Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 03/28/17 RTIR E-zine: London Attacks, Healthcare, Breastfeeding and Brains

    March 28, 2017

    01. A Love Letter to Extremists after London Attack
    02. Dems Take on Healthcare- Single-Payer & Public
    Option .
    03. Sesame Street Adds Autistic Muppet
    04. Hooked on Hoops at Work
    05. Can Video Games Help Depression?
    06. Spring – Do You Have the Courage to Run Away?
    07. Beyond ObamaCare – Take Responsibility for Your Health
    08. Breastfeeding Doesn’t Make Kids Smarter
    09. From People Mag – Modern Day ‘Hidden Figure’
    10. Celebrate Women Who Soar
    11. Start a Business or Dwell in Fear?
    12. Will Alzheimer’s Bankrupt Medicare?
    13. Is Being Bilingual an Advantage?
    14. Sound Healer Helps Dogs, Cats Heal
    15. Spring Clean Your Brain

    1. ==> A Love Letter to Extremists after London Attack

    Independent, London-based investigative reporter Nafeez
    Ahmed just wrote the piece “A love letter to extremists
    after the London attack,” which states: “We know that
    Islamist terrorists, from ISIS to al-Qaeda and beyond,
    target the so-called ‘gray zone’—the arena of co-
    existence where people of all faiths and none live and
    work together. They want us to turn on each other. They
    want Muslims and non-Muslims to hate each other, fear
    each other, and fight each other. That’s the
    apocalyptic ‘clash of civilizations’ they yearn for.
    Extremists from the Western and Muslim worlds feed off
    each other like cannibalistic vultures, selling the
    same divisive rhetoric of unmitigated anger and
    xenophobic hatred.” Ahmed is the founder of INSURGE
    intelligence, a crowdfunded public interest
    investigative journalism project. His work has been
    published in numerous outlets including the Guardian
    and VICE. Contact Nafeez Ahmed in London at; @NafeezAhmed

    2. ==> Dems Take on Healthcare- Single-Payer & Public

    Now that Republicans’ efforts to pass sweeping health
    care legislation have failed, Sen. Bernie Sanders plans
    to propose a health care system funded entirely by
    taxpayers. Sanders told CNN’s Dana Bash that he intends
    to introduce legislation outlining a “Medicare-for-all,
    single-payer” health care plan — and he will reach out
    to President Donald Trump to help advance it. But
    Russell Mokhiber says that’s not the whole story.
    Invite him to discuss what Sanders is proposing, and
    what the public option is and who that would benefit.
    Russell Mokhiber is founder of Single Payer Action.
    Contact him at @corpcrimereport

    3. ==> Sesame Street Adds Autistic Muppet

    Julie is the newest Muppet to move to Sesame Street and
    she is autistic. Jeanne Beard says she will likely be a
    great addition. Beard, founder of the National Autism
    Academy, says, “It’s a great step toward integrating
    our children with ASD into mainstream life. I am sure
    it will have a positive impact on many children without
    ASD who will come in contact with those on the spectrum
    at some point, as well as providing a wonderful model
    for child who have autism to see how they can fit in to
    social environments and have relationships.” Jeanne
    Beard is the mother of a 20-year-old autistic son and
    the author of “Autism and the Rest of Us: How to
    Sustain a Healthy, Functional and Satisfying
    Relationship with a Person on the Autism Spectrum.” She
    National “Autism Academy provides on-line education and
    support to parents of children with autism. Contact her
    at (630) 542-1191;

    4. ==> Hooked on Hoops at Work

    March Madness is reaching a fevered pitch as coworkers
    stop to analyze the latest game results and gloat over
    where they stand in the office betting pool. But does
    March Madness truly rate as fun at work or is it
    stopping America’s workplaces cold? For the play-by-
    play, invite Nat Measley, a leading expert on fun at
    work, to talk about why having a good time on the job
    is huge, where March Madness fits in and why the
    company you work for might get more mileage out of
    hosting its own bracketed ping pong tournament. Measley
    is the co-author of “Playing It Forward: Because Fun
    Matters for Employees, Customers and Bottom Line.” He’s
    also COO of the Fun Dept. and co-developer of a new Box
    of Fun concept—similar to Blue Apron and Bark Box—that
    makes having fun at work easier than ever, particularly
    for small teams. Contact Measley at (302) 690-1515,

    5. ==> Can Video Games Help Depression?

    Finally, some good news about video games! Researchers
    at the University of California Davies studied gaming
    and students who suffered from mild depression and
    concluded that playing video games could help sufferers
    feel like they have more control over their situation.
    Dr. Frieda Birnbaum says video games can be an
    effective means of helping people improve their mental
    health. Invite her to discuss the benefits of video
    games as well as the hazards, and how to tell when
    gaming has become a problem. Dr. Frieda Birnbaum is a
    research psychologist, psychoanalyst and the author of
    “Life Begins at 60: A New View on Motherhood, Marriage,
    and Reinventing Ourselves.” She’s an expert on
    depression, women’s issues, and attaining happiness.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)
    377-1200 or

    6. ==> Spring – Do You Have the Courage to Run Away?

    Spring means new life and new beginnings. Time to let
    go of what is not serving you anymore. Have you ever
    wanted to just chuck it all and run away? Lucetta
    Zaytoun says, “If you have it’s because that job,
    situation or relationship isn’t working for you. If you
    do run away, it means you are actually running back to
    you, and then you have the opportunity to recreate that
    relationship, job or situation in a way that does work
    for you.” Lucetta says, “Most people think running away
    is weak and cowardly, but the truth is it takes a lot
    of courage to walk away. Gather up your bravery and
    give yourself permission to run. This could be the
    season of a new you.” Lucetta Zaytoun is an
    international speaker, coach and the founder of Your
    Life in Bold, llc. She’s the author of “It’s Already
    Tomorrow Here: Never Underestimate the Power of Running
    Away.” Contact her at 919-450-8944;

    7. ==> Beyond ObamaCare – Take Responsibility for Your

    According to Dr. Tim Warren, “The cure for the fiscal
    and disease state that we find ourselves in as a first-
    world country: Americans taking responsibility for
    their wellness (good and bad).” He’ll discuss how,
    regardless of what’s going on in Washington, you can be
    in charge of your own health. Warren, who climbed Mount
    Everest at age 48 and has cared for more than 10,000
    patients in his 30-year medical career, doesn’t believe
    in dieting, having iron willpower or living life in the
    gym. His approach is to encourage daily mini-
    improvements. Warren has been featured on dozens of
    radio and television shows and in numerous print
    interviews. He’s the author of “Feet, Fork and Fun,”
    written after years of experiencing frustration trying
    to influence patients to improve their level of
    fitness, nutrition and mindfulness. Tim Warren’s first
    book was “Lessons from Everest.” Contact him at (401)

    8. ==> Breastfeeding Doesn’t Make Kids Smarter

    While new mothers may debate what they believe to be
    long-term benefits, a new study published in the
    journal Pediatrics finds that breastfeeding has little
    impact on long-term cognitive development and behavior.
    Parenting expert Poppy Spencer says that could be a
    great relief for mothers who bottle-feed their babies,
    for whatever reason. She says, “For decades, shame and
    guilt have plagued mothers across the country: What
    happens if I don’t breastfeed, my child? The best thing
    a mother can do when she is literally and figuratively
    nourishing her baby is to pass along good feelings and
    love, whether in a bottle or breast. Studies have shown
    that when the mother is calm and present when nursing
    or bottle feeding, the baby receives an infusion of not
    just nutrients but an infusion of pure love. No one can
    beat that.” Poppy and her husband, Geoff, are
    relational experts and licensed, specialty-certified
    New Life Story Wellness coaches. Their book, “1 Billion
    Seconds,” is based on years of research on hundreds of
    people and offers a formula for a flourishing
    relationship by developing exceptional communication.
    Contact them at (941) 586-2911;

    9. ==> From People Mag – Modern Day ‘Hidden Figure’

    Your listeners may have read this story in People
    Magazine with a nod to the Oscars and the movie ‘Hidden
    Figures.’ Olympia LePoint began working as a rocket
    scientist for Boeing in 1998 at the age of 21. Although
    nearly 40 years had passed since women like Katherine
    Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, the
    scientists whose lives are chronicled in Hidden
    Figures, helped launch John Glenn into orbit, LePoint
    experienced many of the same adversities and challenges
    her predecessors had during her tenure at NASA. Invite
    her to share her inspiring story and hear how she
    failed math until an 11th grade teacher took her under
    her wing and taught her how to perceive her own
    intelligence and think differently. She was then hired
    at Boeing three months after graduating, at the age of
    21, and became the youngest scientist in the company.
    Olympia LePoint is the author of “Mathaphobia,” a book
    on how to overcome your fear of math and is currently a
    popular college math professor and motivational
    speaker. Her inspiring story just came out in People
    Feb 22nd. Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    10. ==> Celebrate Women Who Soar

    March is Women’s History Month and a great reason to
    invite Connie Rankin to share the stories of 10
    powerful women, including herself, who have survived
    incredible challenges, learned to thrive and completed
    the circle by giving back to others. When Rankin found
    her successful real estate business was bringing her
    less joy she searched to find more meaning and
    concluded that other women share her predicament. “I
    found that other women were also asking themselves,
    ‘Why am I doing this?’ There has got to be more to life
    than having a successful business, a nice home, and
    nice car. The missing ingredient is paying it forward,”
    she says. Among the women profiled in her new book “God
    Gave Us Wings: A Journey to Success: Theirs, Mine, and
    Yours,” is Kendra Coleman, a Wounded Warrior who lost
    her leg eight years ago while serving in Afghanistan.
    Connie Rankin is a recognized leader in female
    empowerment and sought-after media guest. She is
    president of CRES, a commercial real estate firm and
    has been honored multiple times for helping other
    women. Contact Megan Salch at (713) 864-1344, ext.1;

    11. ==> Start a Business or Dwell in Fear?

    According to the U.S. Small Business Administration,
    “Small businesses provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of
    all new jobs since the 1970s!” Yet many small
    businesses, essential to our economy, are never born.
    Why? Everyday people are deterred from approaching the
    path of entrepreneurship because of fear. Fear of
    struggle, fear of failure, and fear of financial loss
    are all paralytics to success. Tim S. Marshall
    addresses those concerns with manageable and applicable
    strategies. He openly shares his own life lessons and
    proven techniques in generating leads, creating
    referrals, and closing sales. In addition, he focuses
    on real-world takeaways. His fast track to success
    guides entrepreneurs to define their purpose, create
    their brand, and face their fears. Marshall is a
    corporate coach, renowned speaker, and the author of
    “The Marshall Principles: Entrepreneurship – Cracking
    the Code.” Contact Brenda Star at (561) 547-0667;

    12. ==> Will Alzheimer’s Bankrupt Medicare?

    CNN recently reported that caring for Alzheimer’s
    patients could bankrupt Medicare in the next ten years.
    The memory-robbing disease already accounts for 20
    percent of Medicare/Medicaid expenses and funding to
    find a cure or prevent the disease is inadequate, CNN
    said. This looming crisis is the best reason to
    interview Michael Morgan, a pioneer in an affordable
    treatment that could potentially save Medicare. Invite
    him to share strong evidence that craniosacral therapy
    is effective in treating at-risk people for Alzheimer’s
    and those in the early to mid-stages of dementia. He’ll
    explain what craniosacral therapy is and ways it can
    increase longevity. Morgan is the author of “The
    BodyEnergy Longevity Prescription: How CranioSacral
    Therapy Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia While
    Improving the Quality of Your Life.” Reach him at (312)

    13. ==> Is Being Bilingual an Advantage?

    Susanna Janssen, a retired college professor and
    language expert, says there are lots of reasons to take
    up a second language. For example, did you know that
    being bilingual not only provides an advantage to your
    brain but also to your bank account? Oui! She’ll
    explain that bilinguals—even infants exposed to a
    second language—show enhanced abilities in focus and
    concentration, memory, interpersonal skills and
    problem-solving. Studies also show bilingualism is a
    buffer against Alzheimer’s (awesome news in any
    language). She’ll demonstrate ways learning a new
    language is easier than you would think. Janssen is a
    newspaper columnist and the author of “Wordstruck!: The
    Fun and Fascination of Language”. Reach her at (707)
    272-1351 or

    14. ==> Sound Healer Helps Dogs, Cats Heal

    We love our pets and when they are in pain or out of
    sorts it’s tough on us, too. Sound healer Dawn Crystal
    uses her voice to heal dogs, cats and other animals—and
    their people—and can demonstrate her art live on the
    air. She can use her decade long experience in the
    holistic healing art to eliminate the pain of animals
    by rebalancing their bodies, eliminating energy
    blockages. For a fun show, let Crystal demonstrate how
    it is done. She will explain that animals are more
    receptive to sound healing than people are, having
    quicker recoveries. Crystal’s human clients include
    CEOs and celebrities who typically book her for 30-
    minute sessions. She has a collection of MP3s for sale
    on her website that let people release their own
    blockages. Reach her at (808) 268-6242;

    15. ==> Spring Clean Your Brain

    It’s spring and that means a new beginning often
    preceded by cleaning like nobody’s business. Before
    your audience members begin on the garage, basement,
    cupboards or even their wardrobe, Andro Donovan says
    they should start with their brain. The author of the
    new book “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want,
    Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment” says people should
    take their cues from big wave surfer Laird Hamilton. He
    famously said, “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live
    between your own ears.” To do that, Andro advises
    making friends with your inner rats—a clever way for
    remembering “rational mind scripts.” These saboteurs
    are our need for being perfect, hurrying up, trying
    harder, being strong and needing to be liked. She’ll
    explain how to be conscious of them and avoid self-
    sabotage. Andro is a leadership development specialist
    known for her life-changing retreats that take place
    around the world. Contact her at+4407711238410;;; Skype:

  • 03/23/17 RTIR E-zine: Hooked on Hoops, Senior Tsunami, Dating Deal Breakers

    March 23, 2017
    01. Expert: Congress Can Release Trump’s Tax Returns
    02. March Madness – the Psychology of Excellence
    03. Hooked on Hoops at Work
    04. Saved by the Bell’ Producer Peter Engel
    05. Peak Behind the Scenes of Movie-Making
    06. Beauty and the Beast- A Tale as Old as Time?
    07. Spring Clean Your Brain
    08. Tax Tips for the ‘Sharing Economy’
    09. Whistleblowers, Journalism and Politics
    10. Will the World Ever Be Color Blind?
    11. Fear – The Four Letter Word in Business
    12. A Senior Tsunami is Coming
    13. Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?
    14. Celebrity Designer: The Secret is Simplicity
    15. Dating Deal Breakers

    1. ==> Expert: Congress Can Release Trump’s Tax Returns

    President Trump’s continuing refusal to release his tax
    returns despite the contrary common practice of
    presidents over the last 40 years has spurred interest
    in finding alternative ways to obtain the information.
    George Yin says Congress has the authority to obtain,
    inspect, and disclose the confidential tax information
    of any taxpayer, including the president, without the
    taxpayer’s consent.” “Congress added the authority to
    the law in 1924. … Several matters, including two
    involving possible conflicts of interest, helped bring
    the separation-of-powers imbalance to Congress’s
    attention. As part of an investigation, Congress sought
    from President Coolidge the tax returns of the alleged
    principals involved in the scandal, but the president
    initially resisted the request. Although Coolidge
    ultimately acceded, the experience undoubtedly made
    Congress aware of its need to be able to obtain tax
    information even without the president’s permission.”
    Yin is the Edwin S. Cohen Distinguished Professor of
    Law and Taxation at the University of Virginia. He is a
    former chief of staff of the U.S. Congress’ Joint
    Committee on Taxation. Contact him at

    2. ==> March Madness – the Psychology of Excellence

    March Madness is in full swing and it’s a great time to
    talk about the psychology of excellence. Clinical
    Forensic Psychologist Dr. John Huber says, “It’s one
    thing to attain, and it’s another thing to sustain
    success. In other words, from a sport psychology point
    of view, there is one set of traits necessary to be No.
    1, and there’s another set of traits necessary to stay
    there.” What are some of the mental qualities that
    championship teams often have? Which is a mentally
    tougher team: one that always finds a way to win games
    or one that manages to remain competitive despite
    taking humiliating? Invite Dr. Huber to discuss the
    qualities that make a team great and why some people
    dare to defy the odds. Dr. John Huber is the chairman
    for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit
    organization. A mental health professional for over
    twenty years, Dr. Huber is a clinical forensic
    psychologist, a professor and teaches undergraduate and
    graduate psychology at Texas State University. Contact
    Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    3. ==> Hooked on Hoops at Work

    March Madness is reaching a fevered pitch as coworkers
    stop to analyze the latest game results and gloat over
    where they stand in the office betting pool. But does
    March Madness truly rate as fun at work or is it
    stopping America’s workplaces cold? For the play-by-
    play, invite Nat Measley, a leading expert on fun at
    work, to talk about why having a good time on the job
    is huge, where March Madness fits in and why the
    company you work for might get more mileage out of
    hosting its own bracketed ping pong tournament. Measley
    is the co-author of “Playing It Forward: Because Fun
    Matters for Employees, Customers and Bottom Line.” He’s
    also COO of the Fun Dept. and co-developer of a new Box
    of Fun concept—similar to Blue Apron and Bark Box—that
    makes having fun at work easier than ever, particularly
    for small teams. Contact Measley at (302) 690-1515,

    4. ==> Saved by the Bell’ Producer Peter Engel

    Peter Engel is one of the most prolific producers in
    television. He created the teen sitcom Saved by The
    Bell along with several other teen series and produced
    the iconic Last Comic Standing. With more than 50 years
    in the television industry, Engel can share stories of
    his most memorable encounters, a behind-the-scenes
    glimpse of Saved by the Bell, and his own story of
    overcoming significant personal and professional
    challenges. Now 80, Engel is still filled with energy,
    candor, wisdom and positivity. His decades of
    experience in the television industry will inspire
    listeners chasing their own dreams, and the grace with
    which he has overcome personal challenges will resonate
    with everyone. “I Was Saved by the Bell” is Engel’s
    newly-released memoir. Contact Jennifer Tucker at (856)
    489-8654, ext. 303;

    5. ==> Peak Behind the Scenes of Movie-Making
    Lenay (Marie) Rogus spent 18 years working in Hollywood
    including time spent at Universal and 20th Century-Fox.
    Starting out in the steno pool, she worked her way up
    to director’s assistant and post-production duties. For
    anyone with an interest in what goes on behind the
    scenes in the motion picture industry, an interview
    with Rogus will be pure fun. She can talk about her
    work on Rocky 2 and Raging Bull, and share some stories
    about Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro and other
    film stars she came in contact with. She can talk about
    the unusual way she got her first job in the industry,
    how Stallone sought her opinion on Rocky and matured as
    a talent and detail De Niro’s kindness. Rogus tells
    many Hollywood stories in her new memoir, “Grief
    Comfort Guide: A Personal Journey from Loss to Light,”
    which also details her experience of losing seven of
    her loved ones. Contact her at (858) 349-4917 or,

    6. ==> Beauty and the Beast- A Tale as Old as Time?

