Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 11/12/19 RTIR Newsletter: Recession Watch, Remembering Altamont, Real Life Green Acres

    01. Hearings Reveal Trump’s Damage to National Security
    02. American Diplomats: Unsung Heroes
    03. Before You Click: Cyber Deal or Budget Buster?
    04. Rock’s Most Infamous Concert
    05. Who Is Stealing 300K Entry-Level Jobs from College Students?
    06. The Stranger at Your Dinner Table: College Kids Are Back!
    07. 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
    08. What Wine Goes with Turducken?
    09. Welcome to National Eating Season
    10. How to Say Thanks (You’re Welcome!)
    11. The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness
    12. Ring in Relaxation for the Holidays
    13. Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!
    14. Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and MJ
    15. The Dark Secrets about Human Trafficking
    16. December 3rd is National Day of Giving
    17. 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    18. Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better
    19. How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids
    20. How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us

    1.==> Hearings Reveal Trump’s Damage to National

    According to Brett Bruen, a former U.S. Diplomat who
    served as Director of Global Engagement at the White
    House, the impeachment hearings are giving Americans a
    glimpse at the extensive damage Donald Trump has done
    to our national security system, and Republicans are
    trying to use that broken system to discredit and
    undermine the officials who are testifying. “This
    president is flying blind,” says Bruen. “I was struck
    in listening to the testimony over the past week how
    few of his advisers are consulted on major policy
    decisions.” Bruen adds, “Our national security
    officials now have little contact with an isolated and
    erratic president. They don’t have clear guidance or
    even a basic plan for how to execute our foreign
    policy. Many of them are overly afraid for their jobs,
    their colleagues and even their safety. It is
    exceptionally hard to keep America safe when you’re in
    the dark, alone and afraid.” Bruen served in the Ivory
    Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Iraq, Venezuela, Argentina,
    Zambia, and Eritrea. He serves as an adjunct faculty
    member of the Federal Executive Institute, where he
    trains senior U.S. Government leaders on strategy and
    world affairs. He’s also president of the Global
    Situation Room. Contact him at (703) 231-8285;
    @BrettBruen or @GlobalSitRoom

    2. ==> American Diplomats: Unsung Heroes

    Paul Richter has written about foreign policy and
    national security for the past three decades. Now, in
    his new book “The Ambassadors: America’s Diplomats on
    the Front Lines” he goes behind the battles and the
    headlines to highlight how American diplomats have been
    the unconventional—and unheralded—warriors in the
    nation’s recent conflicts in the Middle East. Invite
    him on your show and hear about the mostly unknown men
    and women including Robert Ford, who was taken hostage
    by a Shia militia during his long service in Iraq, and
    later, as ambassador to Syria, stood up to a dictator
    who was slaughtering his own people and Anne Patterson,
    who brokered behind-the-scenes political deals in
    Islamabad. As a Washington-based reporter for The Los
    Angeles Times, he traveled to 60 countries. Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    3.==> Before You Click: Cyber Deal or Budget Buster?

    According to the National Retail Federation, this
    holiday season Americans will spend about 4 percent
    more on their loved ones than they did last year, in
    part because of the roaring economy. But for some
    Americans, like those with high credit card debt,
    substantial student loans or less rosy job situations,
    the 2019 holiday season will require cutting back in
    order to get ahead. For those individuals, trimming
    their holiday budget is the right thing to do. Aptly-
    named financial coach Tina Antrim (whose name includes
    the word “trim”) warns that while upcoming Black
    Friday/Cyber Monday sales may sound like a great way to
    save money, that’s not necessarily the case. Invite her
    to share painless money-saving advice for holiday
    shoppers watching their pennies. Tina Antrim is a
    financial life coach and the author of “Escape the
    Paycheck to Paycheck Trap: The Ultimate Plan to Get Out
    of Debt and Supersize Your Savings.” Contact her at
    (260) 403-0137;

    4. ==> Rock’s Most Infamous Concert

    On Dec. 6, 1969, Susan Shumsky was 21 years old and
    part of the hippie, be-in generation championing peace
    and love. That day, Susan found herself on the front
    row of rock ‘n’ roll history as one of the 300,000 or
    so young people at the Altamont Speedway to experience
    a concert with The Rolling Stones that also featured
    Jefferson Airplane, Santana, The Flying Burrito
    Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. As luck
    would have it, Susan found herself near the stage at
    the concert that would later be defined not for the
    music but for the bad decision to use Hells Angels as
    security who ended up killing one concertgoer and
    beating up others. Bring Susan on your show to talk
    about her memories of Altamont and the turbulent and
    magnificent times that surrounded it. She is the award-
    winning author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me:
    Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has
    done over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)

    5.==> Who Is Stealing 300K Entry-Level Jobs from
    College Students?

    If there were a program that sidelines American college
    graduates in favor of foreign students that costs
    American taxpayers nearly $3 billion you would expect
    outrage. But, as Hilarie Gamm will explain, not only
    does this program exist but it has yet to spark an
    outcry despite rising U.S. student debt, stagnating
    wages for U.S. workers and the erosion of college
    graduates’ job prospects. It is also one of the reasons
    50% of STEM graduates are not working in STEM. Gamm is
    hoping your listeners will talk about this issue at
    their Thanksgiving tables this year. Let her fill you
    in on the Optional Practical Training Program including
    how it has grown 400% in recent years and how it has
    been seized upon by fake universities, labor mills and
    other corrupt people, Today, less than 50% of STEM
    graduates land a job working in that field. A media
    favorite who recently appeared on Coast to Coast and
    Breitbart News Tonight, Gamm is the author of Amazon
    Best Seller: “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis
    and The Road Map to Change.” A respected tech veteran,
    working mother and patriot, she is successfully pushing
    labor/immigration issues into the 2020 election
    narrative through the continued efforts of AWC—the
    group she co-founded with two other moms. Contact her
    at (203) 571-3819;

    6. ==> The Stranger at Your Dinner Table: College Kids
    Are Back!

    It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
    dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
    college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
    holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
    are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
    how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
    What they don’t realize is that their child is
    different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
    skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
    also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
    Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
    home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
    easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
    students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
    professional college advisors who have been featured on
    ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    7. ==> 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s

    On November 25, 1984, some of the biggest British and
    Irish artists in music gathered to record the song ‘Do
    They Know It’s Christmas?’ to help famine victims in
    Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14 countries
    and raised £8 million within a year. This led to other
    charitable endeavors such as the LiveAid concert, which
    raised a reported £150 million, and USA for Africa’s
    single “We Are the World,” which raised $63 million.
    Despite these huge global humanitarian efforts, has
    life in the affected region improved? Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the long-term impacts
    of charity on Sub-Saharan Africa and whether it has
    improved conditions for people there. Ayeni, a retired
    neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and raised
    in Nigeria. His latest book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of
    Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact
    him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    8. ==> What Wine Goes with Turducken?

    Thanksgiving is all about the food, but there are also
    libations to consider. And choosing wine can be
    intimidating—just ask anyone who has spent too much
    time in the local wine shop trying to decide what to
    buy to please their guests, or to impress the folks on
    their shopping list. Give your audience their own
    personal wine guide, and a fun, informative romp—
    without the usual snobbery—through
    the wonderful world of wine when you invite Jim
    Laughren on your show. You’ll learn how to avoid the
    most common wine mistakes a host can make, the secret
    to choosing a wine gift and where to find
    wine bargains. You’ll also learn how to inexpensively
    add a touch of elegance to end any holiday meal. Jim
    Laughren is a Certified Wine Educator and the author of
    “50 Ways to Love Wine More: Adventures in Wine
    Appreciation.” Contact him at (954) 661-4546;

    9. ==> Welcome to National Eating Season

    Most Americans are resigned to packing on the pounds
    during this time of the year, what expert weight-loss
    coach Eli Glaser calls “National Eating Season.”
    Starting with Thanksgiving and winding through New
    Year’s and then into Super Bowl Sunday, we are entering
    the most eating-centric time of the year! Invite Eli to
    inspire your audience to take a whole new approach to
    eating. He’ll offer tools you can use to enjoy special
    occasions without having to over-indulge and be left
    with the bitter taste of regret and remorse. Eli will
    share his amazing personal story of maintaining a 130-
    pound weight loss for more than 15 years and how he has
    helped thousands of people around the world to not
    merely lose weight, but achieve long-term success by
    transforming their relationship with food. Eli Glaser
    is the author of “Enough is Enough.” He also offers a
    home-study course. Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    10. ==> How to Say Thanks (You’re Welcome!)

    Did you know that gratitude is good for you? People
    who practice the art of gratitude are healthier,
    happier, live longer, work better and are more
    successful. “Many studies out there have been saying
    all along that learning how to intentionally practice
    gratitude is good for us,” says Dr. Michael McGee.
    “Learning how to be truly grateful across the board is
    one of the easiest and FASTEST ways to jumpstart and
    improve your life!” Learn how to see, celebrate, speak
    and savor your way into a new grateful way of living!
    Dr. Michael McGee is the author of “The Joy of
    Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from
    Addiction.” He is so grateful to have helped hundreds
    of patients beat their addictions to go on and lead
    full, grateful filled lives! Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    11. ==> The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness

    Is there someone in your life—a parent, former spouse,
    child, friend or perhaps even yourself—whom you believe
    you should forgive but cannot? Jeanne Sanner explains
    why forgiveness can be so difficult. She says,
    “Forgiving isn’t something we can do; forgiveness is
    the result of what we stop doing.” Jeanne can share a
    simple formula she created that has already helped
    hundreds of people change their beliefs to lead happier
    lives. She is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love
    a Little Peace at a Time.” She has a doctorate in
    spiritual studies, a master’s in education and a
    bachelor’s in psychology. Contact her at (949)

    12. ==> Ring in Relaxation for the Holidays

    Imagine spending the holidays with friends and loved
    ones without the pressure of finding the right gifts or
    trying to cram in as much joy and activities as
    possible. How you navigate Thanksgiving, Christmas,
    Hanukkah and New Year’s is a choice, says Mary B.
    Battaglia, a certified hypnotist and sound therapist
    who can offer tips on making these your most relaxing
    holidays ever. Let Battaglia share those tips on-air as
    she helps “ring in the season” with the soothing and
    harmonic tones of Tibetan singing bowls. She’s been
    featured on Fox News and is the author of
    “Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your
    Mind & Step into Your Power.” Contact her at (833)

    13. ==> Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what
    did you encounter? What did you say, observe or
    experience in those dreamland musings? And what did it
    all mean? For an unforgettable show that’s sure to
    boost ratings and calls, while helping countless
    people, you will want to welcome Layne Dalfen for live
    on-air dream analysis! This sought-after speaker,
    author and dream analyst will fascinate appreciative
    audiences by exploring: The most frequent dreams we
    have, from flying and falling to getting lost or
    returning to school; whether bizarre or creepy dreams
    represent a healthy outlet; can you predict the future
    during slumber?; why certain people — from former
    sweethearts to deceased loved ones — land in your
    dreams; 3 must-know myths about nightmares; what do
    sexy dreams really mean?; when people dream about
    today’s most polarizing character: Donald Trump. Layne
    Dalfen teaches dream analysis to the counseling
    students at Montréal’s Concordia University. She has
    appeared on hundreds of radio shows and LOVES call-in
    questions. Contact Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    14. ==> Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity
    overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I
    had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,”
    says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful
    approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about
    treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating
    their environments and families. We have to treat the
    addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

    15. ==> The Dark Secrets about Human Trafficking

    The world was rocked when billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
    was charged and jailed for human trafficking, and then
    allegedly committed suicide while behind bars. What
    was truly shocking was that he got away with these
    heinous crimes for years. Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
    reverend and founder of the human trafficking awareness
    group Let My People Go, says the situation is far more
    complicated and insidious than most people know. “Human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community.” Raleigh says a general lack of awareness is
    part of the problem, as well as the absence of accurate
    information and the abuse of power by powerful people.
    He is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact Raleigh at; (917) 341-6758.

    16. ==> December 3rd is National Day of Giving

    Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life insurance
    policies literally go to waste annually? Why not turn
    that waste into a GIFT? Imagine getting cash for that
    life insurance policy you or your parents don’t need
    anymore! “Most consumers don’t realize that if you or
    your parents qualify, you can sell your policy to the
    highest bidder and receive up to 50 % of your death
    benefits,” says David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor
    (TM.) College alumni, for example, might consider
    donating their policies to their alma maters as a
    charitable gift, but universities and colleges would
    much rather have the CASH gift instead. It’s simply a
    more efficient way to give to non-profits! David
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept
    Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details
    everything you need to know to get that insurance
    policy working for you! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    17. ==> 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself

    Dr. Donald Pet has helped people break addictions,
    transform their lives, and radically increase their own
    happiness simply by teaching them seven word switches.
    “Instead of telling yourself you ‘should’ do something,
    say that you ‘can’ do it!” he suggests. “Instead of
    saying that something ‘made’ you sad, tell yourself you
    ‘allowed’ it to discourage you. Instead of saying you
    feel a lot of ‘anger,’ tell yourself that you feel a
    lot of ‘energy’ about the situation.” These are just
    some of the ways Dr. Pet has helped people from all
    walks of life feel more joy and fulfillment by helping
    them break the cycle of self-sabotaging emotional
    reactions. Pet is the founder of His
    course is completely free and is designed to teach you
    to become a much more loving person. Contact Dr. Donald
    Pet at (860) 324-9991;

    18. ==> Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances, and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie Dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of Young Adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    She is also the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter:
    What Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    19. ==> How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids

    Here’s the truth: children are not small adults… they
    don’t think or act like adults… and they’re not
    supposed to. So, as parents, don’t drive yourself
    bonkers trying to make such behavior happen. Rather, as
    parents responsible for guiding youth toward becoming
    adults, let’s first help our kids become happy,
    responsible, and emotionally healthy young people
    (especially during the school season. That’s the
    message of Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents”
    and four other books on human development. Interview
    Paul to discover practical, essential strategies for
    managing challenges of the parenting journey. Invite
    listeners to call-in with their questions and parenting
    insights/concerns. Contact Paul Bernabei at (651)

    20. ==> How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt founded the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Awareness Day (Oct. 1), and co-founded the Covington
    Domestic Violence Task Force. He’ll share how
    individuals, houses of worship, companies,
    organizations and community groups can sponsor
    awareness events such as Go Purple Day, Purple Light
    Nights, educational programs and advocacy outreach to
    help put an end to domestic violence once and for all.
    Contact Curt at; (256)

  • 11/5/19 RTIR Newsletter: Mustache Month, Socialism in America, Domestic Violence

    November 5, 2019

    01. American Diplomats: Warriors on the Front Lines
    02. What Would America Be Like with a Woman President?
    03. New Documentary Film – The Girl Who Cannot Speak
    04. How November Became the Month of the Mustache
    05. Wednesday is Stress Awareness Day
    06. Why Socialism Is Bad for America
    07. How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us
    08. Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell the IRS?
    09. Green Acres … in Real Life
    10. Renowned Spine Surgeon: Eliminate Back Pain Without Opioids
    11. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    12. How to Be a Bad-Ass Entrepreneur
    13. Take this Quiz: Are You Really Living in the Moment?
    14. From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a Life of Accomplishment
    15. Become Your Own Healer
    16. How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen
    17. It’s Never Too Late to Be a Cowgirl
    18. How to Protect Kids from EMF
    19. The Abuser Next Door: How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us
    20. Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!

    1.==> American Diplomats: Warriors on the Front Lines

    Paul Richter has written about foreign policy and
    national security for the past three decades. Now, in
    his new book “The Ambassadors: America’s Diplomats on
    the Front Lines” he goes behind the battles and the
    headlines to highlight how American diplomats have been
    the unconventional—and unheralded—warriors in the
    nation’s recent conflicts in the Middle East. Invite
    him on your show and hear about the mostly unknown men
    and women including Robert Ford, who was taken hostage
    by a Shia militia during his long service in Iraq, and
    later, as ambassador to Syria, stood up to a dictator
    who was slaughtering his own people and Anne Patterson,
    who brokered behind-the-scenes political deals in
    Islamabad. As a Washington-based reporter for The Los
    Angeles Times, he traveled to 60 countries. Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    2. ==> What Would America Be Like with a Woman

    With several female candidates running for president
    and the possibility that Nancy Pelosi could become
    president if both the president and vice president were
    impeached, it’s time to consider what life might be
    like under the administration of the USA’s first female
    president. Lorri Craig, a Certified Financial Planner,
    developer of the Wake the Warrior Woman program and
    author of an upcoming book on female economic
    empowerment, has some intriguing perspectives. Bring
    her on-air to discuss what the country is likely to
    gain economically, socially and militarily by electing
    a qualified woman for president and ways so-called
    feminine values would change the U.S.’s standing in the
    world. She’ll back her comments up with facts including
    statistics on how corporations with the most women on
    their board of directors outperform those with the
    fewest. Contact her at (484) 453-1742;

    3. ==> New Documentary Film – The Girl Who Cannot Speak

    The Girl Who Cannot Speak, a new documentary film that
    follows five women’s true stories of sexual abuse, is
    screening this month in several cities nationwide. “We
    began this project by meeting with women from all
    different backgrounds, ages, and walks of life. The
    level of sincerity, depth, and trust that is cultivated
    in this documentary is nothing short of impressive,”
    says co-director Stefano Da Fre. Each woman has been
    involved with the Lenox Hill Women’s Shelter in New
    York city. Invite Da Fre and co-director Laura
    Pellegrin to discuss the film and how it’s being
    received across the country in the midst of the current
    #MeToo movement. Contact Mark Goldman at (516) 639-0988
    (Text/call) or

    4.==> How November Became the Month of the Mustache

    If you’ve ever wanted to grow a mustache there’s no
    better time than November. Or Movember, as it’s
    popularly known, a month-long mustache-growing charity
    event to raise awareness and funds for men’s health
    issues like prostate cancer, testicular cancer and
    men’s suicide. The charity is global, but there are
    events all across the US. Find out what’s happening
    near you, how your listeners can take part, and how the
    campaign is impacting local communities and changing
    the conversation about men’s health. The Movember
    foundation currently funds 1,250 plus health projects
    all over the world. For an interview with a Movember
    spokesperson or a participant in your area contact
    Sheryl Tirol at

    5. ==> Wednesday is Stress Awareness Day

    Feeling a little stressed out? Think it’s too much
    “stuff” on your plate? Well, maybe it’s not the “stuff”
    that’s stressing you out, but the people in your life!
    “Many people who feel overly stressed are actually
    feeling stressed by all the people they need to please.
    Learning how to set good boundaries, especially with
    the holidays approaching, can really help!” says
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. Interview Jennifer to find out
    what’s behind all this stress and how to pinpoint your
    triggers ahead of time. Some people love the holidays –
    it energizes them. But for many the idea of having to
    plan their lives 6 weeks (or more) ahead of time
    doesn’t feel mindful, it feels manipulative! Many
    people think they don’t have a choice around the
    holidays – but they DO. Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a
    counselor and the author of “Alignment: Move from
    Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact her at (208)

    6. ==> Why Socialism Is Bad for America

    There is a serious debate in the U.S. about whether
    capitalism or socialism is truly better for the well-
    being of the country. For example, are we better off
    with the for-profit health-care system we already have
    or with government-funded Medicare for All? Do we need
    a New Green Deal or can climate change problems be
    solved by the private sector? F. Patrick Cunnane will
    point out that every time socialism has been attempted
    it fails but because no one has been able to explain
    why it is unworkable the idea keeps resurfacing. Your
    audience will benefit by hearing his easy to understand
    explanation of why capitalism is better than
    socialism—including better for the environment. Cunnane
    is the author of “The Physics to Economics Model.” An
    experienced talk show guest, he has been a corporate
    asset manager for more than 30 years. Contact him at
    (440) 666-5871;

    7. ==> How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us

    While the War on Drugs may have sounded like a good
    idea at one time, the consequences have been
    catastrophic. One in three adults in the US now have a
    criminal record, primarily for drug possession. Parents
    grieve the loss of their children from overdose and
    mass incarceration. And patients with severe illness or
    chronic pain are denied access to proven pain
    medications. Lawyer and expert on drug policy and
    criminal justice reform Colleen Cowles can discuss the
    myths about addiction that have fueled the overdose
    epidemic as well as ways to transform the punitive war
    on drugs into compassionate and effective policy.
    Colleen Cowles, J.D., is the author of “War on Us: How
    the War on Drugs and Myths about Addiction Have Created
    a War on All of Us.” She is a speaker and frequent
    radio and TV guest expert on topics related to criminal
    justice reform, drug policy, and substance abuse.
    Contact her at (715) 828-0293;

    8. ==> Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell
    the IRS?

