    hope and resilience with lessons she learned from
    surviving a tsunami. She is the author of “The Borrowed
    Daughter,” a memoir containing lessons to help anyone
    going through a life crisis, and is based in Vienna.
    Contact her at or through
    Skype: sanabr

    20. ==> Are Excuses Holding You Back?

    What’s one thing that wildly successful people do that
    average ones don’t? They neither make nor accept
    excuses. Business psychologist Margaret Bradley, Ph.D.
    says, “Often people get caught in an excuse trap and
    don’t even realize it. They give up on accomplishing
    important goals or fall behind the competition without
    knowing about simple steps that get rid of the excuses
    that hold them back.” She’ll explain how to recognize
    your own excuse-making style, the reason people make
    excuses, and when an excuse can be a gift. You’ll also
    learn how business leaders can create an excuse-free
    culture and when it’s actually ok to make an excuse.
    Dr. Bradley has decades of experience as a department
    head in Fortune 500 companies, an entrepreneur, and a
    consultant. She’s the author of “Wouldacouldashoulda:
    Rapid Results. No Excuses.” Contact her at (804)

  • 05/17/18 RTIR Newsletter: MAGA Manifesto, Wedding Fever, Autism News

    May 17, 2018

    01. America First – The MAGA Manifesto
    02. Mr. President, Lies Matter
    03. Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Jack Davis
    04. Royal Wedding Fever Running High
    05. Will The Royal Marriage Be a Royal Pain?
    06. Advice for Grads – Give a Damn!
    07. How to Make a Great Big Decision
    08. Corporate America’s Dirty Little Secret
    09. Business: Prevent Negative Viral Videos
    10. Why is Customer Service So Bad?
    11. The Real Monsters Under Your Bed
    12. Can #MeToo Victims Overcome Trauma?
    13. How to Get Happy When You Feel Lousy
    14. Autism News: Could this Be a Cure?
    15. May – Brain Cancer Awareness Month
    16. What to Do When Your Friend is an Addict
    17. It’s ‘Get Caught Reading’ Month!
    18. Is Hawaii’s Volcano Telling Us Something?
    19. Before You Head to the Beach
    20. How to Become a Children’s Author

    1. ==> America First – The MAGA Manifesto

    Do you wonder what’s really behind all the rhetoric
    about making America great again or what Donald Trump
    will do next? Pat and Kate Scopelliti, two full-time
    entrepreneurs, have written “America First – The MAGA
    Manifesto” which they say “…addresses today’s
    heightened fears, clarifies primary goals, and provides
    a clear, intellectually stimulating foundation of this
    historic and mounting crusade that has swept the nation
    and propelled the historic election in November 2016 of
    President Donald J. Trump.” The pair will explain the
    MAGA agenda and why Americans should support the
    president regardless of their political affiliation.
    The book has been endorsed with a foreword from Lt. Gen
    (R) Michael T. Flynn, Trump’s first national security
    adviser. Pasquale (Pat) Scopelliti is the founder of
    Consigliori consulting practice. Contact him at

    2. ==> Mr. President, Lies Matter

    Before Donald Trump, the idea of having a president who
    habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would
    have been unthinkable. To his supporters, apparently
    lies don’t matter, but Tony Selimi says they do, and
    they hurt everyone. He’ll share five tips to
    distinguish lies from the truth and help people avoid
    the long term effect that distortion of the truth can
    have on science, health care, education, mental,
    emotional and physical health, and every facet of our
    lives, putting us on a path to self-destruction. He
    says, “If we don’t immunize against this virus of the
    modern age, teach our children the importance of truth,
    and have a conscious media and government, we are
    heading towards a lonely planet in which the human
    values we hold dear are totally forgotten.” Tony Selimi
    is author of “A Path to Wisdom” and “#Loneliness – The
    Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-creator of “Living My
    Illusion- The Truth Hurts,” an award-winning
    documentary. Tony has appeared on over 100 TV and radio
    stations across the world. Contact him at +44 &8 1717

    3. ==> Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Jack Davis

    Jack Davis’s “The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea”
    won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in history along with
    several other prestigious awards. Invite him to discuss
    how humans have impacted the Gulf of Mexico and why
    it’s a far larger story than a Corps of Engineers levee
    or a BP offshore oil rig. Beginning in the age of
    exploration, Davis will reveal the fragile borders of a
    wild battleground that would soon serve as a larger map
    for America’s fraught relationship with the
    environment. You’ll learn about the Spanish and English
    who first ventured to the region and were confused by
    the indigenous cultures who hid behind and thrived off
    the Gulf’s peculiar ecosystem and how, in the two
    hundred years following Columbus’s fateful voyage, the
    aboriginals were subdued along the Florida, Alabama,
    Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas coasts. Jack Davis is
    also the author of “An Everglades Providence: Marjory
    Stoneman Douglas and the American Environmental
    Century.’ A professor of environmental history at the
    University of Florida, he grew up on the Gulf coast,
    and now lives in Florida and New Hampshire. Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    4. ==> Royal Wedding Fever Running High

