10/18/18 RTIR Newsletter: Black Men in Baltimore, Halloween 101, Faith and Success

October 18, 2018

01. Hot to Get Young People to Vote? Taunt Them
02. PBS’ ‘Take On America’ – Black Men in Baltimore
03. ‘The Lost Tapes: Clinton Impeachment’
04.The Media is not the Enemy of the People
05. Hats Off to Eugenie’s Backless Wedding Dress!
06. Are the Dead Trying to Talk to You at Halloween?
07. Growing Up with Ghosts
08. What Your Nightmares Are Trying to Tell You
09. Halloween 101 for Parents
10. She Makes Pain Go Away
11. M.D. Can Cure Autism – Without Meeting Her Patients
12. Here’s Why Incompetent Coworkers Don’t Get Fired
13. Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make
14. Phobias and How to Get Rid of Them
15. The Science of Turning on Happiness
16. Our World Really Needs Help: What We Can Do
17. Get ‘Marriage Fit’ Before Walking Down the Aisle
18. Gratitude for Dog Lovers
19. Perfect for ‘Warrior’ and ‘Bloodfist’ Fans
20. Faith Can Help You Achieve Success at Any Age

1. ==> Hot to Get Young People to Vote? Taunt Them

In an effort to get younger people to register to vote
ahead of the upcoming midterm elections, progressive
group Acronym has released a new ad featuring older
voters taunting younger Americans about prevalent
issues. In the ad, the elderly voters sarcastically
implore that younger voters stay home on Election Day
so that things remain the same. “We’ll be there, I bet
you won’t,” one senior says. “Because we’re a
generation of doers not whiners and we’re doing great.”
“Climate change? That’s a you problem. I’ll be dead
soon,” another elderly woman says. The ad – part of
Acronym’s Knock the Vote campaign – plays on the fact
that younger Americans are less likely to show up to
the polls compared with older voters. Tara McGowan is
founder and CEO of ACRONYM, the largest digital program
deploying new digital tools and strategies nationwide
to encourage voters to register to vote online and show
up at the polls on Election Day. Contact her at
@taraemcg; weare@anotheracronym.org

2. ==> PBS’ ‘Take On America’ – Black Men in Baltimore

“Take on America,” the groundbreaking new primetime PBS
series tackling hot-button issues through the lens of
race, premieres tonight with ‘Black Men in Baltimore.’
The town hall features the voices of 100 black men and
moderators include former ESPN journalist and Atlantic
writer Jemele Hill, Maryland gubernatorial candidate
Ben Jealous, “The Wire” actor Lawrence Gillard Jr., and
professor and journalist D. Watkins, a former drug
dealer and NPR commentator. The show features candid
conversations on the justice system, police brutality,
and the state of the war on drugs, the legacy of
slavery in Trump’s America, and the question of “Is
Colin Kaepernick a hero?” Future episodes, airing
Thursdays, will be “White Women in Nashville,” “Latino
Families in NYC,” and “Millennials in San Francisco.”
Contact Hannah Schwartz at (718) 522-7171;

3. ==> Smithsonian’s ‘The Lost Tapes: Clinton

The 1998 impeachment of President Clinton is the focus
of the upcoming Smithsonian Channel special, ‘The Lost
Tapes: Clinton Impeachment’, an event that created
polarization and gender politics issues still felt 20
years later. The latest installment of the critically
acclaimed Lost Tapes series recalls the dramatic twists
and forgotten moments of the scandal with media footage
and never-seen recordings from familiar faces such as
Jeff Sessions, Bernie Sanders and even President Trump.
Emmy & Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Tom Jennings can
discuss the new special, the impact the Clinton
impeachment had on history and American politics, and
the parallels that may be drawn with today’s White
House. ‘The Lost Tapes: Clinton Impeachment’ airs on
the Smithsonian Channel this month. Contact John Angelo
at john@premieretv.com.

4. ==> The Media is not the Enemy of the People

Polls show an alarming number of people only listen to
what they want to hear and only what aligns with their
own biases. Most disturbing is an overwhelming number
of Americans believe that journalists fabricate the
news. Karl Suchman says the reputation of professional
journalism has been hijacked and distorted and he’s fed
up with the dog whistle antics of those who have
exploited true patriots in the news business to foment
anger and distrust while raking in the ratings and
millions of dollars. “The reputation of professional
journalism has been hijacked and distorted by
hucksters, personalities and politicians pretending to
sell the truth, but in reality they are peddling
distrust and ‘alternative facts.’” Invite the author of
“Murdering the Message: How Real Journalists Cope with
Fake News” to share how journalists fight through their
own biases and what motivates them, from local radio
and television to network news and sports. Contact him
at (972) 345-4670; ksuchman@sbcglobal.net

5. ==> Hats Off to Eugenie’s Backless Wedding Dress!

