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  • 08/20/19 RTIR Newsletter: Back-to-School Anxiety, Gun Violence, America’s Prisons

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito,
    1. Investment Strategist on Looming Recession
    02. The Appalling State of America’s Prisons
    03. Remembering War Powers Author, Rep Paul Findley
    04. America Changed: Stressing Over Gun Violence
    05. The Misunderstood World of Sharks
    06. Tips to Make the College Transition Better (for Everyone!)
    07. Back-to-School Anxiety Builds
    08. Are Your Kids in the Best School for Them?
    09. Should You Consider Homeschooling?
    10. Career Moves that Teachers (and All Professionals) Should Know
    11. B-T-S: Reboot, Refresh and Reset Before Labor Day
    12. This Guest Helps Make Sense of the World’s Craziness
    13. Ways the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone … Even Men
    14. 5 Reasons Why It’s NOT a Man’s World
    15. Why People Are Dreaming about Donald Trump
    16. How to Control Stress Before It Controls You
    17. Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!
    18. Why Do People Act That Way??
    19. Will Your Favorite Sea Birds Be Lost to Climate Change?
    20. What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

    1.==> Investment Strategist on Looming Recession

    Earlier this month the Federal Reserve lowered interest
    rates for the first time since the Great Recession in
    2008 to help stave off the possibility of an economic
    downturn. Interest rates, which affect the cost of
    borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set
    to hover between 2% and 2.25%. Corporate investment
    strategist Chris Macke is available to discuss the
    move, whether he believes the small rate cut will help
    maintain the currently robust economy, and what the cut
    means to the average consumer. Macke has advised the
    Chicago and Washington, D.C. districts of the U.S.
    Federal Reserve and the largest U.S. pension fund,
    CalPERS with more than $300 billion in assets. He
    currently guides research and investment strategy for a
    $10 billion institutional investment manager. Macke is
    also the author of “Solutionomics.” Contact Johanna
    Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> The Appalling State of America’s Prisons

    The apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein has put a
    spotlight on issues inside the Bureau of Prisons. Eric
    Young is president of the AFGE Council of Prison
    Locals, which represents more than 33,000 U.S. Bureau
    of Prison (BOP) employees nationwide. He says from
    1990, the federal inmate population more than tripled
    over the course of two decades but staffing levels did
    not keep pace. He says the BOP continues to suffer from
    overcrowding and severe staff shortages at many
    institutions and that many facilities are plagued with
    contraband, like cellphones, synthetic drugs and
    manufactured weapons. He says, “The volume, and
    duration of staff working regularly scheduled overtime
    has hit a crisis system wide. Even truck drivers and
    pilots have public safety laws to protect them with
    minimum time off to prevent loss of alertness and
    mental clarity.” Young says the damage from years of
    underfunding and understaffing will take time to
    repair, but it’s doable — if Congress and the
    administration take action now rather than sit by
    awaiting the next tragedy. Contact Eric Young at (870)

    3. ==> Remembering War Powers Author, Rep Paul Findley

    Rep. Paul Findley, key author of the War Powers
    Resolution, and a critic of Israel, died last week at
    the age of 98. The New York Times described him in an
    obituary as “The main author of the resolution that
    limited a president’s ability to wage war, he also made
    overtures to the Arab world and earned the opposition
    of the pro-Israel lobby. …” Francis Boyle, a longtime
    associate of Findley, says, “Findley was a Republican,
    but the pro-Israeli lobby effectively destroyed his
    political career, as they would for Republican Illinois
    Sen. Charles Percy during the same period.” He adds,
    “Similarly, we’ve seen an escalation of exactly what
    Findley tried to stop with the War Powers Resolution:
    President after president attacking other countries
    illegally, in violation of the Constitution, the War
    Powers Resolution and international law. The issues he
    tried to tackle were central to trying to preserve the
    rule of law and ensuring that the U.S. not use force
    illegally. He wanted the U.S. to be the ‘Land of the
    Free and Home of the Brave,’ not relentlessly pursuing
    murderous wars that ultimately make our own citizens
    less safe.” Francis Boyle is professor of international
    law at the University of Illinois. His books include
    “Destroying World Order.” Contact him at

    4.==> America Changed: Stressing Over Gun Violence

    Motorcycles backfired in Times Square last week. It
    sounded like gunfire, and panic ensued in the heart of
    New York City. The same night, a sign fell during a
    concert at a Utah mall. The loud bang when it hit the
    floor sounded something like a gunshot, and sent people
    racing into stores to hide. America’s gun problem has
    gotten so severe, Amnesty International issued a
    warning Wednesday to travelers from abroad, saying
    anyone coming to the United States should “exercise
    extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has
    become so prevalent … that it amounts to a human
    rights crisis.” Invite Psychologist Dr. John Huber to
    discuss how to deal with the anxiety and worry about
    mass shootings, how to explain what’s going on to
    children, and how to maintain a healthy mental outlook
    in today’s culture. Dr. John Huber is the chairman for
    the non-profit Mainstream Mental Health. He’s appeared
    on over three hundred top tier radio shows and thirty
    national television programs. He’s also the host of
    Mainstream Mental Health Radio, heard nationwide
    featuring interviews with top mental health
    professionals. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516)
    901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

    5. ==> The Misunderstood World of Sharks

    Why are we so afraid of sharks? Are they mindless
    killers on the prowl for unsuspecting humans playing in
    the ocean? William McKeever says sharks are the ocean’s
    most mysterious and misunderstood creature. Invite him
    on your show to discuss his two-year journey around the
    world to reveal sharks in a new light. Listeners will
    learn that while sharks account for fewer than four
    human fatalities per year, humans kill 100 million
    sharks per year, which has made the species vulnerable
    for the first time in its existence and put the future
    of the world’s oceans at risk. William McKeever is the
    author of “Emperors of the Deep: The Ocean’s Most
    Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, and Most Important
    Guardians.” His feature-length documentary by the same
    title is forthcoming. He is the founder of Safeguard
    the Seas. Contact Melinda Mullin at

    6. ==> College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips to Make the
    College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    Nearly 20 million students are heading off to college
    this month! The transition generates excitement and
    anxiety for both students and their parents.
    “Transition depression is a real concern,” says Lindy
    Schneider, a college advisor and coauthor of “College
    Secrets of Highly Successful People.” Invite Lindy and
    her husband/coauthor Tom to share simple tips that can
    lessen the send-off blues and help families enjoy this
    new phase of life. Lindy and Tom Schneider are
    professional college advisors who have helped thousands
    of college students over the past 15 years. They have
    been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and in many
    national publications. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602)

    7. ==> When Students Have Back-to-School Anxiety

    With the new school year, millions of students (of all
    ages — from elementary grades through college) will
    experience worries, nervousness, and outright anxiety.
    Perhaps those students are concerned about challenging
    new studies or unfamiliar classrooms, or demanding
    teachers, or bullies they’ll encounter, or new sports
    they are trying, or money they’ll need. The list of
    back-to-school anxieties goes on and on. Audiences will
    thank you for interviewing psychotherapist Elke Scholz,
    who’s prepared with advice for students, their parents
    and educators at every level. She’ll explore how the
    beginning of the new school year can impact the entire
    family, and how school anxiety can be triggered and
    tamed. Expect to hear about simple activities that
    encourage confidence and calm, ultimately helping
    students throughout their academic lives and for
    overall wellness, concentration and upbeat mood. The
    latest books by Elke Scholz include “Loving Your Life”
    and “Anxiety Warrior” volumes 1 and 2. Contact Elke at
    (705) 710-4315;

    8. ==> Are Your Kids in the Best School for Them?

    Are your kids in the right school? Sometimes it’s hard
    to know. Lee Jenkins, creator of “The Perfect School,”
    understands this… he will share 15 questions every
    parent should be asking their kids before a new school
    year begins. As a former educator and administrator
    both in public schools and universities, Lee saw the
    need for a new way to teach – one that keeps that
    “intrinsic motivation” alive from kindergarten through
    12th grade. “What most parents don’t realize is that
    motivation is made up of both will and thrill. Are
    your kids working hard and loving the process?”
    Chances are they aren’t! Lee Jenkins is the author of
    “How to Create a Perfect School,” foreword by Jack
    Canfield. He has been an educator and administrator
    both in public schools and universities. Contact Lee
    Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    9. ==> Should You Consider Homeschooling?

    Whether you don’t like your public school system, can’t
    afford a private school or have a child with special
    needs, homeschooling has become a viable option for
    many families. But should you—and can you—do it?
    Discuss the issue with Marywinn Lent, a grandmother
    who’s homeschooled her children, grandchildren, and
    children from her community for the past 30 years. She
    says many parents rule out homeschooling because they
    think they’re unqualified to teach their kids and worry
    their children will wind up with an inferior education
    or become social weirdos. But she says there are many
    advantages to educating kids at home, “Homeschooling
    helps children to either excel and move on to greater
    heights of learning earlier or to be able to grasp
    harder concepts without having to be left behind.”
    She’ll discuss the range of homeschooling resources
    available to parents today and explain why she thinks
    children benefit from the experience. Contact Marywinn
    Lent at

    10. ==> Career Moves that Teachers (and All
    Professionals) Should Know

    Countless teachers are heading back to work to get
    ready for the coming school year. Unfortunately, many
    are making their plans with dread and despair.
    Interview Geraldine Hogan to discover surprising
    realities about why teachers and other professionals
    remain in their current (demanding) jobs, even when
    they know it’s time for a change. Hogan’s insights,
    advice, and been-there experience can help anyone —
    whether in teaching or other areas of expertise —
    escape a career rut and recognize promising leads.
    She’ll discuss everything from overcoming seemingly
    difficult moves to why a bigger salary is not the
    primary reason why such a huge number of teachers have
    left the profession. Plus, she’ll explore 3 simple
    questions to ask yourself before implementing any
    career move. Open-up phone lines for career-related
    questions. Geraldine is a former educator, attorney and
    retired judge whose influential new book is “Career
    Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies
    for a Successful Job Change.” Reach her at (305)

    11. ==> B-T-S: Reboot, Refresh and Reset Before Labor

    Whatever happened to those lazy, hazy days of summer?
    Ever wish you didn’t feel so overwhelmed and busy that
    you become paralyzed? Even the dog days of summer have
    become a race to the finish! Instead of having the
    summer to regroup and get refreshed, most families find
    they need a “vacation from their vacation!” Instead of
    heading into a new school year raring to go – most
    families feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get
    refreshed before Labor Day Weekend! She will show you
    how to notice what’s most important to you and your
    family based on your values and purpose. She will
    teach your audience how to say three of the most
    important words in the English language “No thank you”
    and how that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to
    start living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the author of
    “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She
    has worked with hundreds of clients promoting personal
    growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact
    Jennifer at (208) 817-2870;

    12. ==> This Guest Helps Make Sense of the World’s

    Many of us are on edge waiting for the next shoe to
    drop as the world continues to make less sense and seem
    so random. But could it be that human behavior’s
    apparent new low could be just what we need to reach a
    new high? Sankarshan Das believes this is so. This Hare
    Krishna guru will tell your audience that the time is
    right for abandoning the erroneous principles that lead
    us to believe we exist only to feed our bellies and our
    material and sexual selves. He’ll talk about the real
    purpose of our lives, how to live anxiety-free and the
    role karma plays in such tragic events as mass
    shootings. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice a
    year singing and speaking in promotion of global peace
    and spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the
    upcoming book “A Hippie Becomes a Happy.” Contact him
    at (512) 835-8400;

    13. ==> Ways the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone … Even

    Thanks to Megan Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s National
    Soccer Team, gender pay equality has been having a
    moment in the news. But is that just a symptom of
    something greater and will it go anywhere? Interview
    Lorri Craig for an eye-opening look at why promoting
    parity of gender pay and promotions are good for
    everyone—men, women, children, and corporations. Armed
    with the statistics to prove it, Lorri will also say
    that corporations with the most gender diversity on
    their executive teams are 21 percent more likely to
    have above-average profits. Lorri, who is accustomed to
    being the only woman in a room full of male executives,
    can share why companies that don’t have a good handle
    on women’s diversity of thought are missing out on a
    growth market bigger than India and China combined.
    Lorri is a Certified Financial Planner with a master’s
    degree in finance. She offers a workshop called “Is
    Your Organization Ready to Step Up to Radical Gender
    Diversification?” Contact Lorri at (484) 453-1742;

    14. ==> 5 Reasons Why It’s NOT a Man’s World

    Ask people about the advantages men have over women and
    you are likely to hear such comments as “men have all
    the power; they make more money than women, and they
    are more likely to be abusive.” Sparrow Hart says it’s
    time to set the record straight and acknowledge that
    men have been having a rough time lately. He will point
    out statistics that show that men have shorter lives
    than women, have less access to health care, have five
    times the suicide rate as women, and now make up less
    than 50 percent of college freshmen. “Does this sound
    like an oppressor group?” he asks. “Where are the equal
    rights for men?” As Hart will explain, men are often
    caught between a rock and a hard place. Women want men
    to express their feelings more, but when they do women
    say, “Not those feelings!” Women want the “nice guy
    feelings,” not men’s real feelings of frustration or
    resentment. Sparrow Hart has been leading men’s
    programs such as The Mythic Warrior and The Men’s
    Wisdom Council for decades. Contact him at (801)

    15. ==> Why People Are Dreaming about Donald Trump

    On any given day, we are hearing about political
    controversies, big rallies (often with protesters!),
    White House staff news, campaign coverage and even
    Twitter outbursts that keep President Donald Trump in
    our minds. No wonder we’re awoken by dreams
    (nightmares??) of this polarizing leader and his
    presidency! Explore this epidemic of Trump-driven
    dreams when you interview Layne Dalfen — a sought-
    after dream analyst who will explain why Trump is
    someone who intrigues even our subconscious. Is this
    healthy? Are there lessons to be learned? Might this
    help Mr. Trump win (or lose) the 2020 election? Could
    other candidates literally capture our imaginations
    this way? What do callers’ Trump dreams mean? Arrange
    interviews with Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    16. ==> How to Control Stress Before It Controls You

    Stress and anxiety are at epidemic proportions. Noted
    spine surgeon, Dr. David Hanscom, says chemicals
    released during stress increase anxiety and even
    physical pain. He also believes that Western medicine’s
    failure to acknowledge these chemical surges is why
    thousands upon thousands of unnecessary, expensive
    surgeries are performed every year and ridiculous
    prescriptions for pain killers are feeding the opioid
    crisis. Get ready for a show to remember as Hanscom,
    author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of
    Chronic Pain”, takes doctors and the pharmaceutical
    industry to task, He’ll reveal the real reason why he
    gave up a thriving practice at his peak, and why he’s
    now on a mission to spread his message to the world…
    You can train your body to control its reaction to
    stress and the chronic pain that comes with it all by
    yourself. An in-demand speaker and talk-show guest,
    including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will
    also provide real stress-busting solutions and
    strategies to get listeners off painkillers and
    substances for good. Contact him; (206) 890-1892

    17. ==> Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!

    It’s road trip season with millions of Americans
    hitting the open highway! Most will come home with
    pictures and stories, but some, like Jenni Raney
    Edwards, will find the experience life-changing. Invite
    her to share how what began as a solo cross-country
    adventure in her SUV turned into a love affair with the
    open road, and led to her selling her home and most of
    her possessions to hit the road in a 40-foot Class A
    motorhome—despite having relatively little RV
    experience! A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
    and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
    author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
    Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
    Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
    Certified Tiny House on Wheels. Jenni Raney Edwards is
    currently on an RV book tour. Contact her at (904)

    18. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

    Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
    understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
    stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
    a business associate suddenly tells you about the
    affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
    perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
    Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
    their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
    do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
    systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
    interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
    or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
    Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
    a panelist on the national television show Ask the
    Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
    degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
    ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
    That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
    Myke Merrill at (585) 615-6383;

    19. ==> Will Your Favorite Sea Birds Be Lost to Climate

    We’ve all heard that warming seas, melting icebergs,
    and plastic in the ocean are wreaking havoc on sea
    creatures. But most of us do not think about their
    effect on seabirds that add so much beauty to our
    visits to the beach and are an important part of our
    ecosystem. That’s why we need to hear the message of
    author and illustrator Lynn Matusuoka. Just as she
    does in “Saving Our Seabirds,” Lynn can talk about the
    thousands of species threatened by climate change and
    share fascinating facts about such birds as puffins,
    blue-footed boobies, and black-footed albatrosses. For
    example, did you know that puffins can hold up to 60
    tiny fish in their beaks at once and can spend more
    than ten years with the same mate? Lynn can also share
    ways ordinary people can help save the birds. She is
    donating part of the sales for her adult coloring book
    to the Audubon Society’s Project Puffin. Lynn is well-
    known internationally for her drawings & paintings of
    Japan’s Sumo wrestlers and her worldwide TV color
    commentary of the sport. Contact her at (808) 479-5966

    20. ==> What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

    We all hope our works, writings and influence will last
    forever. But with an immortal associate – God – one can
    actually see that happen. Interview Al Collins, who was
    asked by God Himself to co-author the extraordinary
    book: “The Way- Visit Heaven Whenever You Want.” With
    such a remarkable journey, Al has uncovered the ancient
    keys to crossing over, at will, to visit God in Heaven
    without dying! Interview Al to hear about his tours of
    Heaven and its amazing wonders, and how God taught The
    Way. Appreciative audiences will hear Al explore
    powerful questions like: Why did God create us? Are WE
    immortal? How do you obtain incredible success in
    earthly life? What really comes next? What special
    messages might God have for us now and later? Why did
    God choose Al as a co-author? Contact Al Collins at

  • 08/15/19 RTIR Newsletter: Canned Wine, Concussion Concerns, Hong Kong Crisis

    August 15, 2019

    01. Trump is Wrong: Trade Wars Are Not Good
    02. Dems are Wrong: Socialism is Not Better
    03. The Hong Kong Crisis Explained
    04. Are We Minimizing Echoes of the Holocaust?
    05. Need Comic Relief? British Comedian Clive Anderson
    06. Valerie Harper and a Husband’s Heartbreaking Hospice Decision
    07. TV Helicopter Cameraman Rescues Missing People
    08. Canned Wine? Fun Summer Wine Show
    09. How to Have Sustainable Summer Fun
    10. Confessions of a Badass Widow
    11. One Incredible Act Links Jesus, Moses, Buddha, and Muhammad
    12. Skeptical Journalist Now Believes in Unseen World
    13. Sex Secrets from the Bible
    14. New Hope for Concussion Sufferers
    15. What Your Illness is Trying to Tell You
    16. Protecting Kids from EMF
    17. Success in 7 Steps
    18. Could You Forgive Parents Who Abused You?
    19. This Medium Helps with Loss, Grief and Disappointment
    20. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All


    1. ==> Trump is Wrong: Trade Wars Are Not Good

    The latest round of tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese
    goods imposed by President Trump last week has
    seriously rattled world markets. The Chinese currency
    has now depreciated against the dollar, sending stock
    markets into a tailspin. Trump and Treasury Secretary
    Steven Mnuchin charge China with currency manipulation,
    but Jeffrey Sachs says that’s ridiculous. “The only
    economic manipulation here is Trump’s. His tariffs have
    caused gratuitous and serious damage to the US economy,
    the world economy and the global trading system.” He
    says, “When Trump launched his trade wars last year, he
    boasted, ‘Trade wars are good, and easy to win.’ Far
    from achieving new trade agreements with China and the
    EU, Trump has undermined business confidence and cross-
    border investments. Trade wars are bad, and easy to
    lose. In fact, everybody is losing. It’s time to end
    Trump’s serious trade blunders.” Jeffrey Sachs is a
    professor and director of the Center for Sustainable
    Development at Columbia University. A syndicated
    columnist, his monthly newspaper columns appear in more
    than 100 countries. Contact him at;
    (212) 870-2760 or (212) 870-2762.

