08/16/18 RTIR Newsletter: NFL Kneelers, BS Detector, Proof of God’s Existence

August 16, 2018

01. NFL Kneelers: Get Specific, What are You Protesting?
02. Diane Dimond on Discovery’s ‘Pamela Smart’
03. Warning – Another Dangerous Internet Challenge
04. Just Like the Jetsons – The Flying Car is Coming!
05. The Key to A Happy College Experience
06. Back-to-School: Re-Set Your Kid’s Sleep Schedule
07. Is Sending Kids to School without Breakfast Child Abuse?
08. Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate
09. Former Miss America Contestant: New Pageant is Death of Excellence
10. This Man is Fireproofing Neverland Ranch
11. Develop Your Inner BS Detector!
12. Why the Best Golf Advice Comes from Bad Golfers
13. Accidental Hospital Deaths Receive No Review, Why?
14. M.D. Blows the Whistle on Health Insurance Companies
15. Are You Making Yourself Broke?
16. Why Millennials Will Save the World
17. Interview the Undertaker’s Daughter
18. How the ‘Dad Deficit’ is Harming Society
19. This Scientist Can Prove that God Exists
20. Eulogies: The Self-Help Tool of the Future

1. ==> NFL Kneelers: Get Specific, What are You

Frank Miniter says what is really disappointing about
the NFL players’ kneeling debate is that it has split
along lines of patriotism versus the right to protest.
He says instead of kneeling in protest, players should
use their platform to bring attention to specific
issues. “(Colin) Kaepernick says players are protesting
‘systemic oppression.’ OK, but please give us some
specifics. A lot of people, including me, would like
some details about this “systemic oppression” and would
like to hear proposals on how to end it. I think all
Americans would welcome hearing answers from players
that we could discuss as a nation and that candidates
running for political office could debate.” Frank
Miniter is an investigative journalist and the author
of several books including “The Ultimate Man’s Survival
Guide—Recovering the Lost Art of Manhood.” Miniter is
a contributor to Forbes and has appeared on FOX News,
NewsmaxTV’s America’s Forum, the Christian Broadcast
Network and other media outlets. Contact him at

2. ==> Diane Dimond on Discovery’s ‘Pamela Smart’

In 1990, 22-year-old Pamela Smart found her husband
dead in their New Hampshire condo. In a story that
inspired the Hollywood film ‘To Die For’ starring
Nicole Kidman, it was later revealed that Pamela
conspired with her teenage lover and his friends to
kill her husband. The trial would become the first
nationally televised courtroom case, transfixing the
nation with details about the scandalous murder, tawdry
affair and teenage assassins. In a special 3-night TV
event beginning August 19th, Investigation Discovery
looks back at one of the most notorious crimes of the
century in ‘Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery.’
Interview Diane Dimond, one of the experts featured in
the series. Diane is an investigative journalist and TV
news mainstay who covered the Pamela Smart case for
Newsweek and The Daily Beast. She can weigh in with her
thoughts on the murder case and trial and any new
details uncovered in this documentary series. Contact
John Angelo at john@premieretv.com.

3. ==> Warning – Another Dangerous Internet Challenge

It would seem there’s no end to the one-upmanship
concerning viral trends and dares. The latest social
media craze, called Dragon Breath, involves eating a
meringue kiss candy dipped in liquid nitrogen. Many
people have shared videos of them blowing out smoke
from their mouth and nose. Add this to the Momo and the
Kiki Challenge and you wonder how these things get
started. Invite Dr. John Huber to talk about the
challenges, why people do stupid things, and how to
talk to your kids about making good decisions. Dr. John
Huber is a clinical forensic psychologist and the
chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit
mental health organization. Dr. Huber has appeared on
hundreds of radio shows and dozens of national
television programs. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516)
901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

4. ==> Just Like the Jetsons – The Flying Car is

It sounds like something out of the Jetsons, but did
you know that flying cars are actually here? And that
next year, you’ll be able to buy one? Terrafugia, a
company outside of Boston, has developed a two-seat
auto/aircraft that promises true door-to-door
transportation—and looks straight out of a sci-fi
movie! Terrafugia CEO Chris Jaran says, “We are at the
critical point where we can implement the best design
features based on years of flight and drive testing.
This will improve function, safety and aesthetics for
the optimal flying and driving experience.”
Terrafugia’s first product, the Transition, will enter
the market in 2019 followed by a cargo and passenger
version, currently in development. Terrafugia was
founded in 2006 by five award- winning MIT graduates,
with the mission of creating practical flying cars that
enable a new dimension of personal freedom. Contact
Danielle Kershner at (781) 491-0812 ext. 128;

