Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 01/10/17 RTIR E-zine: IRS Red Flags, Trump’s Cabinet, Saving the World

    January 10, 2017

    FR: Lauren Healy and Chris Morabito, Editors, Radio-TV
    Interview Report Newsletter
    01. Fake News VS Independent Information
    02. Trump’s Cabinet – Unqualified Education Secretary?
    03. Obamacare – What Happens Next?
    04. How to Survive an Airport Mass Shooting
    05. Free College?!
    06. Amazing Space Stories You’ve Never Heard
    07. Top IRS Red Flags for 2017
    08. What Really Caused Fisher and Reynolds’ Deaths?
    09. New Year Resolutions are for Losers
    10. Need Help Adjusting to a Trump Presidency?
    11. Expect Protests to Be the New Norm
    12. How to Talk to Your Kids about Prejudice
    13. Stop People-Pleasing for a Healthier 2017
    14. Is Your Childhood Running Your Life?
    15. Ways to Save the World in 2017

    1. ==> Fake News VS Independent Information

    At the end of 2016 the US Senate quietly passed a bill
    that will create a new propaganda agency. The new law
    mandates the U.S. Secretary of State to collaborate
    with the Secretary of Defense, Director of National
    Intelligence and other federal agencies to create a
    Global Engagement Center ‘to lead, synchronize, and
    coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to
    recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign
    state and non-state propaganda and disinformation
    efforts aimed at undermining United States national
    security interests.’ The law directs the Center to be
    formed in 180 days and to share expertise among
    agencies and to ‘coordinate with allied nations.’
    Investigative journalist Rick Sterling says, “The new
    law is remarkable for a number of reasons, not the
    least because it merges a new McCarthyism about
    purported dissemination of Russian ‘propaganda’ on the
    Internet, with a new Orwellianism by creating a kind of
    Ministry of Truth — or Global Engagement Center — to
    protect the American people from ‘foreign propaganda
    and disinformation.’” Invite Sterling to discuss the
    issue of ‘fake news’ and what the new agency will
    likely be doing. Sterling is an independent
    investigative journalist. He just wrote the piece “The
    War Against Alternative Information” for Contact him at

    2. ==> Trump’s Cabinet – Unqualified Education

    Diane Ravitch served as Assistant Secretary of
    Education and Counselor to the Secretary of Education
    from 1991-1993 under the George H. W. Bush
    administration. About Trump’s pick for Education
    Secretary, she says, “Betsy DeVos should not be
    approved by the Senate committee or confirmed by the
    Senate. She has no experience or qualifications for the
    job. She is a lobbyist for alternatives to public
    schools.” She adds, “DeVos is a billionaire who has
    never worked in a public school, never attended a
    public school, never sent her own children to public
    school. She has lived in a billionaire bubble of
    privilege. She has no understanding of the needs of our
    nation’s public schools, and she is in fact actively
    hostile to them. This is unacceptable. She is
    unacceptable.” Ravitch is a research professor of
    education at New York University. She is the author of
    many books, including “Reign of Error: The Hoax of the
    Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s
    Public Schools” and “The Death and Life of the Great
    American School System: How Testing and Choice Are
    Undermining Education.” Contact her at, @DianeRavitch

    3. ==> Obamacare – What Happens Next?

    The Affordable Care Act—Obamacare— is in trouble. It’s
    extended health insurance coverage to fewer people than
    promised, in many parts of the country, insurers are
    abandoning the market due to financial losses, and even
    those covered face double digit premium increases and
    deductibles that are hundreds of percent higher than
    before. Supporters say the problems can be fixed but
    critics insist that Obamacare is mortally wounded, and
    should be euthanized. Invite Philip Romero and Randy
    Miller to help your listeners make sense of the health
    policy debate. You’ll hear how health costs have grown
    more than twice as fast as incomes, why the health
    sector now consumes almost one in five dollars in our
    economy, and the blind spots that Democrats and
    Republicans each have about health care. Romero is a
    finance professor and former business dean at the
    University of Oregon, as well as twice chief economist
    to the governor of California. Randy Miller is an
    insurance and public finance specialist. Their book
    “Health Financing Without Deficits: Reform that
    Sidesteps Political Gridlock” outlines a new way to
    finance health care. Contact Romero at (503) 640-6206; or Miller at (541) 510-2042;

    4. ==> How to Survive an Airport Mass Shooting

    When Esteben Santiago killed five people and wounded
    six in a busy baggage area at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
    Airport last week using a legally-owned gun he carried
    in his own checked bag, airport safety became front and
    center on the public’s radar. To find out what anyone
    can do to minimize the chance of being shot at an
    airport in such an incident, interview Chris Bird,
    former British Army officer, former San Antonio
    Express-News crime reporter and author of “Surviving a
    Mass Killer Rampage.” He’ll talk about avoiding ticket
    counters and if possible, not checking a bag, and
    maintaining situational awareness at all times. He’ll
    discuss why airports shouldn’t be “gun-free zones” and
    why he prefers driving to flying. Bird says, “It’s just
    ridiculous that people should be disarmed and therefore
    have to depend on government bureaucrats to keep them
    safe. Everyone knows that government bureaucrats have a
    terrible record of keeping contraband from getting
    through TSA checks.” “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage”
    has been endorsed by a retired Texas Ranger captain and
    retired CIA officer. Contact Bird at (210) 308-8191 or

    5. ==> Free College?!

