Detri McGhee just returned from Israel, on one of the last planes to leave the country before the airlines shut down. She will give listeners a window into what it was like to be in the country during an active terrorist invasion and describe what she saw and heard and the mood of the people. In Jerusalem to attend a Feast of the Tabernacles celebration, Detri (DE-trah) says she could hear explosions and sirens and spent time in bomb shelters including one in which Orthodox Jews were praying. She’ll recount hearing the mayor of a town near the Gaza Strip speak and then learning two days later that he was killed by terrorists. Hear how and why she believes her life has been changed by what she experienced. Detri runs the nonprofit Reaching for Life, Inc. which encourages reading, writing, and communicating through developing advanced emotional intelligence skills. Contact her at (870) 407-7523;
Category: Leadership, Military
How to Work Smarter, Not Harder
Our society has long believed that working long hours, toiling through stress and generally busting your butt on the job are the keys to success. But according to Gerald Leonard, these are myths. “This only leads to burnout and low productivity,” he says. “Finding balance and mindfulness in your life overall are the true keys to success.” Gerald has devised tried-and-true strategies for managers and their teams to bring creativity and joy to their projects, which results in greater success for all. He can also share the future of workplace trends, as careers move more toward project-based roles. He is a certified Portfolio Management Professional and professional bass player, and author of “A Symphony of Choices,” “Workplace Jazz” and “Culture is the Bass.” Contact Gerald Leonard at (443) 703-2929;
What’s So Great About Popeyes?
In 2019, the popularity of Popeyes fast-food restaurants exploded with the introduction of a new chicken sandwich. But the buttermilk coating isn’t the only reason Americans continue to patronize the chain in droves. Sue Anderson says the company’s leadership model had a huge hand in Popeyes’ expansion across the country as well as their continued success. She’ll talk turkey — er, chicken on the power behind Popeyes’ skyrocketing popularity, along with other companies that use servant leadership to put their employees first. An author and certified business coach with years of experience transforming companies, Susan reveals how businesses like Popeyes, The Four Seasons, Zappos, Costco, and many more realize incredible profits, retention, and more by prioritizing staff. Ask her: How did Popeyes’ CEO Cheryl Bachelder turn a struggling restaurant chain into a success story? Why do businesses choose top-down leadership when the opposite is proven to work? How can servant leadership deliver the kind of workplace experiences Gen Z and millennials are looking for today? Contact Susan Anderson at (678) 999-8143;
How the First and Last 15 Minutes of Your Day Can Change Your Life
Did you know that you can change your life, get rid of stress, and feel more in control of your destiny in only 30 minutes a day? Interview Theo Prodromitis, the author of “The Balance Between the Hustle and the Flow: Knowing When to Make Things Happen and When to Let Them Happen,” to discover why the first and last 15 minutes of your day are the most important and how to maximize them. Theo is an award-winning entrepreneur, marketing strategist, and best-selling author of “The Success Formula” with Jack Canfield. Ask her: What does neuroscience tell us about our brain activity at the beginning and end of each day? What are the four things we should do every morning? Contact Theo Prodromitis at (813) 701-5414;
How to Immunize Yourself from the Virus of Change
The past two years brought lots of changes to most people’s lives in ways that could not have been anticipated. In fact, the pace of change has been accelerating exponentially and is likely to continue doing so. That‘s why Tim Winderswants to prepare your listeners to meet future challenges by building up their immunity to “the virus of change.” Tim can offer advice on embracing change so that it doesn’t knock you off course to your hopes and dreams. Ask him what three words help build immunity to change? How can you use the concepts those words illustrate to be better prepared? How did the idea for comparing change to a virus come to you? Tim has over 25 years of experience as a strategic coach for leaders and leadership teams. He also hosts the “SeekGoCreate” podcast and has written his debut novel, “Coach: A Story of Success Redefined,” which tells the story of an executive who contemplates ending his life after personal failures and business problems that could potentially send him to jail but turns his life around when he learns three timeless principles from a mysterious mentor. Contact:Tim Winders at (404) 846-4639;; available as a last-minute guest
Will Russia Attack Ukraine? What the Russian Troop Massing Means
