Our society has long believed that working long hours, toiling through stress and generally busting your butt on the job are the keys to success. But according to Gerald Leonard, these are myths. “This only leads to burnout and low productivity,” he says. “Finding balance and mindfulness in your life overall are the true keys to success.” Gerald has devised tried-and-true strategies for managers and their teams to bring creativity and joy to their projects, which results in greater success for all. He can also share the future of workplace trends, as careers move more toward project-based roles. He is a certified Portfolio Management Professional and professional bass player, and author of “A Symphony of Choices,” “Workplace Jazz” and “Culture is the Bass.” Contact Gerald Leonard at (443) 703-2929; gleonard@rtirguests.com
Category: Self Help
How to Live Longer and Stronger, with Herbs
The idyllic Caribbean nation of Dominica, where herbs expert Gladstone Etienne grew up, is a nature paradise known for its pristine environment, organic foods and laid-back lifestyle. Gladstone claims that the citizens there live longer, and stronger, as a result. “According to the BBC, Dominica has the highest number of centenarians per capita in the world,” he says. He also gives credit to herbal medicine, which he began studying as a child. Gladstone went on to develop a line of teas, to make it easier for Americans to gain the wondrous health benefits of herbs. He is the founder of ZABIOLife herbal tea company. Contact Gladstone Etienne at (301) 820-7656; Getienne@rtirguests.com
Great Halloween Show: A Real-Life ‘Rocky Horror’ Story
In the 1975 cult movie classic “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” a young couple’s car breaks down in front of a spooky house. They knock on the door and encounter Dr. Frank-IN-Furter and assorted other weirdos. Detri McGhee (say DE’ trah) — a perfect guest for the Halloween season — had a ‘Rocky Horror” moment herself in the 1980s before cellphones when her car ran out of gas two miles from home late at night at the entrance to three cemeteries. Dressed in black and wearing high heels suitable for the business meeting she had been at, she found herself stranded in a rough neighborhood known to be home to bears and panthers. To find out what happened you will have to interview Detri for the ultimately uplifting story that changed her life. Detri runs the nonprofit Reaching for Life, Inc. which encourages reading writing, and communicating through developing advanced emotional intelligence skills. Contact Detri McGhee at (870) 407-7523; dmcghee@rtirguests.com
Hate Your Job? Ways to Make it Better Today
A recent study from Workhuman reports that nearly half of employees in the U.S. feel undervalued at work, and one out of ten don’t feel valued at all. This dissatisfaction often results from being overworked, underpaid, and above all, not listened to. However, many of us feel stuck in our miserable jobs due to a lack of better options. Francesca Burack reveals how you can take steps today to improve your job immediately, and it all begins with speaking up. She’ll explain the best ways to approach work conversations such as getting a raise, being promoted, changing your hours, improving your benefits, and more. Ask her: What’s the best way to ask for a raise or promotion with confidence (even if you don’t have any)? How can you become a fearless leader in your organization? What are the “magic words” that will help you get ahead in your career? Francesca Burack is an author, entrepreneur, educator, and frequent speaker and media guest. Contact her at (516) 823-4003; fburack@rtirguests.com
Health Screenings: Which Ones to Get and When
Many Americans wait until they get sick to focus on their health. According to long-time nurse Allen Daugherty, we have it backward. “The problem in our society is a lack of emphasis on preventative care,” he says. “People need to get routine screenings at various stages of their lives, as opposed to waiting until a problem occurs.” Allen has worked in the medical field for almost 50 years, first as a U.S. Air Force medic then as an RN and certified dialysis nurse. He is the author of “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth More Than You Can Imagine. Contact Allen Daugherty at (540) 712-8704; adaugherty@rtirguests.com
Psychologist Reveals Hidden Causes of Depression, Addiction and More
Depression has reached epidemic proportions in modern society. According to psychologist/author Adriana Popescu, “Depression and issues such as low self-esteem and addiction are not just caused by mental distress. There are many other contributing factors such as hormone imbalances, and disruptions in the mind/body/spirit connection overall.” Adriana is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, speaker, thought leader and empowerment coach, and author of “What If You’re Not as F***ed Up As You Think You Are?: How We Come to Believe Lies About Ourselves and What We Can Do to Change Them.” Contact Adriana Popescu at (415) 707-5054; Apopescu@rtirguests.com
Everyone Has Unconscious Biases. Uncover Yours
While bigotry is on the rise across the globe, author Sara Ting claims that there is hope for peace and harmony. “All humans have unconscious biases,” she says. “I have developed a tool that organizations can offer to their colleagues that takes 10 seconds or less to help cultivate a mindset to value all people equally.” Sara is a diversity and inclusion educator, speaker, consultant, and author of “Small Book with a Big Idea: 5 Minute Training to Empower You and Transform the World.” She is also the founder and president of World Unity, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to the elimination of all forms of bigotry. Contact Sara Ting at (508) 715-3370; Sting@rtirguests.com
Toxic Anger: It’s Not Just a Male Problem
Heart disease is the number-one killer of women. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Karyne B. Wilner, anger is one well-known factor in women’s heart disease, along with our culture’s role in suppressing it. “Anger creates stress in the body that can lead to physical and emotional health problems,” she says. She can share body-based techniques to release anger in ways that lead to greater health overall. Karyne is the author of the upcoming book “Releasing Toxic Anger for Women: Body-Based Practices to Transform Negative Thoughts, Soothe Stress, and Stay True to Yourself.” She is a leader in the field of Core Energetics and mind/body health. Contact Dr. Karyne Wilner at (401) 305-2278; kwilner@rtirguests.com
This Guest Says Faith Got Her Out of Prison
Growing up in a highly dysfunctional broken home, author Tressa Mitchener became a single teenage mother and drug dealer who was facing a 30-year-to-life sentence in federal prison. But thanks to her strong belief in a higher power, her sentence was miraculously reduced to five years, and she went on to earn a B.A. in psychology, become a respected Christian counselor and best-selling author, and marry her dream man. She credits her newfound faith for enabling her to dramatically turn her life around. “While I was in prison, I was strongly focused on God,” she says. “He was giving me instructions and guiding me. My mind began to change. I became a change-maker for others.” Tressa shared her incredible story on “The 700 Club,” and can reveal how anyone can transform his or her life through faith. She is the author of “Looking Out from the Inside: The United States v. Tressa Oliva Parker.” Contact Tressa at (919) 582-5992; Tmitchener@rtirguests.com
Surprising Ways Your Past Life Can Affect Your Current Life
Do you frequently have a sense of déjà vu? Do you have fears or phobias that are unrelated to anything you’ve ever experienced? According to Jennifer Maag, we’ve all had past lives, and they have a profound impact on our current lives. “I believe the self-esteem you’re born with comes from the past lives you’ve already lived,” she says. “Tapping into that enables us to heal in our current existence.” Jennifer, a licensed massage therapist, and her son, Alexander Maag, are the co-authors of the critically acclaimed book “Take on God,” which explores how to transform our inner battles into healing tools to live our best lives. Contact Jennifer Maag at (419) 969-3259; jmaag@rtirguests.com