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  • 02/20/20 RTIR Newsletter: World Yoga Day, the Clutter Queen, Self-Doubt and Career Success

    February 20, 2020

    01. Is President Trump Lawless?
    02. Presidential Pardons Normalize White-Collar Crime
    03. The Real Miscarriage of Justice in Stone Sentencing
    04. Want a Better Sex Life? There’s an App for That!
    05. Interview a Yoga Pioneer for World Yoga Day
    06. Worst-Case Scenario of a Coronavirus Pandemic
    07. Worried about Coronavirus? ‘Regular’ Flu Almost Killed this Guest
    08. How the Government is Bungling the Opioid Crisis
    09. Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?
    10. Could Self-Doubt Be the Key to Your Career Success?
    11. Burnout Nearly Killed Her: Exec Shares Stress-less Success Tips
    12. Watch Out! Your Employees Are Siphoning Profits
    13. How to Get Hitched without Digging a Financial Ditch
    14. Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate Change
    15. ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money Management
    16. Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More with Less
    17. This Guest Travels, Lives and Works in a 39-Foot RV
    18. Bigfoot and Aliens: A Real-Life Adventure Story
    19. Prince Harry Is Like All Children Everywhere
    20. Drunk Elephants … and Other Fun Facts about Wine

    1.==> Is President Trump Lawless?

    A Supreme Court lawyer is warning Donald Trump that the
    law will find a way to catch up with him. Appearing on
    MSNBC after Trump issued 11 pardons and commutations on
    Tuesday, former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal
    said, “I think this country has a robust tradition of
    law, and yes the president’s gotten away with so much.
    But I have news for him: the law is going to come after
    him. What he’s doing is lawless, it’s unprecedented, it
    breaks every rule in our constitutional democracy, and
    the law will find a way to catch up with him.” Neal
    Katyal is a former acting solicitor general and an
    expert in constitutional law, criminal law and national
    security. He’s the author of “Impeach: The Case Against
    Donald Trump” Contact him at (202) 662-9807;

    2. ==> Presidential Pardons Normalize White-Collar

    President Donald Trump issued a frenzy of controversial
    pardons this week. It appears he targeted friends and
    people he believed received unfair convictions and/or
    sentences, regardless of the amount of concrete
    evidence against them. Observers speculate he’s paving
    the way for future pardons, like Roger Stone’s. Dr.
    Stephanie Sarkis, a mental health counselor and
    gaslighting expert, says “This is what gaslighters do —
    engage in unexpected behaviors so you won’t notice
    their other violations of social norms later.” She says
    Trump is also using another gaslighting technique by
    minimizing white-collar crime as “no big deal.” “The
    message Trump gives is that if these people who
    defrauded or bribed others were given too harsh of a
    sentence, the crime must not be so bad.” Sarkis says
    the purpose of gaslighting is to make you question
    reality and while Trump’s behavior has been normalized
    it’s important to remember that it is not normal.
    Stephanie Sarkis is a Ph.D., licensed, board-certified
    mental health counselor in practice for over 20 years.
    She is the author of several books including
    “Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally
    Abusive People.” Contact her at (813) 803-2343;

    3. ==> The Real Miscarriage of Justice in Stone

    Trump crony Roger Stone will be sentenced Thursday
    after the president tweeted that the federal trial was
    unfair, saying the verdict should be thrown out.
    Whether he winds up pardoning his friend or not, Renato
    Mariotti says it’s clear that the real miscarriage of
    justice is that Trump’s meddling and Attorney General
    William Barr’s willingness to bend his department’s
    policies to serve Trump’s personal interests will have
    a disastrous, long-term effect on the public’s
    confidence in the fairness of federal prosecutors.
    Renato Mariotti is the legal affairs columnist for
    Politico Magazine. He is a former federal prosecutor
    and host of the “On Topic” podcast. Contact him at
    (312) 580-5056; @renato_mariotti

    4.==> Want a Better Sex Life? There’s an App for That!

    A San Francisco-based start-up aims to take the taboo
    out of sexual wellness by providing practical, science-
    based tools and strategies to improve sex lives – all
    customized to each user’s sexual type. “People are
    hungry for better guidance on their sex lives, using
    knowledge based on the latest scientific research,”
    says Dr. Britney Blair, co-founder of a new app called
    Lover. The app uses a unique new sexual profiling tool
    developed by Dr. Blair and a team of sexual medicine
    experts which identifies users as one of 12 common
    sexual types. It then provides guidance in the form of
    video and audio content, plus exercises and games. Dr.
    Britney Blair is a Stanford psychologist, board-
    certified in sexual medicine, and founder of Northern
    California’s largest independent sexual health clinic.
    Lover has a basic version free to download. A premium
    subscription costs about $60 a year. Contact Todd
    Brabender at (785) 842-8909;

    5. ==> Interview a Yoga Pioneer for World Yoga Day

    Just in time for World Yoga Day on Feb. 22, Susan
    Shumsky will talk about what yoga is … and isn’t. For
    example, did you know that yoga is not an exercise? And
    that it isn’t something you do? “Yoga” is a state of
    being—not something you do on a mat in a gym. When you
    are in a state of yoga, you are deeply relaxed yet
    alert,” Susan says. Oh, and did you know that there are
    eight paths of yoga? With more people practicing yoga,
    isn’t it time your audience found out what it is truly
    about by interviewing one of yoga’s pioneers? Susan
    spent years on the staff of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the
    man who single-handedly brought the words meditation,
    mantra and yoga to the U.S. She is the award-winning
    author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
    Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” Contact her at
    (917) 336-7184;

    6. ==> Worst-Case Scenario of a Coronavirus Pandemic

    Amid furious efforts to stem the tide of the expanding
    coronavirus outbreak, health officials are soberly
    preparing for the growing risk of a worldwide pandemic.
    Increasingly, some experts say, the question is a
    simple one: How ugly will this get? “I think at this
    point, containment is already a lost cause,” says
    Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for
    Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the
    University of Minnesota. Osterholm’s comments echo grim
    realism from health officials at the Centers for
    Disease Control and Prevention. Although the disease’s
    severity appears to be lower than once feared,
    Osterholm says the 2019 novel coronavirus’s
    transmission patterns so far are reminiscent of
    influenza. “We can surely minimize transmission in
    health-care facilities and some public spaces. But
    beyond that, this virus is going to kind of do what it
    damn pleases,” he says. Contact Michael Osterholm at
    (612) 626-6770;

    7. ==> Worried about Coronavirus? ‘Regular’ Flu Almost
    Killed this Guest

    While the world is abuzz about the coronavirus, many
    people forget just how deadly the flu can be, forgoing
    the yearly vaccination. That’s why everyone needs to
    hear the cautionary tale of Charles (Charlie) Gardner,
    who in 2011 came “this close” to losing his life from
    flu complications at age 56, the same age his great-
    great-grandfather was when the flu claimed his life. As
    a result of flu that turned into pneumonia contracted
    while he was on vacation, Charlie suffered 13 strokes,
    organ failure, and a six-week coma. His son and
    daughter were present even when they pulled the plug on
    him. Yet Charlie survived with a great story to share
    that includes miracles, a near-death experience and
    appreciating the life you have even if it isn’t the one
    you expected. Charlie tells his inspiring story in his
    book “Always Remember This Moment.” Contact him at
    (650) 995-5626;

    8. ==> How the Government is Bungling the Opioid Crisis

    A recent slight decline in opioid deaths is being
    touted as evidence the government’s current policies
    are working to solve the epidemic but David Hanscom,
    M.D., begs to differ. “The opioid epidemic is getting
    worse. … In fact, current efforts to reduce opioid
    prescribing are exacerbating the problem. Although I
    agree with more careful prescribing practices, it isn’t
    the answer to the epidemic.” Dr. Hanscom will explain
    why doctors can’t solve the issue of chronic pain
    although medical research has identified clear
    solutions that mainstream medicine isn’t implementing.
    Listeners will also discover the real reason people
    turn to opioids and the role family dynamics play in
    chronic pain. David Hanscom, M.D., is a renowned spine
    surgeon, a frequent guest on TV and radio programs and
    a sought-after speaker at medical conferences around
    the world. He’s the author of several books including
    “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic
    Pain.” Contact Beth Grossman at (212) 949-4071;

    9. ==> Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?

    Women talk about the challenges they face in a
    patriarchal society but in reality, women are each
    other’s own worst enemies, often holding each other
    back and sabotaging one another’s careers. Many, if not
    most, career women would agree that the bosses that
    gave them the most grief in their careers were female.
    Why is this the case? Career coach, author and former
    Wall Street executive Tamara Lashchyk discusses these
    issues and gives real-life examples of women who
    vindictively tried to sabotage the career of other
    women, including her own boss, who fired her just two
    days before she retired. She can answer such questions
    as do female bosses treat their male subordinates
    better than their female reports? Is this a
    generational issue and are millennials better at
    supporting other women than baby boomers? What can
    women do to help each other? Tamara’s been interviewed
    by the BBC and featured in Huffington Post. Contact
    Tamara Lashcyk at (848) 373-3543;

    10. ==> Could Self-Doubt Be the Key to Your Career

    Leaders are expected to be confident, but what can you
    do if you’re in a leadership position and you lack
    confidence in your abilities? Author and leadership
    expert Marc Pitman says that self-doubt may actually
    mean you’re on the verge of greatness. Invite him to
    reveal the three main factors that can bring out the
    best leader in you. He can also share how to overcome
    past failures to achieve career success. His
    forthcoming book, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt,”
    provides a framework for leaders to move past feeling
    like a fraud and manage teams more effectively. Ask him
    how to overcome the feeling you’re “broken,” and why it
    can be dangerous to follow every new leadership system
    or self-help guru. Contact Marc Pitman at (317)

    11. ==> Burnout Nearly Killed Her: Exec Shares Stress-
    less Success Tips

    As a former Fortune 500 executive, Janet McKee is
    acutely familiar with the way most people strive for
    success–by working their butts off. But as someone who
    experienced massive burnout and hit rock bottom in her
    professional and personal lives, McKee is now much
    wiser when it comes to achievement, fulfillment, and
    prosperity; she knows that most of us are going about
    success all wrong. In fact, she has found, reducing
    stress is a requirement for success, not just a nice
    thing to experience. She’ll discuss how to combat
    today’s pervasive negativity and fear, why you
    shouldn’t fight against or try to change limiting
    beliefs, and the only goal you will ever need to
    achieve all that you want. Janet McKee, MBA, CHPC,
    CHHC, is a High-Performance™ success coach, wellness
    expert and CEO of SanaView. Her new book is “Stressless
    Success: The Surprising Secrets to a Life of Passion,
    Purpose, and Prosperity.” Contact her at (724)

    12. ==> Watch Out! Your Employees Are Siphoning Profits

    Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
    fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
    other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
    stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
    So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
    upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
    clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
    school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
    personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
    profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
    Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
    series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
    how managers can corral crooks at the worksite. She’ll
    explore myths and truths about brazen cyber-stealing
    … thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab
    techniques … recognizing temptation at the office …
    steps for establishing a thief-proof workplace … and
    much more. Ruth’s insights have already saved many
    businesses and millions in profits. Contact her at
    (770) 729-8000;

    13. ==> How to Get Hitched without Digging a Financial

    The average wedding now costs more than $30,000,
    excluding the honeymoon. Or $75,000 if you happen to
    marry in Manhattan. Patricia Davis, the author of
    “Going Broke Is No Joke,” says it’s time we stopped
    equating expensive wedding receptions with happiness
    and longer-lasting marriages and consider her 11
    creative ways to tie the knot without spending a lot
    and still have a fabulous, fun-filled wedding. She
    holds an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in
    personal financial planning from Golden Gate University
    and a certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact
    Patricia at (301) 517-6304;

    14. ==> Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate

    Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity
    is doing the same thing over and over again, but
    expecting different results.” He might as well have
    been talking about the way executives try to shepherd
    change within their corporations. Deb Kirby, Ph.D.,
    notes that such initiatives have a shocking failure
    rate of between 50% and 75% over the past 40 years. She
    says, “Forty years is an absurd amount of time to fail
    over and over again, particularly when you consider the
    money, time and toll such processes take on employees!”
    Invite Dr. Kirby, an organizational change coach,
    trainer and speaker, on your show to identify four
    reasons why organizational change fails and propose a
    different way to engage individuals, groups, and the
    organizational collective to spark sustainable
    transformational change. Deb Kirby, Ph.D., is an
    organizational coach, trainer, and speaker who
    concentrates on corporate culture change and leadership
    excellence. Contact her at (801) 913-8276;

    15. ==> ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money

    The super-rich and mega-successful clearly do things
    differently than most. But it’s not all about making
    wise financial decisions. What are the secrets to
    lifelong prosperity? How could fundamental actions
    Influence your daily march to millionaire status? Why
    are some people so good at living wealthy? Explore such
    fascinating topics with acclaimed socio-economist
    Randall Bell Ph.D., CEO of Landmark Research Group LLC.
    Dr. Bell can explain how future millionaires follow
    four basic principles (me, we, do, and be) while
    recognizing the importance of avoiding gossip,
    demonstrating work ethics, expressing kindness,
    refusing to fear change and being willing to handle
    easy projects like making one’s bed every day! Also,
    ask Dr. Bell about his 45 recommended “rich habits”
    that can change anyone’s life. Contact Cierra Ashdown
    at (949) 284-7790;

    16. ==> Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More
    with Less

    Can’t find your car keys? Haven’t seen the scissors in
    weeks? Always losing your cell phone? As decluttering
    and downsizing expert Marlena Uhrik, Ed.D., will tell
    you, while we are strongly attached to them, a surplus
    of possessions can also lead to chaos and wasted time
    trying to find them. Marlena can talk about the peace
    and calm that comes with decluttering and where to
    start if you want to live with less, whether you are
    staying put or moving to a smaller home. She can also
    share how to make decluttering an everyday process. A
    50-year educator, Realtor and Certified Home Stager,
    she’s one of six authors of the #1 Amazon bestseller
    “Secret Sauce of Downsizing: The Complete Guide for
    Living with Less and Loving It More!” Ask her about
    free giveaways. Contact her at (916) 269-0528;

    17. ==> This Guest Travels, Lives and Works in a 39-
    Foot RV

    Tim Winders and his wife are living the life many
    people dream of as they roll down the highway in their
    39-foot RV they named Theo that serves as their home
    and office. For anyone who has wondered what it would
    be like to travel full time while making money as you
    go Tim has the answers. He is so persuasive that his
    adult son also works and lives in his own RV. Tim can
    also talk about his inspiring life journey: he went
    from owning seven-figure businesses and over 100
    properties to bankruptcy, homelessness and having $100
    in his bank account before rebounding to his current,
    more intentional lifestyle. Tim has over 25 years’
    experience as a coach for business owners, executives,
    and leaders. He also hosts the “SeekGoCreate” podcast
    and is finishing his first novel. He and his wife have
    enjoyed the nomadic lifestyle in New Zealand, Australia
    and all over North America. Contact him at (404)
    846-4639; Ask about last-
    minute availability.

    18. ==> Bigfoot and Aliens: A Real-Life Adventure Story

    When she was 22, Patti Houtz was paid by an archeology
    society to be part of an expedition that went in search
    of Bigfoot. Also in the group were a National
    Geographic photographer; her boyfriend John; and a
    fisherman who was the latest person to see Bigfoot in
    Big Cypress Swamp in the Everglades. What occurred
    during the two days they spent in the swamp was
    unforgettable and, in Patti’s opinion, life-changing,
    and she is only now willing to share the experience on
    your show. She’ll detail what happened and what she
    thinks it means, and how her boyfriend ended up being
    featured on the front page of The National Enquirer.
    The Bigfoot story is just one of the adventures Houtz
    shares in her upcoming memoir “Solo By Choice.” Contact
    her at (775) 451-3191;

    19. ==> Prince Harry Is Like All Children Everywhere

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s desire to pull back
    from their royal duties has caused stress in the royal
    family and fascination among the royal watchers. As
    author and former educator Peggy Sideratos will point
    out, members of the royal family have nearly always
    performed their obligations without public protest,
    until now. Still, Sideratos says, Harry and Meghan’s
    situation is not so different than one faced by
    American children and their parents every day. “It’s a
    process that begins even at the toddler stage, when
    suddenly the child pushes the adult away and declares
    that they want to do something themselves, whether they
    are developmentally ready or not,” she explains.
    Interview Sideratos to discover parenting lessons
    hidden in the royals’ story and the universality of
    raising emotionally intelligent children capable of
    making their own independent decisions. Sideratos is
    the author of “The Light Giver and Other Stories to
    Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” and “The Light
    Giver Stories Workbook.” Contact her at (917) 715-8788;

    20. ==> Drunk Elephants … and Other Fun Facts about

    Did you know that before antibiotics were developed
    wine was used for medicinal purposes for thousands of
    years? As Jim Laughren, CWE, will explain, wine used to
    be the go-to treatment for treating wounds and settling
    stomachs. Your audience will gain a new appreciation
    for wine as the bubbly Laughren shares his favorite
    factoids about wine with them. He’s all about having
    fun while making wine more approachable and less
    snobby. You’ll learn the vital role wine played in
    developing the world’s trade routes, how monkeys, wild
    boars, and elephants manage to imbibe, which
    celebrities own wineries or wine labels, and much more.
    Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation” and “A Beer Drinker’s
    Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine.” He is the
    past president of a wine importing and distribution
    company and is known for his fun and irreverent wine
    classes and seminars. Contact Jim at (954) 884-8539;

  • 02/11/20 RTIR Newsletter: Economic Impact of the Coronavirus, Weird White House Stories, Success Tips

    February 11, 2020

    01. Blacks for Bloomberg
    02. Great Presidents Day Show – Weirdest White House Antics
    03. Actor Offers Valentine’s Day Advice for the Broken-Hearted
    04. Connect On a New Level This Valentine’s Day
    05. Don’t Forget to Love Yourself too!
    06. Fed Expert on Economic Impact of Coronavirus
    07. Worried about Coronavirus? ‘Regular’ Flu Almost Killed This Guest
    08. How the Government is Bungling the Opioid Crisis
    09. What Kobe Bryant’s Death Tells Us about Heroes
    10. Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?
    11. Nowhere to Run in Next Financial Crisis
    12. The Global Consequences of Africa’s Poverty
    13. 11 Creative Ways to Tie the Knot without Spending a Lot
    14. Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More with Less
    15. Burnout Nearly Killed Her: Exec Shares Stress-less Success Tips
    16. Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work
    17. How to Say No! (and Still Be Liked)
    18. Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance Policy Lapse
    19. The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents
    20. Bigfoot and Aliens: A Real-Life Adventure Story

    1.==> Blacks for Bloomberg

    There are growing signs that black support for Mike
    Bloomberg in 2020 could be a mirror image of white
    support for Trump in 2016 when voters who didn’t want
    to admit their decision to pollsters nonetheless pulled
    the lever for him. Invite Christina Greer on your show
    to discuss why the former New York City mayor may be
    gaining momentum among blacks even with his legacy of
    stop-and-frisk policies and his “luxury product” vision
    of New York that led to less affordable housing and
    more homelessness. Christina Greer is an associate
    professor of political science at Fordham University
    Lincoln Center (Manhattan) campus. Her research and
    teaching focus on American politics, black ethnic
    politics, urban politics, quantitative methods,
    Congress, New York City and New York State politics,
    campaigns and elections, and public opinion. She is a
    commentator on MSNBC, NY1, and WNYC, and co-host of the
    FAQ NYC podcast. Contact her at or

    2. ==> Great Presidents Day Show – Weirdest White House

    Just in time for Presidents Day! Did you know John
    Quincy Adams used to enjoy swimming nude in the Potomac
    River? Or that doctors once held a press conference to
    announce Dwight Eisenhower moved his bowels? Or that
    Calvin Coolidge often conferred with a raccoon? Or that
    First Lady Florence Harding gave press interviews in
    her negligee? Or that George H.W. Bush took showers
    with his dog? Author Hal Marcovitz can talk about the
    many strange stories that have been circulating around
    the White House since John and Abigail Adams occupied
    the Executive Mansion, including some very odd stories
    about the current occupant. Marcovitz, a longtime
    journalist, is the author of the novel “Painting the
    White House,” which tells the story of an ordinary
    house painter who finds himself at the center of White
    House intrigues and misadventures. Contact him at (215)
    718-6807 or

    3. ==> Actor Offers Valentine’s Day Advice for the

    Valentine’s Day is a wonderfully romantic time, but it
    can be difficult if you have a broken heart.
    Actor/director Gabrielle Stone can relate and even
    offer advice to those who dread the holiday. It may
    sound like a Hollywood screenplay, but Gabrielle’s real
    romantic life was quite the disaster a few years ago.
    She was newly married when she discovered her husband’s
    six-month affair with a 19-year old. She moved out,
    filed for divorce and then weeks later became swept up
    in a whirlwind romance with plans for a month-long,
    Italian adventure. When that man reneged two days
    before the trip, Gabrielle says it became a defining
    moment in her life. Her new book, “Eat, Pray, #FML,”
    tells the story of why she decided to take the trip
    alone, how it became a wild adventure with more bad
    decisions, and what she learned about love and loving
    oneself in the process. Gabrielle Stone is an
    actor/director and the daughter of Dee Wallace and the
    late Christopher Stone. Contact Harlan Boll at

    4. ==> Connect On a New Level This Valentine’s Day

    Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is a high-pressure
    holiday, and we all feel like we have to make it
    special. Most of us will be relying on the old
    standards of candlelit dinners, flowers, and candy but
    are they just becoming boring and stale? What better
    time to ramp up your romance with a proven technique to
    make your relationship extremely passionate and
    intimately loving for this special day? Invite James
    Beard to reveal how to connect with your partner on
    another level and develop special intimacy in your
    relationship. Learn three sexy breathing tips to add
    more passion, the importance of letting go and
    forgiveness, and the three essential connections to a
    healthy relationship. Beard is certified in yoga,
    qigong and bioenergy healing and is a licensed massage
    therapist and holistic health practitioner. A
    breathwork expert with 27 years of experience, he is
    the author of four books, including “Thirteen Breaths
    to Intimacy: Breathwork for Lovers.” Contact him at
    (858) 384-2616;

    5. ==> Don’t Forget to Love Yourself Too!

