1/16/19 RTIR Newsletter: Americans and the Impeachment, Recognizing Fraud, Everyone Needs Self Love

January 16, 2020

01. How Do Americans View Impeachment? Depends Where You Live
02. Inside New US/China Trade Deal – Phase One
03. The Problem with the War Powers Resolution
04. The Stories She Can Tell! Hollywood Icon Ruta Lee
05. Are We Living in ‘The Matrix’?
06. Royal Family Drama is Just Like Yours
07. Will You Lose Your Job to This Legal Loophole?
08. Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More with Less
09. Your Next Child Could Be Frozen in a Faraway Laboratory
10. You Don’t Know Beans about Pain (and Neither Do Most Docs)
11. Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance Policy Lapse
12. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to Recognize Fraud)
13. Success Secrets of the Rich and Famous (They’ll Work for You Too)
14. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
15. Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out & Ready to Get Out
16. Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work
17. Why Self-Love Isn’t Selfish at All
18. This Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit
19. Keep Beds Dry Every Night
20. Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

1.==> How Do Americans View Impeachment? Depends Where
You Live

Impeachment hearings will get underway in the coming
weeks in Washington. So what do Americans think? Janna
Fite Herbison says, “Most Americans who aren’t inside
the D.C. beltway or don’t work in New York media are no
longer keeping up with the details of impeachment.
Those who live Oklahoma, Arizona and Alabama are
basically focused now on their 2020 budget, New Year’s
resolutions, and football playoffs. Congressional
hearings from last fall are in their rear view
mirrors.” Herbison, a former television news reporter
and press secretary, says the way Americans view the
impeachment varies greatly based on culture, geography
and/or political leanings. She adds, “To conduct an
impeachment right before the holidays because it was
urgent – then let it acquire dust in Congress for a
month – was not the best strategy for Democrats or
Speaker Pelosi. Especially with the upcoming election.
It sent the wrong signal to everyday Americans: this
isn’t about the Constitution. It’s politics as usual.”
Janna Fite Herbison is the author of “Southern in The
City: A Mason-Dixon View of Manhattan.” Contact her at
(901) 568-2080; jfherbison@gmail.com

2. ==> Inside New US/China Trade Deal – Phase One

The United States signed a partial trade agreement with
China yesterday but experts say that doesn’t mean
simmering conflicts and uncertainty over trade won’t
drag down the global economy this year. Invite trade
expert Jennifer A. Hillman to discuss what to look for
in ‘phase one’ of the deal including the issues of
technology transfer, financial services and dispute
resolution. She’ll also discuss what we won’t see in
this agreement—any provisions addressing the key
structural problems with China— or addressing the
increasing levels of Communist Party control over the
Chinese economy. Jennifer A. Hillman is a senior fellow
for trade and international political economy at the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), specializing in
U.S. trade policy, the law and politics of the World
Trade Organization (WTO), international organizations,
and Brexit. Contact her at (202) 509-8574;

3. ==> The Problem with the War Powers Resolution

A revised version of a war powers resolution sponsored
by Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., that would require President
Donald Trump to seek congressional authorization for
further military action against Iran has enough votes
to pass the Senate. But International law professor
Francis Boyle says the resolution is riddled with so
many holes that Trump/Pompeo et al. will drive a truck
through them. He says, “Part of the reason we have
these continuous wars is that Congress has failed to
live up to its responsibilities.” Boyle advised Sen.
Patrick Moynihan and Rep. Dan Crane in the first use of
the War Powers Resolution, after Reagan placed Marines
in Lebanon. He added: “Unfortunately, a ‘compromise’
was struck and predictably led to disaster with the
Marine barracks bombing.” Francis Boyle is professor of
international law at the University of Illinois College
of Law. Contact him at fboyle@illinois.edu