    There has recently been a lot of buzz about NY Governor
    Andrew Cuomo’s free college proposal, but who will
    actually benefit? Adrian Ridner, CEO and Co-founder of says the idea of providing free college is a
    noble one, but to realistically make it happen, we need
    to make college less expensive and make the experience
    more flexible for students, particularly those who are
    juggling school, work and family. Invite Ridner to
    discuss how alternative credit can be used to cut the
    cost of a degree in half, and in some cases get the
    total cost of a Bachelor’s degree under $10k. He can
    also talk about a unique free college model being used
    in Mountain View, CA that leverages a combination of
    discounted course and tuition fees, low-cost
    transferrable credit, local workforce development funds
    and corporate sponsorships, to make college free for
    any resident. Fed up with the high cost of education,
    Adrian started in 2002 with the mission of
    making education accessible. Today the company helps
    over 25 million students a month, from middle school
    through college, with short video-based online courses.
    Contact Jennifer McHam at (650) 288-2381;

    6. ==> Amazing Space Stories You’ve Never Heard

    Rod Pyle is a wealth of NASA knowledge and a fun guest
    to talk about everything space-related. Invite him on
    your show to discuss current space topics like SpaceX’s
    recently announced Big Mars Plans (huge 100 passenger
    Mars ships for 2025) or old, little-known topics like
    plans from the 1960s that involved atomic spaceships
    (yes, powered by atomic bomb explosions!) Rod Pyle has
    written several books and produced numerous
    documentaries for the History Channel and Discovery
    Communications, including the acclaimed Modern Marvels:
    Apollo 11. He has lectured at NASA’s Johnson Space
    Center, and written for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
    Caltech, LiveScience, and His new book,
    “Amazing Stories of the Space Age,” shares zany never-
    flown ideas for space missions from the 1940s through
    the end of the 20th century. Contact him at (626)

    7. ==> Top IRS Red Flags for 2017

    With a year comes a new tax filing. And the IRS is back
    in full force, looking for scams and tax cheats. Of
    course, that’s not you, (or your listeners), but what
    will the IRS be looking for this year? Join tax pro
    Abby Eisenkraft in a fun discussion about the latest
    targets for the IRS. The author of “101 Ways to Stay
    Off the IRS Radar,” Abby will help your audience steer
    clear of IRS problems. She can also enlighten your
    audience on IRS scams so new you’ve never heard of them
    and how to stay safe. Frequently quoted by the press,
    Abby is one of the leading experts on IRS problems and
    how to avoid them. Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    8. ==> What Really Caused Fisher and Reynolds’ Deaths?

    Millions of fans were devastated by the recent deaths
    of Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds.
    Zeesham Raza says the mother/daughter passing was
    caused by a lifetime of heartbreak and emotional
    baggage that reached a tipping point. Moreover, he
    says, we can learn from them how to prevent our own
    past traumas from turning deadly. Raza will discuss the
    traumatic events and unprocessed emotions both women
    endured and ways they could have been diffused. He
    says, “Reynolds’ childhood feelings of rejection, shame
    and worthlessness from being unpopular at school and
    impoverished, the betrayal she felt over Eddie Fisher’s
    leaving her for Elizabeth Taylor and the humiliation
    she experienced from her second husband’s financial
    difficulties—all caused her emotional bucket to
    overflow when Carrie died.” He’ll also discuss Carrie,
    and the impact of her mother’s two divorces as well as
    the self-abuse, shame and humiliation she experienced
    from her own addiction and failed relationships.
    Listeners will learn a technique anyone can use to
    release trapped emotions so they won’t lead to disease
    and ailments. He’s a healer and author who took charge
    of his own emotional health after getting a serious
    diagnosis. Reach him at (416) 858-4788;

    9. ==> New Year Resolutions are for Losers

    Andro Donovan has two words for people who didn’t
    decide to join a gym, lose five pounds, eat less
    chocolate or be nicer to their in-laws for the new
    year: Well done! The author of the new book “Motivate
    Yourself: Get the Life You Want, Find Purpose and
    Achieve Fulfilment” says, “Resolutions are dramas
    waiting to happen. They are expectations that you are
    going to fail after your good intentions peter out.”
    She says, “What works is a desire or intention to
    slightly steer yourself in the direction you want to
    go, a gentle steering away from what didn’t work and a
    steering into where you want to take your life.” Andro
    Donovan is a leadership development specialist. In 1990
    she set up the Hemingways Group, a leadership
    development and corporate transformation consultancy.
    She is best known for her life-changing retreats which
    take place around the world. Contact her at
    +4407711238410;;; Skype: andro.donovan1

    10. ==> Need Help Adjusting to a Trump Presidency?

