Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 03/26/20 RTIR Newsletter: Covid Economy, Avoiding Social Distancing Trauma, Medical Errors

    March 26, 2020

    01. Open by Easter? Not if Workers Strike
    02. Fed Expert on the Covid Economy
    03. Help! Millions Were Already Hungry in America
    04. Coronavirus RX: The Benefits of Laughter
    05. How to Be Hopeful When You’re Worried to Death
    06. The Best Free Streaming While You’re Stuck at Home
    07. Suddenly Working from Home? Tips to Stay Productive
    08. How to Thrive Under Continual Stress
    09. Adrenaline, Cortisol and the Coronavirus
    10. How to Avoid SDT: Social Distancing Trauma
    11. The Simple Daily Ritual That Saves Lives
    12. From Viruses to Migraines and Beyond – Self-Healing
    13. 5 Tips for Anyone Considering a Career Change
    14. What Happens When Exes Fight Over a Frozen Embryo?
    15. 5 Things You Can Do to Prevent Medical Errors
    16. What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?
    17. Fibro Lady Delivers You Pain-Free Living
    18. This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life
    19. Master Your Mind in Your Free Time
    20. Why 50 Isn’t the New 30 … It’s Way Better

    1.==> Open by Easter? Not if Workers Strike

    President Trump says he wants the “country opened”’ by
    Easter but his stance has prompted #GeneralStrike to
    trend on social media. Journalist Mike Elk says people
    should not discount the possibility of a general strike
    by workers now. “You are seeing strikes of bus drivers
    in Birmingham and poultry workers in Georgia. Workers
    are mobilizing and this could inspire a massive strike
    wave.” Elk says there’s clear precedent, citing the
    1919 general strike that occurred after the 1918
    influenza pandemic. “It’s dawning on more people how
    critical their labor is and how little these
    corporations care about them. The veneer of we’re-
    going-to-take-care-of-you has dropped away.” Elk points
    out that while health-care workers are having their
    lives endangered by corporate moves, Boeing has $15
    billion in the bank and is set to get a bailout. Mike
    Elk is the senior labor reporter at Payday Report and a
    correspondent for Business Insider. Contact him at; @MikeElk

    2. ==> Fed Expert on the Covid Economy

    Economic and Fed expert Danielle DiMartino Booth can
    discuss the monthly employment report set for release
    next week and the impact of COVID-19 on American jobs.
    A frequent contributor to Fox Business News, CNBC,
    Bloomberg Television and CNN Money, DiMartino Booth is
    CEO and director of intelligence for Quill Intelligence
    LLC (QI), a research and analytics firm that produces
    and distributes the economic newsletters The Daily
    Feather and The Weekly Quill. Prior to QI, she spent
    nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
    DeMartino Booth is the author of “FED UP: An Insider’s
    Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America.”
    NOTE: Danielle DiMartino Booth is available for
    interviews on April 2 and 3. Contact Johanna Ramos
    Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    3. ==> Help! Millions Were Already Hungry in America

    While we are being told to self-isolate and stay home
    to avoid spreading the coronavirus, millions of
    Americans’ cupboards are bare. According to Feeding
    America’s Kate Leone, “More than 37 million people in
    America are already struggling with hunger. For them
    and millions of others, this pandemic means the very
    real danger of lost wages, further difficulty accessing
    enough food, and an increased reliance on food banks to
    meet their nutritional needs.” Whether your listeners
    want to know how they can help those in need (in their
    own neighborhoods or elsewhere) or they themselves need
    assistance, Feeding America can provide information and
    insight into what is happening at food banks across the
    country. Hear how some food banks are now offering
    drive-through pick-up while others are suffering from a
    lack of volunteers, and how panic buying has affected
    them all. The Feeding America network is the nation’s
    largest domestic hunger-relief organization. With 200
    food banks and 60,000 food pantries and meal programs
    across the country, they provide meals to more than 40
    million people each year. You can find media contact
    information for food banks in every state on the website or contact the national
    office at (800) 771-2303 to help arrange interviews in
    your area.

    4.==> Coronavirus RX: The Benefits of Laughter

    It’s been said that “laughter is the best medicine” and
    the Irish have the proverb “a good laugh and a long
    sleep are the two best cures for anything.”
    Psychologist Dr. John Huber doesn’t disagree and can
    explain the many ways that laughter makes us healthy.
    Learn how laughing can boost memory and learning,
    increase vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the
    blood, help lower blood pressure, and strengthen your
    immune system. And Dr. Huber says those are just a few
    of the benefits! He’ll explain how researchers in
    Norway found that people with a strong sense of humor
    outlive those who don’t laugh as much. And if you need
    any more reason to lighten up, crack a joke or just act
    silly, Dr. Huber says do it for the endorphins.
    Laughter triggers the release of the body’s natural
    feel-good chemicals which promotes an overall sense of
    well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Dr.
    John Huber is a clinical forensic psychologist and
    chairman of the non-profit organization Mainstream
    Mental Health. He has appeared on hundreds of radio
    shows, dozens of TV programs and hosts his own show,
    Mainstream Mental Health Radio. Contact Ryan McCormick
    at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200;

    5. ==> How to Be Hopeful When You’re Worried to Death

    It’s hard to be hopeful during a pandemic, yet it’s
    precisely what we need right now when the future seems
    precarious. “There are some people who believe that
    hope is futile, a waste of time and precious energy.
    They say hope is completely unrealistic. Simply wishful
    thinking,” says Urban Shaman Donna Henes. “Yes, it is!
    Thank goodness!” She’ll share how to willfully engage
    your wishful thinking and project positivity when the
    world around us is filled with negative messages.
    Studies show optimistic people consistently outperform
    those who consider themselves to be more realistic.
    Henes says it’s because they place fewer restrictions
    on themselves. “If you don’t know that something is
    impossible, you are more likely able to be able to do
    it. Things are only impossible until they aren’t!” Mama
    Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a
    ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and
    consultancy in Brooklyn, N.Y. A spiritual leader
    specializing in rituals, she is the author of several
    books including “Bless This House: Creating Sacred
    Space Where You Live, Work & Travel.” Contact Donna
    Henes at (718) 857-1343;

    6. ==> The Best Free Streaming While You’re Stuck at

    Now that we’re all cooped up at home, invite funny and
    charming Aussie pop culture expert Maude Garrett on
    your show to share tips on what to watch when you’ve
    got cabin fever and where to find free online movies
    and entertainment for kids and adults! Maude can also
    discuss the impact of coronavirus on Hollywood and
    whether this crisis could permanently change the way we
    see movies. Maude Garrett, a former TV and radio host,
    is the founder of the popular Geek Bomb website and
    YouTube channel for everything related to TV, movies,
    comic books and video games. Maude also works with the
    free streaming movie service Tubi, which offers more
    than 20,000 movies and TV shows. Contact John Angelo at

    7. ==> Suddenly Working from Home? Tips to Stay

    Millions of Americans suddenly find themselves working
    from home. Whether you are setting up shop at the
    kitchen table or sequestering yourself in your bedroom,
    this new way of doing business can take some getting
    used to. Invite Sharon Fenster to share six strategies
    to help get through this time and work at home
    effectively. From setting a clear workday schedule to
    creating a proper work environment, listeners will
    learn how to make the best of this new working reality
    and ways to keep a positive mindset and make the best
    use of their workday. She says, “Interruptions are
    tempting because of the social isolation we all feel
    right now but try to compartmentalize your feelings and
    keep work time separate from social time. It’s
    important to stay in touch with friends and family, so
    schedule those video and voice calls like FaceTime,
    Zoom, or the good old-fashioned phone, during breaks
    from work and other downtimes in your work schedule.” A
    former president of the Public Relations Society of
    America New York (PRSA – NY), Sharon is president of
    Fenster Communications. Contact her at (914) 391-0275;

    8. ==> How to Thrive Under Continual Stress

    We know that when we suffer from continual stress,
    choices seem limited and thereby decrease our
    effectiveness. Behavioral scientists have a name for
    this psychological reaction: learned helplessness.
    Stress expert Marvin Marshall says it’s important to
    acknowledge (and not ignore) how the brain changes when
    under continual stress. “You can accomplish this by
    realizing that regardless of the situation, stimulus,
    or urge, a person always has a choice as to the
    response. You can also develop the habit of redirecting
    negative self-talk. Learning to act reflectively
    (rather than reflexively) can prevent learned
    helplessness that inevitably increases stress and
    reduces effectiveness.” Marvin Marshall is an author,
    educator and professional speaker. His “Without Stress”
    series of books explains how to reduce stress in daily
    life, work and relationships. Contact him at (714)

    9. ==> Adrenaline, Cortisol and the Coronavirus

    This is a stressful time and many people are feeling
    anxious. But that’s the worst thing for our bodies
    right now, according to Michael Platt, M.D. He’ll
    explain how both stress and anxiety cause our bodies to
    release a hormone called cortisol that impairs the
    immune system, the main defense we have against the
    coronavirus. “The primary cause of stress and anxiety
    is excess adrenaline,” says Dr. Platt. Invite him on
    your show to discuss his simple, unique approach to
    lowering adrenaline. He says, “By providing the brain
    with the two nutrients it requires, and the use a 5%
    progesterone cream that can be obtained without a
    prescription, levels of excess adrenaline can be
    lowered in less than 24 hours.” He’ll reveal other
    surprising ways adrenaline affects the body, from
    weight gain and insomnia to fibromyalgia and road rage.
    Dr. Michael Platt is board-certified in internal
    medicine and his practice specializes in wellness and
    bioidentical hormones. A frequent media guest, Dr.
    Platt is the author of several books including
    “Adrenaline Dominance.” Contact him at (760) 836-3232;

    10. ==> How to Avoid SDT: Social Distancing Trauma

    Stuck at home and feeling bored? When you’ve binged all
    the Netflix you can stand and are ready to do something
    memorable Jean Alfieri can help. The author of “Blessed
    to Be Me,” will encourage your temporarily shut-in
    audience to share amazing stories with their family
    members — personal stories they didn’t even know they
    had in many cases. She’ll provide insights and prompts
    to get them started. Jean is a veteran of human
    resources and organizational development in both small
    and large companies who left the corporate world to
    pursue more personal projects. Contact Jean at (602)

    11. ==> The Simple Daily Ritual That Saves Lives

    It is something that anyone can do. It is free. It
    doesn’t require special equipment. Even children can do
    it. It can be done at work, in bed, on the floor or in
    a chair. And it can be lifesaving. It is the daily
    ritual that could save your life, yet most people do
    not practice it. John Sambalino can explain how you can
    make meditation the daily ritual that helps improve
    your health, relationships, job performance and mood,
    and how he has even used meditation to help prison
    inmates avoid future crimes. John will also discuss how
    meditation’s calmness reduces stress, helps you deal
    with deadlines, leads to better sleep, and even boosts
    memory. He is the author of “Is God in That Bottle Cap?
    A Search for Truth.” Ask him: Why do so many
    celebrities practice meditation? How has meditation
    helped people face the coronavirus epidemic? What are
    some common myths that keep people from trying
    meditation? Contact John Sambalino at (856) 245-5062;

    12. ==> From Viruses to Migraines and Beyond – Self-
    Healing Secrets

    Countless people in your audience (and studio) are
    dealing with diseases and health challenges they never
    expected, and which hit them seemingly out of the blue.
    What do you do when such life-impacting issues strike
    with little warning? First, you can feel confident and
    empowered that we humans have innate abilities to begin
    self-healing and strengthening. So says acclaimed
    physician and speaker Nelie Johnson, M.D., initiator of
    the forum It’s Time to Heal, which offers an
    integrative approach to treating illness. Invite this
    outspoken expert on-air to hear her advice for health
    and longer life. Learn why self-healing is so powerful
    and necessary, what kind of messages we receive from
    our bodies and the link between emotions and disease.
    Dr. Johnson’s latest book is “The Healing Message of
    Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604) 334-3853;

    13. ==> 5 Tips for Anyone Considering a Career Change

    You’ve heard that the average person will change
    careers five to seven times in their lifetime and that
    millennials are even more likely to do so. Some people
    will need to switch due to changing market conditions,
    while others will merely want to do something
    different. Geraldine Hogan can offer tips for anyone
    who wants to apply their skills in a new direction. She
    has already helped thousands of educators, business
    professionals and entrepreneurs explore new
    opportunities. She can talk about her own career
    journey as well. Learn three simple, life-changing
    questions to ask before making any career move, whether
    salary should guide your decision, and how to overcome
    obstacles, hesitation and fear of the unknown.
    Geraldine is a former educator, attorney and judge and
    the author of “Career Moves for Teachers and Other
    Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job Change.”
    Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305) 902-3869;

    14. ==> What Happens When Exes Fight Over a Frozen

    Recent news stories have explored the issue of frozen
    embryos caught in the crossfire of couples who have
    uncoupled. Fertilized during happier times, these
    embryos may remain in limbo forever and rack up storage
    fees if the couples cannot agree on their future. Or,
    as Nate Birt advises, the couple can agree to let the
    frozen embryo be adopted by someone else, a possibility
    they may not have considered. Learn more when you
    interview Nate, whose daughter began life as another
    couple’s frozen embryo. Nate is the author of “Frozen,
    But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide
    to Embryo Adoption.” Ask him: What are some of the
    controversies that surround frozen embryos? Are
    fertilized embryos people or property? How costly is it
    to adopt such an embryo? Contact Nate Birt at (417)

    15. ==> 5 Things You Can Do to Prevent Medical Errors

    Think only doctors, nurses and other health
    professionals can prevent medical errors? Think again!
    As a patient or the loved one of someone being treated,
    you can play a vital role in preventing medical
    mistakes in doctors’ offices, urgent care centers,
    hospitals or clinics. That’s the message of registered
    nurse and nurse practitioner Anne McAwley-LeDuc, who
    advises audiences about organizing their medical
    records, communicating with health professionals,
    asking the right questions at the right time and
    advocating for one’s own health care. Interview Anne,
    author of “Personal Health Organizer: A Complete Easy-
    to-Use System to Quickly Document Your Major Medical
    and Dental History,” to explore such life-saving
    topics. You’ll learn the most important thing patients
    should be doing with their medical history, which
    conversations help your medical team help you and what
    to do if you suspect a medical error. Contact Anne
    McAwley-LeDuc at (860) 300-1603;

    16. ==> What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?

    Right now, thousands of young people are considering a
    career in nursing. What should they know as they enter
    nursing school, graduate, become registered, and begin
    their professional nursing careers? What will keep them
    on the job? How can we all help prevent nursing
    shortages since the aging population needs such
    professionals more than ever? You’ll want to explore
    this timely topic and the nursing experience with all
    its implications by interviewing Nancy Congleton. In
    addition to offering solutions to help today’s nurses
    and ultimately everyone they serve, she will reveal the
    unexpected realities of the nursing profession, five
    relationship dynamics that nurses face, legal issues,
    and the concerns everyone should have when nurses feel
    so unprepared and overworked that they leave. An
    outspoken registered nurse known as Nurse Nancy, Nancy
    Covington has worked in the NICU, ER and case
    management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of the NP:
    Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By Piece.”
    Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

    17. ==> Fibro Lady Delivers You Pain-Free Living

    Every morning Leah McCullough appreciates that she no
    longer deals with life-impacting pain, fatigue and
    accompanying depression. But as the sought-after Fibro
    Lady, so named because she overcame intense
    fibromyalgia that pained her for decades, she’s on a
    mission to help other pain sufferers do the same.
    Invite this informative expert on-air to discuss
    secrets to upbeat mood and boundless energy as you
    recover. Leah is the author of “Freedom from
    Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery” and “Eat to
    Energize.” She also offers the online program Fibro
    Pain is a Pain (And What You Can Do About It.) Contact
    her at (859) 279-0413;

    18. ==> This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life

    How much sugar have you been eating and drinking? For
    most people the answer is “too much” and includes
    hidden sugars they don’t even know about. These are the
    folks who need the good kind of witch — Sugar Witch
    Marsha Allen — to avoid the harmful effects of sugar
    overwhelm such as obesity and type-2 diabetes. Marsha
    will explain how her program can help anyone live a
    sweeter and longer life without sugar addiction. She’ll
    discuss how to recognize and avoid surprisingly super-
    sweet foods, embrace healthier snacks and treats,
    prevent cravings that send you onto the sugar highway,
    keep kids from demanding sweets and more. Marsha is the
    host of Sugar Addicts on Crown City News TV. She is the
    author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar &
    Dairy Free Made Simple.” Contact her at (902) 906-5231;

    19. ==> Master Your Mind in Your Free Time

    Now that many people are working from home and being
    encouraged to stay there they may want to use their
    extra time to figure out what they want from life. And
    David Richards may be able to provide them with the
    direction they need to do that. Richards, a best-
    selling author best known for his book “Whiskey and
    Yoga: Find Your Purpose,” can discuss the power of
    meditation, reveal the No. 1 thing that holds 95% of
    the population back, and explain how the human mind
    works and how to use that information to increase
    focus. A firewalker, yoga teacher, life strategist, and
    corporate executive, David Richard has written “The
    Lighthouse Keeper: A Story of Mind Mastery,” a novel
    containing lifestyle tools wrapped in a diverting plot.
    Contact him at (919) 392-9183;

    20. ==> Why 50 Isn’t the New 30 … It’s Way Better

    As we get older we may not realize that things should
    get better. With awareness, maturity, experience, and
    motivation going for us, the second half of life offers
    extraordinary opportunities and satisfaction. That’s
    the message of Joe Swinger, who specializes in helping
    adults in midlife enjoy the VIP life — one marked by
    greater vibrancy, impact and purpose. He’ll discuss
    what you should focus on (besides money) as you
    approach and dive into retirement and offer ideas for
    aging boomers who want to make a difference, recreate
    and stay relevant. Joe created the Silver Linings
    Network to encourage happiness, success and emotional
    health in midlife and later years. Contact Joe Swinger
    at (801) 865-7748:

  • 3/24/20 RTIR Newsletter: Coronavirus-induced Recession, Honesty’s Decline, Social Distancing

    March 24, 2020

    01. Will this Pandemic Derail Democracy?
    02. Congress, Covid and the Cards on the Table
    03. Should You Put Your Taxes on Hold? Ask this Pro
    04. The Surprisingly Effective Way to Treat COVID-19 Anxiety
    05. Consumers Can Prevent a Coronavirus-induced Recession
    06. Social Distancing is Perfect Time to Declutter
    07. Home Alone? You Wish! 3 Coping Tips for Too Much Family Time
    08. Keeping Coronavirus from Flattening Your Bank Account
    09. The Ultimate Social Distance Lifestyle: Living in a 39-Foot RV
    10. Colorado Takes Healthcare from Washington: Good Idea?
    11. Should You Fire Doctor Google?
    12. Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal Mortality Statistic
    13. Iraq Vet: From Faith to Darkness and Back Again
    14. Who is to Blame for Honesty’s Decline?
    15. Book This Guest If You’ve Ever Crammed for a Test!
    16. It’s Time to Spring-Clean Your Life and Make Room for Your Dreams
    17. Women’s History Month: Mountain Climber Helps Women Reach Their Peak 18. The Best Treatments for Younger-Looking Skin
    19. Get off Social Media and Get Outside!
    20. Fun Show: How Coffee Preferences Predict the Wines You’ll Like

    1.==> Will this Pandemic Derail Democracy?