    2. ==> Dems are Wrong: Socialism is Not Better

    There is a serious debate in the U.S. about whether
    capitalism or socialism is truly better for the well-
    being of the country. For example, are we better off
    with the for-profit health-care system we already have
    or with government-funded Medicare for All? Do we need
    a New Green Deal or can climate change problems be
    solved by the private sector? F. Patrick Cunnane will
    point out that every time socialism has been attempted
    it fails but because no one has been able to explain
    why it is unworkable the idea keeps resurfacing. Your
    audience will benefit by hearing his easy to understand
    explanation of why capitalism is better than
    socialism—including better for the environment. Cunnane
    is the author of “The Physics to Economics Model.” An
    experienced talk show guest, he has been a corporate
    asset manager for more than 30 years. Contact him at
    (440) 666-5871;

    3. ==> The Hong Kong Crisis Explained

    Flights resumed at Hong Kong’s airport Wednesday after
    two days of disruptions marked by outbursts of violence
    that highlight the hardening positions of pro-democracy
    protesters and the authorities in the semi-autonomous
    Chinese city. What are the protests about and why are
    they now growing? Will Beijing use force against
    protesters? Why does Hong Kong matter to China? Is the
    situation hopeless for protestors? Jerome Cohen will
    answer your questions. A long-time adjunct senior
    fellow for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign
    Relations, he’s an expert on law in East Asia. He
    serves as codirector of NYU’s U.S.-Asia Law Institute
    and currently teaches courses on topics including
    China’s legal tradition and law and society in China.
    Contact him at

    4. ==> Are We Minimizing Echoes of the Holocaust?

    There is something eerily familiar about chants of
    “Send her back,” the rise of white nationalism, and the
    placement of undocumented immigrants in camps, subject
    to family separation and traumatic conditions. For
    Ellen Korman Mains, such horrors bring to mind the way
    Jews, and other marginalized groups like Gypsies and
    homosexuals, were treated during the Holocaust. Mains
    says we must realize the danger of hate speech and join
    together “to not only denounce it, but to understand
    the factors that fuel hate-filled behavior like false
    fear and hate-based rhetoric along with genuine
    existential fears, feelings of powerlessness, and
    projecting blame on others to avoid such feelings,” she
    says. Listeners will learn about the Lodz Ghetto in
    Poland, a holding center—not entirely unlike the U.S.
    border detention centers—where about 40,000 inhabitants
    died of illness and starvation, among them Mains’
    grandfather; another 200,000 were gassed in a nearby
    extermination camp; and, in the summer of 1944, the
    remaining 70,000 inhabitants were sent to Auschwitz-
    Birkenau, including Mains’ mother, aunt, uncles, and
    grandmother. Mains is headed to Poland later this month
    for the 75th Anniversary of the Liquidation of the Lodz
    Ghetto. She’ll present her memoir, “Buried Rivers: A
    Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust” as part of the
    week-long commemoration events. Contact Ellen Korman
    Mains at (720) 292-4520 until 8/19/2019; +48 793 366
    441 after 8/20/2019;

    5. ==> Need Comic Relief? British Comedian Clive Anderson

    British comedian Clive Anderson rose to fame as the
    host of the long-running improv comedy series Whose
    Line Is It Anyway (which inspired the American version
    hosted by Drew Carey). Winner of the British Comedy
    Award, his career included stand-up comedy, script
    writing and hosting several shows including the BAFTAs,
    Britain’s equivalent of the Academy Awards. Now, Clive
    brings his trademark deadpan wit to Smithsonian
    Channel’s Mystic Britain, in which he and
    anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota explore the strange
    mysteries and supernatural beliefs of Britain’s past –
    with stories about mummies, demons, witches and
    wizards. Clive can discuss some of the bizarre findings
    he’s encountered on his journeys and share what’s
    coming up on the mysterious, yet funny, new series.
    Contact John Angelo at

    6. ==> Valerie Harper and a Husband’s Heartbreaking Hospice Decision

    When the person you love most is nearing the end of
    their life, how do you help them? Recent news that
    Valerie Harper’s husband won’t put his wife in hospice,
    despite doctor’s recommendations, have sparked debate.
    Tony Cacciotti says he can’t do it because of their 40
    years of marriage and the amazing good deeds she’s
    done, implying that he is making the loving choice.
    Michelle Meier, a yoga therapist who helps people with
    cancer, says, “Harper’s husband admits he’s having a
    hard time letting go and is clearly struggling with
    saying goodbye.” Meier can discuss the myths
    surrounding hospice, why families don’t utilize the
    services and support, and how many doctors recommend
    hospice too late for patients to receive proper care
    and pain management, and for them and loved ones to
    come to terms with the end of life. Michelle Meier is
    the creator of Flow into Grace and the G.R.A.C.E.
    method—a system to help people process grief and let go
    of the suffering that comes with it. She’s also the
    author of “A Beautiful Death,” about find joy and peace
    after losing her mother. Contact Michelle Meier at
    (786) 663-8244;

    7. ==> TV Helicopter Cameraman Rescues Missing People from the Air

    As a TV helicopter cameraman, David Arnold has an
    exciting job. Sometimes that means shooting the Super
    Bowl high above the stadium, sometimes it’s hovering
    above the sea where Deadliest Catch is being filmed.
    And sometimes it’s when he uses his vantage point to
    rescue people lost in the wilderness. Interview David,
    who is currently nominated for two Emmys in best
    cinematography, to learn about the people he has
    rescued and the open cases he is currently working on.
    He can also share tips for avoiding getting lost and
    finding missing loved ones. David is the author of two
    “Help From Above” books. Contact him at (818) 275-8676;

    8. ==> Wine in a Can? Fun Summer Wine Show

    Whether your listeners are wine connoisseurs or stumble
    over the word “sommelier,” Certified Wine Educator
    James Laughren offers a non-technical, non-geeky,
    unintimidating exploration of the joy and pleasures of
    wine. As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation,” Jim is ready to
    uncork some fun on your program as he demystifies the
    mystery of wine and removes the snooty intimidation
    factor. He’ll discuss the new canned wine craze, how to
    choose the perfect summer rose for your next barbeque,
    and ways to get more out of your next winery visit. Jim
    is the past president of a wine importing and
    distribution company and is known for his fun and
    irreverent wine classes and seminars. He is also the
    author of “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing and
    Enjoying Fine Wine.” Contact him at (954) 317-9623;

    9. ==> How to Have Sustainable Summer Fun

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar: “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world environment. If we can all
    change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    plant.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have devastating impact on the
    entire planet, and how we can change this. In addition
    to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a
    Master of International Studies degree in Peace and
    Conflict Resolution and is the author of “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact Yasmin at

    10. ==> Confessions of a Badass Widow

    After the death of her long-time husband and business
    partner, Katherine Webster faced financial ruin,
    loneliness, trauma and many other overwhelming
    challenges. But, she says, she made a choice and
    learned the lesson of a lifetime; a life lived without
    danger is meaningless. “I turned my awful circumstances
    into a situation where I became more vibrant, fearless,
    confident, successful… and younger!” Katherine will
    share three key questions that can help redefine life
    after a tragedy along with simple yet powerful tools
    for rebuilding your life and becoming more youthful and
    passionate about living after the death of a spouse, or
    virtually any personal tragedy. She adds, “Personal
    tragedy allows you the luxury most other people will
    never have: an opportunity to enjoy the self-indulgent
    business of completely re-inventing yourself as
    whatever or whomever you choose to be.” Katherine
    Webster is a nonapologetic, badass entrepreneur and the
    author of “Becoming Madam Widow.” Contact her at or (484) 296-8759.

    11. ==> One Incredible Act Links Jesus, Moses, Buddha, and Muhammad

    Many world religions have had their core concepts
    shaped by individuals that undertook one unusual
    practice—a practice still available today. Can you
    guess what it is? At a time when differences between
    religious groups seem so wide, interview Sparrow Hart
    to learn the impactful, life-changing events that link
    these spiritual leaders together. Sparrow will point
    out that Christ and the Biblical prophets went to the
    desert to fast; Buddha went to the forest; Moses
    eschewed sustenance and climbed Mount Sinai to commune
    with God; while Mohammed received his great vision
    while fasting in a cave. All of these incidents are
    examples of vision quests. Sparrow will explain the
    three elements involved in every vision quest and what
    modern people do on their quests. Sparrow has spent
    over 700 days of his life in the Gila Wilderness alone
    and regularly leads vision quests. He is the author of
    several books including “Letters to the River: A Guide
    to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact him at (801)

    12. ==> Skeptical Journalist Now Believes in Unseen World

    During the 30 years he spent at the South Florida Sun-
    Sentinel, Kingsley Guy was known for his quest for
    accuracy and his trenchant skepticism. He was, in
    short, perhaps the last person one might expect to
    conclude that there are worlds we cannot see and
    intelligent entities guiding our lives. On your show
    Kingsley will share some of the many events he
    experienced that caused him to believe that God,
    guardian angels, and spirit guides are every bit as
    real as the newsmakers and celebrities he once
    interviewed. You’ll hear about the odd sensation he had
    the night his mother committed suicide thousands of
    miles away and other inexplicable events he experienced
    that turned him from a depressed, alcoholic skeptic
    into a sober spiritual seeker. Kingsley Guy is a former
    editorial page editor who had assignments in the Middle
    East, India, Russia, and China and conversed with
    hundreds of prominent newsmakers, including John
    McCain, Hillary Clinton, John Glenn, Mikhail Gorbachev,
    and Madeleine Albright. A frequent guest on radio and
    television, his new memoir is “Piercing the Veil: A
    Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds.” Contact
    him at (954) 817-0261;

    13. ==> Sex Secrets from the Bible

    For many people, talking about sex is taboo. And to
    bring it up in church would be unthinkable. But former
    Baptist minister and marriage coach John Wilder says
    God wants couples to have great sex, the problem is,
    they just don’t know how. Wilder is the author of “Sex
    Education for Adults: Secrets to Amazing Sex and
    Happily Ever After Too.” Invite him on your show and
    learn what the Bible has to say about sex (that you’ll
    never hear in church), the real reason many couples
    don’t have satisfactory, never mind super, sex lives,
    and how couples can finally stop fighting… for good. A
    former preacher and host of his own radio show, Wilder
    has also been a guest on numerous radio and TV outlets.
    Outspoken and candid, he brings a new paradigm to
    solving marriage problems by teaching sexuality and
    conflict resolution skills to couples. Ask John about
    his upcoming 4-hour mass marriage seminars and why
    another marriage counselor credits his book with saving
    his own marriage. Contact John Wilder at (904)

    14. ==> New Hope for Concussion Sufferers

    The U.S. is currently in the midst of a concussion
    epidemic with 5 million cases diagnosed annually.
    Despite what you might think, it’s not just football
    players who are sustaining these potentially life-
    changing brain injuries, it is ordinary adults and
    children. The good news is that there are effective
    treatments available which reverse the symptoms of a
    concussion by correcting the underlying mechanisms of
    injury to the brain. So says Paul Henry Wand, M.D., a
    neurologist with extensive expertise in diagnosing and
    treating all types of concussions. Dr. Wand can
    describe how a concussion should be diagnosed and
    treated based on the findings of two diagnostic tests
    and how even concussions sustained years ago can be
    treated! Dr. Paul Wand is the author of “The Concussion
    Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” He is
    currently seeking funding to perform the first-ever
    clinical trial of an FDA-approved protocol that may
    reverse all the symptoms of concussion. Contact Dr.
    Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    15. ==> Doc Reveals What Your Illness is Trying to Tell You

    Do you realize you can empower yourself to reduce
    physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
    reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
    send you messages about your body, that you need to
    know for longer, healthier life? When working with your
    doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
    the answers when you interview physician and speaker
    Nelie Johnson, MD. Dr. Johnson will discuss what’s been
    missing in health care (traditional Western medicine
    AND alternative methods) and how patients are best
    served when they become an acknowledged part of the
    health team. Dr. Johnson is initiator of the Forum
    “It’s Time to Heal,” offering an integrative approach
    to treating illness. Her upcoming book is “The Healing
    Message of Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604)

    16. ==> Protecting Kids from EMF

    Electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers,
    cellphones, and other electronic appliances is
    everywhere. Although there have been more than 10,000
    global scientific studies done on the health impacts of
    EMFs, most of us remain blissfully unaware of the
    dangers. So what do parents need to do to protect their
    children? For the answer, interview Beverly Jensen,
    Ph.D. Dr. Jensen will discuss actions to take to reduce
    electromagnetic radiation in your home to protect
    yourself and your children and discuss whether that
    cellphone tower near your house should concern you. She
    can offer your listeners a link to her free eBook,
    “Protecting Our Children from EMR.” Dr. Jensen is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    author of the forthcoming book “21st Century Wellness
    Rx: Health Hacks to Prevent & Cure Chronic Disease.”
    Contact her at (206) 905 9720;

    17. ==> Success in 7 Steps

    It’s been said that knowing what you want is half the
    battle, but there’s still a lot more left to achieving
    your goals! After 30 years in business and over a
    decade in researching, Steve McNicholas has discovered
    7 essential ‘code blocks’ that underpin success,
    achievement and winning… in business and life! He’ll
    discuss the fundamental themes of ownership, purpose,
    systems and mindset and share how when applied in
    sequence, tremendous personal and professional success,
    happiness and fulfilment can follow. Steve says,
    “Understanding and applying these 7 blocks enables a
    sequence and pattern—effectively the ‘source code’ of
    success—to kick in and enable individuals, teams or
    even businesses to win at whatever it is they are
    focused on.” Steve McNicholas’ new book “Unlocking the
    SUCCESS Code: The 7 Step Process to Succeed in Life and
    Work” is the culmination of 10+ years of research,
    application, learning and interviewing many of the
    leading names in personal and business development.
    Contact him at

    18. ==> Could You Forgive Parents Who Abused You?

    Many people have bad childhoods. But what makes Wade
    Meadows remarkable is how he was able to forgive both
    parents, his mentally unstable mother who constantly
    reminded him that he was worthless because he was born
    on Friday the 13th and his workaholic father who was
    unable to protect him. Invite Wade on air to explain
    how he was able to open his heart when his mother
    needed a caregiver, how he manages to live a hopeful
    life despite a chaotic childhood and how he was able to
    break his family’s cycle of abuse to raise happy,
    successful children and be a loving marriage partner.
    Wade is the author of “Letters from the Ashes” and
    “Ashes Forged into Manhood.” Contact him at (225)

    19. ==> This Medium Helps with Loss, Grief and Disappointment

    We know there are many types of loss — and millions of
    us worldwide are experiencing life interruptions and
    even grief. The worst can be losing a loved one to
    death, divorce, accidents, war or estrangement. Or we
    could be deeply hurting after losing a job, a business,
    property, savings, health or even freedom. Give your
    audience the comforting words and wise advice of medium
    Beth Lynch, who uses her intuitive gifts and insights
    to help others navigate personal and professional loss.
    Watch ratings rise as Beth explores on-air everything
    from the effects of our dreams to communicating with
    the other side, to finding unexpected sources of
    strength. Ask her: Can deeper spirituality heal mental
    health issues? Might you hurt more because of medicines
    you take? Will helping others lead to your own healing?
    Do deceased loved ones send us consoling messages? Why
    does she say “to understand life we must understand
    death?” Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818;

    20. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

    Do a show on the incredible true story of a son who,
    after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth mother
    is actually alive and living on the streets of
    Philadelphia. He does everything in his power to find
    her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
    his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
    sacrifices everything for love! Marty will share how
    his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
    again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
    rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
    is also the tale of another mother—the one who took him
    in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
    gave him the information and the courage he needed to
    go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
    media owner, author, and a sought-after International
    speaker. He has spoken to millions and has been
    featured on over 100 radio and TV shows. His story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)

  • 08/13 RTIR Newsletter: Epstein Suicide, Healthy Travel Tips, Frozen Embryos

    01. 2020: The Stakes
    02. How America Elected a White Supremacist
    03. The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey Epstein
    04. Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?
    05. The 50th Anniversary of the 60s Revolution
    06. Summer’s Not Over Yet! Happy, Healthy Travel Tips
    07. Vacations Can Be Deadly for Marriage
    08. Why Men Need Equal Rights Too!
    09. Why People Are Dreaming about Trump
    10. Should You Adopt a Frozen Embryo?
    11. Just in Time for Back to School: Simplify Your Life
    12. How Do We Depolarize America?
    13. Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy
    14. Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck: Are You the Reason?
    15. Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?
    16. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
    17. Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What YOU’LL
    Want to Know
    18. How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s
    19. What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?
    20. How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    1. ==> 2020: The Stakes

    Invite columnist and American Prospect cofounder Robert
    Kuttner on your show to discuss the upcoming 2020
    Presidential election, what’s at stake, and why he
    believes it will be a key moment in the history of
    American democracy. Kuttner will explain how the Trump
    administration has seriously eroded many of the
    bulwarks of American-style democracy. The damage can be
    reversed, but it’s not enough that Democrats beat
    Trump, Kuttner contends; they must win and govern as
    economic progressives. He’ll explain why it’s the only
    stance that can bridge potentially fatal schisms of
    race and identity, and rebuild an economy of broad
    prosperity. Kuttner’s new book is “The Stakes: 2020 and
    the Survival of American Democracy.” Contact Johanna
    Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> How America Elected a White Supremacist

    According to author Jess Row, white centrist Democrats
    and liberals have no idea of the magnitude of racial
    resentment and white nationalism in the country, in
    part because of the suburban sprawl of the 1970s which
    keeps white and nonwhite Americans physically and
    psychically apart. Row says many white liberals are
    unable to grasp that racism has become a national
    emergency, undoing the social fabric and the democratic
    institutions of the United States. He says, “This is
    especially true among the kind of white people I spend
    most of my time with — professionals, academics,
    businesspeople — whose lives haven’t gotten measurably
    worse in the last two years, and in some cases, because
    of the booming stock market, have improved. If you
    travel in those circles, it’s still possible to believe
    life is good.” He says Trump’s supporters, on the other
    hand, are committed to a radical transformation of
    American society and politics from which there is no
    going back. He believes we are in the early stages of
    either an authoritarian consolidation of power or a
    civil war, or both. Jess Row is the author of “White
    Flights: Race, Fiction, and the American Imagination”
    He teaches at the College of New Jersey. Contact him at
    (609) 771-2363;

    3. ==> The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide at the Metropolitan
    Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan this
    weekend leaves many unanswered questions. Ongoing
    investigations will explore whether MCC is among the
    nation’s worst-run federal pretrial facilities, and/or
    whether Epstein may have had some desired (or unwanted)
    help in ending his life and escaping his day in court.
    Investigative journalist Judith Miller says, “I shun
    conspiracy theories—but based on the little that prison
    officials have said so far, and what I know of life in
    jail, Epstein’s death is deeply troubling. No one
    should die of unnatural causes in jail. In a well-
    managed facility, no one would.” says Judith Miller.
    “However lurid the charges against him and perverse the
    nature of his alleged crimes, Epstein’s death behind
    bars should trouble every American. The investigations
    must not rest until what happened is revealed.” Judith
    Miller, is a Fox News contributor, an adjunct fellow at
    the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of
    its magazine, City Journal. She was formerly a Pulitzer
    Prize-winning investigative reporter for The New York
    Times. Her latest book is “The Story: A Reporter’s
    Journey.” Contact her at (212) 599-7000; @JMfreespeech

    4. ==> Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?