    Romance is often the focus of Valentine’s Day, but
    Joffre McClung reminds us to celebrate love in all
    forms, including the relationship we have with
    ourselves. Invite this personal growth expert to share
    why self-love is so important and why so many people
    suffer from a lack of it. “Women tend to put everyone
    in their life before themselves. Children. Parents.
    Spouses. We take care of those we love and tend to our
    own needs last, if at all, because we feel it’s
    selfish.” Joffre will explain how self-love forms the
    lens through which we experience the world, what
    happens when someone lacks self-love, and how to
    recognize it in yourself and others. She’ll also share
    three things you can do every day that will build your
    sense of self-love and help you be more mindful. Joffre
    McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows
    and podcasts. She’s a former media producer and
    independent filmmaker. “The Heart of the Matter” is her
    latest book. Contact her at (917) 994-0225;

    6. ==> Fed Expert on Economic Impact of Coronavirus

    Federal Reserve policy and personnel will be in the
    spotlight this week as the global economy continues its
    efforts to grapple with the impact of coronavirus
    outbreak. Fed Chair Jerome Powell will deliver his
    semi-annual testimony before Congress, with the
    economic cost of the rapid spread of the virus likely
    to be one of the issues he’s questioned on. Invite Fed
    expert Danielle DiMartino Booth to discuss Powell’s
    testimony. DiMartino Booth is CEO of Quill Intelligence
    LLC, a research and analytics firm. Prior to that, she
    spent nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
    She is the author of “FED UP: An Insider’s Take on Why
    the Federal Reserve is Bad for America,” a full-time
    columnist for Bloomberg View, and a frequent
    commentator on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox News, Fox Business
    News, BNN Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance and other major
    media outlets. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    7. ==> Worried about Coronavirus? ‘Regular’ Flu Almost
    Killed this Guest

    While the world is abuzz about the coronavirus, many
    people forget just how deadly the flu can be, forgoing
    the yearly vaccination. That’s why everyone needs to
    hear the cautionary tale of Charles (Charlie) Gardner,
    who in 2011 came “this close” to losing his life from
    flu complications at age 56, the same age his great-
    great-grandfather was when the flu claimed his life. As
    a result of flu that turned into pneumonia contracted
    while he was on vacation, Charlie suffered 13 strokes,
    organ failure, and a six-week coma. His son and
    daughter were present even when they pulled the plug on
    him. Yet Charlie survived with a great story to share
    that includes miracles, a near-death experience and
    appreciating the life you have even if it isn’t the one
    you expected. Charlie tells his inspiring story in his
    book “Always Remember This Moment.” Contact him at
    (650) 995-5626;

    8. ==> How the Government is Bungling the Opioid Crisis

    A recent slight decline in opioid deaths is being
    touted as evidence the government’s current policies
    are working to solve the epidemic but David Hanscom,
    M.D., begs to differ. “The opioid epidemic is getting
    worse. … In fact, current efforts to reduce opioid
    prescribing are exacerbating the problem. Although I
    agree with more careful prescribing practices, it isn’t
    the answer to the epidemic.” Dr. Hanscom will explain
    why doctors can’t solve the issue of chronic pain
    although medical research has identified clear
    solutions that mainstream medicine isn’t implementing.
    Listeners will also discover the real reason people
    turn to opioids and the role family dynamics play in
    chronic pain. David Hanscom, M.D., is a renowned spine
    surgeon, a frequent guest on TV and radio programs and
    a sought-after speaker at medical conferences around
    the world. He’s the author of several books including
    “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic
    Pain.” Contact Beth Grossman at (212) 949-4071;

    9. ==> What Kobe Bryant’s Death Tells Us about Heroes

    Why has the death of a retired basketball player caused
    so much anguish to so many persons? Because human
    beings need heroes–and very often great athletes are
    champions most immediately recognizable to us. If we
    are to understand the impact of Kobe Bryant’s life and
    premature death, we must answer these questions: What
    makes someone a hero? Why do human beings need them?
    Why are great athletes so often looked up to as heroes?
    Andrew Bernstein can help audiences discover the
    answers. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the City
    University of New York. His just-published book is
    “Heroes, Legends, Champions: Why Heroism Matters.” The
    book demonstrates what heroes are, how they are
    distinguished from non-heroes, and why mankind needs
    them. Contact Andrew Bernstein at (845) 219.4566;

    10. ==> Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?

    Women talk about the challenges they face in a
    patriarchal society but in reality, women are each
    other’s own worst enemies, often holding each other
    back and sabotaging one another’s careers. Many, if not
    most, career women would agree that the bosses that
    gave them the most grief in their careers were female.
    Why is this the case? Career coach, author and former
    Wall Street executive Tamara Lashchyk discusses these
    issues and gives real-life examples of women who
    vindictively tried to sabotage the career of other
    women, including her own boss, who fired her just two
    days before she retired. She can answer such questions
    as do female bosses treat their male subordinates
    better than their female reports? Is this a
    generational issue and are millennials better at
    supporting other women than baby boomers? What can
    women do to help each other? Tamara’s been interviewed
    by the BBC and featured in Huffington Post. Contact
    Tamara Lashcyk at (848) 373-3543;

    11. ==> Nowhere to Run in Next Financial Crisis

    With real estate experts, economists, and even online
    real estate company Zillow predicting a recession in
    2020, are property owners prepared to weather the
    coming storm? Invite New York real estate economist and
    appraiser Adam Weber to share why he believes that in
    the next financial crisis there will be nowhere to
    hide. Invite him to discuss how we got here and why the
    upcoming economic crisis will be much worse than the
    past. As a veteran of multiple financial storms, he
    says lenders are currently handing out loans like
    crazy. His book, “The Appraisal Review Survival Guide,”
    reveals insider information on the workings of the
    risky business of making real estate loans. Contact him
    at (917) 779-8177;

    12. ==> The Global Consequences of Africa’s Poverty

    Why is mere survival so difficult for hundreds of
    millions of Africans despite the continent’s rich
    resources? Are the developed nations, multinational
    corporations, and outside benefactors inadvertently
    contributing to Sub-Saharan Africa’s “bottom billion”
    status with their generosity? How can positive change
    in the region be achieved? Invite Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni to
    discuss the long-term impacts of poverty in Sub-Saharan
    Africa on the rest of the world, and engage in a
    dialogue regarding the misguided benevolence of outside
    sympathizers. Dr. Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon, was
    born and raised in Nigeria. His latest book, “Rescue
    Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from
    Within,” reveals what many in the West don’t understand
    about the root causes of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight
    and the steps needed to improve the situation. Dr.
    Ayeni is the president of Pan Africa Children Advocacy
    Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him at (301) 812-4579;

    13. ==> 11 Creative Ways to Tie the Knot without
    Spending a Lot

    The average wedding now costs more than $30,000,
    excluding the honeymoon. Or $75,000 if you happen to
    marry in Manhattan. Patricia Davis, the author of
    “Going Broke Is No Joke,” says it’s time we stopped
    equating expensive wedding receptions with happiness
    and longer-lasting marriages and consider her 11
    creative ways to tie the knot without spending a lot
    and still have a fabulous, fun-filled wedding. She
    holds an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in
    personal financial planning from Golden Gate University
    and a certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact
    Patricia at (301) 517-6304;

    14. ==> Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More
    with Less

    Can’t find your car keys? Haven’t seen the scissors in
    weeks? Always losing your cell phone? As decluttering
    and downsizing expert Marlena Uhrik, Ph.D., will tell
    you, while we are strongly attached to them, a surplus
    of possessions can also lead to chaos and wasted time
    trying to find them. Marlena can talk about the peace
    and calm that comes with decluttering and where to
    start if you want to live with less, whether you are
    staying put or moving to a smaller home. She can also
    share how to make decluttering an everyday process. A
    50-year educator, Realtor and Certified Home Stager,
    she’s one of six authors of “Secret Sauce on
    Downsizing: The Complete Guide for Living with Less and
    Loving It More!” Ask her about free giveaways. Contact
    her at (916) 269-0528;

    15. ==> Burnout Nearly Killed Her: Exec Shares Stress-
    less Success Tips

    As a former Fortune 500 executive, Janet McKee is
    acutely familiar with the way most people strive for
    success–by working their butts off. But as someone who
    experienced massive burnout and hit rock bottom in her
    professional and personal lives, McKee is now much
    wiser when it comes to achievement, fulfillment, and
    prosperity; she knows that most of us are going about
    success all wrong. In fact, she has found, reducing
    stress is a requirement for success, not just a nice
    thing to experience. She’ll discuss how to combat
    today’s pervasive negativity and fear, why you
    shouldn’t fight against or try to change limiting
    beliefs, and the only goal you will ever need to
    achieve all that you want. Janet McKee, MBA, CHPC,
    CHHC, is a High-Performance™ success coach, wellness
    expert and CEO of SanaView. Her new book is “Stressless
    Success: The Surprising Secrets to a Life of Passion,
    Purpose, and Prosperity.” Contact her at (724)

    16. ==> Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work

    The law of attraction became popular by promoting the
    idea that positive thinking can solve all of our
    problems, but does it really work that way? Invite
    Baisakhi Saha to share why too much positive thinking
    may actually become more detrimental than beneficial
    for us. Her forthcoming book, “Life is Abracadabra: 21
    Magical Stories from My Travels Across the Globe That
    Will Make You Look at Life with New Eyes,” reveals how
    to harness the magic of life. Saha has been featured by
    Canal America TV New York, Prime 24 TV New York,
    National TV India, JUS Punjabi TV NY, Goge Africa TV,
    and many other TV, radio, digital, and print media
    outlets internationally. Contact her at or Skype: baisakhi

    17. ==> How to Say No! (and Still Be Liked)

    Why is it so hard to say “No!” to your mother-in-law?
    Or to your boss when he asks you for the umpteenth time
    to stay late at work? Or to that well-meaning friend
    who, yet again, is expecting you to run the fall
    festival because you are “so great at organizing these
    things.” “It’s easy to start feeling angry and
    resentful when we continually feel we have to say yes
    to things we don’t want to do,” says Jennifer Cochern,
    a seasoned counselor who helps people understand what
    boundaries are, how to create them and how to keep them
    in place … even with that mother-in-law! (A daunting
    task for sure!) Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is the author of
    “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She’s
    worked with hundreds of clients promoting personal
    growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact her
    at (208) 817-2870;

    18. ==> Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance
    Policy Lapse

    Imagine if you could receive cash for that life
    insurance policy you or your parents don’t need
    Did you know that $70 billion of life insurance
    policies go to waste annually? Simply because consumers
    don’t know a little-known secret that, if you qualify,
    you could receive up to 75% of your death benefits in
    CASH! Many professional advisors such as attorneys and
    CPA’s are now becoming aware of this and trying to help
    their clients avoid this waste and turn it into cash.
    David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor™, will educate your
    audience and tell you what life insurance companies
    don’t want you to know! David combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book, “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy,” details everything your audience needs to know
    to get that insurance policy working for them. Contact
    David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    19. ==> The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents

    Whether you call them Pap-pap or Grandfather, Meemaw or
    Grammy, our grandparents play an important role in
    preparing younger generations for a happier and more
    successful life. But sometimes “super” grandparenting
    is required, as Dr. Oliver Akamnonu and his wife
    discovered. They left their high-powered careers and
    significantly changed their lives to help their
    daughter, Nena, throughout her pregnancy, while she was
    in medical school! Once baby Lydia arrived, the
    Akamnonus continued to demonstrate their super
    grandparent skills. Invite them on your show and hear
    what they learned about helping one’s family and how
    that affects health, education, income, relationships,
    and society overall. You’ll learn five things super
    grandparents always do (and never do,) why financial
    support and childcare are only the beginning of the
    best grandparenting, and why you needn’t live nearby to
    be super grandparents. Listeners will leave with great
    advice on how to make sure children and grandchildren
    always remember you with gratitude and love. The
    Akamnonus co-authored “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma,
    Grandpa and Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal
    and the New Times.” Contact them at (413) 206-6753;

    20. ==> Bigfoot and Aliens: A Real-Life Adventure Story

    When she was 22, Patti Houtz was paid by an archeology
    society to be part of an expedition that went in search
    of Bigfoot. Also in the group were a National
    Geographic photographer; her boyfriend John; and a
    fisherman who was the latest person to see Bigfoot in
    Big Cypress Swamp in the Everglades. What occurred
    during the two days they spent in the swamp was
    unforgettable and, in Patti’s opinion, life-changing,
    and she is only now willing to share the experience on
    your show. She’ll detail what happened and what she
    thinks it means, and how her boyfriend ended up being
    featured on the front page of The National Enquirer.
    The Bigfoot story is just one of the adventures Houtz
    shares in her upcoming memoir “Solo By Choice.” Contact
    her at (775) 451-3191;

  • 01/07/20 RTIR Newsletter: Retirement Talks, Mideast Dangers, Death of the Free Press

    January 7, 2020

    01. The Mideast Has Just Become More Dangerous
    02. Trump is Committing Impeachable War Crimes
    03. Ten Things Americans Need to Know for 2020
    04. And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder
    05. What Being a Man Means in 2020
    06. Time for 2020 Retirement Talk
    07. Reading Glasses Are Actually Harming Your Vision
    08. How Patients Can Stop Medical Mistakes
    09. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
    10. Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?
    11. Why We Love Tom Hanks
    12. Stick to Your Resolution – Lose Weight and Keep It Off
    13. Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience
    14. Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate Change
    15. Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers Better
    16. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book this Year
    17. Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with Yourself
    18. School’s Toughest Bullies: Teachers
    19. We Should All Learn to Laugh at the IRS — Year-round!
    20. Keep Beds Dry Every Night

    1.==> The Mideast Has Just Become More Dangerous

    Many foreign policy experts and observers including
    Steven Cook, say the killing of Iranian Quds Force
    commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad has created a
    dangerous situation in the Mideast. Cook believes the
    assassination will escalate an already tense contest in
    Iraq between U.S. and Iran-backed forces, make the
    battle against the Islamic State more difficult, and
    will likely feed further regional upheaval. He says it
    also reinforces a narrative in the Middle East that the
    United States is hardly the force for regional
    stability that it claims to be. He adds, “It is easy to
    understand why Americans should brace for an Iranian
    response: this was comparable to Iran killing a senior
    U.S. military commander or intelligence official. In
    that scenario, any U.S. president would be impervious
    to diplomatic entreaties and would respond violently.”
    Steven Cook is an expert on Arab and Turkish politics
    as well as U.S.-Middle East policy. He is a senior
    fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Contact him
    at (202) 509-8620;

    2. ==> Trump is Committing Impeachable War Crimes

    The House is expected to vote soon on a war powers
    resolution to limit President Trump’s military actions
    after he ordered the killing of a top Iranian general
    last week. International law professor Francis Boyle
    says, “Hypocrisies and hypocrites abound. Trump should
    be impeached for his attacks and threats against Iran.
    These are far more brazen violations of the War Powers
    Clause of the U.S. Constitution than anything regarding
    Ukraine.” He adds, “Trump should have been impeached
    for his illegal bombings in Syria. He wasn’t, so
    predictably, he has gone on to target Iran and is
    making further threats against it and Iraq.” Boyle is
    professor of international law at the University of
    Illinois College of Law. Contact him at

    3. ==> Ten Things Americans Need to Know for 2020

    Your politically and culturally-active audience will
    enjoy hearing Rick Elkin, a controversial columnist and
    cultural analyst whose latest book is “Trump’s
    Reckoning: Bulldozing Progressivism, Rebuilding
    Americanism.” Rick will explore on-air what everyone is
    talking about at the water cooler. Hear his engaging
    and different spin on the issues we face every day. Ask
    him: What are Trump’s chances to stay in office in
    2020? Why are so many young people embracing socialism?
    Is the Deep State a threat to our freedom? What is the
    overwhelming cultural influence of what he calls “The
    FrankenMedia Monster?” Learn why Elkin warns “For
    everything you know, there is an equal and opposite
    thing you don’t know.” Contact Rick Elkin at (760)

    4.==> And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any

    Did you know John Quincy Adams used to enjoy swimming
    nude in the Potomac River? Or that doctors once held a
    press conference to announce Dwight Eisenhower moved
    his bowels? Or that Calvin Coolidge often conferred
    with a raccoon? Or that First Lady Florence Harding
    gave press interviews in her negligee? Or that George
    H.W. Bush took showers with his dog? Author Hal
    Marcovitz can talk about the many strange stories that
    have been circulating around the White House since John
    and Abigail Adams occupied the Executive Mansion,
    including some very odd stories about the current
    occupant. Marcovitz, a longtime journalist, is the
    author of the novel “Painting the White House,” which
    tells the story of an ordinary house painter who finds
    himself at the center of White House intrigues and
    misadventures. Contact him at (215) 718-6807 or

