05/19/20 RTIR Newsletter: Media Scare Tactics, Confidence in a Pandemic, Respecting Women

May 19, 2020

01. Lessons from First ER Doc to Die of COVID-19
02. ‘Kung Fu’ Cast Member on New Film & TV Series
03. Former NYT Reporter: Media & Governors Trying to Scare Public
04. Doc Says It’s Too Late for Contract Tracing
05. Basics of the Payroll Protection Program Explained
06. How Parents Can Ensure Their Children Earn a Living Wage
07. Changing Careers Now: Tips from a Pro
08. The Simple Daily Ritual That Saves Lives
09. 5 Ways to Find Clarity and Confidence in Pandemic Times
10. 5 Realistic Tips for Coping with Pandemic Overload
11. From Viruses to Migraines and Beyond – Self-Healing Secrets
12. The Real Reason You Do Stuff Knowing It’s Bad for You
13. How to Raise Boys to Respect Women in the ‘Me Too’ Age
14. We All Need a Little Self-Love Right Now
15. Why 50 Isn’t the New 30 … It’s Way Better

1.==> Lessons from First ER Doc to Die of COVID-19

On March 26th Renae Baker was working as a Lyft driver
when she picked up Dr. Frank Gabrin after his shift at
East Orange Hospital in New Jersey. Five days later he
was dead from COVID-19, becoming the first ER doctor in
the country to die from the virus. Baker says they
talked the entire 35-minute ride to his home in New
York City and some of what they discussed may have
saved her own life in the following days. Dr. Gabrin
developed his first symptoms later that morning. Baker
developed hers shortly after and has since recovered.
She will reveal what Dr. Gabrin told her about life
inside the ER during this pandemic, the surprising
thing he and other doctors were seeing at the moment of
COVID-19 deaths, and why he thought this could be an
important spiritual moment in our history. Baker says
they discussed everything from morale among health-care
workers to what happened when nurses got sick and how
doctors were being treated by hospital administrators.
Renae Baker is an author and speaker who has managed a
professional caroling company for decades. She has been
featured on Fox News and many more media outlets.
Contact her at (917) 509-9022; ismileny@gmail.com

2. ==> ‘Kung Fu’ Cast Member on New Film & TV Series

You may have read the recent announcements in The
Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Deadline, The Wrap, etc.,
that the “Kung Fu” Movie is in the works! Universal has
optioned the 1970s martial arts western television show
and is developing it as a big-screen property with
director David Leitch. In addition, “Hobbs & Shaw”
filmmakers will also produce the adaptation of the ’70s
TV series over at Warner Bros. Radames Pera, who played
Caine “Grasshopper” throughout the series, is the only
remaining cast member alive. Invite him on your show to
discuss the series which ran from 1972 to 1975 and
starred David Carradine as a monk who came to the
American West in search of his half-brother. Kung Fu
gained a cult following and injected the phrase “young
grasshopper” into the pop culture lexicon via
flashbacks to Caine’s training as a teenager. Pera also
had a recurring role on “Little House on the Prairie”
and appeared on “The Six Million Dollar Man,” “The
Waltons,” “Hawaii Five-O” and other TV shows. Radames
Pera is available via Skype or phone from France, where
he took his family when the COVID pandemic began.
Contact Harlan Boll at hboll@rtirguests.com

3. == > Former NYT Reporter: Media & Governors Trying
to Scare Public

Former New York Times reporter and author Alex Berenson
is taking a lot of heat for recent tweets and comments
about the coronavirus lockdowns. Berenson says he’s
been overwhelmed by emails. Some of them bash his view
that the pandemic shouldn’t be feared, but he says most
come from people who are sick of feeling mocked and
told they’re stupid for their sincere beliefs about the
dangers of the lockdowns. Berenson says the truth is in
data, facts and science. “The hysterics have been
wrong. They know it, whether they admit it or not.
Except for the most at-risk populations – who should be
the focus of our protective efforts – #COVID looks to
be a minor risk. And with every day that goes by, every
state and country that reopens without catastrophe, the
lockdowns appear more insane,” he says. “So, the media
(and the lockdown governors) are stretching further and
further to try to scare people – the recent pediatric
stuff being only the grossest example.” Alex Berenson
is a former New York Times reporter and the author of
“Tell Your Children: The Truth about Marijuana, Mental
Illness and Violence.” Contact him at
alexberensonauthor@gmail.com or

4.==> Doc Says It’s Too Late for Contract Tracing

Hoover Institution senior fellow Dr. Scott Atlas says
that using contact tracing as a prerequisite for
reopening U.S. cities forced into lockdown by the
coronavirus pandemic is “simply illogical.” “Contact
tracing is an important tool for public health
pandemics, but not now,” Atlas explains, “not in this
stage when millions and millions of people already have
the virus.” Atlas says, “It’s sort of a completely
illogical use of this very important tool. Contact
tracing is useful when a new pandemic starts very early
in a very focused small group like it did in South
Korea at the beginning of all this.” Contact tracing
has been a significant talking point in the debate
surrounding the reopening of many U.S. states, but
Atlas — the former neuroradiology chief at Stanford
Medical Center — called that debate “another example
of what’s happening in this whole narrative,” where
proposed actions are not proven effective by data.”
Atlas is the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow of
the Hoover Institution and a member of Hoover
Institution’s Working Group on Health Care Policy. The
Hoover Institution is an American public policy think
tank and research institution located at Stanford
University. Contact Dr. Scott Atlas at