    The U.S. Justice Department recently announced a major
    antitrust investigation into unnamed tech giants, and
    the House Judiciary Committee has begun an
    unprecedented antitrust probe into Google, Facebook,
    Amazon and Apple over their aggressive business
    practices, and promises “a top-to-bottom review of the
    market power held by giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim
    Rumford to reveal surprising parallels to U.S. history
    and why he believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy
    Roosevelt when it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss
    the history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of
    1890, how that is being repeated today, and ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and
    Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created Big
    Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco
    buyer at the time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s
    own interest in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s
    scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day. Reach him
    through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    5. ==> Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 60s
    Revolution That Changed the World

    The 50th anniversary of Woodstock has brought the 1960s
    back into focus again: the music, the drugs, the
    innocence and hope for a more peaceful world. It is a
    world that Susan Shumsky lived in as one of the
    pioneers of the spiritual revolution that changed the
    world and one that Susan says continues. As a witness
    to history, Susan can talk about being near the stage
    during the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont 50 years
    ago, being at the be-ins and love-ins during the Summer
    of Love in San Francisco in 1967 that introduced the
    word psychedelic to suburbia and the 22 years she spent
    living in the ashrams of the Beatles’ guru, and six
    years on his personal staff. She is the award-winning
    author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
    Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has done
    over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)

    6. ==> Summer’s Not Over Yet! Happy, Healthy Travel

    Everyone is trying to squeeze in some last minute
    summer fun and adventure, but travelling can be
    stressful—on the body and the mind! Invite Dashama on
    your show and get great tips on ways to have a happier,
    healthier trip, no matter where you’re going or who
    you’re with! She’ll share must-have products to pack,
    ways to destress and get in some exercise while on the
    road, and unexpected ways to add depth to your journey.
    Dashama is a happiness expert, author, speaker and
    founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute. She travels the
    world teaching and sharing the gift of health,
    happiness and flow state. A media favorite she has been
    featured on ABC, QVC, NBC, Discovery Channel, Wall
    Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo and UK Sunday Times.
    Contact her at (808) 283-2646;

    7. ==> Vacations Can Be Deadly for Marriage

    A University of Washington study a few years ago found
    the number of divorces spike in August and March,
    coinciding with the end of vacation season; researchers
    theorized that marital splits were occurring after the
    intimacy couples expected from their vacations failed
    to materialize. During the 15 years that Beth Liebling
    was a divorce attorney, she noticed the spike too, and
    kept it in mind when she switched gears and
    professions. Now a relationship expert, Liebling helps
    couples rediscover what it means to passionately love
    each other A firm believer that monogamy shouldn’t mean
    monotony, she’ll share ways to regain that ‘teenager-
    in-love’ feeling, how to stop having BMS (boring,
    married sex) or ABC Sex (Anniversary, Birthday, and
    Christmas Sex), and why men should not be afraid of
    vibrators and women should buy men underwear. Ask about
    her upcoming Couples Camp, a 3-day, high-end luxury
    camp in Orlando this October. Beth Liebling is the
    author of “Love and Laughter: Sexy (Meaningful) Fun for
    Everyone.” She’s the host of Love and Laughter with
    Beth, a radio talk show that first aired on ESPN.
    Contact Beth Liebling at (832) 573-2039;

    8. ==> Why Men Need Equal Rights Too!

    Ask people about the advantages men have over women and
    you are likely to hear such comments as “men have all
    the power; they make more money than women, and they
    are more likely to be abusive.” Sparrow Hart says it’s
    time to set the record straight and acknowledge that
    men have been having a rough time lately. He will point
    out statistics that show that men have shorter lives
    than women, have less access to health care, have five
    times the suicide rate as women, and now make up less
    than 50 percent of college freshmen. “Does this sound
    like an oppressor group?” he asks. “Where are the equal
    rights for men?” As Hart will explain, men are often
    caught between a rock and a hard place. Women want men
    to express their feelings more, but when they do women
    say, “Not those feelings!” Women want the “nice guy
    feelings,” not men’s real feelings of frustration or
    resentment. Sparrow Hart has been leading men’s
    programs such as The Mythic Warrior and The Men’s
    Wisdom Council for decades. Contact him at (801)

    9. ==> Why More and More People Are Dreaming about
    Donald Trump

    On any given day, we hear about political
    controversies, big rallies (often with protesters!),
    White House staff news, campaign coverage and even
    Twitter outbursts that keep President Donald Trump in
    our minds. No wonder we’re awoken by dreams
    (nightmares??) of this polarizing leader and his
    presidency! Explore this epidemic of Trump-driven
    dreams when you interview Layne Dalfen — a sought-
    after dream analyst who will explain why Trump is
    someone who intrigues even our subconscious. Is this
    healthy? Are there lessons to be learned? Might this
    help Trump win (or lose) the 2020 election? Could other
    candidates literally capture our imaginations this way?
    What do callers’ Trump dreams mean? Arrange interviews
    with Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    10. ==> Should You Adopt a Frozen Embryo?

    Countless couples long for their first child or to
    expand their families — yet fertility issues or other
    health-related concerns could be interfering. Such
    would-be parents often consider adoption, yet still
    hope to experience the miracle of giving birth. With
    today’s fertility technologies, many couples can do
    both. Interview Nate Birt to learn how he and his wife
    welcomed their sweet daughter, Phoebe, who started as a
    frozen embryo but was implanted, brought to term and
    delivered by the Birts last year. Invite Nate to share
    his heartwarming family adoption story and help other
    couples by exploring questions like: How do you find
    available resources and experts for adopting embryos?
    What does it take to qualify? How does the process
    work? How can this path to parenthood change our
    beliefs about the unborn? Nate is the author of
    “Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-
    Step Guide to Embryo Adoption.” Contact Nate Birt at
    (573) 253-0140;

    11. ==> Just in Time for Back to School: Simplify Your

    What happened to the lazy, hazy days of summer? Today,
    even the dog days of summer have become a race to the
    finish. Instead of having the summer to regroup and get
    refreshed, most families find they need a “vacation
    from their vacation!” Instead of heading into a new
    school year raring to go – many parents feel
    overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get refreshed
    before Labor Day Weekend! Ever wish you didn’t feel so
    overwhelmed and busy that you become paralyzed? She’ll
    show you how to notice what’s most important to you and
    your family based on your values and purpose. She’ll
    teach your audience how to say three of the most
    important words in the English language (No, thank you)
    and how that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to
    start living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC is a counselor who’s worked with hundreds
    of clients promoting personal growth and healthier
    relationship skills. She’s the author of “Alignment:
    Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact Jennifer
    Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    12. ==> How Do We Depolarize America?

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    13. ==> Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without
    Driving Yourself Crazy

    News alert! Children are not small adults. They don’t
    think or act like adults. They’re not supposed to. So,
    as parents, don’t drive yourself bonkers trying to make
    that happen. Rather, as parents responsible for guiding
    youth towards becoming adults, let’s first help them
    become happy, responsible, and emotionally healthy
    children (especially as the new school year begins). So
    says Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents” and four
    other books on human development. Interview Paul to
    discover practical and essential strategies for
    managing the challenges of the parenting journey. He’ll
    help countless appreciative moms and dads understand
    what’s going on inside themselves to better develop the
    potential within their children. Invite call-in
    questions and parenting insights/concerns to explore.
    Contact Paul Bernabei at (651) 470-3827;

    14. ==> Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck: Are You the

    Your kids are making you nuts and your blood pressure
    is sky-rocketing. It’s not their fault. It’s because
    YOU can’t control your body’s chemical reaction to
    parental anxiety that’s actually making things more
    stressful and making things more tense. It’s also why
    the back of your neck is in knots; your spine is
    killing you and you are in constant physical misery.
    But all is not lost. You can train your body to control
    its reaction to stress. Noted spine surgeon Dr. David
    Hanscom will explain how and also discuss how Western
    medicine’s answer to stress has led to drug abuse,
    gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring for
    adults and kids alike. Hanscom, author of “Back in
    Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will
    share research-based evidence about the direct
    connection between powerful stress hormones and
    physical pain. An in-demand speaker and talk-show
    guest, including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom
    will also provide real stress-busting solutions to get
    parents off painkillers and substances to relieve
    parental stress. Contact him
    (206) 890-1892.

    15. ==> Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?

    In recent weeks Americans were shocked again by mass
    murders with high death tolls in Dayton, Ohio, and El
    Paso, Texas, carried out by men in their twenties. As a
    nation, we continue to grapple with why these incidents
    happen. However, many people are being told that mental
    health issues cause this horrible violence. Media
    veteran and child-rearing expert Emily Slingluff can
    discuss ways to influence children’s formative years
    toward happiness instead of hatred and despair. Emily
    is the author of multiple books and articles about
    parenting. She was named The Fulltime Homemaker of the
    Year for the State of Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and
    Eagle Forum shortly after her first book, “A Present to
    the Newborn,” came out. She is a graduate of Sweet
    Briar College with a degree in government and economics
    and was an assistant editor of The Virginian-Pilot.
    Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

    16. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an
    area that blurs the lines between right and wrong,
    ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw
    it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an
    ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
    1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
    don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
    “Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so
    it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal
    activity around them. We all need to know exactly what
    fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to
    avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker
    who shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the
    Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly
    becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    17. ==> Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What
    YOU’LL Want to Know

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia.
    Interview meditation expert, author and speaker John
    Sambalino. He’ll debunk myths about meditation and help
    countless people, in your audience and studio/office,
    improve their lives. Your guest will even discuss how
    meditation helps prison inmates become more
    rehabilitated, and ideally avoid future crimes. “Is God
    in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is John
    Sambalino’s latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

    18. ==> How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s

    Many people love their spouses very much but few will
    devote themselves to preserving that spouse’s legacy
    after they pass away. Marguerite Berrah—who prefers to
    be called Mrs. Berrah—finds herself in that rare
    position. She is the wife of the late Ghoulem Berrah,
    whose considerable accomplishments include being a
    freedom fighter, working as a diplomat, promoter of
    world peace and physician and scientist credited with a
    DNA breakthrough. Invite Mrs. Berrah to share some of
    her husband’s adventures contained in his memoir, “A
    Dream for Peace,” and how their 40-year-marriage
    clicked despite him being a Muslim and her being a
    Catholic. You might also ask her about her husband’s
    secret Paris meeting with PLO Yasser Arafat’s senior
    advisor Isam Sartawi and the Israeli Council for
    Israeli-Palestinian Peace, the famous people Ghoulem
    met, his work promoting religious tolerance and the
    foundation that bears his name. Contact Marguerite
    Berrah at (305) 933-6088;

    19. ==> What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

    We all hope our works, writings and influence will last
    forever. But with an immortal associate – God – one can
    actually see that happen. Interview Al Collins, who was
    asked by God Himself to co-author the extraordinary
    book: “The Way- Visit Heaven Whenever You Want.” With
    such a remarkable journey, Al has uncovered the ancient
    keys to crossing over, at will, to visit God in Heaven
    without dying! Interview Al to hear about his tours of
    Heaven and its amazing wonders, and how God taught The
    Way. Appreciative audiences will hear Al explore
    powerful questions like: Why did God create us? Are WE
    immortal? How do you obtain incredible success in
    earthly life? What really comes next? What special
    messages might God have for us now and later? Why did
    God choose Al as a co-author? Contact Al Collins at
    (902) 201-0607;

    20. ==> How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    How did Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other
    self-made billionaires become so wildly successful?
    According to Name Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it
    took more than just brains, hard work and talent. B.P.
    will prove, with facts, figures and other indisputable
    evidence, that 90 percent of the richest people in the
    world became successful because of their color-coded
    names. He’ll explain how your name affects every aspect
    of your life and the number one reason why the most
    famous and successful people in practically every major
    career field have found success. B.P. worked in the
    fabric and fashion industries for many years, where he
    discovered the dramatic impact colors have on people’s
    lives. His latest book is “Your Name and Colors Key to
    Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance, And
    Success.” Contact B.P. at;
    (510) 570-1929.

  • 08/08/19 RTIR Newsletter: White Nationalism, Health Hacks, Compulsive Habits

    August 8, 2019

    01. How Serious is White Nationalism?
    02. It’s Time to Talk about Guns
    03. Are We Normalizing Violence and Hate?
    04. Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?
    05. TV Helicopter Cameraman Rescues Missing People
    06. New Charges Against R. Kelly: Will He Go to Jail?
    07. Tips to Make the College Transition Better (for Everyone!)
    08. When Students Have Back-to-School Anxiety
    09. Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework
    10. Will Your Favorite Sea Birds Be Lost to Climate Change?
    11. Health Hacks to Beat Text-Neck
    12. The Growing Attack on America’s Beef Industry
    13. What’s Your Compulsive Habit? And How to Stop it!
    14. His Grandfather was the Prince of New York
    15. God Wants You to Have Great Sex
    16. This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You Shivers
    17. How Ordinary People Can Help Save the World
    18. Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience
    19. What Was Last Night’s Dream All About?
    20.50 Ways to Love Wine More this Summer

    1. ==> How Serious is White Nationalism?

    “Even at the height of the Global War on Terrorism, the
    FBI’s strategic plan identified ‘lone wolf’ violence by
    ‘right wing extremists, espousing anti-government or
    racist sentiment’ as a salient domestic terrorist
    threat,” says terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman. “But
    given the rise of violent white nationalism, the
    growing traction of far-right extremism, and the power
    of twenty-first-century communications platforms, the
    threat is evolving rapidly.” Hoffman can discuss how
    the UK took signal action by banning the neo-Nazi
    National Action Group in 2016 and New Zealand
    authorities demonstrated how governments can quickly
    intervene to restrict the spread of propaganda online.
    He says, “As with any threat to society, a balance must
    be struck between the preservation of free and open
    expression and the protection citizens expect from
    authorities.” Bruce Hoffman is Shelby Cullom and
    Kathryn W. Davis senior fellow for counterterrorism and
    homeland security at the Council on Foreign Relations
    and has been studying terrorism and insurgency for four
    decades. Contact him at (202) 509-8508;

    2. ==> It’s Time to Talk about Guns

    There are more public mass shootings in America than in
    any other country in the world and this weekend’s
    massacres have renewed debates about gun control.
    Rebecca Peters helped lead the campaign to reform
    Australia’s gun laws in the 1990s. She says, “The
    evidence is clear. If guns made a country safer, the
    U.S. would be the safest country in the industrialized
    world. But the opposite is true. Per capita, you are
    six times more likely to be murdered in the U.S. than
    in Australia, and 25 times more likely to be murdered
    with a gun.” She says racist extremism and thwarted
    masculinity are not particular to the U.S., but “all
    other countries that recognize the danger are
    responding logically with measures to limit the damage
    that racist extremists can do – by strengthening their
    gun laws. Semi-automatic weapons are a product
    manufactured specifically for killing large numbers of
    people. Yet the U.S. is the only nation whose
    policymakers insist on making this product easily
    available, even when it is used again and again to do
    just that: slaughter human beings because of cultural
    differences or personal slights.” Peters is the former
    director of the International Action Network on Small
    Arms. Contact her at

    3. ==> Are We Normalizing Violence and Hate?

    In the aftermath of this weekend’s mass shootings,
    former President Barack Obama is calling on Americans
    to “soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of
    any of our leaders that feeds a climate of fear and
    hatred or normalizes racist sentiments.” President
    Trump continues to call himself “the least racist
    person’ on earth, but his Tweets and comments don’t
    align with his personal assessment. Invite clinical
    psychologist Shannon Curry Psy.D., MSCP to explain how
    a person in authority can normalize deviant hateful
    acts so they no longer seem extreme or unusual and what
    should—and can—be done about it. She’ll share ways to
    tackle the mounting fear that occurs following these
    violent events while also protecting against apathy.
    Dr. Curry can also discuss how traumatic experiences
    short-circuit the brain, the lasting effects of trauma,
    and the psychological state of a shooter’s mind and how
    the everyday person can detect the danger they pose.
    Dr. Shannon Curry provides counseling services to many
    associated and affiliated with correctional facilities.
    She heads the Curry Psychological Group in CA. Contact
    Cherie Kerr at (714) 550-9900; (714) 271-2140; or Shannon Dugger at (303)

    4. ==> Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?

    Over the weekend, Americans were shocked again by mass
    murders with high death tolls in Dayton, Ohio, and El
    Paso, Texas, carried out by men in their twenties. As a
    nation, we continue to grapple with why these incidents
    happen. However, many people are being told that mental
    health issues cause this horrible violence. Media
    veteran and child-rearing expert Emily Slingluff can
    discuss ways to influence children’s formative years
    toward happiness instead of hatred and despair. Emily
    is the author of multiple books and articles about
    parenting. She was named The Fulltime Homemaker of the
    Year for the State of Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and
    Eagle Forum shortly after her first book, “A Present to
    the Newborn,” came out. She is a graduate of Sweet
    Briar College with a degree in government and economics
    and was an assistant editor of The Virginian-Pilot.
    Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

    5. ==> TV Helicopter Cameraman Rescues Missing People
    from the Air

    As a TV helicopter cameraman, David Arnold has an
    exciting job. Sometimes that means shooting the Super
    Bowl high above the stadium, sometimes it’s hovering
    above the sea where Deadliest Catch is being filmed.
    And sometimes it’s when he uses his vantage point to
    rescue people lost in the wilderness. Interview David,
    who is currently nominated for two Emmys in best
    cinematography, to learn about the people he has
    rescued and the open cases he is currently working on.
    He can also share tips for avoiding getting lost and
    finding missing loved ones. David is the author of two
    “Help From Above” books. Contact him at (818) 275-8676;

    6. ==> New Charges Against R. Kelly: Will He Go to

    Singer R. Kelly faces new charges, this time in
    Minnesota where he’s accused of engaging in
    prostitution with a person under 18. The Minnesota
    indictment is just the latest in a tangle of charges
    against Kelly, who’s faced accusations of abuse and
    manipulation of underage girls and women for more than
    20 years. But Joyce Short says many sexual predators
    never serve time, even if caught and tried, and the
    reason may surprise your listeners. “Rape is prohibited
    in all states, but the laws on consent and the
    definitions of the crime differ wildly from state to
    state.” Short says, “Consent is not confusing, it’s our
    laws that are the problem!” An expert witness on
    consent and a sexual abuse survivor, Short is currently
    working with legislators across the U.S. to change the
    laws. Her efforts have created consent and sex crime
    bills that are pending in IN, and SC. She’s working on
    more states including PA and NY. Her media credits
    include BuzzFeed, Nightline, The CBS Evening News,
    Inside Edition and more. Contact Ms. Short at; (917) 517-8572.

