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  • 04/25/19 RTIR Newsletter: Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, Concussion Warnings, Food Addictions

    01. Trump Transition Staffer: It’s Time for GOP to Dump Trump!
    02. Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote?
    03. Harry and Meghan, Africa Doesn’t Want You
    04. How to Cope with a Bridezilla/Groomzilla
    05. Are You Married to a Stepmom? Must-Have Mother’s Day Advice
    06. What Women Really Want for Mother’s Day
    07. Do Happy Mothers Have Happy Kids?
    08. God Will Heal the Pain of Childless Women
    09. M.D. Reveals Shocking Truth Behind Prince’s Death
    10. Why are Women Required to Save Our World?
    11. Surgeon: Why Docs Push Surgery & Drugs that Don’t Work
    12. Should Your Refrigerator Be Your Medicine Cabinet?
    13. Could You or Your Kid Have a Concussion and Not Know it?
    14. Why Are Office Affairs So Common?
    15. Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous Jealousy
    16. Why Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband is Gone
    17. How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food
    18. Meditation for the 21st Century
    19. Master the Power of Public Speaking
    20. My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in the World

    1. ==> Trump Transition Staffer: It’s Time for GOP to
    Dump Trump!

    J.W. Verret was a Trump transition staffer. He’s worked
    on every Republican presidential transition team for
    the past 10 years and recently served as counsel to the
    Republican-led House Financial Services Committee. But
    he says the Mueller report was his tipping point and
    now it’s now time for Republicans to impeach Donald
    Trump. He writes in the Atlantic: “Politics is a team
    sport, and if you actively work within a political
    party, there is some expectation that you will follow
    orders and rally behind the leader, even when you
    disagree. There is a point, though, at which that
    expectation turns from a mix of loyalty and pragmatism
    into something more sinister, a blind devotion that
    serves to enable criminal conduct.” And adds,
    “Republicans who stand up to Trump today may face some
    friendly fire. Today’s Republican electorate seems
    spellbound by the sound bites of Twitter and cable
    news, for which Trump is a born wizard. Yet, in time,
    we can help rebuild the Republican Party, enabling it
    to rise from the ashes of the post-Trump apocalypse
    into a party with renewed commitment to principles of
    liberty, opportunity, and the rule of law.” J.W. Verret
    is professor of law at George Mason University Antonin
    Scalia Law School. Contact him at (703) 993-8038; or

    2. ==> Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote?

    One of the issues currently being debated among
    Presidential hopefuls is the issue of allowing felons
    the right to vote. Legal expert Andrew Novak believes
    felons should give up some rights, but voting isn’t one
    of them. He says it’s really just a ploy to preserve
    white rural power and prison gerrymandering. “Many
    prisoners are racial minorities or people who live in
    urban areas, which means these places lose voting
    population, while more conservative areas gain
    nonvoting population.” Many states are in the process
    of revising their laws to allow ex-prisoners to vote,
    voting by current prisoners only exists in Maine,
    Puerto Rico, and Vermont. Novack says the trend across
    the developed world is to allow at least some prisoners
    to vote. “We should not assume that prisoners are less
    knowledgeable about politics than those outside of
    prison—that’s a pretty low bar, after all. Isolating
    prisoners from the political process during and after
    their incarceration further stigmatizes and isolates
    them, and that can encourage reoffending.” A lawyer by
    training, Andrew Novak teaches courses related to
    international criminal justice and human rights. He was
    previously an adjunct professor of law at American
    University. Contact him at or (703)

    3. ==> Harry and Meghan, Africa Doesn’t Want You

    There are reports that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
    may be considering a move to Africa sometime after the
    birth of their child. Some says Meghan wants to explore
    her and her child’s African roots but Kehinde Andrews
    says, “If Harry and Meghan do make the move, they will
    not be representing modern multiracial couples
    everywhere, but the colonial institution that is the
    British monarchy.” Andrews says South Africa would be
    the most fitting destination of all their options.
    “With its history of apartheid and steep racial
    divisions, the country reflects much of what is wrong
    with post-colonial Africa. More than half the black
    population live below the poverty line, while the same
    can be said for the less than 1% of whites. Harry and
    Meghan living in a gated community, surrounded by the
    largely white elite and locked away from extreme
    poverty, would be the most appropriate symbol of royal
    privilege in the 21st century.” Kehinde Andrews is an
    associate professor in sociology at Birmingham City
    University and the author of “Back to Black: Retelling
    Black Radicalism for the 21st Century.” Contact him at

    4. ==> How to Cope with a Bridezilla/Groomzilla

    It’s supposed to be a wonderful celebration of love,
    but weddings can also bring out the worst in people,
    including the bride and groom! It’s the countdown to
    wedding season and it seems Bridezillas and Groomzillas
    are everywhere. How does this happen? Invite
    psychologist Dr. John Huber to explain the psychology
    behind Bridezilla behavior and signs that you may have
    succumbed to the condition yourself. He’ll also tell
    listeners how to cope with someone who’s acting like a
    tyrant. “The first thing a person should realize is
    that your spouse, friend, family member who is acting
    like a Bridezilla is not mentally healthy right now.
    Severe stress, anxiety, and peer pressure can all take
    a taxing toll on a person’s mindset.” Dr. Huber says
    some Bridezillas have control issues, some have over-
    sized egos and others have learned to use bad behavior
    to get what they want. The good news is that the
    ‘condition’ is usually temporary. Dr. John Huber is the
    chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit
    mental health organization. He’s appeared on hundreds
    of radio shows and dozens of national television
    programs. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103;
    (919) 377-1200.

    5. ==> Are You Married to a Stepmom? Must-Have Mother’s
    Day Advice

    Not surprisingly, Mother’s Day isn’t usually a
    Stepmom’s favorite holiday. With all the love and
    attention focused on mothers, Stepmoms often get lost
    in the shuffle and can feel forgotten and
    unappreciated. And for many, the only person there to
    celebrate them is their husband! Cathryn Bond Doyle, a
    Stepmom herself, says men can do a lot to help Stepmoms
    enjoy the holiday—with or without kids involved (wink,
    wink)! Invite Cathryn to share ways to make a
    Stepmom’s Mother’s Day special. She’ll explain how to
    negotiate the ‘Loyalty War,’ ways to show appreciation
    for all your spouse does for your children, and how a
    simple change in how you refer to your ex can reduce
    stress. In 2000, Cathryn left banking and founded
    Stepmoms on a Mission® to support, train and mentor
    stepmothers looking for answers. Cathryn’s upbeat
    conversational style, combined with a treasure trove of
    Stepmom-tested suggestions, will energize listeners
    whether they’re Stepmoms themselves or want to help the
    Stepmoms they love. Cathryn’s new book is “Stepmoms on
    a Mission.” Contact Cathryn Bond Doyle at (609)
    206-2009 (NJ);

    6. ==> What Women Really Want for Mother’s Day

    Cards, breakfast in bed, flowers and candy are all very
    nice. But, according to Adita Yrizarry-Lang, what busy
    multitasking women really want for Mother’s Day is time
    for themselves. Pointing out that most women put their
    own needs on the back burner while taking care of
    everyone else’s, Adita will lay out a plan that helps
    women put aside their need for perfection and put their
    own needs first. She’ll encourage women to put a smile
    on their face every day by rediscovering what truly
    makes them happy and building that into their lives
    along with time to meditate, exercise and eat right. A
    busy mother herself, Adita is a 30-year wellness
    educator who has been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She
    is the author of “SuperPowers.” Contact her at (305)

    7. ==> Do Happy Mothers Have Happy Kids?

    As we prepare to celebrate motherhood on May 12, the
    spotlight is on Mom, and Emily Slingluff says it’s
    important to understand how important a happy mother is
    to having happy children. Invite her to talk about the
    importance of raising happy children, and how
    mothers—and fathers—can change the equation. She says,
    “The formative years of life are called formative for a
    reason. And the main influence in those first years is
    the parent.” Slingluff says parents have more influence
    than anyone in raising a kinder, happier generation.
    She’ll discuss clear and easy ways to help kids be
    happy with life. Emily Slingluff is the author of
    several parenting books including “Peace” and
    “Parenting without Punishment.” Contact her at (757)

    8. ==> God Will Heal the Pain of Childless Women

    Mother’s Day is the day we honor the women who brought
    us into the world and raised us. But it can also be a
    painful reminder for those unable to conceive or who
    have lost babies to miscarriage. Veronica Anusionwu
    says it can be especially challenging for church-going
    women who may feel forgotten by God as they sit through
    services in which mothers are praised and honored.
    Through her ministry, Veronica helps women overcome the
    internal blocks and challenges that confront them in
    their struggle to conceive. With the use of healing
    prayers, she’s helped numerous families overcome
    infertility. Invite her on your show and learn how
    women can get pregnant using God’s Word and how to
    catch God’s ear and become fertile even if your case is
    considered medically impossible. Veronica has written
    more than 30 books on fertility, healing, childbirth
    and relationships including her latest, “God Has Not
    Forgotten You: Hope for a Woman Struggling to Conceive”
    which offers several prayers particularly attuned to
    Mother’s Day. Contact: Veronica Anusionwu at

    9. ==> M.D. Reveals Shocking Truth Behind Prince’s

    When pop artist Prince died from a drug overdose on
    April 21, 2016, his legions of fans were shocked and
    saddened. But they never really learned the truth about
    how his death could have been prevented. Addiction
    specialist Isaac Alexis, M.D., can share how Prince,
    Elvis, Michael Jackson and other icons who succumbed to
    drug overdoses could have been saved. “With Prince, his
    death could have been prevented by restricting his
    maximum daily dose,” Dr. Isaac says. “He could have
    used more physical therapy and occupational therapy
    alongside cognitive behavioral therapy to talk out what
    current issues were in his environment that ‘triggered’
    his drug use.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in
    trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York
    Hospital of Queens and spent many years working for the
    criminal justice system. He served as medical director
    at the Department of Justice as well as director of
    infection control and chair of the quality improvement
    medical committee. He is the author of “Life and Death
    behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the
    upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact him at; 315-935-6348

    10. ==> Why are Women Required to Save Our World?