    5. ==> What Being a Man Means in 2020

    In the decade that just ended, once-powerful men such
    as Roger Ailes and Harvey Weinstein toppled from their
    lofty positions after the toxic way they treated women
    became public. And while this may be unsettling for
    some men, it is a good thing, notes Destin Gerek, an
    internationally recognized expert on masculinity, male
    sexuality and male empowerment. “We are living in a
    time in which notions of masculinity and femininity and
    the roles of men and women are being questioned and
    have become more fluid than ever before. … Increasingly
    powerful women have necessitated men to rethink their
    own role: These radical changes have become
    increasingly uncomfortable for us as men,” says Gerek.
    “They have forced us to look within, reassess our own
    outdated programming, and evolve our understanding of
    masculinity and what it means to be a man.” Destin
    Gerek is founder and CEO of The Evolved Masculine, a
    pioneering coaching and training company for men, and
    hosts a podcast by the same name. His new book is “The
    Evolved Masculine: Be The Man the World Needs & the One
    She Craves.” Contact him at (415) 341-2650;

    6. ==> Time for 2020 Retirement Talk

    Almost HALF of all Americans have no retirement savings
    whatsoever. On top of that, 76% of baby boomers aren’t
    confident that they’ve saved enough for retirement. The
    New Year is the perfect way to start your financial and
    retirement planning off on the right foot. Invite
    financial advisor and radio host Beau Henderson on your
    show to share his top 5 tips for a successful
    retirement and discuss how retirement and wellness go
    hand-in-hand, the scary side of retirement no one wants
    to talk about, how to maximize your social security
    benefits and much more. Beau Henderson has been
    featured on Fox, CBS, CW, CNBC, Yahoo, and other
    national media outlets. He’s the author of numerous
    books including “The RichLife: Ten Investments for True
    Wealth.” Contact Jaiden Buchan at or Beau Henderson at (770)

    7. ==> Reading Glasses Are Actually Harming Your Vision

    Nathalie Fiset M.D., started using reading glasses at
    the age of 41. After a few months, her vision worsened,
    even when she was using the reading glasses! Then she
    had an epiphany: the glasses weren’t helping her, they
    were making her eyesight worse. A retired family
    physician Dr. Fiset will explain how your listeners are
    harming their eyesight by using contacts, reading
    glasses and LASIK and share 4 secrets to normal vision
    after 40. Your listeners will learn how they can get
    better eyesight in just one month. Dr. Nathalie Fiset
    has appeared on radio, TV, podcasts and in newspapers.
    Contact her at; (407)

    8. ==> How Patients Can Stop Medical Mistakes

    Imagine if patients, without any medical experience,
    could protect themselves and loved ones from medical
    errors! Invite RN/APRN (nurse practitioner) Anne
    McAwley-LeDuc on your show and learn how to organize
    your medical records, communicate effectively, ask the
    right questions of health professionals, and become an
    advocate for yourself to avoid medical mistakes. Anne
    will share advice for keeping/remembering/referring to
    your medical history details for a lifetime, and how to
    start such a project. She’ll also discuss the
    importance of asking life-saving questions at the right
    time and readily communicating about previous
    procedures, emergencies and medication issues. You’ll
    also get tips on what to do when travelling or if
    you’re changing docs. Anne is the author of the
    workbook “Personal Health Organizer: A Complete Easy-
    to-Use System to Quickly Document Your Major Medical
    and Dental History.” Contact Anne McAwley-LeDuc at
    (860) 300-1603;

    9. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?

    At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
    chronic pain or love someone who does. Everyone else
    would love to learn how they can avoid joining their
    ranks. That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
    Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and served as s medical director for a leading
    pain management provider. With a charming South African
    accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
    Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
    Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
    his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
    reducing pain and enjoying life more. He studied
    medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa,
    before emigrating to Canada, where he became interested
    in treatments for chronic pain. He has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and has served as s medical director for a
    leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His
    new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is
    “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to
    Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    10. ==> Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?

    Sixty-percent of people who watch American news think
    the sources pay the reporters. That’s the trust gap,
    according to a joint Columbia Journalism Review and
    Reuters study from earlier this year. With so much talk
    about fake news and shrinking newsroom staff positions,
    it’s a wonder that anyone would want to train to be a
    TV or print journalist today. Willing to share her
    unique vantage point on this timely topic is Nita
    Wiggins, who teaches journalism in Paris, France, and
    is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race,
    Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.”
    Ask her: How much of the problem comes from the work of
    reporters and how much comes from the criticism from
    the president? How well do American news outlets
    provide diverse viewpoints? During her 21 years as a TV
    reporter and anchor, Nita witnessed bias against black
    reporters and female reporters from Augusta to Seattle
    to Washington, D.C. Contact Nita Wiggins at

    11. ==> Why We Love Tom Hanks

    Who but Tom Hanks could play beloved children’s TV icon
    Fred Rogers on the big screen? He already had us after
    Forrest Gump, but then, while accepting his lifetime
    achievement awards at Sunday’s Golden Globe ceremony,
    he reminded us why we love him as he talked about the
    importance of little things like showing up on time,
    and openly cried about how much he loves his family.
    Barry Shore says a big part of Hanks’ appeal is his
    joyfulness and appreciation of the miracles in life
    that happen every day. A former quadriplegic, Barry’s
    mission is spreading the joy of being alive no matter
    what adversities people face. Invite the host of The
    Joy of Living radio program and podcast on your show
    and listeners will learn how to redevelop the sense of
    wonder of an eight-year-old and take away a sense of
    gratitude for what is right with their lives instead of
    focusing on what they perceive is missing. Barry Shore
    has been featured in or appeared on O Magazine, Fox,
    NBC, ABC, and Forbes. Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

    12. ==> Stick to Your Resolution – Lose Weight and Keep
    It Off

    Successful weight loss isn’t about losing weight. It’s
    about changing your relationship with food. It has
    nothing to do with calculating calories or counting
    points. Obesity isn’t even a medical problem – it’s a
    behavioral problem with a medical consequence. These
    are some of the fundamental ideas weight-loss expert
    Eli Glaser will share with listeners looking to keep
    their New Year’s resolutions and finally find a long-
    term answer for their life-long struggle. Hear Eli’s
    incredible personal story of losing 130 pounds, keeping
    it off for 17 years, and how he became an
    internationally-known weight-loss coach. His message
    and methodology is engaging and compelling and your
    audience will eat up every word of his pioneering yet
    very practical advice. Eli founded the Soveya Weight-
    Loss Solution and is the author of “Enough Is Enough.”
    Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    13. ==> Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience

    Going in front of a group? Do you have key info to
    share? Want to get over your nerves and apprehension?
    First of all, no need to imagine your audience naked!
    You’ll want your presentation, confidence and message
    to wow everyone instead. So says communications and
    leadership expert Jill Jaysen. She’ll reveal how we’ve
    all been mis-taught when it comes to public speaking
    and what really makes a dynamite presentation for
    winning big. Learn why gimmicks like “practice at a
    mirror” and “videotape yourself” only risk creating
    mediocre speakers, how your speech starts long before
    you reach the auditorium, and how to prevent the
    biggest speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at
    (203) 442-9301;

    14. ==> Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate

    Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity
    is doing the same thing over and over again, but
    expecting different results.” He might as well have
    been talking about the way executives try to shepherd
    change within their corporations. Deb Kirby, Ph.D.,
    notes that such initiatives have a shocking failure
    rate of between 50% and 75% over the past 40 years. She
    says, “Forty years is an absurd amount of time to fail
    over and over again, particularly when you consider the
    money, time and toll such processes take on employees!”
    Invite Dr. Kirby, an organizational change coach,
    trainer and speaker, on your show to identify four
    reasons why organizational change fails and propose a
    different way to engage individuals, groups, and the
    organizational collective to spark sustainable
    transformational change. Deb Kirby, Ph.D., is an
    organizational coach, trainer, and speaker who
    concentrates on corporate culture change and leadership
    excellence. Contact her at (801) 913-8276;

    15. ==> Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers

    Everyone has at least one person whose behavior vexes
    them, leaving them to wonder: Why did they just do
    that? What were they thinking? How can they be so
    different than me? Get the answers at last from Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist whose unique
    approach to understanding human beings includes a
    combination of psychology and astrology. Dr. Dicker,
    the author of “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships,”
    has fresh insights that could help listeners become
    closer to their spouse, kids, coworkers, boss—and
    themselves. A Capricorn, she’ll present evidence that
    astrology is becoming more credible and accessible. A
    longtime student of astrology, she has been working
    with clients for 20 years and using astrology as her
    secret sauce. She has also taught courses on eating
    disorders and adult psychotherapy to upper-level
    psychology majors at the University of Colorado,
    Boulder, for nearly ten years. Contact her at (720)

    16. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book this Year

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She’ll reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She’ll also answer questions like what’s the
    biggest roadblock to getting a successful book written?
    And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be, what
    does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart and
    honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business.” Contact Fabi at (704)

    17. ==> Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with

    Millions woke up New Year’s day resolving to eat
    healthier, lose weight, or make some other life change
    in the hopes of becoming a better person and living a
    more fulfilling life. But personal growth expert and
    author Joffre McClung says there’s a better path to a
    happier, more contented life and you don’t have to give
    up anything or join a gym! “There really is nothing as
    important to your quality of life than your level of
    self-love,” says Joffre. Invite her to share three tips
    your listeners can do daily to raise their level of
    self-love and explain why that’s so important. “Your
    level of self-love not only determines how you see
    yourself, but governs how you experience the world
    around you,” she says. “It’s the prism through which
    you see and define all things!” Joffre McClung has
    appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows and podcasts.
    She’s a former media producer and independent
    filmmaker. “The Heart of the Matter” is her latest
    book. Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    18. ==> School’s Toughest Bullies: Teachers

    It’s bad enough when a fellow student picks on you and
    creates a tense bullying atmosphere at school. We hear
    about upsetting bullying issues every week, nationwide.
    But what if today’s educators are the troublesome
    tyrants? How does that limit learning and upset the
    entire class process? Are such control-prone teachers
    anywhere near accurate when they insist they’re just
    maintaining discipline? What needs to be done by
    administrators, PTOs, school boards and teachers
    themselves to rebuild bully-free classrooms for all
    grades? Find out when you interview popular media guest
    Barb Daniels, whose award-winning Timmy Teacup book
    series focuses on self-esteem and anti-bullying. Barb
    will offer surprising advice to help children and teens
    navigate a bullying classroom and healthy ways for
    teacher bullies to transform and still command respect.
    Expect high ratings and meaningful discussions on a
    topic that ultimately affects every family. Contact
    Barb Daniels at (636) 220-5495:

    19. ==> We Should All Learn to Laugh at the IRS —

    Incompetent. Reckless. Smug. Deserving of your guffaws
    and eye rolls, certainly not your fear. All that
    describes the IRS, says tax expert Richard Green — who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own!
    He has seen, first-hand, how the colossal waste and
    chaos of his former employer can put America at risk.
    He will reveal on-air what put such an important
    government agency so behind-the-times and so downright
    laughable. Do you realize that agents are still using
    50-year-old technology? And audits are unfair and
    usually unnecessary? Why is the IRS always blaming
    Congress or everyday citizens for its own tax
    management foibles? Ask Green, author of “Agents of
    Deceit,” what Americans can do to fix all this and
    still be fair to our nation and ourselves. Contact
    Richard Green at (909) 570-1509;

    20. ==> Keep Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
    discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
    the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
    anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
    this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
    does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
    other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
    What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
    professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
    issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
    problem become more noticeable at different times of
    year? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 800-0498;

  • 11/19/19 RTIR Newsletter: World Kindness, Psychstrology, Imposter Syndrome

    November 19, 2019

    01. Trump’s Tantrums Reveal Fragile Ego
    02. Are Americans Already Weary of Impeachment Hearings?
    03. Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic
    04. Judge Gino Brogdon: Personal Injury Court
    05. 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
    06. Set an Extra Plate for Thanksgiving
    07. Share Food AND Stories this Thanksgiving
    08. Enjoy Holiday Food Without Overindulging
    09. Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful
    10. How Safe Are Self-Driving Cars?
    11. The Healthcare Fix Americans Will Love (But Not D.C.)
    12. Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology
    13. Do You Have Imposter Syndrome?
    14. No Flu or Blues for You: Winter Health Prep
    15. How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us
    16. Conversation Crisis? How to Communicate and Connect
    17. 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    18. Do You Have 60 Seconds to Revolutionize Your Life?
    19. What Your Pet is Really Thinking
    20. Undertakers Daughter: What the Dead Told Her

    1.==> Trump’s Tantrums Reveal Fragile Ego

    Kurt Bardella says Donald Trump’s bullying tweets and
    increasing public meltdowns suggest the fear of
    impeachment is getting to him. “Fear is dominating
    Trump’s decision-making right now. It’s a sense of
    panic, masquerading as strength. This is a man who has
    spent the entirety of his adult life plastering his
    name on skyscrapers and casinos; this is a man who is
    obsessed with his own legacy. And that’s why
    impeachment is the permanent stain that Trump deserves
    — and one he clearly fears.” He adds, “Trump’s unhinged
    tweets and press outbursts are a manifestation of what
    feels a lot like desperation. And the more desperate
    Trump becomes, the more outrageous his rhetoric will
    become and the more his paranoia will grow.” Kurt
    Bardella is a media strategist who previously worked
    for Breitbart News. He became a Democrat in 2017 and is
    now a Huff Post, USA Today and NBC THINK contributor
    and the creator and publisher of Morning Hangover, a
    country music platform. Contact him at or @kurtbardella

    2. ==> Are Americans Already Weary of Impeachment

    Who’s going to watch week two of the impeachment
    hearings on TV? Janna Fite Herbison, a communication
    pro from Tennessee, doesn’t believe that many people
    care about the spectacle. “Americans outside the
    Washington beltway and New York media are thinking
    about their families and the state of their own lives
    and pocketbooks this holiday season. They aren’t
    concerned with a slew of exhaustive finger pointing and
    confusing signals about a Presidential phone call that
    is saturating the airwaves and threatening to remove
    the President.” Janna predicts that as testimony
    continues interest will wane and be replaced by
    frustration and doubt. Janna Fite Herbison is a former
    television news reporter, press secretary, lobbyist,
    author and magazine editor. Her book “Southern in The
    City” addresses cultural differences and geographical
    stereotypes across the country. Contact her at (901)

    3. ==> Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic

    You might recognize him as an NFL All-Pro or as an
    elite magician who made the finals of America’s Got
    Talent and regularly appears on The Ellen DeGeneres
    Show. But Jon Dorenbos says that what he does is not
    who he is. Who is he? As a 12-year-old boy, he learned
    to coach himself on how to turn tragedy to triumph
    after his father murdered his mother. Together, magic
    and football saved him, leading to fourteen NFL seasons
    on the gridiron and raucous sleight-of-hand
    performances to packed houses across the globe. Fast
    forward to 2017. After being traded to the New Orleans
    Saints, Jon’s world was turned upside down again when a
    routine physical revealed a life-threatening heart
    condition. Have Jon share his poignant and powerful
    story and learn how he persevered, why he forgave, and
    how anyone can choose happiness over darkness.
    Dorenbos’ new book is “Life is Magic.” Contact Doug
    Johnson at (310) 550-4079 or Tim Mooney at (609) 412 –

    4.==> Judge Gino Brogdon: Personal Injury Court

    Judge Gino Brogdon oversees daytime TV’s newest
    syndicated sensation, Personal Injury Court. The show
    depicts some of the most outrageous, painful and
    costliest personal injury cases ever seen on TV – from
    a woman attacked by her neighbor’s colony of bats to a
    man who regretfully got a radio station’s call letters
    tattooed to his forehead. Known for his big sense of
    humor, Judge Gino served more than a decade in
    Atlanta’s Fulton County – overseeing cases including
    celebrity misconduct, disputes involving professional
    athletes, professional malpractice and more. Gino can
    discuss some of the most unbelievable cases featured on
    Personal Injury Court and some of the wildest things
    he’s seen as a judge and mediator. Contact John Angelo

    5. ==> 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s

    On November 25, 1984, some of the biggest British and
    Irish artists in music gathered to record the song ‘Do
    They Know It’s Christmas?’ to help famine victims in
    Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14 countries
    and raised £8 million within a year. This led to other
    charitable endeavors such as the LiveAid concert, which
    raised a reported £150 million, and USA for Africa’s
    single “We Are the World,” which raised $63 million.
    Despite these huge global humanitarian efforts, has
    life in the affected region improved? Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the long-term impacts
    of charity on Sub-Saharan Africa and whether it has
    improved conditions for people there. Ayeni, a retired
    neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and raised
    in Nigeria. His latest book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of
    Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact
    him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    6. ==> Set an Extra Plate for Thanksgiving

    After her husband died, Mary Lee Robinson found herself
    quite alone for holiday meals and celebrations. A grief
    counselor, Robinson says people tend to forget widows
    and widowers at holiday times. They don’t realize how
    very alone they may be during the toughest times of the
    year for those grieving. As part of her ‘Set an Extra
    Plate Initiative’ she’ll encourage listeners to look
    around at work, in the neighborhood, at church, clubs
    and sports activities. “Notice people who are alone or
    families who have had a recent loss, and perform the
    simplest community service project one can imagine…
    invite them to your holiday table! No extra effort, no
    extra money involved!” Mary Lee Robinson is a grief
    coach and author of the Grief Series of 5 books. She’s
    also the editor of Widowlution Online Magazine, a
    lifestyle blog. Contact her at; (843) 421-5338.

    7. ==> Share Food AND Stories this Thanksgiving

    Families and friends will be getting together next week
    to celebrate and give thanks, and Peggy Sideratos says
    the holiday is the perfect opportunity for everyone
    around the table, especially the kids, to feel a little
    closer and more connected by sharing stories.
    Sideratos, a former school teacher, says boosting
    children’s social educational learning abilities (SEL)
    is especially important today. “We live in a world
    where kids and teens are dealing with depression,
    anxiety, cutting, eating disorders, bullying, school
    shootings and suicide rates at an alarming level. The
    brokenness is escalating. Our children are hurting and
    we have to do something about it,” Sideratos says.
    She’ll explain why storytelling is so effective in
    communicating with kids, ways Thanksgiving can be a
    natural opportunity to share stories and even provide
    tips on getting the conversation started! Peggy
    Sideratos is the author of “The Light Giver: and Other
    Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” and “The
    Light Giver Stories Workbook.” Contact her at (917)

    8. ==> Easy Ways to Enjoy Holiday Food Without

    The endless temptation of delicious holiday food can
    break the diet of even the most committed healthy
    eater. Is there any way to enjoy holiday meals without
    overindulging? Invite physician Dr. Ed Dodge to reveal
    easy ways to join in the festivities without eating too
    much and falling off the wagon. He can share which
    foods can help you feel full without loading you up
    with fat and sodium. His latest book “Family: A Family
    Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and the US” shares his
    journey from his childhood in the wilds of Africa,
    where he enjoyed exotic fruits and ate antelope and
    buffalo, to experiencing culture shock as a teen
    returning to the US. After becoming a physician, he
    returned to Africa to work, and later to volunteer. Dr.
    Dodge hosted Healthy Living Radio where he interviewed
    groundbreaking leaders in medicine. Contact him at
    (352) 228-9641 (TX);

    9. ==> Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful

    We’re used to thinking of everything we’re grateful for
    at Thanksgiving, but what about the rest of the year?
    Is it difficult to feel thankful all year long and can
    it really improve your outlook? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why gratitude
    is important for personal health and wellbeing,
    improving your relationships, and how it can help
    support and heal you going through life’s tough times
    and transitions throughout the year. In her novel “Lady
    in the Window” and the upcoming “The Paradise Table”
    Spencer writes about overcoming loss and how to find
    happiness in life through gratitude, family,
    friendships, and community. Her work has appeared on
    Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel,
    CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact
    her at (818) 884-0104 (CA);

    10. ==> How Safe Are Self-Driving Cars?