    Many Americans are deeply depressed about the election
    of President Donald Trump and worried about the
    country’s future. Though understandable, Devadas
    Chelvam says the depression and worry makes the
    situation even worse. Chelvam says people need to
    choose to be happy—right now! “Find a way to love Trump
    and the members of his administration unconditionally,
    to visualize Americans being reconciled and the country
    as peaceful and prosperous.” He says, “Depression and
    worry are energy spent to create exactly what is
    feared. And that is a rather risky attitude to adopt at
    this juncture.” Born in Sri Lanka, Devadas Chelvam
    spent nine years as a priest before embarking on a 20-
    year career in child protective services in New York
    City. He has master’s degrees in theology and sociology
    and conducts workshops on the healing power of love.
    His latest book is “From Fear to Limitless Love: Your
    Path to Finding Self-Worth, Harmony and Bliss.” Contact
    him at (610) 882-1032;

    11. ==> Expect Protests to Be the New Norm

    Carol Richardson says, “When the majority popular vote
    does not elect a president, and the president-elect has
    expressed hate towards large portions of the US
    population, protesters are speaking up and will
    continue to speak up to express what is needed in a
    healthy democracy. America has become an oligarchy
    which has exercised a too-often unrecognized tyranny
    over American politics.” Richardson, an Interfaith
    Minister, says no matter what side of the aisle
    Americans choose, most of us have experienced tyranny
    financially or politically, and with this divisive
    election, protests against perceived tyranny may become
    the norm. She adds, “American democracy was founded on
    spiritual ideals, and we will only return to a
    cooperative, peaceful democracy when we restore these
    healthy ideals in American life.” Rev. Carol
    Richardson, M.Div., MPH is an Interfaith Intuitive
    Healer and Coach in the Washington, DC area, and an
    expert in healthy spirituality. She’s the author of
    “Mornings with the Masters: Mystical Journeys in a
    Postmodern World.” Contact her at 269-365- 8939;

    12. ==> How to Talk to Your Kids about Prejudice

    Recent events have left many Americans frightened,
    angry, and divided. In this day and age, it’s
    impossible to shelter our children from the constant
    influx of information from the media. Influences from
    television, magazines, newspapers, social media and the
    internet are so ubiquitous, even the most vigilant
    parent may not be able to completely shield their child
    from disturbing, adult-appropriate news. So how do
    parents talk to their kids about the frightening,
    violent, and prejudiced acts flooding our media?
    Parenting expert Thomas Gagliano can discuss how to
    talk to your kids about the violence and prejudice in
    the media and what an age-appropriate discussion should
    include. Tom will also touch on whether we should – and
    can – limit a child’s exposure to the Internet and
    media, and share ways to ensure your children feel safe
    and not overly fearful. Tom Gagliano, MSW, is a mentor,
    speaker and author. Contact him at (732) 266-4952;

    13. ==> Stop People-Pleasing for a Healthier 2017

    Want to have less stress, sleep better, get fewer colds
    and flus and avoid headaches and heartburn? Doing so
    may be as simple as saying no to obligations, chores
    and social commitments you agree to just to make other
    people happy. Find out why people-pleasers get sick
    more often from Dr. Don (MacDonald). He’s a recovering
    people-pleaser and chiropractor who realized that many
    patients were coming into his office because of stress-
    related conditions fueled by their own excess worries
    and inability to say no for their own good. Dr. Don
    will explain ways moving your body, deciding in advance
    what you will and won’t do and defining your purpose
    can lead to a healthier and happier New Year. Dr. Don
    is the bestselling author of “The Underdog Curse.” He’s
    an experienced radio and TV guest who can be reached at

    14. ==> Is Your Childhood Running Your Life?

    Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? It may
    be because your childhood is hijacking your adult life.
    Interview Michelle Nagel, an author and resilient
    survivor of child abuse, for a discussion on ways
    growing up poor, losing a parent to death or to
    divorce, jail or drugs or alcohol or other adverse
    childhood experiences may be leading to bad choices on
    your part today. She’ll reveal a test you can take to
    find out if you have an adverse childhood experience
    impacting your life and discover the power that comes
    with acknowledging your past. She will discuss some
    simple techniques that, if implemented, can change your
    life. Over the past 15 years, Nagel, the president of
    Soul Shift, Inc., has been guiding clients through the
    process of overcoming their traumatic past and finding
    internal peace and serenity. Contact her at (541)

    15. ==> Ways to Save the World in 2017

    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you think about some
    of the environmental and health challenges facing the
    world today. But environmental consultant Ellen Moyer,
    Ph.D., says, “Whether we like it or not, or know it or
    not, our small actions repeated day after day add up to
    huge impacts! Consumers inescapably weigh in on a vast
    array of issues every day. We make a difference with
    each bite we take.” She’ll discuss how healthy eating
    is nearly impossible for many people who simply can’t
    afford it because of the unfair advantage. industrial
    food production enjoys over organic food production.
    She’ll share easy but powerful ways to significantly
    improve your health and the health of our environment,
    and the best way to use your resources (money and
    otherwise) wisely. Dr. Ellen Moyer is a registered
    professional engineer with 30 years of environmental
    consulting experience. She’s a regular contributor to
    The Huffington Post and has presented more than 100
    seminars in North America and Europe. Her soon-to-be-
    released book is “Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves:
    How to Thrive While Creating a Sustainable World.”
    Contact her at (413) 862-3452;

  • 01/05/17 RTIR E-zine: Flu Season, Real Estate Market, Rock & Roll in Russia

    January 5, 2017

    01. Rock, Power and Politics
    02. Need Help Adjusting to a Trump Presidency?
    03. Carrie Fisher – Dying On Your Own Terms
    04. Let’s Talk Cannibals
    05. Flu Season!
    06. The Greatest Escape of the Cold War
    07. Are Schools Teaching Kids to Stop Thinking?
    08. The ‘Trump Effect’ on Small Business
    09. Build a Nest Egg in 15 Minutes a Week
    10. Real Estate, Realtors, and the New Market
    11. What Now? Dealing with Uncertainty
    12. More Boomers Turning to Gigs
    13. Lost in the Middle Class – Making College Affordable
    14. Make America Peaceful Again: Yoga
    15. Rock ’n’ Roll is Alive and Kicking in Russia
    1. ==> Rock, Power and Politics