    Our world, according to many experts, is heading
    towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
    nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
    unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
    called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
    doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview Donald Pet,
    M.D., a psychiatrist who believes if we want to get
    serious about creating world peace women are the
    answer! “Women by nature are nurturers, men by nature
    create war,” says Dr. Pet. “Women are natural
    communicators who use negotiating to show strength
    instead of bully tactics!” Pet is the founder of the
    Education Community (EC), a nonprofit organization that
    offers free college level courses on how to develop a
    “new way of thinking” that promotes happiness, love and
    peace. His EC initiative has been endorsed by Jack
    Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others. Contact Dr.
    Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691;

    11. ==> Surgeon: Why Docs Push Surgery & Drugs that
    Don’t Work

    Surgeries, opioid prescriptions, a plethora of
    commercial products and snake oil remedies for back
    pain are flooding the market. Noted spine surgeon David
    Hanscom, M.D., will explain why they don’t work and can
    actually increase back pain. He’ll disclose the hidden
    agenda of doctors and drug manufacturers promising
    miracle cures and pushing pills, while revealing what
    really causes back pain and how most people can cure it
    themselves. Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A
    Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will take the
    medical and pharmaceutical professions to task,
    presenting research-based evidence and information
    about the direct connection between stress, anxiety and
    physical pain. He’ll also explore how anxiety and
    stress have led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and
    just plain bad-doctoring for kids and adults. Dr.
    Hanscom has appeared on many programs including The Dr.
    Oz Show. Contact him; (206)

    12. ==> Should Your Refrigerator Be Your Medicine

    Conventional wisdom tells us that when we’re sick, we
    should seek out a medication to heal us. However, you
    may find a better remedy in your refrigerator! Ed
    Dodge, M.D. says veggies and fruits have proven healing
    power and when tested side-by-side with expensive
    medications, often get the best results. Which foods
    help reduce inflammation and which ones can prevent
    certain types of infection? Invite Dr. Dodge, author of
    “Family: A Family Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and
    the US,” to find out! Learn what antioxidants are and
    how many types there are, some surprising healing
    properties of foods, and whether veggies and fruits can
    replace medication for some people. Contact Ed Dodge at
    (484) 259-9887;

    13. ==> Could You or Your Kid Have a Concussion and Not
    Know it?

    “Yes!” says Paul Wand, M.D., P.A., “And with spring
    sports in, full swing many parents are wondering how to
    keep their kids safe from sports injuries – mostly
    concussion-related.” Many parents don’t even realize
    that even some non-contact sports can cause concussions
    in kids like swimming, basketball, volleyball,
    wrestling, soccer, baseball, mixed martial arts and
    even cheerleading! Wand, a neurologist who specializes
    in concussions and how to diagnose and treat them more
    quickly and more easily, will explain how your child,
    or you for that matter, could have a concussion and
    have no idea. How is this possible? Sometimes symptoms
    relating to the concussion don’t show up until months
    or years later. And for about 20% of the population who
    actually go to the ER and undergo CT or MRI scans they
    are told they are perfectly fine, when in reality they
    aren’t. Dr. Paul Wand has been practicing medicine for
    35 years. He’s the author of the upcoming “The
    Concussion Cure: Three Proven Methods to Heal Your
    Brain.” Contact him at (954) 743-5380;

    14. ==> Why Are Office Affairs So Common?

    Tamara Lashchyk will point out that 85 percent of all
    affairs begin at the office. Tamara, whose last name is
    pronounced Lash-check, will explore what makes these
    affairs and romances so tempting, how hard it is to
    conceal such relationships from coworkers and who is
    likely to pay the price if things go bad. Tamara is a
    Wall Street executive, business consultant and career
    coach as well as the author of the bestselling book,
    “Lose the Gum: A Survival Guide for Women on Wall
    Street, Main Street and Every Street in Between.”
    Contact Tamara at (848) 373-3543;

    15. ==> Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous Jealousy

    It can be flattering if your partner seems slightly
    jealous when others show interest in you, but when does
    it cross the line and indicate a more serious threat?
    Invite author, speaker, and personal transformation
    expert Arnoux Goran to reveal the warning signs of
    dangerous jealousy. He’ll explain the behaviors to
    watch for, whether a jealous partner can change, and
    when to know that it’s time to end the relationship.
    Goran’s method to reprogram yourself was studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100%
    effective. His new book is “The Answer: How to Change
    Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True.” Contact
    Arnoux Goran at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    16. ==> Why Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband
    is Gone

    He may be dead and gone, kicked to the curb or just out
    the door, but you are finally alone to explore your own
    sexuality and discover who you really are. It’s a
    fabulous exploration! That’s what your audience will
    learn from Katherine Webster, author of “Becoming Madam
    Widow.” Definitely not your typical “Woe is Me Widow,”
    Katherine tackles the real nitty-gritty issues of being
    a female alone at mid-life and does so with frankness
    and humor. Whether listeners are alone by fate or
    choice, they’ll gain a whole new perspective on their
    circumstance. She’ll also give listeners easy ways to
    reinvent themselves, kick-start the second part of life
    and go from being middle-aged miserable to mid-life
    magnificent with or without a man. Webster is a
    spitfire of a guest who wants provocative topics and
    isn’t afraid to show the world that real women are
    feisty and bad-ass. Contact her at; (416) 921-2084.

    17. ==> How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food

    Did you know that over 100 million people are obese in
    the US alone? Food addiction is rampant in this country
    and you could be addicted to food and not even know it!
    “Of the 10 most common addictions food is definitely
    way up there,” says Michael McGee, M.D. – a
    psychiatrist who blends science with spirituality to
    give people back control over their lives. He says it’s
    time for Americans to take a long hard look at their
    love affair with food! Dr. McGee will show your
    audience how to look at the science of habit and his
    “Good now, Bad later” philosophy to help them figure
    out if they are addicted to food (or anything else!)
    and what they can do to gain more control over their
    choices. He’ll share 3 easy ways to make your eating
    habits healthy again – simply by making unhealthy food
    not obvious, unattractive and difficult to obtain! Dr.
    Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
    Schools. He’s the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
    New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
    him at (978) 971-9703;

    18. ==> Meditation for the 21st Century

    Have you joined the millions of wise people from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia.
    Meditation expert, author and speaker John Sambalino
    will debunk myths about meditation and help countless
    people improve their lives by meditating. He says
    meditation even helps prison inmates become more
    rehabilitated. John Sambalino’s latest book is “Is God
    in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth.” Contact him at
    (856) 245-5062;

    19. ==> Master the Power of Public Speaking

    Eventually we’re all called upon to speak in front of a
    group – whether it’s for career, school,
    clients/customers, organization, place of worship or a
    family gathering. How can one win BIG (rather than
    dread) that public speaking? What does it take to have
    the needed confidence, charisma and topnotch delivery?
    Audiences will thank you for interviewing Jill Jaysen,
    a communications and leadership development expert who
    says we have all been mis-taught when it comes to
    public speaking. She’ll explain why the same old
    recycled, generic formulas and gimmicks like practicing
    at a mirror, videotaping yourself and picturing the
    audience in their underwear, actually create mediocre
    speakers. Ask her: When does your speech really start?
    How does NLP relate? What are the biggest speaking
    turn-offs despite what experts say? Contact Jill Jaysen
    at (203) 442-9301;

    20. ==> My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in
    the World

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the Prince of New
    York. Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
    Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    US with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
    the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
    Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
    parachuting into Nazi-occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
    Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
    legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis… and
    has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
    his grandfather but also the Astors and American
    aristocratic life at that time. Ivan Obolensky is an
    author and a true Renaissance man in his own right. He
    is the author of “Eye of the Moon.” Contact Ivan
    Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

  • 02/28/19 RTIR Newsletter: Cohen Allegations, Separate but Equal, Super Grandparenting

    February 28, 2019

    01. Cohen Can’t Be Taken Seriously Because He’s a Joke
    02. GOP Offers Zero in Response to Cohen Allegations
    03. How GOP Used a Black Woman as a Prop
    04. The History of America’s ‘Separate but Equal’ Policy
    05. How to Get $20K More When You Sell Your Home
    06. National Procrastination Week – Is Procrastination an Asset?
    07. Take-This-Challenge: Reinvent Your Life in 7 Days
    08. Buzz Kill Alert: March is Caffeine Awareness Month
    09. Smart Tip: Use Your Insurance to Pay Health Bills
    10. Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No Review?
    11. Finally — A Viable Solution to the Opioid Epidemic
    12. The Reason Gillette’s #MeToo Ad Infuriates Men
    13. Been-there Expert Helps Audiences Heal after Trauma
    14. Dr. Love – 25 Ways to Develop a Loving Attitude
    15. Not all Men Are Dogs! 5 Secrets to Attracting a Modern Man
    16. What He (and She) Hears when You Talk to Them
    17. Students Should Be Able to Rate Their Teachers!
    18. Do a Show on Super Grandparenting
    19. From Hippies to #MeToo — What You Never Knew
    20. Medical Intuitive Shares Tips to De-Stress

    1. ==> Cohen Can’t Be Taken Seriously Because He’s a Joke

    According to Eddie Scarry, there’s no reason why
    Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony should carry
    any weight. “He most recently embarrassed himself in a
    nationally televised interview by insisting over and
    over again that he was ‘taking responsibility’ for his crimes.
    Cohen is ‘taking responsibility’ by going to prison the same way a
    deadbeat drunk is ‘taking responsibility’
    for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job,
    ‘taking responsibility’ is your only option.” He says,
    “In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as
    Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away.
    If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a
    fixer, the president should ask for a full refund.”
    Scarry adds, “No one took
    him seriously before, and they shouldn’t take him
    seriously now.” Eddie Scarry is a commentary writer for
    the Washington Examiner, focusing on politics and
    culture. He is also the author of
    “Fraud and Fiction: The Real Truth Behind Fire and
    Fury.” Contact him at or @eScarry

    2. ==> GOP Offers Zero in Response to Cohen Allegations

    Paul Waldman says it was clear from the first moments
    of the Michael Cohen hearing that Republicans had a
    strategy: not to contest what Cohen said, but to try
    and discredit Cohen as a person.
    “If Republicans tried to press Cohen on the specifics
    of what he alleges about Trump, they would very quickly
    find themselves in an area where the president is
    acting like a guilty man, as
    are so many others around him.” He adds, “So pay close
    attention to what the president himself and his
    advocates will say about this hearing in the coming
    days. They aren’t going to say much
    about what Cohen actually said or the documents he
    presented. They’ll just say he’s a liar and we should
    all ignore him. That message will be repeated over and
    over on Fox News and
    conservative talk radio. And a good portion of the
    country will believe it.” Paul Waldman is an opinion
    writer for the Plum Line blog at the Washington Post.
    Contact him at

    3. ==> How GOP Used a Black Woman as a Prop

    One moment in yesterday’s hearings stood out in
    particular for Sophia Nelson: when GOP Congressman Mark
    Meadows brought in Lynne Patton, a non-committee
    staffer and former party planner for
    the Trump Organization who now oversees public housing
    in New York and New Jersey for the Department of
    Housing and Urban Development. Nelson says, “Meadows
    should be more than embarrassed;
    he should be ashamed of himself. To bring in a black
    woman to point to as a silent ‘prop’ to supposedly show
    that President Donald Trump couldn’t be racist is about
    as low as I have seen the
    GOP sink. And I have seen them sink pretty damned low
    in the over 25 years I have been a member of, and
    staffer to the Republican Party.” Sophia Nelson is a
    former Congressional Committee
    Investigative counsel and corporate lobbyist. A
    journalist and author, she is a well-known radio and TV
    personality. Contact Monica Wood at

    4. ==> The History of America’s ‘Separate but Equal’

    Plessy v. Ferguson is synonymous with Jim Crow laws and
    the unjust doctrine of “separate but equal.” But few
    Americans know more than a superficial understanding of
    its origins and outcome.
    Invite Washington Post editor and historian Steve
    Luxenberg to discuss the decision and its long-term
    impact on race relations in America. He’ll explain how
    the U.S. Supreme Court decision
    ushered in a legal separation in America by race and
    color — for more than 60 years. Separate railroad cars
    and separate schools became separate bathrooms and
    separate water fountains.
    Separate entrances to public buildings. Separate places
    to shop and eat a meal. Mostly in the South, but also
    in the North. Luxenberg’s new book is “Separate: The
    Story of Plessy V. Ferguson,
    and America’s Journey from Slavery to Segregation.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> How to Get $20K More When You Sell Your Home

    Countless people in your audience have a house, condo,
    cabin or other home site on the market. Help them get
    ahead of the competition and land the best offer by
    inviting Marlena Uhrik to
    explain how a small investment in proper home staging
    can sell your property faster, and for more money.
    You’ll learn why a wall-to-wall empty home, even with
    outstanding curb appeal, can
    lose the attention of prospective buyers and how to
    stage a property with the least investment and the
    biggest WOW factors. She says, “A $10 lamp could get
    you $20K more for your property and
    well-placed furniture will literally help people
    envision themselves and their own possessions at home
    there.” Using clever accessories and lighting tips,
    Marlena says you can create an
    inviting feeling and showcase the roominess of any
    space. Marlena Uhrik is the author of “The Secret Sauce
    of Staging: Getting Your Home Ready to Command TOP
    DOLLAR in the Real Estate
    Market”. Contact her at (916) 800-3295;

    6. ==> National Procrastination Week – Is
    Procrastination an Asset?