    Self-driving cars are being tested in some cities in
    America. While they are years away from being
    commonplace, your audience is curious about them. Do
    they promise to be safer than those driven by humans?
    How are engineers working to make them think like the
    human brain does? How are they likely to impact our
    leisure and employment situations? For the answers,
    interview leading artificial intelligence expert
    Junling Hu, Ph.D. Capable of talking about any aspect
    of AI, Dr. Hu was the director of AI at Samsung and the
    leader of the AI team at PayPal. She received the
    National Science Foundation CAREER award for her
    pioneering work in AI. She is the author of “The
    Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: What You Must
    Know About AI.” Contact her at (650) 906-6288;

    11. ==> The Healthcare Fix Americans Will Love (But Not

    Polls show healthcare is everyone’s top concern, even
    above immigration, the environment, or the economy.
    Americans simply can’t afford insurance and can’t find
    a doctor. But there is hope, says nationally recognized
    healthcare authority Deane Waldman, MD, MBA. “It’s a
    plan that neither Democrats nor Republicans will like
    because it restores control where it belongs – in the
    hands of We the Patients,” Dr. Deane says. Invite him
    to discuss his proposals for StatesCare and market-
    based medicine and why they have the potential to
    revolutionize healthcare in the U.S. Dr. Deane was
    chief of pediatric cardiology at Children’s Hospital of
    San Diego, University of Chicago, and University of New
    Mexico. A frequent media guest, he has written five
    print books and six e-books and has had articles
    published by Fox News, CNS News, Huffington Post, The
    Hill, Real Clear Politics, Forbes, Real Clear Health,
    Federalist, Investor’s Business Daily, USA Today and
    more. His latest book is “Curing the Cancer in U.S.
    Healthcare: StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine.”
    Contact Deane Waldman, MD, MBA at (505) 255-2999;

    12. ==> Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology

    For a fascinating show invite psychotherapist Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., to discuss something she calls
    “psychstrology,” and why she believes it can lead to a
    greater understanding of humanity. On your show Dicker
    will make a convincing case that astrology is more than
    the fortune-telling pseudoscience people often believe
    it to be. She’ll explain what astrology and psychology
    have in common, how astrology can help people find more
    balance, clarity, and ease, and evidence that astrology
    is becoming more credible and accessible. Stacy Dicker,
    Ph.D., is an author and clinical psychologist in
    private practice who has been seeing psychotherapy
    clients in the Denver area for the last 20 years. Her
    latest book is “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships.”
    Contact her at (720) 327-1732;

    13. ==> Imposter Syndrome: How to Stop Feeling Like a

    Although outwardly successful as a pastor and adjunct
    professor, Bary Fleet used to feel as though he was a
    fraud inside—someone who was faking his way through
    life, certain one day he would be exposed as a phony.
    Sound familiar? Invite Fleet on your show and hear how
    he overcame that thinking to rediscover the light,
    love, joy, peace, beauty and goodness with which he
    says all human beings are born. He says, “What I’ve
    discovered is that you don’t have to accomplish
    monumental goals, like completing a triathlon or a
    Spartan event. You can connect with your Inner
    Magnificence every day by doing little things.” In
    addition to being a pastor, Bary Fleet has spent more
    than 30 years teaching leadership and psychology at
    Emory University, Bryant University, and Johnson and
    Wales University. He’s the author of “Move into Your
    Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of Passion and
    Joy.” Contact Fleet at (401) 654-4134;

    14. ==> No Flu or Blues for You: Winter Health Prep

    Being healthy isn’t season dependent, but Tony Selimi
    says there are some things you can do right now that
    could make the upcoming winter easier on your body.
    Selimi, one of the leading specialists in human
    behavior and the psychology of wellbeing, will share 7
    fall habits that will naturally immunize your body
    against disease. “Autumn is a super time to energize
    your body to cope better with the winter blues so you
    can be more active, productive and seductive.” From
    lifestyle tweaks to psychological and physical ways to
    boost immunity, Tony’s tips can help your listeners
    feel healthier than ever, no matter what the season.
    Tony J. Selimi is the author of “A Path to Wisdom” and
    “#Loneliness – The Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-
    creator of Living My Illusion- The Truth Hurts, an
    award-winning documentary. Tony has appeared on over
    200 TV and radio stations across the world. Contact him

    15. ==> How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us

    While the War on Drugs may have sounded like a good
    idea at one time, the consequences have been
    catastrophic. One in three adults in the US now have a
    criminal record, primarily for drug possession. Parents
    grieve the loss of their children from overdose and
    mass incarceration. And patients with severe illness or
    chronic pain are denied access to proven pain
    medications. Lawyer and expert on drug policy and
    criminal justice reform Colleen Cowles can discuss the
    myths about addiction that have fueled the overdose
    epidemic as well as ways to transform the punitive war
    on drugs into compassionate and effective policy.
    Colleen Cowles, J.D., is the author of “War on Us: How
    the War on Drugs and Myths about Addiction Have Created
    a War on All of Us.” She is a speaker and frequent
    radio and TV guest expert on topics related to criminal
    justice reform, drug policy, and substance abuse.
    Contact her at (715) 828-0293;

    16. ==> Conversation Crisis? How to Communicate and

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
    “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    17. ==> 2020: The Year of World Kindness

    Many people are upset and frustrated about the state
    the world is in— the “us vs them” mentality that
    dominates discourse, the increasing lack of civility,
    the expanding toll climate change and pollution are
    having on the environment and people’s quality of life.
    Lyle Benjamin, founder of the nonprofit organization
    Planned Acts of Kindness, has created a series of
    innovative programs under the banner “One Planet – One
    People” and declared 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    with the goal of people around the world doing 1
    Billion Planned Acts of Kindness. He’ll discuss
    upcoming events including a series of summits around
    the world featuring TEDx speakers, panel discussions
    and workshops. “We’re all in this together,” Benjamin
    says. “And, if we don’t start acting like we are “One
    Planet – One People” 10-15 years from now the world
    will be tremendously different for billions of people,
    and not in a good way.” Contact Benjamin at (212)
    213-0257 (O); (917) 683-2625 (C) or

    18. ==> Do You Have 60 Seconds to Revolutionize Your

    Most of us would like to change some of our behavior
    patterns and create better outcomes in our personal and
    professional lives. The trouble is that thinking about
    making a change often feels overwhelming. It’s hard to
    know where to start. Expert problem-solver, executive
    and personal development coach Peggy Caruso says the
    key is to take small steps when you don’t know where to
    begin. Caruso will share strategies that can help you
    begin making positive changes in every area of your
    life from relationships and parenting to health,
    personal development and even dealing with elderly
    loved ones. “Take the First Shot: Strategies to Fire
    You Up and Change Your Life,” is the fourth book in
    Caruso’s Revolutionize series. Contact her at (814)

    19. ==> What Your Pet is Really Thinking

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is going through your
    pet’s mind? If you had an animal communicator you could
    turn to? Well, now you have one in Dawn Crystal. Dawn
    has been healing people and animals over the air using
    sound for 25 years and has been interviewed on the
    radio more than 40 times; she has also been a guest on
    major TV shows. Now it’s your turn to interview her and
    maybe get some free advice about your own pet. For
    instance, Dawn may be able to tell you why your dog is
    feeling anxious, why your pet is sick but the
    prescribed drugs aren’t working or why your pet just
    destroyed your slippers. Contact her at (807) 907-6294;

    20. ==> Undertakers Daughter: What the Dead Told Her

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
    can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
    communicate with loved ones after they depart this
    mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
    to do that. Margo will reveal her journeys to the other
    side, experiences she’s had in dreams and the important
    messages she received about life from the deceased. She
    is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter,” which has received glowing
    reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact
    Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

  • 11/7/19 RTIR Newsletter: Veteran’s Day, Reclaiming Joy, A Year of Kindness

    November 7, 2019

    01. Great Veterans Day Show – Mighty Oaks Warrior Program
    02. 5 Places Worth a Veterans Day Visit
    03. Adam Schiff is No Friend of Progressives
    04. Funny – Behind Bars with Felicity Huffman Podcast
    05. Holiday Hacks to Reclaim Your Joy
    06. How to Pick the Perfect Holiday Wine
    07. November 15th is National Philanthropy Day
    08. Turning the Charity Model on Its Head
    09. Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful
    10. 7 Fall Habits to Boost Your Immunity
    11. Beyond Addiction: Other Risks of Opioids
    12. Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    13. How Animals and Nature Improve Mental & Physical Health
    14. Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better
    15. Conversation Crisis: How Convenience Has Ruined Connection
    16. Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet
    17. Her Dad Was an Undertaker – This is What She Learned
    18. 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    19. Revolutionize Your Life in 60 Seconds
    20. The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable Success

    1.==> Great Veterans Day Show – Mighty Oaks Warrior

    Chad Robichaux, Force Recon Marine and Pro MMA
    Champion, had successes and failures both in
    Afghanistan and in the MMA cage, but his biggest fight
    was coming home and struggling with PTSD, a near
    divorce and almost becoming another veteran suicide
    statistic. Invite Robichaux, now the founder/president
    of the Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs, to share glimpses
    of his life in special operations and professional
    fighting and the spiritual battles into which he was
    thrust and that nearly took his life. Chad Robichaux’s
    book is “An Unfair Advantage.” A certified pastoral
    counselor, he’s appeared on national radio and TV and
    testified in Veterans’ Court regarding combat trauma
    and PTSD. The Mighty Oaks Warrior Program is a
    Christian peer-based program for veterans suffering
    PTSD. Contact him at @ChadRobo;

    2. ==> 5 Places Worth a Veterans Day Visit

    Monday is Veterans Day, a day when Americans are
    encouraged to reflect on the sacrifices of our troops
    and thank those who served. For those who have off from
    work and school, the travel experts at the GO Group
    recommend some US Military destinations to visit. From
    the National Museum of the United States Air Force in
    Ohio to The Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii, there
    are spots from coast to coast where you can learn
    history and see artifacts and hands-on exhibits devoted
    to the military. The GO Group, LLC is the nation’s
    largest airport transportation provider. Contact Dyana
    Flanigan at 312-213-6623;

    3. ==> Adam Schiff is No Friend of Progressives

    Stephen Zunes, a professor of politics at the
    University of San Francisco, says, “(Adam) Schiff’s
    record on foreign policy, civil liberties, human rights
    and other key issues has often put him more in line
    with Republicans than with liberal Democrats. … It is
    ironic, therefore, that Trump and the Republicans are
    portraying him as some kind of left-winger.” Zunes was
    extensively quoted in the recently published article
    “Adam Schiff Is No Friend of Progressives.” The piece
    by Norman Soloman of the Institute for Public Accuracy,
    notes: “Schiff is tenaciously challenging a despicable
    president who should be impeached. At the same time,
    while Schiff has emerged as a marquee foe of Trumpism,
    we should be aware that he remains deeply enmeshed with
    corporatism and militarism.” Contact Stephen Zunes at; @SZunes

    4.==> Funny – Behind Bars with Felicity Huffman Podcast

    Felicity Huffman has been released from jail just in
    time to listen to a new satirical original scripted
    comedy podcast series based on her recent experience.
    ‘14 Days with Felicity’ follows America’s favorite
    desperate housewife Felicity Huffman as she serves her
    prison sentence for her role in the 2019 college
    admissions scandal. Listeners get an earful hearing
    about Felicity’s two weeks behind bars via a cell phone
    she’s smuggled into prison. Each episode is
    approximately 10 minutes long and features actors
    playing Huffman’s husband William H. Macy, her
    mortified daughters, Sophia and Georgia, and a whole
    host of familiar figures ranging from Martha Stewart to
    Lindsay Lohan. The podcast was created and written by
    the comedy duo Connor Wright and Christina Friel.
    Contact Kerri Brusca at

    5. ==> Holiday Hacks to Reclaim Your Joy

    It’s not even Thanksgiving yet and you’re already
    stressed out and dreading the thought of the
    approaching holidays. When did the season of joy start
    feeling like a marathon to be endured? The obligations,
    expectations and expense! Invite Joffre McClung to help
    your listeners rediscover their holiday happiness by
    sharing 5 tips that will help you reclaim your holiday
    spirit. She’ll discuss what to do when family
    traditions become outdated or burdensome, when it’s not
    only ok, but necessary to say no, and why the best gift
    you give this season will make YOU feel like a million
    bucks and won’t cost you a dime. McClung, a personal
    growth expert and author says, “Let go of something–
    hosting dinner, opening gifts or eating dinner at a
    certain time of day–just because that’s how you’ve
    always done it. Let go of what was and do what feels
    right for you NOW.” A former media producer and
    independent filmmaker, Joffre McClung has appeared on
    dozens of radio and TV programs. Her latest book is
    “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre McClung at
    (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    6. ==> How to Pick the Perfect Holiday Wine

    The holidays are a time of good cheer and celebration,
    a time to break bread with family and friends, to toast
    the good times of today and those yet to come. But
    choosing wine can be intimidating—just ask anyone who
    has spent too much time in the local wine shop trying
    to decide what to buy to please their guests, or to
    impress the folks on their shopping list. Give your
    audience their own personal wine guide, and a fun,
    informative romp— without the usual snobbery—through
    the wonderful world of wine when you invite Jim
    Laughren on your show. You’ll learn how to avoid the
    most common wine mistakes a host can make, the secret
    to choosing a wine gift and where to find wine
    bargains. You’ll also learn how to inexpensively add a
    touch of elegance to end any holiday meal. Jim Laughren
    is a Certified Wine Educator and the author of “50 Ways
    to Love Wine More: Adventures in Wine Appreciation.”
    Contact him at (954) 661-4546;

    7. ==> November 15th is National Philanthropy Day: How
    to Give Until it (Doesn’t!) Hurt

    Imagine getting cash for that life insurance policy you
    or your parents don’t need anymore! Did you know that
    70 billion dollars of life insurance policies literally
    go to waste annually? Why not turn that waste into a
    GIFT? “Most consumers don’t realize the little-known
    secret that, if you or your parents qualify, you could
    receive up to 50% of your death benefits in CASH by
    selling your policy to the highest bidder!” says David
    Kottler, the Insurance Doctor (TM.) Most alumni, for
    example, would consider donating their policies to
    their alma maters as a charitable gift, but
    universities and colleges would much rather have the
    CASH gift instead. It’s simply a more efficient way to
    give to non-profits! David combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    about how to get that insurance policy working for
    them! Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    8. ==> Turning the Charity Model on Its Head

    The season of giving is here and while you might want
    to donate to charity, something is holding you back.
    Maybe you don’t know where your money is really going,
    or exactly how it’s going to help those in need. Jon
    Kaufman is the creator of H2OpenDoors, a charity that
    works in a different way. “It’s time to start using
    our charitable gifts in a way that empowers the poorest
    among us to profit, which promotes self-reliance and
    actually creates a system where the recipients can MAKE
    money instead of TAKE money,” says Kaufman. On your
    show Kaufman will discuss how he’s disrupting the
    charity model and turning the idea of giving on its
    head. 100% of contributions to H2OpenDoors are used for
    the acquisition, shipment and installation of water-
    centric businesses in the poorest regions of the world.
    Villages then use revenue from the bottling plants etc.
    to fund social services in the community including
    college scholarships, nutritional programs,
    construction of proper latrines and classroom
    expansion. Kaufman is the author of “Long Walk on a Dry
    Road, the Education of a Water Warrior.” Contact him at
    (650) 520-6873;

    9. ==> Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful

    We’re used to thinking of everything we’re grateful for
    at Thanksgiving, but what about the rest of the year?
    Is it difficult to feel thankful all year long and can
    it really improve your outlook? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why gratitude
    is important for personal health and wellbeing,
    improving your relationships, and how it can help
    support and heal you going through life’s tough times
    and transitions throughout the year. In her award-
    winning novel, Lady in the Window and her soon-to-be-
    published novel The Paradise Table, Spencer writes
    about overcoming loss and how to find happiness in life
    through gratitude, family, friendships, and community.
    Her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-
    TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime,
    PBS, and many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104

    10. ==> 7 Fall Habits to Boost Your Immunity

    Being healthy isn’t season dependent, but Tony Selimi
    says there are some things you can do right now that
    could make this winter a little easier on your body.
    Selimi, one of the leading specialists in human
    behavior and the psychology of wellbeing, will share 7
    fall habits that will naturally immunize your body
    against disease. “Autumn is a super time to energize
    your body to cope better with the winter blues so you
    can be more active, productive and seductive.” From
    lifestyle tweaks to psychological and physical ways to
    boost immunity, Tony’s tips can help your listeners
    feel healthier than ever, no matter what the season.
    Tony J. Selimi is the author of “A Path to Wisdom” and
    “#Loneliness – The Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-
    creator of Living My Illusion- The Truth Hurts, an
    award-winning documentary. Tony has appeared on over
    200 TV and radio stations across the world. Contact him
    at +44 &8 1717 4708;

    11. ==> Beyond Addiction: Other Risks of Opioids

    While considerable attention has been focused in recent
    years on the risks of addiction due to prescription
    opioids, little attention has been paid to other
    serious risks of taking opioids. These include risk of
    accidental overdose due to polypharmacy or prescription
    of high doses, increased risk of developing chronic
    pain when used for acute pain, lowered immunity,
    traffic fatalities due to opioid use, and increased
    risk of falls in the elderly. Another significant risk
    is that the underlying cause of the pain may never be
    addressed, leading to lifelong chronic pain when
    recovery might have been possible. Chronic pain expert
    Cindy Perlin can discuss these risks as well as safe,
    effective alternative treatments for acute and chronic
    pain. Perlin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
    certified biofeedback practitioner and chronic pain
    survivor. She is the author of “The Truth About Chronic
    Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for
    Becoming Pain Free” and the founder of the Alternative
    Pain Treatment Directory. She has been a guest on
    dozens of radio shows and podcasts. Reach her at; (518) 439-6431.

    12. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When
    Talking to Yourself

    Interview Dr. Donald Pet about how he has helped people
    break addictions, transform their lives, and radically
    increase their own happiness simply by teaching them
    seven “word switches.” For example, instead of telling
    yourself, you “should” do something, say that you “can”
    do it. Instead of saying that something “made” you
    sad, tell yourself that you “allowed” it to discourage
    you. Instead of saying you feel a lot of anger, tell
    yourself that you feel a lot of “energy” about the
    situation. These are just some of the ways Dr. Pet has
    helped ordinary people break the grip of the cycle of
    common emotions to increase their own levels of
    personal joy and fulfillment. Pet is the founder of His course is completely free and is
    designed to have you become a much more loving person.
    Contact Dr. Donald Pet at (860) 324-9991;

    13. ==> How Animals and Nature Improve Mental &
    Physical Health

    You should get exercise and eat all the right foods to
    try and stay healthy, but Richard Louv says being a
    nature lover can dramatically boost your mental and
    physical health. Louv, a journalist and co-founder of
    the Children & Nature Network, will reveal how dogs can
    teach children ethical behavior, how animals in urban
    areas are blurring the lines between the domestic and
    the wild, and what role the human-animal relationship
    plays in our spiritual well-being. He can explore
    urgent topics such as biodiversity, inter-species
    health, and unprecedented conservation practices –
    including the proposal to set aside half of the planet
    for nature and wildlife and the assisted migration of
    invasive species. Louv’s Children & Nature Network
    supports a new nature movement. His latest book is “Our
    Wild Calling: How Connecting with Animals Can Transform
    our Lives—and Save Theirs.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    14. ==> Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances, and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie Dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of Young Adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    She is also the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter:
    What Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    15. ==> Conversation Crisis: How Convenience Has Ruined
    Connection (and What to Do about It!)

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs. (Don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is an author and a
    true Renaissance man. His novel is “Eye of the Moon.”
    Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    16. ==> Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is going through your
    pet’s mind? If you had an animal communicator you could
    turn to? Well, now you have one in Dawn Crystal. Dawn
    has been healing people and animals over the air using
    sound for 25 years and has been interviewed on the
    radio more than 40 times; she has also been a guest on
    major TV shows. Now it’s your turn to interview her and
    maybe get some free advice about your own pet. For
    instance, Dawn may be able to tell you why your dog is
    feeling anxious, why your pet is sick but the
    prescribed drugs aren’t working or why your pet just
    destroyed your slippers. Contact her at (807) 907-6294;

    17. ==> Her Dad Was an Undertaker – This is What She

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
    can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
    communicate with loved ones after they depart this
    mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
    to do that. Margo will reveal her journeys to the other
    side, experiences she’s had in dreams and the important
    messages she received about life from the deceased. She
    is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter,” which has received glowing
    reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact
    Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    18. ==> 2020: The Year of World Kindness

    Many people are upset and frustrated about the state
    the world is in— the “us vs them” mentality that
    dominates discourse, the increasing lack of civility,
    the expanding toll climate change and pollution are
    having on the environment and people’s quality of life.
    Lyle Benjamin, founder of the nonprofit organization
    Planned Acts of Kindness, has created a series of
    innovative programs under the banner “One Planet – One
    People” and declared 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    with the goal of people around the world doing 1
    Billion Planned Acts of Kindness. He’ll discuss
    upcoming events including a series of summits around
    the world featuring TEDx speakers, panel discussions
    and workshops. “We’re all in this together,” Benjamin
    says. “And, if we don’t start acting like we are “One
    Planet – One People” 10-15 years from now the world
    will be tremendously different for billions of people,
    and not in a good way.” Contact Benjamin at (212)
    213-0257 (O); (917) 683-2625 (C) or

    19. ==> Revolutionize Your Life in 60 Seconds

    Most of us would like to change some of our behavior
    patterns and create better outcomes in our personal and
    professional lives. The trouble is that thinking about
    making a change often feels overwhelming. It’s hard to
    know where to start. Expert problem-solver, executive
    and personal development coach Peggy Caruso says the
    key is to take small steps when you don’t know where to
    begin. Caruso will share strategies that can help you
    begin making positive changes in every area of your
    life from relationships and parenting to health,
    personal development and even dealing with elderly
    loved ones. “Take the First Shot: Strategies to Fire
    You Up and Change Your Life,” is the fourth book in
    Caruso’s Revolutionize series. Contact her at (814)

    20. ==> The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable

    So you think you have to be brilliant, gifted and in
    the right place at the right time in order to be wildly
    successful in life? Kim Chestney says, “Not so!” She
    says virtually everyone has the ability to attain goals
    beyond their wildest imaginings thanks to the one
    innate trait that all humans possess: Intuition!
    “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
    faculty of human consciousness. Getting your ego out of
    the way and developing your inner voice is a great
    bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being
    and growth in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an
    international best-selling author and intuition expert
    who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh,
    Pa. Her new global online Intuition school,
    IntuitionLab is up and running. Contact Kim at; (412) 214-9502.

  • 08/13 RTIR Newsletter: Epstein Suicide, Healthy Travel Tips, Frozen Embryos

    01. 2020: The Stakes
    02. How America Elected a White Supremacist
    03. The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey Epstein
    04. Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?
    05. The 50th Anniversary of the 60s Revolution
    06. Summer’s Not Over Yet! Happy, Healthy Travel Tips
    07. Vacations Can Be Deadly for Marriage
    08. Why Men Need Equal Rights Too!
    09. Why People Are Dreaming about Trump
    10. Should You Adopt a Frozen Embryo?
    11. Just in Time for Back to School: Simplify Your Life
    12. How Do We Depolarize America?
    13. Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy
    14. Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck: Are You the Reason?
    15. Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?
    16. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
    17. Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What YOU’LL
    Want to Know
    18. How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s
    19. What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?
    20. How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    1. ==> 2020: The Stakes

    Invite columnist and American Prospect cofounder Robert
    Kuttner on your show to discuss the upcoming 2020
    Presidential election, what’s at stake, and why he
    believes it will be a key moment in the history of
    American democracy. Kuttner will explain how the Trump
    administration has seriously eroded many of the
    bulwarks of American-style democracy. The damage can be
    reversed, but it’s not enough that Democrats beat
    Trump, Kuttner contends; they must win and govern as
    economic progressives. He’ll explain why it’s the only
    stance that can bridge potentially fatal schisms of
    race and identity, and rebuild an economy of broad
    prosperity. Kuttner’s new book is “The Stakes: 2020 and
    the Survival of American Democracy.” Contact Johanna
    Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> How America Elected a White Supremacist

    According to author Jess Row, white centrist Democrats
    and liberals have no idea of the magnitude of racial
    resentment and white nationalism in the country, in
    part because of the suburban sprawl of the 1970s which
    keeps white and nonwhite Americans physically and
    psychically apart. Row says many white liberals are
    unable to grasp that racism has become a national
    emergency, undoing the social fabric and the democratic
    institutions of the United States. He says, “This is
    especially true among the kind of white people I spend
    most of my time with — professionals, academics,
    businesspeople — whose lives haven’t gotten measurably
    worse in the last two years, and in some cases, because
    of the booming stock market, have improved. If you
    travel in those circles, it’s still possible to believe
    life is good.” He says Trump’s supporters, on the other
    hand, are committed to a radical transformation of
    American society and politics from which there is no
    going back. He believes we are in the early stages of
    either an authoritarian consolidation of power or a
    civil war, or both. Jess Row is the author of “White
    Flights: Race, Fiction, and the American Imagination”
    He teaches at the College of New Jersey. Contact him at
    (609) 771-2363;

    3. ==> The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide at the Metropolitan
    Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan this
    weekend leaves many unanswered questions. Ongoing
    investigations will explore whether MCC is among the
    nation’s worst-run federal pretrial facilities, and/or
    whether Epstein may have had some desired (or unwanted)
    help in ending his life and escaping his day in court.
    Investigative journalist Judith Miller says, “I shun
    conspiracy theories—but based on the little that prison
    officials have said so far, and what I know of life in
    jail, Epstein’s death is deeply troubling. No one
    should die of unnatural causes in jail. In a well-
    managed facility, no one would.” says Judith Miller.
    “However lurid the charges against him and perverse the
    nature of his alleged crimes, Epstein’s death behind
    bars should trouble every American. The investigations
    must not rest until what happened is revealed.” Judith
    Miller, is a Fox News contributor, an adjunct fellow at
    the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of
    its magazine, City Journal. She was formerly a Pulitzer
    Prize-winning investigative reporter for The New York
    Times. Her latest book is “The Story: A Reporter’s
    Journey.” Contact her at (212) 599-7000; @JMfreespeech

    4. ==> Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?

    The U.S. Justice Department recently announced a major
    antitrust investigation into unnamed tech giants, and
    the House Judiciary Committee has begun an
    unprecedented antitrust probe into Google, Facebook,
    Amazon and Apple over their aggressive business
    practices, and promises “a top-to-bottom review of the
    market power held by giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim
    Rumford to reveal surprising parallels to U.S. history
    and why he believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy
    Roosevelt when it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss
    the history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of
    1890, how that is being repeated today, and ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and
    Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created Big
    Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco
    buyer at the time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s
    own interest in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s
    scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day. Reach him
    through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    5. ==> Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 60s
    Revolution That Changed the World

    The 50th anniversary of Woodstock has brought the 1960s
    back into focus again: the music, the drugs, the
    innocence and hope for a more peaceful world. It is a
    world that Susan Shumsky lived in as one of the
    pioneers of the spiritual revolution that changed the
    world and one that Susan says continues. As a witness
    to history, Susan can talk about being near the stage
    during the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont 50 years
    ago, being at the be-ins and love-ins during the Summer
    of Love in San Francisco in 1967 that introduced the
    word psychedelic to suburbia and the 22 years she spent
    living in the ashrams of the Beatles’ guru, and six
    years on his personal staff. She is the award-winning
    author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
    Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has done
    over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)

    6. ==> Summer’s Not Over Yet! Happy, Healthy Travel

    Everyone is trying to squeeze in some last minute
    summer fun and adventure, but travelling can be
    stressful—on the body and the mind! Invite Dashama on
    your show and get great tips on ways to have a happier,
    healthier trip, no matter where you’re going or who
    you’re with! She’ll share must-have products to pack,
    ways to destress and get in some exercise while on the
    road, and unexpected ways to add depth to your journey.
    Dashama is a happiness expert, author, speaker and
    founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute. She travels the
    world teaching and sharing the gift of health,
    happiness and flow state. A media favorite she has been
    featured on ABC, QVC, NBC, Discovery Channel, Wall
    Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo and UK Sunday Times.
    Contact her at (808) 283-2646;

    7. ==> Vacations Can Be Deadly for Marriage

    A University of Washington study a few years ago found
    the number of divorces spike in August and March,
    coinciding with the end of vacation season; researchers
    theorized that marital splits were occurring after the
    intimacy couples expected from their vacations failed
    to materialize. During the 15 years that Beth Liebling
    was a divorce attorney, she noticed the spike too, and
    kept it in mind when she switched gears and
    professions. Now a relationship expert, Liebling helps
    couples rediscover what it means to passionately love
    each other A firm believer that monogamy shouldn’t mean
    monotony, she’ll share ways to regain that ‘teenager-
    in-love’ feeling, how to stop having BMS (boring,
    married sex) or ABC Sex (Anniversary, Birthday, and
    Christmas Sex), and why men should not be afraid of
    vibrators and women should buy men underwear. Ask about
    her upcoming Couples Camp, a 3-day, high-end luxury
    camp in Orlando this October. Beth Liebling is the
    author of “Love and Laughter: Sexy (Meaningful) Fun for
    Everyone.” She’s the host of Love and Laughter with
    Beth, a radio talk show that first aired on ESPN.
    Contact Beth Liebling at (832) 573-2039;

    8. ==> Why Men Need Equal Rights Too!

    Ask people about the advantages men have over women and
    you are likely to hear such comments as “men have all
    the power; they make more money than women, and they
    are more likely to be abusive.” Sparrow Hart says it’s
    time to set the record straight and acknowledge that
    men have been having a rough time lately. He will point
    out statistics that show that men have shorter lives
    than women, have less access to health care, have five
    times the suicide rate as women, and now make up less
    than 50 percent of college freshmen. “Does this sound
    like an oppressor group?” he asks. “Where are the equal
    rights for men?” As Hart will explain, men are often
    caught between a rock and a hard place. Women want men
    to express their feelings more, but when they do women
    say, “Not those feelings!” Women want the “nice guy
    feelings,” not men’s real feelings of frustration or
    resentment. Sparrow Hart has been leading men’s
    programs such as The Mythic Warrior and The Men’s
    Wisdom Council for decades. Contact him at (801)

    9. ==> Why More and More People Are Dreaming about
    Donald Trump

    On any given day, we hear about political
    controversies, big rallies (often with protesters!),
    White House staff news, campaign coverage and even
    Twitter outbursts that keep President Donald Trump in
    our minds. No wonder we’re awoken by dreams
    (nightmares??) of this polarizing leader and his
    presidency! Explore this epidemic of Trump-driven
    dreams when you interview Layne Dalfen — a sought-
    after dream analyst who will explain why Trump is
    someone who intrigues even our subconscious. Is this
    healthy? Are there lessons to be learned? Might this
    help Trump win (or lose) the 2020 election? Could other
    candidates literally capture our imaginations this way?
    What do callers’ Trump dreams mean? Arrange interviews
    with Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    10. ==> Should You Adopt a Frozen Embryo?

    Countless couples long for their first child or to
    expand their families — yet fertility issues or other
    health-related concerns could be interfering. Such
    would-be parents often consider adoption, yet still
    hope to experience the miracle of giving birth. With
    today’s fertility technologies, many couples can do
    both. Interview Nate Birt to learn how he and his wife
    welcomed their sweet daughter, Phoebe, who started as a
    frozen embryo but was implanted, brought to term and
    delivered by the Birts last year. Invite Nate to share
    his heartwarming family adoption story and help other
    couples by exploring questions like: How do you find
    available resources and experts for adopting embryos?
    What does it take to qualify? How does the process
    work? How can this path to parenthood change our
    beliefs about the unborn? Nate is the author of
    “Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-
    Step Guide to Embryo Adoption.” Contact Nate Birt at
    (573) 253-0140;

    11. ==> Just in Time for Back to School: Simplify Your

    What happened to the lazy, hazy days of summer? Today,
    even the dog days of summer have become a race to the
    finish. Instead of having the summer to regroup and get
    refreshed, most families find they need a “vacation
    from their vacation!” Instead of heading into a new
    school year raring to go – many parents feel
    overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get refreshed
    before Labor Day Weekend! Ever wish you didn’t feel so
    overwhelmed and busy that you become paralyzed? She’ll
    show you how to notice what’s most important to you and
    your family based on your values and purpose. She’ll
    teach your audience how to say three of the most
    important words in the English language (No, thank you)
    and how that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to
    start living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC is a counselor who’s worked with hundreds
    of clients promoting personal growth and healthier
    relationship skills. She’s the author of “Alignment:
    Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact Jennifer
    Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    12. ==> How Do We Depolarize America?

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    13. ==> Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without
    Driving Yourself Crazy

    News alert! Children are not small adults. They don’t
    think or act like adults. They’re not supposed to. So,
    as parents, don’t drive yourself bonkers trying to make
    that happen. Rather, as parents responsible for guiding
    youth towards becoming adults, let’s first help them
    become happy, responsible, and emotionally healthy
    children (especially as the new school year begins). So
    says Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents” and four
    other books on human development. Interview Paul to
    discover practical and essential strategies for
    managing the challenges of the parenting journey. He’ll
    help countless appreciative moms and dads understand
    what’s going on inside themselves to better develop the
    potential within their children. Invite call-in
    questions and parenting insights/concerns to explore.
    Contact Paul Bernabei at (651) 470-3827;

    14. ==> Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck: Are You the

    Your kids are making you nuts and your blood pressure
    is sky-rocketing. It’s not their fault. It’s because
    YOU can’t control your body’s chemical reaction to
    parental anxiety that’s actually making things more
    stressful and making things more tense. It’s also why
    the back of your neck is in knots; your spine is
    killing you and you are in constant physical misery.
    But all is not lost. You can train your body to control
    its reaction to stress. Noted spine surgeon Dr. David
    Hanscom will explain how and also discuss how Western
    medicine’s answer to stress has led to drug abuse,
    gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring for
    adults and kids alike. Hanscom, author of “Back in
    Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will
    share research-based evidence about the direct
    connection between powerful stress hormones and
    physical pain. An in-demand speaker and talk-show
    guest, including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom
    will also provide real stress-busting solutions to get
    parents off painkillers and substances to relieve
    parental stress. Contact him
    (206) 890-1892.

    15. ==> Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?

    In recent weeks Americans were shocked again by mass
    murders with high death tolls in Dayton, Ohio, and El
    Paso, Texas, carried out by men in their twenties. As a
    nation, we continue to grapple with why these incidents
    happen. However, many people are being told that mental
    health issues cause this horrible violence. Media
    veteran and child-rearing expert Emily Slingluff can
    discuss ways to influence children’s formative years
    toward happiness instead of hatred and despair. Emily
    is the author of multiple books and articles about
    parenting. She was named The Fulltime Homemaker of the
    Year for the State of Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and
    Eagle Forum shortly after her first book, “A Present to
    the Newborn,” came out. She is a graduate of Sweet
    Briar College with a degree in government and economics
    and was an assistant editor of The Virginian-Pilot.
    Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

    16. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an
    area that blurs the lines between right and wrong,
    ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw
    it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an
    ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
    1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
    don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
    “Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so
    it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal
    activity around them. We all need to know exactly what
    fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to
    avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker
    who shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the
    Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly
    becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    17. ==> Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What
    YOU’LL Want to Know

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia.
    Interview meditation expert, author and speaker John
    Sambalino. He’ll debunk myths about meditation and help
    countless people, in your audience and studio/office,
    improve their lives. Your guest will even discuss how
    meditation helps prison inmates become more
    rehabilitated, and ideally avoid future crimes. “Is God
    in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is John
    Sambalino’s latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

    18. ==> How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s

    Many people love their spouses very much but few will
    devote themselves to preserving that spouse’s legacy
    after they pass away. Marguerite Berrah—who prefers to
    be called Mrs. Berrah—finds herself in that rare
    position. She is the wife of the late Ghoulem Berrah,
    whose considerable accomplishments include being a
    freedom fighter, working as a diplomat, promoter of
    world peace and physician and scientist credited with a
    DNA breakthrough. Invite Mrs. Berrah to share some of
    her husband’s adventures contained in his memoir, “A
    Dream for Peace,” and how their 40-year-marriage
    clicked despite him being a Muslim and her being a
    Catholic. You might also ask her about her husband’s
    secret Paris meeting with PLO Yasser Arafat’s senior
    advisor Isam Sartawi and the Israeli Council for
    Israeli-Palestinian Peace, the famous people Ghoulem
    met, his work promoting religious tolerance and the
    foundation that bears his name. Contact Marguerite
    Berrah at (305) 933-6088;

    19. ==> What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

    We all hope our works, writings and influence will last
    forever. But with an immortal associate – God – one can
    actually see that happen. Interview Al Collins, who was
    asked by God Himself to co-author the extraordinary
    book: “The Way- Visit Heaven Whenever You Want.” With
    such a remarkable journey, Al has uncovered the ancient
    keys to crossing over, at will, to visit God in Heaven
    without dying! Interview Al to hear about his tours of
    Heaven and its amazing wonders, and how God taught The
    Way. Appreciative audiences will hear Al explore
    powerful questions like: Why did God create us? Are WE
    immortal? How do you obtain incredible success in
    earthly life? What really comes next? What special
    messages might God have for us now and later? Why did
    God choose Al as a co-author? Contact Al Collins at
    (902) 201-0607;

    20. ==> How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    How did Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other
    self-made billionaires become so wildly successful?
    According to Name Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it
    took more than just brains, hard work and talent. B.P.
    will prove, with facts, figures and other indisputable
    evidence, that 90 percent of the richest people in the
    world became successful because of their color-coded
    names. He’ll explain how your name affects every aspect
    of your life and the number one reason why the most
    famous and successful people in practically every major
    career field have found success. B.P. worked in the
    fabric and fashion industries for many years, where he
    discovered the dramatic impact colors have on people’s
    lives. His latest book is “Your Name and Colors Key to
    Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance, And
    Success.” Contact B.P. at;
    (510) 570-1929.