5. ==> Basics of the Payroll Protection Program

Small business owners trying to take advantage of the
Payroll Protection Program (PPP) can find the process
and rules confusing. Invite L.A. tax attorney Dennis
Brager to discuss the Small Business Association’s
guidelines for forgiveness and the seven most important
rules. “The SBA has laid out its guidelines, but after
reviewing their Forgiveness Application, there may be
questions remaining,” explains Brager. “I’ve taken the
initiative of breaking down some of the highlights in
their document in an effort to help those who have been
granted assistance to understand the rules for paying
back the money.” Brager says the rules are changing
literally daily, and he suggests borrowers check
frequently for changes to the PPP forgiveness
guidelines since they are likely to shift frequently.
Dennis Brager is a California State Bar Certified Tax
Specialist, and a former senior trial attorney for the
Internal Revenue Service’s Office of Chief Counsel. He
has appeared on ABC Television’s “Good Morning
America,” “Fox Business News,” “TV One Access,” “KFWB
Money 101,” and KABC’s “The Larry Elder Show.” Contact
Cherie Kerr at cherie@kerrpr-execuprov.com; (714)

6. ==> How Parents Can Ensure Their Children Earn a
Living Wage

Right now, college students are hunkered down at home
taking online classes, most likely until the fall. But
as former college professor Glen Dunzweiler will tell
you, a return to “normal” is not going to cut it
because the way things have been done does not lead to
a secure future for most student’s post-graduation.
Invite Glen to discuss ways educators, parents and
others who care about the next generation have to teach
every college student about entrepreneurship so they
can hold their future in their own hands and earn a
living wage. He’ll share why all students need an exit
strategy and a clear idea of how they intend to
monetize their skills once they graduate. Glen is a
former college professor, a documentarian and the
author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In
Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.”
Contact Glen Dunzweiler at (702) 703-2219;

7. ==> Changing Careers Now: Tips from a Pro

Millions of Americans are now out of work. Some won’t
have a job to return to after the pandemic, while
others may find their previous career no longer serves
their needs. Geraldine Hogan will offer tips for anyone
who wants — or needs — to apply their skills in a new
direction. She has already helped thousands of
educators; business professionals and entrepreneurs
explore new opportunities. She can talk about her own
career journey as well. Learn three simple, life-
changing questions to ask before making any career
move, whether salary should guide your decision, and
how to overcome obstacles, hesitation and fear of the
unknown. Geraldine is a former educator, attorney and
judge and the author of “Career Moves for Teachers and
Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job
Change.” Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305) 902-3869;

8. == > The Simple Daily Ritual That Saves Lives

It is something that anyone can do. It is free. It
doesn’t require special equipment. Even children can do
it. It can be done at work, in bed, on the floor or in
a chair. And it can be lifesaving. It is the daily
ritual that could save your life, yet most people do
not practice it. John Sambalino can explain how you can
make meditation the daily ritual that helps improve
your health, relationships, job performance and mood,
and how he has even used meditation to help prison
inmates avoid future crimes. John will also discuss how
its calmness reduces stress, helps you deal with
deadlines, leads to better sleep, and even boosts
memory. He is the author of “Is God in That Bottle Cap?
A Search for Truth.” Ask him: Why do so many
celebrities practice meditation? How has meditation
helped people face the coronavirus epidemic? What are
some common myths that keep people from trying
meditation? Contact John Sambalino at (856) 245-5062;

9. ==> 5 Ways to Find Clarity and Confidence in
Pandemic Times

Life during the coronavirus pandemic has brought with
it accelerated change; jobs have been lost, hours have
been cut, relatives and neighbors have sickened and
died, and comfortable routines involving socializing,
entertainment, religious attendance and even grocery
shopping have been upended. And while no one ever knows
the future, for many it appears confusing, fuzzy and
scary but at the same time, it presents an opportunity
to regroup and focus on the next steps. Cindy Cipriani
offers tools for navigating through this unprecedented
period when life feels like it is spinning out of
control using her 5C solution. You’ll learn how your
hand can help you make wise choices in a moment of
chaos, three steps for gaining greater clarity in
deciding what you want and need and ways making
commitments can help you move from stuck to unstuck.
Cipriani will explain how to use the 5Cs in a range of
circumstances from adapting a business to breaking free
from domestic violence. Cindy Cipriani is an award-
winning business owner, keynote speaker, author and
clarity coach. The founder of the Clear Path Institute,
she helps individuals and families create healthy
relationships and trains business and sales teams to be
more successful. Her latest book is “The 5C Solution:
Discover Clarity & Confidence in Times of Change.”
Contact her at (856) 534-7070; cindycip1@gmail.com