    The first week of March is National Procrastination
    Week, though not surprisingly it’s sometimes held the
    week after! Regardless, you shouldn’t put off booking
    Mariann Adams. She’ll tell
    listeners why even though procrastination feels like a
    character flaw, it’s an asset! “Procrastination isn’t a
    defect; it actually means the brain and body are
    working right,” says Adams.
    “Procrastination is a form of anxiety that shuts down
    the brain as a protection. So procrastination isn’t
    overcome by willpower, but by understanding how the
    brain and body work!” Adams says
    everyone is affected by daily anxiety that drives their
    behavior. She’ll explain how to read the ‘road signs’,
    and share quick ways to navigate past anxiety. Mariann
    Adams, MS, NCTM, is an
    experienced media guest, corporate consultant, and the
    author of “Boost Core Power and Bust Anxiety”. She is
    an expert on presenting the psychological,
    physiological, neurological, and
    interpersonal aspects of anxiety in playful, easy-to-
    understand way–for instant, increased brain power!
    Contact her at (541) 919-6060;

    7. ==> Take-This-Challenge: Reinvent Your Life in 7

    Feeling like you’re not on track for where you really
    want to be going in life? Then you need to hear about
    Katherine Webster’s humorous but highly effective
    challenge for reinventing your
    life in the next seven days. Step 1: Get a brand new
    hairstyle. Why? To paraphrase Coco Chanel, the person
    who changes their hair is about to change their life.
    Webster knows what she’s
    talking about. Suddenly widowed in her late 40’s, she
    had to take specific actions to find her joy,
    confidence and completely reinvent her life. She’ll
    reveal something new you can do every
    day to turbocharge your reinvention i.e. go out on the
    town all by yourself or start a new hobby that shocks
    your friends. Her tips are simple, fun and they work!
    Katherine Webster is the
    author of “Becoming Madam Widow” and her tips can help
    any man, woman or child who wants to add more
    extraordinary to their life. Contact her at or (416) 921-2084

    8. ==> Buzz Kill Alert: March is Caffeine Awareness

    Does the Starbucks barista know your name? Has it
    become unthinkable to begin your day without a cup or
    two of Joe? Do you often get a buzz from sports or
    energy drinks? If so, Caffeine
    Awareness Month in March is your holiday. As wellness
    educator Adita Yrizarry-Lang will note, more than half
    of American adults consume caffeine every day, with
    coffee being the most popular
    choice. Adita can talk about what all that caffeine may
    be doing to your body, what you can do if you are
    addicted to it and ways caffeine can lead you to
    experience less energy. Adita is a
    30-year wellness educator who has been quoted in Shape
    and Fitness. She is the author of “SuperPowers.”
    Contact her at (305) 874-0268;

    9. ==> Smart Tip: Use Life Insurance to Pay Health

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom from
    which their family would never
    recover. Did you know that if you qualify, you could
    receive up to 75% of your death benefits in cash? David
    Kottler, also known as the Insurance Doctor ™, will
    explain how selling off that
    life insurance policy you or your loved one doesn’t
    need anymore can generate the cash to pay medical
    bills, get out of debt or even make a cash gift to the
    non-profit of their choice! How is
    this possible? Most people don’t know the little-known
    secret that when you don’t need your policy any longer
    you can auction it off! Find out how! David combines
    his legal and business
    experience with a passion for philanthropy. His book
    “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy”
    details everything your audience needs to know about
    how to get that insurance
    policy working for them! Contact David at (216)

    10. ==> Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
    of Health Care Reform. At 85 years young he has been
    hounding the five Federal Agencies created to solve the
    health care crisis in this
    country for decades. With over 130 years collectively
    between those agencies our health care system is still
    a mess AND medical errors leading to deaths in
    hospitals continues to rise. As
    the oldest medical malpractice expert witness in the
    country he knows what he’s talking about. He has
    developed a system to empower local grassroots
    activists in each state to radically
    change our health care delivery system. “Everyone is
    focusing on how to PAY for health care… when the
    DELIVERY system is what’s really broken!” Dr. Williams
    will tell you why each state is
    responsible for our nation’s healthcare delivery
    system, what the 3-phase process is that we need to
    implement to create a 21st century healthcare delivery
    system and how to organize state
    wide grassroots activists that will challenge the
    current system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an author,
    an experienced surgeon, medical malpractice expert
    witness, and an expert in how to
    improve our healthcare delivery system. His latest book
    is “Healthcare Warriors, Why and How to Become One.”
    Contact Dr. Williams at (864) 479-8613;

    11. ==> Finally — A Viable Solution to the Opioid

    Today’s opioid epidemic is eroding the core of society,
    in terms of cost and human suffering. Almost everyone
    knows someone affected by the opioid problem, as 87% of
    people on opioids have
    chronic pain. The answers have been revealed in the
    last 10 years of neuroscience research, but little of
    this knowledge has been adopted by mainstream medicine.
    That’s the message of Dr.
    David Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s
    Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain”. This expert presents a
    self-directed, literature-based plan for becoming pain-
    free. It’s the solution to
    the opioid crisis! As your on-air guest, Dr. Hanscom
    will talk about his discoveries and reveal why he says:
    “What most doctors don’t know can and will harm you.”
    Dr. Hanscom will also
    explore what makes most treatments for pain
    ineffective. Ask him about the reason today’s opioid
    crisis affects all ages, all families, all businesses,
    and our economy. Contact him at

    12. ==> The Reason Gillette’s #MeToo Ad Infuriates Men

    When the Gillette Razor ad that invokes the #MeToo
    movement first aired, its focus on bullying and toxic
    masculinity created a huge controversy and angered a
    lot of men, particularly older
    ones. “Society has changed a lot in the last few
    decades,” says Curt Lindsley, founder of the nonprofit
    domestic violence awareness organization Go Purple USA.
    “A lot of baby boomers grew up
    in a sexist culture. Women are taking over jobs
    traditionally held by males. Some, no doubt, were up in
    arms about the ad because the macho, insensitive guy
    stereotyped may have hit a little
    too close to home.” This is just one of the many
    factors that contributes to domestic violence. Curt can
    share how community groups, nonprofits and society
    overall can get involved to stop
    this epidemic. In addition to his work with Go Purple
    USA, sponsor of Go Purple Awareness Day (Oct. 1), he is
    also the co-founder of the Covington Domestic Violence
    Task Force. Contact Curt
    at; (256) 529-9037.

    13. ==> Been-there Expert Helps Audiences Heal after

    Tens of thousands of people are now dealing with the
    aftermath of deadly weather, destructive fires, mass
    shootings. fatal accidents and losing loved ones. Even
    those of us not personally
    endangered by such horrors or violence feel rattled
    when hearing how others have suffered. Interview
    natural health/wellness expert and chiropractor Lynn
    Migdal, D.C., on finding inner
    strength as we recover or volunteer to help others. Ask
    Dr. Migdal to explain how proper breathing can help one
    get past trauma. She’ll also share her personal story
    of loss after a killer
    mudslide struck her community, and how PTSD can happen
    in daily life. Her books include “Eternal Love
    Connections: A Mother’s Resilient Grief Journey through
    Sudden Loss” and “Breathe for
    Success.” Contact Dr. Migdal at

    14. ==> Dr. Love – 25 Ways to Develop a Loving Attitude

    Let’s be honest, focusing on love for one day in
    February doesn’t really make sense. To really become
    more loving, more centered and more spiritually awake
    it’s going to take more than that.
    It’s going to take a love action plan! Michael McGee,
    M.D., will share with your audience his 25 ‘love
    practices’. “Love is one of the most confused and
    misused words in the English language.
    Love is not a feeling. Love is an attitude that
    inspires to action to enhance life!” Dr. Michael McGee
    trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools. He is
    the creator of the unique 12 Step
    Touchstone Approach to Recovery and author of “The Joy
    of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from
    Addiction”, an approach that works better than AA for
    many people. Contact Dr. McGee
    at (978) 971-9703;

    15. ==> Not all Men Are Dogs! 5 Secrets to Attracting a
    Modern Man

    Do many women end up with Mr. Wrong because they treat
    decent, modern men badly? Yes, says Arnoux Goran, the
    world’s #1 expert in personal transformation. Invite
    Goran to reveal what a modern
    man is and how so many women drive them away. He can
    explain the importance of being a spiritual grown-up
    and becoming skilled in the art of personal
    transformation. He can also tell your
    audience the steps a woman can take to attract a
    modern, respectful man who will treat her like a
    princess. His successful method to reprogram yourself
    has been studied by the University of
    California, Irvine, and shown dramatic results. His
    forthcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True”, reveals how to release
    negative emotions
    permanently and truly change your life by addressing
    the cause of repeating patterns. Goran has been
    featured on radio and television. Contact him at (878)

    16. ==> What He (and She) Hears when You Talk to Them

    Today more than ever it is harder to be heard even in
    our most intimate relationships. Couples are more
    easily distracted by electronic devices, of course, but
    also because too often they
    rush to judgment instead of actually listening to each
    other. As a result, couples are paying the price with
    broken relationships, constant disappointments and
    arguments that never seem to be
    resolved, often about the smallest of things, says
    Denise Healy, M.A. Invite her on your show and hear
    how to put aside judgment, criticism and blame to truly
    hear what another person is
    saying, the big problem men have with communication and
    how to fix it, and tips for choosing the right time to
    have important conversations that are likely to be
    successful. Denise Healy is
    co-founder and co-CEO of Streets2Schools, Inc. A
    victim’s advocate who works with violent offenders, she
    draws upon her four decades of teaching, mentoring,
    coaching, and counseling thousands
    of real people to offer practical advice for
    strengthening couples’ bonds. Her new book is “Mending
    Broken Connections: Ten Simple Strategies to Restore
    Intimacy in Relationships.” Contact
    her at (760) 406-1316;

    17. ==> Students Should Be Able to Rate Their Teachers!

