What could be cooler than doing a show on frozen embryos? How is it possible that embryos that have been frozen as long as 27 years can be defrosted and implanted in a woman’s uterus to produce a healthy baby? What sounds like science fiction is happening more and more, and Nate Birt can fill you in on the exciting details. This topic is personal for Birt, the father of a toddler who began life as another couple’s frozen embryo adopted by Birt and his wife, who carried the embryo to term. The author of “Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to Embryo Adoption,” Birt can talk about the frozen embryo adoption journey, the controversies that exist with unclaimed embryos, and much more. Ask him: Are all frozen embryos screened for genetic issues? Is this form of adoption affordable? Why are parents choosing frozen embryo adoption over IVF or standard adoption? Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045; Nbirt@rtirguests.com