    In case you hadn’t heard, Prince Harry is getting
    married on Saturday. Everyone’s talking about it and
    many will even get up at 5am to watch the ceremony
    live! The royals have infiltrated our collective
    consciousness. The question is, why? Ask psychologist
    Dr. John Huber. He’ll discuss why some people are
    obsessed with the royal family, whether it’s unhealthy
    to fantasize about being someone else, and his
    prognosis (from afar) on whether the couple’s marriage
    can last. Dr. John Huber is a clinical forensic
    psychologist and the chairman for Mainstream Mental
    Health, a non-profit mental health organization. Dr.
    Huber has appeared on hundreds of radio shows and
    dozens of national television programs. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

    5. ==> Will The Royal Marriage Be a Royal Pain?

    It may be a fairy tale wedding, but how will Harry and
    Meghan fare once the ceremony is over? As the new
    couple is learning, every day of their life, every move
    they make will be scrutinized, from what they wear to
    when they become parents. How will Markle cope with
    leaving her successful acting career? How will living
    in this royal fishbowl affect their relationship? What
    sort of precautions must they take to not let other
    people’s opinions affect who they are and make time for
    each other? Kristie Overstreet, a psychotherapist,
    author, and speaker, has advice for the royal couple as
    well as any couple taking their vows this summer. Dr.
    Overstreet has been featured on CNN and in Self,
    Psychology Today and other major media. She is the
    author of “Fix Yourself First: 25 Tips to Stop Ruining
    Your Relationships.” Reach her at (904) 566-9256 or

    6. ==> Advice for Grads – Give a Damn!

    Mark Lewis has three words for new grads seeking advice
    on how to find success: Give a damn! While it may be an
    untraditional suggestion, he says it gets to the heart
    of what real success is. “Being self-centered is not
    only dangerous, it’s a one-way ticket to failure,
    violence, and bad relationships. Grads need to remember
    that it is not about getting ahead, it’s about what you
    do for others that gets you ahead.” Lewis will explain
    what giving a damn means, the human perspective that
    determines success, and how new grads can set
    themselves apart by taking responsibility, living
    honestly and not expecting anything in return. Lewis is
    a business consultant, corporate growth expert and
    president of Communique LLC. He’s the author of “Give a
    Damn: Individually We Make a Difference, Collectively
    We Change.” Contact him at (504) 905-4646; or

    7. ==> How to Make a Great Big Decision

    Whether it’s what college to choose, whether to start a
    new business or move across the country, we all face
    big decisions in our lives. It’s common to put off
    making tough choices because you don’t want to be wrong
    or cause yourself or others unnecessary pain and
    expense–financial, emotional, or any other kind of
    toll. Invite Michael Angelo Costa to explain the secret
    to mastering big decisions and making the right choice.
    You’ll learn the four key factors to consider before
    making any important decision and become less-stressed
    and more confident in your decision-making ability! A
    lawyer, investment banker, and advisor, Michael Angelo
    Costa has more than 33 years of international business
    experience. The author of “Never Be Wrong Again – Four
    Steps to Making Better Decisions in Work and in Life”
    frequently appears on radio and TV as an expert in
    decision-making. Contact him at (760) 238-5087;

    8. ==> Corporate America’s Dirty Little Secret: Ageism

    Corporate America has a dirty little secret – companies
    are discarding their older employers like yesterday’s
    newspaper, just because of their age. But according to
    Diane Huth, career coach and Amazon bestselling author,
    it doesn’t have to be that way. Huth coaches baby
    boomers on the 5 key things they need to do to keep
    their current job or find a new one. She explains that
    the single most important task any older worker must
    focus on is upping their computer and technology
    skills. She encourages mature workers to focus on life-
    long learning to adapt to the rapidly transforming job
    market and keep their skills and certifications up to
    date and provides lists of no-cost or low-cost ways to
    achieve and keep career relevance. Diane also urges
    workers to look as young as they can without looking
    silly and provides detailed insights into how to look
    10 – 15 years younger fast. Let Diane share with your
    listeners how older workers can successfully adopt more
    youthful work, communication and lifestyle habits to
    more easily fit into a modern, flexible and mobile
    workplace. What she has to say is nothing short of a
    new way of looking at work. Her book “Brand You! To Re-
    Invent Your Career” will be released this summer.
    Reach her at (210) 601-7852 or

    9. ==> Business: Prevent Negative Viral Videos

    If you’re non-white in America, you’ve likely
    experienced racism at some level, at some point in your
    life. And lately, it seems there’s a news story each
    day involving a racist incident. From Starbucks to Yale
    University, cell phones are capturing discrimination
    and putting businesses and organizations in the
    spotlight–and in the hotseat. As these videos go
    viral, customers worry about their safety and, in some
    cases, are boycotting the businesses. Invite Nita
    Wiggins, a former Texas TV anchor and the victim of
    racial discrimination, to discuss what kind of training
    can be done to prevent these scenarios as well as what
    you should do if you experience racial discrimination.
    She is currently conducting training for these exact
    situations and discussing the best ways to prevent
    these issues and how to manage them. Nita is the author
    of the upcoming book “Civil Rights Baby” about
    discrimination in the workplace. Contact her at

    10. ==> Why is Customer Service So Bad?