    The coronavirus pandemic is causing significant
    disruptions to American elections. The need for social
    distancing to prevent the rapid spread of the virus
    requires people to stay away from crowds. That includes
    polling locations. But it’s vital to ensure people can
    still exercise their right to vote. Advocacy groups
    like the American Civil Liberties Union and the Brennan
    Center for Justice, as well as politicians from both
    political parties, are calling on states to take quick
    action to ensure that voters will be able to cast
    ballots this year. “If that’s going to happen, it’s
    going to have to be planned now,” says Rick Hasen, an
    election law professor at the University of California-
    Irvine and author of the book “Election Meltdown.”
    Invite him to discuss how to increase options for
    voting from home, including allowing no-excuse mail-in
    absentee voting and mailing ballots to every voter, and
    why states must maintain safe in-person polling
    locations for communities, like Native Americans and
    the non-English proficient, who need them. Rick Hasen
    is a nationally recognized expert in election law and
    campaign finance regulation, co-author of a leading
    casebook on election law and co-editor of the quarterly
    peer-reviewed publication, Election Law Journal.
    Contact him at; (949) 824-3072 or
    Mojgan Sherkat at (949) 824-7937;

    2. ==> Congress, COVID and the Cards on the Table

    The battle over emergency legislation to address the
    coronavirus pandemic is playing out in Congress while
    employers and their employees wonder how they’re going
    to get through the crisis. Rebecca Bernhard is a
    partner at the international law firm Dorsey & Whitney
    in both its labor and employment practice. She says she
    has been fielding calls from employers across every
    industry. “Many employers are now grappling with the
    economic effects of shelter-in-home orders, social
    distancing mandates and actual illness. The vast
    majority of my client calls have centered around
    implementation of furloughs, layoffs, reduced hours,
    and work-from-home policies. Employers want to know
    whether their employees will receive some benefits if
    the company implements a furlough,” Bernhard says. She
    can discuss what’s needed and what’s currently on the
    table in terms of emergency benefits, and how companies
    across the country are dealing with the situation.
    Contact Laura Kelley at (303) 704-5222;

    3. ==> Should You Put Your Taxes on Hold? Ask this Pro

    The Internal Revenue Service tax deadline for people
    and businesses is being extended three months, from
    April 15 to July 15. Tax attorney Bruce Givner will
    share advice for your listeners who may be confused
    about what to do next. He says, “Contact your tax
    consultant and ask what this new extension means to you
    personally. It seems as though it will be helpful to
    every taxpayer, but ultimately, there may be
    downsides.” Ask him: Will there be any other U.S.
    government relief and what might that be? Should you
    file early if you have a refund coming? What are the
    pros and cons? Could there be other helpful forms of
    relief in the works by local and state governments?
    Should you keep track of your losses both small and
    large, for write-offs this year? Bruce Givner is a
    partner at KFB Law Group in Los Angeles. A specialist
    in income tax planning, estate tax planning and asset
    protection, he is a frequent media guest and is
    regularly quoted in print publications and online.
    Contact Cherie Kerr at;
    (714) 550-9900 or (714) 271-2140 (cell) or Shannon
    Dugger at; (303) 619-3949

    4.==> The Surprisingly Effective Way to Treat COVID-19

    You’ve heard that you need to stop touching your face
    and start washing your hands much more carefully. But
    there’s another new habit that you might want to take
    up if you are worried about catching or spreading the
    novel coronavirus. David Hanscom, M.D., can share what
    it is (don’t worry you already have everything you
    would need in your house) and why doing this new
    practice for as little as five minutes a day could have
    a big impact on your health. A retired surgeon, Dr.
    Hanscom can also talk about anxiety in general and why
    he says it isn’t psychological but physiological.
    Because we misunderstand that, we usually treat it
    poorly, often performing needless surgeries on patients
    who are suffering from anxiety instead of teaching them
    how to lower their stress hormones. Dr. Hanscom is an
    orthopedic spine surgeon who quit his surgical practice
    to teach patients and medical practitioners how to
    solve chronic pain. His most recent book is “Do You
    Really Need Spine Surgery?” Contact him at (206)

    5. ==> Consumers Can Prevent a Coronavirus-induced

    As the transportation, hospitality, and entertainment
    industries are hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, we
    are left wondering, what’s next? The markets are
    reflecting fears that we could be in for another Great
    Recession, or worse. But American consumers hold the
    key to preventing that, says attorney James Stuber.
    Author of the recent book, “What if Things Were Made in
    America Again,” Stuber explains that consumers are the
    driver of the American economy, and those of us who are
    relatively unaffected can save the day simply by buying
    things made in American communities instead of
    overseas. James A. Stuber is the founder of Made in
    America Again, a movement of consumers dedicated to
    rebuilding the American middle class by buying things
    made in American communities. Stuber is an attorney and
    entrepreneur who formerly served as a legislative
    assistant to a member of the United States House of
    Representatives. Contact him at (610) 608-5074;

    6. ==> Social Distancing is Perfect Time to Declutter

    Now that you are stuck at home it is pretty hard to
    ignore the clutter that most likely surrounds you.
    Especially if you are now working from home. As
    decluttering and downsizing expert Marlena Uhrik,
    Ed.D., will tell you, while we are strongly attached to
    them, a surplus of possessions can lead to chaos and
    wasted time trying to find them. But before you decide
    to hit the decluttering trail, take a moment to listen
    to Marlena as she shares the five biggest mistakes
    people make that lead to unnecessary frustration and
    abandonment of good intentions. She’ll help you come up
    with a plan, avoid doing too much at once, get over the
    idea of perfection and make smart decisions. A 50-year
    educator, Realtor and Certified Home Stager, she’s one
    of six authors of the No. 1 Amazon bestseller “Secret
    Sauce of Downsizing: The Complete Guide for Living with
    Less and Loving It More!” Ask her about free giveaways.
    Contact her at (916) 269-0528;

    7. ==> Home Alone? You Wish! 3 Coping Tips for Too Much
    Family Time

    What happens when family members are forced to
    congregate together for long periods in small spaces?
    Arguments, bickering, door slamming. As communication
    expert Raj Girn will point out, nuclear families
    weren’t created to handle unlimited close contact with
    multiple personality types. With few alternatives for
    the moment, what can we do? Raj, who has been working
    lately with clients who have been grappling with the
    suffocation of being stuck at home with spouses, kids,
    grandparents, and even pets, can offer three tips for
    boosting your emotional intelligence around effective
    communication while being stuck in isolation. Raj is a
    well-known media personality in Canada and a serial
    media entrepreneur who has worked in many
    communication-intensive industries with thought
    leaders, celebrities, and multinational corporations.
    Contact her at (647) 490-3158;

    8. ==> Keeping Coronavirus from Flattening Your Bank

    The coronavirus has instantly made millions of people’s
    financial lives worse. Maybe they’ve been laid off or
    are working reduced hours or had to shut down their
    businesses. And as we try to “flatten the curve,” bank
    accounts are also being flattened. Until life returns
    to normal, what can they do to stem the bleeding?
    Interview Lorri Craig, a Certified Financial Planner
    with a master’s degree in finance, to find out. She can
    talk about ways to save money on everything from cell
    phone plans to TV subscriptions, how to negotiate with
    credit card companies and landlords and talk about why
    the last place you want to cut back is at your kitchen
    table. She’ll also share little-known legitimate ways
    you can make money from home. Contact Lorri Craig at
    (484) 453-1742;

    9. ==> The Ultimate Social Distance Lifestyle: Living
    in a 39-Foot RV

    By now, some of your listeners are starting to feel a
    bit stir-crazy as they stay home and wait out the
    pandemic. So, imagine what it would be like if home was
    a 39-foot RV you shared with your spouse. Tim Winders
    will tell your audience why he believes it’s a great
    way to social distance as they ride out the storm in
    the RV they call Theo. For anyone who has wondered what
    it would be like to travel full time while making money
    as you go Tim has the answers. He is so persuasive that
    his adult son also works and lives in his own RV. Tim
    can also talk about his inspiring life journey: he went
    from owning seven-figure businesses and over 100
    properties to bankruptcy, homelessness and having $100
    in his bank account before rebounding to his current,
    more intentional lifestyle. Contact Tim Winders at
    (404) 846-4639;

    10. ==> Colorado Takes Healthcare from Washington: Good

    Colorado is moving to increase state control of
    healthcare by replacing federal control with state
    mandates. Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA., says, “We need to
    remove the federal government from healthcare. Colorado
    appears to have taken a first step. But appearances can
    be deceiving.” Colorado’s taking healthcare from
    Washington is a good move, Waldman says. But, not the
    way they did it. He’ll explain how Colorado’s plan
    takes away a patient’s right to choose the same way
    Congress does in their Medicare-for-All bill, and what
    we can learn from the former USSR’s implementation of
    price controls. Listeners will learn how to get the
    care they need, when they need it, without going broke.
    Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA, is professor emeritus of
    pediatrics, pathology, and decision science and former
    director of the Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas
    Public Policy Foundation. A sought-after media guest,
    he has also written six books including “Curing the
    Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based
    Medicine.” Contact him at (505) 255-2999;

    11. ==> Should You Fire Doctor Google?

    Every minute 70,000 health-related questions are asked
    on Google, according to the search engine itself.
    That’s one billion questions a day! But is this a good
    thing? Not so much, says Trevor Campbell, M.D., who
    points out that the worst scenarios of any condition
    tend to draw the most interest. “It makes people
    depressed, ruminative and can destroy hope,” he says,
    adding that the resulting hypervigilance actually
    worsens the lot of people who suffer from chronic pain,
    his area of expertise. Dr. Campbell can also talk about
    the ways technology brings its own stressors and what
    the antidotes are for avoiding drama in cyberspace. Ask
    him: How is technology robbing us of our leisure time?
    How can we limit its reach this spring? Dr. Campbell is
    a family physician who studied medicine at the
    University of Cape Town, South Africa, before
    immigrating to Canada. His new book is “The Language of
    Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.”
    Contact Trevor Campbell at (250) 217-7832;

    12. ==> Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal
    Mortality Statistic

    It’s the 21st century. That means women can breeze
    through childbirth and be healthy to raise their
    children, right? Sadly, maternal deaths have been
    increasing, despite advanced obstetrical care. Find out
    why and what expectant parents and medical personnel
    should know, when you interview Alan Lindemann, M.D. He
    has delivered more than 6,000 babies (including many
    multiple births, even quads) during his decades-long
    career without losing a mom. This fascinating
    professional will discuss the trouble with “maternity
    deserts” where women are hours away from where they’ll
    deliver … illnesses affecting healthy birthing …
    the impact of too many c-sections … who needs more OB
    nurses … plus additional issues that put mothers (and
    babies) at risk. Dr. Lindemann’s advice can save
    countless lives, families and careers. Contact Dr.
    Lindemann at (701) 543-6182;

    13. ==> Iraq Vet: From Faith to Darkness and Back Again

    If you’d pulled shards of a friend’s skull out of your
    own face or seen a man killed by an IED as he raced to
    meet his wife and newborn child, how would you respond?
    How would you be changed? Decorated combat veteran
    Capt. Jeff Morris will share his traumatic experience
    as a battalion leader in Iraq, what it did to his faith
    and how he came to survive not only firefights in
    Baghdad’s most dangerous war zone but the deaths of
    eight of his men and a subsequent decade-long battle
    with PTSD. The author of “Legion Rising: Surviving
    Combat and the Scars It Left Behind” is now a senior
    executive who travels the country on behalf of his
    nonprofit Legion 8 Foundation, formed to honor the men
    lost under his leadership in Baghdad. Contact Jason
    Jones at

    14. ==> Who is to Blame for Honesty’s Decline?

    In a recent Gallup Poll on honesty, respondents said
    that just 13% of senators were honest and ranked
    governors’ and business executives’ honesty at 20%.
    With the press (28% honest) routinely fact-checking
    everything the president says it makes you wonder
    whether honesty has become a relic of the past. And if
    it is, author and leadership expert Steven Mays says,
    “Why are we surprised when we get terrible results from
    our leaders? It’s our own damned fault.” He’ll reveal
    why talent is important in people who serve as leaders,
    but developing it at the expense of character and
    honesty is an all too common mistake. Mays is the
    author of “The Power of 3: Lessons in Leadership.” A
    graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who
    served on nuclear submarines, he was a mathematician,
    electrical engineer and nuclear engineer who worked in
    private industry and at the Nuclear Regulation
    Commission. Contact him at (703) 552-5672;

    15. ==> Book This Guest If You’ve Ever Crammed for a

    Have you ever crammed for a test? How about your kids?
    Chances are the answer is yes. But did you know that
    cramming almost never leads to learning? It’s true!
    Most students cram to get that “A” on Friday … but they
    have forgotten vital information by Monday. The “Cram
    Plan” just doesn’t work long-term. Interview Lee
    Jenkins, educator, administrator and author of “How to
    Create a Perfect School,” so he can explain how a
    “perfect school” is possible when we take away the
    cramming game that teachers and students play.
    According to Lee, it’s easier than you think to solve
    the educational dilemma in this country by getting rid
    of cramming, once and for all. Lee Jenkins has been an
    educator and administrator both in public schools and
    universities. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    16. ==> It’s Time to Spring-Clean Your Life and Make
    Room for Your Dreams

    Springtime brings thoughts of spring-cleaning to many
    parents, but how about some mental spring-cleaning to
    make room for your dreams? Instead of being overwhelmed
    with to-do lists and constantly feeling burned out, why
    not recharge your batteries by reigniting your dreams?
    Children’s author and mom of three Rosie J. Pova tells
    parents, “We put our kids first and often ignore our
    dreams and passions in life in order to take care of
    everyone else in the family. With the right strategy,
    we can make the time to pursue our goals.” Invite Pova
    to share 10 tips on following your passions without
    neglecting your family. She can tell your audience how
    to get started, how to stay motivated even after
    multiple setbacks, and how to overcome failure.  Pova
    is the author of several children’s books including her
    latest picture book, Sunday Rain. She has been featured
    by KCHF 730-AM, DEAR Texas Radio, Web Talk Radio, and
    many other shows nationwide. Contact her at (214)

    17. ==> Women’s History Month: Climber Helps Women
    Reach Their Peak

    During Women’s History Month, female leaders want to
    help transform our world. International retreat leader,
    author, attorney, and mountain climber Mozella Perry
    Ademiluyi has helped thousands of women globally to
    achieve their biggest goals. Invite her to reveal why
    times of turmoil are the best times for female leaders
    to make positive change. She can also share why
    barriers and boundaries make good targets for reaching
    success and how to establish the attitudes that help
    women reach their peak potential. Ademiluyi is a
    successful international speaker and author who reached
    Mount Kilimanjaro’s 19,341-foot peak at the age of 60.
    She now teaches professional women how to boldly
    embrace the steps that help them reach their summit.
    Her book “Rise!” reveals how each person can
    successfully climb her own mountains. Contact her at
    (301) 437-7607;

    18. ==> The Best Treatments for Younger-Looking Skin

    According to business research data organization
    Satistica, the global market for skin-care products is
    currently $148.3 billion. As that huge number
    illustrates, the number of skin-care products available
    to consumers today is staggering, making it difficult
    to know how to spend those dollars wisely. Christy Hall
    says the best way to reduce beauty industry overwhelm
    is through consumer education. Invite Hall on your show
    for straight talk on everything from how skin works to
    nutrition, what to expect with topical procedures and
    how to look your best while aging. From injectable
    fillers to Botox and lasers, learn what works, what is
    a waste of money, and how to get the most bang from
    your beauty buck. A board-certified physician assistant
    (PA-C) specializing in cosmetic dermatology and
    aesthetic medicine, Christy Hall’s Arizona medical
    aesthetics practice specializes in non-surgical facial
    and skin rejuvenation treatments. Her new book is “Your
    Beauty Advocate: A Non-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying
    Skincare.” Contact Christy Hall at (520) 260-2272;

    19. ==> Get off Social Media and Get Outside!

    Feeling low on energy? Need a spring in your step or a
    new attitude? Put down the iPad or remote and get
    outside for a quick perk up that can make you feel
    better. Invite award-winning screenwriter, author,
    TV/film producer, journalist, and TV host Maryann
    Ridini Spencer to reveal why simply getting outdoors
    and surrounding yourself with nature can improve your
    mood and your health. She can tell your audience how it
    also helps with your focus and creativity. Maryann is
    the author of the award-winning novel “Lady in the
    Window” and the new Amazon bestseller, “The Paradise
    Table.” Her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame
    (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, Syfy,
    Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact Maryann Ridini
    Spencer at (818) 884-0104;

    20. ==> Fun Show: How Coffee Preferences Predict the
    Wines You Like

    We all have personal coffee preferences, but what do
    yours reveal about the kind of wine you like? Andy
    Hyman is a tour guide in the Napa and Sonoma wine
    country who has shared his passion for wine with
    thousands of people from around the world. Invite him
    to share what your favorite wines would be based on
    your coffee preference. He can also reveal whether
    taste preferences mainly come down to how many taste
    buds someone has or if those preferences are learned.
    His book, Snob Free Wine Tasting Companion: Wine Smart
    in a Day, reveals how to get the most out of a wine-
    tasting experience, how wine is made, and general
    knowledge about wine. Hyman has been featured by Sonoma
    Magazine, the Marin Independent Journal, Napa Valley
    Register, North Bay BIZ magazine, and other radio and
    print outlets nationwide. Contact him at (415)

  • 3/19/20 RTIR Newsletter: Coronavirus, Porn vs Human Trafficking, Younger Looking Skin

    March 19, 2020

    01. We Need a Coronavirus Manhattan Project
    02. Coronavirus: Historic Lessons in Civic Duty
    03. Andrew Yang’s Moment: Economic Cost of the Pandemic
    04. NY Times Reporter on the Women Shaping Congress
    05. Free Online Program Keeps Kids Smart with Art
    06. Wedding Cancellations in the Age of Coronavirus
    07. Talking to Kids about Coronavirus
    08. Coronavirus and Surging Gun Sales
    09. Balancing Coronavirus Fear with Facts
    10. Gyms Are Closed But Forget about Walking 10,000 Steps
    11. Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales of Metal Legends
    12. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
    13. Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More with Less
    14. Could Self-Doubt Be the Key to Your Career Success?
    15. The Link Between Porn and Human Trafficking
    16. ‘I’m Glad My Parents Forced Me into an Arranged Marriage’
    17. Why Do So Many People Hate Themselves?
    18. The Best Treatments for Younger-Looking Skin
    19. Who Says Learning Math Has to Be Hard?
    20. Want a Better Sex Life? There’s an App for That!

    1.==> We Need a Coronavirus Manhattan Project

    Robert David Siegel, M.D., Ph.D., says it’s time for a
    Viral Manhattan Project to combat COVID-19, and it must
    begin immediately. He explains, “During World War II,
    the United States sponsored a massive project of
    unprecedented scope. The purpose of the Manhattan
    Project was to develop weapons to put an end to a world
    conflict. Once again, we are in an all-out war. This
    time, the war does not involve a world divided. It is a
    time when all of humanity must come together to face a
    common threat.” Dr. Siegel says while they appear
    impressive, the government’s multibillion-dollar
    proposals are woefully inadequate in response to the
    pandemic. Invite him to outline a 10-point plan for
    creating the Viral Manhattan Project. From ramping up
    testing to creating a wartime scale-up in the
    production of critical care facilities, Dr. Siegel will
    discuss the best way to address the current crisis
    before it’s too late. Robert David Siegel. M.D., Ph.D.,
    is a professor in the Department of Microbiology and
    Immunology at Stanford University. Contact him at 650)
    725-3212; (650) 678-8728 or

    2. ==> Coronavirus: Historic Lessons in Civic Duty

    Cough into your elbow, wash your hands and stay home.
    These are the patriotic acts of 2020. Historian Meg
    Jacobs reminds us this is not the first time small,
    seemingly insignificant acts have taken on life or
    death meaning, recalling the many sacrifices Americans
    made during WW II. “Repair a shirt rather than buy a
    new one, paint on nylons instead of wearing the real
    thing, go without cuffs on your pants; indeed, women
    wore pants instead of skirts since that used less
    fabric. Their bathing suits shrank. The fewer pairs of
    stockings worn by women, the more nylon available to
    use for parachutes. The precautionary efforts officials
    are asking of us to fight the coronavirus are an
    opportunity to renew our civic-mindedness — to wake up
    from our selfish slumbers and take action. If President
    Trump won’t appeal effectively or directly to our
    better selves, other than thin comments that came way
    too late, listen to all the other mayors, governors,
    corporate executives, union leaders, clergy and doctors
    who are asking us to make small sacrifices for the
    greater good. As hard as it is to stay indoors and
    self-quarantine, it will be great to know that in a
    crisis we each did our part.” Meg Jacobs teaches
    history at Princeton University. She is working on a
    book about the New Deal and World War II. Contact her
    at (609) 258-0559;

    3. ==> Andrew Yang’s Moment: Economic Cost of the Pandemic

    As fears of the growing coronavirus pandemic lead to
    something close to a temporary shutdown of the U.S.
    economy, Edward Alden says the moment has come to
    listen to the most important young political voice in
    the country: Andrew Yang’s. “Yang’s dark-horse run for
    the Democratic presidential nomination was based on the
    simplest of ideas: if Americans are poor and
    struggling, give them money. He took the idea of
    “universal basic income” (UBI) from the stuff of think-
    tank analyses and policy books to the front pages of
    newspapers. Its moment has come more quickly than he
    could have imagined.” Mitt Romney, the Utah Republican
    senator, has joined a growing chorus of Democrats in
    calling for direct cash grants of $1,000 to all
    American adults to help them weather the economic hit
    from the virus. As Congress is considering additional
    measures to help an economy that is careening into
    recession, Alden says getting money quickly into the
    hands of struggling individuals and families must be a
    top priority. Edward Alden is Bernard L. Schwartz
    senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
    (CFR), specializing in U.S. economic competitiveness,
    trade, and immigration policy. He is the author of
    “Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in
    the Global Economy.” Contact him at (202) 509-8474;

    4.==> NY Times Reporter on the Women Shaping Congress

    In January 2019, the largest number of women ever
    elected to Congress was sworn in — 87 in the House and
    23 in the Senate. This history-making class included
    many firsts: the youngest woman ever to serve; the
    first two Muslim women; the first two Native American
    women, one openly gay; a black woman from a nearly all-
    white Chicago suburb; and a Hispanic woman from a
    heavily Republican border region. Invite veteran New
    York Times Capitol Hill reporter Jennifer Steinhauer to
    give listeners a behind-the-scenes look at these
    newcomers and their individual and collective attempts
    to usher in change in Washington. Can these women, many
    already social media stars and political punching bags,
    find a way to break through the partisan stalemate and
    hidebound traditions of Washington, D.C.? Which is a
    more salient marker of change — their gender, or the
    diversity of age, race, religion and economic status
    they bring to Congress? Jennifer Steinhauer has covered
    numerous high-profile beats in her 25-year reporting
    career at the New York Times. Her latest book is “The
    Firsts: The Inside Story of the Women Reshaping
    Congress.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    5. ==> Free Online Program Keeps Kids Smart with Art

    Parents across the country have now become their kids’
    classroom teachers as schools shutter their doors to
    contain the coronavirus. How about some help from the
    Boca Raton Museum of Art in the form of a new series of
    free online programs? Keep Kids Smart with ART is a
    visual arts program created by the museum’s art
    schoolteachers for kids at home and seniors who are
    social distancing and feeling isolated. “Art, culture,
    and creativity have always made a difference in
    powerful ways, especially during challenging times,”
    says Irvin Lippman, executive director of the Boca
    Raton Museum of Art. “While the Museum is temporarily
    closed, we will continue to give back to the community.
    Being inspired and creative have not been canceled.”
    The new program resulted from consulting with an
    American father who lives abroad with his family and
    shared the challenges they’ve faced while staying home
    due to school closures. Invite Lippman to share tips on
    how parents can use art at home to keep kids engaged.
    Contact Jose Lima at (305) 910-7762;

    6. ==> Wedding Cancellations in the Age of Coronavirus

    Couples spend months or even years planning their big
    day, but the coronavirus has put the kibosh on many
    upcoming ceremonies and events. What’s a couple to do?
    Invite wedding and event planner Lynne Goldberg to
    discuss the options, from postponing the event to
    having a scaled-down version or canceling altogether.
    Goldberg will share tips for dealing with vendors, what
    to do with decorations and food and even how to notify
    your guests. Lynne Goldberg is the president of Boca
    Entertainment, a full-service wedding and event
    planning company that specializes in theme
    entertainment. She’s appeared on reality TV and her
    work and commentary have been featured in the New York
    Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post and Wall Street
    Journal. Contact her at (561) 212-6024;