    A new exhibit opens in D.C. the week before Donald
    Trump’s inauguration that explores the power of rock to
    change attitudes about patriotism, peace, equality and
    freedom. The ‘Louder Than Words: Rock, Power and
    Politics’ at the Newseum features, among other things,
    John Lennon’s acoustic guitar from his 1969 Montreal
    and Amsterdam “Bed-Ins for Peace” with Yoko Ono, the
    Fender Stratocaster Jimi Hendrix used to perform “The
    Star-Spangled Banner” at Woodstock, stage costumes worn
    by the Village People and original handwritten lyrics
    to Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are a-Changin’,” Chuck
    Berry’s “School Day,” Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the
    U.S.A.” and Green Day’s “American Idiot.” “This exhibit
    is a powerful testament to the role music has played in
    influencing political and social change,” says the
    Newseum’s Cathy Trost. The exhibit was created in
    partnership with the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Contact
    Sonya Gavankar of the Newseum at (202) 292-6200;; or Shauna Wilson at the Rock &
    Roll Hall of Fame at (216) 515-1215;

    2. ==> Need Help Adjusting to a Trump Presidency?

    Many Americans are deeply depressed about the election
    of President Donald Trump and worried about the
    country’s future. Though understandable, Devadas
    Chelvam says the depression and worry makes the
    situation even worse. Chelvam says people need to
    choose to be happy—right now! “Find a way to love Trump
    and the members of his administration unconditionally,
    to visualize Americans being reconciled and the country
    as peaceful and prosperous.” He says, “Depression and
    worry are energy spent to create exactly what is
    feared. And that is a rather risky attitude to adopt at
    this juncture.” Born in Sri Lanka, Devadas Chelvam
    spent nine years as a priest before embarking on a 20-
    year career in child protective services in New York
    City. He has master’s degrees in theology and sociology
    and conducts workshops on the healing power of love.
    His latest book is “From Fear to Limitless Love: Your
    Path to Finding Self-Worth, Harmony and Bliss.” Contact
    him at (610) 882-1032;

    3. ==> Carrie Fisher – Dying On Your Own Terms

    Actress Carrie Fisher’s death… and then the death of
    her mother just days later… shocked fans and left many
    talking about the crazy circumstances. The 60-year-old
    Fisher suffered cardiac arrest on a plane, was revived,
    and then spent several days on life support in the ICU.
    Dr. Kevin Haselhorst asks, “Did the physicians believe
    Ms. Fisher was going to recover? Did she have an
    advance directive? Was the force with her and did she
    get what she wanted or deserved?” Invite Haselhorst to
    discuss advance directives and how to make sure your
    wishes surrounding your own death are followed. He
    says, “The key to dying with dignity is to make your
    death expected. The purpose of an advance directive is
    to let family members know that you expect to die on
    your own terms and at your own time.” Dr. Kevin
    Haselhorst is an emergency medicine physician and the
    author of “Wishes to Die for.” He offers a free PDF
    download on End of Life discussions on his website.
    Reach him at (480) 907-6027;

    4. ==> Let’s Talk Cannibals

    For centuries, cannibalism has been written off as a
    bizarre phenomenon with little scientific significance.
    But the true nature of cannibalism—the role it plays in
    evolution as well as human culture—is even more
    interesting (and less disturbing) than the many
    misconceptions we’ve come to accept as fact. Dr. Bill
    Schutt, PhD, a researcher at the American Museum of
    Natural History, will discuss why some amphibians
    consume their mother’s skin; why certain insects bite
    the heads off their partners; why, up until the end of
    the twentieth century, Europeans regularly ate human
    body parts as medical curatives; and how cannibalism
    might be linked to the extinction of Neanderthals. Bill
    Schutt is a professor of biology at LIU Post and a
    research associate in residence at the American Museum
    of Natural History. His latest book is “Cannibalism: A
    Perfectly Natural History.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5138;

    5. ==> Flu Season!

    Wintertime means colds and flu. This year’s outbreak is
    predominantly type A flu. Learn healthy strategies that
    can prevent most colds and flu, and minimize symptoms.
    What single intervention reduced type A flu 50% in
    children? (it wasn’t the vaccine!) His office approach
    has been so successful he no longer utilizes flu
    vaccine. Jim Roach, MD, is a leading integrative
    practitioner who has appeared on numerous radio and TV
    programs, is a speaker, consultant, educator,
    researcher, and widely sought clinician with patients
    from across the country. He is also author of “God’s
    House Calls” which discusses spiritual near-death
    experiences of his patients and seeks to de-stigmatize
    spiritual experiences. Contact Dr. Roach at (859)
    846-4453 (office);

    6. ==> The Greatest Escape of the Cold War

    When 84-year-old Hungarian born American Frank Iszak
    was 25, he and a group of others committed the first
    hijacking of an airplane, flying it to West Germany and
    freedom. On July 13, 1956, he gained international
    attention for his bold escape from communist-controlled
    Hungary. With six co-conspirators, Iszak seized an
    airliner and set a course for the West. Invite him to
    share his incredible story (including a life-or-death
    brawl aboard an out-of-control airplane.) While a
    Hungarian court condemned the hijackers to death, in
    absentia, the entire team settled in the United States.
    Iszak worked as a chemist New York and San Francisco.
    He now runs a yoga studio in Rancho Santa Fe, Ca and is
    negotiating film rights to his book, “Freedom Fighter.”
    Contact him at (619) 920-6456;

    7. ==> Are Schools Teaching Kids to Stop Thinking?

