Save Kids and Taxpayer Money by Making Neighborhoods Safe

Gangs, child abuse, human trafficking, youth suicide, and drug abuse are not just horrific societal ills, they come at an astonishing cost to the taxpayer: by estimates over $2 trillion annually. The plain fact is that none of this is inevitable, and much of it is preventable. Have child safety expert Stephanie Mann on your show to learn about crime prevention and making neighborhoods safer. As a community leader, neighborhood organizer, county coordinator, and state consultant, Mann has forty years of experience as a crime and violence prevention expert. She is the author of five books on empowering our communities and keeping kids safe. Her first book, “Alternative to Fear: Guidelines to Safer Neighborhoods” helped launch the national Neighborhood Watch Program. She is also the founder of the Safe Kids Now Network LLC. Contact Stephanie Mann at (925) 438-0716;

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