When Princess Eugenie married last weekend her backless
gown highlighted a large scar from scoliosis surgery as
a young girl. She said it was her way to honor the
people who looked after her and a way of standing up
for young people who suffer with the condition. Award-
winning fashion designer Rani St. Pucchi says the
choice was an empowering one. “Every wrinkle is a
roadmap of our life journey, every scar a solemn
decoration. It is up to us to stay broken or gather our
pieces and choose to become whole again. Rather than
breaking us, traumatic experiences can make us stronger
and more beautiful than ever.” Rani St. Pucchi is an
empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, bestselling
author, an award-winning fashion designer and president
of St. Pucchi, the internationally acclaimed bridal
fashion house. She draws on her lifelong struggle
against domestic abuse and 32 years in the fashion
industry to help women abandon debilitating self-doubt.
“Gold in the Cracks: Move from Shattered to Whole and
Reveal Your Light” is her fourth book. Contact her at
(310) 990-3912; rani@ranistpucchi.com

6. ==> Are the Dead Trying to Talk to You at Halloween?

Could it be that deceased relatives are trying to speak
with you? They very well might be but you have only to
listen to them, says Ellen Mains, an author and
meditation guide who has tuned into her great-
grandmother and other Polish ancestors. In a show that
works for both Halloween, when the dead take center
stage, and All Souls Day, Nov. 2, Mains can talk about
ways connecting with the dead through meditation can
mitigate their suffering and ours, connecting and
healing the generations. Mains can also talk about the
fascinating journey she took to Poland to connect with
souls who died in the Holocaust. The story is told in
her new book, “Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into
the Holocaust.” Reach her at (720) 292-4520;

7. ==> Do a Show on Growing Up with Ghosts… and their

What’s it like growing up in family homes surrounded by
ghosts and their stories? Interview Ivan Obolensky and
find out! Ivan’s rich personal history includes his
grandfather, Serge Obolensky – the famed “Prince of New
York”, and his grandmother Alice (of Astor fame) who
died holding an Egyptian book of the dead on her chest.
Convinced that people lived on after death, she proved
it by scaring off governesses and attracting a large
number of black cats that kept returning to her home on
61st Street in NYC even after extermination was tried.
The family home was finally exorcised. His grandfather,
Serge, had ghost stories of his own to tell. A
particular Captain, supposedly recovering from TB in
the Crimea, appeared to Serge’s mother and a butler at
the family country home many miles away… and then
vanished right before their eyes! They learned later
he had already died. Ivan Obolensky is an author and a
true Renaissance man in his own right. His novel “Eye
of the Moon” won Best First Book (Fiction) in the
IRDA’s. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 662-9731;

8. ==> What Your Nightmares Are Trying to Tell You

As Halloween approaches do our nightmares increase? Are
there really valuable intuitive messages in our
nightmares? Intuitive expert and spiritual psychic Nora
Truscello reveals that nightmares are actually good for
us. Behind nightmares and those sexually charged dreams
nobody wants to wake from, are intuitive messages meant
to assist you? Invite her to reveal the hidden secrets
behind our dreams and how much control we have over
what we dream, if we even dream at all. Her latest
book, The Science of Intuition, reveals techniques
designed to make intuition an accessible,
understandable, everyday occurrence. Truscello has been
featured by various radio shows. Contact her at (302)
803-2307 (PA); Nora@IntoIntuition.com

9. ==> Halloween 101 for Parents

What foods should you give your children before they go
trick-or-treating so they don’t fill up on candy? Is it
better to purchase candy made with sugar or corn syrup?
Learn the answers to those questions and more when you
interview wellness expert Adita Yrizarry-Lang. For
parents who want to take a healthier approach to
Halloween, she’ll share the unique way she has
“trained” her 8- and 12-year-old to handle the holiday,
tips for starting your own young kids off right and why
you should think twice before bringing your kids’
trick-or-treat booty to work or diving into it
yourself. Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who has
been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She is the author of
“SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 794-6505;

10. ==> She Makes Back, Neck, Knee and Headache Pain Go

Did you know that 25.3 million Americans endure chronic
pain every day and that another 40 million say they are
coping with severe pain? The U.S. has plenty of adults
whose backs, shoulders, knees, joints, and muscles
inhibit their quality of life or who suffer from
blinding headaches and chronic fatigue. Anna Lee, M.D.,
wants people in pain to know that they don’t have to
live with it or medicate it away. Dr. Lee is the only
physician in the country with an FDA-approved dry
needling treatment for pain relief that has already
helped thousands of people eliminate or reduce lifelong
pain. She’s helped runners with torn hamstrings to be
able to run again and one person who came in on a
stretcher to walk out of her office on his own power.
Dr. Lee is a board-certified pain management physician
who trained at Hahnemann and the University of
Pennsylvania. She recently opened a clinic in New
Jersey. Reach her at (201) 925-0315; drlee1@optimum.net

11. ==> This M.D. Can Cure Autism – Without Even
Meeting Her Patients!