    When was the last time you were in a store where
    employees greeted you by name, helped you find what you
    were looking for, made you feel important and didn’t
    look miserable? According to business leadership expert
    Bonnie Sussman-Versace, only 10 percent of U.S.
    companies provide good customer service, but she says
    it should be the norm. Bonnie will share examples of
    companies that make customers feel like kings and
    queens and what we can learn from them. She’ll explain
    why so many companies fail at customer service, reveal
    what company recently closed their Indian call center
    and opened one in the U.S., and what Wegmans and
    DoubleTree by Hilton are doing that’s worth emulating.
    For added fun, have listeners call in with their best
    or worst customer service stories for a chance to win a
    copy of Bonnie’s book, “Recipes for Thoughtful
    Leadership and Healthy Culture.” Bonnie’s parents were
    business owners and she managed her own $4.5 million
    commercial design and furnishing business before
    evolving into a business consultant. She is the author
    of numerous articles for Business Weekly and other
    publications. Contact her at (610) 301-2194 or

    11. ==> The Real Monsters Under Your Bed

    Parents reassure their children that there are no
    monsters hiding under their bed. But Rodger Friedman
    says it’s adults who need to be concerned with the
    monsters hiding under their beds. On air, he’ll explain
    the three biggest monsters that most of us are ill-
    prepared to handle but are almost certain to slay their
    retirement savings: inflation, medical care expenses
    and long-term care costs. But smart people will fight
    back against them before they rear their ugly heads.
    “Walk into retirement unprepared and it’s like a lamb
    being led to slaughter,” says the chartered retirement
    planning counselor and former senior vice president of
    Morgan Stanley. Think you don’t have to worry about
    inflation? Rodger says, “The greatest risk folks face
    in retirement is that their income will not be able to
    keep pace with the increase in expenses.” It’s time
    someone woke your listeners and Rodger is the master at
    doing so with hope and soundbites. The author of “The
    Mindset of Retirement Success” and two other books on
    the topic, this experienced talk-show guest has been
    featured in Time, U.S. News and numerous radio
    programs. The only things hiding under his bed are dust
    bunnies. Contact him at (844) 369-7526;

    12. ==> Can #MeToo Victims Overcome Trauma?

    The #MeToo movement has put a spotlight on sexual
    harassment and assault, not only in the entertainment
    business but in women’s lives in general. Can victims
    ever lead normal lives after experiencing such trauma?
    Mind-body-spirit expert Arnoux Goran, says, “It is
    possible to permanently overcome the pain, anger, and
    shame of sexual assault so that the worst trauma
    imaginable no longer affects you.” His successful
    method to reprogram yourself has been studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and shown dramatic
    results. Goran can also discuss men who have been
    victims of sexual assault and are too afraid to talk
    about it and how not dealing with emotional trauma can
    lead to additional health issues like emotional eating.
    His forthcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your
    Life and Make Your Dreams Come True,” reveals how to
    release negative emotions permanently and truly change
    your life by addressing the cause of repeating
    patterns. Goran has been featured on radio and
    television. Contact him at (877) 680-8200 (CA);

    13. ==> Simple Ways to Get Happy (and Stay Happy)

    Did you know that more people than ever are chronically
    unhappy? Maybe you’re one of them! Study after study
    proves that unhappiness reigns supreme in America and
    the world. But did you know that you can control how
    happy you feel? Ed Kuiper, author of “Ride the
    Happiness Wave,” can show your audience how to simply
    and easily activate your own happiness and relieve the
    heaviness and fatigue that have become a standard
    default. Ed will share specific actions you can do
    every day to quickly create a happy spirit within while
    also giving fun, short, supportive suggestions to
    trigger a “happy” feeling that lasts! Ed Kuiper is an
    author, speaker and seminar leader on cultivating
    happiness and healing – both physical and emotional. As
    an officer of two major life insurance companies and
    founder and CEO of several national companies, Ed spent
    over 40 years in the business world before becoming the
    “Master of Happiness.” Contact Ed at (207) 592-2032;

    14. ==> Autism News: Could this Be a Cure?