10. ==> 5 Realistic Tips for Coping with Pandemic

More than two months into the COVID-19 pandemic people
are starting to get antsy for a return to normalcy.
Rami Odeh (Oh-DAY), an author, certified exercise
physiologist, personal trainer and corporate presenter,
has found that his corporate clients are now seeking
his advice on coping strategies they can offer their
employees to lessen information overload and feelings
of isolation. Odeh, who is also an on- and off-road
marathoner, says, “Surviving in the age of COVID-19 is
akin to running a marathon … and there are five daily
steps you can take to train for living in pandemic
times.” Odeh’s suggestions include reading the news
instead of watching it, focusing on what’s going on in
the moment instead of worrying about the future, and
spending time on things you can control like your
health and wellness. He’ll also discuss the benefits of
soaking in a little sunshine sans sunscreen and ways to
keep active, no matter what your schedule or
circumstance. Odeh is the author of the three-volume
series “Quiet The Noise.” Contact him at (770)
773-6970; rami@quietthenoisebook.com

11. ==> From Viruses to Migraines and Beyond – Self-
Healing Secrets

Countless people in your audience (and studio) are
dealing with diseases and health challenges they never
expected, and which hit them seemingly out of the blue.
What do you do when such life-impacting issues strike
with little warning? First, you can feel confident and
empowered that we humans have innate abilities to begin
self-healing and strengthening. So says acclaimed
physician and speaker Nelie Johnson, M.D., initiator of
the forum It’s Time to Heal, which offers an
integrative approach to treating illness. Invite this
outspoken expert on-air to hear her advice for health
and longer life. Learn why self-healing is so powerful
and necessary, what kind of messages we receive from
our bodies and the link between emotions and disease.
Dr. Johnson’s latest book is “The Healing Message of
Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604) 334-3853;

12. ==> The Real Reason You Do Stuff Knowing It’s Bad
for You

We do things we shouldn’t … from eating too much fast
food to smoking cigarettes and dating unsuitable
people. We know these things are wrong for us, but we
do them anyway, often not knowing why. Elana Davidson
is a happiness and mental health coach who can tell you
how to figure out why your subconscious is getting in
your way and how to talk it down. Elana’s professional
training spans decades of exploration and study in the
fields of consciousness, psychology, personal
development and kinesiology. Elana will tell your
audience members how they can get a free copy of her
eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-Searchers
Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life,”
published by Morgan James. Contact Elana at (413)
225-4758; elanadavidson@rtirguests.com

13. ==> How to Raise Boys to Respect Women in the ‘Me
Too’ Age

As a single dad of two young boys, Pastor Eric
Hawthorne is especially aware of the pressures young
males face to be “one of the boys” when it comes to how
they treat girls. “That’s why it’s crucial for boys to
have dads and other strong male role models who set
examples about how to respect women,” he says. Pastor
Eric can share tips for how to raise boys to be
gentlemen in this complex modern age. He is the second-
generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in
Richardson, Texas, and the author of the upcoming book
“Are You Ready For Marriage?” Contact Eric at 214)
225-0769; EHawthorne@rtirguests.com

14. ==> We All Need a Little Self-Love Right Now

Social distancing may help slow the spread of the
coronavirus, but it has left many people feeling
isolated and lonely. We crave the comfort of friends
and family during difficult times, yet we can’t embrace
them right now, which can be distressing and
disorienting. “It’s hard to stay grounded when the
world seems to be spinning out of control,” says Joffre
McClung. “That’s why it’s more important than ever to
be kind to yourself and practice habits that support
you and promote a positive outlook.” Whether you’re an
essential worker on the frontlines, holed up with kids
and a spouse, or you’re quarantined alone, Joffre can
share tips to practice self-love during this pandemic.
Learn ways to incorporate meditation into your daily
life, how to get to know yourself better, and why
having fun and experiencing joy should be considered
life-sustaining needs right now. Joffre McClung has
appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s a
former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the
author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre
McClung at (917) 994-0225; JMcClung@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Why 50 Isn’t the New 30 … It’s Way Better

As we get older, we may not realize that things should
get better. With awareness, maturity, experience, and
motivation going for us, the second half of life offers
extraordinary opportunities and satisfaction. That’s
the message of Joe Swinger, who specializes in helping
adults in midlife enjoy the VIP life — one marked by
greater vibrancy, impact and purpose. He’ll discuss
what you should focus on (besides money) as you
approach and dive into retirement and offer ideas for
aging boomers who want to make a difference, recreate
and stay relevant. Joe created the Silver Linings
Network to encourage happiness, success and emotional
health in midlife and later years. Contact Joe Swinger
at (801) 865-7748: joeswinger@RTIRguests.com

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