    7. ==> Talking to Kids about Coronavirus

    Everybody’s at home and the anxiety level is bound to
    be rising right about now. Everything is changing and
    it’s unsettling for not only adults but kids! “Children
    need to be reassured that although things seem
    confusing and troubling right now, in time, everything
    will be OK,” says former teacher Peggy Sideratos. “They
    can keenly sense the energy around them, so our words
    and our energy need to be succinct. To keep kids from
    being overly anxious, adults need to model calm and
    rational behavior. If there is a disconnect between our
    words, emotions and reactions, our anxiety will
    transfer to kids and manifest itself in changes to
    their behavior.” An elementary school teacher for more
    than a dozen years, Peggy Sideratos is the author of
    “The Light Giver and Other Stories to Raise Emotionally
    Healthy Children” and a companion workbook. Contact her
    at (917) 715-8788;

    8. ==> Coronavirus and Surging Gun Sales

    The coronavirus has a lot of people scared,
    particularly residents in states where the virus is
    gaining the most ground. While some people buying guns
    are old-hands worried that supplies might dry up many
    of these buyers are first-timers. Invite Chris Bird to
    educate your audience about gun safety and self-
    defense. A sought-after expert on gun rights and
    personal protection, Chris can answer: Why are gun
    sales skyrocketing? Do we really need guns more than
    ever? Why are methods of observation as important as
    one’s weapon? With 30-plus years of firearm safety
    experience, Chris Bird is the author of several books
    including “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The
    Concealed Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!”
    Have your listeners call in during the interview with
    their gun questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210)

    9. ==> Balancing Coronavirus Fear with Facts

    Erasing stress is not only critical to success but also
    critical to our survival, says Janet McKee, a former
    Fortune 500 executive who nearly died from massive
    stress and burnout. But how can we erase stress in the
    midst of a pandemic? McKee knows. Allow her to explain
    how to balance fear with facts to reach a place of calm
    acceptance, how to maintain positive energy to get your
    power back amid the chaos and to self-regulate the news
    you take in. She’ll also share four ways to build a
    strong immune system and even discuss the good that is
    coming out of the epidemic. Janet McKee, MBA, CHPC,
    CHHC, is a High-Performance™ success coach, wellness
    expert, and CEO of SanaView. She is the author of the
    No. 1 bestseller “Stressless Success: The Surprising
    Secrets to a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity.”
    Contact her at (724) 417-6695;

    10. ==> Gyms Are Closed But Forget about Walking 10,000

    For almost 55 years, it has been accepted as fact that
    keeping fit meant taking 10,000 steps a day. But, as
    Kristen Carter will tell you, until recently, there had
    never been any research refuting or backing up this
    claim. So why did this myth persist for so long and
    what other myths are we still holding on to? What are
    some more realistic guidelines for daily fitness
    particularly with gyms closed? You’ll find out when you
    talk with Kristen, a Certified Precision Nutrition
    Coach with a master’s degree in exercise physiology.
    She is the author of “Lose Weight? Exercise More? I
    Don’t Think So! What to Do When Your Doctor Tells You
    to Make Changes for Your Health.” Contact Kristen
    Carter at (267) 930-2547;

    11. ==> Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales of
    Metal Legends

    Get your backstage pass and go behind-the-scenes with
    such legendary bands as Black Sabbath, Judas Priest,
    Twisted Sister, and Quiet Riot — to name a few. Jon
    Wiederhorn will take you onto tour buses, into hotel
    rooms, and to exclusive parties and spots both seedy
    and glamorous. Topics range from band brawls and
    security scraps to mosh pit mishaps and near-death
    experiences. And of course, there’s booze and drugs and
    groupies. Jon Wiederhorn is the author of “Raising
    Hell: Backstage Tales from the Lives of Metal Legends.”
    Contact Lissa Warren, (617) 607-4925;

    12. ==> ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She can reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She can also answer such questions as what’s
    the biggest roadblock to getting a successful book
    written? And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be,
    what does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart
    and honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business” and winner of Charlotte
    Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation Family
    Business of the Year Award. Contact Fabi at (704)

    13. ==> Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More
    with Less

    Can’t find your car keys? Haven’t seen the scissors in
    weeks? Always losing your cell phone? As decluttering
    and downsizing expert Marlena Uhrik, Ed.D., will tell
    you, while we are strongly attached to them, a surplus
    of possessions can also lead to chaos and wasted time
    trying to find them. Marlena can talk about the peace
    and calm that comes with decluttering and where to
    start if you want to live with less, whether you are
    staying put or moving to a smaller home. She can also
    share how to make decluttering an everyday process. A
    50-year educator, Realtor and Certified Home Stager,
    she’s one of six authors of the No. 1 Amazon bestseller
    “Secret Sauce of Downsizing: The Complete Guide for
    Living with Less and Loving It More!” Ask her about
    free giveaways. Contact her at (916) 269-0528;

    14. ==> Could Self-Doubt Be the Key to Your Career

    Leaders are expected to be confident, but what can you
    do if you’re in a leadership position and you lack
    confidence in your abilities? Author and leadership
    expert Marc Pitman says that self-doubt may actually
    mean you’re on the verge of greatness. Invite him to
    reveal the three main factors that can bring out the
    best leader in you. He can also share how to overcome
    past failures to achieve career success. His
    forthcoming book, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt,”
    provides a framework for leaders to move past feeling
    like a fraud and manage teams more effectively. Ask him
    how to overcome the feeling you’re “broken,” and why it
    can be dangerous to follow every new leadership system
    or self-help guru. Contact Marc Pitman at (317)

    15. ==> The Link Between Porn and Human Trafficking

    On Jan. 2, a Superior Court Judge in California awarded
    $13 million to 22 women who claimed they had been
    forced to perform in porn videos by three adult-film
    producers. The women answered an ad on Craigslist
    offering $5,000 to “pretty, preppy college-type girl”
    models, only to be forced to perform in sex videos.
    “This is just one example of how human trafficking can
    affect anyone,” says Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
    reverend and founder of the human trafficking awareness
    group Let My People Go, and author of “Vulnerable:
    Rethinking Human Trafficking.” He can discuss how
    anyone can become a victim, and how to end this
    problem. Contact Raleigh at (917) 341-6758;

    16. ==> ‘I’m Glad My Parents Forced Me into an Arranged

    Raj Girn was 22 years old and in college in Wales when
    her Indian parents offered her a choice: marry a
    stranger from a different country or prepare to leave
    their home and support. Concluding that she had only
    one option really, she married a Canadian dentist she
    had met only twice, lived with him for ten years and
    had a son. And while she ended up divorced, she now
    says that being forced into an arranged marriage was
    the best thing that happened to her. Invite Raj — a
    well-known media personality in Canada — to explain
    Indian marriage customs, what it was like to feel as
    though she were a second-class citizen for most of her
    life and ways living alone in a new country with a
    stranger ultimately led to her finding out who she was.
    Once shy and lacking in confidence, she is now a
    confidence coach who started her own award-winning
    media company and brand that helps others navigate the
    same dual cultural identities that challenged her
    growing up. Contact Raj Girn at (647) 490-3158;

    17. ==> Why Do So Many People Hate Themselves?

    An awful lot of men and women who outwardly appear to
    be living a good life actually feel worthless on the
    inside. What’s behind this gnawing self-hate and why
    are we so hard on ourselves? Social media, which is all
    about projecting our best, unrealistic self, certainly
    doesn’t help, but personal growth expert Joffre McClung
    says self-loathing has been around a lot longer than
    the internet. She’ll explain the real reasons people
    hate themselves, why we’re often kinder to others than
    ourselves, and three things you can do daily to begin
    to change this unhealthy habit. Joffre McClung has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s a
    former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the
    author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre
    McClung at (917) 994-0225;

    18. ==> The Best Treatments for Younger-Looking Skin

    According to business research data organization
    Satistica, the global market for skin-care products is
    currently $148.3 billion. As that huge number
    illustrates, the number of skin-care products available
    to consumers today is staggering, making it difficult
    to know how to spend those dollars wisely. Christy Hall
    says the best way to reduce beauty industry overwhelm
    is through consumer education. Invite Hall on your show
    for straight talk on everything from how skin works to
    nutrition, what to expect with topical procedures and
    how to look your best while aging. From injectable
    fillers to Botox and lasers, learn what works, what is
    a waste of money, and how to get the most bang from
    your beauty buck. A board-certified physician assistant
    (PA-C) specializing in cosmetic dermatology and
    aesthetic medicine, Christy Hall’s Arizona medical
    aesthetics practice specializes in non-surgical facial
    and skin rejuvenation treatments. Her new book is “Your
    Beauty Advocate: A Non-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying
    Skincare.” Contact Christy Hall at (520) 260-2272;

    19. ==> Who Says Learning Math Has to Be Hard?

    Even dedicated, experienced educators are challenged
    helping students learn math. Students expect
    insurmountable lessons and often get frustrated when
    math doesn’t make sense. No wonder all types of
    audiences (teachers, parents, students, and employers)
    will enjoy hearing good news from Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D.
    The author of “Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Framework
    for Math Teaching and Learning” will discuss a
    research-based, classroom-tested framework shown to
    improve teaching and impact student achievement.
    Whether your listeners are teachers, parents or
    students, they’ll appreciate Dr. Lamberg’s tips and
    tricks to make math more manageable. Contact Teruni at
    (775) 451-3086;

    20. ==> Want a Better Sex Life? There’s an App for

    A San Francisco-based start-up aims to take the taboo
    out of sexual wellness by providing practical, science-
    based tools and strategies to improve sex lives all
    customized to each user’s sexual type. “People are
    hungry for better guidance on their sex lives, using
    knowledge based on the latest scientific research,”
    says Dr. Britney Blair, co-founder of a new app called
    Lover. The app uses a unique new sexual profiling tool
    developed by Dr. Blair and a team of sexual medicine
    experts which identifies users as one of 12 common
    sexual types. It then provides guidance in the form of
    video and audio content, plus exercises and games. Dr.
    Britney Blair is a Stanford psychologist, board-
    certified in sexual medicine, and founder of Northern
    California’s largest independent sexual health clinic.
    Lover has a basic version free to download. A premium
    subscription costs about $60 a year. Contact Todd
    Brabender at (785) 842-8909;

  • 03/12/20 RTIR Newsletter: Social Distance, Laughing at the IRS, Climate Change and Children

    March 12, 2020

    01. Coronavirus Exposes Public Health Failures
    02. Listen to the Experts: It is Gonna Get Worse
    03. Are Europeans Better at Handling Coronavirus Panic?
    04. Social Distance Doesn’t Mean Social Isolation
    05. Interview Actor Edwina Findley Dickerson
    06. Women’s History Month: Climber Helps Women Reach Their Peak
    07. It’s Tax Season: Lighten Up and Laugh at the IRS
    08. How to Ask for Money When You Hate To
    09. 80% of Your Listeners Can Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
    10. Veteran Journalist: The Kent State Shootings 50 Years Later
    11. What Your Coffee Preference Says About Your Wine Preference
    12. How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change
    13. New Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods
    14. Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent Killer?
    15. Can Doing Push-ups Save Your Life?
    16.Why You Aren’t Happier (and What You Can Do About It!)
    17. How to Amp Up Your Inner Fountain of Youth
    18. Want to Stop Attracting Losers?
    19. How Science and Spirituality to Bring More Abundance into Your Life
    20. Why Donald’s Trump Third Marriage Will End, Bigly!

    1.==> Coronavirus Exposes Public Health Failures

    Dr. Richard E. Besser was acting director of the
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention back in 2009
    when the H1N1 influenza virus surfaced in Mexico and
    quickly spread. Dr. Bessler says his experience showed
    that crises such as H1N1 and covid-19 provide a mirror
    for our society and the actions we take — or fail to
    take. He says the greatest strains will fall on certain
    demographics because of their economic, social or
    health status. Hardest hit by the coronavirus crisis
    will be the elderly and disabled, those without easy
    access to health care, and people living in close
    quarters, whether in public housing, nursing homes,
    jails, shelters or even the homeless on the streets. He
    adds, “And the vulnerabilities of the low-wage gig
    economy, with non-salaried workers and precarious work
    schedules, will be exposed for all to see during this
    crisis. Ask the 60 percent of the U.S. labor force that
    is paid hourly how easy it is to take time off in a
    moment of need.” Dr. Richard Besser is a physician and
    president and chief executive of the Robert Wood
    Johnson Foundation in Princeton, N.J. Contact Melissa
    Blair at or (609) 627-5937

    2. ==> Listen to the Experts: It is Gonna Get Worse

    There’s a lot of information coming at Americans but
    there are also a lot of questions surrounding the
    coronavirus and what’s going to happen in the next few
    weeks. Experts say we may be in for an extended period
    of hardship, but are Americans listening to health
    officials’ warnings and advice? Sandra Crouse Quinn
    says the bottom line is trust. “We’ve learned from the
    2001 anthrax attack, H1N1 and the 2014 Ebola outbreak,
    that the public is inclined to believe that uncertainty
    and a lack of satisfactory answers are a sign that
    officials are ‘hiding something’ or incompetent. When
    we distrust our public officials, we may not be ready
    and willing to take the actions they ask of us, and the
    result is dangerous.” Quinn says the public should get
    ready for change and uncertainty. “We know that as
    science progresses, information will change, often
    multiple times a day, and consequently, recommendations
    and policies will change. For some time, we will
    experience increasing numbers of coronavirus cases and
    deaths. It will get worse before it gets better.”
    Sandra Crouse Quinn is a professor and chair of the
    Department of Family Science and senior associate
    director of the Maryland Center for Health Equity at
    the School of Public Health at the University of
    Maryland. Contact her at (301) 405-8825;

    3. ==> Are Europeans Better at Handling Coronavirus

    Are the streets of Paris visibly empty as in
    neighboring Italy, which has virtually shut down the
    country? Are the media making the coronavirus problem
    better or worse? While French landmarks, such as the
    Louvre, are figuring out how to continue to welcome the
    public, the situation changes every day. Wouldn’t it be
    great to have a media professional you could talk with
    who is actually there? If you’re holding on to your
    European travel plans or if you just want to know how
    Europeans are handling the virus at the street-level,
    talk with Nita Wiggins, an American expatriate who has
    been in Paris for 10 years. She’s the author of “Civil
    Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports and Breaking
    Barriers in American Journalism.” Nita now teaches
    journalism in Paris. Contact her at

    4.==> Social Distance Doesn’t Mean Social Isolation

    People who are older or with underlying medical
    conditions risk the severest consequences from the
    coronavirus, but they’re also most at risk for social
    isolation. Dr. Laurie Archbald-Pannone, a geriatrician
    in Virginia, can explain ways seniors can avoid
    catching the virus but still stay connected to others.
    “As geriatricians, we promote the benefits of social
    engagement to our patients; we remind them of the poor
    health outcomes associated with social isolation. Now,
    with COVID-19, the times have changed. But along with
    the risk of coronavirus infection comes the risk of
    social isolation.” She’ll explain ways to help seniors
    stay connected using technology, why it’s important to
    take breaks from the news, and what family and friends
    can do to help those who live alone. She says, “Social
    distancing does not mean social isolation, and even a
    potentially deadly virus should not force us to be
    alone. Now, more than ever, people need to find smart
    ways to stay connected.” Laurie Archbald-Pannone is an
    associate professor of geriatric medicine at the
    University of Virginia. Contact her at (434) 964-1333;

    5. ==> Interview Actor Edwina Findley Dickerson

    Your audience may recognize Edwina Findley Dickerson as
    Omar’s sidekick Tosha Mitchell in HBO’s acclaimed
    series ‘The Wire’ or her star turn in Ava Duvernay’s
    award-winning feature ‘Middle of Nowhere.’ She was also
    on the big screen with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart in
    ‘Get Hard.’ Currently, Edwina can be seen Tuesday
    nights on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network in Tyler Perry’s
    hit drama ‘If Loving You is Wrong,’ now in its fifth
    and final season. Invite her on your show to discuss
    the show, her career, or her off-screen work as a
    motivational speaker and founder of AbundantLifeU, a
    national organization that inspires, prepares and
    trains disadvantaged young adults to achieve success in
    business and in life.  For the past 15 years,
    AbundantLifeU has empowered and helped thousands of
    people achieve their dreams through programs in job
    readiness, financial literacy, entrepreneurship and
    personal development.  Contact John Angelo at

    6. ==> Women’s History Month: Climber Helps Women Reach
    Their Peak

    During Women’s History Month, female leaders want to
    help transform our world. International retreat leader,
    author, attorney, and mountain climber Mozella Perry
    Ademiluyi has helped thousands of women globally to
    achieve their biggest goals. Invite her to reveal why
    times of turmoil are the best times for female leaders
    to make positive change. She can also share why
    barriers and boundaries make good targets for reaching
    success and how to establish the attitudes that help
    women reach their peak potential. Ademiluyi is a
    successful international speaker and author who reached
    Mount Kilimanjaro’s 19,341-foot peak at the age of 60.
    She now teaches professional women how to boldly
    embrace the steps that help them reach their summit.
    Her book “Rise!” reveals how each person can
    successfully climb her own mountains. Contact her at
    (301) 437 7607;

    7. ==> It’s Tax Season: Lighten Up and Laugh at the IRS

    Incompetent. Reckless. Smug. Deserving of your guffaws
    and eye rolls, certainly not your fear. All that
    describes the IRS, says tax expert Richard Green, who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own!
    He has seen firsthand how the colossal waste and chaos
    of his former employer puts America at risk. He’ll
    reveal what put such an important government agency so
    behind-the-times and made it so downright laughable. Do
    you realize that agents are still using 50-year-old
    technology? And audits are unfair and usually
    unnecessary? Why is the IRS always blaming Congress or
    everyday citizens for its own tax-management foibles?
    Ask Green, author of “Agents of Deceit,” what Americans
    can do to fix all this and still be fair to our nation
    and ourselves. Contact Richard Green at (909) 570-1509;

    8. ==> How to Ask for Money When You Hate To

    We all must ask for money at some point, even in a
    recession, whether it’s for the PTA, kids’ sports
    leagues, our local house of worship, or our favorite
    charity. How can we do this without making our friends
    feeling awkward or put on the spot? Leadership and
    fundraising expert Marc A. Pitman gets it, and he’s
    developed a simple strategy for helping anyone to ask
    for money. This formula has successfully helped
    volunteers on three continents raise the money they
    need. He can tell your audience how to ask people for
    money even when it feels uncomfortable and what can
    help you raise money more effectively. His book, “Ask
    Without Fear!: A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors with
    What Matters to Them Most,” explains how to build
    authentic relationships with donors and help them
    connect with your cause, plus the 7 most common
    fundraising mistakes and how to avoid them. Contact
    Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610;

    9. ==> 80% of Your Listeners Can Stop Living Paycheck
    to Paycheck

    Despite a robust economy, most of your listeners are
    barely making it from one paycheck to the next. They
    want to do better but don’t know how to. Let Certified
    Financial Planner Lorri Craig reveal five ways to climb
    out of this persistent pattern. Among the things you
    will learn are why doing a budget should not be your
    first step, why you don’t have to go on a radical
    financial diet and why money problems are usually the
    result of a mindset problem. Lorri, who holds a
    master’s degree in finance, is dedicated to empowering
    both women and men with the tools they need to flourish
    physically, internally, and economically in a radically
    changing world. She is the developer of the Empower3
    program and author of an upcoming book that provides a
    step-by-step approach for being the change you want to
    see in the world. Contact her at (484) 453-1742;

    10. ==> Veteran Journalist: The Kent State Shootings 50
    Years Later

    Bob Giles was a young newspaper editor at the Akron
    Beacon Journal on the day of the Kent State shootings
    on May 4, 1970. Invite him on your show and hear the
    story of how he and his staff painstakingly pursued the
    truth of the shootings – a tragedy that has haunted the
    nation for 50 years and significantly changed the
    debate about the Vietnam War. He’ll describe the
    turmoil and drama of the newsroom on that fateful day
    and on the campus of Kent State University, where the
    Ohio National Guard opened fire on students, killing
    four and wounding nine others. You’ll hear how
    reporters struggled to make sense of the situation and
    sort fact from fiction for a horrified world wanting to
    know “what” and “why.” After a 40-year newspaper
    career, Giles became senior vice president of the
    Freedom Forum, executive director of its Media Studies
    Center, and curator of the Nieman Foundation for
    Journalism at Harvard University. He is the author of
    “When Truth Mattered: The Kent State Shootings 50 Years
    Later.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137;
    (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    11. ==> What Your Coffee Preference Says About Your
    Wine Preference

    We all have personal coffee preferences, but what do
    yours reveal about the kind of wine you like? Andy
    Hyman is a tour guide in the Napa and Sonoma wine
    country who has shared his passion for wine with
    thousands of people from around the world. Invite him
    to share what your favorite wines would be based on
    your coffee preference. He can also reveal whether
    taste preferences mainly come down to how many taste
    buds someone has or if those preferences are learned.
    His book, “Snob Free Wine Tasting Companion: Wine Smart
    in a Day,” reveals how to get the most out of a wine
    tasting experience, how wine is made, and general
    knowledge about wine. Hyman has been featured by Sonoma
    Magazine, the Marin Independent Journal, Napa Valley
    Register, North Bay BIZ magazine, and other radio and
    print outlets nationwide. Contact him at (415)

    12. ==> How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change

    As they are increasingly being bombarded by news about
    climate change, it’s only natural for kids to be
    worried. But there is some good news: according to
    cutting-edge educator Laurie Marshall, parents can help
    children see how they can use their creativity to come
    up with new solutions. The author of “Beating the Odds
    Now,” Marshall will share five tools parents can teach
    their children that will foster cooperation instead of
    competition and demonstrate that they are part of
    nature. She’ll also offer tips on how to use a favorite
    spot in nature to convey some unforgettable lessons.
    Marshall is a project-based learning and arts
    integration specialist who has worked with underserved
    youth for over 30 years. Her partners include FEMA and
    Project Drawdown, the World’s Leading Resource for
    Climate Solutions. She has trained over 6,000 teachers
    in project-based learning and facilitated 125 nature-
    based murals with over 25,000 people in schools,
    nonprofits, and government agencies. Contact Laurie
    Marshall at (415) 360-3304;

    13. ==> New Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods

    By now, everyone is aware that proceed foods are high
    in salt and calories. But most people don’t know that
    from snacks to microwavable dinners, these convenient
    foods contain numerous additives that can play a role
    in digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and possibly
    even cancers. Let Marcela Magda Popa, M.D., talk about
    the scary ingredients used in processed foods and keep
    in mind that many of them also find their way into
    medicines. Thus, they can trigger allergic reactions
    and other side-effects for which they’re not even
    blamed, being deemed as “inert.” The author of “Keep
    Away from GRAS: Why Safe Everyday Products Are Making
    You Sick and Simple Strategies to Recover Your Health,”
    was forced to take early retirement as an internal
    medicine physician because of her autoimmune arthritis.
    This gave her time to research the suspicion she had
    formed that “generally recognized as safe” products
    used in foods, cosmetics, hygiene products,
    medications, cookware, and other household items may be
    making people sicker. Magda Popa graduated from Carol
    Davilla Medical School in Bucharest, Romania, and
    completed residency training in the United States.
    She’s been featured on MSN Lifestyle, SheKnows, Elite
    Daily, Bustle, and Business Insider. Contact her at
    (917) 750-3377;

    14.==> Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent Killer?

