Jennifer Rubin says, “In case you thought Trump was
preparing for his summit with Kim Jong Un — you know,
learning about the subject and walking through the
likely North Korean ploys and weak points — he’s doing
nothing much at all. How do we know? He said so.” “I
think I’m very well prepared,” Trump told reporters on
Thursday. “I don’t think I have to prepare very much.
It’s about the attitude. It’s about willingness to get
things done.” Rubin believes the real aim of the summit
is to have a photo-op, mouth some platitudes about
further talks at lower levels and have Trump say as
little of substance as possible. “Truth be told, there
likely is no viable plan short of war for obtaining
complete denuclearization. Under such circumstances,
perhaps it’s not the worst thing to have the bombastic,
clueless president talking and posing for pictures
rather than drawing up war plans.” Jennifer Rubin is an
MSNBC contributor and writes the Right Turn blog for
The Washington Post. Contact her at, @jrubinblogger