Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 05/09/17 RTIR E-zine: Teen Suicide, People-Pleasers, Alzheimer’s

    May 9, 2017

    01. Dumped! Scientists Get ‘Trumped’
    02. ‘National Bird’ Documentary Director
    03. Renowned Mentalist Jim Karol
    04. Mother’s Day Doesn’t Have to be Disappointing
    05. Memorial Day Show – Has America Let Down War Dead?
    06. ’13 Reasons Why’: A Wake Up Call for Parents of Teens
    07. The Dangerous World of New Grads
    08. Is Your Grad Ready for College?
    09. Are You a Retirement-Planning Underachiever?
    10. Competitors Are Cannibals: Clever Ways to Eat ‘em Up
    11. Get Your Brew On this Summer
    12. What Doctors Don’t Tell You about Alzheimer’s
    13. People-Pleasers, Take Back Your Power
    14. Sound Healer Helps Dogs, Cats Heal
    15. Christ’s Last Parables Had Clues for May 11/12th

    1. ==> Dumped! Scientists Get ‘Trumped’

    The Environmental Protection Agency has removed several
    members from an internal review board meant to provide
    scientific advice to the agency, a move some say could
    impair future research into climate change and provide
    sweeping benefits to polluting industries. A spokesman
    for EPA head Scott Pruitt says the positions could
    likely be given to representatives from polluting
    industries the EPA is meant to monitor, in an effort
    ‘to take as inclusive an approach to regulation as
    possible.’ “This is one of several attempts by Congress
    to meddle with and ultimately undermine the process of
    science informing policy decisions,” Genna Reed, a
    policy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists,
    says. “These measures are attacks on public health,
    safety and environmental safeguards, plain and simple.”
    Contact Seth Michaels at 202-331-5662;

    2. ==> ‘National Bird’ Documentary Director

    The award winning documentary ‘National Bird’ — which
    is now airing on PBS stations — follows the dramatic
    journey of three whistleblowers determined to break the
    silence around one of the most controversial issues of
    our time: the secret U.S. drone war. Producer/director
    Sonia Kennebeck says, “While the drone war is
    considered by many a legacy of the Obama
    administration, President Trump’s apparent embrace of
    the drone program is making ‘National Bird’ incredibly
    timely. … This weapon greatly impacts the people and
    the societies in the target countries, and also the
    pilots and analysts operating the drones. The drone war
    is not as clean and surgical as politicians want us to
    believe, and it is not even remotely clear if it is …
    reducing terrorism.” Contact Sonia Kennebeck at
    @NationalBirdDoc or Cara White at

    3. ==> Renowned Mentalist Jim Karol

    You’ve seen him on NBC’s Today show, Ellen, the Howard
    Stern Show and more. Mentalist Jim Karol went from a
    steelworker in Allentown, PA to one of the world’s top
    mentalists. In 1990, Karol correctly predicted the
    Pennsylvania lottery which cost the state over 12
    million dollars, and soon afterwards changed lottery
    laws across the nation. Jim also made headlines by
    predicting the outcome of the Final Four on a national
    radio show, before the tournament began. Some of Jim’s
    abilities include knowing over 80,000 zip codes,
    thousands of digits of Pi, the Scrabble dictionary,
    sports almanacs, medical journals, and thousands of
    other facts. Jim uses his abilities to help business
    leaders, professional athletes, and veterans, boost
    their memory, morale and emotional intelligence and
    just returned from a USO tour around the world. Contact
    Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103

    4. ==> Mother’s Day Doesn’t Have to be Disappointing

    Mother’s Day can be a tough day for many women. It taps
    into the deepest pain and most emotional
    disappointments. Whether your children forget, your
    mother-in-law is demanding or your own mom is
    difficult, Tom Gagliano says you don’t have to sit and
    sulk. He says, “Don’t give your power away this year,
    show up like a healthy adult.” Gagliano will discuss
    how setting boundaries, managing expectations and
    picking your battles this Mothers’ Day can help you
    break free from dysfunctional patterns and roles from
    childhood. Tom Gagliano, MSW, is a mentor, speaker and
    the author of several books including “Don’t Put Your
    Crap in Your Kid’s Diaper.” Contact him at (732)

    5. ==> Memorial Day Show – Has America Let Down War

    Memorial Day is meant to honor America’s war dead who
    sacrificed everything they had for their country, the
    freedom of its people and the American way. But James
    A. Stuber, J.D., also suggests it is a time to reaffirm
    that these brave men and women did not sacrifice in
    vain by making sure we do not squander their legacy—and
    America’s. Stuber says this is more important than ever
    at a time when the smartphones we buy are made in
    Chinese labor camps, the clothes we wear are made in
    sweatshops and the fish we eat are caught on slave
    ships. He’ll discuss how trade morphed into
    globalization, three billion people joined the world
    economy creating the ‘age of oversupply,’ and China
    changed everything by adopting just enough capitalism
    to become the ‘world’s workshop.’ James Stuber began
    his career as a legislative assistant to a member of
    the U.S. House of Representatives, focusing on matters
    before the Committee on Energy and Commerce. He
    subsequently practiced legislative and administrative
    law in Washington, D.C. Stuber founded Made in America
    Again, a movement of consumers dedicated to creating
    jobs in communities across America by buying things
    made in those communities. His latest book is “What If
    Things Were Made in America Again: How Consumers Can
    Rebuild the Middle Class by Buying Things Made in
    American Communities.” Contact him at (610) 608-5074;

    6. ==> ‘3 Reasons Why’: A Wake Up Call for Parents of

    Every teen in America knows about this controversial
    Netflix series and has probably binge watched it. It is
    about a high school student named Hannah Baker who
    reveals through her 13 Reasons Why she killed herself.
    Parents and mental health professionals are extremely
    concerned because of its graphic depictions of suicide
    and also date rape. Teens think the show is realistic
    because “it’s what High School is like.” Colleen
    O’Grady a licensed family therapist and leading expert
    on mother and teen relationships say this is a wake-up
    call for parents. Colleen will share practical tips on
    how to know what’s really going on with your teen and
    how to have a close relationship. Colleen is the author
    of “Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and
    Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter” Reach her at
    (713) 408-6112;

    7. ==> The Dangerous World of New Grads

    Graduation season is here and a flock of millennials
    will be seeking their fortunes. The problem is, we
    aren’t doing enough to protect them from their own poor
    judgment, suggests Akram Alashari, a 31-year-old trauma
    surgeon known as the Peak Performance Doctor. Akram is
    saddened by seeing young people arrive at his hospital
    with life-threatening injuries because they texted and
    drove, got in a car with a drunk driver, car surfed,
    dove out of a tree and did other immature things simply
    because they thought they were invincible. Akram, who
    became a doctor at 23, wants to reach young people’s
    parents to help them better prepare their graduates for
    a safe future. He’ll reveal what parents can do to
    ensure that their children will be goal oriented and
    less likely to be swayed by peer pressure. His views
    make up the “graduation speech” today’s graduates and
    parents need to hear. He is the author of “The Power of
    Peak State: Massively Enhance Your Personal Potential.”
    Contact him at (407) 617-4795 or

    8. ==> Is Your Grad Ready for College?

    Did you know, that according to HigherEducation.Org,
    over 60% of college bound students need some level of
    remediation courses? These courses cost extra money
    that you probably didn’t take into account when
    estimating tuition costs, and the courses will delay a
    timely, 4-year graduation time. Adrian Ridner, CEO and
    co-founder of, has some sure-fire ways you
    can get your child college ready, ensure they don’t
    spend thousands more on remedial courses, and help them
    to graduate on time! Fed up with the high cost of
    education, Adrian started in 2002 with the
    mission of making education accessible. Today the
    company helps over 25 million students a month, from
    middle school through college, with short video-based
    online courses. Contact Krystal Alvarez at (510)

    9. ==> Are You a Retirement-Planning Underachiever?

    The truth is most Americans are not headed for a secure
    retirement. But it’s not too late to change course.
    Chartered retirement planning counselor Rodger Alan
    Friedman, CRPC®, can help your audience figure out if
    they are retirement underachievers by providing them
    with ten questions to answer. Then, he’ll follow that
    up with three simple steps anyone can take right now to
    get serious about saving for retirement. Rodger can
    also share what not to include in your retirement plan.
    Sure, there will always be bills to pay and expenses to
    take care of that can tempt people to put off salting
    money away for their golden years. But most people
    don’t think of the price they will ultimately pay for
    being unprepared. He’s the author of “Fire Your
    Retirement Planner You: Concise Advice on How to Join
    the $100,000 Retirement Club.” Contact him at (844)

    10. ==> Competitors Are Cannibals: Clever Ways to Eat
    ‘em Up

    Cannibals are everywhere and they have one job: to
    devour the competition before it eats them. Award-
    winning marketing expert Claudia Newcorn says, “As soon
    as they smell you, they will look for ways to reduce
    your success, perhaps taking a bite out of you with
    more aggressive pricing or adding more services. It’s
    all about survival of the smartest.” With the economy
    humming and more people contemplating starting
    businesses, Newcorn wants would-be entrepreneurs to pay
    attention because they often enter their markets
    without checking out the competition. Invite her on
    your show and learn ways to win in business when only
    the fit survive. Claudia Newcorn is a strategic
    marketing consultant and the author “Zipline to
    Success: Fast-Track Marketing Strategies to Accelerate
    Your Sales & Profits.” She has written for hundreds of
    publications and appears as a frequent radio talk show
    guest. Contact her at (209) 204-0502; or

    11. ==> Get Your Brew On this Summer

    Each summer, hundreds of craft beer festivals, beer
    tastings and beer gardens pop up all around the
    country. This summer, the drinking public can expect
    to see even more events featuring local beer tastings,
    beer pairings with food, and beer with entertainment
    options, according to event planning expert Lynn
    Fuhler. She’ll discuss the growing popularity of Brew
    Fests and Pop-Up Beer Gardens, what makes a first-rate
    festival, and why, with the explosive growth of micro-
    breweries, these events are so important to small craft
    brewers. Lynn Fuhler has successfully organized events
    and festivals throughout her career. She is the former
    tourism director of Clearwater Beach, Fla., and former
    chairman of the largest free jazz festival in the
    Southeast. Her book “Secrets to Successful Events: How
    to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and
    Festivals” is being used as a college textbook. Contact
    her at (336) 499-6372;

    12. ==> What Doctors Don’t Tell You about Alzheimer’s

    If there is a cure for Alzheimer’s disease or a way of
    preventing it, you won’t hear about it from your
    doctor. What doctors don’t tell you about Alzheimer’s,
    Michael Morgan will. Morgan will share three very
    important aspects of slowing down, stopping and
    potentially even reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s
    disease. He’ll outline an approach that involves diet,
    exercise and craniosacral therapy. He’s a pioneering
    expert in the latter discipline. Invite Morgan to share
    strong evidence that craniosacral therapy is effective
    in treating at-risk people and those in the early to
    mid-stages of dementia. He’ll explain what craniosacral
    therapy is and ways it can increase longevity. Morgan
    is the author of “The BodyEnergy Longevity
    Prescription: How CranioSacral Therapy Helps Prevent
    Alzheimer’s and Dementia While Improving the Quality of
    Your Life.” Reach him at (312) 543-4719;

    13. ==> People-Pleasers, Take Back Your Power

    Self-described former congeniality addict Cat Dols
    hopes to spark a 21st century “good girl” revolt. The
    former Ford model uses a mixture of stories, examples
    and self-guided exercises to teach women—and men who
    have the problem—how to stop living their lives
    according to other people’s expectations so they can
    take charge of their own happiness. “I want people to
    know that they matter and they are good enough as is …
    even though they may have been taught they weren’t in
    the past,” Dols says. She’ll discuss her non-
    traditional definition of a goddess: a peaceful state
    of being that is the opposite of ego—where your
    authentic power resides, and share a road map for
    taking back the power you’ve given away in a futile
    attempt to please other people. Cat Dols is an author,
    life coach, home stager, decorator, master gardener and
    art class teacher. “Get Your Goddess On: Own Your
    Power. Love Your Life! is her first book.” Contact her
    at (262) 388-3222;

    14. ==> Sound Healer Helps Dogs, Cats Heal

    We love our pets and when they are in pain or out of
    sorts it’s tough on us, too. Sound healer Dawn Crystal
    uses her voice to heal dogs, cats and other animals—and
    their people—and can demonstrate her art live on the
    air. She can use her decade long experience in the
    holistic healing art to eliminate the pain of animals
    by rebalancing their bodies, eliminating energy
    blockages. For a fun show, let Crystal demonstrate how
    it is done. She will explain that animals are more
    receptive to sound healing than people are, having
    quicker recoveries. Crystal’s human clients include
    CEOs and celebrities who typically book her for 30-
    minute sessions. She has a collection of MP3s for sale
    on her website that let people release their own
    blockages. Reach her at (808) 268-6242;

    15. ==> Christ’s Last Parables Had Clues for May

    According to Dr. Richard Ruhling, an expert on Bible
    prophecy, “The Bible’s end-time ‘day of the Lord’
    begins with an earthquake and fits overlooked timing
    clues by Christ- as ‘the days of Noah’ or ‘like a man
    traveling to a far country’ as Jewish law provided in
    Numbers 9:10,11.” Ruhling, author on Bible prophecy
    says, “Blood moons, solar eclipse, Iran’s ‘peace &
    safety’ treaty, papal visits to Congress & UN in 2015
    all signaled end-times which couldn’t begin until after
    the sabbatical year of 2016 because the end-times are a
    ‘week’ of years with the last of seven years also
    falling on a sabbatical year.” He’ll explain why
    churches worldwide should ‘watch and pray’ for
    readiness Thursday evening, May 11th, similar to Jesus
    on his last night, also a Thursday. Contact Ruhling at
    (928) 583-7543;

  • 05/04/17 RTIR E-zine: Velocity TV, Ovarian Cancer Day, Buying American

    May 4, 2017

    01. As Congress Votes – Jimmy Kimmel’s Emotional Plea
    02. Workers Lose in New Overtime Law
    03. Should Dems Embrace Anti-Choice Candidates?
    04. Velocity TV – ‘Speed is the New Black’
    05. You’re a Mother, not a Servant
    06. Sometimes it’s Not Easy Celebrating Mom
    07. Women, College Majors and Salaries
    08. Environmental Cuts – What it Means to Your Wallet
    09. Why it Matters to Buy American
    10. World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th
    11. Need Some Vacation Inspiration?
    12. Model/Actress Fiona Lewis
    13. Look Like a Star Regardless of Your Shape
    14. She Uses Sound to Help Hounds Heal
    15. Hot Summer Trend: Pop-Up Beer Gardens

    1. ==> As Congress Votes – Jimmy Kimmel’s Emotional Plea

    Late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel used his monologue
    Monday to share the emotional story of his newborn
    son’s health issues. He ended with a plea to lawmakers
    looking to repeal Obamacare and its protection against
    banning those with pre-existing conditions. As the
    House takes up the issue today, invite Paul Waldman to
    discuss what’s at stake. “The latest version of the GOP
    health plan would allow states to opt out of that ban,
    potentially eviscerating it. Depending on how you
    define it, somewhere between a quarter and half of all
    non-elderly Americans have pre-existing conditions,
    according to the Department of Health and Human
    Services (the elderly are covered by Medicare, so they
    don’t have to worry). That’s as many as 130 million
    Americans. If you had to buy insurance on the
    individual market before the ACA took effect and you
    had an old knee injury or some sinus problems — let
    alone a chronic condition or a history with a disease
    like cancer — you know how difficult and costly it
    could be.” Paul Waldman is a senior writer with The
    American Prospect magazine and a blogger for The
    Washington Post. His writing has appeared in dozens of
    newspapers, magazines, and web sites, and he is the
    author or co-author of four books on media and
    politics. Contact him at (615) 255-2665; or @paulwaldman1

    2. ==> Workers Lose in New Overtime Law

    Real workplace flexibility is good for workers. But
    Vicki Shabo says The Working Families Flexibility Act
    passed by lawmakers yesterday, is not. Shabo, vice
    president of the National Partnership for Women &
    Families, says the legislation is designed to look like
    it will help but would, in fact, harm workers. “A
    better name for this is the Employer Flexibility Act,
    because it would offer working people less flexibility,
    less pay and less time. It would give employers more
    control over their employees’ time and money. It would
    take money out the hands of working people by setting
    up a false and dangerous choice between overtime pay
    now and time off later when they work more than 40
    hours in a week.” Shabo says employers could choose
    when – and if – workers can take that time off, with no
    guarantees and no recourse if denied. She adds that
    it’s not the only smoke-and-mirror legislation looming
    that would hurt workers and their families. Contact
    Sadie Kliner at (202) 986-2600;

    3. ==> Should Dems Embrace Anti-Choice Candidates?

