Saving Your Career is as Simple as Answering Yes or No

Should you go on that job interview? Or accept that offer? Are you feeling comfortable enough to sign that contract or take that promotion? Are you ready to quit your current job? Go part-time? Or finally retire? Just like every other move you make in your personal or professional life, you have “Just 2 Choices.” That’s the message of Rico Racosky, who has already gained a substantial following with his “Just 2 Choices” book, speaking engagements, webinars and radio program. Ask Rico: Why do people make their career moves far more complicated than necessary? What fears keep many people from moving up? How can the “Just 2 Choices” strategy strengthen someone’s situation, even during a pandemic? Rico can help your listeners navigate their careers and reach their goals with a yes or no answer! Contact him at (730) 572-1322;

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