    School used to be a place where students learned how to
    use reason and academic skills to solve problems. But
    nationally recognized author Tom DeWeese says today’s
    Department of Education instructs teachers not to teach
    students how to think but what to think. DeWeese says
    the classroom has become a place for non-stop
    propaganda and behavior modification to impose a
    “proper” thought process called “Globally Acceptable
    Truth.” DeWeese says the result is today’s generation
    of college students who live in constant fear of
    microaggression and trigger warnings. Invite DeWeese to
    discuss how we got here and what is required to restore
    proper education in our schools. Tom DeWeese has been
    featured on Fox News’ Follow the Money, Hannity and
    Colmes, The Michael Reagan Talk Show and in The New
    York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington
    Post, and The Washington Times. He’s the author of
    “Erase.” Contact him at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    8. ==> The ‘Trump Effect’ on Small Business

    Every day, 86 percent of U.S. workers grudgingly wake
    up, get dressed, grab some coffee, and shuffle off to a
    job they can’t stand. Many do so because they feel
    stuck. But they really aren’t, says Tom Scarda, a man
    who made a big change in his own life 17 years ago when
    he quit his decade-long job working for the New York
    Subway system to buy a smoothie franchise. Scarda says
    with the new Trump administration focusing on reversing
    regulations on small business, it may be the perfect
    time to catch the wave of economic growth with your own
    franchise. Scarda will talk about the upside of the
    franchise industry and how certain industries within
    franchising are bracing for a catapult effect of
    growth. Tom will also reveal the franchise industries
    to avoid during a Trump administration. Scarda is a
    dynamic speaker, entrepreneur and author of “Franchise
    Savvy” and “The Magic of Choosing Uncertainty.” He’s
    been featured in dozens of magazines and newspapers and
    is a sought-after radio and TV guest. Contact Tom
    Scarda at (516) 322-1435 (NYC);

    9. ==> Build a Nest Egg in 15 Minutes a Week

    Top stock market researcher, investor and expert Gary
    Stone says everyday investors can use low-effort
    strategies that take only 15 minutes a week to create
    thriving stock market portfolios and comfortable
    retirements while cutting loose from the financial
    shackles of fee-ridden Target Date and active mutual
    funds. “The primary reason people risk running out of
    money in retirement is that they simply make the wrong
    multi-decade investment choices for their retirement
    nest egg while they are working,” Stone says. He’ll
    discuss how to protect a nest egg from the next severe
    bear market and why diversification is a poor risk
    management strategy for multi-decade investing. Gary
    Stone has helped thousands of ordinary investors with
    straightforward and doable investment strategies.
    Established in 1995, his company, Share Wealth Systems,
    has pioneered a smarter approach to investing. Stone is
    the author of “Blueprint to Wealth: Financial Freedom
    in 15 Minutes A Week.” Contact him at 800-392-1257;

    10. ==> Real Estate, Realtors, and the New Market

    To help someone buy or sell a home, a real estate agent
    needs to be 18 years old, not have a criminal
    background, and pass an exam. Erik Brown says the world
    of real estate is changing and you need more than a few
    weeks’ training to understand what’s going on. Brown, a
    realtor and entrepreneur, says, “As a nation, the US is
    approaching one of the largest generational shifts in
    our country. Baby boomers are aging while millennials
    are growing up, and we are about to see a massive shift
    in family make up, net worth, and yes, home ownership.”
    Erik Brown will discuss upcoming real estate trends as
    well as how to sniff out a bad agent, and what
    characteristics and qualities make up a real estate
    rock star. Contact Brown at (612) 408-3611;

    11. ==> What Now? Dealing with Uncertainty

    The one thing everyone can agree on as we start the New
    Year is that the future is TBD…To Be Determined. The
    question on everyone’s minds is “now what?” How can we
    best navigate through these uncertain times? Brenda
    Reynolds can share 5 tips for helping you take control
    of a situation that feels out of your control. Whether
    it’s the transition our nation faces, your own personal
    transition or a change in your business world, she’ll
    explain what you can do to find greater clarity and
    confidence. Brenda Reynolds is a transitions expert,
    consultant, speaker, and founder of BKR Consulting.
    She’s worked with clients nationwide and in 2008
    applied her expertise to her own challenges when the
    economy took a nosedive and so did her life, leaving
    her a divorced mom of two. She is author of the
    upcoming book, “TBD—To Be Determined, how to Find
    Clarity and Confidence in Uncertain Times.” Contact her
    at (610) 639-5722;

    12. ==> More Boomers Turning to Gigs

    It hasn’t been easy being a working baby boomer lately.
    Their jobs have been hurt by global competition,
    changing business conditions and cost-cutting. Faced
    with underemployment, unemployment, lower pay and job
    hunting techniques that no longer work, more boomers
    are turning to the gig economy, notes Spunk Burke,
    author of “The GIG Solution,” which drops next year.
    Spunk will explain how boomers are learning to target
    prospects with problems they can solve on a project
    basis. He’s a staffing veteran who provides coaching
    that helps jobless boomers build rewarding and secure
    gig practices. Spunk can be reached at (978) 835-8588