    Students in college get to evaluate their teachers…
    so why hasn’t this become the norm in high schools and
    even grade schools, whether in private school settings,
    cyber/charter schools, or
    public school systems? Learn more when you interview
    education expert Barb Daniels, author of the Timmy
    Teacup series of books on self-esteem and anti-
    bullying. She’ll explain how schools can
    establish rate-teacher systems that go beyond complaint
    forums to create real change that benefits everyone and
    enhances education. Barb says the rewards include fewer
    bullying issues, less
    anger and frustration among teachers, and improved
    student/faculty relationships as well as higher
    motivation among student athletes, higher grades, and
    more mature youngsters and teens ready
    to work effectively with their educators. Barb’s rating
    system advice is designed to help faculty feel more
    fulfilled and serve the entire school community because
    the most important “clients” (students) are the
    watchdogs. Contact Barb Daniels at (636) 730-3288;

    18. ==> Do a Show on Super Grandparenting

    Grandparents play an important role in preparing
    younger generations for a happier and more successful
    life. But sometimes ‘super’ grandparenting is required,
    as Dr. Oliver Akamnonu and his wife discovered. They
    left their high-powered careers and significantly
    changed their lives to help their daughter Nena
    throughout her pregnancy (while in medical school!) and
    once baby Lydia arrived. Interview the Akamnonus to
    learn how super grandparents help improve: an extended
    family’s health, education, income, relationships and
    society. The Akamnonus co-authored “Little
    Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and Student Mom: Saga of
    Family Role Reversal and the New Times.” Invite them on
    your show and learn 5 things super grandparents always
    do, why financial support and childcare are only part
    of the equation, how family members can smoothly adjust
    lifestyle for their loved ones, and why 2019 is such an
    important year for grandparents everywhere. Contact
    Dr. Akamnonu at (413) 693-8428;

    19. ==> From Hippies to #MeToo — What You Never Knew

    People everywhere experience times of personal
    challenge, relationship issues with loved ones, and
    powerful social change. And they could all use advice
    and been-there insights from someone who understands.
    Audiences will therefore thank you for interviewing
    psychologist Pratibha Eastwood, whose real-life journey
    both personal and professional includes decades of
    cultural upheaval and several wars. Learn from Pratibha
    what it was like to be a fearful child sent to boarding
    schools at a very young age — during some of the worst
    of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. What do few
    Americans know about such Middle Eastern crises? Ask
    Pratibha (and invite callers) to explore: what led her
    to experiment with drugs, live in a commune, and become
    a real “hippie?” How could she finally forgive her
    neglectful parents? What are her opinions about the
    #MeToo Movement? And how did Pratibha’s adventurous
    side help her spiritual journey of turning lemon into
    lemonade? How did she experiment with love as a
    successful survival technique, while traveling to
    unknown far-away places? Contact Pratibha
    at (808) 398-3318 (HI);

    20. ==> Medical Intuitive Shares Tips to De-Stress

    How many worries are you balancing? Whether you’re
    stressed over rising prices, tax season or handling all
    your commitments (both personal and professional) or
    even whether you’re concerned about the weather… listen
    to medical intuitive Diana Scanlan, for great advice on
    taking everything in stride! Diana, author of “Lessons
    from Your Past Life”, will reveal how to calm your
    emotions before your physical health suffers. She’ll
    share simple exercises to keep you grounded when you
    feel overwhelmed and pressed for time, how to easily
    and joyfully manage any to-do list, and how to get
    calmer from music, meditation and mellow conversation.
    Contact Diana Scanlan at; Skype diana.scanlan1

  • 12/4/18 RTIR Newsletter: Trump’s Trade Truce, Hanukkah Baker, Holiday

    December 4, 2018

    01. The Truth about Trump’s Trade Truce
    02. Are You a Victim of Marriott Security Breach?
    03. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Hanukkah
    04. Creating to Heal: Shining a Light On Darkness
    05. What Melania’s Holiday Decorations Say
    06. ‘What I Learned Turning Around 150 Different Businesses’
    07. Why We Fell for the Homeless Vet GoFundMe Scam
    08. Use Your Life Insurance Policy to Pay Health Costs
    09. Is Donald Trump Making America Great Again?
    10. How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking
    11. This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety Syndrome’
    12. Relieve Holiday Stress in Seconds
    13. How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays
    14. Eat All You Want at Holiday Parties and Not Gain a Pound
    15. 2 Choices Could Lead to Your Happiest Holiday
    16. Why Holiday Dread is on the Rise
    17. Homework Over the Holidays? Is it Necessary?
    18. Ending the Isolation from Miscarriages
    19. What Really Happens When We Die?
    20. How Science and Faith Can Lead to Success in Life

    1. ==> The Truth about Trump’s Trade Truce

    President Trump claims a big leap forward with a
    reported temporary truce with China’s President Xi
    Jinping in the ongoing trade war, but Dr. John Lee says
    the reality is far more unsettling, especially for
    China. “The problem remains lack of clarity with
    respect to objectives: going after Chinese intellectual
    property violations, greater access for American
    firms in China, discouraging distorting subsidies to
    state-owned enterprises and national champions,
    challenging Chinese plans to dominate industries as
    laid out in ‘Made in China 2025,’ disentangling
    critical American supply chains from reliance on China,
    or simply reducing the trade deficit.” John Lee is a
    Senior Fellow (non-resident) at the Hudson Institute in
    Washington DC. He is also a Senior Fellow (non-
    resident) at the United States Studies Centre and
    adjunct professor at the University of Sydney. From
    2016 until April 2018 he was senior national security
    adviser to the Australian foreign minister and also
    served as the lead adviser on the 2017 Foreign Policy
    White Paper. Contact Carolyn Stewart at (202) 974-6456;

    2. ==> Are You a Victim of Marriott Security Breach?

    Marriott says its guest reservation system was hacked,
    potentially exposing the personal information of
    approximately 500 million guests. How would you know if
    your information was taken and what can you do about
    it? Tax pro Abby Eisenkraft says one of the most
    telling signs of identity theft happen when you try to
    file your tax return. “With the Marriott break
    affecting hundreds of millions of people, and tax
    season right around the corner, this is a recipe for
    disaster!” Invite Eisenkraft on your show to help your
    audience identify the signs of identity theft and what
    steps to take if they are a victim. Abby Eisenkraft is
    the author of “Combat Tax-Related Identity Theft: The
    Workbook.” Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    3. ==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Hanukkah

    Hanukkah may be the Festival of Light, but traditional
    brisket, latkes, and kugels are anything but! Invite
    Paula Shoyer, aka The Kosher Baker, to share strategies
    for taking recipes your family loves and expects on the
    table… and making them healthier! Paula, a healthy chef
    with a passion for pastries, will explain how to
    balance your holiday meals with lighter main courses
    that leave extra room—and calories—to enjoy delicious
    desserts made with whole grains. Paula Shoyer graduated
    with a pastry degree from the Ritz Escoffier in Paris,
    and does cooking and baking demos around the world. She
    is a freelance writer, competed on Food Network’s Sweet
    Genius, and has appeared on TV many times. She’s
    written several books including her latest “The Healthy
    Jewish Kitchen.” Contact her at (301) 404-8998.

    4. ==> Creating to Heal: Shining a Light On Darkness

    Fighting chronic illness can get overwhelming and dark.
    But starting this Sunday, anyone—regardless of their
    location, illness or disability—can be inspired by
    artists from around the world as they share their
    personal stories about creating to heal. Pop
    singer/songwriter Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) collaborated
    with 50+ artists for ‘Lights in the Darkness’, a week
    of multi-media live/streaming events that runs December
    9th thru the 16th. Lisa realized midway through her 10-
    year battle with a rare, auto-immune disease that her
    art wasn’t just therapeutic, it had become a lifeline,
    and a path to her healing. She says, “My vision is to
    share how we’ve become lights for others through our
    stories and art, focused on the art of healing.” Lisa
    Sniderman is an award-winning, multi-talented artist
    and author. Contact her at (415) 713-6193;

    5. ==> What Melania’s Holiday Decorations Say

    When First Lady Melania Trump opted to decorate the
    White House with bare red Christmas trees, the backlash
    was quick and scathing. Many social media users, late
    night talk show hosts and style pundits likened the
    trees to something out of the dystopian saga “The
    Handmaid’s Tale,” the bloodbath scene from Stephen
    King’s “The Shining” and blood-soaked rags. Color
    and style expert B.P. Greycastle says she should have
    consulted with him first. “It doesn’t work very well;
    the trees are too plain.” He can also share the
    surprising message that Melania is really trying to get
    across. A Vietnam veteran who studied fashion under the
    G.I. Bill, Greycastle worked in the fabric and fashion
    industries for many years, where he discovered the
    dramatic impact colors have on people’s lives. He is
    the author of the book “Your Name and Colors: Key to
    Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success.”
    Contact him at or (510) 323

    6. ==> ‘What I Learned Turning Around 150 Different

    When a business is bleeding cash and on the verge of
    bankruptcy, the owner frequently calls Ken Yager. Ken
    is one of the few consultants in the world who
    specialize in quickly getting troubled small businesses
    back on the track. Ken, president of Newpoint Advisors
    Corp., has successfully turned around 80 percent of the
    companies he has been involved with in industries
    ranging from autos, manufacturing, sales, finance,
    insurance, law, and health care to medical devices,
    home assistance, large-scale furniture, retail,
    children’s products, restaurants, and agriculture.
    He’ll share with you the five dumbest mistakes even
    smart business owners make which eventually cause them
    massive financial stress. He’ll reveal seven effective
    ways to improve a company’s cash flow and other secrets
    he uses to make a bad business great again. He will
    also explain his own tragic business mistakes and how
    they led him on this journey. Contact him at (312)

    7. ==> Why We Fell for the Homeless Vet GoFundMe Scam

    You probably read about the GoFundMe scam that raised
    $400,000 for a homeless man and the couple who
    concocted it. What you haven’t heard is Glen
    Dunzweiler’s controversial take on it. He’s a
    documentary maker who has spent a lot of time with
    homeless individuals. In this timely show, Dunzweiler
    will say that it’s wrong for us to require homeless
    people to do something special in order for us to care
    about them (like give up the last $20 they have to buy
    someone else gas). He’ll also explain why he has a
    problem with prosecuting Johnny Bobbitt, Kate McClure
    and Mark D’Amico for lying. In addition, he’ll pass on
    the following lesson: “Help the people in front of you,
    do your research, talk to homeless people and don’t
    just give the internet $400,000.” Dunzweiler is a
    former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
    author of “Things I’ve Learned from the Homeless.”
    Contact him at (702) 767-7434;

    8. ==> Use Your Life Insurance Policy to Pay Health

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom that
    their family would never recover from. David Kottler,
    aka the Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off a
    life insurance policy you don’t need any more can
    generate the cash to pay hospital bills… get out of
    debt… or even make a cash gift to the non-profit of
    their choice! How is this possible? Did you know that
    90% of all life insurance policies lapse before
    maturity? Or that when you don’t need your policy any
    longer you could auction it off? For cash? David
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money
    Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details everything
    your audience needs to know about how to get that
    insurance policy working for them! Contact David at
    (216) 857-0282;

    9. ==> Is Donald Trump Making America Great Again?