    According to alarming MIT research, one in two children
    in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism by the year
    2025. Physician and author Dr. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy
    attributes this to increased environmental energy
    disturbances. “This not only includes environmental
    stress from increased noise pollution, chemicals in
    food and so on, this also includes stress from parent’s
    and caregivers’ energy,” she says. “Energy disturbances
    have sky-rocketed throughout the world as a result of
    people defining and accepting stress and pollution to
    be a normal part of daily living.” After exploring the
    power of holistic energy healing in her own medical
    practice and life, Dr. Raja spent more than 25 years
    developing the Autism Cure, which shows results from
    day one! She recently was recognized by Buzzfeed as one
    of five professionals in the world to watch out for in
    the autism arena. She is the author of the book “How to
    Heal Autism and ADHD in 30 Days: The Phenomenally
    Powerful Breakthrough of Intent Healing,” and a
    graduate of India’s premier medical college C.M.C
    Vellore. Contact her at

    15. ==> May – Brain Cancer Awareness Month

    Did you know that brain tumors rarely form in the very
    center of the brain? Mylaine Riobe, MD, FACOG says it’s
    because that area of the brain gets the freshest blood
    supply while the outer parts of the brain get the
    ‘left-overs.’ She believes that nutrient or hormone
    deficits affect cells and can result in a tumor or
    memory loss. Dr. Riobe will answer all your questions
    about cancer and the misinformation that surrounds the
    prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this epidemic
    and explain her new theory of cancer as an
    opportunistic disease – how it acts like a parasite
    attacking weakened immune systems. You’ll learn why the
    US rate of cancer is 4x that of the Chinese and hear
    about promising treatments that focus on finding and
    fixing deficiencies. Dr. Riobe’s multi-faceted approach
    combines traditional Chinese medicine with conventional
    medicine. A dynamic, progressive integrative medical
    doctor with over 15 years of experience, she’s the
    author of “The Answer to Cancer” and “The Tao of
    Integrative Medicine.” Contact her at (772) 285-7788;

    16. ==> ?What to Do When Your Friend is an Addict

    We all know that addiction doesn’t just impact addicts;
    it also shatters the lives of spouses, children and
    friends. But what can loved ones actually do to help an
    addict? Addiction counselor and former addict Kathy
    Williamson says, “Many people feel helpless watching
    someone they care about struggle with addiction but
    there are actual things you can do to help an addict
    get well.” She’ll discuss recovery programs, why
    addiction is not a disease, and why the belief that
    once an addict, always an addict is simply not true.
    Williamson, whose 10-year-addiction to pain pills began
    after a six-month hospitalization for recurring
    pancreatitis, has been free of her addiction for 30
    years and has never attended a recovery program. She’s
    the author of “My Friend Is an Addict – What Can I Do?”
    Contact her at (800) 551-9862;

    17. ==> It’s ‘Get Caught Reading’ Month!

    Did you know May is a month dedicated to reading for
    FUN? And what’s more fun than science fiction? Dr. Paul
    Wand, author of “Earth 2.0 Exodus: Escaping our Doomed
    Planet,” will entertain your audience by discussing all
    things sci-fi. A science fiction fan since the original
    Star Trek series in the ‘60s, he is well-versed not
    only in the lore but also the FACTS behind the sci-fi
    shows and movies we grew up with and love, and his
    study of the trajectory of REAL science makes “science
    fiction” more believable than ever. Are we closer than
    we think to leaving Earth? Escaping our “doomed”
    planet? Is our space program looking more like “Star
    Wars” and “Lost in Space?” You’ll hear where future
    Artificial Intelligence is heading, how the
    configuration of a star ship would work, and why the
    eventual demise of the Earth will most likely be caused
    by the sun. Dr. Wand specializes in neurology by day.
    Contact him at (954) 344-9772;

    18. ==> Could Hawaii’s Volcano Be Telling Us Something?

    The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii continues to pose health
    hazards, now adding toxic gas to its destruction of
    homes and vehicles swallowed up by its fiery lava. But
    are we headed for even worse calamity such as what
    happened when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, in what
    is to date the largest and most disruptive volcanic
    event, spewing ashes over three states? Dr. Richard
    Ruhling thinks so. And should this horrible event
    occur, he believes it would be a warning from God of
    His impending judgment on the U.S. and may be
    accompanied by a large earthquake in the San Andreas
    Fault. Invite him on your show to explain why God is
    concerned about our claim to live “In God We Trust”
    when we trust in money more and break his principles of
    health and happiness outlined in a UCLA study. Ruhling
    is a retired physician who taught Health Science; he
    also attended Bible College. A seasoned talk show
    guest, he has authored a number of books on Bible
    prophecy and current events. His latest is “God Bless
    America?” Reach him at (928) 583-7543 or

    19. ==> Summer’s Coming! May is Water Safety Month

    Summer’s coming and a big part of the season is being
    outside, playing at the pool and beach, and swimming!
    But along with the sun and fun comes countless horror
    stories about kids and drowning incidents. Carolanne
    Caron says everyone should be able to enjoy the water,
    but there are definitely safety issues that need to be
    taught to everyone, especially kids. She says, “Many
    children don’t know what rules they should follow when
    they’re near water and end up getting in a situation
    over their skill level.” Carolanne, a swimming and
    water safety expert, can share 10 rules to teach
    children to be safer around the water. She’s the author
    of “Water Safety with Swimmy” and “Swimmy’s Water
    Safety Coloring Book.” Contact her at (603) 424-4100;