    Did you know that more than 30 million adults have
    diabetes and more than 7 million don’t even know they
    have it? Or that one in four adults has prediabetes?
    With these staggering numbers, no one can afford to be
    diabetes illiterate. That is why you’ll want to
    interview Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate
    in the diabetes community who knows this topic inside
    and out. She can answer such questions as what are some
    of the biggest myths about diabetes? How did being born
    into a family with type-2 diabetes and being married to
    a type-1 diabetic affect her life? What does she wish
    everyone knew about diabetes? Nadia is editor-in-chief
    of Diabetes Health, a 400,000-circulation magazine used
    in hospitals, diabetes classes, and doctors’ offices as
    an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia
    column is ranked No. 1 by Google as is her website. Nadia is also the author of
    “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving
    Your Best Blood Sugars and Letting Go of Your Diabetes
    Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC,
    CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at
    (415) 741-3545;

    15. ==> Can Doing Push-ups Save Your Life?

    Can it be true that push-ups—the same exercise you
    learned in gym class—have more to offer your listeners
    than you might imagine? With research-based upper-body
    fitness expert Kristen Carter as your guide, you’ll
    learn why this free exercise could likely save your
    life and, surprisingly, is a more accurate way to
    assess cardiovascular health than the usual treadmill
    test. Ask her what is the significance of the Harvard
    study of male firefighters? Does muscle strength
    correlate with lower mortality? Kristen is a Certified
    Precision Nutrition Coach with a master’s degree in
    exercise physiology. She is the author of “Lose Weight?
    Exercise More? I Don’t Think So! What to Do When Your
    Doctor Tells You to Make Changes for Your Health.”
    Contact her at (267) 930-2547;

    16. ==> Why You Aren’t Happier (and What You Can Do
    About It!)

    Many experts offer tips on how to be happier. What
    happens when you try so many of them and they just
    don’t work? Elana Davidson discovered what she and so
    many others were missing. True happiness is not just
    about attitude and gratitude, it won’t be found through
    quick-fixes and cookie-cutter clichés. The good news is
    Elana can offer some tools and insights to your
    audience that can make a real difference. Ask her why
    doesn’t therapy work for some people? What key things
    are people missing? How is the subconscious affecting
    people’s ability to be happy? Elana is giving away
    copies of her eBook “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-
    Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday
    Life.” Contact Elana at (413) 225-4758;

    17. ==> How to Amp Up Your Inner Fountain of Youth

    It’s spring, a time of rejuvenation for the world and
    you. It’s also time to pick up simple tips from Diana
    Ruiz that can turn your inner fountain of youth on
    high. Diana is a wellness and stress relief coach who
    approaches health from a mind, body, and water
    perspective. She’ll share her favorite health hacks —
    including what to eat, think and feel — to help you to
    feel better and look younger. She can answer such
    questions as what is the single most powerful thing you
    can do to supercharge your body’s natural rejuvenation?
    And what is the mind, body, and water connection?
    Diana is the author of “Healing Your Life with Water:
    How to Use Your Mind Body and Water Connection to
    Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth.” She can offer
    your audience a free download that complements the
    show’s subject matter. Contact her at (360) 550-9436;

    18. ==> Want to Stop Attracting Losers?

    Are you tired of always being in relationships with
    people who are bad for you? Invite Arnoux Goran,
    author, speaker, and the world’s #1 expert in personal
    transformation, to reveal how you can stop attracting
    losers. He’ll share the real reason why we’re attracted
    to people who aren’t good for us and why, no matter how
    often we promise ourselves we’ll choose someone better
    next time, we end up with a loser again. Goran has the
    solution to stop being a “loser magnet” and to break
    the cycle forever so you can find your perfect match.
    His upcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True,” reveals how to release
    negative emotions permanently and truly change your
    life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
    Goran has been featured on radio and television
    nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

    19. ==> How Science and Spirituality to Bring More
    Abundance into Your Life

    According to author and scientist David. L. Peters,
    “Abundance is not more money or things. Abundance is a
    life of joy and happiness, under all conditions that
    life sends you, the good or the not-so-good.” David has
    spent 80 years living a joyful and abundant life,
    immersed in science and spirituality where he has found
    that one supports the other. “The pathway of the 12
    steps leads to joy and happiness even under devastating
    conditions.” At 84, he has achieved great prominence in
    his career as an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised
    seven great kids and has enjoyed a loving marriage of
    57 years. He is the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and
    Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies
    Within.” Contact David at; (607)

    20. ==> Why Donald’s Trump Third Marriage Will End,

    Thrice-married Donald Trump has already experienced two
    disgraceful divorces. Pastor and marriage counselor
    Rev. George Sukhdeo believes that Trump’s marriage to
    Melania is also doomed. “Trump’s marriage is not going
    to end well; his wife will most likely leave him,” he
    says. “He doesn’t have the vaguest concept of marriage.
    He doesn’t treat women with love and respect, or value
    them for who they are.” Rev. George has been married to
    his wife, Shirley, for 46 years and has counseled 500
    troubled couples, with an 85 percent success rate. He
    is an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies
    of Canada with 34 years of experience in Christian
    ministries as a pastor, Christian counselor and life
    coach. He is the author of the book “Preparing For and
    Fostering Harmony in Marriage.” Contact George at or (647) 691-6042

  • 3/10/20 RTIR Newsletter: Coronavirus Concerns, Bernie and the Media, Doctor Google

    March 10, 2020

    01. When Sick Workers Can’t Afford to Stay Home
    02. Who’s Got Coronavirus? You’ll Never Know
    03. How to Handle Social Distancing and Being Quarantined
    04. Stop Worrying about Coronavirus
    05. Drawing the Line: Gerrymandering and Voting Rights
    06. Colorado Takes Healthcare from Washington: Good Idea?
    07. What the Media Get Wrong about Bernie
    08. Why Do So Many Americans Think Socialism is a Good Thing?
    09. ‘I’m Glad My Parents Forced Me into an Arranged Marriage’
    10. Should You Hang Up on Doctor Google?
    11. For Spring Sports: Can You Have a Concussion with No Symptoms?
    12. Walking 10,000 Steps: Forget About It!
    13. Why Do So Many People Hate Themselves?
    14. Get Off Social Media and Get Outside
    15. Book This Guest If You’ve Ever Crammed for a Test!
    16. 10 Anti-Bullying Lessons Trees Can Teach Us
    17. The Best Treatments for Younger Looking Skin
    18. Stay or Move? 4 Questions for Retirees
    19. ‘Why I Forgave My Son’s Murderers’
    20. How to Become Supernatural

    1.==> When Sick Workers Can’t Afford to Stay Home

    The government is urging people who are sick to stay at
    home to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. But for
    workers who don’t have paid sick leave, staying home
    when they aren’t feeling well can be financially
    devastating. Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., CEO of the Society
    for Human Resource Management, encourages employers to
    offer paid sick leave during a public health emergency
    like coronavirus, even if they don’t normally offer it.
    “For this purpose, you should make exceptions. If you
    are sick with evidence and symptoms that you could have
    coronavirus, you should stay home and [your employer
    should] pay you. It would be dumb not to do that,” he
    said. But worries alone aren’t justification for taking
    time off, explains Taylor. “Employees are required to
    work unless they have a reasonable basis for believing
    they are being asked to work in an unsafe workplace,”
    he says. He suggests companies and employees take
    additional steps to help keep the office healthy like
    limiting physical contact, being more diligent about
    keeping commonly-touched items like doorknobs and
    elevator buttons clean, and posting reminders about
    washing hands. The Society for Human Resource
    Management is a professional human resources membership
    association headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia.
    Contact Cooper Nye at (703) 535-6447; or

    2. ==> Who’s Got Coronavirus? You’ll Never Know

    Officials say they are trying to be as transparent as
    possible when dealing with the coronavirus, but there’s
    one thing they will never divulge: the names of those
    killed by the disease. That’s because experts in public
    health and bioethics say that far from helping society,
    a decision to reveal the identities of those — dead or
    alive — who have contracted coronavirus would be a
    disaster with far-reaching ramifications. “Doctors
    don’t out people,” says Jeffrey Kahn, director of the
    Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics in
    Maryland, which focuses on the ethical implications of
    scientific advancement. “Whether it’s HIV, syphilis,
    coronavirus or anything else, people simply won’t show
    up to their doctor if they feel they might be outed for
    a condition.” What officials are duty-bound to do in
    any sort of infectious case — whether it’s a sexually
    transmitted disease or tuberculosis — is referred to as
    “contact tracing” investigation. It involves finding
    out anyone who has been in contact with the infected
    patient and advising them of the best next steps. But
    with the coronavirus spreading rapidly, many experts
    predict that even identifying carriers will soon be a
    moot point and our focus will shift to protecting
    ourselves by avoiding crowds and washing our hands.
    Jeffrey Kahn, Ph.D., MPH works in a variety of areas of
    bioethics, exploring the intersection of ethics and
    health/science policy, including human and animal
    research ethics, public health, and ethical issues in
    emerging biomedical technologies. Contact him at (410)

    3. ==> How to Handle Social Distancing and Being

    Health officials suggest “social distancing” when
    talking about staying safe from the coronavirus. That
    means trying to keep yourself away from other people,
    especially large crowds, at schools, work or events.
    Those who’ve been exposed to the virus, or who have it,
    are being advised to self-quarantine for two weeks.
    Clinical forensic psychologist Dr. John Huber can
    discuss the short- and long-term psychological effects
    of social distancing, the specific challenges for those
    who must be quarantined, whether at home or on a cruise
    ship, and how to make the best of the situation. Dr.
    John Huber is chairman of the non-profit organization
    Mainstream Mental Health. He’s appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows, dozens of TV programs and hosts his own
    show, Mainstream Mental Health Radio. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    4.==> Stop Worrying about Coronavirus

    Being vigilant and constantly checking the news for the
    latest information on the coronavirus may seem like the
    best way to stay safe and informed about the pandemic.
    But the opposite may be true. Could you be making
    yourself more susceptible to the coronavirus without
    realizing it? Perhaps, says wellness expert and stress
    relief coach Diana E. Ruiz, who will explain how
    excessive worry can lead to a buildup of cortisol that
    could compromise your immune system as well as lead to
    the desire to eat more comfort food, drink more
    alcohol, sleep less and isolate yourself from others,
    all which depress your immune system further. Invite
    Diana on air to share simple ways to decrease
    coronavirus stress including what you can eat and drink
    (and what to avoid) and best practices to help arm your
    body with a super-strong Immune system during this
    time. As a bonus, she will offer your listeners free
    access to her Immune System Power Program 2020 download
    that includes instructions for deep relaxation. Diana
    is the author of the wellness book “Healing Your Life
    With Water.” She developed a program called Relieve
    Stress and Grief and Love Life Again.” Contact her at
    (360) 550-9436;

    5. ==> Drawing the Line: Gerrymandering and Voting

    In 2016 (before the election) journalist David Daley
    exposed how gerrymandering was weaponized to keep the
    GOP’s power entrenched for years to come. Today he’s
    sharing the story of how grassroots movements have
    fought back, sometimes with surprising results. Your
    listeners will hear about the house-flipping work of
    millennial activists Amanda Litman and Ross Morales
    Rocketto and their organization Run for Something.
    They’ll also learn about others, like Katie Fahey, “the
    Che Guevara of the gerrymander,” who pioneered a
    redistricting revolution in Michigan by marshaling more
    than 4,000 volunteers and raising almost $15 million.
    David Daley is a senior fellow at FairVote and a former
    editor of Salon whose work has appeared in The New
    Yorker, The Atlantic, Slate, Washington Post, and New
    York magazine. His new book is “Unrigged: How
    Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy.” Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    6. ==> Colorado Takes Healthcare from Washington: Good

    Colorado is moving to increase state control of
    healthcare by replacing federal control with state
    mandates. Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA., says, “We need to
    remove the federal government from healthcare. Colorado
    appears to have taken a first step. But appearances can
    be deceiving.” Colorado’s taking healthcare from
    Washington is a good move, Waldman says. But, not the
    way they did it. He’ll explain how Colorado’s plan
    takes away a patient’s right to choose the same way
    Congress does in their Medicare-for-All bill, and what
    we can learn from the former USSR’s implementation of
    price controls. Listeners will learn how to get the
    care they need, when they need it, without going broke.
    Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA, is professor emeritus of
    pediatrics, pathology, and decision science and former
    director of the Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas
    Public Policy Foundation. A sought-after media guest,
    he has also written six books including “Curing the
    Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based
    Medicine.” Contact him at (505) 255-2999;

    7. ==> What the Media Get Wrong about Bernie

    What makes Bernie so dangerous? Why were previous
    hopefuls such as Ron Paul, the Green Party ticket in
    2016, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard this year also considered
    dangerous? Candidates outside the red and blue “box”
    cause mainstream journalists to shake. Nita Wiggins,
    the journalism professor who predicted the victory of
    presidential candidate Donald Trump a full year before
    it happened, has some surprises for your audience this
    season. A TV broadcaster who has followed presidential
    campaigns since covering the 1988 Democrat convention,
    she now teaches journalism in Paris, France. Contact
    her at

    8. ==> Why Do So Many Americans Think Socialism is a
    Good Thing?

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders calls himself a democratic
    socialist and is currently in a two-man race to become
    the Democrats’ candidate to go head-to-head with Donald
    Trump in the November election. With our nation’s
    traditional fight against socialism, why are countless
    well-educated voters embracing it now? How did that
    happen? And what should audiences know to protect
    American democracy? Invite Rick Elkin to explore
    disguised forces shaping the politics of more than one
    generation of voters. Author of “The Illusion of
    Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace
    Marxism,” Elkin offers a radical new theory on why half
    the nation might jettison our constitutional republic
    for a progressive promised land. Ask him how, why or
    whether academia, union leaders and news and
    entertainment executives became prisoners of
    Groupthink. Contact Rick at (760) 825-4884;

    9. ==> ‘I’m Glad My Parents Forced Me into an Arranged

    Raj Girn was 22 years old and in college in Wales when
    her Indian parents offered her a choice: marry a
    stranger from a different country or prepare to leave
    their home and support. Concluding that she had only
    one option really, she married a Canadian dentist she
    had met only twice, lived with him for ten years and
    had a son. And while she ended up divorced, she now
    says that being forced into an arranged marriage was
    the best thing that happened to her. Invite Raj — a
    well-known media personality in Canada — to explain
    Indian marriage customs, what it was like to feel as
    though she were a second-class citizen for most of her
    life and ways living alone in a new country with a
    stranger ultimately led to her finding out who she was.
    Once shy and lacking in confidence, she is now a
    confidence coach who started her own award-winning
    media company and brand that helps others navigate the
    same dual cultural identities that challenged her
    growing up. Contact Raj Girn at (647) 490-3158;

    10. ==> Should You Hang Up on Doctor Google?

    Every minute 70,000 health-related questions are asked
    on Google, according to the search engine itself.
    That’s one billion questions a day! But is this a good
    thing? Not so much, says Trevor Campbell, M.D., who
    points out that the worst scenarios of any condition
    tend to draw the most interest. “It makes people
    depressed, ruminative and can destroy hope,” he says,
    adding that the resulting hypervigilance actually
    worsens the lot of people who suffer from chronic pain,
    his area of expertise. Dr. Campbell can also talk about
    the ways technology brings its own stressors and what
    the antidotes are for avoiding drama in cyberspace. Ask
    him: How is technology robbing us of our leisure time?
    How can we limit its reach this spring? Dr. Campbell is
    a family physician who studied medicine at the
    University of Cape Town, South Africa, before
    immigrating to Canada. His new book is “The Language of
    Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.”
    Contact Trevor Campbell at (250) 217-7832;

    11. ==> Just in Time for Spring Sports: Can You Have a
    Concussion with No Symptoms?

    “Yes!” says Dr. Paul Wand. “And with spring sports
    season here, many parents are wondering how to keep
    their kids safe from sports injuries – mostly
    concussion-related.” Many parents don’t realize that
    even some non-contact sports can cause concussions in
    kids … like swimming, basketball, volleyball,
    wrestling, soccer, baseball, mixed martial arts,
    cheerleading and even dance! Interview Dr. Wand, a
    neurologist who specializes in concussions and how to
    diagnose and treat them more quickly and more easily,
    to hear about the “Wand Protocol.” You will learn how
    your child, or you for that matter, could have a
    concussion and have no idea. How is this possible?
    Sometimes symptoms relating to the concussion don’t
    show up until months or years later. And for about 20%
    of the population who actually go to the ER and undergo
    CT or MRI scans they are told they are perfectly fine …
    when in reality they aren’t. Paul Wand, M.D., PA has
    been a medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the
    field of neurology. He’s the author of “The Concussion
    Cure: Three Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” Contact
    Dr. Wand at (954) 743-5380;

    12. ==> Walking 10,000 Steps: Forget About It!

    For almost 55 years, it has been accepted as fact that
    keeping fit meant taking 10,000 steps a day. But, as
    Kristen Carter will tell you, until recently, there had
    never been any research refuting or backing up this
    claim. So why did this myth persist for so long and
    what other myths are we still holding on to? What are
    some more realistic guidelines for daily fitness?
    You’ll find out when you talk with Kristen, a Certified
    Precision Nutrition Coach with a master’s degree in
    exercise physiology. She is the author of “Lose Weight?
    Exercise More? I Don’t Think So! What to Do When Your
    Doctor Tells You to Make Changes for Your Health.”
    Contact Kristen Carter at (267) 930-2547;

    13. ==> Why Do So Many People Hate Themselves?

    An awful lot of men and women who outwardly appear to
    be living a good life actually feel worthless on the
    inside. What’s behind this gnawing self-hate and why
    are we so hard on ourselves? Social media, which is all
    about projecting our best, unrealistic self, certainly
    doesn’t help, but personal growth expert Joffre McClung
    says self-loathing has been around a lot longer than
    the internet. She’ll explain the real reasons people
    hate themselves, why we’re often kinder to others than
    ourselves, and three things you can do daily to begin
    to change this unhealthy habit. Joffre McClung has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s a
    former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the
    author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre
    McClung at (917) 994-0225;

    14. ==> Get off Social Media and Get Outside!