    13. ==> Lost in the Middle Class – Making College

    College isn’t cheap. Parents send students off to learn
    about the world and hope they’ll return home with a
    degree and job prospects, but they’ll also likely face
    a mountain of debt. No matter where you study, a
    college tuition is pricey and the cost of attending
    school just keeps climbing. Graduating seniors often
    leave campus with staggering student loan debt. There
    are grants and scholarships available, but millions of
    American families don’t qualify for any financial aid.
    Invite Adrian Ridner, CEO and co-founder of,
    to explain secrets colleges don’t want you to know that
    could save you thousands on your degree. Plus, you’ll
    learn simple things you can do to reduce the cost of
    college, even if you don’t qualify for financial aid.
    Contact Jennifer McHam at (650) 288-2381;

    14. ==> Make America Peaceful Again: Yoga

    Is your audience suffering from holiday hangovers and
    post-election stress disorder? Teresa Power, a leading
    yoga expert, will share quick and easy yoga and
    meditation tips to help your listeners reduce stress
    and maximize hope. Power will discuss real-world ways
    families can find inner peace in this time of outer
    turmoil, from doing a few simple yoga poses to limiting
    time on social media and trying a meditation app. Power
    is an internationally recognized yoga expert and
    bestselling author of the award-winning book series,
    The ABCs of Yoga for Kids. With over 30 years of yoga
    experience, she ignites a passion for health and
    fitness through yoga in both adults and children. She
    is also the founder of International Kids’ Yoga Day
    whose mission is to raise awareness about the benefits
    of yoga for children around the world. Contact her at
    (310) 266-7705;

    15. ==> Rock ’n’ Roll is Alive and Kicking in Russia

    Richard Hume moved from Britain to Russia in 2004 and
    discovered a vibrant rock community. In 1957, Soviet
    authorities had invited Western rock and jazz musicians
    to Russia as a ploy to appear open-minded. They
    accidentally kick-started a cultural movement. Despite
    uniquely Russian problems of government censorship and
    expensive instruments, Russian youth embraced rock and
    made it their own. Hume began writing articles for the
    British magazine Maggie’s Blue Suede News. His new book
    “Russia ’N’ Roll!” is a collection of those articles.
    From memories of his own experiences at iconic British
    rock concerts in the 1970s and 80s to behind the scenes
    reports of Russian clubs to interviews with Russian
    musicians, Hume brings the rock world vividly to life.
    You might start out unaware of bands like Stressor,
    Beat Devils, the Marshmallows, or Raw Cats, but by the
    end, you might discover your new favorite band. Contact
    Richard Hume at or 007495
    3759767 (Russia).

  • 01/03/17 RTIR E-zine: Holiday Divorces, Healthier 2017, Bad Bosses

    January 3, 2017

    01. Will Donald Make America Great Again?
    02. What Kind of Resistance to Trump?
    03. Immigrants: What Will Trump Do?
    04. Is Roof Mentally Competent to be on Trial?
    05. The Truth about Gun-Free Zones
    06. Resolutions: The Key to Real Change
    07. Keep Your Resolutions: No Willpower Needed
    08. Divorce Filings Soar after Holidays
    09. Have a Better Brain in 2017
    10. Stop People-Pleasing for a Healthier 2017
    11. Go from Out-of-Whack to Back-On-Track in 2017
    12. Make 2017 Your Year to Live Fearlessly
    13. The Benefits of Smoking Will Ruin Resolutions
    14. High Anxiety Everywhere!
    15. Good News about Bad Bosses

    1. ==> Will Donald Make America Great Again?

    In just a few short weeks, Donald J. Trump will be the
    next president of the United States, winning the
    election with a campaign promise to “Make America Great
    Again.” But will he? Can he? “Not if he runs the White
    House like he ran his campaign,” says Michelle Deen.
    “If our goal is to create a better America, it has to
    start with sound character—of our leaders who serve to
    guide us, of our citizens who create our society, and
    of parents who are molding our children and through
    them, our future.” Deen will discuss the breakdown of
    character that’s been festering in politics and
    culture, with the election of Trump bringing it all to
    a head. She’ll challenge conventional assumptions about
    moral values, explain why the “culture war” hasn’t
    worked to create a more moral society, and suggest a
    new solution to get our culture back on track. An
    experienced media guest, Michelle Deen is an expert in
    human development and family relations Her latest book
    is “Saving America’s Grace: Rethinking Family Values,
    Moral Politics and the Culture War.” Contact her at
    (805) 679-3084;

    2. ==> What Kind of Resistance to Trump?

    Kathy Kelly says it’s important for people to unite in
    refusal to compromise with President-elect Trump’s
    terrifying campaign promises. She says, “The
    frightening truth that our society is a train hurtling
    toward an abyss must be faced. We surely can’t expect
    leaders that have already made compromises with
    militarists and greedy corporate elites to stop the
    train, help people disembark and then pull up the
    tracks. We must continually build alternative
    institutions and, as much as possible, stop paying for
    institutions that commit mayhem and murder. We need
    unions willing to strike and activists willing to
    refuse payment of war taxes as I’ve been perhaps
    specially privileged to be able to do since 1980. We
    need voters able to see the full bleak vision of where
    our species has arrived.” Kelly is co-coordinator of
    the group Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She just
    wrote the piece “Steer Your Way into Love and
    Resistance.” Contact her at,

    3. ==> Immigrants: What Will Trump Do?

