08/14/18 RTIR Newsletter: Flu Shot Failures, Back-To-School, Divorce Proof Your Marriage

August 14, 2018

01. Trump’s Not Evil, He’s an Amateur
02. Robots Are Here: Workers Must Adapt… or Else
03. ‘Beautifully Broken’ Actor Benjamin Onyango
04. Fun Show: Visit the ‘Secret’ Philadelphia
05. What Teachers Wish They Could Tell Parents
06. Are You Ready for a Back-to-School Schedule?
07. ADHD Back to School Survival Tips
08. What Employee Benefit Do Most of Us Blow Off?
09. Social Security Turns 83 Today!
10. Could Ignoring Africa Endanger the World?
11. Become a Better Leader by Sitting on the Toilet
12. How Women Can Finally Break the Glass Ceiling
13. How to Sell Your Story or Idea to Hollywood
14. 50 Ways to Love Wine More
15. Doc Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Get a Flu Shot
16. Technology Is a Pain in the Neck!
17. Neurosurgeon: Positive Thoughts Protect Your Body
18. Why You Should Have a Sex Therapist
19. How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage
20. 84 Yr. Old: How to Achieve Success at Any Age

1. ==> Trump’s Not Evil, He’s an Amateur

Historian Timothy Stanley says we need to stop saying
that Trump is an evil man. Stanley says the issue is
that he’s an amateur, which is one of the qualities
that won him votes. “Trump was elected as an anti-
politician who would disrupt a broken order and even
take risks. Sometimes they pay off: bringing Saudi
Arabia and Israel together and tempting Kim Jong Un out
from beneath his rock are all great steps forward.
Other times, the President finds himself underprepared
and out of his depth. Putin is a proven liar and
manipulator, and while Trump may well be a master of
deal-making, he simply isn’t operating at the level
Putin does.” Yet, Stanley says there’s no need for
panic. “Look beyond the sensationalized, Trump-style
rhetoric that everyone seems to indulge in nowadays to
the quiet, sober, behind-the-scenes truth.” Timothy is
a historian, journalist and broadcaster – specializing
in US history, politics and religion. He is the author
of “Citizen Hollywood: How the Collaboration Between LA
and DC Revolutionized American Politics” and writes for
the Daily Telegraph, the Catholic Herald, and CNN.
Contact him at @timothy_stanley or Knight/Ayton at 020
7831 4400; info@knightayton.co.uk

2. ==> Robots Are Here: Workers Must Adapt… or Else

We love technology, it’s fun and it makes our lives
easier. But is technology on a path that will soon make
it harder for you to make a living? Molly Kinder
explores the role of Artificial Intelligence in the
workplace in this month’s issue of Foreign Policy. She
writes that technological advances will produce both
winners and losers. “Some workers will lose their jobs.
A large share of workers will find their work changed,
sometimes dramatically; others will discover that their
skills are outdated. The cost of this adjustment will
not be distributed equally across countries,
communities, occupations, or skill levels. The
transition will be especially painful for the least
educated.” Molly Kinder is a senior advisor on work,
workers, and technology at New America; a fellow at
Georgetown University’s Beeck Center; and an adjunct
faculty member at Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public
Policy. A founding member of the Global Innovation
Fund, she served in the Obama administration as a
director at the U.S. Agency for International
Development’s Development Innovation Ventures program.
Contact her at @MollyKinder or Alison Yost at
yost@newamerica.org or Holly Shulman at

3. ==> ‘Beautifully Broken’: Interview Actor Benjamin

The new film Beautifully Broken opens Aug. 24th, but
already the movie is getting huge buzz. It tells the
story of three fathers across the globe whose lives
converge as they fight to save their families. Kenyan-
born actor Benjamin Onyango stars as the real-life
William Mwizerwa, a Rwandan businessman who protected
his family during the genocide against Tutsi where
nearly one million people were killed. Benjamin can
discuss the new film and his role as Mwizerwa, who
successfully escaped Rwanda with his family and now
helps the refugee community as a teacher, minister and
counselor in Tennessee. Benjamin Onyango has appeared
in films such as God’s Not Dead and Tears of the Sun.
Contact John Angelo at john@premieretv.com

4. ==> Fun Show: Visit the ‘Secret’ Philadelphia

Founded in 1682, Philadelphia is one of the most
historic cities in the United States, the site of
critical battles and crucial decision making during the
country’s earliest years. Yet many of the millions of
annual visitors (42 million from the US alone in 2016)
know little more about the city than the Liberty Bell,
Rocky, and the fans who threw snowballs at Santa.
Invite Mary Dixon Lebeau, author of “Secret
Philadelphia”, to share the hidden side of the City of
Brotherly Love, one that’s weird, wonderful, and
obscure. From museums and murals to graveyards and
churches, your listeners will hear about off-beat
Philly adventures like exploring the cell where Al
Capone paid his debt to society or discovering the cave
of the first doomsday cult. Contact Don Korte at

5. ==> What Teachers Wish They Could Tell Parents

As the new school year inches closer many teachers are
already back in the classroom getting ready for
students… and their parents. Get a look at back-to-
school from a teacher’s perspective when you invite
Nancy Gretzinger to share what every teacher would like
parents to know about the upcoming school year. A
retired educator and administrator for over 40 years,
Gretzinger can discuss everything from school supplies
(don’t buy them until you get a list from the teacher!)
to handling classroom issues. You’ll also learn the
best way to communicate with teachers (don’t do it at
drop-off), and when you should consider holding off on
kindergarten for another year. Nancy Gretzinger, Ed.D.,
spent 43+ years in education including teaching,
administration at the building and district level and
teaching at the university level. She is also the
author of several books. Contact her at (480) 558-7457;

6. ==> Are You Ready for a Back-to-School Schedule?

As summer wanes and autumn approaches, parents
everywhere ready themselves for the frustration of
trying to get kids out of bed and off to school while
they ready themselves for the workday. Dr. Saundra
Dalton-Smith will discuss how adults and kids can more
easily reacclimate themselves from easygoing summer
schedules to the hectic rat race that begins in the
fall. Listener’s will learn how parents can help
children – and themselves – find a balance between
work, school, and fun, and feel rested despite
increased work hours and commitments. Talk to Dr.
Saundra about the seven different types of rest that
kids and parents need to be happy, healthy, and
productive. Dr. Saundra’s advice and expertise has been
featured in Woman’s Day and Prevention magazines.
Contact her at (256) 405-9765; DrDaltonSmith@gmail.com

7. ==> ADHD Back to School Survival Tips

Getting into back-to-school mode is tough enough, but
if you’ve got a kid with ADHD it’s even harder. Invite
Kim Northup, an academic coach specializing in ADHD to
share strategies for a successful school year. She says
this is a great time to establish new routines and
organization and structure to help make managing
mornings, homework time, and extracurricular activities
more easily. “It’s also a time to think about setting
up partnership with school and teachers. Communications
binders, requesting evaluations, requesting
accommodations through IEP’s and section 504 plans are
all scary things for parents. Even college students are
eligible for help if they have an ADHD diagnosis.” Kim
Northup has ADHD and raised 2 children who also have
ADHD and other learning differences. She is a certified
special education teacher, certified advanced level
academic coach and a certified trainer in the Jack
Canfield success principles. Contact her at (817)
506-5995 or knorthup@adhdinstruction.com

8. ==> What Employee Benefit Do Most of Us Blow Off?

If your employer was willing to give you more than
$5,000 a year in financial assistance would you take
it? Apparently not. Only 5 percent of employees
eligible to receive tuition reimbursement from their
employers take advantage of the benefit. You’ll explore
the reasons why this is so with Barbara Plasker, Ed.D.,
as your guest. Barbara spent nine years as a career
advisor to adults returning to school when she worked
for a major university. She’ll inspire your audience to
consider heading back to school themselves and taking
advantage of that underutilized benefit. She’ll talk
about the fear that often holds adults back from
seeking more education and share her own story: her
undergraduate GPA was an underwhelming 2.44 yet she
went on to earn a master’s and doctorate. She’ll also
share the stories of other adults who transformed their
lives by going back to school. Barbara is the author of
“Simple Ways to Transform Your Life: Lessons Learned by
a Late Bloomer.” Reach her at (845) 368-4413;

9. ==> Social Security Turns 83 Today!

Today is the 83rd anniversary of Social Security.
Invite Nancy Altman, president of Social Security
Works, to discuss the biggest myths about the program,
like how it has grown much larger than the founders
intended. Altman says, “If President Roosevelt and his
colleagues were alive today, they would certainly
recognize Social Security as fully consistent with
their intent and their vision. They would undoubtedly
be shocked, though, that so little progress has been
made in the decades since 1935 when they laid down, in
Roosevelt’s words, the ‘cornerstone in a structure
which is being built but is by no means complete.’”
Altman is the author of “The Truth About Social
Security: The Founders’ Words Refute Revisionist
History, Zombie Lies, and Common Misunderstandings.”
Contact her at naltman@socialsecurityworks.org;

10. ==> Could Ignoring Africa Endanger the World?

As the Middle East, North Korea, Russia, and China
dominate headlines in the West, will a lack of focus on
Africa prove to be a mistake that could endanger the
world? Author and speaker Sylvanus Ayeni warns of risks
to global security as the failed nations of Sub-Saharan
Africa can become fertile recruiting grounds for
terrorist organizations that are driven out of the
Middle East and elsewhere. This, in turn, impacts the
worsening of the refugee crisis in Europe and to a
lesser extent in North America. The poor healthcare
systems of these nations pose the threat of pandemics
like the Ebola virus in 2014/2015, which began in West
Africa. Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon, was born and
raised in Nigeria. His new book, “Rescue Thyself:
Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,”
reveals what many in the West don’t understand about
the root causes of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the
necessary steps to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni is
the president of Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch
(PACAW) Inc. Contact him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

11. ==> Become a Better Leader by Sitting on the Toilet

Comedian and life coach Jen Coken thinks a lot of
business advice is too dry so she’s lightening things
up. The author of “Embrace the Ridiculousness of Life:
A Pocket Guide to Being a Better You” will explain how
listeners can “let go” while they are, actually, ahem,
letting go. She’ll dispense 12 easily digestible
lessons leaders can quickly apply to their lives. In
other words, the type of reading that one might do in
the bathroom while “taking care of business.” As Coken
likes to say, “We all need seven to eight hours of
delicious sleep and a good morning poop to be right for
the day. This 70-page book can be read in one single
flush; it will give you a new ability to manage your
staff, ask for a raise or go to work with a new
attitude.” She’ll discuss setting goals, avoiding burn-
out and how to get out of tough conversations among
other issues. Jen Coken has coached more than 10,000
clients over the past 20 years. Contact her at (303)
859-9081; jencoken@gmail.com

12. ==> How Women Can Finally Break the Glass Ceiling

Despite that women are more empowered than ever before,
they still have a long way to go when it comes to
cracking the glass ceiling. This is especially true in
creative fields. Award-winning author and filmmaker
Kailin Gow has been on the frontlines of the women’s
empowerment movement for years and can share how she
overcame discrimination and harassment, despite the
“boys club” mentality of the book and film industries.
“Doors were not open to me when I became a pioneer in
digital book publishing and an indie female filmmaker,”
she says. “Less than 10 percent of directors are
female.” Kailin will share how she overcame numerous
obstacles, and how we can empower young women for
success. Kailin Gow is the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.,
an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
bestselling author and director/filmmaker who has sold
over 5.5 million books. Her next book, “Kailin Gow’s Go
Girl Guide,” will be released in May. Contact her at
(949) 923-0243; sparklesoup@aol.com

13. ==> How to Sell Your Story or Idea to Hollywood

Do you have an idea for a story that you’ve always
thought would be perfect for television? Well now you
can find out! Invite award-winning screenwriter,
author, TV/film producer, journalist, and TV host
Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal what it takes to write
a great screenplay that audiences will love. She can
explain what resonates with audiences and whether the
story you’ve always dreamt of writing would make the
cut with a major TV network. As a master of
storytelling from her award-winning novel “Lady in the
Window” to her top-rated Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV)
movie ‘The Lost Valentine, starring Betty White and
Jennifer Love Hewitt, she knows how to craft a story
that audiences will love. Her work has also appeared on
the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime, PBS,
and many others. Her next novel, “The Paradise Table,”
is set to be released in early 2019. Contact her at
(818) 884-0104 (CA); recprinfo@gmail.com

14. ==> 50 Ways to Love Wine More

Whether your listeners are wine connoisseurs or stumble
over the word “sommelier,” Certified Wine Educator
James Laughren offers a non-technical, non-geeky,
unintimidating exploration of the joy and pleasures of
wine. As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
Adventures in Wine Appreciation,” Jim is ready to
uncork some fun on your program as he demystifies the
mystery of wine and removes the snooty intimidation
factor. He’ll cover everything from how to get more out
of visiting wineries to why you needn’t take wine
parings seriously. Plus, he’ll share inside tips on
getting the best wine for your buck! Jim is the past
president of a wine importing and distribution company
and is known for his fun and irreverent wine classes
and seminars. He is also the author of “A Beer
Drinker’s Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine.”
Reach him at (954) 661-4546; jimlaughren@gmail.com

15. ==> Doc Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Get a Flu Shot

Why does each flu season feel worse than the year
before? “That’s because it is!” says Mylaine Riobe, MD,
FACOG – an integrative medicine doctor who has spent
years treating her patients using a unique blend of
functional and traditional Chinese medicine. This last
flu season killed the most children in five years and
had a second wave hitting us late. Find out why
unnaturally tinkering with our immune systems by
creating a “universal flu shot” would be a grave
mistake. “The flu shot is actually making our immune
systems weaker and more vulnerable for the next flu
season… which is why I build up my patients’ immune
systems from the beginning!” Let your audience ask Dr.
Riobe about all things flu related before the season
starts so they can prepare now! Dr. Riobe is the author
of “The Tao of Integrative Medicine.” She is a dynamic
progressive integrative medical doctor with over 15
years of experience. Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at (772)
285-7788; mylaineriobe@comcast.net

16.==> Technology Is a Pain in the Neck!