  • 07/30/19 RTIR Newsletter: Reversing Memory Loss, Tech Giants, Science and Spirituality

    July 30, 2019

    01. Round Two: Debate Winners and Losers
    02. Conservative Pundit: Why the Left Pushes for Open
    03. Life-Saving Tips: How to Survive a Public Shooting
    04. 50th Anniversary – The Real Motive for Manson Murders
    05. Hidden in Plain Sight: The World of Sex Trafficking
    06. First Week of August: Simplify Your Life Week
    07. Are Tech Giants Headed for a Break-Up?
    08. Time for a Summer Road Trip?
    09. Health Hacks to Beat Text-Neck (It’s a Real Epidemic)
    10. New Hope for Concussion Sufferers
    11. Protecting Kids from EMF
    12. Ground-Breaking Approach to Reverse Memory Loss
    13. Expert to New Grads: How Your Name Determines Your Career Path
    14. Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework… and
    Other Ways to Have a ‘Perfect School’
    15. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    16. Why You Should Dump Your Negative Parents, Friends and Family
    17. Step Up and Mentor a Dad-less Boy
    18. Domestic Violence’s Far Reaching Fall-Out
    19. How Science and Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance
    20. Beach Boys’ Bodyguard Tells All

    1. ==> Round Two: Debate Winners and Losers

    The overflowing pool of 20+ Democrats is about to
    narrow, based on what happens tonight and tomorrow in
    the 2nd round of Democratic debates. Communication
    expert Paul Hellman can discuss how the candidates
    did—both their content and their presence— who took
    advantage of the opening seconds, who was especially
    nimble on their feet, and ultimately, who stood out.
    And he can share insights about how anyone, even if not
    running for president, can present themselves more
    effectively. Paul Hellman consults and speaks
    internationally on how to make your point—so you get
    heard, get remembered and get results. His columns and
    advice have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street
    Journal, and on public radio’s Marketplace and
    CNN’s Business Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got
    8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted
    World,” an Amazon best seller. Contact him at (508)

    2. ==> Conservative Pundit: Why the Left Pushes for Open Borders

    In a new column for The American Spectator,
    conservative cultural commentator Larry Alex Taunton
    writes, “Contrary to what many believe, advocates of
    the open-borders policy now being championed by just
    about every left-of-center politician in the Western
    world are not blind to Islam’s penchant for violence.
    They know it very well. It is, rather, that they are
    gambling everything — or should I say everyone? — on a
    grand, continental-sized social experiment that is
    based, in part, on the ideas of Austrian philosopher
    Karl Popper and his seminal work The Open Society and
    its Enemies (1945).” On your show Taunton will discuss
    the Dept. of Justice’s quietly announced arrest of
    Mustafa Mousab Alowemer who according to FBI reports
    was planning an “ISI-inspired attack on a church in
    Pittsburgh,” and outline what he believes truly open
    borders could mean. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at
    (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Life-Saving Tips: How to Survive a Public Shooting

    It happened again this weekend. Another gunman opened
    fire in public, this time at the Gilroy Garlic Festival
    south of San Francisco. Officials say 4 people
    including the shooter died at the scene and 15 others
    were injured. How would you react if caught in a public
    place where streams of bullets put you in mortal
    danger? Would you know how to escape an active
    shooter’s attack? Should you fight back? Play dead?
    Run? Stay locked in a room, closet or car? Shield
    others? Use special tactics to protect yourself? And
    what should your kids know? Explore the vital answers
    with personal protection specialist Allen Banks, CEO of
    Proactive Protection Agency. He has developed Active
    Shooter Prevention and Workplace Violence Prevention
    Training, and also a special program for schools and
    other public settings. In this era of violent attacks
    and even terrorism, you and your loved ones and
    colleagues will want to hear this specialist’s life-
    saving insights and advice. Invite audience questions!
    Contact Allen Banks at (661) 417-0786;

    4. ==> 50th Anniversary – The Real Motive for Manson Murders

    On August 9, 1969, Ivor Davis, an investigative
    journalist for the London Daily Express, was at the
    Tate LA Bianca murder scene before noon, surrounded by
    the Los Angeles and foreign press. He followed the case
    intently and interviewed Manson Family members, and ex-
    members, gathering an intricate picture of the cult and
    its charismatic leader, Charles Manson. Before the
    trial began in the summer of 1970, Davis co-authored
    the first book published on the Tate murders, “Five to
    Die.” Sitting in the front row of the courtroom, he
    says he was flabbergasted to hear the prosecutor’s
    opening statement that it was the Beatles’ White Album
    and the secret messages inside songs like Helter
    Skelter that turned the young cult members into
    murders. David says, “I knew that Manson had an
    obsession with the Beatles, especially the White Album,
    but from my several days of interviews with family
    members at the Spahn Ranch, I learned the real reasons
    for the murders. And it had nothing to do with the
    Beatles.” Invite Ivor Davis on your show and learn the
    real reason for the murders, why the Helter Skelter
    theory was used by prosecutors, and many unknown
    aspects of the gruesome story. Ivor Davis’ new book is
    “Manson Exposed: A Reporter’s 50-Year Journey into
    Madness and Murder.” Contact Kathleen Kaiser at (805)
    607-6717 or

    5. ==> Hidden in Plain Sight: The World of Sex Trafficking

    The charges against billionaire financier Jeffrey
    Epstein underscore the prevalence of human trafficking
    and how it often goes undetected and unpunished
    according to Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend and
    founder of the human trafficking awareness group Let My
    People Go. He says the situation is complicated, and
    insidious. “Human trafficking is far more prevalent
    than the general public realizes, and it can affect
    virtually any community.” Raleigh says awareness is
    part of the problem, along with inaccurate information.
    “Currently, most who are trafficked come through legal
    points of entry,” he reveals. “As we focus on those
    illegally crossing the border, we miss the reality that
    many who are undocumented and already in the U.S. are
    potential targets of would-be traffickers.” Raleigh
    Sadler is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact him at;
    (917) 341-6758.

    6. ==> First Week of August: Simplify Your Life Week

    Whatever happened to those lazy, hazy days of summer?
    Ever wish you didn’t feel so overwhelmed and busy that
    you become paralyzed? Even the dog days of summer have
    become a race to the finish! Instead of having the
    summer to regroup and get refreshed, most families find
    they need a “vacation from their vacation!” Instead of
    heading into a new school year raring to go – most
    families feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get
    refreshed before Labor Day Weekend! She will show you
    how to notice what’s most important to you and your
    family based on your values and purpose. She’ll teach
    your audience how to say three of the most important
    words in the English language (No, thank you) and how
    that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to start
    living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC is a counselor who’s worked with hundreds
    of clients promoting personal growth and healthier
    relationship skills. She’s the author of “Alignment:
    Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact Jennifer
    Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    7. ==> Are Tech Giants Headed for a Break-Up?

    The U.S. Justice Department announced a major antitrust
    investigation into unnamed tech giants, and the House
    Judiciary Committee has begun an unprecedented
    antitrust probe into Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple
    over their aggressive business practices, and promises
    “a top-to-bottom review of the market power held by
    giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim Rumford to reveal
    surprising parallels to U.S. history and why he
    believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy Roosevelt when
    it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss the history
    that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, how
    that is being repeated today, and ways monopolies, big
    government and big corporations stick together at the
    expense of middle- and working-class people. Rumford is
    the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and Trump: How
    America’s Forgotten War Created Big Government.”
    Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco buyer at the
    time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s own interest
    in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s scrapbook of
    newspaper articles of the day. Reach him through
    Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    8. ==> Time for a Summer Road Trip?

    Millions of Americans are hitting the road this summer
    looking for adventure! Most will come home with
    pictures and stories, but some, like Jenni Raney
    Edwards, may find the experience totally life-changing.
    Invite her to share how what began as a solo cross-
    country adventure in her SUV turned into a love affair
    with the open road, and led to her selling her home and
    most of her possessions to hit the road in a 40-foot
    Class A motorhome—despite having relatively little RV
    experience! A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
    and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
    author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
    Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
    Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
    Certified Tiny House on Wheels. Jenni Raney Edwards is
    currently on an RV book tour. Contact her at (904)

    9. ==> Health Hacks to Beat Text-Neck (It’s a Real Epidemic)

    We love our smartphones and tablets, but health
    professionals say they’re causing an epidemic of ‘text-
    neck’ among adults and children. Nathalie Beauchamp,
    D.C., IFMCP, an Ottawa-based doctor of chiropractic and
    certified functional medicine practitioner with the
    Institute of Functional Medicine, says looking down at
    your device for hours at a time changes the position of
    your head and neck, causing poor posture. She’ll
    explain how that can lead to health problems like
    headaches, a flattened spinal curve, disc damage,
    muscle damage and reduced blood flow to the brain.
    Invite her on your show and learn what your head has in
    common with a bowling ball, ways to use your phone that
    are kind to your spine and hacks to help compensate for
    a sedentary life, like standing desks, walking meetings
    and scheduling time to move. Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs and writes
    about health and wellness for a variety of
    publications. She has her own YouTube channel and is
    the founder of the weekly “What the Hack?!” podcast.
    Dr. Beauchamp’s latest book is “Hack Your Health
    Habits: Simple Action-Driven, Natural Health Solutions
    for People On the Go!” Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    10. ==> New Hope for Concussion Sufferers

    The U.S. is currently in the midst of a concussion
    epidemic with 5 million cases diagnosed annually.
    Despite what you might think, it’s not just football
    players who are sustaining these potentially life-
    changing brain injuries, it is ordinary adults and
    children. The good news is that there are effective
    treatments available which reverse the symptoms of a
    concussion by correcting the underlying mechanisms of
    injury to the brain. So says Paul Henry Wand, M.D., a
    neurologist with extensive expertise in diagnosing and
    treating all types of concussions. Dr. Wand can
    describe how a concussion should be diagnosed and
    treated based on the findings of two diagnostic tests
    and how even concussions sustained years ago can be
    treated! Dr. Paul Wand is the author of “The Concussion
    Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” He is
    currently seeking funding to perform the first-ever
    clinical trial of an FDA-approved protocol that may
    reverse all the symptoms of concussion. Contact Dr.
    Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    11. ==> Protecting Kids from EMF

    Electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers,
    cellphones, and other electronic appliances is
    everywhere. Although there have been more than 10,000
    global scientific studies done on the health impacts of
    EMFs, most of us remain blissfully unaware of the
    dangers. So what do parents need to do to protect their
    children? For the answer, interview Beverly Jensen,
    Ph.D. Dr. Jensen will discuss actions to take to reduce
    electromagnetic radiation in your home to protect
    yourself and your children and discuss whether that
    cellphone tower near your house should concern you. She
    can offer your listeners a link to her free eBook,
    “Protecting Our Children from EMR.” Dr. Jensen is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    author of the forthcoming book “21st Century Wellness
    Rx: Health Hacks to Prevent & Cure Chronic Disease.”
    Contact her at (206) 905-9720;

    12. ==> Ground-Breaking Approach to Reverse Memory Loss

    If you’re worried your short-term memory loss—those
    moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or
    where you parked the car—are just the start of a
    downhill slide, you’ll want to hear some encouraging
    news from Julie Renee Doering. The brain rejuvenation
    expert says memory loss can easily be reversed, even in
    early stage dementia. She’ll discuss a ground-breaking
    approach to cell regrowth and share the remarkable
    results of a recent brain study that show the quantum
    energy approach can dramatically improve not only
    memory, but also mental outlook and sleep. It also
    shows promise in reducing headaches and helping people
    with speech difficulties. The brain rejuvenation work
    Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in
    her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. Doering,
    who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS
    series Creative Living, embarked on her search for
    answers after suffering several brain injuries, major
    accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life.
    The author of 12 books including “The Divine Human
    Blueprint,” she currently offers more than 150
    trainings and 180 transformative meditations. Contact
    her at (415) 385 6394 or

    13. ==> Expert to New Grads: How Your Name Determines
    Your Career Path

    So you just graduated from college and are ready to
    launch an exciting career. According to critically
    acclaimed author and Name Colorology expert B.P.
    Greycastle, it’s not enough to have lots of impressive
    academic achievements under your belt. “Our names and
    the colors that we wear have a great impact on
    achieving success in our lives,” he says. He can tell
    job seekers how to impress prospective employers during
    interviews by telling them exactly what to wear and say
    on the basis of the employer’s name. He can also supply
    testimonials from those he helped land great careers.
    “I can show with a tremendous amount of evidence, facts
    and figures that our color-coded names are the number
    one factor in determining our careers, with lists of
    the most successful people in over 40 major career
    fields who became successful because of their names.”
    B.P. is the author of “Your Name and Colors: Key to
    Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success.”
    Contact B.P. at; (510) 570-1929.

    14. ==> Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework… and
    Other Ways to Have a ‘Perfect School’

    Every September kindergartners start school and love
    it. So why is it that every year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school when only
    a few are left who actually love coming to school and
    love learning? This problem is easier to fix than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works! And it
    works FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are
    seeing an increase in classroom learning by six times
    the national average! The key is for students to be in
    an environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a
    Perfect School,” foreword by Jack Canfield, and while
    he speaks primarily to educators his message to parents
    is essential. Lee has been an educator and
    administrator both in public schools and universities.
    Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    15. ==> Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
    death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
    home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
    learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of the
    critically acclaimed book Light in the Mourning:
    Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter. The book has
    received glowing reviews from a number of prominent
    authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra.
    Contact Margo at; (484)

    16. ==> Why You Should Dump Your Negative Parents,
    Friends and Family

    We all have them – those parents, friends and relations
    who do nothing but criticize, complain about anything
    and everything and make us feel small and undeserving.
    Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity,
    start a dialog and if that doesn’t work, take a break
    or walk away from that relationship. Annie Evans
    believes that if you don’t deal with them, there’s a
    really good chance you’ll turn out just like them.
    Evans personally knows how negativity breeds
    negativity. Combined with some serious life challenges,
    she went on her own downward spiral. Being raised by a
    severely mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners
    is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her
    startling story, and help listeners learn real
    strategies to change their mindsets, interactions and
    take charge of their attitudes. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    17. ==> Step Up and Mentor a Dad-less Boy

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, the author of the
    upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact:
    Eric at (214) 225-0769;

    18. ==> Domestic Violence’s Far Reaching Fall-Out

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt
    Lindsley, “Domestic violence doesn’t just affect the
    physical victims; it tears at the very fabric of entire
    communities.” He’ll explain how domestic violence can
    impact a company’s bottom line due to lost
    productivity, cause long-term health problems in
    victims, spill over to schools and workplaces, and
    involve innumerable police hours. Thus, he says, a
    multi-pronged approach is needed to tackle this madness
    head on. Curt will share how communities, organizations
    and individuals can come together to curtail this
    epidemic, starting today. Curt is the founder of the
    nonprofit domestic violence awareness group Go Purple
    USA, sponsor of Go Purple Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder
    of the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force, official
    sponsor of Purple Light Nights®. Contact Curt at; 256-213-1092.

    19. ==> How Science and Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance

    According to author and scientist David. L. Peters,
    “Abundance is not more money or ‘things.’ Abundance is
    a life of joy and happiness, under all conditions that
    life sends you, the good or the not-so-good.” David has
    spent 84 years living a joyful and abundant life,
    immersed in science and spirituality where he has found
    that one supports the other. “The pathway of the 12
    steps leads to joy and happiness even under devastating
    conditions.” David has achieved great prominence in his
    career as an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised seven
    great kids and has enjoyed a loving marriage of 57
    years. He is the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and
    Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies
    Within.” Contact David at; (607)

    20. ==> Beach Boys’ Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, his bandmate brothers, and cousin
    Mike Love. But for the first time, Brian’s former
    bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin tells his
    riveting behind-the-scenes story. Rocky is a former NFL
    player who was college roommates and best friends with
    Stan Love, a former LA Laker and brother of Mike Love.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted as life savers for
    Brian, who was on a death spiral. After years of
    silence, Rocky authored the book The Beach Boys Endless
    Wave: Inside America’s Band, with co-author Ron Hamady,
    a veteran of the music and film industries. “Rocky went
    where no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a
    monumental time for the band. There have been plenty of
    Beach Boys books; but, no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact Mike Vezo at;
    (310) 997-4947.

  • 07/25/19 RTIR Newsletter: Mueller’s Testimony, Domestic Violence Truths, Healing from a Broken Heart

    July 25, 2019

    01. Mueller’s Greatest Failing is Trump’s Greatest Triumph
    02. Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?
    03. A Day at the Beach Could Make You Sick!
    04. Immigrants are Anxious, Even Legal Ones
    05. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
    06. How Do We Depolarize America?
    07. Making College Transition Better (for Everyone!)
    08. 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing
    09. The Hidden World of Sex Trafficking
    10. Why People Tune You Out (and What to Do About It)
    11. How to Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
    12. Sustainable Summer Fun!
    13. Revolutionary Way to Reverse Memory Loss
    14. From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a Life of Accomplishment
    15. Why Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone
    16. Author Reveals How to Heal from a Broken Heart
    17. Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek
    18. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
    19. Could You Forgive Parents Who Abused You?
    20. Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure


    1. ==> Mueller’s Greatest Failing is Trump’s Greatest

    It was all Robert Mueller all day yesterday as the
    former special counsel sat for hours taking questions
    from lawmakers on his investigation and subsequent
    report into Russian interference in the 2016
    presidential election. Former US attorney Harry Litman
    says the probe has fallen well short of full justice,
    but there is now a far grimmer problem. He writes, “The
    efforts by Russia to disrupt the 2016 election, and the
    Trump team’s efforts to subvert Mueller’s probe, are
    matters of national import along the lines of 9/11 or
    the Kennedy assassination. In those instances, we had
    national commissions to get at the truth. It is awful
    to contemplate that so many of the facts surrounding
    what happened in 2016 and after might remain forever
    the stuff of conjecture by historians rather than
    testimony by witnesses. Here lies Trump’s greatest
    triumph and Mueller’s greatest failing.” Harry Litman,
    a Washington Post contributing columnist, is a former
    U.S. attorney and deputy assistant attorney general. He
    teaches constitutional law and national security law at
    the University of California at Los Angeles School of
    Law and the University of California at San Diego
    Department of Political Science. He is a regular
    commentator on MSNBC, CNN and Fox News and is the
    creator and executive producer of the “Talking Feds”
    podcast. Contact him at;
    (415) 639-4001 or @harrylitman

    2. ==> Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?

    The U.S. Justice Department has announced a major
    antitrust investigation into unnamed tech giants, and
    the House Judiciary Committee has begun an
    unprecedented antitrust probe into Google, Facebook,
    Amazon and Apple over their aggressive business
    practices, and promises “a top-to-bottom review of the
    market power held by giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim
    Rumford to reveal surprising parallels to U.S. history
    and why he believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy
    Roosevelt when it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss
    the history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of
    1890, how that is being repeated today, and ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and
    Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created Big
    Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco
    buyer at the time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s
    own interest in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s
    scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day. Reach him
    through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    3. ==> A Day at the Beach Could Make You Sick!

    Before you head to the beach this summer, you might
    want to double-check the water conditions. According to
    a new report, nearly 60% of more than 4-thousand
    beaches tested across the US last year had unsafe water
    pollution levels that put swimmers at risk of getting
    sick. High fecal levels were found at more than 2-
    thousand beaches in 29 coastal and Great Lakes states
    from Maine to Hawaii. “Swimming at the beach is a prime
    summertime joy for millions of Americans, but clearly
    we have more work to do to make sure water at all our
    beaches is safe,” says John Rumpler, director of
    Environment America’s Clean Water Program. “We must
    invest in water infrastructure that prevents pollution
    to ensure that America’s waterways are safe for
    swimming.” The report includes recommendations
    including rain barrels, rooftop gardens, permeable
    pavement, and urban green space that can all absorb
    storm water runoff and prevent sewage overflows.
    Congress is currently considering legislation to
    increase funding for such “green infrastructure”
    projects. Contact John Rumpler at (617) 747-4306.

    4. ==> Hiding in Fear: Immigrants are Anxious, Even
    Legal Ones

    The Trump Administration has been touting an
    immigration enforcement campaign titled “Operation
    Border Resolve,” promising the program would deport
    “millions” of illegal immigrants from the US. Although
    the campaign has only resulted in 35 arrests, immigrant
    families across the country—legal and illegal—are
    frightened, anxious, and changing the way they go about
    their daily lives. A new study by the Urban Institute
    found that many immigrants are increasingly avoiding
    routine activities, such as interacting with teachers
    or school officials, health care providers, and the
    police. The report says that poses risks for their
    well-being and the communities in which they live.
    Hamutal Bernstein is a senior research associate at the
    Urban Institute, a non-profit economic and social
    policy research organization. Contact her at (202)

    5. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an
    area that blurs the lines between right and wrong,
    ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw
    it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an
    ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
    1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
    don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
    “Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so
    it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal
    activity around them. We all need to know exactly what
    fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to
    avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker
    who shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the
    Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly
    becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    6. ==> How Do We Depolarize America?