While the majority of medical professionals believe
that there is no cure for autism, Dr. Rajalakshmi
Kandaswamy strongly disagrees. In fact, she has helped
hundreds of children with non-verbal autism and ADHD,
without ever meeting them in person! She accomplishes
this through her unique remote healing method called
Intent Healing™. “I am the only autism expert and
expert in nonverbal autism who is a medical doctor and
a healer who is helping nonverbal autistic children
from all over the world communicate through speech in
10 (or less) remote healing sessions, without meeting
or seeing any of them in person,” she says. With over
25 years of experience in remote healing, she recently
was recognized by Buzzfeed as one of five professionals
in the world to watch out for in the autism arena. She
is the author of the book “How to Heal Autism and ADHD
in 30 Days: The Phenomenally Powerful Breakthrough of
Intent Healing,” and a graduate of India’s premier
medical college C.M.C Vellore. Contact her at

12. ==> Here’s Why Incompetent Coworkers Don’t Get

Every company has one: an employee who should be fired
but isn’t. You know, the person who comes in late and
leaves early. Or takes credit for other people’s work.
Or, like the character Creed in “The Office,” is just
plain incompetent. Business consultant Bonnie Sussman
Versace can address this common but mystifying
situation. She knows why employers don’t fire these
awful employees and what a terrible toll this takes on
everyone else. She says, “One employee can bring a
company to its knees. It becomes a lack of
accountability on the boss’ part for his or her
inaction.” Bonnie is the author of “Recipes for
Thoughtful Leadership and Healthy Culture.” She is the
author of numerous articles for Business Weekly, the
Reading Eagle, and Lehigh Business Journal. Contact her
at (610) 301-2194 or bversace@focusedllc.net

13. ==> Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make

Did you know that many teachers, in trying to encourage
their students, actually embarrass them? That
embarrassment leads to discouragement, which if left
unchecked kills whatever love of learning our kids
have. All children have the innate desire to learn and
be excited about learning. But as early as
kindergarten, even good teachers are setting them up to
hate school. As a former educator and administrator both in public schools and universities, Lee Jenkins saw the need for a new way to lead learning – one that keeps that “intrinsic motivation” alive from kindergarten through 12th grade. “What most parents and teachers don’t realize is that motivation is made up of both will and thrill. Are your kids working hard and loving the process?” Chances are they aren’t!
Lee Jenkins, author of Permission to Forget, is
currently working on his next book The Perfect School.
He now consults and writes full time with his firm LtoJ
Consulting Group, Inc.
Contact Lee Jenkins at (800) 559-9798;

14. ==> Phobias and How to Get Rid of Them

Fear of heights, flying, spiders, mice, snakes. These
are just a few of the common phobias people have. Then
there are many more unusual ones like fear of death,
clowns, dogs, elevators, public speaking and thunder
storms. Ed Kuiper, author, speaker and self-healing
teacher will teach your audience how to discover what’s
really behind their irrational fears and how to heal
themselves naturally … many times ON THE AIR!
As an officer of two major life insurance companies and
founder and CEO of several national companies, Ed spent
over 40 years in the business world before becoming a
“Master of Self-Healing.”
TV Producers: This makes for a great “live” show!
Contact him at (207) 592-2032;

15. ==> The Science of Turning on Happiness

In her 20-year career as a counselor working with
patients with anxiety and depression and teaching
special needs students, Norma Nikutowski learned a
universal truth: everyone has the capacity for
happiness, it’s just a matter of turning it on and
keeping it on. The Argentinian-born Nikutowski will
delve into what happiness is, the detours people take
in trying to achieve it, the role positive thinking
plays in happiness, the habits of happy people and much
more. She’ll share ways to immediately change your
mood—including decluttering your home or workspace and
doing at least one activity you enjoy every day, and
why instead of complaining about what you dislike, you
should focus on and enjoy everything that is working in
your life. Norma Nikutowski has spent several decades
counseling patients with anxiety and depression to
focus on the positive aspects of their lives. She’s the
author of “Turn Your Happiness ON: How to Light Up Your
Days and Fill Your Life with Joy.” Contact her at (213)
359-0812; 626-308-3352; norma@happinesson.com