Russias positioning of over 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border has the world wondering what Vladimir Putin is up to. Is he planning an invasion or merely flexing his muscles? At a time when Ukrainian and Russian troops are as close as 50 yards from each other, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Peter Zwack, who spent two years as the United States senior defense official and attaché to the Russian Federation including the recent 2014 Russia-Ukraine crisis, can share whether the Russians have boxed themselves into a precipice of their own doing. Brig. Gen. Zwack, who recently appeared on the international Russian-language TV network RTVI on this topic, can share why the current troop numbers at the border are formidable but not enough for a full Ukraine-wide operation and whether the Putin regime oligarchs and moneyed interests would be willing to endure the sanctions and other fallout that would likely occur should an invasion take place. Brig. Gen. (Ret.) currently serves as a Wilson Center Global Fellow within the Kennan Institute and frequently discusses national security and leadership issues in the media. Among his books is “Swimming the Volga.” Contact Terri Beavers at (434) 979-7438;
Interview Ret. Brig. Gen. Peter Zwack
What will happen now that the U.S. has physically departed Afghanistan? How will major nations including the United States, Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Turkey continue to grapple with serious Afghan-related challenges that extend beyond its borders? Ret. Brig. Gen. Peter Zwack, who served as the director of the Joint Intelligence and Operations Center in Afghanistan from 2008-2009, can discuss the forces at play in that country and the brutal history of the region while providing insight into the Afghani people beyond the usual clichés. Zwack’s new book, “Afghanistan Kabul Kurier,” provides an eyewitness account of the complexities of Afghanistan through a series of letters he wrote while serving as a U.S. top military intelligence officer on the ground during a particularly tumultuous period. He spent more than 34 years of U.S. military service in senior command and staff positions in Afghanistan, Germany, Kosovo, South Korea, and Moscow. He currently serves as a Wilson Center Global Fellow within the Kennan Institute and frequently discusses national security and leadership issues in the media. Contact Terri Beavers at (434) 979-7438;
Surprise: Why the Best Leaders are Funny
What do all great leaders have in common? How do they consistently lead well and inspire others? College professor and prolific author and speaker Teruni Lamberg has extensively researched this topic for her seminars and book, “Leaders Who Lead Successfully.” And she has discovered a quality that separates superior leaders from lackluster or boring ones: the best leaders have a sense of humor that makes followers smile, understand and emulate. Learn more when you interview Teruni and hear her insights about leaders in business, medicine, academia, entertainment, politics, sports, media and more. Ask her how will laughing along with influential people raise your own ability to lead? Why do funny people make the best mentors? Whom does she admire most: Musk, Pelosi, Gates, Spielberg, Fauci, Winfrey, or Goodell? Contact Teruni Lamberg at (775) 451-3086:
Workplace Jazz: Treat Your Team Like Musicians
Since he first picked up his sister’s guitar at age 12, music has taught Gerald Leonard many things: the discipline of practice, playing fairly, how to listen, connect with others, and how to have fun. Today, the conservatory-trained musician and CEO of the business consultancy Principles of Execution, uses those lessons to help managers understand and motivate their employees. “In the mind of an artist, a performance is either great or horrible. There is no gray area; it is excellent or it is shameful. For most of us, work is our biggest daily performance. We want to nail it and feel bad when we fail. We also need skilled conductors – good leadership – to guide our flow and help us play our best, both as solo artists and as part of the band.” Leonard will explain why the hallmarks of high performing employees are nearly identical to those of artists and share how management can tap into their teams’ natural creativity to keep them engaged, collaborative and successful. A professional bassist, Gerald J. Leonard offers a unique approach to accomplishing more productivity in the workplace. His latest book is “Workplace Jazz: How to Improvise – 9 Steps to Creating High-Performing Agile Project Team.” Contact him at (443) 622-4740;
Will 2021 Be the Year of the Rule-Breaker?
If you are thinking about starting a business in 2021, you need to talk to Raj Girn first. Raj started what would prove to be a lasting, successful publishing business just one year after learning how to write a check and attributes much of her success to not knowing the rules and not realizing she was breaking them! Raj gave numerous mainstream celebrities, including Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Scherzinger, and Nelly Furtado their first South Asian covers in her ANOKHI Magazine; she is also a confidence expert and has an inspiring life story of how she survived an arranged marriage with a stranger, life in a new culture and country and more to achieve a new identity and to work with an impressive roster of multinational clients (L’Oréal Paris, Estée Lauder, Johnnie Walker, Ciroc, Hilton and Sheraton Hotels). Raj heads the Open Chest Confidence Academy, is a well-known media personality in Canada and a serial media entrepreneur who has worked with thought leaders, celebrities, and multinational corporations. She has been featured in two coffee table books, a documentary, and a motivational book that became an international best-seller. Contact her at (647) 490-3158;