Have Americans Lost the Habit of Hope?

With all the political turmoil and negative news Americans are subjected to, it’s easy to see why some of us have lost the habit of hope. But like any healthy habit, it can be refreshed, rebooted, or acquired for the first time. Expert Edie Summers is making it her mission to teach people how to be more hopeful and shift their mindset to focus on what they can control. She’ll explain simple ways to develop a habit of hope, how focusing on gratitude for small things will reinforce the habit, and reveal the mindset shift we all should make. Edie Summers is the author of “The Memory of Health,” a mind-body fitness instructor, a former executive, and the creator of the My Daily Well app. She has been featured in “Entrepreneur” and has appeared on many podcasts. Contact her at (503) 487-0058; esummers@rtirguests.com

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