    It’s one thing to hate and even fear the powerful
    entity that takes a sizable chunk of your hard-earned
    money. But according to tax expert Richard Green — who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own —
    it’s the abuses and pompous approach of the IRS that
    should get you really angry. Find out more from this
    former agent, who contends that we should be talking
    about (and opposing!) the recklessness of the IRS year-
    round. As your guest, Green will explore: disparaging
    reports and Congressional investigations on the IRS we
    hear about every month … whether most audits are UNFAIR
    to taxpayers … stark realities about the slow-moving
    IRS staff and antiquated technology causing chaos and
    wastefulness nationwide … why it’s only getting worse,
    and what you can do. Only someone like Green, who’s
    seen it firsthand, can blow the whistle on the IRS
    mess! Richard Green has authored “Agents of Deceit.”
    Contact him at (909) 570-1509;

    9. ==> Green Acres … in Real Life

    Remember the classic TV show comedy Green Acres
    starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor as two city
    slickers who traded in their luxurious lifestyle for
    life on the farm? The one where Albert sings, “Farm
    living is the life for me!” in the theme song? That
    show still streams on Amazon but for Mike Galloway and
    his wife Erin it is much more—it closely resembles
    their own life story. For an entertaining and
    informative show, interview Mike, a former syndicated
    radio host and executive, and Erin, an advertising
    executive, who left the city to help run Erin’s
    stepfather’s cattle ranch in Northeastern Wyoming after
    he became ill. Mike and Erin can talk about switching
    gears and the challenges of managing a ranch and
    raising three children away from their East Coast
    roots. They are the creators of the largest YouTube and
    social media brand in Wyoming, Our Wyoming Life.
    Contact Mike Galloway at (307) 399-1620;

    10. ==> Renowned Spine Surgeon: Eliminate Back Pain
    Without Opioids

    Back pain affects more people in the U.S. than
    diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. It is one
    of the country’s greatest health problems and has
    played a key role in the opioid crisis that has claimed
    thousands of unsuspecting victims in the prime of their
    lives. Invite Thomas J. Kleeman, M.D to reveal 5 myths
    about back pain even doctors don’t know, why conquering
    back pain is like climbing a mountain, and how pain
    develops and why it’s so difficult to treat. You’ll
    also learn where and when surgery fits into the
    treatment options for back pain. Thomas J. Kleeman,
    M.D., is a board-certified, fellowship-trained
    orthopedic surgeon known internationally for his
    pioneering work on laparoscopic spine surgery. During
    the month of November, he’ll donate 100% of the
    proceeds from his new book “Release Yourself from Back
    Pain Without Opioids: The Truth Behind the Cause and
    the Cure for Low Back Pain” to Shatter Proof, a
    nonprofit that combats addiction. Contact him at (603)

    11. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, his bandmate brothers, and cousin
    Mike Love. But for the first time, Brian’s former
    bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin tells his
    riveting behind-the-scenes story. Rocky is a former NFL
    player who was college roommates and best friends with
    Stan Love, a former LA Laker and brother of Mike Love.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted as life savers for
    Brian, who was on a death spiral. After years of
    silence, Rocky wrote the book “The Beach Boys Endless
    Wave: Inside America’s Band” with co-author Ron Hamady,
    a veteran of the music and film industries. “Rocky went
    where no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a
    monumental time for the band. There have been plenty of
    Beach Boys books; but, no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact Mike Vezo at;
    (310) 997-4947.

    12. ==> How to Be a Bad-Ass Entrepreneur

    Looking for a practical course in entrepreneurial
    “badassery?” Laura Di Franco and Donnie Boivin may be
    able to help. The two met when Di Franco was a guest on
    Boivin’s Success Champions podcast and became fast
    friends and collaborators. Now they’re helping other
    entrepreneurs tackle everything from crafting a
    business vision to researching speaking gigs. On your
    show they’ll discuss why having an ideal client avatar
    is more important than trying to meet everyone’s needs
    and explain what purpose-driven fear is and how it
    works. A sales expert, Boivin created his first
    business at 40 and currently has a fast-growing
    Facebook group. Through Brave Healer Productions, Di
    Franco helps fellow health-care practitioners take
    their businesses to the next level. Together they’ve
    written “Your High Vibe Business: A Strategic Workbook
    for Badass Entrepreneurial Success.” Contact Laura Di
    Franco, (703) 915-3653;

    13. ==> Take this Quiz: Are You Really Living in the

    A lot of people think they’re living in the moment, but
    Joffre McClung says many are actually sleepwalking
    through life not realizing what they’re missing.
    “Living in the moment is about being present in your
    life, moving through the world consciously and with
    purpose, and being aware of your behavior and its
    impact on those around you,” explains the personal
    growth expert and author. Take her quiz to discover
    which areas of your life need waking up and get simple,
    everyday tips to instantly become more present and feel
    happier, less stressed and more focused. A former media
    producer and independent filmmaker, Joffre McClung has
    appeared on dozens of radio and TV programs. Her latest
    book is The Heart of the Matter. Contact Joffre McClung
    at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    14. ==> From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a
    Life of Accomplishment

    No one expected much from Christopher L. Hall. After
    all, his mother was an alcoholic, his father was in
    jail, he lived in one of the worst housing projects in
    Los Angeles and he was a runaway who stole a
    motorcycle. But Hall defied the odds. Invite him on air
    to discuss what happened when he was 14 that set him on
    the path to dental school, medical school, and the
    military. Today he is an ER doctor in Mississippi even
    as one of his brothers sits in federal prison serving
    the equivalent of a life sentence. Now a role model and
    leader, Hall can inspire other young people to realize
    that it isn’t where you start in life that matters,
    it’s where you end up. Contact him at (251) 207-7527;

    15. ==> Become Your Own Healer

    Do you realize you can empower yourself to reduce
    physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
    reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
    send you messages about your body, that you need to
    know for longer, healthier life? When working with your
    doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
    the answers when you interview physician and speaker
    Dr. Nelie Johnson, initiator of the Forum “It’s Time to
    Heal,” offering an integrative approach to treating
    illness. Dr. Johnson will discuss what’s been missing
    in health care (traditional Western medicine AND
    alternative methods) and how patients are best served
    when they become an acknowledged part of the health
    team. Your guest’s upcoming book is “The Healing
    Message of Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604)

    16. ==> How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow
    up without dads face. “A lot of boys don’t know how to
    become men due to that lack of a role model. We need
    programs where men help them to learn manhood. It will
    impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of
    trouble.” Pastor Eric will discuss The Gentleman’s Club
    launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher
    Raymond Nelson, a program for boys that helps to
    instill confidence, self-respect and respect for others
    and share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help
    them to become great men. A second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    Eric Hawthorne is author of the upcoming “Are You Ready
    for Marriage?” Contact Eric at; (214) 225-0769.

    17. ==> It’s Never Too Late to Be a Cowgirl

    After turning 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a
    daunting crossroads in her life. She was divorced,
    unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to
    work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a
    money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by rebuilding her farm, which became a
    metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops,
    you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,”
    she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your
    ‘inner critic.’” Sandra is a co-host of New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    each June and August in Cheney, Wash. She is also the
    author of the upcoming “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize
    the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact her at; (360) 325-4221.

    18. ==> How to Protect Kids from EMF

    Electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers,
    cellphones, and other electronic appliances is
    everywhere. Although there have been more than 10,000
    global scientific studies done on the health impacts of
    EMFs, most of us remain blissfully unaware of the
    dangers. So what do parents need to do to protect their
    children? For the answer, interview Beverly Jensen,
    Ph.D. Dr. Jensen will discuss actions to take to reduce
    electromagnetic radiation in your home to protect
    yourself and your children and discuss whether that
    cellphone tower near your house should concern you. She
    can offer your listeners a link to her free eBook,
    “Protecting Our Children from EMR.” Dr. Jensen is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    author of the forthcoming book “21st Century Wellness
    Rx: Health Hacks to Prevent & Cure Chronic Disease.”
    Contact her at (206) 905-9720;

    19. ==> The Abuser Next Door: How Domestic Violence
    Affects All of Us

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt founded the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Awareness Day (Oct. 1), and co-founded the Covington
    Domestic Violence Task Force. He’ll share how
    individuals, houses of worship, companies,
    organizations and community groups can sponsor
    awareness events such as Go Purple Day, Purple Light
    Nights, educational programs and advocacy outreach to
    help put an end to domestic violence once and for all.
    Contact Curt at; (256)

    20. ==> Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!

    Love food but hate your weight? Find inspiration from a
    woman who persevered through 19 years of negative body
    image and diet setbacks, but kept her sense of humor
    and came out on top. Mary Prenon, author of “I’m Lazy
    and I Love to Eat,” finally discovered that laughter
    really is the best medicine for everything – including
    losing 50 pounds. After struggling with weight issues
    for almost 20 years, Mary began writing about her
    problems as well as really funny events – like joining
    a “diet center” sandwiched in between a pastry shop and
    fast food restaurant! When her cardiologist told her
    she was “heavy,” she jokingly plotted to kidnap him and
    stuff him with junk food! Instead of being sad and
    depressed, Mary learned to laugh at herself, turn a bad
    mood into something positive, and get motivated. Hear
    how she used humor to transform workouts, make
    healthier food choices and get in shape – at age 61!
    Mary works full-time and is all about quick and easy
    fitness tips and meal preps. She’s been featured on
    NBC’s “Good Morning Connecticut” and “Coffee Break” in
    Providence, as well ABC’s “Morning Blend” in Tucson.
    Contact her at (914) 552-0983;

  • 10/29/19 RTIR Newsletter: ISIS Revenge, Protecting Kids from EMF, Abortion Debates

    October 29, 2019

    01. ISIS Revenge Attacks Are Likely
    02. The Problem with ‘Sexy Mr. Rogers’ Costume
    03. Halloween Can Be Scary Dangerous
    04. It’s Also a Nightmare for Pets
    05. Simple Ways to Cut Halloween Sugar
    06. Today is 7th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy
    07. How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us
    08. Where Does Your Beef Come From?
    09. American Eyewitness: Life in Afghanistan During Soviet Occupation
    10. A Solution to Football’s Concussion Problem?
    11. Revolutionary Way to Reverse Memory Loss
    12. Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your Anxiety
    13. Protect Kids from EMF
    14. How to Parent without Punishment
    15. When You Want to Downsize but Your Spouse Doesn’t
    16. What Most Real Estate Investors Get Wrong
    17. The ‘Decision Dr.’ Takes the Agony out of Indecision
    18. The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate
    19. Does Your Name Determine Your Success in Life?
    20. 10 Amazing Things to Know about Meditation

    1. ==> ISIS Revenge Attacks Are Likely

    The killing of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-
    Baghdadi is a big win for America and humanity, but Tom
    Rogan of the Washington Examiner warns ISIS will remain
    a potent threat and seek short-term revenge. “Even as
    ISIS’ new leader — who may have to fight colleagues to
    attain his dominion — struggles to assume authority as
    Baghdadi’s replacement, the group’s operations officers
    will seek short-term retribution,” writes Rogan. “This
    threat, both directed and inspired in nature, should
    not be discounted as idle.” He adds, “A revenge attack
    may not follow. But western security services will
    operate intense shift schedules for the next two
    weeks.” Tom Rogan writes foreign policy focused
    commentary for the Washington Examiner. He’s written
    for the National Review, The Telegraph, and The
    Guardian and regularly appears on Fox and other media
    outlets. Contact him at; or @TomRtweets

    2. ==> The Problem with ‘Sexy Mr. Rogers’ Costume

    Have you seen the ‘Sexy Mr. Rogers’ Halloween costume
    that swaps his trademark red sweater and khakis for a
    plunging v-neckline, exposed midriff, and booty shorts?
    Stuart Charmé says, “It amazes me time and again that,
    despite this post-#MeToo moment, when gender equality
    is increasingly championed, Halloween remains a holiday
    when commercial costume makers emphasize traditional
    gender roles for children and the sexualization of
    women.” Charme says Halloween is a much different
    experience for girls than for boys. “Boys’ costumes
    offer extensive choices and possibilities for instant
    muscles and superhuman powers. Not so much for girls.
    Their limited options usually include extra ruffles and
    ribbons for younger children, and tighter-fitting,
    revealing, and sexualized costumes for older ones,”
    says Charme. “If we want girls to grow up feeling
    empowered by a sense of their own independence and
    agency, rather than being channeled into preordained
    gender roles that accentuate the importance of female
    beauty and sexual appeal, we should pay attention to
    the messages these costumes express.” Stuart Charmé is
    a professor of religion and director of the graduate
    program in liberal studies at Rutgers University-
    Camden. Contact him at (856) 225-6237

    3. ==> Halloween Can Be Scary Dangerous

    Kids love Halloween: Trick-or-treating, classroom
    parties and trips to a neighborhood haunted house. But
    the holiday can be dangerous, especially after dark.
    From costume safety to trick-or-treating rules, remind
    your listeners how to make this a fun, safe holiday
    when you invite an expert from the National Safety
    Council on your show. You’ll also hear Halloween
    driving tips, including keeping inexperienced drivers
    off the road during peak trick-or-treating hours. The
    National Safety Council has a broadcast studio at its
    headquarters, with both HD and SD capabilities. The NSC
    is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to
    eliminate preventable deaths at work, in homes and
    communities, and on the road. Contact them at (630)

    4.==> It’s Also a Nightmare for Pets

    As children get ready for the hustle and bustle of
    trick or treating, we need to remember our furry
    friends. Halloween can be a frighteningly dangerous
    time for pets! Intuitive expert and animal communicator
    Nora Truscello taps into animal energies and shows us
    how to make Halloween all treats without the tricks for
    our four legged friends. Invite Nora to share her
    insights in what your furriest friends want and don’t
    want on this spookiest of seasons. A spiritual
    navigator for more than 30 years, Nora Truscello is an
    author and speaker on a wide range of spiritual topics.
    Contact Nora at (302) 803-2307;

    5. ==> Simple Ways to Cut Halloween Sugar

    More people are starting to look for alternatives to
    traditional Halloween candy, especially those who are
    more aware of ingredients and concerned about what
    children eat. To make it easier to “scare up” a list of
    treats kids will adore, Nathalie Beauchamp, D.C.,
    IFMCP, a doctor of chiropractic and certified
    functional medicine practitioner with the Institute of
    Functional Medicine, has nine fresh ideas to share. For
    example, she’ll tell you why maple-syrup candies are a
    healthful alternative as are Mini Cocoa Camino dark
    chocolates. Dr. Beauchamp will also explore affordable
    non-candy gifts most kids will enjoy. She has appeared
    on numerous radio and TV programs and writes about
    health and wellness for a variety of publications. She
    has her own YouTube channel and is the founder of the
    weekly “What the Hack?!” podcast. Dr. Beauchamp’s
    latest book is “Hack Your Health Habits: Simple Action-
    Driven, Natural Health Solutions for People On the Go!”
    Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    6. ==> Today is 7th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy

    One of the worst storms in recent memory, Hurricane
    Sandy made landfall on Oct. 29, causing loss of power
    to two million households, the destruction of more than
    350,000 homes, the death of 37 people and $30 billion
    in economic losses in New Jersey alone. Seven years
    have passed but for many, the storm’s losses remain
    raw. Melissa Lanza lost her home in Staten Island
    during the storm but can talk about how she ultimately
    emerged from the shock of Sandy’s devastation and from
    having her faith tested as well as how we can all come
    back from our own adverse events or Hurricane Sandys.
    Melissa is a Nationally Board Certified Family Nurse
    Practitioner with a family medical practice in Staten
    Island. She is the author of “Experience God’s
    Presence.” Contact her at (718) 980-6103;

    7. ==> How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us

    While the War on Drugs may have sounded like a good
    idea at one time, the consequences have been
    catastrophic. One in three adults in the US now have a
    criminal record, primarily for drug possession. Parents
    grieve the loss of their children from overdose and
    mass incarceration. And patients with severe illness or
    chronic pain are denied access to proven pain
    medications. Lawyer and expert on drug policy and
    criminal justice reform Colleen Cowles can discuss the
    myths about addiction that have fueled the overdose
    epidemic as well as ways to transform the punitive war
    on drugs into compassionate and effective policy.
    Colleen Cowles, J.D., is the author of “War on Us: How
    the War on Drugs and Myths about Addiction Have Created
    a War on All of Us.” She is a speaker and frequent
    radio and TV guest expert on topics related to criminal
    justice reform, drug policy, and substance abuse.
    Contact her at (715) 828-0293;

    8. ==> Where Does Your Beef Come From?

    Consumers are paying attention to their food and its
    origins. If you want to know where that mango came
    from, all you have to do is to look at the label. But
    when it comes to beef, it’s much harder to tell, says
    Mike Galloway, who runs a cattle ranch in Western
    Wyoming. The former broadcaster says it’s time to
    restore labeling laws that were watered down in 2015,
    making it easier for foreign beef exporters to pass
    their beef off as ‘made in the U.S.A.’ Galloway says,
    “There is a place for imported beef in the U.S.,
    import-export and trade is important to our economy.
    All I ask is that we stop misleading the American
    people, that we stop blaming American cattle producers
    for environmental disasters when foreign lobbyists and
    their policies are causing countries to destroy the
    rain forest to supply us with what they call ‘USA
    Produced Beef.’” Mike Galloway and his wife, Erin, are
    ranchers in Northeast Wyoming. They are also creators
    of the largest YouTube and social media brand in
    Wyoming, Our Wyoming Life, in which they chronicle the
    hardships of managing a ranch and a massive change in
    their life. Mike is a former DJ whose syndicated radio
    show was broadcast on more than 200 radio stations
    nationwide. Contact Mike Galloway at (307) 399-1620;

    9. ==> American Eyewitness: Life in Afghanistan During
    Soviet Occupation

    For most Americans, Afghanistan is a mysterious country
    that surfaces in the news as the U.S. military talks
    about removing its troops or the Trump administration
    negotiates with the Taliban. Bring Cat Parenti on your
    show to discuss her experiences in the country, where
    she lived on and off for 20-years. Parenti survived the
    political twists and turns of Afghan history from King
    Zahir Shah through the rise of the Taliban and started
    a successful business selling antique clothing and
    jewelry to U.S. museums and museum shops. She’ll
    discuss what it was like to be a woman traveling alone
    through the war-torn country, the rise of resistance
    fighters after the Soviet invasion—including female
    fighters—and her work in the resistance movement, and
    how the Taliban came to power. Cat Parenti has shared
    her first-hand knowledge of Afghanistan in numerous
    media interviews, in presentations on Afghanistan at
    the U.N., and in several books including “Afghanistan:
    A Memoir from Brooklyn to Kabul.” Contact Cat Parenti
    at (520) 508-0211;

    10. ==> A Solution to Football’s Concussion Problem?

    NFL, college and high school football are under attack.
    All because of the high risk of concussions and the
    resulting health consequences. But what if there was a
    way to make concussions a thing of the past? Or at
    least a way to diagnose and treat traumatic brain
    injuries (TBI’s) more easily and quickly? Interview
    Paul Wand, MD, PA, to hear about the “Wand Protocol”
    that could do all that and more. He, along with other
    private practitioners, have created ways to diagnosis
    and treat concussions which if put into place could
    save the NFL, as well as other sports where concussions
    happen on a regular basis. Dr. Paul Wand has been a
    medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the field
    of Neurology and is the author of “The Concussion Cure:
    3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” Contact him at
    (954) 743-5380;

    11. ==> Revolutionary Way to Reverse Memory Loss

    If you’re worried your short-term memory loss—those
    moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or
    where you parked the car—are just the start of a
    downhill slide, you’ll want to hear some encouraging
    news from Julie Renee Doering. The brain rejuvenation
    expert says memory loss can easily be reversed, even in
    early stage dementia. She’ll discuss a ground-breaking
    approach to cell regrowth and share the remarkable
    results of a recent brain study that show the quantum
    energy approach can dramatically improve not only
    memory, but also mental outlook and sleep. It also
    shows promise in reducing headaches and helping people
    with speech difficulties. The brain rejuvenation work
    Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in
    her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. Doering,
    who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS
    series Creative Living, embarked on her search for
    answers after suffering several brain injuries, major
    accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life.
    The author of 12 books including “The Divine Human
    Blueprint,” she currently offers more than 150
    trainings and 180 transformative meditations. Contact
    her at (415) 385 6394;

    12. ==> Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your

    Your kids are acting like feral cats. They won’t
    listen. They fight and raise your blood pressure. It’s
    not their fault. It’s your body’s chemical reaction to
    stress that is adding to their bad behavior, and it’s
    also why you may be experiencing real pain. Noted spine
    surgeon Dr. David Hanscom will explain the connection
    between anxiety and surges of body chemicals, and
    reveal how you can train your body to control these
    surges– even when the stress comes from your kids.
    Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s
    Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will share research-based
    evidence and information about the direct connection
    between stress, the body’s chemistry and physical pain.
    He’ll also discuss how Western medicine’s answer to
    stress has led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and
    just plain bad-doctoring for adults and kids alike. An
    in-demand speaker and talk-show guest, including The
    Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will change the way
    you react to stressful situations – getting your
    audience back on track to really enjoy parenting.
    Contact him; (206) 890-1892.

    13. ==> Protect Kids from EMF

    Electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers,
    cellphones, and other electronic appliances is
    everywhere. Although there have been more than 10,000
    global scientific studies done on the health impacts of
    EMFs, most of us remain blissfully unaware of the
    dangers. So what do parents need to do to protect their
    children? For the answer, interview Beverly Jensen,
    Ph.D. Dr. Jensen will discuss actions to take to reduce
    electromagnetic radiation in your home to protect
    yourself and your children and discuss whether that
    cellphone tower near your house should concern you. She
    can offer your listeners a link to her free eBook,
    “Protecting Our Children from EMR.” Dr. Jensen is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    author of the forthcoming book “21st Century Wellness
    Rx: Health Hacks to Prevent & Cure Chronic Disease.”
    Contact her at (206) 724-9686;

    14. ==> How to Parent without Punishment

    Parenting is one of the most important jobs anyone will
    ever have. But is it possible to raise a child to be a
    productive, independent adult without ever having to
    spank or take away that child’s privileges? Absolutely,
    says media veteran and child-rearing expert Emily
    Slingluff, who wrote the book on the topic, “Parenting
    without Punishment.” Emily will explain why there is
    never a reason to punish children. Good parent-child
    communication works so much better. Moreover, punishing
    children teaches them mean and uncomfortable behavior.
    It is even possible that it will lead to insecurity,
    confusion, depression, and unhappiness with life. She
    studied psychology and has a degree in government and
    economics from Sweet Briar College and was an assistant
    editor at The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757)

    15. ==> When You Want to Downsize but Your Spouse

    Many times husbands and wives can’t agree on whether to
    sell the family home for something smaller—an
    apartment, condo, or cottage perhaps, in the city, near
    grandchildren or somewhere else. But Rita Wilkins says
    couples can usually have it all. “All they have to do
    is figure out what having it all means to them and what
    compromises they are willing to make.” The Downsizing
    Designer, Rita will explain how to come up with a firm
    idea of what your downsizing vision is (a two-bedroom
    apartment, a condo, a townhome) and suggest ways to dip
    your toe in the water before downsizing. She’ll also
    share stories from her clients and her own downsizing
    journey in which she gave away 95% of her belongings
    and moved from a 5,000 square foot space to an 867
    square-foot apartment. Rita Wilkins has been featured
    on WHYY, Sirius-XM and in USA Today, Delaware Today,
    Mainline Today and more. For over 35 years, she has
    designed interiors throughout the country including
    corporate penthouses and C-suites, Supreme Court
    Justice Chambers and thousands of residential
    interiors. “Downsize Your Life: Upgrade Your Lifestyle”
    is her first book. Contact her at (302) 354-0972;

    16. ==> What Most Real Estate Investors Get Wrong

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real
    estate investing are convinced that they can get the
    most bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then
    selling properties, a process known as flipping. But
    long-time real estate and property renovation expert
    Dan Lieberman claims that this is not a recipe for
    success. “You take on a lot of risk if housing prices
    go down,” he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get
    into the rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing
    income, even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many
    years of experience successfully developing rental
    properties. He can share the secrets to developing
    rental properties, getting the best rent and attracting
    the nicest tenants so that you have a great source of
    ongoing income. Dan Lieberman is the author of “The
    Effective Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers
    Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost
    Their Bottom Line in Any Market.” Contact him at; (510) 570-1368.

    17. ==> The ‘Decision Dr.’ Takes the Agony out of

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. As a
    systems analyst, Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-
    making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it.
    So, when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an
    even scarier treatment option, she decided (after
    freaking out) to apply what she does at work to help
    her make some important decisions. Now she can help
    you and your audience do the same! Terrie Novak works
    in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
    unique framework for “choice-making” is a three-step
    process anyone can use and can be applied to decisions
    of any kind. Terrie Novak’s new book is “Decision
    Doctor: How to Overcome the Agony of Indecision.”
    Contact her at (503) 336-3767;

    18. ==> The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate

    As the U.S. has become bitterly divided by the current
    changes to abortion laws, best-selling author Jane
    Jenkins Herlong points out that one faction of society
    is being completely over-looked: elderly people. “When
    it comes to sanctity of life, we really need to focus
    on the elderly,” she says. “The extreme abortion laws
    from New York to Alabama are vastly different. This
    also affects the elderly, who are not part of the
    current discussion.” Jane can discuss what she learned
    from caring for her own elderly mom, and why we need to
    take greater measures to protect the elderly to ensure
    that they live the remainder of their lives in safety,
    comfort and dignity. She is a former Miss America
    contestant and the award-winning author of four books
    including Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops. In addition,
    she has recorded music CDs and personal growth and
    comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at;
    (803) 599-2941.

    19. ==> Does Your Name Determine Your Success in Life?

    “What’s in a name?” According to Name Colorology expert
    B. P. Greycastle, your name can make or break you in
    life. In his book “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your
    Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success,” he
    reveals how your color-coded name determines your
    personality traits and talents as they correlate to
    your seven energy centers: spiritual, intellectual,
    vocal, physical, control, emotional and sexual. “The
    richest people have certain color types,” he explains.
    “Ninety percent of them are purple spiritual center
    people. William Gates is one example.” He can
    illustrate on air using a vast array of lists, facts
    and figures how the most famous and successful people
    in practically every career field owe their success to
    their names, with astonishing accuracy. Contact B.P. at; (510) 570-1929.

    20. ==> 10 Amazing Things to Know about Meditation

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia
    with meditation expert John Sambalino. He’ll debunk
    myths about meditation and help listeners improve their
    lives by meditating. He says meditation even helps
    prison inmates become more rehabilitated. “Is God in
    That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is Sambalino’s
    latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

  • 10/24/19 RTIR Newsletter: Cryptocurrency, Domestic Violence, Does Punishment Work?

    October 24, 2019

    01. Trump is Right, No Good Can Come from US in Syria
    02. Zuckerberg, Facebook & Cryptocurrency
    03. Netflix Series ‘The Toys that Made Us’
    04. What Does Your Costume Say About You?
    05. Do a Show on Growing Up with Ghosts
    06. Interview the Queen of Haunts
    07. Fright: Why We Love it and When It’s Too Much
    08. Mark the 7th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy
    09. Too Early for Christmas Music? No Way!
    10. What’s Happened to Rudy Giuliani? Nothing!
    11. How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs
    12. Domestic Violence Month Quiz: Is Your Relationship Abusive?
    13. Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and Michael Jackson
    14. Dark Secrets Jeffrey Epstein Left Behind
    15. Smart Tip: Use Life Insurance to Get Out of Debt
    16. Bye-Bye Birdies
    17. Shocking Truths about College
    18. Why Our Best Students Feel Dumb
    19. Why You Shouldn’t Punish Your Kids
    20. Refire, Don’t Retire: Dream Bigger after 50

    1.==> Trump is Right, No Good Can Come from US in Syria

    Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw US troops from
    Syria remains highly controversial on both sides of the
    political aisle, but William Ruger says the president
    was right to pull troops from the Syrian-Turkish
    border. “It is not in our national interest to have a
    small U.S. force in the middle of a long-running
    dispute between our NATO ally Turkey and various
    Kurdish groups in Syria,” he says. Adding, “As
    President George Washington taught us at the beginning
    of the republic, eternal interests trump temporary
    partnerships. Despite the French helping us win our
    independence, Washington refused to have France’s back
    in its wars, eventually issuing a neutrality
    proclamation and concluding a trade deal with France’s
    arch-enemy the British. It is not America’s job to sort
    out the future of Syria.” William Ruger is vice
    president for research and policy at the Charles Koch
    Institute and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan.
    Contact Rachel Tripp at (571) 481-0783;

    2. ==> Zuckerberg, Facebook & Cryptocurrency

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was on Capitol Hill
    yesterday defending his company’s cryptocurrency
    project. The virtual currency (along with Bitcoin and
    other cryptocurrencies) are making waves in the
    financial realm. Their value is defined by a blockchain
    or complex code that can be shared among multiple
    computers but is completely anonymous and independent
    of any government issuer. This makes crypto attractive
    for both legitimate (such as supply chain transactions
    between a company and its vendors) and illegal
    (laundering of money from drug transactions) use.
    Discuss the topic with Braden Perry, a former federal
    enforcement attorney and veteran in regulatory
    compliance and white collar defense. He can discuss the
    pros and cons of cryptocurrency, specific issues
    related to it and whether the world is ready for a new
    type of currency. Perry is frequently quoted by
    Reuters, Forbes, Nerd Wallet and other media outlets.
    He’s a partner at Kennyhertz Perry LLC. Contact him at
    (816) 527-9447; or

    3. ==> Netflix Series ‘The Toys that Made Us’

    Whether it was a Barbie doll or a Mr. Potato Head,
    everybody has a soft spot when it comes to their
    favorite toy. Sit back and revisit your childhood when
    Netflix’s hit series ‘The Toys That Made Us’ returns
    November 15th. Invite creator Brian Volk-Weiss to take
    your listeners behind the scenes of the nostalgic show
    that features the legendary toys, action figures and
    figurines that shaped America’s childhoods. Whether you
    preferred the Power Rangers, My Little Pony or the
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you’ll love reminiscing
    and hearing little-known facts about your favorite
    playthings. Contact Hannah Schwartz at (718) 522-7171;

    4.==> What Does Your Costume Say About You?

    Is a costume JUST a costume? Or do our choices for
    Halloween attire reveal something about our
    personality? Before you buy that Batman suit or unicorn
    getup invite Jason Young Ph.D., to discuss the meaning
    behind the costumes we choose. From Disney characters
    to naughty French maids, Dr. Young says Halloween is
    the one time you can be anyone or anything without
    question. He’ll explain why some folks like creepy
    costumes while others prefer to dress like animals and
    still others refuse to wear any costume at all! Jason
    Young is co-author of “Resistance to Belief Change.”
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    5. ==> Do a Show on Growing Up with Ghosts

    What’s it like growing up in family homes surrounded by
    ghosts and their stories? Interview Ivan Obolensky and
    find out! Ivan’s rich personal history includes his
    grandfather, Serge Obolensky – the famed “Prince of New
    York”, and his grandmother Alice (of Astor fame) who
    died holding an Egyptian book of the dead on her chest.
    Convinced that people lived on after death, she proved
    it by scaring off governesses and attracting a large
    number of black cats that kept returning to her home on
    61st Street in NYC even after extermination was tried.
    Eventually, the family home was exorcised. Ivan’s
    grandfather, Serge, had ghost stories of his own to
    tell including one of a Captain recovering from TB in
    the Crimea who appeared at the family’s country home
    many miles away and vanished before their eyes. They
    later learned he had died and that the visitor was his
    ghost. Ivan Obolensky is the author “Eye of the Moon.”
    Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    6. ==> Interview the Queen of Haunts

    Scary places may have gotten their start in ancient
    times to keep people from unsettling the dead in the
    pyramids, but today the United States has become the
    epicenter of scaring entertainment since the launch of
    commercial haunted attractions in the 1970s. Amber
    Arnett-Bequeaith of Haunted Attractions cut her teeth
    at her family’s haunted house that started in 1975.
    Today she reigns over an entire district of haunted
    houses, including the Beast, and entertainment in
    Kansas City, as the Queen of Haunts. Invite her to talk
    about the popularity of haunted attractions and how the
    business has expanded to include escape rooms, mazes,
    ghost tours and more. Hear about the best creepy venues
    in your area and across the country, where they take
    fright to a whole new level. America Haunts is a group
    of some of the most the most successful and well known
    Halloween Haunted Houses in the World. Contact Amber
    Arnett-Bequeaith at (816) 842-4280;

    7. ==> Fright: Why We Love it and When It’s Too Much

    Whether it’s watching a horror movie or going to a
    haunted house, there are a lot of people who actually
    enjoy being scared out of their wits. What’s up with
    that? Is it normal? And what about kids? How much is
    too much for a child? Myke Merrill, D.Min., author of
    “Why Do People Act that Way? (And What Can I Do About
    It?),” will explain why we get a thrill from being
    spooked, whether it’s emotionally healthy or not, and
    what parents should consider before taking their kids
    to a scary movie or haunted attraction. The author of
    22 books and training manuals, Dr. Myke was a panelist
    on the national television show Ask the Pastor for 18
    years. He has traveled worldwide for training and
    educational development in over 20 countries, and
    speaks or reads eight languages. Contact Dr. Myke
    Merrill at (585) 615-6383;

    8. ==> Mark the 7th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy

    One of the worst storms in recent memory, Hurricane
    Sandy made landfall on Oct. 29, causing loss of power
    to two million households, the destruction of more than
    350,000 homes, the death of 37 people and $30 billion
    in economic losses in New Jersey alone. Seven years
    have passed but for many, the storm’s losses remain
    raw. Melissa Lanza lost her home in Staten Island
    during the storm but can talk about how she ultimately
    emerged from the shock of Sandy’s devastation and from
    having her faith tested as well as how we can all come
    back from our own adverse events or Hurricane Sandys.
    Melissa is a Nationally Board Certified Family Nurse
    Practitioner with a family medical practice in Staten
    Island. She is the author of “Experience God’s
    Presence.” Contact her at (718) 980-6103;

    9. ==> Too Early for Christmas Music? No Way!

    While some people are concerned about Christmas music
    creep—playing carols on the radio before
    Thanksgiving—Renae Baker isn’t one of them. Baker, who
    describes herself as a specialist in Christmas spirit,
    says now is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for
    your holiday spirit to take root. Otherwise, she says,
    people may be blindsided to discover their spirit is
    MIA in December when they need it. And this year, when
    talk of presidential impeachment is in the air, mass
    shootings are commonplace and people seem more
    concerned about what divides them than brings them
    together, Baker says we desperately need to reboot our
    spirit to stop losing our faith in humanity.
    Affectionately known as Mrs. Christmas, Baker has
    managed a professional caroling company for decades.
    She and her carolers have been featured on Fox News
    Chief Religion Correspondent Lauren Green’s, Mighty
    Christmas special and many more media outlets. She’s
    the author of “Defeating Scrooge: How to Harness the
    Power of Christmas Carols to Revive Your Spirit Anytime
    of the Year” and the Defeating Scrooge Spirit Saver
    Calendar. Contact her at (917) 509-9022;

    10. ==> What’s Happened to Rudy Giuliani? Nothing!

    Joe Biden’s presidential campaign recently asked TV
    networks to stop booking Rudy Giuliani as a guest. John
    Philp, a journalist and filmmaker. who co-wrote and
    directed the 2003 documentary Rudyland, says Giuliani
    is a hot ticket these days for his wild-eyed antics,
    but to those asking what’s happened to him, he says,
    “Nothing! The Rudy we see today, with his show-stopping
    mix of conviction and incoherence, is the same Rudy
    we’ve always had. The only thing new is his
    predicament.” Philp continues, “Giuliani’s antics,
    while striking most decent people as utterly insane,
    will feel sadly familiar to anybody who’s watched his
    career closely. Giuliani, an opera buff, has made his
    time on the public stage an endless aria of political
    pettiness, braying self-aggrandizement and ethical and
    personal turmoil. Only the settings change.” Contact
    John Philp at (212) 271-8747.

    11. ==> How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs

    Did you know that in 2017 alone, 275,000 foreign-born
    students got jobs that should have gone to American
    college students? Or that less than 50 percent of U.S.
    citizen STEM graduates actually land a job in STEM?
    Most parents and students have no idea about the
    discrimination against hiring American nor do American
    taxpayers who are losing some $2 billion in
    contributions to Medicare and social security as a
    result. Let Hilarie Gamm—a nationally recognized leader
    —enlighten your audience about current legislation and
    a letter to Trump asking him to put Americans first.
    She’ll bust the myth that there is a shortage of
    homegrown highly skilled, educated and qualified
    workers and share why every citizen who cares about the
    future of the middle class should be paying attention
    to this legislation and taking action. Hilarie is one
    of three founders of the nonpartisan American Workers
    Coalition, championing H.R. 3564 Fairness for High-
    Skilled Americans Act sponsored by Arizona Congressman
    Paul Gosar. A veteran talk show guest, she is the
    author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis and
    The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at (203) 571-3819;

    12. ==> Domestic Violence Month Quiz: Is Your
    Relationship Abusive?

    One in four women and one in seven men in the United
    States have experienced severe physical violence in
    their relationships, statistics that paint a picture of
    just how common domestic violence is. Dellia Evans,
    O.D., knows the issues associated with abusive
    relationships only too well having been married to a
    man who abused her for nearly 20 years. She’ll discuss
    how men and women can overcome their need for approval
    that keeps them captive in destructive relationships
    why some women don’t realize they’re being emotionally
    abused. She’ll also share a quiz to determine if your
    relationship qualifies as abusive. Dr. Evans is an
    optometrist and the author of “Heart Vision: How to See
    Your Path Forward When You’re in a Dark Place.” Contact
    her at (884) 798-9898;

    13. ==> Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and
    Michael Jackson

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity
    overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I
    had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,”
    says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful
    approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about
    treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating
    their environments and families. We have to treat the
    addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

    14. ==> Dark Secrets Jeffrey Epstein Left Behind

    The world was rocked when billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
    was charged and jailed for human trafficking, and then
    committed suicide while being held behind bars. But
    what was truly shocking was that he got away with the
    heinous crimes for years. Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
    reverend and founder of the human trafficking awareness
    group Let My People Go, says the situation is far more
    complicated and insidious than most people know. “Human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community.” Raleigh says a general lack of awareness is
    part of the problem, as well as the absence of accurate
    information and the abuse of power by powerful people.
    He is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact Raleigh at; (917) 341-6758.

    15. ==> Smart Tip: Use Life Insurance to Get Out of

    Many people today live in fear that a life-threatening
    illness or catastrophic event could wipe out their
    savings and create a financial maelstrom. Did you know
    that if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of
    your death benefits in cash? David Kottler, also known
    as the Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off
    that life insurance policy you or your loved one
    doesn’t need anymore can generate cash to pay hospital
    bills, get out of debt, or even make a cash gift to a
    non-profit! How is this possible? Invite David on your
    show to hear about a little-known secret! Most people
    don’t know that when you don’t need your policy any
    longer you can auction it off! David, author of “The
    Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy,” will
    explain everything your audience needs to know about
    getting their insurance policies working for them!
    Contact David at (216) 532-1221; ?

    16. ==> Bye-Bye Birdies

    According to a new report by the Audubon Society, two-
    thirds of North American birds could face extinction if
    climate change is not addressed. Birds, it seems, are
    early indicators of worsening environmental problems
    and play important roles in insect control, plant
    pollination and seed disbursement. Able to discuss this
    breaking topic is Lynn Matsuoka, the author, and
    illustrator of “Saving Our Seabirds.” Lynn can talk
    about the thousands of species threatened by climate
    change and share fascinating facts about such birds as
    puffins, blue-footed boobies, and black-footed
    albatrosses. Lynn can also share ways ordinary people
    can help save the birds. She is donating part of the
    sales for her adult coloring book to the Audubon
    Society’s Project Puffin. Lynn is well-known
    internationally for her drawings & paintings of Japan’s
    Sumo wrestlers and her worldwide TV color commentary of
    the sport. Contact her at (808) 479-5966;

    17. ==> Shocking Truths about College

    During the 11 years Glen Dunzweiler spent as a college
    professor, he learned some profound truths. To his
    astonishment, he discovered that many students had no
    idea what they would do with their degrees or how they
    would pay off their student debt. They were going to
    school merely because people told them they needed to
    and because universities are highly skilled at
    marketing themselves. Glen is making it his mission to
    ensure that parents have important conversations with
    their children, well before the first college tour.
    He’ll reveal what that conversation should sound like
    as well as the paradoxical, self-serving way
    universities use tuition money to preserve their
    business interests to the detriment of students. He can
    answer such questions as what should be taught in every
    class that isn’t and should parents refuse to allow
    their children to take certain majors. Glen is a former
    college professor, a documentarian and the author of
    two books. His latest is “A Degree in Homelessness?
    Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.” Contact Glen at
    (702) 703-2219;

    18. ==> Why Our Best Students Feel Dumb

    Students feel DUMB when they cram for a test on
    Thursday, get an A on Friday and forget it all by
    Monday. Students feel SMART when they remember and even
    smarter when they use new, remembered knowledge to
    solve problems in unique ways. SMART schools have
    processes in place that make the “Cram Plan”
    impossible. “Who has the most control over education?
    The answer might surprise you… but almost everyone I
    talk to agrees with my answer!” says Lee Jenkins,
    educator, administrator and author. According to Lee,
    it’s easier than you think to solve the educational
    dilemma in this country… by getting rid of cramming,
    once and for all! Lee shows your audience how! Lee
    Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a Perfect
    School,” foreword by Jack Canfield. He’s been an
    educator and administrator in public schools and
    universities. Contact Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    19. ==> Why You Shouldn’t Punish Your Kids

    Parenting is one of the most important jobs anyone will
    ever have. But is it possible to raise a child to be a
    productive, independent adult without ever having to
    spank or take away that child’s privileges? Absolutely,
    says media veteran and child-rearing expert Emily
    Slingluff, who wrote the book on the topic, “Parenting
    without Punishment.” Emily will explain why there is
    never a reason to punish children. Good parent-child
    communication works so much better. Moreover, punishing
    children teaches them mean and uncomfortable behavior.
    It is even possible that it will lead to insecurity,
    confusion, depression, and unhappiness with life. She
    studied psychology and has a degree in government and
    economics from Sweet Briar College and was an assistant
    editor at The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757)

    20. ==> Refire, Don’t Retire: Dream Bigger after 50

    Cynthia Barnett, Ph.D., is a leading authority and role
    model on how to refire and reinvent oneself,
    particularly after 50. Dr. Barnett says, “Retirement is
    no time to slow down. It can be the best time to take
    your dreams off the back burner and live them!” Invite
    her on your show to offer practical strategies for
    doing exactly that along with questions for self-
    reflection. Dr. Cynthia Barnett is a nationally
    recognized author, speaker, and coach. Her “refirement
    message” has been featured in U.S. News and World
    Report, local newspapers, and on TV shows. She is also
    the recipient of the inaugural AARP Purpose Prize,
    which recognizes people over 50 who have “used their
    wisdom and experience to revitalize their lives and
    make the world a better place.” Her new book is “I’m
    Not Done Yet and You Shouldn’t Be Either.” Contact her
    at (203) 807-3321;

  • 10/22/19 RTIR Newsletter: Halloween Nightmares, North vs. South, Slap Your Coworker Day!

    October 22, 2019

    01. The High Price of Trump’s Great Betrayal
    02. Meghan’s Gut-Wrenching Interview
    03. Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day is Tomorrow
    04. It’s True: Rich Hold Exaggerated Belief They’re Better
    05. Who Says You’re Dead?
    06. Answers to Your Most Terrifying Ghost Questions
    07. The True Story of a Daughter’s Possession and Exorcism
    08. 9 Ways to Decrease Halloween’s Sugar Load
    09. Halloween Can be a Nightmare for Pets
    10. Immigrants’ Day is Monday: How They See the American Dream
    11. Vampires are Real and You May Know One!
    12. When You Want to Downsize but Your Spouse Doesn’t
    13. How You See the World When You Don’t Like Yourself
    14. It’s Northerners vs Southerners!
    15. Bass Player’s Tips to Transform Toxic Office Culture
    16. The Abuser Next Door: How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us
    17. How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen
    18. Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better
    19. One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable Success
    20. Connect with Your Inner Cowgirl and Wrangle Your Best Life

    1.==> The High Price of Trump’s Great Betrayal

    Dr. Richard Haass says Donald Trump’s decision to
    withdraw American forces from northern Syria and leave
    the region’s Kurds vulnerable to neighboring Turkey’s
    military incursion was a terrible one. “Trump’s
    abandonment reinforced already existing doubts in the
    region and around the world that the United States
    remains a reliable ally,” he says. “The notion that the
    US can safely turn its back on the world and still
    thrive even as global order declines is seriously
    misguided. Trump has repeatedly claimed that Syria is
    not critical to America’s security, noting that it is
    thousands of miles away. But Americans learned the hard
    way on September 11, 2001, that distance is no
    guarantee of safety. Similarly, infectious disease, the
    effects of climate change, and efforts to subvert
    elections do not stop at national borders.” Dr. Richard
    Haass is a veteran diplomat, a prominent voice on
    American foreign policy, and the president of the
    Council on Foreign Relations, an independent,
    nonpartisan membership organization, think tank,
    publisher and educational institution. Contact him at
    (212) 434-9540;

    2. ==> Meghan’s Gut-Wrenching Interview

    A BBC special on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex shows
    Meghan holding back tears and acknowledging the
    challenges she’s faced as a newlywed and mother in the
    spotlight. Kara Alaimo finds the video gut-wrenching.
    “It’s no surprise that Meghan is struggling. Our
    society’s lack of concern for the well-being of new
    moms is terribly disturbing — and it’s even worse for
    her as a royal.” A new mother herself, Alaimo adds,
    “Recovering from childbirth and caring for a baby is
    enough of a challenge. But our society’s expectation
    that new moms should cater to the rest of the world’s
    every whim instead of tending to their own needs is a
    cruel and dangerous form of misogyny.” Kara Alaimo,
    Ph.D. is a former communicator at the United Nations
    and in the Obama administration. A frequent media
    guest, she is an associate professor at Hofstra
    University and the author of “Pitch, Tweet, or Engage
    on the Street: How to Practice Global Public Relations
    and Strategic Communication.” Contact Kara Alaimo at
    (516) 463-5208; or

    3. ==> Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day is Tomorrow

    Your co-worker is at it again — yakking it up nonstop,
    clipping her nails, popping her gum and sucking up to
    the boss. Normally, you just grin and bear it but
    tomorrow you have full permission to haul off and slap
    her into next week because it is National Slap Your
    Annoying Coworker Day. “Most of my clients say they
    hate their job, but in reality, when we probe, it’s the
    people at work they can’t stand! They actually feel
    pretty good about the work they are doing!” says
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. She’ll discuss how to deal with
    difficult people (without slapping!) and how that can
    lead to higher job and life satisfaction. Listeners
    will learn how to test their own emotional intelligence
    – which includes self-awareness, social awareness
    (think social media), self-management and relationship
    management—and discover how they contribute to the
    office issues. Cochern, LCPC is a seasoned counselor
    who works with clients to promote personal growth and
    healthy relationship skills. “Alignment: Move from
    Internal Chaos to Clarity” is her latest book. Contact
    Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    4.==> It’s True: Rich Hold Exaggerated Belief They’re

    Greater wealth really can lead to inflation of the ego,
    though sometimes unwittingly. A study by the American
    Psychological Association found that people who view
    themselves as members of a higher social class may have
    exaggerated beliefs that they are more competent than
    those in lower classes, even if they’re just as (or
    more) capable. The researchers found that
    overconfidence was often misinterpreted by others who
    then believe the well-to-do person is more qualified
    than they really are. Drs. Joseph Lao and Jason Young
    can discuss what’s behind the elitist attitude, whether
    people who believe they’re better than others exude
    more confidence, and what happens when a wealthy person
    feels poor and vice versa. Drs. Joseph Lau and Jason
    Young are the authors of “Resistance to Belief Change.”
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    5. ==> Who Says You’re Dead?

    Who should get custody of an embryo created through IVF
    when a couple divorces? Should an alcoholic in poor
    health be forced to go to rehab? Can a pediatrician
    refuse to see non-vaccinated clients? Or, when you or a
    loved one is on life support, who says you’re dead?
    Attending psychiatrist at Mount Sinai and celebrated
    bioethicist Dr. Jacob M. Appel will consider these
    bioethical questions with your audience when he asks
    them to play doctor and decide what they would do if
    confronted with the dilemma. He’ll then reveal what
    decisions were actually made in the real-life cases on
    which the scenarios are based. Dr. Appel’s new book is
    “Who Says You’re Dead? Medical & Ethical Dilemmas for
    the Curious & Concerned.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    6. ==> Answers to Your Most Terrifying Ghost Questions

    Dr. Susan Shumsky is a ghostbuster and perfect
    Halloween guest who can tell you everything you ever
    wanted to know about ghosts—but were too terrified to
    ask. What really happens to souls after death? Is it
    possible to communicate with the dead? How so? Why are
    some homes, cars, offices and other places haunted?
    What are the 11 types of people most susceptible to
    possession? What are the 15 reasons why people become
    ghosts? Dr. Shumsky is no fly-by-night author. She has
    14 books in print and has been published by Simon &
    Schuster. Open your phone lines for listeners with
    haunted houses and Dr. Shumsky will send the ghosts
    packing! Reach her at (917) 336-7184;

    7. ==> The True Story of a Daughter’s Possession and

    William Dorian discovered demonic possession is very
    real when his 15-year old daughter tried to communicate
    with the dead using a Ouija board. What began as an
    innocent game eventually led to multiple evil entities
    taking hold of the teen and tormenting the entire
    family. Invite Dorian, author of “The Holy Water
    Incident,” to share the extreme measures his family
    took in the spiritual battle to save their daughter and
    hear about the overwhelming trauma on the family’s
    quiet life, how local religious authorities gave them a
    cold shoulder and doctors’ only solution was
    confinement in a psychiatric unit. William Dorian has
    worked as a teacher, social worker, journalist, and
    theater director. Contact Kat Sanborn at (651)

    8. ==> 9 Ways to Decrease Halloween’s Sugar Load

    More people are starting to look for alternatives to
    traditional Halloween candy, especially those who are
    more aware of ingredients and concerned about what
    children eat. To make it easier to “scare up” a list of
    treats kids will adore, Nathalie Beauchamp, D.C.,
    IFMCP, a doctor of chiropractic and certified
    functional medicine practitioner with the Institute of
    Functional Medicine, has nine fresh ideas to share. For
    example, she’ll tell you why maple-syrup candies are a
    healthful alternative as are Mini Cocoa Camino dark
    chocolates. Dr. Beauchamp will also explore affordable
    non-candy gifts most kids will enjoy. She has appeared
    on numerous radio and TV programs and writes about
    health and wellness for a variety of publications. She
    has her own YouTube channel and is the founder of the
    weekly “What the Hack?!” podcast. Dr. Beauchamp’s
    latest book is “Hack Your Health Habits: Simple Action-
    Driven, Natural Health Solutions for People On the Go!”
    Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    9. ==> Halloween Can be a Nightmare for Pets

    As children get ready for the hustle and bustle of
    trick or treating, we need to remember our furry
    friends. Halloween can be a frighteningly dangerous
    time for pets! Intuitive expert and animal communicator
    Nora Truscello taps into animal energies and shows us
    how to make Halloween all treats without the tricks for
    our four legged friends. Invite Nora to share her
    insights in what your furriest friends want and don’t
    want on this spookiest of seasons. A spiritual
    navigator for more than 30 years, Nora Truscello is an
    author and speaker on a wide range of spiritual topics.
    Contact Nora at (302) 803-2307;

    10. ==> Immigrants’ Day 10/28 – The American Dream
    through an Immigrant’s Eyes

    Imagine at 22 leaving your family and friends and
    moving to another country with a language you don’t
    speak fluently with only a duffel bag and an open heart
    to start a new life with your soon-to-be-spouse. That’s
    what Rosie J. Pova did when she came to the US from
    Bulgaria. When all her papers got stolen in Las Vegas,
    she found herself illegal and stuck. Fast forward a few
    years, after the birth of her first child, she
    rekindled her love for children’s books and started
    chasing a crazy dream of becoming a children’s author.
    It took 13 years to get three book contracts from a
    publisher. Now she inspires both kids and adults to
    dream big and persist. Her latest book, Sunday Rain,
    will be released in summer 2020. Pova has been featured
    on TV, radio, and in print. Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

    11. ==> Vampires are Real and You May Know One!

    You can always recognize a vampire in TV shows, movies,
    and novels, but a vampire is much harder to identify in
    real life. Speaker and author Tom Schneider warns,
    “Real-life vampires don’t have fangs or sleep in
    coffins, but they can suck the life out of you!” Take
    Tom and Lindy Schneider’s quiz and discover if you have
    a real vampire or other destructive relationship in
    your life AND what to do about it if you do!
    Professional college advisors for more than 15 years,
    the Schneiders have been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC,
    FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. They are the authors of
    “College Secrets of Highly Successful People.” Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    12. ==> When You Want to Downsize but Your Spouse

    Many times husbands and wives can’t agree on whether to
    sell the family home for something smaller—an
    apartment, condo, or cottage perhaps, in the city, near
    grandchildren or somewhere else. But Rita Wilkins says
    couples can usually have it all. “All they have to do
    is figure out what having it all means to them and what
    compromises they are willing to make.” The Downsizing
    Designer, Rita will explain how to come up with a firm
    idea of what your downsizing vision is (a two-bedroom
    apartment, a condo, a townhome) and suggest ways to dip
    your toe in the water before downsizing. She’ll also
    share stories from her clients and her own downsizing
    journey in which she gave away 95% of her belongings
    and moved from a 5,000 square foot space to an 867
    square-foot apartment. Rita Wilkins has been featured
    on WHYY, Sirius-XM and in USA Today, Delaware Today,
    Mainline Today and more. For over 35 years, she has
    designed interiors throughout the country including
    corporate penthouses and C-suites, Supreme Court
    Justice Chambers and thousands of residential
    interiors. “Downsize Your Life: Upgrade Your Lifestyle”
    is her first book. Contact her at (302) 354-0972;

    13. ==> How You See the World When You Don’t Like

    Whether it’s the man in the White House or customers in
    line at the grocery story, treating people with respect
    and kindness appears to have gone the way of the rotary
    phone, eight-track tapes and cursive handwriting.
    What’s fueling this rise in rude, boorish behavior?
    Joffre McClung believes it’s something very basic but
    profound. “Self-love, or the lack of self- love,
    determines not only how we see ourselves but how we
    experience the world around us. It’s the prism through
    which we see and define all things,” explains Joffre.
    Listeners will hear how a lack of self-love manifests
    and impacts our lives and learn simple ways to
    encourage self-appreciation and gratitude. Joffre
    McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV
    programs. She’s a former media producer, independent
    filmmaker, and the author of “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact Joffre McClung at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    14. ==> It’s Northerners vs Southerners!

    Even today, the big hair, big booted, Velveeta-eating
    Southerners seem a world apart from the athleisure-
    wearing, acai-bowl eating, self-actualization obsessed
    Northerners. Suzanne Wexler, author of the upcoming
    humorous memoir “Southern Grits for Northern Girls,”
    will unite the country in laughter as she explains the
    seven habits Southerners can teach Northerners. Suzanne
    has lived in the North her whole life but visited her
    Southern relatives from her maternal side often. She
    knows what they get right—even if it took her years to
    see! She says: “If there’s one thing North Americans
    can use right now it’s a good laugh and a finer
    appreciation of each other.” Suzanne is published in
    the Huffington Post, National Post, and her
    work has been syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been
    quoted in and Reader’s Digest
    magazine and provides commentary on TV and radio
    throughout the U.S. and Canada. Contact her at (514)

    15. ==> Bass Player’s Tips to Transform Toxic Office

    Think music and business have little in common?
    Professional musician, culture change expert and
    certified portfolio management professional, Gerald
    Leonard may change your mind. Invite him on your show
    to share the similarities between the two as he
    identifies seven key principles for achieving the
    balance, harmony and unified vision many companies lack
    and reveals the most common mistakes companies make
    with their culture. You’ll also learn how to make any
    organization perform like a world-class orchestra to a
    standing ovation from employees AND customers. Gerald
    Leonard is president and CEO of Principles of
    Execution, a Washington, D.C.-based Certified Minority
    Business Enterprise and strategic project portfolio
    management and IT governance consulting practice. He is
    the author of “Culture is the Bass: 7 Steps to Creating
    High Performing Teams.” Contact him at (443) 622-4740;

    16. ==> The Abuser Next Door: How Domestic Violence
    Affects All of Us

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt founded the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Awareness Day (Oct. 1), and co-founded the Covington
    Domestic Violence Task Force. He’ll share how
    individuals, houses of worship, companies,
    organizations and community groups can sponsor
    awareness events such as Go Purple Day, Purple Light
    Nights, educational programs and advocacy outreach to
    help put an end to domestic violence once and for all.
    Contact Curt at; (256)

    17. ==> How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow
    up without dads face. “A lot of boys don’t know how to
    become men due to that lack of a role model. We need
    programs where men help them to learn manhood. It will
    impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of
    trouble.” Pastor Eric will discuss The Gentleman’s Club
    launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher
    Raymond Nelson, a program for boys that helps to
    instill confidence, self-respect and respect for others
    and share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help
    them to become great men. A second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    Eric Hawthorne is author of the upcoming “Are You Ready
    for Marriage?” Contact Eric at; (214) 225-0769.

    18. ==> Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances, and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie Dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of Young Adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    She is also the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter:
    What Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    19. ==> The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable

    So you think you have to be brilliant, gifted and in
    the right place at the right time in order to be wildly
    successful in life? Kim Chestney says, “Not so!” She
    says virtually everyone has the ability to attain goals
    beyond their wildest imaginings thanks to the one
    innate trait that all humans possess: Intuition!
    “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
    faculty of human consciousness. Getting your ego out of
    the way and developing your inner voice is a great
    bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being
    and growth in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an
    international best-selling author and intuition expert
    who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh,
    Pa. Her new global online Intuition school,
    IntuitionLab is up and running. Contact Kim at; (412) 214-9502.

    20. ==> Connect with Your Inner Cowgirl and Wrangle
    Your Best Life

    After turning 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a
    daunting crossroads in her life. She was divorced,
    unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to
    work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a
    money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by rebuilding her farm, which became a
    metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops,
    you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,”
    she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your
    ‘inner critic.’” Sandra is a co-host of New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    each June and August in Cheney, Wash. She is also the
    author of the upcoming “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize
    the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact her at; (360) 325-4221.

  • 10/17/19 RTIR Newsletter: Whistleblowing, Gender Pay Gap, Compulsive Habits

    October 17, 2019

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito, Editors, Radio-TV Interview Report Newsletter

    01. Journalist Charles Glass: Syria vs Erdogan?
    02. Post Presidential Debate: Winners and Losers
    03. 34 Top Kid Drinks Deemed Unhealthy
    04. Study: Passive Facebook Users More Depressed
    05. Real Life Haunted House – Inside a Serial Killer’s Home
    06. Why Are We Turned On by Terror?
    07. Real Witch’s Brews – Fun, Halloween Drinks
    08. Very Superstitious but Why?
    09. Whistleblowing: Is it Always Ethical? (Or Truthful?)
    10. A Solution to Football’s Concussion Problem
    11. It’s Not Your Job You Hate, it’s Your Coworkers!
    12. Ways the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone… Even Men
    13. Just in Time for 2020 Political Paranoia: Conversation Crisis
    14. Healing Emotional Pain in the #MeToo Era
    15. Why People Are Dreaming about Donald Trump
    16. Compulsive Habits – What’s Yours?
    17. This Guest Helps Make Sense of the World’s Craziness
    18. Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy
    19. Benefits of 21st Century Meditation – You’ll Want to Know
    20. Are You Tech Challenged? Host an ‘Appy Hour!’

    1.==> Journalist Charles Glass: Syria vs Erdogan?

    Invite noted journalist Charles Glass on your show to
    share his perspective on what’s happening in Syria.
    Glass has covered the Mideast for decades and says,
    “The Syrian Kurds trusted the U.S. and are paying for
    it, as Iraq’s Kurds did in 1975 and 1991. They kept
    their lines open to Assad all along, so the new
    alliance was their only option. It remains to be seen
    whether Syria’s weaker, albeit battle experienced, army
    is a match for Turkey’s much larger armed forces with
    their NATO weapons and Russian air defense. Russia may
    broker some arrangement to turn over large areas to
    Assad while letting Erdogan hang onto his border
    corridor.” Charles Glass was ABC News chief Middle East
    correspondent from 1983–93, and has worked as a
    correspondent for Newsweek and The Observer. His books
    include “Syria Burning: A Short History of a
    Catastrophe.” Contact him (currently in Italy) at @charlesmglass

    2. ==> Post Presidential Debate: Winners and Losers

    Twelve Democratic presidential candidates took to the
    debate stage Tuesday night—making it the biggest
    primary debate in history. Some candidates needed to
    make no mistakes. Others needed to stand out from the
    pack to advance in a frequently diminishing field,
    while a few of the hopefuls still struggled to get a
    word in. Communication expert Paul Hellman will discuss
    how the candidates did—both their content and their
    presence— who took advantage of the opening seconds,
    who was especially nimble on their feet, and
    ultimately, who stood out. And he can share insights
    about how anyone, even if not running for president,
    can present themselves more effectively. Hellman’s
    columns and advice have appeared in the New York Times,
    Wall Street Journal, and on public radio’s
    Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual. He is the
    author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets
    for a Distracted World.” Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    3. ==> 34 Top Kid Drinks Deemed Unhealthy

    Americans spent $1.4 billion on the most popular brands
    of children’s fruit drinks and flavored waters last
    year. Yet according to nutritional guidelines, none of
    the drinks were healthy. According to Children’s Drink
    Facts 2019, a new report from the University of
    Connecticut’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity,
    US beverage companies spent $20.7 million to advertise
    fun, fruity drinks with added sugars to families in
    2018. Two-thirds of the 34 sweetened drinks analyzed in
    the report contained no juice, yet images of fruit
    appeared on 85% of the packages. Most drinks which did
    contain juice capped the amount at 5%. “I know parents
    want their children to be healthy, but the sweetened
    drink market is just incredibly confusing,” says lead
    author Jennifer Harris, principal investigator for the
    three-year study funded by the Robert Wood Johnson
    Foundation. The report recommends manufacturers clearly
    label all added sugars, including low-calorie
    sweeteners, and display the percentage of juice on the
    front of the drink package, where it is more likely to
    be seen by consumers. It also suggests the FDA prohibit
    the misleading use of fruit images on drinks with
    little to no juice and require manufacturers to meet
    the nutritional claims on their packaging. Contact
    Kristin Messina at (860) 380-1282;

    4.==> Study: Passive Facebook Users More Depressed

    Most Facebook users are careful to only post pictures
    that present themselves in the best light. Now, a new
    study reveals how that impacts more passive users who
    occasionally log on to see what their friends are up
    to. According to German researchers, passive users log
    on and only see friends and peers in glamorous and
    happy settings. In comparison, it’s easy to feel like
    everyone’s life is better than yours and be depressed.
    Invite clinical forensic psychologist Dr. John Huber to
    discuss 3 reasons people get depressed using social
    media, whether there are health benefits to cyber-
    socializing, and how to use social media as a
    motivational tool to achieve bigger things. Dr. Huber
    is chairman of the non-profit Mainstream Mental Health.
    He’s appeared on over three hundred top tier radio
    shows and thirty national television programs. He’s
    also the host of Mainstream Mental Health Radio, heard
    nationwide featuring interviews with top mental health
    professionals. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516)
    901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

    5. ==> Real Life Haunted House – Inside a Serial Killer’s Home

    Fox Hollow Farm is the infamous Indiana property where
    Herb Baumeister is believed to have murdered at least
    eleven men. Invite the farm’s current owner Robert
    Graves and paranormal expert Richard Estep to discuss
    the case and explore the paranormal encounters that
    continue to this day. They’ll delve into the psyche of
    the suspected murderer and the terrifying supernatural
    activity that lingers, including chilling supernatural
    evidence, from EVPs and psychic confirmations to first-
    hand accounts of the disembodied hands and voices that
    regularly manifest on the estate. Since learning of his
    farm’s past, Robert Graves has devoted himself to
    understanding the tragic events that took place there.
    Richard Estep co-founded Boulder County Paranormal
    Research Society. Together they’ve written The Horrors
    of Fox Hollow Farm. Contact Kat Sanborn at (651)

    6. ==> Why Are We Turned On by Terror?

    Whether it’s a horror movie or a haunted house, there
    are a lot of people who love being scared out of their
    wits. What’s up with that? Is it normal? And what about
    kids? How much is too much for a child? Myke Merrill,
    D.Min., author of “Why Do People Act that Way? (And
    What Can I Do About It?),” will explain why we get a
    thrill from being spooked, whether it’s emotionally
    healthy or not, and what parents should consider before
    taking their kids to a scary movie or haunted
    attraction. The author of 22 books and training
    manuals, Dr. Myke was a panelist on the national
    television show Ask the Pastor for 18 years. He has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. Contact Dr. Myke Merrill at (585)

    7. ==> Real Witch’s Brews – Fun, Halloween Drinks

    Get out your cauldron and stir up some frighteningly
    fun adult beverages this Halloween! Invite food and
    wine expert Susy Shelby on your show and learn how to
    serve up creepy concoctions like a Rosemary’s Baby,
    Dark and Spooky, and a Pina Choulada. She’ll also share
    simple advice for low-stress, no-fright entertaining
    that’ll impress your guests, let you enjoy your own
    party, and not spend the next day cleaning up! “Most
    importantly, choose foods and snacks that don’t need
    utensils and can be prepared ahead of time. Then set up
    food and beverage stations so guests can help
    themselves throughout the party.” A winemaker for more
    than twenty years, Selby is an expert on food and wine
    pairings. She’s the proprietor of Selby Winery. Contact
    her at (707) 975-0988 (CA);

    8. ==> Very Superstitious but Why?

    Have you ever wondered why some hotels don’t have a
    13th floor or why black cats are considered bad luck?
    Or why we say “God bless you” when someone sneezes? And
    how a broken mirror came to symbolize seven years of
    bad times ahead? Or thought twice about opening an
    umbrella in the house? All of these things are
    superstitions, and they are powerful merely because we
    believe them. Interview Wade Meadows who will share
    some theories on why these superstitions have taken
    root in popular culture and ways lives are sometimes
    ruined because of them. Wade had the misfortune of
    being born on a Friday the 13th to a mother who had
    triskaidekaphobia, the name given to people who fear
    the number 13. He spent many years being told that he
    was cursed at birth but has managed to overcome that
    false belief. He is the author of “Letters from the
    Ashes” and “Ashes Forged into Manhood.” Contact him at
    (225) 224-8697;

    9. ==> Whistleblowing: Is it Always Ethical? (Or Truthful?)

    What does it take to be a whistleblower? How do you
    know when to blow? In today’s world of grey – where
    right and wrong can appear blurry and the truth becomes
    subjective – what does it mean to be ‘ethical’ in
    business and in life? Interview John Smith – an
    ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
    1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
    don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
    “At the beginning of the FBI task force investigation,
    I gave them truth and honesty. I never lied about
    anything. Truth and integrity would eventually be my
    way up and out. They chose me over all other
    defendants, suspects and lawyers. They relied on my
    ethics and integrity. In the end this saved me.” John
    Smith is a speaker and author of “Embracing the Abyss”
    which chronicles his true story of unknowingly becoming
    a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a presidential
    pardon. Contact Smith at (214) 216-2199;

    10. ==> A Solution to Football’s Concussion Problem

    NFL, college and high school football are under attack.
    All because of the high risk of concussions and the
    resulting health consequences. But what if there was a
    way to make concussions a thing of the past? Or at
    least a way to diagnose and treat traumatic brain
    injuries (TBI’s) more easily and quickly? Interview
    Paul Wand, MD, PA, to hear about the “Wand Protocol”
    that could do all that and more. He, along with other
    private practitioners, have created ways to diagnosis
    and treat concussions which if put into place could
    save the NFL, as well as other sports where concussions
    happen on a regular basis. Dr. Paul Wand has been a
    medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the field
    of Neurology and is the author of “The Concussion Cure:
    3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” Contact him at
    (954) 743-5380;

    11. ==> It’s Not Your Job You Hate, it’s Your Coworkers!

    A Gallup Poll says that up to 85% of people in the US
    hate their jobs. But is that really true? “Most of my
    clients say they hate their job, but in reality, when
    we probe, it’s the people at work they can’t stand!
    They actually feel pretty good about the work they are
    doing!” says Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. October is
    National Emotional Intelligence Month and a great time
    to discuss the importance of emotional intelligence and
    how dealing with difficult people at work (and at home)
    could be the key to higher job and life satisfaction.
    Learn how to test emotional intelligence – which
    includes self-awareness, social awareness (think social
    media), self-management and relationship management—and
    then sit back for what may be some surprising results!
    Cochern, LCPC is a seasoned counselor who works with
    clients to promote personal growth and healthy
    relationship skills. “Alignment: Move from Internal
    Chaos to Clarity” is her latest book. Contact Jennifer
    Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    12. ==> Ways the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone… Even Men

    Thanks to Megan Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s National
    Soccer Team, gender pay equality has been having a
    moment in the news. But is that just a symptom of
    something greater and will it go anywhere? Interview
    Lorri Craig for an eye-opening look at why promoting
    parity of gender pay and promotions are good for
    everyone—men, women, children, and corporations. Armed
    with the statistics to prove it, Lorri will also say
    that corporations with the most gender diversity on
    their executive teams are 21 percent more likely to
    have above-average profits. Lorri, who is accustomed to
    being the only woman in a room full of male executives,
    can share why companies that don’t have a good handle
    on women’s diversity of thought are missing out on a
    growth market bigger than India and China combined.
    Lorri is a Certified Financial Planner with a master’s
    degree in finance. She offers a workshop called “Is
    Your Organization Ready to Step Up to Radical Gender
    Diversification?” Contact Lorri at (484) 453-1742;

    13. ==> Just in Time for 2020 Political Paranoia: Conversation Crisis

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have to
    look as far as political debates and late-night pundits
    to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan to find
    out what your audience needs to know now to create
    meaningful conversations (start by being curious and
    interested instead of being interesting!) and what to
    avoid at all costs (don’t commit “assumicide!”) Ivan
    Obolensky is an author and a true Renaissance man in
    his own right. He is the author of “Eye of the Moon.”
    Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    14. ==> Healing Emotional Pain in the #MeToo Era

    The #MeToo movement has unearthed all kinds of painful
    memories of sexual abuse, but what are the victims to
    do once they’re faced with such raw and difficult
    emotion again? Invite author, speaker, and personal
    transformation expert Arnoux Goran to reveal how to
    help victims fully and permanently recover from sexual
    abuse, even if it happened for many years or through
    many generations in their family. Goran has developed a
    method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100%
    effective. His new book is “The Answer: How to Change
    Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True.” Ask him: Is
    it really possible to escape the emotional scars of
    sexual abuse? What are some of your most dramatic
    stories of helping victims heal? Contact Arnoux Goran
    at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    15. ==> Why People Are Dreaming about Donald Trump

    On any given day, we are hearing about political
    controversies, big rallies (often with protesters!),
    White House staff news, campaign coverage and even
    Twitter outbursts that keep President Donald Trump in
    our minds. No wonder we’re awoken by dreams
    (nightmares??) of this polarizing leader and his
    presidency! Explore this epidemic of Trump-driven
    dreams when you interview Layne Dalfen — a sought-
    after dream analyst who will explain why Trump is
    someone who intrigues even our subconscious. Is this
    healthy? Are there lessons to be learned? Might this
    help Mr. Trump win (or lose) the 2020 election? Could
    other candidates literally capture our imaginations
    this way? What do callers’ Trump dreams mean? Arrange
    interviews with Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    16. ==> Compulsive Habits – What’s Yours?

    Whether you admit it or not, Michael McGee, M.D., says
    you probably have an addiction or compulsive habit that
    controls your behavior and your choices. One out of
    three people is overtly addicted to something – like
    alcohol or drugs. But did you know that virtually two
    out of three people are covertly addicted to something
    – and they may not even realize it? Subtle behaviors
    like gossiping, judging others, people pleasing,
    shopping and working can all be compulsive. Interview
    Dr. McGee about the science of habit and his “Good now,
    Bad later” philosophy to help your audience figure out
    their own compulsive habits and what to do about them!
    Dr. Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard
    Medical Schools. The author of “The Joy of Recovery:
    The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction” has
    helped hundreds of patients beat addiction. Contact him
    at (978) 971-9703;

    17. ==> This Guest Helps Make Sense of the World’s Craziness

    Many of us are on edge waiting for the next shoe to
    drop as the world continues to make less sense and seem
    so random. But could it be that human behavior’s
    apparent new low could be just what we need to reach a
    new high? Sankarshan Das believes this is so. This Hare
    Krishna guru will tell your audience that the time is
    right for abandoning the erroneous principles that lead
    us to believe we exist only to feed our bellies and our
    material and sexual selves. He’ll talk about the real
    purpose of our lives, how to live anxiety-free and the
    role karma plays in such tragic events as mass
    shootings. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice a
    year singing and speaking in promotion of global peace
    and spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the
    upcoming book “A Hippie Becomes a Happy.” Contact him
    at (512) 835-8400;

    18. ==> Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy

    News alert! Children are not small adults. They don’t
    think or act like adults. They’re not supposed to. So,
    as parents, don’t drive yourself bonkers trying to make
    that happen. Rather, as parents responsible for guiding
    youth towards becoming adults, let’s first help them
    become happy, responsible, and emotionally healthy
    children (especially as the new school year begins). So
    says Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents” and four
    other books on human development. Interview Paul to
    discover practical and essential strategies for
    managing the challenges of the parenting journey. He’ll
    help countless appreciative moms and dads understand
    what’s going on inside themselves to better develop the
    potential within their children. Invite call-in
    questions and parenting insights/concerns to explore.
    Contact Paul Bernabei at 651-362-9128;

    19. ==> Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What YOU’LL Want to Know

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia.
    Interview meditation expert, author and speaker John
    Sambalino. He’ll debunk myths about meditation and help
    countless people, in your audience and studio/office,
    improve their lives. Your guest will even discuss how
    meditation helps prison inmates become more
    rehabilitated, and ideally avoid future crimes. “Is God
    in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is John
    Sambalino’s latest book. Contact him at (856) 245-5062;

    20. ==> Are You Tech Challenged? Host an ‘Appy Hour!’

    Technology has changed so rapidly and infiltrated so
    much of our daily lives that many people feel
    overwhelmed and confused by it all, especially older
    folks. So acclaimed product design expert Lorraine
    Justice suggests hosting an “appy hour” party, during
    which people can teach each other how to use tech
    products and services. “A lot of people are intimidated
    by technology, and technology has caused people to
    become more alienated,” she says. “Friends and family
    members can bring their phones to these gatherings and
    share their knowledge. It also brings younger and older
    people together.” Lorraine will share tips for hosting
    gatherings, and reveal fascinating new tech products
    coming onto the market in the future. A TED presenter
    and international keynote speaker, she’s the author of
    “The Future of Design, Global Product Innovation in a
    Complex World.” Contact Lorraine at; (585) 206-8823.

  • 10/15/19 RTIR Newsletter: North vs South, Road Trippin, Sugar Overload

    October 15, 2019

    01. Explainer: Who’s Who in Northern Syria?
    02. American Eyewitness: Afghanistan During Soviet Occupation
    03. WOW Women of Wrestling
    04. Best Haunted Attractions in US
    05. Answers to Your Most Terrifying Ghost Questions
    06. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    07. 9 Ways to Decrease Halloween’s Sugar Load
    08. Where Our Most Common Superstitions Come from
    09. Mark the 7th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy
    10. Last Minute Road Trip: Go Ahead, Be a Peeper!
    11. Secret Money Hiding in Your Insurance Policy
    12. Why Do Our Best Students Feel Stupid?
    13. Bye-Bye Birdies
    14. It’s Northerners vs Southerners!
    15. Is Food One of Our Best Weapons Against Cancer?
    16. How to Start a ‘Gentleman’s Club’ for Dad-less Boys
    17. How to Parent without Punishment
    18. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    19. How the World Gets Better When You Love Yourself
    20. Hey Boys, We Buzz. Get Over it

    1.==> Explainer: Who’s Who in Northern Syria?

    With Turkey’s latest military offensive, we need a
    rundown of the different actors and interests in the
    region. Invite Lindsay Maizland to help break it down
    for your listeners—from Kurdish, Turkish and US forces
    to Syrian rebels and the Syrian government, the Islamic
    State, and civilians. Lindsay Maizland writes about
    Asia for Before joining CFR, she covered
    breaking news for TEGNA’s central digital team and
    reported on world news for Vox. She holds a BA in
    international relations and journalism from American
    University. Contact her at @LindsayMaizland or (212)

    2. ==> American Eyewitness: Life in Afghanistan During
    Soviet Occupation

    For most Americans, Afghanistan is a mysterious country
    that surfaces in the news as the U.S. military talks
    about removing its troops or the Trump administration
    negotiates with the Taliban. Bring Cat Parenti on your
    show to discuss her experiences in the country, where
    she lived on and off for 20-years. Parenti survived the
    political twists and turns of Afghan history from King
    Zahir Shah through the rise of the Taliban and started
    a successful business selling antique clothing and
    jewelry to U.S. museums and museum shops. She’ll
    discuss what it was like to be a woman traveling alone
    through the war-torn country, the rise of resistance
    fighters after the Soviet invasion—including female
    fighters—and her work in the resistance movement, and
    how the Taliban came to power. Cat Parenti has shared
    her first-hand knowledge of Afghanistan in numerous
    media interviews, in presentations on Afghanistan at
    the U.N., and in several books including “Afghanistan:
    A Memoir from Brooklyn to Kabul.” Contact Cat Parenti
    at (520) 508-0211;

    3. ==> WOW Women of Wrestling

    Do your listeners love women’s wrestling? From the
    outrageous names to the carefully curated back stories,
    these ladies are quite the characters—in and out of the
    ring. This Saturday, Psycho Sister Fury, accompanied by
    Razor and Mezmeriah, will go up against Princess
    Aussie, Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead on WOW Women
    of Wrestling. Invite WOW creators Jeanie Buss and David
    McLane on your show along with wrestling star Razor and
    get a sneak peek at what’s coming up this Saturday and
    the rest of the season. WOW is the leading women’s
    professional wrestling organization. The show airs
    Saturday nights on AXS TV. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    4. ==> Best Haunted Attractions in US

    Scary places may have gotten their start in ancient
    times to keep people from unsettling the dead in the
    pyramids, but today the United States has become the
    epicenter of scaring entertainment since the launch of
    commercial haunted attractions in the 1970s. Amber
    Arnett-Bequeaith of Haunted Attractions cut her teeth
    at her family’s haunted house that started in 1975.
    Today she reigns over an entire district of haunted
    houses, including the Beast, and entertainment in
    Kansas City, as the Queen of Haunts. Invite her to talk
    about the popularity of haunted attractions and how the
    business has expanded to include escape rooms, mazes,
    ghost tours and more. Hear about the best creepy venues
    in your area and across the country, where they take
    fright to a whole new level. America Haunts is a group
    of some of the most the most successful and well known
    Halloween Haunted Houses in the World. Contact Amber
    Arnett-Bequeaith at (816) 842-4280;

    5. ==> Answers to Your Most Terrifying Ghost Questions

    Dr. Susan Shumsky is a ghostbuster and perfect
    Halloween guest who can tell you everything you ever
    wanted to know about ghosts—but were too terrified to
    ask. For example, what really happens to souls after
    death? Is it possible to communicate with the dead? How
    so? Why are some homes, cars, offices and other places
    haunted? What are the 11 types of people most
    susceptible to possession? What are the 15 reasons why
    people become ghosts? Dr. Shumsky is no fly-by-night
    author. She has 14 books in print and has been
    published by Simon & Schuster. Open your phone lines
    for listeners with haunted houses and Dr. Shumsky will
    send the ghosts packing! Reach her at 917-336-7184;

    6. ==> Great Halloween Show: Revelations of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
    death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
    home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
    learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in
    the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter,”
    which has received glowing reviews from a number of
    prominent authors and spiritual leaders including
    Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    7. ==> 9 Ways to Decrease Halloween’s Sugar Load

    More people are starting to look for alternatives to
    traditional Halloween candy, especially those who are
    more aware of ingredients and concerned about what
    children eat. To make it easier to “scare up” a list of
    treats kids will adore, Nathalie Beauchamp, D.C.,
    IFMCP, a doctor of chiropractic and certified
    functional medicine practitioner with the Institute of
    Functional Medicine, has nine fresh ideas to share. For
    example, she’ll tell you why maple-syrup candies are a
    healthful alternative as are Mini Cocoa Camino dark
    chocolates. Dr. Beauchamp will also explore affordable
    non-candy gifts most kids will enjoy. She has appeared
    on numerous radio and TV programs and writes about
    health and wellness for a variety of publications. She
    has her own YouTube channel and is the founder of the
    weekly “What the Hack?!” podcast. Dr. Beauchamp’s
    latest book is “Hack Your Health Habits: Simple Action-
    Driven, Natural Health Solutions for People On the Go!”
    Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    8. ==> Where Our Most Common Superstitions Come from

    Have you ever wondered why some hotels don’t have a
    13th floor or why black cats are considered bad luck?
    Or why we say “God bless you” when someone sneezes? And
    how a broken mirror came to symbolize seven years of
    bad times ahead? Or thought twice about opening an
    umbrella in the house? All of these things are
    superstitions, and they are powerful merely because we
    believe them. Interview Wade Meadows who will share
    some theories on why these superstitions have taken
    root in popular culture and ways lives are sometimes
    ruined because of them. Wade had the misfortune of
    being born on a Friday the 13th to a mother who had
    triskaidekaphobia, the name given to people who fear
    the number 13. He spent many years being told that he
    was cursed at birth but has managed to overcome that
    false belief. He is the author of “Letters from the
    Ashes” and “Ashes Forged into Manhood.” Contact him at
    (225) 224-8697;

    9. ==> Mark the 7th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy

    One of the worst storms in recent memory, Hurricane
    Sandy made landfall on Oct. 29, causing loss of power
    to two million households, the destruction of more than
    350,000 homes, the death of 37 people and $30 billion
    in economic losses in New Jersey alone. Seven years
    have passed but for many, the storm’s losses remain
    raw. Melissa Lanza lost her home in Staten Island
    during the storm but can talk about how she ultimately
    emerged from the shock of Sandy’s devastation and from
    having her faith tested as well as how we can all come
    back from our own adverse events or Hurricane Sandys.
    Melissa is a Nationally Board Certified Family Nurse
    Practitioner with a family medical practice in Staten
    Island. She is the author of “Experience God’s
    Presence.” Contact her at (718) 980-6103;

    10. ==> Last Minute Road Trip: Go Ahead, Be a Peeper!

    Hurry up!! The leaves are popping right now across much
    of the nation and it’s the perfect time for a road trip
    to take in nature’s beauty. Jenni Raney Edwards, author
    of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to Back
    Roads in an RV,” will share the most glorious fall
    foliage drives across the country and explain why
    autumn is one of the best times for a road trip. A
    successful businesswoman and entrepreneur, Jenni fell
    in love with the open road while on a cross-country
    drive in her SUV. She sold everything and hit the
    highway to see the country full-time. She’ll share the
    best places to stay and see in an RV and reveal the
    biggest challenges — and misconceptions — about
    RVing. Jenni is also the founder of Norsk Tiny Houses
    and designed and built the first LEED Certified Tiny
    House on Wheels in the world. Contact her at (904)

    11. ==> Secret Money Hiding in Your Insurance Policy

    Many people today live paycheck to paycheck, in fear
    that an accident or life-threatening illness could wipe
    out whatever savings they have and create a financial
    crisis they’re unable to overcome. Invite David
    Kottler, aka the Insurance Doctor, to explain a little-
    known secret that could turn an unneeded life insurance
    policy into some much-needed cash! Listeners will learn
    how to auction off a policy and get up to 75% of their
    death benefits to pay medical bills, get out of debt,
    or give to a non-profit or charity! David Kottler
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money
    Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details everything
    your audience needs to know about how to get an
    insurance policy working for them! Contact David
    Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    12. ==> Why Do Our Best Students Feel Stupid?

    Students feel dumb when they cram for a test on
    Thursday, get an A on Friday and forget it all by
    Monday. Students feel smart when they remember and even
    smarter when they use new, remembered knowledge to
    solve problems in unique ways. Smart schools have
    processes in place that make the “Cram Plan”
    impossible. “Who has the most control over education?
    The answer might surprise you… but almost everyone I
    talk to agrees with my answer!” says Lee Jenkins,
    educator, administrator and author. According to Lee,
    it’s easier than you think to solve the educational
    dilemma in this country… by getting rid of cramming,
    once and for all! Lee shows your audience how! Lee
    Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a Perfect
    School,” foreword by Jack Canfield. He’s been an
    educator and administrator in public schools and
    universities. Contact Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    13. ==> Bye-Bye Birdies

    According to a new report by the Audubon Society, two-
    thirds of North American birds could face extinction if
    climate change is not addressed. Birds, it seems, are
    early indicators of worsening environmental problems
    and play important roles in insect control, plant
    pollination and seed disbursement. Able to discuss this
    breaking topic is Lynn Matsuoka, the author, and
    illustrator of “Saving Our Seabirds.” Lynn can talk
    about the thousands of species threatened by climate
    change and share fascinating facts about such birds as
    puffins, blue-footed boobies, and black-footed
    albatrosses. Lynn can also share ways ordinary people
    can help save the birds. She is donating part of the
    sales for her adult coloring book to the Audubon
    Society’s Project Puffin. Lynn is well-known
    internationally for her drawings & paintings of Japan’s
    Sumo wrestlers and her worldwide TV color commentary of
    the sport. Contact her at (808) 479-5966;

    14. ==> It’s Northerners vs Southerners!

    Even today, the big hair, big booted, Velveeta-eating
    Southerners seem a world apart from the athleisure-
    wearing, acai-bowl eating, self-actualization obsessed
    Northerners. Suzanne Wexler, author of the upcoming
    humorous memoir “Southern Grits for Northern Girls,”
    will unite the country in laughter as she explains the
    seven habits Southerners can teach Northerners. Suzanne
    has lived in the North her whole life but visited her
    Southern relatives from her maternal side often. She
    knows what they get right—even if it took her years to
    see! She says: “If there’s one thing North Americans
    can use right now it’s a good laugh and a finer
    appreciation of each other.” Suzanne is published in
    the Huffington Post, National Post, and her
    work has been syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been
    quoted in and Reader’s Digest
    magazine and provides commentary on TV and radio
    throughout the U.S. and Canada. Contact her at (514)

    15. ==> Is Food One of Our Best Weapons Against Cancer?

    We don’t typically think of food as medicine, but
    according to physician Ed Dodge, food is enormously
    important as one of our best available weapons against
    cancer as well as other chronic diseases such as type 2
    diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Invite Dr. Dodge
    to tell your audience why certain nutrient-rich,
    cancer-fighting foods are so underutilized and how to
    start easily working them into your diet. His latest
    book is “Family: A Family Doc’s Memoir of Life in
    Africa and the US.” Ask him: Which foods are the best
    cancer-fighting weapons? What evidence is there that
    these foods are effective? Are there foods that should
    be avoided because they help cancer grow? Contact Ed
    Dodge at (484) 259-9887 (TX);

    16. ==> How to Start a ‘Gentleman’s Club’ for Dad-less

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow
    up without dads face. “A lot of boys don’t know how to
    become men due to that lack of role models. We need
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    keep boys out of trouble.” The program the Gentleman’s
    Club launched by South Carolina elementary school
    teacher Raymond Nelson is one great example. Such
    programs help to install boys with confidence, self-
    respect and respect for others. Pastor Eric can share
    how to mentor young fatherless boys to help them to
    become great men. He is the second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    and the author of the upcoming book “Are You Ready for
    Marriage?” Contact Eric at;
    (214) 225-0769.

    17. ==> How to Parent without Punishment

    Parenting is one of the most important jobs anyone will
    ever have. But is it possible to raise a child to be a
    productive, independent adult without ever having to
    spank or take away that child’s privileges? Absolutely,
    says media veteran and child-rearing expert Emily
    Slingluff, who wrote the book on the topic, “Parenting
    without Punishment.” Emily will explain why there is
    never a reason to punish children. Good parent-child
    communication works so much better. Moreover, punishing
    children teaches them mean and uncomfortable behavior.
    It is even possible that it will lead to insecurity,
    confusion, depression, and unhappiness with life. She
    studied psychology and has a degree in government and
    economics from Sweet Briar College and was an assistant
    editor at The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757)

    18. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. False social media propaganda. Government
    officials and leaders who lie, lie, lie. No wonder
    modern people feel so anxious, angry and disconnected
    from reality. Author Kim Chestney has the simple yet
    powerful solution: Intuition! “Intuition is the most
    important, yet least understood faculty of human
    consciousness.” Kim says. “Getting your ego out of the
    way and developing your inner voice is a great bull***t
    detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth
    in all aspects of your life.” Virtually every
    successful person including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos,
    Oprah Winfrey and more also possesses this trait. Kim
    is an international best-selling author and intuition
    expert who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in
    Pittsburgh, Pa. and the global online Intuition school,
    IntuitionLab. Contact Kim at;

    19. ==> How the World Gets Better When You Love

    Whether it’s the man in the White House or customers in
    line at the grocery story, treating people with respect
    and kindness appears to have gone the way of the rotary
    phone, eight-track tapes and cursive handwriting.
    What’s fueling this rise in rude, boorish behavior?
    Joffre McClung believes it’s something very basic but
    profound. “Self-love, or the lack of self- love,
    determines not only how we see ourselves but how we
    experience the world around us. It’s the prism through
    which we see and define all things,” explains Joffre.
    Listeners will hear how a lack of self-love manifests
    and impacts our lives and learn simple ways to
    encourage self-appreciation and gratitude. Joffre
    McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV
    programs. She’s a former media producer, independent
    filmmaker, and the author of “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact Joffre McClung at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    20. ==> Hey Boys, We Buzz. Get Over it

    Katherine Webster believes whether you have a regular
    partner or not, there are benefits to having a ‘secret’
    sex life that’s yours alone… wink, wink. Buzz, buzz.
    But why does it make guys so jittery? “Maybe buzzing is
    the last feminist tool in the arsenal. Something at
    once bewilders and threatens the average Joe,” says
    Katherine. “But sometimes a woman needs to take matters
    into her own hands, in and out of bed.” Hear what men
    get wrong about women and sex toys, the benefits of
    buzzing, and why women need to get out of their comfort
    zones. Katherine is a designer and the author “Becoming
    Madam Widow,” about creating a new life after the
    sudden death of her husband and business partner.
    Contact Katherine Webster at;
    (416) 921-2084.

  • 10/10/19 RTIR Newsletter: NBA and China, Medical Spending, Burning Rainforest

    October 10, 2019

    01. US is Escalating Chaos and Helping ISIS
    02. The NBA Should Call China’s Bluff
    03. Taxes On Rich Have Plummeted
    04. Study Finds Huge Waste in Medical Spending: It’s Way Worse
    05. RV Road Trip: Spectacular Fall Foliage Drives
    06. Why Are We Turned On by Terror?
    07. Halloween Can be a Nightmare for Pets
    08. Vampires are Real and You May Know One!
    09. Immigrants’ Day 10/28 – The American Dream through an Immigrant’s Eyes
    10. How the Sexual Revolution Led to Identity Politics
    11. Just in Time for 2020 Political Paranoia: Conversation Crisis
    12. How the Burning Rainforest is Killing the Entire Planet
    13. Why America Needs a Robust African Foreign Policy
    14. It’s Not Just Billionaires – The Hidden World of Sex Trafficking
    15. Is Your Smart Home Spying on You?
    16. Why People Tune You Out (and What to Do About It)
    17. Flu Season’s Here – Simple Immune System Boosters
    18. Time for a Fall Friendship Cleanse
    19. Whatever Happened to the Hare Krishnas?
    20. Bass Player’s Tips Transform Toxic Office Culture

    1.==> US is Escalating Chaos and Helping ISIS

    There are reports that Turkey’s military operation in
    Syria has begun, just days after Donald Trump’s
    suddenly removed US troops from the country. Director
    of the American Kurdish Information Network Kani Xulam
    says, “One word describes President Trump’s decision to
    withdraw from Syria. Perhaps he loves and thrives on
    chaos, which will be its upshot. [Turkish leader Recep]
    Erdogan, alas, watched Islamic State grow into a threat
    to the Middle East and the world. Kurds and their Arab
    allies waged an existential war to rid the world of
    this menace. Instead of thanking the Kurds and their
    allies, we are now going to witness their slaughter in
    the hands of the Turkish army. It is a disaster in the
    making with ramifications for the world.” A native of
    Kurdistan, Kani Xulam is a commentator on the history
    and politics of Kurdistan, and advocates for the right
    of the Kurdish people to self-determination. Contact
    him at @akininfo

    2. ==> The NBA Should Call China’s Bluff

    What Beijing wants in its standoff with the NBA is the
    one concession the league has been unwilling to make:
    an apology. Adam Minter says the NBA should stand its
    ground. While sponsors have left over the controversy,
    Minter says hundreds of millions of Chinese watched the
    league’s games last year and they’re not going to
    abandon it. “If the government cuts off access to games
    via official channels, China’s rabid hoops fans won’t
    suddenly shift to the CBA. Instead, they’d use common
    technical workarounds to evade the block and continue
    watching – likely in resentful defiance. The good news
    for the NBA, and its millions of Chinese fans, is that
    the government understands this risk, and is unlikely
    to take it. The NBA may feel like it has the weak hand
    in this matchup. But if this game drags on, the
    advantage will belong to the player with the crowd
    behind it.” Adam Minter is a Bloomberg Opinion writer
    and the author of “Junkyard Planet: Travels in the
    Billion-Dollar Trash Trade” and the upcoming
    “Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale.”
    Contact him at; @AdamMinter or
    Sara Mercurio at (310) 822-4536;

    3. ==> Taxes On Rich Have Plummeted

    In a soon-to-be released book and reported in the New
    York Times this week, economists Emmanuel Saez and
    Gabriel Zucman highlight the glaring inequality of
    America’s tax system showing, among other things, that
    last year the 400 richest Americans paid a lower total
    tax rate — spanning federal, state and local taxes —
    than any other income group. Economist John Miller
    isn’t surprised. “In 1950 the wealthiest 400 families
    paid out 70 percent of their income in taxes, 47
    percent in 1980, and just 23 percent in 2018,” he says.
    “Nor have the cuts produced their promised effect of
    spurring economic growth. “Economic growth rates slowed
    from a rate of 4 percent a year during the 1960s, to 3
    percent a year during the 1980s, and then stagnated
    after the 1990s. Since 2000 the economy has grown more
    slowly than during any of the five decades from 1950 to
    2000, inequality has soared, and the economy has done
    less and less to improve the lot of most people.” John
    Miller is professor of economics at Wheaton College in
    Norton, Mass. He is a longtime contributor to Dollars &
    Sense magazine, and co-author with Arthur MacEwan of
    “Economic Change, Economic Collapse.” Contact him at, @dollars_sense

    4.==> Study Finds Huge Waste in Medical Spending: It’s Way Worse

    An eye-opening new JAMA report finds that a quarter of
    total U.S. health care spending — between $760 and $935
    billion every year — is waste. The study, led by
    William Shrank, Humana’s chief medical officer, found
    system-wide bloat, but Deane Waldman, MD, MBA, says the
    actual waste is closer to 50 percent. “In 2018, the
    U.S. spent $3.6 trillion just on healthcare, nearly the
    same amount as the entire GDP of Germany. And nearly
    half of that went NOT to doctors to pay for care, but
    to administrators to manage the miles of red tape
    involving government regulations!” Invite Dr. Deane on
    your show and learn why Washington can’t – and won’t –
    fix the healthcare problem, why your doctor is often
    forced to give you the wrong medicine, and how we can
    get the government out of the doctor’ chair. Dr. Deane
    was a practicing pediatric cardiologist for thirty-
    seven years and chief of pediatric cardiology at three
    major medical institutions. He’s currently a
    distinguished senior fellow in healthcare policy at
    Texas Public Policy Foundation. “Curing the Cancer in
    U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine”
    is his latest book. Contact Dr. Deane Waldman at (505)
    255-2999; (505) 269-2776 or

    5. ==> RV Road Trip: Spectacular Fall Foliage Drives

    It’s prime leaf peeping season across the nation and
    the perfect time for a road trip to take in nature’s
    fall spectacle of colors. Jenni Raney Edwards, author
    of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to Back
    Roads in an RV,” can share the most glorious fall
    foliage drives across the country right now, and
    explain why autumn is one of the best times for a road
    trip. Jenni fell in love with the open road while on a
    cross-country drive in her SUV. She came home, sold
    everything and traded her successful career for a life
    on the road exploring the country full-time. Hear the
    best places to stay and see in an RV and the biggest
    challenges — and misconceptions — about RVing. A
    successful business professional and entrepreneur,
    Jenni Raney Edwards is the founder of Norsk Tiny
    Houses. She designed and built the first LEED Certified
    Tiny House on Wheels. Contact her at (904) 234-2891;

    6. ==> Why Are We Turned On by Terror?

    Whether it’s a horror movie or a haunted house, there
    are a lot of people who love being scared out of their
    wits. What’s up with that? Is it normal? And what about
    kids? How much is too much for a child? Myke Merrill,
    D.Min., author of “Why Do People Act that Way? (And
    What Can I Do About It?),” will explain why we get a
    thrill from being spooked, whether it’s emotionally
    healthy or not, and what parents should consider before
    taking their kids to a scary movie or haunted
    attraction. The author of 22 books and training
    manuals, Dr. Myke was a panelist on the national
    television show Ask the Pastor for 18 years. He has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. Contact Dr. Myke Merrill at (585)

    7. ==> Halloween Can be a Nightmare for Pets

    As children get ready for the hustle and bustle of
    trick or treating, we need to remember our furry
    friends. Halloween can be a frighteningly dangerous
    time for pets! Intuitive expert and animal communicator
    Nora Truscello taps into animal energies and shows us
    how to make Halloween all treats without the tricks for
    our four legged friends. Invite Nora to share her
    insights in what your furriest friends want and don’t
    want on this spookiest of seasons. A spiritual
    navigator for more than 30 years, Nora Truscello is an
    author and speaker on a wide range of spiritual topics.
    Contact Nora at (302) 803-2307;

    8. ==> Vampires are Real and You May Know One!

    You can always recognize a vampire in TV shows, movies,
    and novels, but a vampire is much harder to identify in
    real life. Speaker and author Tom Schneider warns,
    “Real-life vampires don’t have fangs or sleep in
    coffins, but they can suck the life out of you!” Take
    Tom and Lindy Schneider’s quiz and discover if you have
    a real vampire or other destructive relationship in
    your life AND what to do about it if you do!
    Professional college advisors for more than 15 years,
    the Schneiders have been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC,
    FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. They are the authors of
    “College Secrets of Highly Successful People.” Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    9. ==> Immigrants’ Day 10/28 – The American Dream through an Immigrant’s Eyes

    Imagine at 22 leaving your family and friends and
    moving to another country with a language you don’t
    speak fluently with only a duffel bag and an open heart
    to start a new life with your soon-to-be-spouse. That’s
    what Rosie J. Pova did when she came to the US from
    Bulgaria. When all her papers got stolen in Las Vegas,
    she found herself illegal and stuck. Fast forward a few
    years, after the birth of her first child, she
    rekindled her love for children’s books and started
    chasing a crazy dream of becoming a children’s author.
    It took 13 years to get three book contracts from a
    publisher. Now she inspires both kids and adults to
    dream big and persist. Her latest book, Sunday Rain,
    will be released in summer 2020. Pova has been featured
    on TV, radio, and in print. Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

    10. ==> How the Sexual Revolution Led to Identity Politics

    We live in a very polarized time where people have
    divided themselves into ideological tribes. And while
    many speculate on how this has occurred, Mary Eberstadt
    believes the rise of identity politics is a direct
    result of the collapse of the family. In her new book,
    “Primal Screams: How the Sexual Revolution Created
    Identity Politics,” Eberstadt claims that with the
    decline of the family, generations of people have been
    set adrift and lack a firm sense of who they are. To
    fill the void, according to the author, they shape
    their identity according to their membership in a
    politicized group. She says their constant fury is a
    primal scream for the familial root system of which
    they have been deprived. Eberstadt is an essayist,
    novelist, and the author of several books. She is also
    senior research fellow at the Faith & Reason Institute.
    Contact her at (202) 289-8775;

    11. ==> Just in Time for 2020 Political Paranoia: Conversation Crisis

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have to
    look as far as political debates and late-night pundits
    to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan to find
    out what your audience needs to know now to create
    meaningful conversations (start by being curious and
    interested instead of being interesting!) and what to
    avoid at all costs (don’t commit “assumicide!”) Ivan
    Obolensky is an author and a true Renaissance man in
    his own right. He is the author of “Eye of the Moon.”
    Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    12. ==> How the Burning Rainforest is Killing the Entire Planet

    As the world watches in horror, Brazil’s Amazon
    Rainforest continues to burn at an unprecedented rate,
    and the situation is a lot graver than most people
    realize. “The Amazon is the planet’s lungs, producing
    20 percent of the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere,”
    says environmental engineer and author Yasmin Davar.
    “The fires have immediate impacts on the destruction of
    habitat for animals, indigenous people’s homes and the
    amount of greenhouse gases produced, which contributes
    to a global temperature rise. This in turn leads to
    extreme weather events like droughts. Brazilian
    president Jair Bolsonaro, whose policies have led to
    this disaster, is operating under the outdated beliefs
    that the earth is separate to us and exists for us to
    destroy as we please, and that the only way to thrive
    economically is to exploit the environment.” Yasmin
    holds a Master of International Studies in Peace and
    Conflict Resolution and is the author of “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact Yasmin at

    13. ==> Why America Needs a Robust African Foreign Policy

    Americans have sent millions of dollars to help people
    in Africa over the decades, yet the conditions faced by
    many there aren’t improving. According to UNICEF, by
    2050, Africa will be home to 35% of all adolescents in
    the world. A poorly educated, disenfranchised young
    population is a perfect recruiting ground for those who
    perpetrate evil in our world. Most of the nations of
    Sub-Saharan Africa have very poor, or at best, subpar
    healthcare systems. Eventually, this situation poses a
    serious threat to all mankind. Is foreign aid really
    the solution? Invite author, speaker, and neurosurgeon
    Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni, to reveal some surprising plausible
    solutions. As the president of Pan Africa Children
    Advocacy Watch, Inc., he envisions the path forward for
    these nations. His new book “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Contact Sylvanus Ayeni at
    (301) 812-4579 (MD);

    14. ==> It’s Not Just Billionaires – The Hidden World of Sex Trafficking

    Billionaire Jeffrey will never stand trial for the
    heinous crimes he’s accused of, but the case did shine
    a light on the prevalence of human trafficking and how
    it often goes undetected and unpunished according to
    Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend and founder of the
    human trafficking awareness group Let My People Go. He
    says the situation is complicated, and insidious.
    “Human trafficking is far more prevalent than the
    general public realizes, and it can affect virtually
    any community.” Raleigh says awareness is part of the
    problem, along with inaccurate information. “Currently,
    most who are trafficked come through legal points of
    entry,” he reveals. “As we focus on those illegally
    crossing the border, we miss the reality that many who
    are undocumented and already in the U.S. are potential
    targets of would-be traffickers.” Raleigh Sadler is the
    author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at; (917) 341-6758.

    15. ==> Is Your Smart Home Spying on You?

    Did you know your C-Pap is transmitting your sleep data
    to insurance companies? Did you know the new toilet
    seats coming on the market can take your blood
    pressure? Where does your data go? Who wants this data?
    Join product design expert Lorraine Justice, professor
    at Rochester Institute of Technology, for a discussion
    on the hidden costs of the technology we love, and the
    next new products that may be coming into your future.
    Plan now for your future with technology by getting
    current information on new products and services.
    Lorraine is a TED presenter and international keynote
    speaker. She is the author of “The Future of Design,
    Global Product Innovation in a Complex World.” Contact
    Lorraine at; (585) 206-8823.

    16. ==> Why People Tune You Out (and What to Do About It)

    When you talk, do others really pay attention?
    Probably not, warns communication expert Paul Hellman.
    Whether you’re presenting to a large audience, meeting
    one-on-one, talking on the phone, or even sending an
    email, people’s attention spans have almost vanished.
    So you’ve got to engage others fast, before they tune
    you out … maybe forever. Hellman will reveal specific
    tactics to get heard in a noisy world, with deft
    examples from the news and from clients he has worked
    with. Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared in the
    New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on
    public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual.
    He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World” (AMACOM).
    Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    17. ==> Flu Season’s Here – Simple Immune System Boosters

    As the weather gets colder and people spend more time
    indoors the likelihood of getting sick with a cold or
    the flu rises. Fortunately, there are steps you can
    take to boost your immune system. Nathalie Beauchamp,
    D.C., IFMCP, has identified seven simple tips that can
    make a difference in the health of entire families. The
    most important one; cutting down on sugar. “Sugar can
    depress the immune system by reducing the ability of
    white blood cells to kill germs by up to 40%, from
    anywhere between 30 minutes to five hours after
    ingestion,” she says, adding that drinking alcohol has
    a similar effect on immunity. Dr. Nathalie, an Ottawa-
    based doctor of chiropractic and certified functional
    medicine practitioner with the Institute of Functional
    Medicine, has owned the Santé Chiropractic and Wellness
    Centre, in Ottawa, for 23 years. She is also a public
    speaker and a TV and radio personality. Her latest book
    is “Hack Your Health Habits: Simple Action-Driven,
    Natural Health Solutions for People On the Go!” Contact
    her at (613) 852-1770;

    18. ==> Time for a Fall Friendship Cleanse

    We all have them – friends (or family) who do nothing
    but criticize, complain about anything and everything,
    and make us feel small and undeserving. Well, it’s time
    to call them out on their negativity, start a dialog
    and if that doesn’t work, take a break or walk away
    from that relationship. Annie Evans believes that if
    you don’t deal with them, there’s a really good chance
    you’ll turn out just like them. Evans personally knows
    how negativity breeds negativity. Combined with some
    serious life challenges, she went on her own downward
    spiral. Being raised by a severely mentally-ill mom and
    losing two life partners is just the tip of the
    iceberg. Evans will share her startling story, and help
    listeners learn real strategies to change their
    mindsets, interactions and take charge of their
    attitudes. Contact her at or
    (310) 621-0456.

    19. ==> Whatever Happened to the Hare Krishnas?

    If you are a certain age, you may recall the incense-
    wafting, tambourine-shaking, donation-seeking, shaven-
    headed Hare Krishna followers who used to congregate at
    airports and other high-traffic spots. If you do, you
    may be surprised to find out what they have been up to
    these many decades later; for example, did you know
    that Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is
    a Hare Krishna? Whether his appearance on your program
    is a blast from your past or something entirely new,
    Sankarshan Das can offer a primer about who the Hare
    Krishnas are today, what they believe, and insights
    into what it has been like to live a monastic life and
    be a leader in the movement. Sankarshan Das is also a
    musician and his mission is promoting peace and
    kindness. He’s the author of the upcoming book “A
    Hippie Becomes a Happy.” Contact him at (512) 835-8400;

    20. ==> Bass Player’s Tips Transform Toxic Office Culture

    Think music and business have little in common?
    Professional musician, culture change expert and
    certified portfolio management professional Gerald
    Leonard may change your mind. Invite him on your show
    to share the similarities between the two as he
    identifies seven key principles for achieving the
    balance, harmony and unified vision many companies
    lack. He’ll reveal the most common mistakes companies
    make with their culture and explain how to make any
    organization perform like a world-class orchestra and
    receive a standing ovation from employees AND
    customers. Gerald Leonard is president and CEO of
    Principles of Execution, a Washington, D.C.-based
    Certified Minority Business Enterprise and strategic
    project portfolio management and IT governance
    consulting practice. He is the author of “Culture is
    the Bass: 7 Steps to Creating High Performing Teams.”
    Contact him at (443) 622-4740;

  • 10/8/19 RTIR Newsletter: Ending Domestic Violence, Spooky Spirits, Christmas Music

    October 7, 2019

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito,
    Editors, Radio-TV Interview Report Newsletter

    [fname] — Ending Domestic Violence, Spooky Spirits,
    Christmas Music

    01. Tick, Tock: The Middle East Powder Keg
    02. What’s Happened to Rudy Giuliani? Nothing!
    03. Why Bernie’s Heart Attack Matters
    04. Controversial Documentary: The Trayvon Martin Hoax
    05. Business is BOOming: Best Haunted Houses in America
    06. Spooky Spirits: Ghoulishly Good Halloween Cocktails
    07. Obama-Era Loophole Shutting U.S. Students Out of Jobs
    08. Do You Hate Your Job? (or just the people you work with?)
    09. Bass Player’s Tips Transform Toxic Office Culture
    10. How to Parent without Punishment
    11. ‘Go Purple’ in October to End Domestic Violence
    12. Do Certain Foods Feed Cancer?
    13. The Antidote to Negativity and Anger: Self-Hypnosis
    14. It’s Northerners vs. Southerners!
    15. How Medical Bullying Could Affect Your Health Care
    16. Hey Boys, We Buzz. Get Over it
    17. Boomer Lifestyle Expert: Live Happier with Less
    18. Over 50? Dream Bigger, Be Bolder
    19. What’s Your Compulsive Habit?
    20. Too Early for Christmas Music? No Way!

    1.==> Tick, Tock: The Middle East Powder Keg

    Former White House Middle East Coordinator Robert
    Malley says that conditions for an all-out war in the
    Middle East are riper than at any time in recent memory
    and he’s urging U.S. policymakers to ask the right
    questions before it’s too late. “The debate about the
    extent to which the United States should distance
    itself from the region and reduce its military
    footprint is important but somewhat beside the point,”
    he says. “The more consequential question, therefore,
    is what kind of Middle East the United States will
    remain engaged in or disengaged from.” Mallet adds,
    “Recently, some Gulf states—the UAE chief among
    them—have taken tentative steps to reach out to Iran in
    an effort to reduce tensions. They saw the growing
    risks of the regional crisis spinning out of control
    and recognized its potential costs. Washington should,
    too, before it is too late.” Robert Malley is president
    and CEO of the International Crisis Group. Contact him
    at or call +32 (0) 2 536 00 70.

    2. ==> What’s Happened to Rudy Giuliani? Nothing!

    Joe Biden’s presidential campaign recently asked TV
    networks to stop booking Rudy Giuliani as a guest. John
    Philp, a journalist and filmmaker. who co-wrote and
    directed the 2003 documentary Rudyland, says Giuliani
    is a hot ticket these days for his wild-eyed antics,
    but to those asking what’s happened to him, he says,
    “Nothing! The Rudy we see today, with his show-stopping
    mix of conviction and incoherence, is the same Rudy
    we’ve always had. The only thing new is his
    predicament.” Philp continues, “Giuliani’s antics,
    while striking most decent people as utterly insane,
    will feel sadly familiar to anybody who’s watched his
    career closely. Giuliani, an opera buff, has made his
    time on the public stage an endless aria of political
    pettiness, braying self-aggrandizement and ethical and
    personal turmoil. Only the settings change.” Contact
    John Philp at (212) 271-8747.

    3. ==> Why Bernie’s Heart Attack Matters

    At 78, Bernie Sanders is the oldest candidate running
    for president, but not by that much. Joe Biden is 76.
    Donald Trump isn’t a young man either, at 73, but long-
    time Sanders supporter Jay Parini says his recent heart
    attack has become a political problem — for him and the
    Democrats. “It may not be possible for Bernie to
    continue pushing himself in the way he’d have to push
    himself to be nominated and to beat Donald Trump,” says
    Parini. “And beating Trump has become a national
    emergency.” Parini hopes Sanders has the wisdom to
    accept that he’s already won. “His arguments are now
    central planks in the Democratic debates, and there is
    a vast progressive movement that he has fathered,” he
    says. Parini hopes Sanders’ gets well and continues his
    work for many years, “But, it may be time for Bernie to
    say, with nobility and generosity: ‘I now support
    Elizabeth Warren. She is a warrior for good, and she’s
    in better health than I am. Together we can make
    America truly great in ways previously unimaginable.’”
    Jay Parini is a poet and novelist who teaches at
    Middlebury College. Contact him at

    4.==> Controversial Documentary: The Trayvon Martin Hoax

    The shooting of Trayvon Martin and the subsequent trial
    of George Zimmerman was a defining, dividing moment for
    the nation. Now a new documentary and book by Joel
    Gilbert claims a key witness in the case committed
    fraud in her testimony, throwing the entire trial into
    question. “The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness
    Fraud that Divided America” is based on 750-pages of
    phone records, forensic analysis and DNA testing.
    Invite Gilbert to detail an extensive hoax, how he
    tracked down Trayvon’s real girlfriend (who he was on
    the phone with in his final moments), and why he
    believes the case was ground zero for the downward
    spiral of race relations in the U.S. Joel Gilbert is
    president of Highway 61 Entertainment and a political
    commentator and foreign policy analyst. He’s produced
    numerous documentary feature films on various subjects
    including politicians and music icons. Contact
    Catherine deHaan at (561)750-9800, ext. 2330; or Adrienne Mazzone at; (561) 908-1683 (Text
    after 6pm EST)

    5. ==> Business is BOOming: Best Haunted Houses in America

    Scary places may have gotten their start in ancient
    times to keep people from unsettling the dead in the
    pyramids, but today the United States has become the
    epicenter of scaring entertainment since the launch of
    commercial haunted attractions in the 1970s. Amber
    Arnett-Bequeaith of Haunted Attractions cut her teeth
    at her family’s haunted house that started in 1975.
    Today she reigns over an entire district of haunted
    houses, including the Beast, and entertainment in
    Kansas City, as the Queen of Haunts. Invite her to talk
    about the popularity of haunted attractions and how the
    business has expanded to include escape rooms, mazes,
    ghost tours and more. Hear about the best creepy venues
    in your area and across the country, where they take
    fright to a whole new level. America Haunts is a group
    of some of the most the most successful and well known
    Halloween Haunted Houses in the World. Contact Amber
    Arnett-Bequeaith at (816) 842-4280;

    6. ==> Spooky Spirits: Ghoulishly Good Halloween Cocktails

    Get out your cauldron for some Halloween adult
    beverages when you invite food and wine expert Susy
    Shelby on your show to serve up creepy concoctions like
    a Rosemary’s Baby, Dark and Spooky, and a Pina
    Choulada. She’ll also share simple advice for low-
    stress, no-fright entertaining that’ll impress your
    guests, let you enjoy your own party, and not spend the
    next day cleaning up! “Most importantly, choose foods
    and snacks that don’t need utensils and can be prepared
    ahead of time. Then set up food and beverage stations
    so guests can help themselves throughout the party.” A
    winemaker for more than twenty years, Selby is an
    expert on food and wine pairings. She’s the proprietor
    of Selby Winery. Contact her at (707) 975-0988 (CA);

    7. ==> Obama-Era Loophole Shutting U.S. Students Out of Jobs

    Did you know that in 2017 alone, 275,000 foreign-born
    students got jobs that should have gone to American
    college students? Or that less than 50 percent of U.S.
    citizen STEM graduates actually land a job in STEM?
    Most parents and students have no idea about the
    discrimination against hiring American nor do American
    taxpayers who are losing some $2 billion in
    contributions to Medicare and social security as a
    result. Let Hilarie Gamm—a nationally recognized leader
    —enlighten your audience about current legislation and
    a letter to Trump asking him to put Americans first.
    She’ll bust the myth that there is a shortage of
    homegrown highly skilled, educated and qualified
    workers and share why every citizen who cares about the
    future of the middle class should be paying attention
    to this legislation and taking action. Hilarie is one
    of three founders of the nonpartisan American Workers
    Coalition, championing H.R. 3564 Fairness for High-
    Skilled Americans Act sponsored by Arizona Congressman
    Paul Gosar. A veteran talk show guest, she is the
    author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis and
    The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at (203) 571-3819;

    8. ==> October is Emotional Intelligence Month
    Do You Hate Your Job? (or just the people you work with?)

    A Gallup Poll says that up to 85% of people in the US
    hate their jobs. But is that really true? “Most of my
    clients say they hate their job, but in reality, when
    we probe, it’s the people at work they can’t stand!
    They actually feel pretty good about the work they are
    doing!” says Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. “If people could
    learn to deal with those difficult office mates, job
    satisfaction would go up exponentially!” Interview
    Jennifer learn the importance of emotional intelligence
    and how dealing with difficult people at work (and at
    home) could be the key to higher job and life
    satisfaction. Think your officemate is the problem?
    Jennifer says it could very well be YOU! Learn how to
    test emotional intelligence – which includes self-
    awareness, social awareness (think social media!),
    self-management and relationship management—and then
    sit back for what may be some surprising results!
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a seasoned counselor who
    works with clients to promote personal growth and
    healthy relationship skills. “Alignment: Move from
    Internal Chaos to Clarity” is her latest book. Contact
    Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    9. ==> Bass Player’s Tips Transform Toxic Office Culture

    Think music and business have little in common?
    Professional musician, culture change expert and
    certified portfolio management professional Gerald
    Leonard may change your mind. Invite him on your show
    to share the similarities between the two as he
    identifies seven key principles for achieving the
    balance, harmony and unified vision many companies
    lack. He’ll reveal the most common mistakes companies
    make with their culture and explain how to make any
    organization perform like a world-class orchestra and
    receive a standing ovation from employees AND
    customers. Gerald Leonard is president and CEO of
    Principles of Execution, a Washington, D.C.-based
    Certified Minority Business Enterprise and strategic
    project portfolio management and IT governance
    consulting practice. He is the author of “Culture is
    the Bass: 7 Steps to Creating High Performing Teams.”
    Contact him at (443) 622-4740;

    10. ==> How to Parent without Punishment

    Parenting is one of the most important jobs anyone will
    ever have. But is it possible to raise a child to be a
    productive, independent adult without ever having to
    spank or take away that child’s privileges? Absolutely,
    says media veteran and child-rearing expert Emily
    Slingluff, who wrote the book on the topic, “Parenting
    without Punishment.” Emily will explain why there is
    never a reason to punish children. Good parent-child
    communication works so much better. Moreover, punishing
    children teaches them mean and uncomfortable behavior.
    It is even possible that it will lead to insecurity,
    confusion, depression, and unhappiness with life. She
    studied psychology and has a degree in government and
    economics from Sweet Briar College and was an assistant
    editor at The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757)

    11. ==> ‘Go Purple’ in October to End Domestic Violence

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt is the founder of the nonprofit domestic
    violence awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go
    Purple Awareness Day, and the co-founder of the
    Covington Domestic Violence Task Force. He’ll share
    ways everyone can help and support the cause by
    sponsoring awareness events such as Go Purple Day,
    Purple Light Nights, educational programs and advocacy
    outreach to help shine a light on the issue. Contact
    Curt at; (256) 213-1092.

    12. ==> Do Certain Foods Feed Cancer?

    When Anthony Randle’s wife, Jessica, was diagnosed with
    stage four breast cancer, her doctors told her she
    could eat whatever she wanted while undergoing
    aggressive treatments. But after conducting exhaustive
    research, he discovered that certain foods actually
    feed cancer. “Doctors will tell patients not to smoke
    or drink, but nothing about sugar,” he says. “I learned
    that sugar actually feeds cancer. I also saw chemo
    patients eating fast food and popsicles. I thought,
    ‘Wow, this is so wrong!’” After eliminating sugar and
    other unhealthy foods from her diet, Jessica sailed
    through chemo with virtually no side effects. He shares
    his poignant experiences in “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within,” and will reveal how he and his wife made it
    through this traumatic experience healthier and happier
    than ever. Contact Anthony at;
    (702) 533-6667.

    13. ==> The Antidote to Negativity and Anger: Self-Hypnosis

    Achieving a positive mindset amid everything happening
    today is no easy task. For some, it may even seem
    impossible, but Mary Battaglia says there is a tool
    that can help clear the mind, get unstuck and become
    hopeful again. Battaglia, a certified clinical hypnosis
    practitioner and sound practitioner, helps people
    reduce stress, heal, clear blocks and tap into their
    unlimited potential using self-hypnosis. She’ll explain
    what hypnosis is and isn’t and share ways your
    listeners can use hypnosis to reduce the amount of
    anger they feel and overcome negative voices in their
    heads. Battaglia has been featured on Fox News. Her
    hypnosis tips are broadcast on Conversations with Joan,
    a show heard on AM-970: The Answer and iHeartRadio.
    “Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your
    Mind & Step into Your Power” is her latest book.
    Contact Mary Battaglia at (833) 732-2333;

    14. ==> It’s Northerners vs. Southerners!

    Even today, the big hair, big booted, Velveeta-eating
    Southerners seem a world apart from the athleisure-
    wearing, acai-bowl eating, self-actualization obsessed
    Northerners. Suzanne Wexler, author of the upcoming
    humorous memoir “Southern Grits for Northern Girls,”
    will unite the country in laughter as she explains the
    seven habits Southerners can teach Northerners. Suzanne
    has lived in the North her whole life but visited her
    Southern relatives from her maternal side often. She
    knows what they get right—even if it took her years to
    see! She says: “If there’s one thing North Americans
    can use right now it’s a good laugh and a finer
    appreciation of each other.” Suzanne is published in
    the Huffington Post, National Post, and her
    work has been syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been
    quoted in and Reader’s Digest
    magazine and provides commentary on TV and radio
    throughout the U.S. and Canada. Contact her at (514)

    15. ==> How Medical Bullying Could Affect Your Health Care

    Medical professionals are supposed to save lives not
    ruin them. But according to Sharon Bahrych (pronounced
    Bear-rich), a 30-year-career physician assistant,
    medicine has a dirty little secret: bullying is
    commonplace and counterproductive to patient safety.
    Nurses bully other nurses, physician assistants, and
    medical residents are bullied by their attending
    physicians, and people in the profession are strongly
    advised to put up with physical assaults, verbal abuse,
    intimidation and more. Whistleblowing gets people
    fired. Sharon, who plans a TEDx talk on the subject,
    can share some of the incidents of bullying that have
    happened to her. She can also discuss ways the medical
    culture is slowly changing for the better and five
    things that can be done to accelerate that process.
    Sharon is a physician’s assistant who trained at Baylor
    College of Medicine. She has a master’s in public
    health from the University of Texas School of Public
    Health. Contact her at (720) 669-8098;

    16. ==> Hey Boys, We Buzz. Get Over it

    Katherine Webster believes whether you have a regular
    partner or not, there are benefits to having a ‘secret’
    sex life that’s yours alone… wink, wink. Buzz, buzz.
    But why does it make guys so jittery? “Maybe buzzing is
    the last feminist tool in the arsenal. Something at
    once bewilders and threatens the average Joe,” says
    Katherine. “But sometimes a woman needs to take matters
    into her own hands, in and out of bed.” Hear what men
    get wrong about women and sex toys, the benefits of
    buzzing, and why women need to get out of their comfort
    zones. Katherine is a designer and the author “Becoming
    Madam Widow,” about creating a new life after the
    sudden death of her husband and business partner.
    Contact Katherine Webster at;
    (416) 921-2084.

    17. ==> Boomer Lifestyle Expert: Live Happier with Less

    Rita Wilkins, “The Downsizing Designer,” spent her
    career helping to design thousands of corporate and
    residential interiors. Yet her biggest epiphany came
    when she visited her son Kevin in Senegal where he was
    serving in the Peace Corps. There, 8,000 miles away
    from her beautiful much too large home, Wilkins
    observed people who were very happy with few
    possessions. The experience led to a downsizing journey
    giving away 95% of her belongings and moving from a
    5,000 square feet home to an 867 square-foot apartment.
    Wilkins learned that living with less allowed her to
    live more fully. “That yearlong journey was one of the
    most challenging, most revealing and most rewarding
    years of my life. During the process of decluttering
    and downsizing my home, I discovered the real me that
    was hiding underneath all of that beautiful stuff.”
    She’ll discuss the roller-coaster of emotions that
    accompanies downsizing, how to stop assigning meaning
    to “stuff,” and how owning fewer things makes room for
    what matters most. Wilkins has been featured on WHYY,
    Sirius-XM and in USA Today and other publications. For
    over 35 years, she has designed thousands of interiors
    including corporate penthouses and C-suites, Supreme
    Court Justice Chambers and thousands of homes.
    “Downsize Your Life is her first book.” Contact Rita
    Wilkins at (302) 354-0972;

    18. ==> Over 50? Dream Bigger, Be Bolder

    Cynthia Barnett, Ph.D., is a leading authority and role
    model on how to refire and reinvent oneself,
    particularly after 50. Dr. Barnett says, “Retirement is
    no time to slow down. It can be the best time to take
    your dreams off the back burner and live them!” Invite
    her on your show to offer practical strategies for
    doing exactly that along with questions for self-
    reflection. Dr. Cynthia Barnett is a nationally
    recognized author, speaker, and coach. Her “refirement
    message” has been featured in U.S. News and World
    Report, local newspapers, and on TV shows. She is also
    the recipient of the inaugural AARP Purpose Prize,
    which recognizes people over 50 who have “used their
    wisdom and experience to revitalize their lives and
    make the world a better place.” Her new book is “I’m
    Not Done Yet and You Shouldn’t Be Either.” Contact her
    at (203) 807-3321;

    19. ==> What’s Your Compulsive Habit?

    Whether you admit it or not, Michael McGee, M.D.,
    believes you probably have an addiction or compulsive
    habit that controls your behavior and your choices. One
    out of three people is overtly addicted to something –
    like alcohol or drugs. But did you know that virtually
    two out of three people are covertly addicted to
    something – and they may not even realize it? Subtle
    behaviors like gossiping, judging others, people
    pleasing, shopping and working can all be compulsive.
    Interview Dr. McGee about the science of habit and his
    “Good now, Bad later” philosophy to help your audience
    figure out their own compulsive habits and what to do
    about them! Dr. Michael McGee trained at Stanford and
    Harvard Medical Schools. The author of “The Joy of
    Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from
    Addiction” has helped hundreds of patients beat
    addiction. Contact him at (978) 971-9703;

    20. ==> Too Early for Christmas Music? No Way!

    While some people are concerned about Christmas music
    creep—playing carols on the radio before
    Thanksgiving—Renae Baker isn’t one of them. Baker, who
    describes herself as a specialist in Christmas spirit,
    says now is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for
    your holiday spirit to take root. Otherwise, she says,
    people may be blindsided to discover their spirit is
    MIA in December when they need it. And this year, when
    talk of presidential impeachment is in the air, mass
    shootings are commonplace and people seem more
    concerned about what divides them than brings them
    together, Baker says we desperately need to reboot our
    spirit to stop losing our faith in humanity.
    Affectionately known as Mrs. Christmas, Baker has
    managed a professional caroling company for decades.
    She and her carolers have been featured on Fox News
    Chief Religion Correspondent Lauren Green’s, Mighty
    Christmas special and many more media outlets. She’s
    the author of “Defeating Scrooge: How to Harness the
    Power of Christmas Carols to Revive Your Spirit Anytime
    of the Year” and the Defeating Scrooge Spirit Saver
    Calendar. Contact her at (917) 509-9022;

  • 10/3/19 RTIR Newsletter: Electoral College, Common Superstitions, Treating vs Curing Illnesses

    October 3, 2019

    01. Trump/Ukraine Scandal Fallout
    02. Whistleblowing: Is it Always Ethical? (Or Truthful?)
    03. Is it Time to Get Rid of the Electoral College?
    04. 5 Reasons Tom Brady is Overrated
    05. A Solution to Football’s Concussion Problem?
    06. Breaking: DC Swamp Poised to Let Big Tech Kill Diversity
    07. Why America Needs a Robust African Foreign Policy
    08. Disney Voice-Over Artist Sees Dead People
    09. Where Are Most Common Superstitions Come from
    10. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    11. How the World Gets Better When You Love Yourself
    12. Consumer Alert: Hidden Cash in Your Insurance Policy
    13. What Your Dr. Isn’t Telling You: Treating VS Curing Illness
    14. Is a Happy Childhood Only a Myth?
    15. Domestic Violence Awareness Month
    16. Former Prof. Shares Shocking Truths about College
    17. How to Start a ‘Gentleman’s Club’ for Dad-less Boys
    18. Healing Emotional Pain in the #MeToo Era
    19. How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s Legacy?
    20. Woodstock-Era Singer-Songwriter on World Peace Mission

    1.==> Trump/Ukraine Scandal Fallout

    For an interesting discussion on the whistleblower story invite co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect Robert Kuttner on your show. He can discuss whether the scandal will derail Joe Biden’s campaign for the White House, the other Democratic presidential candidates and how much longer the “progressive non-aggression pact” will hold, and what impeachment means to the country and what progressives should be looking for in the process. Robert Kuttner is a former columnist for BusinessWeek, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe. He is the author of twelve books including “The Stakes: 2020 and the Survival of American Democracy. He currently holds the Ida and Meyer Kirstein Chair at Brandeis University. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> Whistleblowing: Is it Always Ethical? (Or Truthful?)

    What does it take to be a whistleblower? How do you know when to blow? In today’s world of grey – where right and wrong can appear blurry and the truth becomes subjective – what does it mean to be ‘ethical’ in business and in life? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the 1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one. “At the beginning of the FBI task force investigation, I gave them truth and honesty. I never lied about anything. Truth and integrity would eventually be my way up and out. They chose me over all other defendants, suspects and lawyers. They relied on my ethics and integrity. In the end this saved me.” John Smith is a speaker and author of “Embracing the Abyss” which chronicles his true story of unknowingly becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a presidential pardon. Contact Smith at (214) 216-2199;

    3. ==> Is it Time to Get Rid of the Electoral College?

    As we enter another election cycle, the debate begins again over the Electoral College and whether it still serves a purpose in American politics. Historian and constitutional attorney Tara Ross has debated the merits of the much-maligned Electoral College and the National Popular Vote movement on stages across the U.S. Invite her to explain what the Electoral College does, how it began and why we still need it. The author of numerous books, Tara’s work has been published by many news outlets, including the National Law Journal, USA Today, the Washington Examiner,, and The Washington Times. Her most recent book is “Why We Need the Electoral College.” Contact Jason Jones at

    4.==> 5 Reasons Tom Brady is Overrated

    Sports columnists and talk radio hosts have been throwing around the term ‘G.O.A.T” (greatest of all time) when referring to Tom Brady, but Larry Taunton argues that the Patriots’ quarterback is overrated. “Best passer? Best athlete? The most skilled person to ever play that position? When you listen to the arguments, it becomes clear that almost no one believes he’s any of those things. No, it usually boils down to the fact that Brady has six Super Bowl rings. The implication is that those with rings are better than those without rings, and he who has the most rings is the G.O.A.T. It’s a simple and tempting measurement of greatness. But by that logic, Trent Dilfer was better than Dan Marino, and Brad Johnson was better than Jim Kelly. Does anyone really believe that?” Larry will share five reasons Brady is overrated and why he might better deserve the nickname L.O.T.R., rather than G.O.A.T. Larry Alex Taunton is the executive director of the Fixed Point Foundation and freelance columnist contributing to USA Today, First Things, The Atlantic, CNN, and The American Spectator. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> A Solution to Football’s Concussion Problem?

    NFL, college and high school football are under attack. All because of the high risk of concussions and the resulting health consequences. But what if there was a way to make concussions a thing of the past? Or at least a way to diagnose and treat traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) more easily and quickly? Interview Paul Wand, MD, PA, to hear about the “Wand Protocol” that could do all that and more. He, along with other private practitioners, have created ways to diagnosis and treat concussions which if put into place could save the NFL, as well as other sports where concussions happen on a regular basis. Dr. Paul Wand has been a medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the field of Neurology and is the author of “The Concussion Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” Contact him at (954) 743-5380;

    6. ==> Breaking News: DC Swamp Poised to Let Big Tech Kill Diversity

    Americans remain unaware of the current battle in Washington, D.C., being waged by Big Tech and India that would eliminate diversity in American employment-based immigration and reward the very country monopolizing immigration to the U.S. with the majority of employment-based visas for the next decade or more. This week, Senators Mike Lee and Kamala Harris are attempting to push legislation through the Senate again that would make it impossible for the best and the brightest from any other country to legally immigrate to the U.S. for employment. For an eye-opening look at this breaking story, interview Hilarie Gamm, a national authority on the topic whose grassroots nonpartisan American Workers Coalition is pushing back against Bill S386. She can discuss why Cuban lobbyist Leon Fresco is working hard to shut out Latino’s from emigrating to the U.S. and whether President Trump will stick with his Buy American-Hire American credo or sign S386 if it is passed into law. A media favorite who recently appeared on Coast to Coast and Breitbart News Tonight, Gamm is the author of Amazon Best Seller: “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis and The Road Map to Change.” A respected tech veteran, working mother and patriot, she is successfully pushing labor/immigration issues into the 2020 election narrative through her continued efforts in D.C. Contact her at (203) 571-3819;

    7. ==> Why America Needs a Robust African Foreign Policy

    Americans have sent millions of dollars to help people in Africa over the decades, yet the conditions faced by many there aren’t improving. According to UNICEF, by 2050, Africa will be home to 35% of all adolescents in the world. A poorly educated, disenfranchised young population is a perfect recruiting ground for those who perpetrate evil in our world. Most of the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa have very poor, or at best, subpar healthcare systems. Eventually, this situation poses a serious threat to all mankind. Is foreign aid really the solution? Invite author, speaker, and neurosurgeon Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni, to reveal some surprising plausible solutions. As the president of Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch, Inc., he envisions the path forward for these nations. His new book “Rescue Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within” reveals what many in the West don’t understand about the root causes of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps to improve the situation. Contact Sylvanus Ayeni at (301) 812-4579 (MD);

    8. ==> Disney Voice-Over Artist Sees Dead People

    Your listeners will recognize Jarrad Hewett’s voice the moment he opens his mouth. He’s recorded over two thousand TV and radio commercials and has been heard on virtually every major network in America. But it’s what he SEES – not says – that is his true gift. AKA the Badass Psychic, Jarrad sees dead people AND the energy in and around everyone. Jarrad will discuss his early psychic experiences and the strange encounter with an older woman that made him realize that what he saw as a heavy burden and something broken and wrong with him, was actually a gift that he could use to help others. Jarrad Hewett is one of the most recognized voices on the Disney channel, CMT, and HGTV, where he narrates the show Tiny Houses, Big Living. His natural abilities allow him to see and transmute all forms of energy. He specializes in visionary teaching and remote healing energy work and has written several best-selling books including “Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation” and his latest, “The Answer is Energy.” Contact Harlan Boll at (626) 296-3757;

    9. ==> Where Are Most Common Superstitions Come from

    Have you ever wondered why some hotels don’t have a 13th floor or why black cats are considered bad luck? Or why we say “God bless you” when someone sneezes? And how a broken mirror came to symbolize seven years of bad times ahead? Or thought twice about opening an umbrella in the house? All of these things are superstitions, and they are powerful merely because we believe them. Interview Wade Meadows who will share some theories on why these superstitions have taken root in popular culture and ways lives are sometimes ruined because of them. Wade had the misfortune of being born on a Friday the 13th to a mother who had triskaidekaphobia, the name given to people who fear the number 13. He spent many years being told that he was cursed at birth but has managed to overcome that false belief. He is the author of “Letters from the Ashes” and “Ashes Forged into Manhood.” Contact him at (225) 224-8697;

    10. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. False social media propaganda. Government officials and leaders who lie, lie, lie. No wonder modern people feel so anxious, angry and disconnected from reality. Author Kim Chestney has the simple yet powerful solution: Intuition! “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood faculty of human consciousness.” Kim says. “Getting your ego out of the way and developing your inner voice is a great bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth in all aspects of your life.” Virtually every successful person including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey and more also possesses this trait. Kim is an international best-selling author and intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. and the global online Intuition school, IntuitionLab. Contact Kim at; 412-214-9502

    11. ==> How the World Gets Better When You Love Yourself

    Whether it’s the man in the White House or customers in line at the grocery story, treating people with respect and kindness appears to have gone the way of the rotary phone, eight-track tapes and cursive handwriting. What’s fueling this rise in rude, boorish behavior? Joffre McClung believes it’s something very basic but profound. “Self-love, or the lack of self- love, determines not only how we see ourselves but how we experience the world around us. It’s the prism through which we see and define all things,” explains Joffre. Listeners will hear how a lack of self-love manifests and impacts our lives and learn simple ways to encourage self-appreciation and gratitude. Joffre McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV programs. She’s a former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre McClung at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    12. ==> Consumer Alert: Hidden Cash in Your Insurance Policy

    Imagine if you could receive CASH for that life insurance policy you or your parents don’t need anymore! Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life insurance policies go to waste annually? Simply because consumers don’t know a little-known secret that, if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of your death benefits in CASH! Interview David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor, who will explain all that as well as why the Transamerica COI Settlement is a big WIN for insurance companies and a big LOSS for policy holders. Listeners will learn what’s going on with the settlement, what it means to the average policy holder and what they can do to protect themselves from insurance companies that are illegally raising their mortality costs. David combines his legal and business experience with a passion for philanthropy. His book is “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy.” Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    13. ==> What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You: Treating VS Curing Illness

    Sometimes conventional medicine just doesn’t work. Whether they have a chronic illness, auto-immune disease or cancer, millions of people struggle to simply manage their symptoms let alone cure the illness. But Reena Jadhav says it’s possible to reverse every disease… if you take back control of your health and your body. A successful tech entrepreneur, Reena spent years fighting colon cancer and a misdiagnosed auto-immune illness. Now symptom-free and healthier than ever, she shares the science behind the New Health Pyramid she created during what became her 15 month healing process. Reena is the author of several books and the creator of, an online resource featuring cutting-edge information from top doctors as well as podcasts, health news and other tools and support to help people take control of their disease and become healthy. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 309-1005;

    14. ==> Is a Happy Childhood Only a Myth?

    When you talk to people, it becomes apparent that many folks grew up in dysfunctional families. In fact, you may wonder whether people who say they had a happy childhood are actually telling the truth to you—and themselves. Anne Andrew, Ph.D., an author, former school principal, and parenting coach, says that all of us have suffered family traumas while growing up that have affected us more than we may realize. Invite Anne on your program to explain the six steps anyone can use to put that trauma behind them and to be grateful for who they are today as the result of living through those events. She is the author of “What They Don’t Teach in Prenatal Class: The Key to Raising Trouble-Free Kids and Teens.” Contact her at (604) 263-8751 (home) and (604) 720-2776 (mobile);

    15. ==> Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    One in four women and one in seven men in the United States have experienced severe physical violence in their relationships, statistics that paint a picture of just how common domestic violence is. Dellia Evans, O.D., knows the issues associated with abusive relationships only too well having been married to a man who abused her for nearly 20 years. She’ll discuss how men and women can overcome their need for approval that keeps them captive in destructive relationships and
    why some women don’t realize they’re being emotionally abused. She’ll also share a quiz to determine if your relationship qualifies as abusive. Dr. Evans is an optometrist and the author of “Heart Vision: How to See Your Path Forward When You’re in a Dark Place.” Contact her at (884)798-9898;

    16. ==> Former Prof. Shares Shocking Truths about College

    During the 11 years Glen Dunzweiler spent as a college professor, he learned some profound truths. To his astonishment, he discovered that many students had no idea what they would do with their degrees or how they would pay off their student debt. They were going to school merely because people told them they needed to and because universities are highly skilled at marketing themselves. Glen is making it his mission to ensure that parents have important conversations with their children, well before the first college tour. He’ll reveal what that conversation should sound like as well as the paradoxical, self-serving way universities use tuition money to preserve their business interests to the detriment of students. He can answer such questions as what should be taught in every class that isn’t and should parents refuse to allow their children to take certain majors. Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian and the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree in Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills for Students.” Contact Glen at (702) 703-2219;

    17. ==> How to Start a ‘Gentleman’s Club’ for Dad-less Boys

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow up without dads face. “A lot of boys don’t know how to become men due to that lack of role models. We need programs through which men can help them to learn manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of trouble.” The program the Gentleman’s Club launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher Raymond Nelson is one great example. Such programs help to install boys with confidence, self-respect and respect for others. Pastor Eric can share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help them to become great men. He is the second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas, and the author of the upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact Eric at; (214) 225-0769.

    18. ==> Healing Emotional Pain in the #MeToo Era

    The #MeToo movement has unearthed all kinds of painful memories of sexual abuse, but what are the victims to do once they’re faced with such raw and difficult emotion again? Invite author, speaker, and personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran to reveal how to help victims fully and permanently recover from sexual abuse, even if it happened for many years or through many generations in their family. Goran has developed a method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100% effective. His new book is “The Answer: How to Change Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True.” Ask him: Is it really possible to escape the emotional scars of sexual abuse? What are some of your most dramatic stories of helping victims heal? Contact Arnoux Goran at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    19. ==> How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s Legacy?

    Many people love their spouses very much. But few will devote themselves to preserving that spouse’s legacy after they pass away. Marguerite Berrah—who prefers to be called Mrs. Berrah—finds herself in that rare position. She is the wife of the late Ghoulem Berrah, whose considerable accomplishments include being a freedom fighter, working as a diplomat, promoter of world peace and physician and scientist credited with a DNA breakthrough. Invite Mrs. Berrah to share some of her husband’s adventures contained in his memoir, “A Dream for Peace,” and how their 40-year-marriage clicked despite him being a Muslim and her being a Catholic. You might also ask her about her husband’s secret Paris meeting with PLO Yasser Arafat’s senior advisor Isam Sartawi and the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, the famous people Ghoulem met, his work promoting religious tolerance and the foundation that bears his name. Contact Marguerite Berrah, (305) 933-6088;

    20. ==> This Woodstock-Era Singer-Songwriter on a World Peace Mission

    When a Woodstock-era singer-songwriter who shared the stage with the Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead discovers the formula by which the entire earth planet can live in perfect peace and Barack Obama praises the song in which he presents this formula, he is most definitely worth a listen. His name is Sankarshan Das and he circles the globe twice a year to enlighten his audiences through speaking and singing how they can awaken perfect peace within themselves and be instrumental in bringing a peace revolution to our greatly troubled planet. He’s the author of the upcoming book “A Hippie Becomes a Happy.” Contact him at (512) 835-8400: