04/25/19 RTIR Newsletter: Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, Concussion Warnings, Food Addictions

01. Trump Transition Staffer: It’s Time for GOP to Dump Trump!
02. Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote?
03. Harry and Meghan, Africa Doesn’t Want You
04. How to Cope with a Bridezilla/Groomzilla
05. Are You Married to a Stepmom? Must-Have Mother’s Day Advice
06. What Women Really Want for Mother’s Day
07. Do Happy Mothers Have Happy Kids?
08. God Will Heal the Pain of Childless Women
09. M.D. Reveals Shocking Truth Behind Prince’s Death
10. Why are Women Required to Save Our World?
11. Surgeon: Why Docs Push Surgery & Drugs that Don’t Work
12. Should Your Refrigerator Be Your Medicine Cabinet?
13. Could You or Your Kid Have a Concussion and Not Know it?
14. Why Are Office Affairs So Common?
15. Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous Jealousy
16. Why Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband is Gone
17. How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food
18. Meditation for the 21st Century
19. Master the Power of Public Speaking
20. My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in the World

1. ==> Trump Transition Staffer: It’s Time for GOP to
Dump Trump!

J.W. Verret was a Trump transition staffer. He’s worked
on every Republican presidential transition team for
the past 10 years and recently served as counsel to the
Republican-led House Financial Services Committee. But
he says the Mueller report was his tipping point and
now it’s now time for Republicans to impeach Donald
Trump. He writes in the Atlantic: “Politics is a team
sport, and if you actively work within a political
party, there is some expectation that you will follow
orders and rally behind the leader, even when you
disagree. There is a point, though, at which that
expectation turns from a mix of loyalty and pragmatism
into something more sinister, a blind devotion that
serves to enable criminal conduct.” And adds,
“Republicans who stand up to Trump today may face some
friendly fire. Today’s Republican electorate seems
spellbound by the sound bites of Twitter and cable
news, for which Trump is a born wizard. Yet, in time,
we can help rebuild the Republican Party, enabling it
to rise from the ashes of the post-Trump apocalypse
into a party with renewed commitment to principles of
liberty, opportunity, and the rule of law.” J.W. Verret
is professor of law at George Mason University Antonin
Scalia Law School. Contact him at (703) 993-8038;
jverret@gmu.edu or J.W.Verret@VeritasAnalyticsLLC.com

2. ==> Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote?

One of the issues currently being debated among
Presidential hopefuls is the issue of allowing felons
the right to vote. Legal expert Andrew Novak believes
felons should give up some rights, but voting isn’t one
of them. He says it’s really just a ploy to preserve
white rural power and prison gerrymandering. “Many
prisoners are racial minorities or people who live in
urban areas, which means these places lose voting
population, while more conservative areas gain
nonvoting population.” Many states are in the process
of revising their laws to allow ex-prisoners to vote,
voting by current prisoners only exists in Maine,
Puerto Rico, and Vermont. Novack says the trend across
the developed world is to allow at least some prisoners
to vote. “We should not assume that prisoners are less
knowledgeable about politics than those outside of
prison—that’s a pretty low bar, after all. Isolating
prisoners from the political process during and after
their incarceration further stigmatizes and isolates
them, and that can encourage reoffending.” A lawyer by
training, Andrew Novak teaches courses related to
international criminal justice and human rights. He was
previously an adjunct professor of law at American
University. Contact him at anovak2@gmu.edu or (703)
993-8315; cls1@gmu.edu

3. ==> Harry and Meghan, Africa Doesn’t Want You

There are reports that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
may be considering a move to Africa sometime after the
birth of their child. Some says Meghan wants to explore
her and her child’s African roots but Kehinde Andrews
says, “If Harry and Meghan do make the move, they will
not be representing modern multiracial couples
everywhere, but the colonial institution that is the
British monarchy.” Andrews says South Africa would be
the most fitting destination of all their options.
“With its history of apartheid and steep racial
divisions, the country reflects much of what is wrong
with post-colonial Africa. More than half the black
population live below the poverty line, while the same
can be said for the less than 1% of whites. Harry and
Meghan living in a gated community, surrounded by the
largely white elite and locked away from extreme
poverty, would be the most appropriate symbol of royal
privilege in the 21st century.” Kehinde Andrews is an
associate professor in sociology at Birmingham City
University and the author of “Back to Black: Retelling
Black Radicalism for the 21st Century.” Contact him at