    On Tuesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told
    reporters that support for pro-choice abortion policy
    should not be a litmus test for Democratic Party
    candidates. But that’s raising serious concerns for a
    national women’s advocacy group worried about the
    future of the Democratic party and women’s access to
    safe, legal abortion. Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of
    UltraViolet Action, says, “Courting social
    conservatives by selling out women is not a winning
    campaign strategy, but a morally bankrupt attempt to
    win votes without concern for the women who desperately
    need Democrats in their corner to fight against
    Republican attempts to restrict abortion. And it’s a
    flawed strategy: The vast majority of people in this
    country support a woman’s right to choose abortion.”
    UltraViolet Action is an online community of over 1
    million women and men who take collective action to
    expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private
    sector and the media. Contact Yasmina Dardari at (407)

    4. ==> Velocity TV – ‘Speed is the New Black’

    From his massive Classic Car Studio in St. Louis, Noah
    Alexander and his crew customize classic cars for
    automotive aficionados around the world. Now, Noah is
    the star of the new TV series Speed is the New Black on
    Discovery’s Velocity network. The show gives viewers an
    inside look at the extraordinary custom vehicles —
    primarily built for speed — coming out of Noah’s shop.
    Noah can discuss some of the wildest custom pieces he’s
    ever built, some of his all-time favorite classic car
    redesigns, and what viewers can expect from the new
    series. Contact John Angelo at

    5. ==> You’re a Mother, not a Servant

    When you’re a Mom, you often put yourself last and tell
    yourself it’s just part of the job. Sometimes you get
    so busy doing so much for everyone else, you forget
    that you’re important too! Cat Dols says, “There is a
    big difference in being a servant and being in service
    to others. When we treat ourselves like we don’t matter
    as much as our family, our jobs, social commitments…
    we somehow give other people permission to treat us
    ‘less-than’. It’s time to take our power back as the
    fabulously powerful women that we are, and make
    ourselves a priority again! If you want to talk about
    female empowerment you need to start with moms and set
    an example for future generations of young women.” Cat
    Dols is the author of “Get Your Goddess On! Own Your
    Power: Love Your Life!” Cat Dols is the owner of Home
    Beautiful Staging & Design, LLC. She’s a decorator,
    painter, organizer, professional landscaper, an
    accredited Home Stager and a certified life coach.
    Contact her at (262) 204-8240; (262) 388-3222 or

    6. ==> Sometimes it’s Not Easy Celebrating Mom

    Mothers’ Day is a wonderful time for some, but can be
    rather challenging for others. Not everyone has a great
    mom, but Tom Gagliano says that doesn’t mean you need
    to pretend otherwise. He says, “Don’t give your power
    away this year, show up like a healthy adult.” Gagliano
    will discuss how setting boundaries, managing
    expectations and picking your battles this Mothers’ Day
    can help you break free from dysfunctional patterns and
    roles from childhood. Tom Gagliano, MSW, is a mentor,
    speaker and the author of several books including
    “Don’t Put Your Crap in Your Kid’s Diaper.” Contact him
    at (732) 266-4952;

    7. ==> Women, College Majors and Salaries

    What you major in can lead to career and pay gaps,
    particularly for women, according to a new report from
    Glassdoor. “Women tend to major in subjects that lead
    to lower-paying roles later on,” says Andrew
    Chamberlain, Glassdoor’s chief economist. Those choices
    create a “pipeline problem,” in which women are less
    represented in majors that lead to jobs with higher
    earnings potential. He says, “Majors do make a
    difference. You are going to be working for the rest of
    your life, your decision can mean hundreds of thousands
    of dollars.” Chamberlain will share some surprising
    career paths that lead to bigger salaries for women,
    and ones that you may want to avoid if you want to
    avoid hitting the glass ceiling. Glassdoor is a website
    where employees and former employees anonymously review
    companies and their management. Contact Chamberlain at
    (415) 339-9105;

    8. ==> Environmental Cuts – What it Means to Your

    Earth Day is over, but pending environmental cuts keeps
    the issue in the forefront. How they will affect your
    health, your children’s health, and your pocketbook?
    While the cuts might appear to save money, Ellen Moyer,
    Ph.D. says you’ll pay in other, more important ways.
    “The environment is not something ‘out there,’ or where
    you go on vacation. The environment enters your body
    with every breath you take, every sip you drink, and
    every bite of food you consume. By protecting the
    environment, we can enjoy happier and healthier lives
    and create an economic boom instead of paying ever more
    for unproductive health and environmental damage
    control.” Dr. Moyer will explain how environment cuts
    directly hurt us, and how protecting human and
    environmental health is a good deal and easier than we
    might think. Dr. Moyer is an environmental consultant
    and registered professional engineer with an MS in
    environmental engineering, a PhD in civil engineering,
    and more than 30 years of environmental engineering
    experience. She is a regular contributor to The
    Huffington Post and the author of “Our Earth, Our
    Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive While Creating a
    Sustainable World.” Contact her at (413) 862-3452;

    9. ==> Why it Matters to Buy American

    Does it really matter if the products we buy are made
    in America? Many people say yes, but still purchase
    things that are manufactured or grown in other
    countries. Your listeners may be shocked to find their
    smart phone was made in a labor camp, their clothes
    were made in a sweatshop, and their fish were caught on
    a slave ship. James Stuber will take your audience on a
    journey to learn what’s really going on with trade,
    globalization, and the U.S. and world economies. Stuber
    is the author of “What if Things Were Made in America
    Again: How Consumers Can Rebuild the Middle Class by
    Buying Things Made in American Communities.” Invite him
    to discuss why so many things are made somewhere else,
    whether that’s a problem or not, and if so, how we can
    fix it. Contact him at (610) 608-5074;

    10. ==> World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th

    Ovarian cancer claims the lives of 14,000 American
    women and 140,000 women worldwide every year. Comedian
    Jen Coken, whose mother died from the disease, has a
    mission to end late-stage diagnosis by educating women
    about the signs and symptoms. “If I knew then what I
    know now, my mother might still be alive,” Coken says.
    Since ovarian cancer is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed
    too late Coken will discuss the warning signs of the
    disease and why every woman (and especially Jewish
    women) are at risk. Jen Coken is a life coach and
    stand-up comedian who has coached thousands of people
    for nearly 20 years. She wrote “When I Die Take My
    Panties: Turning Your Darkest Moments into Your
    Greatest” using jokes she co-wrote with her late
    mother. Contact her at (303) 859-9081;

    11. ==> Need Some Vacation Inspiration?

    Whether you’re looking for a last minute excuse to
    travel or want to plan a summer trip, Marco Aguilar can
    help. He’ll explain how to overcome the most frequent
    and challenging excuses for not taking a vacation,
    including financial, airport hassles and “it’s my job,
    stupid,” excuses; and shares awesome ideas on where to
    go and what to do with your precious time off. Marco
    Aguilar, aka The Chief Vacation Officer®, uses his 25-
    year experience in the travel industry to inspire
    others to claim their right to time off and live the
    life-transforming potential of travel and experiential
    vacations. His upcoming book is “The Power of
    Vacation.” Contact him at (310) 739-4044;

    12. ==> Model/Actress Fiona Lewis

    Fiona Lewis was a model and actress in the sixties and
    seventies. Her credits include Roman Polanski’s The
    Vampire Killers, Ken Russell’s Lisztomania, and Brian
    de Palma’s The Fury. She’s also the wife of Hollywood
    producer Art Linson (Untouchables, Sons of Anarchy,
    Great Expectations). Invite her on your show to
    discuss modeling in the 1960s and 70s with roommate
    Jacqueline Bisset, Hollywood legends like Margaret
    Sullavan, Peter Fonda, Roman Polansky, her near-
    marriage to Patrick John Anson, the 5th Earl of
    Lichfield (and cousin to the Queen) and her French
    Chateau. Lewis’ writing has appeared in the New Yorker,
    The Observer and the Los Angeles Times. She may be (she
    candidly admits) the only woman in America who has
    written for the New Yorker and posed for Playboy. Her
    new book, “Mistakes were Made,” is a coming of age
    memoir – with lessons for those in their 50s and beyond
    but also for those in their teens and 20s. Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell) or

    13. ==> Look Like a Star Regardless of Your Shape

    The popularity of cosmetic procedures clearly
    illustrates how unsatisfied many women are with their
    bodies, but what if a few simple style tips could
    transform you into becoming more confident and
    attractive? Internationally celebrated wedding dress
    designer and author Rani St. Pucchi, who has styled
    countless celebrities and over 15,000 brides, says you
    can learn to flatter your figure if you know the style
    secrets of the professionals. St. Pucchi says that
    there are simple tricks on how to dress in a way to
    enhance your best features and camouflage those you’re
    not so fond of. By dressing strategically, you can
    boost your self-confidence and present yourself to the
    world in the way you want to be seen. For three decades
    Rani St. Pucchi has been an internationally recognized
    and award-winning designer of wedding dresses and the
    founder of St. Pucchi Bridal House. Her designs have
    been embraced by an all-star roster of celebrities,
    actresses, athletes, and singers and have been featured
    by global media. She’s the author of several books
    including “Your Body, Your Style.” Contact her at (310)

    14. == > She Uses Sound to Help Hounds Heal

    We love our pets and when they are in pain or out of
    sorts it’s tough on us, too. Sound healer Dawn Crystal
    uses her voice to heal dogs, cats and other animals—and
    their people—and can demonstrate her art live on the
    air. She can use her decade long experience in the
    holistic healing art to eliminate the pain of animals
    by rebalancing their bodies, eliminating energy
    blockages. For a fun show, let Crystal demonstrate how
    it is done. She will explain that animals are more
    receptive to sound healing than people are, having
    quicker recoveries. Crystal’s human clients include
    CEOs and celebrities who typically book her for 30-
    minute sessions. She has a collection of MP3s for sale
    on her website that let people release their own
    blockages. Reach her at (808) 268-6242;

    15. ==> Hot Summer Trend: Pop-Up Beer Gardens

    Each summer, hundreds of craft beer festivals, beer
    tastings and beer gardens pop up all around the
    country. This summer, the drinking public can expect
    to see even more events featuring local beer tastings,
    beer pairings with food, and beer with entertainment
    options, according to event planning expert Lynn
    Fuhler. She’ll discuss the growing popularity of Brew
    Fests and Pop-Up Beer Gardens, what makes a first-rate
    festival, and why, with the explosive growth of micro-
    breweries, these events are so important to small craft
    brewers. Lynn Fuhler has successfully organized events
    and festivals throughout her career. She is the former
    tourism director of Clearwater Beach, Fla., and former
    chairman of the largest free jazz festival in the
    Southeast. Her book “Secrets to Successful Events: How
    to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and
    Festivals” is being used as a college textbook. Contact
    her at (336) 499-6372;

  • 05/02/17 RTIR E-zine: Pop-Up Beer Gardens, Free College, Women and College

    May 2, 2017

    01. The End of Fox as We Know it?
    02. ‘Trumponomics’ Exposed
    03. Model/Actress Fiona Lewis
    04. Mothers’ Day when Mom Isn’t Anything to Celebrate
    05. Hot Summer Trend: Pop-Up Beer Gardens
    06. Look Like a Star Regardless of Your Body Type
    07. Free College?!
    08. Women, College Majors and Salaries
    09. World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th
    10. Competitors Are Cannibals: Clever Ways to Eat ‘em Up
    11. What Would Elvis Shill if He Were Alive?
    12. Expert Stops Pain On-Air
    13. When You Can’t Fit in Your Summer Clothes
    14. ‘Trumpertension’ – It’s a Yuge Thing
    15. The Real Reason Your Spouse Doesn’t Listen to You

    1. ==> The End of Fox as We Know it?

    Embattled Fox News co-president Bill Shine resigned
    Monday following intense scrutiny about his stewardship
    of the network in the wake of the Bill O’Reilly
    scandal. Shine is accused in several lawsuits of
    covering up or downplaying allegations of sexual
    harassment and racial discrimination. Michael
    Calderone can discuss the situation at the network and
    what we can expect next. Calderone is HuffPost’s senior
    media reporter. He is also an adjunct journalism
    professor at New York University. Calderone previously
    covered media and politics for Politico, the New York
    Observer, and Yahoo News. Contact him at (212)

    2. ==> ‘Trumponomics’ Exposed

    The Trump administration unveiled its tax overhaul plan
    with a large amount of rhetoric and a small amount of
    detail. But one point that was made clear is Trump’s
    plan to cut the estate tax. Chuck Collins says, “The
    Trump tax proposal will accelerate U.S. wealth
    inequality. Abolishing the estate tax — a tax that
    starts on families with over $11 million — would be a
    windfall for the wealthy. The first tax cut should NOT
    go to the first family. If Trump has the $10 billion he
    claims he has, repeal of the estate tax will give each
    of the Trump children a $1 billion windfall.” Chuck
    Collins is organizer of the Patriotic Millionaires
    effort to Defend the Estate Tax. Collins is author,
    with Bill Gates Sr., of “Wealth and Our Commonwealth:
    Why America Should Tax Inherited Fortunes.” Contact
    Kelsea-Marie Pym,

    3. ==> Model/Actress Fiona Lewis

    Fiona Lewis was a model and actress in the sixties and
    seventies. Her credits include Roman Polanski’s The
    Vampire Killers, Ken Russell’s Lisztomania, and Brian
    de Palma’s The Fury. She’s also the wife of Hollywood
    producer Art Linson (Untouchables, Sons of Anarchy,
    Great Expectations). Invite her on your show to
    discuss modeling in the 1960s and 70s with roommate
    Jacqueline Bisset, Hollywood legends like Margaret
    Sullavan, Peter Fonda, Roman Polansky, her near-
    marriage to Patrick John Anson, the 5th Earl of
    Lichfield (and cousin to the Queen) and her French
    Chateau. Lewis’ writing has appeared in the New Yorker,
    The Observer and the Los Angeles Times. She may be (she
    candidly admits) the only woman in America who has
    written for the New Yorker and posed for Playboy. Her
    new book, “Mistakes were Made,” is a coming of age
    memoir – with lessons for those in their 50s and beyond
    but also for those in their teens and 20s. Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell) or

    4. ==> Mothers’ Day when Mom Isn’t Anything to

    Mothers’ Day is a wonderful time for some, but can be
    rather challenging for others. Not everyone has a great
    mom, but Tom Gagliano says that doesn’t mean you need
    to pretend otherwise. He says, “Don’t give your power
    away this year, show up like a healthy adult.” Gagliano
    will discuss how setting boundaries, managing
    expectations and picking your battles this Mothers’ Day
    can help you break free from dysfunctional patterns and
    roles from childhood. Tom Gagliano, MSW, is a mentor,
    speaker and the author of several books including
    “Don’t Put Your Crap in Your Kid’s Diaper.” Contact him
    at (732) 266-4952;

    5. ==> Hot Summer Trend: Pop-Up Beer Gardens

    Each summer, hundreds of craft beer festivals, beer
    tastings and beer gardens pop up all around the
    country. This summer, the drinking public can expect
    to see even more events featuring local beer tastings,
    beer pairings with food, and beer with entertainment
    options, according to event planning expert Lynn
    Fuhler. She’ll discuss the growing popularity of Brew
    Fests and Pop-Up Beer Gardens, what makes a first-rate
    festival, and why, with the explosive growth of micro-
    breweries, these events are so important to small craft
    brewers. Lynn Fuhler has successfully organized events
    and festivals throughout her career. She is the former
    tourism director of Clearwater Beach, Fla., and former
    chairman of the largest free jazz festival in the
    Southeast. Her book “Secrets to Successful Events: How
    to Organize, Promote and Manage Exceptional Events and
    Festivals” is being used as a college textbook. Contact
    her at (336) 499-6372;

    6. ==> Look Like a Star Regardless of Your Body Type

    The popularity of cosmetic procedures clearly
    illustrates how unsatisfied many women are with their
    bodies, but what if a few simple style tips could
    transform you into becoming more confident and
    attractive? Internationally celebrated wedding dress
    designer and author Rani St. Pucchi, who has styled
    countless celebrities and over 15,000 brides, says you
    can learn to flatter your figure if you know the style
    secrets of the professionals. St. Pucchi says that
    there are simple tricks on how to dress in a way to
    enhance your best features and camouflage those you’re
    not so fond of. By dressing strategically, you can
    boost your self-confidence and present yourself to the
    world in the way you want to be seen. For three decades
    Rani St. Pucchi has been an internationally recognized
    and award-winning designer of wedding dresses and the
    founder of St. Pucchi Bridal House. Her designs have
    been embraced by an all-star roster of celebrities,
    actresses, athletes, and singers and have been featured
    by global media. She’s the author of several books
    including “Your Body, Your Style.” Contact her at (310)

    7. ==> Free College?!