5. ==> The Key to A Happy College Experience

Transitioning to college life can be incredibly
stressful. But there is a way to make the change
easier. Ted Larkins, best-selling author, trainer, and
speaker, developed the Get To Principle, which gives
students the ability to say ‘I get to,’ as opposed to
‘I have to!’ He says, “This simple tool opens the door
and paves the way for better grades, more energy,
better relationships, enhanced decision making and an
improved overall campus experience. Life is a wildcard,
but the ability to live more in the present moment
allows you to live more stress free, be more of a
creator of your life instead of a victim to it.”
Larkins is the author of “Get to Be Happy: Stories and
Secrets to Loving the Sh*t Out of Life.” He is the
former senior VP of one of the world’s leading
entertainment, sport, and brand licensing agencies and
a guest lecturer for the UCLAx Entertainment Studies
and Performing Arts program. Reach him at (818)
261-8262; twlarkins@gmail.com

6. ==> Back-to-School: Re-Set Your Kid’s Sleep Schedule

As summer wanes and autumn approaches, parents
everywhere ready themselves for the frustration of
trying to get kids out of bed and off to school while
they ready themselves for the workday. Author Dr.
Saundra Dalton-Smith will talk about how adults and
kids can more easily reacclimate themselves from
easygoing summer schedules to the hectic rat race that
begins in the fall. Dr. Saundra will talk about how
parents can help children – and themselves – find a
balance between work, school, and fun, and feel rested
despite increased work hours and commitments. Talk to
Dr. Saundra about the seven different types of rest
that kids and parents need to be happy, healthy, and
productive. Dr. Saundra’s advice and expertise has been
featured in Woman’s Day and Prevention magazines. You
can reach her at (256) 405-9765;

7. ==> Is Sending Your Kids to School without Breakfast
Child Abuse?

It’s Back-to-School time and you want your kids to do
well. But without even knowing it, you may be
sabotaging their success. Find out how by interviewing
Gillian Padgett. For example, she’ll explain how it’s
nearly impossible for kids to absorb information when
they don’t eat a nutritious breakfast—and that does not
include “chocolate frosted sugar bombs.” In addition to
interfering with their concentration, the wrong
breakfast foods can make children moody, tearful and
even aggressive. Gillian can also talk about how to get
your students to do their homework without nagging them
and how to limit the negative effects of social media.
She trained in the UK as a psychotherapist and
hypnotherapist and is the author of “Let Stress Heal
Your Life.” Reach her at (647) 270-7602;

8. ==> Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate

Mouth-watering pizza. Rich chocolate. Both top the list
of foods many people can’t stop eating until they’ve
consumed the entire pie or box of candy. But live on
the air, Sora Vernikoff can teach your audience her
simple Green Technique that will allow them to eat all
the pizza and chocolate they want and still lose
weight. Turning conventional wisdom on its ear, she’ll
explain why thinking about food makes you fat—not
eating it—and bad-for-you foods are a myth. Sora, a
former elementary school teacher who lost 25 pounds and
has kept them off for decades, has helped hundreds of
people discover the secret for knowing when to stop
eating. She is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Eat
Want You Want! Stop When You Want!: A No-Diet, Weight-
Loss Program.” This experienced talk show guest spent
more than a decade teaching her program while working
under the auspices of a leading New York City
endocrinologist. She has also taught the program at the
Learning Annex and lectured at Lennox Hill Hospital.
Contact her at (212) 464-8590; soravernikofff@gmail.com

9. ==> Former Miss America Contestant Says New Pageant
is ‘The Death of Excellence’

Former ugly duckling Jane Jenkins Herlong grew up to be
such a lovely swan that she became a Miss America
contestant. And she is not happy with the new version
of the competition, especially the elimination of the
swimsuit contest. “Being physically fit is one of the
standards of excellence,” Jane says. “Our country is
becoming more inclusive to the point of the danger of
complacency. The Miss America Pageant is the latest
target.” Jane can share her fascinating pageant
experiences, and reveal why she thinks that feminists
have it all wrong when it comes to overhauling this 97-
year-old institution. She is the best-selling author of
four books including Indie Book Award-winning
“Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops.” She also is a sought-
after speaker who was inducted into the Speaker Hall of
Fame, a gifted singer who has recorded music CDs, and
humor/personal growth DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy
is featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact her at (803)
480-1190; janejenkinsherlong@gmail.com