    Beauty and The Beast is breaking records at the box
    office! Invite relationship expert Shannon Colleary to
    break down the components of Belle and Beast’s
    relationship into fantasy and reality. Does true love
    really exist? Would a real-life Belle fall in love with
    a beast? Could a beast really change his ways? Shannon
    says the story combines romantic fantasy with
    codependency and even some S & M. Colleary is a
    sexpert, and relationship/dating coach. She’s been
    syndicated by “O” The Oprah Magazine and The Huffington
    Post and her work has been featured on The Today Show,
    NPR, CNN and HuffPo Live. She’s the author of several
    books including “Married Sex: Fact and Fiction.”
    Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    7. ==> Spring Clean Your Brain

    It’s spring and that means a new beginning often
    preceded by cleaning like nobody’s business. Before
    your audience members begin on the garage, basement,
    cupboards or even their wardrobe, Andro Donovan says
    they should start with their brain. The author of the
    new book “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want,
    Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment” says people should
    take their cues from big wave surfer Laird Hamilton. He
    famously said, “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live
    between your own ears.” To do that, Andro advises
    making friends with your inner rats—a clever way for
    remembering “rational mind scripts.” These saboteurs
    are our need for being perfect, hurrying up, trying
    harder, being strong and needing to be liked. She’ll
    explain how to be conscious of them and avoid self-
    sabotage. Andro is a leadership development specialist
    known for her life-changing retreats that take place
    around the world. Contact her at+4407711238410;;; Skype:

    8. ==> Tax Tips for the ‘Sharing Economy’

    Tax season is here! Lisa London CPA, can help your
    listeners streamline their current files and understand
    everything from deductions to what is considered
    income. She says, “With the influx of people in the
    sharing economy, like Uber drivers, Airbnb hosts, and
    EBay and Amazon sellers, more and more people need to
    understand what is considered income and what are
    allowable expenses.” Invite her to tell your audience
    how to use their cell phones to simplify bookkeeping
    and share record-keeping tips and tricks to help small
    and at-home businesses. Lisa London has been featured
    on numerous TV and radio shows. She is the author of
    the “Accountant Beside You” series of books for small
    businesses, nonprofits, and churches. Her newest book,
    “Banish Your Bookkeeping Nightmares-The Go-To Guide for
    the Self-Employed to Save Money, Reduce Frustration, &
    Satisfy the IRS” will be released next month. Contact
    her at (919) 770-3746;

    9. ==> Whistleblowers, Journalism and Politics

    Donald Trump is now the 45th President of the United
    States—with a unified government under GOP control. The
    ‘Free Press’ is now the only check on the unbridled
    power of the Trump Administration. Invite Michael
    McCray, a public interest advocate and expert on
    whistleblowing, to discuss the importance of
    journalism, whistleblowers and the role of the First
    Amendment. McCray was personally bullied, intimidated
    and retaliated against after he reported improprieties
    at his federal job before being forced out. He says
    America needs principled individuals now more than
    ever. Contact him at (870) 543-0024;

    10. ==> Will the World Ever Be Color Blind?

    The issue of skin color has plagued society for
    centuries. Nowadays, it is undeniable that the same
    issue persists. Invite Lupita Samuels to break the
    barriers between skin colors and explain how to move
    forward from this negative mind-set. Samuels will put
    into perspective the misconceptions about skin color.
    Using metaphors and comparison, Samuels will explain
    how skin color does not dictate a person’s worth.
    She’ll include several reflective exercises to help
    guide listeners toward a peaceful resolution of their
    issues and struggles on the matter. Lupita Samuels was
    born in Costa Rica. She worked as an educator in the
    New York City public school system for over twenty
    years. She’s the author of the Color Blind book series
    which includes her latest release, “Think Folks Are
    “Too Dark?” Think Again!” Contact her at (718)

    11. ==> Fear – The Four Letter Word in Business

    Young professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, and
    seasoned executives must all battle the same beast:
    fear in today’s rapidly evolving marketplace. Ever
    changing software, social media platforms, rapid
    technological advances, fluctuating skill requirements,
    a highly competitive job market, and a lack of job
    security are just some of the fear-inducing realities
    of today’s workplace. Invite Tim Marshall to discuss
    how fear creates a lack of focus and productivity which
    bleeds into low morale and generates into limited
    aspirations. “If you allow fear to prevent you from
    undertaking an action, the only thing you will create
    is a missed opportunity.” Tim is a leading corporate
    coach, a speaker, and the author of “The Power of
    Breaking Fear.” Contact Brenda Star at (561) 547-0667;

    12. ==> A Senior Tsunami is Coming

    Carol Core says a senior tsunami is coming! “Ten
    thousand baby boomers will turn 65 every day for the
    next 14 years. If you are a boomer who is also
    caregiving your elderly loved you, you are in the eye
    of the storm!” The impact on a caregiver’s life is
    staggering, taking a huge toll on health, finances,
    mental well-being and other relationships. Invite her
    to share how to laugh at the insanity that comes with
    the job, where to find resources to help, and why it’s
    so important to have a plan in place before something
    bad happens. An experienced media guest, Carol Core is
    passionate about all issues pertaining to eldercare.
    She’s the author of “50 Sanity Saving Tips for
    Caregivers: You Don’t Have to Kill Yourself to Keep
    Them Alive.” Contact her at (303) 902-4378;

    13. ==> Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?

    At age 70, Donald Trump is the oldest man to be elected
    a US president. His longtime personal doc recently
    revealed to the New York Times that Trump takes
    Finasteride to treat male pattern baldness. Side
    effects include mental confusion and impotence. Is
    Trump on the fast track to dementia or Alzheimer’s?
    Invite senior health adviser Janet Rich Pittman to
    discuss the president’s age and mental capacity as well
    as other risk factors for dementia. Should Trump be
    urged to undergo a series of psychometric tests to
    prove his mental capacity? A former political operative
    and activist, Janet is now known as The Brain Nerd,
    specifically a Dementia Prevention Specialist, based on
    her years of experience as a Dementia Practitioner and
    Dementia Administrator. Janet is author of the upcoming
    book “It’s There: 5 Simple Ways to Find Your Memory and
    Prevent It from Leaving.” Contact her (251) 648.0325;

    14. ==> Celebrity Designer: The Secret is Simplicity

    What’s the secret to great design – and a great life?
    Deeia Topp says it’s all about simplicity. After
    twenty-five years of designing for the likes of the
    ‘real’ housewives, former interior designer, Topp, left
    her lucrative career behind in search of happiness. An
    author and speaker, Topp, says, “I tell people that
    happiness is an inside job, it’s not something that can
    be bought by fancy furniture or expensive interiors.”
    She’ll offer tips on how anyone can design a less
    complicated life. Her practical approach will help
    listeners find inner peace amid the chaos of their busy
    lives as she challenges them to take the stop
    complaining challenge…if they dare. Topp is the
    author of “Complicated…by Design,” a delightfully
    dishy novel that goes behind the draperies of
    Greenwich’s Botoxed elite where Eat Pray Love meets
    Trainwreck. Contact Deeia Topp at (941) – 350 – 5716;

    15. ==> Dating Deal Breakers

    It could be the color of her nail polish. The way she
    wears her hair. Her tattoos or the sound of her voice.
    Maybe it’s the limp way he shakes your hand. His bald
    spot. Or his awful taste in clothing. Most of us screen
    potential dates using preconceived standards (i.e. deal
    breakers). Psychiatrist Christine Adams will have your
    listeners thinking about how they would answer the
    question, “I would never date someone who …” before
    calling them out on the snap judgments they use to
    foolishly eliminate potential dates. Dr. Adams will
    also share why “you should run away fast” when you
    experience instant sexual attraction to someone. She
    can discuss the best questions to ask on first and
    second dates (and how to pay attention to what your
    date isn’t asking you). And will argue that in most
    cases a single date is never enough to rule someone
    out. Dr. Christine Adams is coauthor of “Living On
    Automatic: How Emotional Conditioning Shapes Our Lives
    and Relationships.” Contact her at (502) 473-0093;

  • 03/21/17 RTIR E-zine: McCarthyism, Medical Marijuana, March Madness

    March 21, 2017

    FR: Lauren Healy and Chris Morabito, Editors, Radio-TV
    Interview Report Newsletter
    01. McCarthyism: Then and Now
    02. You Can Turn a Microwave into a Camera?
    03. NCAA – Sweet Sixteen Madness
    04. March Madness – Vasectomy Vacations
    05. Beauty and the Beast- A Tale as Old as Time?
    06. She Had Dinner on Cary Grant’s Bed
    07. Who Wants to take a Trip?
    08. Fear – The Other Four Letter Word in Business
    09. Boomers Working Harder than Ever
    10. Will Sessions End Medical Marijuana?
    11. Will Alzheimer’s Bankrupt Medicare?
    12. Caring for the Coming Senior Tsunami
    13. Do Doodlers Get Better Grades?
    14. Namaste – Schools Embrace Yoga
    15. What Makes Someone ‘Undateable’?

    1. ==> McCarthyism: Then and Now

    According to Ellen Schrecker, “When President Trump
    accused his predecessor of McCarthyism for supposedly
    wiretapping his headquarters during the presidential
    election, he was wrong. Whatever happened — if anything
    did — it definitely wasn’t McCarthyism. That was a much
    broader campaign to eliminate an unpopular political,
    and allegedly dangerous, movement from American life.
    It could return, but in a different form.” A leading
    authority on McCarthyism, Schrecker adds, “What is
    critical yet poorly understood is how much of what we
    call McCarthyism depended on the willing collaboration
    of liberals and moderates who normalized its anti-
    communist hysteria.” Ellen Schrecker is a retired
    professor of American history at Yeshiva University.
    Her books include “Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in
    America” and “No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism in the
    Universities.” Contact her at

    2. ==> You Can Turn a Microwave into a Camera?

    When asked about President’s Trump’s claims that he’d
    been wiretapped, advisor Kellyanne Conway addressed the
    issue of surveillance saying a microwave could be
    turned into a camera. While the comment became an
    Internet joke, tech expert Shelly Palmer says “The
    bigger problem with Conway’s statement was that it
    clearly illustrated that she has no idea what is, or is
    not, technologically possible.” Palmer can talk about
    internet security and what is and isn’t possible,
    legally and otherwise. “Criminals (hackers and other
    bad guys) don’t tend to follow rules or regulations.
    That’s what makes them criminals. It’s the Wild West,
    it’s getting wilder by the day, and there ain’t no
    sheriff.” Shelly Palmer is well-known as Fox 5 New
    York’s on-air tech expert and for his work on the TV
    show, Shelly Palmer Digital Living. He is also a
    regular technology commentator for CNBC, MSNBC, CNN,
    and Fox Business News and the CEO of The Palmer Group,
    a strategic advisory, technology solutions and business
    development practice Contact him at (917) 886-1173; or Dana Eisenberg at (212) 532-3880;

    3. ==> NCAA – Sweet Sixteen Madness

    It was an upsetting weekend in college basketball, to
    say the least. There’s plenty to talk about. Who will
    make it to the elite eight and then the final four?
    EMMY award winning sports expert Kate Delaney, aka the
    Sports Princess, will discuss why this tournament is so
    unpredictable and discuss which teams to watch and why.
    Kate is one of the first women to ever host a solo
    Sports Radio Talk Show in a Top 10 market – WFAN in New
    York City and KRLD in Dallas, Texas. She currently
    hosts a nationally syndicated radio show called America
    Tonight and is the author of “Level the Playing Field,”
    a book of fascinating, little-known sports facts.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (203)
    883-8503 or

    4. ==> March Madness – Vasectomy Vacations

    Are more men really scheduling vasectomies to coincide
    with the NCAA tournament? Yes, this is apparently real
    thing. Known as Vas Madness, the idea has gained
    popularity among men who want to chill out on the couch
    and watch basketball, uninterrupted. A major clinic in
    Ohio says it performs 40 or 50 more vasectomies a month
    before and during the NCAA basketball tourney. “We do
    have (in March) typically about 50% more vasectomies
    than in other months,” says Dr. Ed Sabanegh, chairman
    of the Department of Urology at the Cleveland Clinic.
    “A lot of patients come in and say, ‘I have to have
    this during March Madness, you have to talk to my wife
    about it. Tell her what my limitations are and that I
    need to be on the couch.’ They’ll even tell us to
    exaggerate a little about how long it takes to
    recover.” Contact Dr. Sabanegh at (216) 444-0141;
    (216) 818-0223 (after hours pager) or

    5. ==> Beauty and the Beast- A Tale as Old as Time?

    Beauty and The Beast is breaking records at the box
    office! Invite relationship expert Shannon Colleary to
    break down the components of Belle and Beast’s
    relationship into fantasy and reality. Does true love
    really exist? Would a real-life Belle fall in love with
    a beast? Could a beast really change his ways? Shannon
    says the story combines romantic fantasy with
    codependency and even some S & M. Colleary is a
    sexpert, and relationship/dating coach. She’s been
    syndicated by “O” The Oprah Magazine and The Huffington
    Post and her work has been featured on The Today Show,
    NPR, CNN and HuffPo Live. She’s the author of several
    books including “Married Sex: Fact and Fiction.”
    Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    6. ==> She Had Dinner on Cary Grant’s Bed

    If invited, few women would have resisted an invitation
    to dinner from Cary Grant, one of Hollywood’s
    classically suave leading men. Lenay (Marie) Rogus was
    no exception. At the time, Rogus was 19 and working at
    Universal Pictures in the steno pool in a bungalow next
    to Grant’s. Brief encounters on the way to her car led
    the two to chat and subsequently to Grant’s invitation
    to his Beverly Hills home atop a steep canyon. Rogus
    will share details of the surreal evening they spent
    together—including Grant’s odd penchant for
    entertaining in his bedroom, what they talked about,
    what they ate, the unusual collection he showed her and
    what it was like riding in his Rolls Royce. Her dinner
    with Grant is one of the Hollywood stories she shares
    in her upcoming memoir: “Grief Comfort Guide: A
    Personal Journey from Loss to Light,” which also
    details her experience of losing seven dear friends and
    relatives. Rogus went on to work on such films as
    Raging Bull, Rocky 2 and Myra Breckinbridge and has
    many stories about celebrities she can relate from her
    years in Hollywood. Contact her at (858) 349-4917 or

    7. ==> Who Wants to take a Trip?

    It’s time for a vacation! The summer is still months
    away, but there’s no need to wait that long. Now is the
    time to take a vacation or at least plan for one. And
    not just any vacation: because time is our most
    valuable asset, we need to use it wisely. Marco Aguilar
    explains how to overcome the most frequent and
    challenging excuses for not taking a vacation,
    including financial, airport hassles and “it’s my job,
    stupid,” excuses; and shares awesome ideas on where to
    go and what to do with your precious time off. Marco
    Aguilar, aka The Chief Vacation Officer®, uses his 25-
    year experience in the travel industry to inspire
    others to claim their right to time off and live the
    life-transforming potential of travel and experiential
    vacations. His upcoming book is “The Power of
    Vacation.” Contact him at (310) 739-4044;

    8. ==> Fear – The Other Four Letter Word in Business

    Young professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, and
    seasoned executives must all battle the same beast:
    fear in today’s rapidly evolving marketplace. Ever
    changing software, social media platforms, rapid
    technological advances, fluctuating skill requirements,
    a highly competitive job market, and a lack of job
    security are just some of the fear-inducing realities
    of today’s workplace. Invite Tim Marshall to discuss
    how fear creates a lack of focus and productivity which
    bleeds into low morale and generates into limited
    aspirations. “If you allow fear to prevent you from
    undertaking an action, the only thing you will create
    is a missed opportunity.” Tim is a leading corporate
    coach, a speaker, and the author of “The Power of
    Breaking Fear.” Contact Brenda Star at (561) 547-0667;

    9. ==> Boomers Working Harder than Ever

    There may be high employment today, but you wouldn’t
    know it by boomer standards. Many business
    professionals over 50 still struggle with long-term
    unemployment, under-employment, lower pay and
    traditional job search techniques that produce nothing.
    Good reasons why more boomers are turning to the gig
    economy, notes Spunk Burke, author of “The GIG
    Solution.” Spunk will explain how boomers are learning
    to target prospects whose problems they could solve as
    a contractor or on a project basis. He’s a staffing
    veteran who provides coaching to help boomers build
    rewarding gig practices. He also helps companies link
    to contractors who can address their immediate needs.
    Spunk can be reached at (978) 801-9010 or

    10. ==> Will Sessions End Medical Marijuana?