    There has been a lot of buzz about NY Governor Andrew
    Cuomo’s free college proposal, but who will actually
    benefit? Adrian Ridner, CEO and Co-founder of
    says the idea of providing free college is a noble one,
    but to realistically make it happen, we need to make
    college less expensive and make the experience more
    flexible for students, particularly those who are
    juggling school, work and family. Invite Ridner to
    discuss how alternative credit can be used to cut the
    cost of a degree in half, and in some cases get the
    total cost of a Bachelor’s degree under $10k. He can
    also talk about a unique free college model being used
    in Mountain View, CA that leverages a combination of
    discounted course and tuition fees, low-cost
    transferrable credit, local workforce development funds
    and corporate sponsorships, to make college free for
    any resident. Fed up with the high cost of education,
    Adrian started in 2002 with the mission of
    making education accessible. Today the company helps
    over 25 million students a month, from middle school
    through college, with short video-based online courses.
    Contact Jennifer McHam at (650) 288-2381;

    8. ==> Women, College Majors and Salaries

    What you major in can lead to career and pay gaps,
    particularly for women, according to a new report from
    Glassdoor. “Women tend to major in subjects that lead
    to lower-paying roles later on,” says Andrew
    Chamberlain, Glassdoor’s chief economist. Those choices
    create a “pipeline problem,” in which women are less
    represented in majors that lead to jobs with higher
    earnings potential. He says, “Majors do make a
    difference. You are going to be working for the rest of
    your life, your decision can mean hundreds of thousands
    of dollars.” Chamberlain will share some surprising
    career paths that lead to bigger salaries for women,
    and ones that you may want to avoid if you want to
    avoid hitting the glass ceiling. Glassdoor is a website
    where employees and former employees anonymously review
    companies and their management. Contact Chamberlain at
    (415) 339-9105;

    9. ==> World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th

    Ovarian cancer claims the lives of 14,000 American
    women and 140,000 women worldwide every year. Comedian
    Jen Coken, whose mother died from the disease, has a
    mission to end late-stage diagnosis by educating women
    about the signs and symptoms. “If I knew then what I
    know now, my mother might still be alive,” Coken says.
    Since ovarian cancer is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed
    too late Coken will discuss the warning signs of the
    disease and why every woman (and especially Jewish
    women) are at risk. Jen Coken is a life coach and
    stand-up comedian who has coached thousands of people
    for nearly 20 years. She wrote “When I Die Take My
    Panties: Turning Your Darkest Moments into Your
    Greatest” using jokes she co-wrote with her late
    mother. Contact her at (303) 859-9081;

    10. ==> Competitors Are Cannibals: Clever Ways to Eat
    ‘em Up

    Cannibals are everywhere and they have one job: to
    devour the competition before it eats them. Award-
    winning marketing expert Claudia Newcorn says, “As soon
    as they smell you, they will look for ways to reduce
    your success, perhaps taking a bite out of you with
    more aggressive pricing or adding more services. It’s
    all about survival of the smartest.” With the economy
    humming and more people contemplating starting
    businesses, Newcorn wants would-be entrepreneurs to pay
    attention because they often enter their markets
    without checking out the competition. Invite her on
    your show and learn ways to win in business when only
    the fit survive. Claudia Newcorn is a strategic
    marketing consultant and the author “Zipline to
    Success: Fast-Track Marketing Strategies to Accelerate
    Your Sales & Profits.” She has written for hundreds of
    publications and appears as a frequent radio talk show
    guest. Contact her at (209) 204-0502; or

    11. ==> What Would Elvis Shill if He Were Alive?

    If Elvis had not left the building, what might he be
    doing today? Rodger Alan Friedman is certain that he
    knows. He’ll say that the King would be starring in
    late-night TV commercials pushing gold as an investment
    or touting the advantages of reverse mortgages. Rodger
    is a chartered retirement planning counselor (CRPC®)
    who thinks that no one should act on pitches made by
    singers, actors and celebrities that are likely to
    affect their financial lives for years to come. And
    that goes for Elvis, even though Rodger was a big fan.
    Invite Rodger on your show to explain what should and
    should not go into a retirement plan, how to tell if
    you are a retirement planning underachiever and what
    three steps you can take now to get serious about
    retirement. That way, you won’t end up spending your
    golden years at the Heartbreak Hotel. He’s the author
    of “Fire Your Retirement Planner You: Concise Advice on
    How to Join the $100,000 Retirement Club.” Contact him
    at (844) 3MY-PLAN;

    12. ==> Expert Stops Pain On-Air

    If you, a colleague or one of your callers is
    experiencing persistent pain Dawn Crystal may be able
    to provide instant relief live on your show. Crystal
    says even the healthiest of people have energy
    blockages. As a gifted sound energy healer, she can
    sense where the blockages are and blow them away using
    the power of her voice. Simply put, this pain release
    expert uses sound frequencies to rebalance the human
    body and to rid it of inflammation. Best of all, other
    people listening to the interview may also experience
    the same instant pain relief from such problems as knee
    pain, tooth pain and back pain. Crystal, who has been
    effecting this type of dramatic drug-free pain relief
    for a decade, counts celebrities and CEOs among her
    clients. Now she wants to teach people how to heal
    their own bodies for peaceful, pain-free lives. She has
    a collection of MP3s for sale on her website that let
    people release their own blockages. Reach her at (808)

    13. ==> When You Can’t Fit in Your Summer Clothes

    No one wants to spend the summer dieting, yet the
    collision of winter weight with summer clothes makes
    many people just want to crawl into their sofa and
    munch. You can’t wear baggy sweaters in June, so invite
    Renee Jones to share ways to get free from comfort
    eating and get back into your summer outfits. “When we
    stop stuffing down our feelings and following it with a
    food chaser, it saves a whole bunch of calories,” says
    Jones. She’ll share strategies for navigating a snack-
    filled home or office environment, ways to recognize
    comfort eating triggers, and reveal the number one
    reason diets fail. Renee Jones is the author of “What’s
    Really Eating You: Overcome the Triggers of Comfort
    Eating.” Contact her at (817) 938-6250;

    14. ==> ‘Trumpertension’ – It’s a Yuge Thing

    A lot of people who didn’t vote for Donald Trump are
    having trouble accepting his administration. In fact,
    many Americans are seeking medical help for the anxiety
    they’re experiencing due to the change of occupant at
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Palm Springs-based internal
    medicine physician Kiran Dintyala (a.k.a. Dr. Calm) has
    seen patients with Post-Election Stress Disorder,
    including some with previously well-controlled blood
    pressure who are coming in with alarmingly high
    numbers. He calls it “Trumpertension” describing it as
    “a substantial increase in blood pressure unrelated to
    diet, sodium intake or exercise that is solely
    attributable to worries over what a Trump presidency
    may mean for your future and America’s.” In response,
    he’s written “Seven Keys to Surviving the Trump
    Presidency,” sharing tips to stay calm amidst the
    seemingly endless flow of unsettling news and ways to
    remain positive and hopeful, no matter who’s in the
    Oval Office. Kiran Dintyala is a Board Certified
    Internal Medicine Physician currently practicing at
    Eisenhower Medical Center. He’s also the author of
    “Calm in the Midst of Chaos.” Contact him at (860) 375

    15. ==> The Real Reason Your Spouse Doesn’t Listen to

    You’ve told your wife that you don’t like going out
    with that annoying couple but she keeps arranging
    nights out with them. Or your husband still doesn’t
    tell you when he is going to be home late even though
    you have asked him over and over again to do so. Jaya
    Jaya Myra can end the frustration of couples that don’t
    listen to each other. She knows how to get your spouse
    to listen to you without nagging. The key, she will
    say, is knowing his or her energy type. She will
    explain how to tell what their type is, how to figure
    out how your energy type differs from theirs and why
    this imbalance is behind much frustrating marital
    miscommunication. Jaya Jaya Myra is the author of
    “Vibrational Healing: Attain Balance & Wholeness.
    Understand Your Energetic Type.” She’s been featured on
    Fox News, Readers Digest and Bustle. Reach her at
    347-476-4358 or

  • 04/25/17 RTIR E-zine: 100 Days of President Trump, Medicinal Marijuana, Fortune 500 Secrets

    April 25, 2017

    01. 100 Days of President Donald Trump
    02. Trump Inspires 11,000 Women to Run for Office
    03. The Democratic Divide – Can the Party Find Unity?
    04. How South Korea Sees the North Korea Problem
    05. Road Rage – Stay Calm and Drive On
    06. The Real Message of Bill O’Reilly’s Firing
    07. Surprising Thing Cary Grant Showed Her
    08. April is Stress Awareness Month
    09. World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th
    10. The Questionable Future of Medical Marijuana
    11. Allergy Season Stinks!
    12. Is Prince Harry the Most Courageous Royal?
    13. Business ‘Wisdom’ Debunked
    14. Fortune 500 Secrets Every Woman Should Steal
    15. Phobia Relief Day

    1. ==> 100 Days of President Donald Trump

    Saturday marks President Donald Trump’s 100 days in
    office. He says the mile-marker is a ridiculous measure
    of his accomplishments, but others say it’s hard to
    look at Trump’s performance thus far and not conclude
    that he and the Republicans face a serious problem.
    Julian Zelizer says the failures of these months might
    not be as devastating as some might think. “If Trump
    and the Republican Congress are able to move
    legislation in the coming months, the failures won’t be
    that important in defining his legacy.” Zelizer notes
    that Trump has even accomplished some of his goals,
    including normalizing his presidency and destabilizing
    the standing of the media. “His incessant attacks on
    news organizations as fake and his ability to flood the
    country with misleading or false statements via Twitter
    and his advisers have made it difficult for Americans
    to tell the difference between fact or fiction. In this
    kind of atmosphere, it’s easier for the President to
    shift the national agenda to new issues and confuse
    public understanding of what is going on.” Julian
    Zelizer, a history and public affairs professor at
    Princeton University, is the author of “The Fierce
    Urgency of Now: Lyndon Johnson, Congress, and the
    Battle for the Great Society.” Contact him at (609)
    258-8846; or Bernadette Yeager
    at (609) 258-4830;

    2. ==> Trump Inspires 11,000 Women to Run for Office

    Emily’s List has seen an “unprecedented” amount of
    women interested in running for political office, the
    group’s president Stephanie Schriock told The
    Washington Post on Friday for a story about Democrats
    challenging Republicans in traditionally red districts
    during the midterm elections. This year, they’ve heard
    from more than 11,000 women in all 50 states — with a
    few dozen seriously considering House races, she said.
    “Over ten thousand women isn’t a ripple — it’s a wave,”
    Schriock says. “Republicans everywhere should sit up
    and take notice — because this is only the beginning.”
    Since its founding 30 years ago, Emily’s List says it
    has helped elect more than 100 Democratic women to the
    House of Representatives, 23 to the Senate, 12 to
    governors’ seats, and hundreds more to state and local
    office. Book Schriock through the communications
    department at Emily’s List at (202) 326-1400 or

    3. ==> The Democratic Divide – Can the Party Find

    The Democratic National Committee has released the
    roster of its new ‘unity commission.’ The Hill
    newspaper reports that the panel is “made up largely of
    supporters of former Democratic presidential primary
    rivals Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders now
    tasked with healing the party’s divisions.” Journalist
    Robert Borosage says, “For all the urgent pleas for
    unity in the face of Trump, the party establishment has
    always made it clear that they mean unity under their
    banner. Democrats are in the midst of a major struggle
    to decide what they stand for and who they represent.”
    He adds, “Part of that is the debate over a bipartisan
    interventionist foreign policy that has so abjectly
    failed.” Robert Borosage writes a weekly column for The
    Nation magazine and is a senior advisor of People’s
    Action. Contact him at

    4. ==> How South Korea Sees the North Korea Problem

    President Trump urged the United Nations Security
    Council to be prepared to impose new sanctions on North
    Korea, especially in light of concerns the isolated
    regime is about to test its sixth nuclear bomb. But Tim
    Shorrock says there’s a totally different focus in
    South Korea. He says, “The big issue here is the May
    9th presidential election, which is expected to bring a
    progressive to power.” Invite Shorrock, currently in
    South Korea, to discuss what’s going on in the region.
    Shorrock just wrote the piece “In South Korea, War
    Hysteria Is Seen as an American Problem: The big issue
    here is the May 9 presidential election, which is
    expected to bring a progressive to power.” Shorrock is
    spending April and May working at Gwangju’s 5.18
    Archives to integrate his collection of declassified
    U.S.-government documents on Korea into the archive’s
    collection of materials on the 1980 Gwangju Uprising.
    In 2015, he was named an honorary citizen of Gwangju
    for his reporting on the U.S. role in Korea during the
    uprising. Contact him at,

    5. ==> Road Rage – Stay Calm and Drive On

    With warmer weather there are more drivers on the roads
    and apparently, they’re not too courteous in North
    Jersey. “In the past few weeks, we have noticed that
    road rage incidents are increasingly in the news,” said
    David Hughes, president and CEO of AAA North Jersey. A
    recent national AAA poll found that 80-percent of
    drivers have experienced intense anger or aggression
    while driving. Do you tailgate, yell at another driver,
    or get out of the vehicle to confront other drivers?
    Hughes says it’s all in how we react. “The first and
    only step to remember is to avoid punishing or ‘paying
    back’ another driver for a real or perceived slight.”
    Invite Hughes to share tips to help prevent road rage.
    Contact him at (973) 956-2200 or Jeanette Casselano at
    (202) 942-2072;

    6. ==> The Real Message of Bill O’Reilly’s Firing

    The Bill O’Reilly era at Fox News has drawn to a close.
    Fox has ended its relationship with its highest-rated
    star after The New York Times reported that the anchor
    and the network have paid more than $13 million to
    settle harassment claims. But PR pro Kara Alaimo says
    the public relations effort won’t work. “It’s far too
    late to salvage the network’s reputation by removing
    The O’Reilly Factor host now. Does all of this send a
    message? Yes, it does — to the other men at Fox: if
    you make enough money for the network, it will go to
    extraordinary lengths to enable you to behave badly. To
    the rest of the world, it also appears that Fox thought
    it was OK for O’Reilly to allegedly treat women this
    way. They only let him go when they determined it truly
    wasn’t tenable to keep him. That message speaks far
    more loudly than his firing.” Kara Alaimo, an assistant
    professor of public relations at Hofstra University, is
    the author of “Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street:
    How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic
    Communication.” She was spokeswoman for international
    affairs in the Treasury Department during the Obama
    administration. Contact her at (516) 463-5208;

    7. ==> Surprising Thing Cary Grant Showed Her

    When classic leading man Cary Grant invited Lenay
    (Marie) Rogus into his office bungalow on the Universal
    lot the last thing she expected to see was his doll
    collection. To her surprise, Grant showed off his
    ceiling display of six-inch dolls from around the
    world, dolls he collected while traveling and was
    extremely proud of. Rogus will share other memories of
    Grant, including the time she had dinner on his king-
    sized bed at his Beverly Hills home and her impressions
    of him as a man and actor. Her contacts with Grant are
    among the stories she shares in her upcoming memoir:
    “Grief Comfort Guide: A Personal Journey from Loss to
    Light,” which also details her experience of losing
    seven of loved ones. Contact her at (858) 349-4917 or

    8. ==> April is Stress Awareness Month

    We all know that stress is a killer but most of us are
    too busy getting through our days to do something about
    it. With April being Stress Awareness Month, it’s time
    to get a grip on what is driving us crazy, raising our
    collective blood pressures and making us sick. Who
    better to pass on insights than Tami Gilbert, who was
    abandoned by her parents as a teenager and once worked
    three jobs at the same time to put herself through
    college, earning a master’s degree in nursing and an
    MBA? Gilbert will discuss the role faith, sticky notes,
    downtime and letting go can play in a healthier you. As
    a bonus, she can also explain what you should know if
    you are hospitalized, finding yourself attended by
    nurses coping with their own feelings of being
    unappreciated, overworked and overwhelmed. Her book is
    “Courage to Persevere: A Compelling Story of Struggle,
    Survival and Triumph.” Reach her at 312-218-1744;

    9. ==> World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th

    Ovarian cancer claims the lives of 14,000 American
    women and 140,000 women worldwide every year. Comedian
    Jen Coken, whose mother died from the disease, has a
    mission to end late-stage diagnosis by educating women
    about the signs and symptoms. “If I knew then what I
    know now, my mother might still be alive,” Coken says.
    Since ovarian cancer is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed
    too late Coken will discuss the warning signs of the
    disease and why every woman (and especially Jewish
    women) are at risk. Jen Coken is a life coach and
    stand-up comedian who has coached thousands of people
    for nearly 20 years. She wrote “When I Die Take My
    Panties: Turning Your Darkest Moments into Your
    Greatest” using jokes she co-wrote with her late
    mother. Contact her at (303) 859-9081;

    10. ==> The Questionable Future of Medical Marijuana

    Donald Trump has said his administration would “do”
    medical marijuana and let states decide about
    legalization for themselves. But US Attorney General
    Jeff Sessions has made it clear he opposes marijuana
    legalization. “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” he’s
    on record saying. So many are now wondering what
    Sessions will do about marijuana policy and whether
    he’ll enforce federal marijuana laws. Chronic pain
    expert Cindy Perlin says many will suffer without
    access. “Twenty-nine states and the District of
    Columbia now have medical marijuana access and millions
    of chronically ill patients are getting relief for the
    first time from this miracle plant.” Perlin will
    discuss how medical marijuana works and what type of
    conditions it treats, as well as the current political
    climate and what can be done to protect and increase
    access. Perlin is a licensed social worker, certified
    biofeedback practitioner and chronic pain survivor who
    has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s
    the author of “The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments:
    The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.”
    Contact her at (518) 439-6431;

    11. ==> Allergy Season Stinks!

    We may love that winter is over but millions of
    Americans dread springtime and the sneezing, coughing
    and wheezing that ensues. Stop and smell the flowers?
    Many people can’t even go outside! Dr. Jim Roach, a
    leading integrative practitioner, says many people
    reach for antihistamines to get through the season, but
    that comes with its own risks. “Antihistamines can
    cause all sorts of problems including brain fog,
    urinary retention, acid reflux and constipation. And
    they may, as anticholinergics, even promote dementia.”
    Dr. Roach will explain how to prevent allergies with
    probiotics, zinc and vitamin D and ways to treat
    allergy symptoms that actually have beneficial side
    effects! Jim Roach, MD, has appeared on numerous radio
    and TV programs. He’s a speaker, consultant, educator,
    researcher, and widely sought clinician with patients
    from across the country. He is also author of “God’s
    House Calls” which discusses spiritual near-death
    experiences of his patients and seeks to de-stigmatize
    spiritual experiences. Contact Dr. Roach at (859)
    846-4453 (office);

    12. == > Is Prince Harry the Most Courageous Royal?