    20. ==> 5 Steps to Becoming a Children’s Author

    So many people dream of writing children’s books but
    don’t know how to get started. Invite children’s author
    and mother of three Rosie J. Pova to reveal what it
    takes to stay motivated, complete your book, and
    finally get a publishing deal. She can explain whether
    you should submit your manuscript to agents or directly
    to publishers, how to deal with rejection, and why
    today’s kids don’t want to read their parents’
    childhood books. She can also share insider industry
    information such as why publishers don’t want rhyming
    text, what kind of agent you need, whether you should
    find your own illustrator, and what to realistically
    expect from a publisher when it comes to book
    promotion. She is the author of several children’s
    books including her latest, Sarah’s Song. Pova has been
    featured on radio and in print. Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

  • 05/10/18 RTIR Newsletter: Missing Mom, Lousy Customer Service, Injured Brains

    May 10, 2018

    01. Trump, Israel and Iran
    02. Haspel, Torture and CIA
    03. Change Politics, Help Teens Vote
    04. Mom Wants This (but a Gift’s OK Too)
    05. Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts
    06. When You’re Missing Mom
    07. Why Trump’s Lies Matter
    08. #MeToo Victims: How to Recover
    09. Africa: Next Terrorist Haven?
    10. Would You Be a Whistleblower?
    11. We Hate Lousy Customer Service
    12. Fun Show: Obnoxious Coworkers
    13. Punch Pollen in the Nose Naturally
    14. Really? Pets Get Allergies Too
    15. How to Heal an Injured Brain
    16. Fender: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Legend
    17. Amazing True Story: ‘Through the Fire’
    20. When Your Friend is an Addict

    1. ==> Trump, Israel and Iran

    Donald Trump claimed in his remarks Tuesday announcing
    the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal that: “Last
    week Israel published intelligence documents, long
    concealed by Iran, conclusively showing the Iranians’
    regime and its history of pursuing nuclear weapons.”
    But Gareth Porter says that’s not true. “Netanyahu
    hasn’t just repeated old history about an alleged
    Iranian nuclear weapons program, he has revealed that
    the whole collection of documents (that were used by
    the Bush administration to indict Iran for having such
    an alleged covert nuclear weapons program) was
    fabricated by the Israelis themselves. Telling details
    in his presentation not only show these are the
    documents that surfaced in 2004 but that they were
    crude forgeries.” Invite Porter to discuss evidence of
    forgery of the entire collection of documents. Gareth
    Porter is a noted independent investigative journalist
    and author of the book “Manufactured Crisis: The Untold
    Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare.” Contact him at; @GarethPorter

    2. ==> Haspel, Torture and CIA

    Under fire for her still-murky role in the CIA’s
    imprisonment and torture of terrorism suspects after
    the 9/11 attacks, Gina Haspel pledged Wednesday that
    she would not allow the spy agency to restart the
    troubled program if she is confirmed as director. Ivan
    Eland says it’s not surprising that Trump has nominated
    Haspel to the agency’s top spot. “It doesn’t bother the
    president in the least that she oversaw a secret CIA
    prison in Thailand where torture was reportedly
    committed and then was complicit in destroying the
    videos of such horrendous human rights abuse. Trump
    seems to be exhibiting some of the same tendencies to
    flout the law that the flagrantly lawless Bush
    administration demonstrated. Congress should not
    further enable such tendencies by confirming a CIA
    nominee who already shown a blatant disregard of
    American rule of law.” Ivan Eland is a senior fellow at
    the Independent Institute and author of “Eleven
    Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited
    Government.” Contact Kate Brown at (202) 213-7051;

    3. ==> How to Change Politics? Help Teens Vote

    Galvanized by a school shooting in Parkland, Florida,
    teenagers across the country have risen up in a wave of
    protest against gun violence, joining young organizers
    of color who have long spoken out against the scourge
    of violence in their communities. But Emma Greenman
    says turning that energy into lasting political power
    requires more than protest. “We need to ensure young
    people have access to the ballot, and vote, in numbers
    unseen in recent memory. Young people have already
    begun turning their anger in that direction,
    encouraging voter registration as a top goal and
    promoting registration drives in schools.” She’ll
    discuss the myriad of obstacles to the ballot box many
    young people face including the new restrictive voter
    ID laws in states around the country. Emma Greenman is
    director of Voting Rights and Democracy at the Center
    for Popular Democracy. She has over 15 years of
    experience working on democracy and justice issues as a
    litigator, a policy expert and a political advocate.
    Contact Anita Jain at (347) 985-2220, ext. 119.

