12/12/19 RTIR Newsletter: The Truth about Santa, Holiday Addiction, The Sugar Witch

December 12, 2019

01. Are Jews a Nation or Religion?
02. Beyond Bombshell Report: Inside Afghanistan
03. And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder
04. Hilarious Holiday Show: ‘Deck The Hallmark’ Podcast Guys
05. The Truth about Santa Claus: How St. Nick Became Santa
06. Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with Yourself
07. Seeing Miracles in Everyday Life
08. Holiday Addiction Advice
09. How to Feast Without Overindulging
10. It’s OK to Escape the Holidays
11. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
12. Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?
13. Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?
14. Burned-Out, Worn-Out, Ready to Get Out — Setting New Opportunities for Teachers
15. 10 Tips to Breathe Better Today
16. Keeping Beds Dry Night after Night
17. Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit
18. Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
19. How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can Help YOU
20. How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

1.==> Are Jews a Nation or Religion?

President Trump is expected to sign an executive order
that defines Judaism as a nationality and not just a
religion, which means discrimination against Jews would
be a violation of a key civil rights law. The White
House says the change will combat anti-Semitism on
college campuses, but not all Jews are happy with the
decision claiming it’s actually designed to have a
chilling effect on free speech and crack down on campus
critics of Israel rather than fight anti-Semitism.
Rabbi Alissa Wise says criticism of Israel is not the
same as anti-Semitism. “Trump said Jews would vote for
him because they like money. And yet now he suddenly
pretends to care about Jewish safety? He has never
cared about stopping antisemitism — this executive
order is about silencing Palestinians and the people
who speak up with them.” Rabbi Wise is acting co-
executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace. Contact
Sonya Meyerson-Knox at sonya@jvp.org

2. ==> Beyond Bombshell Report: Inside Afghanistan

A bombshell report detailing how successive U.S.
administrations misled the public about the nearly two-
decade-long war in Afghanistan went mostly ignored by
lawmakers – and the public — this week. The war is the
longest armed conflict in U.S. history and has cost
roughly 2,400 lives and more than $2 trillion yet most
Americans know little about the region or the people.
Bring Cat Parenti on your show to discuss her
experiences there, where she lived on and off for 20-
years. Parenti survived the political twists and turns
of Afghan history from King Zahir Shah through the rise
of the Taliban and started a successful business
selling antique clothing and jewelry to U.S. museums
and museum shops. She’ll discuss what it was like to be
a woman traveling alone through the war-torn country,
the rise of resistance fighters after the Soviet
invasion—including female fighters—and her work in the
resistance movement, and how the Taliban came to power.
Cat Parenti has shared her first-hand knowledge of
Afghanistan in numerous media interviews, in
presentations on Afghanistan at the U.N., and in
several books including “Afghanistan: A Memoir from
Brooklyn to Kabul.” Contact Cat Parenti at (520)
508-0211; cat.parenti@gmail.com

3.==> And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder

Did you know James Monroe used to enjoy swimming nude
in the Potomac River? Or that doctors once held a press
conference to announce Dwight Eisenhower moved his
bowels? Or that Calvin Coolidge often conferred with a
raccoon? Or that First Lady Florence Harding gave press
interviews in her negligee? Or that George H.W. Bush
took showers with his dog? Author Hal Marcovitz can
talk about the many strange stories that have been
circulating around the White House since John and
Abigail Adams occupied the Executive Mansion, including
some very odd stories about the current occupant.
Marcovitz, a longtime journalist, is the author of the
novel “Painting the White House,” which tells the story
of an ordinary house painter who finds himself at the
center of White House intrigues and misadventures.
Contact him at (215) 718-6807 or hmarcovitz@aol.com

4. ==> Hilarious Holiday Show: ‘Deck The Hallmark’ Podcast Guys

Who would have thought The Hallmark Channel would
strike gold making Christmas movies? And who would have
thought those sometimes-cheesy movies would spawn the
hilarious Deck The Hallmark podcast? Three guys, with
three different takes, put each Hallmark Christmas
movie under the microscope for an in-depth review each
podcast, resulting in over a million listens and
appearances on Good Morning America. They’ve even been
able to feature some of the stars of the movies
(although they’re still pursuing perennial Hallmark
lead, Candace Cameron Bure). The guys are available to
talk about Season 2 of their popular podcast. Bring
them on-air for a fun show. Contact Daniel Thompson at
(864) 571-2845; Dthompson@rtirguests.com

5. ==> The Truth about Santa Claus: How St. Nick Became

Everyone is familiar with Santa Claus, with his big
belly, white beard, pink cheeks and omnipresent sack of
toys for children. Most people know that the
inspiration for Santa was Saint Nicholas, a priest and
bishop who lived in the third century A.D., but few
know much about the real man in the red suit. Wayne Van
Der Wal, a school psychologist and practicing
Christian, wants to change that. Invite him on your
show and hear how St. Nicholas overcame childhood
tragedy, felt called by God to take a vow of poverty,
endured horrific persecution for his religious faith,
and went on to become one of the most beloved,
generous, loving, and famous figures in human history.
The author of the historical novel “The Gospel of Santa
Claus,” will fascinate your audience as he shares
details of St. Nicholas’ extraordinary life and what
Santa Claus has in common with St. Nick. He’ll also
explain how writing the book changed the way he and his
family celebrate Christmas each year and how anyone can
have the best Christmas season ever, even on a limited
budget. Contact Wayne Van Der Wal at (775) 338-4300;

6. ==> Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with

Come January 1st people all around us will resolve to
eat healthier, lose weight, or make some other life
change in the hopes of becoming a better person and
living a more fulfilling life. But personal growth
expert and author Joffre McClung says there’s a better
path to a happier, more contented life and you don’t
have to give up anything or join a gym! “There really
is nothing as important to your quality of life than
your level of self-love,” says Joffre. Invite her to
share three tips your listeners can do daily to raise
their level of self-love and explain why that’s so
important. “Your level of self-love not only determines
how you see yourself, but governs how you experience
the world around you,” she says. “It’s the prism
through which you see and define all things!” Joffre
McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows
and podcasts. She’s a former media producer and
independent filmmaker. “The Heart of the Matter” is her
latest book. Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

7. ==> Seeing Miracles in Everyday Life

People love stories about miracles, particularly at
holiday time. But, as Barry Shore will tell you,
miracles are not just for Christmas or Hanukkah, they
are hiding in plain sight on any given day. Bring Barry
on your show to explain his SMILE process, an acronym
for Seeing Miracles in Life Every day, and how even
adults can learn to develop their SOW, the Sense of
Wonder eight-year-olds routinely exhibit. Your audience
will take away a sense of gratitude for what is right
with their lives instead of focusing on what they
perceive is missing. A former quadriplegic, Shore’s
mission is spreading the joy of being alive no matter
what adversities people face. He hosts The Joy of
Living radio program and podcast and has been featured
in or appeared on O Magazine, Fox, NBC, ABC, and
Forbes. Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

8. ==> Holiday Addiction Advice

1 out of 3 people suffers from an addiction of some
sort and the holidays – from Thanksgiving through New
Year’s – are full of stressful situations AND ample
opportunities to imbibe. Michael McGee, M.D. says the
combination can be especially explosive and
uncomfortable at family gatherings and work functions!
Invite Dr. McGee to share 5 tips to deal with everyone
from an obnoxious drunken uncle to a flirtatious and
inappropriate coworker. He’ll help your audience
navigate the uncomfortable experience in the moment,
whether at home or at the office holiday party, and
share ways you can (and can’t) help an addict accept
treatment and recover. Dr. Michael McGee trained at
Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped
hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He’s the
author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at (978)
360-6071; mdm@wellmind.com

9. ==> How to Feast Without Overindulging

The endless temptation of delicious holiday food can
break the diet of even the most committed healthy
eater. Is there any way to enjoy holiday meals without
overindulging? Invite physician Dr. Ed Dodge to reveal
easy ways to join in the festivities without eating too
much and falling off the wagon. You’ll also learn which
foods will help you feel full without loading you up
with fat and sodium. His latest book “Family: A Family
Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and the US” shares his
journey from his childhood in the wilds of Africa where
he enjoyed exotic fruits and ate antelope and buffalo,
to experiencing culture shock as a teen coming to the
US. After becoming a physician, he returned to Africa
to work, and later to volunteer. Dr. Dodge hosted
Healthy Living Radio and has interviewed groundbreaking
leaders in medicine. He has been honored by the Johns
Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future. Contact
him at (352) 228-9641 (TX); afritim36@gmail.com

10. ==> It’s OK to Escape the Holidays

If the holidays stress you out, getting out of town
might be the answer! “Many people who feel overly
stressed by the holidays are actually feeling stressed
by all the people they need to please. Learning how to
set good boundaries around the holidays can really
help!” says Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. Interview Jennifer
to find out what’s behind all this holiday stress, how
to pinpoint your triggers ahead of time, and when it’s
a good time to pack up and head out of town for the
holidays! “Some people love the holidays – it energizes
them. But for many, the idea of planning their lives 6
weeks (or more) ahead of time doesn’t feel mindful, it
feels manipulative!” says Jennifer. “Many people think
they don’t have a choice around the holidays – but they
DO!” Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
Clarity.” She’s worked with hundreds of clients
promoting personal growth and healthier relationship
skills. Contact Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

11. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?

At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
chronic pain or love someone who does, and everyone
else would love to learn how they can avoid joining
their ranks! That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
programs and served as medical director for a leading
pain management provider. With a charming South African
accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
reducing pain and enjoying life more. Dr. Campbell’s
new book is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your
Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250)
217-7832; tcampbell@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?

Optimum wellness is elusive for countless people during
these hectic times. Whether we’re worried about
personal/family issues, career challenges, money
limitations or difficult things we hear in the news,
our mental, emotional and even physical health suffer.
Invite popular author and medium Beth Lynch to discuss
how a deeper sense of spirituality can heal us at any
age. She says it’s exactly what’s missing in modern
life! Ask Beth: What are the true benefits of prayer
and meditation? How can spiritual teachings be the most
powerful type of medicine? Will believing in the
afterlife (and even visits from deceased loved ones)
give us strength? How can we see our dreams as
healthful spiritual messages? Why is it so important to
encourage spirituality for others, especially our
children? What about spiritual-based remedies for
anxiety, grief and all types of loss? How can one
embrace or recapture spirituality in one’s life?
Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818; BLynch@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?

According to the 2019 UN Report on Happiness, Americans
are the least happy they have ever been for a variety
of reasons. But Jim Ryan believes—and his long career
attests—that happiness and joy are like muscles that
can be strengthened. Invite this upbeat expert on your
program to share the eight characteristics of happy
people that anyone can learn to incorporate into their
life. He’ll also reveal how to avoid the traps we fall
into that lead to unhappiness—including worrying about
what other people think of us. Jim is the author of
“Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up” and a
frequent media guest who gives workshops on happiness
all over the country, even prisons. Contact him at
(631) 203-8441; JRyan@rtirguests.com

14. ==> Burned-Out, Worn-Out, Ready to Get Out —
Setting NEW Opportunities for Teachers

Countless teachers start out loving education yet often
land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a
topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how
teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and
leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere
benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan is a former
educator, attorney and judge whose latest book is
“Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals:
Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Invite
Geraldine to discuss her own inspiring journey and help
listeners appreciate teachers’ challenges. She’ll
relate how educators, other professionals, and
entrepreneurs can recognize and bravely implement
exciting plans for career changes. She’ll start with “3
simple questions to ask yourself before making any
career move” and “whether salary should ever guide you”
plus how to overcome obstacles and hesitations. Invite
call-in questions! Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305)
902-3869; hogan@rtirguests.com