    Aviva Chomsky says Donald Trump’s election left many
    immigrant rights activists in a panicked thought loop.
    “What did he actually say he would do? Could he really
    deport 11 million people? Would he really eliminate
    President Obama’s signature successful pro-immigrant
    action, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
    (DACA) program, which granted temporary legal status to
    hundreds of thousands of undocumented youth? If he did,
    what would happen to these young people?” Invite
    Chomsky to discuss what’s likely to happen to
    immigrants under the Trump Administration, and why.
    Chomsky is professor of history and coordinator of
    Latin American Studies at Salem State University in
    Massachusetts. Her books include “They Take Our Jobs!
    And 20 Other Myths about Immigration” and
    “Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal.” Contact
    her at

    4. ==> Is Roof Mentally Competent to be on Trial?

    A federal judge has ruled a second competency hearing
    for convicted church shooter Dylann Roof will be closed
    to the public, despite the objections of several media
    outlets. Roof has opted to represent himself during the
    penalty phase of his death penalty hate crimes trial
    for the nine black parishioners he shot and killed at
    Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church in June 2015. Experts
    theorize Roof has decided to represent himself during
    the sentencing phase to prevent his attorneys from
    introducing evidence that questions his mental
    competence at the time of the slayings. Invite forensic
    psychologist Dr. John Huber to discuss the issue and
    why it’s important. A mental health professional for
    over twenty years, Huber is chairman for Mainstream
    Mental Health, a non-profit organization, and a
    professor at Texas State University. Contact Mark
    Goldman at (516) 639-0988.

    5. ==> The Truth about Gun-Free Zones

    With Donald Trump’s opposition to gun-free zones and
    Dylann Roof currently on trial for killing nine church
    members in a gun-free zone in Charleston, now is a good
    time to visit the issue of whether gun-free zones
    encourage or discourage gun violence. That’s a
    discussion Chris Bird, former British Army Officer,
    former San Antonio Express-News crime reporter and
    author of “The Concealed Handgun Manual” now in its
    sixth edition, is primed to lead. Bird will tell you
    that the biggest problem with gun-free zones is that
    they are not free of guns and are favorite targets of
    terrorists and killers. He can touch on slow police
    response times, the corrosive effects of political
    correctness and what to do if you ever find yourself on
    the wrong end of a gun. Bird’s latest book is
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count,
    Police Are Still Minutes Away.” The book has been
    endorsed by a retired Texas Ranger captain and retired
    CIA officer. Reach him at 210-308-8191 or

    6. ==> Resolutions: The Key to Real Change

    The start of a new year is synonymous with change.
    Countless people contemplate what they’d like to change
    in their lives and then ‘resolve’ to make that happen.
    Psychologist Frank Farley says that while change is
    ultimately inevitable, it can be hard. Invite him to
    share ways to initiate positive changes and improve
    your life in innumerable ways. From simple things like
    list-making and sharing your plans with supportive
    friends and family, to staying optimistic and
    evaluating your progress, Farley’s tips can help
    listeners embrace change. “Learn to thrive through
    changing things in your life. We are in a century of
    enormous change. Be part of it in your own life. As
    Charles Darwin said, ‘It’s not the strongest of the
    species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the
    ones most responsive to change.’” Frank Farley, Ph.D.,
    is a former president of the American Psychological
    Association. He is a professor at Temple University.
    Contact him at (215) 668-7581 (cell);

    7. ==> Keep Your Resolutions: No Willpower Needed

    Year after year, people make New Year’s resolutions
    they’ll never keep. Akram Alashari, M.D., says the
    problem isn’t with the resolutions, it’s the way people
    approach them. “Every year people are faced with the
    same dilemma,” Dr. Alashari says. “Making New Year’s
    resolutions is supposed to be fun and exciting, but
    more often than not the process turns into an
    additional stressor, headache, and hassle.” Invite the
    author of “The Power of Peak State” to share a few
    simple tips that will make all the difference and help
    listeners accomplish their New Year goals. Akram
    Alashari became a physician at 23 and did his surgical
    residency training at the University of Connecticut. He
    completed fellowship training in trauma surgery and
    surgical critical care at the University of Florida.
    Alashari is the youngest double board-certified surgeon
    in the United States. He is the author of The Power of
    Peak State and creator of the upcoming program, “Peak
    Performing Parents: How to Get Your Children to Achieve
    Straight As.” Contact him at (407) 617-4795;

    8. ==> Divorce Filings Soar after Holidays

    The holidays are over and apparently so are many
    marriages. Lawyers say January is always the busiest
    season for break-ups, with more couples filing for
    divorce than at any time of year. Want to avoid an
    unpleasant break up or to stop dating—or marrying—the
    same type of person over and over again? Many people
    want to know why their relationships aren’t more
    satisfying but don’t know where they are going wrong.
    Christine B.L. Adams, a psychiatrist and coauthor of
    “Living On Automatic: How Emotional Conditioning Shapes
    Our Lives and Relationships,” can help. She has
    identified the most common mistakes people make that
    send them to her office and will share them on your
    show. They include making snap decisions about others,
    applying double standards for themselves and their
    mates, and projecting onto others the characteristics
    they want them to have. Reach her at (502) 473-0093;

