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  • 1/23/20 RTIR Newsletter: Legal Loopholes, Winter Anxiety, Outsmarting Pain

    January 23, 2020

    01. How Do Americans View Impeachment?
    02. Journalist Explains Why Trump Supporters Hold On
    03. The Sports Princess on Super Bowl 54
    04. Why Do People Believe in Hell?
    05. Acting Coach – How to Get into the Biz
    06. And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder
    07. 10 Years After SCOTUS’ Controversial Citizens United Ruling
    08. Will You Lose Your Job to This Legal Loophole?
    09. The Factor That Dooms Most College Students
    10. Kids are Right: School is Boring
    11. 5 Things You Can Do to Outsmart Pain
    12. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
    13. Be an Office Hero: Run THE Perfect Meeting
    14. Simple, Powerful Approach to Addiction
    15. Find Your Bliss and Set Goals
    16. How to Take God Seriously
    17. Overcome Winter Anxiety
    18. Could You Be Failing at Resting?
    19. 10 Tips to Breathe Better Today
    20. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    1.==> How Do Americans View Impeachment?

    Impeachment hearings are underway in Washington and
    coverage is everywhere this week. Are Americans
    watching? What do they think? Janna Fite Herbison says
    it depends on where you live. “Most Americans who
    aren’t inside the D.C. Beltway or don’t work in New
    York media are no longer keeping up with the details of
    impeachment. Those who live Oklahoma, Arizona and
    Alabama are basically focused now on their 2020 budget,
    New Year’s resolutions, and football playoffs.
    Congressional hearings from last fall are in their
    rearview mirrors.” Herbison, a former television news
    reporter and press secretary, says the way Americans
    view the impeachment varies greatly based on culture,
    geography and/or political leanings. She adds, “To
    conduct an impeachment right before the holidays
    because it was urgent — then let it acquire dust in
    Congress for a month — was not the best strategy for
    Democrats or Speaker Pelosi. Especially with the
    upcoming election. It sent the wrong signal to everyday
    Americans: this isn’t about the Constitution. It’s
    politics as usual.” Janna Fite Herbison is the author
    of “Southern in The City: A Mason-Dixon View of
    Manhattan.” Contact her at (901) 568-2080;

    2. ==> Journalist Explains Why Trump Supporters Hold On

    Talk to the journalism professor and former journalist
    who, in October 2015, predicted Donald Trump’s win.
    Yes, 13 months before the vote, Nita Wiggins read the
    signs of the political shift. But what does she see
    happening in 2020? How does President Trump defy all
    previous election taboos? Why do his backers stay,
    despite sex scandals, impeachment, and warmongering?
    What does Nita see clearly that political reporting
    fails to report? Nita will help your audience avoid
    election-mania, misinformation, and “shiny object”
    reporting, and stay sane throughout the impeachment
    trial, the fallout, and the primary voting season. She
    worked from coast-to-coast for 21 years as a TV
    reporter and anchor and is the author of “Civil Rights
    Baby: My Story of Race, Sports and Breaking Barriers in
    American Journalism.” Nita now teaches journalism in
    Paris, France. Contact her at

    3. ==> The Sports Princess on Super Bowl 54

    The 49ers will play the Chiefs in this year’s Super
    Bowl, marking the first time they’ve met in the big
    game. Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday, bring Kate Delaney on
    your show to share her view on who will win the
    championship, facts and figures about the game, and
    tips for football novices who’d like to participate in
    Super Bowl conversations! Delaney has interviewed over
    12,000 people in 20 years in her radio and television
    career. She’s covered 15 Super Bowls, 10 U.S. Opens, 15
    Final Fours, World Series Games, and a plethora of
    sporting events. Known as “The Sports Princess,” her
    new book-is “Deal Your Own Destiny.” Contact Mark
    Goldman at (516) 639-0988 (text/call);

    4.==> Why Do People Believe in Hell?

    Eternal damnation vs. eternal salvation. Notre Dame
    theologian David Bentley Hart’s recent New York Times
    op-ed on the subject challenges the “historical
    validity, biblical origins, philosophical cogency and
    moral sanity of the standard Christian teaching on the
    matter of eternal damnation.” Invite Dr. Hart for a
    controversial discussion about why he believes so many
    people believe in hell. “People rejoice in the thought
    of hell to the precise degree that they harbor hell
    within themselves. I believe heaven and hell alike are
    both within us all, in varying degrees, and that for
    some, the idea of hell is the treasury of the most
    secret, most cherished hopes — the hopes of being
    proved right when so many were wrong, of being admired
    when so many are despised, of being envied when so many
    have been scorned.” David Bentley Hart, Ph.D., is an
    Eastern Orthodox scholar of religion, a philosopher,
    writer, and cultural commentator, and a Templeton
    Fellow at the University of Notre Dame Institute of
    Advanced Study. His latest book is “That All Shall Be
    Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation.” Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    5. ==> Acting Coach – How to Get into the Biz

    Award-winning actor, filmmaker, best-selling author and
    acclaimed acting coach Matt Newton has worked with such
    celebrities as Aziz Ansari, Elaine Hendrix, Gus
    Kenworthy and Lisa Loeb, as well as Golden Globe and
    Emmy nominees. Invite him on your show to share candid,
    practical, shoot-from-the-hip advice for anyone looking
    to become an actor today, from turning a social media
    following into Hollywood stardom to making a killer
    audition tape. Newton can discuss a typical day for a
    New York actor, why and how you should figure out your
    acting “type,” tips for parents of child actors, and
    how to find an agent. Matt recently coached on the set
    of Ava Duvernay’s Emmy-winning show When They See Us,
    as well as on Jessica Jones, Orange Is the New Black,
    Blue Bloods, and countless other programs. He’s a
    contributor to Backstage and the author of several
    books including “The No B.S. Guide to the Acting Biz.”
    Contact Kat Levy at; (305) 490-5911

    6. ==> And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any

    Did you know John Quincy Adams used to enjoy swimming
    nude in the Potomac River? Or that doctors once held a
    press conference to announce Dwight Eisenhower moved
    his bowels? Or that Calvin Coolidge often conferred
    with a raccoon? Or that First Lady Florence Harding
    gave press interviews in her negligee? Or that George
    H.W. Bush took showers with his dog? Author Hal
    Marcovitz can talk about the many strange stories that
    have been circulating around the White House since John
    and Abigail Adams occupied the Executive Mansion,
    including some very odd stories about the current
    occupant. Marcovitz, a longtime journalist, is the
    author of the novel “Painting the White House,” which
    tells the story of an ordinary house painter who finds
    himself at the center of White House intrigues and
    misadventures. Contact him at (215) 718-6807 or

    7. ==> 10 Years after SCOTUS’ Controversial Citizens
    United Ruling

    Ten years ago this week, the Supreme Court issued a
    decision in Citizens United v. FEC that changed the
    landscape of American elections. And Tiffany Muller
    says, not for the better. “The Supreme Court’s naive
    view of our electoral process has allowed money to
    dictate national policy on everything from climate to
    guns to drug costs. It’s given a bullhorn to wealthy
    donors, who already had the loudest voices in the room.
    This elite set of Americans has scored political power
    on a magnitude not seen since the Gilded Age. In fact,
    just 11 people gave $1 billion — or a fifth of all
    donations to super PACs — from 2010 to 2018.” End
    Citizens United is a political action committee working
    to reverse the U.S. Supreme Court 2010 decision and end
    unlimited and undisclosed money in politics. Contact
    Adam Bozzi at (202) 798-5253; or @awbozzi

    8. ==> Will You Lose Your Job to This Legal Loophole?

    Suppose you came into work and were told that you were
    being replaced by a foreigner making half your salary.
    And, by the way, you’ll be training your replacement
    before you go. This is currently happening to stellar
    employees at AT&T, Disney, Verizon and Toys ‘R’ Us, who
    were tossed out of their jobs thanks to a legal
    loophole that lets companies import non-U.S. citizens
    to do jobs that college-educated Americans have been
    trained to do. Think it couldn’t happen to you?
    American jobs advocate Hilarie Gamm will explain this
    threat to your audience and why everyone from recent
    graduates to experienced workers could be victims. A
    veteran talk show guest and co-founder of the
    nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, Gamm will bust
    the myth that there’s a shortage of U.S. STEM workers
    and talk about legislation that could close the current
    loophole that unfairly benefits some tech companies and
    nationalities. Gamm can also be joined by her AWC co-
    founders, Marie Larson and Barbara Birch. Hilarie Gamm
    is the author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech
    Crisis and The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at
    (203) 571-3819;

    9. ==> The Factor That Dooms Most College Students

    During the 11 years Glen Dunzweiler spent as a college
    professor, he heard students complain about the high
    cost of tuition and burdensome debt they were taking
    on. But what he didn’t hear most students talking about
    was even more important: what their exit strategy from
    college was going to be and how they intended to
    monetize their skills once they were out. Glen says,
    “Students need to define their value, not have an
    employer define it for them. What are they worth?
    Educators and parents have to help them figure that out
    while they are still in school.” Glen is making it his
    mission to ensure that parents have important
    conversations with their children, well before the
    first college tour. He’ll reveal what that conversation
    should sound like as well as the paradoxical, self-
    serving way universities use tuition money to preserve
    their business interests to the detriment of students.
    Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian and
    the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In
    Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.”
    Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    10. ==> Kids are Right: School is Boring

    It’s no surprise that so many kids complain about
    school being boring. Between mandated tests and
    outdated teaching methods, many students would rather
    be anywhere than in a school classroom. How do we
    maintain the intrinsic motivation students bring with
    them to kindergarten for all 13 years of K-12
    education? Lee Jenkins says there is no limit to what
    schools can accomplish when students are still
    motivated like they once were in kindergarten. Invite
    him on your show to discuss how this is possible with
    examples from all grade levels and subjects. Lee
    Jenkins has been an educator and administrator both in
    public schools and universities. He’s the author of
    “How to Create a Perfect School,” with a foreword by
    Jack Canfield. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    11. ==> 5 Things You Can Do to Outsmart Pain

    Who wouldn’t want to learn how to put suffering on
    hold? Trevor Campbell, M.D., says, “When you understand
    what pain is, you can work around it.” Let Dr. Campbell
    tell you things about pain management that most doctors
    don’t even know because the topic isn’t covered well in
    medical school! You’ll learn why you shouldn’t fight
    pain, that what hurts isn’t necessarily harmful, and
    ways our thoughts can be our greatest handicap. Dr.
    Campbell is a family physician who has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and has served as s medical director for a
    leading pain management provider in Western Canada. He
    graduated from the University of Cape Town and has a
    delightful South African accent. Dr. Campbell’s new
    book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is “The
    Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop
    Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    12. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This

    Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
    today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
    (perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
    this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks.
    Invite Chris Bird to educate you and your audience
    about gun safety and self-defense. A sought-after
    expert on gun rights and personal protection, Chris can
    answer: Why are methods of observation as important as
    one’s weapon? What steps help you survive a public
    shooting? What are his insights about recent attacks at
    schools, workplaces, community events and places of
    worship? With 30+ years of firearm safety experience,
    Chris Bird is the author of several books including
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The Concealed
    Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!” Have your
    listeners call in during the interview with their gun
    questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210) 686-4440;

    13. ==> Be an Office Hero: Run THE Perfect Meeting

    Chances are you’ve attended some long-winded,
    unproductive, perhaps argument-filled meetings. Even
    motivated team members and leaders exit such gatherings
    saying things like “Why did we even get together
    today?” and “Now we know less than when we walked in!”
    So turn things around and help create meeting heroes by
    interviewing Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D. Dr. Lamberg will
    share must-know factors about the best meetings you
    will ever run or attend. Explore: determining the ideal
    meeting length, date/time, venue and agenda …
    facilitation techniques that keep attendees super-
    engaged, attentive and ready to contribute ideas and
    volunteer for assignments … surprising myths about
    speakers and audio-visuals … whether meals and snacks
    are a meeting magnet or a distraction … pros and cons
    about remote electronic meetings and more. Dr. Lamberg
    is the author of “Conducting Productive Meetings: How
    to Generate and Communicate Ideas for Innovation” and
    “Leaders Who Lead Successfully.” Contact Dr. Teruni
    Lamberg at (775) 451-3086;

    14. ==> Simple, Powerful Approach to Addiction

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity
    overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I
    had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,”
    says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful
    approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about
    treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating
    their environments and families. We have to treat the
    addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315) 935-6348;

    15. ==> Find Your Bliss and Set Goals

    January is a time to start fresh and begin making your
    dreams happen, but what if you don’t know how to find
    the happiness you desire? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why spending
    quality time and building relationships with family and
    friends can be the key to finding your bliss. She can
    tell your audience why living the Hawaiian philosophy
    of “aloha” and the Golden Rule of doing unto others
    really works. Discover how to set goals to realize your
    dreams and live your authentic life. She is the author
    of “Lady in the Window” and the soon-to-be-published
    “The Paradise Table.” Her work has appeared on Hallmark
    Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA,
    Syfy, Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact her at
    (818) 492-9135 (CA);

    16. ==> How to Take God Seriously

    Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
    guests you’ll ever have. Graza is a man of science with
    great knowledge of the heavens. He balances science and
    faith as both an aerospace engineer and a lay preacher
    who says it’s the smartest people who believe. Ask him:
    Why are prayers and worship so important? Why is faith
    alone not enough for salvation? How do you get to
    heaven? Graza’s book “Passport to Heavenly Eternal
    Life” has helped countless people take God seriously
    and cherish life more. Graza will take questions and
    discuss with audiences surprising biblical teachings
    for the 21st century, exploring the creation of the
    universe and our amazing Earthly home. Contact Camilo
    Graza at 626-341-1886 (CA);

    17. ==> Overcome Winter Anxiety

    For millions of people, colder weather brings the
    blues, along with darker days and staying inside more
    often. Learn how to recognize and tame seasonal anxiety
    triggers when psychotherapist Elke Scholz visits your
    show. Known as the Anxiety Warrior, your expert guest
    will answer questions like what causes students,
    teachers and parents alike to have “school season”
    nervousness and uncertainty? Why is it so difficult to
    deal with longer nights? Do money issues and health
    challenges seem intensified, especially when we’re
    paying for more (tuition, tougher travel, gift-
    shopping)? Scholz, author of “Loving Your Life” and her
    two “Anxiety Warrior” volumes, will also explore
    wellness activities, meditations and sleep advice to
    boost mood, why therapy needn’t include meds, and
    embracing positives like seeing loved ones more,
    attending concerts and festivals, enjoying new TV shows
    and football, and pleasant winter activities
    (everything from wintertime sports to cozy warmth by
    the fireplace.) Contact Scholz at (705) 710-4315;

    18. ==> Could You Be Failing at Resting?

    No doubt you’ve heard that Americans are not getting
    enough sleep. But did you know that we are not getting
    enough rest either? Bring Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D.,
    on-air to explain why resting is a lot more than just
    laying down and doing nothing. In fact, there are seven
    types of rest we need to master to be at our best.
    Otherwise, we might snap at friends and loved ones,
    experience too much stress, burn out, be less creative
    and feel as though life was purposeless. She is the
    author of “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your
    Energy, Restore Your Sanity.” Her advice has been
    featured in Prevention and Women’s Day. Contact Dr.
    Saundra at (256) 240-0564;

    19. ==> 10 Tips to Breathe Better Today

    We all breathe, right? It’s how we live. But what if
    there was a way to harness the power of your breath to
    help you live your best life? Breathwork is conscious
    breathing that promotes wellness. It helps people live
    intentionally and transform their lives. And, it all
    starts with these 10 tips! Get ready for a fun and
    informative show with Lauren Chelec Cafritz as she
    helps people clear their emotional gunk and feel
    relaxed and renewed. Chelec Cafritz is the author of
    “Breath LOVE” and the founder of Experience Breath. She
    is a speaker, coach, and breathe expert. Contact Jodi
    Omear at or (703) 474-2668

    20. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She can reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She can also answer such questions as what’s
    the biggest roadblock to getting a successful book
    written? And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be,
    what does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart
    and honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business” and winner of Charlotte
    Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation Family
    Business of the Year Award. Contact Fabi at (704)

  • 1/21/20 RTIR Newsletter: The NFL Concussion Crisis, Global Consequences of Poverty, 21st Century Meditation

    January 21, 2020

    01. Why Impeach Now?
    02. Psychology Behind the Gun Control Battle
    03. 10 Years After Citizens United: Corporations Are Not People
    04. Surprise! Young Voters Are Showing Up
    05. Actress Offers Valentine’s Day Advice for Broken-Hearted
    06. How to Survive a Mass Shooting
    07. The Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit
    08. Why More Women Are Saying No to Motherhood
    09. NFL: Young Players Retire Amid Concussion Crisis
    10. The Global Consequences of Africa’s Poverty
    11. How to be Anxiety-Free
    12. Ask this When Your Doc Orders a Test
    13. What Prince Harry Can Teach You about Your Kids
    14. How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients
    15. Eye Doc Helps Women See Intimate Relationships with Clarity
    16. Imprisoned CEO’s Surprising Salvation
    17. It’s National Hobby Month – Do a Show on Crazy Hobbies
    18. Surprising Benefits of 21st Century Meditation
    19. Why This Expert Says We Must Stop ‘Fighting’ Cancer
    20. Who Was in Your Bed Last Night? Dream Analysis

    1.==> Why Impeach Now?

    As the impeachment trial of President Trump gets
    underway take a look at the emotion and motivation
    behind the specific timing: exactly at the launch of
    the Democratic primary season. Myke Merrill, D. Min
    says, “They had to know that the trial would occur
    right now, drowning out the voices of the many
    candidates all vying for attention. Conviction seems
    virtually impossible from the Republican-led Senate.
    But they proceeded anyway, reasonably aware of the
    potential interruption to the primary process. Why?”
    Dr. Myke is the author of “Why Do People Act that Way?
    (And What Can I Do About It?)” He’ll explain our five
    basic emotions and core motivations as he discusses why
    lawmakers are doing this now and how Americans can sort
    through the complexities of this massive historical
    moment. The author of 22 books, Dr. Myke was a panelist
    on the national television show Ask the Pastor for 18
    years. Contact him at (585) 615-6383;

    2. ==> Psychology Behind the Gun Control Battle

    Heavily armed pro-gun protesters descended on the town
    of Richmond, Virginia, yesterday for a Second Amendment
    rally sparked by fears over Democrats plans to imposes
    stricter gun laws in the state. Thousands of people
    attended the rally in Richmond which began as an act of
    retaliation for recent law changes in the state which
    will tighten gun laws. Clinical forensic psychologist
    Dr. John Huber can discuss why Americans are so
    passionate about the Second Amendment and explain
    what’s currently going on in Virginia. He’ll explain
    the psychology of both sides of the gun control
    argument, why he thinks yesterday’s protest remained
    peaceful, and how to keep future protests from turning
    violent. Dr. Huber is chairman of the non-profit
    Mainstream Mental Health. He’s appeared on over three
    hundred top tier radio shows and thirty national
    television programs. He’s also the host of Mainstream
    Mental Health Radio, heard nationwide featuring
    interviews with top mental health professionals.
    Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919)

    3. ==> 10 Years After Citizens United: Corporations Are
    Not People

    Ten years ago this week, the Supreme Court issued a
    decision in Citizens United v. F.E.C. that changed the
    landscape of American elections. And Tiffany Muller
    says, not for the better. “The Supreme Court’s naive
    view of our electoral process has allowed money to
    dictate national policy on everything from climate to
    guns to drug costs. It’s given a bullhorn to wealthy
    donors, who already had the loudest voices in the room.
    This elite set of Americans has scored political power
    on a magnitude not seen since the Gilded Age. In fact,
    just 11 people gave $1 billion — or a fifth of all
    donations to super PACs — from 2010 to 2018.” End
    Citizen’s United is a political action committee
    working to reverse the U.S. Supreme Court 2010 decision
    and end unlimited and undisclosed money in politics.
    Contact Adam Bozzi at (202) 798-5253; or @awbozzi

    4.==> Surprise! Young Voters Are Showing Up

    Politics is in realignment. Based on recent research at
    Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life, young
    voters, ages 18-29, played a significant role in the
    2018 midterms and are poised to shape elections in 2020
    and beyond. Dan Glickman of the Aspen Institute can
    discuss what’s driving young voters to the polls now,
    what issues they’re most interested in and why
    Democrats shouldn’t take their current preference among
    young voters for granted. He says, “Young voters are
    suspicious of political parties and their loyalty to
    either party is not particularly set. At least, not
    yet.” Republicans, he says, may do particularly well to
    focus on younger voters with libertarian tendencies
    since young people are so dissatisfied with the current
    level of political polarization the United States. The
    Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization
    committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable
    society. Glickman is executive director of their
    Congressional Program, a nongovernmental, nonpartisan
    educational program for members of the United States
    Congress. He spent 18 years in the U.S. House of
    Representatives representing the 4th Congressional
    District of Kansas and later served as the U.S.
    Secretary of Agriculture. Contact him at (202) 736-5825