    4. ==> Mom Wants This (But a Gift’s OK Too)

    Americans spend on average $124 dollars on Mother’s Day
    gifts, for a total of over $30 billion. Flowers are
    lovely and spa certificates are appreciated, but
    sometimes you just don’t have the cash. Luckily for
    you, Suzanne Wexler says what tired and overworked moms
    often need most are gestures that come free of charge!
    “Mothers want to know their family values their hard
    work and considers their feelings. A few heartfelt
    tokens of gratitude may be just as meaningful as a
    gift, if not more. Especially moms with younger
    children and babies!” Wexler has great no-cost ideas
    for honoring all the moms in your life, and if you must
    splurge, she’s also got advice on what will—and
    won’t—be appreciated by Mom. Suzanne Wexler is a
    Montreal-based culture and lifestyle expert who has
    written over a hundred features and trend reports for
    major Canadian newspapers. Her upcoming book of humor
    memoir stories is “How to Swing Like a Southern Belle,
    even if you’re Frozen in the North.” Contact her at
    (514) 704-0029

    5. ==> Get Creative – Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts

    Help! Mother’s Day is coming up and you’ve got…
    nothing. Time is running out and it’s time to get some
    inspiration and advice from someone who knows how to
    get creative. Dayna Isom Johnson is Etsy’s Trend Expert
    and a judge on the upcoming NBC craft competition
    series ‘Making It’ hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick
    Offerman. She’ll offer tips to pick uniquely
    personalized gifts that will perfectly suit your mom,
    share popular Mother’s Day trends on Etsy, and suggest
    fun gift ideas for new moms, single moms, grandmothers,
    and even pet and plant moms! Contact John Angelo at

    6. ==> How to Survive a Mom-less Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day can be an especially difficult time for
    those who have lost their moms. Margo Lenmark, a grief
    expert who grew up as the daughter of an undertaker and
    lost her own mom, can help ease the sadness with her
    wise insights into death and grieving. “Death is not
    dead,” she says. “There are gifts in grieving. When
    people die, they give gifts to people who are close to
    them. People send messages in death that are very
    clear.” Margo can share her own experiences with
    receiving these messages and reveal how those who have
    lost loved ones can do the same, as well as ways to
    survive Mother’s Day with love, joy and peace. She can
    also share what death can teach us about living the
    best life possible. Margo is the author of “Light in
    the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter,”
    which has received glowing endorsements from Deepak
    Chopra and New York Times best-selling author Marci
    Shimoff, among others. Contact her at (828) 260-0873;

    7. ==> Why Trump’s Lies Matter

    Before Donald Trump, the idea of having a president who
    habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would
    have been unthinkable. To his supporters, apparently
    lies don’t matter, but Tony Selimi says they do, and
    they hurt everyone. He’ll share five tips to
    distinguish lies from the truth and help people avoid
    the long term effect that distortion of the truth can
    have on science, health care, education, mental,
    emotional and physical health, and every facet of our
    lives, putting us on a path to self-destruction. He
    says, “If we don’t immunize against this virus of the
    modern age, teach our children the importance of truth,
    and have a conscious media and government, we are
    heading towards a lonely planet in which the human
    values we hold dear are totally forgotten.” Tony Selimi
    is author of “A Path to Wisdom” and “#Loneliness – The
    Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-creator of “Living My
    Illusion- The Truth Hurts,” an award-winning
    documentary. Tony has appeared on over 100 TV and radio
    stations across the world. Contact him at +44 &8 1717

    8. ==> Can #MeToo Victims Overcome Trauma of Sexual

    The #MeToo movement has put a spotlight on sexual
    harassment and assault, not only in the entertainment
    business but in women’s lives in general. Can victims
    ever lead normal lives after experiencing such trauma?
    Mind-body-spirit expert Arnoux Goran, says, “It is
    possible to permanently overcome the pain, anger, and
    shame of sexual assault so that the worst trauma
    imaginable no longer affects you.” His successful
    method to reprogram yourself has been studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and shown dramatic
    results. Goran can also discuss men who have been
    victims of sexual assault and are too afraid to talk
    about it and how not dealing with emotional trauma can
    lead to additional health issues like emotional eating.
    His forthcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your
    Life and Make Your Dreams Come True,” reveals how to
    release negative emotions permanently and truly change
    your life by addressing the cause of repeating
    patterns. Goran has been featured on radio and
    television. Contact him at (877) 680-8200 (CA);

    9. ==> Why Be Concerned About Africa?

    Sylvanus Ayeni warns that the security of the world is
    at stake as long as the widespread poverty in the
    nations of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to
    worsen. “As perpetrators of terror are driven from
    their enclaves in the Middle East and elsewhere, these
    poor nations in SSA with dilapidated infrastructure and
    defense apparatus could become safe havens for
    terrorist organizations.” Ayeni says another area of
    concern is the threat of global epidemics. “The
    2014/2015 Ebola epidemic which began in West Africa is
    a reminder of the global consequences of the poor
    healthcare systems in the nations of SSA.” Ayeni, a
    retired neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and
    raised in Nigeria. His book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni president of Pan
    Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him
    at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    10. ==> Would You Be a Whistleblower? Should You?

    Roughly half of all workers say they witness crimes or
    wrongdoing at their workplace but only 3% blow the
    whistle to the authorities. While some portray
    whistleblowers are snitches, Michael McCray says it
    takes courage and tenacity to speak out and stand up.
    Invite the public interest advocate to explain why so
    few come forward and whether the culture is changing.
    McCray blew the whistle on $40M of fraud during the
    Clinton Administration and has become one of the
    world’s foremost proponents for whistleblowers. In his
    book “Race, Power & Politics” McCray gives the inside
    story of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations
    for Reform Now). He also hosts the Whistleblower Summit
    for Civil & Human Rights, the largest and most
    prestigious whistleblower conference on Capitol Hill,
    on July 30th, National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.
    Contact him at (870) 543-0024;

    11. ==> What’s Really Behind Lousy Customer Service?