    Feeling low on energy? Need a spring in your step or a
    new attitude? Put down the iPad or remote and get
    outside for a quick perk up that can make you feel
    better. Invite award-winning screenwriter, author,
    TV/film producer, journalist, and TV host Maryann
    Ridini Spencer to reveal why simply getting outdoors
    and surrounding yourself with nature can improve your
    mood and your health. She can tell your audience how it
    also helps with your focus and creativity. Maryann is
    the author of the award-winning novel “Lady in the
    Window” and the new Amazon bestseller, “The Paradise
    Table.” Her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame
    (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, Syfy,
    Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact Maryann Ridini
    Spencer at (818) 884-0104;

    15. ==> Book This Guest If You’ve Ever Crammed for a

    Have you ever crammed for a test? How about your kids?
    Chances are the answer is yes. But did you know that
    cramming almost never leads to learning? It’s true!
    Most students cram to get that “A” on Friday … but they
    have forgotten vital information by Monday. The “Cram
    Plan” just doesn’t work long-term. Interview Lee
    Jenkins, educator, administrator and author of “How to
    Create a Perfect School,” so he can explain how a
    “perfect school” is possible when we take away the
    cramming game that teachers and students play.
    According to Lee, it’s easier than you think to solve
    the educational dilemma in this country by getting rid
    of cramming, once and for all. Lee Jenkins has been an
    educator and administrator both in public schools and
    universities. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    16. ==> 10 Anti-Bullying Lessons Trees Can Teach Us

    One out of four students says they have been bullied in
    school and over 70% of students report seeing other
    kids being bullied. While the statistics are scary and
    well-known, educator Laurie Marshall has an approach to
    bullying prevention you’ve never heard of. She shares
    practical and creative actions that draw upon the way
    trees operate. For example, each leaf carries out a
    unique vital job in cooperation with the other leaves.
    As a bully prevention specialist, Laurie has developed
    ways to teach children communication and self-
    confidence skills needed to work together for the
    benefit of their whole family, classroom and community.
    Her tree-based, arts-integrated program gives each
    child a vital, creative job to do. This transforms
    bullying. A student of biomimicry (a method for
    creating solutions to challenges by emulating designs
    and ideas found in nature), Laurie also has a master’s
    degree in art and education. The author of multiple
    books, including “Beating the Odds Now,” has trained
    over 6,000 teachers in project-based learning and
    facilitated 125 bully-prevention, nature-based murals
    with over 25,000 people in schools, nonprofits and
    government agencies (NASA, FEMA, U.S. Botanical
    Gardens). Contact Laurie at (415) 360-3304;

    17. ==> The Best Treatments for Younger-Looking Skin

    According to business research data organization
    Satistica, the global market for skin-care products is
    currently $148.3 billion. As that huge number
    illustrates, the amount of skin-care products available
    to consumers today is staggering, making it difficult
    to know how to spend those dollars wisely. Christy Hall
    says the best way to reduce beauty industry overwhelm
    is through consumer education. Invite Hall on your show
    for straight talk on everything from how skin works to
    nutrition, what to expect with topical procedures and
    how to look your best while aging. From injectable
    fillers to Botox and lasers, learn what works, what is
    a waste of money, and how to get the most bang from
    your beauty buck. A board-certified physician assistant
    (PA-C) specializing in cosmetic dermatology and
    aesthetic medicine, Christy Hall’s Arizona medical
    aesthetics practice specializes in non-surgical facial
    and skin rejuvenation treatments. Her new book is “Your
    Beauty Advocate: A Non-Nonsense Guide to Age-Defying
    Skincare.” Contact Christy Hall at (520) 260-2272;

    18. ==> Stay or Move? 4 Questions for Retirees

    One of the biggest issues in retirement is whether to
    stay in your family home or downsize, but how do you
    make the right choice? Financial planner and author
    Penelope S. Tzougros (pronounced Sue-grows), says there
    are four questions retirees need to ask themselves when
    making the decision: How much do I need to spend to
    maintain my house? How much money does it take to
    maintain my desired lifestyle? What if anything is
    unique about my current home that I couldn’t find
    anywhere else? What do I envision my legacy to be?
    “Ultimately, the Stay-Move decision is not about real
    estate,” Tzougros says, “it’s about your legacy and who
    you are.” Penelope S. Tzougros, Ph.D., ChFC, CLU, is a
    financial consultant, speaker and founder of Wealthy
    Choices®, a Registered Investment Advisor. The author
    of several books including “Your Home Sweet Home” also
    offers an online course, “The Retiree’s Guide for the
    Stay-Move Decision.” Contact her at (617) 733-3731;

    19. ==> ‘Why I Forgave My Son’s Murderers’

    In late May, it will be seven years since Rev. Meghan
    Smith Brooks lost her 29-year-old younger son. Justin’s
    body was found in a river, wrapped in chains and
    weighed down by a cinder block. Justin, the father of a
    five-year-old, had been shot three times. It would take
    18 months for two arrests to be made. Interview Meghan
    to find out how she coped with the tragedy and why she
    was able to forgive her son’s murderers. She can talk
    about whether grief ever goes away and why forgiveness
    is so important to moving forward as well as share tips
    other people can use who are currently grieving. Meghan
    is an ordained Unity Minister and certified grief
    coach. She is the author of the upcoming book
    “Unraveling Grief: A Mother’s Spiritual Journey After
    Losing Her Son.” She will be the keynote speaker at
    Missouri’s event commemorating National Crime Victim
    Awareness Week in late April. Contact Meghan Smith
    Brooks at (816) 844-6783;

    20. ==> How to Become Supernatural

    The supernatural isn’t just the stuff of sci-fi movies.
    According to Kim Chestney, we all possess these powers.
    “A popular theme in our culture today is the cognitive
    evolution of humanity — how the expansion of our
    consciousness can give us the ability to know the
    unknowable and experience the impossible,” she says.
    Kim will share the simple yet powerful ways that you
    can tap into your superpower and radically change your
    life. The founder of IntuitionLab, Kim is the author of
    “The Psychic Workshop” and the upcoming “Radical
    Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Your Inner Power.”
    Contact her at (412) 214-9502;

  • 03/06/20 RTIR Newsletter: Coronavirus and Work, Recognizing Fraud, Surviving Childbirth

    March 6, 2020

    01. Why Democrats Should Forget Super Tuesday
    02. Fed Cuts Rates amid Coronavirus Concerns
    03. Coronavirus Causes Work Woes
    04. International Women’s Day: What Oscar Couldn’t Do, This Festival Does
    05. Mountain Climber Helps Women Reach Their Peak
    06. Is Daylight Savings Time Bad for Your Health?
    07. Who is to Blame for Honesty’s Decline?
    08. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to Recognize Fraud)
    09. Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?
    10. Watch Out! Your Employees Are Siphoning Profits
    11. How to Outsmart a Restaurant Wine List
    12. This Guest Travels, Lives and Works in a 39-Foot RV
    13. ‘Regular’ Flu Almost Killed This Guest
    14. Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal Mortality Statistic
    15. After Weinstein — What’s Next for #MeToo?
    16. Kids are Right: School is Boring
    17. Why You Aren’t Happier (and What You Can Do About It!)
    18. 3 Words Parents Never Want to Hear
    19. How to Take God Seriously
    20. Why Women Nag Men and How to Get Them to Stop

    1.==> Why Democrats Should Forget Super Tuesday

    Thomas L. Friedman has some advice for Democrats: Super
    Tuesday is history. It’s what happens next that
    matters. “If your party doesn’t have an awesome
    presidential candidate — and the Democrats don’t in
    this election — then your party better have an awesome
    coalition. That means a party that is united as much as
    possible — from left to center to right — so it can
    bolster the nominee against what will be a vicious,
    united and well-funded Trump/GOP campaign. It’s going
    to take a village to defeat Trump.” Friedman also
    believes that the hunger for a leader who can reunite
    the country is a stronger issue than many experts
    realize. “A Democratic candidate who can speak to that,
    inspire it and model it with his or her cabinet plans —
    by bringing together a broad range of moderate and
    progressive Democrats and moderate Republicans — will
    win.” Thomas L. Friedman is a political commentator and
    columnist and the author of six bestselling books,
    among them “From Beirut to Jerusalem” and “The World Is
    Flat.” Contact him at @tomfriedman;

    2. ==> Fed Cuts Rates amid Coronavirus Concerns

    On Tuesday the Federal Reserve announced a 50 basis
    point cut to its target rate as an emergency response
    to economic concerns stemming from the coronavirus.
    It’s the Fed’s first emergency rate cut since 2008 and
    the fourth cut overall since the start of 2019. Invite
    WalletHub CEO Odysseas Papadimitriou to discuss how the
    cut will affect consumer financial products like credit
    cards and mortgage rates, and why he believes being
    proactive is the best strategy in insulating the
    economy. “It is a good idea for the Federal Reserve to
    cut its target rate in response to the coronavirus
    because the risk of the virus turning into a pandemic
    before an effective treatment becomes available, let
    alone a vaccine, is very real,” says Papadimitriou.
    “Consumer spending will go down if people stay home
    because of the coronavirus. That in turn will hit a
    number of industries particularly hard, including small
    businesses in the service industry such as bars and
    restaurants, as well as travel providers, live
    entertainment venues, movie theaters, and more. And
    that could lead to a domino effect, with turmoil in one
    industry spilling over to another.” WalletHub is a
    personal finance website owned by Evolution Finance,
    Inc. Contact Diana Polk at (202) 684-6386;

    3. ==> Coronavirus Causes Work Woes

    As the coronavirus continues to spread in the U.S.,
    tensions are running high in companies struggling to be
    productive while still protecting employees. Seattle
    attorneys Michael Droke and Aaron Goldstein are seeing
    this firsthand after Washington state’s sixth death
    from the virus. In fact, the office building next door
    to them was just shut down as a precaution. Droke and
    Goldstein say they’ve been receiving calls from
    companies all over the nation who are trying to figure
    out how to best handle the situation. Droke says, “This
    is as much an economic emergency for many companies as
    a medical one and companies should quickly assess plans
    to permit remote work to minimize the loss of
    production.” Issues they can discuss include
    discrimination, wage/hour issues when employees are
    furloughed, travel issues and other risk factors in the
    workplace. Contact Laura Kelley at (303) 704-5222;

    4.==> International Women’s Day is Sunday – What Oscar
    Couldn’t Do, This Festival Does

    Women directors may not have gotten their due at this
    year’s major film awards, but the Female Eye Film
    Festival (FeFF) will be celebrating them in Toronto
    this weekend in honor of International Women’s Day.
    Invite FeFF founder, executive and artistic director
    Leslie Ann Coles to talk about the role of women in the
    movie industry, both behind and in front of the camera.
    She says, “This is a pivotal year for advancing gender
    equality worldwide, and our festival offers the perfect
    platform to further embrace this theme.” This year, the
    festival’s eighteenth, features 56 films directed by
    women from across North America and the world. The
    eclectic films reflect the topics of gender equality
    and violence against women, as well as socio-political
    shorts and documentaries that explore issues of women
    in technology, immigration, homelessness, aging,
    coming-of-age, and sexual identity. Contact Kelly
    Hargraves at or the Female Eye
    Film Festival at

    5. ==> Mountain Climber Helps Women Reach Their Peak

    During Women’s History Month, female leaders want to
    help transform our world. International retreat leader,
    author, attorney, and mountain climber Mozella Perry
    Ademiluyi has helped thousands of women globally to
    achieve their biggest goals. Invite her to reveal why
    times of turmoil are the best times for female leaders
    to make positive change. She can also share why
    barriers and boundaries make good targets for reaching
    success and how to establish the attitudes that help
    women reach their peak potential. Ademiluyi is a
    successful international speaker and author who reached
    Mount Kilimanjaro’s 19,341-foot peak at the age of 60.
    She now teaches professional women how to boldly
    embrace the steps that help them reach their summit.
    Her book “Rise!” reveals how each person can
    successfully climb her own mountains. Contact her at
    (301) 437-7607;

    6. ==> Is Daylight Savings Time Bad for Your Health?

    When we “spring forward” this Sunday many of us will
    complain about losing an hour of sleep. But is it
    actually a big deal? Studies show an increase in heart
    attacks on the Monday following the time shift, and
    within the first 48 hours after the time change, a
    spike in automobile fatalities. Saundra Dalton-Smith,
    M.D., will talk about the pros and cons of losing sleep
    in the morning for an extra hour of sunlight in the
    evening. She’ll discuss how to get a quality night’s
    sleep, changes that occur in everyone’s bodies when
    seasons and schedules change, and how parents can help
    children acclimate to time and schedule changes. Dr.
    Saundra’s advice and expertise have been featured in
    Woman’s Day and Prevention magazines. Contact her at
    (256) 240-0564;

    7. ==> Who is to Blame for Honesty’s Decline?

    In a recent Gallup Poll on honesty, respondents said
    that just 13% of senators were honest and ranked
    governors’ and business executives’ honesty at 20%.
    With the press (28% honest) routinely fact-checking
    everything the president says it makes you wonder
    whether honesty has become a relic of the past. And if
    it is, author and leadership expert Steven Mays says,
    “Why are we surprised when we get terrible results from
    our leaders? It’s our own damned fault.” He’ll reveal
    why talent is important in people who serve as leaders,
    but developing it at the expense of character and
    honesty is an all too common mistake. Mays is the
    author of “The Power of 3: Lessons in Leadership.” A
    graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who
    served on nuclear submarines, he was a mathematician,
    electrical engineer and nuclear engineer who worked in
    private industry and at the Nuclear Regulation
    Commission. Contact him at (703) 552-5672;

    8. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to
    Recognize Fraud)

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    life? Would you know fraud if you saw it at work or in
    yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who
    unwittingly got caught up in the 1980s’ S&L crisis and
    found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a
    crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are unaware
    of what fraud actually is so it’s overlooked and people
    remain unaware of illegal activity around them. We all
    need to know exactly what fraud is, how it happens, why
    it happens, and how to avoid it!” says John. John Smith
    shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior in his book, “Embracing
    the Abyss,” which chronicles his becoming part of a
    fraud scandal and how he eventually received a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    9. ==> Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?

    Women talk about the challenges they face in a
    patriarchal society but in reality, women are each
    other’s own worst enemies, often holding each other
    back and sabotaging one another’s careers. Many, if not
    most, career women would agree that the bosses that
    gave them the most grief in their careers were female.
    Why is this the case? Career coach, author and former
    Wall Street executive Tamara Lashchyk discusses these
    issues and gives real-life examples of women who
    vindictively tried to sabotage the career of other
    women, including her own boss, who fired her just two
    days before she retired. She can answer such questions
    as do female bosses treat their male subordinates
    better than their female reports? Is this a
    generational issue and are millennials better at
    supporting other women than baby boomers? What can
    women do to help each other? Tamara has been
    interviewed by the BBC and featured in Huffington Post.
    Contact Tamara Lashcyk at (848) 373-3543;

    10. ==> Watch Out! Your Employees Are Siphoning Profits

    Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
    fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
    other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
    stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
    So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
    upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
    clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
    school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
    personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
    profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
    Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
    series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
    how managers can corral crooks at the worksite. She’ll
    explore myths and truths about brazen cyber-stealing
    … thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab
    techniques … recognizing temptation at the office …
    steps for establishing a thief-proof workplace … and
    much more. Ruth’s insights have already saved many
    businesses and millions in profits. Contact her at
    (770) 615-2056;

    11. ==> How to Outsmart a Restaurant Wine List

    For people who enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner,
    the restaurant wine list can be an exciting prelude or
    a confusing and intimidating way to start the evening.
    Too many wine lists are written with little or no
    concern for the diners who navigate them, but with a
    few straightforward, routine steps outlined by The
    People’s Wine Expert, Jim Laughren, CWE, almost anyone
    can break the code and pick out the perfect bottle to
    accompany their meal, whether they’re out for a
    romantic dinner or enjoying a girls’ or guys’ night
    out. Ask him: Is there anything you should be wary of
    on a wine list? What should you do when the waiter
    brings you a cork to sniff or presents you with the
    bottle? Fun and informative, Jim’s decidedly non-snobby
    approach to understanding and appreciating fine wine
    has been a hit on shows from coast to coast. He is also
    the author of two popular wine books, “50 Ways to Love
    Wine More” and “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing and
    Enjoying Fine Wine.” Contact Jim at (954) 317-9623;

    12. ==> This Guest Travels, Lives and Works in a 39-
    Foot RV

    Tim Winders and his wife are living the life many
    people dream of as they roll down the highway in their
    39-foot RV they named Theo that serves as their home
    and office. For anyone who has wondered what it would
    be like to travel full time while making money as you
    go Tim has the answers. He is so persuasive that his
    adult son also works and lives in his own RV. Tim can
    also talk about his inspiring life journey: he went
    from owning seven-figure businesses and over 100
    properties to bankruptcy, homelessness and having $100
    in his bank account before rebounding to his current,
    more intentional lifestyle. Tim has over 25 years’
    experience as a coach for business owners, executives,
    and leaders. He also hosts the “SeekGoCreate” podcast
    and is finishing his first novel. He and his wife have
    enjoyed the nomadic lifestyle in New Zealand, Australia
    and all over North America. Contact him at (404)
    846-4639; Ask about last-
    minute availability

    13. ==> ‘Regular’ Flu Almost Killed this Guest

    While the world is abuzz about the coronavirus, many
    people forget just how deadly the flu can be, forgoing
    the yearly vaccination. That’s why everyone needs to
    hear the cautionary tale of Charles (Charlie) Gardner,
    who in 2011 came “this close” to losing his life from
    flu complications at age 56, the same age his great-
    great-grandfather was when the flu claimed his life. As
    a result of flu that turned into pneumonia contracted
    while he was on vacation, Charlie suffered 13 strokes,
    organ failure, and a six-week coma. His son and
    daughter were present even when they pulled the plug on
    him. Yet Charlie survived with a great story to share
    that includes miracles, a near-death experience and
    appreciating the life you have even if it isn’t the one
    you expected. Charlie tells his inspiring story in his
    book “Always Remember This Moment.” Contact him at
    (650) 995-5626;

    14. ==> Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal
    Mortality Statistic

    It’s the 21st century. That means women can breeze
    through childbirth and be healthy to raise their
    children, right? Sadly, maternal deaths have been
    increasing, despite advanced obstetrical care. Find out
    why and what expectant parents and medical personnel
    should know, when you interview Alan Lindemann, M.D. He
    has delivered more than 6,000 babies (including many
    multiple births, even quads) during his decades-long
    career without losing a mom. This fascinating
    professional will discuss the trouble with “maternity
    deserts” where women are hours away from where they’ll
    deliver … illnesses affecting healthy birthing …
    the impact of too many c-sections … who needs more OB
    nurses … plus additional issues that put mothers (and
    babies) at risk. Dr. Lindemann’s advice can save
    countless lives, families and careers. Contact Dr.
    Lindemann at (701) 543-6182;

    15. ==> After Weinstein — What’s Next for #MeToo?

    Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein may be sitting
    in jail after his conviction on rape and sexual assault
    charges earlier this month, but Christine Rose isn’t
    celebrating yet. “The guilty verdict may be the end of
    this trial, but it’s nowhere near close to the end of
    the #MeToo movement and efforts needed to create
    workplaces that are equal.” Rose, who has survived
    several abusers, will share her perspective on #MeToo
    and explain where and why the focus is moving. She’ll
    share her in-depth look at what society can do to
    create not only a safer business landscape but “a new
    normal,” free from gender-based discrimination and
    violence. Christine Rose is an executive coach and the
    author of “Life Beyond #MeToo: Creating a Safer World
    for Our Mothers, Daughters, Sisters & Friends.” Contact
    her at (425) 326-9855;

    16. ==> Kids are Right: School is Boring

    It’s no surprise that so many kids complain about
    school being boring. Between mandated tests and
    outdated teaching methods, many students would rather
    be anywhere than in a school classroom. How do we
    maintain the intrinsic motivation students bring with
    them to kindergarten for all 13 years of K-12
    education? Lee Jenkins says there is no limit to what
    schools can accomplish when students are still
    motivated like they once were in kindergarten. Invite
    him on your show to discuss how this is possible with
    examples from all grade levels and subjects. Lee
    Jenkins has been an educator and administrator in
    public schools and universities. He’s the author of
    “How to Create a Perfect School,” with a foreword by
    Jack Canfield. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    17. ==> Here’s Why You Aren’t Happier (and What You Can
    Do About It!)

    Many experts offer tips on how to be happier. What
    happens when you try so many of them and they just
    don’t work? Elana Davidson discovered what she and so
    many others were missing. True happiness is not just
    about attitude and gratitude, it won’t be found through
    quick-fixes and cookie-cutter clichés. The good news is
    Elana can offer some tools and insights to your
    audience that can make a real difference. Ask her why
    doesn’t therapy work for some people? What key things
    are people missing? How is the subconscious affecting
    people’s ability to be happy? Elana is giving away
    copies of her eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-
    Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday
    Life,” published by Morgan James. Contact Elana at
    (413) 225-4758;

    18. ==> 3 Words Parents Never Want to Hear

    Rare. Incurable. Fatal. They are the worst words a
    parent can hear about their child’s health. Have you
    heard of Batten disease? It’s a rare group of genetic
    nervous system disorders (like “Parkinson’s on
    steroids!”) that worsen over time, with children
    experiencing progressive problems involving vision,
    balance, muscle movement, intellectual skills, dementia
    and seizures. Learn more by interviewing researcher and
    author Amy Proebstel, who is helping to bring awareness
    to the disease. You’ll learn why children get the
    disease, what the first symptoms are and the prognosis
    for those affected. Amy is the author of “The Rift in
    Our Reality,” a touching story of a real-life ten-year-
    old girl with the disease. A portion of book sales will
    support Haley’s Foundation, the nonprofit named for the
    girl. Contact Amy Proebstel at (503) 877-1119;

    19. ==> How to Take God Seriously

    Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
    guests you’ll ever have. Graza is a man of science with
    great knowledge of the heavens. He balances science and
    faith as both an aerospace engineer and a lay preacher
    who says it’s the smartest people who believe. Ask him:
    Why are prayers and worship so important? Why is faith
    alone not enough for salvation? How do you get to
    heaven? Graza’s book “Passport to Heavenly Eternal
    Life” has helped countless people take God seriously
    and cherish life more. Graza will take questions and
    discuss surprising biblical teachings for the 21st
    century, exploring the creation of the Universe and our
    amazing Earthly home. Contact Camilo Graza at (626)

    20. ==> Why Women Nag Men and How to Get Them to Stop

    No one likes to be nagged and nagging is an ineffective
    way to get someone to do something. Despite that,
    women, in general, have a reputation for nagging and,
    as relationship expert Stephanie Weiland Knarr, Ph.D.,
    will tell you, men do it too! Invite Dr. Stephanie on
    your program to share her innovative and much more
    successful approach to being heard by your significant
    other. You’ll learn what your relationship should have
    in common with Walmart and Target, what complaining
    does for a relationship, and tips for coping with a
    defensive spouse. A marriage and family counselor for
    20 years, Dr. Stephanie has helped thousands of
    couples. She’s been a guest on local TV and been
    featured in USA Today and Forbes. Contact her at (301)

  • 3/3/20 RTIR Newsletter: Super Tuesday, Retiree Questions, Avoiding Processed Foods

    March 3, 2020

    01. Will Democrats Embrace a Super Tuesday Sanders Win?
    02. Was Flavor Flav’s Firing Fair?
    03. The Kent State Shootings 50 Years Later
    04. Coronavirus Containment: Who Loses When Schools Close?
    05. How Worrying about Coronavirus Could Cause You to Get It
    06. Coronavirus Shows How Bad Decisions Kill People
    07. It’s Tax Season: Lighten Up and Laugh at the IRS
    08. How 80% of Your Listeners Can Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
    09. Stay or Move? 4 Questions for Retirees
    10. Creative Ways to Tie the Knot without Spending a Lot
    11. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
    12. New Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods
    13. Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent Killer?
    14. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health-Delivery System?
    15. The Surprising Solution to Climate Change
    16. Schools’ Toughest Bullies: Teachers
    17. Keep Beds Dry Every Night
    18. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
    19. Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience
    20. Psychedelics: What’s Behind Their Rise in Popularity?