    5. ==> Actress Offers Valentine’s Day Advice for the

    Valentine’s Day is a wonderfully romantic time, but it
    can be difficult if you have a broken heart. Actor
    Gabrielle Stone can relate and even offer advice to
    those who dread the holiday. It may sound like a
    Hollywood screenplay, but Gabrielle’s real romantic
    life was quite the disaster a few years ago. She was
    newly married when she discovered her husband’s 6-month
    affair with a 19-year old. She moved out, filed for
    divorce and then weeks later became swept up in a
    whirlwind romance with plans for a month-long, Italian
    adventure. When he reneged two days before the trip,
    Gabrielle says it became a defining moment in her life.
    Her new book, “Eat, Pray, #FML,” tells the story of why
    she decided to take the trip alone, how it became a
    wild adventure with more bad decisions, and what she
    learned about love and loving oneself in the process.
    Gabrielle Stone is an actor/director and the daughter
    of Dee Wallace and the late Christopher Stone. Contact
    Harlan Boll at

    6. ==> How to Survive a Mass Shooting

    Mass shootings are happening at least monthly across
    the U.S.! Adults and children have needlessly died or
    been seriously injured when merely working, gathering,
    studying, shopping or traveling. All types of public
    locations have seen such carnage: schools, offices,
    department stores, community events, factories, streets
    and even places of worship. So what does it take to
    come out alive when a rampaging shooter strikes in such
    innocent settings? Would you (and your kids) know how
    to find safety, shield others or retaliate? Would you
    have the patience to observe yet make immediate, timely
    decisions to react? Explore the vital answers, and hear
    life-saving insights, when you interview personal
    protection specialist Allen Banks, CEO of Proactive
    Protection Agency. He has developed Active Shooter
    Prevention and Workplace Violence Prevention Training,
    plus special programs for schools and other locations.
    Audiences everywhere will thank you! Contact Banks
    (661) 417-0786;

    7. ==> The Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit

    Talk about initiating a lawsuit and most people think:
    Hefty settlement! Getting justice! (Or retribution.)
    Healing and starting over. But legal trouble is
    stressful and expensive and lawsuits can last years,
    taking more out of you than you gain. So warns Francine
    Tone, an attorney who’s been educating the public for
    years about getting the right legal help, making wise
    decisions, asking prudent questions, and proceeding
    with caution as legal challenges unfold. On-air Tone
    will explore stark realities about suing and being sued
    and how even winning lawsuits can jeopardize one’s
    business, marriage or health. Francine Tone is the
    author of “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.”
    Listeners will learn lawsuit myths and truths, what
    winning or losing could mean, whether it’s best to
    await the new year for legal activity, and even if TV
    legal dramas approach real life. Contact Francine Tone,
    Esq. at (531) 208-1297;

    8. ==> Why More Women Are Saying No to Motherhood

    In 2018, the U.S. had the lowest number of births in 32
    years, according to the National Center for Health
    Statistics. Increasingly, women are delaying childbirth
    into their late 30s or 40s. But a significant number
    are deciding they simply don’t want motherhood—despite
    the blowback they often receive from friends and loved
    ones. Single and happily childless, Tamara Lashchyk, a
    business consultant, career coach, bestselling author,
    and former Wall Street executive, says despite all the
    progress women have made toward equality, they still
    face intense pressure to marry and raise a family. She
    says, “I could literally tell my family I’d cured
    cancer and the conversation would still end with, ‘But
    are you dating anyone?’” Tamara is the author of “Lose
    the Gum: A Survivor’s Guide for Women on Wall Street.”
    Contact her at (848) 373-3543;

    9. ==> NFL: Young Players Retire Amid Concussion Crisis

    At just 28, Luke Kuechly recently announced his
    decision to retire from the NFL. He’s had several
    injuries over his career including three known
    concussions from 2015 through 2017, one of them a Grade
    3 concussion that cost him the final six games of the
    season. Dr. Paul Wand can discuss the NFL’s concussion
    crisis and why more athletes are leaving the game for
    fear of traumatic brain injury. He’ll also explain a
    protocol that he and other private practitioners have
    created that can diagnosis and treat traumatic brain
    injuries easier and faster, and possibly make sports
    concussions a thing of the past. Paul Wand, MD, PA has
    been a medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the
    field of neurology. He’s the author of “The Concussion
    Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.” Contact Dr.
    Wand at (954) 743-5380;

    10. ==> The Global Consequences of Africa’s Poverty

    Why is mere survival so difficult for hundreds of
    millions of Africans despite the continent’s rich
    resources? Are the developed nations, multinational
    corporations, and outside benefactors inadvertently
    contributing to Sub-Saharan Africa’s “bottom billion”
    status with their generosity? How can positive change
    in the region be achieved? Invite author and speaker
    Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the long-term impacts of
    poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa on the rest of the world
    and engage in a dialogue regarding the misguided
    benevolence of outside sympathizers. Ayeni, a retired
    neurosurgeon, was born and raised in Nigeria. His
    latest book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan
    Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what many in the
    West don’t understand about the root causes of Sub-
    Saharan Africa’s plight and the steps needed to improve
    the situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of Pan Africa
    Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him at
    (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    11. ==> How to be Anxiety-Free

    It’s hard not to feel anxious when mass shootings,
    white nationalism, a trade war with China and a
    skittish stock market dominate the news. And then there
    are our personal issues with loved ones and employers.
    So when Sankarshan Das claims that he has not
    experienced any personal anxiety in 40 years and can
    teach anyone else to do the same it is worth a listen.
    He’ll outline the mistakes most of us are making that
    leave us panicky and the belief system we could adopt
    that would not only make us happier but lead to greater
    peace for mankind. Sankarshan Das is a former hippie, a
    singer-songwriter who once appeared onstage between
    Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead. His song,
    “The Peace Formula,” has been praised by Barack Obama.
    Sankarshan Das circles the world twice a year singing
    and speaking in promotion of global peace and spiritual
    perfection. He’s the author of “Lead the World Out of
    Chaos.” Contact him at (512) 835-8400;

    12. ==> Most Important Question to Ask When Your Doc
    Orders a Test

    Doctors often send patients for tests and procedures
    and are well-compensated for doing so. But there are
    times when submitting to a test or procedure is likely
    to be painful, counterproductive, or unnecessary, and
    when the patient is elderly, the decision to authorize
    can fall on the shoulders of adult children. Nurse
    anesthetist Margaret Fitzpatrick says, “One-in-four
    Medicare patients have tests that offer them little
    value. In one year alone, 40% of Medicare patients have
    had a test that falls into that category.” Fitzpatrick
    will reveal 26 troublesome tests and offer sensible
    guidance so listeners can steer clear of tests and
    procedures that are unlikely to improve the quality of
    their lives. Fitzpatrick has appeared on the Today
    show, CNN Headline News, and many local news outlets
    across the country to discuss ways to navigate the
    health system. She creates individual action plans for
    patients with specialized health needs. Her new book is
    “Getting the Best Care: Rescue Your Loved One from the
    Healthcare Conveyor Belt.” Contact Margaret Fitzpatrick
    at (773) 919-9002;

    13. ==> What Prince Harry Can Teach You about Your Kids

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s desire to pull back
    from their royal duties has caused stress in the royal
    family and fascination among the royal watchers. As
    author and former educator Peggy Sideratos will point
    out, members of the royal family have nearly always
    performed their obligations without public protest,
    until now. Still, Sideratos says, Harry and Meghan’s
    situation is not so different than one faced by
    American children and their parents every day. “It’s a
    process that begins even at the toddler stage, when
    suddenly the child pushes the adult away and declares
    that they want to do something themselves, whether they
    are developmentally ready or not,” she explains.
    Interview Sideratos to discover parenting lessons
    hidden in the royals’ story and the universality of
    raising emotionally intelligent children capable of
    making their own independent decisions. Sideratos is
    the author of “The Light Giver and Other Stories to
    Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” and “The Light
    Giver Stories Workbook.” Contact her at (917) 715-8788;

    14. ==> How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients

    Did you know that only about 4 percent of all U.S.
    physicians are black men? And that female black
    physicians make up only 2 percent? The lack of black
    physicians is a big problem that adversely affects the
    health-care outcomes of black patients, who often
    mistrust physicians who don’t look like them.
    Christopher H. Hall is an ER doctor in Mississippi who
    grew up in the worst project in Los Angeles and can
    talk about the barriers black men must overcome to wear
    a white coat. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and a
    father in jail. His brother is also in jail and Chris
    spent time in foster care and juvenile hall. Chris can
    share what it is like to be a black doctor and even how
    he ended up treating a grand wizard of the KKK. His
    memoir is “Ward of the Court.” Contact him at (251)

    15. ==> Eye Doc Helps Women See Intimate Relationships
    with 20/20 Clarity

    Some women in tempestuous toxic relationships may
    continue to believe that if they just treat their
    partner better everything will turn out right. Dr.
    Dellia Evans knows this wishful thinking intimately,
    having been married to someone who abused her
    emotionally, psychologically, verbally, financially and
    eventually physically, over their 20-year union. Now
    happily remarried to a man who treats her with respect,
    this eye doctor wants other women to focus on their
    relationships so they too can experience healing and a
    sense of peace by putting their abusive relationships
    behind them. The author of “Heart Vision: How to See
    Your Path Forward When You’re in a Dark Place” and the
    companion “Heart Vision Journal” will discuss why women
    stay in abusive relationships, how to get to the other
    side of the fears and anxieties of a destructive
    marriage and share a quiz to see if you are in a toxic
    relationship. Dr. Dellia Evans is a certified laser
    vision correction surgeon and optometrist. Contact her
    at (844) 798-9898;

    16. ==> Imprisoned CEO’s Surprising Salvation

    Before he was incarcerated for nine months in 2011,
    Michael Huggins had been running a $2 billion medical
    device company. A Wharton School MBA graduate, Huggins
    was sentenced to a misdemeanor prison term under a
    doctrine that holds executives accountable for
    subordinates’ business actions. His life turned upside
    down in the highly publicized case, once Huggins was in
    jail he sought salvation in a practice he had taught
    years before: yoga. On your show, Huggins will detail
    his incredible transformative journey from inmate to
    yogi, entrepreneur and mindful leader and what other
    executives—and indeed anyone—can learn from his
    experiences. He’ll discuss the power of choice to not
    let where we are define who we are, and prison as a
    metaphor for life, where we cope with circumstances
    beyond our control. Post prison, Huggins formed the
    nonprofit Transformation Yoga Project, which serves
    more than 50,000 people impacted by trauma, substance
    abuse, and incarceration through trauma-sensitive yoga.
    He’s appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox News and is the
    author of “Going Om: A CEO’s Self-Discovery Behind
    Bars.” Contact Michael Huggins at (484) 356-4583;

    17. ==> January is National Hobby Month – Do a Show on
    Crazy Hobbies

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
    Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From
    around the world people have hobbies – activities they
    are passionate about that help them make friends, keep
    active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC to hear why taking time in the New Year
    to pick a hobby might be the best resolution you can
    make – both physically and emotionally. “It’s time
    people took control of their time, learn how to
    entertain themselves and become lifelong learners.
    Hobbies help you do all that and more!” People who have
    hobbies are often healthier and happier than those who
    don’t – find out why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a
    counselor and the author of “Alignment: Move from
    Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact her at (208)

    18. ==> Surprising Benefits of 21st Century Meditation

    Have you joined the millions of wise people from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from heart problems and headaches to
    arthritis, asthma and insomnia? How does meditation
    help in successfully treating addictions and anxiety,
    and even preventing bad behavior? Learn more about
    solving our 21st century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia
    when you interview meditation expert, author and
    speaker John Sambalino. The author of “Is God in That
    Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” will debunk myths about
    meditation and help countless audiences (including
    those with questions) improve health, career,
    relationships, sports performance, strengths to handle
    holiday deadlines, and more. He will even discuss how
    meditation helps prison inmates. Contact John Sambalino
    at (856) 245-5062;

    19. ==> Why This Expert Says We Must Stop ‘Fighting’

    When Kipp Harris discusses the myths and truths about
    cancer (and its treatments) you can be assured he knows
    what he’s talking about. Several times that powerful
    disease has invaded his body, only to be thwarted into
    remission by modern medical science and Kipp’s own
    resourcefulness and attitude. Open-up phone lines so
    Kipp can answer questions and share his been-there
    insights, especially during the holiday season when
    people may feel most challenged by cancer issues. Learn
    why Kipp says it’s wise to work through — never fight
    — one’s cancer of any type. So what does he recommend?
    Why does he call his cancer journey “improbable joy?”
    What was the first thing he did upon learning his
    cancer returned? And what does he advise for patients
    and their loved ones, who want to survive and thrive
    afterward? Ask Kipp all that and more. He’ll even
    discuss whether the prevalence of cancer means humanity
    is meant to experience it. Contact him at (701)

    20. ==> Who Was in Your Bed Last Night? Dream Analysis

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what
    did you encounter? And what did it all mean? For an
    unforgettable show that’s sure to boost ratings and
    calls, book Layne Dalfen for live on-air dream
    analysis! This sought-after speaker, author and dream
    analyst will fascinate your audience and explore the
    most frequent dreams we have. Why do certain people —
    from former sweethearts to deceased loved ones — land
    in your dreams? And what does it mean if you dream
    about Donald Trump? Layne will share 3 must-know myths
    about nightmares and what sexy dreams really mean!
    Layne Dalfen has appeared on hundreds of radio shows
    and teaches dream analysis to the counseling students
    at Montréal’s Concordia University. Contact Layne at
    (514) 898-9150;

  • 1/16/19 RTIR Newsletter: Americans and the Impeachment, Recognizing Fraud, Everyone Needs Self Love

    January 16, 2020

    01. How Do Americans View Impeachment? Depends Where You Live
    02. Inside New US/China Trade Deal – Phase One
    03. The Problem with the War Powers Resolution
    04. The Stories She Can Tell! Hollywood Icon Ruta Lee
    05. Are We Living in ‘The Matrix’?
    06. Royal Family Drama is Just Like Yours
    07. Will You Lose Your Job to This Legal Loophole?
    08. Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More with Less
    09. Your Next Child Could Be Frozen in a Faraway Laboratory
    10. You Don’t Know Beans about Pain (and Neither Do Most Docs)
    11. Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance Policy Lapse
    12. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to Recognize Fraud)
    13. Success Secrets of the Rich and Famous (They’ll Work for You Too)
    14. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
    15. Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out & Ready to Get Out
    16. Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work
    17. Why Self-Love Isn’t Selfish at All
    18. This Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit
    19. Keep Beds Dry Every Night
    20. Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

    1.==> How Do Americans View Impeachment? Depends Where
    You Live

    Impeachment hearings will get underway in the coming
    weeks in Washington. So what do Americans think? Janna
    Fite Herbison says, “Most Americans who aren’t inside
    the D.C. beltway or don’t work in New York media are no
    longer keeping up with the details of impeachment.
    Those who live Oklahoma, Arizona and Alabama are
    basically focused now on their 2020 budget, New Year’s
    resolutions, and football playoffs. Congressional
    hearings from last fall are in their rear view
    mirrors.” Herbison, a former television news reporter
    and press secretary, says the way Americans view the
    impeachment varies greatly based on culture, geography
    and/or political leanings. She adds, “To conduct an
    impeachment right before the holidays because it was
    urgent – then let it acquire dust in Congress for a
    month – was not the best strategy for Democrats or
    Speaker Pelosi. Especially with the upcoming election.
    It sent the wrong signal to everyday Americans: this
    isn’t about the Constitution. It’s politics as usual.”
    Janna Fite Herbison is the author of “Southern in The
    City: A Mason-Dixon View of Manhattan.” Contact her at
    (901) 568-2080;

    2. ==> Inside New US/China Trade Deal – Phase One

    The United States signed a partial trade agreement with
    China yesterday but experts say that doesn’t mean
    simmering conflicts and uncertainty over trade won’t
    drag down the global economy this year. Invite trade
    expert Jennifer A. Hillman to discuss what to look for
    in ‘phase one’ of the deal including the issues of
    technology transfer, financial services and dispute
    resolution. She’ll also discuss what we won’t see in
    this agreement—any provisions addressing the key
    structural problems with China— or addressing the
    increasing levels of Communist Party control over the
    Chinese economy. Jennifer A. Hillman is a senior fellow
    for trade and international political economy at the
    Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), specializing in
    U.S. trade policy, the law and politics of the World
    Trade Organization (WTO), international organizations,
    and Brexit. Contact her at (202) 509-8574;

    3. ==> The Problem with the War Powers Resolution

    A revised version of a war powers resolution sponsored
    by Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., that would require President
    Donald Trump to seek congressional authorization for
    further military action against Iran has enough votes
    to pass the Senate. But International law professor
    Francis Boyle says the resolution is riddled with so
    many holes that Trump/Pompeo et al. will drive a truck
    through them. He says, “Part of the reason we have
    these continuous wars is that Congress has failed to
    live up to its responsibilities.” Boyle advised Sen.
    Patrick Moynihan and Rep. Dan Crane in the first use of
    the War Powers Resolution, after Reagan placed Marines
    in Lebanon. He added: “Unfortunately, a ‘compromise’
    was struck and predictably led to disaster with the
    Marine barracks bombing.” Francis Boyle is professor of
    international law at the University of Illinois College
    of Law. Contact him at

    4. ==> The Stories She Can Tell! Hollywood Icon Ruta

    Ruta Lee “IS” Hollywood. From classic to contemporary.
    This Hollywood icon and TV/movie star has too many
    credits to list! Book her on your show and hear stories
    of showbiz, old and new. Ask her about: Working with
    remarkable leading men including Clint Eastwood and
    Robin Williams; Her friendships with Rona Barrett,
    Lucille Ball and Sally Field; Thalians, which she co-
    founded with best-friend Debbie Reynolds to help
    mentally disabled Veterans; Becoming one of the first
    female game show hosts with Alex Trebek on High
    Rollers; Auditioning for the role of Ginger on
    Gilligan’s Island. If you need more convincing that
    Ruta’s got some amazing stories to tell, consider this:
    As a young starlet, Ruta made international headlines
    when she convinced Khrushchev to release her 90-year-
    old grandmother from the Soviet Union. Ruta Lee’s
    memoirs, “Consider You’re A$$ Kissed,” will be released
    later this year. Contact Harlan Boll at

    5.==> Are We Living in ‘The Matrix’?

    Invite renowned MIT computer scientist and Silicon
    Valley video game designer Rizwan Virk on your show and
    listeners will never look at the world the same again!
    He’ll explore the idea that our physical reality is
    part of an increasingly sophisticated video game-like
    simulation and how we may actually be inside a
    simulated reality like the Matrix. Virk can discuss
    virtual reality and augmented reality and what’s coming
    down the pipe, artificial intelligence and the
    approaching singularity, and the intersection of
    science and spirituality. Rizwan Virk’s latest book,
    “The Simulation Hypothesis,” is based on research from
    computer science, artificial intelligence, video games,
    virtual reality, quantum physics, and eastern
    mysticism. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    6. ==> Royal Family Drama, Just like Yours

    The world is atwitter over Megxit, the royal ruckus
    involving Prince Harry and Meghan. The couple made a
    very public announcement, without the queen’s approval,
    that they plan to split their time between Britain and
    North America and step back from family duties. You
    don’t need to be a prince or princess to understand the
    situation, according to international communications
    expert Leeza Steindorf. She says the couple simply
    wants some space for their family. “Whatever their
    blood lines are, or are not, whatever their cultural
    histories, they are, in the end, simply a man and a
    woman committed to their marriage, to championing good
    causes and to raising a family in today’s crazy world.”
    Having spent most of her life married to a European as
    an American overseas, and the better part of two
    decades straddling a professional and family life on
    both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, Steindorf says one
    thing is clear. “This is not a conversation about
    royalty and loyalty. It is a conversation about making
    healthy relationships and families work in the globally
    connected world of today.” An international
    communications expert specializing in peace education
    in schools, Steindorf won national acclaim in Europe
    for the CORE Success program that she designed after a
    school shooting in Germany. Contact her at (541) 550-

    7. ==> Will You Lose Your Job to This Legal Loophole?