    7. ==> College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips to Make the
    College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    This month nearly 20 million students will head off to
    college. The transition generates excitement and
    anxiety for both students and their parents.
    “Transition depression is a real concern,” says Lindy
    Schneider, a college advisor and coauthor of “College
    Secrets of Highly Successful People.” Invite Lindy and
    her husband/coauthor Tom to share simple tips that can
    lessen the send-off blues and help families enjoy this
    new phase of life. Lindy and Tom Schneider are
    professional college advisors who have helped thousands
    of college students over the past 15 years. They have
    been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and in many
    national publications. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602)

    8. ==> When Students Have Back-to-School Anxiety

    With the new school year, millions of students (of all
    ages — from elementary grades through college) will
    experience worries, nervousness, and outright anxiety.
    Perhaps those students are concerned about challenging
    new studies or unfamiliar classrooms, or demanding
    teachers, or bullies they’ll encounter, or new sports
    they are trying, or money they’ll need. The list of
    back-to-school anxieties goes on and on. Audiences will
    thank you for interviewing psychotherapist Elke Scholz,
    who’s prepared with advice for students, their parents
    and educators at every level. She’ll explore how the
    beginning of the new school year can impact the entire
    family, and how school anxiety can be triggered and
    tamed. Expect to hear about simple activities that
    encourage confidence and calm, ultimately helping
    students throughout their academic lives and for
    overall wellness, concentration and upbeat mood. The
    latest books by Elke Scholz include “Loving Your Life”
    and “Anxiety Warrior” volumes 1 and 2. Contact Elke at
    (705) 710-4315;

    9. ==> Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework

    Every September kindergarteners start school and love
    it. So why is it that each year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school, when
    only a few actually love coming to school and love
    learning? This problem is easier to fix than you think!
    “There are so many ways to create a perfect school,”
    says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a passion for
    improving student learning in school. “From giving
    students choice in how to do homework to creating a
    team feel in every classroom, where they are more
    interested in outperforming their own best work instead
    of competing with each other… it works! And it works
    FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are seeing
    an increase in classroom learning by six times the
    national average! The key is for students to be in an
    environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins has been an educator and
    administrator both in public schools and universities.
    The author of “How to Create a Perfect School” speaks
    primarily to educators but his message to parents is
    essential. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    10. ==> Will Your Favorite Sea Birds Be Lost to Climate

    We’ve all heard that warming seas, melting icebergs,
    and plastic in the ocean are wreaking havoc on sea
    creatures. But most of us do not think about their
    effect on seabirds that add so much beauty to our
    visits to the beach and are an important part of our
    ecosystem. That’s why we need to hear the message of
    author and illustrator Lynn Matuskuoka. Just as she
    does in “Saving Our Seabirds,” Lynn can talk about the
    thousands of species threatened by climate change and
    share fascinating facts about such birds as puffins,
    blue-footed boobies, and black-footed albatrosses. For
    example, did you know that puffins can hold up to 60
    tiny fish in their beaks at once and can spend more
    than ten years with the same mate? Lynn can also share
    ways ordinary people can help save the birds. She is
    donating part of the sales for her adult coloring book
    to the Audubon Society’s Project Puffin. Lynn is well-
    known internationally for her drawings & paintings of
    Japan’s Sumo wrestlers and her worldwide TV color
    commentary of the sport. Contact her at (808) 479-5966

    11. ==> Health Hacks to Beat Text-Neck

    We love our smartphones and tablets, but health
    professionals say they’re causing an epidemic of ‘text-
    neck’ among adults and children. Nathalie Beauchamp,
    D.C., IFMCP, an Ottawa-based doctor of chiropractic and
    certified functional medicine practitioner with the
    Institute of Functional Medicine, says looking down at
    your device for hours at a time changes the position of
    your head and neck, causing poor posture. She’ll
    explain how that can lead to health problems like
    headaches, a flattened spinal curve, disc damage,
    muscle damage and reduced blood flow to the brain.
    Invite her on your show and learn what your head has in
    common with a bowling ball, ways to use your phone that
    are kind to your spine and hacks to help compensate for
    a sedentary life, like standing desks, walking meetings
    and scheduling time to move. Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs and writes
    about health and wellness for a variety of
    publications. She has her own YouTube channel and is
    the founder of the weekly “What the Hack?!” podcast.
    Dr. Beauchamp’s latest book is “Hack Your Health
    Habits: Simple Action-Driven, Natural Health Solutions
    for People On the Go!” Contact her at (206) 905 9720;

    12. ==> The Growing Attack on America’s Beef Industry

    Most Americans are unaware of the ongoing assault on
    the American beef industry—and their personal dietary
    choices—led by such entities as the World Wildlife
    Fund, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the United
    Nations Environment Program. So says Tom DeWeese,
    president of the American Policy Center, a grassroots
    action and education foundation dedicated to the
    promotion of free enterprise and limited government
    regulations over commerce and individuals. DeWeese says
    that while their stated goal is to produce a better
    grade of beef, their true intention is to ban beef
    altogether. Surprisingly, he adds, the National
    Cattlemen’s Beef Association is allowing this to
    happen. “The reality is it’s not going to go away
    because the goal is not environmental protection,
    rather the destruction of their industry and control
    through what the U.N. calls the reorganization of human
    society.” Tom DeWeese is a speaker and property rights
    advocate who has debated at Cambridge University. He is
    the author of many books including, “Sustainable: The
    WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and
    Individuals.” DeWeese has been featured by Fox News,
    the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the
    Washington Post and other media nationwide. Contact him
    at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    13. ==> What’s Your Compulsive Habit? And How to Stop

    Just about everyone has an addiction or a compulsive
    habit that controls their behavior and their choices.
    One out of three persons is overtly addicted to
    something – like alcohol or drugs. But did you know
    that virtually two out of three persons is covertly
    addicted to something? And they may not even realize
    it! Subtle behaviors like gossiping, judging others,
    people pleasing, shopping and working can all be
    compulsive. Interview Michael McGee, MD, about the
    science of habit and his “Good now, Bad later”
    philosophy to help your audience figure out if they
    have compulsive habits and what to do about them! Dr.
    McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools
    and has helped hundreds of patients beat their
    addictions. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery:
    The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.”
    Contact Dr. Michael McGee at (978) 971-9703;

    14. ==> His Grandfather was the Prince of New York

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the “Prince of New
    York.” Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
    Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    US with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
    the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
    Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
    parachuting into Nazi-occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
    Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
    legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis… and
    has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
    his grandfather but also the Astors and American
    aristocratic life at that time. Ivan Obolensky is a
    true Renaissance man in his own right. He’s the author
    of “Eye of the Moon.” Contact Ivan at (818) 495-8731;

    15. ==> God Wants You to Have Great Sex

    For many people, talking about sex is taboo. And to
    bring it up in church would be unthinkable. But former
    Baptist minister and marriage coach John Wilder says
    God wants couples to have great sex, the problem is,
    they just don’t know how. Wilder is the author of “Sex
    Education for Adults: Secrets to Amazing Sex and
    Happily Ever After Too.” Invite him on your show and
    learn what the Bible has to say about sex (that you’ll
    never hear in church), the real reason many couples
    don’t have satisfactory, never mind super sex lives,
    and how couples can finally stop fighting… for good.
    John Wilder brings a new paradigm to marriage problems
    by teaching sexuality and conflict resolution skills to
    his clients. Ask John about his upcoming mass marriage
    seminars and why another marriage counselor told him
    that his book saved his own marriage. Contact John
    Wilder at (904) 655-2175;

    16. ==> This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You

    Most of us have never experienced the natural world the
    way Sparrow Hart has. For example, who can say that
    they have been charged by bears and has close
    encounters with mountain lions? Or stuck around and
    sung to a rattlesnake they unexpectedly encountered?
    Who spent 700 days in the wilderness alone or got lost
    in a canyon five times the size of the Grand Canyon?
    Sparrow has done all that and more. He’ll share why he
    says today’s man feels alone, isolated, and estranged
    from the great rhythms of nature. An entertaining
    storyteller, he can reveal how all of us can appreciate
    nature more this summer and discover who we are in the
    process. Sparrow has had a varied career that includes
    being a Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford, working in a
    slaughterhouse and leading men’s programs and vision
    quests in nature. He is the author of several books
    including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream
    Worth Living.” Contact him at (801) 516-0740;

    17. ==> How Ordinary People Can Help Save the World
    from Its Biggest Threats

    Scientists, generals, politicians, doctors,
    environmentalists and economists warn that in the next
    decade or two, doom may come in the form of climate
    change, overpopulation, pollution, terrorism, and
    nuclear war—all huge problems by themselves and
    catastrophic when taken together. But there are steps
    ordinary people can take before the world reaches these
    devastating tipping points, says Lyle Benjamin, a
    lifelong entrepreneur, activist, optimist, and creator
    of Planned Acts of Kindness, a global social
    responsibility initiative designed for the age of
    technology. He’ll explain the program and how it
    encourages participation with daily text messages, and
    how your show can help spread the word and your
    audience can participate. Benjamin says, “If we are to
    survive as a species and have a chance at quality of
    life, we need to have tens of millions of people around
    the world working together on planned acts of kindness
    with the ability to mobilize instantly.” Benjamin
    created the Host & Post outreach program for bloggers,
    news outlets, organizations and companies to easily
    post the daily Planned Acts of Kindness on their
    networks. Lyle Benjamin was the publisher of a national
    self-help magazine on relationship issues, created a
    best-selling board game, and owned a successful meeting
    and event-planning business based in New York City. He
    created a 501(c)3 educational not-for-profit and has
    written several books including “The Working Dead: The
    Essential Survival Guide on How to Protect, Save &
    Invest for Yourself, Your Family & Your Future” and “16
    Things We All Can Do to Act Right & Help Save the
    Planet.” Contact him at (212) 213-0257 (landline);
    (917) 683-2625 (cell); Help@PlannedActs.Org

    18. ==> Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience — And
    Become a Better Speaker

    You’re in front of a group, with key info to share, but
    you need to get over your own nerves and apprehension.
    First of all — you do NOT need to imagine your
    audience naked! That old chestnut never works. You’ll
    want your presentation, confidence and message to wow
    everyone instead. So says communications and leadership
    expert Jill Jaysen who will reveal on your show how
    we’ve all been mis-taught when it comes to public
    speaking, and what really makes a dynamite presentation
    for winning big. Watch ratings climb when Jaysen
    shares: Why gimmicks like “practice at a mirror” and
    “videotape yourself” only risk creating mediocre
    speakers who zap their own innate charisma. How the
    speech truly starts long before you reach the podium.
    Plus, amazing truths about NLP for enhancing your
    speaking prowess. And how to prevent the biggest
    speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at

    19. ==> What Was Last Night’s Dream All About?

    From terrifying nightmares to ridiculous romps with
    crazy characters and bizarre locations, your nightly
    adventures aren’t random at all. They reveal a lot
    about what’s going on in your life, but deciphering
    them can be confusing, to say the least. Dream analyst
    Layne Dalfen says your dreams are actually
    conversations you have with yourself about specific
    current issues in your life. She says, “The solution
    you’re looking for about what (or who) in your life is
    bugging you this week will appear in your unconscious
    mind before it gets to your conscious. Dream analysis
    gives you the power to decide how you want to respond
    to people and situations in your life.” Dalfen will
    teach listeners a step-by-step method to decode those
    dreams and use the knowledge to help make decisions and
    deal with difficult situations. Layne Dalfen teaches
    dream analysis to counselling students at Concordia
    University in Montreal. She’s appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows and podcasts and loves call-in programs
    because she is terrific at thinking on her feet and
    knows how to have fun with listeners. Contact her at
    (514) 898-9150;

    20. ==> 50 Ways to Love Wine More this Summer

    Whether your listeners are wine connoisseurs or stumble
    over the word “sommelier,” Certified Wine Educator
    James Laughren offers a non-technical, non-geeky,
    unintimidating exploration of the joy and pleasures of
    wine. As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation,” Jim is ready to
    uncork some fun on your program as he demystifies the
    mystery of wine and removes the snooty intimidation
    factor. He’ll cover everything from how to get more out
    of visiting wineries to why you needn’t take wine
    parings seriously to inside tips on getting the best
    wine for your buck. Jim is the past president of a wine
    importing and distribution company and is known for his
    fun and irreverent wine classes and seminars. He is
    also the author of “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing
    and Enjoying Fine Wine.” Contact him at (954) 317-9623;

  • 08/06/19 RTIR Newsletter: Surviving a Shooting, Concussion Sufferers, Safe Sunscreens

    August 6, 2019

    01. Could Health Warrants Prevent Mass Shootings?
    02. How to Survive a Public Shooting
    03. Putting an End to Extremism
    04. Will 2020 be the Year of the Socialists?
    05. 50th Anniversary of Woodstock – The Iconic VW Bus
    06. Are We Minimizing Echoes of the Holocaust?
    07. Valerie Harper and a Husband’s Heartbreaking Hospice Decision
    08. The Shocking Legal Reason Sexual Predators Go Free
    09. Skeptical Journalist Now Believes in Unseen World
    10. Protecting Kids from EMF
    11. Could Your Kid Be Addicted to Sugar? Could You?
    12. Is Your Sunscreen Safe?
    13. New Hope for Concussion Sufferers
    14. Doc Reveals What Your Illness is Trying to Tell You
    15. Why You Are the Reason Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck
    16. Stevie Wonder, Ed Henry: Organ Transplants in News
    17. Planned Acts of Kindness – Why Leave it to Chance?
    18. How to Enjoy Summer AND Save the Planet
    19. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
    20. How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    1. ==> Could Health Warrants Prevent Mass Shootings?

    Americans are shell-shocked after a horrific weekend of
    mass shootings in Texas and Ohio that leave at least 31
    people dead. Texas-based clinical forensic psychologist
    Dr. John Huber can discuss the psychology behind mass
    shootings in America and why they seem to be happening
    more frequently, provide a psychological analysis on
    this weekend’s two mass murderers, and share ways
    survivors of mass shootings—and distraught
    Americans—can begin to cope. Dr. Huber will also
    discuss why he’s an advocate for mental health warrants
    and how they could prevent future mass murders. Dr.
    John Huber is the chairman for the non-profit
    Mainstream Mental Health. He’s appeared on over three
    hundred top tier radio shows and thirty national
    television programs. He’s also the host of Mainstream
    Mental Health Radio, heard nationwide featuring
    interviews with top mental health professionals.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    2. ==> How to Survive a Public Shooting

    How would you react if caught in a public place where
    streams of bullets put you in mortal danger? Would you
    know how to escape an active shooter’s attack? Should
    you fight back? Play dead? Run? Stay locked in a room,
    closet or car? Shield others? Use special tactics to
    protect yourself? And what should your kids know?
    Explore the vital answers with personal protection
    specialist Allen Banks, CEO of Proactive Protection
    Agency. He has developed Active Shooter Prevention and
    Workplace Violence Prevention Training, and also a
    special program for schools and other public settings.
    In this era of violent attacks and even terrorism, you
    and your loved ones and colleagues will want to hear
    this specialist’s life-saving insights and advice.
    Invite audience questions! Contact Allen Banks at (661)

    3. ==> Putting an End to Extremism

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    4. ==> Will 2020 be the Year of the Socialists?

    There is a serious debate in the U.S. about whether
    capitalism or socialism is truly better for the well-
    being of the country. For example, are we better off
    with the for-profit health-care system we already have
    or with government-funded Medicare for All? Do we need
    a New Green Deal or can climate change problems be
    solved by the private sector? F. Patrick Cunnane will
    point out that every time socialism has been attempted
    it fails but because no one has been able to explain
    why it’s unworkable the idea keeps resurfacing. Your
    audience will benefit by hearing his easy to understand
    explanation of why capitalism is better than
    socialism—including better for the environment. Cunnane
    is the author of “The Physics to Economics Model.” An
    experienced talk show guest, he has been a corporate
    asset manager for more than 30 years. Contact him at
    (440) 666-5871;

    5. ==> 50th Anniversary of Woodstock – The Iconic VW Bus

    This month marks the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock and
    to celebrate the milestone a new film attempts to find
    the lost psychedelic Volkswagen van that became a
    global symbol, not only for the Woodstock event, but an
    entire generation’s quest for peace and love. The bus
    may be the most valuable American automotive art ever.
    The only problem? No one can remember where it is! In
    the movie ‘The Woodstock Bus,’ filmmaker and star John
    Wesley Chisolm journeys across America’s highways,
    backroads and junkyards to find the symbol of a lost
    generation, restore and repaint it, and bring it back
    to Woodstock where it belongs. John can discuss what he
    discovered on his journey to try and solve this 50-year
    mystery, why the iconic bus remains a symbol of hope
    for a better future, and where your listeners can catch
    The Woodstock Bus. Contact John Angelo at

    6. ==> Are We Minimizing Echoes of the Holocaust?

    There is something eerily familiar about chants of
    “Send her back,” the rise of white nationalism, and the
    placement of undocumented immigrants in camps, subject
    to family separation and traumatic conditions. For
    Ellen Korman Mains, such horrors bring to mind the way
    Jews, and other marginalized groups like Gypsies and
    homosexuals, were treated during the Holocaust. Mains
    says we must realize the danger of hate speech and join
    together “to not only denounce it, but to understand
    the factors that fuel hate-filled behavior like false
    fear and hate-based rhetoric along with genuine
    existential fears, feelings of powerlessness, and
    projecting blame on others to avoid such feelings,” she
    says. Listeners will learn about the Lodz Ghetto in
    Poland, a holding center—not entirely unlike the U.S.
    border detention centers—where about 40,000 inhabitants
    died of illness and starvation, among them Mains’
    grandfather; another 200,000 were gassed in a nearby
    extermination camp; and, in the summer of 1944, the
    remaining 70,000 inhabitants were sent to Auschwitz-
    Birkenau, including Mains’ mother, aunt, uncles, and
    grandmother. Mains will return to Poland for the 75th
    Anniversary of the Liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto later
    this month and will present her memoir, “Buried Rivers:
    A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust” as part of the
    week-long commemoration events. Contact Ellen Korman
    Mains at (720) 292-4520 until 8/19/2019; +48 793 366
    441 after 8/20/2019;

    7. ==> Valerie Harper and a Husband’s Heartbreaking Hospice Decision

    When the person you love most is nearing the end of
    their life, how do you help them? Recent news that
    Valerie Harper’s husband won’t put his wife in hospice,
    despite doctor’s recommendations, have sparked debate.
    Tony Cacciotti says he can’t do it because of their 40
    years of marriage and the amazing good deeds she’s
    done, implying that he is making the loving choice.
    Michelle Meier, a yoga therapist who helps people with
    cancer, says, “Harper’s husband admits he’s having a
    hard time letting go and is clearly struggling with
    saying goodbye.” Meier can discuss the myths
    surrounding hospice, why families don’t utilize the
    services and support, and how many doctors recommend
    hospice too late for patients to receive proper care
    and pain management, and for them and loved ones to
    come to terms with the end of life. Michelle Meier is
    the creator of Flow into Grace and the G.R.A.C.E.
    method—a system to help people process grief and let go
    of the suffering that comes with it. She’s also the
    author of “A Beautiful Death,” about find joy and peace
    after losing her mother. Contact Michelle Meier at
    (786) 663-8244;

    8. ==> The Shocking Legal Reason Sexual Predators Go Free

    Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Cosby. Harvey Weinstein. R.
    Kelly. The list of high-profile prominent men accused
    of sex crimes continues to grow, but Joyce Short says
    many sexual predators never serve time, even if caught
    and tried, and the reason may surprise your listeners.
    “Rape is prohibited in all states, but the laws on
    consent and the definitions of the crime differ wildly
    from state to state.” Short says, “Consent is not
    confusing, it’s our laws that are the problem!” An
    expert witness on consent and a sexual abuse survivor,
    Short is currently working with legislators across the
    U.S. to change the laws. Her efforts have created
    consent and sex crime bills that are pending in IN, and
    SC. She’s working on more states including PA and NY.
    Her media credits include BuzzFeed, Nightline, The CBS
    Evening News, Inside Edition and more. Contact Ms.
    Short at; (917) 517-8572.

    9. ==> Skeptical Journalist Now Believes in Unseen World

    During the 30 years he spent at the South Florida Sun-
    Sentinel, Kingsley Guy was known for his quest for
    accuracy and his trenchant skepticism. He was, in
    short, perhaps the last person one might expect to
    conclude that there are worlds we cannot see and
    intelligent entities guiding our lives. On your show
    Kingsley will share some of the many events he
    experienced that caused him to believe that God,
    guardian angels, and spirit guides are every bit as
    real as the newsmakers and celebrities he once
    interviewed. You’ll hear about the odd sensation he had
    the night his mother committed suicide thousands of
    miles away and other inexplicable events he experienced
    that turned him from a depressed, alcoholic skeptic
    into a sober spiritual seeker. Kingsley Guy is a former
    editorial page editor who had assignments in the Middle
    East, India, Russia, and China and conversed with
    hundreds of prominent newsmakers, including John
    McCain, Hillary Clinton, John Glenn, Mikhail Gorbachev,
    and Madeleine Albright. A frequent guest on radio and
    television, his new memoir is “Piercing the Veil: A
    Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds.” Contact
    him at (954) 817-0261;

    10. ==> Protecting Kids from EMF

    Electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers,
    cellphones, and other electronic appliances is
    everywhere. Although there have been more than 10,000
    global scientific studies done on the health impacts of
    EMFs, most of us remain blissfully unaware of the
    dangers. So what do parents need to do to protect their
    children? For the answer, interview Beverly Jensen,
    Ph.D. Dr. Jensen will discuss actions to take to reduce
    electromagnetic radiation in your home to protect
    yourself and your children and discuss whether that
    cellphone tower near your house should concern you. She
    can offer your listeners a link to her free eBook,
    “Protecting Our Children from EMR.” Dr. Jensen is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    author of the forthcoming book “21st Century Wellness
    Rx: Health Hacks to Prevent & Cure Chronic Disease.”
    Contact her at (206) 905 9720;

    11. ==> Could Your Kid Be Addicted to Sugar? Could You?

