Archive | Spirituality

He Went to the Light of the Disco Ball in His NDR

Sure, near-death experiences are fairly common, but Charles (Charlie) Gardner’s experience may take the cake when it comes to pathos, humor, and life lessons. Nine years ago when he developed sepsis while recovering from the flu, Charlie spent six weeks in a coma, suffered 13 strokes and major organ failure. In the near-death experience that […]

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Bad Trips to Good Medicine: Psychedelics Go Mainstream

If the word “psychedelic” makes you think of Woodstock, the 1960s, and people dropping out of society, you are behind the times. While still prohibited by law, some once-considered “bad boys” of the drug culture (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA), are now being seriously studied by science and found to be not-only completely non-addictive, but more effective […]

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A Near-Death Experience You Won’t Forget

Sure, near-death experiences are fairly common, but Charles (Charlie) Gardner’s experience may take the cake when it comes to pathos, humor, and life lessons. Nine years ago, when he developed sepsis while recovering from the flu, Charlie spent six weeks in a coma, suffered 13 strokes and major organ failure. In the near-death experience that […]

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Can We Get Past Racial, Religious, and Cultural Differences?

When it comes to race, religion, politics and cultural identity most of us exist in a bubble. Too often we associate with people like ourselves, limiting our ability to identify with those who are different. Nadia Al-Samarrie is the exception. As the child of an American Catholic mother and an Iraqi Moslem diplomat father, she […]

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