    In a recent interview, Prince Harry admitted to
    struggling with mental health issues after the death of
    his mother, Princess Diana, 20 years ago. The prince
    was 12 when his mother died in a car accident and for
    the longest time, he simply pushed the emotions tied to
    her death aside as if they did not exist. British best-
    selling author Andro Donovan, who was recently featured
    in the Sunday Times, considers Prince Harry a hero for
    making depression part of our everyday conversation—one
    that will no longer carry a stigma as it used to. Andro
    can continue that conversation with your audience as
    she discusses the importance of making friends with
    your emotions, sharing your burden with someone, and
    seeking counseling when needed. She will also share ten
    frequently missed signs that someone is heading for an
    emotional burnout (No. 10 is not realizing that your
    Netflix subscription has expired). Andro is the author
    of “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want, Find
    Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment,” Contact her
    at+4407711238410;;; Skype: andro.donovan1

    13. ==> Business ‘Wisdom’ Debunked

    The customer is always right. Or is he? You can’t
    change horses midstream! Or can you? Jack Quarles will
    expose the fallback notions decision makers gravitate
    to that don’t always serve them. He says, “The defining
    notion is usually a short sentence and often reflects
    some inside knowledge: ‘They’re the best in the
    business.’ ‘We’re different—that won’t work here.’
    ‘The customer is always right.’” He’s on a mission to
    help companies increase their bottom lines by
    increasing their vigilance against expensive sentences.
    Jack Quarles is a bestselling author, international
    speaker and trainer, and founder of Buying Excellence,
    a company that helps businesses choose the right
    solution and vendor for them. His latest book,
    Expensive Sentences, is part of a planned series of
    books on expensive sentences in other fields such as
    education, parenting, and financial planning. Contact
    him at (703) 944-9676;

    14. ==> Fortune 500 Secrets Every Woman Should Steal

    Women today face monumental challenges in their work
    and home lives whether they own their own businesses or
    work for others. Connie Rankin, a successful real
    estate entrepreneur, best-selling author and sought-
    after conference and keynote speaker for Fortune 500
    companies, offers women the secrets she gleaned from
    Fortune 500 companies. From tooting your own horn to
    staying in the game and knowing when to walk away from
    a deal, Connie says every woman can apply these secrets
    to her life. A nationally recognized leader in female
    empowerment and sought-after media guest in Houston,
    Rankin is president of CRES, a commercial real estate
    firm. In her new book, “God Gave Us Wings: A Journey to
    Success: Theirs, Mine, and Yours she shares the stories
    of 10 powerful women, including herself, who have
    survived incredible challenges, learned to thrive and
    completed the circle by giving back to others. Contact
    Megan Salch at (713) 864-1344, ext. 1;

    15. ==> Phobia Relief Day

    On May 8, people who suffer the shame, fear and stress
    that accompanies phobias for such everyday things as
    snakes, clowns, spiders, social anxiety and
    dentists—can get relief as part of the first annual
    Phobia Relief Day. The brainchild of internationally
    bestselling author Kalliope Barlis, the special day
    will be marked by in-person phobia relief sessions in
    New York City as well as training that can be
    accessible anywhere in the world through the internet.
    Invite her to share what’s going on and how your
    listeners can participate. She’ll also discuss the many
    different types of phobias and strategies to help deal
    with them. Kalliope Barlis is a New York City-based
    licensed trainer of NLP who has appeared on CBS, NBC,
    Fox and SiriusXM, among other media outlets and has
    helped thousands of people conquer their phobias. She
    is the author of the internationally bestselling
    “Phobia Relief.” Contact her at (718)751-5105;

  • 04/20/17 RTIR E-zine: Tillerson, L.A. Riots, Faces of Autism

    April 20, 2017

    01. The Real Message of Bill O’Reilly’s Firing
    02. Hernandez Murder Conviction will be Vacated
    03. MSNBC’s Russia Obsession
    04. Women, College Majors and Salaries
    05. Great Earth Day Show!
    06. What Do Dying People Talk about? Family
    07. Is Prince Harry the Most Courageous Royal?
    08. Fortune 500 Secrets Every Woman Should Steal
    09. When You Get Sick on Vacation
    10. World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th
    11. Expert Stops Pain On-Air
    12. What Doctors Don’t Tell You about Alzheimer’s
    13. Are You a Retirement-Planning Underachiever?
    14. April is Stress Awareness Month
    15. Tales of a Celebrity Talent Agent

    1. ==> The Real Message of Bill O’Reilly’s Firing

    The Bill O’Reilly era at Fox News has drawn to a close.
    Fox ended its relationship with its highest-rated star
    Wednesday after The New York Times reported that the
    anchor and the network have paid more than $13 million
    to settle harassment claims. But PR pro Kara Alaimo
    the public relations effort won’t work. “It’s far too
    late to salvage the network’s reputation by removing
    The O’Reilly Factor host now. Does all of this send a
    message? Yes, it does — to the other men at Fox: if
    you make enough money for the network, it will go to
    extraordinary lengths to enable you to behave badly. To
    the rest of the world, it also appears that Fox thought
    it was OK for O’Reilly to allegedly treat women this
    way. They only let him go when they determined it truly
    wasn’t tenable to keep him. That message speaks far
    more loudly than his firing.” Kara Alaimo, an assistant
    professor of public relations at Hofstra University, is
    the author of “Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street:
    How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic
    Communication.” She was spokeswoman for international
    affairs in the Treasury Department during the Obama
    administration. Contact her at (516) 463-5208;

    2. ==> Hernandez Murder Conviction will be Vacated

    Convicted murderer and former NFL star Aaron Hernandez
    was found hanged in his Massachusetts prison cell
    Wednesday morning. The former Boston Patriot was
    serving a life sentence for the 2013 killing of Odin
    Lloyd, a semipro football player who was dating the
    sister of Hernandez’s fiancée. But Hernandez’s murder
    conviction is expected to be dismissed posthumously
    because of a legal rule called “abatement.” Rosanna
    Cavallaro, a law professor at Suffolk University who
    has written about abatement, says, “The idea is that if
    an appeal hasn’t happened, there’s a chance that a
    conviction has an error in it. Rather than have someone
    with that incomplete decision that they’re guilty, the
    state chooses instead to say that conviction is abated
    — as if it never had happened.” Though often
    frustrating, Cavallaro says the rule is still a solid
    one for ensuring a just system that includes appeals.
    Contact her at (617) 573-8195;

    3. ==> MSNBC’s Russia Obsession

    According to journalist Aaron Mate, “MSNBC, the
    country’s most prominent liberal media outlet, has
    played a key role in stoking the frenzy over Trump’s
    alleged involvement with Russian meddling in the U.S.
    presidential race. And no leading media figure has done
    so more than Maddow. In the period since Election Day,
    ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ has covered ‘The Russia
    Connection’ — and Russia, generally — more than it has
    any other issue.” Mate, who recently wrote the piece
    ““MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Sees a ‘Russia Connection’
    Lurking Around Every Corner,” says this obsession has
    meant less coverage of other issues including Obamacare
    repeal efforts, Trump’s Muslim ban and Trump
    administration scandals and stumbles. Aaron Mate is
    producer and anchor for The Real News. Contact him at; @aaronjmate

    4. ==> Women, College Majors and Salaries

    What you major in can lead to career and pay gaps,
    particularly for women, according to a new report from
    Glassdoor. “Women tend to major in subjects that lead
    to lower-paying roles later on,” says Andrew
    Chamberlain, Glassdoor’s chief economist. Those choices
    create a “pipeline problem,” in which women are less
    represented in majors that lead to jobs with higher
    earnings potential. He says, “Majors do make a
    difference. You are going to be working for the rest of
    your life, your decision can mean hundreds of thousands
    of dollars.” Chamberlain will share some surprising
    career paths that lead to bigger salaries for women,
    and ones that you may want to avoid if you want to
    avoid hitting the glass ceiling. Glassdoor is a website
    where employees and former employees anonymously review
    companies and their management. Contact Chamberlain at
    (415) 339-9105;

    5. ==> Great Earth Day Show!

    Earth Day is this Saturday, and the perfect time to
    look at pending environmental cuts and how they will
    affect not only your health, but more importantly, your
    children’s health. While proposed cuts might appear to
    save money, Ellen Moyer, Ph.D. says you’ll pay in
    other, more important ways. “The environment is not
    something ‘out there,’ or where you go on vacation. The
    environment enters your body with every breath you
    take, every sip you drink, and every bite of food you
    consume. By protecting the environment, we can enjoy
    happier and healthier lives and create an economic boom
    instead of paying ever more for unproductive health and
    environmental damage control.” Dr. Moyer will explain
    how environment cuts directly hurt us, and how
    protecting human and environmental health is a good
    deal and easier than we might think. Dr. Moyer is an
    environmental consultant and registered professional
    engineer with an MS in environmental engineering, a PhD
    in civil engineering, and more than 30 years of
    environmental engineering experience. She is a regular
    contributor to The Huffington Post and the author of
    “Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive
    While Creating a Sustainable World.” Contact her at
    (413) 862-3452;

    6. ==> What Do Dying People Talk about? Family

    What do the dying talk about? God? The meaning of life?
    “Mostly, they talk about their families: about their
    mothers and fathers, their sons and daughters,” says
    Kerry Egan, a hospice chaplain and the author of “On
    Living,” and “Fumbling: A Pilgrimage Tale of Love,
    Grief, and Spiritual Renewal on the Camino de
    Santiago.” She says,
    “They talk about the love they felt, and the love they
    gave. Often they talk about love they did not receive,
    or the love they did not know how to offer, the love
    they withheld, or maybe never felt for the ones they
    should have loved unconditionally. We don’t live our
    lives in our heads, in theology and theories. We live
    our lives in our families: the families we are born
    into, the families we create, the families we make
    through the people we choose as friends.” Kerry Egan is
    a hospice chaplain and a graduate of Harvard Divinity
    School. Her hospice work has been featured on PBS and
    CNN, and her essays have appeared in Parents, American
    Baby, Reader’s Digest, and Contact Jaime
    Boucher at (212) 366-2166;

    7. ==> Is Prince Harry the Most Courageous Royal?

    In a recent interview, Prince Harry admitted to
    struggling with mental health issues after the death of
    his mother, Princess Diana, 20 years ago. The prince
    was 12 when his mother died in a car accident and for
    the longest time, he simply pushed the emotions tied to
    her death aside as if they did not exist. British best-
    selling author Andro Donovan, who was recently featured
    in the Sunday Times, considers Prince Harry a hero for
    making depression part of our everyday conversation—one
    that will no longer carry a stigma as it used to. Andro
    can continue that conversation with your audience as
    she discusses the importance of making friends with
    your emotions, sharing your burden with someone, and
    seeking counseling when needed. She will also share ten
    frequently missed signs that someone is heading for an
    emotional burnout (No. 10 is not realizing that your
    Netflix subscription has expired). Andro is the author
    of “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want, Find
    Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment,” Contact her
    at+4407711238410;;; Skype: andro.donovan1

    8. ==> Fortune 500 Secrets Every Woman Should Steal

    Women today face monumental challenges in their work
    and home lives whether they own their own businesses or
    work for others. Connie Rankin, a successful real
    estate entrepreneur, best-selling author and sought-
    after conference and keynote speaker for Fortune 500
    companies, offers women the secrets she gleaned from
    Fortune 500 companies. From tooting your own horn to
    staying in the game and knowing when to walk away from
    a deal, Connie says every woman can apply these secrets
    to her life. A nationally recognized leader in female
    empowerment and sought-after media guest in Houston,
    Rankin is president of CRES, a commercial real estate
    firm. In her new book, “God Gave Us Wings: A Journey to
    Success: Theirs, Mine, and Yours she shares the stories
    of 10 powerful women, including herself, who have
    survived incredible challenges, learned to thrive and
    completed the circle by giving back to others. Contact
    Megan Salch at (713) 864-1344, ext. 1;

    9. ==> When You Get Sick on Vacation

    Was it the tacos you ate from the street vendor or the
    “bottled water” they filled from the tap and relabeled?
    No matter the cause, nothing ruins a vacation like food
    poisoning. Unless it’s sunstroke or more mosquito bites
    than you can count or a hangover or motion sickness!
    Kathleen Fry, M.D., will share simple, natural
    treatments for common travel illnesses that can help
    save your vacation. She’s even got a homeopathic remedy
    to help with fear of flying! Frequently quoted in Self,
    Redbook, Ladies Home Journal and other magazines, Dr.
    Kathleen Fry is a past president of the American
    Holistic Medical Association (now the Academy of
    Integrative Health and Medicine) and a Founding
    Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic
    Medicine. She incorporated homeopathy into her Ob/Gyn
    practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. Now, besides writing
    and speaking widely about the health benefits of
    homeopathy, she practices as a homeopath in Boulder,
    Colorado, across the US and globally. “What’s the
    Remedy for That? The Definitive Homeopathy Guide to
    Mastering Everyday Self-Care Without Drugs” is her
    second book. Contact her at (480) 695-1383;

    10. ==> World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th

    Ovarian cancer claims the lives of 14,000 American
    women and 140,000 women worldwide every year. Comedian
    Jen Coken, whose mother died from the disease, has a
    mission to end late-stage diagnosis by educating women
    about the signs and symptoms. “If I knew then what I
    know now, my mother might still be alive,” Coken says.
    Since ovarian cancer is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed
    too late Coken will discuss the warning signs of the
    disease and why every woman (and especially Jewish
    women) are at risk. Jen Coken is a life coach and
    stand-up comedian who has coached thousands of people
    for nearly 20 years. She wrote “When I Die Take My
    Panties: Turning Your Darkest Moments into Your
    Greatest” using jokes she co-wrote with her late
    mother. Contact her at (303) 859-9081;

    11. ==> Expert Stops Pain On-Air

    If you, a colleague or one of your callers is
    experiencing persistent pain Dawn Crystal may be able
    to provide instant relief live on your show. Crystal
    says even the healthiest of people have energy
    blockages. As a gifted sound energy healer, she can
    sense where the blockages are and blow them away using
    the power of her voice. Simply put, this pain release
    expert uses sound frequencies to rebalance the human
    body and to rid it of inflammation. Best of all, other
    people listening to the interview may also experience
    the same instant pain relief from such problems as knee
    pain, tooth pain and back pain. Crystal, who has been
    effecting this type of dramatic drug-free pain relief
    for a decade, counts celebrities and CEOs among her
    clients. Now she wants to teach people how to heal
    their own bodies for peaceful, pain-free lives. She has
    a collection of MP3s for sale on her website that let
    people release their own blockages. Reach her at (808)

    12. ==> What Doctors Don’t Tell You about Alzheimer’s

    If there is a cure for Alzheimer’s disease or a way of
    preventing it, you won’t hear about it from your
    doctor. What doctors don’t tell you about Alzheimer’s,
    Michael Morgan will. Morgan will share three very
    important aspects of slowing down, stopping and
    potentially even reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s
    disease. He’ll outline an approach that involves diet,
    exercise and craniosacral therapy. He’s a pioneering
    expert in the latter discipline. Invite Morgan to share
    strong evidence that craniosacral therapy is effective
    in treating at-risk people and those in the early to
    mid-stages of dementia. He’ll explain what craniosacral
    therapy is and ways it can increase longevity. Morgan
    is the author of “The BodyEnergy Longevity
    Prescription: How CranioSacral Therapy Helps Prevent
    Alzheimer’s and Dementia While Improving the Quality of
    Your Life.” Reach him at (312) 543-4719;

    13. ==> Are You a Retirement-Planning Underachiever?

    The truth is most Americans are not headed for a secure
    retirement. But it’s not too late to change course.
    Chartered retirement planning counselor Rodger Alan
    Friedman, CRPC®, can help your audience figure out if
    they are retirement underachievers by providing them
    with ten questions to answer. Then, he’ll follow that
    up with three simple steps anyone can take right now to
    get serious about saving for retirement. Rodger can
    also share what not to include in your retirement plan.
    He says, “Sure, there will always be bills to pay and
    expenses to take care of that can tempt people to put
    off salting money away for their golden years. But most
    people don’t think of the price they will ultimately
    pay for being unprepared.” Rodger Alan Friedman is the
    author of “Fire Your Retirement Planner You: Concise
    Advice on How to Join the $100,000 Retirement Club.”
    Contact him at (844) 3MY-PLAN;

    14. ==> April is Stress Awareness Month

    We all know that stress is a killer but most of us are
    too busy getting through our days to do something about
    it. With April being Stress Awareness Month, it’s time
    to get a grip on what is driving us crazy, raising our
    collective blood pressures and making us sick. Who
    better to pass on insights than Tami Gilbert, who was
    abandoned by her parents as a teenager and once worked
    three jobs at the same time to put herself through
    college, earning a master’s degree in nursing and an
    MBA? Gilbert will discuss the role faith, sticky notes,
    downtime and letting go can play in a healthier you. As
    a bonus, she can also explain what you should know if
    you are hospitalized, finding yourself attended by
    nurses coping with their own feelings of being
    unappreciated, overworked and overwhelmed. Her book is
    “Courage to Persevere: A Compelling Story of Struggle,
    Survival and Triumph.” Reach her at 312-218-1744;

    15. ==> Tales of a Celebrity Talent Agent

    Until she burned out, Karin Roest jetted around the
    world with such celebrities as Pitbull, Britney Spears,
    Macklemore and others whose names she is forbidden from
    mentioning. She negotiated multimillion-dollar
    contracts with top Hollywood managers and lawyers,
    catered to their crazy whims and once found herself
    walking into a room full of cash. Karin can talk about
    those heady days as well as how they literally drove
    her to a monastery to save her sanity. These days
    Karin’s mission is helping people to be “Purposely
    Famous” (famous for a good purpose or cause), to get
    clear on their contribution to the world, and to use
    their diverse experiences to build their own brand. In
    addition, Karin can share some of her own life story
    which also included sneaking in and out of war zones
    and spending a year in total silence. Reach her at
    (646) 801-8944 or

  • 04/17/17 RTIR E-zine: Tillerson, L.A. Riots, Faces of Autism

    April 17, 2017


    01. Trump VS Tillerson: What to Do About North Korea?
    02. Trump’s Conflicts of Interest
    03. Nat Geo’s LA92: 25-yrs After L.A. Riots
    04. Earth Day – Proposed Cuts, Your Kids and Your Wallet
    05. Prince Harry talks Therapy
    06. Inside Celebrity Journalism
    07. What Mae West Taught This Guest
    08. Best Family Summer Beaches 2017
    09. How to Get Your Spouse to Listen to You
    10. New Faces of Autism
    11. Prevent Allergies before they Start
    12. Phobia Relief Day
    13. Reverse Diabetes without Drugs
    14. Fortune 500 Secrets Every Woman Should Steal
    15. What Makes Someone ‘Undateable’?