    When was the last time you were in a store where the
    employees greeted you by name, helped you find what you
    were looking for, made you feel important and looked
    like they were having fun? According to business
    leadership expert Bonnie Sussman-Versace, this scenario
    is likely to play out at only 10 percent of U.S.
    companies—but it should be the norm. Bonnie will share
    examples of companies that make customers feel like
    kings and queens and what we can learn from them.
    She’ll also explain why the first step in providing
    good customer service is for companies to honor and
    value their own employees. As a child, Bonnie learned
    the value of good customer service in her parents’
    retail clothing business. She went on to manage her own
    a $4.5 million commercial design and furnishing
    business known for its excellent customer service
    before evolving into a business consultant. She can
    answer such questions as: Why do so many companies fail
    to deliver on their stated goal of giving the best
    possible customer service? What company closed their
    Indian call center and opened one in the U.S.? What are
    companies like Wegmans and DoubleTree by Hilton doing
    that is worth emulating? For added fun, have listeners
    call in with their best or worst customer service
    stories for a chance to win a copy of Bonnie’s book,
    “Recipes for Thoughtful Leadership and Healthy
    Culture.” She is the author of numerous articles for
    Business Weekly, the Reading Eagle, and Lehigh Business
    Journal. Contact her at (610) 301-2194 or

    12. Fun Show: Obnoxious Coworkers

    What can you do when success at work depends on
    uncooperative, nasty people? How productive can you be
    when rude, obnoxious, argumentative people impede your
    progress at every step? Author, communication expert,
    and conflict resolution specialist Tamara Dorris will
    discuss tactics she uses to heal rifts between warring
    factions within corporations. She’ll discuss why
    certain people just can’t get along and reveal ways to
    identify and dispose of the baggage that ruins
    successful collaboration. Tamara, whose expertise
    includes the science behind the power of the mind, is a
    corporate consultant and educator. She’s been quoted in
    Seventeen, Weight Watchers, O Magazine, Wall Street
    Journal, and more and has appeared on Sacramento &
    Company and Good Day Sacramento. Contact her at (916)
    482-5834. ?

    13. ==> Punch Pollen in the Nose Naturally

    We know. Every year we hear how bad allergy season is,
    but this year the pollen is off the chart in many parts
    of the country thanks to some screwy spring weather. So
    what can you do to combat the onslaught of sneezing,
    wheezing, runny eyes and nose without getting all doped
    up on allergy medicine? Invite Dr. Kathleen Fry to
    explain an alternative to the allergy treadmill that’s
    safe, effective, inexpensive and readily available in
    most health food stores for less than $10.00. Dr. Fry
    is a medical doctor and homeopathic physician with over
    30 years of clinical experience. Her new book is
    “What’s the Remedy for That? The Definitive Homeopathy
    Guide to Mastering Everyday Self-Care Without Drugs.”
    Contact her at (480) 695-1383;

    14. ==> Really? Pets Get Allergies Too

    You’ve probably noticed dog and pet hair EVERYWHERE,
    but did you know that dogs can have spring allergies?
    You may not see your pup sneezing and wheezing, but
    inhaled pollen can cause itching in dogs. Invite Dr.
    Judy Morgan to share natural allergy and shedding
    solutions that don’t involve chemicals or drugs. Judy
    Morgan is a holistic veterinarian who treats dogs,
    cats, and horses. She is chief veterinary medical
    officer for Monkey’s House Senior Dog Hospice and
    Sanctuary and works with rescue groups for homeless
    dogs. Her latest book is “Yin & Yang Nutrition for
    Dogs: Maximizing Health with Whole Foods, Not Drugs,”
    coauthored with her husband, Hue Grant. Contact her at
    (609) 202-0999;

    15. ==> Traumatic Brain Injury: How to Heal the Brain

    We often hear about concussions and other brain
    injuries involving pro football players, but ordinary
    people, including one-in-five teens, also sustain these
    injuries causing headaches, nausea, dizziness,
    insomnia, depression, lack of concentration, and more.
    Invite Susana Stoica, Ph.D., to discuss her difficult
    15-year battle to recover from a brain injury and how
    others can avoid the same mistakes. Dr. Stoica will
    discuss what to do after suffering a brain trauma, how
    to limit post-trauma brain swelling or secondary brain
    injury, whether the body can ever completely heal from
    a brain trauma, and how conventional medical treatments
    fail to address all the components of healing the
    brain. You’ll learn the physical and emotional toll of
    brain injuries on sufferers and their families, as well
    as how anyone can improve their brain function at any
    age. Susana Stoica, Ph.D., the founder of Healing
    Alternatives, LLC, is a healer, engineer, inventor, and
    speaker. In July, she will be giving a workshop on
    brain injury recovery at Harvard Medical School. Her
    new book is “Heal Your Brain, Reclaim Your Life.”
    Contact her at (248) 895-5784;