    1.==> Will Democrats Embrace a Super Tuesday Sanders

    Establishment Democrats are freaking out at the
    prospect of Bernie Sanders being the party’s nominee in
    2020 and Elliot Williams says they have reasons to be
    concerned. “He struggles to say what his ambitious
    plans will cost. If elected, he would become the oldest
    president in U.S. history and he has flip-flopped on
    whether he would release his full medical records. He
    all but ensures that his Republican opponent will make
    the election a referendum on socialism.” But Williams
    says despite all that, Sanders could still beat Donald
    Trump. “Sanders inspires an intensity in his supporters
    that few candidates in history can claim. Where Bill
    Clinton felt voters’ pain, Bernie Sanders channels
    their anger. And that means something in 2020. This
    level of passion has galvanized a movement reminiscent
    of other major ‘change’ candidates in history —
    Kennedy, Reagan and, whether we want to admit it or
    not, Trump.” Elliot Williams is a CNN legal analyst and
    a principal at The Raben Group, a national public
    affairs and strategic communications firm. He was a
    deputy assistant attorney general at the Justice
    Department and an assistant director at U.S.
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement for the Obama
    administration. Contact him at (202) 466-8585; or ?@elliotcwilliams

    2. ==> Was Flavor Flav’s Firing Fair?

    Public Enemy, a radical hip-hop band that rose to
    prominence in the early days of the genre, has fired
    Flavor Flav, the iconoclastic hype man and reality-show
    staple. The issue was Flav sending a cease-and-desist
    letter to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign over
    the promotion of an appearance by Public Enemy at an
    upcoming campaign fundraising event. Flav wasn’t
    attending the event and apparently didn’t want to be
    associated with it. Was it right? PR expert Eric
    Yaverbaum says the parting wasn’t surprising or
    personal. “Public Enemy has been a fundamentally
    political group, and D himself continues to identify as
    a political artist, while Flavor Flav has gained new
    life as a reality-TV staple. This public disbanding is
    an example of protecting your brand to ensure that your
    message and the public conversation surrounding you
    remain on brand.” Yaverbaum is CEO of Ericho
    Communications and the author of “PR for Dummies.”
    Contact Xenique McLeod at (929) 399-6752;

    3. ==> Veteran Journalist: The Kent State Shootings 50
    Years Later

    Bob Giles was a young newspaper editor at the Akron
    Beacon Journal on the day of the Kent State shootings
    on May 4, 1970. Invite him on your show and hear the
    story of how he and his staff painstakingly pursued the
    truth of the shootings – a tragedy that has haunted the
    nation for 50 years and significantly changed the
    debate about the Vietnam War. He’ll describe the
    turmoil and drama of the newsroom on that fateful day
    and on the campus of Kent State University, where the
    Ohio National Guard opened fire on students, killing
    four and wounding nine others. You’ll hear how
    reporters struggled to make sense of the situation and
    sort fact from fiction for a horrified world wanting to
    know “what” and “why.” After a 40-year newspaper
    career, Giles became senior vice president of the
    Freedom Forum, executive director of its Media Studies
    Center, and curator of the Nieman Foundation for
    Journalism at Harvard University. He is the author of
    “When Truth Mattered: The Kent State Shootings 50 Years
    Later.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137;
    (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    4. ==> Coronavirus Containment: Who Loses When Schools

    Japan’s schools will remain closed this month in an
    effort to curb contagion of the coronavirus. Here in
    the U.S., schools could also be subject to mass
    closures if the virus continues to spread, and that
    would create a big problem for working parents and the
    economy. The Century Foundation’s Julie Kashen says it
    would be particularly difficult for lower-income
    working families. “They don’t even have solutions for
    everyday child-care problems. This is just going to
    exacerbate the problems that already exist but also
    make stark economic inequalities.” Workers without paid
    sick leave, who make about 30% of the private sector
    workforce, will be hit the hardest, Kashen says, while
    office professionals and other white-collar workers
    will likely have the flexibility they need to take care
    of their kids. She says you likely won’t hear many
    parents talking about their plans for child care should
    schools close. “Probably, in part, because there’s not
    a great option,” she says. “No great answers besides
    relying on neighbors, friends and families.” Julie
    Kashen is a senior fellow and director for women’s
    economic justice at The Century Foundation, a
    progressive, nonpartisan think tank. Her expertise lies
    in work and family, caregiving, economic mobility, and
    labor. Contact her at @Juliekashen or Alex Edwards at; or (212) 452-7700

    5.==> How Worrying about Coronavirus Could Cause You to
    Get It

    Being vigilant and constantly checking the news for the
    latest information on the coronavirus may seem like the
    best way to stay safe and informed about the pandemic.
    But the opposite may be true. Could you be making
    yourself more susceptible to the coronavirus without
    realizing it? Perhaps, says wellness expert and stress
    relief coach Diane E. Ruiz, who will explain how
    excessive worry can lead to a buildup of cortisol that
    could compromise your immune system as well as lead to
    the desire to eat more comfort food, drink more
    alcohol, sleep less and isolate yourself from others,
    all which depress your immune system further. Invite
    Diana on air to share simple ways to decrease
    coronavirus stress including what you can eat and drink
    (and what to avoid) and best practices to help arm your
    body with a super-strong Immune system during this
    time. As a bonus, she will offer your listeners free
    access to her Immune System Power Program 2020 download
    that includes instructions for deep relaxation. Diana
    is the author of the wellness book “Healing Your Life
    With Water.” She developed a program called “Relieve
    Stress and Grief and Love Life Again.” Contact her at
    (360) 550-9436;

    6. ==> Coronavirus Shows How Bad Decisions Kill People

    Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS, SARS, Zika: the biology
    changes, but the problem does not. Every one of these
    diseases hits the news, threatening to become a
    pandemic that could wipe out massive populations. Why
    isn’t there a clear plan to address this threat … or
    the next one … or the next one? “While we don’t know
    the name of the next plague, it’s obvious that we need
    a solution to this very predictable, recurring,
    inevitable problem,” says decision-making expert
    Michael Angelo Costa. “I’m not talking about scientific
    cures, I’m talking about a plan to address the threat
    and protect the public.” Invite Costa to discuss why
    the problem hasn’t been addressed and why he says one
    of the best ways to improve future outcomes is to learn
    from past mistakes, preferably someone else’s! Michael
    Angelo Costa has more than 33 years of international
    business experience as a lawyer, investment banker, and
    advisor. He’s an international coach and consultant and
    the author of “Never Be Wrong Again – Four Steps to
    Making Better Decisions In Work and In Life.” Contact
    him at (760) 238-5087;

    7. ==> It’s Tax Season: Lighten Up and Laugh at the IRS

    Incompetent. Reckless. Smug. Deserving of your guffaws
    and eye rolls, certainly not your fear. All that
    describes the IRS, says tax expert Richard Green, who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own!
    He has seen firsthand how the colossal waste and chaos
    of his former employer puts America at risk. He’ll
    reveal what put such an important government agency so
    behind-the-times and made it so downright laughable. Do
    you realize that agents are still using 50-year-old
    technology? And audits are unfair and usually
    unnecessary? Why is the IRS always blaming Congress or
    everyday citizens for its own tax-management foibles?
    Ask Green, author of “Agents of Deceit,” what Americans
    can do to fix all this and still be fair to our nation
    and ourselves. Contact Richard Green at (909) 570-1509;

    8. ==> How 80% of Your Listeners Can Stop Living
    Paycheck to Paycheck

    Despite a robust economy, most of your listeners are
    barely making it from one paycheck to the next. They
    want to do better but don’t know how to. Let Certified
    Financial Planner Lorri Craig reveal five ways to climb
    out of this persistent pattern. Among the things you
    will learn are why doing a budget should not be your
    first step, why you don’t have to go on a radical
    financial diet and why money problems are usually the
    result of a mindset problem. Lorri, who holds a
    master’s degree in finance, is dedicated to empowering
    both women and men with the tools they need to flourish
    physically, internally, and economically in a
    radically-changing world. She is the developer of the
    Empower3 program and author of an upcoming book that
    provides a step-by-step approach for being the change
    you want to see in the world. Contact her at (484)

    9. ==> Stay or Move? 4 Questions for Retirees

    One of the biggest issues in retirement is whether to
    stay in your family home or downsize, but how do you
    make the right choice? Financial planner and author
    Penelope S. Tzougros (pronounced Sue-grows), says there
    are four questions retirees need to ask themselves when
    making the decision: How much do I need to spend to
    maintain my house? How much money does it take to
    maintain my desired lifestyle? What if anything is
    unique about my current home that I couldn’t find
    anywhere else? What do I envision my legacy to be?
    “Ultimately, the Stay-Move decision is not about real
    estate,” Tzougros says, “it’s about your legacy and who
    you are.” Penelope S. Tzougros, Ph.D., ChFC, CLU, is a
    Financial Consultant, speaker and founder of Wealthy
    Choices®, a Registered Investment Advisor. The author
    of several books including “Your Home Sweet Home” also
    offers an online course, “The Retiree’s Guide for the
    Stay-Move Decision.” Contact her at (617) 733-3731;

    10. ==> Creative Ways to Tie the Knot without Spending
    a Lot

    The average wedding now costs more than $30,000,
    excluding the honeymoon. Or $75,000 if you happen to
    marry in Manhattan. Patricia Davis, the author of
    “Going Broke Is No Joke,” says it’s time we stopped
    equating expensive wedding receptions with happiness
    and longer-lasting marriages and consider her 11
    creative ways to tie the knot without spending a lot
    and still have a fabulous, fun-filled wedding. She
    holds an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in
    personal financial planning from Golden Gate University
    and a certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact
    Patricia at (301) 517-6304;

    11. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This

    Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
    today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
    (perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
    this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks.
    Invite Chris Bird to educate you and your audience
    about gun safety and self-defense. A sought-after
    expert on gun rights and personal protection, Chris can
    answer: Why are methods of observation as important as
    one’s weapon? What steps help you survive a public
    shooting? What are his insights about recent attacks at
    schools, workplaces, community events and places of
    worship? With 30-plus years of firearm safety
    experience, Chris Bird is the author of several books
    including “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The
    Concealed Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!”
    Have your listeners call in during the interview with
    their gun questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210)

    12. ==> New Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods

    By now, everyone is aware that processed foods are high
    in salt and calories. But most people don’t know that
    from snacks to microwavable dinners, these convenient
    foods contain numerous additives that can play a role
    in digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and possibly
    even cancers. Let Marcela Magda Popa, M.D., talk about
    the scary ingredients used in processed foods and keep
    in mind that many of them also find their way into
    medicines. Thus, they can trigger allergic reactions
    and other side-effects for which they’re not even
    blamed, being deemed as “inert.” The author of “Keep
    Away from GRAS: Why Safe Everyday Products Are Making
    You Sick and Simple Strategies to Recover Your Health,”
    was forced to take early retirement as an internal
    medicine physician because of her autoimmune arthritis.
    This gave her time to research the suspicion she had
    formed that “generally recognized as safe” products
    used in foods, cosmetics, hygiene products,
    medications, cookware, and other household items may be
    making people sicker. Magda Popa graduated from Carol
    Davilla Medical School in Bucharest, Romania, and
    completed residency training in the United States.
    She’s been featured on MSN Lifestyle, SheKnows, Elite
    Daily, Bustle, and Business Insider. Contact her at
    (917) 750-3377;

    13. ==> Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent

    Did you know that more than 30 million adults have
    diabetes and more than 7 million don’t even know they
    have it? Or that one in four adults has prediabetes?
    With these staggering numbers, no one can afford to be
    diabetes illiterate. That is why you’ll want to
    interview Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate
    in the diabetes community who knows this topic inside
    and out. She can answer such questions as what are some
    of the biggest myths about diabetes? How did being born
    into a family with type-2 diabetes and being married to
    a type-1 diabetic affect her life? What does she wish
    everyone knew about diabetes? Nadia is editor-in-chief
    of Diabetes Health, a 400,000 circulation magazine used
    in hospitals, diabetes classes, and doctors’ offices as
    an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia
    column is ranked No. 1 by Google as is her website. Nadia is also the author of
    “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving
    Your Best Blood Sugars and Letting Go of Your Diabetes
    Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC,
    CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at
    (415) 741-3545;

    14. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health-
    Delivery System?

    The industry of medicine, including insurance
    companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
    structure that appears driven more by profits than
    patient consideration, represent a significant problem
    in our health-care delivery. Doctors are growing
    frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
    Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
    documentation and have less time for patient care.
    Invite Michael J. Young, M.D., to discuss the
    challenges to our health-care delivery system gone
    awry. A practicing physician (surgeon and urology
    specialist) for three decades, Dr. Young will offer his
    insights and explore how America’s health-delivery
    process is in need of repair for everyone’s benefit.
    He’ll also share his personal story and been-there
    experiences other doctors rarely discuss. Dr. Michael
    Young is the author of “The Illness of Medicine.”
    Contact William Dorich at (310) 923-2157;

    15. ==> The Surprising Solution to Climate Change

    With a climate denier in the White House who may win
    re-election, a neutered Environmental Protection
    Agency, rising temperatures, melting ice caps,
    wildfires, and other weird weather, a growing number of
    millennials and other people are suffering from climate
    anxiety—the fear that Earth will become uninhabitable.
    That’s why an interview with Sankarshan Das could not
    be timelier. This expert can offer his revolutionary
    perspective on how by cleaning up the pollution within
    ourselves we can clean up all the pollution in the
    world. He’ll explain why being anxious can lead to
    greater happiness, comparing anxiety to a dashboard
    warning light requiring our immediate attention. He can
    also share how he has managed to have zero anxiety in
    the past 50 years. Sankarshan Das is a spiritual master
    with disciples all over the world and is the author of
    the upcoming book “Conquer Your Mind and Deliver the
    World: Empowering You to Awaken Your Divine
    Consciousness and Create Global Happiness.” He is also
    a singer-songwriter who once appeared onstage between
    Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead. His song,
    “The Peace Formula,” has been praised by Barack Obama.
    Contact him at (512) 643-6740;

    16. ==> Schools’ Toughest Bullies: Teachers

    It’s bad enough when a fellow student picks on you and
    creates a tense bullying atmosphere at school. We hear
    about upsetting bullying issues every week, nationwide.
    But what if today’s educators are the troublesome
    tyrants? How does that limit learning and upset the
    entire class process? Are such control-prone teachers
    anywhere near accurate when they insist they’re just
    maintaining discipline? What needs to be done by
    administrators, PTOs, school boards and teachers
    themselves to rebuild bully-free classrooms for all
    grades? Find out when you interview popular media guest
    Barb Daniels, whose award-winning Timmy Teacup book
    series focuses on self-esteem and anti-bullying. Barb
    will offer surprising advice to help children and teens
    navigate a bullying classroom and healthy ways for
    teacher bullies to transform and still command respect.
    Expect high ratings and meaningful discussions on a
    topic that ultimately affects every family. Contact
    Barb Daniels at (636) 220-5495:

    17. ==> Keep Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
    discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
    the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
    anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
    this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
    does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
    other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
    What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
    professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
    issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
    problem become more noticeable at different times of
    the year? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 800-0498;

    18. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    An estimated 80 to 90% of Americans would like to write
    a book someday. Most of them let their dream die
    without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She can reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She can also answer such questions as what’s
    the biggest roadblock to getting a successful book
    written? And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be,
    what does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart
    and honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business” and winner of Charlotte
    Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation Family
    Business of the Year Award. Contact Fabi at (704)

    19. ==> Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience

    Going in front of a group? Do you have key information
    to share? Want to get over your nerves and
    apprehension? First of all, no need to imagine your
    audience naked! You’ll want your presentation,
    confidence and message to wow everyone instead. So says
    communications and leadership expert Jill Jaysen.
    She’ll reveal how we’ve all been incorrectly taught
    when it comes to public speaking and what really makes
    a dynamite presentation for winning big. Learn why
    gimmicks like “practice at a mirror” and “videotape
    yourself” only risk creating mediocre speakers, how
    your speech starts long before you reach the
    auditorium, and how to prevent the biggest speaking
    turnoffs. Contact Jill Jaysen at (203) 442-9301;

    20. ==> Psychedelics: What’s Behind their Rise in

    If the word “psychedelic” makes you think of Woodstock,
    the 1960s, and people dropping out of society, you are
    behind the times. While still prohibited by law, some
    once-considered “bad boys” of the drug culture (LSD,
    Psilocybin, MDMA), are now being seriously studied by
    science and found to be not-only completely non-
    addictive, but more effective in the relief of anxiety,
    addiction and depression than any known or traditional
    treatment. Sparrow Hart can discuss both the incredible
    promise of psychedelics as well as potential pitfalls
    for their misuse in an addictive and distraction-
    seeking culture. A Stanford University graduate, Hart
    has spent his life studying the variety of ways to
    alter and change consciousness. His varied career
    includes a brief stint working in a slaughter-house,
    adventures in the Amazon, and over 30 years of leading
    workshops on shamanism, conscious dreaming and vision
    quests in nature. His latest book is “Letters to the
    River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact him at
    (801) 516-0740;

  • 2/27/20 RTIR Newsletter: Coronavirus, Burned out Teachers, CEOS on Social Media

    February 27, 2020

    01. Coronavirus Should Change the Way We Think about China
    02. Fed Expert: Coronavirus Strikes Wall Street
    03. Interview ‘Potsie’ from Happy Days: Actor Anson Williams
    04. International Women’s Day is March 8th – What Oscar Couldn’t Do, This Festival Does
    05. Weinstein Verdict and #MeToo
    06. What the Media are Getting Wrong about Bernie
    07. Why Do So Many Americans Think Socialism is a Good Thing?
    08. ‘Why I Forgave My Son’s Murderers’
    09. Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit
    10. Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance Policy Lapse
    11. Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal Mortality Statistic
    12. When Pills Are the Worst Way to Stop Pain
    13. Iraq Vet: From Faith to Darkness and Back Again
    14. Spring-Clean Your Life and Make Room for Your Dreams
    15. Make the Second Half of Your Life … The BEST Half
    16. When Does Checking Your Smartphone Become Unhealthy?
    17. Why Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out and Ready to Get Out
    18. Everyone Needs a Coach: How to Have One on Any Budget
    19. This Lived-It Expert Says Fighting Cancer Doesn’t Make Sense
    20. CEOs on Social Media: How Much Should They Share?

    1.==> Coronavirus Should Change the Way We Think about China

    How the coronavirus plays out is uncertain, but foreign policy expert Richard Haass says the virus has the potential to change China in fundamental ways. “Unless authorities get the situation under control and restore economic growth soon, it has the potential to become much more significant than Tiananmen, as what is at issue is not thousands of students calling for reform but millions of citizens demanding basic competence. Desperate people can do desperate things.” Haass also thinks outsiders should change the way they think about China. “Virtually everything written and said about China is premised on the notion of its continued rise. But to assume China’s growth will continue in a steady fashion ignores Chinese history.” Robert Haass is a veteran diplomat and president of the Council on Foreign Relations. Contact him at (212) 434-9540;

    2. ==> Fed Expert: Coronavirus Strikes Wall Street

    Financial markets have stepped up their expectations for interest rate cuts in recent days as fears of a global pandemic finally rocked the U.S. stock market. Short of an accurate assessment of the full scope of the coronavirus — whether or not it becomes a true pandemic — it’s impossible to determine the economic impact or the Fed’s response. Invite Fed expert Danielle DiMartino Booth to discuss the situation, whether she believes the Fed will cut rates, and what that means for the American economy. DiMartino Booth is CEO of Quill Intelligence LLC, a research and analytics firm. Before that, she spent nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. She is the author of “FED UP: An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America,” a full-time columnist for Bloomberg View, and a frequent commentator on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox News, Fox Business News, BNN Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance and other major media outlets. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    3. ==> Interview ‘Potsie’ from Happy Days: Actor Anson Williams

    Although he’s best known as Potsie Weber from the classic TV series Happy Days, actor/director Anson Williams is a man on a mission. After a near-fatal car accident caused by falling asleep at the wheel, Williams (with help from his famous uncle, Dr. Henry Heimlich) developed a spray that eliminates drowsy driving (which is a factor in more than 100,000 crashes annually). This all-natural stimulant has been adopted by first responders and trucking companies across the country. Anson is happy to talk Happy Days too and also about his prolific career as a director (Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, and Star Trek: Voyager, plus many more). Contact Harlan Boll at (626) 345-7513;

    4.==> International Women’s Day is March 8th – What Oscar Couldn’t Do, This Festival Does

    Women directors may not have gotten their due at this year’s major film awards, but the Female Eye Film Festival (FeFF) in Toronto will be celebrating them next weekend in honor of International Women’s Day. Invite FeFF founder, executive and artistic director Leslie Ann Coles to talk about the role of women in the movie industry, both behind and in front of the camera. She says, “This is a pivotal year for advancing gender equality worldwide, and our festival offers the perfect platform to further embrace this theme.” This year, the festival’s 18th, features 56 films directed by women from across North America and the world. The four days of eclectic films reflect the topics of gender equality and violence against women, as well as socio-political shorts and documentaries that explore issues of women in technology, immigration, homelessness, aging, coming-of-age, and sexual identity. Contact Kelly Hargraves at or the Female Eye Film Festival at

    5. ==> Weinstein Verdict and #MeToo

    Harvey Weinstein was convicted in a Manhattan courtroom on Monday of rape and a forcible sexual act. The disgraced movie mogul may be sitting in jail, but Christine Rose isn’t celebrating yet. “The guilty verdict may be the end of this trial, but it’s nowhere near close to the end of the #MeToo movement and efforts needed to create workplaces that are equal.” Rose, who has survived several abusers, will share her perspective on #MeToo and explain where and why the focus is moving. She’ll share her in-depth look at what society can do to create not only a safer business landscape but “a new normal,” free from gender-based discrimination and violence. Christine Rose is an executive coach and the author of “Life Beyond #MeToo: Creating a Safer World for Our Mothers, Daughters, Sisters & Friends.” Contact her at (425) 326-9855;

    6. ==> What the Media are Getting Wrong about Bernie

    What makes Bernie so dangerous? Why were previous hopefuls such as Ron Paul, the Green Party ticket in 2016, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard this year also considered dangerous? Candidates outside the red and blue “box” cause mainstream journalists to shake. Nita Wiggins, the journalism professor who predicted the victory of presidential candidate Donald Trump a full year before it happened has some surprises for your audience this season. A TV broadcaster who has followed presidential campaigns since covering the 1988 Democrat convention, she now teaches journalism in Paris, France. Contact her at

    7. ==> Why Do So Many Americans Think Socialism is a Good Thing?

