Category: Uncategorized

  • Pills Can Kill: Preventing the 4th Leading Cause of Death in America – Medication Mishaps

    Did you know that more Americans die from accidental prescription drug overdoses than in motor vehicle accidents — and 100 drug-related deaths happen every day?
    How can we prevent these kind of tragedies from affecting people we love? Ask medication expert Dr. Louise Achey.
    “It’s not what drugs you take but how you take them that can endanger your life,” says Dr. Louise. A pharmacist and professor of family medicine who is passionate about educating the public, she can clear up your audience’s misconceptions about how medicine works and how to take it safely.
    This entertaining expert will reveal:

    • 7 common mistakes when taking vitamins and supplements, and how to avoid them.
    • Saying a product is “all natural” does not mean it’s good for you.
    • Why the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements such as St. John’s Wort or gingko — and how taking them can risk your health.
    • Important questions to ask when you’re prescribed a new medicine or starting a new supplement.
    • What your doctors wish you knew about taking your medicines.
    • How alcohol can be a silent trigger when mixed with prescription drugs.
    • Hidden food additives that can harm you.


    Surviving Obamacare: Learn Key Strategies to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Drug Therapy Under the Affordable Care Act

    CREDENTIALS: Dr. Louise Achey has been a practicing pharmacist for 34 years. She is also a medical school professor, award-winning teacher, newspaper columnist, speaker and author of WHY DOGS CAN’T EAT CHOCOLATE: How Medicines Work and How YOU Can Take Them Safely.
    AVAILABILITY: WA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Dr. Louise Achey, (509) 658-2570 (WA);;


  • Meet the Characters of The Wizard of Dark Street

    Wizards, Faeries and Evil-Doers

    Harry Potter has Ron and Hermione, Bilbo Baggins has Gandalf the Grey, and now there’s Deacon – a talking raven with an encyclopedic brain and the newest, trustiest, bestest friend forever – to 12-year-old wizard Oona Crate, and star of the Wizard of Dark Street book series.

    Created by film and television composer Shawn Thomas Odyssey, the series is targeted at middle grade readers, though Odyssey is confident that his concoction of magic and mystery will surely find an audience as broad as Harry Potter’s.

    Oona’s world takes place in Manhattan. Surrounding her are a group of magical New Yorkers, including, her uncle, the Wizard, the twins – socialite Isadora and law student Adler — the privileged Lamont, shy witch Sanora, immortal faery Samuligan, unemployed actor Grimsbee, Dark Street Police Department Head Inspector White and lawyer Mr. Ravensmith.

    Invite Odyssey on air to share:

    • The need for strong female role models in entertainment.
    • What parents can learn from the Dark Street series.
    • Why fantasy books are so compelling for young audiences.
    • How he brings the books to life in schools through music.
    • How to secure an agent and traditional publisher.

    CREDENTIALS: Shawn Thomas Odyssey is the composer behind HBO’s Deadwood series, and an Edgar Award- and Agatha Award-nominee for THE WIZARD OF DARK STREET. THE MAGICIAN’S TOWER is the second book in his trilogy.

    AVAILABILITY: CA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Shawn Thomas Odyssey, (805) 570-4816 (CA);;

  • Problem Solving Won’t Solve Your Problems

    Stop Before It’s Too Late!

    Solving a problem is usually the first step in any corporate effort to improve an organization’s inner workings, but there’s a significant drawback to that approach, says management expert Doug Krug, it’s dead wrong! Companies bring in problem solvers to train their workforce, but the “expert” is only teaching what he or she has found to work; there’s no guarantee it will work for anyone else. And professional problem solvers have a fatal flaw: They need a problem to fix or they’re out of a job.

    Instead of diagnosing what’s not working, Doug says companies need to look at how to get better. It may sound like the same thing, but it’s not. In his book, THE MISSING PIECE IN LEADERSHIP: How to Create the Future You Want, Doug explains why telling your employees how to work better never works, but giving them the tools to do it does.

    Have Doug on your show to talk about:

    • How to tap into the true experts who are already on your payroll.
    • How he helped the 1995 Pittsburgh Steelers and 2007 Colorado Rockies turn their seasons around.
    • Why leaders who think they have it all figured out get the booby prize.

    CREDENTIALS: Doug Krug is a management consultant, entrepreneur, educator, and author. He has taught classes in the MBA Program at Johns Hopkins University’s Division of Public Safety Leadership for the past 15 years, and has contributed to Executive Development Programs for several federal agencies, including the IRS, FBI, DEA, CDC, Secret Service, Office of Veterans Affairs, Office of Personnel Management, Department of Interior, Department of Labor, and NASA.

    AVAILABILITY: Colorado, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Doug Krug, (303) 807-1903 (CO);;;

  • Branson … Buffett … Bloomberg: Why They’re Successful While Other People Just as Smart, Aren’t

    They’re synonymous with power and achievement. But high-profile leaders in the corporate world, finance and politics — like Buffett, Branson, Bloomberg and others we hear about every day — are not necessarily the smartest at what they do. So what makes them different? What vaults them to such amazing stratospheres of success?

    Find out when you interview acclaimed professional development expert and workshop leader Steve A Klein. He’ll help motivate eager audiences (and your ratings!) toward Performance Excellence when he discusses on-air:

    • 7 attitudes of the rich and famous, and why ultimately unsuccessful people overlook them.
    • His advice about repetition and visualizing ongoing triumphs, so your mind starts “owning” your goals.
    • Surprising reasons why so many businesses needlessly fail, even in a growing economy.
    • Secrets to speed successing. Who says the path to success has to be a long, drawn-out affair?
    • How you can learn to earn four times the money in one-fourth the time, no matter what business you’re in.
    • And more.

     Ask about giveaways for listeners

    CREDENTIALS: Influential Speaker, People Development Facilitator, sought-after presenter and radio host Steve A Klein works with clients nationwide, directing them toward Performance Excellence levels and leadership strategies, both personally and professionally. Steve’s best-selling book is SELL WHEN YOU SEE THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES! He hosts PlayMakers Talk Show and has interviewed hundreds of CEOs. He is a sought-after interview guest and media resource.

    AVAILABILITY: Texas, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone or Skype
    CONTACT: Steve A Klein, (972) 644-1048 (TX);;

  • Former Priest Reveals the Church’s Power-Mad Underbelly That Continues to Drive Parishioners Away

    For Tom Kane becoming a priest was the realization of lifelong goal. Staying one was another matter. For 10 years he struggled with the authoritarian, man-made laws and pronouncements of an impersonal Church leadership remote from the plight of the people. Kane realized that those power-hungry leaders had only one aim in mind – the preservation of the church above all else. Says Kane, one only had to look at the indifference exhibited by the pope and bishops in handling the recent sexual scandals.

    Kane isn’t alone in his dissatisfaction with the Church. In recent years millions of 18- to 29-year-old Catholics – fed up with the sexual abuse scandals and the bias against gays and women – have also rejected Catholicism and left the Church. The problem is so bad, says one study, that if ex-Catholics were counted as their own religious group, they would be the third-largest denomination in the U.S.

    On your show Kane will also discuss:

    • 3 things the Church needs to do to become relevant in 2014.
    • What Pope Francis I is saying about the Church’s shortcomings.
    • How the Vatican continues to alienate nuns and Catholics, worldwide.

    CREDENTIALS: Tom Kane left the Church after becoming disillusioned with the Vatican’s out-of-date doctrines. Since then he’s been a professor, public relations executive, consultant and newspaper editor. His second book is GOOD CHURCH BAD CHURCH: One Priest’s Indictment Against the Vatican.

    AVAILABILITY: PA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Tom Kane, (570) 253-8475 (PA);;

  • 80% of People Want to Have Their Own Business

    Expert Shows Them How

    George Horrigan is an Innovation and Business Planning expert who has shown more than 1,200 business owners how to take their business to the next level in revenue, profits, and personal freedom. Your audience wants to know these secrets!
    Horrigan takes business growth opportunities beyond tips on sales and marketing; he brings a wealth of valuable information on how to attract customers, put all the parts of a business together, and have fun while doing it.
    His step-by-step approach eliminates the guesswork in creating a successful business when he reveals:

    • What he learned from the failure of his first two businesses that is key to your business’s success.
    • The 5 keys for making your business stand out from the rest.
    • The secrets to emotionally connecting with your customers and growing sales.
    • How to create products/services your customer will love.
    • The 3 secrets to generating referrals and repeat sales.
    • How to identify the North Star for where you want to take your business.
    • The 5 steps to developing a comprehensive game plan for your business.

    CREDENTIALS: George Horrigan, founder and CEO of Fountainhead Consulting Group is an Innovation and Business Planning Expert. He holds a B.A. in Accounting and Master’s Degree in Financial Information Systems. Horrigan has started and operated seven businesses. His latest book is CREATING A THRIVING BUSINESS: How to Build an Immensely Profitable Business in 7 Easy Steps and his 4th book, Work Less, Make More and Have Fun in Your Business comes out in late 2014.

    AVAILABILITY: GA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: George Horrigan, (770) 642-4220 (GA);

  • What the Government Doesn’t Want You to Know About Buying HUD Homes at a Deep Discount

    Have you ever watched one of those house-flipping shows? The ones where intrepid investors buy a home for a low, low price, add carpeting and a new coat of paint, and sell it months later for a big, big profit? Sure you have. And chances are, you’ve walked away from that show thinking, “I could do that!”

    Real estate investor Larry Goins agrees with you – and he says you can buy those houses for cheaper than you think and sell them faster than you think! He specializes in finding, buying and selling HUD homes – homes purchased using federal loans that haven’t been paid back – and his methods can help you buy them at 50, 40, even 30 percent of their official value!

    Invite Larry on your show to learn:

    • The easiest ways to find HUD homes anywhere – without leaving your desk.
    • How to buy and sell HUD homes using just your phone and an Internet connection.
    • How you can do all this in just hours – and reap $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 in profits!

    PRODUCERS! Larry will give FREE copies of his books to your callers!

    CREDENTIALS: Larry Goins is a real estate investor who travels the country speaking and training audiences at conventions and expos on his strategies for buying 10 to 20 properties a month without ever leaving his office. He oversees the daily operations of Investors Rehab, Inc., a real estate investment company. He is the author of two books, HUD HOMES HALF OFF and GETTING STARTED IN REAL ESTATE DAY TRADING.

    AVAILABILITY: Nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Larry Goins, (801) 831-0056 (SC);

  • Expert Tips for Building Your Professional Network

    Think You’re Linked In?

    It takes connections to get ahead and, in some ways, we’re more connected than we’ve ever been. But in today’s plugged-in world, developing a business contact who’s something more than your 7,891st Facebook friend requires strategy and effort. How much, you ask? Less than you think, say Ron Sukenick and Ken Williams.

    It’s graduation season: Is your grad ready to find a job?

    Sukenick and Williams have studied and taught successful networking approaches for years, and they can teach anyone how to extend, deepen, and effectively utilize their own personal and business networks, in three short weeks. In their book, 21 DAYS TO SUCCESS THROUGH NETWORKING, they identify real-world situations that lead to networking success.

    Have Sukenick and Williams on your show to talk about:

    • Proven methods for building a successful network.
    • How to help recent grads develop their networks.
    • Why social networks are only effective tools if you know how to use them.
    • Three things you can do that will make people want to help you.
    • Why everyday encounters are fertile ground for developing contacts.

    CREDENTIALS: Ron Sukenick, speaker, business coach, consultant, and author of several books, is one of America’s leading authorities on networking and business relationship strategies. He is the president and founder of the Relationship Strategies Institute, a global training and business development company. Ken Williams is the founder of a marketing agency and a dynamic speaker with a history of teaching, coaching, and training teams to achieve success.

    AVAILABILITY: Indiana, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Rob Colding, (609) 654-6500, ext. 330 (NJ);;;


  • Don’t Kill Yourself with Harmful Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout at Work

    There’s Hope

    What helps people manage stress and anxiety in order to feel more valued and happier at work? According to Lisa E. Papp, the answer is astoundingly simple: having management express their gratitude for contributions employees make. The same goes for the company’s clients, who may leave if they feel taken for granted.
    Using the latest scientific research from the Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley, and her years of experience in sales and customer service, Lisa can stimulate a discussion on proven ways gratitude can increase your audience members’ on-the-job happiness and productivity. As leader of, she can discuss:

    • What gratitude is (it’s more than just manners or expressing appreciation for a gift).
    • Why companies need to focus on looking for the good in employees rather than what they do wrong.
    • The two most important words often missing from texts, phone messages and e-mails.
    • Why it’s important to treat your employees as well as you treat your customers.

    Attention Producers:

    Listeners can apply to participate free in a Beta version of the online program The Productive Power of Gratitude. Also, a free trial of gratitude greeting card creating/mailing software and more free downloads at

    CREDENTIALS: Lisa E. Papp, founder, has 25 years’ experience in direct and retail sales including Nordstrom, retail management, customer service, and marketing for organizations including the American Institute of Architects. Jamie L. Olson, M.Ed, program director, has 15 years’ experience educating youth and adults in various settings.

    AVAILABILITY: Washington State, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Lisa Papp (206) 335-1278 or (360) 312-4326 (WA);;

  • The Catholic Church is Losing Millions of Parishioners

    Meet the Former Priest Who Says the Vatican is to Blame

    Tom Kane knew his calling was to be a priest. And from his days in a seminary through his early years serving at a college, he couldn’t have been happier. But the longer he remained a priest, the more disillusioned he became with the Vatican’s conservative doctrines, its disconnect with the poor and its male-dominated authoritarianism. Finally, after a decade of service, he left the Church, and for a time, became an atheist.

    Kane isn’t alone in his dissatisfaction with the Church. In recent years millions of 18- to 29 year-old Catholics—fed up with the sexual abuse scandals and the bias against gays and women—have also rejected Catholicism and left the Church.  The problem is so bad, says one study, that if ex-Catholics were counted as their own religious group, they would be the third-largest denomination in the U.S.

    Invite Kane on your show to examine this growing problem to discuss:

    • 3 things the Church needs to do to become relevant in 2014.
    • What Pope Francis I is saying about the Church’s shortcomings.
    • How the Vatican continues to alienate nuns and Catholics, worldwide.

    CREDENTIALS: Former priest Tom Kane left the Church after becoming disillusioned with the Vatican’s out-of-date doctrines. Since then he’s been a professor, public relations executive, consultant and newspaper
    editor. His second book is GOOD CHURCH BAD CHURCH: One Priest’s Indictment Against the Vatican.

    AVAILABILITY: PA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
    CONTACT: Tom Kane, (570) 253-8475 (PA);;