Will Young Americans Flex Their Political Muscle?

Will millennials and Generation Zs go to the polls this November? Historically, younger Americans haven’t voted as much as older generations, but in a year like 2020, it’s hard to predict anything, let alone the behavior of young people. What we do know, is that if they vote, millennials and Gen Zs could make a difference in this election’s outcome. Invite Jeremy Levin and Jennifer P. Wisdom, to discuss the reasons younger Americans haven’t voted in the past and what it will take to get them to the polls this year. The authors of “Millennials’ and Generation Z Guide to Voting” will share the basics of the voting process, discuss political parties and how they’ve changed over time, and reveal the long history of voter suppression in America. Jeremy Levine, M.A., is an adjunct professor at multiple universities in New Jersey and New York. Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., MPH, has worked in complex health care, government, and educational environments for 25 years. She’s the author of the best-selling “Millennials’ Guides” series. Contact her at (503) 484-5679; Jennifer@leadwithwisdom.com

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