    9. ==> Have a Better Brain in 2017

    Everyone’ talking about New Year’s resolutions right
    now so why not do a show on ways to have a better brain
    this year? Dr. Stacey Robinson, a functional medicine
    physician, will share ten steps for optimizing your
    brain for better memory, better health and a better
    chance of avoiding dementia down the road. Dr.
    Robinson, author of “Road Map to Health,” will explain
    what you should be eating, which daily supplements to
    take, why your toothbrush type matters, and what
    special blood tests to ask your physician about. She’s
    an experienced guest on TV and national radio. Reach
    her at (727) 329-8859 (office):

    10. ==> Stop People-Pleasing for a Healthier 2017

    Want to have less stress, sleep better, get fewer colds
    and flus and avoid headaches and heartburn? Doing so
    may be as simple as saying no to obligations, chores
    and social commitments you agree to just to make other
    people happy. Find out why people-pleasers get sick
    more often from Dr. Don (MacDonald). He’s a recovering
    people-pleaser and chiropractor who realized that many
    patients were coming into his office because of stress-
    related conditions fueled by their own excess worries
    and inability to say no for their own good. Dr. Don
    will explain ways moving your body, deciding in advance
    what you will and won’t do and defining your purpose
    can lead to a healthier and happier New Year. Dr. Don
    is the bestselling author of “The Underdog Curse.” He’s
    an experienced radio and TV guest who can be reached at

    11. ==> Go from Out-of-Whack to Back-On-Track in 2017

    Imagine what it would be like to spend the next year
    living life to the fullest, making a difference in
    other people’s lives and moving past any setback that
    comes your way. With Don Armstrong as your guest, your
    listeners will stand a good chance of doing that. Don’s
    wake-up call came from a leukemia diagnosis more than
    ten years ago but he says no one needs such a diagnosis
    to learn to reevaluate their priorities as he did. Don
    will share lessons about adversity, purpose, goal-
    setting and taking action as well as his incomparable
    journey. Since his health was restored he ran five
    marathons and five half-marathons in one year,
    cofounded a nonprofit that raised more than $135,000
    for blood cancer research and has dedicated himself to
    helping others change their priorities. Don is the
    author of “Finish YOUR Race: Empower Your Life with
    Strategies from a Cancer Survivor.” Reach him at (817)

    12. ==> Make 2017 Your Year to Live Fearlessly

    If there’s one thing Sue Pighini will encourage your
    audience members to do in the New Year, it’s to “say no
    to the status quo” by breaking out of the safe but
    small mentality that keeps most of us from leading
    joyful, exciting lives. She’ll walk your listeners
    through the steps for taking calculated risks to make
    their dreams come true. She’ll cover such things as
    trusting your intuition and conquering fear of the
    unknown. Sue will also share her own story of a life
    transformed after she was struck by lightning, held up
    by gunpoint and survived cancer. She’ll convince
    listeners that their best lives are yet to come, no
    matter how old they are or what challenges they
    currently face. An experienced talk show guest, Sue is
    the author of “Expect the Extraordinary.” Reach her at
    (941) 685-7159;

    13. ==> The Benefits of Smoking Will Ruin Resolutions

    Quitting smoking – it’s one of the biggest New Year’s
    resolutions every year. The CDC says 7-out-of-10 adult
    smokers want to quit for good but sadly, only 4 – 7%
    will be successful. But Carol Rickard says it’s not
    their fault, they don’t know the benefits that are
    holding them hostage to smoking. As a therapist working
    in hospitals for 25 years, Rickard got tired of seeing
    so many of her patients fail. In 2011 she became a
    Tobacco Treatment Specialist. Combining science with
    practical strategies, and surprising, highly relatable
    visuals (M&Ms, screwdrivers, and duct tape), Carol
    provides an engaging discussion and offers “tools” to
    help people quit for good! She is the author of 13
    books on stress & wellness including “The Benefits of
    Smoking: WHY It’s So Hard to Quit & WHAT You Can Do
    About It!” Contact Carol at (609) 462-7643;

    14. ==> High Anxiety Everywhere!

    Have you noticed how celebs, friends and colleagues are
    all of a sudden sharing how they feel? Even an
    embarrassing thing like anxiety! Are more people
    getting anxiety or are more people talking about it?
    Psychotherapist Jodi Aman says anxiety is now an
    epidemic in our culture. She’ll explain what to do if
    you have it, how to know if you need help, and what you
    need to know to understand, prevent and stop suffering
    from anxiety and stress. Afraid of flying? Dread
    holiday parties? Need help setting personal boundaries?
    Jodi can share ways to deal with anxiety triggers and
    talk with friends and colleagues about anxiety that
    will make everyone feel better. Jodi Aman is the author
    of “You 1, Anxiety 0.” Contact her at (585) 233-8979;

    15. ==> Good News about Bad Bosses

    If your audience members have a bad boss, as many
    people do, they often fail to see the good news; short
    of leaving for another job, there are ways to make your
    situation much more tolerable. So says Cindy Hochart,
    whose three decades of corporate experience includes
    time spent as vice president and regional director for
    a large health insurance organization. Having worked
    for both good and bad bosses, Hochart can explain what
    you can say to a bad boss that can turn things around,
    the difference between employment and slavery and how
    to rewrite your brain to have a better day at work.
    Hochart is the author of “Find Your Burning Bush.”
    Reach her at (816) 588-8735;