4. ==> The Stories She Can Tell! Hollywood Icon Ruta

Ruta Lee “IS” Hollywood. From classic to contemporary.
This Hollywood icon and TV/movie star has too many
credits to list! Book her on your show and hear stories
of showbiz, old and new. Ask her about: Working with
remarkable leading men including Clint Eastwood and
Robin Williams; Her friendships with Rona Barrett,
Lucille Ball and Sally Field; Thalians, which she co-
founded with best-friend Debbie Reynolds to help
mentally disabled Veterans; Becoming one of the first
female game show hosts with Alex Trebek on High
Rollers; Auditioning for the role of Ginger on
Gilligan’s Island. If you need more convincing that
Ruta’s got some amazing stories to tell, consider this:
As a young starlet, Ruta made international headlines
when she convinced Khrushchev to release her 90-year-
old grandmother from the Soviet Union. Ruta Lee’s
memoirs, “Consider You’re A$$ Kissed,” will be released
later this year. Contact Harlan Boll at

5.==> Are We Living in ‘The Matrix’?

Invite renowned MIT computer scientist and Silicon
Valley video game designer Rizwan Virk on your show and
listeners will never look at the world the same again!
He’ll explore the idea that our physical reality is
part of an increasingly sophisticated video game-like
simulation and how we may actually be inside a
simulated reality like the Matrix. Virk can discuss
virtual reality and augmented reality and what’s coming
down the pipe, artificial intelligence and the
approaching singularity, and the intersection of
science and spirituality. Rizwan Virk’s latest book,
“The Simulation Hypothesis,” is based on research from
computer science, artificial intelligence, video games,
virtual reality, quantum physics, and eastern
mysticism. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); johanna@jrbcomm.com or
Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

6. ==> Royal Family Drama, Just like Yours

The world is atwitter over Megxit, the royal ruckus
involving Prince Harry and Meghan. The couple made a
very public announcement, without the queen’s approval,
that they plan to split their time between Britain and
North America and step back from family duties. You
don’t need to be a prince or princess to understand the
situation, according to international communications
expert Leeza Steindorf. She says the couple simply
wants some space for their family. “Whatever their
blood lines are, or are not, whatever their cultural
histories, they are, in the end, simply a man and a
woman committed to their marriage, to championing good
causes and to raising a family in today’s crazy world.”
Having spent most of her life married to a European as
an American overseas, and the better part of two
decades straddling a professional and family life on
both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, Steindorf says one
thing is clear. “This is not a conversation about
royalty and loyalty. It is a conversation about making
healthy relationships and families work in the globally
connected world of today.” An international
communications expert specializing in peace education
in schools, Steindorf won national acclaim in Europe
for the CORE Success program that she designed after a
school shooting in Germany. Contact her at (541) 550-
0451; Leeza@CoreSuccess.com

7. ==> Will You Lose Your Job to This Legal Loophole?

Suppose you came into work and were told that you were
being replaced by a foreigner making half your salary.
And, by the way, you’ll be training your replacement
before you go. This is currently happening to stellar
employees at AT&T, Disney, Verizon and Toys ‘R’ Us, who
were tossed out of their jobs thanks to a legal
loophole that lets companies import non-U.S. citizens
to do jobs that college-educated Americans have been
trained to do. Think it couldn’t happen to you?
American jobs advocate Hilarie Gamm will explain this
threat to your audience and why everyone from recent
graduates to experienced workers could be victims. A
veteran talk show guest and co-founder of the
nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, Gamm will bust
the myth that there’s a shortage of U.S. STEM workers
and talk about legislation that could close the current
loophole that unfairly benefits some tech companies and
nationalities. Gamm can also be joined by her AWC co-
founders, Marie Larson and Barbara Birch. Hilarie Gamm
is the author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech
Crisis and The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at
(203) 571-3819; hgamm@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More
with Less

Can’t find your car keys? Haven’t seen the scissors in
weeks? Always losing your cell phone? As decluttering
and downsizing expert Marlena Uhrik, Ph.D., will tell
you, while we are strongly attached to them, a surplus
of possessions can also lead to chaos and wasted time
trying to find them. Marlena can talk about the peace
and calm that comes with decluttering and where to
start if you want to live with less, whether you are
staying put or moving to a smaller home. She can also
share how to make decluttering an everyday process. A
50-year educator, Realtor and Certified Home Stager,
she’s one of six authors of “Secret Sauce on
Downsizing: The Complete Guide for Living with Less and
Loving It More!” Ask her about free giveaways. Contact
her at (916) 269-0528; MUhrik@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Your Next Child Could Be Frozen in a Faraway