4. ==> How to Cope with a Bridezilla/Groomzilla

It’s supposed to be a wonderful celebration of love,
but weddings can also bring out the worst in people,
including the bride and groom! It’s the countdown to
wedding season and it seems Bridezillas and Groomzillas
are everywhere. How does this happen? Invite
psychologist Dr. John Huber to explain the psychology
behind Bridezilla behavior and signs that you may have
succumbed to the condition yourself. He’ll also tell
listeners how to cope with someone who’s acting like a
tyrant. “The first thing a person should realize is
that your spouse, friend, family member who is acting
like a Bridezilla is not mentally healthy right now.
Severe stress, anxiety, and peer pressure can all take
a taxing toll on a person’s mindset.” Dr. Huber says
some Bridezillas have control issues, some have over-
sized egos and others have learned to use bad behavior
to get what they want. The good news is that the
‘condition’ is usually temporary. Dr. John Huber is the
chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit
mental health organization. He’s appeared on hundreds
of radio shows and dozens of national television
programs. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103;
(919) 377-1200.

5. ==> Are You Married to a Stepmom? Must-Have Mother’s
Day Advice

Not surprisingly, Mother’s Day isn’t usually a
Stepmom’s favorite holiday. With all the love and
attention focused on mothers, Stepmoms often get lost
in the shuffle and can feel forgotten and
unappreciated. And for many, the only person there to
celebrate them is their husband! Cathryn Bond Doyle, a
Stepmom herself, says men can do a lot to help Stepmoms
enjoy the holiday—with or without kids involved (wink,
wink)! Invite Cathryn to share ways to make a
Stepmom’s Mother’s Day special. She’ll explain how to
negotiate the ‘Loyalty War,’ ways to show appreciation
for all your spouse does for your children, and how a
simple change in how you refer to your ex can reduce
stress. In 2000, Cathryn left banking and founded
Stepmoms on a Mission® to support, train and mentor
stepmothers looking for answers. Cathryn’s upbeat
conversational style, combined with a treasure trove of
Stepmom-tested suggestions, will energize listeners
whether they’re Stepmoms themselves or want to help the
Stepmoms they love. Cathryn’s new book is “Stepmoms on
a Mission.” Contact Cathryn Bond Doyle at (609)
206-2009 (NJ); cathryn@smoms.org

6. ==> What Women Really Want for Mother’s Day

Cards, breakfast in bed, flowers and candy are all very
nice. But, according to Adita Yrizarry-Lang, what busy
multitasking women really want for Mother’s Day is time
for themselves. Pointing out that most women put their
own needs on the back burner while taking care of
everyone else’s, Adita will lay out a plan that helps
women put aside their need for perfection and put their
own needs first. She’ll encourage women to put a smile
on their face every day by rediscovering what truly
makes them happy and building that into their lives
along with time to meditate, exercise and eat right. A
busy mother herself, Adita is a 30-year wellness
educator who has been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She
is the author of “SuperPowers.” Contact her at (305)
874-0268; AYrizarry@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Do Happy Mothers Have Happy Kids?

As we prepare to celebrate motherhood on May 12, the
spotlight is on Mom, and Emily Slingluff says it’s
important to understand how important a happy mother is
to having happy children. Invite her to talk about the
importance of raising happy children, and how
mothers—and fathers—can change the equation. She says,
“The formative years of life are called formative for a
reason. And the main influence in those first years is
the parent.” Slingluff says parents have more influence
than anyone in raising a kinder, happier generation.
She’ll discuss clear and easy ways to help kids be
happy with life. Emily Slingluff is the author of
several parenting books including “Peace” and
“Parenting without Punishment.” Contact her at (757)
800-0246; eslingluff@rtirguests.com

8. ==> God Will Heal the Pain of Childless Women

Mother’s Day is the day we honor the women who brought
us into the world and raised us. But it can also be a
painful reminder for those unable to conceive or who
have lost babies to miscarriage. Veronica Anusionwu
says it can be especially challenging for church-going
women who may feel forgotten by God as they sit through
services in which mothers are praised and honored.
Through her ministry, Veronica helps women overcome the
internal blocks and challenges that confront them in
their struggle to conceive. With the use of healing
prayers, she’s helped numerous families overcome
infertility. Invite her on your show and learn how
women can get pregnant using God’s Word and how to
catch God’s ear and become fertile even if your case is
considered medically impossible. Veronica has written
more than 30 books on fertility, healing, childbirth
and relationships including her latest, “God Has Not
Forgotten You: Hope for a Woman Struggling to Conceive”
which offers several prayers particularly attuned to
Mother’s Day. Contact: Veronica Anusionwu at

9. ==> M.D. Reveals Shocking Truth Behind Prince’s

When pop artist Prince died from a drug overdose on
April 21, 2016, his legions of fans were shocked and
saddened. But they never really learned the truth about
how his death could have been prevented. Addiction
specialist Isaac Alexis, M.D., can share how Prince,
Elvis, Michael Jackson and other icons who succumbed to
drug overdoses could have been saved. “With Prince, his
death could have been prevented by restricting his
maximum daily dose,” Dr. Isaac says. “He could have
used more physical therapy and occupational therapy
alongside cognitive behavioral therapy to talk out what
current issues were in his environment that ‘triggered’
his drug use.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in
trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York
Hospital of Queens and spent many years working for the
criminal justice system. He served as medical director
at the Department of Justice as well as director of
infection control and chair of the quality improvement
medical committee. He is the author of “Life and Death
behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the
upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact him at
IAlexis@rtirguests.com; 315-935-6348

10. ==> Why are Women Required to Save Our World?

Our world, according to many experts, is heading
towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview Donald Pet,
M.D., a psychiatrist who believes if we want to get
serious about creating world peace women are the
answer! “Women by nature are nurturers, men by nature
create war,” says Dr. Pet. “Women are natural
communicators who use negotiating to show strength
instead of bully tactics!” Pet is the founder of the
Education Community (EC), a nonprofit organization that
offers free college level courses on how to develop a
“new way of thinking” that promotes happiness, love and
peace. His EC initiative has been endorsed by Jack
Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others. Contact Dr.
Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691; DPet@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Surgeon: Why Docs Push Surgery & Drugs that
Don’t Work

Surgeries, opioid prescriptions, a plethora of
commercial products and snake oil remedies for back
pain are flooding the market. Noted spine surgeon David
Hanscom, M.D., will explain why they don’t work and can
actually increase back pain. He’ll disclose the hidden
agenda of doctors and drug manufacturers promising
miracle cures and pushing pills, while revealing what
really causes back pain and how most people can cure it
themselves. Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A
Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will take the
medical and pharmaceutical professions to task,
presenting research-based evidence and information
about the direct connection between stress, anxiety and
physical pain. He’ll also explore how anxiety and
stress have led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and
just plain bad-doctoring for kids and adults. Dr.
Hanscom has appeared on many programs including The Dr.
Oz Show. Contact him dhanscom@rtirguests.com; (206)

12. ==> Should Your Refrigerator Be Your Medicine

Conventional wisdom tells us that when we’re sick, we
should seek out a medication to heal us. However, you
may find a better remedy in your refrigerator! Ed
Dodge, M.D. says veggies and fruits have proven healing
power and when tested side-by-side with expensive
medications, often get the best results. Which foods
help reduce inflammation and which ones can prevent
certain types of infection? Invite Dr. Dodge, author of
“Family: A Family Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and
the US,” to find out! Learn what antioxidants are and
how many types there are, some surprising healing
properties of foods, and whether veggies and fruits can
replace medication for some people. Contact Ed Dodge at
(484) 259-9887; EDodge@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Could You or Your Kid Have a Concussion and Not
Know it?

“Yes!” says Paul Wand, M.D., P.A., “And with spring
sports in, full swing many parents are wondering how to
keep their kids safe from sports injuries – mostly
concussion-related.” Many parents don’t even realize
that even some non-contact sports can cause concussions
in kids like swimming, basketball, volleyball,
wrestling, soccer, baseball, mixed martial arts and
even cheerleading! Wand, a neurologist who specializes
in concussions and how to diagnose and treat them more
quickly and more easily, will explain how your child,
or you for that matter, could have a concussion and
have no idea. How is this possible? Sometimes symptoms
relating to the concussion don’t show up until months
or years later. And for about 20% of the population who
actually go to the ER and undergo CT or MRI scans they
are told they are perfectly fine, when in reality they
aren’t. Dr. Paul Wand has been practicing medicine for
35 years. He’s the author of the upcoming “The
Concussion Cure: Three Proven Methods to Heal Your
Brain.” Contact him at (954) 743-5380;

14. ==> Why Are Office Affairs So Common?

Tamara Lashchyk will point out that 85 percent of all
affairs begin at the office. Tamara, whose last name is
pronounced Lash-check, will explore what makes these
affairs and romances so tempting, how hard it is to
conceal such relationships from coworkers and who is
likely to pay the price if things go bad. Tamara is a
Wall Street executive, business consultant and career
coach as well as the author of the bestselling book,
“Lose the Gum: A Survival Guide for Women on Wall
Street, Main Street and Every Street in Between.”
Contact Tamara at (848) 373-3543;

15. ==> Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous Jealousy

It can be flattering if your partner seems slightly
jealous when others show interest in you, but when does
it cross the line and indicate a more serious threat?
Invite author, speaker, and personal transformation
expert Arnoux Goran to reveal the warning signs of
dangerous jealousy. He’ll explain the behaviors to
watch for, whether a jealous partner can change, and
when to know that it’s time to end the relationship.
Goran’s method to reprogram yourself was studied by the
University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100%
effective. His new book is “The Answer: How to Change
Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True.” Contact
Arnoux Goran at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

16. ==> Why Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband
is Gone

He may be dead and gone, kicked to the curb or just out
the door, but you are finally alone to explore your own
sexuality and discover who you really are. It’s a
fabulous exploration! That’s what your audience will
learn from Katherine Webster, author of “Becoming Madam
Widow.” Definitely not your typical “Woe is Me Widow,”
Katherine tackles the real nitty-gritty issues of being
a female alone at mid-life and does so with frankness
and humor. Whether listeners are alone by fate or
choice, they’ll gain a whole new perspective on their
circumstance. She’ll also give listeners easy ways to
reinvent themselves, kick-start the second part of life
and go from being middle-aged miserable to mid-life
magnificent with or without a man. Webster is a
spitfire of a guest who wants provocative topics and
isn’t afraid to show the world that real women are
feisty and bad-ass. Contact her at
KWebster@rtirguests.com; (416) 921-2084.

17. ==> How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food

Did you know that over 100 million people are obese in
the US alone? Food addiction is rampant in this country
and you could be addicted to food and not even know it!
“Of the 10 most common addictions food is definitely
way up there,” says Michael McGee, M.D. – a
psychiatrist who blends science with spirituality to
give people back control over their lives. He says it’s
time for Americans to take a long hard look at their
love affair with food! Dr. McGee will show your
audience how to look at the science of habit and his
“Good now, Bad later” philosophy to help them figure
out if they are addicted to food (or anything else!)
and what they can do to gain more control over their
choices. He’ll share 3 easy ways to make your eating
habits healthy again – simply by making unhealthy food
not obvious, unattractive and difficult to obtain! Dr.
Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
Schools. He’s the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
him at (978) 971-9703; MMcGee@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Meditation for the 21st Century

Have you joined the millions of wise people from Oprah
to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
friends who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
meditation methods that have been around for millennia.
Meditation expert, author and speaker John Sambalino
will debunk myths about meditation and help countless
people improve their lives by meditating. He says
meditation even helps prison inmates become more
rehabilitated. John Sambalino’s latest book is “Is God
in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth.” Contact him at
(856) 245-5062; jsambalino@rtirguests.com

19. ==> Master the Power of Public Speaking

Eventually we’re all called upon to speak in front of a
group – whether it’s for career, school,
clients/customers, organization, place of worship or a
family gathering. How can one win BIG (rather than
dread) that public speaking? What does it take to have
the needed confidence, charisma and topnotch delivery?
Audiences will thank you for interviewing Jill Jaysen,
a communications and leadership development expert who
says we have all been mis-taught when it comes to
public speaking. She’ll explain why the same old
recycled, generic formulas and gimmicks like practicing
at a mirror, videotaping yourself and picturing the
audience in their underwear, actually create mediocre
speakers. Ask her: When does your speech really start?
How does NLP relate? What are the biggest speaking
turn-offs despite what experts say? Contact Jill Jaysen
at (203) 442-9301; jjaysen@rtirguests.com.

20. ==> My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in
the World

Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the Prince of New
York. Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
Russian princess, escaped to England from the
Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
US with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
parachuting into Nazi-occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis… and
has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
his grandfather but also the Astors and American
aristocratic life at that time. Ivan Obolensky is an
author and a true Renaissance man in his own right. He
is the author of “Eye of the Moon.” Contact Ivan
Obolensky at (818) 495-8731; IObolensky@rtirguests.com

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