To help someone buy or sell a home, a real estate agent
needs to be 18 years old, not have a criminal
background, and pass an exam. Erik Brown says the world
of real estate is changing and you need more than a few
weeks’ training to understand what’s going on. Brown, a
realtor and entrepreneur, says, “As a nation, the US is
approaching one of the largest generational shifts in
our country. Baby boomers are aging while millennials
are growing up, and we are about to see a massive shift
in family make up, net worth, and yes, home ownership.”
Erik Brown will discuss upcoming real estate trends as
well as how to sniff out a bad agent, and what
characteristics and qualities make up a real estate
rock star. Contact Brown at (612) 408-3611;
Category: Uncategorized
Real Estate, Realtors, and the New Market
11/1/16 RTIR E-zine: James Comey, Peace Activists, Election Voting
November 1, 2016
FR: Lauren Healy and Chris Morabito, Editors, Radio-TV
Interview Report Magazine01. FBI Director James Comey – Neither Saint nor Villain
02. Israeli Peace Activist to Be Sentenced
03. The Good, Bad and Ugly of Election Voting
04. Millions Distraught over Election Choices
05. Trump & Clinton – Understanding Narcissists
06. Dr. Calm Has RX for Election Stress
07. Losing Friends Over the Election?
08. A Paradigm Shift in Choosing Politicians
09. How to Prepare for the Post-Election Market Crash
10. Obamacare – What Happens Next?
11. 5 Things to Know Before Choosing a College
12. The Real Reason Kids Get Sick after Halloween
13. Physical Therapy for Ta-Tas?
14. Is Your Childhood Running Your Life?
15. That’s Weird! New Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
1. ==> FBI Director James Comey – Neither Saint nor
VillainRepublican former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
on Monday slammed the FBI director’s recent actions in
the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.
He called Comey’s actions an “error in judgment” and
said he is “somewhat perplexed about what the director
was trying to accomplish here.” Former FBI special
agent Colleen Rowley says, “Comey is neither saint nor
villain but someone who has been around the block. As
an acting Attorney General, he’s actually been in his
nominal boss’s Loretta Lynch’s exact position and knows
how the political pressures as well as media
disclosures work.” She adds, “Comey may also be an
experienced politician of sorts but his history shows
he possesses a tad more integrity than the Clintons.”
Colleen Rowley is a former FBI special agent and
division counsel. Contact her at; @ColeenRowley2. ==> Israeli Peace Activist to Be Sentenced
Israeli peace activist Miko Peled was arrested during a
2012 protest in Palestine over land and fresh water
supply being taken by Jewish settlements. He was
charged with disturbing the peace, participating in an
illegal gathering and entering a closed military zone.
Though acquitted by a judge, the government of Israel
won the case on appeal and Peled is scheduled to be
sentenced on November 8th, election day here in the
U.S. He says it’s fitting. “The 2016 elections give
Americans an opportunity to speak up against the $38
Billion boondoggle in foreign aid to Israel. Israel is
a fully developed country that neither needs nor
deserves foreign aid. Much of this money will go to
activity that contravenes U.S. laws, yet both major
candidates wholeheartedly support it.” Peled will be in
New York State and then Washington, D.C. (Nov. 3 to 7)
before going to Jerusalem where he will be sentenced.
Peled’s memoir is “The General’s Son, Journey of an
Israeli in Palestine.” Contact him at; @mikopeled3. ==> The Good, Bad and Ugly of Election Voting
Remember hanging chads? A 2016 election season of
unprecedented surprises on the campaign trail will be
no less confusing in ballot boxes across the country as
states start implementing a dizzying array of voting
rule changes. This year, states such as Texas and North
Carolina are making it harder for citizens to vote by
imposing new identification requirements at the polls.
Other states, like Florida, are disenfranchising
thousands of former felons, while in Maryland and
Virginia former felons are gaining the right to vote.
Kristin Clarke, president and executive director of the
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law can
discuss changes to voting across the country and likely
problems voters, and especially minority voters, will
face this November. Contact Jamie Horwitz at (202)
549-4921; jhdcpr@starpower.net4. ==> Millions Distraught over Election Choices
Author Nomi Prins says, “At the heart of American
political consciousness right now lies a soul-crushing
reality for millions of distraught Americans: the
choices for president couldn’t be feebler or more
disappointing. On the one hand, we have a petulant,
vocabulary-challenged man-boar of a billionaire, who
hasn’t paid his taxes, has regularly left those
supporting him holding the bag, and seems like a
ludicrous composite of every bad trait in every bad
date any woman has ever had. On the other hand, we’re
offered a walking photo-op for and well-paid
speechmaker to Wall-Street CEOs, a one-woman money-
raising machine from the 1 percent of the 1 percent,
who, despite a folksiness that couldn’t look more
rehearsed, has methodically outplayed her opponent.”
Prins just wrote the piece “Waking Up in Hillary
Clinton’s America: Wall Street in the Saddle.” She’s
the author of “All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden
Alliances That Drive American Power.” Contact Jaime
Leifer at,
@nomiprins5. ==> Trump & Clinton – Understanding Narcissists
Things aren’t looking great for Donald Trump right now
and he’s behind in most polls. Oh, and he says, the
election is rigged. Narcissism expert Rick Patterson
isn’t surprised. “Failure, to a narcissist, is a fate
worse than death.” Patterson says understanding how
narcissists function and the way shame guides their
lives is critical to understanding not only how Mr.
Trump functions in this presidential race, but how all
candidates, including Mrs. Clinton function in and out
of office. “You see it in the way Clinton needles
Trump’s sensitivity to failure – manipulating him into
making mistakes during debates and Trump’s claims that
the election is rigged even before it’s held.” Rev. Dr.
Rick Patterson is the author of the upcoming book
“Shame: The Root of All Evil” which explains how shame,
which is the source of narcissism, predicts and
manipulates our behaviors and decisions. Contact him at
(269) 217-7897; rickpatterson@charter.net6. ==> Dr. Calm Has RX for Election Stress
Sick of the election dominating the news? Tired of
watching your blood pressure rise with every WikiLeaks
leak and nasty video release? Thinking of hiding posts
of Facebook friends who do nothing but rant? Let’s face
it, many of us wish the election were in the rearview
mirror but it will drone on for another three weeks.
It’s time to call in Dr. Calm, your on-call physician
and stress-reduction expert (real name Kiran Dintyala).
Dr. Calm will lead your audience in some powerful on-
air relaxation exercises and share how to experience
serenity now—and after the election no matter who wins.
Dr. Calm is a Board Certified Internal Medicine
Physician currently practicing at Eisenhower Medical
Center in Palm Springs, CA. He also holds a master’s
degree in public health. His upcoming book is “Calm in
the Midst of Chaos.” Reach him at (860) 375 0446 or
stressfreerevolution@gmail.com7. ==> Losing Friends Over the Election?
Whichever candidate ultimately wins the presidential
election some friendships will never be the same.
Invite psychoanalyst Frieda Birnbaum to talk about why
this election—more than previous ones—is causing more
stress on relationships and whether losing a friend
because of political differences is an indication that
the friendship wasn’t a strong one to begin with. Dr.
Birnbaum will discuss how aligning with a candidates’
values can impact how we treat others and whether
having too many friends with the same political
perspective limits your worldview perception. Dr.
Frieda Birnbaum is NYC-based research psychologist,
psychoanalyst and the author of “Life Begins at 60: A
New View on Motherhood, Marriage, and Reinventing
Ourselves.” An expert on depression, women’s issues,
and attaining happiness, she’s appeared on numerous
radio and TV programs. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516)
901-1103; (919) 377-1200.8. ==> A Paradigm Shift in Choosing Politicians
Your perception of politics and politicians will
dramatically change when you hear what Marie-Anne
Lutchmaya has to say about the American electoral
process. With voter dissatisfaction at an all-time
high, she’ll share what really goes on behind the
scenes whenever voting takes place and encourage a
citizen movement which will finally put real power into
the hands of the people. Your listeners will learn how
being self-aware can empower them and avoid them being
used like pawns to further the presidential nominees’
objectives and then be discarded like useless things
when the show is over. She’ll describe how a simple
system can create a paradigm shift in the popular
perception of politics and in the way people choose
their politicians. And Marie-Anne says the system
doesn’t just work for elections, it’s applicable at
work, school, home and even church. Marie-Anne
Lutchmaya’s latest book is “The American Voter’s
Election Guide: Scapegoat to Strategist.” Contact her
at academe@wol.be9. ==> How to Prepare for the Post-Election Market
CrashThe majority of the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks
voted to raise interest rates during their two most
recent meetings. Yet, the Fed board decided to hold the
discount rate steady and kept the main benchmark
interest rate unchanged. Could the fact that this is a
U.S. presidential election year have anything to do
with this? Did you know that the sub-prime crash of
2008 and the dot-com crash of 2000 both occurred during
U.S. presidential election years? Politics, the stock
market and our personal finances are linked in ways
that few people truly understand, according to
financial life coach, investor and certified financial
planner Roel Sarmago[L1]. Invite Coach Roel to share
five ways people can financially protect themselves and
profit from the inevitable global market crash that
will happen after the U.S. presidential election. Coach
Roel worked in the mutual fund industry and is now a
real estate investor, options trader and entrepreneur.