    Donald Trump won the presidency to make his MAGA
    movement reality. Is our president improving your life
    whether you realize it or not? Invite Rick Elkin,
    political analyst and author of the book “Trump’s
    Reckoning,” to discuss the president’s successes and
    abilities to overcome obstacles. Audiences will be
    fascinated, whether Elkin is discussing: Trump’s
    redefining what’s presidential… his administration’s
    historic tax reform… his stand on immigration… the
    thriving high economy and today’s low unemployment
    rate… Trump’s recent trade agreements and more. Ask
    him: Why do millions of voters tend to keep quiet about
    their Trump support? Can Trump and the media repair
    their relationships? Is President Trump on-target for
    re-election? Can the Republican Party Survive WITHOUT
    Trump? Could he be our modern day Lincoln? Contact Rick
    Elkin at (760) 877-1262;

    10. ==> How Ordinary People Enable Human Trafficking

    Anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion is
    horrified at the idea of vulnerable people being
    transported to other countries to be used as forced sex
    workers and laborers. But many of us don’t realize that
    we are unwittingly contributing to the problem. “Each
    of us, whether we know it or not, is part of the
    problem, whether it’s by the clothes we wear, the food
    we eat or the porn we watch,” says Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder and executive director
    of the New York-based non-profit Let My People Go. “We
    are creating a demand for the exploitation of our
    neighbors.” Raleigh will share the shocking ways your
    everyday choices support the epidemic of human
    trafficking, and what average, everyday people can do
    to stop the horror. He is the author of the upcoming
    book “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at or (917)

    11. ==> This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety

    If you’ve been feeling anxious, hopeless, angry,
    fearful and depressed since the 2016 presidential
    election, you’re not alone. Trump Anxiety Syndrome
    (TAS) is a thing, and physician Steven M. Hall has seen
    an uptick in patients suffering from this. According to
    Dr. Steven, this is exactly what Trump wants. “This
    feeds Trump; he lives on this,” he says. “Reasoning
    doesn’t work with Trump supporters. Liberal people want
    to do everything with reason, but it just doesn’t work.
    You can’t change other people’s minds.” Not only does
    TAS affect people mentally, the stress it causes can
    also impact their physical health. Dr. Steven can share
    simple yet powerful ways to combat the stress, on both
    the mental and physical levels. Dr. Steven received his
    medical degree from University of Utah School of
    Medicine and has been practicing family medicine since
    1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing:
    Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul
    Desires.” Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

    12. ==> Relieve Holiday Stress in Seconds

    You gotta love the holidays. All that rushing around to
    buy gifts, pay for them, wrap them and give them out,
    all the food prep and house cleaning, and parties you
    simply have to attend. Whew! Fortunately, Santa does
    not need to offer stress relief because Dawn Crystal
    does that, live on your show. Using her angelic voice,
    this sound healer can de-stress the most addled holiday
    shoppers in seconds giving them more energy, while
    chasing away the bah-humbugs. Dawn has been healing
    people over the air using sound for 25 years and has
    been interviewed on the radio more than 40 times and
    has been a guest on major TV shows. Contact her at
    (808) 268-6242;

    13. ==> How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays

    Do you feel more stressed out over the holidays? Many
    of us do. Studies show that having sex reduces stress
    levels. But even though the increase of births 9 months
    after Christmas and New Year’s Eve indicate that more
    people have sex over the holidays – for some of us it’s
    not that easy. “Many things affect our libidos,” says
    Dr. Mylaine Riobe, “from toxins in our environments to
    nutrition to hormonal or physical issues. But you CAN
    increase your sex drive this holiday season and reap
    the benefit of less stress too!” She’ll share simple,
    easy ways to naturally increase your sex drive no
    matter what the problem. Mylaine Riobe, MD has a multi-
    faceted unique approach to medicine combining TCM
    (Traditional Chinese Medicine) with conventional
    medicine. She is the author of “The Tao of Integrative
    Medicine” and host of the podcast “Awakened Wellness
    with Mylaine Riobe, MD.” Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at
    (772) 285-7788;

    14. ==> Eat All You Want at Holiday Parties without
    Gaining a Pound

    Holiday parties are loaded with temptations – fancy
    cakes and pies, eggnog, rich appetizers. So how can you
    indulge without gaining weight? Sora Venikoff will
    teach your audience her simple Green Technique that
    will allow them to eat all their favorite holiday foods
    without gaining weight. Sora has taught her program
    under the auspices of a leading New York City
    endocrinologist as well as at the Learning Annex and
    Lennox Hill Hospital. She lost 25 pounds and has kept
    them off for decades and has helped hundreds of people
    discover the secret to knowing when to stop eating. She
    is the author of “Eat Want You Want! Stop When You
    Want! A No-Diet, Weight-Loss Program.” Reach her at
    (212) 464-8590;

    15. ==> 2 Choices Could Lead to Your Happiest Holiday

    Are you finding yourself waiting for somebody else to:
    Make this holiday time happier and more memorable for
    you? Or help you avoid seasonal worries and even
    loneliness? Or build your confidence, relieve “holiday
    overwhelm” and set the stage for an excellent 2019? In
    reality, the choice is YOURS — says sought-after
    speaker, author and motivational choice expert Rico
    Racosky. Invite this articulate guest on-air to reveal
    how easy it is to choose joy and motivation. Rico,
    known internationally as The New Story Guy, will reveal
    that holiday happiness starts when you move toward a
    meaningful new story and away from your old frustrating
    story that hasn’t been working for you. He will offer
    advice on accepting the “I choose to…” model as we
    handle money (from gift shopping to donations),
    transform relationships, build career and even face
    health issues. Rico’s latest book is “Just2Choices.”
    Contact him at (303) 928-9368;

    16. ==> Why Holiday Dread is on the Rise

    Sometimes the holidays aren’t what they’re hyped up to
    be. According to Consumer Reports, people of all ages
    dread the long lines and travel, the shopping and
    decorating, the out-of-town guests and non-stop
    partying. How about those bitter political arguments
    that accompany every meal? We’re living in chaotic
    times, and it’s difficult to get into that merry
    holiday mode. Author and Life Coach Elizabeth Trinkaus
    offers simple strategies that will help you prepare for
    a peaceful holiday season, steps that will help you
    claim your own space even in the most toxic atmosphere.
    For more than 25 years, Elizabeth Trinkaus conducts
    workshops and speaks all over the world, helping people
    find their worth, speak their mind, and crush the
    obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their
    potential. She works with professional groups and
    individuals, and her straightforward, sensible approach
    will inspire your listeners. She can be contacted at
    (919) 368-0580.

    17. ==> Homework Over the Holidays? Is it Necessary?

    As we head into the holidays the battle every parent
    dreads begins. Teachers assigning homework and projects
    for kids to do over the holidays. Is this necessary?
    Helpful? “Homework over the holidays? No!” says Lee
    Jenkins, creator of The Perfect School movement. “No
    matter what the objective, kids will do better and
    learn more when they are allowed to come up with their
    own homework assignments!” Find out how to do that when
    you interview Lee, a former teacher and school
    administrator who was determined to come up with a
    different way to organize learning… a way to encourage
    our kids so that how they learn in the classroom keeps
    the joy of learning alive – “the intrinsic motivation”
    that every kindergartner brings with them on the first
    day of school. Contact Lee Jenkins at (800) 559-9798;

    18. ==> Ending the Isolation from Miscarriages

    In her new book, “Becoming,” former first lady Michelle
    Obama reveals that before having Malia and Sasha by IVF
    she suffered a devastating miscarriage that left her
    feeling hopeless, broken and like a failure. But the
    truth is that miscarriages are more common than most of
    us believe with as many as 15 to 20 percent of
    pregnancies ending on that sad note. And in most cases,
    there is no medical explanation for why the miscarriage
    occurred and the couple did nothing wrong. Veronica
    Anusionwu, who has helped more than 500 women who
    suffered from infertility and had a miscarriage
    herself, knows that they take an emotional toll even
    decades later. Invite her on your program to discuss
    the stigma, the lasting effects and ways couples can go
    on to have healthy pregnancies. She is the author of
    “Oh God, Why All the Miscarriages?” Contact her at 0044
    (0) 7947831819;

    19. ==> What Really Happens When We Die?

    Some people believe that we go to an afterlife, heaven
    or hell after we pass on. Others are convinced that we
    merely go to sleep for all eternity. While growing up
    in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an
    undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth about what
    really happens when we depart this mortal coil. “People
    send messages in death that are very clear,” she says.
    “Death is not the end. I have gotten messages from dead
    people that have helped me to live a better life.” She
    shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her
    newly published book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of
    an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received
    glowing reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra, who says,
    “Life is not the opposite of death. It is birth and
    death that are opposites. Life is the continuum of
    birth and death eternally, and now. Read this
    engrossing book for your own insights into reality.”
    Contact Margo at or (828)

    20. ==> How Science and Faith Can Lead to Success in

    While science and religion have long been considered
    mutually exclusive, David L. Peters credits both for
    his good fortune in business and his personal life. At
    84, he has achieved great prominence in his career as
    an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised seven great kids
    and has enjoyed a loving marriage of 57 years. In
    addition, he has just become a first-time author of a
    well-received book that reveals the secrets to success
    and happiness. “My faith comes through science, as I
    firmly believe that quantum physics has proven the
    existence of a power or force beyond all,” he says.
    David has accomplished this by applying the 12 Steps of
    Alcoholic Anonymous to his daily life, which he says
    can help anyone, even if they never touched liquor or
    drugs. He can share simple but powerful ways how others
    can, too. David L. Peters is the author of “The 12
    Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God
    that Lies Within.” Contact him at or

  • 11/20/18 RTIR Newsletter: Holiday TV Specials, In the Studio with Prince, Healing Journeys

    November 20, 2018

    01. Last Minute Turkey Tips
    02. Everything about Iconic Holiday TV Specials
    03. When Holiday Gatherings Feel Like ‘Game of Thrones’
    04. How to Pick the Perfect Wine for Thanksgiving
    05. Thanksgiving Everyday: Develop a Family Gratitude Habit
    06. Enjoy the Feast without Gaining a Pound!
    07. See the Holidays from Your Pet’s Perspective
    08. Homelessness and the Holidays
    09. How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays
    10. What Really Happened in the Studio with Prince
    11. Tale of a Victim Who Solved His Own Murder
    12. This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler
    13. Lessons from the Johnny Bobbitt Scam
    14. How to Bring Back the Death Penalty Humanely
    15. Myths about the One Percent
    16. Use Your Insurance Policy to Pay Health Costs
    17. 50+ Artists Share their Healing Journeys
    18. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    19. How to Create Better Conversations
    20. The 12 Steps Work for Anyone, No Addiction Necessary
    1. ==> Last Minute Turkey Tips