    Suppose you came into work and were told that you were
    being replaced by a foreigner making half your salary.
    And, by the way, you’ll be training your replacement
    before you go. This is currently happening to stellar
    employees at AT&T, Disney, Verizon and Toys ‘R’ Us, who
    were tossed out of their jobs thanks to a legal
    loophole that lets companies import non-U.S. citizens
    to do jobs that college-educated Americans have been
    trained to do. Think it couldn’t happen to you?
    American jobs advocate Hilarie Gamm will explain this
    threat to your audience and why everyone from recent
    graduates to experienced workers could be victims. A
    veteran talk show guest and co-founder of the
    nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, Gamm will bust
    the myth that there’s a shortage of U.S. STEM workers
    and talk about legislation that could close the current
    loophole that unfairly benefits some tech companies and
    nationalities. Gamm can also be joined by her AWC co-
    founders, Marie Larson and Barbara Birch. Hilarie Gamm
    is the author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech
    Crisis and The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at
    (203) 571-3819;

    8. ==> Former Clutter Queen’s Secrets for Living More
    with Less

    Can’t find your car keys? Haven’t seen the scissors in
    weeks? Always losing your cell phone? As decluttering
    and downsizing expert Marlena Uhrik, Ph.D., will tell
    you, while we are strongly attached to them, a surplus
    of possessions can also lead to chaos and wasted time
    trying to find them. Marlena can talk about the peace
    and calm that comes with decluttering and where to
    start if you want to live with less, whether you are
    staying put or moving to a smaller home. She can also
    share how to make decluttering an everyday process. A
    50-year educator, Realtor and Certified Home Stager,
    she’s one of six authors of “Secret Sauce on
    Downsizing: The Complete Guide for Living with Less and
    Loving It More!” Ask her about free giveaways. Contact
    her at (916) 269-0528;

    9. ==> Your Next Child Could Be Frozen in a Faraway

    Many couples long to expand their families and welcome
    a child, yet fertility issues or other health concerns
    interfere with pregnancy. Such would-be parents often
    consider adoption, yet still hope to experience the
    miracle of giving birth. With today’s fertility
    technologies, many couples can do both! Interview Nate
    Birt to learn how he and his wife welcomed their sweet
    toddler, Phoebe, who started as a frozen embryo the
    Birts adopted, had implanted, brought to term and
    delivered. Interview Nate to explore: How do you find
    available resources/experts for adopting embryos? How
    does the process work? What does it take to qualify?
    Does this path to parenthood change our beliefs? Is it
    for everyone? Nate is the author of “Frozen, But Not
    Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to
    Embryo Adoption.” Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045;

    10. ==> You Don’t Know Beans about Pain (and Neither Do
    Most Docs)

    If something is painful does it automatically mean it
    is harmful? Is it better to fight pain or outsmart it?
    What does CBT stand for? How can practicing it lessen
    pain? What can you do now to avoid developing long-term
    pain later? Get the answers from Trevor Campbell, M.D.,
    a family physician who studied medicine at the
    University of Cape Town, South Africa, before
    emigrating to Canada, where he became interested in
    treatments for chronic pain. He has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and has served as s medical director for a
    leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His
    new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is
    “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to
    Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    11. ==> Consumer Alert: Billions Lost Due to Insurance
    Policy Lapse

    Imagine if you could receive CASH for that life
    insurance policy you or your parents don’t need
    anymore! Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life
    insurance policies go to waste annually? Simply
    because consumers don’t know a little-known secret
    that, if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of
    your death benefits in CASH! Many professional advisors
    such as attorneys and CPA’s are now becoming aware of
    this and trying to help their clients avoid this waste
    and turn it into cash. David Kottler, the Insurance
    Doctor ™, will educate your audience and tell you what
    life insurance companies don’t want you to know! David
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book, “The Best Kept
    Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy,” details
    everything your audience needs to know to get that
    insurance policy working for them! Contact David
    Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    12. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to
    Recognize Fraud)

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    in life? Would you know fraud if you saw it? At work
    or in yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy
    who unwittingly got caught up in the 1980’s S&L crisis
    and found out the hard way that you don’t have to
    commit a crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are
    unaware of what fraud actually is so it’s overlooked
    and people remain unaware of illegal activity around
    them. We all need to know exactly what fraud is, how it
    happens, why it happens, and how to avoid it!” says
    John. John Smith is an author and a professional
    speaker who shares his gripping story and the
    consequences of ethical and unethical behavior. His
    book “Embracing the Abyss” chronicles his amazing true
    story of becoming part of a fraud scandal and how he
    eventually received a presidential pardon. Contact John
    Smith at (214) 216-2199;

    13. ==> Success Secrets of the Rich and Famous (They’ll
    Work for You Too)

    Bill Gates, Carrie Underwood, Warren Buffett and many
    others began their journeys to success while they were
    still college students but it wasn’t the courses they
    took that got them to where they are today. Invite
    Lindy and Tom Schneider on your show and discover the
    surprising things billionaire dropouts got from college
    that led to their success, the most important thing
    many successful people did off-campus and the one
    simple technique both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton
    used to help launch them to the White House! Lindy and
    Tom Schneider are co-authors of “College Secrets of
    Highly Successful People: Keys to Launching a Great
    Life.” The professional college advisors have more than
    a dozen years of experience and have helped thousands
    of college students through some of the toughest
    decisions of their lives and into lucrative careers.
    Tom and Lindy have appeared on major TV networks and in
    major publications. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602)

    14. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This

    Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
    today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
    (perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
    this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks
    reported almost daily. Invite Chris Bird to educate
    your audience about gun safety and self-defense. Ask
    this sought-after expert on gun rights and personal
    protection: Why are methods of observation as important
    as a weapon? What steps help you survive a public
    shooting? What are your insights about recent attacks
    at schools, workplaces, community events and places of
    worship? With more than 30 years of firearm safety
    experience, Chris will share stories of people saying,
    “Thank God I had a gun!” – which is one of his
    bestselling book titles. Chris’ other books include
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage” and “The Concealed
    Handgun Manual.” Contact him at (210) 686-4440;

    15. ==> Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out & Ready to
    Get Out

    Countless teachers start out loving education yet often
    land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a
    topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how
    teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and
    leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere
    benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan is a former
    educator, attorney and judge whose latest book is
    “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals:
    Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Invite
    Geraldine to discuss her own inspiring journey and help
    listeners appreciate teachers’ challenges. She’ll
    relate how educators, other professionals, and
    entrepreneurs can recognize and bravely implement
    exciting plans for career changes. She’ll start with “3
    simple questions to ask yourself before making any
    career move” and “whether salary should ever guide you”
    plus how to overcome obstacles and hesitations. Invite
    call-in questions! Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305)

    16. ==> Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work

    The law of attraction became popular by promoting the
    idea that positive thinking can solve all of our
    problems, but does it really work that way? Invite
    author Baisakhi Saha to share why too much positive
    thinking may actually become more detrimental than
    beneficial for us. Her forthcoming book, “Life is
    Abracadabra: 21 Magical Stories from My Travels Across
    the Globe That Will Make You Look at Life with New
    Eyes,” reveals how to harness the magic of life. Saha
    has been featured by Canal America TV New York, Prime
    24 TV New York, National TV India, JUS Punjabi TV NY,
    Goge Africa TV, and many other TV, radio, digital, and
    print media outlets internationally. Contact her at or Skype: Baisakhi

    17. ==> Why Self-Love Isn’t Selfish at All

    Bring up the topic of self-love and some people get
    uncomfortable. The concept can be confusing, especially
    if you equate self-love with being selfish. Personal
    growth expert and author Joffre McClung sets the record
    straight and shares why anyone at any age can benefit
    from practicing self-love. You’ll learn three things
    you can do daily to raise your sense of self-love and
    how expanding your self-love ripples outward into the
    world making it a much more positive, loving place.
    Hear the many ways a lack of self-love can manifest and
    impact our lives and get simple ways to start and end
    the day with self-appreciation and gratitude. Joffre
    McClung has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs.
    She’s a former media producer, independent filmmaker,
    and the author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact
    Joffre McClung at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    18. ==> This Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar

    They’re calling you: Those seemingly irresistible
    candies, desserts and high fructose drinks. For anyone
    who wants to avoid all the harmful consequences of
    sugar overwhelm from obesity to type-2 diabetes, the
    Sugar Witch Marsha Allen can literally be a life-saver.
    Invite her to discuss her amazing 60-day program for
    living a sweet life minus the sugar addiction, and
    clever strategies to embrace healthier snacks and
    treats. You’ll learn how to recognize and refuse hidden
    super-sweet foods of all types and how to deny and even
    prevent cravings. Marsha hosts the show “Sugar Addicts”
    on Crown City News TV. She is the author or “Spoiled
    Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy Free Made
    Simple,” and is the spouse of a type-2 diabetic who is
    reversing his disease. Contact Marsha at (727) 498-8338
    or (902) 694-2901;

    19. ==> Keep Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
    discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
    the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
    anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
    this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
    does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
    other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
    What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
    professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
    issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
    problem become more noticeable at different times of
    year? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 800-0498;

    20. ==> Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

    A 2019 POLITICO story contends that millions of
    Americans believe God originally wanted Donald Trump as
    U.S. President. But is a second term in God’s plan?
    What about the impeachment drama? Interview Patric
    Rutherford, Ph.D., author of “God and President Trump
    Plus the Rest of Us,” who agrees that a Trump White
    House was God’s permissive will. But find out why Dr.
    Rutherford himself did not vote for Trump — and
    whether God wants Trump to serve two terms. Originally
    from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford will explore whether many
    Americans have regrets or feel like hypocrites or even
    sinners because of how they voted (or will vote.) With
    decades of studying politics, faith and human nature,
    Dr. Rutherford will discuss: Why did many deeply
    committed Christians have no qualms about electing a
    seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump
    contingent get right and wrong? Might even 4 years of
    Trump be too long? Expect controversy when you book Dr.
    Rutherford. Contact him at (786) 201-6638;

  • 1/14/20: Super Bowl and Human Trafficking, Oscar’s Female Problem, Business Insanity

    January 14, 2020

    01. Trump May Have Started a War He Can’t Win
    02. Taiwan: China’s Disinformation Campaign Backfired
    03. The Super Bowl/Human Trafficking Connection
    04. Why Female Directors Are MIA at the Oscar’s… Again
    05. Bigfoot and Aliens: A Real-Life Adventure Story
    06. Drunk Elephants … and Other Fun Facts about Wine
    07. Why ‘Safe’ Everyday Products May Be Making You Sicker
    08. A Super-Healthy Diet Is Easy; This Is the Time to Get on Board!
    09. Could Self-Doubt Be the Key to Your Career Success?
    10. Watch Out! Your Employees Are Siphoning Profits
    11. Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate Change
    12. Jan is National Hobby Month – Do a Show on Crazy Hobbies
    13. How to Stop Attracting Losers
    14. What Being a Man Means in 2020
    15. Life Beyond #MeToo
    16. Find Your Bliss and Set Goals in 2020
    17. Reading Glasses Are Actually Harming Your Vision
    18. ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money Management
    19. Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers Better
    20. How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can Help YOU

    1. ==> Trump May Have Started a War He Can’t Win

    Americans are worried that recent events may lead to a
    US/Iran war. Ivan Eland of the Independent Institute
    says, “Historical examples of what a war with Iran
    could look like are the massive Hezbollah bombing of
    the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983,
    and Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s overseas terror
    campaign against U.S. targets after President Ronald
    Reagan picked a fight with him in 1981.” He says,
    “Iran, always wily and calculating, will likely get the
    best of Trump in an asymmetric war fought on its own
    terms. The U.S. military is the best in world history
    absolutely and relative to other armed forces of its
    age. But its forte is conventional warfare against
    great powers. It has proven itself much less effective
    in dealing with asymmetric brushfire wars against
    weaker adversaries —in places like Vietnam and
    Afghanistan and Iraq after the initial more
    conventional combat had seemingly ended in victory.”
    Eland is director of the Independent Institute’s Center
    on Peace & Liberty and the author of several books
    including “War and the Rogue Presidency: Restoring the
    Republic after Congressional Failure.” Contact him at
    (703) 282-3484 (cell);

    2. ==> Taiwan: China’s Disinformation Campaign

    This past weekend incumbent Tsai Ing-wen, of the
    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), was handily re-
    elected to a second term in Taiwan’s presidential
    election. Tsai won in a landslide, taking nearly 57
    percent of the vote. Joshua Kurlantzick says Tsai’s
    decisive victory offers several possible lessons, the
    biggest of which comes from how the candidates used
    China, and how China’s behavior, including its attempts
    to sway the election, may actually have helped Tsai win
    re-election. “Taiwan was deluged with disinformation in
    the run-up to the presidential election, including a
    whole series of fake Facebook posts, sketchy YouTube
    videos that spread false information, and many other
    dubious tactics,” says Kurlantzick. “Such strategies
    seem to have backfired—badly.” Joshua Kurlantzick is
    senior fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on
    Foreign Relations (CFR). He is the author, most
    recently, of A Great Place to Have a War: America in
    Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA. Contact him at; (202) 285-4339

    3. ==> The Super Bowl/Human Trafficking Connection

    Sports fans are looking forward to Super Bowl LIV in
    Miami next month, but sadly, the mega event will also
    likely draw human traffickers into the city. Large
    sporting events like the World Cup and the Super Bowl
    can lead to increased instances of human trafficking
    because of the huge influx of visitors. So, for the 8th
    Super Bowl in a row, the ‘It’s a Penalty’ campaign is
    rolling into Florida with a highly-visible awareness
    campaign to show the public how to identify
    exploitation and trafficking AND how to take action and
    report these breaches of freedom. Think it doesn’t
    happen here? CEO Sarah Carvalho says more than 100,000
    children are sold for sex in the U.S. each year, and
    most of the victims are US citizens. She’ll discuss
    this year’s campaign featuring Aaron Rodgers, Nick
    Foles, Ryan Tannehill, Andy Dalton, Charles Harris and
    Jerome Baker in a 30-second video that will play
    onboard flights headed to Miami and in the terminals of
    Miami International Airport. Awareness kits will also
    be handed out in Miami hotels, and Uber drivers will
    display hangtags in their vehicles with hotline numbers
    and other information. Contact Sarah Carvalho at; +44 (0)1372 375848

    4.==> Why Female Directors Are MIA at the Oscar’s…

    Women may have made huge inroads this year,
    particularly in
    politics, but just like last year they’ve been left out
    of the Best Director category for the 2020 Oscars. Bong
    Joon Ho, Sam Mendes, Todd Phillips, Martin Scorsese and
    Quentin Tarantino all got nods for their films while
    Lulu Wang, Greta Gerwig, Marielle Heller, Lorene
    Scafaria and Alma Har’el were all notably left out.
    Award-winning female film director and author Kailin
    Gow can discuss why there is a lack of female directors
    in Hollywood and how their absence shuts out the
    perspective of half the population. Founder of the OTT
    channel FemaleFlix, showcasing women-interest films,
    shows, activities, and news, Gow will discuss why the
    number of female directors has been declining for the
    past five years, how women and minorities can break
    through the glass ceiling, and what it’s like to be
    approached by producers with male development teams
    when her own books are optioned. Kailin Gow’s 300 plus
    books feature strong female characters and have sold
    more than 5.5 million copies worldwide. Her movies have
    won accolades at film festivals around the world.
    Contact her at (617) 582-2121;

    5. ==> Bigfoot and Aliens: A Real-Life Adventure Story

    When she was 22, Patti Houtz was paid by an archeology
    society to be part of an expedition that went in search
    of Bigfoot. Also in the group were a National
    Geographic photographer; her boyfriend John; and a
    fisherman who was the latest person to see Bigfoot in
    Big Cypress Swamp in the Everglades. What occurred
    during the two days they spent in the swamp was
    unforgettable and, in Patti’s opinion, life-changing,
    and she is only now willing to share the experience on
    your show. She’ll detail what happened and what she
    thinks it means, and how her boyfriend ended up being
    featured on the front page of The National Enquirer.
    The Bigfoot story is just one of the adventures Houtz
    shares in her upcoming memoir, Solo By Choice. Contact
    her at (775) 451-3191;

    6. ==> Drunk Elephants … and Other Fun Facts about

    Did you know that before antibiotics were developed
    wine was used for medicinal purposes for thousands of
    years? As Jim Laughren, CWE, will explain, wine used to
    be the go-to treatment for treating wounds and settling
    stomachs. Your audience will gain a new appreciation
    for wine as the bubbly Laughren shares his favorite
    factoids about wine with them. He’s all about having
    fun while making wine more approachable and less
    snobby. You’ll learn the vital role wine played in
    developing the world’s trade routes, how monkeys, wild
    boars, and elephants manage to imbibe, which
    celebrities own wineries or wine labels, and much more.
    Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation” and “A Beer Drinker’s
    Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine.” He is the
    past president of a wine importing and distribution
    company and is known for his fun and irreverent wine
    classes and seminars. Contact Jim at (954) 884-8539;

    7. ==> Why ‘Safe’ Everyday Products May Be Making You

    Marcela Magda Popa, M.D., was forced to take early
    retirement from her job as an internal medicine
    physician when her autoimmune arthritis symptoms became
    too difficult to manage. These symptoms, along with
    worsening bouts of migraine headaches and repeated
    breast testing abnormalities, led her to suspect and
    research the effects of “generally recognized as safe”
    products used in foods, cosmetics, cookware, hygiene
    products and more. Dr. Popa says these generally
    recognized as safe (GRAS) substances are not
    necessarily safe, inert, or inactive, and our chronic
    but constant exposure, even at low doses, can have an
    impact on health. She’ll discuss the side effects of
    inert ingredients in medicines and supplements,
    substances to avoid if you get migraines or breast
    tests reveal abnormalities, whether it’s possible to
    live a chemical-free life, and what has helped her most
    in the quest for reducing her arthritis symptoms.
    Marcela Magda Popa, M.D. is a board certified Internal
    Medicine physician who graduated from Carol Davilla
    Medical School in Bucharest, Romania, and completed
    residency training in the United States. She’s been
    featured on MSN Lifestyle, SheKnows, Elite Daily,
    Bustle, and in Business Insider. Contact her at (917)

    8. ==> A Super-Healthy Diet Is Easy; This Is the Time
    to Get on Board!

    After a holiday season filled with cookies, candy,
    butter, and rich sauces, now is the perfect time to
    make the commitment to start the year off right by
    eating healthy. Physician Dr. Ed Dodge reveals why
    having a positive mind-set can make all the difference
    to your success in maintaining a healthy eating regime.
    He’ll tell your audience which wholesome foods can help
    you feel full so you stay on track and share four types
    of processed foods that contribute to the development
    of life-threatening chronic diseases. Dr. Dodge’s
    latest book, “Family: A Family Doc’s Memoir of Life in
    Africa and the US,” shares his journey from his
    childhood in the wilds of Africa, where he enjoyed
    exotic fruits and ate antelope and buffalo, to
    experiencing culture shock as a teen returning to the
    US. After becoming a physician, he returned to Africa
    to work, and later to volunteer. As host of Healthy
    Living Radio, Dr. Dodge has interviewed groundbreaking
    leaders in medicine and he’s been honored by the Johns
    Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future. Contact
    Dr. Ed Dodge at (484) 259-9887 (TX);

    9. ==> Could Self-Doubt Be the Key to Your Career

    Leaders are expected to be confident, but what can you
    do if you’re in a leadership position and you lack
    confidence in your abilities? Author and leadership
    expert Marc Pitman says that self-doubt may actually
    mean you’re on the verge of greatness. Invite him to
    reveal the 3 main factors that can bring out the best
    leader in you. He can also share how to overcome past
    failures to achieve career success. His forthcoming
    book, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt,” provides a
    framework for leaders to move past feeling like a fraud
    and manage teams more effectively. Ask him how to
    overcome the feeling you’re “broken,” and why it can be
    dangerous to follow every new leadership system or
    self-help guru. Contact Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610

    10. ==> Watch Out! Your Employees Are Siphoning Profits

    Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
    fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
    other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
    stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
    So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
    upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
    clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
    school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
    personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
    profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
    Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
    series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
    how managers can corral crooks at the worksite. She’ll
    explore myths/truths about brazen cyber stealing…
    thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab
    techniques… recognizing temptation at the office…
    steps for establishing a thief-proof workplace… and
    much more. Ruth’s insights have already saved many
    businesses and millions in profits. Contact her at
    (770) 729-8000;

    11. ==> Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate

    Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity
    is doing the same thing over and over again, but
    expecting different results.” He might as well have
    been talking about the way executives try to shepherd
    change within their corporations. Deb Kirby, Ph.D.,
    notes that such initiatives have a shocking failure
    rate of between 50% and 75% over the past 40 years. She
    says, “Forty years is an absurd amount of time to fail
    over and over again, particularly when you consider the
    money, time and toll such processes take on employees!”
    Invite Dr. Kirby, an organizational change coach,
    trainer and speaker, on your show to identify four
    reasons why organizational change fails and propose a
    different way to engage individuals, groups, and the
    organizational collective to spark sustainable
    transformational change. Deb Kirby, Ph.D., is an
    organizational coach, trainer, and speaker who
    concentrates on corporate culture change and leadership
    excellence. Contact her at (801) 913-8276;

    12. ==> January is National Hobby Month – Do a Show on
    Crazy Hobbies

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
    Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From
    around the world people have hobbies – activities they
    are passionate about that help them make friends, keep
    active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC to hear why taking time in the New Year
    to pick a hobby might be the best resolution you can
    make – both physically and emotionally. “It’s time
    people took control of their time, learn how to
    entertain themselves and become lifelong learners.
    Hobbies help you do all that and more!” People who have
    hobbies are often healthier and happier than those who
    don’t – find out why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a
    counselor and the author of “Alignment: Move from
    Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact her at (208)

    13.==> How to Stop Attracting Losers

    Are you tired of always being in relationships with
    people who are bad for you? Invite Arnoux Goran,
    author, speaker, and the world’s #1 expert in personal
    transformation, to reveal how you can stop attracting
    losers. He’ll share the real reason why we’re attracted
    to people who aren’t good for us and why, no matter how
    often we promise ourselves we’ll choose someone better
    next time, we end up with a loser again. Goran has the
    solution to stop being a “loser magnet” and to break
    the cycle forever so you can find your perfect match.
    His upcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True,” reveals how to release
    negative emotions permanently and truly change your
    life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
    Goran has been featured on radio and television
    nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    14. ==> What Being a Man Means in 2020

    In the decade that just ended, once-powerful men such
    as Roger Ailes and Harvey Weinstein toppled from their
    lofty positions after the toxic way they treated women
    became public. And while this may be unsettling for
    some men, it is a good thing, notes Destin Gerek, an
    internationally recognized expert on masculinity, male
    sexuality and male empowerment. “We are living in a
    time in which notions of masculinity and femininity and
    the roles of men and women are being questioned and
    have become more fluid than ever before. … Increasingly
    powerful women have necessitated men to rethink their
    own role: These radical changes have become
    increasingly uncomfortable for us as men,” says Gerek.
    “They have forced us to look within, reassess our own
    outdated programming, and evolve our understanding of
    masculinity and what it means to be a man.” Destin
    Gerek is founder and CEO of The Evolved Masculine, a
    pioneering coaching and training company for men, and
    hosts a podcast by the same name. His new book is “The
    Evolved Masculine: Be The Man the World Needs & the One
    She Craves.” Contact him at (415) 341-2650;

    15. ==> Life Beyond #MeToo

    With the Harvey Weinstein trial under way in New York,
    invite Christine Rose to discuss what life will be like
    in a world forever changed by Weinstein’s accusers and
    millions of women around the globe who spoke out
    against those who harassed, discriminated against,
    abused or assaulted them. Rose, a survivor of multiple
    abusers and the mother of two daughters, will share her
    story and those of other women and raise questions for
    listeners to ponder. She brings perspective to #MeToo,
    clarifying the movement, reframing the issues to inform
    listeners about the context of sexual violence, and
    taking an in-depth look at what society can do to
    create not only a safer business landscape but “a new
    normal,” free from gender-based discrimination and
    violence. Rose is CEO of Christine Rose Coaching &
    Consulting, a boutique coaching firm based in the
    greater Seattle area. She’s the author of “Life Beyond
    #MeToo: Creating a Safer World for Our Mothers,
    Daughters, Sisters, and Friends.” Contact her at (425)

    16. ==> Find Your Bliss and Set Goals in 2020

    January is a time to start fresh and begin making your
    dreams happen, but what if you don’t know how to find
    the happiness you desire? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why spending
    quality time and building relationships with family and
    friends can be the key to finding your bliss. She can
    tell your audience why living the Hawaiian philosophy
    of “aloha” and the Golden Rule of doing unto others
    really works. Discover how to start this year off right
    by setting goals to realize your dreams and live your
    authentic life. She is the author of the award-winning
    novel “Lady in the Window” and the soon-to-be-published
    “The Paradise Table.” Her work has appeared on Hallmark
    Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA,
    SyFy, Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact her at
    (818) 884-0104 (CA);

    17. ==> Reading Glasses Are Actually Harming Your

    Nathalie Fiset M.D., started using reading glasses at
    the age of 41. After a few months, her vision worsened,
    even when she was using the reading glasses! Then she
    had an epiphany: the glasses weren’t helping her, they
    were making her eyesight worse. A retired family
    physician Dr. Fiset will explain how your listeners are
    harming their eyesight by using contacts, reading
    glasses and LASIK and share 4 secrets to normal vision
    after 40. Your listeners will learn how they can get
    better eyesight in just one month. Dr. Nathalie Fiset
    has appeared on radio, TV, podcasts and in newspapers.
    Contact her at; (407)

    18. ==> ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money

    The super-rich and mega-successful clearly do things
    differently than most. But it’s not all about making
    wise financial decisions. What are the secrets to
    lifelong prosperity? How could fundamental actions
    Influence your daily march to millionaire status? Why
    are some people so good at living wealthy? Explore such
    fascinating topics with acclaimed socio-economist
    Randall Bell Ph.D., CEO of Landmark Research Group LLC.
    Dr. Bell can explain how future millionaires follow
    four basic principles (me, we, do, and be) while
    recognizing the importance of avoiding gossip,
    demonstrating work ethic, expressing kindness, refusing
    to fear change and being willing to handle easy
    projects like making one’s bed every day! Also ask Dr.
    Bell about his 45 recommended “rich habits” that can
    change anyone’s life. Contact Cierra Ashdown at (949)

    19. ==> Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers

    Everyone has at least one person whose behavior vexes
    them, leaving them to wonder: Why did they just do
    that? What were they thinking? How can they be so
    different than me? Get the answers at last from Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist whose unique
    approach to understanding human beings includes a
    combination of psychology and astrology. Dr. Dicker,
    the author of “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships,”
    has fresh insights that could help listeners become
    closer to their spouse, kids, coworkers, boss—and
    themselves. A Capricorn, she’ll present evidence that
    astrology is becoming more credible and accessible. A
    longtime student of astrology, she has been working
    with clients for 20 years and using astrology as her
    secret sauce. She has also taught courses on eating
    disorders and adult psychotherapy to upper-level
    psychology majors at the University of Colorado,
    Boulder, for nearly ten years. Contact her at (720)

    20. ==> How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can
    Help YOU

    Pratibha Eastwood is a psychologist with very rich and
    unusual life experiences. Invite her on your show and
    hear how she traversed diverse political realities as a
    child of German concentration camp refugees, witnessed
    the bloody birth of the Jewish nation, survived four
    wars, grew up in boarding schools and even experienced
    today’s #MeToo culture. Pratibha’s insights can help
    others with their own journey as she reveals what can
    make anyone stronger and more resilient through
    challenges: openness, curious innocence, cultural
    understanding and communication, even during gender
    struggles. She will also offer insights for thriving
    during this difficult era of mass shootings, disturbing
    scandals, border controversies and political division.
    Contact Pratibha Eastwood at (808) 518–4378 (HI);

  • 1/9/20 RTIR Newsletter: Iran Agenda, NFL Playoffs, Wine Facts

    January 9, 2020

    01. Iran Agenda: US Policy and the Mideast Crisis
    02. LGBTQ Advocates Blast New Fed Workplace Discrimination Guide
    03. Best of the Consumer Electronics Show
    04. Instagram: What to Expect in 2020
    05. RE Expert: Nowhere to Run in Next Financial Crisis
    06. NFL Playoffs: Neurologist Talks about Concussion Cure
    07. Imprisoned CEO’s Surprising Savior
    08. How to Have Better Conversations this Year
    09. Why Aren’t There More Black Doctors?
    10. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health Delivery System
    11. Will Artificial Intelligence Take Your Job?
    12. Fascinating Facts about Wine
    13. Could You Be Failing at Resting?
    14. Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?
    15. Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology
    16. Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?
    17. This Guests Says College is Over-rated for Most Kids
    18. The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents
    19. The Fibro Lady Shares Advice
    20. Heal Yourself in Record Time

    1. ==> Iran Agenda: US Policy and the Mideast Crisis

    Need a primer on what’s going on between the US and
    Iran? Invite freelance journalist Reese Erlich on your
    show. He says, “Iran’s government is a right-wing,
    religious-based regime that represses its own people.
    It seeks regional influence, mainly in countries with
    large Shia populations such as Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and
    Bahrain, but also Syria.” But, he says, the U.S. isn’t
    interested in human rights abuses. “It wants to
    reestablish a pro-U.S. regime in Iran that will allow
    U.S. oil companies to once again dominate the economy.
    The people of the U.S. have no national interest in
    protecting oil company profits.” Erlich says recent
    events have shown that people in the region don’t want
    to be dominated by any foreign power, whether the U.S.
    or Iran. Erlich has written for CBS Radio, Australian
    Broadcasting Corp., and National Public Radio. He also
    contributes to Foreign Policy and VICE News and is the
    author of “Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy
    and the Middle East Crisis.” Contact him at
    ReeseErlich2 at, @ReeseErlich

    2. ==> LGBTQ Advocates Blast New Fed Workplace
    Discrimination Guide

    The Department of Interior appears to have quietly
    removed “sexual orientation” from the agency’s 2017
    ethics guide regarding workplace discrimination. Chris
    Sgro of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), says this
    “latest attack” by the president and his administration
    was “disappointing, but not a surprise.” Employment and
    labor law attorney Joyce Smithey can explain what the
    Trump Administration has done in reference to its anti-
    discrimination guidelines, the definition of
    discrimination in the workplace, and what you should do
    if you feel you’re being discriminated against. Joyce
    Smithey represents employers and employees throughout
    Maryland and the District of Columbia in a diverse
    range of legal matters including discrimination, wage
    issues, sexual abuse and harassment and employee
    defamation. Contact Mark Goldman at (516) 639.0988
    (call/text) or

    3. ==> Best of the Consumer Electronics Show

    Tech lovers wait all year for the Consumer Electronics
    Show when the industry puts its shiny new devices on
    display. The integration of the Internet into ordinary
    life — everything from backyard barbecues to bathroom
    sinks — is a big theme at this year’s event going on
    this week in Las Vegas. ABI Research has experts at the
    show to discuss the most compelling transformative
    technologies and help put it all into perspective by
    providing insights into how it all fits into our lives.
    Experts and analysts in smart home technology,
    augmented reality, gaming and more are available for
    interview. ABI Research provides insight and strategic
    guidance to organizations on technologies that are
    reshaping industries, economies, and workforces.
    Contact Deborah Petrara at (516) 624-2558;

    4.==> Instagram: What to Expect in 2020

    2019 was a crazy year for social media, not the least
    of which was Instagram’s announcement that likes would
    soon disappear. Yet, here we are in 2020; likes are
    still alive in the USA, but Instagram has quietly taken
    on intense new measures to ban fake likes and
    followers, leaving many influencers unable to buy bot
    traffic for their account any longer, and some accounts
    even getting suspended or deleted from the purchase of
    fake traffic. What’s really going to happen with
    Instagram in 2020? Will it continue to be a marketing
    platform or should influencers abandon the app? Andrew
    Krynin and Daria Dmytrenko can help shed light on more
    than a few secrets to help everyone involved with
    Instagram influencer marketing programs, as well as
    what fans of Instagram can expect to see from the app
    throughout 2020. Expert technologists and marketing
    pros, Andrew and Daria developed the software platform, a secure collaboration space where
    Influencers and aspiring influencers can grow and
    monetize their Instagram accounts. Contact Jane Goey at; (404) 954-0858.

    5. ==> RE Expert: Nowhere to Run in Next Financial

    With real estate experts, economists, and even online
    real estate company Zillow predicting a recession in
    2020, are property owners prepared to weather the
    coming storm? Invite New York real estate economist and
    appraiser Adam Weber to share why he believes that in
    the next financial crisis there will be nowhere to
    hide. Invite him to discuss how we got here and why the
    upcoming economic crisis will be much worse than the
    past. As a veteran of multiple financial storms he says
    lenders are currently handing out loans like crazy. His
    book, “The Appraisal Review Survival Guide,” reveals
    insider information on the workings of the risky
    business of making real estate loans. Contact him at
    (917) 664-1139 (NY);

    6. ==> NFL Playoffs: Neurologist Talks about Concussion

    Whether it’s the NFL, college or high school, football
    is under attack. All because of the high risk of
    concussions and the resulting health consequences. Just
    last week Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz took himself
    out of the game after a brutal, head hit. But what if
    there was a way to make concussions a thing of the
    past? Or at least a way to diagnose and treat traumatic
    brain injuries (TBI’s) more easily and quickly?
    Interview Dr. Paul Wand to hear about the “Wand
    Protocol” that could do all that and more. He, along
    with other private practitioners, have created ways to
    diagnosis and treat concussions which if put into
    place, could save the NFL as well as other sports where
    concussions happen on a regular basis. Paul Wand, MD,
    PA has been a medical doctor for 35 years specializing
    in the field of neurology. He’s the author of “The
    Concussion Cure: 3 Proven Methods to Heal Your Brain.”
    Contact Dr. Wand at (954) 743-5380;

    7. ==> Imprisoned CEO’s Surprising Savior

    Before he was incarcerated for nine months in 2011,
    Michael Huggins had been running a $2 billion medical
    device company. A Wharton School MBA graduate, Huggins
    was sentenced to a misdemeanor prison term under a
    doctrine that holds executives accountable for
    subordinates’ business actions. His life turned upside
    down in the highly publicized case, once Huggins was in
    jail he sought salvation in a practice he had taught
    years before: yoga. On your show, Huggins will detail
    his incredible transformative journey from inmate to
    yogi, entrepreneur and mindful leader and what other
    executives—and indeed anyone—can learn from his
    experiences. He’ll discuss the power of choice to not
    let where we are define who we are, and prison as a
    metaphor for life, where we cope with circumstances
    beyond our control. Post prison, Huggins formed the
    nonprofit Transformation Yoga Project, which serves
    more than 50,000 people impacted by trauma, substance
    abuse, and incarceration through trauma-sensitive yoga.
    He’s appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox News and is the
    author of “Going Om: A CEO’s Self-Discovery Behind
    Bars.” Contact Michael Huggins at (484) 356-4583;

    8. ==> How to Have Better Conversations this Year

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
    “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    9. ==> Why Aren’t There More Black Doctors?

    Did you know that only about 4 percent of all U.S.
    physicians are black men? And that female black
    physicians make up only 2 percent? The lack of black
    physicians is a big problem that adversely affects the
    health-care outcomes of black patients, who often
    mistrust physicians who don’t look like them.
    Christopher H. Hall is an ER doctor in Mississippi who
    grew up in the worst project in Los Angeles and can
    talk about the barriers black men must overcome to wear
    a white coat. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and a
    father in jail. His brother is also in jail and Chris
    spent time in foster care and juvenile hall. Chris can
    share what it is like to be a black doctor and even how
    he ended up treating a grand wizard of the KKK. His
    memoir is “Ward of the Court.” Contact him at (251)

    10. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health
    Delivery System

    The industry of medicine, including insurance
    companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
    structure that appears driven more by profits than
    patient consideration, represent a significant problem
    in our health care delivery. Doctors are growing
    frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
    Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
    documentation and have less time for patient care.
    Invite Michael Young, M.D., to discuss our health care
    delivery system gone awry. A practicing physician
    (surgeon and Urology specialist) for three decades, Dr.
    Young will offer his insights and explore how America’s
    health delivery process is in need of repair for
    everyone’s benefit. He’ll also share his personal story
    and been-there experiences other doctors rarely
    discuss. Dr. Michael Young is the author of “The
    Illness of Medicine.” Contact William Dorich at (310)

    11. ==> Will Artificial Intelligence Take Your Job?

    One out of five jobs will be lost as a result of using
    artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. And it’s
    not just cashiers and delivery drivers who are at risk
    but also lawyers, writers, factory workers,
    receptionists and more, notes leading AI expert Junling
    Hu, Ph.D. Bring her on your show to discuss what people
    can do to ensure that AI doesn’t deprive them of their
    livelihood and even how to select a new job that will
    be secure for the next ten years. Capable of talking
    about any aspect of AI, Dr. Hu was the director of AI
    at Samsung and the leader of the AI team at PayPal. She
    received the National Science Foundation CAREER award
    for her pioneering work in AI. She is the author of
    “The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: What You
    Must Know About AI.” Contact her at (650) 906-6288;

    12. ==> Fascinating Facts about Wine

    Did you know that before antibiotics were developed
    wine was used for medicinal purposes for thousands of
    years? As Jim Laughren, CWE, will explain, wine used to
    be the go-to treatment for treating wounds and settling
    stomachs. Your audience will gain a new appreciation
    for wine as the bubbly Laughren shares his favorite
    factoids about wine with them. He’s all about having
    fun while making wine more approachable and less
    snobby. You’ll learn the vital role wine played in
    developing the world’s trade routes, how monkeys, wild
    boars, and elephants manage to imbibe, which
    celebrities own wineries or wine labels, and much more.
    Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation” and “A Beer Drinker’s
    Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine.” He is the
    past president of a wine importing and distribution
    company and is known for his fun and irreverent wine
    classes and seminars. Contact Jim at (954) 884-8539;

    13. ==> Could You Be Failing at Resting?

    No doubt you’ve heard that Americans are not getting
    enough sleep. But did you know that we are not getting
    enough rest either? Bring Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D.,
    on-air to explain why resting is a lot more than just
    laying down and doing nothing. In fact, there are seven
    types of rest we need to master to be at our best.
    Otherwise, we might snap at friends and loved ones,
    experience too much stress, burnout, be less creative
    and feel as though life was purposeless. She is the
    author of “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your
    Energy, Restore Your Sanity.” Her advice has been
    featured in Prevention and Women’s Day. Contact Dr.
    Saundra at (256) 240-0564;

    14. ==> Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?

    According to the 2019 UN Report on Happiness, Americans
    are the least happy they have ever been for a variety
    of reasons. But Jim Ryan believes—and his long career
    attests—that happiness and joy are like muscles that
    can be strengthened. Invite this upbeat expert on your
    program to share the eight characteristics of happy
    people that anyone can learn to incorporate into their
    lives. He’ll also reveal how to avoid the traps we fall
    into that lead to unhappiness—including worrying about
    what other people think of us. Jim is the author of
    “Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up” and a
    frequent media guest who gives workshops on happiness
    all over the country, even prisons. Contact him at
    (631) 203-8441;

    15. ==> Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology

    For a fascinating show invite psychotherapist Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., to discuss something she calls
    “psychstrology,” and why she believes it can lead to a
    greater understanding of humanity. On your show Dicker
    will make a convincing case that astrology is more than
    the fortune-telling pseudoscience people often believe
    it to be. She’ll explain what astrology and psychology
    have in common, how astrology can help people find more
    balance, clarity, and ease, and evidence that astrology
    is becoming more credible and accessible. Stacy Dicker,
    Ph.D., is an author and clinical psychologist in
    private practice who has been seeing psychotherapy
    clients in the Denver area for the last 20 years. Her
    latest book is “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships.”
    Contact her at (720) 327-1732;

    16. ==> Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?

    Optimum wellness is elusive for countless people during
    these hectic times. Whether we’re worried about
    personal/family issues, career challenges, money
    limitations or difficult things we hear in the news,
    our mental, emotional and even physical health suffer.
    Invite popular author and medium Beth Lynch to discuss
    how a deeper sense of spirituality can heal us at any
    age. She says it’s exactly what’s missing in modern
    life! Ask Beth: What are the true benefits of prayer
    and meditation? How can spiritual teachings be the most
    powerful type of medicine? Will believing in the
    afterlife (and even visits from deceased loved ones)
    give us strength? How can we see our dreams as
    healthful spiritual messages? Why is it so important to
    encourage spirituality for others, especially our
    children? What about spiritual-based remedies for
    anxiety, grief and all types of loss? How can one
    embrace or recapture spirituality in one’s life?
    Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818;

    17. ==> This Guests Says College is Over-rated for Most

    Nobody will dispute that college is an expensive
    proposition. After finding a way to finance the
    endeavor students are often tempted to cut classes, pay
    someone else to take notes/tests for them, and even
    farm-out writing of assigned papers. The post-college
    payback is also sketchy, as evidenced by the millions
    of 2019 grads yet to land a job deserving of their
    expensive education. No wonder Joe Swinger, founder/CEO
    of Self Mastery Leadership Academy, says attending
    college is over-rated! He’ll discuss the questionable
    education choices students make (and, lately, some
    wealthy parents are willing to bribe, cheat and get
    prison time for.) Ask Swinger about more affordable
    education alternatives and entrepreneurial
    opportunities for eager youth and lucrative career
    paths with no college degree required. He’ll discuss
    how to avoid lifestyle issues that can derail lives and
    share his insights/opinions regarding the ongoing
    college admission scandal and trials. Joe Swinger is
    the author of “Awaken the Magic Within.” Contact him at
    (385) 425-6705;

    18. ==> The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents

    Whether you call them Pap-pap or Grandfather, Meemaw or
    Grammy, our grandparents play an important role in
    preparing younger generations for happier and more
    successful life. But sometimes “super” grandparenting
    is required, as Dr. Oliver Akamnonu and his wife
    discovered. They left their high-powered careers and
    significantly changed their lives to help their
    daughter, Nena, throughout her pregnancy, while she was
    in medical school! Once baby Lydia arrived, the
    Akamnonus continued to demonstrate their super
    grandparent skills. Invite them on-air to explore: what
    they learned about helping one’s family health,
    education, income, relationships, and society
    overall… 5 things super grandparents always do, and
    never do… why financial support and childcare are
    only the beginning of the best grandparenting… why
    you needn’t live nearby to be super grandparents… how
    to make sure your children and grandchildren always
    remember you with gratitude and love. The Akamnonus co-
    authored “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and
    Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New
    Times.” Contact them at (413) 206-6753;

    19. ==> The Fibro Lady Shares Advice

    Each day, Leah McCullough is thankful that her pain,
    fatigue and accompanying depression have finally
    vanished. With every action and movement, even in
    slumber, she relishes pain-free living, upbeat mood and
    boundless energy after suffering from intense
    Fibromyalgia for decades. Isn’t that what countless
    people in your audience would savor, after their own
    years of debilitating pain? Interview Leah, known
    worldwide as The Fibro Lady, to explore how nutrition,
    supplements and lifestyle changes provide relief and
    build strength and share must-know exercises and
    meditation remedies. You’ll learn who’s more prone to
    developing fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and get
    plenty of advice on what it takes to finally focus on
    career, parenting, relationships and FUN once pain
    subsides. Leah is the author of “Freedom from
    Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery” and “Eat to
    Energize.” Her popular online program is “How to
    Recover from Fibromyalgia and Feel Great Again.”
    Contact Leah McCullough at (859) 279-0413;

    20. ==> Heal Yourself in Record Time

    Countless people in your audience (and studio) are
    dealing with diseases and health challenges they never
    expected, and which hit them seemingly out of the blue.
    What do you do when such life-impacting issues strike
    with little warning? First, you can feel confident and
    empowered that we humans have innate abilities to begin
    self-healing and strengthening. So says physician and
    speaker Dr. Nelie Johnson, M.D., initiator of the forum
    “It’s Time to Heal,” which offers an integrative
    approach to treating illness. Invite this outspoken
    expert on-air to hear her advice for health and longer
    life. Ask: What messages do you receive from your body?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Why is
    self-healing so powerful and necessary? What has been
    missing in traditional Western medicine AND alternative
    methods? What’s keeping you from healing yourself
    quickly? What should you watch out for at this time of
    year? Dr. Johnson’s latest book is “The Healing Message
    of Illness.” Contact her at (604) 334-3853;

  • 01/07/20 RTIR Newsletter: Retirement Talks, Mideast Dangers, Death of the Free Press

    January 7, 2020

    01. The Mideast Has Just Become More Dangerous
    02. Trump is Committing Impeachable War Crimes
    03. Ten Things Americans Need to Know for 2020
    04. And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder
    05. What Being a Man Means in 2020
    06. Time for 2020 Retirement Talk
    07. Reading Glasses Are Actually Harming Your Vision
    08. How Patients Can Stop Medical Mistakes
    09. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
    10. Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?
    11. Why We Love Tom Hanks
    12. Stick to Your Resolution – Lose Weight and Keep It Off
    13. Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience
    14. Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate Change
    15. Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers Better
    16. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book this Year
    17. Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with Yourself
    18. School’s Toughest Bullies: Teachers
    19. We Should All Learn to Laugh at the IRS — Year-round!
    20. Keep Beds Dry Every Night

    1.==> The Mideast Has Just Become More Dangerous

    Many foreign policy experts and observers including
    Steven Cook, say the killing of Iranian Quds Force
    commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad has created a
    dangerous situation in the Mideast. Cook believes the
    assassination will escalate an already tense contest in
    Iraq between U.S. and Iran-backed forces, make the
    battle against the Islamic State more difficult, and
    will likely feed further regional upheaval. He says it
    also reinforces a narrative in the Middle East that the
    United States is hardly the force for regional
    stability that it claims to be. He adds, “It is easy to
    understand why Americans should brace for an Iranian
    response: this was comparable to Iran killing a senior
    U.S. military commander or intelligence official. In
    that scenario, any U.S. president would be impervious
    to diplomatic entreaties and would respond violently.”
    Steven Cook is an expert on Arab and Turkish politics
    as well as U.S.-Middle East policy. He is a senior
    fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Contact him
    at (202) 509-8620;

    2. ==> Trump is Committing Impeachable War Crimes

    The House is expected to vote soon on a war powers
    resolution to limit President Trump’s military actions
    after he ordered the killing of a top Iranian general
    last week. International law professor Francis Boyle
    says, “Hypocrisies and hypocrites abound. Trump should
    be impeached for his attacks and threats against Iran.
    These are far more brazen violations of the War Powers
    Clause of the U.S. Constitution than anything regarding
    Ukraine.” He adds, “Trump should have been impeached
    for his illegal bombings in Syria. He wasn’t, so
    predictably, he has gone on to target Iran and is
    making further threats against it and Iraq.” Boyle is
    professor of international law at the University of
    Illinois College of Law. Contact him at

    3. ==> Ten Things Americans Need to Know for 2020

    Your politically and culturally-active audience will
    enjoy hearing Rick Elkin, a controversial columnist and
    cultural analyst whose latest book is “Trump’s
    Reckoning: Bulldozing Progressivism, Rebuilding
    Americanism.” Rick will explore on-air what everyone is
    talking about at the water cooler. Hear his engaging
    and different spin on the issues we face every day. Ask
    him: What are Trump’s chances to stay in office in
    2020? Why are so many young people embracing socialism?
    Is the Deep State a threat to our freedom? What is the
    overwhelming cultural influence of what he calls “The
    FrankenMedia Monster?” Learn why Elkin warns “For
    everything you know, there is an equal and opposite
    thing you don’t know.” Contact Rick Elkin at (760)

    4.==> And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any

    Did you know John Quincy Adams used to enjoy swimming
    nude in the Potomac River? Or that doctors once held a
    press conference to announce Dwight Eisenhower moved
    his bowels? Or that Calvin Coolidge often conferred
    with a raccoon? Or that First Lady Florence Harding
    gave press interviews in her negligee? Or that George
    H.W. Bush took showers with his dog? Author Hal
    Marcovitz can talk about the many strange stories that
    have been circulating around the White House since John
    and Abigail Adams occupied the Executive Mansion,
    including some very odd stories about the current
    occupant. Marcovitz, a longtime journalist, is the
    author of the novel “Painting the White House,” which
    tells the story of an ordinary house painter who finds
    himself at the center of White House intrigues and
    misadventures. Contact him at (215) 718-6807 or

    5. ==> What Being a Man Means in 2020

    In the decade that just ended, once-powerful men such
    as Roger Ailes and Harvey Weinstein toppled from their
    lofty positions after the toxic way they treated women
    became public. And while this may be unsettling for
    some men, it is a good thing, notes Destin Gerek, an
    internationally recognized expert on masculinity, male
    sexuality and male empowerment. “We are living in a
    time in which notions of masculinity and femininity and
    the roles of men and women are being questioned and
    have become more fluid than ever before. … Increasingly
    powerful women have necessitated men to rethink their
    own role: These radical changes have become
    increasingly uncomfortable for us as men,” says Gerek.
    “They have forced us to look within, reassess our own
    outdated programming, and evolve our understanding of
    masculinity and what it means to be a man.” Destin
    Gerek is founder and CEO of The Evolved Masculine, a
    pioneering coaching and training company for men, and
    hosts a podcast by the same name. His new book is “The
    Evolved Masculine: Be The Man the World Needs & the One
    She Craves.” Contact him at (415) 341-2650;

    6. ==> Time for 2020 Retirement Talk

    Almost HALF of all Americans have no retirement savings
    whatsoever. On top of that, 76% of baby boomers aren’t
    confident that they’ve saved enough for retirement. The
    New Year is the perfect way to start your financial and
    retirement planning off on the right foot. Invite
    financial advisor and radio host Beau Henderson on your
    show to share his top 5 tips for a successful
    retirement and discuss how retirement and wellness go
    hand-in-hand, the scary side of retirement no one wants
    to talk about, how to maximize your social security
    benefits and much more. Beau Henderson has been
    featured on Fox, CBS, CW, CNBC, Yahoo, and other
    national media outlets. He’s the author of numerous
    books including “The RichLife: Ten Investments for True
    Wealth.” Contact Jaiden Buchan at or Beau Henderson at (770)

    7. ==> Reading Glasses Are Actually Harming Your Vision

    Nathalie Fiset M.D., started using reading glasses at
    the age of 41. After a few months, her vision worsened,
    even when she was using the reading glasses! Then she
    had an epiphany: the glasses weren’t helping her, they
    were making her eyesight worse. A retired family
    physician Dr. Fiset will explain how your listeners are
    harming their eyesight by using contacts, reading
    glasses and LASIK and share 4 secrets to normal vision
    after 40. Your listeners will learn how they can get
    better eyesight in just one month. Dr. Nathalie Fiset
    has appeared on radio, TV, podcasts and in newspapers.
    Contact her at; (407)

    8. ==> How Patients Can Stop Medical Mistakes

    Imagine if patients, without any medical experience,
    could protect themselves and loved ones from medical
    errors! Invite RN/APRN (nurse practitioner) Anne
    McAwley-LeDuc on your show and learn how to organize
    your medical records, communicate effectively, ask the
    right questions of health professionals, and become an
    advocate for yourself to avoid medical mistakes. Anne
    will share advice for keeping/remembering/referring to
    your medical history details for a lifetime, and how to
    start such a project. She’ll also discuss the
    importance of asking life-saving questions at the right
    time and readily communicating about previous
    procedures, emergencies and medication issues. You’ll
    also get tips on what to do when travelling or if
    you’re changing docs. Anne is the author of the
    workbook “Personal Health Organizer: A Complete Easy-
    to-Use System to Quickly Document Your Major Medical
    and Dental History.” Contact Anne McAwley-LeDuc at
    (860) 300-1603;

    9. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?

    At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
    chronic pain or love someone who does. Everyone else
    would love to learn how they can avoid joining their
    ranks. That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
    Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and served as s medical director for a leading
    pain management provider. With a charming South African
    accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
    Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
    Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
    his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
    reducing pain and enjoying life more. He studied
    medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa,
    before emigrating to Canada, where he became interested
    in treatments for chronic pain. He has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and has served as s medical director for a
    leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His
    new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is
    “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to
    Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    10. ==> Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?

    Sixty-percent of people who watch American news think
    the sources pay the reporters. That’s the trust gap,
    according to a joint Columbia Journalism Review and
    Reuters study from earlier this year. With so much talk
    about fake news and shrinking newsroom staff positions,
    it’s a wonder that anyone would want to train to be a
    TV or print journalist today. Willing to share her
    unique vantage point on this timely topic is Nita
    Wiggins, who teaches journalism in Paris, France, and
    is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race,
    Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.”
    Ask her: How much of the problem comes from the work of
    reporters and how much comes from the criticism from
    the president? How well do American news outlets
    provide diverse viewpoints? During her 21 years as a TV
    reporter and anchor, Nita witnessed bias against black
    reporters and female reporters from Augusta to Seattle
    to Washington, D.C. Contact Nita Wiggins at

    11. ==> Why We Love Tom Hanks

    Who but Tom Hanks could play beloved children’s TV icon
    Fred Rogers on the big screen? He already had us after
    Forrest Gump, but then, while accepting his lifetime
    achievement awards at Sunday’s Golden Globe ceremony,
    he reminded us why we love him as he talked about the
    importance of little things like showing up on time,
    and openly cried about how much he loves his family.
    Barry Shore says a big part of Hanks’ appeal is his
    joyfulness and appreciation of the miracles in life
    that happen every day. A former quadriplegic, Barry’s
    mission is spreading the joy of being alive no matter
    what adversities people face. Invite the host of The
    Joy of Living radio program and podcast on your show
    and listeners will learn how to redevelop the sense of
    wonder of an eight-year-old and take away a sense of
    gratitude for what is right with their lives instead of
    focusing on what they perceive is missing. Barry Shore
    has been featured in or appeared on O Magazine, Fox,
    NBC, ABC, and Forbes. Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

    12. ==> Stick to Your Resolution – Lose Weight and Keep
    It Off

    Successful weight loss isn’t about losing weight. It’s
    about changing your relationship with food. It has
    nothing to do with calculating calories or counting
    points. Obesity isn’t even a medical problem – it’s a
    behavioral problem with a medical consequence. These
    are some of the fundamental ideas weight-loss expert
    Eli Glaser will share with listeners looking to keep
    their New Year’s resolutions and finally find a long-
    term answer for their life-long struggle. Hear Eli’s
    incredible personal story of losing 130 pounds, keeping
    it off for 17 years, and how he became an
    internationally-known weight-loss coach. His message
    and methodology is engaging and compelling and your
    audience will eat up every word of his pioneering yet
    very practical advice. Eli founded the Soveya Weight-
    Loss Solution and is the author of “Enough Is Enough.”
    Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    13. ==> Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience

    Going in front of a group? Do you have key info to
    share? Want to get over your nerves and apprehension?
    First of all, no need to imagine your audience naked!
    You’ll want your presentation, confidence and message
    to wow everyone instead. So says communications and
    leadership expert Jill Jaysen. She’ll reveal how we’ve
    all been mis-taught when it comes to public speaking
    and what really makes a dynamite presentation for
    winning big. Learn why gimmicks like “practice at a
    mirror” and “videotape yourself” only risk creating
    mediocre speakers, how your speech starts long before
    you reach the auditorium, and how to prevent the
    biggest speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at
    (203) 442-9301;

    14. ==> Business Insanity: Dismal Success of Corporate

    Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity
    is doing the same thing over and over again, but
    expecting different results.” He might as well have
    been talking about the way executives try to shepherd
    change within their corporations. Deb Kirby, Ph.D.,
    notes that such initiatives have a shocking failure
    rate of between 50% and 75% over the past 40 years. She
    says, “Forty years is an absurd amount of time to fail
    over and over again, particularly when you consider the
    money, time and toll such processes take on employees!”
    Invite Dr. Kirby, an organizational change coach,
    trainer and speaker, on your show to identify four
    reasons why organizational change fails and propose a
    different way to engage individuals, groups, and the
    organizational collective to spark sustainable
    transformational change. Deb Kirby, Ph.D., is an
    organizational coach, trainer, and speaker who
    concentrates on corporate culture change and leadership
    excellence. Contact her at (801) 913-8276;

    15. ==> Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers

    Everyone has at least one person whose behavior vexes
    them, leaving them to wonder: Why did they just do
    that? What were they thinking? How can they be so
    different than me? Get the answers at last from Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist whose unique
    approach to understanding human beings includes a
    combination of psychology and astrology. Dr. Dicker,
    the author of “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships,”
    has fresh insights that could help listeners become
    closer to their spouse, kids, coworkers, boss—and
    themselves. A Capricorn, she’ll present evidence that
    astrology is becoming more credible and accessible. A
    longtime student of astrology, she has been working
    with clients for 20 years and using astrology as her
    secret sauce. She has also taught courses on eating
    disorders and adult psychotherapy to upper-level
    psychology majors at the University of Colorado,
    Boulder, for nearly ten years. Contact her at (720)

    16. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book this Year

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She’ll reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She’ll also answer questions like what’s the
    biggest roadblock to getting a successful book written?
    And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be, what
    does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart and
    honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business.” Contact Fabi at (704)

    17. ==> Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with

    Millions woke up New Year’s day resolving to eat
    healthier, lose weight, or make some other life change
    in the hopes of becoming a better person and living a
    more fulfilling life. But personal growth expert and
    author Joffre McClung says there’s a better path to a
    happier, more contented life and you don’t have to give
    up anything or join a gym! “There really is nothing as
    important to your quality of life than your level of
    self-love,” says Joffre. Invite her to share three tips
    your listeners can do daily to raise their level of
    self-love and explain why that’s so important. “Your
    level of self-love not only determines how you see
    yourself, but governs how you experience the world
    around you,” she says. “It’s the prism through which
    you see and define all things!” Joffre McClung has
    appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows and podcasts.
    She’s a former media producer and independent
    filmmaker. “The Heart of the Matter” is her latest
    book. Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    18. ==> School’s Toughest Bullies: Teachers

    It’s bad enough when a fellow student picks on you and
    creates a tense bullying atmosphere at school. We hear
    about upsetting bullying issues every week, nationwide.
    But what if today’s educators are the troublesome
    tyrants? How does that limit learning and upset the
    entire class process? Are such control-prone teachers
    anywhere near accurate when they insist they’re just
    maintaining discipline? What needs to be done by
    administrators, PTOs, school boards and teachers
    themselves to rebuild bully-free classrooms for all
    grades? Find out when you interview popular media guest
    Barb Daniels, whose award-winning Timmy Teacup book
    series focuses on self-esteem and anti-bullying. Barb
    will offer surprising advice to help children and teens
    navigate a bullying classroom and healthy ways for
    teacher bullies to transform and still command respect.
    Expect high ratings and meaningful discussions on a
    topic that ultimately affects every family. Contact
    Barb Daniels at (636) 220-5495:

    19. ==> We Should All Learn to Laugh at the IRS —

    Incompetent. Reckless. Smug. Deserving of your guffaws
    and eye rolls, certainly not your fear. All that
    describes the IRS, says tax expert Richard Green — who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own!
    He has seen, first-hand, how the colossal waste and
    chaos of his former employer can put America at risk.
    He will reveal on-air what put such an important
    government agency so behind-the-times and so downright
    laughable. Do you realize that agents are still using
    50-year-old technology? And audits are unfair and
    usually unnecessary? Why is the IRS always blaming
    Congress or everyday citizens for its own tax
    management foibles? Ask Green, author of “Agents of
    Deceit,” what Americans can do to fix all this and
    still be fair to our nation and ourselves. Contact
    Richard Green at (909) 570-1509;

    20. ==> Keep Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
    discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
    the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
    anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
    this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
    does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
    other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
    What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
    professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
    issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
    problem become more noticeable at different times of
    year? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 800-0498;

  • 1/2/20 RTIR Newsletter: Iraq Embassy Protests, Search for Immortality, New Year Goals

    January 2, 2020

    01. Behind Iraq Embassy Protests
    02. World Conflicts to Watch in 2020
    03. January 6th – #JewishandProud Day
    04. Hidden Fees: Middle-Class Manipulation
    05. Nat Geo Explorer: The Search for Immortality
    06. Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers Better in 2020
    07. How to Stop Attracting Losers
    08. Find Your Bliss and Set Goals for New Year
    09. Would You Survive an Active Shooter Attack?
    10. How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients
    11. Why More Women Are Saying No to Motherhood
    12. Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit
    13. Career Advice Based On Your Personality
    14. Moms, Make Room for Your Dreams in 2020
    15. Why This Expert Says We Must Stop ‘Fighting’ Cancer
    16. This Year’s Classroom Bullies: The Teachers
    17. Pain Relief — Using Skills Not Pills
    18. 13,000+ Tips on Making Meaning
    19. Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?
    20. Save Your Future with a Mindset for Change

    1.==> Behind Iraq Embassy Protests

    Iraq has been dealing with widespread protests for
    months, but these demonstrations have been directed at
    the country’s weak, faltering government — and not the
    U.S. That changed dramatically as Iraqi militiamen and
    their supporters targeted the U.S. Embassy in central
    Baghdad. In violent protests this week, crowds set
    fires and badly damaged a perimeter gatehouse. Raid
    Jarrar, an Iraqi-born human rights activist and writer
    based in Washington, D.C., says, “While Iraqi
    protesters have been taking to the streets for months
    now with clear demands that include the end to all
    foreign intervention in their country, both the U.S.
    and Iranian governments have been attempting to
    manipulate them for their own political benefit.” He
    adds, “Iraqi protestors believe that both the U.S. and
    Iran are the problem. Iraqi protestors stormed into the
    Iranian consulates in the south of the country last
    month, and — if they had access to the Green Zone —
    they would have also protested against the U.S.
    Embassy.” Contact Raed Jarrar at
    or @raedjarrar

    2. ==> World Conflicts to Watch in 2020

    Each year since 2008, the Council on Foreign Relations’
    Center for Preventive Action (CPA) asks foreign policy
    experts to rank thirty ongoing or potential conflicts
    based on how likely they are to occur or escalate in
    the next year, and their possible impact on U.S.
    This year, “perhaps as an indication of rising concern
    about the state of the world, respondents rated more
    threats as likely to require a U.S. military response
    for 2020 than in any other Preventive Priorities Survey
    (PPS) from the last eleven years,” notes Paul Stares,
    CPA director and senior fellow for conflict prevention.
    “Of the thirty conflicts in this year’s survey, only
    two were judged as having a low likelihood of occurring
    in 2020.” Stares will share top areas of concern from
    Mexico to Iran, and explain the biggest threats to the
    U.S. homeland, including a cyberattack on U.S. critical
    infrastructure and its electoral systems. Paul Stares’
    latest book is “Preventive Engagement: How America Can
    Avoid War, Stay Strong, and Keep the Peace.” Contact
    him at

    3. ==> January 6th – #JewishandProud Day

    In the face of the recent epidemic of antisemitism,
    American Jewish Committee (AJC) is encouraging Jews of
    all denominations to participate in #JewishandProud Day
    on Monday, January 6. “Enough is enough. We will not
    shy away from publicly displaying, celebrating our
    Jewish identity and faith,” says AJC CEO David Harris.
    The initiative comes amidst surging antisemitism in the
    U.S., with a series of violent attacks in December
    alone, and continuing anti-Semitic attacks across
    Europe. In October, AJC, the leading global Jewish
    advocacy organization, found in a survey of American
    Jews that 31% avoid publicly wearing, carrying or
    displaying things that might help people identify them
    as Jews, and 25% avoid certain places, events, or
    situations at least some of the time out of concern for
    their safety or comfort as Jews. American Jewish
    Committee is a global Jewish advocacy organization.
    Contact Kenneth Bandler at (212) 891-6771;

    4.==> Hidden Fees: Middle-Class Manipulation

    Collectively middle-class consumers in the U.S. pay
    roughly $1.46 trillion each year in fees – subprime
    mortgages, payday lending student loans, auto
    insurance, etc. That sum is greater than the revenue
    budget of the United Kingdom. Invite historian and
    public policy expert Devin Fergus, Ph.D., to explain
    how financial fees have seriously impacted equality in
    America. He’ll trace the system of fees in American
    consumer financial institutions from their origins in
    the late 1970s to present day. Fergus, who has
    identified mismanagement by many consumer financial
    institutions, says a lack of regulatory leadership to
    curb predation has resulted in financial fees seriously
    impacting equality in America. Devin Fergus is the
    author of “Land of the Fee: Hidden Costs and the
    Decline of the American Middle Class.” Contact Johanna
    Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Nat Geo Explorer: The Search for Immortality

    Scientists are exploring ways to advance our lifespan
    and possibly cure death. Science fiction? Nope. It’s
    real, it’s serious, and it’s on track to revolutionize
    our definitions of life and mortality as we know it.
    Invite National Geographic Explorer and former CNN-
    Bureau Chief Chip Walter to discuss the scientific
    pursuit of immortality and the Silicon Valley
    billionaires shaping (and funding) this quest. You’ll
    hear why scientists are embarking on this journey to
    find a real-life fountain of youth, the mysteries of
    stem cell rejuvenation and advanced genomics and why
    living to over 100 isn’t science fiction any longer!
    Chip Walter is a science author, filmmaker, and former
    CNN bureau chief whose writing has appeared in The
    Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Scientific
    American, Slate and National Geographic magazine. His
    latest book is “Immortality, Inc.: Renegade Science,
    Silicon Valley Billions, and the Quest to Live
    Forever.” Walter is available for a limited number of
    interviews on January 14th. Contact Mala Perna at

    6. ==> Understand Your Spouse, Kids or Coworkers Better
    in 2020

    Everyone has at least one person whose behavior vexes
    them, leaving them to wonder: Why did they just do
    that? What were they thinking? How can they be so
    different than me? Get the answers at last from Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist whose unique
    approach to understanding human beings includes a
    combination of psychology and astrology. Dr. Dicker,
    the author of “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships,”
    has fresh insights that could help listeners become
    closer to their spouse, kids, coworkers, boss—and
    themselves. A Capricorn, she’ll present evidence that
    astrology is becoming more credible and accessible. A
    longtime student of astrology, she has been working
    with clients for 20 years and using astrology as her
    secret sauce. She has also taught courses on eating
    disorders and adult psychotherapy to upper-level
    psychology majors at the University of Colorado,
    Boulder for nearly ten years. Contact her at (720)

    7. ==> How to Stop Attracting Losers

    Are you tired of always being in relationships with
    people who are bad for you? Invite Arnoux Goran,
    author, speaker, and the world’s #1 expert in personal
    transformation, to reveal how you can stop attracting
    losers. He’ll share the real reason why we’re attracted
    to people who aren’t good for us and why, no matter how
    often we promise ourselves we’ll choose someone better
    next time, we end up with a loser again. Goran has the
    solution to stop being a “loser magnet” and to break
    the cycle forever so you can find your perfect match.
    His upcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True,” reveals how to release
    negative emotions permanently and truly change your
    life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
    Goran has been featured on radio and television
    nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    8. ==> Find Your Bliss and Set Goals for New Year

    The New Year is a time to start fresh and begin making
    your dreams happen, but what if you don’t know how to
    find the happiness you desire? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why spending
    quality time and building relationships with family and
    friends can be the key to finding your bliss. She can
    tell your audience why living the Hawaiian philosophy
    of “aloha” and the Golden Rule of doing unto others
    really works. Discover how to start 2020 off right by
    setting goals to realize your dreams and live your
    authentic life. She is the author of the award-winning
    novel “Lady in the Window” and the soon-to-be-published
    “The Paradise Table.” Her work has appeared on Hallmark
    Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA,
    SyFy, Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact her at
    (818) 884-0104 (CA);

    9. ==> Would You Survive an Active Shooter Attack?

    Mass shootings are happening at least monthly across
    the U.S. Adults and children have needlessly died or
    been seriously injured when merely working, gathering,
    studying, shopping or traveling. All types of public
    locations have seen such carnage: schools, offices,
    department stores, community events, factories, streets
    and even places of worship. So what does it take to
    come out alive when a rampaging shooter strikes in such
    innocent settings? Would you (and your kids) know how
    to find safety, shield others or retaliate? Would you
    have the patience to observe yet make immediate, timely
    decisions to react? Explore the vital answers, and hear
    life-saving insights when you interview personal
    protection specialist Allen Banks. He’s developed
    active shooter and workplace violence prevention
    training and special programs for schools and other
    locations. Contact Banks at (661) 417-0786;

    10. ==> How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients

    Did you know that only about 4 percent of all U.S.
    physicians are black men? And that female black
    physicians make up only 2 percent? The lack of black
    physicians is a big problem that adversely affects the
    health-care outcomes of black patients, who often
    mistrust physicians who don’t look like them.
    Christopher H. Hall is an ER doctor in Mississippi who
    grew up in the worst project in Los Angeles and can
    talk about the barriers black men must overcome to wear
    a white coat. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and a
    father in jail. His brother is also in jail and Chris
    spent time in foster care and juvenile hall. Chris can
    share what it is like to be a black doctor and even how
    he ended up treating a grand wizard of the KKK. His
    memoir is “Ward of the Court.” Contact him at (251)

    11. ==> Why More Women Are Saying No to Motherhood

    In 2018, the U.S. had the lowest number of births in 32
    years, according to the National Center for Health
    Statistics. Increasingly, women are delaying childbirth
    into their late 30s or 40s. But a significant number
    are deciding they simply don’t want motherhood—despite
    the blowback they often receive from friends and loved
    ones. Single and happily childless, Tamara Lashchyk, a
    business consultant, career coach, bestselling author,
    and former Wall Street executive, says despite all the
    progress women have made toward equality, they still
    face intense pressure to marry and raise a family. She
    says, “I could literally tell my family I’d cured
    cancer and the conversation would still end with, ‘But
    are you dating anyone?’” Tamara is the author of “Lose
    the Gum: A Survivor’s Guide for Women on Wall Street.”
    Contact her at (848) 373-3543;

    12. ==> Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar

    They’re calling you: Those seemingly irresistible
    candies, desserts and high fructose drinks. For anyone
    who wants to avoid all the harmful consequences of
    sugar overwhelm from obesity to type-2 diabetes, the
    Sugar Witch Marsha Allen can literally be a life-saver.
    Invite her to discuss her amazing 60-day program for
    living a sweet life minus the sugar addiction, and
    clever strategies to embrace healthier snacks and
    treats. You’ll learn how to recognize and refuse hidden
    super-sweet foods of all types and how to deny and even
    prevent cravings. Marsha hosts the show “Sugar Addicts”
    on Crown City News TV. She is the author or “Spoiled
    Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy Free Made
    Simple,” and is the spouse of a type-2 diabetic who is
    reversing his disease. Contact Marsha at (727) 498-8338
    or (902) 694-2901;

    13. ==> Career Advice Based On Your Personality

    Countless people in your audience have big career
    dreams: starting a business, changing careers, or
    introducing satisfying new developments in their
    current jobs. Others may not yet know what they want,
    often only what they don’t want. Sadly, the majority of
    people won’t even take the first critical steps to
    clarify their goals. Watch ratings rise when you
    interview Sarah E. Brown, Ph.D., who has already helped
    thousands of people define success based upon their
    unique interests, strengths and needs. Sarah will
    discuss her 5-step business coaching model and must-
    know secrets. You’ll learn how to finally clarify what
    you want, the importance of getting started even when
    you don’t have all the answers (and without going
    bankrupt,) and whether it’s wise to give up your
    current job. Dr. Brown will also share special advice
    for entrepreneurs. Sarah is the author of “Let Your
    Personality Be Your Career Guide.” Contact her at (302)

    14. ==> Moms, Make Room for Your Dreams in 2020

    Moms are always busy with endless chores, overwhelmed
    with to-do lists, and burned out at the end of the day.
    We put our kids first and often ignore our dreams and
    passions in life in order to take care of everyone else
    in the family. But with the right strategy, can we
    possibly make the time to pursue our goals? Invite
    children’s author and mom of three Rosie J. Pova to
    share 10 tips on following your passions without giving
    up this New Year. She can tell your audience how to get
    started, how to stay motivated even after multiple
    setbacks, and how to overcome failure. She is the
    author of several children’s books including her latest
    picture book, “Sarah’s Song.” Pova has been featured on
    radio and in print. Contact her at (214) 563-1633 (TX);

    15. ==> Why This Expert Says We Must Stop ‘Fighting’

    When Kipp Harris discusses the myths and truths about
    cancer and its treatments you can be assured he knows
    what he’s talking about. Several times that powerful
    disease has invaded his body, only to be thwarted into
    remission by modern medical science and Kipp’s own
    resourcefulness and attitude. Open-up phone lines so
    Kipp can answer questions and share his been-there
    insights. Learn why Kipp says it’s wise to work through
    — never fight — one’s cancer of any type. So what
    does he recommend? Why does he call his cancer journey
    “improbable joy?” What was the first thing he did upon
    learning his cancer returned? And what does he advise
    for patients and their loved ones who want to survive
    and thrive afterward? Ask Kipp all that and more. He’ll
    even discuss whether the prevalence of cancer means
    humanity is meant to experience it. Contact him at
    (701) 638-4051;

    16. ==> This Year’s Classroom Bullies: The Teachers

    It’s bad enough when a fellow student picks on you and
    creates a tense bullying atmosphere at school. We hear
    about upsetting bullying issues nationwide all the
    time. But what if today’s educators are the troublesome
    tyrants? How does that limit learning and upset the
    entire class process? Are such control-prone teachers
    anywhere near accurate when they insist they’re just
    maintaining discipline? What needs to be done by
    administrators, PTOs, school boards and teachers
    themselves to rebuild bully-free classrooms for all
    grades? Find out when you interview popular media guest
    Barb Daniels, whose Timmy Teacup book series focuses on
    self-esteem and anti-bullying. Barb will offer
    surprising advice to help children and teens navigate a
    bullying classroom and healthy ways for teacher bullies
    to transform and still command respect. Expect high
    ratings and meaningful discussions on a topic that
    ultimately affects every family. Contact Barb Daniels
    at (636) 220-5495;

    17. ==> Pain Relief — Using Skills Not Pills

    It’s almost daily that we hear of opioid controversies,
    addictions and even painkiller-related deaths. There is
    an epidemic of pain worldwide and people are desperate
    to find help and relief. Now, as colder weather
    heightens pain and discomfort and people want to feel
    better for the holiday season, it’s an ideal time to
    interview Maggie Phillips, Ph.D., pain relief
    expert/trainer and author of “Freedom from Pain” and
    “Reversing Chronic Pain.” Dr. Phillips will explore the
    good news about effective alternative healing methods.
    Ask her about the value of diet and exercise, spiritual
    practices, drug-free supplements, meditation, hypnosis,
    lifestyle changes and other ways to build healing
    pathways. She’ll also discuss why other nations are far
    ahead of the U.S. when it comes to using “skills-not-
    pills” to thwart pain and trauma without side-effects.
    Open-up your phone lines for pain sufferers to ask
    questions and discuss what challenges them most!
    Contact Dr. Phillips at (510) 561-1645;

    18. ==> 13,000+ Tips on Making Meaning

    For a fascinating show, interview Bob Lichtenbert,
    Ph.D., who has compiled more than 13,000 pieces of
    advice on how to make meaning (as in positive impact)
    on the quality of your life and for others surrounding
    you. Dozens of these life-changing tips have come from
    ideas he carefully wrote on index cards, which he
    carried in his shirt pocket for more than 30 years.
    Some have been published in his journal “The Meaning of
    Life” which went viral. On-air Dr. Lichtenbert will
    help your audience use and benefit from many of his
    favorite tips — now featured in his brand new book
    “Tips for Making Meaning.” He’ll explore how to connect
    with something greater than yourself, how to know the
    laws of logic to determine the strength of opinions and
    how interpreting art can help you express emotions.
    Contact Bob Lichtenbert at (773) 819-9184;

    19. ==> Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

    A 2019 POLITICO story contends that millions of
    Americans believe God originally wanted Donald Trump as
    U.S. President. But is a second term in God’s plan?
    What about the impeachment drama? Interview Patric
    Rutherford, Ph.D., author of “God and President Trump
    Plus the Rest of Us,” who agrees that a Trump White
    House was God’s permissive will. But find out why Dr.
    Rutherford himself did not vote for Trump — and
    whether God wants Trump to serve two terms. Originally
    from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford will explore whether many
    Americans have regrets or feel like hypocrites or even
    sinners because of how they voted (or will vote.) With
    decades of studying politics, faith and human nature,
    Dr. Rutherford will discuss: Why did many deeply
    committed Christians have no qualms about electing a
    seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump
    contingent get right and wrong? Might even 4 years of
    Trump be too long? Expect controversy when you book Dr.
    Rutherford. Contact him at (786) 201-6638;

    20. ==> Save Your Future with a Mindset for Change

    Sadly, societal problems like depression, suicide,
    domestic violence, shooting rampages and community
    unrest are on the rise. To prevail and build a better
    present and future, Reverend Arthur Mackey says WE must
    change. According to Mackey, a prolific author,
    researcher, pastor and sought-after media guest, the
    first step is developing a mindset that makes positive
    change possible. Mackey inspire audiences as he
    explores on-air everything from family and workplace
    influences to health/social services, faith-based
    resources and education programs worth knowing. He’ll
    explain why it’s never too late to change your
    surroundings, relationships and ideals, the 4 most
    effective ways to change your mindset, and how to do it
    all without stress. Rev. Mackey is the author of
    “Overcoming the Spirit of Depression.” Contact him at
    (516) 219-8392;

  • 12/23/19 RTIR Newsletter: Miracles in Everyday Life, Drunk for the Holidays, Inside Afghanistan

    December 23, 2019

    01. Trump’s Widow Problem: Here’s What He Should Say
    02. The Truth about Santa Claus
    03. See Miracles in Everyday Life
    04. The Gift that Keeps Giving: Family Stories
    05. Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with Yourself
    06. How to Deal with the Drunk at the Party
    07. Smart Tips: Enjoy Holiday Food Without Overindulging
    08. Holiday Let-Down: Are You Addicted to the Holidays?
    09. How to Take God Seriously this Holiday
    10. ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ Africa, 35 Yrs Later
    11. Bombshell Report: Inside Afghanistan
    12. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health Delivery System
    13. Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?
    14. You Can Learn to be Happy
    15. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
    16. Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology
    17. Heal Frequent or Chronic Pain with The Fibro Lady’s Advice
    18. How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can Help YOU
    19. Burned-Out, Worn-Out, Ready to Get Out — Setting NEW Opportunities for Teachers
    20. 10 Tips to Breathe Better Today

    1.==> Trump’s Widow Problem: Here’s What He Should Say

    Even President Trump’s staunchest supporters cringed
    last week when, during a campaign speech in front of a
    cheering crowd, he made crass remarks targeting a
    beloved Congressman and his grieving wife. It’s not the
    first time Trump has disrespected a widow, he bickered
    with a soldier’s widow over a condolence call and
    continues to publicly disparage the late Senator John
    McCain, to the dismay of his widow and daughter who
    both say it’s extremely painful to hear. Widow’s coach
    and advocate Mary Lee Robinson, a widow herself, hopes
    Trump apologizes. But, she says, he’s not alone in not
    understanding what is and isn’t appropriate to say to a
    grieving spouse. Invite Robinson on your show to share
    what everyone should know about widows, especially this
    time of year, which can be particularly painful for
    those experiencing loss. Mary Lee Robinson is the
    author of the Grief Series of 5 books. She’s also the
    editor of Widowlution Online Magazine, a lifestyle
    blog. Contact her at; (843) 421-5338.

    2. ==> The Truth about Santa Claus

    Everyone is familiar with Santa Claus, with his big
    belly, white beard, pink cheeks and omnipresent sack of
    toys for children. Most people know that the
    inspiration for Santa was Saint Nicholas, a priest and
    bishop who lived in the third century A.D., but few
    know much about the real man in the red suit. Wayne Van
    Der Wal, a school psychologist and practicing
    Christian, wants to change that. Invite him on your
    show and hear how St. Nicholas overcame childhood
    tragedy, felt called by God to take a vow of poverty,
    endured horrific persecution for his religious faith,
    and went on to become one of the most beloved,
    generous, loving, and famous figures in human history.
    The author of the historical novel “The Gospel of Santa
    Claus,” will fascinate your audience as he shares
    details of St. Nicholas’ extraordinary life and what
    Santa Claus has in common with St. Nick. He’ll also
    explain how writing the book changed the way he and his
    family celebrate Christmas each year and how anyone can
    have the best Christmas season ever, even on a limited
    budget. Contact Wayne Van Der Wal at (775) 338-4300;

    3. ==> See Miracles in Everyday Life

    People love stories about miracles, particularly around
    the holidays. But, as Barry Shore will tell you,
    miracles are not just for Christmas or Hanukkah, they
    are hiding in plain sight on any given day. Bring Barry
    on your show to explain his SMILE process (an acronym
    for Seeing Miracles in Life Every day) and how even
    adults can learn to develop the sense of wonder eight-
    year-olds routinely exhibit. Your audience will take
    away a sense of gratitude for what is right with their
    lives instead of focusing on what they perceive is
    missing. A former quadriplegic, Shore’s mission is
    spreading the joy of being alive no matter what
    adversities people face. He hosts The Joy of living
    radio program and podcast and has been featured in or
    appeared on O Magazine, Fox, NBC, ABC, and Forbes.
    Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

    4.==> The Gift that Keeps Giving: Family Stories

    It’s the season for gathering and celebrating and Peggy
    Sideratos says it’s the perfect opportunity for
    everyone around the table, especially the kids, to feel
    a little closer and more connected by sharing stories.
    Sideratos, a former school teacher, says boosting
    children’s social educational learning abilities (SEL)
    is especially important today. “We live in a world
    where kids and teens are dealing with depression,
    anxiety, cutting, eating disorders, bullying, school
    shootings and suicide rates at an alarming level. The
    brokenness is escalating. Our children are hurting and
    we have to do something about it,” Sideratos says.
    She’ll explain why storytelling is so effective in
    communicating with kids and ways holiday gatherings can
    be natural opportunities to share stories. She’ll even
    provide tips on getting the conversation started! Peggy
    Sideratos is the author of “The Light Giver: and Other
    Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” and “The
    Light Giver Stories Workbook.” Contact her at (917)

    5. ==> Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with

    Come January 1st people all around us will resolve to
    eat healthier, lose weight, or make some other life
    change in the hopes of becoming a better person and
    living a more fulfilling life. But personal growth
    expert and author Joffre McClung says there’s a better
    path to a happier, more contented life and you don’t
    have to give up anything or join a gym! “There really
    is nothing as important to your quality of life than
    your level of self-love,” says Joffre. Invite her to
    share three tips your listeners can do daily to raise
    their level of self-love and explain why that’s so
    important. “Your level of self-love not only determines
    how you see yourself, but governs how you experience
    the world around you,” she says. “It’s the prism
    through which you see and define all things!” Joffre
    McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows
    and podcasts. She’s a former media producer and
    independent filmmaker. “The Heart of the Matter” is her
    latest book. Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    6. ==> How to Deal with the Drunk at the Party

    1 out of 3 people suffers from an addiction of some
    sort and the holidays are full of stressful situations
    AND ample opportunities to imbibe. Michael McGee, M.D.
    says things can be especially explosive and
    uncomfortable at family gatherings, work functions and
    parties! Invite Dr. McGee to share 5 tips to deal with
    everyone from an obnoxious drunken uncle to a
    flirtatious and inappropriate neighbor. He’ll help your
    audience navigate the uncomfortable experience in the
    moment, whether at home or at the office holiday party,
    and share ways you can (and can’t) help an addict
    accept treatment and recover. Dr. Michael McGee trained
    at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped
    hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He’s the
    author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
    to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    7. ==> Smart Tips: Enjoy Holiday Food Without

    The endless temptation of delicious holiday food can
    break the diet of even the most committed healthy
    eater. Is there any way to enjoy holiday meals without
    overindulging? Invite physician Dr. Ed Dodge to reveal
    easy ways to join in the festivities without eating too
    much and falling off the wagon. You’ll also learn which
    foods will help you feel full without loading you up
    with fat and sodium. His latest book “Family: A Family
    Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and the US” shares his
    journey from his childhood in the wilds of Africa where
    he enjoyed exotic fruits and ate antelope and buffalo,
    to experiencing culture shock as a teen coming to the
    US. After becoming a physician, he returned to Africa
    to work, and later to volunteer. Dr. Dodge hosted
    Healthy Living Radio and has interviewed groundbreaking
    leaders in medicine. He has been honored by the Johns
    Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future. Contact
    him at (352) 228-9641 (TX);

    8. ==> Holiday Let-Down: Are You Addicted to the

    There’s a reason you buy more and feel less this time
    of year. Dr. Donna Marks says, “For the past several
    weeks we’ve been bombarded with ways to spend time and
    money that don’t deliver the joy we’ve been conditioned
    to expect. Instead, the spending and bustle of
    preparation are just more false substitutes for true
    and lasting fulfillment.” Dr. Marks, an addictions
    expert, will discuss how to change your perception and
    rewire your programming with something that can replace
    debt, hangovers, and weight gain with lasting
    connections and memories. Donna Marks is an author,
    consultant, educator, public speaker, licensed
    psychotherapist and addictions counselor in private
    practice in Palm Beach, Florida for more than thirty
    years. Her latest book is “Exit the Maze-One Addiction,
    One Cause, One Cure.” Contact Dr. Donna Marks at (561)

    9. ==> How to Take God Seriously this Holiday

    Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
    guests you’ll have for the holidays and new year. Graza
    is a man of science with great knowledge of the
    heavens. He balances science and faith as both an
    aerospace engineer and a lay preacher who says it’s the
    smartest people who believe. Ask him: How does God want
    us to celebrate at this time of year? Why are prayers
    and worship so important? Why is faith alone not enough
    for salvation? How do you get to heaven? Graza’s book
    “Passport to Heavenly Eternal Life” has helped
    countless people take God seriously and cherish life
    more. Graza will take questions and discuss with
    audiences surprising biblical teachings for the 21st
    Century, exploring the creation of the Universe and our
    amazing Earthly home. Contact Camilo Graza at (626)
    893-7966 (CA);

    10. ==> ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ Africa, 35 Yrs

    Back in 1984, some of the biggest British and Irish
    artists in music gathered to record the single “Do They
    Know It’s Christmas?” to help famine victims in
    Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14 countries
    and raised £8 million within twelve months. This led to
    other charitable endeavors such as the LiveAid concert,
    which raised a reported £150 million, and USA for
    Africa’s single “We Are the World,” which raised $63
    million. Despite these huge global humanitarian
    efforts, has life in the affected region improved?
    Invite author and speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the
    long-term impacts of charity on Sub-Saharan Africa and
    whether it has improved conditions for people there.
    Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was
    born and raised in Nigeria. His latest book, Rescue
    Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from
    Within, reveals what many in the West don’t understand
    about the root causes of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight
    and the necessary steps to improve the situation. Dr.
    Ayeni is the president of Pan Africa Children Advocacy
    Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    11. ==> Bombshell Report: Inside Afghanistan

    A bombshell report detailing how successive U.S.
    administrations misled the public about the nearly two-
    decade-long war in Afghanistan went mostly ignored by
    lawmakers – and the public – earlier this month. The
    war is the longest armed conflict in U.S. history and
    has cost roughly 2,400 lives and more than $2 trillion
    yet most Americans know little about the region or the
    people. Bring Cat Parenti on your show to discuss her
    experiences there, where she lived on and off for 20-
    years. Parenti survived the political twists and turns
    of Afghan history from King Zahir Shah through the rise
    of the Taliban and started a successful business
    selling antique clothing and jewelry to U.S. museums
    and museum shops. She’ll discuss what it was like to be
    a woman traveling alone through the war-torn country,
    the rise of resistance fighters after the Soviet
    invasion—including female fighters—and her work in the
    resistance movement, and how the Taliban came to power.
    Cat Parenti has shared her first-hand knowledge of
    Afghanistan in numerous media interviews, in
    presentations on Afghanistan at the U.N., and in
    several books including “Afghanistan: A Memoir from
    Brooklyn to Kabul.” Contact Cat Parenti at (520)

    12. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health
    Delivery System

    The industry of medicine, including insurance
    companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
    structure that appears driven more by profits than
    patient consideration, represent a significant problem
    in our health care delivery. Doctors are growing
    frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
    Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
    documentation and have less time for patient care.
    Invite Michael Young, M.D., to discuss our health care
    delivery system gone awry. A practicing physician
    (surgeon and Urology specialist) for three decades, Dr.
    Young will offer his insights and explore how America’s
    health delivery process is in need of repair for
    everyone’s benefit. He’ll also share his personal story
    and been-there experiences other doctors rarely
    discuss. Dr. Michael Young is the author of “The
    Illness of Medicine.” Contact William Dorich at (310)

    13. ==> Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?

    Optimum wellness is elusive for countless people during
    these hectic times. Whether we’re worried about
    personal/family issues, career challenges, money
    limitations or difficult things we hear in the news,
    our mental, emotional and even physical health suffer.
    Invite popular author and medium Beth Lynch to discuss
    how a deeper sense of spirituality can heal us at any
    age. She says it’s exactly what’s missing in modern
    life! Ask Beth: What are the true benefits of prayer
    and meditation? How can spiritual teachings be the most
    powerful type of medicine? Will believing in the
    afterlife (and even visits from deceased loved ones)
    give us strength? How can we see our dreams as
    healthful spiritual messages? Why is it so important to
    encourage spirituality for others, especially our
    children? What about spiritual-based remedies for
    anxiety, grief and all types of loss? How can one
    embrace or recapture spirituality in one’s life?
    Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818;

    14. ==> You Can Learn to be Happy

    According to the 2019 UN Report on Happiness, Americans
    are the least happy they have ever been for a variety
    of reasons. But Jim Ryan believes—and his long career
    attests—that happiness and joy are like muscles that
    can be strengthened. Invite this upbeat expert on your
    program to share the eight characteristics of happy
    people that anyone can learn to incorporate into their
    lives. He’ll also reveal how to avoid the traps we fall
    into that lead to unhappiness—including worrying about
    what other people think of us. Jim is the author of
    “Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up” and a
    frequent media guest who gives workshops on happiness
    all over the country, even prisons. Contact him at

    15. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?

    At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
    chronic pain or love someone who does. Everyone else
    would love to learn how they can avoid joining their
    ranks. That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
    Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and served as medical director for a leading
    pain management provider. With a charming South African
    accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
    Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
    Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
    his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
    reducing pain and enjoying life more. Dr. Cambell’s new
    book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is “The
    Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop
    Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    16. ==> Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology

    For a fascinating show invite psychotherapist Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., to discuss something she calls
    “psychstrology,” and why she believes it can lead to a
    greater understanding of humanity. On your show Dicker
    will make a convincing case that astrology is more than
    the fortune-telling pseudoscience people often believe
    it to be. She’ll explain what astrology and psychology
    have in common, how astrology can help people find more
    balance, clarity, and ease, and evidence that astrology
    is becoming more credible and accessible. Stacy Dicker,
    Ph.D., is an author and clinical psychologist in
    private practice who has been seeing psychotherapy
    clients in the Denver area for the last 20 years. Her
    latest book is “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships.”
    Contact her at (720) 327-1732;

    17. ==> Heal Frequent or Chronic Pain with The Fibro
    Lady’s Advice

    Each day, Leah McCullough is thankful that her pain,
    fatigue and accompanying depression have finally
    vanished. With every action and movement, even in
    slumber, she relishes pain-free living, upbeat mood and
    boundless energy after suffering from intense
    Fibromyalgia for decades. Isn’t that what countless
    people in your audience would savor, after their own
    years of debilitating pain? Interview Leah, known
    worldwide as The Fibro Lady, to explore how nutrition,
    supplements and lifestyle changes provide relief and
    build strength and share must-know exercises and
    meditation remedies. You’ll learn who’s more prone to
    developing fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and get
    plenty of advice on what it takes to finally focus on
    career, parenting, relationships and FUN once pain
    subsides. Leah is the author of “Freedom from
    Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery” and “Eat to
    Energize.” Her popular online program is “How to
    Recover from Fibromyalgia and Feel Great Again.”
    Contact Leah McCullough at (859) 279-0413;

    18. ==> How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can
    Help YOU

    Pratibha Eastwood is a psychologist with very rich and
    unusual life experiences. Invite her on your show and
    hear how she traversed diverse political realities as a
    child of German concentration camp refugees, witnessed
    the bloody birth of the Jewish nation, survived four
    wars, grew up in boarding schools and even experienced
    today’s #MeToo culture. Pratibha’s insights can help
    others with their own journey as she reveals what can
    make anyone stronger and more resilient through
    challenges: openness, curious innocence, cultural
    understanding and communication, even during gender
    struggles. She will also offer insights for thriving
    during this difficult era of mass shootings, disturbing
    scandals, border controversies and political division.
    Contact Pratibha Eastwood at (808) 518–4378 (HI);

    19. ==> Burned-Out, Worn-Out, Ready to Get Out —
    Setting NEW Opportunities for Teachers

    Countless teachers start out loving education yet often
    land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a
    topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how
    teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and
    leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere
    benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan is a former
    educator, attorney and judge whose latest book is
    “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals:
    Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Invite
    Geraldine to discuss her own inspiring journey and help
    listeners appreciate teachers’ challenges. She’ll
    relate how educators, other professionals, and
    entrepreneurs can recognize and bravely implement
    exciting plans for career changes. She’ll start with “3
    simple questions to ask yourself before making any
    career move” and “whether salary should ever guide you”
    plus how to overcome obstacles and hesitations. Invite
    call-in questions! Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305)

    20. ==> 10 Tips to Breathe Better Today

    We all breathe, right? It’s how we live. But what if
    there was a way to harness the power of your breath to
    bring in more cheer in the New Year and help you live
    your best life? Breathwork is conscious breathing that
    promotes wellness. It helps people live intentionally
    and transform their lives. And, it all starts with
    these 10 tips! Get ready for a fun and informative show
    with Lauren Chelec Cafritz as she helps people clear
    their emotional gunk and start the New Year off relaxed
    and renewed. Chelec Cafritz is the author of “Breath
    LOVE” and the founder of Experience Breath. She is a
    speaker, coach, and breath expert. Contact Jodi Omear
    at or (703) 474-2668.

  • 12/19/19 RTIR Newsletter: Impeachment Truths, Holiday Safety, Perfect Meetings

    December 19, 2019

    01. Republican Group: What is Trump Hiding?
    02. How in the World Did We Get Here?
    03. Top 10 Trends for 2020
    04. Nobody Needs a Holiday Mishap – Holiday Safety 101
    05. Dear Santa: An RVers Wish List
    06. What Color is Your Holiday Stress?
    07. Don’t Let Family Drama Ruin Your Holiday Zen
    08. Who’s the Stranger at the Table? College Kids Are Back!
    09. Start a New Family Holiday Tradition
    10. Saturday is Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
    11. Why More Healthcare Jobs Are Bad for Patients
    12. Are You in a Toxic Workplace?
    13. Be an Office Hero: Run THE Perfect Meeting!
    14. Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit
    15. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
    16. The Truth Behind Jessica Simpson’s 100 LB Weight Loss
    17. Overcome Wintertime Anxiety
    18. Have Beauty Pageants Really Evolved?
    19. Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the Holidays)
    20. Interview the Undertaker’s Daughter

    1.==> Republican Group: What is Trump Hiding?

    An anti-Trump Republican group launched a billboard in
    Times Square asking “What is Trump hiding?” as the
    impeachment process presses forward with a House vote
    expected this week. Sponsored by the group Republicans
    for the Rule of Law, the billboard follows similar ads
    in about a dozen GOP-controlled congressional districts
    around the country. It features an image of Trump with
    his finger to his mouth, as well as four current and
    former administration officials who have been tied to
    the impeachment process with duct tape over their
    mouths: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former national
    security adviser John Bolton, acting chief of staff
    Mick Mulvaney and Trump’s personal attorney Rudy
    Giuliani. Republicans for the Rule of Law is a
    coalition of Republicans who believe law enforcement
    investigations should be completed without political
    interference, the laws apply equally to everyone, and
    the Constitution needs to be followed. For interviews
    contact the group at

    2. ==> How in the World Did We Get Here?

    Many are calling the impeachment of Trump historic, but
    former Democratic Congressman Steve Israel says
    defining moments in history do not occur spontaneously.
    Their foundations are laid by disparate actors, crises,
    and movements. He believes when future generations look
    back at the state of our world, with the impeachment of
    Trump and the sweeping victory of Boris Johnson in
    Britain, the events won’t appear sudden or surprising
    but a public response to frightening trends like global
    terrorism and financial inequality, a public response
    that will, over time, be accepted or rejected by the
    citizenry. In an op-ed for The Hill he writes: “The
    electorate in America is not Trumpian. It is veering in
    search of the America it wants.” He adds, “Only once a
    movement has come into the public eye do we often
    choose to reject the status quo and move forward with
    an alternative. Confronted by a future we do not care
    to contemplate, we are forced to consider how we got
    here and correct our course.” Steve Israel represented
    New York in Congress for 16 years and served as the
    chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
    Committee from 2011 to 2015. He is now the director of
    the Institute of Politics and Global Affairs at Cornell
    University. Contact him at (516) 801-6991; or @RepSteveIsrael

    3. ==> Top 10 Trends for 2020

    In today’s crazy world it’s hard to imagine what’s
    going to happen tomorrow, let alone next year. For some
    insight on what may happen, invite trend forecaster
    Gerald Celente on your show to share what he predicts
    will shape the coming year. From the winner of the 2020
    election to the effects of the global rebellions and
    the new trajectory of real estate and beyond, Gerald
    will discuss the top 10 trends to watch. Gerald
    Celente, publisher of Trends Journal, has been
    forecasting trends with incredible accuracy for the
    past 30 years. Gerald has been featured on Oprah,
    network/cable TV, and radio programs and in newspapers
    worldwide. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103.

    4. ==> Nobody Needs a Holiday Mishap – Holiday Safety

    Nothing can ruin the holidays more than a trip to the
    emergency room or a visit from your local firefighters.
    Whether it’s an oven fire as you’re preparing dinner,
    an elderly relative falling in your driveway, or a pet
    choking on a Christmas ornament, the holidays are
    filled with opportunities for accidents and mishaps.
    Former chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
    Commission, Hon. Nancy Steorts will reveal the biggest
    threats during the holidays and share ways to make sure
    your family and guests enjoy the season without anyone
    having to call 911. Nancy Steorts is the author of
    several books including “Your Home Safe Home” and “Safe
    Living in a Dangerous World.” Contact her at (703)
    790-5116; (240) 401-7782 (cell);

    5. ==> Dear Santa: An RVers Wish List

    Got an RVer on your holiday gift list? Travel gifts are
    great to give and get, but when you’re travelling in an
    RV, space is at a premium. Jenni Raney Edwards, author
    of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to Back
    Roads in an RV,” will share great gift ideas for your
    favorite intrepid roadtripper, from stocking stuffers
    like travel journals and wine holders to the best tech
    gadgets and gear, like solar lights and portable heated
    water hoses. Rather create an experiential gift? Jenni
    can suggest trip ideas, membership clubs and gift
    certificates too. A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Jenni fell in love with the open road
    while on a cross-country drive in her SUV. She sold
    everything and hit the highway to see the country full-
    time. Jenni is also the founder of Norsk Tiny Houses
    and designed and built the first LEED Certified Tiny
    House on Wheels in the world. Contact her at (904)

    6. ==> What Color is Your Holiday Stress?

    Holidays are joyful but they can also be very
    stressful! Let Barry Shore explain why holiday stress
    comes in different shades and how you can identify what
    color yours is. For example, are you experiencing black
    stress—the kind in which you feel there is no way
    out—or red, grey, purple or blue stress? Shore will
    reveal what each color means and what you can do to
    destress. He can also share why stress kills and joy
    heals and offer 11 strategies for living in joy. Barry
    can also talk about his own inspirational story of
    finding his life purpose after a little-known disease
    he didn’t even know he had suddenly left him a
    quadriplegic. Today he can walk haltingly with the aid
    of a six-foot walking wand, has been able to swim over
    7,000 miles, and revels in his role as Ambassador of
    Joy to the World. He hosts The Joy of Living radio
    program and podcast and has been featured in or
    appeared on O Magazine, Fox, NBC, ABC, and Forbes.
    Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

    7. ==> Don’t Let Family Drama Ruin Your Holiday Zen

    The holidays can be stressful under the best of
    circumstances, but how do you handle being trapped in a
    house with argumentative relatives without blowing your
    top? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the
    world’s #1 expert in personal transformation, to reveal
    proven techniques to keep your cool and prevent family
    drama from getting out of hand. He’ll discuss common
    triggers that set people off and how to remain calm
    when family members try to push your buttons. His
    forthcoming book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True” details how to release
    negative emotions permanently and truly change your
    life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
    Goran has been featured on radio and television
    nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    8. ==> Who’s the Stranger at the Table? College Kids
    Are Back!

    It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
    dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
    college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
    holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
    are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
    how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
    What they don’t realize is that their child is
    different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
    skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
    also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
    Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
    home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
    easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
    students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
    professional college advisors who have been featured on
    ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    9. ==> Start a New Family Holiday Tradition

    Kids are always impatient to open presents and
    sometimes they’re more focused on opening the gifts
    than the holiday experience of being around family,
    sharing the joy, and celebrating. What if you wrapped
    all of that into one irresistible activity and turned
    it into a new family tradition? Invite children’s
    author and mother of three Rosie Pova to share how to
    start a beloved family tradition that bonds the
    generations and creates an early love of reading.
    You’ll also get tips to get older kids off their cell
    phones and away from video games to join in the holiday
    tradition. Imagine your brood cozying up to a fire on
    Christmas Eve with hot cocoa and a book! Rosie Pova has
    been featured on radio and in print. She is the author
    of several children’s books including her latest
    picture book, “Sarah’s Song.” Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

    10. ==> Saturday is Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

    During the holidays our thoughts often turn to the
    homeless. The season makes us think of the less
    fortunate: who are they and what can we do to help?
    What would you do if your mother was homeless and
    refused to be helped? Marty Vargas will share the story
    of finding his estranged birth mother 20 years after
    the pair were discovered sleeping in the snow in
    Philadelphia. Your listeners will be amazed as they
    hear the stranger-than-fiction real-life drama that
    unfolded amid the increasingly complicated search.
    Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author, and an
    international speaker. His incredible story has been
    seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox
    News Washington, DC. and has been featured on over 90
    stations around the country. Contact him at (631)

    11. ==> Why More Healthcare Jobs Are Bad for Patients

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ December Employment
    Situation Summary was dominated by robust growth in the
    healthcare sector. While this may sound like great
    news, nationally recognized healthcare authority Deane
    Waldman, MD, MBA, says it’s bad for patients. “The vast
    majority of new healthcare hires are not providers,” he
    points out, “but bureaucrats. So we are paying billions
    of dollars in new salaries taking that money away from
    patient care.” In fact, he says, “Job growth in the
    healthcare sector actually reduces access to care.”
    Invite Dr. Waldman on your show and discuss Obamacare,
    why so many veterans are dying waiting in line for
    care, and how to fix our current critically ill
    healthcare system. Dr. Waldman is a pediatric
    cardiologist, educator, researcher, medical
    administrator, board director, and public policy
    advisor and the author of “Curing the Cancer in U.S.
    Healthcare: StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine.”
    Contact Deane Waldman, MD, MBA, at (505) 255-2999;

    12. ==> Are You in a Toxic Workplace?

    A lot of overtly toxic behavior is easy to identify,
    steer clear of, or speak up against. But not all
    toxicity is obvious; subtly poisonous behavior can be
    far more dangerous and that includes workplace
    toxicity. Invite transformational coach Maki Moussavi
    to discuss dealing with toxic people, behavior she was
    subjected to during the more than a decade she spent in
    corporate America. She’ll discuss common toxic
    behaviors in the workplace (and at home) including non-
    apologies, refusal to accept responsibility, a victim
    mindset, projection, lack of empathy, and passive
    aggression. But thankfully, she says no matter how
    tough a toxic situation at work is, there is a way out.
    You’ll learn what all toxic people have in common, why
    logic won’t help you in dealing with the toxic people,
    and 3 things you should never do if you have a toxic
    relationship with someone at work. Maki Moussavi, MS,
    CGC, is a transformational coach, motivational speaker,
    and author with a background in science and consulting.
    She’s the author of “The High Achiever’s Guide:
    Transform Your Success Mindset and Begin the Quest to
    Fulfillment.” Contact her at (913) 206-2513;

    13. ==> Be an Office Hero: Run THE Perfect Meeting!

    Chances are you’ve attended some long-winded,
    unproductive, perhaps argument-filled meetings. Even
    motivated team members and leaders exit such gatherings
    saying things like “Why did we even get together
    today?” and “Now we know less than when we walked in!”
    So turn things around and help create meeting heroes,
    by interviewing Dr. Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D. Dr. Lamberg
    will share must-know factors about the best meetings
    one will ever run or attend. Explore: determining the
    ideal meeting length, date/time, venue and agenda…
    facilitation techniques that keep attendees super-
    engaged, attentive and ready to contribute ideas and
    volunteer for assignments… surprising myths about
    speakers and audio-visuals… whether meals/snacks are a
    meeting magnet, or a distraction… pros/cons about
    remote electronic meetings… and more. Dr. Lamberg is
    the author of “Conducting Productive Meetings: How to
    Generate and Communicate Ideas for Innovation” and
    “Leaders Who Lead Successfully.” Contact Dr. Teruni
    Lamberg at (775) 451-3086;

    14. ==> Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a

    Talk about initiating a lawsuit and most people think:
    Hefty settlement! Getting justice! (Or retribution.)
    Healing and starting over. But legal trouble is
    stressful and expensive and lawsuits can last years,
    taking more out of you than you gain. So warns Francine
    Tone, an attorney who’s been educating the public for
    years about getting the right legal help, making wise
    decisions, asking prudent questions, and proceeding
    with caution as legal challenges unfold. On-air Tone
    will explore stark realities about suing and being sued
    and how even winning lawsuits can jeopardize one’s
    business, marriage or health. Francine Tone is the
    author of “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.”
    Listeners will learn lawsuit myths and truths, what
    winning or losing could mean, whether it’s best to
    await the new year for legal activity, and even if TV
    legal dramas approach real life. Contact Francine Tone,
    Esq. at (531) 208-1297;

    15. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This

    Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
    today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
    (perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
    this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks
    reported almost daily. Invite Chris Bird to educate
    your audience about gun safety and self-defense. Ask
    this sought-after expert on gun rights and personal
    protection: Why are methods of observation as important
    as a weapon? What steps help you survive a public
    shooting? What are your insights about recent attacks
    at schools, workplaces, community events and places of
    worship? With more than 30 years of firearm safety
    experience, Chris will share stories of people saying,
    “Thank God I had a gun!” – which is one of his
    bestselling book titles. Chris’ other books include
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage” and “The Concealed
    Handgun Manual.” Contact him at (210) 686-4440;

    16. ==> The Truth Behind Jessica Simpson’s 100 LB
    Weight Loss in 6 Months

    According to news reports, Jessica Simpson lost 100
    pounds in only 6 months. Sound too good to be true?
    Invite exercise physiologist Kristen Carter to reveal
    the truth behind the attention-getting headlines we
    often see around celebrity weight loss. She can discuss
    why Simpson’s weight loss wasn’t as dramatic as it
    seemed, why most of us typically can’t lose weight as
    quickly as celebrities, why fast weight loss isn’t
    better weight loss, and how to adapt a routine to your
    life that will work for you. Her new book, “Lose
    Weight? Exercise More? I (Don’t) Think So! What to Do
    When Your Doctor Tells You to Make Changes for Your
    Health,” reveals why making the decision to lose weight
    and exercise more is fraught with roadblocks and what
    they are. Carter is an engaging speaker and popular
    workshop presenter. Contact her at (267) 930-2547 (CO);

    17. ==> Overcome Wintertime Anxiety

    For millions of people, colder weather brings the blues
    along with darker days and staying inside more often.
    Learn how to recognize and tame seasonal anxiety
    triggers when psychotherapist Elke Scholz visits your
    show. Known as the Anxiety Warrior, your expert guest
    will answer questions like: What causes students,
    teachers and parents to have “school season”
    nervousness and uncertainty? Why is it so difficult to
    deal with longer nights and even the return to Standard
    Time? Do money issues and health challenges seem
    intensified, especially when we’re paying for more
    (tuition, travel, gift-shopping)? Scholz, author of
    “Loving Your Life” and two “Anxiety Warrior” volumes,
    will also explore wellness activities, meditations and
    sleep advice to boost mood… why therapy needn’t
    include meds… and embracing end-of-year positives
    like seeing loved ones more, holiday prep, attending
    concerts and festivals and New Year celebrations,
    enjoying new TV shows and football, and pleasant winter
    activities (everything from wintertime sports to cozy
    warmth by the fireplace). Contact Elke Scholz at (705)

    18. ==> Have Beauty Pageants Really Evolved?

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of young adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker, the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.,
    and the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter: What
    Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    19. ==> Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
    “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    20. ==> Death is Not the End of Life: Interview the
    Undertaker’s Daughter

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
    can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
    communicate with loved ones after they depart this
    mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
    to do that. Margo can reveal her journeys to the other
    side, experiences she had in dreams and the important
    messages she received about life from the deceased. She
    is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received glowing
    reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact
    Margo at; (484) 928-7824

  • 12/17/19 RTIR Newsletter: The Truth About Hoffa, Active Shooters, Double Holidays

    December 17, 2019

    01. The Irishman: Truth vs Tale – Jimmy Hoffa
    02. Give Comey Credit, But Look at His Answers
    03. Ten 2020 Anniversaries to Note
    04. Nat Geo Explorer on the Search for Immortality
    05. Biggest Holiday Rip-Offs and Scams
    06. Have Your First Anxiety Free Holiday Season
    07. Adult Coloring Book Helps Fight Climate Change
    08. Chrismukkah: Celebrating 2 Religions During the Holidays
    09. Saturday, Dec. 21 is Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
    10. Why More Women Are Saying No to Motherhood
    11. Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?
    12. Would You Survive an Active Shooter Attack?
    13. Your Next Child Could Be Frozen in a Faraway Laboratory!
    14. The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness
    15. Why This Expert Says ‘We Must Stop Fighting Cancer!’
    16. Millions Will Pledge to Lose Weight This New Year
    17. Who Was in Your Bed Last Night? Dream Analysis
    18. Surprise Benefits of 21st Century Meditation
    19. Simple, Powerful Approach to Addiction
    20. How to Grow Your Dreams After 40

    1.==> The Irishman: Truth vs Tale – Jimmy Hoffa

    Martin Scorsese’s new movie The Irishman is a star-
    studded, gritty crime story starring Robert DeNiro, Al
    Pacino and Joe Pesci. It follows a truck driver who
    gets involved with the mob and becomes a hitman,
    working for Jimmy Hoffa. Invite Harvard Law professor
    and former senior U.S. Department of Justice official
    Jack Goldsmith on your show to talk about one of the
    most persistent criminal mysteries in American history:
    what really happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Goldsmith is the
    stepson of the lead suspect in the disappearance of
    Charles “Chuckie” O’Brien, who was Hoffa’s closest aide
    in the two decades before his disappearance and Mario
    Puzo’s model for Tom Hagen in The Godfather. Jack
    Goldsmith’s new book, “In Hoffa’s Shadow: A Stepfather,
    a Disappearance in Detroit, and My Search for the
    Truth,” is his account of Jimmy Hoffa’s rise and fall,
    and his infamous disappearance on July 30, 1975.
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> Give Comey Credit, But Look at His Answers

    According to National Review columnist Andrew McCarthy,
    former FBI director James Comey should be commended,
    not only for accepting Chris Wallace’s invitation to
    appear on Fox News Sunday but also for acknowledging
    that serious abuses occurred in the surveillance the
    bureau conducted under FISA (the Foreign Intelligence
    Surveillance Act of 1978). “Still,” he says, “Many
    Americans will have trouble squaring the director who
    so mastered the details and drove the judgment calls in
    the Clinton investigation with the director who says he
    kept his distance from the Trump investigation.” Andrew
    C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review
    Institute and a contributing editor of National Review.
    Contact him at @andrewcmccarthy

    3. ==> Ten 2020 Anniversaries to Note

    Anniversaries mark the passage of time, recall our
    triumphs, and honor our losses. 2019 witnessed many
    significant anniversaries: the centennial of the
    signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the 75th
    anniversary of D-Day and the 50th anniversary of the
    moon landing to name a few. James Lindsay will share
    10 significant anniversaries coming up in 2020. Did you
    know that next year is the 75th anniversary of World
    War ll? The World Trade Organization turns 25 next year
    and we’ll mark the 10th anniversary of the devastating
    Haiti earthquake and the 250th anniversary the Boston
    Massacre! James Lindsay is senior vice president,
    director of studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg chair at
    the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He is a leading
    authority on the American foreign policymaking process
    and the domestic politics of American foreign policy.
    Contact him at (212) 434-9626 (NY); (202) 509-8405 (DC)

    4.==> Nat Geo Explorer on the Search for Immortality

    Scientists are exploring ways to advance our lifespan
    and possibly cure death. Science fiction? Nope. It’s
    real, it’s serious, and it’s on track to revolutionize
    our definitions of life and mortality as we know it.
    Invite National Geographic Explorer and former CNN-
    Bureau Chief Chip Walter to discuss the scientific
    pursuit of immortality and the Silicon Valley
    billionaires shaping (and funding) this quest. You’ll
    why scientists are embarking on this journey to find a
    real-life fountain of youth, the mysteries of stem cell
    rejuvenation and advanced genomics and why living to
    over 100 isn’t science fiction any longer! Chip Walter
    is a science author, filmmaker, and former CNN bureau
    chief whose writing has appeared in The Economist, The
    Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, Slate and
    National Geographic magazine. His latest book is
    “Immortality, Inc: Renegade Science, Silicon Valley
    Billions, and the Quest to Live Forever.” Walter is
    available for a limited number of interviews on January
    14th. Contact Mala Perna at

    5. ==> Biggest Holiday Rip-Offs and Scams

    Tis the season for giving… and taking! Thieves know
    your vulnerabilities this time of year and they are out
    in full force looking for opportunities to steal your
    money. Invite William Francavilla to share ways you can
    minimize being scammed this holiday season. From
    charity donations to online rip-offs and social media
    phishing scams, Francavilla will outline ways to make
    sure your hard-earned money doesn’t fall into the wrong
    hands. Francavilla is the author of “The Madoffs Among
    Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists and Thieves Who
    Are Plotting to Steal your Money.” He’s a CFP and
    former senior vice president, director of Wealth
    Management for Legg Mason who has extensive media
    experience. Contact him at (757) 870-4590;

    6. ==> Have Your First Anxiety Free Holiday Season

    The holidays come year after year and so does your
    stress about them! You’ll be on your way to your first
    anxiety free holiday when you invite Davie Stone to
    share three ways to take control of anxiety and seven
    habits to replace the ones getting in the way of
    enjoying the holiday season. Listeners will learn how
    to do a muscle test to help identify anxiety triggers
    and then get practical tips to lead them toward a
    worry-free life. You’ll hear the sneaky ways we’ve been
    conditioned to worry and a step-by-step process for
    letting anxiety go. David’s story includes a downward
    slide that left him homeless ten years ago. After a
    decade of study, self-examination, and goal-setting he
    was able to return to his role as a successful
    marketing consultant. His new book is “Unsubscribe from
    Anxiety: How to Opt Out of the Myth that Worry is
    Required and Take Charge of Your Own Life Now.” Contact
    David Stone at (425)-315-2231;

    7. ==> Call it A ‘Greta Gift’ – Adult Coloring Book
    Helps Fight Climate Change

    For most people, climate change is real and 16-year-old
    Greta Thunberg is deserving of being Time Magazine’s
    Person of the Year. And while adults also want to do
    something about climate change, many feel they’re too
    insignificant to make a difference or don’t know how to
    have an impact. For them, internationally known artist
    Lynn Matsuoka offers a starting point: this holiday
    season, purchase copies of her new adult coloring book,
    Saving Our Seabirds, to give to loved ones on their
    holiday list so that they can learn more about why
    birds are the harbingers of worse things to come,
    appreciate their amazing qualities and, at the same
    time, contribute to the Audubon Society’s Project
    Puffin to help reclaim the birds’ habitats and keep
    them healthy. Invite her on your show and learn the
    important role birds play in insect control, plant
    pollination and seed disbursement, and hear fascinating
    facts about puffins, blue-footed boobies, and black-
    footed albatrosses. Lynn Matsuoka is internationally
    known for her drawings and paintings. Her fashion
    illustrations have appeared in the Wall Street Journal,
    Time, and Business Week as well as other publications.
    She was a court reportage artist for ABC and CBS
    network news, most notably as the court illustrator for
    the Watergate hearings. Contact Lynn at (808) 479-5966;

    8. ==> Chrismukkah: Celebrating 2 Religions During the

    According to Pew Research, 39% of Americans who got
    married since 2010 are in interfaith marriages. That’s
    up from 19% 50 years ago. With many couples celebrating
    both Christmas and Hanukkah, the time is right to
    discuss being in an interfaith relationship during the
    holidays with Mrs. Marguerite Berrah, whose late
    husband’s new book “Our Common Faith” is an Amazon
    bestseller. Marguerite, a Catholic, was married to Dr.
    Ghoulem Berrah, a Muslim, for 40 years. She’ll discuss
    ways their mutual belief in God solidified their
    marriage even though they practiced different religious
    customs. Her husband took her to church every Sunday
    and celebrated Christmas and Easter with her and she
    would fast during Ramadan. Together, they devoted their
    lives to peace-making. She can also talk about The Dr.
    Ghoulem Berrah Foundation whose mission cultivating
    peaceful coexistence through programs supporting social
    interaction and engagement of people of different
    religions. Ghoulem was a diplomat, freedom fighter,
    Muslim leader and medical pioneer. Contact Marguerite
    Berrah at (305) 933-6088;

    9. ==> Saturday, Dec. 21 is Homeless Persons’
    Remembrance Day

    During the holidays our thoughts often turn to the
    homeless. The season makes us think of the less
    fortunate: who are they and what can we do to help?
    What would you do if your mother was homeless and
    refused to be helped? Marty Vargas will share the story
    of finding his estranged birth mother 20 years after
    the pair were discovered sleeping in the snow in
    Philadelphia. Your listeners will be amazed as they
    hear the stranger-than-fiction real-life drama that
    unfolded amid the increasingly complicated search.
    Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author, and an
    international speaker. His incredible story has been
    seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox
    News Washington, DC. and has been featured on over 90
    stations around the country. Contact him at (631)

    10. ==> Why More Women Are Saying No to Motherhood

    In 2018, the U.S. had the lowest number of births in 32
    years, according to the National Center for Health
    Statistics. Increasingly, women are delaying childbirth
    into their late 30s or 40s. But a significant number
    are deciding they simply don’t want motherhood—despite
    the blowback they often receive from friends and loved
    ones. Single and happily childless, Tamara Lashchyk, a
    business consultant, career coach, bestselling author,
    and former Wall Street executive, says despite all the
    progress women have made toward equality, they still
    face intense pressure to marry and raise a family. She
    says, “I could literally tell my family I’d cured
    cancer and the conversation would still end with, ‘But
    are you dating anyone?’” Tamara is the author of “Lose
    the Gum: A Survivor’s Guide for Women on Wall Street.”
    Contact her at (848) 373-3543;

    11. ==> Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?

    Sixty-percent of people who watch American news think
    the sources pay the reporters. That’s the trust gap,
    according to a joint Columbia Journalism Review and
    Reuters study from earlier this year. With so much talk
    about fake news and shrinking newsroom staff positions,
    it’s a wonder that anyone would want to train to be a
    TV or print journalist today. Willing to share her
    unique vantage point on this timely topic is Nita
    Wiggins, who teaches journalism in Paris, France, and
    is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race,
    Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.”
    Ask her: How much of the problem comes from the work of
    reporters and how much comes from the criticism from
    the president? How well do American news outlets
    provide diverse viewpoints? During her 21 years as a TV
    reporter and anchor, Nita witnessed bias against black
    reporters and female reporters from Augusta to Seattle
    to Washington, D.C. Contact Nita Wiggins at

    12. ==> Would You Survive an Active Shooter Attack?

    Mass shootings are happening at least monthly across
    the U.S.! Adults and children have needlessly died or
    been seriously injured when merely working, gathering,
    studying, shopping or traveling. All types of public
    locations have seen such carnage: schools, offices,
    department stores, community events, factories, streets
    and even places of worship. So what does it take to
    come out alive when a rampaging shooter strikes in such
    innocent settings? Would you (and your kids) know how
    to find safety, shield others or retaliate? Would you
    have the patience to observe yet make immediate, timely
    decisions to react? Explore the vital answers, and hear
    life-saving insights when you interview personal
    protection specialist Allen Banks. He’s developed
    active shooter and workplace violence prevention
    training, plus special programs for schools and other
    locations. Contact Banks at (661) 417-0786;

    13. ==> Your Next Child Could Be Frozen in a Faraway

    Many couples long to expand their families and welcome
    a child, yet fertility issues or other health concerns
    interfere with pregnancy. Such would-be parents often
    consider adoption, yet still hope to experience the
    miracle of giving birth. With today’s fertility
    technologies, many couples can do both! Interview Nate
    Birt to learn how he and his wife welcomed their sweet
    toddler, Phoebe, who started as a frozen embryo the
    Birts adopted, had implanted, brought to term and
    delivered. Interview Nate to explore: How do you find
    available resources/experts for adopting embryos? How
    does the process work? What does it take to qualify?
    Does this path to parenthood change our beliefs? Is it
    for everyone? Nate is the author of “Frozen, But Not
    Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to
    Embryo Adoption.” Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045;

    14. ==> The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness

    Is there someone in your life—a parent, former spouse,
    child, friend or perhaps even yourself—whom you believe
    you should forgive but cannot? Jeanne Sanner explains
    why forgiveness can be so difficult. She says,
    “Forgiving isn’t something we can do; forgiveness is
    the result of what we stop doing.” Jeanne can share a
    simple formula she created that has already helped
    hundreds of people change their beliefs to lead happier
    lives. She is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love
    a Little Peace at a Time.” She has a doctorate in
    spiritual studies, a master’s in education and a
    bachelor’s in psychology. Contact her at (949)

    15. ==> Why This Expert Says ‘We Must Stop Fighting

    When Kipp Harris discusses the myths and truths about
    cancer (and its treatments) you can be assured he knows
    what he’s talking about. Several times that powerful
    disease has invaded his body, only to be thwarted into
    remission by modern medical science and Kipp’s own
    resourcefulness and attitude. Open-up phone lines so
    Kipp can answer questions and share his been-there
    insights, especially during the holiday season when
    people may feel most challenged by cancer issues. Learn
    why Kipp says it’s wise to work through — never fight
    — one’s cancer of any type. So what does he recommend?
    Why does he call his cancer journey “improbable joy?”
    What was the first thing he did upon learning his
    cancer returned? And what does he advise for patients
    and their loved ones, who want to survive and thrive
    afterward? Ask Kipp all that and more. He’ll even
    discuss whether the prevalence of cancer means humanity
    is meant to experience it. Contact him at (701)

    16. ==> Millions Will Pledge to Lose Weight This New

    Know someone eager to lose weight? Or who tried, failed
    or regained the pounds back? Of course you do! Weight
    control is a topic that interests and baffles countless
    millions worldwide. And for 70 percent of all
    Americans, it’s the biggest issue of their lives.
    Audiences will thank you for interviewing Eli Glaser, a
    sought-after weight management specialist and
    nutritionist who discovered and promotes a sustainable
    weight-loss solution unlike any other. Eli will discuss
    his own personal weight loss journey and how he lives
    130 pounds lighter and the difference between starving
    on ineffective diets vs. striving toward ideal weight
    with a food plan and lifestyle changes. You’ll learn
    why obesity isn’t a medical problem, how to develop the
    right relationship with food, and how to overcome
    cravings and temptations and much more. Ask Eli about
    his Soveya Solution, upcoming home study course, and
    book “Enough Is Enough.” Contact him at (732)

    17. ==> Who Was in Your Bed Last Night? Dream Analysis

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what
    did you encounter? And what did it all mean? For an
    unforgettable show that’s sure to boost ratings and
    calls, book Layne Dalfen for live on-air dream
    analysis! This sought-after speaker, author and dream
    analyst will fascinate your audience and explore the
    most frequent dreams we have. Why do certain people —
    from former sweethearts to deceased loved ones — land
    in your dreams? And what does it mean if you dream
    about Donald Trump? Layne will share 3 must-know myths
    about nightmares and what sexy dreams really mean!
    Layne Dalfen has appeared on hundreds of radio shows
    and teaches dream analysis to the counseling students
    at Montréal’s Concordia University. Contact Layne at
    (514) 898-9150;

    18. ==> Surprise Benefits of 21st Century Meditation

    Have you joined the millions of wise people from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from heart problems and headaches to
    arthritis, asthma and insomnia? How does meditation
    help in successfully treating addictions and anxiety,
    and even preventing bad behavior? Learn more about
    solving our 21st century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia
    when you interview meditation expert, author and
    speaker John Sambalino. The author of “Is God in That
    Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” will debunk myths about
    meditation and help countless audiences (including
    those with questions) improve health, career,
    relationships, sports performance, strengths to handle
    holiday deadlines, and more. He will even discuss how
    meditation helps prison inmates. Contact John Sambalino
    at (856) 245-5062;

    19. ==> Simple, Powerful Approach to Addiction

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity
    overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I
    had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,”
    says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful
    approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about
    treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating
    their environments and families. We have to treat the
    addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

    20. ==> How to Grow Your Dreams After 40

    After turning 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a
    daunting crossroads in her life. She was divorced,
    unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to
    work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a
    money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by rebuilding her farm, which became a
    metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops,
    you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,”
    she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your
    ‘inner critic.’” Sandra is a co-host of New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    each June and August in Cheney, Wash. She is also the
    author of “Thrive After 40? How to Seize the Life of
    Your Dreams!” Contact her at;
    (360) 325-4221.