He is the author of “Undiscovered Riches: Find Your
Hidden Wealth.” Contact him at (647) 494-7880
(Ontario); roel@coachroel.com10. ==> Obamacare – What Happens Next?
The Affordable Care Act—Obamacare— is in trouble. It’s
extended health insurance coverage to fewer people than
promised, in many parts of the country, insurers are
abandoning the market due to financial losses, and even
those covered face double digit premium increases and
deductibles that are hundreds of percent higher than
before. Supporters say the problems can be fixed but
critics insist that Obamacare is mortally wounded, and
should be euthanized. Invite Philip Romero and Randy
Miller to help your listeners make sense of the health
policy being debated this presidential election season.
You’ll hear how health costs have grown more than twice
as fast as incomes, why the health sector now consumes
almost one in five dollars in our economy, and the
blind spots that Democrats and Republicans each have
about health care. Romero is a finance professor and
former business dean at the University of Oregon, as
well as twice chief economist to the governor of
California. Randy Miller is an insurance and public
finance specialist. Their book “Health Financing
Without Deficits: Reform that Sidesteps Political
Gridlock” outlines a new way to finance health care.
Contact Romero at (503) 640-6206;
or Miller at (541) 510-2042; suigenerishirb@comcast.net11. ==> 5 Things to Know Before Choosing a College
With the first round of college application deadlines
fast approaching this fall, students (and families) are
getting ready to make one of the biggest decisions of
their lives. Adrian Ridner can give tips about some of
the most important factors to consider when selecting a
school, and what things like graduation rates can tell
you about your true cost of college. He can also walk
through strategies for making your dream school more
affordable, even if you don’t qualify for financial
aid. Adrian is co-founder and CEO of, an
education website that helps students in kindergarten
through college excel academically, and working
professionals gain the skills they need to advance.
Contact Jennifer McHam at (650) 288-2381;
jmcham@study.com12. ==> The Real Reason Kids Get Sick after Halloween
Every year schools report low attendance following
Halloween. Kids are unable to attend school as they
suffer from flu, fever and so on immediately after
Halloween. Parents blame it on the sugar content in
chocolates and sweets children get on Halloween, but
Zeeshan Raza believes that’s not the real cause. He
says, “The real cause is the negative dark energy
generated by dressing up in dark evil characters and
being surrounded by frightening decorations. It
actually weakens their immune systems making them
vulnerable to diseases. Then, when they have candy,
they start falling sick.” Raza will explain how energy
can impact your health and body and share ways parents
can prevent kids from getting sick. Zeeshan Raza is an
author, speaker and coach who teaches people how to
heal using their own feelings and emotions. His book is
“U Turn Your Life.” Contact him at (416) 858-4788;
zeeshankerawala@yahoo.com13. ==> Physical Therapy for Ta-Tas?
When you think of physical therapy the body parts that
come to mind are arms, legs and knees—not breasts. But
according to Marianne Ryan, a physical therapist who
specializes in women’s health, men and women should be
aware that breasts—particularly those of breastfeeding
women that are sore due to blocked milk ducts—can also
benefit from ultrasound, massage and exercise regimens
provided by a physical therapist. Ryan, who operates
one of only two New York City-based PT clinics that
offer this special type of therapy, can also explain
other things couples can do to make nursing moms and
their spouses feel better quicker. Ryan is a board
certified orthopedic clinical specialist certified
orthopedic clinical specialist with more than 30 years’
experience treating prenatal and postpartum women.
She’s taught at Columbia University School of Nursing
and appeared on dozens of national TV and radio shows.
She has also been featured in Redbook, Fitness, USA
Today, and the Wall Street Journal. Contact her at
(212) 661-2933; mryanpt@aol.com14. ==> Is Your Childhood Running Your Life?
Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? It may
be because your childhood is hijacking your adult life.
Interview Michelle Nagel, an author and resilient
survivor of child abuse, for a discussion on ways
growing up poor, losing a parent to death or to
divorce, jail or drugs or alcohol or other adverse
childhood experiences may be leading to bad choices on
your part today. She’ll reveal a test you can take to
find out if you have an adverse childhood experience
impacting your life and discover the power that comes
with acknowledging your past. She will discuss some
simple techniques that, if implemented, can change your
life. Over the past 15 years, Nagel, the president of
Soul Shift, Inc., has been guiding clients through the
process of overcoming their traumatic past and finding
internal peace and serenity. Contact her at (541)
414-7811; michelle@isoulshift.com15. ==> That’s Weird! New Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
A mountain lion with teeth growing out of the top of
its head? A fire drill where students have to run
through real fire? Octopus wrestling as a sport? These
stories have a couple things in common; they’re all
100% true and they’re all in the new book “Ripley’s
Believe It or Not! Unlock the Weird!” This is Ripley’s
annual collection of strange stories, amazing
achievements, perplexing people and more. Every story
is handpicked by Ripley’s own researchers and they’re
all true. Ripley’s own Edward Meyer – a walking,
talking encyclopedia of weird info – can take your
audience on a long, strange trip through the pages of
this new book. Contact Frank Wolff at (407) 339-0879;[L1]
Even a Dog Can Make Money Online
Lee Romanov loves her English bull terrier Shiner,
probably just as much as you love your dog. But unlike
your pooch, Shiner has his own money-making website,, which Lee created for him. Shiner,
who clearly has a nose for business, can’t write, of
course, but he can charm other people into sending him
their pet stories and pictures to build free web
content while he cleverly gets humans to click on ads,
and he recommends dog walkers, pet sitters, vets and
other pet-related providers who pay him for the leads.
Lee uses Shiner’s exploits to prove that anybody can
make money online, even a dog, and even you. Invite Lee
on-air to share how simple it would be for your
audience members to put their dog—or cat—in business
without having a lot to bone up on. She should know
because she has made a fortune through her own online
ventures. Reach her at (949) 877-0173; -
03/24/16 RTIR E-zine: Traveling Abroad, Music Education, April Fool’s
March 24, 2016
01. Is it Safe to Travel Abroad?
02. Terrorism Expert – How to Stay Safe Anywhere
03. The Greatest Story Ever Told – What Churches get Wrong
04. Former NBA Scout on March Madness
05. NCAA Betting – Fun or Addiction?
06. March Madness Lessons for the Office
07. It’s Teach Music America Week!
08. ‘Black Box’ Warning on Painkillers Not Enough
09. Warmest Month in Recorded History
10. Environmentalist Praises DARK Act Defeat
11. You Can Prevent Spring Allergies?
12. Pets Get Spring Allergies Too!
13. Is Your Retirement at Risk?
14. Why are Millennials So Depressed?
15. April Fool’s- Don’t Be Fooled when Dating
=======================================1. ==> Is it Safe to Travel Abroad?
The United States has issued a warning to its citizens
in Europe in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks
in Brussels. The U.S. State Department alert came as a
shutdown of Brussels Airport, targeted in two of three
bomb blasts Tuesday, remained in place, causing
disruption across the continent. The attacks have
travelers suddenly thinking twice about travelling
abroad. Invite Russell Hannon to put travelers’
concerns into context. He’ll offer ways to educate
yourself of potential risks abroad, how to protect
yourself once you’re there, and what websites you
should visit before you book your trip. Russell Hannon
is a travel expert who has been featured by Johnny Jet,
CNBC, FOX, America Tonight, CTV, ShopSmart, Yahoo
Finance, and Around the World Travel TV. He is the
author of “Stop Dreaming Start Traveling: The Ultimate
Guide to Traveling More and Spending Less.” Contact him
at (403) 354-0349; Russell@breakthetravelbarrier.com2. ==> Terrorism Expert – How to Stay Safe Anywhere
U.S. citizens traveling to and throughout Europe have
been advised that “terrorist groups continue to plan
near-term attacks” in the region, possibly targeting
sporting events, tourist sites, restaurants and
transportation. Here at home, the Brussels attacks
remind us that terrorism can happen anywhere, at any
time. Robert Sholly, a retired army colonel who is
experienced in both counter-terrorism and performing
international security assessments, says while we
cannot live in fear, it is wise to live with caution
and prudence. He’ll discuss the most dangerous public
places and how to keep your family safer in movie
theaters, malls, restaurants and while travelling.
He’ll explain why you need a security plan before you
enter a mall, what to do if shots are fired in a
crowded movie theater and the physical signs to watch
for that could identify a potential shooter on public
transportation. As a counter-terrorism specialist,
Sholly evaluated and designed security for dams,
tunnels, ports, airports and international boundaries.
Sholly has designed security plans for family homes,
corporate buildings, compounds and large
infrastructures. He speaks Arabic, Farsi, Dari and is a
Middle East security specialist. He was also a member
of the United Nations international peace keeping
forces that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988. Contact
him at (281) 482-8887; robert@robertsholly.com3. ==> The Greatest Story Ever Told – What Churches get
WrongJohn Stahl says churches have been getting the
resurrection story wrong for decades, yet year after
year they show a drama where Jesus comes out of the
tomb. He says, “That never takes place anywhere in the
Bible! The stone in front of the tomb was rolled back,
not so Jesus could get out of the tomb, rather, so we
could get inside.” Stahl says it was another way of God
inviting us in, to be a part of the greatest story ever
told and that it’s part of the larger message that it’s
not enough to talk about our faith, we have to live it.