    On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said his
    administration would “do” medical marijuana and let
    states decide about legalization for themselves. But US
    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it clear he
    opposes marijuana legalization. “Good people don’t
    smoke marijuana,” he’s on record saying. So many are
    now wondering what Sessions will do about marijuana
    policy and whether he’ll enforce federal marijuana
    laws. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin says many will
    suffer without access. “Twenty-nine states and the
    District of Columbia now have medical marijuana access
    and millions of chronically ill patients are getting
    relief for the first time from this miracle plant.”
    Perlin will discuss how medical marijuana works and
    what type of conditions it treats, as well as the
    current political climate and what can be done to
    protect and increase access. Perlin is a licensed
    social worker, certified biofeedback practitioner and
    chronic pain survivor who has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs. She’s the author of “The Truth
    About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” Contact her at
    (518) 439-6431;

    11. ==> Will Alzheimer’s Bankrupt Medicare?

    CNN recently reported that caring for Alzheimer’s
    patients could bankrupt Medicare in the next ten years.
    The memory-robbing disease already accounts for 20
    percent of Medicare/Medicaid expenses and funding to
    find a cure or prevent the disease is inadequate, CNN
    said. This looming crisis is the best reason to
    interview Michael Morgan, a pioneer in an affordable
    treatment that could potentially save Medicare. Invite
    him to share strong evidence that craniosacral therapy
    is effective in treating at-risk people for Alzheimer’s
    and those in the early to mid-stages of dementia. He’ll
    explain what craniosacral therapy is and ways it can
    increase longevity. Morgan is the author of “The
    BodyEnergy Longevity Prescription: How CranioSacral
    Therapy Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia While
    Improving the Quality of Your Life.” Reach him at (312)

    12. ==> Caring for the Coming Senior Tsunami

    Carol Core says a senior tsunami is coming! “Ten
    thousand babyboomers will turn 65 every day for the
    next 14 years. If you are a boomer who is also
    caregiving your elderly loved you, you are in the eye
    of the storm!” The impact on a caregiver’s life is
    staggering, taking a huge toll on health, finances,
    mental well-being and other relationships. Invite her
    to share how to laugh at the insanity that comes with
    the job, where to find resources to help, and why it’s
    so important to have a plan in place before something
    bad happens. An experienced media guest, Carol Core is
    passionate about all issues pertaining to eldercare.
    She’s the author of “50 Sanity Saving Tips for
    Caregivers: You Don’t Have to Kill Yourself to Keep
    Them Alive.” Contact her at (303) 902-4378;

    13. ==> Do Doodlers Get Better Grades?

    Getting kids to pay attention has always been a
    challenge for teachers. But this is even more true
    today when most students own multiple devices that
    divert their attention. Teacher and illustrator Red
    Rohl believes he has found the answer to engaging,
    inspiring and exciting students, thereby creating a
    classroom of energetic learners. Rohl will explain how
    sketchnote inspired art engages students and improves
    their comprehension. He says, “It works especially well
    for students who are visual learners and those who
    learn by hands-on activities, which typically fade
    after middle school ends.” You’ll learn how this cross-
    curricular approach helps students with math, social
    studies, science, and writing skills. A lifelong
    illustrator, Red Rohl has 20 years of experience
    teaching at-risk students. He is the author of “Heavy
    Sketches,” a collection of 30 years’ worth of his own
    sketchnote-inspired art combined with creative
    literacy. Contact him at (828) 284-1973;

    14. ==> Namaste – Schools Embrace Yoga

    On April 7, from 11 a.m. to 11:05 a.m., thousands of
    schoolchildren around the world, including those in all
    50 U.S. states, will put down their books and let their
    imaginations run free as they mold themselves into
    trees, flamingos, kites and other kid-friendly yoga
    positions. They will be joined by children at home and
    other locations, all led by more than 200 official
    ambassadors to raise global awareness about yoga for
    kids. It’s all part of the second annual Kids’ Yoga
    Day, created by Theresa Power. An internationally
    recognized children’s yoga expert and author of “The
    ABCs of Yoga for Kids” series, Power says yoga teaches
    skills that help kids focus, regulate their emotions,
    and better respond to stress. “Today’s ‘typical child’
    is stressed out, under-nourished, and sedentary. A
    simple yoga practice is an ideal way to naturally
    unwind while getting physical activity and building the
    foundation for a lifelong tradition of health and
    fitness,” she says. Contact Diane Elder at 310 430

    15. ==> What Makes Someone ‘Undateable’?

    It could be the color of her nail polish. The way she
    wears her hair. Her tattoos or the sound of her voice.
    Maybe it’s the limp way he shakes your hand. His bald
    spot. Or his awful taste in clothing. Most of us screen
    potential dates using preconceived standards (i.e. deal
    breakers). Psychiatrist Christine Adams will have your
    listeners thinking about how they would answer the
    question, “I would never date someone who …” before
    calling them out on the snap judgments they use to
    foolishly eliminate potential dates. Dr. Adams will
    also share why “you should run away fast” when you
    experience instant sexual attraction to someone. She
    can discuss the best questions to ask on first and
    second dates (and how to pay attention to what your
    date isn’t asking you). And will argue that in most
    cases a single date is never enough to rule someone
    out. Dr. Christine Adams is coauthor of “Living On
    Automatic: How Emotional Conditioning Shapes Our Lives
    and Relationships.” Contact her at (502) 473-0093;

  • 03/16/17 RTIR E-zine: Muslim Ban, Trump’s Taxes, Pill Free Pain Relief

    March 16, 2017
    01. About that Muslim Ban
    02. Trump and His Taxes
    03. Lies and Carnage in Yemen
    04. Who Was St. Patrick?
    05. She Had Dinner on Cary Grant’s Bed
    06. Is Your Partner Financially Faithful?
    07. Trump’s VAX/ Autism Claims Divert Attention
    08. Will Alzheimer’s Bankrupt Medicare?
    09. Namaste – Schools Embrace Kids’ Yoga Day
    10. Say No and Stop Getting Sick
    11. Are Schools Teaching Kids to Stop Thinking?
    12. Trump’s New Target: Transgender Students
    13. Safe, Pill-Free Pain Relief
    14. Is Being Bilingual an Advantage?
    15. Fail Your Way to Fitness!
    1. ==> About that Muslim Ban

    A federal judge in Hawaii blocked President Donald
    Trump’s new travel ban on Wednesday afternoon, hours
    before the ban was set to go into effect. The ruling —
    which applies nationwide — means that travelers from
    six Muslim-majority countries and refugees will be able
    to travel to the US. Investigative reporter Arun Gupta
    says, beyond the immediate effect, the revised order
    afforded the Trump Administration wide latitude in
    broadening the scope later on, with language that
    allowed the profiling of entire countries so as to
    exclude their citizens. “It stated that the U.S.
    government could conduct ‘a worldwide review’ to
    determine what ‘additional information would be needed
    from each foreign country’ to assess the application of
    any person from one of the specified countries seeking
    admission to the United States so as to ensure they are
    ‘not a security or public-safety threat.” Arun Gupta is
    a founding editor of the Indypendent magazine and was a
    founding editor of the Occupy Wall Street Journal. He
    is working on a book about the decline of the American
    empire. Contact him at arun.indypendent [at],

    2. ==> Trump and His Taxes

    In October, The New York Times published a story based
    on a leaked portion of Trump’s 1995 state tax returns
    in multiple states, showing that he declared a massive
    $916 million loss that year that could have enabled him
    to avoid paying federal income taxes for nearly two
    decades. And on Tuesday, investigative reporter David
    Cay Johnston unveiled some details of Trump’s 2005
    federal income tax return on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow
    Show.” Invite tax attorney and legal analyst Bruce
    Givner to comment on Trump’s returns, what other
    returns may soon surface, and more importantly, what
    that may mean. Bruce Givner has practiced tax law for
    nearly four decades. His clients are high-net worth
    individuals and families, including A-list celebrities.
    Contact Cherie Kerr at (714) 550-9900; (714) 271-2140
    (cell) or

    3. ==> Lies and Carnage in Yemen

    Donald Trump has reportedly given the Pentagon
    permission to carry out more raids in Yemen – despite a
    botched mission in January that resulted in the deaths
    of 20 civilians and a US Navy Seal.
    Invite the Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine,
    Andrew Cockburn, to explain the situation in Yemen. He
    says, “Just a few short years ago, Yemen was judged to
    be among the poorest countries in the world, ranking
    154th out of the 187 nations on the U.N.’s Human
    Development Index. One in every five Yemenis went
    hungry. Almost one in three was unemployed. Every year,
    40,000 children died before their fifth birthday, and
    experts predicted the country would soon run out of
    water.” Adding, “Such was the dire condition of the
    country before Saudi Arabia unleashed a bombing
    campaign in March 2015, which has destroyed warehouses,
    factories, power plants, ports, hospitals, water tanks,
    gas stations, and bridges, along with miscellaneous
    targets ranging from donkey carts to wedding parties to
    archaeological monuments.” Cockburn recently wrote
    “Acceptable Losses Aiding and abetting the Saudi
    slaughter in Yemen” for Harper’s Magazine. His most
    recent book is “Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech
    Assassins.” Contact him at @andrewmcockburn

    4. ==> Who Was St. Patrick?

    St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow, but exactly who was he?
    He’s Ireland’s beloved patron saint and he’s celebrated
    worldwide each March 17th. What did he do during his
    remarkable life, more than 1,500 years ago? What will
    most Americans, including those of Irish ancestry, be
    surprised and intrigued and inspired to learn? Invite
    acclaimed historian William Federer on-air to explore
    the compelling true story of Saint Patrick! With quiz
    questions and little-known stories, Federer will
    separate fact from folklore, helping everyone observe
    Saint Patrick’s Day with newfound appreciation and
    fascination. William Federer is president of
    Amerisearch, Inc. He is the author of many books
    including “Saint Patrick: The Real Story of his Amazing
    Life from Tragedy to Triumph.” Contact him at (314)
    487-4395 (MO); (314) 540-1172 (cell) or

    5. ==> She Had Dinner on Cary Grant’s Bed

    If invited, few women would have resisted an invitation
    to dinner from Cary Grant, one of Hollywood’s
    classically suave leading men. Lenay (Marie) Rogus was
    no exception. At the time, Rogus was 19 and working at
    Universal Pictures in the steno pool in a bungalow next
    to Grant’s. Brief encounters on the way to her car led
    the two to chat and subsequently to Grant’s invitation
    to his Beverly Hills home atop a steep canyon. Rogus
    will share details of the surreal evening they spent
    together—including Grant’s odd penchant for
    entertaining in his bedroom, what they talked about,
    what they ate, the unusual collection he showed her and
    what it was like riding in his Rolls Royce. Her dinner
    with Grant is one of the Hollywood stories she shares
    in her upcoming memoir: “Grief Comfort Guide: A
    Personal Journey from Loss to Light,” which also
    details her experience of losing seven dear friends and
    relatives. Rogus went on to work on such films as
    Raging Bull, Rocky 2 and Myra Breckinbridge and has
    many stories about celebrities she can relate from her
    years in Hollywood. Contact her at (858) 349-4917 or

    6. ==> Is Your Partner Financially Faithful?

    Cheating on a significant other isn’t always about sex.
    There’s another type of infidelity that is less talked
    about and harder to spot, yet has the same, damaging
    effect as any other type of betrayal: financial
    infidelity. And, according to a new Smart About Money
    survey, the number of people who are financially
    unfaithful is on the rise. Among those couples who have
    ever combined finances, two in five (42 percent) have
    committed some sort of financial deception. Financial
    infidelity can be as severe as lying about the amount
    of debt one partner brings into the relationship or
    about the income he or she makes. Invite clinical
    forensic psychologist Dr. John Huber on your show and
    learn the behaviors associated with a partner who lies
    about finances, and what to do if you have a
    financially reckless or irresponsible mate. Dr. John
    Huber is the chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a
    non-profit organization. A mental health professional
    for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a clinical forensic
    psychologist, a professor and teaches undergraduate and
    graduate psychology at Texas State University. Contact
    Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    7. ==> Trump’s VAX/ Autism Claims Divert Attention

    According to Colleen Barry, a professor and chair of
    health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins
    Bloomberg School of Public Health, the falsehood that
    vaccines cause autism has regained traction since the
    election of President Donald Trump, and she says this
    misinformation may leave Americans blind to a real
    risk. “The risk of getting drawn into an outdated
    debate about vaccines and autism is that advocates and
    policymakers will spend their time and resources
    fighting on that flank and could miss the window to
    respond on proposed cuts to critical services for those
    with autism coming from the other direction. Those who
    care about preserving and expanding services for people
    with autism need to pay attention to the conversations
    in Washington around the ACA repeal and threats to IDEA
    to make sure important protections and guarantees are
    not lost.” Barry co-wrote an editorial on the subject
    in The New England Journal of Medicine. Contact her at
    (410) 955-3879;

    8. ==> Will Alzheimer’s Bankrupt Medicare?

    CNN recently reported that caring for Alzheimer’s
    patients could bankrupt Medicare in the next ten years.
    The memory-robbing disease already accounts for 20
    percent of Medicare/Medicaid expenses and funding to
    find a cure or prevent the disease is inadequate, CNN
    said. This looming crisis is the best reason to
    interview Michael Morgan, a pioneer in an affordable
    treatment that could potentially save Medicare. Invite
    him to share strong evidence that craniosacral therapy
    is effective in treating at-risk people for Alzheimer’s
    and those in the early to mid-stages of dementia. He’ll
    explain what craniosacral therapy is and ways it can
    increase longevity. Morgan is the author of “The
    BodyEnergy Longevity Prescription: How CranioSacral
    Therapy Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia While
    Improving the Quality of Your Life.” Reach him at (312)

    9. ==> Namaste – Schools Embrace Kids’ Yoga Day

    On April 7, from 11 a.m. to 11:05 a.m., thousands of
    schoolchildren around the world, including those in all
    50 U.S. states, will put down their books and let their
    imaginations run free as they mold themselves into
    trees, flamingos, kites and other kid-friendly yoga
    positions. They will be joined by children at home and
    other locations, all led by more than 200 official
    ambassadors to raise global awareness about yoga for
    kids. It’s all part of the second annual Kids’ Yoga
    Day, created by Theresa Power. An internationally
    recognized children’s yoga expert and author of “The
    ABCs of Yoga for Kids” series, Power says yoga teaches
    skills that help kids focus, regulate their emotions,
    and better respond to stress. “Today’s ‘typical child’
    is stressed out, under-nourished, and sedentary. A
    simple yoga practice is an ideal way to naturally
    unwind while getting physical activity and building the
    foundation for a lifelong tradition of health and
    fitness,” she says. Contact her at (310) 266-7705;

    10. ==> Say No and Stop Getting Sick

    Want to have less stress, sleep better, get fewer colds
    and flus and avoid headaches and heartburn? Doing so
    may be as simple as saying no to obligations, chores
    and social commitments you agree to just to make other
    people happy. Find out why people-pleasers get sick
    more often from Dr. Don (MacDonald). He’s a recovering
    people-pleaser and chiropractor who realized that many
    patients were coming into his office because of stress-
    related conditions fueled by their own excess worries
    and inability to say no for their own good. Dr. Don
    will explain ways moving your body, deciding in advance
    what you will and won’t do and defining your purpose
    can lead to a healthier and happier life. Dr. Don is
    the bestselling author of “The Underdog Curse.” He’s an
    experienced radio and TV guest who can be reached at

    11. ==> Are Schools Teaching Kids to Stop Thinking?