    Did you know that sugar is now considered the alcohol
    of the child? Did you also know that young people
    between the ages of 17-34 now have coronary artery
    disease–or that many Americans are now unable to enjoy
    their long-awaited retirement years due to needless
    suffering from diseases created by a lifetime of food
    addiction? Get ready for an eye-opening show as Emily
    Boller gives your audience the keys to escape addictive
    food that can ruin your health. Emily Boller lost 100
    lbs. and reclaimed her health eleven years ago by
    getting out of food addiction. After going back to
    school to study nutrition, today, she’s an
    inspirational voice for food addiction recovery for
    millions of people. She’s been on multiple radio shows,
    podcasts, and The Dr. Oz Show. Emily Boller’s new book
    is “Starved to Obesity: My Journey Out of Food
    Addiction and How You Can Escape It Too!” Contact Emily
    at (269) 437-3931;

    12. ==> Is Your Sunscreen Safe?

    We’ve all been warned to wear sun protection, but how
    safe are the sunscreens we pick? Did you know that many
    of the most popular products contain substances that
    interfere with our hormones, and chemicals that may be
    contaminated with carcinogens? Marcela Popa, M.D., will
    reveal what types of sunscreens are safest, why creams
    and lotions are better than sprays, and what those SPF
    numbers really mean when it comes to sun protection.
    Listeners will learn what ingredients to avoid, and
    better alternatives, as well as where to find them.
    You’ll also hear what may be lurking in other home and
    personal products your family uses. Dr. Marcela Magda
    Popa is a board certified Internal Medicine physician
    and the author of “Keep Away from GRAS (Generally
    Recognized as Safe.)” Contact her at

    13. ==> New Hope for Concussion Sufferers

    The U.S. is currently in the midst of a concussion
    epidemic with 5 million cases diagnosed annually.
    Despite what you might think, it’s not just football
    players who are sustaining these potentially life-
    changing brain injuries, it is ordinary adults and
    children. The good news is that there are effective
    treatments available which reverse the symptoms of a
    concussion by correcting the underlying mechanisms of
    injury to the brain. So says Paul Henry Wand, M.D., a
    neurologist with extensive expertise in diagnosing and
    treating all types of concussions. Dr. Wand can
    describe how a concussion should be diagnosed and
    treated based on the findings of two diagnostic tests
    and how even concussions sustained years ago can be
    treated! Dr. Paul Wand is the author of “The Concussion
    Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” He is
    currently seeking funding to perform the first-ever
    clinical trial of an FDA-approved protocol that may
    reverse all the symptoms of concussion. Contact Dr.
    Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    14. ==> Doc Reveals What Your Illness is Trying to Tell

    Do you realize you can empower yourself to reduce
    physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
    reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
    send you messages about your body, that you need to
    know for longer, healthier life? When working with your
    doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
    the answers when you interview physician and speaker
    Nelie Johnson, MD. Dr. Johnson will discuss what’s been
    missing in health care (traditional Western medicine
    AND alternative methods) and how patients are best
    served when they become an acknowledged part of the
    health team. Dr. Johnson is initiator of the Forum
    “It’s Time to Heal,” offering an integrative approach
    to treating illness. Her upcoming book is “The Healing
    Message of Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604)

    15. ==> Noted Spine Surgeon Reveals…
    Why You Are the Reason Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck

    Your kids are making you nuts and your blood pressure
    is sky-rocketing. It’s not their fault. It’s because
    YOU can’t control your body’s chemical reaction to
    parental anxiety that’s actually making things more
    stressful and making things more tense. It’s also why
    the back of your neck is in knots, your spine is
    killing you, and you are in constant physical misery.
    But all is not lost. You can train your body to control
    its reaction to stress. Noted spine surgeon Dr. David
    Hanscom will explain how and also discuss why Western
    medicine’s answer to stress has led to drug abuse,
    gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring for
    adults and kids alike. Hanscom, author of “Back in
    Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain,” will
    share research-based evidence about the direct
    connection between powerful stress hormones and
    physical pain. An in-demand speaker and talk-show
    guest, including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom
    will also provide real stress-busting solutions to get
    parents off painkillers and substances to relieve
    parental stress. Contact him;
    (206) 890-1892.

    16. ==> Stevie Wonder, Ed Henry: Organ Transplants in

    Stevie Wonder announced to concertgoers recently that
    his kidney is failing and he will receive a kidney from
    a living donor this fall. The same day, Fox News
    correspondent Ed Henry told viewers live, on-air that
    he was donating part of his liver to his ailing sister.
    Discuss the issue of organ donation, including living
    donations, when you invite Joe Lafferty, an organ donor
    advocate, to share his own story of receiving a double
    transplant. Joe survived cancer, diabetes, vision loss,
    a pulmonary embolism, kidney failure, heart surgery, a
    double organ transplant and seven minutes of death; all
    while playing high school and college football, working
    for three D-1A athletic departments, the Orange Bowl
    and the Dallas Cowboys. He coached 14 seasons of high
    school football, including 15 future NFL players, and
    is a member of the Donate Life Hollywood board and
    coauthor “Justin Time: A Memoir of Faith and Fight for
    Life.” Contact him at (412) 897-1313;

    17. ==> Planned Acts of Kindness – Why Leave it to Chance?

    You’ve heard of random acts of kindness. They are
    certainly lovely, but why should kindness be random?
    Could it actually be scheduled? That’s why Lyle
    Benjamin created Planned Acts of Kindness, a global
    social responsibility program in which each morning
    people around the world receive cell phone and computer
    notifications of a planned act of kindness they can do
    with their family, friends, co-workers and in their
    community. Benjamin’s goal is to have tens of millions
    of people in the United States and hundreds of millions
    of people around the world doing the same planned act
    of kindness on the same day unleashing positive,
    powerful energy into the world. “The problems of the
    world — climate change, pollution, overpopulation,
    pandemics, war and terrorism — are not going to be
    solved by governments, corporations or religions alone,
    but by ordinary people working on common causes with a
    common purpose,” Benjamin adds. “The tipping points are
    not 20 to 30 years in the future; they are now and if
    we don’t get these problems under control the world
    will be a very different place for billions of people.”
    Invite Benjamin to talk about his Planned Acts of
    Kindness program and how your listeners can
    participate. Contact Lyle Benjamin at (212) 213-0257;
    (917) 683-2625 (cell) or Help@PlannedActs.Org

    18. == How to Enjoy Summer AND Save the Planet

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar: “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world environment. If we can all
    change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    plant.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have devastating impact on the
    entire planet, and how we can change this. In addition
    to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a
    Master of International Studies degree in Peace and
    Conflict Resolution. She’s the author of “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at

    19. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

    Do a show on the incredible true story of a son who,
    after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth mother
    is actually alive and living on the streets of
    Philadelphia. He does everything in his power to find
    her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
    his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
    sacrifices everything for love! Marty will share how
    his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
    again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
    rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
    is also the tale of another mother—the one who took him
    in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
    gave him the information and the courage he needed to
    go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
    media owner, author, and a sought-after International
    speaker. He has spoken to millions and has been
    featured on over 100 radio and TV shows. His story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)

    20. ==> How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    How did Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other
    self-made billionaires become so wildly successful?
    According to Name Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it
    took more than just brains, hard work and talent. B.P.
    proves with facts, figures and other indisputable
    evidence that 90 percent of the richest people in the
    world became successful because of their color-coded
    names. He’ll share the number one reason why the most
    famous and successful people, in practically every
    major career field, have succeeded, and explain how
    your name affects every aspect of your life. B.P.
    worked in the fabric and fashion industries for many
    years, where he discovered the dramatic impact colors
    have on people’s lives. His latest book, “Your Name and
    Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career, Personality,
    Romance, and Success.” Contact B.P. at; (510) 570-1929.

  • 08/02/19 RTIR Newsletter: Reversing Memory Loss, Tech Giants, Science and Spirituality

    Aug 1, 2019

    01. Dissecting the Democratic Debates
    02. Fed Cuts Rates for First Time in a Decade
    03. How the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone – Even Men
    04. Namaste – How to Have a Healthy, Happy Vacation
    05. It’s National Simplify Your Life Week (8/1-8/7)
    06. Kids Driving You Crazy? It Could Be Your Anxiety
    07. Career Moves Teachers (and All Professionals) Should Know
    08. Consumer Alert: What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know
    09. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
    10. Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell the IRS?
    11. The Biggest Real Estate Investment Myth
    12. Do a Show on Hollywood’s Forgotten Female Filmmakers
    13. How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s Legacy?
    14. Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy
    15. Cowgirl Camp: Women Wrangling Their Best Lives
    16. From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a Life of Accomplishment
    17. Have You Met Your Inner Genius?
    18. Overcome the Agony of Indecision
    19. Compulsive Habits – What’s Yours?
    20. This Medium Helps with Loss, Grief and Disappointment
    1. ==> Dissecting the Democratic Debates

    The overflowing pool of 20+ Democrats is about to narrow, based on this week’s Democratic debates. Communication expert Paul Hellman can discuss how the candidates did—both their content and their presence— who took advantage of the opening seconds, who was especially nimble on their feet, and ultimately, who stood out. And he can share insights about how anyone, even if not running for president, can present themselves more effectively. Paul Hellman consults and speaks internationally on how to make your point—so you get heard, get remembered and get results. His columns and advice have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World,” an Amazon best seller. Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    2. ==> Fed Cuts Rates for First Time in a Decade

    The Federal Reserve on Wednesday lowered interest rates for the first time since the Great Recession in 2008 to help stave off the possibility of an economic downturn. Interest rates, which affect the cost of borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set to hover between 2% and 2.25%. Corporate investment strategist Chris Macke is available to discuss the move, whether he believes the small rate cut will help maintain the currently robust economy, and what the cut means to the average consumer. Macke has advised the Chicago and Washington, D.C. districts of
    the U.S. Federal Reserve and the largest U.S. pension fund, CalPERS with more than $300 billion in assets. He currently guides research and investment strategy for a $10 billion institutional
    investment manager. Macke is also the author of “Solutionomics.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> How the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone – Even Men

    Thanks to Megan Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, gender pay equality has been having a moment in the news. But is that just a symptom of something greater and will it go anywhere? Interview Lorri Craig for an eye-opening look at why promoting parity of gender pay and promotions are good for everyone—men, women, children, and corporations. Armed with the statistics to prove it, Lorri will also say that corporations with the most gender diversity on their executive teams are 21 percent more likely to have above-average profits. Lorri, who is
    accustomed to being the only woman in a room full of male executives, can share why companies that don’t have a good handle on women’s diversity of thought are missing out on a growth market bigger than India and China combined. Lorri is a Certified Financial Planner with a master’s degree in finance. She offers a workshop called “Is Your Organization Ready to Step Up to Radical Gender Diversification?” Contact Lorri at (484) 453-1742;

    4. ==> Namaste – How to Have a Healthy, Happy Vacation

    It’s vacation time! Everyone is trying to squeeze in some last minute summer fun and adventure, but travelling can be stressful—on the body and the mind! Invite Dashama on your show and get great tips on ways to have a happier, healthier trip, no matter where you’re going or who you’re with! She’ll share must-have products to pack, ways to destress and get in some exercise while on the road, and unexpected ways to add depth to your journey. Dashama is a happiness expert, author, speaker and founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute. She travels the world teaching and sharing the gift of health, happiness and flow state. A media favorite she has been featured on ABC, QVC, NBC, Discovery Channel, Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo and UK Sunday Times. Contact her at (808) 283-2646;

    5. ==> It’s National Simplify Your Life Week (8/1-8/7)

    Whatever happened to those lazy, hazy days of summer? Ever wish you didn’t feel so overwhelmed and busy that you become paralyzed? Even the dog days of summer have become a race to the finish! Instead of having the summer to regroup and get refreshed, most families find they need a “vacation from their vacation!” Instead of heading into a new school year raring to go – most families feel overwhelmed and stressed out. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life week and a great time to interview Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, and learn how to truly get refreshed before Labor Day Weekend! She will show you how to notice what’s most important to you and your family based on your values and purpose. She’ll teach your audience how to say three of the most important words in the English language (No, thank you) and how that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to start living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor who’s worked with hundreds of clients promoting personal growth and healthier relationship skills. She’s the author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    6. ==> Kids Driving You Crazy? It Could Be Your Anxiety

    Your kids are acting like feral cats. They won’t listen. They fight and raise your blood pressure. It’s not their fault. It’s your body’s chemical reaction to stress that is adding to their bad behavior, and it’s also why you may be experiencing real pain. Noted spine surgeon Dr. David Hanscom will explain the connection between anxiety and surges of body chemicals, and reveal how you can train your body to control these surges– even when the stress comes from your kids. Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will share research-based evidence and information about the direct connection between stress, the body’s chemistry and physical pain. He’ll also discuss how Western medicine’s answer to stress has led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring for adults and kids alike. An in-demand speaker and talk-show guest, including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will change the way you react to stressful situations – getting your audience back on track to really enjoy parenting. Contact him; (206) 890-1892.

    7. ==> Career Moves Teachers (and All Professionals) Should Know

    This month countless teachers are gearing up to return to work. Unfortunately, many are making their plans with dread and despair. Interview Geraldine Hogan to discover surprising realities
    about why teachers and other professionals remain in their current (demanding) jobs, even when they know it’s time for a change. Hogan’s insights, advice, and been-there experience can help anyone — whether in teaching or other areas of expertise — escape a career rut and recognize promising leads. She’ll discuss everything from overcoming seemingly difficult moves to why a bigger salary is not the primary reason why such a huge number of teachers have left the profession. Plus, she’ll reveal simple questions to ask yourself before implementing any career move.
    Open-up phone lines for career-related questions. Geraldine is a former educator, attorney and retired judge. Her new book is “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Reach her at (305) 902-3869;

    8. ==> Consumer Alert: What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know

    David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor ™, says the recent Transamerica COI Settlement is a big WIN for insurance companies and a big LOSS for policy holders. Invite him on your show and learn what’s going on with the settlement, what it means to the average policy holder, and what consumers can do to protect themselves from insurance companies that are illegally raising their mortality costs. David Kottler combines his legal and business experience with a passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details everything
    your audience needs to know to get their insurance policies working for them and generating cash! Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    9. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an area that blurs the lines between right and wrong, ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the 1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal activity around them. We all need to know
    exactly what fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker who shares his gripping story and the consequences of ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214) 216-2199;

    10. ==> Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell the IRS?

    It’s one thing to hate and even fear the powerful entity that takes a sizable chunk of your hard-earned money. But according to tax expert Richard Green — who used to be one of the Internal
    Revenue Service’s own — it’s the abuses and pompous approach of the IRS that should get you really angry. Find out more from this former agent, who contends that we should be talking about (and opposing!) the recklessness of the IRS year-round. As your guest, Green will explore: disparaging reports and Congressional investigations on the IRS we hear about every month … whether most audits are UNFAIR to taxpayers … stark realities about the slow-moving IRS staff and antiquated technology causing chaos and wastefulness nationwide … why it’s only getting worse, and what you can do. Only someone like Green, who’s seen it firsthand, can blow the whistle on the IRS mess! Richard Green has authored “Agents of Deceit.” Contact him at (909) 570-1509;

    11. ==> The Biggest Real Estate Investment Myth

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real estate investing are convinced that they can get the most bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then selling properties, a process known as flipping. But long-time real estate and property renovation expert Dan Lieberman claims that this is not a recipe for success. ” You take on a lot of risk if housing prices go down,” he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get into the rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing income, even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many years of experience successfully developing rental properties. He can share the secrets to developing rental properties, getting the best rent and attracting the nicest tenants so that you have a great source of ongoing income. He’s the author of “The Effective Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost Their Bottom Line in Any Market.” Contact Dan at; (510) 570-1368.

    12. ==> Do a Show on Hollywood’s Forgotten Female Filmmakers

    While female directors are not given their due in Hollywood, this wasn’t always the case. “In Episode 3 of my TV series ‘Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Food, Travel, and Lost History,’ I talk about the lack of women directors in Hollywood,” says Kailin Gow. “But what’s fascinating is that the earliest pioneers of filmmaking in Hollywood were women who wrote and directed many silent films. When films started making money and being profitable, that’s when many men entered filmmaking and turned it into a big industry. The pioneer women filmmakers were forgotten and left behind.” Kailin can share how women can break through the glass ceiling in this and other male-dominated industries. She is a director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc. and an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books. Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    13. ==> How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s Legacy?

    Many people love their spouses very much. But few will devote themselves to preserving that spouse’s legacy after they pass away. Marguerite Berrah—who prefers to be called Mrs. Berrah—finds herself in that rare position. She is the wife of the late Ghoulem Berrah, whose considerable accomplishments include being a freedom fighter, working as a diplomat, promoter of world peace and physician and scientist credited with a DNA breakthrough. Invite Mrs. Berrah to share some of her husband’s adventures contained in his memoir, “A Dream for Peace,” and how their 40-year-marriage clicked despite him being a Muslim and her being a Catholic. You might also ask her about her husband’s secret Paris meeting with PLO Yasser Arafat’s senior advisor Isam Sartawi and the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, the famous people Ghoulem met, his work promoting religious tolerance and the foundation that bears his name. Contact Marguerite Berrah at (305) 933-6088;

    14. ==> Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy

    News alert! Children are not small adults. They don’t think or act like adults. They’re not supposed to. So, as parents, don’t drive yourself bonkers trying to make that happen. Rather, as parents responsible for guiding youth towards becoming adults, let’s first help them become happy, responsible, and emotionally healthy children (especially as the new school year begins). So says Paul Bernabei, acclaimed author of “Top 20 Parents” and four other books on human development. Interview Paul to discover practical and essential strategies for managing challenges of the parenting journey. He will help countless appreciative moms and dads arrive at their most desirable destination. Paul will help us understand what’s going on inside ourselves so we can better develop the potential that is within our children. Invite call-in questions and parenting insights/concerns to explore. Reach Paul Bernabei at (651) 470-3827;

    15. ==> Cowgirl Camp: Women Wrangling Their Best Lives

    Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into lemonade by focusing on rebuilding her farm, which became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your ‘inner critic.’ Growing your life will take some work. However, the fruits of that
    harvest are well worth it. ” Sandra is a co-host of the New Cowgirl Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching, the next of which is set for Aug. 26-30 in Cheney, Wash. She is also the author of the upcoming book “Thrive After 40: How to Seize the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact Sandra at; (360) 325-4221

    16. ==> From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a Life of Accomplishment

    No one expected much from Christopher L. Hall. After all, his mother was an alcoholic, his father was in jail, he lived in one of the worst housing projects in Los Angeles and he was a runaway who stole a motorcycle. But Hall defied the odds. Invite him on air to discuss what happened when he was 14 that set him on the path to dental school, medical school, and the
    military. Today he is an ER doctor in Mississippi even as one of his brothers sits in federal prison serving the equivalent of a life sentence. Now a role model and leader, Hall can inspire other young people to realize that it isn’t where you start in life that matters, it’s where you end up. Contact him at (251) 207-7527;

    17. ==> Have You Met Your Inner Genius?

    When it comes to achieving success and happiness in life, most people focus on external factors and circumstances such as skills, luck, hard work and intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But Intuition expert Kim Chestney claims that we are going about this all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’ which we can tap into by connecting with our most valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a revolutionary inner power. But it is not just for the elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of us.” Kim can illustrate with astonishing accuracy how people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who began life as everyday people, utilized this trait to become wildly successful. Kim can also share with audiences how to tap into this innate trait, with life-changing results. She is an international best-selling author and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new global online Intuition
    school, IntuitionLab is launching now. Contact her at; (412) 214-9502.

    18. ==> Overcome the Agony of Indecision

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. As a systems analyst, Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it. So, when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking out) to apply what she does at work to help her make some important decisions. Now she can help you and your audience do the same! Terrie Novak works in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique framework for “choice-making” can be applied to decisions of any kind. Her book, “Decision Doctor: How to Overcome the Agony of Indecision,” outlines a three-step process anyone can use. Contact Terrie Novak at (503) 336-3767;

    19. ==> Compulsive Habits – What’s Yours?

    Just about everyone has an addiction or a compulsive habit that controls their behavior and their choices. One out of three persons is overtly addicted to something – like alcohol or drugs. But did you know that virtually two out of three persons is covertly addicted to something? And they may not even realize it! Subtle behaviors like gossiping, judging others, people pleasing, shopping and working can all be compulsive. Interview Michael McGee, MD, about the science of habit and his “Good now, Bad later” philosophy to help your audience figure out if they
    have compulsive habits and what to do about them! Dr. McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. Michael McGee at (978) 971-9703;

    20. ==> This Medium Helps with Loss, Grief and Disappointment

    There are many types of loss — and millions of us worldwide are experiencing life interruptions and even grief. The worst can be losing a loved one to death, divorce, accidents, war or
    estrangement. Or we could be deeply hurting after losing a job, a business, property, savings, health or even freedom. Give your audience the comforting words and wise advice of medium Beth
    Lynch, who uses her intuitive gifts and insights to help others navigate personal and professional loss. Watch ratings rise as Beth explores on-air everything from the effects of our dreams
    to communicating with the other side, to finding unexpected sources of strength. Ask her: Can deeper spirituality heal mental health issues? Might you hurt more because of medicines you take?
    Will helping others lead to your own healing? Do deceased loved ones send us consoling messages? Why does she say “to understand life we must understand death?” Contact Beth at (484)

  • 07/30/19 RTIR Newsletter: Reversing Memory Loss, Tech Giants, Science and Spirituality

    July 30, 2019

    01. Round Two: Debate Winners and Losers
    02. Conservative Pundit: Why the Left Pushes for Open
    03. Life-Saving Tips: How to Survive a Public Shooting
    04. 50th Anniversary – The Real Motive for Manson Murders
    05. Hidden in Plain Sight: The World of Sex Trafficking
    06. First Week of August: Simplify Your Life Week
    07. Are Tech Giants Headed for a Break-Up?
    08. Time for a Summer Road Trip?
    09. Health Hacks to Beat Text-Neck (It’s a Real Epidemic)
    10. New Hope for Concussion Sufferers
    11. Protecting Kids from EMF
    12. Ground-Breaking Approach to Reverse Memory Loss
    13. Expert to New Grads: How Your Name Determines Your Career Path
    14. Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework… and
    Other Ways to Have a ‘Perfect School’
    15. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    16. Why You Should Dump Your Negative Parents, Friends and Family
    17. Step Up and Mentor a Dad-less Boy
    18. Domestic Violence’s Far Reaching Fall-Out
    19. How Science and Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance
    20. Beach Boys’ Bodyguard Tells All

    1. ==> Round Two: Debate Winners and Losers

    The overflowing pool of 20+ Democrats is about to
    narrow, based on what happens tonight and tomorrow in
    the 2nd round of Democratic debates. Communication
    expert Paul Hellman can discuss how the candidates
    did—both their content and their presence— who took
    advantage of the opening seconds, who was especially
    nimble on their feet, and ultimately, who stood out.
    And he can share insights about how anyone, even if not
    running for president, can present themselves more
    effectively. Paul Hellman consults and speaks
    internationally on how to make your point—so you get
    heard, get remembered and get results. His columns and
    advice have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street
    Journal, and on public radio’s Marketplace and
    CNN’s Business Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got
    8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted
    World,” an Amazon best seller. Contact him at (508)

    2. ==> Conservative Pundit: Why the Left Pushes for Open Borders

    In a new column for The American Spectator,
    conservative cultural commentator Larry Alex Taunton
    writes, “Contrary to what many believe, advocates of
    the open-borders policy now being championed by just
    about every left-of-center politician in the Western
    world are not blind to Islam’s penchant for violence.
    They know it very well. It is, rather, that they are
    gambling everything — or should I say everyone? — on a
    grand, continental-sized social experiment that is
    based, in part, on the ideas of Austrian philosopher
    Karl Popper and his seminal work The Open Society and
    its Enemies (1945).” On your show Taunton will discuss
    the Dept. of Justice’s quietly announced arrest of
    Mustafa Mousab Alowemer who according to FBI reports
    was planning an “ISI-inspired attack on a church in
    Pittsburgh,” and outline what he believes truly open
    borders could mean. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at
    (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Life-Saving Tips: How to Survive a Public Shooting

    It happened again this weekend. Another gunman opened
    fire in public, this time at the Gilroy Garlic Festival
    south of San Francisco. Officials say 4 people
    including the shooter died at the scene and 15 others
    were injured. How would you react if caught in a public
    place where streams of bullets put you in mortal
    danger? Would you know how to escape an active
    shooter’s attack? Should you fight back? Play dead?
    Run? Stay locked in a room, closet or car? Shield
    others? Use special tactics to protect yourself? And
    what should your kids know? Explore the vital answers
    with personal protection specialist Allen Banks, CEO of
    Proactive Protection Agency. He has developed Active
    Shooter Prevention and Workplace Violence Prevention
    Training, and also a special program for schools and
    other public settings. In this era of violent attacks
    and even terrorism, you and your loved ones and
    colleagues will want to hear this specialist’s life-
    saving insights and advice. Invite audience questions!
    Contact Allen Banks at (661) 417-0786;

    4. ==> 50th Anniversary – The Real Motive for Manson Murders

    On August 9, 1969, Ivor Davis, an investigative
    journalist for the London Daily Express, was at the
    Tate LA Bianca murder scene before noon, surrounded by
    the Los Angeles and foreign press. He followed the case
    intently and interviewed Manson Family members, and ex-
    members, gathering an intricate picture of the cult and
    its charismatic leader, Charles Manson. Before the
    trial began in the summer of 1970, Davis co-authored
    the first book published on the Tate murders, “Five to
    Die.” Sitting in the front row of the courtroom, he
    says he was flabbergasted to hear the prosecutor’s
    opening statement that it was the Beatles’ White Album
    and the secret messages inside songs like Helter
    Skelter that turned the young cult members into
    murders. David says, “I knew that Manson had an
    obsession with the Beatles, especially the White Album,
    but from my several days of interviews with family
    members at the Spahn Ranch, I learned the real reasons
    for the murders. And it had nothing to do with the
    Beatles.” Invite Ivor Davis on your show and learn the
    real reason for the murders, why the Helter Skelter
    theory was used by prosecutors, and many unknown
    aspects of the gruesome story. Ivor Davis’ new book is
    “Manson Exposed: A Reporter’s 50-Year Journey into
    Madness and Murder.” Contact Kathleen Kaiser at (805)
    607-6717 or

    5. ==> Hidden in Plain Sight: The World of Sex Trafficking

    The charges against billionaire financier Jeffrey
    Epstein underscore the prevalence of human trafficking
    and how it often goes undetected and unpunished
    according to Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend and
    founder of the human trafficking awareness group Let My
    People Go. He says the situation is complicated, and
    insidious. “Human trafficking is far more prevalent
    than the general public realizes, and it can affect
    virtually any community.” Raleigh says awareness is
    part of the problem, along with inaccurate information.
    “Currently, most who are trafficked come through legal
    points of entry,” he reveals. “As we focus on those
    illegally crossing the border, we miss the reality that
    many who are undocumented and already in the U.S. are
    potential targets of would-be traffickers.” Raleigh
    Sadler is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact him at;
    (917) 341-6758.

    6. ==> First Week of August: Simplify Your Life Week

    Whatever happened to those lazy, hazy days of summer?
    Ever wish you didn’t feel so overwhelmed and busy that
    you become paralyzed? Even the dog days of summer have
    become a race to the finish! Instead of having the
    summer to regroup and get refreshed, most families find
    they need a “vacation from their vacation!” Instead of
    heading into a new school year raring to go – most
    families feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get
    refreshed before Labor Day Weekend! She will show you
    how to notice what’s most important to you and your
    family based on your values and purpose. She’ll teach
    your audience how to say three of the most important
    words in the English language (No, thank you) and how
    that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to start
    living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC is a counselor who’s worked with hundreds
    of clients promoting personal growth and healthier
    relationship skills. She’s the author of “Alignment:
    Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact Jennifer
    Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    7. ==> Are Tech Giants Headed for a Break-Up?

    The U.S. Justice Department announced a major antitrust
    investigation into unnamed tech giants, and the House
    Judiciary Committee has begun an unprecedented
    antitrust probe into Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple
    over their aggressive business practices, and promises
    “a top-to-bottom review of the market power held by
    giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim Rumford to reveal
    surprising parallels to U.S. history and why he
    believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy Roosevelt when
    it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss the history
    that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, how
    that is being repeated today, and ways monopolies, big
    government and big corporations stick together at the
    expense of middle- and working-class people. Rumford is
    the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and Trump: How
    America’s Forgotten War Created Big Government.”
    Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco buyer at the
    time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s own interest
    in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s scrapbook of
    newspaper articles of the day. Reach him through
    Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    8. ==> Time for a Summer Road Trip?

    Millions of Americans are hitting the road this summer
    looking for adventure! Most will come home with
    pictures and stories, but some, like Jenni Raney
    Edwards, may find the experience totally life-changing.
    Invite her to share how what began as a solo cross-
    country adventure in her SUV turned into a love affair
    with the open road, and led to her selling her home and
    most of her possessions to hit the road in a 40-foot
    Class A motorhome—despite having relatively little RV
    experience! A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
    and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
    author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
    Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
    Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
    Certified Tiny House on Wheels. Jenni Raney Edwards is
    currently on an RV book tour. Contact her at (904)

    9. ==> Health Hacks to Beat Text-Neck (It’s a Real Epidemic)

    We love our smartphones and tablets, but health
    professionals say they’re causing an epidemic of ‘text-
    neck’ among adults and children. Nathalie Beauchamp,
    D.C., IFMCP, an Ottawa-based doctor of chiropractic and
    certified functional medicine practitioner with the
    Institute of Functional Medicine, says looking down at
    your device for hours at a time changes the position of
    your head and neck, causing poor posture. She’ll
    explain how that can lead to health problems like
    headaches, a flattened spinal curve, disc damage,
    muscle damage and reduced blood flow to the brain.
    Invite her on your show and learn what your head has in
    common with a bowling ball, ways to use your phone that
    are kind to your spine and hacks to help compensate for
    a sedentary life, like standing desks, walking meetings
    and scheduling time to move. Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs and writes
    about health and wellness for a variety of
    publications. She has her own YouTube channel and is
    the founder of the weekly “What the Hack?!” podcast.
    Dr. Beauchamp’s latest book is “Hack Your Health
    Habits: Simple Action-Driven, Natural Health Solutions
    for People On the Go!” Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    10. ==> New Hope for Concussion Sufferers

    The U.S. is currently in the midst of a concussion
    epidemic with 5 million cases diagnosed annually.
    Despite what you might think, it’s not just football
    players who are sustaining these potentially life-
    changing brain injuries, it is ordinary adults and
    children. The good news is that there are effective
    treatments available which reverse the symptoms of a
    concussion by correcting the underlying mechanisms of
    injury to the brain. So says Paul Henry Wand, M.D., a
    neurologist with extensive expertise in diagnosing and
    treating all types of concussions. Dr. Wand can
    describe how a concussion should be diagnosed and
    treated based on the findings of two diagnostic tests
    and how even concussions sustained years ago can be
    treated! Dr. Paul Wand is the author of “The Concussion
    Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” He is
    currently seeking funding to perform the first-ever
    clinical trial of an FDA-approved protocol that may
    reverse all the symptoms of concussion. Contact Dr.
    Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    11. ==> Protecting Kids from EMF

    Electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers,
    cellphones, and other electronic appliances is
    everywhere. Although there have been more than 10,000
    global scientific studies done on the health impacts of
    EMFs, most of us remain blissfully unaware of the
    dangers. So what do parents need to do to protect their
    children? For the answer, interview Beverly Jensen,
    Ph.D. Dr. Jensen will discuss actions to take to reduce
    electromagnetic radiation in your home to protect
    yourself and your children and discuss whether that
    cellphone tower near your house should concern you. She
    can offer your listeners a link to her free eBook,
    “Protecting Our Children from EMR.” Dr. Jensen is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    author of the forthcoming book “21st Century Wellness
    Rx: Health Hacks to Prevent & Cure Chronic Disease.”
    Contact her at (206) 905-9720;

    12. ==> Ground-Breaking Approach to Reverse Memory Loss

    If you’re worried your short-term memory loss—those
    moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or
    where you parked the car—are just the start of a
    downhill slide, you’ll want to hear some encouraging
    news from Julie Renee Doering. The brain rejuvenation
    expert says memory loss can easily be reversed, even in
    early stage dementia. She’ll discuss a ground-breaking
    approach to cell regrowth and share the remarkable
    results of a recent brain study that show the quantum
    energy approach can dramatically improve not only
    memory, but also mental outlook and sleep. It also
    shows promise in reducing headaches and helping people
    with speech difficulties. The brain rejuvenation work
    Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in
    her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. Doering,
    who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS
    series Creative Living, embarked on her search for
    answers after suffering several brain injuries, major
    accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life.
    The author of 12 books including “The Divine Human
    Blueprint,” she currently offers more than 150
    trainings and 180 transformative meditations. Contact
    her at (415) 385 6394 or

    13. ==> Expert to New Grads: How Your Name Determines
    Your Career Path

    So you just graduated from college and are ready to
    launch an exciting career. According to critically
    acclaimed author and Name Colorology expert B.P.
    Greycastle, it’s not enough to have lots of impressive
    academic achievements under your belt. “Our names and
    the colors that we wear have a great impact on
    achieving success in our lives,” he says. He can tell
    job seekers how to impress prospective employers during
    interviews by telling them exactly what to wear and say
    on the basis of the employer’s name. He can also supply
    testimonials from those he helped land great careers.
    “I can show with a tremendous amount of evidence, facts
    and figures that our color-coded names are the number
    one factor in determining our careers, with lists of
    the most successful people in over 40 major career
    fields who became successful because of their names.”
    B.P. is the author of “Your Name and Colors: Key to
    Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success.”
    Contact B.P. at; (510) 570-1929.

    14. ==> Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework… and
    Other Ways to Have a ‘Perfect School’

    Every September kindergartners start school and love
    it. So why is it that every year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school when only
    a few are left who actually love coming to school and
    love learning? This problem is easier to fix than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works! And it
    works FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are
    seeing an increase in classroom learning by six times
    the national average! The key is for students to be in
    an environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a
    Perfect School,” foreword by Jack Canfield, and while
    he speaks primarily to educators his message to parents
    is essential. Lee has been an educator and
    administrator both in public schools and universities.
    Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    15. ==> Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
    death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
    home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
    learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of the
    critically acclaimed book Light in the Mourning:
    Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter. The book has
    received glowing reviews from a number of prominent
    authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra.
    Contact Margo at; (484)

    16. ==> Why You Should Dump Your Negative Parents,
    Friends and Family

    We all have them – those parents, friends and relations
    who do nothing but criticize, complain about anything
    and everything and make us feel small and undeserving.
    Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity,
    start a dialog and if that doesn’t work, take a break
    or walk away from that relationship. Annie Evans
    believes that if you don’t deal with them, there’s a
    really good chance you’ll turn out just like them.
    Evans personally knows how negativity breeds
    negativity. Combined with some serious life challenges,
    she went on her own downward spiral. Being raised by a
    severely mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners
    is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her
    startling story, and help listeners learn real
    strategies to change their mindsets, interactions and
    take charge of their attitudes. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    17. ==> Step Up and Mentor a Dad-less Boy

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, the author of the
    upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact:
    Eric at (214) 225-0769;

    18. ==> Domestic Violence’s Far Reaching Fall-Out

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt
    Lindsley, “Domestic violence doesn’t just affect the
    physical victims; it tears at the very fabric of entire
    communities.” He’ll explain how domestic violence can
    impact a company’s bottom line due to lost
    productivity, cause long-term health problems in
    victims, spill over to schools and workplaces, and
    involve innumerable police hours. Thus, he says, a
    multi-pronged approach is needed to tackle this madness
    head on. Curt will share how communities, organizations
    and individuals can come together to curtail this
    epidemic, starting today. Curt is the founder of the
    nonprofit domestic violence awareness group Go Purple
    USA, sponsor of Go Purple Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder
    of the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force, official
    sponsor of Purple Light Nights®. Contact Curt at; 256-213-1092.

    19. ==> How Science and Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance

    According to author and scientist David. L. Peters,
    “Abundance is not more money or ‘things.’ Abundance is
    a life of joy and happiness, under all conditions that
    life sends you, the good or the not-so-good.” David has
    spent 84 years living a joyful and abundant life,
    immersed in science and spirituality where he has found
    that one supports the other. “The pathway of the 12
    steps leads to joy and happiness even under devastating
    conditions.” David has achieved great prominence in his
    career as an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised seven
    great kids and has enjoyed a loving marriage of 57
    years. He is the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and
    Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies
    Within.” Contact David at; (607)

    20. ==> Beach Boys’ Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, his bandmate brothers, and cousin
    Mike Love. But for the first time, Brian’s former
    bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin tells his
    riveting behind-the-scenes story. Rocky is a former NFL
    player who was college roommates and best friends with
    Stan Love, a former LA Laker and brother of Mike Love.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted as life savers for
    Brian, who was on a death spiral. After years of
    silence, Rocky authored the book The Beach Boys Endless
    Wave: Inside America’s Band, with co-author Ron Hamady,
    a veteran of the music and film industries. “Rocky went
    where no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a
    monumental time for the band. There have been plenty of
    Beach Boys books; but, no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact Mike Vezo at;
    (310) 997-4947.

  • 07/25/19 RTIR Newsletter: Mueller’s Testimony, Domestic Violence Truths, Healing from a Broken Heart

    July 25, 2019

    01. Mueller’s Greatest Failing is Trump’s Greatest Triumph
    02. Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?
    03. A Day at the Beach Could Make You Sick!
    04. Immigrants are Anxious, Even Legal Ones
    05. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
    06. How Do We Depolarize America?
    07. Making College Transition Better (for Everyone!)
    08. 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing
    09. The Hidden World of Sex Trafficking
    10. Why People Tune You Out (and What to Do About It)
    11. How to Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
    12. Sustainable Summer Fun!
    13. Revolutionary Way to Reverse Memory Loss
    14. From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a Life of Accomplishment
    15. Why Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone
    16. Author Reveals How to Heal from a Broken Heart
    17. Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek
    18. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
    19. Could You Forgive Parents Who Abused You?
    20. Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure


    1. ==> Mueller’s Greatest Failing is Trump’s Greatest

    It was all Robert Mueller all day yesterday as the
    former special counsel sat for hours taking questions
    from lawmakers on his investigation and subsequent
    report into Russian interference in the 2016
    presidential election. Former US attorney Harry Litman
    says the probe has fallen well short of full justice,
    but there is now a far grimmer problem. He writes, “The
    efforts by Russia to disrupt the 2016 election, and the
    Trump team’s efforts to subvert Mueller’s probe, are
    matters of national import along the lines of 9/11 or
    the Kennedy assassination. In those instances, we had
    national commissions to get at the truth. It is awful
    to contemplate that so many of the facts surrounding
    what happened in 2016 and after might remain forever
    the stuff of conjecture by historians rather than
    testimony by witnesses. Here lies Trump’s greatest
    triumph and Mueller’s greatest failing.” Harry Litman,
    a Washington Post contributing columnist, is a former
    U.S. attorney and deputy assistant attorney general. He
    teaches constitutional law and national security law at
    the University of California at Los Angeles School of
    Law and the University of California at San Diego
    Department of Political Science. He is a regular
    commentator on MSNBC, CNN and Fox News and is the
    creator and executive producer of the “Talking Feds”
    podcast. Contact him at;
    (415) 639-4001 or @harrylitman

    2. ==> Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?

    The U.S. Justice Department has announced a major
    antitrust investigation into unnamed tech giants, and
    the House Judiciary Committee has begun an
    unprecedented antitrust probe into Google, Facebook,
    Amazon and Apple over their aggressive business
    practices, and promises “a top-to-bottom review of the
    market power held by giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim
    Rumford to reveal surprising parallels to U.S. history
    and why he believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy
    Roosevelt when it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss
    the history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of
    1890, how that is being repeated today, and ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and
    Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created Big
    Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco
    buyer at the time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s
    own interest in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s
    scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day. Reach him
    through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    3. ==> A Day at the Beach Could Make You Sick!

    Before you head to the beach this summer, you might
    want to double-check the water conditions. According to
    a new report, nearly 60% of more than 4-thousand
    beaches tested across the US last year had unsafe water
    pollution levels that put swimmers at risk of getting
    sick. High fecal levels were found at more than 2-
    thousand beaches in 29 coastal and Great Lakes states
    from Maine to Hawaii. “Swimming at the beach is a prime
    summertime joy for millions of Americans, but clearly
    we have more work to do to make sure water at all our
    beaches is safe,” says John Rumpler, director of
    Environment America’s Clean Water Program. “We must
    invest in water infrastructure that prevents pollution
    to ensure that America’s waterways are safe for
    swimming.” The report includes recommendations
    including rain barrels, rooftop gardens, permeable
    pavement, and urban green space that can all absorb
    storm water runoff and prevent sewage overflows.
    Congress is currently considering legislation to
    increase funding for such “green infrastructure”
    projects. Contact John Rumpler at (617) 747-4306.

    4. ==> Hiding in Fear: Immigrants are Anxious, Even
    Legal Ones

    The Trump Administration has been touting an
    immigration enforcement campaign titled “Operation
    Border Resolve,” promising the program would deport
    “millions” of illegal immigrants from the US. Although
    the campaign has only resulted in 35 arrests, immigrant
    families across the country—legal and illegal—are
    frightened, anxious, and changing the way they go about
    their daily lives. A new study by the Urban Institute
    found that many immigrants are increasingly avoiding
    routine activities, such as interacting with teachers
    or school officials, health care providers, and the
    police. The report says that poses risks for their
    well-being and the communities in which they live.
    Hamutal Bernstein is a senior research associate at the
    Urban Institute, a non-profit economic and social
    policy research organization. Contact her at (202)

    5. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an
    area that blurs the lines between right and wrong,
    ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw
    it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an
    ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
    1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
    don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
    “Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so
    it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal
    activity around them. We all need to know exactly what
    fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to
    avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker
    who shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the
    Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly
    becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    6. ==> How Do We Depolarize America?

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    7. ==> Making College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    In a few weeks, nearly 20 million students will head
    off to college. 60% of them will struggle with
    homesickness, depression and feeling overwhelmed and
    many parents will find themselves feeling depressed and
    anxious. “There are simple things that parents and
    students can do now to help them prepare for this
    transition in August,” say Lindy and Tom Schneider.
    Invite America’s College Advisors to share their Ten
    Tip Transition Strategy with your audience… ensuring a
    better year for everyone! Professional college advisors
    for more than 15 years, the Schneiders have been
    featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside
    Edition. They are co-authors of “College Secrets of
    Highly Successful People.” Contact Lindy Schneider at
    (602) 499-4429;

    8. ==> 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing

    Great show for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11
    moon landing! Invite NASA expert and space historian
    Rod Pyle to share an exciting behind-the-scenes look at
    America’s journey to the Moon—from the space race to
    the landing on the Sea of Tranquility to splashdown on
    Earth and the aftermath. Vice President Mike Pence
    recently promised the National Space Council that
    Americans will return to the moon by 2024. Pyle can
    also discuss the likelihood of that and share a glimpse
    at the next few decades of spaceflight and NASA’s long-
    term plans for exploration, utilization, and
    settlement. Rod Pyle worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
    Laboratory and the Johnson Space Center and has
    produced numerous documentaries for the History Channel
    and Discovery Communications, including the acclaimed
    Modern Marvels: Apollo 11. He’s the author of more than
    a dozen books including “First on the Moon: The Apollo
    11 50th Anniversary Experience,” the incredible story
    of the first men on the Moon. Contact him at (626)
    399-4440;; Skype: rodpyle106

    9. ==> It’s Not Just Billionaires – The Hidden World of
    Sex Trafficking

    The charges against billionaire financier Jeffrey
    Epstein underscore the prevalence of human trafficking
    and how it often goes undetected and unpunished
    according to Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend and
    founder of the human trafficking awareness group Let My
    People Go. He says the situation is complicated, and
    insidious. “Human trafficking is far more prevalent
    than the general public realizes, and it can affect
    virtually any community.” Raleigh says awareness is
    part of the problem, along with inaccurate information.
    “Currently, most who are trafficked come through legal
    points of entry,” he reveals. “As we focus on those
    illegally crossing the border, we miss the reality that
    many who are undocumented and already in the U.S. are
    potential targets of would-be traffickers.” Raleigh
    Sadler is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact him at;
    (917) 341-6758.

    10. ==> Why People Tune You Out (and What to Do About

    When you talk, do others really pay attention?
    Probably not, warns communication expert Paul Hellman.
    Whether you’re presenting to a large audience, meeting
    one-on-one, talking on the phone, or even sending an
    email, people’s attention spans have almost vanished.
    So you’ve got to engage others fast, before they tune
    you out … maybe forever. Hellman will reveal specific
    tactics to get heard in a noisy world, with deft
    examples from the news and from clients he has worked
    with. Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared in the
    New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on
    public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual.
    He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World” (AMACOM).
    Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    11. ==> How to Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” He can also
    share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Isaac at; (315)

    12. ==> Sustainable Summer Fun!

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar: “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world environment. If we can all
    change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    plant.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have devastating impact on the
    entire planet, and how we can change this. In addition
    to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a
    Master of International Studies degree in peace and
    conflict resolution and is the author of “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact Yasmin at

    13. ==> Revolutionary Way to Reverse Memory Loss

    If you’re worried your short-term memory loss—those
    moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or
    where you parked the car—are just the start of a
    downhill slide, you’ll want to hear some encouraging
    news from Julie Renee Doering. The brain rejuvenation
    expert says memory loss can easily be reversed, even in
    early stage dementia. She’ll discuss a ground-breaking
    approach to cell regrowth and share the remarkable
    results of a recent brain study that show the quantum
    energy approach can dramatically improve not only
    memory, but also mental outlook and sleep. It also
    shows promise in reducing headaches and helping people
    with speech difficulties. The brain rejuvenation work
    Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in
    her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. Doering,
    who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS
    series Creative Living, embarked on her search for
    answers after suffering several brain injuries, major
    accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life.
    The author of 12 books including “The Divine Human
    Blueprint,” she currently offers more than 150
    trainings and 180 transformative meditations. Contact
    her at (415) 385 6394;

    14. ==> From Living in the Worst Housing Project to a
    Life of Accomplishment

    No one expected much from Christopher L. Hall. After
    all, his mother was an alcoholic, his father was in
    jail, he lived in one of the worst housing projects in
    Los Angeles and he was a runaway who stole a
    motorcycle. But Hall defied the odds. Invite him on air
    to discuss what happened when he was 14 that set him on
    the path to dental school, medical school, and the
    military. Today he is an ER doctor in Mississippi even
    as one of his brothers sits in federal prison serving
    the equivalent of a life sentence. Now a role model and
    leader, Hall can inspire other young people to realize
    that it isn’t where you start in life that matters,
    it’s where you end up. Contact him at (251) 207-7527;

    15. ==> Why Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt
    Lindsley, “This doesn’t just affect the victims; it
    tears at the very fabric of entire communities.” It can
    impact a company’s bottom line due to lost
    productivity, can cause long-term health problems in
    victims, can spill over to schools and workplaces, and
    involve innumerable police man hours. Thus, a multi-
    pronged approach is needed to tackle this madness head
    on. Curt can share how communities, organizations and
    individuals can come together to curtail this epidemic,
    starting today. Curt is the founder of the nonprofit
    domestic violence awareness group Go Purple USA,
    sponsor of Go Purple Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder of
    the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force, official
    sponsor of Purple Light Nights®. Contact Curt at; (256) 213-1092.

    16. ==> Author Reveals How to Heal from a Broken Heart

    We’re all going to suffer from loss and heartbreak at
    some point, but how can we speed up the healing process
    so we can move on with our lives? Maryann Ridini
    Spencer, award-winning author of Lady in the Window and
    the soon-to-be-published novel The Paradise Table,
    writes about healing from loss and heartbreak and
    offers valuable ideas and tips to find balance and
    happiness every day. Invite her to share how your
    thoughts can either heal you emotionally or keep you in
    a negative mindset. She can explain how you can promote
    healing by getting moving and getting out in nature,
    creating new goals for your future, nurturing positive
    relationships, and doing things that make you happy.
    Also a successful screenwriter and TV/film producer,
    her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-
    TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime,
    PBS, and many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104

    17. ==> Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek

    Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek says his stage four
    pancreatic cancer is in “near remission,” according to
    his doctors. He tells PEOPLE, “It’s kind of mind-
    boggling … The doctors said they hadn’t seen this
    kind of positive result in their memory.” Anthony
    Randle’s wife, Jessica, also faced a grim prognosis
    when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer,
    and she too defied doctors’ expectations! Invite
    Anthony to discuss what he believes saved his wife’s
    life, what he discovered through his own research and
    how it helped her sail through chemo to become
    healthier and happier than ever. Anthony shares his
    poignant experiences in his book “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within.” Contact Anthony at;
    (702) 745-8349.

    18. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

    Do a show on the incredible true story of a son who,
    after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth mother
    is actually alive and living on the streets of
    Philadelphia. He does everything in his power to find
    her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
    his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
    sacrifices everything for love! Marty will share how
    his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
    again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
    rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
    is also the tale of another mother—the one who took him
    in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
    gave him the information and the courage he needed to
    go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
    media owner, author, and a sought-after International
    speaker. He has spoken to millions and has been
    featured on over 100 radio and TV shows. His story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)

    19. ==> Could You Forgive Parents Who Abused You?

    Many people have bad childhoods. But what makes Wade
    Meadows remarkable is how he was able to forgive both
    parents, his mentally unstable mother who constantly
    reminded him that he was worthless because he was born
    on Friday the 13th and his workaholic father who was
    unable to protect him. Invite Wade on air to explain
    how he was able to open his heart when his mother
    needed a caregiver, how he manages to live a hopeful
    life despite a chaotic childhood and how he was able to
    break his family’s cycle of abuse to raise happy,
    successful children and be a loving marriage partner.
    Wade is the author of “Letters from the Ashes” and
    “Ashes Forged into Manhood.” Contact him at (225)

    20. ==> Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure

    Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
    Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
    experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
    society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
    of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
    solution to enable us to become impervious to the
    stressors in our lives. And it does not involve
    repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. His online
    class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is
    having phenomenal success in people’s lives, and he can
    share how to get off of the vicious stress cycle, for
    good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine
    since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of
    Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life
    Your Soul Desires.” Contact Steven at; (425) 531-3684.

  • 07/23/19 RTIR Newsletter: Compulsive Habits, Abortion Debates, Anti- Boredom

    July 23, 2019

    01. Will Feds Cut Rates this Month?
    02. Trump is Winning Immigration Messaging War
    03. When You Don’t Decry Hate Speech
    04. Yesterday: Why We Can’t Forget the Beatles
    05. 50 Ways to Love Wine More this Summer
    06. This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You Shivers
    07. How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs
    08. Do a Show On Why Women Directors Are Snubbed
    09. The Secret to Decoding Last Night’s Dream
    10. The ‘Decision Dr.’ Takes the Agony out of Indecision
    11. Women Over 40 Wrangling Their Best Lives
    12. Do a Show on Compulsive Habits
    13. Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your Anxiety
    14. Consumer Alert: What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know
    15. Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell the IRS?
    16. The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate
    17. This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy
    18. How to Tap into Your ‘Inner Genius’
    19. It’s Anti-Boredom Month – Try a Crazy Hobby
    20. Why Do People Act That Way??

    1. ==> Will Feds Cut Rates this Month?

    Corporate Investment Strategist Chris Macke says if
    you’ve been reading the press these past few weeks
    you’d be convinced the Federal Reserve was going to cut
    rates by the end of July. But he doesn’t necessarily
    agree. “While the odds are better than not that the Fed
    will cut rates by the end of July, especially given the
    subsequent weak GDP report from China, there was an
    irrational level of certainty based on what was known
    at the time. Despite being less than three weeks away,
    much can happen between now and the Federal Open Market
    Committee (FOMC) meeting, and it already has.” Macke
    says, “While an eventual rate cut is a certainty, the
    timing is not, just as we know a recession is a
    certainty but not when it will strike. In the absence
    of certain knowledge of when either will happen, it is
    prudent for investors not to assign an irrationally
    high degree of probability to either occurrence.” Macke
    has advised the Chicago and Washington, D.C. districts
    of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the largest U.S.
    pension fund, CalPERS with more than $300 billion in
    assets. He currently guides research and investment
    strategy for a $10 billion institutional investment
    manager. Macke is also the author of “Solutionomics.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> Trump is Winning Immigration Messaging War

    A new report from the liberal think tank Center for
    American Progress says Democrats are losing the
    immigration messaging war to Donald Trump. Tom Jawetz,
    vice president of immigration policy at the Center,
    says the party’s decision to cede the “rule of law”
    ground to Republicans creates “the false dichotomy of
    America as either a nation of immigrants or a nation of
    laws”—making the party and its candidates appear soft
    on enforcement, and potentially weakening future
    attempts for humanitarian-focused immigration reform.
    Jawetz—a former immigration attorney and chief counsel
    on the Immigration Subcommittee of the House Judiciary
    Committee, differentiates “the rule of law” and Trump’s
    “law and order” rhetoric, calling the latter “an
    enforcement-heavy vision of social control that is
    generally used as a racially coded dog whistle.” For
    Democrats to achieve a fair and functional immigration
    system, they have to patch the immigration system’s
    fragmented legal framework, Jawetz says—instead of
    “relying increasingly upon administrative discretion to
    save the system from itself.” Contact Julia Cusick at

    3. ==> When You Don’t Decry Hate Speech

    There is still a stunning silence from top Republicans
    after last week’s Trump rally in North Carolina when
    the US president attacked Somali-born Minnesota
    Representative Ilhan Omar and the crowd chanted “Send
    her back! Send her back!” Democrats and others have
    condemned Trump’s recent Tweets about several
    Congresswomen of color as racist, but the GOP and Trump
    supporters are either unfazed or willing to look the
    other way. Invite Ellen Korman Mains to talk about the
    rise in race-based nationalism in the U.S. and abroad
    and the challenge of responding to the alarming
    increase in hate crime without going numb or responding
    with more hate. She’ll explore the psychological
    factors that fuel hate-filled behavior such as
    existential fear, low self-esteem, feeling powerless,
    and wanting to blame someone else to avoid feeling
    one’s own suffering or shortcomings, and discuss why
    hate speech is so dangerous. Ellen is the daughter of
    Holocaust survivors and the author of the award-winning
    memoir, “Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the
    Holocaust.” Reach her at (720) 292-4520;

    4. ==> Yesterday: Why We Can’t Forget the Beatles

    Danny Boyle’s musical comedy ‘Yesterday,’ is about a
    struggling singer-songwriter who gets hit by a bus and
    wakes up in a world where The Beatles never existed.
    Now armed with the knowledge of some of the greatest
    pop songs ever written, he rises to stardom and
    everyone is amazed by his talent. What makes the
    Beatles so unforgettable? How did they change music
    forever? Why are they still so relevant that a big
    movie studio would make “Yesterday”? Will their legacy
    go on forever even after people no longer remember The
    Rolling Stones or The Who? Get the answers to these
    questions and more with Susan Shumsky as your guest.
    Susan regularly regales Beatles fans with fascinating
    facts about the Fab Four’s “White Album” and their
    lives in the 1960s. Susan spent 22 years living in the
    ashrams of the Beatles’ guru. She is the award-winning
    author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
    Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has done
    over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)

    5. ==> 50 Ways to Love Wine More this Summer

    Whether your listeners are wine connoisseurs or stumble
    over the word “sommelier,” Certified Wine Educator
    James Laughren offers a non-technical, non-geeky,
    unintimidating exploration of the joy and pleasures of
    wine. As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation,” Jim is ready to
    uncork some fun on your program as he demystifies the
    mystery of wine and removes the snooty intimidation
    factor. He’ll cover everything from how to get more out
    of visiting wineries to why you needn’t take wine
    parings seriously to inside tips on getting the best
    wine for your buck. Jim is the past president of a wine
    importing and distribution company and is known for his
    fun and irreverent wine classes and seminars. He is
    also the author of “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing
    and Enjoying Fine Wine.” Contact him at (954) 317-9623;

    6. ==> This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You

    Most of us have never experienced the natural world the
    way Sparrow Hart has. For example, who can say that
    they have been charged by bears and has close
    encounters with mountain lions? Or stuck around and
    sung to a rattlesnake they unexpectedly encountered?
    Who spent 700 days in the wilderness alone or got lost
    in a canyon five times the size of the Grand Canyon?
    Sparrow has done all that and more. He’ll share why he
    says today’s man feels alone, isolated, and estranged
    from the great rhythms of nature. An entertaining
    storyteller, he can reveal how all of us can appreciate
    nature more this summer and discover who we are in the
    process. Sparrow has had a varied career that includes
    being a Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford, working in a
    slaughterhouse and leading men’s programs and vision
    quests in nature. He is the author of several books
    including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream
    Worth Living.” Contact him at (801) 516-0740;

    7. ==> How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs

    Did you know that in 2017 alone, 275,000 foreign-born
    students got jobs that should have gone to American
    college students? Or that less than 50 percent of U.S.
    citizen STEM graduates actually land a job in STEM?
    Most parents and students have no idea about the
    discrimination against hiring American nor do American
    taxpayers who are losing some $2 billion in
    contributions to Medicare and social security as a
    result. Let Hilarie Gamm—a nationally recognized leader
    —enlighten your audience about two current bills: One
    that ends diversity and favors Big Tech and another
    that seeks to end the loophole that is eliminating
    Americans as job candidates. She’ll bust the myth that
    there is a shortage of homegrown highly skilled,
    educated and qualified workers and share why every
    citizen who cares about the future of the middle class
    should be paying attention to this legislation and
    taking action. Hilarie is one of three founders of the
    nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, championing
    H.R. 3564 Fairness for High-Skilled Americans Act
    sponsored by Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar. A veteran
    talk show guest, she is the author of “Billions Lost:
    The American Tech Crisis and The Road Map to Change.”
    Contact her at (203) 571-3819;

    8. ==> Do a Show On Why Women Directors Are Snubbed

    While female directors are not given their due in
    Hollywood, this wasn’t always the case. “In Episode 3
    of my TV series ‘Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Food, Travel, and
    Lost History,’ I talk about the lack of women directors
    in Hollywood,” says Kailin Gow. “But what’s fascinating
    is that the earliest pioneers of filmmaking in
    Hollywood were women who wrote and directed many silent
    films. When films started making money and being
    profitable, that’s when many men entered filmmaking and
    turned it into a big industry. The pioneer women
    filmmakers were forgotten and left behind.” Kailin can
    share how women can break through the glass ceiling in
    this and other male-dominated industries. She is a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    and an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books.
    Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    9. ==> The Secret to Decoding Last Night’s Dream

    From terrifying nightmares to ridiculous romps with
    crazy characters and bizarre locations, your nightly
    adventures aren’t random at all. They reveal a lot
    about what’s going on in your life, but deciphering
    them can be confusing, to say the least. Dream analyst
    Layne Dalfen says your dreams are actually
    conversations you have with yourself about specific
    current issues in your life. She says, “The solution
    you’re looking for about what (or who) in your life is
    bugging you this week will appear in your unconscious
    mind before it gets to your conscious. Dream analysis
    gives you the power to decide how you want to respond
    to people and situations in your life.” Dalfen will
    teach listeners a step-by-step method to decode those
    dreams and use the knowledge to help make decisions and
    deal with difficult situations. Layne Dalfen teaches
    dream analysis to counselling students at Concordia
    University in Montreal. She’s appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows and podcasts and loves call-in programs
    because she is terrific at thinking on her feet and
    knows how to have fun with listeners. Contact her at
    (514) 898-9150;

    10. ==> The ‘Decision Dr.’ Takes the Agony out of

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. As a
    systems analyst, Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-
    making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it.
    So, when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an
    even scarier treatment option, she decided (after
    freaking out) to apply what she does at work to help
    her make some important decisions. Now she can help
    you and your audience do the same! Terrie Novak works
    in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
    unique framework for “choice-making” is a three-step
    process anyone can use and can be applied to decisions
    of any kind. Terrie Novak’s new book is “Decision
    Doctor: How to Overcome the Agony of Indecision.”
    Contact her at (503) 336-3767;

    11. ==> Women Over 40 Wrangling Their Best Lives

    Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself
    at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to
    continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-
    related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-
    losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by focusing on rebuilding her farm, which
    became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows
    crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams
    after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on
    silencing your ‘inner critic.’ Growing your life will
    take some work. However, the fruits of that harvest are
    well worth it. ” Sandra is a co-host of the New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    the next of which is set for Aug. 26-30 in Cheney,
    Wash. She is also the author of the upcoming book
    “Thrive After 40: How to Seize the Life of Your
    Dreams!” Contact her at; (360)

    12. ==> Do a Show on Compulsive Habits

    Whether you like it or not, everyone has an addiction
    or compulsive habit that controls their behavior and
    their choices. One out of three persons is overtly
    addicted to something – like alcohol or drugs. But did
    you know that virtually two out of three persons is
    covertly addicted to something – and they may not even
    realize it? Subtle behaviors like gossiping, judging
    others, people pleasing, shopping and working can all
    be compulsive. Interview Michael McGee, M.D., about
    the science of habit and his “Good now, Bad later”
    philosophy to help your audience figure out if they
    have compulsive habits and what to do about them! Dr.
    Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
    Schools. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
    New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
    him at (978) 971-9703;

    13. ==> Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your

    Your kids are acting like feral cats. They won’t
    listen. They fight and raise your blood pressure. It’s
    not their fault. It’s your body’s chemical reaction to
    stress that is adding to their bad behavior, and it’s
    also why you may be experiencing real pain. Noted spine
    surgeon Dr. David Hanscom will explain the connection
    between anxiety and surges of body chemicals, and
    reveal how you can train your body to control these
    surges– even when the stress comes from your kids.
    Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s
    Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will share research-based
    evidence and information about the direct connection
    between stress, the body’s chemistry and physical pain.
    He’ll also discuss how Western medicine’s answer to
    stress has led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and
    just plain bad-doctoring for adults and kids alike. An
    in-demand speaker and talk-show guest, including The
    Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will change the way
    you react to stressful situations – getting your
    audience back on track to really enjoy parenting.
    Contact him; (206) 890-1892.

    14. ==> Consumer Alert: What Insurance Companies Don’t
    Want You to Know

    David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor ™, says the recent
    Transamerica COI Settlement is a big WIN for insurance
    companies and a big LOSS for policy holders. Invite him
    on your show and learn what’s going on with the
    settlement, what it means to the average policy holder,
    and what consumers can do to protect themselves from
    insurance companies that are illegally raising their
    mortality costs. David Kottler combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    to get their insurance policies working for them and
    generating cash! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    15. ==> Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell
    the IRS?

    It’s one thing to hate and even fear the powerful
    entity that takes a sizable chunk of your hard-earned
    money. But according to tax expert Richard Green — who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own —
    it’s the abuses and pompous approach of the IRS that
    should get you really angry. Find out more from this
    former agent, who contends that we should be talking
    about (and opposing!) the recklessness of the IRS year-
    round. As your guest, Green will explore: disparaging
    reports and Congressional investigations on the IRS we
    hear about every month … whether most audits are UNFAIR
    to taxpayers … stark realities about the slow-moving
    IRS staff and antiquated technology causing chaos and
    wastefulness nationwide … why it’s only getting worse,
    and what you can do. Only someone like Green, who’s
    seen it firsthand, can blow the whistle on the IRS
    mess! Richard Green has authored “Agents of Deceit.”
    Contact him at (909) 570-1509;

    16. ==> The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate

    As the U.S. has become bitterly divided by the current
    changes to abortion laws, best-selling author Jane
    Jenkins Herlong points out that one faction of society
    is being completely over-looked: elderly people. “When
    it comes to sanctity of life, we really need to focus
    on the elderly,” she says. “The extreme abortion laws
    from New York to Alabama are vastly different. This
    also affects the elderly, who are not part of the
    current discussion.” Jane can discuss what she learned
    from caring for her own elderly mom, and why we need to
    take greater measures to protect the elderly to ensure
    that they live the remainder of their lives in safety,
    comfort and dignity. She is a former Miss America
    contestant and the award-winning author of four books
    including Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops. In addition,
    she has recorded music CDs and personal growth and
    comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at;
    (803) 599-2941.

    17. ==> This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, the author of the
    upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact him
    at (214) 225-0769;

    18. ==> How to Tap into Your ‘Inner Genius’

    When it comes to achieving success and happiness in
    life, most people focus on external factors and
    circumstances such as skills, luck, hard work and
    intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But
    Intuition expert Kim Chestney claims that we are going
    about this all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’
    which we can tap into by connecting with our most
    valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a
    revolutionary inner power. But it is not just for the
    elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of
    us.” Kim can illustrate with astonishing accuracy how
    people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who began
    life as everyday people, utilized this trait to become
    wildly successful. Kim can also share with audiences
    how to tap into this innate trait, with life-changing
    results. She is an international best-selling author
    and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE!
    Festival in Pittsburgh, PA and just launched a global
    online Intuition school. Contact her at; (412) 214-9502.

    19. ==> It’s Anti-Boredom Month – Try a Crazy Hobby

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
    Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From
    around the world people have hobbies – activities they
    are passionate about that help them make friends, keep
    active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC to hear all about why everyone should
    have a hobby of some kind… crazy or not! “It’s time
    people took control of their time, learn how to
    entertain themselves and become lifelong learners.
    Hobbies help you do all that and more!” She’ll talk
    about why summer is a great time to find a new hobby
    and how that can help you… both physically and
    emotionally. People who have hobbies are often
    healthier and happier than those who don’t – find out
    why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
    author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” Contact her at (208) 817-2870;

    20. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

    Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
    understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
    stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
    a business associate suddenly tells you about the
    affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
    perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
    Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
    their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
    do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
    systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
    interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
    or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
    Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
    a panelist on the national television show Ask the
    Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
    degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
    ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
    That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
    Myke Merrill, (585) 615-6383;

  • 07/18/19 Newsletter: Shark World, College Countdown, Alternative Addictions Treatments

    01. New American Leaders – Immigrants
    02. Sex Trafficking is More Common Than You Think
    03. The Misunderstood World of Sharks
    04. Coming to an MLB Stadium Near You
    05. Is Your Sunscreen Safe?
    06. How to Have a Happy, Healthy Trip
    07. Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!
    08. Amazon, Google, Twitter: Monopolies We Need to Bust!
    09. Real Estate Investing: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck
    10. Why Do People Act That Way??
    11. College Send-Off Countdown: Transition Tips (for Everyone)
    12. Should You Consider Homeschooling?
    13. Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework
    14. More than Methadone: Alternative Addiction Treatments
    15. Turn Suddenly Single into Mid-Life Magnificent
    16. How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich
    17. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    18. One’s in Jail for Attempted Murder, One Saves Lives How Could Brothers Be So Different?
    19. Combine Science and Spirituality for More Abundance
    20. It’s National Hot Dog Month! Fun Weiner Facts


    1. ==> New American Leaders – Immigrants

    Sayu Bhojwani believes the unique brand of American-
    ness that characterizes many immigrants and refugees
    makes them best positioned to be America’s next
    generation of leaders. The founder and president of New
    American Leaders says, “We come here with a fighting
    spirit. We come to make a better life for ourselves,
    certainly, but also because we believe in the idea of
    America. Our optimism about what this nation can be is
    not naive, it’s aspirational and visionary.” She adds,
    “When we run for office, the potential we have to make
    government work for all of us is one that true
    Americans welcome. Trump is afraid that we do not
    huddle in fear but stride in power.” Sayu Bhojwani
    served as New York’s first commissioner of immigrant
    affairs. She is the author of “People Like Us: The New
    Wave of Candidates Knocking at Democracy’s Door.”
    Contact Sayu Bhojwani at and copy in

    2. ==> Sex Trafficking is More Common Than You Think

    While the arrest and trial of Jeffrey Epstein for sex
    trafficking is good news, Kevin Malone says it’s much
    more common than you think, usually happens right under
    our noses, and traffickers are often those we least
    suspect. “Sex trafficking can happen in any
    neighborhood, even the ‘safest’ ones. It doesn’t
    discriminate. All of our children are at risk. And
    there’s no specific trafficker profile. It can be your
    child’s teacher, your boss, a local pastor, a nurse,
    and so on.” He says, “We have to come together,
    community by community and city by city, to set a zero-
    tolerance standard for this kind of behavior among our
    neighbors and leaders alike. Until we do so, there will
    continue to be a supply of trafficking victims for
    those demanding them.” Kevin Malone is the president
    and co-founder of the U.S. Institute Against Human
    Trafficking, a nonprofit, faith-based organization. He
    is also the former executive vice president and general
    manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Contact him at
    (703) 973-8064;

    3. ==> The Misunderstood World of Sharks

    Why are we so afraid of sharks? Are they mindless
    killers on the prowl for unsuspecting humans playing in
    the ocean? William McKeever says sharks are the ocean’s
    most mysterious and misunderstood creature. Invite him
    on your show to discuss his two-year journey around the
    world to reveal sharks in a new light. Listeners will
    learn that while sharks account for fewer than four
    human fatalities per year, humans kill 100 million
    sharks per year, which has made the species vulnerable
    for the first time in its existence and put the future
    of the world’s oceans at risk. William McKeever is the
    author of “Emperors of the Deep: The Ocean’s Most
    Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, and Most Important
    Guardians.” His feature-length documentary by the same
    title is forthcoming. He is the founder of Safeguard
    the Seas. Contact Melinda Mullin at

    4. ==> Coming to an MLB Stadium Near You

    The national PLAY campaign is making stops at Major
    League Baseball Stadiums all over the country this
    summer to promote the importance of children living a
    healthy and active lifestyle and disability inclusion.
    Upcoming stops include Houston, San Diego, Minnesota,
    Philadelphia, Washington D. C. and Baltimore. The
    program touches on everything from healthy eating,
    injury prevention, strength and conditioning to
    education about the dangers of illegal performance and
    appearance-enhancing drugs. PLAY is a national public
    awareness campaign of the Professional Baseball
    Athletic Trainers Society (PBATS) in conjunction with
    MLB Charities, the Taylor Hooton Foundation, the Henry
    Schein Cares Foundation and the Ruderman Family
    Foundation. Contact Mark Goldman at or call/text (516) 639-0988.

    5. ==> Is Your Sunscreen Safe?

    We’ve all been told to wear sun protection, but how
    safe are the sunscreens we pick? Did you know that many
    of the most popular products contain substances that
    interfere with our hormones, and chemicals that can be
    contaminated with carcinogens? Marcela Popa, M.D., will
    reveal what types of sunscreens are safest, why creams
    and lotions are better than sprays, and what those SPF
    numbers really mean. Listeners will learn what
    ingredients to avoid as well as better alternatives,
    and where to find them. You’ll also hear what may be
    lurking in other home and personal products your family
    uses. Dr. Marcela Magda Popa is a board certified
    Internal Medicine physician and the author of “Keep
    Away from GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe.)” Contact
    her at

    6. ==> How to Have a Happy, Healthy Trip

    It’s vacation time! Everyone is trying to enjoy some
    summer fun and adventure, but travelling can be
    stressful—on the body and the mind! Invite Dashama on
    your show and get great tips on ways to have a happier,
    healthier trip, no matter where you’re going. She’ll
    share must-have products to pack, ways to destress and
    get in some exercise while on the road, and how to add
    depth to your journey by giving back to the community
    you visit. Dashama is a happiness expert, author,
    speaker and founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute. She
    travels the world teaching and sharing the gift of
    health, happiness and flow state. A media favorite she
    has been featured on ABC, QVC, NBC, Discovery Channel,
    Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo and UK Sunday Times.
    Contact her at (808) 283-2646;

    7. ==> Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!

    It’s road trip season with millions of Americans
    hitting the open highway! Most will come home with
    pictures and stories, but some, like Jenni Raney
    Edwards, will find the experience life-changing. Invite
    her to share how what began as a solo cross-country
    adventure in her SUV turned into a love affair with the
    open road, and led to her selling her home and most of
    her possessions to hit the road in a 40-foot Class A
    motorhome—despite having relatively little RV
    experience! A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
    and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
    author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
    Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
    Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
    Certified Tiny House on Wheels. Jenni Raney Edwards is
    currently on an RV book tour. Contact her at (904)

    8. ==> Amazon, Google, Twitter: Monopolies We Need to

    What do Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have in
    common with Standard Oil, Big Tobacco, big railroads,
    mining companies, the Pinkertons and other entities
    that roiled the business world more than 125 years ago?
    Interview Jim Rumford to find out why he says the very
    history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
    is being repeated today with such behemoths as Google,
    Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter. He can talk about ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Noting that the FBI and Dept. of Justice
    recently opened investigations into these giant
    corporations, Rumford will reveal surprising parallels
    to U.S. history as well as why he believes that Donald
    Trump is the next Teddy Roosevelt when it comes to
    trust busting. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco,
    Trusts, and Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created
    Big Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a
    tobacco buyer at the time the tobacco wars started.
    Rumford’s own interest in the topic was piqued by his
    ancestor’s scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day.
    Reach him through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    9. ==> Real Estate Investing: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real
    estate investing are convinced that they can get the
    most bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then
    selling properties, a process known as flipping. But
    long-time real estate and property renovation expert
    Dan Lieberman claims that this is not a recipe for
    success. “You take on a lot of risk if housing prices
    go down,” he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get
    into the rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing
    income, even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many
    years of experience successfully developing rental
    properties. He can share the secrets to developing
    rental properties, getting the best rent and attracting
    the nicest tenants so that you have a great source of
    ongoing income. He is the author of “The Effective
    Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers Can Attract
    Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost Their Bottom
    Line in Any Market.” Contact Dan at; 510-570-1368

    10. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

    Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
    understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
    stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
    a business associate suddenly tells you about the
    affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
    perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
    Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
    their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
    do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
    systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
    interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
    or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
    Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
    a panelist on the national television show Ask the
    Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
    degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
    ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
    That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
    Myke Merrill at (585) 615-6383;

    11. ==> College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips for Making
    the College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    This August nearly 20 million students will head off to
    college. Did you know that 60% of them will struggle
    with homesickness, depression and feeling overwhelmed?
    Many parents will also struggle with feelings of
    depression and anxiety during this time. “There are
    simple things that parents and students can do now to
    help them prepare for this transition in August,” say
    Lindy and Tom Schneider, also known as America’s
    College Advisors. Let them share their Ten Tip
    Transition Strategy with your audience… ensuring a
    better year for everyone! Lindy and Tom have been
    helping college students and their parents for more
    than 15 years. Their new book is “College Secrets of
    Highly Successful People.” The Schneiders have been
    featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside
    Edition. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602) 499-4429;

    12. ==> Should You Consider Homeschooling?

    Whether you don’t like your public school system, can’t
    afford a private school or have a child with special
    needs, homeschooling has become a viable option for
    many families. But should you—and can you—do it?
    Discuss the issue with Marywinn Lent, a grandmother
    who’s homeschooled her children, grandchildren, and
    children from her community for the past 30 years. She
    says many parents rule out homeschooling because they
    think they’re unqualified to teach their kids and worry
    their children will wind up with an inferior education
    or become social weirdos. But she says there are many
    advantages to educating kids at home, “Homeschooling
    helps children to either excel and move on to greater
    heights of learning earlier or to be able to grasp
    harder concepts without having to be left behind.”
    She’ll discuss the range of homeschooling resources
    available to parents today and explain why she thinks
    children benefit from the experience. Contact Marywinn
    Lent at

    13. ==> Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework… and
    Other Ways to Have ‘Perfect School’

    Every September kindergartners start school and love
    it. So why is it that every year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school when only
    a few are left who actually love coming to school and
    love learning? This problem is easier to fix than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works! And it
    works FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are
    seeing an increase in classroom learning by six times
    the national average! The key is for students to be in
    an environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a
    Perfect School,” foreword by Jack Canfield, and while
    he speaks primarily to educators his message to parents
    is essential. Lee has been an educator and
    administrator both in public schools and universities.
    Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    14. ==> More than Methadone: Alternative, Natural Addiction Treatments

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” He can also
    share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact him at; (315) 935-6348.

    15. ==> Suddenly Single Again? From Middle-Aged Miserable to Mid-Life Magnificent

    Get ready for a fresh perspective on being a single and
    over fifty. Katherine Webster, author of “Becoming
    Madam Widow”, will help suddenly single women reinvent
    their lives, sexuality, attitude and outlook.
    Definitely not your typical “Woe is Me Widow”,
    Katherine tackles the real nitty-gritty issues of being
    a female alone at mid-life and does so with frankness
    and humor. Whether listeners are alone by fate or
    choice, they’ll learn why it’s more fun not to have a
    mate in or out of the bedroom, and why they are the
    only ones that can satisfy their needs. Webster is a
    spitfire of a guest who wants provocative topics and
    isn’t afraid to show the world that real women are
    single, feisty and bad-ass. She’s going to give
    listeners a much-needed dose of reality, actual doable
    solutions and real ways to kick-start the second, and
    best part of their new lives. Contact her or (416) 921-2084

    16. ==> Expert Reveals: How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

    How did Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other
    self-made billionaires become so wildly successful?
    According to Name Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it
    took more than just brains, hard work and talent. B.P.
    proves with facts, figures and other indisputable
    evidence that 90 percent of the richest people in the
    world became successful because of their color-coded
    names. He’ll share the number one reason why the most
    famous and successful people in many different career
    fields have succeeded and explain how your name affects
    every aspect of your life. B.P. discovered the dramatic
    impact colors have on people’s lives while working for
    many years in the fabric and fashion industries. His
    latest book is “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your
    Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance, And Success.”
    Contact B.P. at; (510) 570-1929.

    17. ==> Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
    death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
    home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
    learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in
    the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The
    book has received glowing reviews from a number of
    prominent authors and spiritual leaders including
    Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    18. ==> One’s in Jail for Attempted Murder, One Saves Lives How Could Brothers Be So Different?

    Christopher L. Hall and his brother Wayne Timmons both
    grew up in one of the worst housing projects in Los
    Angeles. They both ended up in foster care at young
    ages and began lives of crime. Wayne is a seven-time
    felon serving a long prison sentence while Christopher
    is an ER doctor and military veteran. How did two
    brothers end up taking such radically different paths
    in life? Find out by interviewing Christopher, who
    says, “Poor kids and kids in foster care and juvenile
    hall are not destined for failure and low educational
    achievement.” Christopher and Wayne both tell their
    stories in the memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact
    Christopher at (251) 207-7527;

    19. ==> Combine Science and Spirituality for More Abundance

    According to scientist David. Peters, “Abundance is not
    more money or ‘things.’ Abundance is a life of joy and
    happiness, under all conditions that life sends you,
    the good or the not-so-good.” David lives a joyful and
    abundant life, immersed in science and spirituality
    where he finds that one supports the other. “The
    pathway of the 12 steps leads to joy and happiness even
    under devastating conditions.” At 84, he has achieved
    great prominence in his career as an engineer, holds 18
    patents, raised seven great kids and has enjoyed a
    loving marriage of 57 years. He is the author of “The
    12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of
    God that Lies Within.” Contact him at; (607) 304-3329.

    20. ==> It’s National Hot Dog Month! Fun Weiner Facts

    America loves hot dogs! In fact, Americans ate
    approximately 150 million hot dogs this past July 4th
    alone! Despite this, hot dogs are among our most
    misunderstood foods. July is National Hot Dog Month and
    a great time to invite Hot Dog Top Dog Eric Mittenthal
    to share hot dog facts, trivia and fun quotes with your
    listeners. As part of Hot Dog month, the National Hot
    Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) is inviting hot dog
    fans to show their creativity by developing a hot dog
    meme that demonstrates their love for hot dogs. Prizes
    include a Wiener Warrior t-shirt, tickets to the Great
    American Beer Festival and of course, hot dogs!
    Mittenthal is president of the NHDSC. Contact him at
    (202) 587-4238; (404) 808-8396 (cell) or