10. ==> Talk to the Man Who’s Fireproofing Neverland

Why are celebrities getting their homes fireproofed?
You would, too, if your home were literally directly in
the line of fire. Last year, California wildfires
caused $160 billion dollars in damage. Right now, the
largest wildfire in California history is currently
decimating hundreds of thousands of acres. Californian
entrepreneur Jim Moseley has repurposed a fire-proofing
material used by NASA as a powerful line of defense
against the conflagration. Has he found a fool-proof
way to fireproof our property and our natural
resources? Jim Moseley will talk about the wildfires of
2017, discuss preparations for the season ahead, and
how he realized the solution to the problem could be
found in existing technology. Featured on the May cover
of Malibu Times magazine, Jim Moseley can be reached at
(818) 486-4662; jim@SunFireDefense.com

11. ==> Develop Your Inner BS Detector!

Fake news. Social media overload. Humans being replaced
by machines in the workforce. No wonder modern people
feel so anxious, angry and disconnected from reality.
Kim Chestney has the simple yet powerful solution:
Intuition! “Intuition is the most important, yet least
understood faculty of human consciousness.” Kim says.
“Getting your ego out of the way and developing your
inner voice is a great BS detector. It can also
facilitate well-being and growth in all aspects of your
life.” Kim has spent 20 years helping tens of thousands
of people to empower their lives and live their truth
with intuition. She can share how anyone can tap into
this innate trait to achieve success in every aspect of
their lives. Kim is an international best-selling
author and artist who founded the popular CREATE!
Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new Intuition
Masterclass is launching this fall as part of the debut
of her global online school, Intuition Lab. Contact her
at (412) 874-0898; info@mystic-studio.com

12. ==> Why the Best Golf Advice Comes from Bad Golfers

You might think that the best golf advice you could get
would come from a golf pro—and not from a high handicap
golfer. But Andre Huu says you don’t need a low score
to learn life lessons from the game, lessons he
discovered during 20 years of hitting a little white
ball around the links. Using golf as a metaphor for
life, Andre will explain why everyone should play each
round of golf as though it were their last, choosing
enjoyment over a low score. He’ll encourage people to
take risks, view hazards as opportunities and also
share a novel way for people to give their everyday
lives a scorecard. Andre’s book is “The Round of Your
Life.” A former physical therapist, he has a handicap
of 20. Reach him at (832) 418-8860; AndrePT228@aol.com

13. ==> Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No

Dr. Ira Williams has been hounding the five Federal
agencies created to solve the health care crisis in
this country for decades. With over 130 years
collectively between those agencies our health care
system is still a mess AND medical errors leading to
deaths in hospitals continues to rise. Invite Dr.
Williams, the oldest medical malpractice expert witness
in the country, to discuss a system he developed to
empower local grassroots activists in each state to
radically change our health care delivery system. He
says, “Everyone is focusing on how to PAY for health
care… when the DELIVERY system is what’s really
broken!” You’ll learn why each state is responsible for
our nation’s healthcare delivery system, what the 3-
phase process is that we need to implement to create a
21st century healthcare delivery system and how to
organize state wide grassroots activists that will
challenge the current system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams
is an experienced surgeon, medical malpractice expert
witness and an expert in how to improve our healthcare
delivery system. His latest book is “Healthcare
Warriors, Why and How to Become One.” Contact him at
(864) 676-1420; drirawilliams@gmail.com

14. ==> This M.D. Blows the Whistle on Health Insurance

While many patients in Western society have discovered
the benefits of combining traditional Western and
alternative healing practices into their treatment
plans, insurance companies still stubbornly refuse to
cover the latter. “They don’t want to pay for
alternative health care, because they consider it
‘experimental’,” says Steven M. Hall, M.D. “However,
every aspect of your life affects your health.
Conventional medicine doesn’t take that into account.”
Nevertheless, Dr. Steve began integrating alternative
healing practices into his patient treatment plans with
dramatic results and can share why medical insurers,
big pharmaceutical companies and many physicians are
trying to deter these practices. Dr. Steven received
his medical degree from University of Utah School of
Medicine and has been practicing family medicine since
1985. He explores his insights into health care in his
book “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom
and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.” Contact him at
(425) 531-3684.

15. ==> Are You Making Yourself Broke?

When you’re broke it’s easy to blame your low-paying
job and endless bills, but are those the real causes of
your empty bank account? Could the reason you’re broke
actually be your own fault? Invite Arnoux Goran,
author, speaker, and the world’s #1 expert in personal
transformation to reveal the truth behind why you’re
broke and how to start making money and live a happier
life. His successful method to reprogram yourself has
been studied by the University of California, Irvine,
and shown dramatic results. His forthcoming book, “The
Answer: How to Change Your Life and Make Your Dreams
Come True”, reveals how to release negative emotions
permanently and truly change your life by addressing
the cause of repeating patterns. Goran has been
featured on radio and television. Contact him at (877)
680-8200 (CA); Arnoux@TotalHealthMasteryUSA.com

16. ==> Why Millennials Will Save the World

The generation born between 1982 and 2000 will
potentially inherit a huge global mess as they enter
their prime. And they will be in a position to save the
world from certain disaster. This enormous demographic
that now comprises more than one quarter of the U.S.
and world populations is more diverse, educated,
technologically advanced and independent-minded than
any previous generation. They also care deeply about
the environment and health of the planet. Author and
environmental engineer Yasmin Davar can provide a step-
by-step guide for these young future movers and shakers
that is simple, yet extremely powerful. She can
demonstrate how healing negative beliefs and
destructive thought patterns on the individual level
can lead to sustainable peace, prosperity and happiness
for the entire world! Yasmin holds a Master of
International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution
and the author of the book “Our Peaceful Planet:
Healing Ourselves and the World for a Sustainable
Future.” Contact her at yasmin@yasmindavar.com

17. ==> Interview the Undertaker’s Daughter

For most people, death is the final act of life. But
Margo Lenmark says that death can actually be the start
of a better life for loved ones left behind, which she
discovered while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
home where her dad was an undertaker. She shares her
fascinating experiences and insights in her newly
published book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
Undertaker’s Daughter.” “A person’s face in death
mirrors their living and their dying,” Margo says.
“This book speaks of both.” The book has received
glowing reviews from a number of prominent authors and
spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra, who says,
“Life is not the opposite of death. It is birth and
death that are opposites. Life is the continuum of
birth and death eternally, and now.” Contact Margo at
(828) 260-0873; margolenmark1@gmail.com

18. ==> How the ‘Dad Deficit’ is Harming Society

Pastor Eric Hawthorne, a divorced single dad, claims
that there is a severe “fatherhood deficit” in modern
society. “I see young kids out on the street, doing
drugs because nine times out of 10, their fathers are
absent,” he says. As a dad of two boys aged 10 and 12,
Eric takes an old-fashioned, hands-on approach to
raising his kids. He adds, “I teach them to respect and
how to treat women. I teach them how to be responsible.
Every Saturday, I give them tasks such as cleaning,
doing dishes, making their beds. I also teach them
about responsible money management, and how to provide
for a family. I give them an allowance and teach them
how to save. It’s natural to them. I prepared them from
an early age.” Eric is the second-generation pastor of
Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
and the author of the upcoming book “Are You Ready for
Marriage?” Contact him at (214) 785-7412;

19. ==> This Scientist Can Prove that God Exists

A recent article in Christianity Today states that
while most scientists are not anti-religion, contrary
to popular belief, the majority admittedly doesn’t
believe in God or a deity. But author David L. Peters
is the exception. An engineer by trade, who also
studied quantum physics and cosmology for several
years, David led a Roman Catholic diocesan movement for
many years, leads weekly spiritual groups and is very
active in his church. “From age 4, I was blessed with
the sense of God being ‘there’ throughout my life,”
says David, who is now 84. “Today, my faith comes
through science, as I firmly believe that quantum
physics has proven, to me, the existence of a power or
force behind all.” David further believes that we can
all apply the principles of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics
Anonymous to achieving joy in our everyday lives, which
he explains in his book “The 12 Steps to Joy and
Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies
Within.” Contact him at (607) 725-8559;

20. ==> Eulogies: The Self-Help Tool of the Future

Life Coaches and therapists often recommend clients
write a “Bucket List” to help pinpoint what they want
to do before they die. Author, counselor, and
motivational speaker Elizabeth Trinkaus doesn’t have
clients focus on what they hope to do “someday.”
Instead, she has them write a eulogy that highlights
their personal and professional triumphs. A bucket list
emphasizes what you haven’t done, while a eulogy lists
all those achievements you’ve forgotten to acknowledge.
In a time when people measure themselves against
society’s superficial standards, reviewing one’s
successes provides a concrete basis upon which to build
future accomplishments. For more than 25 years,
Elizabeth Trinkaus has helped others overcome the
obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their
potential. She has worked with professional groups and
individuals alike, and her straightforward, sensible
approach will inspire your listeners. She can be
contacted at (919) 368-0580.

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