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist and is currently the frontrunner in the race to become the Democrats’ candidate to go head-to-head with Donald Trump in the November election. With our nation’s traditional fight against socialism, why are countless well-educated voters embracing it now? How did that happen? And what should audiences know to protect American democracy? Invite Rick Elkin to explore disguised forces shaping the politics of more than one generation of voters. Author of “The Illusion of Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace Marxism,” Elkin offers a radical new theory on why half the nation might jettison our constitutional republic for a progressive promised land. Ask him how, why or whether academia, union leaders and news and entertainment executives became prisoners of Groupthink. Contact Rick at (760) 825-4884;

    8. ==> ‘Why I Forgave My Son’s Murderers’

    In late May, it will be seven years since Rev. Meghan Smith Brooks lost her 29-year-old younger son. Justin’s body was found in a river, wrapped in chains and weighed down by a cinder block. Justin, the father of a five-year-old, had been shot three times. It would take 18 months for two arrests to be made. Interview Meghan to find out how she coped with the tragedy and why she was able to forgive her son’s murderers. She can talk about whether grief ever goes away and why forgiveness is so important to moving forward as well as share tips other people can use who are currently grieving. Meghan is an ordained Unity Minister and certified grief coach. She is the author of the upcoming book “Unraveling Grief: A Mother’s Spiritual Journey After Losing Her Son.” She will be the keynote speaker at Missouri’s event commemorating National Crime Victim Awareness Week in late April. Contact Meghan Smith Brooks at (816) 844-6783;

    9. ==> Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit

    Talk about initiating a lawsuit and most people think: Hefty settlement! Getting justice! (Or retribution.) Healing and starting over. But legal trouble is stressful and expensive and lawsuits can last years, taking more out of you than you gain. So warns attorney Francine Tone, who’s been educating the public for years about getting the right legal help, asking prudent questions, making wise decisions, and proceeding with caution as legal challenges unfold. Invite her to explore realities about suing and being sued, myths and truths about the law, and how even winning lawsuits can jeopardize your business, marriage or health. Francine is the author of “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.” Contact Francine at (531) 208-1297;

    10. ==> Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance Policy Lapse

    Imagine if you could receive CASH for that life insurance policy you or your parents don’t need anymore! Did you know that $70 billion of life insurance policies go to waste annually? Simply because consumers don’t know a little-known secret that, if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of your death benefits in CASH! Many professional advisors such as attorneys and CPAs are now becoming aware of this and trying to help their clients avoid this waste and turn it into cash. David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor™, will educate your audience and tell you what life insurance companies don’t want you to know! David combines his legal and business experience with a passion for philanthropy. His book, “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy,” details everything your audience needs to know to get that insurance policy working for them! Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    11. ==> Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal Mortality Statistic

    It’s the 21st century. That means women can breeze through childbirth and be healthy to raise their children, right? Sad¬ly, maternal deaths have been increasing, despite advanced obstetrical care. Find out why and what expectant parents and medical personnel should know, when you interview Alan Lindemann, M.D. He has delivered more than 6,000 babies (including many multiple births, even quads) during his decades-long career without losing a mom. This fascinating professional will discuss the trouble with “maternity deserts” where women are hours away from where they’ll deliver … illnesses affecting healthy birthing … the impact of too many c-sections … who needs more OB nurses … plus additional issues that put mothers (and babies) at risk. Dr. Lindemann’s advice can save countless lives, families and careers. Contact Dr. Lindemann at (701) 543-6182;

    12. ==> When Pills Are the Worst Way to Stop Pain

    You and your audience will want to listen-up when Maggie Phillips, Ph.D., pain relief expert and trainer, talks about using skills not pills to alleviate pain. After all, it’s almost daily that we hear of opioid controversies, addictions and even painkiller-related deaths. The author of “Freedom from Pain and Reversing Chronic Pain” will share good news about effective alternative healing methods. Ask her about the value of working with the rhythms of the nervous system, diet and exercise, spiritual practic¬es, drug-free supplements, meditation, hypnosis, lifestyle changes and other ways to build healing pathways. She’ll also explain why other nations are far ahead of the U.S. in wisely using “skills-not-pills” approaches to thwart pain and trauma without unwanted side effects or creating dependency and addiction problems. Contact Maggie at (510) 561-1645;

    13. ==> Iraq Vet: From Faith to Darkness and Back Again

    If you’d pulled shards of a friend’s skull out of your own face or seen a man killed by an IED as he raced to meet his wife and newborn child, how would you respond? How would you be changed? Decorated combat veteran Capt. Jeff Morris will share his traumatic experience as a battalion leader in Iraq, what it did to his faith and how he came to survive not only firefights in Baghdad’s most dangerous war zone but the deaths of eight of his men and a subsequent decade-long battle with PTSD. The author of “Legion Rising: Surviving Combat and the Scars It Left Behind” is now a senior executive who travels the country on behalf of his nonprofit Legion 8 Foundation, formed to honor the men lost under his leadership in Baghdad. Contact Jason Jones at

    14. ==> Spring-Clean Your Life and Make Room for Your Dreams

    Springtime brings thoughts of spring-cleaning to many parents, but how about some mental spring-cleaning to make room for your dreams? Instead of being overwhelmed with to-do lists and constantly feeling burned out, why not recharge your batteries by reigniting your dreams? Children’s author and mom of three Rosie Pova tells parents, “We put our kids first and often ignore our dreams and passions in life in order to take care of everyone else in the family. With the right strategy, we can make the time to pursue our goals.” Invite Pova to share 10 tips on following your passions without neglecting your family. She can tell your audience how to get started, how to stay motivated even after multiple setbacks, and how to overcome failure. Pova is the author of several children’s books including her latest picture book, “Sunday Rain.” She’s been featured by KCHF 730-AM, DEAR Texas Radio, Web Talk Radio, and many other shows nationwide. Contact her at (214) 225-0856;

    15. ==> Make the Second Half of Your Life … The BEST Half

    As we age, we may not realize that things can (and should) get better. With awareness, maturity, experience and motivation, the second half of life offers extraordinary opportunities and satisfaction — certainly personally but especially professionally. That’s the message of Joe Swinger, a sought-after speaker, author and interview guest who specializes in helping midlife adults transition from corporate to living the VIP life: welcoming vibrancy, impact and purpose. Appreciative audiences will hear Joe explain on-air how he became inspired to establish the organization Silver Linings Network. Joe will reveal what he advises, including how to revisit long-forgotten dreams, while also embracing new pathways, projects and personal development. Ask about his upcoming conferences. Contact Joe Swinger at (385) 425-6705;

    16. ==> When Does Checking Your Smartphone Become Unhealthy?

    Many people believe cell phone addiction is something the other guy needs to worry about. It’s easy to spot when someone else is obsessed with email, Instagram and Facebook, but not so easy to notice it in ourselves. But, as stress and wellness expert Diana Ruiz will explain, it is likely your smartphone may be causing your stress—not relieving it—and a digital detox is in order. She’ll talk about why spending time with people in the same room who are not on their phones is way more relaxing than texting them or swiping right. She’ll also share what research suggests about which sex is more likely to exhibit constant device checking. Diana is the author of the new program Break Free from Stress and Grief: Love Your Life Again. Contact Diana Ruiz at (360) 550-9436;

    17. ==> Why Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out and Ready to Get Out

    Countless teachers start out loving education yet often land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan, a former educator, attorney and judge, can discuss her own inspiring journey and help listeners appreciate teachers’ challenges. She’ll explain how educators, other professionals, and entrepreneurs can recognize and bravely implement exciting plans for career changes. She’ll start with three simple questions to ask yourself before making any career move, discuss whether salary should ever guide you, and share tips to overcome obstacles and hesitations. And Geraldine loves call-in questions! Her new book is “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Contact her at (305) 902-3869;

    18. ==> Everyone Needs a Coach: How to Have One on Any Budget

    Think you don’t need a coach to help navigate your challenging career and reach your goals? Think again! Then interview Dr. Sarah Brown, a sought-after coach and trainer who’s helped thousands define and pursue success based on their unique interests, strengths and needs. She’ll help listeners understand the critical role coaches play and describe how anyone can turn a friend, colleague, or mentor into that much-needed role. People can even learn to coach themselves! Dr. Brown will share her 5-step KTS Success Factor™ Model and must-know secrets, including finally clarifying exactly what you want … getting started even without all the answers (and without going bankrupt!) … whether it’s wise to give-up one’s current job first … remedies for lackluster performances … and special advice for entrepreneurial businesses. Contact Sarah Brown at (302) 274-0624;

    19. ==> This Lived-It Expert Says Fighting Cancer Doesn’t Make Sense

    Kipp Harris knows what he’s talking about when he explores myths and truths about cancer and its treat¬ments. Several times that powerful disease has invaded his body, only to be thwarted into remission by modern medical science and Kipp’s own resourcefulness. Learn why he says it’s wise to work through, never battle, one’s cancer. So what does he recommend? Why does he call his cancer journey “improbable joy”? What was the first thing he did upon learning his cancer returned? And what does he advise for patients (and their loved ones) who want to thrive throughout and afterward? Kipp will even discuss on-air whether humanity is meant to experience cancer. Contact Kipp at (701) 638-4051;

    20. ==> CEOs On Social Media: How Much Should They Share?

    According to a recent Glassdoor poll of over 1,200 employed adults, 57% of workers say they have talked about politics while on the job — despite 60% saying they believe discussing politics at work is unacceptable. What about CEOs who share their political or religious beliefs on social media? Reputation management expert Ryan McCormick says, “Under no circumstances should high-level executives share or promote their political perspectives online. Doing so can risk alienating loyal customers or potential customers who share different perspectives.” He suggests CEOs who want to help their preferred candidate do so away from the public eye. But interestingly, when it comes to corporate heads touting their religious beliefs, he says there is a greater chance of it being acceptable (and even embraced) if the company has made those beliefs an integral part of their culture. McCormick, a former TV producer and newspaper editor, is co-founder of Goldman McCormick PR. Contact him at (516) 901-1103;

  • 2/25/20 RTIR Newsletter: Sanders Surge, Coronavirus Facts, Becoming Supernatural

    February 25, 2020

    01. What’s Behind Bernie Sanders’ Surge?
    02. Why Bloomberg Should Have Run as a Republican
    03. Calming Coronavirus Fears: Caution vs Paranoia
    04. Coronavirus Facts – What it is and How to Prevent it
    05. NY Times Reporter on the Women Shaping Congress
    06. Why Every American Should Care About Poverty in Africa
    07. The New Mindfulness of Money: Should You Get in On It?
    08. Are Carcinogens Hiding in Products You Use Most?
    09. Psychedelics: What’s Behind Their Rise in Popularity?
    10. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to Recognize Fraud)
    11. How Our School Systems Are Sabotaging Education from Within
    12. 10 Anti-Bullying Lessons Trees Can Teach Us
    13. 5 Things You Can Do to Outsmart Pain
    14. What House Flipping Shows Don’t Tell You
    15. Here’s Why You Aren’t Happier (and What You Can Do About It!)
    16. Why Women Nag Men and How to Get Them to Stop
    17. How to Become Supernatural
    18. Rare, Incurable, Fatal: 3 Words Parents Never Want to Hear
    19. Who Says Learning Math Has to Be Hard?
    20. Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales of Metal Legends

    1. ==> What’s Behind Bernie Sanders’ Surge?

    Bernie Sanders is currently being called the
    presumptive frontrunner in the Democratic contest to
    take on Donald Trump in November. Discuss the candidate
    with political commentator and talk show host Arnie
    Arnesen. She says Sanders appeals to those in America
    who are currently hurting. “He has moved the entire
    agenda of the Democratic Party not to the left, but to
    where the essence and soul of the party has
    historically been. About workers, about justice, about
    investment in infrastructure, about health care as a
    right and an environment that sustains us and does not
    serve the interests of corporate success and America’s
    failure. The New Dems under Bill Clinton moved the
    party into the arms of Wall Street and had more in
    common with a moderate Republican Party that no longer
    exists in America.” In addition to her daily talk show
    The Attitude, Arnesen is a frequent political
    commentator on Boston and New England radio and has
    appeared on CNN and other major media. She served for
    eight years as a member of the New Hampshire House of
    Representatives and ran for governor of the state in
    1992. Contact her at; @pchowder

    2. ==> Why Bloomberg Should Have Run as a Republican

    Many observers believe billionaire Michael Bloomberg
    used his massive personal wealth to buy his way into
    the election but political communication researcher
    Robert McChesney says he could have used his fortune to
    run as a Republican, and not further fracture the
    Democratic Party. He says Bloomberg “could have done
    everything possible to expose Trump and to locate and
    encourage anti-Trump Republicans. He could have
    supported primary challengers on the Republican side to
    defeat Trump’s allies and enablers. He could have built
    up a parallel party apparatus employing thousands of
    Republican operatives at big salaries. He might have
    made Trump completely crack up. At any rate, he would
    have had an enormous impact that might have helped to
    slow and begin to reverse the Trumpian drift.” Robert
    McChesney is research professor at the University of
    Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and co-founder of the
    media reform group Free Press. He is the author of
    several books about the media and democracy. Contact
    him at or (217) 333-2683

    3. ==> Calming Coronavirus Fears: Caution vs Paranoia

    As of Monday, there were 53 confirmed cases of novel
    coronavirus in the United States, including 36 people
    who were aboard a cruise ship, three people repatriated
    from China, and 14 U.S. cases. As the virus spreads
    people are getting increasingly nervous and anxious.
    Health officials say the risk of death is much smaller
    than the influenza virus, so why is everyone so
    worried? What’s the difference between using caution
    and becoming paranoid? Should you cancel your upcoming
    international trip? Wear a mask on the plane? Invite
    clinical forensic psychologist Dr. John Huber to talk
    about how to deal with coronavirus fears. Dr. Huber has
    appeared on over 300 radio and TV programs and is the
    host of Mainstream Mental Health Radio. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    4. ==> Coronavirus Facts – What It is and How to
    Prevent It

    You’ve probably heard that the coronavirus is similar
    to the flu, but health experts say there’s a
    difference. With the flu, you often get severe muscle
    aches and headaches; with this coronavirus, evidence
    suggests shortness of breath develops in more than half
    the cases after about a week. That’s not like the
    flu—with the flu, you rarely would be short of breath.
    But epidemiologist Krys Johnson says prevention IS the
    same. “Make sure you wash your hands as often as you
    can, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer—they have
    found the coronavirus does die in the presence of an
    alcohol-based hand sanitizer, so that’s a good thing to
    keep on your person at all times, especially if you use
    a train or a bus and you don’t have access to washing
    your hands. And if someone sneezes or coughs around
    you, just try to be very cognizant of that and make
    sure you’re not breathing in anything that they
    could’ve just coughed up.” Krys Johnson teaches
    epidemiology—the study of the causes and distribution
    of disease in populations—at Temple University’s
    College of Public Health. She worked with the Florida
    Department of Health during the Zika virus outbreak in
    2015–2016. Contact Morgan Zalot at (215) 204-7560;

    5. ==> NY Times Reporter on the Women Shaping Congress

    In January 2019, the largest number of women ever
    elected to Congress was sworn in—87 in the House and 23
    in the Senate. This history-making class included many
    firsts: the youngest woman ever to serve; the first two
    Muslim women; the first two Native American women, one
    openly gay; a black woman from a nearly all-white
    Chicago suburb; and a Hispanic woman from a heavily
    Republican border region. Invite veteran New York Times
    Capitol Hill reporter Jennifer Steinhauer to give
    listeners a behind-the-scenes look at these newcomers
    and their individual and collective attempts to usher
    in change in Washington. Can these women, many already
    social media stars and political punching bags, find a
    way to break through the partisan stalemate and
    hidebound traditions of Washington, D.C.? Which is a
    more salient marker of change—their gender, or the
    diversity of age, race, religion and economic status
    they bring to Congress? Jennifer Steinhauer has covered
    numerous high-profile beats in her 25-year reporting
    career at the New York Times. Her latest book is “The
    Firsts: The Inside Story of the Women Reshaping
    Congress.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    6. ==> Why Every American Should Care About Poverty in

    Many African nations attained independence from the
    colonial powers in the late 1950s and 1960s. However,
    the promise of a bright future has not materialized due
    to corruption, greed, poor governance and conflicts.
    Massive foreign aid over six decades has not rectified
    the situation. So why should the rest of the world
    still care? Well, according to UNICEF, by 2050, Africa
    will be home to 35% of all adolescents in the world.
    The rest of the world cannot afford to ignore this
    large population. Invite author and speaker Dr.
    Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the impact of poverty in
    Africa on the rest of the world and why foreign aid
    should be restructured. Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon
    and the president of Pan Africa Children Advocacy
    Watch, Inc., was born and raised in Nigeria. His latest
    book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Must Come from Within,” addresses these issues boldly
    and holistically. Contact Sylvanus Ayeni at (301)

    7. ==> The New Mindfulness of Money: Should You Get in
    On It?

    These days, the concept of mindfulness seems to be
    everywhere. The latest place it is showing up is in how
    we spend—and invest—money. Lorri Craig, a Certified
    Financial Planner, is a huge proponent of this cutting-
    edge trend. Invite her to share ways mindfulness can
    lead anyone to do well and do good. Craig has a
    master’s degree in finance and is a subject matter
    expert for the Certified Financial Planner Board of
    Standards. She offers an Environmental, Social,
    Governance (ESG) investment platform on her website for
    socially conscious investors who want to make a
    positive impact on the world. Contact Lorri Craig at
    (484) 453-1742;

    8. ==> Are Carcinogens Hiding in Products You Use Most?

    Everyone uses such products as deodorant, shampoo, hand
    soap, body wash, moisturizer, shaving cream, cologne or
    makeup. But few consider whether doing so might be
    harmful to their health. The same goes for laundry and
    cleaning products. Marcela Magda Popa, M.D., has done
    the research and she knows that we are putting a lot of
    toxic ingredients on our skin, which as the body’s
    largest organ, absorbs a lot of these poisons. Let Dr.
    Popa explain how to find healthier readily available
    alternative products. The author of “Keep Away from
    GRAS: Why Safe Everyday Products Are Making You Sick
    and Simple Strategies to Recover Your Health” was
    forced to take early retirement from her job as an
    internal medicine physician because of her stubborn
    autoimmune arthritis. Although a difficult period for
    her, it brought the time to research the suspicion she
    had formed that “generally recognized as safe”
    ingredients used in foods, cosmetics, cookware, hygiene
    products, and other products may be making people
    sicker. Marcela Magda Popa graduated from Carol Davilla
    Medical School in Bucharest, Romania, and completed
    residency training in the United States. She’s been
    featured on MSN Lifestyle, SheKnows, Elite Daily,
    Bustle, and in Business Insider. Contact her at (917)

    9. ==> Psychedelics: What’s Behind their Rise in

    If the word “psychedelic” makes you think of Woodstock,
    the 1960s, and people dropping out of society, you are
    behind the times. While still prohibited by law, some
    once-considered “bad boys” of the drug culture (LSD,
    Psilocybin, MDMA), are now being seriously studied by
    science and found to be not-only completely non-
    addictive, but more effective in the relief of anxiety,
    addiction and depression than any known or traditional
    treatment. Sparrow Hart can discuss both the incredible
    promise of psychedelics as well as potential pitfalls
    for their misuse in an addictive and distraction-
    seeking culture. A Stanford University graduate, Hart
    has spent his life studying the variety of ways to
    alter and change consciousness. His varied career
    includes a brief stint working in a slaughter-house,
    adventures in the Amazon, and over 30 years of leading
    workshops on shamanism, conscious dreaming and vision
    quests in nature. His latest book is “Letters to the
    River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact him at
    (801) 516-0740;

    10. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to
    Recognize Fraud)

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    life? Would you know fraud if you saw it at work or in
    yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who
    unwittingly got caught up in the 1980s’ S&L crisis and
    found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a
    crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are unaware
    of what fraud actually is so it’s overlooked and people
    remain unaware of illegal activity around them. We all
    need to know exactly what fraud is, how it happens, why
    it happens, and how to avoid it!” says John. John Smith
    shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior in his book, “Embracing
    the Abyss,” which chronicles his becoming part of a
    fraud scandal and how he eventually received a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    11. ==> How Our School Systems Are Sabotaging Education
    from Within

    The latest educational horror in the news comes from a
    Madison, Wis., school district that has not only
    abandoned the A-F grade system but will grade students
    on their ability to tell stories and work in groups,
    not on their mastery of math, history, or other
    academic subjects. This, says Andrew Bernstein, Ph.D.,
    who teaches philosophy at Marist College, is only the
    latest attack from the educational establishment on
    teaching academic subjects. The result, he says, is a
    continuation of our failing school system. Dr.
    Bernstein, author of the forthcoming book, “Why Johnny
    Still Can’t Read or Write, Spell, or Understand Math–
    and What We Can Do About It,” has appeared on hundreds
    of radio shows and been a guest on Cavuto Live on Fox
    TV and others. Contact Dr. Bernstein at (845) 219-4566;

    12. ==> 10 Anti-Bullying Lessons Trees Can Teach Us

    One out of four students says they have been bullied in
    school and over 70% of students report seeing other
    kids being bullied. While the statistics are scary and
    well-known, educator Laurie Marshall has an approach to
    bullying prevention you’ve never heard of. She shares
    practical and creative actions that draw upon the way
    trees operate. For example, each leaf carries out a
    unique vital job in cooperation with the other leaves.
    As a bully prevention specialist, Laurie has developed
    ways to teach children communication and self-
    confidence skills needed to work together for the
    benefit of their whole family, classroom and community.
    Her tree-based, arts-integrated program gives each
    child a vital, creative job to do. This transforms
    bullying. A student of biomimicry (a method for
    creating solutions to challenges by emulating designs
    and ideas found in nature), Laurie also has a master’s
    degree in art and education. The author of multiple
    books, including “Beating the Odds Now,” has trained
    over 6,000 teachers in project-based learning and
    facilitated 125 bully-prevention, nature-based murals
    with over 25,000 people in schools, nonprofits and
    government agencies (NASA, FEMA, U.S. Botanical
    Gardens). Contact Laurie at (415) 360-3304;

    13. ==> 5 Things You Can Do to Outsmart Pain

    Who wouldn’t want to learn how to put suffering on
    hold? Trevor Campbell, M.D., says, “When you understand
    what pain is, you can work around it.” Let Dr. Campbell
    tell you things about pain management that most doctors
    don’t even know because the topic isn’t covered well in
    medical school! You’ll learn why you shouldn’t fight
    pain, that what hurts isn’t necessarily harmful, and
    ways our thoughts can be our greatest handicap. Dr.
    Campbell is a family physician whose practice focuses
    on pain management. He graduated from the University of
    Cape Town and has a delightful South African accent. He
    has worked in multidisciplinary pain management and
    opioids reduction programs and has served as s medical
    director for a leading pain management provider in
    Western Canada. His new book, hailed as a great read by
    Inc. Magazine, is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward
    Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250)

    14. ==> What House Flipping Shows Don’t Tell You

    Those popular home improvement TV shows make it all
    look so easy. But according to real estate expert Dan
    Lieberman, that’s not the way it works. “They show the
    befores and afters and how much they paid and sold it
    for,” he says. “But they don’t tell you what they paid
    the bank in loan costs, all the ‘unbilled’ time
    involved, or about the construction deals they get
    because they have a TV show.” Dan is a long-time
    property renovator who can tell your audience how to
    get the most bang for their buck by improving rental
    properties and other money-making tips. He is the
    author of “The Effective Landlord: How Owners and
    Property Managers Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise
    Rents, and Boost Their Bottom Line in Any Market.”
    Contact Dan at (510) 570-1368;

    15. ==> Here’s Why You Aren’t Happier (and What You Can
    Do About It!)