    1. ==> Trump VS Tillerson: What to Do About North Korea?

    Ivan Eland says the diametrically opposed styles of
    President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex
    Tillerson never have been more on display than in the
    current dealings with North Korea. While Trump is
    spewing his usual bravado, the taciturn Tillerson’s
    comment on North Korea’s latest missile test was
    equally succinct and blunt, but much less macho. He
    says, “Nuclear deterrence worked for the United States
    during the Cold War against the much more potent
    nuclear-armed Soviet Union and Communist China, and it
    will likely work against even the “crazy like a fox”
    Kim Jong-un. Instead of ineffectual negotiations,
    bribery, sanctions, sabotage, and threats, giving the
    North Koreans all the attention they could ever ask
    for, quiet deterrence should have been U.S. policy all
    along.” Eland says Tillerson may well understand Teddy
    Roosevelt’s famous dictum, “speak softly but carry a
    big stick,” but the blustering Trump doesn’t. Ivan
    Eland is a senior fellow and the director of the Center
    on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute. He
    is also the author of several books including
    “Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace,
    Prosperity, and Liberty.” Contact him at (703) 282-3484
    (cell);, @Ivan_Eland

    2. ==> Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

    Now that Donald Trump has given his oldest daughter an
    official position in the White House, and with her
    husband Jared Kushner already under scrutiny for his
    business dealings versus his White House role, has the
    Trump presidency finally gone too far? What are the
    fine lines—finite intricacies—between breaking the
    conflicts of interest laws and staying out of trouble?
    According to L.A. attorney, J.R. Lanis, Trump may have
    upped the ante in terms of engendering more
    investigation and scrutiny, and the potential for more
    scandal. She’ll explain how the conflicts of interest
    laws work and if and how the Trumps may or may not be
    able to stay out of trouble. Lanis says, “So many
    questions need to be answered in an effort to enlighten
    the American public as to what constitutes a conflict
    of interest and what it is that keeps an individual on
    the right side of the law.” Contact Cherie Kerr at
    (714) 550-9900; (714) 271-2140 (cell) or cherie@kerrpr-

    3. ==> Nat Geo’s LA92: 25-yrs After L.A. Riots

    Twenty-five years after the verdict in the Rodney King
    trial sparked several days of protests, violence and
    looting in Los Angeles, LA 92, a new feature
    documentary from National Geographic Documentary Films,
    immerses viewers in that tumultuous period through
    stunning and rarely seen archival footage. Interview
    Oscar winner directors Dan Lindsay and TJ Martin
    (“Undefeated”) about the film, which looks at the
    events of 1992 from a multitude of vantage points,
    bringing a fresh perspective to a pivotal moment that
    reverberates to this day. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137;

    4. ==> Earth Day – Proposed Cuts, Your Kids and Your

    Earth Day is this Saturday, and the perfect time to
    look at pending environmental cuts and how they will
    affect not only your health, but more importantly, your
    children’s health. While proposed cuts might appear to
    save money, Ellen Moyer, Ph.D. says you’ll pay in
    other, more important ways. “The environment is not
    something ‘out there,’ or where you go on vacation. The
    environment enters your body with every breath you
    take, every sip you drink, and every bite of food you
    consume. By protecting the environment, we can enjoy
    happier and healthier lives and create an economic boom
    instead of paying ever more for unproductive health and
    environmental damage control.” Dr. Moyer will explain
    how environment cuts directly hurt us, and how
    protecting human and environmental health is a good
    deal and easier than we might think. Dr. Moyer is an
    environmental consultant and registered professional
    engineer with an MS in environmental engineering, a PhD
    in civil engineering, and more than 30 years of
    environmental engineering experience. She is a regular
    contributor to The Huffington Post and the author of
    “Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive
    While Creating a Sustainable World.” Contact her at
    (413) 862-3452;

    5. ==> Prince Harry talks Therapy

    In the name of destigmatizing mental health struggles,
    Britain’s Prince Harry has given an interview about his
    long-running emotional struggles in the wake of his
    mother’s very public death, culminating in finally
    getting some help in his late 20s. Harry said after 20
    years of shutting down his emotions, his life began
    spiraling out of control. The revelation is a break
    with the British monarchy’s stiff-upper-lip tradition,
    with Harry joining his brother William and Kate making
    mental health, especially for young people, a major
    part of their philanthropic efforts. Michelle Nagel
    will discuss the importance of Harry’s revelation. “His
    courageous admission brings to the forefront the
    importance of processing emotions so they don’t control
    your life. Adverse childhood experiences can lead to
    bad choices, even many years later.” Over the past 15
    years, Nagel, the author of “Suffering is Optional:
    Step Out of Darkness into the Light” has been guiding
    clients through the process of overcoming their
    traumatic past and finding internal peace and serenity.
    Contact her at (541) 414-7811, or

    6. ==> Inside Celebrity Journalism

    Invite former celebrity journalist, Allison Kugel to
    share never before heard stories about Dave Chappelle,
    the Kardashians, 50 Cent, Jenna Jameson, Elle
    Macpherson, Stan Lee, Tyrese, Joe Pantoliano, Gloria
    Allred, Mike Tyson, Kristin Chenoweth and many other
    newsmakers. Allison will provide an ultimate insider’s
    guide into the celebrity journalism and publicity
    machines that the public doesn’t see, along with shared
    personal memories of Hollywood friendships. She also
    pulls no punches sharing her own experiences with
    anxiety, panic attacks and obsessive compulsive
    disorder. For a decade, Allison Kugel was entrenched in
    the culture of celebrity as an entertainment, pop
    culture and political journalist whose work was quoted
    and re-printed by hundreds of media outlets, worldwide.
    “Journaling Fame” is her first book, and through its
    message, she hopes to be an advocate for people living
    with anxiety disorders. Contact Jaime Katz at (516)
    408-2171, ext. 1; or Nicole
    Link at (516) 408-2171, ext.2;

    7. ==> What Mae West Taught This Guest

    Back in the day, Mae West was one of America’s sexiest
    film stars about whom one famous actor once opined,
    “She stole everything but the cameras.” Known for her
    sexual innuendos, tight dresses and distaste for
    censorship, West remains a Hollywood legend. In 1970,
    when the two worked on the pioneering gender-bending
    film Myra Breckinridge, Lenay (Marie) Rogus got to know
    West. Rogus can reveal what was behind West’s unusual
    walk, her tendency to refer to herself in the third
    person, the unusual privilege West had written into her
    contract and what life was like on the set of
    Breckinridge, which Rogus describes as “the first X-
    rated movie before there were X-rated movies.”
    Breckinridge also starred Raquel Welch and was Farrah
    Fawcett’s first film. Her anecdotes about the movie are
    among the Hollywood stories she shares in her upcoming
    memoir: “Grief Comfort Guide: A Personal Journey from
    Loss to Light,” which also details her experience of
    losing seven of her loved ones. Contact her at (858)
    349-4917 or

    8. ==> Best Family Summer Beaches 2017

    I know it’s only April, but if you want a summer beach
    vacation, you gotta do something—now! Just in time for
    vacation planning, Family Vacation Critic –
    TripAdvisor’s family travel site – is out with its list
    of the best beaches for families across the U.S. From
    Long Beach Island, New Jersey to Coronado Beach,
    California, there’s a beach for everyone, all across
    the country. Lissa Poirot, editor-in-chief of Family
    Vacation Critic, says choosing an ideal beach for
    families can be quite difficult. “Families are looking
    for beaches that are not only safe and clean, but also
    those that offer a level of convenience that meet the
    needs of those traveling with various age groups.
    Nearby accommodations, restaurants and attractions – as
    well as cost – all add to a beach’s appeal for
    families.” Beaches on the list include well-known
    summer surf spots as well as small, hidden gems worth a
    visit. And, Poirot can share insider tips for getting
    the most of a beach vacation. Contact Aubrey Manzo Dunn
    at (609) 583-0054;,

    9. ==> How to Get Your Spouse to Listen to You

    You’ve told your wife that you don’t like going out
    with that annoying couple but she keeps arranging
    nights out with them. Or your husband still doesn’t
    tell you when he is going to be home late even though
    you have asked him over and over again to do so. Jaya
    Jaya Myra can end the frustration of couples that don’t
    listen to each other. She knows how to get your spouse
    to listen to you without nagging. The key, she will
    say, is knowing his or her energy type. She will
    explain how to tell what their type is, how to figure
    out how your energy type differs from theirs and why
    this imbalance is behind much frustrating marital
    miscommunication. Jaya Jaya Myra is the author of
    “Vibrational Healing: Attain Balance & Wholeness.
    Understand Your Energetic Type.” She’s been featured on
    Fox News, Readers Digest and Bustle. Reach her at
    347-476-4358 or

    10. ==> New Faces of Autism

    Sesame Street producers say they created Julia to help
    explain autism spectrum disorder to millions of viewers
    and present accurate portrayals of the condition on
    screen, countering decades of stereotypical depictions
    of autistic people. Many households nationwide with
    autistic family members are hoping Julia, along with an
    autistic Power Ranger revealed in a new movie earlier
    this month, will change the way next generations of
    children view autism. Invite Jeanne Beard, founder of
    the National Autism Academy to answer listeners’
    questions and help them understand what autism is.
    Jeanne Beard is the mother of a 20-year-old autistic
    son and the author of “Autism and the Rest of Us: How
    to Sustain a Healthy, Functional and Satisfying
    Relationship with a Person on the Autism Spectrum.” The
    National “Autism Academy provides on-line education and
    support to parents of children with autism. Contact her
    at (630) 542-1191;

    11. ==> Prevent Allergies before they Start

    We may love that winter is over but millions of
    Americans dread springtime and the sneezing, coughing
    and wheezing that ensues. Stop and smell the flowers?
    Many people can’t even go outside! Dr. Jim Roach, a
    leading integrative practitioner, says many people
    reach for antihistamines to get through the season, but
    that comes with its own risks. “Antihistamines can
    cause all sorts of problems including brain fog,
    urinary retention, acid reflux and constipation. And
    they may, as anticholinergics, even promote dementia.”
    Dr. Roach will explain how to prevent allergies with
    probiotics, zinc and vitamin D and ways to treat
    allergy symptoms that actually have beneficial side
    effects! Jim Roach, MD, has appeared on numerous radio
    and TV programs. He’s a speaker, consultant, educator,
    researcher, and widely sought clinician with patients
    from across the country. He is also author of “God’s
    House Calls” which discusses spiritual near-death
    experiences of his patients and seeks to de-stigmatize
    spiritual experiences. Contact Dr. Roach at (859)
    846-4453 (office);

    12. ==> Phobia Relief Day

    On May 8, people who suffer the shame, fear and stress
    that accompanies phobias for such everyday things as
    snakes, clowns, spiders, social anxiety and
    dentists—can get relief as part of the first annual
    Phobia Relief Day. The brainchild of internationally
    bestselling author Kalliope Barlis, the special day
    will be marked by in-person phobia relief sessions in
    New York City as well as training that can be
    accessible anywhere in the world through the internet.
    Invite her to share what’s going on and how your
    listeners can participate. She’ll also discuss the many
    different types of phobias and strategies to help deal
    with them. Kalliope Barlis is a New York City-based
    licensed trainer of NLP who has appeared on CBS, NBC,
    Fox and SiriusXM, among other media outlets and has
    helped thousands of people conquer their phobias. She
    is the author of the internationally bestselling
    “Phobia Relief.” Contact her at (718)751-5105;

    13. ==> Reverse Diabetes without Drugs

    Some 29 million Americans live with diabetes and
    another 86 million are pre-diabetic and likely unaware
    of their status. Invite Denise Pancyrz to share the
    blueprint for how she reversed her diabetes through
    holistic life changes. Pancyrz’s own diagnosis of an
    advanced form of the disease came when she was in her
    40s. Doctors prescribed four insulin shots a day along
    with a handful of medications and told her she would be
    insulin dependent for the rest of her life. That blunt
    prognosis and her own background in the laboratory
    industry led her to begin an exhaustive research
    program for natural ways to self-heal. She’ll explain
    how diabetes is a metabolic problem and why focusing on
    good nutrition instead of weight loss is the key to
    beating the disease. Certified in holistic nutrition
    and homeopathy, Denise Pancyrz is an experienced media
    guest and the author of “The Virgin Diabetic.” Contact
    her at (630) 281-0873;

    14. ==> Fortune 500 Secrets Every Woman Should Steal

    Women today face monumental challenges in their work
    and home lives whether they own their own businesses or
    work for others. Connie Rankin, a successful real
    estate entrepreneur, best-selling author and sought-
    after conference and keynote speaker for Fortune 500
    companies, offers women the secrets she gleaned from
    Fortune 500 companies.  From tooting your own horn to
    staying in the game and knowing when to walk away from
    a deal, Connie says every woman can apply these secrets
    to her life. A nationally recognized leader in female
    empowerment and sought-after media guest in Houston,
    Rankin is president of CRES, a commercial real estate
    firm. In her new book, “God Gave Us Wings: A Journey to
    Success: Theirs, Mine, and Yours she shares the stories
    of 10 powerful women, including herself, who have
    survived incredible challenges, learned to thrive and
    completed the circle by giving back to others. Contact
    Megan Salch at (713) 864-1344, ext. 1;

    15. ==> What Makes Someone ‘Undateable’?

    It could be the color of her nail polish. The way she
    wears her hair. Her tattoos or the sound of her voice.
    Maybe it’s the limp way he shakes your hand. His bald
    spot. Or his awful taste in clothing. Most of us screen
    potential dates using preconceived standards (i.e. deal
    breakers). Psychiatrist Christine Adams will have your
    listeners thinking about how they would answer the
    question, “I would never date someone who …” before
    calling them out on the snap judgments they use to
    foolishly eliminate potential dates. Dr. Adams will
    also share why “you should run away fast” when you
    experience instant sexual attraction to someone. She
    can discuss the best questions to ask on first and
    second dates (and how to pay attention to what your
    date isn’t asking you). And will argue that in most
    cases a single date is never enough to rule someone
    out. Dr. Christine Adams is coauthor of “Living On
    Automatic: How Emotional Conditioning Shapes Our Lives
    and Relationships.” Contact her at (502) 473-0093;

  • 04/13/17 RTIR E-zine: Summer Beaches, Preventing Allergies, Stress Awareness

    April 13, 2017

    FR: Lauren Healy and Chris Morabito, Editors, Radio-TV
    Interview Report Newsletter

    01. How Will Gorsuch Swing Supreme Court?
    02. The Greatest Story Ever Told – What Churches get Wrong
    03. Best Family Summer Beaches 2017
    04. Tales of a Celebrity Talent Agent
    05. How Calling 911 Could Kill You
    06. Achoo! Prevent Allergies before they Start
    07. Pets Get Spring Allergies Too!
    08. Politics and Your Mental Health
    09. Sesame Street, Power Rangers-New Faces of Autism
    10. Trump’s VAX/ Autism Claims Divert Attention
    11. The Future of Medical Marijuana
    12. Spring –Time to Clean Out Your Cubical
    13. Business ‘Wisdom’ Debunked
    14. April is Stress Awareness Month
    15. The Great Debate Over Saying ‘Hello’

    1. ==> How Will Gorsuch Swing Supreme Court?

    Law professor and author Marjorie Cohn recently wrote
    the piece “Gorsuch Would Use ‘Originalism’ to Affirm
    Right-Wing Agenda,” which notes, among other things,
    that right-wing judges, like Neil Gorsuch and Antonin
    Scalia, avoid “originalism” when it goes against their
    agenda. As for how Gorsuch will affect the court, she
    says, “It turns out that elevating Gorsuch to the
    Supreme Court and achieving deregulation are
    inextricably linked. During his confirmation hearing,
    Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee
    challenged him on his pro-business positions. Minnesota
    Sen. Al Franken pressed him on a case — that of the
    now-infamous ‘frozen trucker’ — in which the judge
    reached what Franken characterized as an ‘absurd’
    result.” Cohn is professor emerita at the Thomas
    Jefferson School of Law. Her books include “The United
    States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration, and
    Abuse.” Contact her at marjorielegal,

    2. ==> The Greatest Story Ever Told – What Churches get

    John Stahl says churches have been getting the
    resurrection story wrong for decades, yet year after
    year they show a drama where Jesus comes out of the
    tomb. He says, “That never takes place anywhere in the
    Bible! The stone in front of the tomb was rolled back,
    not so Jesus could get out of the tomb, rather, so we
    could get inside.” Stahl says it was another way of God
    inviting us in, to be a part of the greatest story ever
    told and that it’s part of the larger message that it’s
    not enough to talk about our faith, we have to live it.
    Invite John to discuss the Easter story and other
    stories from the Bible that show and share God’s love
    and how it ties to our everyday lives. John Stahl is a
    businessman and pastor. His book, “Just JESUS Them,”
    comes with a warning symbol that it’s not your average
    devotional, and is actually a ‘DO’-votional. Contact
    him at (330) 283-3990;

    3. ==> Best Family Summer Beaches 2017

    I know it’s only April, but if you want a summer beach
    vacation, you gotta do something—now! Just in time for
    vacation planning, Family Vacation Critic –
    TripAdvisor’s family travel site – is out with its list
    of the best beaches for families across the U.S. From
    Long Beach Island, New Jersey to Coronado Beach,
    California, there’s a beach for everyone, all across
    the country. Lissa Poirot, editor-in-chief of Family
    Vacation Critic, says choosing an ideal beach for
    families can be quite difficult. “Families are looking
    for beaches that are not only safe and clean, but also
    those that offer a level of convenience that meet the
    needs of those traveling with various age groups.
    Nearby accommodations, restaurants and attractions – as
    well as cost – all add to a beach’s appeal for
    families.” Beaches on the list include well-known
    summer surf spots as well as small, hidden gems worth a
    visit. And, Poirot can share insider tips for getting
    the most of a beach vacation. Contact Aubrey Manzo Dunn
    at (609) 583-0054;,

    4. == > Tales of a Celebrity Talent Agent

    Until she burned out, Karin Roest jetted around the
    world with such celebrities as Pitbull, Britney Spears,
    Macklemore and others whose names she is forbidden from
    mentioning. She negotiated multimillion-dollar
    contracts with top Hollywood managers and lawyers,
    catered to their crazy whims and once found herself
    walking into a room full of cash. Karin can talk about
    those heady days as well as how they literally drove
    her to a monastery to save her sanity. These days
    Karin’s mission is helping people to be “Purposely
    Famous” (famous for a good purpose or cause), to get
    clear on their contribution to the world, and to use
    their diverse experiences to build their own brand. In
    addition, Karin can share some of her own life story
    which also included sneaking in and out of war zones
    and spending a year in total silence. Reach her at
    (646) 801-8944 or

    5. ==> How Calling 911 Could Kill You

    When is it best to give robbers what they want? To wait
    for police to arrive? Or to fight back against
    terrorists and other perps? Chris Bird, former British
    Army officer, former San Antonio Express-News crime
    reporter and author of “Surviving a Mass Killer
    Rampage,” will discuss your options depending on the
    circumstances in which you may find yourself. Bird, who
    recently wrote an op-ed piece for the Washington Times
    on this subject, will share some startling truths about
    why being armed may be your best option and waiting for
    the police your worst in an active shooter scenario.
    He’ll reveal why the mantra “run, hide, fight” is now
    being adopted by more law enforcement officials who
    once advised the more benign “call 911.” Bird’s book
    has been endorsed by a retired Texas Ranger captain and
    retired CIA officer. Reach Bird at (210) 308-8191 or

    6. ==> Achoo! Prevent Allergies before they Start

    We may love that winter is over but millions of
    Americans dread springtime and the sneezing, coughing
    and wheezing that ensues. Stop and smell the flowers?
    Many people can’t even go outside! Dr. Jim Roach, a
    leading integrative practitioner, says many people
    reach for antihistamines to get through the season, but
    that comes with its own risks. “Antihistamines can
    cause all sorts of problems including brain fog,
    urinary retention, acid reflux and constipation. And
    they may, as anticholinergics, even promote dementia.”
    Dr. Roach will explain how to prevent allergies with
    probiotics, zinc and vitamin D and ways to treat
    allergy symptoms that actually have beneficial side
    effects! Jim Roach, MD, has appeared on numerous radio
    and TV programs. He’s a speaker, consultant, educator,
    researcher, and widely sought clinician with patients
    from across the country. He is also author of “God’s
    House Calls” which discusses spiritual near-death
    experiences of his patients and seeks to de-stigmatize
    spiritual experiences. Contact Dr. Roach at (859)
    846-4453 (office);

    7. ==> Pets Get Spring Allergies Too!

    Did you know that animals can also suffer from spring
    allergies? Invite veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan to share
    natural treatments for spring allergies in pets. She’ll
    also reveal non-toxic, natural ways to fight fleas and
    ticks and ways to help pets who suffer from
    thunderstorm anxiety. Dr. Morgan says many people don’t
    realize some fresh fruits and vegetables can be harmful
    to animals. She’ll run down which are safe, and what to
    avoid. Dr. Morgan has been a practicing veterinarian
    for more than 30 years. She is the author of several
    books and is co-host of a podcast on holistic pet care.
    Contact Dr. Morgan at (609) 202-0999; (856)881-7470 or

    8. ==> Politics and Your Mental Health

    No doubt about it–one’s values and outlook on life can
    lead to greater emotional well-being–or cynicism and
    unhappiness. There are key differences in philosophy
    between Republicans and Democrats on the right way to
    conduct one’s life and create optimal conditions for
    the majority of people. Which ways of thinking improves
    psychological health? Which impede personal growth?
    According to psychologist Dr. Paul Coleman,
    “Emotionally healthy people meet life’s challenges
    head-on with determination and creativity, bounce back
    from defeats, extend themselves for others, and view
    life as positive and meaningful despite adversity.” In
    30 years of practice he’s noticed that the people who
    are the most stressed, most unhappy, and whose
    relationships get most complicated, must change their
    outlook and approach to life in key ways. Which changes
    are more aligned with a Democrat or Republican
    philosophy? Have your listeners take the quiz and
    decide! Paul Coleman, Ph.D., is the author of 12 books
    including “Finding Peace When Your Heart Is in Pieces”
    Contact him at (845) 546-1206

    9. ==> Sesame Street, Power Rangers-New Faces of Autism

    Sesame Street producers say they created Julia to help
    explain autism spectrum disorder to millions of viewers
    and present accurate portrayals of the condition on
    screen, countering decades of stereotypical depictions
    of autistic people. Many households nationwide with
    autistic family members are hoping Julia, along with an
    autistic Power Ranger revealed in a new movie earlier
    this month, will change the way next generations of
    children view autism. Invite Jeanne Beard, founder of
    the National Autism Academy to answer listeners’
    questions and help them understand what autism is.
    Jeanne Beard is the mother of a 20-year-old autistic
    son and the author of “Autism and the Rest of Us: How
    to Sustain a Healthy, Functional and Satisfying
    Relationship with a Person on the Autism Spectrum.” The
    National “Autism Academy provides on-line education and
    support to parents of children with autism. Contact her
    at (630) 542-1191;

    10. ==> Trump’s VAX/ Autism Claims Divert Attention

    According to Colleen Barry, a professor and chair of
    health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins
    Bloomberg School of Public Health, the falsehood that
    vaccines cause autism has regained traction since the
    election of President Donald Trump, and she says this
    misinformation may leave Americans blind to a real
    risk. “The risk of getting drawn into an outdated
    debate about vaccines and autism is that advocates and
    policymakers will spend their time and resources
    fighting on that flank and could miss the window to
    respond on proposed cuts to critical services for those
    with autism coming from the other direction. Those who
    care about preserving and expanding services for people
    with autism need to pay attention to the conversations
    in Washington around the ACA repeal and threats to IDEA
    to make sure important protections and guarantees are
    not lost.” Barry co-wrote an editorial on the subject
    in The New England Journal of Medicine. Contact her at
    (410) 955-3879;

    11. ==> The Future of Medical Marijuana

    Donald Trump has said his administration would “do”
    medical marijuana and let states decide about
    legalization for themselves. But US Attorney General
    Jeff Sessions has made it clear he opposes marijuana
    legalization. “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” he’s
    on record saying. So many are now wondering what
    Sessions will do about marijuana policy and whether
    he’ll enforce federal marijuana laws. Chronic pain
    expert Cindy Perlin says many will suffer without
    access. “Twenty-nine states and the District of
    Columbia now have medical marijuana access and millions
    of chronically ill patients are getting relief for the
    first time from this miracle plant.” Perlin will
    discuss how medical marijuana works and what type of
    conditions it treats, as well as the current political
    climate and what can be done to protect and increase
    access. Perlin is a licensed social worker, certified
    biofeedback practitioner and chronic pain survivor who
    has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s
    the author of “The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments:
    The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.”
    Contact her at (518) 439-6431;

    12. ==> Spring –Time to Clean Out Your Cubical

    It’s been four months since you made your New Year’s
    Resolution. Has anything changed? Did you lose weight?
    Did you plan a vacation? Are you still working a job
    that you hate? It’s estimated that 86% of Americans
    dislike their job and feel stuck. Tom Scarda says
    spring is a great time to clean out your cubical and
    make a career change. “Now that the dust has settled
    from first quarter layoffs and you know where you
    stand, are you prepared to face the next round of
    layoffs?” Scarda, a franchise expert, will discuss
    about to go from employee to employer and from signing
    the back of your check to signing the front. You’ll
    learn the biggest dangers facing novice buyers and five
    questions to ask yourself to know if franchise
    ownership is for you. Tom Scarda is the author of
    “Franchise Savvy: 6 Strategies Pros Use to Pick Top
    Performing Franchises.” Contact him at (516) 322–1435;

    13. ==> Business ‘Wisdom’ Debunked

    The customer is always right. Or is he? You can’t
    change horses midstream! Or can you? Jack Quarles will
    expose the fallback notions decision makers gravitate
    to that don’t always serve them. He says, “The defining
    notion is usually a short sentence and often reflects
    some inside knowledge: ‘They’re the best in the
    business.’ ‘We’re different—that won’t work here.’
    ‘The customer is always right.’” He’s on a mission to
    help companies increase their bottom lines by
    increasing their vigilance against expensive sentences.
    Jack Quarles is a bestselling author, international
    speaker and trainer, and founder of Buying Excellence,
    a company that helps businesses choose the right
    solution and vendor for them. His latest book,
    Expensive Sentences, is part of a planned series of
    books on expensive sentences in other fields such as
    education, parenting, and financial planning. Contact
    him at (703) 944-9676;

    14. ==> April is Stress Awareness Month

    We all know that stress is a killer but most of us are
    too busy getting through our days to do something about
    it. With April being Stress Awareness Month, it’s time
    to get a grip on what is driving us crazy, raising our
    collective blood pressures and making us sick. Who
    better to pass on insights than Tami Gilbert, who was
    abandoned by her parents as a teenager and once worked
    three jobs at the same time to put herself through
    college, earning a master’s degree in nursing and an
    MBA? Gilbert will discuss the role faith, sticky notes,
    downtime and letting go can play in a healthier you. As
    a bonus, she can also explain what you should know if
    you are hospitalized, finding yourself attended by
    nurses coping with their own feelings of being
    unappreciated, overworked and overwhelmed. Her book is
    “Courage to Persevere: A Compelling Story of Struggle,
    Survival and Triumph.” Reach her at 312-218-1744;

    15. ==> The Great Debate Over Saying ‘Hello’

    No one thinks about it but why do we answer the
    telephone by saying “hello” and greet people on the
    street using the same word? And while we are at it, why
    do we say “goodbye” when we are about to hang up or bid
    farewell to the person we just ran into? Word lover
    Susanna Janssen, a newspaper columnist and former
    college professor, has thought about this and has the
    answers. She’ll cheerfully trace the origins of “hello”
    back to the 1400s and will also reveal why if Alexander
    Graham Bell had gotten his way we’d be saying “ahoy.”
    She’ll also share the back story for goodbye, which
    dates from the 1500s, and why parting used to include a
    reference to God. If there is time, she can also share
    the origins of some other popular expressions that we
    take for granted. Janssen is the author of
    “Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language”
    Reach her at (707) 272-1351 or

  • 04/11/17 RTIR E-zine: Syria, Gorsuch and Don Rickles

    April 11, 2017
    02. Justice Gorsuch: Another Faux Originalist Judge
    03. Former CIA Agent on Stand Your Ground Law
    04. Comedian Remembers Don Rickles
    05. What Took Barry Manilow So Long?
    06. Trump’s New Authoritarian Government
    07. How to Tell Fake News from Real News
    08. She Had Dinner on Cary Grant’s Bed
    09. Dangerous Things People Do While Driving
    10. GOP’s New Target: Transgender Students
    11. Phobia Relief Day
    12. Love Him or Hate Him, Trump Brands Bigly
    13. Tax Tips for the Self-Employed
    14. 3 Steps to Get Serious about Retirement Planning
    15. Play Ball! Eat Dogs!

    1. ==> Journalist Charles Glass on Syria

    Former ABC News Chief Middle East correspondent,
    Charles Glass, says “The death and suffering caused by
    poison gas in Syria emphasizes the urgency — not to
    escalate the war with more bombardment — but to end it
    through negotiation between the United States and
    Russia. Only they can impose a solution on their
    clients.” Glass’ books include Syria Burning: A Short
    History of a Catastrophe. In February, the New York
    Review of Books published his piece “How Assad Is
    Winning.” Available for a limited number of interviews,
    contact him (in Beirut) at,

    2. ==> Justice Gorsuch: Another Faux Originalist Judge

    According to Ivan Eland, Neil Gorsuch has been
    advertised as a similar replacement for the deceased
    Antonin Scalia, who had styled himself as a small
    government “textualist.” Eland says, “Let’s hope
    Gorsuch will do better than Scalia’s faux textualism.
    If his previous actions are indicative, he – like
    Scalia – might unfortunately practice selective
    originalism.” Eland will discuss Scalia’s approach to
    interpreting the Constitution and what Gorsuch will
    bring to the Supreme Court and how that may affect
    future rulings. Ivan Eland is a senior fellow and the
    director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the
    Independent Institute. He is also the author of several
    books including “Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the
    Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty.” Contact
    him at (703) 282-3484 (cell);,

    3. ==> Former CIA Agent on Stand Your Ground Law

    So you bought a gun for self-defense, but do you
    understand how and when you can use it? Invite Bruce
    Lawlor, a former CIA case officer, former trial lawyer,
    first Chief of Staff for the U.S. Department of
    Homeland Security, former Virginia Tech professor, and
    retired Major General, U.S. Army, to discuss the issues
    involved in the “Stand Your Ground” law. Lawlor has
    been interested in personal self-defense for many years
    and wrote “When Deadly Force is Involved: A Look at the
    Legal Side of Stand Your Ground, Duty to Retreat and
    Other Questions of Self Defense” to explain the laws to
    gun owners. He is a life member of the NRA member and
    an NRA certified firearms instructor. Contact Johanna
    Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137.

    4. ==> Comedian Remembers Don Rickles

    Last week, America lost its funniest late-night
    television guest when Don Rickles, the legendary
    “insult comic,” passed away at the age of 90. Bring
    comedy historian, writer, and performer Jeffrey Gurian
    on your show to share memories of Rickles and how he
    influenced today’s generation of comedic performers.
    Jeffrey Gurian is a comedy writer, performer, director,
    author, producer, doctor, and healer. He’s written
    material for comedy legends and MTV, National Lampoon,
    Weekly World News, and many Friars Club Roasts. In
    1999, he launched Comedy Matters, a celeb-based, online
    entertainment column that now has evolved into Comedy
    Matters TV, an internet TV channel. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103

    5. ==> What Took Barry Manilow So Long?

    It was more or less an open secret but iconic singer-
    songwriter Barry Manilow has officially come out as gay
    at the age of 73. But just because it was widely known
    that Manilow was gay doesn’t make his coming out any
    less significant, according to Hilary Meyer, chief
    enterprise and innovation officer for the LGBT elders
    organization SAGE. “If you think about the vast
    majority of LGBT older folks—say people 65 and
    older—they have lived through really pervasive
    discrimination, stigma, and prejudice throughout their
    lives. LGBT older adults carry this heavy stigma with
    them that has created this wall of staying closeted
    unless they are otherwise explicitly told that this is
    a safe and comfortable environment.” Services &
    Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) is the country’s
    largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving
    the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
    (LGBT) older adults. Contact Christina DaCosta at (917)
    553-3328 (NY);

    6. ==> Trump’s New Authoritarian Government

    We knew he was a narcissist who has thin skin and loves
    to lash out at those who disagree. Now that he’s
    president, Ruth Ben-Ghiat says Trump’s following ‘the
    authoritarian playbook.’ “Strongmen show aggression to
    the press as part of a slow-drip strategy of
    discrediting all information that is not dispensed by
    their close allies. Strongmen also target the
    judiciary, since it stands in the way of their
    “reforms” that often veer into extra-legality. Those
    with a history of legal troubles can be particularly
    focused on this sector.” She adds, “Authoritarians love
    to think they are making history, and never hesitate to
    rewrite the past to suit their political agendas.” Ruth
    Ben-Ghiat is professor of history and Italian studies
    at New York University and a cultural critic. She
    writes and speaks frequently on fascism, war, racism,
    authoritarian rulers, propaganda, and the politics of
    images and her essay on Trump and Mussolini recently
    ran in the Atlantic. Contact her at

    7. ==> How to Tell Fake News from Real News

    The advent of social media and blogging has given the
    masses the ability to create and write the news, and
    fake news is fast becoming a very real and alarming
    trend. With nearly half of all Americans (47%) getting
    their news from Facebook often see fictional political
    stories, it’s vital that we learn to distinguish fact
    from fiction. Communication expert Leslie Shore will
    offer 4 tips for determining whether what you are
    reading is true or false. Among other things, she says
    you should look for a reputable source of a story and
    make sure there’s an actual author of the piece. Shore
    says there are also key words to watch for that
    indicate a story is opinion rather than fact. Leslie
    Shore is a national speaker, communication expert,
    professor, and author. She’s also the owner of Listen
    to Succeed, a consultancy that focuses on listening
    analytics. Contact Erin Dean at (661) 255-8283;

    8. ==> She Had Dinner on Cary Grant’s Bed

    If invited, few women would have resisted an invitation
    to dinner from Cary Grant, one of Hollywood’s
    classically suave leading men. Lenay (Marie) Rogus was
    no exception. At the time, Rogus was 19 and working at
    Universal Pictures in the steno pool in a bungalow next
    to Grant’s. Brief encounters on the way to her car led
    the two to chat and subsequently to Grant’s invitation
    to his Beverly Hills home atop a steep canyon. Rogus
    will share details of the surreal evening they spent
    together—including Grant’s odd penchant for
    entertaining in his bedroom, what they talked about,
    what they ate, the unusual collection he showed her and
    what it was like riding in his Rolls Royce. Her dinner
    with Grant is one of the Hollywood stories she shares
    in her upcoming memoir: “Grief Comfort Guide: A
    Personal Journey from Loss to Light,” which also
    details her experience of losing seven dear friends and
    relatives. Rogus went on to work on such films as
    Raging Bull, Rocky 2 and Myra Breckinridge and has many
    stories about celebrities she can relate from her years
    in Hollywood. Contact her at (858) 349-4917 or

    9. ==> Dangerous Things People Do While Driving

    April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and this
    year, an alarming rise in motor vehicle deaths has
    safety officials concerned that drivers aren’t aware of
    how risky their driving behaviors are. “Most Americans
    recognize risky drivers on the roadways, but they’re
    not adopting safer behaviors themselves,” says Deborah
    Hersman, president and CEO of the National Safety
    Council. “The notion that bad things happen to other
    people, but will not happen to us when we are
    distracted behind the wheel, is akin to playing Russian
    roulette.” She’ll reveal some of the top distressing
    things drivers do – or believe they can do – when
    driving and some surprising common beliefs that put
    everyone at risk and increase the likelihood of being
    involved in a crash. Contact Hersman at (630) 775-2307;

    10. ==> GOP’s New Target: Transgender Students

    The White House has signaled its intent to roll back
    protections for transgender students set under
    President Obama. Those protections allow students to
    use locker rooms and bathrooms that match the gender
    they identify with. Available to comment on this
    unfolding story is Seth Rainess, a transgender male and
    author of the only book written for transgender teens.
    He can discuss why everyone should care about this
    rollback as well as Trump’s opposition to marriage
    equality, his Cabinet choices’ anti-gay beliefs, and
    the effect of potential Supreme Court appointments on
    the transgender community. Rainess’ book is “Real Talk
    for Teens: Jump Start Guide to Gender Transition and
    Beyond.” His mission is to alleviate the still
    prevalent fears and misconceptions people have about
    the transgender people and he’s been featured in Time
    and numerous media outlets. Reach him at (732) 620-4300
    (cell); (732) 291-6090 (landline) or

    11. ==> Phobia Relief Day

    On May 8, people who suffer the shame, fear and stress
    that accompanies phobias for such everyday things as
    snakes, clowns, spiders, social anxiety and
    dentists—can get relief as part of the first annual
    Phobia Relief Day. The brainchild of internationally
    bestselling author Kalliope Barlis, the special day
    will be marked by in-person phobia relief sessions in
    New York City as well as training that can be
    accessible anywhere in the world through the internet.
    Invite her to share what’s going on and how your
    listeners can participate. She’ll also discuss the many
    different types of phobias and strategies to help deal
    with them. Kalliope Barlis is a New York City-based
    licensed trainer of NLP who has appeared on CBS, NBC,
    Fox and SiriusXM, among other media outlets and has
    helped thousands of people conquer their phobias. She
    is the author of the internationally bestselling
    “Phobia Relief.” Contact her at (718)751-5105;

    12. ==> Love Him or Hate Him, Trump Brands Bigly

    According to Tim Marshall, one of the first steps on
    the journey to entrepreneurship is simply getting used
    to saying your name. “That is your identity. Cherish
    it. Embracing your name can be your starting point to
    changing your life and embracing your uniqueness.
    Donald Trump is an expert at this. You might not agree
    with him, but he is a master at marketing his name, and
    he does this fearlessly.” Tim, a nationally recognized
    entrepreneur by INC Magazine for 4 years on their list
    of America’s Fastest Growing Companies, will openly
    share his own life lessons and personal techniques to
    guide entrepreneurs in defining their purpose, creating
    their brand, and delivering their message. Tim was the
    #1 U.S. salesperson for a global tech company for 12
    years. He is a coach, speaker and author. His latest
    book is “The Power of Breaking Fear as an
    Entrepreneur.” Contact Brenda Star at (561) 547-0667;

    13. ==> Tax Tips for the Self-Employed

    Tax season is here! Lisa London CPA, can help your
    listeners streamline their current files and understand
    everything from deductions to what is considered
    income. She says, “With the influx of people in the
    sharing economy, like Uber drivers, Airbnb hosts, and
    EBay and Amazon sellers, more and more people need to
    understand what is considered income and what are
    allowable expenses.” Invite her to tell your audience
    how to use their cell phones to simplify bookkeeping
    and share record-keeping tips and tricks to help small
    and at-home businesses. Lisa London has been featured
    on numerous TV and radio shows. She is the author of
    the “Accountant Beside You” series of books for small
    businesses, nonprofits, and churches. Her newest book,
    “Banish Your Bookkeeping Nightmares-The Go-To Guide for
    the Self-Employed to Save Money, Reduce Frustration, &
    Satisfy the IRS” will be released next month. Contact
    her at (919) 770-3746;

    14. ==> 3 Steps to Get Serious about Retirement

    Last year, when the Federal Reserve Board asked, more
    than half of all respondents admitted they were not
    confident or just slightly confident of making the
    right retirement investment decisions. Indeed, the
    Fed’s report expressed alarm at how unprepared
    investors are at making the best possible choices at a
    time when most people’s retirement plans are self-
    directed. Chartered retirement planning counselor
    Rodger Alan Friedman, CRPC®, is worried too. “Getting
    the retirement equation right is no more a do-it-
    yourself exercise than home root-canal kits … The vast
    majority of Americans will not thrive in retirement.
    That is reserved for people who understand the risks
    they face in the later stages of their lives. They
    acknowledge that preparation is necessary and they do
    the intelligent thing—they seek help.” Invite Friedman
    to share 3 steps to get serious about retirement
    planning and how to tell if you’re on track for your
    golden years. Friedman’s latest book is “Fire Your
    Retirement Planner You: Concise Advice on How to Join
    the $100,000 Retirement Club.” Contact him at (844)
    15. ==> Play Ball! Eat Dogs!

    Like popcorn at the movies, hot dogs are the
    quintessential summer ballpark food, and the National
    Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) estimates that
    baseball fans will consume nearly 19 million hot dogs
    and more than 4.1 million sausages during the 2017 MLB
    season. So who’s got the best dogs? The winner of the
    Fifth Annual Hot Dog Madness Bracket Contest is the
    Boston Red Sox, but the competition was pretty tough.
    “While perennial hot dog favorites remain staples at
    ballparks across America, teams are introducing new
    creations every year,” says Eric Mittenthal. He can
    talk about anything and everything about baseball, hot
    dogs and sausages including some of the craziest
    concoctions served to fans like the Royals’ Sunrise Dog
    (served only on Sundays) and Toronto’s Bloor Street Dog
    (a dog topped with butter chicken, chili-lime sour
    cream, a trio of Indian vegetables and fresh chopped
    parsley). Contact Eric Mittenthal at (202) 587-4238;
    (404) 808-8396 or,

  • 04/06/17 RTIR E-zine: Terror Attack, Mental Spring Cleaning, Underemployed Boomers

    April 6, 2017
    01. Russian Terror Attack: A View from St. Petersburg
    02. Steve Bannon Booted but Not Gone
    03. Pepsi Pulls Plug on Protest Ad
    04. It’s International Fun at Work Day!
    05. Sesame Street, Power Rangers-New Faces of Autism
    06. Is Trump Making America Great?
    07. Boomers Still Underemployed
    08. What Mae West Taught This Guest
    09. Spring Clean Your Brain
    10. Will AG End Medical Marijuana?
    11. The Great Debate Over Saying “Hello”
    12. Do Doodlers Get Better Grades?
    13. How Failure Can Make You Fitter
    14. A College Degree Isn’t Enough Anymore
    15. Namaste – Kids’ Yoga Day Tomorrow!

    1. ==> Russian Terror Attack: A View from St.

    Currently in St. Petersburg, Gilbert Doctorow is a
    Brussels-based political analyst. “Russia’s reaction to
    Monday’s terror attacks on St. Petersburg’s subway
    system stands in stark contrast to what we have seen in
    public behavior in Paris, Berlin and Brussels following
    similar attacks over the past 18 months. “Putin
    delivered no maudlin speech to the nation and Russian
    state television coverage was not dominated by images
    of tearful and shocked citizens lighting candles and
    reaffirming their faith in a free, open and pluralistic
    society — the dominant themes of the media in France,
    Germany and Belgium. “In St. Petersburg, the official
    reactions were more down to earth and practical.”
    Doctorow just wrote the piece “Russians Take Terror
    Attack in Stride” for Consortium News. Contact him at

    2. ==> Steve Bannon Booted but Not Gone

    White House sources say Trump’s chief strategist Steve
    Bannon has been removed from the National Security
    Council as part of a larger NSC shake-up, but Alex Ward
    says he remains a top adviser with strong views.
    “Bannon still has immense interest in national security
    and he’ll still offer advice,” says Ward, an analyst at
    the Atlantic Council think tank who closely watches
    Trump’s foreign policy. “Bannon still cares deeply
    about Iran and ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ He will
    still offer his advice on how to curb Iran’s regional
    rise and defeat [the so-called Islamic State], among
    other terror groups. He’ll also offer more dovish
    recommendations regarding Russia.” The Atlantic Council
    is a Washington think-tank/public policy group focusing
    on international affairs. Contact Alex Ward at (202)

    3. ==> Pepsi Pulls Plug on Protest Ad

    Even before it’s official release, Pepsi’s
    controversial new ad, set at a protest march, was
    quickly called out for being tone-deaf and offensive.
    The ad, starring Kardashian sister Kendall Jenner, was
    slated for a worldwide release but Pepsi has now pulled
    the plug on the spot. Reputation management specialist
    Ryan McCormick says Pepsi should apologize for
    upsetting people and then begin writing big checks to
    organizations that were most offended by their
    commercial. He adds, “Pepsi’s controversial ad should
    be lesson for all corporations to never, ever hawk
    their products using national strife & tragedy as the
    backdrop.” In the end, he says, “The American public
    has a short term memory and an even shorter attention
    span. The crisis will be a forgotten footnote a month
    or a year from now.” McCormick is cofounder of Goldman
    McCormick PR. Contact him at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    4. ==> It’s International Fun at Work Day!

    Did you know today is International Fun at Work Day?
    Ask your listeners if they have fun at work and share
    ways to make the workplace a better atmosphere when you
    interview leading workplace fun expert Nick Gianoulis.
    International Fun at Work Day commemorates the
    importance fun should play in the workplace. Invite
    Nick on air to explain why fun is serious business: it
    boosts innovation, productivity, sales and employee
    retention and is one of the leading ingredients in why
    companies become leaders in their fields. He’ll explain
    how fun (belly laughs, engagement, and friendly
    competition) can easily be had at companies of all
    sizes without large budgets by using stimulating mind
    games, physical challenges, creative contests and more.
    Nick is the co-author of “Playing It Forward: Because
    Fun Matters for Employees, Customers and Bottom Line.”
    He’s also the founder of the Fun Dept. and developer of
    a new Box of Fun concept —similar to Blue Apron and
    Bark Box—that makes having fun at work easier than
    ever, particularly for small teams. Contact Nick at
    (302) 463-3819;

    5. ==> Sesame Street, Power Rangers-New Faces of Autism

    Sesame Street producers say they created Julia to help
    explain autism spectrum disorder to millions of viewers
    and present accurate portrayals of the condition on
    screen, countering decades of stereotypical depictions
    of autistic people. Many households nationwide with
    autistic family members are hoping Julia, along with an
    autistic Power Ranger revealed in a new movie earlier
    this month, will change the way next generations of
    children view autism. Invite Jeanne Beard, founder of
    the National Autism Academy to answer listeners’
    questions and help them understand what autism is.
    Jeanne Beard is the mother of a 20-year-old autistic
    son and the author of “Autism and the Rest of Us: How
    to Sustain a Healthy, Functional and Satisfying
    Relationship with a Person on the Autism Spectrum.” The
    National “Autism Academy provides on-line education and
    support to parents of children with autism. Contact her
    at (630) 542-1191;

    6. ==> Is Trump Making America Great?

    Donald Trump pledged to “Make America Great Again.” But
    three months into his presidency, is he doing that?
    Michelle Deen says, “If our goal is to create a better
    America, it has to start with sound character—of our
    leaders who serve to guide us, of our citizens who
    create our society, and of parents who are molding our
    children and through them, our future.” Deen will
    discuss the breakdown of character that’s been
    festering in politics and culture, with the election of
    Trump bringing it all to a head. She’ll challenge
    conventional assumptions about moral values, explain
    why the “culture war” hasn’t worked to create a more
    moral society, and suggest a new solution to get our
    culture back on track. An experienced media guest,
    Michelle Deen is an expert in human development and
    family relations Her latest book is “Saving America’s
    Grace: Rethinking Family Values, Moral Politics and the
    Culture War.” Contact her at (805) 679-3084;

    7. ==> Boomers Still Underemployed

    While the numbers may suggest that more Americans are
    working today, many business professionals over 50
    still struggle with long-term unemployment, under-
    employment, lower pay and traditional job search
    techniques that produce nothing. Good reasons why more
    boomers are turning to the gig economy, notes Spunk
    Burke, author of “The GIG Solution.” Spunk will explain
    how boomers are learning to target prospects whose
    problems they could solve as a contractor or on a
    project basis. He’s a staffing veteran who provides
    coaching to help boomers build rewarding gig practices.
    He also helps companies link to contractors who can
    address their immediate needs. Spunk can be reached at
    (978) 801-9010 or

    8. ==> What Mae West Taught This Guest

    Back in the day, Mae West was one of America’s sexiest
    film stars about whom one famous actor once opined,
    “She stole everything but the cameras.” Known for her
    sexual innuendos, tight dresses and distaste for
    censorship, West remains a Hollywood legend. In 1970,
    when the two worked on the pioneering gender-bending
    film Myra Breckinridge, Lenay (Marie) Rogus got to know
    West. Rogus can reveal what was behind West’s unusual
    walk, her tendency to refer to herself in the third
    person, the unusual privilege West had written into her
    contract and what life was like on the set of
    Breckinridge, which Rogus describes as “the first X-
    rated movie before there were X-rated movies.”
    Breckinridge also starred Raquel Welch and was Farrah
    Fawcett’s first film. Her anecdotes about the movie are
    among the Hollywood stories she shares in her upcoming
    memoir: “Grief Comfort Guide: A Personal Journey from
    Loss to Light,” which also details her experience of
    losing seven of her loved ones. Contact her at (858)
    349-4917 or

    9. ==> Spring Clean Your Brain

    It’s spring and that means a new beginning often
    preceded by cleaning like nobody’s business. Before
    your audience members begin on the garage, basement,
    cupboards or even their wardrobe, Andro Donovan says
    they should start with their brain. The author of the
    new book “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want,
    Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment” says people should
    take their cues from big wave surfer Laird Hamilton. He
    famously said, “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live
    between your own ears.” To do that, Andro advises
    making friends with your inner rats—a clever way for
    remembering “rational mind scripts.” These saboteurs
    are our need for being perfect, hurrying up, trying
    harder, being strong and needing to be liked. She’ll
    explain how to be conscious of them and avoid self-
    sabotage. Andro is a leadership development specialist
    known for her life-changing retreats that take place
    around the world. Contact her at+4407711238410;;; Skype:

    10. ==> Will AG End Medical Marijuana?

    Donald Trump has said his administration would “do”
    medical marijuana and let states decide about
    legalization for themselves. But US Attorney General
    Jeff Sessions has made it clear he opposes marijuana
    legalization. “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” he’s
    on record saying. So many are now wondering what
    Sessions will do about marijuana policy and whether
    he’ll enforce federal marijuana laws. Chronic pain
    expert Cindy Perlin says many will suffer without
    access. “Twenty-nine states and the District of
    Columbia now have medical marijuana access and millions
    of chronically ill patients are getting relief for the
    first time from this miracle plant.” Perlin will
    discuss how medical marijuana works and what type of
    conditions it treats, as well as the current political
    climate and what can be done to protect and increase
    access. Perlin is a licensed social worker, certified
    biofeedback practitioner and chronic pain survivor who
    has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s
    the author of “The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments:
    The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.”
    Contact her at (518) 439-6431;

    11. ==> The Great Debate Over Saying “Hello”

    No one thinks about it but why do we answer the
    telephone by saying “hello” and greet people on the
    street using the same word? And while we are at it, why
    do we say “goodbye” when we are about to hang up or bid
    farewell to the person we just ran into? Word lover
    Susanna Janssen, a newspaper columnist and former
    college professor, has thought about this and has the
    answers. She’ll cheerfully trace the origins of “hello”
    back to the 1400s and will also reveal why if Alexander
    Graham Bell had gotten his way we’d be saying “ahoy.”
    She’ll also share the back story for goodbye, which
    dates from the 1500s, and why parting used to include a
    reference to God. If there is time, she can also share
    the origins of some other popular expressions that we
    take for granted. Janssen is the author of
    “Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language”
    Reach her at (707) 272-1351 or

    12. ==> Do Doodlers Get Better Grades?

    Getting kids to pay attention has always been a
    challenge for teachers. But this is even more true
    today when most students own multiple devices that
    divert their attention. Teacher and illustrator Red
    Rohl believes he has found the answer to engaging,
    inspiring and exciting students, thereby creating a
    classroom of energetic learners. Rohl will explain how
    sketchnote inspired art engages students and improves
    their comprehension. He says, “It works especially well
    for students who are visual learners and those who
    learn by hands-on activities, which typically fade
    after middle school ends.” You’ll learn how this cross-
    curricular approach helps students with math, social
    studies, science, and writing skills. A lifelong
    illustrator, Red Rohl has 20 years of experience
    teaching at-risk students. He is the author of “Heavy
    Sketches,” a collection of 30 years’ worth of his own
    sketchnote-inspired art combined with creative
    literacy. Contact him at (828) 284-1973;

    13. ==> How Failure Can Make You Fitter

    Just about everyone has messed up when it comes to
    eating healthfully and exercising. In fact, according
    to world-class athlete and chiropractor Tim Warren,
    it’s perfectly normal. Warren says people inevitably
    feel overwhelmed by what is going on in their lives and
    screw up now. “The problem lies not in the failing but
    in not restarting sooner. Cut down the reboot time, do
    more healthy than unhealthy stuff, and guess what? You
    win.” Warren, who climbed Mount Everest at age 48 and
    has cared for more than 10,000 patients in his 30-year
    medical career, doesn’t believe in dieting, having iron
    willpower or living life in the gym. His approach is to
    encourage daily mini-improvements. Warren has been
    featured on dozens of radio and television shows and in
    numerous print interviews. He’s the author of “Feet,
    Fork and Fun,” written after years of experiencing
    frustration trying to influence patients to improve
    their level of fitness, nutrition and mindfulness. Tim
    Warren’s first book was “Lessons from Everest.” Contact
    him at (401) 374-5067;

    14. ==> A College Degree Isn’t Enough Anymore

    University students are facing unique challenges today
    – rapid economic changes, an evolving job market, and
    the need to become the employee employers want to hire
    and keep. How can they create the needed adaptability
    skills, along with the mobility and fluidity essential
    for today’s hires while still in college? Invite Jason
    Ma, America’s chief millennial mentor, to discuss the
    challenges common to students and Millennials, and
    share ways to help them be successful in their careers
    – and life. From clarifying direction to becoming more
    pragmatically skillful (and street-smart) to finding
    quality internships to managing stress, failure and
    conflicts and to rising up the ranks, Jason will
    address the many issues facing students and young
    professionals today. Jason Ma is founder, CEO & chief
    mentor of ThreeEQ, Inc., a success coaching and
    consulting service for high-end families and companies.
    He’s an international speaker and the author of “Young
    Leaders 3.0.” Contact him at (408) 823-7768;

    15. ==> Namaste – Kids’ Yoga Day Tomorrow!

    Tomorrow, from 11 a.m. to 11:05 a.m., thousands of
    schoolchildren around the world, including those in all
    50 U.S. states, will put down their books and let their
    imaginations run free as they mold themselves into
    trees, flamingos, kites and other kid-friendly yoga
    positions. They will be joined by children at home and
    other locations, all led by more than 200 official
    ambassadors to raise global awareness about yoga for
    kids. It’s all part of the second annual Kids’ Yoga
    Day, created by Theresa Power. An internationally
    recognized children’s yoga expert and author of “The
    ABCs of Yoga for Kids” series, Power says yoga teaches
    skills that help kids focus, regulate their emotions,
    and better respond to stress. “Today’s ‘typical child’
    is stressed out, under-nourished, and sedentary. A
    simple yoga practice is an ideal way to naturally
    unwind while getting physical activity and building the
    foundation for a lifelong tradition of health and
    fitness,” she says. Contact Diane Elder at 310 430

  • 04/04/2017 RTIR E-zine: Obamacare Repeal, Celebrating WOmen, Spring Fever

    April 4, 2017

    01. 50 Years After MLK’s ‘Beyond Vietnam’ Speech
    02. Obamacare Repeal Isn’t Dead?
    03. You Do This While Driving but Shouldn’t
    04. Play Ball! Eat Dogs!
    05. Friday is Kids’ Yoga Day
    06. Tales of a Celebrity Talent Agent
    07. Calling 911 Could Kill You
    08. Tax Tips for the Self-Employed
    09. Widely Accepted Business Wisdom Debunked
    10. What Trump Can Teach You about Branding
    11. Are Schools Teaching Kids to Stop Thinking?
    12. Celebrity Designer: The Secret is Simplicity
    13. Why Do We Say “Hello?”
    14. Celebrate Women Who Soar
    15. Why You Should Run Away this Spring

    1. ==> 50 Years After MLK’s ‘Beyond Vietnam’ Speech

    Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King delivered his
    ‘Beyond Vietnam’ speech. On April 4, from the altar of
    Riverside Church in New York, King condemned the war.
    He did so against the wishes of his advisers, and even
    though he knew it could erode his already-fading public
    support, financially cripple his organization, and end
    his relationship with a president who’d done more for
    civil rights than any since Lincoln. Invite Rev.
    Graylan Hagler, senior pastor at the Plymouth
    Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington,
    D.C., to discuss the controversial speech and what
    happened afterward. Reverend Hagler is chairperson of
    Faith Strategies, an organization of clergy
    strategizing and organizing to bring human rights and
    civil rights into the faith community and the public
    arena. Contact him at;

    2. ==> Obamacare Repeal Isn’t Dead?

    President Donald Trump turned to Twitter Sunday morning
    to declare that efforts aimed at repealing and
    replacing Obamacare are still alive, pointing to the
    “love and strength” in the Republican Party. Trump has
    claimed Obamacare will “implode” and that that will
    lead lawmakers to create a better health care bill. Dr.
    Elaina George, author of “Big Medicine: The Cost of
    Corporate Control and How Doctors and Patients Working
    Together Can Rebuild a Better System,” can discuss what
    might be included in a better plan. Dr. Elaina George
    is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She hosts her
    own radio show, Medicine On Call, and is a keynote
    speaker for many organizations. Contact Mark Goldman at
    (516) 639-0988

    3. ==> You Do This While Driving but Shouldn’t

    April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and this
    year, an alarming rise in motor vehicle deaths has
    safety officials concerned that drivers aren’t aware of
    how risky their driving behaviors are. “Most Americans
    recognize risky drivers on the roadways, but they’re
    not adopting safer behaviors themselves,” says Deborah
    Hersman, president and CEO of the National Safety
    Council. “The notion that bad things happen to other
    people, but will not happen to us when we are
    distracted behind the wheel, is akin to playing Russian
    roulette.” She’ll reveal some of the top distressing
    things drivers do – or believe they can do – when
    driving and some surprising common beliefs that put
    everyone at risk and increase the likelihood of being
    involved in a crash. Contact Hersman at (630) 775-2307;

    4. ==> Play Ball! Eat Dogs!

    Like popcorn at the movies, hot dogs are the
    quintessential summer ballpark food, and the National
    Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) estimates that
    baseball fans will consume nearly 19 million hot dogs
    and more than 4.1 million sausages during the 2017 MLB
    season. So who’s got the best dogs? The winner of the
    Fifth Annual Hot Dog Madness Bracket Contest is the
    Boston Red Sox, but the competition was pretty tough.
    “While perennial hot dog favorites remain staples at
    ballparks across America, teams are introducing new
    creations every year,” says Eric Mittenthal. He can
    talk about anything and everything about baseball, hot
    dogs and sausages including some of the craziest
    concoctions served to fans like the Royals’ Sunrise Dog
    (served only on Sundays) and Toronto’s Bloor Street Dog
    (a dog topped with butter chicken, chili-lime sour
    cream, a trio of Indian vegetables and fresh chopped
    parsley). Contact Eric Mittenthal at (202) 587-4238;
    (404) 808-8396 or,

    5. ==> Friday is Kids’ Yoga Day

    This Friday, from 11 a.m. to 11:05 a.m., thousands of
    schoolchildren around the world, including those in all
    50 U.S. states, will put down their books and let their
    imaginations run free as they mold themselves into
    trees, flamingos, kites and other kid-friendly yoga
    positions. They will be joined by children at home and
    other locations, all led by more than 200 official
    ambassadors to raise global awareness about yoga for
    kids. It’s all part of the second annual Kids’ Yoga
    Day, created by Theresa Power. An internationally
    recognized children’s yoga expert and author of “The
    ABCs of Yoga for Kids” series, Power says yoga teaches
    skills that help kids focus, regulate their emotions,
    and better respond to stress. “Today’s ‘typical child’
    is stressed out, under-nourished, and sedentary. A
    simple yoga practice is an ideal way to naturally
    unwind while getting physical activity and building the
    foundation for a lifelong tradition of health and
    fitness,” she says. Contact Diane Elder at (310)

    6. ==> Tales of a Celebrity Talent Agent

    Until she burned out, Karin Roest jetted around the
    world with such celebrities as Pitbull, Britney Spears,
    Macklemore and others whose names she is forbidden from
    mentioning. She negotiated multimillion-dollar
    contracts with top Hollywood managers and lawyers,
    catered to their crazy whims and once found herself
    walking into a room full of cash. Karin can talk about
    those heady days as well as how they literally drove
    her to a monastery to save her sanity. These days
    Karin’s mission is helping people to be “Purposely
    Famous” (famous for a good purpose or cause), to get
    clear on their contribution to the world, and to use
    their diverse experiences to build their own brand. In
    addition, Karin can share some of her own life story
    which also included sneaking in and out of war zones
    and spending a year in total silence. Reach her at
    (646) 801-8944 or

    7. ==> Calling 911 Could Kill You

    When is it best to give robbers what they want? To wait
    for police to arrive? Or to fight back against
    terrorists and other perps? Chris Bird, former British
    Army officer, former San Antonio Express-News crime
    reporter and author of “Surviving a Mass Killer
    Rampage,” will discuss your options depending on the
    circumstances in which you may find yourself. Bird, who
    recently wrote an op-ed piece for the Washington Times
    on this subject, will share some startling truths about
    why being armed may be your best option and waiting for
    the police your worst in an active shooter scenario.
    He’ll reveal why the mantra “run, hide, fight” is now
    being adopted by more law enforcement officials who
    once advised the more benign “call 911.” Bird’s book
    has been endorsed by a retired Texas Ranger captain and
    retired CIA officer. Reach Bird at (210) 308-8191 or

    8. ==> Tax Tips for the Self-Employed

    Tax season is here! Lisa London CPA, can help your
    listeners streamline their current files and understand
    everything from deductions to what is considered
    income. She says, “With the influx of people in the
    sharing economy, like Uber drivers, Airbnb hosts, and
    EBay and Amazon sellers, more and more people need to
    understand what is considered income and what are
    allowable expenses.” Invite her to tell your audience
    how to use their cell phones to simplify bookkeeping
    and share record-keeping tips and tricks to help small
    and at-home businesses. Lisa London has been featured
    on numerous TV and radio shows. She is the author of
    the “Accountant Beside You” series of books for small
    businesses, nonprofits, and churches. Her newest book,
    “Banish Your Bookkeeping Nightmares-The Go-To Guide for
    the Self-Employed to Save Money, Reduce Frustration, &
    Satisfy the IRS” will be released next month. Contact
    her at (919) 770-3746;

    9. ==> Widely Accepted Business Wisdom Debunked

    The customer is always right. Or is he? You can’t
    change horses midstream! Or can you? Jack Quarles will
    expose the fallback notions decision makers gravitate
    to that don’t always serve them. He says, “The defining
    notion is usually a short sentence and often reflects
    some inside knowledge: ‘They’re the best in the
    business.’ ‘We’re different—that won’t work here.’
    ‘The customer is always right.’” Quarles is on a
    mission to help companies increase their bottom lines
    by increasing their vigilance against expensive
    sentences! Jack Quarles is a bestselling author,
    international speaker and trainer, and founder of
    Buying Excellence, a company that helps businesses
    choose the right solution and vendor for them. His
    latest book, Expensive Sentences, is part of a planned
    series of books on expensive sentences in other fields
    such as education, parenting, and financial planning.
    Contact him at (703) 944-9676;

    10. ==> What Trump Can Teach You about Branding

    According to Tim Marshall, one of the first steps on
    the journey to entrepreneurship is simply getting used
    to saying your name. “That is your identity. Cherish
    it. Embracing your name can be your starting point to
    changing your life and embracing your uniqueness.
    Donald Trump is an expert at this. You might not agree
    with him, but he is a master at marketing his name, and
    he does this fearlessly.” Tim, a nationally recognized
    entrepreneur by INC Magazine for 4 years on their list
    of America’s Fastest Growing Companies, will openly
    share his own life lessons and personal techniques to
    guide entrepreneurs in defining their purpose, creating
    their brand, and delivering their message. Tim was the
    #1 U.S. salesperson for a global tech company for 12
    years. He is a coach, speaker and author. His latest
    book is “The Power of Breaking Fear as an
    Entrepreneur.” Contact Brenda Star at (561) 547-0667;

    11. ==> Are Schools Teaching Kids to Stop Thinking?

    School used to be a place where students learned how to
    use reason and academic skills to solve problems. But
    nationally recognized author Tom DeWeese says today’s
    Department of Education instructs teachers not to teach
    students how to think but what to think. DeWeese says
    the classroom has become a place for non-stop
    propaganda and behavior modification to impose a
    “proper” thought process called “Globally Acceptable
    Truth.” DeWeese says the result is today’s generation
    of college students who live in constant fear of
    microaggression and trigger warnings. Invite DeWeese to
    discuss how we got here and what is required to restore
    proper education in our schools. Tom DeWeese has been
    featured on Fox News’ Follow the Money, Hannity and
    Colmes, The Michael Reagan Talk Show and in The New
    York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington
    Post, and The Washington Times. He’s the author of
    “Erase.” Contact him at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    12. ==> Celebrity Designer: The Secret is Simplicity

    What’s the secret to great design – and a great life?
    Deeia Topp says it’s all about simplicity. After
    twenty-five years of designing for the likes of the
    ‘real’ housewives, former interior designer, Topp, left
    her lucrative career behind in search of happiness. An
    author and speaker, Topp, says, “I tell people that
    happiness is an inside job, it’s not something that can
    be bought by fancy furniture or expensive interiors.”
    She’ll offer tips on how anyone can design a less
    complicated life. Her practical approach will help
    listeners find inner peace amid the chaos of their busy
    lives as she challenges them to take the stop
    complaining challenge…if they dare. Topp is the
    author of “Complicated…by Design,” a delightfully
    dishy novel that goes behind the draperies of
    Greenwich’s Botoxed elite where Eat Pray Love meets
    Trainwreck. Contact Deeia Topp at (941) – 350 – 5716;

    13. ==> Why Do We Say “Hello?”

    No one thinks about it but why do we answer the
    telephone by saying “hello” and greet people on the
    street using the same word? And while we are at it, why
    do we say “goodbye” when we are about to hang up or bid
    farewell to the person we just ran into? Word lover
    Susanna Janssen, a newspaper columnist and former
    college professor, has thought about this and has the
    answers. She’ll cheerfully trace the origins of “hello”
    back to the 1400s and will also reveal why if Alexander
    Graham Bell had gotten his way we’d be saying “ahoy.”
    She’ll also share the back story for goodbye, which
    dates from the 1500s, and why parting used to include a
    reference to God. If there is time, she can also share
    the origins of some other popular expressions that we
    take for granted. Janssen is the author of “Wordstruck!
    The Fun and Fascination of Language.” Reach her at
    (707) 272-1351 or

    14. ==> Celebrate Women Who Soar

    Invite Connie Rankin to share the stories of 10
    powerful women, including herself, who have survived
    incredible challenges, learned to thrive and completed
    the circle by giving back to others. When Rankin found
    her successful real estate business was bringing her
    less joy she searched to find more meaning and
    concluded that other women share her predicament. “I
    found that other women were also asking themselves,
    ‘Why am I doing this?’ There has got to be more to life
    than having a successful business, a nice home, and
    nice car. The missing ingredient is paying it forward,”
    she says. Among the women profiled in her new book “God
    Gave Us Wings: A Journey to Success: Theirs, Mine, and
    Yours,” is Kendra Coleman, a Wounded Warrior who lost
    her leg eight years ago while serving in Afghanistan.
    Connie Rankin is a recognized leader in female
    empowerment and sought-after media guest. She is
    president of CRES, a commercial real estate firm and
    has been honored multiple times for helping other
    women. Contact Megan Salch at (713) 864-1344, ext.1;

    15. ==> Why You Should Run Away this Spring

    Spring means new life and new beginnings. Time to let
    go of what is not serving you anymore. Have you ever
    wanted to just chuck it all and run away? Lucetta
    Zaytoun says, “If you have it’s because that job,
    situation or relationship isn’t working for you. If you
    do run away, it means you are actually running back to
    you, and then you have the opportunity to recreate that
    relationship, job or situation in a way that does work
    for you.” Lucetta says, “Most people think running away
    is weak and cowardly, but the truth is it takes a lot
    of courage to walk away. Gather up your bravery and
    give yourself permission to run. This could be the
    season of a new you.” Lucetta Zaytoun is an
    international speaker, coach and the founder of Your
    Life in Bold, llc. She’s the author of “It’s Already
    Tomorrow Here: Never Underestimate the Power of Running
    Away.” Contact her at 919-450-8944;