    What is Thanksgiving dinner without a turkey? But for
    many cooks, novice or not, it’s a once-a-year
    production prone to many a disaster. Thank goodness for
    the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line. Staffed with professionals
    ready to help with the most trying turkey tribulations,
    you can get last-minute help on everything from
    thawing to basting to knowing when the bird is done,
    and no question is off the table. “While we know
    Thanksgiving can be full of little stresses, we also
    know it’s important to not sweat the small stuff,” says Sue
    Smith, co-director of the Turkey Talk-Line. “After all,
    Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate being together! We
    take seriously our role in making hosts’ Thanksgivings as
    seamless as possible.” Butterball Turkey Talk-Line
    experts are available via text, live online chats and
    by phone, and this year the line is Alexa-enabled! Turkey
    Talk-Line experts are available for interview. Contact
    Shelby Montgomery at (312) 226-3342;

    2. ==> Everything about Iconic Holiday TV Specials

    Before cable TV and Netflix, millions of kids waited
    all year to see their favorite holiday classics like
    Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
    The shows remain classics as parents now share them with
    their children, or indulge in some nostalgia. Invite
    Rankin/Bass Productions’ official historian/biographer
    Rick Goldschmidt to share trivia about the Christmas
    specials including who made them and how they did it.
    His fifth book on the work of Arthur Rankin, Jr. and
    Jules Bass is out this season entitled “The Making of Santa Claus
    Is Comin’ To Town and The Daydreamer.” He’ll also be in
    a new TV series called Collector’s Call with Lisa
    Whelchel from The Facts of Life. Contact him at

    3. ==> When Holiday Gatherings Feel Like ‘Game of

    Winter is coming. Family and friends will be getting
    together to celebrate the holidays, but in our
    currently divisive culture it’s easy for a festive
    gathering to turn into the Battle of the Blackwater. To ensure your
    party doesn’t devolve into an episode of Game of
    Thrones, Joffre McClung says, “Use your common sense!
    No one wants to know how much money you make, how big your
    bonus was or how your stocks are doing. And when it
    comes to religion, walk it, don’t talk it!” For those
    who feel they need to discuss politics, Joffre advises, “Please,
    just don’t. We all need a break!” Invite Joffre to
    share 5 common sense rules to make any holiday
    gathering a safe space where the 7 Kingdoms can coexist, at least
    for the day. Joffre McClung has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin TX, Hay
    House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former media
    producer, independent filmmaker, and author, she takes
    the esoteric and brings it back down to earth with a
    big dose of common sense. Her latest book is “The Heart of the
    Matter.” Contact her at (917) 690-5619 (TX);

    4. ==> How to Pick the Perfect Wine for Thanksgiving

    The right wine can really make your Thanksgiving dinner
    something special. Whether you are having turkey day at
    your house or are going to be a guest at someone
    else’s, wine educator Jim Laughren can help you choose
    the perfect bottle with total confidence. A terrific
    last-minute guest, Jim makes talking about wine nearly
    as fun as imbibing it, pointing out wines that will
    impress without breaking your budget and even how to
    develop your palate quickly if you are more of a beer
    drinker. Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation.” He can explain how to
    pick the right wine for any occasion: for holidays
    gifts, weddings, business dinners and more. Reach him at (954)

    5. ==> Thanksgiving Everyday: Develop a Family
    Gratitude Habit

    Gratitude has been shown to increase happiness, and
    Anne Andrew says that’s why it’s the top recommendation
    on her list of ways to raise mentally-healthy children.
    “Being grateful helps children focus on the positives
    and acts as an antidote to entitlement and negativity.
    While most families will express gratitude to each
    other around the Thanksgiving table, having a regular
    gratitude practice can yield amazing results and even
    stave off depression and negative behavior as children
    grow up.” She says expressing gratitude can be as simple as being
    grateful for the colors of the leaves that have fallen
    in the street or the smile from a woman at the grocery
    store. “Sharing gratitude is a simple way to help
    children appreciate the world we live in. Once you
    start, kids will be on the lookout for things to share
    in their next gratitude session!” Anne Andrew is a former school
    principal, now a proactive parenting coach who focuses
    on helping parents raise mentally-healthy, addiction-
    free children. Contact her at (604) 263-8751; (604)
    720-2776 (cell) or

    6. ==> Enjoy the Feast without Gaining a Pound!

    Thanksgiving is just the start to an entire season of
    calorie-soaked appetizers, drinks, cakes and pies! So
    how can you indulge without gaining weight? Sora
    Venikoff will teach your audience her simple Green Technique
    that will allow them to eat all their favorite holiday
    foods without gaining weight. Sora has taught her
    program under the auspices of a leading New York City
    endocrinologist as well as at the Learning Annex and
    Lennox Hill Hospital. She lost 25 pounds and has kept
    them off for decades and has helped hundreds of people discover the
    secret to knowing when to stop eating. She is the
    author of “Eat Want You Want! Stop When You Want! A No-
    Diet, Weight-Loss Program.” Reach her at (212) 464-8590;

    7. ==> See the Holidays from Your Pet’s Perspective

    This year, before you dress your dog up in those cute
    little reindeer ears or as a little Santa, interview
    pet intuitive Nora Truscello to find out if your dog
    will hate the experience or be totally chill with it. In
    addition, Nora can help you use your intuition to learn
    what present your dog, cat, bird or other pet really
    wants for the holidays but to date has not been able to tell
    you about. Nora says reading a pet’s energy is no
    different than intuitively figuring out what humans are
    thinking about. As a bonus, Nora can also help your
    audience members decide if they should get a Christmas
    puppy and which puppy would be the best match. Nora is
    an experienced psychic and talk-show guest as well as an
    intuitive coach and bestselling author; she has 30
    years’ experience helping heads of nonprofits, Fortune
    500 executives, and individuals worldwide discover their
    intuition. Reach her at (302) 803-2307;

    8. ==> Homelessness and the Holidays: Homeless People
    Have Families

    As we begin the busy holiday season our thoughts often
    turn to the homeless. Just something about the season
    which makes us think of the less fortunate – who are
    they and what can we do to help? But what would you do if
    your mom was homeless and refused to be helped? Marty
    Vargas decides to find his estranged birth mother after
    20 years. He and his mother Rachel were found sleeping in
    the snow in Philadelphia when he was an infant. She
    had somehow, miraculously, kept him alive for 7 months
    but eventually gave him up for adoption. His search
    for her becomes increasingly complicated and as their
    story unfolds Marty realizes that truth IS stranger
    than fiction! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author,
    and an International speaker. His incredible true story
    has been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC
    Philadelphia and Fox News Washington, DC. and has been featured on
    over 90 stations around the country. Contact Marty at
    (631) 935-3995; Text first or email him at

    9. ==> How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays

    Do you feel more stressed out over the holidays? Many
    of us do. Studies show that having sex reduces stress
    levels. But even though the increase of births 9 months
    after Christmas and New Year’s Eve indicate that more
    people have sex over the holidays – for some of us it’s
    not that easy. “Many things affect our libidos,” says
    Dr. Mylaine Riobe, “from toxins in our environments to
    nutrition to hormonal or physical issues. But you CAN
    increase your sex drive this holiday season and reap
    the benefit of less stress too!” She’ll share simple, easy
    ways to naturally increase your sex drive no matter
    what the problem. Mylaine Riobe, MD has a multi-faceted
    unique approach to medicine combining TCM (Traditional
    Chinese Medicine) with conventional medicine. She is
    the author of “The Tao of Integrative Medicine” and
    host of the podcast “Awakened Wellness with Mylaine Riobe,
    MD.” Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at (772) 285-7788;

    10. ==> What Really Happened in the Studio with Prince

    Prince fans are raving about the new album ‘Piano & A
    Microphone 1983.’ The previously unreleased material
    contains nine songs including a new version of “Purple
    Rain,” “Strange Relationship” and a cover of Joni
    Mitchell’s “A Case of You.” Award winning author Duane
    Tudahl interviewed more than 40 band members, singers,
    and engineers chronicling Prince’s time in the studio
    during 1983 and 1984. He’ll share an intimate look at
    Prince Rogers Nelson as told by those admitted into his
    fiercely private inner circle. From the recording
    studio to his days on tour, you’ll learn why Prince was
    so protective of his material, how his music reflected
    his innermost thoughts and emotions, and the 3 very
    important keys to Prince’s incredible success. Duane
    Tudahl is a long-time documentary director and producer
    in the entertainment industry and a former stand-up comic. An
    Expanded Paperback version of his best-selling book,
    “Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions: 1983
    and 1984,” which includes details about hundreds of his
    recording sessions, has just been released. Contact him
    at (818) 726-8638 (CA);

    11. ==> Tale of a Victim Who Solved His Own Murder

    Everybody loves a good ghost story —particularly one
    that is true. David Alan Arnold has one he swears
    really happened. As he will explain in greater detail,
    20-year-old Donavan Doyle led Arnold to his battered body where
    it lay on a wilderness path before anyone had even
    realized that Doyle had been murdered. As if that is
    not impressive enough, Doyle’s ghost has also helped to
    shine a light on years of police corruption that
    allowed his body to be hidden behind a hotel in
    California for eight months. Arnold tells Doyle’s story in his new
    book, “What Lies Above the Clouds,” an Amazon best-
    seller in the true crime category. Thanks to the book
    and the ghost, Arnold has already been contacted by a homicide
    detective and FBI agents, and the crime ring
    responsible for Doyle’s murder which openly operated at
    a school bus stop may be on its way out of business. Reach
    Arnold at (818) 512-8981;

    12. ==> This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Rosemarie Musso’s
    dentist father was almost executed for showing
    compassion toward Jews who were forced into hard labor
    at a mine near her village. “The Nazis brought the Jews to my
    father to pull their teeth, demanding that he not give
    them anesthesia,” she says. “But after the Nazis left,
    he took them into the basement to have them medicated.”
    Although she and her family were spared following the
    intervention of a well-connected family friend,
    Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward Hitler for
    decades. But she eventually became a Born Again
    Christian and forgave him, which she claims changed her
    life for the better. She channeled that energy into earning a law
    degree at age 63, and writing the book “The Four Laws
    of Forgiveness: Memories of Survival During WWII Nazi
    Germany.” She can share how forgiving even the most
    heinous acts can enable us to live more peaceful,
    harmonious lives. Contact her at or
    (205) 515-5407.