    Many experts offer tips on how to be happier. What
    happens when you try so many of them and they just
    don’t work? Elana Davidson discovered what she and so
    many others were missing. True happiness is not just
    about attitude and gratitude, it won’t be found through
    quick-fixes and cookie-cutter clichés. The good news is
    Elana can offer some tools and insights to your
    audience that can make a real difference. Ask her why
    doesn’t therapy work for some people? What key things
    are people missing? How is the subconscious affecting
    people’s ability to be happy? Elana is giving away
    copies of her eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-
    Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday
    Life,” published by Morgan James. Contact Elana at
    (413) 225-4758;

    16. ==> Why Women Nag Men and How to Get them to Stop

    No one likes to be nagged and nagging is an ineffective
    way to get someone to do something. Despite that,
    women, in general, have a reputation for nagging and,
    as relationship expert Stephanie Weiland Knarr, Ph.D.,
    will tell you, men do it too! Invite Dr. Stephanie on
    your program to share her innovative and much more
    successful approach to being heard by your significant
    other. You’ll learn what your relationship should have
    in common with Walmart and Target, what complaining
    does for a relationship, and tips for coping with a
    defensive spouse. A marriage and family counselor for
    20 years, Dr. Stephanie has helped thousands of
    couples. She’s been a guest on local TV and been
    featured in USA Today and Forbes. Contact her at (301)

    17. ==> How to Become Supernatural

    The supernatural isn’t just the stuff of sci-fi movies.
    According to Kim Chestney, we all possess these powers.
    “A popular theme in our culture today is the cognitive
    evolution of humanity—how the expansion of our
    consciousness can give us the ability to know the
    unknowable and experience the impossible,” she says.
    Kim will share the simple yet powerful ways that you
    can tap into your superpower and radically change your
    life. The founder of IntuitionLab, Kim is the author of
    “The Psychic Workshop” and the upcoming “Radical
    Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Your Inner Power.”
    Contact her at (412) 214-9502;

    18. ==> Rare, Incurable, Fatal: 3 Words Parents Never
    Want to Hear

    Have you heard of Batten disease? It’s a rare group of
    genetic nervous system disorders (like “Parkinson’s on
    steroids!”) that worsen over time, with children
    experiencing progressive problems involving vision,
    balance, muscle movement, intellectual skills, dementia
    and seizures. Learn more by interviewing researcher and
    author Amy Proebstel, who is helping to bring awareness
    to the disease. You’ll learn why children get the
    disease, what the first symptoms are and the prognosis
    for those affected. Amy is the author of “The Rift in
    Our Reality,” a touching story of a real-life ten-year-
    old girl with the disease. A portion of book sales will
    support Haley’s Foundation, the nonprofit named for the
    girl. Contact Amy Proebstel at (503) 877-1119;

    19. ==> Who Says Learning Math Has to Be Hard?

    Even dedicated, experienced educators are challenged
    helping students learn math. Students expect
    insurmountable lessons and often get frustrated when
    math doesn’t make sense. No wonder all types of
    audiences (teachers, parents, students, and employers)
    will enjoy hearing good news from Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D.
    The author of “Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Framework
    for Math Teaching and Learning” will discuss a
    research-based, classroom-tested framework shown to
    improve teaching and impact student achievement.
    Whether your listeners are teachers, parents or
    students, they’ll appreciate Dr. Lamberg’s tips and
    tricks to make math more manageable. Contact Teruni at
    (775) 451-3086;

    20. ==> Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales of
    Metal Legends

    Get your backstage pass and go behind-the-scenes with
    such legendary bands as Black Sabbath, Judas Priest,
    Twisted Sister, and Quiet Riot—to name a few. Jon
    Wiederhorn will take you onto tour buses, into hotel
    rooms, and to exclusive parties and spots both seedy
    and glamorous. Topics range from band brawls and
    security scraps to mosh pit mishaps and near-death
    experiences. And of course, there’s booze and drugs and
    groupies. Jon Wiederhorn is the author of “Raising
    Hell: Backstage Tales from the Lives of Metal Legends.”
    Contact Lissa Warren, (617) 607-4925;

  • 02/18/20 RTIR Newsletter: Backstage Tales of Heavy Metal, Should Your Carry a Gun?, Ditching the Winter Blues

    February 18, 2020

    01. Coronavirus: How Bad Decisions Kill People
    02. The Trouble with Election Security
    03. Is Sanders a Socialist or a New Dealer?
    04. CEOs On Social Media: How Much Should They Share?
    05. Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales
    06. Legal Loophole Could Give Your Job to a Foreigner
    07. Journalist Explains Why Trump Supporters Hold On
    08. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
    09. Is the Next Real Estate Bust about to Begin?
    10. Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent Killer?
    11. Why Teen Chronic Pain up 800%
    12. How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients
    13. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health-Delivery
    14. How Anxiety Can Lead to Happiness
    15. Why Every College Student Needs an Exit Strategy
    16. Kids are Right: School is Boring
    17. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
    18. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
    19. Ditch Your Winter Blues and Find Your Bliss
    20. This Doc Reveals How Carbs Can Make You Drunk!

    1.==> Coronavirus: How Bad Decisions Kill People

    Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS, SARS, Zika: the biology
    changes, but the problem does not. Every one of these
    diseases hits the news, threatening to become a
    pandemic that could wipe out massive populations. Why
    isn’t there a clear plan to address this threat … or
    the next one … or the next one? “While we don’t know
    the name of the next plague, it’s obvious that we need
    a solution to this very predictable, recurring,
    inevitable problem,” says decision-making expert
    Michael Angelo Costa. “I’m not talking about scientific
    cures, I’m talking about a plan to address the threat
    and protect the public.” Invite Costa to discuss why
    the problem hasn’t been addressed and whether it
    matters when the Chinese government knew of this
    potential health crisis. Hear why he says one of the
    best ways to improve future outcomes is to learn from
    past mistakes, preferably someone else’s! Michael
    Angelo Costa has more than 33 years of international
    business experience as a lawyer, investment banker, and
    advisor. He’s an international coach and consultant and
    the author of “Never Be Wrong Again – Four Steps to
    Making Better Decisions In Work and In Life.” Contact
    him at (760) 238-5087;

    2. ==> The Trouble with Election Security

    Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election
    in 2016, and in 2018, internet trolls again spread
    disinformation during the midterms. Intelligence
    officials warn that interference in this year’s
    presidential election may already be underway. Invite
    Shannon K. O’Neil, vice president of studies at the
    Council on Foreign Relations, to explain how the 2016
    interference occurred and why social media played such
    a big role. She’ll also discuss why there’s such
    partisan debate over the issue, what that means for the
    upcoming election and how election interference
    undermines our entire democracy. O’Neil is an expert on
    Latin America, U.S.-Mexico relations, global trade,
    corruption, democracy, and immigration. Contact her at
    (212) 434-9772;

    3. ==> Is Sanders a Socialist or a New Dealer?

    Bernie Sanders is running for president as a Democrat,
    but many see his platform and views as socialist.
    Victor Wallis, the author of the upcoming book
    “Socialist Practice: Histories and Theories,” says
    given the bias against third-party challengers, there
    are powerful inducements for socialists to seek office
    as Democrats. He says, “This leads them to water down
    their conception of socialism to the point of rejecting
    any explicit challenge to the power of capitalism.” The
    resulting political order has been dubbed everything
    from mixed economy to welfare capitalism and social
    democracy, but Senator Bernie Sanders refers to it as
    democratic socialism. Wallis says, “Sanders’ acceptance
    of the word ultimately reflects the fact that
    socialism, despite any negative historical baggage and
    despite its sustained stigmatization, embodies the
    positive social goals that most people seek.” Wallis’
    books include “Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and
    Technology of Ecosocialism” and “Democracy Denied: Five
    Lectures on U.S. Politics.” Contact him at

    4.==> CEOs On Social Media: How Much Should They Share?

    According to a recent Glassdoor poll of over 1,200
    employed adults, 57% of workers say they have talked
    about politics while on the job — despite 60% saying
    they believe discussing politics at work is
    unacceptable. What about CEOs who share their political
    or religious beliefs on social media? Reputation
    management expert Ryan McCormick says, “Under no
    circumstances should high-level executives share or
    promote their political perspectives online. Doing so
    can risk alienating loyal customers or potential
    customers who share different perspectives.” He
    suggests CEOs who want to help their preferred
    candidate do so away from the public eye. But
    interestingly, when it comes to corporate heads touting
    their religious beliefs, he says there is a greater
    chance of it being acceptable (and even embraced) if
    the company has made those beliefs an integral part of
    their culture. McCormick, a former TV producer and
    newspaper editor, is co-founder of Goldman McCormick
    PR. Contact him at (516) 901-1103;

    5. ==> Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales of
    Metal Legends

    Get your backstage pass and go behind-the-scenes with
    such legendary bands as Black Sabbath, Judas Priest,
    Twisted Sister, and Quiet Riot—to name a few. Jon
    Wiederhorn will take you onto tour buses, into hotel
    rooms, and to exclusive parties and spots both seedy
    and glamorous. Topics range from band brawls and
    security scraps to mosh pit mishaps and near-death
    experiences. And of course, there’s booze and drugs and
    groupies. Jon Wiederhorn is the author of “Raising
    Hell: Backstage Tales from the Lives of Metal Legends.”
    Contact Lissa Warren, (617) 607-4925;

    6. ==> Legal Loophole Could Give Your Job to a

    Suppose you came into work and were told that you were
    being replaced by a foreigner making half your salary
    whom you had to train before you go. This is currently
    happening to stellar employees at AT&T, Disney, Verizon
    and Toys ‘R’ Us, who were tossed out of their jobs
    thanks to a legal loophole that lets companies import
    non-U.S. citizens to do jobs college-educated Americans
    can do. Let American jobs advocate Hilarie Gamm explain
    this threat to your audience and why everyone from
    recent graduates to experienced workers could be
    victims. A veteran talk show guest and co-founder of
    the nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, Gamm can
    bust the myth of the shortage of U.S. STEM workers and
    talk about legislation that could close the loophole
    that is unfairly benefiting certain tech companies and
    nationalities. Gamm can also be joined by her AWC co-
    founders, Marie Larson and Barbara Birch. Gamm is the
    author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis and
    The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at (203) 571-3819;

    7. ==> Journalist Explains Why Trump Supporters Hold On

    Talk to the journalism professor and former journalist
    who, in October 2015, predicted Donald Trump’s win.
    Yes, 13 months before the vote, Nita Wiggins read the
    signs of the political shift. But what does she see
    happening in 2020? How does President Trump defy all
    previous election taboos? Why do his backers stay,
    despite sex scandals, impeachment, and warmongering?
    What does Nita see clearly that political reporting
    fails to report? Nita will help your audience avoid
    election-mania, misinformation, and “shiny object”
    reporting, and stay sane throughout the impeachment
    fallout and the primary voting season. She worked from
    coast-to-coast for 21 years as a TV reporter and
    anchor, and she is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My
    Story of Race, Sports and Breaking Barriers in American
    Journalism.” Nita now teaches journalism in Paris,
    France. Contact her at

    8. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert

    Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
    today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
    (perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
    this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks.
    Invite Chris Bird to educate you and your audience
    about gun safety and self-defense. A sought-after
    expert on gun rights and personal protection, Chris can
    answer: Why are methods of observation as important as
    one’s weapon? What steps help you survive a public
    shooting? What are his insights about recent attacks at
    schools, workplaces, community events and places of
    worship? With 30+ years of firearm safety experience,
    Chris Bird is the author of several books including
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The Concealed
    Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!” Have your
    listeners call in during the interview with their gun
    questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210) 686-4440;

    9. ==> Is the Next Real Estate Bust about to Begin?

    With real estate experts, economists, and even online
    real estate company Zillow predicting a recession in
    2020, are property owners prepared to weather the
    coming storm? Invite New York real estate economist and
    appraiser Adam Weber to share why he believes that in
    the next financial crisis there will be nowhere to
    hide. Invite him to discuss how we got here and why the
    upcoming economic crisis will be much worse than the
    past. As a veteran of multiple financial storms, he
    says lenders are currently handing out loans like
    crazy. His book, “The Appraisal Review Survival Guide,”
    reveals insider information on the workings of the
    risky business of making real estate loans. Contact him
    at (917) 779-8177;

    10. ==> Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent

    Did you know that more than 30 million adults have
    diabetes and more than 7 million don’t even know they
    have it? Or that one in four adults has prediabetes?
    With these staggering numbers, no one can afford to be
    diabetes illiterate. That is why you’ll want to
    interview Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate
    in the diabetes community who knows this topic inside
    and out. She can answer such questions as what are some
    of the biggest myths about diabetes? How did being born
    into a family with type-2 diabetes and being married to
    a type-1 diabetic affect her life? What does she wish
    everyone knew about diabetes? Nadia is editor-in-chief
    of Diabetes Health, a 400,000 circulation magazine used
    in hospitals, diabetes classes, and doctors’ offices as
    an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia
    column is ranked No. 1 by Google as is her website. Nadia is also the author of
    “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving
    Your Best Blood Sugars and Letting Go of Your Diabetes
    Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC,
    CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at
    (415) 741-3545;

    11. ==> Why Teen Chronic Pain up 800%

    When you think of chronic pain you are likely to
    imagine older people whose bodies have broken down over
    time—not teens. Let David Hanscom, M.D., share a topic
    you’ve probably never heard before as he reveals why
    teenage chronic emotional and physical pain is robbing
    America of its future, having risen more than 800% in
    the last ten years. But he does have good news: the
    anxiety that is fueling young people’s pain can be
    dealt with and he’ll share ways the body’s stress
    chemicals can be reduced, and what we should be
    teaching children in elementary school that would be
    game-changing. Dr. Hanscom is an orthopedic spine
    surgeon who quit his surgical practice to teach
    patients and medical practitioners how to solve chronic
    pain. His most recent book is “Do You Really Need Spine
    Surgery?” Contact him at (206) 890-1892;

    12. ==> How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients

    Did you know that only about 4 percent of all U.S.
    physicians are black men? And that female black
    physicians make up only 2 percent? The lack of black
    physicians is a big problem that adversely affects the
    health-care outcomes of black patients, who often
    mistrust physicians who don’t look like them.
    Christopher H. Hall is an ER doctor in Mississippi who
    grew up in the worst project in Los Angeles and can
    talk about the barriers black men must overcome to wear
    a white coat. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and a
    father in jail. His brother is also in jail and Chris
    spent time in foster care and juvenile hall. Chris can
    share what it is like to be a black doctor and even how
    he ended up treating a grand wizard of the KKK. His
    memoir is “Ward of the Court.” Contact him at (251)

    13. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health-
    Delivery System?

    The industry of medicine, including insurance
    companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
    structure that appears driven more by profits than
    patient consideration, represent a significant problem
    in our health-care delivery. Doctors are growing
    frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
    Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
    documentation and have less time for patient care.
    Invite Michael J. Young, M.D., to discuss the
    challenges to our health-care delivery system gone
    awry. A practicing physician (surgeon and urology
    specialist) for three decades, Dr. Young will offer his
    insights and explore how America’s health-delivery
    process is in need of repair for everyone’s benefit.
    He’ll also share his personal story and been-there
    experiences other doctors rarely discuss. Dr. Michael
    Young is the author of “The Illness of Medicine.”
    Contact William Dorich at (310) 923-2157;

    14. ==> How Anxiety Can Lead to Happiness

    Most of us have been trained to think that anxiety is
    always a bad thing. But strange as it may seem, being
    anxious can also lead to greater happiness, according
    to expert Sankarshan Das, who compares anxiety to a
    dashboard warning light requiring our immediate
    attention. On-air he’ll explain the mistake nearly
    everyone makes when trying to be happier as well as how
    he managed to have zero anxiety in the past 50 years.
    Sankarshan Das is a singer-songwriter who once appeared
    onstage between Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful
    Dead. His song, “The Peace Formula,” has been praised
    by Barack Obama. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice
    a year singing and speaking in promotion of global
    peace and spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the
    upcoming book “Deliver Your Mind, Deliver the World:
    Empowering You to Awaken Your Divine Consciousness and
    Create Global Happiness.” Contact him at (512)

    15. ==> Why Every College Student Needs an Exit

    During the 11 years Glen Dunzweiler spent as a college
    professor, he heard students complain about the high
    cost of tuition and burdensome debt they were taking
    on. But what he didn’t hear most students talking about
    was even more important: what their exit strategy from
    college was going to be and how they intended to
    monetize their skills once they were out. Glen says,
    “Students need to define their value, not have an
    employer define it for them. What are they worth?
    Educators and parents have to help them figure that out
    while they are still in school.” Glen is making it his
    mission to ensure that parents have important
    conversations with their children, well before the
    first college tour. He’ll reveal what that conversation
    should sound like as well as the paradoxical, self-
    serving way universities use tuition money to preserve
    their business interests to the detriment of students.
    Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian and
    the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In
    Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.”
    Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    16. ==> Kids are Right: School is Boring

    It’s no surprise that so many kids complain about
    school being boring. Between mandated tests and
    outdated teaching methods, many students would rather
    be anywhere than in a school classroom. How do we
    maintain the intrinsic motivation students bring with
    them to kindergarten for all 13 years of K-12
    education? Lee Jenkins says there is no limit to what
    schools can accomplish when students are still
    motivated like they once were in kindergarten. Invite
    him on your show to discuss how this is possible with
    examples from all grade levels and subjects. Lee
    Jenkins has been an educator and administrator both in
    public schools and universities. He’s the author of
    “How to Create a Perfect School,” foreword by Jack
    Canfield. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    17. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?

    At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
    chronic pain or love someone who does. Everyone else
    would love to learn how they can avoid joining their
    ranks. That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
    Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and served as a medical director for a leading
    pain management provider. With a charming South African
    accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
    Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
    Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
    his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
    reducing pain and enjoying life more. He studied
    medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa,
    before emigrating to Canada, where he became interested
    in treatments for chronic pain. His new book, hailed as
    a great read by Inc. Magazine, is “The Language of
    Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.”
    Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    18. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She can reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She can also answer such questions as what’s
    the biggest roadblock to getting a successful book
    written? And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be,
    what does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart
    and honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business” and winner of Charlotte
    Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation Family
    Business of the Year Award. Contact Fabi at (704)

    19. ==> Ditch Your Winter Blues and Find Your Bliss

    Beat back the winter blues and start making your dreams
    happen … even if you don’t know how to find the
    happiness you desire! Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why spending
    quality time and building relationships with family and
    friends can be the key to finding your bliss. She can
    tell your audience why living the Hawaiian philosophy
    of “aloha” and the Golden Rule of doing unto others
    really work. Discover how to set goals to realize your
    dreams and live your authentic life. She is the author
    of the award-winning novel “Lady in the Window” and the
    soon-to-be-published “The Paradise Table.” Her work has
    appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the
    Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, Syfy, Showtime, PBS, and
    many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104;

    20. ==> This Doc Reveals How Carbs Can Make You Drunk!

    Excess carbs aren’t just bad for your waistline and
    overall health. Foods like pasta and bread can actually
    cause intoxication similar to alcohol consumption!
    “There’s fungus/bacteria that transform the
    carbohydrates to alcohol that will even register as
    intoxicated on a breathalyzer,” says Isaac Alexis,
    M.D., a renowned addiction specialist. This also
    explains why people get addicted to carbs, which is
    comparable to alcohol and drug addiction. Dr. Isaac can
    share the mysteries of addiction and how to beat it for
    good. He is the author of “Life and Death Behind the
    Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The
    Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at
    (315) 935-6348;