Many couples long to expand their families and welcome
a child, yet fertility issues or other health concerns
interfere with pregnancy. Such would-be parents often
consider adoption, yet still hope to experience the
miracle of giving birth. With today’s fertility
technologies, many couples can do both! Interview Nate
Birt to learn how he and his wife welcomed their sweet
toddler, Phoebe, who started as a frozen embryo the
Birts adopted, had implanted, brought to term and
delivered. Interview Nate to explore: How do you find
available resources/experts for adopting embryos? How
does the process work? What does it take to qualify?
Does this path to parenthood change our beliefs? Is it
for everyone? Nate is the author of “Frozen, But Not
Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to
Embryo Adoption.” Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045;

10. ==> You Don’t Know Beans about Pain (and Neither Do
Most Docs)

If something is painful does it automatically mean it
is harmful? Is it better to fight pain or outsmart it?
What does CBT stand for? How can practicing it lessen
pain? What can you do now to avoid developing long-term
pain later? Get the answers from Trevor Campbell, M.D.,
a family physician who studied medicine at the
University of Cape Town, South Africa, before
emigrating to Canada, where he became interested in
treatments for chronic pain. He has worked in
multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
programs and has served as s medical director for a
leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His
new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is
“The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to
Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

11. ==> Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance
Policy Lapse

Imagine if you could receive CASH for that life
insurance policy you or your parents don’t need
anymore! Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life
insurance policies go to waste annually? Simply
because consumers don’t know a little-known secret
that, if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of
your death benefits in CASH! Many professional advisors
such as attorneys and CPA’s are now becoming aware of
this and trying to help their clients avoid this waste
and turn it into cash. David Kottler, the Insurance
Doctor ™, will educate your audience and tell you what
life insurance companies don’t want you to know! David
combines his legal and business experience with a
passion for philanthropy. His book, “The Best Kept
Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy,” details
everything your audience needs to know to get that
insurance policy working for them! Contact David
Kottler at (216) 532-1221; DKottler@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to
Recognize Fraud)

What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
in life? Would you know fraud if you saw it? At work
or in yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy
who unwittingly got caught up in the 1980’s S&L crisis
and found out the hard way that you don’t have to
commit a crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are
unaware of what fraud actually is so it’s overlooked
and people remain unaware of illegal activity around
them. We all need to know exactly what fraud is, how it
happens, why it happens, and how to avoid it!” says
John. John Smith is an author and a professional
speaker who shares his gripping story and the
consequences of ethical and unethical behavior. His
book “Embracing the Abyss” chronicles his amazing true
story of becoming part of a fraud scandal and how he
eventually received a presidential pardon. Contact John
Smith at (214) 216-2199; JSmith@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Success Secrets of the Rich and Famous (They’ll
Work for You Too)

Bill Gates, Carrie Underwood, Warren Buffett and many
others began their journeys to success while they were
still college students but it wasn’t the courses they
took that got them to where they are today. Invite
Lindy and Tom Schneider on your show and discover the
surprising things billionaire dropouts got from college
that led to their success, the most important thing
many successful people did off-campus and the one
simple technique both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton
used to help launch them to the White House! Lindy and
Tom Schneider are co-authors of “College Secrets of
Highly Successful People: Keys to Launching a Great
Life.” The professional college advisors have more than
a dozen years of experience and have helped thousands
of college students through some of the toughest
decisions of their lives and into lucrative careers.
Tom and Lindy have appeared on major TV networks and in
major publications. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602)
562-8669; LSchneider@rtirguests.com

14. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This

Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
(perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks
reported almost daily. Invite Chris Bird to educate
your audience about gun safety and self-defense. Ask
this sought-after expert on gun rights and personal
protection: Why are methods of observation as important
as a weapon? What steps help you survive a public
shooting? What are your insights about recent attacks
at schools, workplaces, community events and places of
worship? With more than 30 years of firearm safety
experience, Chris will share stories of people saying,
“Thank God I had a gun!” – which is one of his
bestselling book titles. Chris’ other books include
“Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage” and “The Concealed
Handgun Manual.” Contact him at (210) 686-4440;