    13. ==> Lessons from the Johnny Bobbitt Scam

    More than 14,000 people donated $400,000 to a
    fraudulent GoFundMe campaign to benefit Johnny Bobbitt
    Jr., a homeless Philadelphia-area man, after he said he
    gave the last $20 he had to buy gas for a woman whose car broke
    down in a bad neighborhood. The story was a lie that
    benefited the couple with whom Bobbitt colluded. But
    now that the holiday season is coming, will this scam
    affect donations to other homeless causes? And what is
    the best way for people who want to help the homeless
    to do so? For the answers, interview homelessness expert Glen
    Dunzweiler. A documentary maker, Dunzweiler is out to
    change perceptions of people living on the street and
    has spent substantial time with them and the
    professionals who work with them. He’s also a former
    college professor whose documentary, “yHomeless,” can
    be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned
    from The Homeless.” Reach him at (702) 767-7434;

    14. ==> Trump Says “Bring Back the Death Penalty”:
    Here’s How to Do It Humanely

    In light of the recent Pittsburgh mass shooting,
    President Trump wants to reinstate the death penalty
    across the board. Ohio’s execution of an inmate back
    in 2014 ended up a mess – described as long and fitful and
    created a legal executions dilemma that has plagued the
    nation both at a Federal and State level. Regardless of
    your position on the death penalty, everyone can agree
    that if it’s allowed it needs to be humane. Dr. Ira
    Williams says he has the perfect solution that
    eliminates all current objections. Dr. Williams has had dual
    careers, serving for more than 20 years as a USAF major
    and senior navigator/bombardier and for 50 years as a
    board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon and
    anesthesiologist. Contact Dr. Ira Williams at (864)

    15. ==> Myths about the One Percent

    How bad is the 1% really? What are the myths
    surrounding this economic group and the families it
    represents? Interview Ivan Obolensky and find out! He
    grew up in this world and has firsthand experience with it. People
    often ask how does one get to be a part of the 1%?
    Misconceptions abound about their ethics, morals and
    attitudes. Find out how the 1% really lives… not only
    with each other, but those around them, both
    professionally and personally. “People think that those
    who have wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
    contribute to society, or that they are simply lucky
    and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be further
    from the truth.” Find out why trust is so important to the
    wealthy – and how it helps keep them on top. Ivan
    Obolensky is an author and a true Renaissance man in
    his own right. His novel Eye of the Moon won “Best First Book
    (Fiction)” in the IRDA’s. Contact Ivan Obolensky at
    (818) 662-9731;

    16. ==> Use Your Insurance Policy to Pay Health Costs

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom that
    their family would never recover from. David Kottler, aka the
    Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off a life
    insurance policy you don’t need any more can generate
    the cash to pay hospital bills… get out of debt… or even
    make a cash gift to the non-profit of their choice! How
    is this possible? Did you know that 90% of all life
    insurance policies lapse before maturity? Or that when
    you don’t need your policy any longer you could auction
    it off? For cash? David combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    about how to get that insurance policy working for
    them! Contact David at (216) 857-0282; ?

    17. ==> 50+ Artists Share their Healing Journeys

    Fighting chronic illness can get overwhelming and dark.
    Pop singer/songwriter Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) shines a
    light on the darkness by sharing inspirational stories
    and art from around the world about creating to heal.
    Lisa realized midway through her 10-year battle with a
    rare, auto-immune disease that her art wasn’t just
    therapeutic, it had become a lifeline, and a path to
    her healing. She’s collaborated with 50+ artists,
    musicians, and authors who have also turned to
    creativity to heal, and shares their stories and art online, and in a
    multi-media live/streaming event next month that
    everyone can access from anywhere. “My vision is to
    share how we’ve become lights for others through our stories and
    art, focused on the art of healing.” Lisa Sniderman is
    an award-winning, multi-talented artist and author.
    Contact her at (415) 713-6193;

    18. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. False social media propaganda. Government
    officials and leaders who lie, lie, lie. No wonder
    modern people feel so anxious, angry and disconnected
    from reality. Author Kim Chestney has the simple yet
    powerful solution: Intuition! “Intuition is the most
    important, yet least understood faculty of human
    consciousness.” Kim says. “Getting your ego out of the way and
    developing your inner voice is a great bull***t
    detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth
    in all aspects of your life. It’s our natural state of being, and the
    next step in our evolution as a species. We just need
    to learn how to use it!” Kim is an international best-
    selling author and Intuition expert who founded the
    popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. She
    recently launched a global online intuition school,
    Intuition Lab. Contact her at or (412) 874-0898.

    19. ==> How to Create Better Conversations

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    With your spouse? Your friends? Your coworkers? If
    you’re like most people, having good conversations is a
    thing of the past. Between social media overload and living
    in the land of soundbites, the art of conversation is
    dead. Enter Jean-Paul Gravel, an Emotional Freedom
    expert, who can explain exactly why your audience isn’t
    having the conversations they can and why. He’ll
    explain why unlocking the hidden power of Emotional
    Freedom is the key to not only having a great conversation for
    a change, but also creating a better mindset so that
    your emotions are working FOR you, not AGAINST you.
    Jean-Paul Gravel is an international speaker, author, and
    coach, whose work has been endorsed by medical doctors,
    top CEO, entrepreneurs, and many others, and has been
    featured in many regional and national publications.
    Contact Olga Kniazeva (604) 354-4888;

    20. ==> The 12 Steps Work for Anyone, No Addiction

    Most people believe that the 12 Steps of Alcoholics
    Anonymous just apply to addiction. But David L. Peters,
    who is a scientist and active in the Catholic Church,
    shares how the principles can help anyone lead a full,
    happy, productive life, even if you never touched
    liquor or drugs. “I started and led the Roman Catholic
    movement of Cursillo for 15 years, and worked in the
    12-step recovery program for 20 years,” he says. “I
    have modified the 12 Steps to reach a broader scope of
    our world.” David began applying the steps to his own life
    at a very early age. At 84, he has had a very
    successful career as an engineer, 18 patents, has had a
    loving marriage of 57 years, and has written his first book.
    He achieved all of this, thanks to the 12 Steps, and
    can share how anyone can do this. David L. Peters is
    the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding
    the Kingdom of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at or (607) 725-8559.

  • North Korea Summit: Photo Op or Disaster

    Jennifer Rubin says, “In case you thought Trump was
    preparing for his summit with Kim Jong Un — you know,
    learning about the subject and walking through the
    likely North Korean ploys and weak points — he’s doing
    nothing much at all. How do we know? He said so.” “I
    think I’m very well prepared,” Trump told reporters on
    Thursday. “I don’t think I have to prepare very much.
    It’s about the attitude. It’s about willingness to get
    things done.” Rubin believes the real aim of the summit
    is to have a photo-op, mouth some platitudes about
    further talks at lower levels and have Trump say as
    little of substance as possible. “Truth be told, there
    likely is no viable plan short of war for obtaining
    complete denuclearization. Under such circumstances,
    perhaps it’s not the worst thing to have the bombastic,
    clueless president talking and posing for pictures
    rather than drawing up war plans.” Jennifer Rubin is an
    MSNBC contributor and writes the Right Turn blog for
    The Washington Post. Contact her at, @jrubinblogger

  • Should 16-Year Olds Be Allowed to Vote?

    “The real adults in the room are the youth from
    Parkland, Florida, who are speaking out about the need
    for meaningful gun control laws. They are proving that
    civic engagement among young people can make a
    difference. The ironic part? They can’t even vote yet.”
    So says Joshua Douglas, a law professor specializing in
    election law, voting rights and constitutional law. He
    believes that lowering the voting age, coupled with
    better civics education, can energize a whole new
    generation of smart civic leaders. He says,
    “Unfortunately, a tragedy happened, but the response at
    Stoneman Douglas High is showing that youth in this
    country can and should have a significant role in
    political debate. The students are fed up with our
    politicians and are using their voices to demand
    change.” Joshua Douglas is a law professor at the
    University of Kentucky College of Law. He is the co-
    editor of “Election Law Stories” and is currently
    writing a new book on positive voting rights
    enhancements. Contact him at (859) 257-4935;

  • Faith in the Wake of Irma and Harvey

    Many doctors, psychologists, and political leaders now
    realize the powerful impact faith and religious beliefs
    play in our ability to bounce back after Harvey, Irma
    and other disasters. People who have something to
    believe in beyond what they can see with their eyes
    handle the “storms” of life better when their normal
    life is shaken by devastating events, says Pastor
    Terrance Levise Turner.  Pastor Terrance will share the
    keys to keeping hope and faith intact and your spirit
    afloat when everything else is sinking. His advice also
    applies to setbacks in marriage, careers and finances.
    He is the author of several books including his latest,
    “Your Wealth Is In Your Anointing: Discover Keys To
    Releasing Your Potential.” In addition, he is a singer
    and songwriter who with his wife created a 21-song
    project called “God Is Our Refuge.” Contact him at
    (615) 598-4080;

  • Nat Geo – Hell on Earth: Syria and the Rise of ISIS

    Sebastian Junger’s new documentary on Syria, ‘Hell on
    Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS,’ got
    rave reviews at the Tribeca Film Festival earlier this
    month and will make its TV debut on Nat Geo on June
    11th. ‘Hell on Earth’ chronicles Syria’s descent into
    the unbridled chaos that allowed the rise of ISIS.
    Filmmakers Sebastian Junger and Nick Quested (he was on
    the ground in Syria and did all of the filming. He was
    also arrested by Iraqi police.) Both filmmakers have
    won numerous awards for their documentary work. Quested
    is also an award-winning music video director who has
    worked with such artists as Dr. Dre, Nas, Puffy, Sting,
    Master P, Cash Money and Trick Daddy. Contact Johanna
    Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137;

  • 02/21/17 RTIR E-zine: Wicked Tuna, NAFTA, American Heart Month

    February 21, 2017

    01. Trump/Netanyahu Meeting – One State Solution?
    02. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
    03. Wiki-leaks, Illegal Leaks and Donald Trump
    04. Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?
    05. Capt. Dave Marciano of Nat Geo’s ‘Wicked Tuna’
    06. Amazon Kid Hit ‘Annedroid’ Creator
    07. Black History Month: Will the World Ever Be Color Blind?
    08. What’s Next for NAFTA?
    09. Insurance Won’t Pay for Non-Drug Pain Treatment
    10. Feb is American Heart Month
    11. Say No to Chronic Boomer Unemployment
    12. Tax Talk: What’s Considered Income?
    13. Prepare Kids for Test-Taking
    14. Lying Matters – It’s What We Teach Kids
    15. Why Winter Is the Best Time to Find Your Purpose

    1. ==> Trump/Netanyahu Meeting – One State Solution?

    Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu met and held a joint press conference at the
    White House last week. When asked if the US was still
    wedded to a two-state solution in Israel Trump broke
    with longstanding orthodoxy. “I am looking at two
    states or one state, and I like the one that both
    parties like,’ the president said. And on settlements,
    Trump reaffirmed to Netanyahu, “I’d like to see you
    hold back on settlements for a little bit.” Ali
    Abunimah, cofounder of the Electronic Intifada website
    says, “Conventional opinion views any Trump abandonment
    of the two-state solution as capitulation to Israel’s
    far right wing that is pressuring Netanyahu from within
    his coalition to annex the West Bank outright. Trump
    has at least acknowledged that Palestinians must agree
    to the terms of any agreement. And Palestinians will
    not submit voluntarily to Netanyahu’s conditions.” Ali
    Abunimah’s books include “One Country: A Bold Proposal
    to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse.” Contact him at, @AliAbunimah

    2. ==> Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

    Millions of Americans are feeling disempowered. They
    don’t feel as if their voice is heard, especially now
    that the election is over. What can they do and will it
    make a difference? Neale Godfrey says as a consumer,
    you have immense power with your spending. “Consumers
    seem to “voting” a lot since the election. Neiman
    Marcus, Macy’s,, Belk, ShopStyle, Bellacor,, and Gilt, have all dropped some or all of
    Ivanka Trump’s line as well as other Trump-branded
    products. And the New York Times reported employees at
    T.J Maxx and Marshalls have been told that ‘all Ivanka
    Trump signage should be discarded.’ The retail ballot
    boxes seem to be open for business.” Godfrey says
    boycott campaigns are springing up as well. “Economic
    pressure is real! Get out and vote… with your wallet!”
    Neale Godfrey is an expert on family and children’s
    finances who has been in the financial field for more
    than 30 years. Neale became one of the first female
    executives at The Chase Manhattan Bank. Later, she
    became the President of The First Women’s Bank and
    founder of The First Children’s Bank. In 1989, Neale
    formed her own company, Children’s Financial Network,
    Inc., whose mission is to educate children and their
    parents about money. Contact her at (212) 854-6100;

    3. ==> Wiki-leaks, Illegal Leaks and Donald Trump

    Following Michael Flynn’s resignation as National
    Secretary Advisor, Democrats are demanding an
    independent investigation of Russian influence over the
    November General Election. However, Donald Trump and
    the GOP only want to investigate the “illegal leaks” to
    news outlets. Invite Michael McCray, a public interest
    advocate and expert on whistleblowing, to discuss the
    importance of journalism, whistleblowers and the role
    of the First Amendment. McCray was personally bullied,
    intimidated and retaliated against after he reported
    improprieties at his federal job before being forced
    out. He says America needs principled individuals now
    more than ever. Contact him at (870) 543-0024;

    4. ==> Trump’s Age & Hair-Loss Drug = Dementia?

    At age 70, Donald Trump is the oldest man to be elected
    a US president. His longtime personal doc recently
    revealed to the New York Times that Trump takes
    Finasteride to treat male pattern baldness. Side
    effects include mental confusion and impotence. Is
    Trump on the fast track to dementia or Alzheimer’s?
    Invite senior health adviser Janet Rich Pittman to
    discuss the president’s age and mental capacity as well
    as other risk factors for dementia. Should Trump be
    urged to undergo a series of psychometric tests to
    prove his mental capacity? A former political operative
    and activist, Janet is now known as The Brain Nerd,
    specifically a Dementia Prevention Specialist, based on
    her years of experience as a Dementia Practitioner and
    Dementia Administrator. Janet is author of the upcoming
    book “It’s There: 5 Simple Ways to Find Your Memory and
    Prevent It from Leaving.” Contact her (251) 648.0325;

    5. ==> Capt. Dave Marciano of Nat Geo’s ‘Wicked Tuna’

    The new season of Wicked Tuna premieres Sunday, March
    12th on the National Geographic Channel. The show is
    set in Gloucester, Mass at the start of the North
    Atlantic Bluefin tuna season. Invite Captain Dave
    Marciano to take you behind-the-scenes of the show and
    talk about a fisherman’s life on – and out of – the
    water. A life-long fisherman, he’s been on the water
    since he was 11 years old and worked in Key West and
    Gloucester before buying his own boat, Hard
    Merchandise. Marciano also holds the distinction of
    having survived a 2003 shipwreck when his ship was18
    miles offshore and struggling to get back with
    thousands of pounds of fish and a plank in the hull
    gave way. “We sank in 33 minutes,” Marciano recalls
    matter-of-factly. Captain Dave Marciano will be in NYC
    on March 10 and available for interviews. Contact
    Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137;

    6. ==> Amazon Kid Hit ‘Annedroid’ Creator

    Amazon’s hit children’s series, Annedroids, tied with
    Sesame Street to earn ten Daytime Emmy Award
    nominations, more than any other show in 2016.
    Annedroids is a live-action adventure series about a
    young female genius, her human friends, and android
    assistants that aims to teach kids about science and
    technology. Speak with Annedroids
    creator/writer/producer JJ Johnson, who received
    previous Emmy nominations for Dino Dan and The Wonder
    Pets, about the secret behind the show’s popularity,
    the key to creating successful children’s TV
    programming, and the importance of teaching science to
    kids at a young age. Contact John Angelo at

    7. ==> Black History Month: Will the World Ever Be
    Color Blind?

    The issue of skin color has plagued society for
    centuries. Nowadays, it is undeniable that the same
    issue persists. Invite Lupita Samuels to break the
    barriers between skin colors and explain how to move
    forward from this negative mind-set. Samuels will put
    into perspective the misconceptions about skin color.
    Using metaphors and comparison, Samuels will explain
    how skin color does not dictate a person’s worth.
    She’ll include several reflective exercises to help
    guide listeners toward a peaceful resolution of their
    issues and struggles on the matter. Lupita Samuels was
    born in Costa Rica. She worked as an educator in the
    New York City public school system for over twenty
    years. She’s the author of the Color Blind book series
    which includes her latest release, “Think Folks Are
    “Too Dark?” Think Again!” Contact her at (718)

    8. ==> What’s Next for NAFTA?

    We live in interesting times, as disruption is the new
    normal for most businesses —from Brexit to President
    Trump’s challenging the value of free trade, including
    revisiting NAFTA. Will leaving or changing NAFTA really
    help bring manufacturing jobs back to America? While
    this sounds logical, international trade is more
    complex than most people realize. Customers expect low
    prices and want a huge range of products to choose
    from. Can we redesign the principles of free trade and
    still keep customers happy? Robert Martichenko brings a
    valuable perspective as a Canadian American business
    owner and leading expert on supply chain management. He
    can discuss the big questions surrounding the current
    discussions on trade agreements and why global supply
    chains may be here to stay. Martichenko is CEO and
    founder of LeanCor Supply Chain Group, an award-winning
    business author, novelist and international speaker.
    Contact Marcia Jones at (859) 308-8689;

    9. ==> Insurance Won’t Pay for Non-Drug Pain Treatment

    New pain treatment guidelines from the American College
    of Physicians (ACP) recommend that low back pain be
    treated with alternative therapies including massage,
    acupuncture, spinal manipulation and exercise and only
    if these treatments fail should drug treatment be
    considered, preferably with nonsteroidal anti-
    inflammatory drugs. Chronic pain expert Cindy Perlin
    says the recommendations are long overdue but… “These
    new guidelines won’t help most pain patients because
    health insurers refuse to pay for the recommended
    treatments and few patients can afford to pay for them
    out of pocket. Perlin is the author of “The Truth
    about Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst
    Strategies for Becoming Pain Free.” She is a licensed
    clinical social worker, certified biofeedback
    practitioner and chronic pain survivor and has been a
    guest on multiple TV and radio networks including PBS,
    SiriusXM, and RadioMD. Contact Cindy Perlin at (518)

    10. ==> Feb is American Heart Month

    Valentine’s Day may be history, but hearts are still up
    for discussion because February is American Heart
    Month. Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the two
    top causes of death worldwide. Invite University of
    Chicago cardiologist Amit Patel, M.D. to discuss why
    heart failure rates are increasing in the United
    States, and why cardiovascular disease remains the
    leading cause of death, even though the mortality rate
    from cardiovascular disease is falling. Dr. Patel will
    share the latest technologies to treat heart disease
    and failure, including cutting-edge, non-invasive
    imagery that plays a key role in diagnosis without
    exposing patients to radiation. Dr. Amit Patel is
    associate professor of Medicine and Radiology at the
    University of Chicago and a member of the Society of
    Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Contact Beth Drost
    at (215) 884-6488;

    11. ==> Say No to Chronic Boomer Unemployment

    There may be high employment today, but you wouldn’t
    know it by boomer standards. Many business
    professionals over 50 still struggle with long-term
    unemployment, under-employment, lower pay and
    traditional job search techniques that produce nothing.
    Good reasons why more boomers are turning to the gig
    economy, notes Spunk Burke, author of “The GIG
    Solution,” which drops next month. Spunk will explain
    how boomers are learning to target prospects whose
    problems they could solve as a contractor or on a
    project basis. He’s a staffing veteran who provides
    coaching to help boomers build rewarding gig practices.
    He also helps companies link to contractors who can
    address their immediate needs. Spunk can be reached at
    (978) 801-9010 or

    12. ==> Tax Talk: What’s Considered Income?

    Tax season is fast approaching! Lisa London CPA, can
    help your listeners streamline their current files and
    understand everything from deductions to what is
    considered income. She says, “With the influx of people
    in the sharing economy, like Uber drivers, Airbnb
    hosts, and EBay and Amazon sellers, more and more
    people need to understand what is considered income and
    what are allowable expenses.” Invite her to tell your
    audience how to use their cell phones to simplify
    bookkeeping and share record-keeping tips and tricks to
    help small and at-home businesses. Lisa London has been
    featured on numerous TV and radio shows. She is the
    author of the “Accountant Beside You” series of books
    for small businesses, nonprofits, and churches. Her
    newest book, “Banish Your Bookkeeping Nightmares-The
    Go-To Guide for the Self-Employed to Save Money, Reduce
    Frustration, & Satisfy the IRS” will be released next
    month. Contact her at (919) 770-3746;

    13. ==> Prepare Kids for Test-Taking

    Whether your child is taking the Common Core State
    exams or other state testing, the heat is on in the
    classroom and everyone involved is totally stressed out
    and frazzled. Invite Heather Arabadjis to share ways
    to beat this year’s testing season with inside tips and
    concrete strategies everyone needs to know. She’ll also
    help with ways to make sure your kid doesn’t become a
    victim of testing anxiety, and a growing culture of
    students who are failing at a young age. Heather
    Arabadjis has 14 years of experience in the education
    industry and is the author of the children’s series
    Monster Mas. Contact her at (718) 510-3736;

    14. ==> Lying Matters – It’s What We Teach Kids

    A lie is a lie, but even adults who’ve heard their fair
    share of political rhetoric and spin are finding it
    hard distinguish between the lies and truths in
    Washington today. So how do you talk to kids about the
    importance of truth when the new president and his
    staff don’t seem all that interested? Leeza Steindorf,
    an expert in parenting and communication, says “Society
    as a whole permits—even encourages—lies, white lies,
    bending the truth, calling things alternative facts.
    But children—and quite frankly quite a few adults—need
    to understand the value in telling the truth: Being
    truthful is key to being authentic and genuine, which
    is congruence inside and out.” She’ll discuss how to
    talk about today’s issues with kids from young ones to
    teens, and help them make sense of what’s going on in
    the world around us. Leeza Steindorf is a
    communications and conflict resolution expert,
    international consultant and speaker. She’s the author
    of “Connected Parent, Empowered Child: Five Keys to
    Raising Happy, Confident, Responsible Kids” and “CORE
    Success for Schools: The Practical Guide Book for a
    Positive School Climate.” Contact her at (541) 550-

    15. ==> Why Winter Is the Best Time to Find Your

    Baby, it’s cold outside, at least for most of the
    country. Days are shorter and people feel like
    hibernating. Meanwhile, 10 million Americans are coping
    with seasonal affective disorder. But Andro Donovan
    says winter’s chill offers advantages too good to miss.
    It is in winter, she argues, that we can slow down and
    take the time to find ourselves, determine who we are
    and who we want to be and put into motion short-term
    goals that will warm out hearts. Invite Donovan on your
    show to talk about getting the most from your next snow
    day (after the snowball fight, of course), and
    strategies you can use to think outside the box when
    all you want to do is curl up in it with a blanket.
    She’s the author of “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life
    You Want, Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment,”
    published by a subsidiary of Wiley. Donovan is a
    leadership development specialist best known for her
    life-changing retreats that take place around the
    world. Contact her at +4407711238410;;; Skype: