12/10/19 RTIR Newsletter: Friday the 13th, God and the Holiday Season, Super-Grandparents

December 10, 2019

01. Doctors Say Trump’s Mental Health is Deteriorating
02. Trump to Jews: You Have No Choice but to Vote for Me
03. New Research: Autocracy Is Hazardous for Your Health
04. Former NFL Pro Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic
05. Why Do People Fear Friday the 13th?
06. Hit Pause: Stop Replaying Your Family Drama
07. Hey Ma, I’m Home! Meet Your New College Kid
08. Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the Holidays)
09. Start a New Family Holiday Tradition
10. How to Take God Seriously this Holiday
11. Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?
12. Watch Out! Workplace Crooks Siphon Profits
13. Is It Possible to Have No Anxiety?
14. The Dark Secrets Jeffrey Epstein Left Behind
15. The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable Success
16. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health Delivery System?
17. ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money Management
18. Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience
19. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
20. The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents

1.==> Doctors Say Trump’s Mental Health is Deteriorating

A petition signed by 350 psychiatrists and other
mental-health professionals claims that President
Donald Trump’s mental health is deteriorating rapidly
amid impeachment proceedings. “We are convinced that,
as the time of possible impeachment approaches, Donald
Trump has the real potential to become ever more
dangerous, a threat to the safety of our nation,” said
Drs. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist, Jerrold Post, a
former CIA profiler, and John Zinner, a psychiatrist at
George Washington University. The statement warns that
“(f)ailing to monitor or to understand the
psychological aspects (of impeachment on Mr. Trump), or
discounting them, could lead to catastrophic outcomes.”
The trio, who have all said they are willing to testify
as part of the impeachment inquiry, says Trump appears
to be showing signs of delusion by doubling down on
falsehoods and conspiracy theories. Dr. Bandy Lee is a
professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine
and editor of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.”
Contact her at bandy.lee@yale.edu

2. ==> Trump to Jews: You Have No Choice but to Vote for Me

Donald Trump has riled numerous Jewish groups after a
speech this weekend to the Israeli American Council in
Florida. The president referred to some Jewish voters
in the real estate business as ‘brutal killers’ who
will vote for him to dodge a wealth tax and complained
that some Jews ‘don’t love Israel enough.’ Halie
Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic
Council of America (JDCA), says, “We strongly denounce
these vile and bigoted remarks in which the president –
once again – used anti-Semitic stereotypes to
characterize Jews as driven by money and insufficiently
loyal to Israel. He even had the audacity to suggest
that Jews ‘have no choice’ but to support him.” JDCA
actively promotes foreign and domestic policies
consistent with socially progressive, pro-Israel,
Jewish community values. Contact Halie Soifer at (202)
975-0859; press@jewishdems.org

3. ==> New Research: Autocracy Is Hazardous for Your Health

Frustrated by high health-care costs, poorly performing
schools, and corrupt politicians, voters around the
world are embracing populists and autocrats, and it’s
taking a toll on their life expectancy. Director of the
global health program at the Council on Foreign
Relations Thomas Bollyky says research finds that life
expectancy has declined 2 percent on average in former
democracies that have recently transitioned to
autocracy, like Honduras, Nicaragua, Turkey, and
Venezuela. He warns, “Elections and the health of a
nation’s people are increasingly inseparable. Voters
should remain wary of populists who promise to deliver
better health by undermining the accountability, messy
compromise, and slow consensus-building that democracy
requires. This year, the V-Dem Project designated
twenty-four democracies as autocratizing. The United
States is on that list.” The Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan
membership organization, think tank, and publisher.
Thomas Bollyky is also an adjunct professor of law at
Georgetown University. Contact him at (202) 509-8517;
tbollyky@cfr.org or CFR media relations at (212)
434-9888 or communications@cfr.org

4.==> Former NFL Pro Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic

You might recognize him as an NFL All-Pro or as an
elite magician who made the finals of America’s Got
Talent and regularly appears on The Ellen DeGeneres
Show. But Jon Dorenbos says that what he does is not
who he is. Who is he? As a 12-year-old boy, he learned
to coach himself on how to turn tragedy to triumph
after his father murdered his mother. Together, magic
and football saved him, leading to fourteen NFL seasons
on the gridiron and raucous sleight-of-hand
performances to packed houses across the globe. Fast
forward to 2017. After being traded to the New Orleans
Saints, Jon’s world was turned upside down again when a
routine physical revealed a life-threatening heart
condition. Have Jon share his poignant and powerful
story and learn how he persevered, why he forgave, and
how anyone can choose happiness over darkness.
Dorenbos’ new book is “Life is Magic.” Contact Doug
Johnson at (310) 550-4079 or Tim Mooney at (609) 412 –

5. ==> Why Do People Fear Friday the 13th?

Some folks will be a bit jittery this Friday. Why?
Check the calendar, it’s Friday the 13th! Get ready for
a fun show on common superstitions and the effect that
believing them has on us. Most of us have no idea what
it is about the number 13 that makes it a pariah but
enough people have the fear that it has its own name,
triskaidekaphobia, and fear of Friday the 13th is
called paraskevidekatriaphobia. There’s even a
bestseller franchise of slasher movies called “Friday
the 13th.” Wade Meadows can share some interesting
theories about our dislike of 13—a topic that is
personal for him. Wade was born on, you guessed it,
Friday the 13th and his mother reminded him nearly
every day of his life that for that reason alone he was
cursed. He can also share the journey he underwent to
come to terms with being born that day and how he came
to believe that he is one lucky man today. He is the
author of “Letters from the Ashes” and “Ashes Forged
into Manhood.” Contact him at (225) 224-8697;

6. ==> Hit Pause: Stop Replaying Your Family Drama

The holidays can be stressful under the best of
circumstances, but how do you handle being trapped in a
house with argumentative relatives without blowing your
top? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the
world’s #1 expert in personal transformation, to reveal
proven techniques to keep your cool and prevent family
drama from getting out of hand. He’ll discuss common
triggers that set people off and how to remain calm
when family members try to push your buttons. His
forthcoming book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
and Make Your Dreams Come True” details how to release
negative emotions permanently and truly change your
life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
Goran has been featured on radio and television
nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

7. ==> Hey Ma, I’m Home! Meet Your New College Kid

It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
What they don’t realize is that their child is
different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
professional college advisors who have been featured on
ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

8. ==> Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the

When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
that ironically experiences very little real connection
between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
for convenience (speed and availability) over true
connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
communication can be seen not only across kitchen
tables but also on the national stage. You only have
to look as far as political debates and late-night
pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
to find out how to create meaningful conversations
(start by being curious and interested instead of being
interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
“Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

9. ==> Start a New Family Holiday Tradition

Kids are always impatient to open presents and
sometimes they’re more focused on opening the gifts
than the holiday experience of being around family,
sharing the joy, and celebrating. What if you wrapped
all of that into one irresistible activity and turned
it into a new family tradition? Invite children’s
author and mother of three Rosie Pova to share how to
start a beloved family tradition that bonds the
generations and creates an early love of reading.
You’ll also get tips to get older kids off their cell
phones and away from video games to join in the holiday
tradition. Imagine your brood cozying up to a fire on
Christmas Eve with hot cocoa and a book! Rosie Pova has
been featured on radio and in print. She is the author
of several children’s books including her latest
picture book, “Sarah’s Song.” Contact her at (214)
563-1633 (TX); rosie.pova@yahoo.com

10. ==> How to Take God Seriously this Holiday

Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
guests you’ll have for the holidays and new year. Graza
is a man of science with great knowledge of the
heavens. He balances science and faith as both an
aerospace engineer and a lay preacher who says it’s the
smartest people who believe. Ask him: How does God want
us to celebrate at this time of year? Why are prayers
and worship so important? Why is faith alone not enough
for salvation? How do you get to heaven? Graza’s book
“Passport to Heavenly Eternal Life” has helped
countless people take God seriously and cherish life
more. Graza will take questions and discuss with
audiences surprising biblical teachings for the 21st
Century, exploring the creation of the Universe and our
amazing Earthly home. Contact Camilo Graza at (626)
893-7966 (CA); camilograza@aol.com

11. ==> Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

Even a 2019 POLITICO story contends that millions of
Americans believe GOD originally wanted Donald Trump as
U.S. President. But is a second term in God’s plan?
What about the impeachment drama? Interview Patric
Rutherford, Ph.D., author of “God and President Trump
Plus the Rest of Us,” who agrees that a Trump White
House was God’s permissive will. But find out why Dr.
Rutherford himself did NOT vote for Trump — and
whether God wants Trump to serve two terms. Originally
from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford will explore whether many
Americans have regrets or feel like hypocrites or even
sinners because of how they voted (or will vote.) With
decades of studying politics, faith and human nature,
Dr. Rutherford will discuss: Why did many deeply
committed Christians have no qualms about electing a
seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump
contingent get right and wrong? Might even 4 years of
Trump be too long? Expect controversy when you book Dr.
Rutherford. Contact him at (786) 201-6638;

12. ==> Watch Out! Workplace Crooks Siphon Profits

Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
how managers can corral crooks at the worksite. She’ll
explore myths/truths about brazen cyber stealing…
thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab
techniques… recognizing temptation at the office…
steps for establishing a thief-proof workplace… and
much more. Ruth’s insights have already saved many
businesses and millions in profits. Contact her at
(770) 729-8000; rking@ontheribbon.com

13. ==> Is It Possible to Have No Anxiety?

Everyone seems anxious these days, and no wonder. It’s
hard not to feel anxious when mass shootings, white
nationalism, and impeachment dominate the news. And
then there are our personal issues with loved ones and
employers. So, when Sankarshan Das claims that he
hasn’t experienced any personal anxiety in nearly 50
years and can teach anyone else to do the same, it’s
worth a listen! He’ll outline the mistakes most of us
are making that leave us panicky, and the belief system
we could adopt that would not only make us happier, but
lead to greater peace for mankind. Sankarshan Das is a
former hippie and a singer-songwriter who once appeared
onstage between Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful
Dead. His song, “The Peace Formula,” has been praised
by Barack Obama. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice
a year singing and speaking to promote global peace and
spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the upcoming
book “Awaken Supreme Nirvana: How You Can Easily Attain
the Highest Level of Spiritual Enlightenment.” Contact
him at (512) 643-6740; sbridge@rtirguests.com

14. ==> The Dark Secrets Jeffrey Epstein Left Behind

The world was rocked when billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
was charged and jailed for human trafficking, and then
allegedly committed suicide while behind bars. What was
truly shocking was that he got away with these heinous
crimes for years. Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend
and founder of the human trafficking awareness group
Let My People Go, says the situation is far more
complicated and insidious than most people know. “Human
trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
community.” Raleigh says a general lack of awareness is
part of the problem, as well as the absence of accurate
information and the abuse of power by powerful people.
He is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
Trafficking.” Contact him at RSadler@rtirguests.com;
(917) 341-6758.

15. ==> The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable

So you think you have to be brilliant, gifted and in
the right place at the right time in order to be wildly
successful in life? Kim Chestney says, “Not so!” She
says virtually everyone has the ability to attain goals
beyond their wildest imaginings thanks to the one
innate trait that all humans possess: Intuition!
“Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
faculty of human consciousness. Getting your ego out of
the way and developing your inner voice is a great
bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being
and growth in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an
international best-selling author and intuition expert
who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh,
Pa. Her new global online Intuition school,
IntuitionLab is up and running. Contact Kim at
KChestney@rtirguests.com; (412) 214-9502.

16. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health
Delivery System?

The industry of medicine, including insurance
companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
structure that appears driven more by profits than
patient consideration, represent a significant problem
in our health care delivery. Doctors are growing
frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
documentation and have less time for patient care.
Invite Michael J. Young, M.D., to discuss the
challenges to our health care delivery system and how
it’s gone awry. A practicing physician (surgeon and
Urology specialist) for three decades, Dr. Young will
offer his insights and explore how America’s health
delivery process is in need of repair for everyone’s
benefit. He’ll also share his personal story and been-
there experiences other doctors rarely discuss. Dr.
Michael Young is the author of “The Illness of
Medicine.” Contact William Dorich at (310) 923-2157;

17. ==> ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money

The super-rich and mega-successful clearly do things
differently than most. But it’s not all about making
wise financial decisions. What are the secrets to
lifelong prosperity? How could fundamental actions
Influence your daily march to millionaire status? Why
are some people so good at living wealthy? Explore such
fascinating topics with acclaimed socio-economist
Randall Bell Ph.D., CEO of Landmark Research Group LLC.
Dr. Bell can explain how future millionaires follow
four basic principles (me, we, do, and be) while
recognizing the importance of avoiding gossip,
demonstrating work ethic, expressing kindness, refusing
to fear change and being willing to handle easy
projects like making one’s bed every day! Also ask Dr.
Bell about his 45 recommended “rich habits” that can
change anyone’s life. Contact Cierra Ashdown at (949)
284-7790; RBell@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience

Going in front of a group? Do you have key info to
share? Want to get over your nerves and apprehension?
First of all, no need to imagine your audience naked!
You’ll want your presentation, confidence and message
to wow everyone instead. So says communications and
leadership expert Jill Jaysen. She’ll reveal how we’ve
all been mis-taught when it comes to public speaking
and what really makes a dynamite presentation for
winning big. Learn why gimmicks like “practice at a
mirror” and “videotape yourself” only risk creating
mediocre speakers, how your speech starts long before
you reach the auditorium, and how to prevent the
biggest speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at
(203) 442-9301; jjaysen@rtirguests.com

19. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
writing and publishing a book. She’ll reveal five
powerful reasons to write your book today including the
importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
journey. She’ll also answer questions like what’s the
biggest roadblock to getting a successful book written?
And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be, what
does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart and
honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
Fuel Your Small Business.” Contact Fabi at (704)
291-3566; FPreslar@rtirguests.com

20. ==> The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents

Whether you call them Pap-pap or Grandfather, Meemaw or
Grammy, our grandparents play an important role in
preparing younger generations for happier and more
successful life. But sometimes “super” grandparenting
is required, as Dr. Oliver Akamnonu and his wife
discovered. They left their high-powered careers and
significantly changed their lives to help their
daughter, Nena, throughout her pregnancy, while she was
in medical school! Once baby Lydia arrived, the
Akamnonus continued to demonstrate their super
grandparent skills. Invite them on-air to explore: what
they learned about helping one’s family health,
education, income, relationships, and society
overall… 5 things super grandparents always do, and
never do… why financial support and childcare are
only the beginning of the best grandparenting… why
you needn’t live nearby to be super grandparents… how
to make sure your children and grandchildren always
remember you with gratitude and love. The Akamnonus co-
authored “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and
Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New
Times.” Contact them at (413) 206-6753;

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