16. ==> Our World Really Needs Help: What We Can Do

Mark Landau says that new means to help solve our
problems are appearing. “A new bio-molecular miracle
that can supercharge any soil, dramatically increase
food production and nutrition, enhance the health of
bees and suck the carbon from the air back into the
Earth. The hundred best ways to reverse global warming.
A molecule that enhances intelligence and memory
suppressed by our government. The hidden legal matrix
that creates a permanent American undercaste and how
Portugal solved the problem the War on Drugs only makes
worse. And the only effective way for us to take back
our country and establish a true democracy. All this
and more in his new book, “A New American Evolution.”
Mark Landau has written seven books and worked on our
evolution for fifty-five years. Contact him at (505)
474-5308; (505) 670-3055 or m@mark-landau.com

17. ==> How to Get ‘Marriage Fit’ Before Walking Down
the Aisle

When we want to get into top physical shape, we adjust
our diets and lifestyles and hit the gym. Pastor Eric
Hawthorne says that the same principles can be applied
to preparing for marriage, and can share his tips for
“marriage fitness” that can help newly and long-married
couples to keep their bonds strong, and enable their
unions to last. “I had a series at my church that
taught people how to get ready for marriage,” he says.
“People rarely take the time to determine their role in
a marriage. This is why there are so many divorces.”
Eric should know. He is a divorced single dad to two
young boys who has learned from his mistakes, and he
can share how to navigate the pitfalls he and his ex-
wife had to navigate. Eric Hawthorne is the second-
generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in
Richardson, Texas, and the author of the book “Are You
Ready for Marriage?” Contact him at hiitselh@yahoo.com
or (972) 464-6563.

18. ==> Gratitude for Dog Lovers

Ask people what they’d like to change about their lives
and you are likely to hear that they wish they had more
time to take better care of themselves, to feel less
stress, and more balance in their lifestyle. At least
that’s what acupuncturist and wellness practitioner
Carlyn Montes De Oca discovered when she asked her
patients to name their biggest challenges. So, she’s
created “Paws for the Good Stuff,” a six-month
gratitude journal for dog lovers, to bring the
qualities dogs embody most to the forefront of their
human’s lives—playfulness, loyalty, grace, gratitude,
courage, enthusiasm and unconditional love. Invite her
on your show to talk about how your dog can take you by
the paw and lead you to a healthier and happier life
and ways to create a healthier morning ritual rather
than sipping coffee, eating a pastry and reading the
news. Carlyn Montes De Oca is a speaker, acupuncturist,
wellness consultant, and animal advocate in Santa Fe,
New Mexico. “Paws for the Good Stuff” is a follow-up to
her book “Dog as My Doctor, Cat as My Nurse.” Contact
her at (415) 306-1853; cmdo@animalhumanhealth.com

19. ==> Perfect for ‘Warrior’ and ‘Bloodfist’ Fans

Interested in a book that combines the thrill of
kickboxing with love of family? “The Lonely Eagle” by
national South African wrestling champion Stephanus J.
de Klerk is a raw look at kickboxing and family.
Brothers John and Paul look after each other – both
inside the kickboxing ring and out. While Paul’s
dedication gets him close to the championship, John’s
reckless behavior almost destroys his chances. After
their glory days, both brothers go their separate ways.
When the family is in danger of losing their farm, Paul
prepares for one last championship match. But when
tragedy strikes, John must understand why he fights:
for money, for glory, or for family. Filled with action
and drama, “The Lonely Eagle” is an intense read
perfect for fans of movies “Warrior” and “Bloodfist.”
Contact Stephanus J. de Klerk at (575) 602-1362 or

20. ==> Faith Can Help You Achieve Success at Any Age

At 84 years old, David L. Peters has had a successful
career as an engineer, 18 patents, co-owns a computer
graphics company, has a loving wife of 57 years, and
has written his first book. Despite his career in
science, he firmly credits his faith in God for his
continued success and taking on new ventures, despite
his age. “At 84, I have been blessed with a sense of
God ‘being there’ from age 4,” he says. “My life has
been filled with unbelievable synchronicities, all
based upon my unwavering belief and trust in the
goodness of God.” David further attests that beliefs
rooted in science and a deity are not mutually
exclusive. “My faith comes through science, as I firmly
believe that quantum physics has proven the existence
of a higher power.” David L. Peters is the author of
“The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom
of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at
davep434@gmail.com, or (607) 725-8559.

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