    16. ==> This Rock ‘n’ Roll Legend Probably Changed YOUR

    Mention ‘Fender Guitars’ and audiences will eagerly
    want to know more about the late Leo Fender and his
    creative genius. Learn the amazing Fender story when
    you interview Dr. Randall Bell, who co-authored the
    book “Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the
    World” with Leo’s widow, the incomparable Phyllis
    Fender. Entertaining and informative, Dr. Bell will
    discuss the experiences and musical instrument
    developments that made Leo Fender a household name, the
    countless artists (from Buddy Holly and Elvis to Keith
    Richards, Buck Owens, and Jimi Hendrix) who swore by
    the Fender name, and Leo himself, humble yet brilliant,
    whose innovations influenced every person who has ever
    heard a song. Ask Dr. Bell about the journey Leo took
    to electric instrument excellence and to the Rock and
    Roll Hall of Fame. A Fender family friend for decades
    (Bell’s dad even led Leo Fender’s research and
    development department), he’ll share inspiring stories
    behind the Fender Legacy. Contact Cierra Ashdown at
    (949) 637-2475;

    17. ==> Amazing True Story – ‘Through the Fire’

    On July 10th, 2007, a NASCAR plane crashed into a house
    in a suburban subdivision in Sanford, Florida. A young
    mother and son died, as did the pilot and a passenger.
    The fuel tank broke loose and crashed into Pete
    Dechat’s home, exploding and killing his four-year-old
    daughter Gabi. Pete sustained serious burns over 96% of
    his body while trying to find and rescue her. Doctors
    said he wouldn’t live. Then they said he wouldn’t see.
    Or walk. But they were wrong. Invite Pete to share his
    incredible story which includes having his wife leave
    him while he was in a coma. Learn why, when people say
    he’s lucky to be alive, he tells them it was God who
    saved him. Pete has since remarried and has a young
    daughter. “Through the Fire” is his new book. Contact
    Jim Dobkins at (928) 277-1268;

    18. ==> Your Friend is an Addict – What Can You Do?

    We all know that addiction doesn’t just impact addicts;
    it also shatters the lives of spouses, children and
    friends. But what can loved ones actually do to help an
    addict? Addiction counselor and former addict Kathy
    Williamson says, “Many people feel helpless watching
    someone they care about struggle with addiction but
    there are actual things you can do to help an addict
    get well.” She’ll discuss recovery programs, why
    addiction is not a disease, and why the belief that
    once an addict, always an addict is simply not true.
    Williamson, whose 10-year-addiction to pain pills began
    after a six-month hospitalization for recurring
    pancreatitis, has been free of her addiction for 30
    years and has never attended a recovery program. She’s
    the author of “My Friend Is an Addict – What Can I Do?”
    Contact her at (800) 551-9862;

    19. ==> When Alzheimer’s Strikes Early

    According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 5.5 million
    people – 1 in 10 individuals – age 65 and older are
    living with Alzheimer’s. But even more startling, is
    the number of cases involving people under 65. The
    group says the exact numbers are hard to pin down, but
    clearly much higher than previously acknowledged. A
    diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s can be
    devastating. Families fear the years ahead, considering
    the worrisome health intervention, physical and mental
    decline expected for the afflicted, and the myriad
    issues related to caregiving. Carlen Maddux’s wife
    Martha was diagnosed at age 50. Their odyssey lasted 17
    years. He’ll share insights on altering your home life,
    telling/involving the kids, and whether movies like
    “Still Alice” get it right. Plus, hear Carlen’s tips on
    family-wide care, keeping marriages strong, navigating
    holidays, maintaining memory and safety, avoiding
    caregiver fatigue, balancing personal and professional
    life, myths and truths about late stage Alzheimer’s
    care. Carlen is a speaker and the author of “A Path
    Revealed: How Hope, Love, and Joy Found Us Deep in a
    Maze Called Alzheimer’s.” Contact him at (727)

    20. ==> Ancient Arthritis Relief that Works

    Arthritis can be debilitating and painful. Pills can be
    dangerous and alternative therapies aren’t usually
    covered by health insurance. But a new study published
    in the Journal of Complementary Therepeutic Medicine
    this month finds that movement therapies can help
    adults suffering from arthritis, both physically and
    emotionally. José de la Torre can show listeners how to
    effectively manage their arthritic pain with a set of
    five ancient Tibetan exercises, which they can practice
    at any time. Jose says the movements help alleviate
    symptoms of both osteoarthritis, as well as rheumatoid
    arthritis. Jose holds a degree in mathematics from
    Arizona State University, and a master’s degree from
    the University of Texas at Austin. He is also the
    author of “Spiritual Living for Busy People: How to
    Nourish Your Soul in Today’s Hectic World.” Contact him
    at (817) 304-6148; or jose@peace-