Invite John to discuss the Easter story and other
stories from the Bible that show and share God’s love
and how it ties to our everyday lives. John Stahl is a
businessman and pastor. His book, “Just JESUS Them,”
comes with a warning symbol that it’s not your average
devotional, and is actually a ‘DO’-votional. Contact
him at (330) 283-3990; jstahl@lcinetworking.com4. ==> Former NBA Scout on March Madness
Invite longtime top evaluator of college basketball
players Richard Sheubrooks to talk March Madness from
an insider perspective. He’ll discuss the top recruits,
which players are ready to step right into the NBA,
which are great at the college level but not likely to
make top pros, which schools in the March Madness
tournament produce the most and/or the best pros, etc.
Richard Sheubrooks is a former NBA scouting director
and marketing executive with NIKE. He’s worked with
legendary UCLA coach John Wooden, Jerry West and
Michael Jordan. He’s the author of “The Greatest Story
Never Told,” and the upcoming book “The Assist,”
inspired by Michael Jordan and Dean Smith. Contact him
at (980) 230-3070; richsheu23@gmail.com5. ==> NCAA Betting – Fun or Addiction?
Millions of sports fans have filled out brackets and
placed bets on the NCAA Tourney with friends and
colleagues. Even those who don’t work in an office can
get in on the action with one of the many online
betting sites like DraftKings and FanDuel. While most
people join a pool at the office or play fantasy sports
with friends as a fun distraction, there are many for
whom the gambling becomes an addiction. Life coach and
addiction specialist Thomas Gagliano will explain the
signs that your March Madness gambling may be teetering
on addiction. Gagliano returned to school to receive an
MSW at age 51. He’s a life coach and the author of
several books including his latest, “Don’t Put Your
Crap in Your Kid’s Diaper.” Contact him at (732)
266-4952 (NJ); tom@thomasgagliano.com6. ==> March Madness Lessons for the Office
What gets a team to the Final Four? Some might say it’s
talent, hard work and good coaching. Stuart Blyth says
it’s the same thing in the corporate world.
“Unquestionably, the best people managers are the
coaches of sports teams. They know everything there is
to know about each individual team member, and the
stakes are high.” Blyth, an athlete and sports fanatic,
says the most successful coaches—and managers—know how
to get the very best from each team member. He’ll
explain why the management skills prevalent in pro
sports are the missing link in the corporate structure,
and how watching sports can make you more successful at
work! Blyth is a British management training
consultant and the author of “Football Field to
Boardroom: The Playbook for Creating World-Class
Business Teams.” Contact him at +44 7788 91494;
Stuart@fp-tb.com7. ==> It’s Teach Music America Week!
Vincent James is on a mission to promote how valuable
and important music is in all of our lives:
academically, therapeutically or just overall making us
a happier society. To that end, he and the group Keep
Music Alive are marking the 2nd Annual “Teach Music
America” week, a celebration that asks musicians &
music teachers to find at least one new student to
teach a free 30 minute lesson. “We believe that by
encouraging music teachers and potential students to
reach out to each other during the month of March, many
of them will continue to teach and learn music from
each other long after the month is over. Our goal is to
get as many new students starting to learn how to play
music as we possibly can. Only by creating interest in
new students will the art of music continue in our
society.” Invite Vincent on your show to help remind
people how important and valuable music is and all the
reasons why. Vincent James is the founder of and author of the book “88+ Ways
Music Can Change Your Life”. Contact him at (610)
812-5231 (PA); vincent@KeepMusicAlive.org8. ==> ‘Black Box’ Warning on Painkillers Not Enough
In an attempt to help slow the prescription drug abuse
epidemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
announced Tuesday that immediate-release opioid
painkillers such as oxycodone and fentanyl will now
have to carry a “black box” warning about the risk of
abuse, addiction, overdose and death. Chronic pain
treatment expert Cindy Perlin says that, and new CDC
guidelines for docs are long overdue, but not nearly
enough. “Doctors and health insurers created the worst
drug epidemic in U.S. history by favoring the use of
highly addictive opioid prescription painkillers over
other available treatments for pain and they continue
to ignore common sense solutions to curtailing the
opioid epidemic.” Perlin adds that the CDC guidelines
ignore, and insurance companies rarely cover, other
proven treatments for pain, including chiropractic,
massage, acupuncture, exercise programs, nutritional
and herbal interventions, marijuana and low level laser
therapy. Perlin is a licensed social worker, and
certified biofeedback practitioner who has appeared on
numerous radio and TV programs. She’s the author of
“The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and
Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” Contact her
at (518) 439-6431; cperlin@nycap.rr.com9. ==> Warmest Month in Recorded History
Climate scientists say February 2016 was the hottest
month since 1880 when records began. Is this warming
‘returning with a vengeance’ after temperatures
remained nearly constant from 1998 to 2013? Or is this
the result of the eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano in
central Iceland from August 2014 to February 2015, the
highest rate of basaltic lava extrusion since 1783?
Rapid extrusion of basaltic lava has been associated
with rapid warming throughout the history of Earth. Dr.
Peter Langdon Ward worked 27 years as a geophysicist
and volcanologist with the US Geological Survey. He
spent the last ten years reexamining the many
assumptions underlying greenhouse warming theory. Ward
is the author of the new book “What Really Causes
Global Warming? Greenhouse Gases or Ozone Depletion?”
Contact him at (307) 733-3664; peward@wyoming.com10. ==> Environmentalist Praises DARK Act Defeat
Products with GMOs have been ubiquitous on grocery
shelves in America for more than two decades, but in
recent years, consumers have become more vocal in
wanting to be informed if the food they buy contains
GMOs. Last week, Senators blocked a bill that would
have prohibited states from issuing their own mandatory
GMO labeling laws. Environmentalists called it the DARK
Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) and fought hard
against it. Ph.D. environmental engineer and
sustainability consultant Ellen Moyer hails the defeat
and says, “The government’s decision-making about GMOs
has huge ramifications for our health, the environment,
and our democracy. The U.S. government has refused to
call for GMO labeling, unlike 64 other countries –
including China – and is now considering overturning
hard-won state laws that require GMO labeling. People
deserve to know what is in their food.” Ellen is an
independent environmental consultant with more than 30
years of professional experience. She works on projects
for federal agencies and Fortune 500 companies to clean
up hazardous waste sites contaminated by a wide array
of harmful chemicals. She’s a Huffington Post
contributor and the author of several books. Contact
her at (413) 862-3452; ellenmoyer@em-green.com11. ==> You Can Prevent Spring Allergies?
We may love that winter is over but millions of
Americans dread springtime and the sneezing, coughing
and wheezing that ensues. Stop and smell the flowers?
Many people can’t even go outside! Dr. Jim Roach, a
leading integrative practitioner, says many people
reach for antihistamines to get through the season, but
that comes with its own risks. “Antihistamines can
cause all sorts of problems including brain fog,
urinary retention, acid reflux and constipation. And
they may, as anticholinergics, even promote dementia.”
Dr. Roach will explain how to prevent allergies with
probiotics, zinc and vitamin D and ways to treat
allergy symptoms that actually have beneficial side
effects! Jim Roach, MD, has appeared on numerous radio
and TV programs. He’s a speaker, consultant, educator,
researcher, and widely sought clinician with patients
from across the country. He is also author of “God’s
House Calls” which discusses spiritual near-death
experiences of his patients and seeks to de-stigmatize
spiritual experiences. Contact Dr. Roach at (859)
846-4453 (office); jproach@aol.com12. ==> Pets Get Spring Allergies Too!
Did you know that animals can also suffer from spring
allergies? Invite veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan to share
natural treatments for spring allergies in pets. She’ll
also reveal non-toxic, natural ways to fight fleas and
ticks and ways to help pets who suffer from
thunderstorm anxiety. Dr. Morgan says many people don’t
realize some fresh fruits and vegetables can be harmful
to animals. She’ll run down which are safe, and what to
avoid. Dr. Morgan has been a practicing veterinarian
for more than 30 years. She is the author of several
books and is co-host of a podcast on holistic pet care.
Contact Dr. Morgan at (609) 202-0999; (856)881-7470 or
Judy_Leigh_0603@yahoo.com13. ==> Is Your Retirement at Risk?
With Boomers entering retirement with 401ks that have
been decimated by the economy, many soon-to-be seniors
fear the worst for what is supposed to be their ‘Golden
Years.’ Financial advisor Rodger Friedman says, “The
greatest financial conundrum this generation is facing
is longevity. People are living longer, with higher
health care costs, and continued escalation of living
expenses. How can we financially afford to keep living
and have a sustainable and satisfying retirement?”
Invite Friedman to discuss the reasons many people
don’t get the right kind of retirement advice, and how
to build a relationship with an adviser that will work
for your individual needs. Friedman will talk about the
biggest risk facing retirees today, why being your own
financial adviser is a big mistake, and how to make
sure your relationship with your adviser is a truly
beneficial one for you. Listeners will also get access
to a free 17 page special report on retirement
planning. Rodger Friedman is the author of “Forging
Bonds of Steel.” Contact him toll free at 1-844 -3- my-
plan or 1-844-369-7526 or ==> Why are Millennials So Depressed?
College is supposed to be the best time of your life
with endless fun and carefree living. These perceptions
are hiding the reality of a deeper issue that is
plaguing millions of students around the country: the
anxiety and depression epidemic. Jake Heilbrunn has a
unique understanding of why anxiety and depression are
so prevalent today and how to overcome them. After one
semester of college, Jake realized the path he was on
didn’t align with his true self. Following his
intuition, he left college and spent four months
backpacking through Central America alone, with no cell
phone or ability to speak Spanish. He’ll discuss why
nearly a third of college students say they are
depressed, what millennials are searching for in
college and careers, and why parents and employers are
clueless about it. At just 19 years old, Jake has just
begun a Kickstarter campaign to release his book “Off
the Beaten Trail.” Contact him at (858) 750-0413 (CA);
jakeheilbrunn@gmail.com15. ==> April Fool’s- Don’t Be Fooled when Dating
Everybody loves a good joke but there’s nothing funny
about being fooled when it comes to love. Online dating
sites are full of guidance to help you match up with a
mate but finding a truly good partner is about lasting
traits like conflict resolution, effective
communication skills and REAL sexual chemistry. Invite
clinical sexologist and relationship coach Dr., Claudia
Six on your show to learn how to pick a good partner
and learn the red flags to avoid, and what no-so-
obvious things you should be looking for. Dr. Claudia
Six has an M.A. in counseling psychology and a PhD in
clinical sexology. Her upcoming book is “Erotic
Integrity: How to be True to Yourself Sexually.”
Contact her at (415) 453-6218; -
03/03/16 RTIR E-zine: Party Division, Alzheimer’s Survival, Flint Water
March 3, 2016
01. Politics, Party Division and History
02. Former MA Lt. Governor on Super Tuesday Results
03. FBI and Apple – Security VS Privacy
04. Toni Tennille Tells All
05. YouTube Sensation & Bravo Reality TV Star
06. Leonardo DiCaprio – Is He Right?
07. Everybody’s Sick!
08. Flint Water Crisis – Is Your Water Safe?
09. Business Lessons from a Motorcycle Gang?
10. What You Should Never Tell Coworkers
11. Winter Skin Saving Tricks
12. Cheeky (Saucy) Seasoned TV Humorist
13. Like a Book – Everyone Deserves a Good Ending
14. Family Survival When Alzheimer’s Strikes
15. Fun Political Show – Musical Presidents
=======================================1. ==> Politics, Party Division and History
How do we explain what’s going on in this crazy
election season? David Reynolds says, “A sharply
divided Congress stuck for years in stalemate and
inertia; the ever-deepening chasm between the top 1
percent and other Americans; warring Super PACs —
these and other polarizing factors have shaken the
party system to the core.” Could there be a silver
lining to this murky scene? Reynolds says, “Yes, if we
take the example of the 1860 election, where even
greater polarization resulted in party divisions that
in turn yielded America’s greatest president, Abraham
Lincoln. That year, the country was so divided over the
slavery issue that Lincoln’s opponents split into three
parties with different presidential candidates. As it
turned out, this party division ensured the election of
the antislavery Republican, Lincoln, who, though he
lost the popular vote to his combined opponents by over
a million votes, won the Electoral College and thus the
presidency. Lincoln’s victory saved the nation, for no
other candidate had the skills to lead the nation
during the bloodiest war in its history. While there’s
no apparent Lincoln on the scene today, only time will
tell if the party confusion will produce a figure of
national healing and responsible governance.” Reynolds
is a distinguished professor at the City University of
New York Graduate Center and is the author or editor of
fifteen books, including, most recently, Lincoln’s
Selected Writings. Contact him at (email best); (516) 633-6412 (cell), (212)
817-8319 (office), @reysn12. ==> Former MA Lt. Governor on Super Tuesday Results
For a discussion on intraparty relations, the current
state and direction of the Democratic Party and the
changing Democratic electorate, invite former
Massachusetts Lt. Governor Thomas O’Neill on your show.
O’Neill served from 1975 to 1983, and before that,
served as a member of the Massachusetts House of
Representatives. He’s also the son of the late U.S.
Speaker of the House of Representatives Thomas P. “Tip”
O’Neill Jr. He’ll offer a unique perspective on the
politics of the 2016 presidential race, the U.S.
Congress, and New England statewide races. O’Neill is
founder and CEO of O’Neill and Associates, a government
relations and communications firm. Contact Jennifer
Hardin at jhardin@oneillandassoc.com3. ==> FBI and Apple – Security VS Privacy
This week, FBI Director James Comey and Apple’s senior
vice president and general counsel, Bruce Sewell,
testified at a House Judiciary Committee hearing titled
‘The Encryption Tightrope: Balancing Americans’
Security and Privacy.’ Former FBI special agent Colleen
Rowley says it’s hard to believe Comey is sincerely
leveling with the American public in his latest quest.
“Maybe most disingenuous of all is Comey’s new
assertion that he is not trying to set a precedent.
Does he not know that the government’s ‘Plan B’ secret
agenda to create ‘work-arounds’ to defeat encryption
recently came to light? Does he expect us to believe
that he was not part of the secret White House meeting
last fall where senior national security officials
ordered agencies to find ways to counter encryption
software and gain access to the most heavily protected
user data on the most secure consumer devices,
including Apple Inc.’s?” Rowley’s May 2002 memo to then
FBI Director Robert Mueller exposed some of the FBI’s
pre-9/11 failures – and she was named one of TIME
magazine’s “Persons of the Year” in 2002. Contact her
at (952) 393-0914,,
@ColeenRowley4. ==> Toni Tennille Tells All
Toni Tennille is best known for her ’70s and ’80s
chart-topping hits with the pop duo Captain &Tennille.
The couple defined the sparkling, optimistic idea of
everlasting love, both in their music and through their
image as a happy and, seemingly, unbreakable couple.
But underneath the image was an entirely different
story that the fans never saw: a woman who fought a
lonely struggle against the controlling and often
bizarre behavior of her emotionally inaccessible
husband. Invite Toni to discuss her new memoir and
share details of her life from a childhood in the
segregated South to her rise to fame in the world of
pop music to where she is now: no longer one-half of a
famed couple, but a stronger woman for all she has
experienced-both the good and the bad. Contact Harlan
Boll at (626) 296-3757; h.boll@dcpublicity.com5. ==> YouTube Sensation & Bravo Reality TV Star
Heather Marianna’s DIY beauty videos about battling
beauty blunders using common household ingredients have
been viewed by over 3 million fans. Now she’s starring
in the brand new Bravo travel reality show, Tour Group,
where 11 soul-searching strangers travel the world
together. Invite Heather to talk about the new show,
her experience traveling the world with strangers, and
hidden beauty secrets she’s learned along the way. She
can also make a few essential oil cocktails to keep
away bad juju! Heather is owner of Beauty Kitchen, an
all-natural skincare product line. (Ask about giveaways
for your listeners.) Tour Group airs Tuesday nights on
Bravo TV. Contact Lindsay Feldman at (702) 245-4397;
PR@heathermarianna.tv6. ==> Leonardo DiCaprio – Is He Right?
Leonardo DiCaprio made a powerful plea while accepting
his Oscar, saying climate change “is the most urgent
threat facing our entire species, and we need to work
collectively together and stop procrastinating.” But
what if greenhouse gases are not the actual cause of
the widely-observed global warming? “There is no need
to procrastinate,” says Dr. Peter Langdon Ward, a
geophysicist who worked 27 years with the US Geological
Survey and spent the last ten years reexamining the
many assumptions underlying greenhouse warming theory.
“The problem now is that climate scientists are so
convinced that greenhouse gas theory is completely
correct and are so tired of fighting off skeptics, that
they refuse to even consider new data and insights
showing that climate models grossly overestimate the
thermal energy absorbed by greenhouse gases and grossly
underestimate the warming caused by depletion of the
ozone layer.” Ward says ozone depletion provides a much
more direct and logical explanation for each of the
major changes in global warming over the past 100 years
and throughout Earth history. Ward is the author of the
new book “What Really Causes Global Warming? Greenhouse
Gases or Ozone Depletion?” Contact him at (307)
733-3664; ==> Everybody’s Sick!
It is flu season and it seems everyone is coughing,
sneezing and throwing up. Doctor’s waiting rooms are
full of people looking for help in battling their
symptoms. Getting a flu shot may be your best
protection but it takes two weeks to be effective. So
what else can you do? Dr. Jim Roach says everyone
should be proactive in preventing the flu. He’ll share
strategies everyone can utilize that can effectively
prevent and manage respiratory infections and flu. Jim
Roach, MD, is a leading integrative practitioner who
has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. He’s a
speaker, consultant, educator, researcher, and widely
sought clinician with patients from across the country.
He is also author of “God’s House Calls” which
discusses spiritual near-death experiences of his
patients and seeks to de-stigmatize spiritual
experiences. Contact him at (859) 846-4453 (office);
(859) 846-4697or jproach@aol.com8. ==> Flint Water Crisis – Is Your Water Safe?
Lead poisoning from the drinking water in Flint,
Michigan has raised awareness to contaminants in
drinking water nationwide. Invite Sophia Gushee to
discuss how to learn if your water should be filtered,
which filter options are best for your water supply,
and whether bottled water is healthier than tap. She’ll
also share detox tips for the kitchen, home, nursery,
office, and more. A mother of three, Sophia spent eight
years researching her children’s toxic exposures from
common household products. Ultimately, she realized
that just ten key goals are the most high impact ideas
to focus on and most cost little, or nothing. She
refers to these ten goals as her D-Tox Strategy, and
believes that we should consider our toxic exposures as
often as we think about what we eat and how much we
exercise. Sophia Gushee is the author of “A to Z of D-
Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic
Exposures.” Contact her at (917) 208-9842 (NY);
srgushee@gmail.com9. ==> Business Lessons from a Motorcycle Gang?
At the age of 19, Tom Scarda got involved in one of the
most notorious outlaw motorcycles gangs in New York
City. “In retrospect,” he says, “it was simultaneously
one of the best and worst decisions of my life. While
being involved in the gang, I didn’t realize I was
learning valuable lessons that I’d be able to apply
years later in my businesses.” From branding to
recruiting and even having an attitude, Tom says
businesses could learn a lot from the way motorcycle
gangs are run. Fourteen years ago, Scarda quit his job
working for the New York Subway system and Long Island
Railroad to buy a smoothie franchise, which he sold
five years later at a considerable profit. He’s the
author of “Franchise Savvy: 6 Strategies Pros Use to
Pick Top Performing Franchises.” Contact him at (516)
322–1435; Tom@TomScarda.com10. ==> What You Should Never Tell Coworkers
Everyone knows you should never share your salary with
your coworkers. But what else is best kept to yourself?
Tami Gilbert, an author, nurse and MBA holder who
experienced bullying and betrayal at work, devotes an
entire chapter to the topic in her new book, “Courage
to Persevere: A Compelling Story of Struggle, Survival
and Triumph.” Gilbert will explain why you should think
twice before talking about your recent breakup or
divorce, how bad your girlfriend is treating you, the
son who can’t hold a job who moved back home or the new
BMW you just bought. She’ll offer guidelines about
what’s acceptable water cooler discussion and what
should only be shared with trusted friends outside of
work. Gilbert shares why work is like being on stage,
not everyone who is nice to you is your friend and it’s
a good idea to be kind to people no matter how they
behave on the job. Reach her at (312) 218-1744;
info@tamigilbert.com11. ==> Winter Skin Saving Tricks
Winter weather can make affect skin in several ways.
Dr. Susan O’Malley says dry skin is the most common
complaint. “Your light summer moisturizer is not going
to keep you protected. You should consider switching to
a heavier moisturizer during the winter months. Also,
adding a humidifier to your home will help alleviate
dryness from heaters and fireplaces. And a night cream
is essential during these months.” Dr. O’Malley adds,
“Sunscreen is just as important in the winter as the
summer. Snow reflects the sun’s rays and there are no
trees or grass to absorb the UV rays. And don’t forget
your UV sunglasses that protect your eyes from
squinting and wrinkles!” Dr. O’Malley Dr. O’Malley is
medical director and owner of Sonas Med Spa in Madison,
CT. which specializes in non-surgical anti-aging
treatments. Contact her at (203) 520-3227;
drsusan@susanomalleymd.com12. ==> Cheeky (Saucy) Seasoned TV Humorist
You’ll have audiences laughing, calling-in, and quoting
humorist Jan Marshall when she’s on your show. Her
quick-witted, satirical “endure anything” tips (choice
of G-rated or X) include: How new technology baffles us
and why she’s in “couple’s therapy” with Smartphone
b#*ch Siri, navigating online dating hazards like
“splinters in your thighs,” and overcoming cosmic jokes
from wrinkles to cancer, from graying in the age of
Googling to bathroom scales (Jan shot hers in “self
defense”). Jan Marshall, International Humor and
Healing Institute founder (1986) is an on-air humorist,
international columnist, certified clinical
hypnotherapist, and a cancer and brain tumor survivor.
Her latest book is “Dancin’ Schmancin’ with the Scars.”
Proceeds support the American Cancer Society, Wounded
Warriors and the American Brain Tumor Association.
Contact her at (949) 701-5310 (CA); janmarsh@aol.com13. ==> Like a Book – Everyone Deserves a Good Ending
As a health-care chaplain, Joseph Oloimooja sees many
families during the most trying circumstances: as they
attempt to cope with the impending death of a loved
one. Far too often, he observes, people don’t end up
with the peaceful death they envisioned while their
family members may face guilt for actions they took
(turning off the respirator), or didn’t take (not being
present at the deathbed). Still others won’t know how
to go on with their lives after their beloved has died.
Joseph will talk about the importance of end-of-life
planning– before people find themselves in these
gripping circumstances. He teaches people how to take
care of their friends and relatives when it counts
most. Joseph is pastor of Christ the Good Shepherd
Episcopal Church and the manager of spiritual care
services at Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center.
Contact him at (310) 710-7654; oloimooja@yahoo.com14. ==> Family Survival When Alzheimer’s Strikes
When her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Lovie
Reed went through a crash course on the disease and its
devastating effects on the individual and family. Reed
will give an overview about modern Alzheimer’s
treatment and prevention. Her focus, however, is on
family dynamics and how families can provide the best
care, support, and love for an ill parent. With
practical language and clear examples, Reed will
emphasize the importance of unity and shared
responsibility. She says honesty and compassion can
overcome confusion and division. “Though ill, the
parent should still be respected and provide opinions
on treatment and care. Basic care giving chores, with
the right attitude, can become positive and loving
experiences for both caregiver and parent.” There are
three million diagnoses of Alzheimer’s each year and
daily updates on new treatments and preventative
measures. Reed has an effective and powerful message:
you are not alone; you are not powerless; and, as long
as there is faith and family, there will be joy. In her
book “Forget Me Not: A Loving Mother Who Had
Alzheimer’s,” Reed distills her experiences to help
other families facing life with the disease. Contact
Lovie Reed at (662) 671-2454; ==> Fun Political Show – Musical Presidents
The topic of politics is hot right now, but Vincent
James says there’s one aspect of the candidates we
haven’t heard yet – their affiliation with music and
the arts. He’ll discuss which of the current
presidential candidates are musicians and take a look
at some of our musical presidents of the past. Vincent
will reveal interesting musical tidbits like which
current candidate claims to have given a 2nd grade
music teacher a black eye and which one is married to a
world-famous musician. James Vincent is the founder of
Keep Music Alive and author of the book “88+ Ways Music
Can Change Your Life” featuring over 150 inspirational
music stories from around the world including a number
of celebrities. Contact him at (610) 812-5231 (PA); -
12/22/15 RTIR E-zine: Resolutions that Stick, Teens in 2016, Healthy Habits for the New Year
December 22, 2015
FR: Lauren Healy and Chris Morabito, Editors, Radio-TV
Interview Report Magazine01. Hillary, the Temporary Populist
02. Terrorism Expert on Personal Escape Plans
03. An Iraqi-American’s View of ISIS
04. Concussion – The Truth Behind the Movie
05. 2015 – The Year of Whistleblowers
06. Is it Safe to Travel Abroad?
07. Pull Up a Chair: Prime-Time Family Drama
08. Holiday Relationship Survival Tips
09. No Gift, No Money, No Problem!
10. How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick
11. Blaze a New Path in 2016
12. Why Affirmations Make Things Worse
13. Make Parenting Teens Easier in 2016
14. Inspiring 2016 New Year’s Health Show
15. A Jedi Approach to the Holidays
=======================================1. ==> Hillary, the Temporary Populist
ABC News’ Democratic primary debate is scheduled to air
on Saturday night. Doug Henwood, author of “My Turn:
Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency,” says, “It’s
been fun to watch Hillary Clinton turn into the
Temporary Populist for the primary campaign. Given her
long history ‘representing Wall Street,’ as she put it
in an earlier debate, anything she says now should be
taken very skeptically. Her Wall Street proposals may
sound tough and detailed, but they’re merely
technocratic tweaks that don’t get to the heart of the
vast increase in the power of Big Money over the last
35 years. And her many supporters on Wall Street know
this. There’s a reason that Goldman Sachs paid her
$400,000 in speaking fees in October 2013 alone — and
it’s not because she utters profundities like ‘You
can’t win if you don’t show up.’ It’s because it’s
their vote of confidence in the fact that she shares
their fundamental worldview.”2. ==>Terrorism Expert on Personal Escape Plans
Terrorist attacks in offices, concert venues and
stadiums in the U.S. and internationally have made it
clear that no one’s personal safety is guaranteed.
While we cannot live in fear, it is wise to live with
caution and prudence, says Robert Sholly, a retired
army colonel who is experienced in both counter-
terrorism and performing security assessments for
companies internationally. He’ll explain how to keep
your family safer in movie theaters, malls, restaurants
and other public places, particularly during the
holidays. He’ll reveal why you need a security plan
before you enter a mall, what to do if shots are fired
in a crowded movie theater and the physical signs to
watch for that could identify a potential shooter on
public transportation. As a counter-terrorism
specialist, Sholly evaluated and designed security for
dams, tunnels, ports, airports and international
boundaries. Sholly has designed security plans for
family homes, corporate buildings, compounds and large
infrastructures. He speaks Arabic, Farsi, Dari and is a
Middle East security specialist. He was also a member
of the United Nations international peace keeping
forces that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988. Contact
him at (281) 482-8887; robert@robertsholly.com3. ==> An Iraqi-American’s View of ISIS
Born in Baghdad, Iraq as a minority Christian, Weam
Namou says she had a magical childhood even before she
came to America at the age of ten. Invite her to talk
about what it’s like to be an Iraqi-American today, and
how she and other Iraqi immigrants view Iraq and the
Islamic State. She’ll discuss watching from afar the
destruction and devastation befalling her birth country
and how most of her relatives have fled the region
because of religious persecution. But, she says, it’s
not just Iraqi Christians being targeted. Since January
2014, more than three million Iraqis of different
ethnic and religious backgrounds have been displaced
because of the conflict. Weam Namou is the author of
several books including “Witnessing a Genocide,” a
collection of personal stories about the situation in
Iraq. Contact her at (586) 212-4490; weamn@hotmail.com4. ==> Concussion – The Truth Behind the Movie
Concussion, the Will Smith drama based on the true
story of head trauma in football opens in a few weeks,
shedding even more light on the issue of traumatic
brain injury and the NFL. Invite Carol Shifflett to
talk about this issue and explain why the subject is
bigger than just pro football. She says it’s not only
athletes who suffer from the disease, but children,
military members and even some abuse victims can suffer
from concussions and brain injuries. Invite her to
share the subtle and sometimes surprising symptoms of
traumatic brain injury (TBI), how it affects sufferers
and proven ways to treat it and help the brain heal.
Carol Shifflett and Dr. Mary Lee Esty are the authors
of “Conquering Concussion: Healing TBI Symptoms with
Neurofeedback and Without Drugs.” Contact Shifflett at
(412) 741-7286 (PA); NewFiddler@hotmail.com5. ==> 2015 – The Year of Whistleblowers
Steeped in controversy, 2015 has been a banner year for
whistle-blowing in the United States. Whistleblowers
and their advocates scored the first U.S. Supreme Court
victory under the newly enacted Whistleblower
Protection and Enhancement Act (WPEA) and Senators
Charles “Chuck” Grassley and Ron Wyden organized the
first Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus on Capitol
Hill. Invite Michael McCray to discuss the issue and
why, despite the victories, the Obama Administration
has still prosecuted more whistleblowers and
journalists than all other Administrations combined. He
says, “Whistleblowers have become America’s newest
political prisoners (and exiles).” He’ll discuss Laura
Poitras’ Academy Award win for “Citizen Four,” the
Edward Snowden story, and investigative journalist
Glenn Greenwald’s launch of The Intercept online
magazine and how whistle-blowing has intersected
American pop culture and politics. Federal
whistleblower and leading public interest advocate,
Michael McCray, Esq., CPA, hosts the Whistleblower
Summit for Civil and Human Rights, the largest and most
prestigious whistleblower conference on Capitol Hill.
He is the author of “Race, Power and Politics—the
Inside Story of ACORN.” Contact him at (703) 743-0565;
mccray.michael@gmail.com6. ==> Is it Safe to Travel Abroad?
Recent terrorist attacks have travelers suddenly
thinking twice about travelling abroad. Invite Russell
Hannon to put travelers’ concerns into context. He’ll
offer ways to educate yourself of potential risks
abroad, how to protect yourself once you’re there, and
what websites you should visit before you book your
trip. Russell Hannon is a travel expert who has been
featured by Johnny Jet, CNBC, FOX, America Tonight,
CTV, ShopSmart, Yahoo Finance, and Around the World
Travel TV. He is the author of “Stop Dreaming Start
Traveling: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling More and
Spending Less.” Contact him at (403) 354-0349;
Russell@breakthetravelbarrier.com7. ==> Pull Up a Chair: Prime-Time Family Drama
Running from store to store, managing our finances,
dealing with overindulged children and communicating
with parents, in-laws and stubborn family members all
contribute to rising holiday stress levels. And between
the in-laws, ex-laws, and step-laws, just deciding
which family to spend the holidays with can send us
over the edge. Thomas Gagliano says sometimes,
returning home and rekindling the family dynamics we
grew up with can be the most stressful of all. “No
matter what identity we have tried to shape for
ourselves in the outside world, many of us are forced
to face the roles we were set up to play in childhood
when we go back home.” Tom will explain the inner voice
that commands us to play these roles, why we listen,
and how to change so you can be who you want to be.
Thomas Gagliano returned to school to receive an MSW at
age 51. He’s a life coach and the author of “The
Problem Was Me: How to End Negative Self-Talk and Take
Your Life to a New Level.” Contact him at (732)
266-4952 (NJ); tom@thomasgagliano.com8. ==> Holiday Relationship Survival Tips
This time of year is brutal on relationships. Everyone
is stressed out and family obligations, dynamics and
traditions can easily become angst-ridden and
overwhelming. Invite Dr. Claudia Six to share ways to
handle holiday visits, parties and traditions that will
help strengthen your relationship and keep you
connected. She says, “Do what you need to do to keep
yourself sane! Make sure you set aside time for just
the two of you and talk to one another. If you’re doing
an overnight, try to get your own sleeping space and
don’t give up on sex just because you’re under the same
roof as your mother!” Dr. Claudia Six has an M.A. in
counseling psychology and a PhD in clinical sexology.
Her upcoming book is “Erotic Integrity: How to be True
to Yourself Sexually.” Contact her at (415) 453-6218;
claudia@drsix.net9. ==> No Gift, No Money, No Problem!
It’s crazier every year! The holiday stress and debt
with people spending money they don’t have on gifts
that people don’t need. Sherry Richert Belul says
people want less stuff and more connection.”I want to
change the way we view gift giving and celebrations. I
want to put the focus on gifts with imagination and
impact. And on spending quality time with the people we
love!” Invite Sherry to share easy-to-implement ideas
for no-stress holiday gifts that deepen relationships
in ways that are imaginative and fun. We’re not talking
about homemade soap! Invite listeners to call in and
talk about the best one-of-a-kind gift they ever
received. Everyone will get a free Love List they can
print out, fill out and give out this holiday season.
Sherry’s company, Simply Celebrate, offers one-of-a-
kind Celebration Tribute Books and other gift ideas, as
well as programs and practices to help celebrate
everyday life. She’s the author of “Present Perfect:
127 Creative, No-to-low Cost, Wow-’em Gifts They’ll
Never Forget.” Contact her at
sherry@simplycelebrate.net10. ==> How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Most people will fail to keep the New Year’s
resolutions they make each January, a grim reality that
results in shame and disappointment. People know what
they should be doing to lead healthier and happier
lives, but Dr. Kyra Bobinet says the way they set their
resolutions is flawed. A specialist in behavior
neuroscience, Dr. Bobinet says people will only be
successful if they match their resolutions to how their
brains work. She’ll explain how to apply brain science
to eating healthier and exercising more. Kyra Bobinet,
M.D., M.P.H., is a physician-turned-designer in
behavior neuroscience and the author of the new book,
“Well Designed Life: 10 Lessons in Brain Science &
Design Thinking for a Mindful, Healthy, and Purposeful
Life.” She has been featured on NPR and ABC-7 and in
the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Fast Company
and Experience Life. Contact Dr. Stephanie Shorter at
(413) 854-3626; sshorter@engagedin.com11. ==> Blaze a New Path in 2016
On Monday, January 4th, 86 percent of U.S. workers will
grudgingly wake up, get dressed, grab some coffee, and
shuffle off to a job they can’t stand. Many will do so
because they feel stuck. But they really aren’t, says
Tom Scarda, a man who made a big change in his own life
14 years ago when he quit his decade-long job working
for the New York Subway system and Long Island Railroad
to buy a smoothie franchise. Scarda did very well,
selling his franchise five years later with enough
money to retire, and now he offers advice to others who
are dissatisfied with their lives but don’t know where
to turn. Scarda says fear holds most people back from
making changes to their lives but the same fears hold
the key to finding what you are meant to do. A former
on-air reporter for PBS, Tom is a franchise expert who
has hosted his own radio program in NYC. Contact him at
(516) 322-1435; tom@tomscarda.com12. ==> Why Affirmations Make Things Worse
With the New Year upon us, a lot of people will be
giving affirmations a try. They’ll be repeating aloud
“I can attract abundance,” “I am lovable” and the like.
They should save their breath, says Kindi Gill. In her
charming English accent the chartered accountant and
former CEO will explain that affirmations are worse
than useless because they fool us into believing we are
doing something to fix our problems when we are not.
Gill will explain how to go about getting to the root
causes of our weight, relationships or money problems
so that lasting change will really be possible. Gill is
now a relationship expert, blogger and author of an
upcoming book on family leadership. She will soon be
giving a talk to members of the Human Resources
Management Association. Contact her at (778) 558-5110;
kindi@kindigill.com13. ==> Make Parenting Teens Easier in 2016
The teenage years are often difficult for parents. But
according to author, parenting coach and family
sociologist Laura Reagan-Porras, we make it a lot
harder than it has to be. Invite her on-air to share
the New Year’s resolutions parents of teens should be
making. In an interview that can be conducted in
Spanish or English, Reagan-Porras can explain why
parents need to stop trying to limit their teen’s
friends, ways to prevent them from getting bad grades
and why they should adopt a more robot-like attitude.
She’ll cover where to draw the line-in-the-sand, and
how to get a grip on teen culture without your teen
thinking you’re a dork. Reagan-Porras is a parenting
expert, speaker, experienced media guest and author of
the upcoming book “How to Raise Respectful Parents.”
Contact her at (956) 250-3689;
laura@heart2heartparents.com14. ==> Inspiring 2016 New Year’s Health Show
69-year-old Joe Pinella is in excellent shape. He can
do things he couldn’t even do in his 20s, despite being
told he would be a quadriplegic when he was in his 40s.
Pinella worked his way back from a 1991 car accident
that left him paralyzed from the neck down following a
broken neck and back. He now specializes in using tai
chi and qi gong, Chinese martial arts, to help people
with Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, sore
joints and balance problems live more flexible and less
painful lives. Even better, he can help anybody live a
healthier life in 2016 by blasting commonly held
harmful fitness myths. Joe Pinella is the developer of
the Healing Movements System. Contact him at (520)
343-3523; Joepinella@gmail.com15. ==> A Jedi Approach to the Holidays
Everyone is excited about the new Star Wars movie,
including wellness expert Kathryn Guylay. A huge fan of
the movie franchise, Kathryn will share ways to deal
with the stressful holiday season using a Jedi
approach. She’ll discuss how to keep up your energy
during busy, harried times so you don’t feel burned out
and exhausted by sharing lessons from Olympic athletes,
CEOs and Jedi Knights. Kathryn is the author of
“Mountain Mantras: Wellness and Life Lessons from the
Slopes.” She’s a certified nutritional counselor and
management consultant and the founder of Nurture, a
national nonprofit that provides nutrition and wellness
education to tens of thousands of children and parents.
She also hosts her own Healthy Kids Corner radio show.
Contact her at (847) 687-3838; -
10/13/15 RTIR E-zine: Presidential Debates, Horse Racing, Halloween and Pets
October 15, 2015
01. Hey CNN, Put a Progressive on Panel
02. Presidential Debate – Let’s Talk Foreign Policy
03. Post Debate Discussion
04. Horse Racing’s Leading Lady
05. Sports Secrets Guys Don’t Share
06. Flu Season Has Begun
07. How to Whip Up a Potion
08. Halloween and Pets
09. Water on Mars!
10. New Study – Medical Mistakes Skyrocket
11. Breaking Terrorism’s Grip of Fear
12. What Nobody Tells You about Retirement
13. Inspiring Story of Perseverance
14. Can You Hear What Your Dreams Tell You?
15. Get Your Guilt-Free, Skinny Pumpkin Fix
=======================================1. ==> Hey CNN, Put a Progressive on Panel
The online activist group launched a
petition asking CNN to include a progressive journalist
on its panel of questioners at tonight’s Democratic
debate. CNN included conservative radio host Hugh
Hewitt as one of three panelists who questioned
Republican presidential candidates in last month’s
debate at the Reagan Library. Jeff Cohen says, “This is
a simple test of balance, and CNN has so far flunked.
If CNN included a conservative partisan from the
rightwing Salem Radio Network to question Republican
candidates for president, why wouldn’t a progressive
advocate be included in tonight’s panel questioning
Democrats?” Cohen is director of the Park Center for
Independent Media at Ithaca College and author of
“Cable News Confidential.” He co-founded Contact him at (914) 388-1431,
jcohen@ithaca.edu2. ==> Presidential Debate – Let’s Talk Foreign Policy
Ivan Eland says very little time will be given to
discussing foreign policy in the upcoming presidential
debates. He says, the U.S. Constitution actually gives
Congress more authority in foreign and defense policies
than the president, but ever since Franklin D.
Roosevelt, the role of commander-in-chief has been
expanded. “…during this last little bit of American
history, the president has become too powerful in
foreign affairs, and Congress has been too timid to
reassert its authority–for example, in reclaiming its
power to declare war. Given that this unfortunate
reality will probably continue, the strategic vision of
each presidential candidate for the proper U.S. role in
the world becomes very important.” Eland is director of
the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent
Institute, a non-profit, non-partisan, research and
educational organization. Contact him at (703) 282-3484
(cell); ieland@independent.org3. ==> Post Debate Discussion
According to Robert Kuttner, tonight’s Democratic
debate is a very big deal, especially for front-runner
Hillary Clinton. “Bernie Sanders will probably exceed
expectations because many viewers will be seeing him
for the first time, certainly for the first time
against Clinton. The other three candidates will likely
find themselves far back.” Invite Kuttner to discuss
how each candidate fared in the debate, and whether
there were any surprising moments. Robert Kuttner is a
journalist and writer and the co-founder of The
American Prospect, a liberal political magazine.
Contact him at (202) 776-0730 (DC) or (781) 736-531;
bkuttner@brandeis.edu4. ==> Horse Racing’s Leading Lady
Sheila Rosenblum is on a quest for a $500,000 purse,
but this is no limited edition Birkin. Sheila is the
owner of Lady Sheila Stable and she’s been making her
way into the winner’s circle regularly with her 5-year
old freakishly fast mare La Verdad. Invite the former
ballerina and Wilhelmina model to talk about what’s
it’s like to be giving the Good ol’ Boys club a run for
their money and changing the look of racing in the
process. She’ll share tales from the track and explain
how she got into horse racing, and why. La Verdad is
part of the Millionaire Ranks with earnings past the $1
million mark. Rosenblum also recently purchased
American Pharaoh’s half brother, which she had Triple
Crown winning jockey Victor Espinoza name Champion of
the Nile. Contact Marie Assante at (212) 580-0835;
(917) 837-0755 or Marie@rcourihaycpr.com5. ==> Sports Secrets Guys Don’t Share
Want to truly learn how to play with the Boys on their
own turf? Nothing bonds men together more than sports.
But what if you’re just not a sports person? Is there a
‘secret’ book that could give you the basics so you can
up your game (or at least follow along and have some
fun)? Kate Delaney can help. Delaney, a radio/TV
broadcast pro, covers everything from horse racing to
golf, and shares what you need to know to be able to
stay in the conversation and even find the best sport
to follow. “If you like loud music and you like to
dance the NBA is for you. The action is fast paced;
usually there is a lot of scoring and plenty of musical
interludes along the way. The game is pretty easy to
follow and if you buy a program all the rules will be
inside of the magazine along with a roster of the
players.” Kim has covered 15 Super Bowls, 10 U.S.
Opens, 15 Final Fours, and a plethora of sporting
events. She’s the author of “Invade the Man Cave:
Sports Secrets Guys Don’t Share.” Contact Mark Goldman
at (516) 639-0988; (516) 901-1103.6. ==> Flu Season Has Begun
Flu season has begun early this year, and Dr. Jim Roach
says it may be a particularly bad one. “Already, I
have heard a report of vaccine failure – flu 3 weeks
after the vaccine was given.” Dr. Roach says everyone
should be proactive in preventing the flu. He’ll share
strategies everyone can utilize that can effectively
prevent and manage respiratory infections and flu. Jim
Roach, MD, is a leading integrative practitioner who
has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. He’s a
speaker, consultant, educator, researcher, and widely
sought clinician with patients from across the country.
He is also author of “God’s House Calls” which
discusses spiritual near-death experiences of his
patients and seeks to de-stigmatize spiritual
experiences. Contact him at (859) 846-4453 (office);
(859) 846-4697or jproach@aol.com7. ==> How to Whip Up a Potion
Tis the season to talk about potions and spells, but in
reality, there are many herbs and medicines right in
your kitchen and backyard that you can use to create
real ‘health potions’ – no witchcraft needed! Gudrun
Penselin will tell you how to use onions, garlic,
ginger and herbs to treat common childhood ailments
like ear infections and colds, as well as the 7
medicinal plants you should have in your garden. From
calming colicky infants to treating teens with acne and
getting a better night’s sleep, there are many natural,
drug-free ways to deal with common health issues.
Gudrun Penselin is an herbalist with 30 years
experience as a practitioner, teacher, speaker and
writer. She produced the instructional DVD “Herbal
Pharmacy for Everyone: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating
Your Own Herbal Preparations.” Contact her at (780)
532-2464; Gudrun@rainbowhealing.ca8. ==> Halloween and Pets
Bulldogs in tutus may look great on greeting cards, but
should you put a costume on your pet this Halloween?
Invite Veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan to talk about
keeping pets safe on Halloween. She says, “Think about
it, Halloween is a dangerous time for pets! All the
candy, scary people at the door, lots of door opening
and closing with chances of escape!” Dr. Morgan can
discuss whether you should take your pet trick-or-
treating, safe ways to show off your dog in costume,
and fun treats you can give your pet while everyone
else in the family feasts on chocolate and candy. Dr.
Morgan has been a practicing veterinarian for more than
30 years. She is the author of several books and is co-
host of a podcast on holistic pet care. Contact Dr.
Morgan at (609) 202-0999; (856)881-7470 or
Judy_Leigh_0603@yahoo.com9. ==> Water on Mars!
Mars has water on its surface, and it’s in liquid form
at least some of the time. NASA recently announced the
results of a new study showing that salty liquid water
flows seasonally on Mars, giving the red planet one of
the essential ingredients for life. . Invite NASA
expert Rod Pyle to talk about the significance of the
study and what else we know about the ‘red’ planet. Rod
Pyle has written several books and produced numerous
documentaries for the History Channel and Discovery
Communications, including the acclaimed Modern Marvels:
Apollo 11. He has lectured at NASA’s Johnson Space
Center, and written for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Caltech, LiveScience, and His most recent
book is “Curiosity: An Inside Look at the Mars Rover
Mission.” Contact him at (626) 399-4440;
rodpyle@yahoo.com10. ==> New Study – Medical Mistakes Skyrocket
A recent study found that most people will encounter a
medical mistake or delayed diagnosis in their lifetime,
sometimes with fatal consequences. More than 200,000
people die each year due to medical errors and
researchers at the Institute of Medicine say the
problem is likely to get worse as healthcare becomes
more complex. Dr. Carol Gunn says Americans should be
angry and outraged that medical mistakes are the third
leading cause of death in America! Invite her to share
how medical culture needs to change, what patients must
do if their symptoms are being ignored, and why it’s so
important to share stories of medical errors. Carol
Gunn, M.D., practices medicine in Portland, Oregon.
She’s been speaking out about issues pertaining to
medical errors since the death of her sister Anna who
died last year at a large teaching hospital after her
cardiac symptoms were repeatedly ignored. Contact Dr.
Carol Gunn at (503) 542-0080; CarolGunnMD@hotmail.com11. ==> Breaking Terrorism’s Grip of Fear
Terrorism hurts more than just the victims of its
violence, by its very nature it seeks to eat at society
and makes us afraid. But Brian Toder says we can do
something about that. “Fear is gripping the world like
no other time in history. We see it on TV, the Internet
and right on our own phones! Seeing the faces of evil
and the victims of terrorism is causing fear and stress
to build up in the world population like never before.”
Bryan, The No Fear Guy, will explain how fear paralyzes
us and what we can do to fight back and take back our
lives. From terrorism to fear of flying, Bryan will
share ways to reduce – or eliminate – common fears that
many people have. Bryan Toder is a professional
hypnotist, speaker and author and owner of Plymouth
Hypnosis Center where he helps people lose weight, quit
smoking, manage stress and basically get their life
together. Contact him at (484) 868-3777 (PA);
bryan@bryantoder.com12. ==> What Nobody Tells You about Retirement
Where do most people learn about retirement planning?
Most don’t learn it in school, or from our parents, so
in essence, we’re learning on the street! Invite
financial adviser Rodger Friedman on your show to
discuss the reasons many people don’t get the right
kind of retirement advice, and how to build a
relationship with an adviser that will work for your
individual needs. Friedman will talk about the biggest
risk facing retirees today, why being your own
financial adviser is a big mistake, and how to make
sure your relationship with your adviser is a truly
beneficial one for you. Listeners will also get access
to a free 17 page report on retirement planning. Rodger
Friedman is the author of “Forging Bonds of Steel.”
Contact him toll-free at 1-844 -3- my- plan or (844)
369-752613. ==> Inspiring Story of Perseverance
Tami Gilbert should probably have ended up a statistic:
someone bitter, broken and rootless. She beat the odds
and it was no accident. Born and raised in Nigeria, she
was abandoned by her father when she was only eight
years old and then by her mother. After being taken in
by relatives, she left Africa when she was 15,
expecting to live with her father. Instead she found
herself unwanted and living in a cousin’s dark and cold
basement in Chicago, resolving to triumph over the mean
circumstances life had handed her. Invite her to share
how she eventually earned a master’s of science in
nursing and an MBA and went on to have the loving
family she lacked as a child. She shares her story to
help other people overcome the seemingly insurmountable
obstacles in their own lives. Tami Gilbert is the
author of “Courage to Persevere: A Compelling Story of
Struggle, Survival and Triumph.” Contact her at (847)
943-9014; info@tamigilbert.com14. ==> Can You Hear What Your Dreams Tell You?
We all dream, but many people either don’t remember
their dreams, or discard them because they seem silly
or don’t make sense. Justine Lasley says everyone
should pay attention to their dreams and use them as a
guide. “Dreams will never take you off course from
being uniquely the person you were born to be.
Sometimes we sleep through the messages of our dreams,
missing out on our inner guide which promotes us to be
authentically unique. We’re born with an inner compass
to lead us to use our talents and abilities to become
all that we can be. Often the world drowns out the
message.” Justina Lasley, M.A., is founder and
director of the Institute for Dream Studies. She’s the
author of several books on dreams, including “Wake Up!
Use Your Nighttime Dreams to Make Your Daytime Dreams
Come True.” She’s appeared on numerous TV and radio
programs and in USA Today and other publications.
Contact her at (843) 991-4414; justina@DreamSynergy.com15. ==> Get Your Guilt-Free, Skinny Pumpkin Fix
One look around the grocery store (or even the coffee
shop) will remind you it’s fall. Many people wait all
year for their pumpkin fix, but lattes, muffins and
other fall treats can pack on the pounds before you
know it. Invite fitness expert Theresa DePasquale to
share ways to have your pumpkin goodies without the
guilt. You’ll learn how to make pumpkin protein
smoothies, iced coffee and pumpkin cookies that will
satisfy your fall craving but keep the scale from
creeping upward. Theresa is CEO and founder of Bikini
Boss Fitness LLC. She is one of Instagram’s most
popular fitness phenoms and has appeared on numerous
radio and TV programs. She’s the author of “Bikini Mom
Secrets.” Contact Carolyn Smith at (813) 758-8460; -
This Guest Has Created a Way to Help Victims of Terrorism More Effectively
Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995. New York, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, PA, September 11, 2001. Boston, April 15, 2013. In those cities and on those days, terror struck. Today, many thousands continue to cope with the consequences.
K.T. Penn contends more can be done to help terror victims, a designation he says should include not just those who died or were hurt physically in attacks but also family members, firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and soldiers. Penn will tell listeners:
- His Victims of Terrorism Foundation Inc.will provide money for terrorism victims.
- Funds raised from the sale of Penn’s two anti-government-conspiracy-theory books will be used to support brick-and-mortar retail stores at locations where terrorism has occurred, and book sales at those stores will, in turn, fund foundation programs.
- His research has uncovered many lies and misconceptions within the 9/11 government conspiracy theory movement.
- He has answers to questions like: How did anyone make phone calls from those planes when the odds of cell phones working at those speeds and altitudes were next to impossible? Why does the government say virtually indestructible black boxes were never found at the World Trade Center terror site? And, how did the hijackers communicate with other terrorists overseas without any government knowing about it?
CREDENTIALS: K.T. Penn is the author of LIFTING UP THE COUCH CUSHIONS: Exposing the Loose Change, which refutes conspiracy theories surrounding the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. Penn also wrote World Trade 7: Examining Barry Jennings. Victims of Terrorism Foundation Inc. is Penn’s latest venture. Learn more at
AVAILABILITY: MA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
CONTACT: K.T. Penn, (508) 217-8085 (MA);
Should You Ever Wing a Job Interview?
Savvy job hunters know it’s important to be confident when interviewing for a job. But is it ever wise to be so confident in yourself that you actually wing the interview?
If you want managers to think you aren’t that interested in the position or are the type of person who doesn’t complete adequate research or analysis for projects, then go right ahead, says career coach Lisa Quast. She’ll explain why preparation and fully understanding job requirements is a big deal if you want to position yourself as the candidate who should be hired. Lisa will also discuss the importance of personal branding and how it can help set you apart from other potential employees.
She’ll share:
- 6 actions to take before even applying for a position.
- How to watch managers during interviews for important cues to help you gauge how you are doing.
- The 7 biggest nonverbal mistakes job hunters make when interviewing.
- What items to bring on a job interview.
- Different ways to present yourself for either a “cultural fit” or “functional fit” interview.
CREDENTIALS: As a career coach, business consultant and former Fortune 500 executive, Lisa Quast has “been there, done that.” With more than 20 years of experience climbing the corporate ladder she’s sharing the career advice you need to excel and stand out in your profession. She’s authored the recent award-winning book, YOUR CAREER, YOUR WAY, is a blogger for Forbes and The Seattle Times, and is a frequently sought after career expert for top Web sites including MSN Careers, and CBS Money Watch.
AVAILABILITY: WA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
CONTACT: Lisa Quast, (425) 205-1929 (WA); -
Pills Can Kill: Preventing the 4th Leading Cause of Death in America – Medication Mishaps
Did you know that more Americans die from accidental prescription drug overdoses than in motor vehicle accidents — and 100 drug-related deaths happen every day?
How can we prevent these kind of tragedies from affecting people we love? Ask medication expert Dr. Louise Achey.
“It’s not what drugs you take but how you take them that can endanger your life,” says Dr. Louise. A pharmacist and professor of family medicine who is passionate about educating the public, she can clear up your audience’s misconceptions about how medicine works and how to take it safely.
This entertaining expert will reveal:- 7 common mistakes when taking vitamins and supplements, and how to avoid them.
- Saying a product is “all natural” does not mean it’s good for you.
- Why the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements such as St. John’s Wort or gingko — and how taking them can risk your health.
- Important questions to ask when you’re prescribed a new medicine or starting a new supplement.
- What your doctors wish you knew about taking your medicines.
- How alcohol can be a silent trigger when mixed with prescription drugs.
- Hidden food additives that can harm you.
Surviving Obamacare: Learn Key Strategies to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Drug Therapy Under the Affordable Care Act
CREDENTIALS: Dr. Louise Achey has been a practicing pharmacist for 34 years. She is also a medical school professor, award-winning teacher, newspaper columnist, speaker and author of WHY DOGS CAN’T EAT CHOCOLATE: How Medicines Work and How YOU Can Take Them Safely.
AVAILABILITY: WA, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone
CONTACT: Dr. Louise Achey, (509) 658-2570 (WA);;