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    7. ==> Making College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    In a few weeks, nearly 20 million students will head
    off to college. 60% of them will struggle with
    homesickness, depression and feeling overwhelmed and
    many parents will find themselves feeling depressed and
    anxious. “There are simple things that parents and
    students can do now to help them prepare for this
    transition in August,” say Lindy and Tom Schneider.
    Invite America’s College Advisors to share their Ten
    Tip Transition Strategy with your audience… ensuring a
    better year for everyone! Professional college advisors
    for more than 15 years, the Schneiders have been
    featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside
    Edition. They are co-authors of “College Secrets of
    Highly Successful People.” Contact Lindy Schneider at
    (602) 499-4429;

    8. ==> 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing

    Great show for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11
    moon landing! Invite NASA expert and space historian
    Rod Pyle to share an exciting behind-the-scenes look at
    America’s journey to the Moon—from the space race to
    the landing on the Sea of Tranquility to splashdown on
    Earth and the aftermath. Vice President Mike Pence
    recently promised the National Space Council that
    Americans will return to the moon by 2024. Pyle can
    also discuss the likelihood of that and share a glimpse
    at the next few decades of spaceflight and NASA’s long-
    term plans for exploration, utilization, and
    settlement. Rod Pyle worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
    Laboratory and the Johnson Space Center and has
    produced numerous documentaries for the History Channel
    and Discovery Communications, including the acclaimed
    Modern Marvels: Apollo 11. He’s the author of more than
    a dozen books including “First on the Moon: The Apollo
    11 50th Anniversary Experience,” the incredible story
    of the first men on the Moon. Contact him at (626)
    399-4440;; Skype: rodpyle106

    9. ==> It’s Not Just Billionaires – The Hidden World of
    Sex Trafficking

    The charges against billionaire financier Jeffrey
    Epstein underscore the prevalence of human trafficking
    and how it often goes undetected and unpunished
    according to Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend and
    founder of the human trafficking awareness group Let My
    People Go. He says the situation is complicated, and
    insidious. “Human trafficking is far more prevalent
    than the general public realizes, and it can affect
    virtually any community.” Raleigh says awareness is
    part of the problem, along with inaccurate information.
    “Currently, most who are trafficked come through legal
    points of entry,” he reveals. “As we focus on those
    illegally crossing the border, we miss the reality that
    many who are undocumented and already in the U.S. are
    potential targets of would-be traffickers.” Raleigh
    Sadler is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact him at;
    (917) 341-6758.

    10. ==> Why People Tune You Out (and What to Do About

    When you talk, do others really pay attention?
    Probably not, warns communication expert Paul Hellman.
    Whether you’re presenting to a large audience, meeting
    one-on-one, talking on the phone, or even sending an
    email, people’s attention spans have almost vanished.
    So you’ve got to engage others fast, before they tune
    you out … maybe forever. Hellman will reveal specific
    tactics to get heard in a noisy world, with deft
    examples from the news and from clients he has worked
    with. Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared in the
    New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on
    public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual.
    He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World” (AMACOM).
    Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    11. ==> How to Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” He can also
    share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Isaac at; (315)

    12. ==> Sustainable Summer Fun!

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar: “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world environment. If we can all
    change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    plant.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have devastating impact on the
    entire planet, and how we can change this. In addition
    to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a
    Master of International Studies degree in peace and
    conflict resolution and is the author of “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact Yasmin at

    13. ==> Revolutionary Way to Reverse Memory Loss

    If you’re worried your short-term memory loss—those
    moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or
    where you parked the car—are just the start of a
    downhill slide, you’ll want to hear some encouraging
    news from Julie Renee Doering. The brain rejuvenation
    expert says memory loss can easily be reversed, even in
    early stage dementia. She’ll discuss a ground-breaking
    approach to cell regrowth and share the remarkable
    results of a recent brain study that show the quantum
    energy approach can dramatically improve not only
    memory, but also mental outlook and sleep. It also
    shows promise in reducing headaches and helping people
    with speech difficulties. The brain rejuvenation work
    Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in
    her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. Doering,
    who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS
    series Creative Living, embarked on her search for
    answers after suffering several brain injuries, major
    accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life.
    The author of 12 books including “The Divine Human
    Blueprint,” she currently offers more than 150
    trainings and 180 transformative meditations. Contact
    her at (415) 385 6394;

    14. ==> From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a
    Life of Accomplishment

    No one expected much from Christopher L. Hall. After
    all, his mother was an alcoholic, his father was in
    jail, he lived in one of the worst housing projects in
    Los Angeles and he was a runaway who stole a
    motorcycle. But Hall defied the odds. Invite him on air
    to discuss what happened when he was 14 that set him on
    the path to dental school, medical school, and the
    military. Today he is an ER doctor in Mississippi even
    as one of his brothers sits in federal prison serving
    the equivalent of a life sentence. Now a role model and
    leader, Hall can inspire other young people to realize
    that it isn’t where you start in life that matters,
    it’s where you end up. Contact him at (251) 207-7527;

    15. ==> Why Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt
    Lindsley, “This doesn’t just affect the victims; it
    tears at the very fabric of entire communities.” It can
    impact a company’s bottom line due to lost
    productivity, can cause long-term health problems in
    victims, can spill over to schools and workplaces, and
    involve innumerable police man hours. Thus, a multi-
    pronged approach is needed to tackle this madness head
    on. Curt can share how communities, organizations and
    individuals can come together to curtail this epidemic,
    starting today. Curt is the founder of the nonprofit
    domestic violence awareness group Go Purple USA,
    sponsor of Go Purple Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder of
    the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force, official
    sponsor of Purple Light Nights®. Contact Curt at; (256) 213-1092.

    16. ==> Author Reveals How to Heal from a Broken Heart

    We’re all going to suffer from loss and heartbreak at
    some point, but how can we speed up the healing process
    so we can move on with our lives? Maryann Ridini
    Spencer, award-winning author of Lady in the Window and
    the soon-to-be-published novel The Paradise Table,
    writes about healing from loss and heartbreak and
    offers valuable ideas and tips to find balance and
    happiness every day. Invite her to share how your
    thoughts can either heal you emotionally or keep you in
    a negative mindset. She can explain how you can promote
    healing by getting moving and getting out in nature,
    creating new goals for your future, nurturing positive
    relationships, and doing things that make you happy.
    Also a successful screenwriter and TV/film producer,
    her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-
    TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime,
    PBS, and many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104

    17. ==> Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek

    Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek says his stage four
    pancreatic cancer is in “near remission,” according to
    his doctors. He tells PEOPLE, “It’s kind of mind-
    boggling … The doctors said they hadn’t seen this
    kind of positive result in their memory.” Anthony
    Randle’s wife, Jessica, also faced a grim prognosis
    when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer,
    and she too defied doctors’ expectations! Invite
    Anthony to discuss what he believes saved his wife’s
    life, what he discovered through his own research and
    how it helped her sail through chemo to become
    healthier and happier than ever. Anthony shares his
    poignant experiences in his book “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within.” Contact Anthony at;
    (702) 745-8349.

    18. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

    Do a show on the incredible true story of a son who,
    after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth mother
    is actually alive and living on the streets of
    Philadelphia. He does everything in his power to find
    her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
    his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
    sacrifices everything for love! Marty will share how
    his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
    again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
    rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
    is also the tale of another mother—the one who took him
    in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
    gave him the information and the courage he needed to
    go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
    media owner, author, and a sought-after International
    speaker. He has spoken to millions and has been
    featured on over 100 radio and TV shows. His story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)

    19. ==> Could You Forgive Parents Who Abused You?

    Many people have bad childhoods. But what makes Wade
    Meadows remarkable is how he was able to forgive both
    parents, his mentally unstable mother who constantly
    reminded him that he was worthless because he was born
    on Friday the 13th and his workaholic father who was
    unable to protect him. Invite Wade on air to explain
    how he was able to open his heart when his mother
    needed a caregiver, how he manages to live a hopeful
    life despite a chaotic childhood and how he was able to
    break his family’s cycle of abuse to raise happy,
    successful children and be a loving marriage partner.
    Wade is the author of “Letters from the Ashes” and
    “Ashes Forged into Manhood.” Contact him at (225)

    20. ==> Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure

    Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
    Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
    experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
    society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
    of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
    solution to enable us to become impervious to the
    stressors in our lives. And it does not involve
    repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. His online
    class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is
    having phenomenal success in people’s lives, and he can
    share how to get off of the vicious stress cycle, for
    good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine
    since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of
    Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life
    Your Soul Desires.” Contact Steven at; (425) 531-3684.

  • 07/18/19 Newsletter: Shark World, College Countdown, Alternative Addictions Treatments

    01. New American Leaders – Immigrants
    02. Sex Trafficking is More Common Than You Think
    03. The Misunderstood World of Sharks
    04. Coming to an MLB Stadium Near You
    05. Is Your Sunscreen Safe?
    06. How to Have a Happy, Healthy Trip
    07. Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!
    08. Amazon, Google, Twitter: Monopolies We Need to Bust!
    09. Real Estate Investing: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck
    10. Why Do People Act That Way??
    11. College Send-Off Countdown: Transition Tips (for Everyone)
    12. Should You Consider Homeschooling?
    13. Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework
    14. More than Methadone: Alternative Addiction Treatments
    15. Turn Suddenly Single into Mid-Life Magnificent
    16. How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich
    17. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    18. One’s in Jail for Attempted Murder, One Saves Lives How Could Brothers Be So Different?
    19. Combine Science and Spirituality for More Abundance
    20. It’s National Hot Dog Month! Fun Weiner Facts


    1. ==> New American Leaders – Immigrants

    Sayu Bhojwani believes the unique brand of American-
    ness that characterizes many immigrants and refugees
    makes them best positioned to be America’s next
    generation of leaders. The founder and president of New
    American Leaders says, “We come here with a fighting
    spirit. We come to make a better life for ourselves,
    certainly, but also because we believe in the idea of
    America. Our optimism about what this nation can be is
    not naive, it’s aspirational and visionary.” She adds,
    “When we run for office, the potential we have to make
    government work for all of us is one that true
    Americans welcome. Trump is afraid that we do not
    huddle in fear but stride in power.” Sayu Bhojwani
    served as New York’s first commissioner of immigrant
    affairs. She is the author of “People Like Us: The New
    Wave of Candidates Knocking at Democracy’s Door.”
    Contact Sayu Bhojwani at and copy in

    2. ==> Sex Trafficking is More Common Than You Think

    While the arrest and trial of Jeffrey Epstein for sex
    trafficking is good news, Kevin Malone says it’s much
    more common than you think, usually happens right under
    our noses, and traffickers are often those we least
    suspect. “Sex trafficking can happen in any
    neighborhood, even the ‘safest’ ones. It doesn’t
    discriminate. All of our children are at risk. And
    there’s no specific trafficker profile. It can be your
    child’s teacher, your boss, a local pastor, a nurse,
    and so on.” He says, “We have to come together,
    community by community and city by city, to set a zero-
    tolerance standard for this kind of behavior among our
    neighbors and leaders alike. Until we do so, there will
    continue to be a supply of trafficking victims for
    those demanding them.” Kevin Malone is the president
    and co-founder of the U.S. Institute Against Human
    Trafficking, a nonprofit, faith-based organization. He
    is also the former executive vice president and general
    manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Contact him at
    (703) 973-8064;

    3. ==> The Misunderstood World of Sharks

    Why are we so afraid of sharks? Are they mindless
    killers on the prowl for unsuspecting humans playing in
    the ocean? William McKeever says sharks are the ocean’s
    most mysterious and misunderstood creature. Invite him
    on your show to discuss his two-year journey around the
    world to reveal sharks in a new light. Listeners will
    learn that while sharks account for fewer than four
    human fatalities per year, humans kill 100 million
    sharks per year, which has made the species vulnerable
    for the first time in its existence and put the future
    of the world’s oceans at risk. William McKeever is the
    author of “Emperors of the Deep: The Ocean’s Most
    Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, and Most Important
    Guardians.” His feature-length documentary by the same
    title is forthcoming. He is the founder of Safeguard
    the Seas. Contact Melinda Mullin at

    4. ==> Coming to an MLB Stadium Near You

    The national PLAY campaign is making stops at Major
    League Baseball Stadiums all over the country this
    summer to promote the importance of children living a
    healthy and active lifestyle and disability inclusion.
    Upcoming stops include Houston, San Diego, Minnesota,
    Philadelphia, Washington D. C. and Baltimore. The
    program touches on everything from healthy eating,
    injury prevention, strength and conditioning to
    education about the dangers of illegal performance and
    appearance-enhancing drugs. PLAY is a national public
    awareness campaign of the Professional Baseball
    Athletic Trainers Society (PBATS) in conjunction with
    MLB Charities, the Taylor Hooton Foundation, the Henry
    Schein Cares Foundation and the Ruderman Family
    Foundation. Contact Mark Goldman at or call/text (516) 639-0988.

    5. ==> Is Your Sunscreen Safe?

    We’ve all been told to wear sun protection, but how
    safe are the sunscreens we pick? Did you know that many
    of the most popular products contain substances that
    interfere with our hormones, and chemicals that can be
    contaminated with carcinogens? Marcela Popa, M.D., will
    reveal what types of sunscreens are safest, why creams
    and lotions are better than sprays, and what those SPF
    numbers really mean. Listeners will learn what
    ingredients to avoid as well as better alternatives,
    and where to find them. You’ll also hear what may be
    lurking in other home and personal products your family
    uses. Dr. Marcela Magda Popa is a board certified
    Internal Medicine physician and the author of “Keep
    Away from GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe.)” Contact
    her at

    6. ==> How to Have a Happy, Healthy Trip

    It’s vacation time! Everyone is trying to enjoy some
    summer fun and adventure, but travelling can be
    stressful—on the body and the mind! Invite Dashama on
    your show and get great tips on ways to have a happier,
    healthier trip, no matter where you’re going. She’ll
    share must-have products to pack, ways to destress and
    get in some exercise while on the road, and how to add
    depth to your journey by giving back to the community
    you visit. Dashama is a happiness expert, author,
    speaker and founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute. She
    travels the world teaching and sharing the gift of
    health, happiness and flow state. A media favorite she
    has been featured on ABC, QVC, NBC, Discovery Channel,
    Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo and UK Sunday Times.
    Contact her at (808) 283-2646;

    7. ==> Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!

    It’s road trip season with millions of Americans
    hitting the open highway! Most will come home with
    pictures and stories, but some, like Jenni Raney
    Edwards, will find the experience life-changing. Invite
    her to share how what began as a solo cross-country
    adventure in her SUV turned into a love affair with the
    open road, and led to her selling her home and most of
    her possessions to hit the road in a 40-foot Class A
    motorhome—despite having relatively little RV
    experience! A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
    and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
    author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
    Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
    Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
    Certified Tiny House on Wheels. Jenni Raney Edwards is
    currently on an RV book tour. Contact her at (904)

    8. ==> Amazon, Google, Twitter: Monopolies We Need to

    What do Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have in
    common with Standard Oil, Big Tobacco, big railroads,
    mining companies, the Pinkertons and other entities
    that roiled the business world more than 125 years ago?
    Interview Jim Rumford to find out why he says the very
    history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
    is being repeated today with such behemoths as Google,
    Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter. He can talk about ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Noting that the FBI and Dept. of Justice
    recently opened investigations into these giant
    corporations, Rumford will reveal surprising parallels
    to U.S. history as well as why he believes that Donald
    Trump is the next Teddy Roosevelt when it comes to
    trust busting. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco,
    Trusts, and Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created
    Big Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a
    tobacco buyer at the time the tobacco wars started.
    Rumford’s own interest in the topic was piqued by his
    ancestor’s scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day.
    Reach him through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    9. ==> Real Estate Investing: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real
    estate investing are convinced that they can get the
    most bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then
    selling properties, a process known as flipping. But
    long-time real estate and property renovation expert
    Dan Lieberman claims that this is not a recipe for
    success. “You take on a lot of risk if housing prices
    go down,” he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get
    into the rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing
    income, even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many
    years of experience successfully developing rental
    properties. He can share the secrets to developing
    rental properties, getting the best rent and attracting
    the nicest tenants so that you have a great source of
    ongoing income. He is the author of “The Effective
    Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers Can Attract
    Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost Their Bottom
    Line in Any Market.” Contact Dan at; 510-570-1368

    10. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

    Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
    understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
    stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
    a business associate suddenly tells you about the
    affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
    perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
    Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
    their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
    do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
    systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
    interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
    or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
    Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
    a panelist on the national television show Ask the
    Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
    degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
    ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
    That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
    Myke Merrill at (585) 615-6383;

    11. ==> College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips for Making
    the College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    This August nearly 20 million students will head off to
    college. Did you know that 60% of them will struggle
    with homesickness, depression and feeling overwhelmed?
    Many parents will also struggle with feelings of
    depression and anxiety during this time. “There are
    simple things that parents and students can do now to
    help them prepare for this transition in August,” say
    Lindy and Tom Schneider, also known as America’s
    College Advisors. Let them share their Ten Tip
    Transition Strategy with your audience… ensuring a
    better year for everyone! Lindy and Tom have been
    helping college students and their parents for more
    than 15 years. Their new book is “College Secrets of
    Highly Successful People.” The Schneiders have been
    featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside
    Edition. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602) 499-4429;

    12. ==> Should You Consider Homeschooling?

    Whether you don’t like your public school system, can’t
    afford a private school or have a child with special
    needs, homeschooling has become a viable option for
    many families. But should you—and can you—do it?
    Discuss the issue with Marywinn Lent, a grandmother
    who’s homeschooled her children, grandchildren, and
    children from her community for the past 30 years. She
    says many parents rule out homeschooling because they
    think they’re unqualified to teach their kids and worry
    their children will wind up with an inferior education
    or become social weirdos. But she says there are many
    advantages to educating kids at home, “Homeschooling
    helps children to either excel and move on to greater
    heights of learning earlier or to be able to grasp
    harder concepts without having to be left behind.”
    She’ll discuss the range of homeschooling resources
    available to parents today and explain why she thinks
    children benefit from the experience. Contact Marywinn
    Lent at

    13. ==> Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework… and
    Other Ways to Have ‘Perfect School’

    Every September kindergartners start school and love
    it. So why is it that every year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school when only
    a few are left who actually love coming to school and
    love learning? This problem is easier to fix than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works! And it
    works FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are
    seeing an increase in classroom learning by six times
    the national average! The key is for students to be in
    an environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a
    Perfect School,” foreword by Jack Canfield, and while
    he speaks primarily to educators his message to parents
    is essential. Lee has been an educator and
    administrator both in public schools and universities.
    Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    14. ==> More than Methadone: Alternative, Natural Addiction Treatments

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” He can also
    share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact him at; (315) 935-6348.