    School used to be a place where students learned how to
    use reason and academic skills to solve problems. But
    nationally recognized author Tom DeWeese says today’s
    Department of Education instructs teachers not to teach
    students how to think but what to think. DeWeese says
    the classroom has become a place for non-stop
    propaganda and behavior modification to impose a
    “proper” thought process called “Globally Acceptable
    Truth.” DeWeese says the result is today’s generation
    of college students who live in constant fear of
    microaggression and trigger warnings. Invite DeWeese to
    discuss how we got here and what is required to restore
    proper education in our schools. Tom DeWeese has been
    featured on Fox News’ Follow the Money, Hannity and
    Colmes, The Michael Reagan Talk Show and in The New
    York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington
    Post, and The Washington Times. He’s the author of
    “Erase.” Contact him at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    12. ==> Trump’s New Target: Transgender Students

    The White House has signaled its intent to roll back
    protections for transgender students set under
    President Obama. Those protections allow students to
    use locker rooms and bathrooms that match the gender
    they identify with. Available to comment on this
    unfolding story is Seth Rainess, a transgender male and
    author of the only book written for transgender teens.
    He can discuss why everyone should care about this
    rollback as well as Trump’s opposition to marriage
    equality, his Cabinet choices’ anti-gay beliefs, and
    the effect of potential Supreme Court appointments on
    the transgender community. Rainess’ book is “Real Talk
    for Teens: Jump Start Guide to Gender Transition and
    Beyond.” His mission is to alleviate the still
    prevalent fears and misconceptions people have about
    the transgender people and he’s been featured in Time
    and numerous media outlets. Reach him at (732) 620-4300
    (cell); (732) 291-6090 (landline) or

    13. ==> Safe, Pill-Free Pain Relief

    New pain treatment guidelines from the American College
    of Physicians (ACP) recommend that low back pain be
    treated with alternative therapies including massage,
    acupuncture, spinal manipulation and exercise and only
    if these treatments fail should drug treatment be
    considered, preferably with nonsteroidal anti-
    inflammatory drugs. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin
    says the recommendations are long overdue but… “These
    new guidelines won’t help most pain patients because
    health insurers refuse to pay for the recommended
    treatments and few patients can afford to pay for them
    out of pocket. Perlin is the author of “The Truth
    about Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” She is a licensed
    clinical social worker, certified biofeedback
    practitioner and chronic pain survivor and has been a
    guest on multiple TV and radio networks including PBS,
    SiriusXM, and RadioMD. Contact Cindy Perlin at (518)

    14. ==> Is Being Bilingual an Advantage?

    Susanna Janssen, a retired college professor and
    language expert, says there are lots of reasons to take
    up a second language. For example, did you know that
    being bilingual not only provides an advantage to your
    brain but also to your bank account? Oui! She’ll
    explain that bilinguals—even infants exposed to a
    second language—show enhanced abilities in focus and
    concentration, memory, interpersonal skills and
    problem-solving. Studies also show bilingualism is a
    buffer against Alzheimer’s (awesome news in any
    language). She’ll demonstrate ways learning a new
    language is easier than you would think. Janssen is a
    newspaper columnist and the author of “Wordstruck!: The
    Fun and Fascination of Language”. Reach her at (707)
    272-1351 or

    15. ==> Fail Your Way to Fitness!

    Just about everyone has messed up when it comes to
    eating healthfully and exercising. In fact, according
    to world-class athlete and chiropractor Tim Warren,
    it’s perfectly normal. Warren says people inevitably
    feel overwhelmed by what is going on in their lives and
    screw up now. “The problem lies not in the failing but
    in not restarting sooner. Cut down the reboot time, do
    more healthy than unhealthy stuff, and guess what? You
    win.” Warren, who climbed Mount Everest at age 48 and
    has cared for more than 10,000 patients in his 30-year
    medical career, doesn’t believe in dieting, having iron
    willpower or living life in the gym. His approach is to
    encourage daily mini-improvements. Warren has been
    featured on dozens of radio and television shows and in
    numerous print interviews. He’s the author of “Feet,
    Fork and Fun,” written after years of experiencing
    frustration trying to influence patients to improve
    their level of fitness, nutrition and mindfulness. Tim
    Warren’s first book was “Lessons from Everest.” Contact
    him at (401) 374-5067;

  • 03/14/17 RTIR E-zine: Beauty in the Blizzards, March Madness, Namaste

    March 14, 2017

    01. Snow Day! Find Beauty in the Blizzard
    02. Who Was St. Patrick?
    03. Working for Trump is an Embarrassment
    04. Donald Trump – Chimpanzee Mind?
    05. Let’s Talk March Madness
    06. leaks, Illegal Leaks and Donald Trump
    07. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
    08. March Madness and Player Gambling
    09. Cannibals Get a Bad Rap
    10. Boomers Working Harder than Ever
    11. SATs, Common Core – Reduce Kids’ Test Stress
    12. Namaste – Schools Embrace Yoga
    13. A College Degree Isn’t Enough Anymore
    14. David Cassidy and Dementia
    15. Enough with the Snow – Get Out of Town

    1. ==> Snow Day! Find Beauty in the Blizzard

    Millions across the country are snowed in today. School
    is out, everyone’s schedule is in disarray, and not
    everyone is happy about the disruption, but Andro
    Donovan says the storm offers advantages too good to
    miss. It’s times like this, she argues, that we are
    forced to slow down and take the time to find
    ourselves, determine who we are and who we want to be
    and put into motion short-term goals that will warm out
    hearts. Invite Donovan on your show to talk about
    getting the most from this snow day (after the snowball
    fight, of course), and strategies you can use to think
    outside the box when all you want to do is curl up in
    it with a blanket. She’s the author of “Motivate
    Yourself: Get the Life You Want, Find Purpose and
    Achieve Fulfilment,” published by a subsidiary of
    Wiley. Donovan is a leadership development specialist
    best known for her life-changing retreats that take
    place around the world. Contact her at +4407711238410;;; Skype:

    2. ==> Who Was St. Patrick?

    St. Patrick’s Day is this week, but exactly who was he?
    He’s Ireland’s beloved patron saint and he’s celebrated
    worldwide each March 17th. What did he do during his
    remarkable life, more than 1,500 years ago? What will
    most Americans, including those of Irish ancestry, be
    surprised and intrigued and inspired to learn? Invite
    acclaimed historian William Federer on-air to explore
    the compelling true story of Saint Patrick! With quiz
    questions and little-known stories, Federer will
    separate fact from folklore, helping everyone observe
    Saint Patrick’s Day with newfound appreciation and
    fascination. William Federer is president of
    Amerisearch, Inc. He is the author of many books
    including “Saint Patrick: The Real Story of his Amazing
    Life from Tragedy to Triumph.” Contact him at (314)
    487-4395 (MO); (314) 540-1172 (cell) or

    3. ==> Working for Trump is an Embarrassment

    Last week, former Governor Jon Huntsman accepted
    President Donald Trump’s offer to serve as US
    ambassador to Russia. Having previously served as an
    ambassador to China, Huntsman may feel prepared for the
    task at hand. But Michael D’Antonio says, “Chances are
    he will become the latest Trump employee to face
    professional embarrassment in the days and weeks to
    come.” He says, just look at Sean Spicer. “Once a
    highly-regarded professional, Spicer has become Exhibit
    A in a growing body of evidence that suggests that
    serious people with reputations they value serve the
    President at their own peril.” A Pulitzer Prize winning
    writer of books, articles, and original stories for
    film, Michael D’Antonio has published more than a dozen
    books, including “Never Enough,” a 2015 biography of
    presidential candidate and billionaire businessman
    Donald Trump. Before becoming a fulltime author,
    Michael worked as a journalist in New York, Washington,
    and Maine. Contact him at

    4. ==> Donald Trump – Chimpanzee Mind?

    Northwestern University psychologist Dan. P. McAdams
    has studied the personalities of presidents including
    Trump, whom he views as an extreme example of the
    dominance style deployed by alpha chimpanzees. McAdams
    says leadership by dominance is more primal than the
    other main kind of leadership, based on expertise. He
    says, “Trump has no respect for, or interest in,
    expertise of any kind, writing it off as weakness and
    the providence of elites.” He adds that the dominance
    mode comes with guaranteed chaos. “Things always end
    badly for the alpha chimp,” he says, who torments his
    underlings until the moment he is overthrown. Dan P.
    McAdams is the author of The Atlantic’s June 2016 cover
    story “The Mind of Donald Trump” and the books “George
    W. Bush and the Redemptive Dream: A Psychological
    Portrait” and “The Art and Science of Personality
    Development.” Contact him at 847-491-4174;

    5. ==> Let’s Talk March Madness

    Who’s playing? Who should we be watching? And who
    should you pick in the office pool? EMMY award winning
    sports expert Kate Delaney, aka the Sports Princess,
    can help you fill out your brackets and give you the
    background on this year’s NCAA Tournament. Kate is one
    of the first women to ever host a solo Sports Radio
    Talk Show in a Top 10 market – WFAN in New York City
    and KRLD in Dallas, Texas. She currently hosts a
    nationally syndicated radio show called America Tonight
    and is the author of “Level the Playing Field,” a book
    of fascinating, little-known sports facts. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (203) 883-8503 or

    6. ==> Wiki-leaks, Illegal Leaks and Donald Trump

    Following Michael Flynn’s resignation as National
    Secretary Advisor, Democrats are demanding an
    independent investigation of Russian influence over the
    November General Election. However, Donald Trump and
    the GOP only want to investigate the “illegal leaks” to
    news outlets. Invite Michael McCray, a public interest
    advocate and expert on whistleblowing, to discuss the
    importance of journalism, whistleblowers and the role
    of the First Amendment. McCray was personally bullied,
    intimidated and retaliated against after he reported
    improprieties at his federal job before being forced
    out. He says America needs principled individuals now
    more than ever. Contact him at (870) 543-0024;

    7. ==> Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

    Millions of Americans are feeling disempowered. They
    don’t feel as if their voice is heard, especially now
    that the election is over. What can they do and will it
    make a difference? Neale Godfrey says as a consumer,
    you have immense power with your spending. “Consumers
    seem to “voting” a lot since the election. Neiman
    Marcus, Macy’s,, Belk, ShopStyle, Bellacor,, and Gilt, have all dropped some or all of
    Ivanka Trump’s line as well as other Trump-branded
    products. And the New York Times reported employees at
    T.J Maxx and Marshalls have been told that ‘all Ivanka
    Trump signage should be discarded.’ The retail ballot
    boxes seem to be open for business.” Godfrey says
    boycott campaigns are springing up as well. “Economic
    pressure is real! Get out and vote… with your wallet!”
    Neale Godfrey is an expert on family and children’s
    finances who has been in the financial field for more
    than 30 years. Neale became one of the first female
    executives at The Chase Manhattan Bank. Later, she
    became the President of The First Women’s Bank and
    founder of The First Children’s Bank. In 1989, Neale
    formed her own company, Children’s Financial Network,
    Inc., whose mission is to educate children and their
    parents about money. Contact her at (212) 854-6100;

    8. ==> March Madness and Player Gambling

    As March Madness gets underway everyone is talking
    about brackets and pools, but what about gambling
    WITHIN the sport? Invite Frank Landrey to discuss the
    issue of gambling involving college players and
    coaches. He says, “Coaches need to know and plan to
    avoid miscommunication between themselves and players
    and how best to head off gambling influences on
    players. No individual game or tournament is safe from
    an attempted point shaving by “big bet” gamblers.” For
    the past 29 years, Landrey has been on a mission to
    uncover exactly what happened to him during his Georgia
    Tech basketball days when he was cut loose. He says,
    “Having been called a hero in a game against Missouri,
    making all-tournament at the Poinsettia Classic and
    leading our team in scoring, everything changed
    overnight…” Frank Landrey is the author of “My
    Gambler’s Collateral Damage”, a true story involving
    the F.B.I., his father’s bookie/friend and The 1961
    Dixie Classic Scandal. Contact him at (434) 944-2728;

    9. ==> Cannibals Get a Bad Rap

    For centuries, cannibalism has been written off as a
    bizarre phenomenon with little scientific significance.
    But the true nature of cannibalism—the role it plays in
    evolution as well as human culture—is even more
    interesting (and less disturbing) than the many
    misconceptions we’ve come to accept as fact. Dr. Bill
    Schutt, PhD, a researcher at the American Museum of
    Natural History, will discuss why some amphibians
    consume their mother’s skin; why certain insects bite
    the heads off their partners; why, up until the end of
    the twentieth century, Europeans regularly ate human
    body parts as medical curatives; and how cannibalism
    might be linked to the extinction of Neanderthals. Bill
    Schutt is a professor of biology at LIU Post and a
    research associate in residence at the American Museum
    of Natural History. His latest book is “Cannibalism: A
    Perfectly Natural History.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5138;

    10. ==> Boomers Working Harder than Ever

    There may be high employment today, but you wouldn’t
    know it by boomer standards. Many business
    professionals over 50 still struggle with long-term
    unemployment, under-employment, lower pay and
    traditional job search techniques that produce nothing.
    Good reasons why more boomers are turning to the gig
    economy, notes Spunk Burke, author of “The GIG
    Solution.” Spunk will explain how boomers are learning
    to target prospects whose problems they could solve as
    a contractor or on a project basis. He’s a staffing
    veteran who provides coaching to help boomers build
    rewarding gig practices. He also helps companies link
    to contractors who can address their immediate needs.
    Spunk can be reached at (978) 801-9010 or

    11. ==> SATs, Common CORE – Reduce Kids’ Test Stress

    Whether your child is taking the Common Core State
    exams or other testing, the heat is on in the classroom
    and everyone involved is totally stressed out and
    frazzled. Invite Heather Arabadjis to share ways to
    beat this year’s testing season with inside tips and
    concrete strategies everyone needs to know. She’ll also
    help with ways to make sure your kid doesn’t become a
    victim of testing anxiety, and a growing culture of
    students who are failing at a young age. Heather
    Arabadjis has 14 years of experience in the education
    industry and is the author of the children’s series
    Monster Mas. Contact her at (718) 510-3736;

    12. ==> Namaste – Schools Embrace Yoga

    On April 7, from 11 a.m. to 11:05 a.m., thousands of
    schoolchildren around the world, including those in all
    50 U.S. states, will put down their books and let their
    imaginations run free as they mold themselves into
    trees, flamingos, kites and other kid-friendly yoga
    positions. They will be joined by children at home and
    other locations, all led by more than 200 official
    ambassadors to raise global awareness about yoga for
    kids. It’s all part of the second annual Kids’ Yoga
    Day, created by Theresa Power. An internationally
    recognized children’s yoga expert and author of “The
    ABCs of Yoga for Kids” series, Power says yoga teaches
    skills that help kids focus, regulate their emotions,
    and better respond to stress. “Today’s ‘typical child’
    is stressed out, under-nourished, and sedentary. A
    simple yoga practice is an ideal way to naturally
    unwind while getting physical activity and building the
    foundation for a lifelong tradition of health and
    fitness,” she says. Contact her at (310) 266-7705;

    13. ==> A College Degree Isn’t Enough Anymore

    University students are facing unique challenges today
    – rapid economic changes, an evolving job market, and
    the need to become the employee employers want to hire
    and keep. How can they create the needed adaptability
    skills, along with the mobility and fluidity essential
    for today’s hires while still in college? Invite Jason
    Ma, America’s chief millennial mentor, to discuss the
    challenges common to students and Millennials, and
    share ways to help them be successful in their careers
    – and life. From clarifying direction to becoming more
    pragmatically skillful (and street-smart) to finding
    quality internships to managing stress, failure and
    conflicts and to rising up the ranks, Jason will
    address the many issues facing students and young
    professionals today. Jason Ma is founder, CEO & chief
    mentor of ThreeEQ, Inc., a success coaching and
    consulting service for high-end families and companies.
    He’s an international speaker and the author of “Young
    Leaders 3.0.” Contact him at (408) 823-7768;

    14. ==> David Cassidy and Dementia

    Actor and singer David Cassidy recently revealed he has
    dementia, but what exactly does this term mean?
    Cassidy, who is 66, says both his mother and
    grandfather suffered from dementia. Invite senior
    health adviser Janet Rich Pittman to discuss dementia,
    which is not a specific disease, but rather a group of
    symptoms resulting from changes in the brain that
    affect people’s ability to carry out everyday
    activities. She’ll discuss how to prevent dementia, the
    role genes play, and how to beat your odds regardless
    of family history. She’ll also share ways to fight the
    disease once diagnosed. A former political operative
    and activist, Janet is now known as The Brain Nerd,
    specifically a Dementia Prevention Specialist, based on
    her years of experience as a Dementia Practitioner and
    Dementia Administrator. Janet is author of the upcoming
    book “It’s There: 5 Simple Ways to Find Your Memory and
    Prevent It from Leaving.” Contact her (251) 648.0325;

    15. ==> Enough with the Snow – Get Out of Town

    Sick of Winter? Overworked? It’s time for a vacation!
    The summer is still months away, but there’s no need to
    wait that long. Now is the time to take a vacation or
    at least plan for one. And not just any vacation:
    because time is our most valuable asset, we need to use
    it wisely. Marco Aguilar explains how to overcome the
    most frequent and challenging excuses for not taking a
    vacation, including financial, airport hassles and
    “it’s my job, stupid,” excuses; and shares awesome
    ideas on where to go and what to do with your precious
    time off. Marco Aguilar, aka The Chief Vacation
    Officer®, uses his 25-year experience in the travel
    industry to inspire others to claim their right to time
    off and live the life-transforming potential of travel
    and experiential vacations. His upcoming book is “The
    Power of Vacation.” Contact him at (310) 739-4044;

  • 03/09/17 RTIR E-zine: Putin’s Pipelines, Foreign Language Week, Dream Hits

    March 9, 2017


    01. Obama: “Trump Said What?!”
    02. Trumpcare – What it Means for You
    03. Putin’s Ties to U.S. Pipelines
    04. Nat Geo’s ‘Wicked Tuna’ Premiere Sunday
    05. Women’s History Playing Cards – Real Nasty Women
    06. From People Mag – Modern Day ‘Hidden Figure’
    07. National Foreign Language Week
    08. Tax Advice for the Self-Employed
    09. Will Sessions End Medical Marijuana?
    10. GOP’s New Target: Transgender Students
    11. Art Class on the Chopping Block?
    12. Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?
    13. Say No and Stop Getting Sick
    14. It’s Time to Take a Trip
    15. Dream Hits

    1. ==> Obama: “Trump Said What?!”

    According to numerous sources, former President Obama
    is livid over President Trump’s latest accusations of
    wiretapping and hasn’t returned the commander-in-
    chief’s phone calls since the inauguration.
    Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley says the
    apparently fraught relationship is a break with
    tradition. “There are these kinds of things that have
    happened in the past, but nothing to the degree where a
    sitting president would charge his predecessor with a
    felony. It creates a feeling of instability in the
    United States.” Trump tweeted on Saturday: “How low has
    President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very
    sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad
    (or sick) guy!” He has since provided no evidence for
    his claims. Douglas Brinkley is an author, professor of
    history at Rice University and a fellow at the James A.
    Baker III Institute for Public Policy. Brinkley is the
    history commentator for CNN News and a contributing
    editor to the magazines Vanity Fair and American
    Heritage. Contact him at (713) 348-6086;

    2. ==> Trumpcare – What it Means for You

    The GOP’s answer to replacing Obamacare was unveiled
    this week but it seems no one is happy with the plan,
    on either side of the aisle. While the Trump
    administration is keen on selling the health care
    package, lawmakers—and the public—are trying to figure
    out who wins and who loses in the deal. Invite Robert
    Zarr M.D., to discuss the plan and how it could impact
    listeners of various ages and economic levels. Zarr is
    a board-certified pediatrician at Unity Health Care in
    Washington, D.C., where he cares for a low-income and
    immigrant population. He is past president of
    Physicians for a National Health Program. Contact him
    at, @doczarr

    3. ==> Putin’s Ties to U.S. Pipelines

    President Trump is boasting about his plan to use U.S.
    steel in constructing the Keystone XL and Dakota Access
    pipelines but investigative journalist Steve Horn says
    the executive order will actually put money in a
    Russian oligarch’s pockets. He says, “While the pipe
    may be made in the U.S., ownership tells a different
    story. Enter: TMK IPSCO, a massive producer of steel
    for U.S. oil country and a subsidiary of TMK Group.”
    Horn, who writes for DeSmogBlog, says he’s found ties
    between TMK Group’s Board of Directors and Russian
    President Vladimir Putin. Horn writes about the fossil
    fuel industry and recently broke the story “Behind
    Trump’s Push for ‘American Steel’ in Pipelines, Another
    Russian Company with Putin Ties Stands to Benefit.”
    Contact him at; @SteveAHorn

    4. ==> Nat Geo’s ‘Wicked Tuna’ Premiere Sunday

    The new season of Wicked Tuna premieres this Sunday on
    the National Geographic Channel. The show is set in
    Gloucester, Mass at the start of the North Atlantic
    Bluefin tuna season. Invite Captain Dave Marciano to
    take you behind-the-scenes of the show and talk about a
    fisherman’s life on – and out of – the water. A life-
    long fisherman, he’s been on the water since he was 11
    years old and worked in Key West and Gloucester before
    buying his own boat, Hard Merchandise. Marciano also
    holds the distinction of having survived a 2003
    shipwreck when his ship was18 miles offshore and
    struggling to get back with thousands of pounds of fish
    and a plank in the hull gave way. “We sank in 33
    minutes,” Marciano recalls matter-of-factly. Captain
    Dave Marciano will be in NYC on March 10 and available
    for interviews. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)

    5. ==> Women’s History Playing Cards – Real Nasty Women

    In honor of Women’s History Month and coinciding with
    worldwide activities marking International Women’s Day,
    NARAL is relaunching The Gender Cards—a deck of
    illustrated playing cards that celebrate trailblazing
    American women. “Now more than ever, it’s time to
    celebrate the trailblazing women who have always made
    America great,” says Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL
    Pro-Choice America. “These cards are not only beautiful
    to play with, they help us learn more about the women
    whose lives help tell the American Story.” Each card is
    hand-drawn and unique, and recalls the incredible
    women—past and present—who have helped define the
    American spirit from Rosa Parks and the women of the
    Supreme Court to Michelle Obama and Beyoncé. NARAL Pro-
    Choice America and its network of state affiliates are
    dedicated to protecting and expanding reproductive
    freedom for all Americans. Contact Kaylie Hanson-Long
    James Owen at (202) 973-3000;

    6. ==> From People Mag – Modern Day ‘Hidden Figure’

    Your listeners may have read this story in People
    Magazine with a nod to the Oscars and the movie ‘Hidden
    Figures.’ Olympia LePoint began working as a rocket
    scientist for Boeing in 1998 at the age of 21. Although
    nearly 40 years had passed since women like Katherine
    Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, the
    scientists whose lives are chronicled in Hidden
    Figures, helped launch John Glenn into orbit, LePoint
    experienced many of the same adversities and challenges
    her predecessors had during her tenure at NASA. Invite
    her to share her inspiring story and hear how she
    failed math until an 11th grade teacher took her under
    her wing and taught her how to perceive her own
    intelligence and think differently. She was then hired
    at Boeing three months after graduating, at the age of
    21, and became the youngest scientist in the company.
    Olympia LePoint is the author of “Mathaphobia,” a book
    on how to overcome your fear of math and is currently a
    popular college math professor and motivational
    speaker. Her inspiring story just came out in People
    Feb 22nd. Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    7. ==> National Foreign Language Week

    ¡Hola! Ciao! It’s National Foreign Language Week and
    Susanna Janssen, a retired college professor and
    language expert, wants to give you lots of reasons to
    celebrate and to take up a second language. For
    example, did you know that being bilingual not only
    provides an advantage to your brain but also to your
    bank account? Oui! She’ll explain that bilinguals—even
    infants exposed to a second language—show enhanced
    abilities in focus and concentration, memory,
    interpersonal skills and problem-solving. Studies also
    show bilingualism is a buffer against Alzheimer’s
    (awesome news in any language). She’ll demonstrate ways
    learning a new language is easier than you would think.
    Janssen is a newspaper columnist and the author of
    “Wordstruck! The Fun and Fascination of Language”.
    Reach her at (707) 272-1351 or

    8. ==> Tax Advice for the Self-Employed

    Tax day is rapidly approaching and with so many people
    becoming entrepreneurs in the sharing economy, many
    people wonder how they can be sure they are keeping
    track of the right things. Certified public accountant
    Lisa London will share how to know what is deductible,
    how to automate to save time, and how to use something
    most people carry every day to tame the paperwork
    beast. London has been a CPA for three decades and
    specializes in assisting small businesses, nonprofits
    and churches. She’s appeared on numerous radio and TV
    programs and is the author of “The Accountant Beside
    You” series of resources. Contact her at (919) 770-3746

    9. ==> Will Sessions End Medical Marijuana?

    On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said his
    administration would “do” medical marijuana and let
    states decide about legalization for themselves. But US
    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it clear he
    opposes marijuana legalization. “Good people don’t
    smoke marijuana,” he’s on record saying. So many are
    now wondering what Sessions will do about marijuana
    policy and whether he’ll enforce federal marijuana
    laws. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin says many will
    suffer without access. “Twenty-nine states and the
    District of Columbia now have medical marijuana access
    and millions of chronically ill patients are getting
    relief for the first time from this miracle plant.”
    Perlin will discuss how medical marijuana works and
    what type of conditions it treats, as well as the
    current political climate and what can be done to
    protect and increase access. Perlin is a licensed
    social worker, certified biofeedback practitioner and
    chronic pain survivor who has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs. She’s the author of “The Truth
    About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” Contact her at
    (518) 439-6431;

    10. ==> GOP’s New Target: Transgender Students

    The White House has signaled its intent to roll back
    protections for transgender students set under
    President Obama. Those protections allow students to
    use locker rooms and bathrooms that match the gender
    they identify with. Available to comment on this
    unfolding story is Seth Rainess, a transgender male and
    author of the only book written for transgender teens.
    He can discuss why everyone should care about this
    rollback as well as Trump’s opposition to marriage
    equality, his Cabinet choices’ anti-gay beliefs, and
    the effect of potential Supreme Court appointments on
    the transgender community. Rainess’ book is “Real Talk
    for Teens: Jump Start Guide to Gender Transition and
    Beyond.” His mission is to alleviate the still
    prevalent fears and misconceptions people have about
    the transgender people and he’s been featured in Time
    and numerous media outlets. Reach him at (732) 620-4300
    (cell); (732) 291-6090 (landline) or

    11. ==> Art Class on the Chopping Block?

    People who care about education including teachers,
    parents, students and taxpayers are concerned about
    what may happen to arts education with the Trump
    administration and Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
    Among them is middle school teacher Red Rohl, who works
    with at-risk students and knows firsthand the value art
    plays in enhancing the way his students pay attention
    and grow into independent thinkers. Even if art
    disappears as a standalone class, Red can explain how
    it can continue to be part of reading, science and math
    classes through the use of a technique called
    sketchnoting. He’ll share what is involved in this
    purposeful type of doodling and why he encourages his
    students to draw on their notes and homework. He’s the
    author of “Heavy Sketches,” a collection of 30 years’
    worth of his own sketchnote-inspired art combined with
    creative literacy. Red appeared on WLOS-TV to discuss
    his new book. Reach him at (828) 284-1973 or

    12. ==> Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?

    At age 70, Donald Trump is the oldest man to be elected
    a US president. His longtime personal doc recently
    revealed to the New York Times that Trump takes
    Finasteride to treat male pattern baldness. Side
    effects include mental confusion and impotence. Is
    Trump on the fast track to dementia or Alzheimer’s?
    Invite senior health adviser Janet Rich Pittman to
    discuss the president’s age and mental capacity as well
    as other risk factors for dementia. Should Trump be
    urged to undergo a series of psychometric tests to
    prove his mental capacity? A former political operative
    and activist, Janet is now known as The Brain Nerd,
    specifically a Dementia Prevention Specialist, based on
    her years of experience as a Dementia Practitioner and
    Dementia Administrator. Janet is author of the upcoming
    book “It’s There: 5 Simple Ways to Find Your Memory and
    Prevent It from Leaving.” Contact her (251) 648.0325;

    13. ==> Say No and Stop Getting Sick

    Want to have less stress, sleep better, get fewer colds
    and flus and avoid headaches and heartburn? Doing so
    may be as simple as saying no to obligations, chores
    and social commitments you agree to just to make other
    people happy. Find out why people-pleasers get sick
    more often from Dr. Don (MacDonald). He’s a recovering
    people-pleaser and chiropractor who realized that many
    patients were coming into his office because of stress-
    related conditions fueled by their own excess worries
    and inability to say no for their own good. Dr. Don
    will explain ways moving your body, deciding in advance
    what you will and won’t do and defining your purpose
    can lead to a healthier and happier life. Dr. Don is
    the bestselling author of “The Underdog Curse.” He’s an
    experienced radio and TV guest who can be reached at

    14. ==> It’s Time to Take a Trip

    Overstressed by everything that’s going on in America?
    Overworked? Submerged in the winter blues? It’s time
    for a vacation! The summer is still 5-months away, but
    there’s no need to wait that long. Now is the time to
    take a vacation or at least plan for one. And not just
    any vacation: because time is our most valuable asset,
    we need to use it wisely. Marco Aguilar explains how to
    overcome the most frequent and challenging excuses for
    not taking a vacation, including financial, airport
    hassles and “it’s my job, stupid,” excuses; and shares
    awesome ideas on where to go and what to do with your
    precious time off. Marco Aguilar, aka The Chief
    Vacation Officer®, uses his 25-year experience in the
    travel industry to inspire others to claim their right
    to time off and live the life-transforming potential of
    travel and experiential vacations. His upcoming book is
    “The Power of Vacation.” Contact him at (310) 739-4044;

    15. ==> Dream Hits

    Overnight ‘dream downloads’ have played a key role in
    the rise to stardom of Sting, Beyoncé, the Beatles,
    Billy Joel, Taylor Swift and many, many more successful
    music artists. In fact, Craig Webb says over 20 Grammy
    wins can be linked directly to dreams. Invite Craig on
    your show and hear how Bono dreamt music that led to
    collaborations with Roy Orbison and Bob Dylan
    (including Roy Orbison spontaneously arriving at his
    door the night after he dreamt music for him), to how
    numerous artists received dream help from deceased
    family and colleagues including Stevie Wonder whose
    just-deceased mother came in a dream to urge him not to
    take a year off to grieve her death, as he had informed
    his business manager and agent. Webb will reveal the
    surprising dreams that have shaped our culture from
    iTunes’ most-downloaded song, to life-saving
    nightmares, to beloved Christmas carols, as well as how
    anyone can benefit from the same powerful process. Webb
    has made more than 1,000 media appearances, and
    consults for Fortune 500 corporations, A-list
    celebrities and feature films. His latest book is “The
    Dreams Behind the Music.” Contact him at (514)

  • 03/07/17 RTIR E-zine: Russian Witch Hunt, Daylight Savings, Tax Talk

    March 7, 2017

    01. Iraqi-American on New Immigration Ban
    02. A Day Without a Woman
    03. A Man’s Guide to ‘A Day Without a Woman’
    04. Russian Witch Hunt Will Backfire
    05. Obama’s Post-Presidency Isn’t Normal
    06. Parents Hate Daylight Saving Time
    07. It’s National Foreign Language Week
    08. Military Recruiting on Campus
    09. Widespread Flu in 44 States
    10. Tax Talk: What’s Considered Income?
    11. What Makes Someone ‘Undateable’?
    12. Do Doodlers Get Better Grades?
    13. Fail Your Way to Fitness!
    14. What Next? Dealing with Uncertainty
    15. Is Texting Making Us Stupider?

    1. ==> Iraqi-American on New Immigration Ban

    Weam Namou was born in Baghdad as a minority Christian
    in a Muslim country. Her family endured Saddam’s
    totalitarian regime until they fled to the United
    States when she was a child. Once in America, Weam was
    again a minority who had difficulty fitting in and
    finding her voice. Invite her to discuss her take on
    the new Trump immigration ban. She says the new ban
    doesn’t even target the correct threats to U.S.
    citizens. “If the government banned the right terrorist
    countries, that would be very beneficial for us and the
    world at large. But between 1975 and 2015, foreign
    nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria
    & Yemen killed zero Americans on U.S. soil. Yet Saudis
    killed 2,369 Americans on U.S. soil. The countries who
    have bred and financed terrorism are not on this list!”
    Weam also believes the ban is fueling extremists,
    making it easier for them to recruit people. Weam Namou
    has been a guest on dozens of radio talk shows. She’s
    the author of “The Great American Family: A Story of
    Political Disenchantment.” Contact her at (586)

    2. ==> A Day Without a Woman

    Wednesday, March 8th is International Women’s Day,
    which is usually celebrated in the US with a feel-good
    awareness campaign about the importance of women’s
    rights. But this year, grassroots activists around the
    world are planning something more radical — a women’s
    general strike, both to oppose President Donald Trump
    and to make a big push for women’s equality. Organizers
    of the January Women’s March have declared Wednesday ‘A
    Day Without a Woman,’ alongside an International
    Women’s Strike taking place in more than 30 countries.
    Invite Emily Crockett to discuss what’s planned, how
    successful it’s likely to be, and why so many women are
    so disgruntled. Crockett writes about gender issues for
    Vox. Her work has been published at The Nation, In
    These Times, DCist, The Intentional, and AlterNet.
    Contact her at; @emilycrockett

    3. ==> A Man’s Guide to ‘A Day Without a Woman’
    Psychologist Helen Smith says A Day Without a Woman may
    provide some benefits for men. “Rather than let it bum
    you out that women have decided to avoid work and
    shopping, think of all the perks a man can get on this
    female-absent holiday.” She says, “If women are wearing
    red in solidarity with the strike, men will know which
    ones to avoid and that makes it easy to know which ones
    will make you a scapegoat at work or miserable in your
    dating life. And what man thinks women not shopping for
    a day is a bad thing?” Dr. Smith adds, “Maybe this will
    give men a much needed day off.” Helen Smith is a
    psychologist specializing in forensic issues in
    Knoxville, Tennessee. She has been on numerous
    television and radio shows including Montel Williams
    and has appeared on E! Entertainment, Fox News,
    Discovery, Women’s Entertainment, Biography, Oxygen and
    The Learning Channel. and blogs for PJ Media. Contact
    her at or

    4. ==> Russian Witch Hunt Will Backfire

    “Jeff Sessions did nothing wrong. Jeff Sessions said
    nothing wrong. And, his partisan enemies know it,”
    declares Washington D.C. law professor and attorney
    Victor Williams. Williams charges Beltway elites with
    intentionally vilifying Sessions. “The same extreme
    partisans and greedy globalists who relentlessly
    attacked Jeff Sessions during his Senate confirmation
    ordeal are again abusing him. The American people can
    see through these unfair and untrue smears.” The law
    professor credits Sessions with educating him, in 2014,
    about the worsening issues of immigration, crime, and
    the struggling American worker. Victor Williams founded
    Lawyers and Law Professors for Trump, now rebranded as
    America First Lawyers Association to advance the
    Trump/Pence America First movement. Contact him at
    (301) 951-9045

    5. ==> Obama’s Post-Presidency Isn’t Normal

    In a break from modern tradition, former President
    Barack Obama appears to be wading back into political
    waters. Political analyst Matt Lewis says though we
    don’t know the scope of involvement he has planned,
    there are signs. The New York Times reported that
    Obama’s team rushed to preserve intelligence regarding
    possible contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign
    and Russia, and his loyal holdovers are leaking secrets
    about the Trump administration.” Lewis says, “For all
    the talk about Trump’s atypical behavior, the Obama
    camp’s unfolding machinations feel almost equally
    unprecedented.” But Lewis adds, “The truth is that
    Barack Obama bears a lot of responsibility for
    destroying what had been acceptable standards—the
    destruction of which ultimately made possible Donald
    Trump’s ascendancy. While Obama now poses as a defender
    of decorum, tradition, and protocol, he (in a much
    subtler way) flouted convention.” Matt Lewis is a
    senior columnist at The Daily Beast, a CNN political
    commentator, and the author of “Too Dumb to Fail: How
    the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections
    (And How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots).”
    Contact him at; @mattklewis

    6. ==> Parents Hate Daylight Saving Time

    Half of all American parents say Daylight Saving Time
    (DST) affects their kids and more than one-quarter
    (29%) report it’s more difficult to get children to
    sleep after the time change, according to a new survey
    from the Better Sleep Council. Invite Mary Helen Rogers
    from the BSC to discuss easy ways to prepare kids for
    the time change and how to get them back into their
    regular sleep pattern after Daylight Saving Time goes
    into effect on Sunday, March 12th. Rogers can also help
    with information on how to improve your sleep year-
    round and additional tips on recovering from Daylight
    Saving Time. The Better Sleep Council is the nonprofit
    consumer education arm of the International Sleep
    Products Association. Contact Mary Helen Rogers at
    (703) 683-8371.

