What is Life Like as a Hollywood Stuntman?

Steve McChesney knows what it was like to put his life on the line for the sake of entertainment. As a Hollywood stuntman, actor, or extra he appeared in more than 350 TV shows and movies, Part of that time, Steve earned money by falling off of high places, being knocked off of walls, performing stunts in automobiles and doing other things designed to make the audience’s hearts race. To the delight of baby boomers and others who love classic TV and movies, he can talk about the work he did on “Star Trek 6,” the last movie with the show’s original cast, “Starsky and Hutch,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Wonder Woman” and more, and why professional stunt people are the safest people to hang around with. Now a marketing expert, Steve McChesney has been on CBS, ABC, NBC, and other large media outlets. His new book is “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing World” and his podcast with the same name is available on all major channels. He is available as a last-minute guest. Contact Steve McChesney at (321) 414-2147; smcchesney@rtirguests.com

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