15. ==>10 Tips to Breathe Better Today

We all breathe, right? It’s how we live. But what if
there was a way to harness the power of your breath to
bring in more cheer in the New Year and help you live
your best life? Breathwork is conscious breathing that
promotes wellness. It helps people live intentionally
and transform their lives. And, it all starts with
these 10 tips! Get ready for a fun and informative show
with Lauren Chelec Cafritz as she helps people clear
their emotional gunk and start the New Year off relaxed
and renewed. Chelec Cafritz is the author of “Breath
LOVE” and the founder of Experience Breath. She is a
speaker, coach, and breath expert. Contact Jodi Omear
at BreathLoveMedia@gmail.com or (703) 474-2668.

16. ==> Keeping Beds Dry Night after Night

Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
Find out more about this common condition that can be
treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
problem become more noticeable at different times of
year – including during the holiday season? Contact Dr.
Lazarus at (216) 800-0498; jlazarus@rtirguests.com

17. ==> Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar

They’re calling you: Those seemingly irresistible
candies, desserts and high fructose drinks. For anyone
who wants to avoid all the harmful consequences of
sugar overwhelm from obesity to type-2 diabetes, the
Sugar Witch Marsha Allen can literally be a life-saver.
Invite her to discuss her amazing 60-day program for
living a sweet life minus the sugar addiction, and
clever strategies to embrace healthier snacks and
treats. You’ll learn how to recognize and refuse hidden
super-sweet foods of all types and how to deny and even
prevent cravings (especially at holiday time!) Marsha
hosts the show “Sugar Addicts” on Crown City News TV.
She is the author or “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten,
Sugar & Dairy Free Made Simple,” and is the spouse of a
type-2 diabetic who is reversing his disease. Contact
Marsha at (727) 498-8338 or (902) 694-2901;

18. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When
Talking to Yourself

Dr. Donald Pet has helped people break addictions,
transform their lives, and radically increase their own
happiness simply by teaching them seven “word
switches.” For example, instead of telling yourself,
you “should” do something, say that you “can” do it.
Instead of saying that something “made” you sad, tell
yourself that you “allowed” it to discourage you.
Instead of saying you feel a lot of anger, tell
yourself that you feel a lot of “energy” about the
situation. These are just some of the ways Dr. Pet has
helped countless people from all walks of life break
the cycle of common emotions and increase their levels
of personal joy and fulfillment. Pet is the founder of
lovingmenow.org. His course is completely free and
designed to have you become a much more loving person.
Contact Dr. Donald Pet (860) 324-9991;

19. ==> How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can
Help YOU

Pratibha Eastwood is a psychologist with very rich and
unusual life experiences. Invite her on your show and
hear how she traversed diverse political realities as a
child of German concentration camp refugees, witnessed
the bloody birth of the Jewish nation, survived four
wars, grew up in boarding schools and even experienced
today’s #MeToo culture. Pratibha’s insights can help
others with their own journey as she reveals what can
make anyone stronger and more resilient through
challenges: openness, curious innocence, cultural
understanding and communication, even during gender
struggles. She will also offer insights for thriving
during this difficult era of mass shootings, disturbing
scandals, border controversies and political division.
Contact Pratibha Eastwood at (808) 518–4378 (HI);

20. ==> How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric
Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow
up without fathers face. “A lot of boys don’t know how
to become men due to that lack of a role model. We need
programs where men help them to learn manhood. It will
impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of
trouble.” Pastor Eric will discuss The Gentleman’s Club
launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher
Raymond Nelson, a program for boys that helps to
instill confidence, self-respect and respect for others
and share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help
them to become great men. A second-generation pastor of
Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
Eric Hawthorne is author of the upcoming “Are You Ready
for Marriage?” Contact Eric at
EHawthorne@rtirguests.com; (214) 225-0769.

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