Will Russia Attack Ukraine? What the Russian Troop Massing Means

Russias positioning of over 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border has the world wondering what Vladimir Putin is up to. Is he planning an invasion or merely flexing his muscles? At a time when Ukrainian and Russian troops are as close as 50 yards from each other, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Peter Zwack, who spent two years as the United States senior defense official and attaché to the Russian Federation including the recent 2014 Russia-Ukraine crisis, can share whether the Russians have boxed themselves into a precipice of their own doing. Brig. Gen. Zwack, who recently appeared on the international Russian-language TV network RTVI on this topic, can share why the current troop numbers at the border are formidable but not enough for a full Ukraine-wide operation and whether the Putin regime oligarchs and moneyed interests would be willing to endure the sanctions and other fallout that would likely occur should an invasion take place. Brig. Gen. (Ret.) currently serves as a Wilson Center Global Fellow within the Kennan Institute and frequently discusses national security and leadership issues in the media. Among his books is “Swimming the Volga.” Contact Terri Beavers at (434) 979-7438; BG.PBZ.r@gmail.com

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