Why 50 Isn’t the New 30 … It’s Way Better

It’s been said that youth is wasted on the young, but with awareness, maturity, experience and motivation going for us, the second half of life offers extraordinary opportunities and satisfaction. That’s the message of Joe Swinger, a speaker, author and talk-show guest who specializes in helping adults in midlife enjoy the VIP life — one marked by greater vibrancy, impact and purpose. Joe is the creator of the Silver Linings Network, which he established to encourage happiness, success and emotional health in midlife and later years. Invite him on your show and learn what you should be focusing on (besides money!) as you approach and dive into retirement. He’ll share ideas for aging boomers who want to make a difference, recreate themselves and stay relevant, and explore ways to love and embrace aspects of every age. Contact Joe Swinger at (801) 865-7748: joeswinger@RTIRguests.com

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