    7. ==> It’s National Foreign Language Week

    ¡Hola! Ciao! It’s National Foreign Language Week and
    Susanna Janssen, a retired college professor and
    language expert, wants to give you lots of reasons to
    celebrate and to take up a second language. For
    example, did you know that being bilingual not only
    provides an advantage to your brain but also to your
    bank account? Oui! She’ll explain that bilinguals—even
    infants exposed to a second language—show enhanced
    abilities in focus and concentration, memory,
    interpersonal skills and problem-solving. Studies also
    show bilingualism is a buffer against Alzheimer’s
    (awesome news in any language). She’ll demonstrate ways
    learning a new language is easier than you would think.
    Janssen is a newspaper columnist and the author of
    “Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language”.
    Reach her at (707) 272-1351 or

    8. ==> Military Recruiting on Campus

    President Trump wants to significantly increase defense
    spending and has promised to pump up the military, but
    Pat Elder, director of the National Coalition to
    Protect Student Privacy, says we’re witnessing the
    ‘grave implications’ of the ‘economic, political and
    even spiritual’ influence of the military-industrial
    complex. He says that extends to questionable
    practices in recruiting soldiers. “It’s a coerced,
    recruited Army as much as it is a volunteer Army.
    American military recruiting is a despicable,
    psychological pursuit that pits carefully selected and
    highly trained soldiers against vulnerable children.
    The American Public Health Association, (APHA) calls
    for the cessation of military recruiting in the
    nation’s schools, claiming recruiters engage in
    aggressive behaviors to gain a child’s confidence and
    trust. They say recruiters are exceptionally charming
    while failing to honor clear boundaries. It is
    despicable public policy, and it’s time to end it.”
    Elder says recruiters troll social websites to learn
    intimate details about teens and then use the
    information to prepare a psychological dossier before
    first contact. Pat Elder is the author of “Military
    Recruiting in the United States.” Contact him at

    9. ==> Widespread Flu in 44 States

    Health officials report widespread cases of the flu in
    44 states across the country with New Hampshire alone
    reporting 15 flu-related deaths! Experts say there’s
    still time to get a flu shot, but there are plenty of
    other ways to guard against getting sick. Invite Dr.
    Jim Roach to share healthy strategies that can prevent
    most colds and flu, and minimize symptoms and learn the
    single intervention that reduced type A flu 50% in
    children (it wasn’t the vaccine!) His office approach
    has been so successful he no longer utilizes flu
    vaccine. Jim Roach, MD, is a leading integrative
    practitioner who has appeared on numerous radio and TV
    programs, is a speaker, consultant, educator,
    researcher, and widely sought clinician with patients
    from across the country. He is also author of “God’s
    House Calls” which discusses spiritual near-death
    experiences of his patients and seeks to de-stigmatize
    spiritual experiences. Contact Dr. Roach at (859)
    846-4453 (office);

    10. ==> Tax Talk: What’s Considered Income?

    Tax season is here! Lisa London CPA, can help your
    listeners streamline their current files and understand
    everything from deductions to what is considered
    income. She says, “With the influx of people in the
    sharing economy, like Uber drivers, Airbnb hosts, and
    EBay and Amazon sellers, more and more people need to
    understand what is considered income and what are
    allowable expenses.” Invite her to tell your audience
    how to use their cell phones to simplify bookkeeping
    and share record-keeping tips and tricks to help small
    and at-home businesses. Lisa London has been featured
    on numerous TV and radio shows. She is the author of
    the “Accountant Beside You” series of books for small
    businesses, nonprofits, and churches. Her latest book
    is “Banish Your Bookkeeping Nightmares-The Go-To Guide
    for the Self-Employed to Save Money, Reduce
    Frustration, & Satisfy the IRS.” Contact her at (919)

    11. ==> What Makes Someone ‘Undateable’?

    It could be the color of her nail polish. The way she
    wears her hair. Her tattoos or the sound of her voice.
    Maybe it’s the limp way he shakes your hand. His bald
    spot. Or his awful taste in clothing. Most of us screen
    potential dates using preconceived standards (i.e. deal
    breakers). Psychiatrist Christine Adams will have your
    listeners thinking about how they would answer the
    question, “I would never date someone who …” before
    calling them out on the snap judgments they use to
    foolishly eliminate potential dates. Dr. Adams will
    also share why “you should run away fast” when you
    experience instant sexual attraction to someone. She
    can discuss the best questions to ask on first and
    second dates (and how to pay attention to what your
    date isn’t asking you). And will argue that in most
    cases a single date is never enough to rule someone
    out. Dr. Christine Adams is coauthor of “Living On
    Automatic: How Emotional Conditioning Shapes Our Lives
    and Relationships.” Contact her at (502) 473-0093;

    12. ==> Do Doodlers Get Better Grades?

    Getting kids to pay attention has always been a
    challenge for teachers. But this is even more true
    today when most students own multiple devices that
    divert their attention. Teacher and illustrator Red
    Rohl believes he has found the answer to engaging,
    inspiring and exciting students, thereby creating a
    classroom of energetic learners. Rohl will explain how
    sketchnote inspired art engages students and improves
    their comprehension. He says, “It works especially well
    for students who are visual learners and those who
    learn by hands-on activities, which typically fade
    after middle school ends.” You’ll learn how this cross-
    curricular approach helps students with math, social
    studies, science, and writing skills. A lifelong
    illustrator, Red Rohl has 20 years of experience
    teaching at-risk students. He is the author of “Heavy
    Sketches,” a collection of 30 years’ worth of his own
    sketchnote-inspired art combined with creative
    literacy. Contact him at (828) 284-1973;

    13. ==> Fail Your Way to Fitness!

    Just about everyone has messed up when it comes to
    eating healthfully and exercising. In fact, according
    to world-class athlete and chiropractor Tim Warren,
    it’s perfectly normal. Warren says people inevitably
    feel overwhelmed by what is going on in their lives and
    screw up now and then. “The problem lies not in the
    failing but in not restarting sooner. Cut down the
    reboot time, do more healthy than unhealthy stuff, and
    guess what? You win.” Warren, who climbed Mount Everest
    at age 48 and has cared for more than 10,000 patients
    in his 30-year medical career, doesn’t believe in
    dieting, having iron willpower or living life in the
    gym. His approach is to encourage daily mini-
    improvements. Warren has been featured on dozens of
    radio and television shows and in numerous print
    interviews. He’s the author of “Feet, Fork and Fun,”
    written after years of experiencing frustration trying
    to influence patients to improve their level of
    fitness, nutrition and mindfulness. Tim Warren’s first
    book was “Lessons from Everest.” Contact him at (401)

    14. ==> What Next? Dealing with Uncertainty

    The one thing everyone can agree on right now is that
    the future is TBD…To Be Determined. The question on
    everyone’s minds is “now what?” How can we best
    navigate through these uncertain times? Brenda
    Reynolds can share 5 tips for helping you take control
    of a situation that feels out of your control. Whether
    it’s the transition our nation faces, your own personal
    transition or a change in your business world, she’ll
    explain what you can do to find greater clarity and
    confidence. Brenda Reynolds is a transitions expert,
    consultant, speaker, and founder of BKR Consulting.
    She’s worked with clients nationwide and in 2008
    applied her expertise to her own challenges when the
    economy took a nosedive and so did her life, leaving
    her a divorced mom of two. She is author of the
    upcoming book, “TBD—To Be Determined, how to Find
    Clarity and Confidence in Uncertain Times.” Contact her
    at (610) 639-5722;

    15. ==> Is Texting Making Us Stupider?

    Nearly everyone spends their day texting, tweeting and
    emailing people, even Donald Trump, our Commander in
    Tweet. While we may anticipate that sometimes we could
    be making better use of our time or be better off
    communicating face to face, few of us know that we
    could be risking our brain health. Bob Prichard will
    tell your listeners about screen apnea—a stress-induced
    holding of breath that many people don’t even realize
    they are doing when they text, tweet and email. He’ll
    explain how to reliably tell if you have this problem
    in which your brain receives less oxygen, making it
    harder over time for it to function well. Prichard runs
    the Somax Performance Institute where for over 40 years
    he has been helping athletes improve their efficiency
    and flexibility. For example, 18 Olympic athletes he
    worked with have won 44 gold medals and set 11 world
    records. An NBC Sports Olympics on-air analyst, he’s
    written for many periodicals and his sports analysis
    videos have over 5M views on YouTube. His upcoming book
    is “Are You Starving Your Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him
    at (415) 435-9880 (CA);

  • 03/02/17 RTIR E-zine: Military Recruiting, Drug-Free Pain Treatments, Chronic Unemployment

    March 2, 2017

    01. National Security Advisor – Who is McMaster?
    02. Military Recruiting on Campus
    03. Trump’s New Target: Transgender Students
    04. Bill Paxton, Heart Health & Surgery
    05. Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
    06. Voulez-vous Apprendre le Français?
    07. Could New Treatment Help David Cassidy?
    08. How Texting Makes You Dumber
    09. Fail Your Way to Fitness!
    10. Is Trump the Kick in the Butt We Need?
    11. Drug-Free Pain Treatments that Work
    12. Seniors Turn to Pot for Pain
    13. Boomers Suffer Chronic Unemployment
    14. Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?
    15. Capt. Dave Marciano of Nat Geo’s ‘Wicked Tuna’

    1. ==> National Security Advisor – Who is McMaster?

    The Senate does not usually get a chance to vote on who
    serves as the president’s national security adviser,
    but it will have a rare opportunity to weigh in next
    week when it considers the appointment of Lt. Gen. H.
    R. McMaster. Andrew Bacevich, professor emeritus of
    history and international relations at Boston
    University, says,
    “(McMaster) remains a professional soldier, not a
    global visionary. For the past two years, McMaster has
    devoted himself to contemplating about the future of
    the United States Army, not the future of the
    international order. On Russia, he appears to be a neo-
    Cold Warrior, favoring the recommitment of U.S. ground
    forces to Europe, a prospect welcomed by an army that
    today finds itself searching for a raison d’être.” A
    graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, he received his
    PhD in American diplomatic history from Princeton
    University. Before joining the faculty of Boston
    University, he taught at West Point and Johns Hopkins.
    His latest book is “America’s War for the Greater
    Middle East: A Military History.” Contact him at

    2. ==> Military Recruiting on Campus

    President Trump wants to significantly increase defense
    spending and has promised to pump up the military, but
    Pat Elder, director of the National Coalition to
    Protect Student Privacy, says we’re witnessing the
    ‘grave implications’ of the ‘economic, political and
    even spiritual’ influence of the military-industrial
    complex. He says that extends to questionable
    practices in recruiting soldiers. “It’s a coerced,
    recruited Army as much as it is a volunteer Army.
    American military recruiting is a despicable,
    psychological pursuit that pits carefully selected and
    highly trained soldiers against vulnerable children.
    The American Public Health Association, (APHA) calls
    for the cessation of military recruiting in the
    nation’s schools, claiming recruiters engage in
    aggressive behaviors to gain a child’s confidence and
    trust. They say recruiters are exceptionally charming
    while failing to honor clear boundaries. It is
    despicable public policy, and it’s time to end it.”
    Elder says recruiters troll social websites to learn
    intimate details about teens and then use the
    information to prepare a psychological dossier before
    first contact. Pat Elder is the author of “Military
    Recruiting in the United States.” Contact him at

    3. ==> Trump’s New Target: Transgender Students

    The White House has signaled its intent to roll back
    protections for transgender students set under
    President Obama. Those protections allow students to
    use locker rooms and bathrooms that match the gender
    they identify with. Available to comment on this
    unfolding story is Seth Rainess, a transgender male and
    author of the only book written for transgender teens.
    He can discuss why everyone should care about this
    rollback as well as Trump’s opposition to marriage
    equality, his Cabinet choices’ anti-gay beliefs, and
    the effect of potential Supreme Court appointments on
    the transgender community. Rainess’ book is “Real Talk
    for Teens: Jump Start Guide to Gender Transition and
    Beyond.” His mission is to alleviate the still
    prevalent fears and misconceptions people have about
    the transgender people and he’s been featured in Time
    and numerous media outlets. Reach him at (732) 620-4300
    (cell); (732) 291-6090 (landline) or

    4. ==> Bill Paxton, Heart Health & Surgery

    Actor Bill Paxton opened up about a childhood bout with
    rheumatic fever weeks before he died, saying the
    illness left him with heart damage. The “Twister” star
    died at 61 on Saturday after complications from heart
    surgery. Crystal Moore, MD, PhD, FCAP, says, “Damage to
    the heart can lead to heart failure, but the bottom
    line is that death is a potential complication from any
    medical procedure.” Dr. Moore, who specializes in
    pathology, can discuss heart health and empower
    listeners to make smart, informed surgery choices. Dr.
    Moore serves as a staff pathologist at the Hampton
    Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She also writes a blog
    about health issues. Contact her at (757) 722-9961,
    ext. 1689 (work); (757) 286-7116 (cell); or

    5. ==> Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

    Today is Read Across America Day, the 20th annual
    celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday that marks the fun
    and importance of reading. In schools across the
    country, volunteers read to children while wearing Dr.
    Seuss hats. Mark the day and its spirit by interviewing
    middle school teacher and big Dr. Seuss fan, Red Rohl.
    Red will share why even adults can appreciate the late
    Dr. Seuss’s books and ways his drawings influenced
    Red’s own lifelong love of drawing—a talent he uses to
    keep his students focused on learning amid a world of
    distractions. In addition to everything Seussian, Red
    can talk about a powerful technique called sketchnoting
    that engages children and adults, making what they
    learn more memorable. He is the author of “Heavy
    Sketches,” a collection of 30 years’ worth of his own
    sketchnote-inspired art combined with creative
    literacy. Red appeared on WLOS-TV to discuss his new
    book. Reach him at (828) 284-1973 or

    6. ==> Voulez-vous Apprendre le Français?

    ¡Hola! Ciao! National Foreign Language Week begins
    March 5 and Susanna Janssen, a retired college
    professor and language expert, wants to give you lots
    of reasons to celebrate and to take up a second
    language. For example, did you know that being
    bilingual not only provides an advantage to your brain
    but also to your bank account? Oui! She’ll explain that
    bilinguals—even infants exposed to a second
    language—show enhanced abilities in focus and
    concentration, memory, interpersonal skills and
    problem-solving. Studies also show bilingualism is a
    buffer against Alzheimer’s (awesome news in any
    language). She’ll demonstrate ways learning a new
    language is easier than you would think. Janssen is a
    newspaper columnist and the author of “Wordstruck!: The
    Fun and Fascination of Language”. Reach her at (707)
    272-1351 or

    7. ==> Could New Treatment Help David Cassidy?

    Saying that he “always knew it was coming,” David
    Cassidy recently announced that he has dementia. In
    doing so, he joins 5 million Americans living with the
    memory-robbing disease known as Alzheimer’s for which
    there is no cure—a number expected to reach 14 million
    by 2050. But what if there is help for Cassidy and
    millions of people like him, help that is available
    right now that no one is telling them about? What if
    there is a way to easily increase the fluid exchange
    that decreases in aging brains? There is such a
    treatment, says Michael Morgan, one of its pioneers.
    Invite him to share strong evidence that craniosacral
    therapy is effective in treating at-risk people and
    those in the early- to mid-stages of dementia. He’ll
    explain what craniosacral therapy is and ways it can
    increase longevity. Morgan is the author of “The
    BodyEnergy Longevity Prescription: How CranioSacral
    Therapy Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia While
    Improving the Quality of Your Life.” Reach him at (312)

    8. ==> How Texting Makes You Dumber

    Nearly everyone spends their day texting, tweeting and
    emailing people, even Donald Trump, our Commander in
    Tweet. While we may anticipate that sometimes we could
    be making better use of our time or be better off
    communicating face to face, few of us know that we
    could be risking our brain health. Bob Prichard will
    tell your listeners about screen apnea—a stress-induced
    holding of breath that many people don’t even realize
    they are doing when they text, tweet and email. He’ll
    explain how to reliably tell if you have this problem
    in which your brain receives less oxygen, making it
    harder over time for it to function well. Prichard runs
    the Somax Performance Institute where for over 40 years
    he has been helping athletes improve their efficiency
    and flexibility. For example, 18 Olympic athletes he
    worked with have won 44 gold medals and set 11 world
    records. An NBC Sports Olympics on-air analyst, he’s
    written for many periodicals and his sports analysis
    videos have over 5M views on YouTube. His upcoming book
    is “Are You Starving Your Brain of Oxygen?” Contact him
    at (415) 435-9880 (CA);

    9. ==> Fail Your Way to Fitness!

    Just about everyone has messed up when it comes to
    eating healthfully and exercising. In fact, according
    to world-class athlete and chiropractor Tim Warren,
    it’s perfectly normal. Warren says people inevitably
    feel overwhelmed by what is going on in their lives and
    screw up now. “The problem lies not in the failing but
    in not restarting sooner. Cut down the reboot time, do
    more healthy than unhealthy stuff, and guess what? You
    win.” Warren, who climbed Mount Everest at age 48 and
    has cared for more than 10,000 patients in his 30-year
    medical career, doesn’t believe in dieting, having iron
    willpower or living life in the gym. His approach is to
    encourage daily mini-improvements. Warren has been
    featured on dozens of radio and television shows and in
    numerous print interviews. He’s the author of “Feet,
    Fork and Fun,” written after years of experiencing
    frustration trying to influence patients to improve
    their level of fitness, nutrition and mindfulness. Tim
    Warren’s first book was “Lessons from Everest.” Contact
    him at (401) 374-5067;

    10. ==> Is Trump the Kick in the Butt We Need?

    When it comes the environment, Donald Trump seems to be
    doing everything he can to return the country to its
    fossil fuel-burning polluting past. But could there be
    an upside to his anti-environment, anti-science cabinet
    picks? Dr. Ellen Moyer, author of “Our Earth, Our
    Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive While Creating a
    Sustainable World,” says there is; people are getting
    fired up. Moyer maintains that we can keep the economy
    rolling even as we green the environment and find new
    jobs for ex-coal miners. She’ll explain why this is a
    lot simpler than you might think and share the two
    actions that could have the most impact. She’ll also
    say that while President Trump’s reckless environmental
    policies have our species heading straight for the
    rocks even faster than before we can change course,
    more easily than we might think. Moyer is an
    environmental consultant and registered professional
    engineer with an MS in environmental engineering and a
    Ph.D. in civil engineering. She’s a regular contributor
    to The Huffington Post. Contact her at (413) 862-3452;

    11. ==> Drug-Free Pain Treatments that Work

    New pain treatment guidelines from the American College
    of Physicians (ACP) recommend that low back pain be
    treated with alternative therapies including massage,
    acupuncture, spinal manipulation and exercise and only
    if these treatments fail should drug treatment be
    considered, preferably with nonsteroidal anti-
    inflammatory drugs. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin
    says the recommendations are long overdue but… “These
    new guidelines won’t help most pain patients because
    health insurers refuse to pay for the recommended
    treatments and few patients can afford to pay for them
    out of pocket. Perlin is the author of “The Truth
    about Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” She is a licensed
    clinical social worker, certified biofeedback
    practitioner and chronic pain survivor and has been a
    guest on multiple TV and radio networks including PBS,
    SiriusXM, and RadioMD. Contact Cindy Perlin at (518)

    12. ==> Seniors Turn to Pot for Pain

    From retirement communities to nursing homes, older
    Americans are increasingly turning to marijuana for
    relief from aches and pains. Many have embraced it as
    an alternative to powerful drugs like morphine, saying
    that marijuana is less addictive, with fewer side
    effects. Invite Frank Shamrock, co-host of The Bake
    Out, a new, weekly online TV talk show about today’s
    controversial world of cannabis, to talk about the
    issue. He’ll discuss why older Americans are turning to
    marijuana for pain relief, whether pot use can lead to
    harder drugs as well as the future of marijuana
    legalization in America. Popularly known worldwide as
    the first UFC Middleweight Champion and the first
    champion to retire with his belt, Shamrock provides
    broadcast color-commentary on MMA. He also runs
    Shamrock Way, a non-profit organization that serves at-
    risk youth. Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    13. ==> Boomers Suffer Chronic Unemployment

    There may be low unemployment today, but you wouldn’t
    know it by boomer standards. Many business
    professionals over 50 still struggle with long-term
    unemployment, under-employment, lower pay and
    traditional job search techniques that produce nothing.
    Good reasons why more boomers are turning to the gig
    economy, notes Spunk Burke, author of “The GIG
    Solution,” which drops next month. Spunk will explain
    how boomers are learning to target prospects whose
    problems they could solve as a contractor or on a
    project basis. He’s a staffing veteran who provides
    coaching to help boomers build rewarding gig practices.
    He also helps companies link to contractors who can
    address their immediate needs. Spunk can be reached at
    (978) 801-9010 or

    14. ==> Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?

    At age 70, Donald Trump is the oldest man to be elected
    a US president. His longtime personal doc recently
    revealed to the New York Times that Trump takes
    Finasteride to treat male pattern baldness. Side
    effects include mental confusion and impotence. Is
    Trump on the fast track to dementia or Alzheimer’s?
    Invite senior health adviser Janet Rich Pittman to
    discuss the president’s age and mental capacity as well
    as other risk factors for dementia. Should Trump be
    urged to undergo a series of psychometric tests to
    prove his mental capacity? A former political operative
    and activist, Janet is now known as The Brain Nerd,
    specifically a Dementia Prevention Specialist, based on
    her years of experience as a Dementia Practitioner and
    Dementia Administrator. Janet is author of the upcoming
    book “It’s There: 5 Simple Ways to Find Your Memory and
    Prevent It from Leaving.” Contact her (251) 648.0325;

    15. ==> Capt. Dave Marciano of Nat Geo’s ‘Wicked Tuna’

    The new season of Wicked Tuna premieres Sunday, March
    12th on the National Geographic Channel. The show is
    set in Gloucester, Mass at the start of the North
    Atlantic Bluefin tuna season. Invite Captain Dave
    Marciano to take you behind-the-scenes of the show and
    talk about a fisherman’s life on – and out of – the
    water. A life-long fisherman, he’s been on the water
    since he was 11 years old and worked in Key West and
    Gloucester before buying his own boat, Hard
    Merchandise. Marciano also holds the distinction of
    having survived a 2003 shipwreck when his ship was18
    miles offshore and struggling to get back with
    thousands of pounds of fish and a plank in the hull
    gave way. “We sank in 33 minutes,” Marciano recalls
    matter-of-factly. Captain Dave Marciano will be in NYC
    on March 10 and available for interviews. Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137;

  • 02/28/17 RTIR E-zine: Trumpcare, Free College, Hidden Figures

    February 28, 2017

    01. The Truth about Russia’s Hacking
    02. Senators to Ukrainian Troops – Break Cease Fire
    03. Oscar Flub brings Out the Real Winners
    04. From People Mag – Modern Day ‘Hidden Figure’
    05. Celebrate the 20th Read Across America Day
    06. Top IRS Red Flags for 2017
    07. What’s Next for NAFTA?
    08. Will Sessions End Medical Marijuana?
    09. Reduce Climate Change Despite Washington Policy
    10. ObamaCare vs. TrumpCare
    11. Still Not Adjusting to a Trump Presidency?
    12. Say No and Stop Getting Sick!
    13. What’s this about Free College?
    14. Talk to Your Kids about Prejudice – Here’s How
    15. Bummer: Millennial Women Really Depressed

    1. ==> The Truth about Russia’s Hacking

    Stephen Cohen says there’s little evidence to support
    the claim that Russian intelligence officials ran a
    covert operation that hacked into and leaked emails
    from the Democratic National Committee, with the
    purpose of hurting Hillary Clinton. Cohen, an expert in
    Russian history and politics says, “The bipartisan,
    nearly full-political-spectrum tsunami of factually
    unverified allegations that President Trump has been
    seditiously ‘compromised’ by the Kremlin, with scarcely
    any nonpartisan pushback from influential political or
    media sources, is deeply alarming.” He says, “The crux
    of the allegations against Trump was, and remains, that
    Putin ordered the hacking to put Trump in the White
    House. A summary of these ‘facts’ was presented in a
    declassified report released by the ‘intelligence
    community’ and widely discussed in January. Though it
    quickly became axiomatic proof for Trump’s political
    and media enemies, almost nothing in the report is
    persuasive.” Cohen is professor emeritus of Russian
    studies, history, and politics at New York University
    and Princeton University. His most recent book is
    “Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to
    the New Cold War.”

    2. ==> Senators to Ukrainian Troops – Break Cease Fire

    There’s been an? uptick in fighting in eastern Ukraine
    in recent weeks, caused by what many have described as
    a ‘creeping offensive’ by Kiev to take and hold rebel-
    held territory along the cease-fire line. James Carden
    says the offensive came almost immediately following a
    trip to the war’s front lines by none other than
    Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. “In the
    presence of Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko,
    Graham told a brigade of Ukrainian soldiers: ‘Your
    fight is our fight… 2017 will be the year of offense.’
    For his part, McCain told the troops, ‘I believe you
    will win. I am convinced you will win and we will do
    everything we can to provide you with what you need to
    win.’ One could be forgiven for wondering if there is
    any precedent for such an incitement to violence by two
    sitting U.S. senators?” James Carden is executive
    editor of the American Committee for East-West Accord.
    His articles and essays have also appeared in The
    American Conservative and The National Interest.
    Contact him at

    3. ==> Oscar Flub brings Out the Real Winners

    Moonlight – not, as it turned out, La La Land – won
    best picture at the Academy Awards in a historic Oscar
    upset and an unprecedented fiasco that saw one winner
    swapped for another while the La La Land producers were
    in mid-speech. Poppy Spencer says the whole thing was
    surreal and uncomfortable, but the most refreshing
    aspect was how well everyone reacted in the awkward
    moment. “The real Oscar goes to Jimmy Kimmel who fell
    on his sword to take the fall for an event with which
    he had no culpability. In a culture that is quick to
    point fingers, we found it refreshing that Kimmel took
    blame out of the equation, so people could move on to
    more productive behavior.” Poppy and her husband,
    Geoff, are relational experts and licensed, specialty-
    certified New Life Story Wellness coaches. The couple’s
    book, “1 Billion Seconds,” is based on years of
    research on hundreds of people and offers a formula for
    a flourishing relationship by developing exceptional
    communication. Contact them at (941) 586-2911;

    4. ==> From People Mag – Modern Day ‘Hidden Figure’

    Your listeners may have read this story in People
    Magazine with a nod to the Oscars and the movie ‘Hidden
    Figures.’ Olympia LePoint began working as a rocket
    scientist for Boeing in 1998 at the age of 21. Although
    nearly 40 years had passed since women like Katherine
    Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, the
    scientists whose lives are chronicled in Hidden
    Figures, helped launch John Glenn into orbit, LePoint
    experienced many of the same adversities and challenges
    her predecessors had during her tenure at NASA. Invite
    her to share her inspiring story and hear how she
    failed math until an 11th grade teacher took her under
    her wing and taught her how to perceive her own
    intelligence and think differently. She was then hired
    at Boeing three months after graduating, at the age of
    21, and became the youngest scientist in the company.
    Olympia LePoint is the author of “Mathaphobia,” a book
    on how to overcome your fear of math and is currently a
    popular college math professor and motivational
    speaker. Her inspiring story just came out in People
    Feb 22nd. Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    5. ==> Celebrate the 20th Read Across America Day

    March 2nd is Read Across America Day, the 20th annual
    celebration that marks the fun and importance of
    reading. In schools across the country, volunteers read
    to children while wearing Dr. Seuss hats. Mark the day
    and its spirit by interviewing middle school teacher
    and big Dr. Seuss fan, Red Rohl. Red will share why
    even adults can appreciate the late Dr. Seuss’s books
    and ways his drawings influenced Red’s own lifelong
    love of drawing—a talent he uses to keep his students
    focused on learning amid a world of distractions. In
    addition to everything Seussian, Red can talk about a
    powerful technique called sketchnoting that engages
    children and adults, making what they learn more
    memorable. He is the author of “Heavy Sketches,” a
    collection of 30 years’ worth of his own sketchnote-
    inspired art combined with creative literacy. Red
    appeared on WLOS-TV to discuss his new book. Reach him
    at (828) 284-1973 or

    6. ==> Top IRS Red Flags for 2017

    It’s almost March, and time to start thinking about
    taxes. This year the IRS is back in full force,
    looking for scams and tax cheats. Of course, that’s not
    you, (or your listeners), but what will the IRS be
    looking for this year? Join tax pro Abby Eisenkraft in
    a fun discussion about the latest targets for the IRS.
    The author of “101 Ways to Stay Off the IRS Radar,”
    Abby will help your audience steer clear of IRS
    problems. She can also enlighten your audience on IRS
    scams so new you’ve never heard of them and how to stay
    safe. Frequently quoted by the press, Abby is one of
    the leading experts on IRS problems and how to avoid
    them. Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    7. ==> What’s Next for NAFTA?

    We live in interesting times, as disruption is the new
    normal for most businesses —from Brexit to President
    Trump’s challenging the value of free trade, including
    revisiting NAFTA. Will leaving or changing NAFTA really
    help bring manufacturing jobs back to America? While
    this sounds logical, international trade is more
    complex than most people realize. Customers expect low
    prices and want a huge range of products to choose
    from. Can we redesign the principles of free trade and
    still keep customers happy? Robert Martichenko brings a
    valuable perspective as a Canadian American business
    owner and leading expert on supply chain management. He
    can discuss the big questions surrounding the current
    discussions on trade agreements and why global supply
    chains may be here to stay. Martichenko is CEO and
    founder of LeanCor Supply Chain Group, an award-winning
    business author, novelist and international speaker.
    Contact Marcia Jones at (859) 308-8689;

    8. ==> Will Sessions End Medical Marijuana?

    On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said his
    administration would “do” medical marijuana and let
    states decide about legalization for themselves. But US
    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it clear he
    opposes marijuana legalization. “Good people don’t
    smoke marijuana,” he’s on record saying. So many are
    now wondering what Sessions will do about marijuana
    policy and whether he’ll enforce federal marijuana
    laws. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin says many will
    suffer without access. “Twenty-nine states and the
    District of Columbia now have medical marijuana access
    and millions of chronically ill patients are getting
    relief for the first time from this miracle plant.”
    Perlin will discuss how medical marijuana works and
    what type of conditions it treats, as well as the
    current political climate and what can be done to
    protect and increase access. Perlin is a licensed
    social worker, certified biofeedback practitioner and
    chronic pain survivor who has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs. She’s the author of “The Truth
    About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” Contact her at
    (518) 439-6431;

    9. ==> Reduce Climate Change Despite Washington Policy

    The Senate resumes work on confirming President Trump’s
    Cabinet nominees this week, including two in the energy
    and environment sphere. Both men profess to believe in
    climate change, but think there’s room for debate over
    the impact of humans. Meantime, Trump’s new budget
    reportedly calls for a 24-percent cut in EPA spending
    and people who care about the environment are rightly
    worried about the future. Ellen Moyer, Ph.D., a 30-year
    career environmental consultant, wants Americans to
    understand that the choices they make and how and where
    they spend their money can have a tremendous impact on
    the world around them. Moyer will also discuss how to
    reduce the impact your family makes on climate change
    with the foods you buy and the way you heat and cool
    your home. Dr. Ellen Moyer is a registered professional
    engineer with 30 years of environmental consulting
    experience. She’s a regular contributor to The
    Huffington Post and has presented more than 100
    seminars in North America and Europe. Her new book is
    “Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive
    While Creating a Sustainable World.” Contact her at
    (413) 862-3452;

    10. ==> ObamaCare vs. TrumpCare

    President Barack Obama tried to unify the country’s
    health care under one roof, yet by many accounts, he
    failed to properly organize and successfully
    orchestrate the Affordable Health Care plan. Invite
    senior health advisor Janet Rich Pittman to discuss
    what we can expect under President Trump. With a
    billionaire business owner/entrepreneur now tackling
    our nation’s health problems, what changes are in the
    wind? How will Trump’s proposed changes affect not only
    the health of Medicare beneficiaries and health for
    seniors but health for all Americans?” Pittman will
    talk about the benefits seniors gained through the ACA
    (Obama Care), and discuss some of the Trump
    Administration’s proposed plans and what the changes
    would mean for seniors. A past political marketer and
    activist, Janet is now known as The Brain Nerd,
    specifically a Dementia Prevention Specialist. She’s
    author of the soon-to-be released “It’s There: 5 Simple
    Ways to Find Your Memory and Prevent It from Leaving.”
    Contact her (251) 648.0325; Janet

    11. ==> Still Not Adjusting to a Trump Presidency?

    Many Americans are deeply depressed and worried about
    the country’s future. Though understandable, Devadas
    Chelvam says the depression and worry makes the
    situation even worse. Chelvam says people need to
    choose to be happy—right now! “Find a way to love Trump
    and the members of his administration unconditionally,
    to visualize Americans being reconciled and the country
    as peaceful and prosperous.” He says, “Depression and
    worry are energy spent to create exactly what is
    feared. And that is a rather risky attitude to adopt at
    this juncture.” Born in Sri Lanka, Devadas Chelvam
    spent nine years as a priest before embarking on a 20-
    year career in child protective services in New York
    City. He has master’s degrees in theology and sociology
    and conducts workshops on the healing power of love.
    His latest book is “From Fear to Limitless Love: Your
    Path to Finding Self-Worth, Harmony and Bliss.” Contact
    him at (610) 882-1032;

    12. ==> Say No and Stop Getting Sick!

    Want to have less stress, sleep better, get fewer colds
    and flus and avoid headaches and heartburn? Doing so
    may be as simple as saying no to obligations, chores
    and social commitments you agree to just to make other
    people happy. Find out why people-pleasers get sick
    more often from Dr. Don (MacDonald). He’s a recovering
    people-pleaser and chiropractor who realized that many
    patients were coming into his office because of stress-
    related conditions fueled by their own excess worries
    and inability to say no for their own good. Dr. Don
    will explain ways moving your body, deciding in advance
    what you will and won’t do and defining your purpose
    can lead to a healthier and happier life. Dr. Don is
    the bestselling author of “The Underdog Curse.” He’s an
    experienced radio and TV guest who can be reached at

    13. ==> What’s this about Free College?

    There has recently been a lot of buzz about NY Governor
    Andrew Cuomo’s free college proposal, but who will
    actually benefit? Adrian Ridner, CEO and Co-founder of says the idea of providing free college is a
    noble one, but to realistically make it happen, we need
    to make college less expensive and make the experience
    more flexible for students, particularly those who are
    juggling school, work and family. Invite Ridner to
    discuss how alternative credit can be used to cut the
    cost of a degree in half, and in some cases get the
    total cost of a Bachelor’s degree under $10k. He can
    also talk about a unique free college model being used
    in Mountain View, CA that leverages a combination of
    discounted course and tuition fees, low-cost
    transferable credit, local workforce development funds
    and corporate sponsorships, to make college free for
    any resident. Fed up with the high cost of education,
    Adrian started in 2002 with the mission of
    making education accessible. Today the company helps
    over 25 million students a month, from middle school
    through college, with short video-based online courses.
    Contact Jennifer McHam at (650) 288-2381;

    14. ==> Talk to Your Kids about Prejudice – Here’s How

    Recent events have left many Americans frightened,
    angry, and divided. In this day and age, it’s
    impossible to shelter our children from the constant
    influx of information from the media. Influences from
    television, magazines, newspapers, social media and the
    internet are so ubiquitous, even the most vigilant
    parent may not be able to completely shield their child
    from disturbing, adult-appropriate news. So how do
    parents talk to their kids about the frightening,
    violent, and prejudiced acts flooding our media?
    Parenting expert Thomas Gagliano can discuss how to
    talk to your kids about the violence and prejudice in
    the media and what an age-appropriate discussion should
    include. Tom will also touch on whether we should – and
    can – limit a child’s exposure to the Internet and
    media, and share ways to ensure your children feel safe
    and not overly fearful. Tom Gagliano, MSW, is a mentor,
    speaker and author. Contact him at (732) 266-4952;

    15. ==> Bummer: Millennial Women Really Depressed

    Millennials report higher rates of depression than any
    other generation and are now the biggest sector of the
    workforce, creating new challenges in work culture and
    mental health treatment. A growing body of research
    suggests that young workers are increasingly adding
    mental health days to their personal days, and young
    women are particularly at risk. Frieda Birnbaum, Ph.D.,
    says a generation of depressed teen girls are now young
    women in the workplace, and that makes mental health
    issues work issues. Dr. Birnbaum will discuss the role
    of social media and overstimulation in Millennials’
    problem adapting to a structured 9-to-5 workday and
    offer suggestions for young adults experiencing
    depression or anxiety at work. Dr. Frieda Birnbaum is a
    research psychologist, psychoanalyst and author of ”
    Life Begins at 60: A New View on Motherhood, Marriage,
    and Reinventing Ourselves.” She’s an expert on
    depression and women’s issues. Contact Ryan McCormick
    at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

  • 02/23/17 RTIR E-zine: Transgender Students, Classic Movies, Non- Drug Pain treatment

    February 23, 2017

    01. Trump’s New Target: Transgender Students
    02. A War on Leaks Might Bring More Chaos
    03. Trump’s Trip to the Museum
    04. Oscar Time! Talk Classic Movies
    05. Kids Need Music – Teach Music America Week
    06. David Cassidy and Dementia
    07. Black History Month: Creating a Color-Blind Society
    08. Is Trump the Kick in the Butt We Need?
    09. How to Survive the Trump Presidency
    10. Art Class on the Chopping Block?
    11. Dumb – No Insurance for Non-Drug Pain Treatment
    12. More Seniors Turn to Pot for Pain
    13. Prepare Kids for Test-Taking
    14. Say No to Chronic Boomer Unemployment
    15. Former Vogue Editor on Life and Make-Believe

    1. ==> Trump’s New Target: Transgender Students

    The White House has signaled its intent to roll back
    protections for transgender students set under
    President Obama. Those protections allow students to
    use locker rooms and bathrooms that match the gender
    they identify with. Available to comment on this
    unfolding story is Seth Rainess, a transgender male and
    author of the only book written for transgender teens.
    He can discuss why everyone should care about this
    rollback as well as Trump’s opposition to marriage
    equality, his Cabinet choices’ anti-gay beliefs, and
    the effect of potential Supreme Court appointments on
    the transgender community. Rainess’ book is “Real Talk
    for Teens: Jump Start Guide to Gender Transition and
    Beyond.” His mission is to alleviate the still
    prevalent fears and misconceptions people have about
    the transgender people and he’s been featured in Time
    and numerous media outlets. Reach him at (732) 620-4300
    (cell); (732) 291-6090 (landline) or

    2. ==> A War on Leaks Might Bring More Chaos

    The issue of leaks to the press has caused a public
    stir once again, yet the history, the law and the
    practical enforcement all seem puzzling. Experts say
    leaks serve the purpose of the federal government more
    often than not. Tyler Cowen, an author and professor of
    an economics at George Mason University, says Trump’s
    anti-leak polemics signify a few things, all consistent
    with the broader thrust of his presidency. “His anti-
    leaks campaign is a further symbol that direct
    rhetoric, including on Twitter, will be a major
    management tool, for better or worse. It also signals
    that the administration is uninterested in generating a
    positive flow of information through the usual
    mainstream media sources.” He says, “A chaotic leaks
    policy could mean the American government either a)
    loses credibility altogether, or b) has to resort to
    direct action, such as foreign policy interventions, to
    maintain its credibility. Both of those outcomes are
    worrisome.” Tyler Cowen is a Bloomberg View columnist
    and the author of several books including “Average Is
    Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great
    Stagnation.” Contact him at; or (703) 993-2312

    3. ==> Trump’s Trip to the Museum

    Kevin Alexander Gray, a civil rights activist and
    author, says Donald Trump, Tim Scott, Ben Carson,
    Omarosa Manigault and Alveda King visiting the
    Smithsonian National Museum of African American History
    and Culture on the anniversary of the assassination of
    Malcolm X devolved into what any Trump event devolves
    into: Trump’s narcissism and self-absorption on
    display. He says, “The company Trump kept on this
    particular photo-op reminds us of perhaps Malcolm’s
    most famous speech ‘The House Negro and The Field
    Negro.’ On one hand it’s good to see Trump make an
    attempt to reach out to blacks in his own clumsy way
    but on the other hand his bone deep stereotypical view
    of black people, even in his personal relations with
    those he considers friends or allies, left him once
    again with his foot in his mouth.” Gray’s books include
    “Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence”
    and “The Decline of Black Politics: From Malcolm X to
    Barack Obama.” He just completed a cross-country trip
    talking to Trump supporters and will be writing about
    that in The Progressive. Contact Gray at; @kevinagray

    4. ==> Oscar Time! Talk Classic Movies

    With the Academy Awards Sunday night, now is a great
    time to talk about classic Hollywood movies with former
    insider Lenay (Marie) Rogus. She can share stories
    about Cary Grant, Mae West, Raquel Welch, Robert De
    Niro, Sylvester Stallone and more as well as what it
    was like to work at Universal and Twentieth Century Fox
    during the heyday of motion pictures. Ever wonder what
    happens to a film in post-production? She can talk
    about that too. Hollywood stories are featured in her
    upcoming memoir, “Grief Comfort Guide: A Personal
    Journey from Loss to Light,” which also details her
    experience of losing seven loved ones. Contact her at
    (858) 349-4917;

    5. ==> Kids Need Music – Teach Music America Week

    In an era when schools are forced to cut budgets, it’s
    often non-essential programs like music that gets the
    axe. A study compiled by the NAMM foundation found that
    kids who play instruments get better grades, have
    higher IQs and lower their chances of drug and alcohol
    abuse later in life. Vincent James is on a mission to
    promote how valuable and important music is in all of
    our lives: academically, therapeutically or just
    overall making us a happier society. Invite him to talk
    about Teach Music America Week when over 500 music
    schools from 47 states will offer complimentary music
    lessons to new students. Teach Music America Week is
    celebrated during the third week of March and was
    founded by the Keep Music Alive organization as a way
    to inspire musicians and music schools across the
    country to offer one free 30-minute lesson to new
    students. Vincent James is the founder of,, Teach Music
    America week and author of the book “88+ Ways Music Can
    Change Your Life”. Contact him at (610) 812-5231 (PA);

    6. ==> David Cassidy and Dementia

    Actor and singer David Cassidy recently revealed he has
    dementia, but what exactly does this term mean?
    Cassidy, who is 66, told People magazine on Monday that
    he has dementia, and will stop touring as a musician
    because of his diagnosis. The actor also said that both
    his mother and grandfather suffered from dementia.
    Invite senior health adviser Janet Rich Pittman to
    discuss dementia, which is not a specific disease, but
    rather a group of symptoms resulting from changes in
    the brain that affect people’s ability to carry out
    everyday activities. She’ll discuss how to prevent
    dementia, the role genes play, and how to beat your
    odds regardless of family history. She’ll also share
    ways to fight the disease once diagnosed.
    A former political operative and activist, Janet is now
    known as The Brain Nerd, specifically a Dementia
    Prevention Specialist, based on her years of experience
    as a Dementia Practitioner and Dementia Administrator.
    Janet is author of the upcoming book “It’s There: 5
    Simple Ways to Find Your Memory and Prevent It from
    Leaving.” Contact her (251) 648.0325; Janet

    7. ==> Black History Month: Creating a Color-Blind

    The issue of skin color has plagued society for
    centuries. Nowadays, it is undeniable that the same
    issue persists. Invite Lupita Samuels to break the
    barriers between skin colors and explain how to move
    forward from this negative mind-set. Samuels will put
    into perspective the misconceptions about skin color.
    Using metaphors and comparison, Samuels will explain
    how skin color does not dictate a person’s worth.
    She’ll include several reflective exercises to help
    guide listeners toward a peaceful resolution of their
    issues and struggles on the matter. Lupita Samuels was
    born in Costa Rica. She worked as an educator in the
    New York City public school system for over twenty
    years. She’s the author of the Color Blind book series
    which includes her latest release, “Think Folks Are
    “Too Dark?” Think Again!” Contact her at (718)

    8. ==> Is Trump the Kick in the Butt We Need?

    When it comes the environment, Donald Trump seems to be
    doing everything he can to return the country to its
    fossil fuel-burning polluting past. But could there be
    an upside to his anti-environment, anti-science cabinet
    picks? Dr. Ellen Moyer, author of “Our Earth, Our
    Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive While Creating a
    Sustainable World,” says there is; people are getting
    fired up. Moyer maintains that we can keep the economy
    rolling even as we green the environment and find new
    jobs for ex-coal miners. She’ll explain why this is a
    lot simpler than you might think and share the two
    actions that could have the most impact. She’ll also
    say that while President Trump’s reckless environmental
    policies have our species heading straight for the
    rocks even faster than before we can change course,
    more easily than we might think. Moyer is an
    environmental consultant and registered professional
    engineer with an MS in environmental engineering and a
    Ph.D. in civil engineering. She’s a regular contributor
    to The Huffington Post. Contact her at (413) 862-3452;
    9. ==> How to Survive the Trump Presidency

    Every minute of every day there are a barrage of
    tweets, posts, articles and conversations about the
    latest actions and musings of President Trump. How can
    you stop yourself from feeling helpless and being
    caught up in a tailspin of anxiety, worry, fear, and
    anger (and having your health depleted in the process)?
    “While there are many things happening in the world
    today that are beyond your control to change,” says
    Joan Posivy, “there are several clear and simple
    strategies you can use to safeguard your mental and
    physical health and well-being during this time of
    uncertainty and turmoil.” Have Joan uplift and inspire
    your audience with her “Top 5 Tips for Surviving (and
    maybe even Thriving!) the Trump Presidency.” Joan
    Posivy is an international speaker and bestselling
    author of “The Way Success Works: How to Decide,
    Believe, and Begin to Live Your Best Life.” As an
    expert in mind power and human potential, Joan guides
    today’s young adults in understanding the connection
    between one’s thoughts and their results in life.
    Contact Joan at (250) 551-5626;

    10. ==> Art Class on the Chopping Block?

    People who care about education including teachers,
    parents, students and taxpayers are concerned about
    what may happen to arts education with the Trump
    administration and Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
    Among them is middle school teacher Red Rohl, who works
    with at-risk students and knows firsthand the value art
    plays in enhancing the way his students pay attention
    and grow into independent thinkers. Even if art
    disappears as a standalone class, Red can explain how
    it can continue to be part of reading, science and math
    classes through the use of a technique called
    sketchnoting. He’ll share what is involved in this
    purposeful type of doodling and why he encourages his
    students to draw on their notes and homework. He’s the
    author of “Heavy Sketches,” a collection of 30 years’
    worth of his own sketchnote-inspired art combined with
    creative literacy. Red appeared on WLOS-TV to discuss
    his new book. Reach him at (828) 284-1973 or

    11. ==> Dumb – No Insurance for Non-Drug Pain Treatment

    New pain treatment guidelines from the American College
    of Physicians (ACP) recommend that low back pain be
    treated with alternative therapies including massage,
    acupuncture, spinal manipulation and exercise and only
    if these treatments fail should drug treatment be
    considered, preferably with nonsteroidal anti-
    inflammatory drugs. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin
    says the recommendations are long overdue but… “These
    new guidelines won’t help most pain patients because
    health insurers refuse to pay for the recommended
    treatments and few patients can afford to pay for them
    out of pocket. Perlin is the author of “The Truth
    about Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” She is a licensed
    clinical social worker, certified biofeedback
    practitioner and chronic pain survivor and has been a
    guest on multiple TV and radio networks including PBS,
    SiriusXM, and RadioMD. Contact Cindy Perlin at (518)

    12. ==> More Seniors Turn to Pot for Pain

    From retirement communities to nursing homes, older
    Americans are increasingly turning to marijuana for
    relief from aches and pains. Many have embraced it as
    an alternative to powerful drugs like morphine, saying
    that marijuana is less addictive, with fewer side
    effects. Invite Frank Shamrock, co-host of The Bake
    Out, a new, weekly online TV talk show about today’s
    controversial world of cannabis, to talk about the
    issue. He’ll discuss why older Americans are turning to
    marijuana for pain relief, whether pot use can lead to
    harder drugs as well as the future of marijuana
    legalization in America. Popularly known worldwide as
    the first UFC Middleweight Champion and the first
    champion to retire with his belt, Shamrock provides
    broadcast color-commentary on MMA. He also runs
    Shamrock Way, a non-profit organization that serves at-
    risk youth. Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    13. ==> Prepare Kids for Test-Taking

    Whether your child is taking the Common Core State
    exams or other state testing, the heat is on in the
    classroom and everyone involved is totally stressed out
    and frazzled. Invite Heather Arabadjis to share ways
    to beat this year’s testing season with inside tips and
    concrete strategies everyone needs to know. She’ll also
    help with ways to make sure your kid doesn’t become a
    victim of testing anxiety, and a growing culture of
    students who are failing at a young age. Heather
    Arabadjis has 14 years of experience in the education
    industry and is the author of the children’s series
    Monster Mas. Contact her at (718) 510-3736;

    14. ==> Say No to Chronic Boomer Unemployment

    There may be high employment today, but you wouldn’t
    know it by boomer standards. Many business
    professionals over 50 still struggle with long-term
    unemployment, under-employment, lower pay and
    traditional job search techniques that produce nothing.
    Good reasons why more boomers are turning to the gig
    economy, notes Spunk Burke, author of “The GIG
    Solution,” which drops next month. Spunk will explain
    how boomers are learning to target prospects whose
    problems they could solve as a contractor or on a
    project basis. He’s a staffing veteran who provides
    coaching to help boomers build rewarding gig practices.
    He also helps companies link to contractors who can
    address their immediate needs. Spunk can be reached at
    (978) 801-9010 or

    15. ==> Former Vogue Editor on Life and Make-Believe

    Joan Juliet Buck was the first—and only—American woman
    to fill the coveted position of Editor-in-Chief of
    Paris Vogue, and she quickly became a force in the cult
    of fashion and beauty. Buck, the only child of film
    producer Jules Buck, was born into a world of make-
    believe. Her childhood was a whirlwind of famous
    faces: John Huston, Peter O’Toole, Lauren Bacall,
    Federico Fellini, Angelica Huston, and many more; ever-
    changing home addresses: London, Paris, Cannes, Los
    Angeles. In her new memoir, “The Price of Illusion,”
    she says the cues she gleaned early in life from her
    family were about how things looked and where they came
    from. When her fantasy life at Vogue came to an end,
    she had to find out who she was after all those years
    of make-believe. Invite Buck to discuss the journey of
    discovering the difference between glitter and gold,
    fantasy and reality, and what merely looks like
    happiness from the thing itself. Contact Johanna Ramos-
    Boyer at (703) 646-5137;