Most of us spend too much time on our smartphones and
sitting in front of our laptops and tablets. We know
this is taking away from our face-to-face relationships
but what we probably don’t realize is that such
behavior also causes numbness, tingling, neck pain and
other painful symptoms. Let pain expert Anna Lee, M.D.,
explain what causes that pain and how to make it go
away. Dr. Lee is a board-certified pain management
physician who trained at Hahnemann and the University
of Pennsylvania. She is also the developer of an FDA-
approved pioneering pain relief treatment—one that
people from around the country are seeking out. Reach
her at (201) 925-0315; drlee1@optimum.net

17. ==> Neurosurgeon: How Positive Thoughts Protect
Your Brain and Body

Twenty-two years ago while he was a neurosurgery
resident, Mahmoud Rashidi, M.D., experienced an event
that would shape his life as a neurosurgeon: he was
diagnosed with a brain tumor that required surgery.
After making a full recovery, Rashidi has treated
thousands of neurosurgery patients. In the process, he
studied which qualities help patients recover and
discovered strategies anyone can use to improve their
brain health. Invite him to discuss the ways the brain
effects the body’s nervous system, hormones and more
and share how patients with positive attitudes about
their illnesses tend to get better faster. Mahmoud
Rashidi grew up in Iran and completed neurosurgery
training at the University of Toronto. In 2014, he
founded Mind Medicine LLC, a company dedicated to
researching, teaching, and promoting the compelling
answers to this question: How do our thoughts and
emotions affect our health and ability to heal? “Mind
Medicine” is his first book. Contact him at (707)
478-0612; sirmahmoudrashidi@gmail.com

18. ==> Why You Should Have a Sex Therapist

Americans are having trouble in the bedroom! And
whether the problem involves lack of desire/excitement,
performance issues, pain, drug side effects, abuse,
body image or outright dysfunction — people should
realize there IS help. Interview psychotherapist/sex-
therapist Beatty Cohan, Ph.D., for her “Put Sizzle in
Your Sex Life” advice millions need. Beatty has already
helped people globally via her counseling, her best-
selling book “For Better, For Worse Forever: Discover
the Path to Lasting Love,” and her popular ‘Ask Beatty’
radio program. She will explore (g-rated or graphic!)
everything from creating sex dates to overcoming sexual
obstacles to building a joyous relationship for
communication, togetherness and satisfaction at any
age. Contact Beatty Cohan at (941) 914-3063 (FL);

19. ==> How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

Half of all marriages in Western society end in
divorce. So how have pastor and Christian marriage
counselor Rev. George Sukhdeo and his wife, Shirley,
managed to remain happily married for 46 years? “We
have experienced almost every challenge couples face in
a marriage,” he says. “A marriage with Christ at its
center is much more than having someone to do the
dishes after dinner, take care of you when you’re sick,
or help you make the car payment every month.” Rev.
George is an ordained minister with the Pentecostal
Assemblies of Canada. He received a Master of Ministry
in Christian Counseling degree and a B.A. in theology
from Christian Bible College of Rocky Mount, N.C. He
has 34 years of experience in Christian ministries as a
pastor, Christian counselor and life coach, and has
counseled more than 500 couples, with an 85 percent
success rate. He is the author of the book “Preparing
for and Fostering Harmony in Marriage.” Contact him at
(416) 460-4134; georges_8@sympatico.ca

20. ==> 84 Yr. Old Reveals How to Achieve Success at
Any Age

At 84 years old, David L. Peters has had a successful
career as an engineer, 18 patents, co-owns a computer
graphics company, has a loving wife of 57 years, and
has written his first book. Despite his career in
science, he firmly credits his faith in God for his
continued success and taking on new ventures, despite
his age. “At 84, I have been blessed with a sense of
God ‘being there’ from age 4,” he says. “My life has
been filled with unbelievable synchronicities, all
based upon my unwavering belief and trust in the
goodness of God.” David further attests that beliefs
rooted in science and a deity are not mutually
exclusive. “My faith comes through science, as I firmly
believe that quantum physics has proven the existence
of a higher power.” David L. Peters is the author of
“The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom
of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at (607)
725-8559; davep434@gmail.com

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