This American Was in Israel During the Gaza Invasion

Detri McGhee just returned from Israel, on one of the last planes to leave the country before the airlines shut down. She will give listeners a window into what it was like to be in the country during an active terrorist invasion and describe what she saw and heard and the mood of the people. In Jerusalem to attend a Feast of the Tabernacles celebration, Detri (DE-trah) says she could hear explosions and sirens and spent time in bomb shelters including one in which Orthodox Jews were praying. She’ll recount hearing the mayor of a town near the Gaza Strip speak and then learning two days later that he was killed by terrorists. Hear how and why she believes her life has been changed by what she experienced. Detri runs the nonprofit Reaching for Life, Inc. which encourages reading, writing, and communicating through developing advanced emotional intelligence skills. Contact her at (870) 407-7523;

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