    15. ==> Suddenly Single Again? From Middle-Aged Miserable to Mid-Life Magnificent

    Get ready for a fresh perspective on being a single and
    over fifty. Katherine Webster, author of “Becoming
    Madam Widow”, will help suddenly single women reinvent
    their lives, sexuality, attitude and outlook.
    Definitely not your typical “Woe is Me Widow”,
    Katherine tackles the real nitty-gritty issues of being
    a female alone at mid-life and does so with frankness
    and humor. Whether listeners are alone by fate or
    choice, they’ll learn why it’s more fun not to have a
    mate in or out of the bedroom, and why they are the
    only ones that can satisfy their needs. Webster is a
    spitfire of a guest who wants provocative topics and
    isn’t afraid to show the world that real women are
    single, feisty and bad-ass. She’s going to give
    listeners a much-needed dose of reality, actual doable
    solutions and real ways to kick-start the second, and
    best part of their new lives. Contact her or (416) 921-2084

    16. ==> Expert Reveals: How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    How did Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other
    self-made billionaires become so wildly successful?
    According to Name Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it
    took more than just brains, hard work and talent. B.P.
    proves with facts, figures and other indisputable
    evidence that 90 percent of the richest people in the
    world became successful because of their color-coded
    names. He’ll share the number one reason why the most
    famous and successful people in many different career
    fields have succeeded and explain how your name affects
    every aspect of your life. B.P. discovered the dramatic
    impact colors have on people’s lives while working for
    many years in the fabric and fashion industries. His
    latest book is “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your
    Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance, And Success.”
    Contact B.P. at; (510) 570-1929.

    17. ==> Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
    death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
    home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
    learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in
    the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The
    book has received glowing reviews from a number of
    prominent authors and spiritual leaders including
    Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    18. ==> One’s in Jail for Attempted Murder, One Saves Lives How Could Brothers Be So Different?

    Christopher L. Hall and his brother Wayne Timmons both
    grew up in one of the worst housing projects in Los
    Angeles. They both ended up in foster care at young
    ages and began lives of crime. Wayne is a seven-time
    felon serving a long prison sentence while Christopher
    is an ER doctor and military veteran. How did two
    brothers end up taking such radically different paths
    in life? Find out by interviewing Christopher, who
    says, “Poor kids and kids in foster care and juvenile
    hall are not destined for failure and low educational
    achievement.” Christopher and Wayne both tell their
    stories in the memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact
    Christopher at (251) 207-7527;

    19. ==> Combine Science and Spirituality for More Abundance

    According to scientist David. Peters, “Abundance is not
    more money or ‘things.’ Abundance is a life of joy and
    happiness, under all conditions that life sends you,
    the good or the not-so-good.” David lives a joyful and
    abundant life, immersed in science and spirituality
    where he finds that one supports the other. “The
    pathway of the 12 steps leads to joy and happiness even
    under devastating conditions.” At 84, he has achieved
    great prominence in his career as an engineer, holds 18
    patents, raised seven great kids and has enjoyed a
    loving marriage of 57 years. He is the author of “The
    12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of
    God that Lies Within.” Contact him at; (607) 304-3329.

    20. ==> It’s National Hot Dog Month! Fun Weiner Facts

    America loves hot dogs! In fact, Americans ate
    approximately 150 million hot dogs this past July 4th
    alone! Despite this, hot dogs are among our most
    misunderstood foods. July is National Hot Dog Month and
    a great time to invite Hot Dog Top Dog Eric Mittenthal
    to share hot dog facts, trivia and fun quotes with your
    listeners. As part of Hot Dog month, the National Hot
    Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) is inviting hot dog
    fans to show their creativity by developing a hot dog
    meme that demonstrates their love for hot dogs. Prizes
    include a Wiener Warrior t-shirt, tickets to the Great
    American Beer Festival and of course, hot dogs!
    Mittenthal is president of the NHDSC. Contact him at
    (202) 587-4238; (404) 808-8396 (cell) or

  • 04/30/19 RTIR Newsletter: Vaccination Debates, Animal Communicator, IRS Chaos

    01. Charleston Pastor on Forgiving Church Shooter
    02. Baseball Digest Celebrates Iconic Baseball Movies
    03. Why Are We Still Talking about Vaccines?
    04. We Love Moms, Why Don’t They Love Themselves?
    05. Even Stepmoms Deserve a Happy Mother’s Day
    06. Do a Show on Forgiveness for Mother’s Day
    07. How Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa
    08. Former Agent Reveals Behind-the-Scenes IRS Chaos
    09. Why the Beatles Will Live Forever
    10. Want to Become an Activist? Here’s How!
    11. Your Clean House Could Be Toxic
    12. Is It Time to Turn Off Your Electronics?
    13. How to Go from Monday Blues to a Weekend Attitude
    14. Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet
    15. What’s Behind a Rise in Boomer Suicides?
    16. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
    17. Best-Kept Secrets of Successful Teenagers
    18. Hungry … Homeless … and in College
    19. What Happens When Kids Make Up their Own Homework?
    20. Interview the Decision Doctor

    1. ==> Charleston Pastor on Forgiving Church Shooter

    This weekend’s synagogue shooting brings to mind other
    deadly attacks on houses of worship. On June 17th,
    2015, a 21-year old white supremacist walked into
    Emmanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina
    and sat through a 45-minute prayer meeting. When those
    in attendance closed their eyes in prayer, he shot them
    and took nine innocent African-American lives. The
    shooter claimed he had no regrets and hadn’t shed a
    tear. Interview Reverend Anthony Thompson, whose wife
    Myra was one of the victims, about how he could stand
    in a courtroom just hours later and publicly forgive
    the unrepentant killer. Rev. Thompson can discuss the
    power of forgiveness in our personal lives, and what it
    can do for a community or nation. He’ll discuss how to
    love those that hate you, why forgiving doesn’t mean
    forgetting, and the difference between forgiving
    publicly and privately. Reverend Anthony Thompson is
    the author of “Called to Forgive.’ Contact Jason Jones

    2. ==> Baseball Digest Celebrates 30th Anniversary of
    Iconic Baseball Movies

    We know Americans love baseball, but they love movies
    about baseball almost as much as the game itself! The
    new issue of Baseball Digest features two iconic
    baseball movies celebrating their 30th anniversary:
    Field of Dreams and Major League. Invite editor in
    chief Rick Cerrone to discuss why the magazine chose to
    highlight the movies, what they have in common, and
    what they say about the sport and American culture.
    Rick Cerrone was vice president of public relations for
    the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1987 through 1993 and
    senior director of media relations from 1996 through
    2006 for the NY Yankees. He was also a consultant for
    the baseball movie The Natural. Contact Mark Goldman at; (call/text) (516) 639-0988.

    3. ==> Why Are We Still Talking about Vaccines?

    The U.S. is in the middle of the worst outbreak of
    measles since the disease was eradicated from the
    country in 2000. Many doctors have never seen a case of
    measles and Deane Waldman, MD, says that’s because of
    mass vaccination programs and herd immunity. Dr.
    Waldman says the measles outbreak is a not-so-subtle
    reminder of how important vaccination is. “Dangerous
    pathogens like polio, smallpox, meningococcus, etc.
    aren’t dead and gone. They’re just suppressed. They’re
    still out there in the environment. If we let up our
    guard, we could again see children paralyzed by polio
    or babies who are blind and deaf, with defects in both
    brain and heart secondary to German measles (rubella).
    I’ve seen a patient in an iron lung and don’t ever want
    to again!” Deane Waldman, MD MBA, is a board-certified
    pediatrician, a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Texas
    Public Policy Foundation, and the author of “Curing the
    Cancer in U.S. Healthcare.” Contact him at (505)

    4. ==> We Love Moms, Why Don’t They Love Themselves?

    Moms do everything for everyone… except themselves.
    Joffre McClung says this Mother’s Day, if you really
    want to get Mom something she needs, encourage her to
    practice self-love. She says, “Self-love is anything
    but selfish, and moms need it more than anyone else.
    And not just on Mother’s Day, but throughout the year!”
    Invite this exuberant self-love expert on your show and
    learn five things Mom can add to her daily life to
    practice more self-love and mirror self-love for her
    kids and partner. Joffre believes showing kids how to
    be self-loving is one of the best gifts a mother can
    give a child. Joffre McClung has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin TX, Hay
    House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former media
    producer, independent filmmaker, and author, Joffre is
    the author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at
    (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    5. ==> Even Stepmoms Deserve a Happy Mother’s Day

    Stepmoms have often been portrayed as home-wreckers and
    child-haters in movies and TV but most women who take
    on this impossible-to-prepare-for role just want to
    love their partner’s children. Sadly, when Mother’s Day
    rolls around they’re often forgotten or go
    unappreciated and unless they have their own kids, the
    only one left to celebrate them is their husband.
    Cathryn Bond Doyle, a Stepmom herself, can suggest ways
    to help you—or the Stepmom you love—feel valued and
    acknowledged this Mother’s Day. She’ll share practical
    advice about Mother’s Day and talk about using
    creativity to have a great holiday. In 2000, Cathryn
    left banking and founded Stepmoms on a Mission® to
    support, train and mentor stepmothers looking for
    answers. Cathryn’s upbeat conversational style,
    combined with a treasure trove of Stepmom-tested
    suggestions, will energize listeners whether they’re
    Stepmoms themselves or want to help the Stepmoms they
    love. Cathryn’s new book is “Stepmoms on a Mission.”
    Contact Cathryn Bond Doyle at (609) 206-2009 (NJ);

    6. ==> Do a Show on Forgiveness for Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day is meant to be a day to celebrate moms who
    loved and nurtured us. However, not all of us had
    mothers who fit that description. If you had a mother
    who made you feel worthless every day of your life
    beginning as a young child could you forgive her? Wade
    Meadows did. In fact, he was her caregiver when she was
    dying. Wade will reveal how he was able to let go of
    all the traumatic things his mother put him through in
    order to forgive her and emotionally free himself. This
    insightful upbeat guest will inspire other people to
    find peace despite their own chaotic upbringings and
    perhaps bring about a few mother and child reunions.
    Wade is the author of “Letters from the Ashes” and
    Ashes Forged Into Manhood.” Reach him at 225) 224-8697;

    7. ==> How Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa

    America sends millions in taxpayer dollars around the
    world to help those in need, but does the money really
    end up helping the intended recipients? Author,
    speaker, and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni is
    president of Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch, Inc.
    and says that extreme corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa
    means that too many US taxpayer dollars end up lining
    the pockets of corrupt officials instead of helping
    poor families. His new book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Ask him: What do you consider
    the negative unintended consequences of foreign aid?
    Can America do anything to ensure the sustainability of
    projects undertaken with foreign aid funds? Contact
    Sylvanus Ayeni at (301) 812-4579 (MD);

    8. ==> Former Agent Reveals Behind-the-Scenes IRS Chaos

    April 15th has come and gone, but millions of Americans
    are still angry because of the complicated, stressful
    taxation they must navigate. What most taxpayers don’t
    realize: The feared IRS is actually a hotbed of
    incompetence and disorder that hurts you. So says
    former IRS agent and tax expert Richard Green who will
    shock audiences by revealing how the Internal Revenue
    Service is staffed year-round by slow-moving staff
    using antiquated technology. As your guest, Green will
    answer questions like: What types of IRS
    miscommunication and lack of cooperation happen? How do
    taxpayers suffer because of such poor service? Are
    decisions for audits fair? Only someone like Green,
    who’s seen it firsthand, can blow the whistle on the
    chaotic IRS. Richard Green has authored “Agents of
    Deceit”. Contact him at (909) 570-1509;

    9. ==> Why the Beatles Will Live Forever

    Ringo and Paul are still touring and Paul has had
    nearly 40 million hits and counting on “Carpool
    Karaoke.” Perhaps even more remarkable is the Beatles’
    “White Album” made it into the Billboard Top 10 – 50
    years after its release! This timeless group remains a
    favorite of everyone from baby boomers to millennials.
    All of this is not news to Susan Shumsky, who regularly
    regales Beatles fans with fascinating unknown facts
    about the Fab Four’s “White Album” and their lives in
    the 1960s. When you interview Susan, you’ll learn:
    three shocking reasons the Beatles’ left India in a
    huff, stunning predictions their guru made about them,
    and astounding hidden stories behind the song lyrics
    written under their guru’s influence, such as “Dear
    Prudence,” “Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill,” “Get
    Back,” “Revolution,” “Across the Universe,” “My Sweet
    Lord,” “Mother Nature’s Son,” “Blackbird,” “Why Don’t
    We Do it in the Road,” “Dehra Dun,” “Back in the USSR,”
    “Fool on the Hill,” and more. Also, you’ll discover how
    Ringo’s new book is connected to the Beatles time in
    India. Susan spent 22 years living in the ashrams of
    the Beatles’ guru and six years on his personal staff.
    She is the author of 16 books including “Maharishi &
    Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru” and
    has done over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at
    (917) 336-7184;

    10. ==> Want to Become an Activist? Here’s How!

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
    of Health Care Reform. At 85, he is probably one of the
    oldest activists around. For decades he’s been hounding
    all five Federal Agencies created to solve the health
    care crisis in this country. Even with those agencies,
    our health care system is still a mess AND medical
    errors leading to deaths in hospitals continues to
    rise. Dr. Williams has developed a system to empower
    local grassroots activists in each state to radically
    change our health care delivery system. He’ll tell your
    audience why each state is responsible for our nation’s
    healthcare delivery system and how to organize state
    wide grassroots activists that will challenge the
    current system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an
    experienced surgeon and a medical malpractice expert
    witness. His latest book is “Healthcare Warriors, Why
    and How to Become One.” Contact him at (864) 479-8613;

    11. ==> Is Your House Clean but Toxic?

    Your house may be ‘clean’ but it could still be making
    you and your pets sick. Eco-interior designer Charisse
    Marei says there are an alarming number of harmful,
    chemical-laden cleaning products in our linen closets,
    basements, kitchens and bathrooms, all of which combine
    to create indoor air that is five times more polluted
    than air found outside. “It’s distressing to realize
    each spritz and squeeze of a bottle contributes to poor
    indoor air quality. It doesn’t stop there. As you
    breathe in a plethora of fine mist particulates, it
    negatively affects well-being—clarity, health, energy,
    and oh, so much more.” Marei (pronounced Moray) will
    share tips, recipes, lists and other resources to make
    listeners homes what they should be: a safe place to
    live and a place of respite for their families. Marei
    is a consulting expert and the author of “Eco-Conscious
    Home: Creating a Healthy Lifestyle in Your Heart &
    Home” and the series “One Room at a Time: A Timeless
    Keepsake and Eco-Conscious Home for Breathe-able
    Clean.” Contact her at (610) 505-8695;

    12. ==> Is It Time to Turn Off Your Electronics?

    Texting and social media can help you to stay
    connected, yet at the same time, are they ruining your
    relationships with your family members? Invite author
    and award-winning screenwriter, TV/film producer, and
    journalist Maryann Ridini Spencer to share her tips on
    how to cut back on using electronics and start living
    in the moment and enjoying life more. Her novel, “Lady
    in the Window,” examines how to fully experience the
    richness of life. Ask her: How can you break your
    addiction to electronics? How can you stay connected to
    friends and family without relying on social media?
    Contact Maryann Ridini Spencer at (818) 492-9135 (CA);

    13. ==> How to Go from Monday Blues to a Weekend

    Well, it’s just another rainy Monday. You woke up late,
    traffic is at a standstill and you hate your job.
    Whoopee!!! Can you really turn it all around by
    shifting your thoughts? Annie Evans says you can AND
    overcome even more serious tragedies. Evans personally
    knows that changing attitudes can make a major mindset
    shift. Being raised by a severely mentally-ill mom and
    losing two life partners is just the tip of the
    iceberg. Evans will share her startling story and help
    listeners learn real strategies to change their
    mindsets. They’ll learn ways to make a major shift back
    to the land of happy living. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    14. ==> Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is going through your
    pet’s mind? If you had an animal communicator you could
    turn to? Well, now you have one in Dawn Crystal. Dawn
    has been healing people and animals over the air using
    sound for 25 years and has been interviewed on the
    radio more than 40 times; she has also been a guest on
    major TV shows. Now it’s your turn to interview her and
    maybe get some free advice about your own pet. For
    instance, Dawn may be able to tell you why your dog is
    feeling anxious, why your pet is sick but the
    prescribed drugs aren’t working or why your pet just
    destroyed your slippers. Contact her at (807) 907-6294;

    15. ==> What’s Behind the Rise in Boomer Suicides?

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention, suicide rates for those aged 45 to 64 have
    increased dramatically in recent times. Sandra
    Matheson, a boomer herself, believes this has to do
    with ongoing societal changes. “People used to remain
    in the same careers for life,” she says. “Now, many
    companies think that they are paying older workers too
    much, resulting in lay-offs of older employees. In
    addition, they are often being supervised by younger
    people. It is harder for older employees to compete.
    It’s pretty frightening.” The good news is, it’s never
    too late to reinvent yourself and live your best life
    ever. Sandra experienced a painful midlife divorce,
    retirement from her veterinary career due to health
    factors and financial hardship to find joy and success
    as a farmer and rancher. And she can show you how you
    can, too. Sandra is the author of the upcoming book
    “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize Life and Grow Your
    Dreams!” at (360) 325-4221;

    16. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

    Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
    That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
    managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
    not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
    Jadhav knows first-hand how important it is to take
    control of your health and your body. She’ll share
    short cuts she learned the hard way, as she fought her
    way back to good health after 28 symptoms of an auto-
    immune illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for
    years. A highly successful tech entrepreneur, educated
    at Wharton and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal
    story of surviving two major illnesses before the age
    of 50. Reena is the author of the HealJournal and
    creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her newest book
    “Healed” empowers people to take back their health
    using science. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 309-1005;

    17. ==> Best-Kept Secrets of Successful Teenagers

    Teenagers are often known for being moody or silly, and
    seemingly lost among the worry and angst of their
    “almost an adult” years. But what about those teens who
    are happy, hopeful, well-adjusted, and making confident
    progress academically and in their everyday lives? What
    do they know that could help ALL young people? Explore
    this with acclaimed author Paul Bernabei, whose many
    books of the Top 20 series include “TOP 20 Teens.”
    He’ll reveal how today’s most successful teens think
    smarter and foster positive beliefs while learning from
    their mistakes. Bernabei will also talk about social-
    emotional learning and how this benefits students in
    personal and school life. Appreciative audiences (teens
    themselves and their mentors/parents/teachers) will
    also hear about must-know lifelong secrets for “people-
    smart” communication, conflict resolution,
    demonstrating kindness, specializing in effective
    responses and much more. Contact Bernabei at (651)

    18. ==> Hungry … Homeless … and in College

    When you think of homelessness and hunger, images of
    college students rarely come to mind. But the reality
    is that 36 percent of university students and 46
    percent of community college students have poor housing
    situations. Worse still, 12 percent of community
    college students and 9 percent of university students
    are actually homeless. Glen Dunzweiler, an advocate for
    the homeless, knows that some folks just don’t want to
    talk about the homeless problem. It isn’t pretty but it
    is pretty important. Interview Glen to learn what you
    don’t know about homelessness in America and how the
    education we provide youngsters is actually making the
    problem worse. Glen is a filmmaker, producer, director,
    public speaker and former college professor whose
    documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime.
    He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned From The
    Homeless.” Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    19. ==> What Happens When Kids Make Up their Own

    Why do kindergartners love school but by the end of
    high school most students can’t wait to leave? The joy
    and excitement that can be found in those early years
    quickly dissipates, but fixing it is easier than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other, it works!” In
    fact, teachers using Lee’s method are seeing an
    increase in classroom learning by six times the
    national average! Lee Jenkins is currently working on
    his new book “How to Create a Perfect School” (June
    2019), foreword by Jack Canfield. He’s been an educator
    and administrator both in public schools and
    universities. Contact Lee Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    20. ==> Interview the Decision Doctor

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie will share her
    powerful story with your audience and explain how her
    three-step decision making process makes any decision
    easier to make. Terrie Novak works in software
    engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique framework
    for “choice-making” can be applied to decisions of any
    kind. Her upcoming book, “The Decision Doctor” outlines
    a three-step process she created to help heal herself.
    Contact Terrie at (503) 336-3767;