15. ==> Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out & Ready to
Get Out

Countless teachers start out loving education yet often
land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a
topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how
teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and
leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere
benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan is a former
educator, attorney and judge whose latest book is
“Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals:
Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Invite
Geraldine to discuss her own inspiring journey and help
listeners appreciate teachers’ challenges. She’ll
relate how educators, other professionals, and
entrepreneurs can recognize and bravely implement
exciting plans for career changes. She’ll start with “3
simple questions to ask yourself before making any
career move” and “whether salary should ever guide you”
plus how to overcome obstacles and hesitations. Invite
call-in questions! Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305)
902-3869; hogan@rtirguests.com

16. ==> Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work

The law of attraction became popular by promoting the
idea that positive thinking can solve all of our
problems, but does it really work that way? Invite
author Baisakhi Saha to share why too much positive
thinking may actually become more detrimental than
beneficial for us. Her forthcoming book, “Life is
Abracadabra: 21 Magical Stories from My Travels Across
the Globe That Will Make You Look at Life with New
Eyes,” reveals how to harness the magic of life. Saha
has been featured by Canal America TV New York, Prime
24 TV New York, National TV India, JUS Punjabi TV NY,
Goge Africa TV, and many other TV, radio, digital, and
print media outlets internationally. Contact her at
bsaha@rtirguests.com or Skype: Baisakhi

17. ==> Why Self-Love Isn’t Selfish at All

Bring up the topic of self-love and some people get
uncomfortable. The concept can be confusing, especially
if you equate self-love with being selfish. Personal
growth expert and author Joffre McClung sets the record
straight and shares why anyone at any age can benefit
from practicing self-love. You’ll learn three things
you can do daily to raise your sense of self-love and
how expanding your self-love ripples outward into the
world making it a much more positive, loving place.
Hear the many ways a lack of self-love can manifest and
impact our lives and get simple ways to start and end
the day with self-appreciation and gratitude. Joffre
McClung has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs.
She’s a former media producer, independent filmmaker,
and the author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact
Joffre McClung at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

18. ==> This Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar

They’re calling you: Those seemingly irresistible
candies, desserts and high fructose drinks. For anyone
who wants to avoid all the harmful consequences of
sugar overwhelm from obesity to type-2 diabetes, the
Sugar Witch Marsha Allen can literally be a life-saver.
Invite her to discuss her amazing 60-day program for
living a sweet life minus the sugar addiction, and
clever strategies to embrace healthier snacks and
treats. You’ll learn how to recognize and refuse hidden
super-sweet foods of all types and how to deny and even
prevent cravings. Marsha hosts the show “Sugar Addicts”
on Crown City News TV. She is the author or “Spoiled
Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy Free Made
Simple,” and is the spouse of a type-2 diabetic who is
reversing his disease. Contact Marsha at (727) 498-8338
or (902) 694-2901; usmarsha@gmail.com

19. ==> Keep Beds Dry Every Night

Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
Find out more about this common condition that can be
treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
problem become more noticeable at different times of
year? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 800-0498;

20. ==> Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

A 2019 POLITICO story contends that millions of
Americans believe God originally wanted Donald Trump as
U.S. President. But is a second term in God’s plan?
What about the impeachment drama? Interview Patric
Rutherford, Ph.D., author of “God and President Trump
Plus the Rest of Us,” who agrees that a Trump White
House was God’s permissive will. But find out why Dr.
Rutherford himself did not vote for Trump — and
whether God wants Trump to serve two terms. Originally
from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford will explore whether many
Americans have regrets or feel like hypocrites or even
sinners because of how they voted (or will vote.) With
decades of studying politics, faith and human nature,
Dr. Rutherford will discuss: Why did many deeply
committed Christians have no qualms about electing a
seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump
contingent get right and wrong? Might even 4 years of
Trump be too long? Expect controversy when you book Dr.
Rutherford. Contact him at (786) 201-6638;

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